#Another thing that changed is my take on his dynamic with shouto
thyandrawrites · 1 year
idk if youll answer this since its abt bnha but is there any difference in how you see/writes dabi after his reveal? (pls ignore this ask if this subject doesnt interest you anymore 😓)
Yeah, the reveal definitely shifted my perspective on a couple of things, and widened my understanding of why he acts and reacts to things and people the way he does. Pre reveal the most popular fanon theory was that he hated his dad for the harsh training he endured, and snapped for that abuse, but in reality his dynamic with Enji and Rei was a lot more complex and fucked up, just a lot less straightforwardly than we expected. I have dozens of posts on this in my meta tags so feel free to delve in there if that's a topic you're interested in. Some of it filed under Dabi's tag, some under Enji's. Just check my meta index if you have a couple of hours to waste lmao. I have written A Lot about dabert
But if you're asking me strictly how I write him in fics post-reveal... Well, I haven't done much of that tbh. Besides what's already on my ao3, I have two more fics in my wip folder and I can't deny my characterization evolved, especially when I compare that to Butterfly Effect's. I wouldn't say there's that huge a gap he feels like a completely different character, but it's still there. Nothing like the difference between pre-reveal fanon dabi and post-reveal fanon dabi written by new fans tho
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
This is probably really stupid but I can’t help but wonder this 😭 now obviously I know there will always be those horrible takes about Touya and his abuse, but I felt like there was such a volatile reaction to his trauma where he was being called a “spoilt brat” “born evil” and the one to blame for the state of the family. Just being all round invalidated, and it made me wonder do you think people would have been more empathetic or sympathetic towards him. If we had gotten his backstory 1) through I guess his point of view first and 2) before Endeavor’s change of heart? Like I think it’s being handled very well, but I hate how some people have reacted to it and always wondered if Horikoshi hadn’t decided to humanise Endeavor first and then reveal Touya’s backstory would have people been more willing to empathise with him?
It’s not stupid lol
I can't answer on the what ifs, because I don't think it's a matter of those circumstances tbh.
In my personal opinion and experience with this fandom and ever since the hospital chapters released, the biggest problem is that people expected another Shouto situation.
Shouto's situation was quite easy to read. He was beaten, hit. He witnessed his MOM get beaten and hit. He saw his mom have a mental break down and his dad took his mom away. Shouto hated his dad.
Easy to follow, easy to see who is the bad guy.
Touya's situation is....a lot more complicated. Because Touya's abuse was strictly emotional. The damage he took was psychological, while all the physical damage was inflicted upon himself. And to add a cherry on top of what's already a complicated mess, the emotional abuse was due to Touya wanting attention from said abuser. When people think of emotional abuse they'll probably most likely think of berating, name calling, intentional damage being inflicted. But with Enji that was not the case. Clearly. It was abuse inflicted by avoidance. And the avoidance hurt Touya, because he wanted his dad to be the biggest part of his life, just like he was when Touya was very young.
Imo, Touya gets such negative reactions because he poses as a very hard pill to swallow. Children in abusive families are not always going to ask for an escape, to be taken away to a better house with better parents, nor are they always going to place blame on the parents for the things they've done. That's just not the reality of it. Often times they want to stay with their parents that suck, stay in their home that sucks. Often times they lie to protect their parents.
Now, the Todorokis weren't being investigated or anything lolol--BUT Touya poses as that kid who continues to want that relationship with the parent who is hurting him. Each of the Todosiblings exhibit a different reaction to their trauma, and it's obvious how closely Horikoshi was trying to hit the nail on the head with that idea. And I feel that based on some things I read from people, the visceral reactions are either due to personal reasons that this sub plot touches on for them, or people just lacking an understanding in how children and families work.
Both I am understanding toward. But I stop feeling sympathy for those people when they insist that their idea of how to react to abuse is the right way--as if there is such a thing, or when people plug their ears and close their eyes and refuse to learn a thing or two about abuse and continue screaming their shit takes.
Imo I've seen 2 distinct groups who hate Touya:
Shouto stans who insist that Touya is bad for Shouto and the Todorokis or something, or continue comparing his situation to Shouto as if to prove a point about what abuse is or isn't
Villain haters in general (not worth even engaging with tbh cuz they're a lost cause)
I'm generalizing--because there are more groups of people who hate him for different reasons.
But when it comes to understanding the Todoroki dynamics and what the story is building up toward, there are a lot of things within the sub plot people don't want to talk about.
One of them being the fact that Touya wants his dad. In his life. He may not NEED his dad in order to live a life, but he WANTS his dad's presence in his life. And the story is building up to giving the LOV trio what they want--which means Touya and Enji will be in each other's lives, under the pretense that this is what they both want. Most importantly what Touya wants.
The other big one is acknowledging that Rei failed too, and contributed to Touya's downfall.
A couple of things I've touched on in this post but didn't expand on I talk about here and here.
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althea-sirius · 2 years
Concept 7: How to Train your Dragon Academia
This idea came into my head recently and I had to share it. So this is kind of a MHA HTTYD crossover with Fairy Tail elements. It takes place in a place similar to Earthland like Fairy Tail, the inhabitants are able to use magic (similar to the characters Quirks), and Dragons are a thing where they are, where as Dragons are more rumors and legends in Earthland.
Dragons in this continent are a lot more hardy and resistant than the ones in HTTYD, so they're able to tank a lot more damage since magic is a thing in this concept.
There could be different "factions/races", such as those that are able to manipulate and control the elements are obviously called Elementals. Those that have animal-like appearances or features are considered Beasten's. People that are able to enhance themselves are called Dauntless or Excels. The people who can learn to unlock or find the magic spark are called Ignium's. People that have more mental abilities are (obviously) Psychics.
Those that don't have the ability to use magic, are simply humans (but if you want to call them something else, that's fine).
For an example for each; Pony, Tsu, Eijiro, and Jurota would be considered Beasten's. Shoto, Kinoko, Ibara, and Kosei, are Elementals. Mezo, Itsuka, Kyoka, and Rikido are Dauntless. Inko, Tsukauchi, and Ochaco are Psychics. Himiko, Tenya, and Izuku are Ignium's. [And the last one is obvious, just some background characters.]
The commonality between them though, is that they're all some sort of Mage (except for that last category).
OR, you don't have to use the quirk replacement, and simply have magic and races similar to that in DnD or Fairy Tail.
The story would be similar to httyd but with some obvious changes. Izuku could be the son of a king, but no one knows that [i.e. All Might's son], who lives with his mother. Despite being outcasted due to his interests, his bad mumbling habits, and his false classification as a human, he stays positive, even making some inventions to help with dragon raids, which (surprise, surprise) go wrong. It's often up to this world's version of All Might to either save him or to stop destruction from escalating. It's not until he begins bonding with Toothless that Izuku realizes he's actually an Ignium, not a human.
In this version of the httyd story, Izuku actually does have friends. Real friends. Though they keep it secret due to rising tension between the factions. And who would these friends be? Well, the first friend he meets is actually Shoto, another prince from a rival family. They met when they were young and continued to meet secretly. Izuku next meets Ibara, another Elemental, when he goes out on an errand for his mom to the village's Smithy. He then meets Pony and Jurota, two Beasten's, while out looking for herbs for his mom.
Or; Ochaco, Pony, Tenya, Shouto, and Tsuyu.
I believe with these friends, Izuku would have a unique friendship dynamic with them and have the support he desperately needed in Canon.
Anyway, late at night in the early morning, there was a dragon raid, as you can guess, Izuku goes out from where his assigned job is, being an inventor/blacksmith, and goes out and shoots down a Night Fury. Some brand of chaos ensues, Izuku's dad saves him, he gets scolded in front of the other villagers, and Izuku is escorted home.
Izuku goes out to find the dragon, he finds it, he can't/wouldn't kill it, and you know where this goes. The difference is, is that Izuku does eventually tell his friends what happened and they surprisingly (to him anyway) keep the secret and help him help the Night Fury.
He'd finally be able to see them in public when Dragon Training starts, led by (guess who?) some of this world's versions of the UA teachers, more specifically Shota Aizawa.
You could make it a further crossover when the httyd plot ends, you could have the trainees travel to Earthland and meet the Fairy Tail guild.
I have assigned dragons to the characters that I believe fit them best [just Izu and his first group of friends then the friends he meets in DragonTraining then the Baku Squad, as they, despite being friends with Izu's childhood tormentor, do come around to being Izu's friends too]:
Izuku - Night Fury
Shoto - Hushboggle(I can't tell you how difficult it was to choose one for him)
Tenya - Armorwing
Ochaco - Light Fury
Tsuyu - Tide Glider
Minoru - Snifflehunch
Mezou - Windwalker
Katsuki - Hideous Zippleback or Monstrous Nightmare
Eijiro - Crimson Gorecutter
Mina - Changewing
Hanta - Deathsong
Denki - Shockjaw
Kyoka - Shrillshrieker (fan dragon who looks like a more flight based Tideglider)
Ibara - Prickleboggle
Jurota - Buffalord
Pony - Deadly Nadder
Note: Be aware some of these ideas are a bit old.
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may-day-voice · 3 years
Mother's Day
w/ Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki & Katsuki Bakugou
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Fu2ifujKQI4
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1109387237-oneshots-pro-hero-au-172732014-mother%27s-day
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IZUKU MIDORIYA | Potluck Brunch
"Do you think that this is too much?"
"I'm sure it's fine."
Midoriya's smile warmed the chilliest of mornings while the cherry blossoms began to drift in the spring breeze. It was a busy start to the day grocery shopping for a surprise brunch he wanted to make for his mother. That did however include having to wake at four in the morning to peruse through the markets for the freshest ingredients.
You yawned loudly while carrying various shopping bags on hand, eyeing Midoriya carrying the more heavier ingredients with him - mostly the meat.
"Still trying to wake up?" Asked Midoriya.
"Just trying to slip back into my old routine," you explained, nuzzling your nose into your scarf. "I used to clean my equipment every two days at the break of dawn."
"You used to clean your guns?"
"Dismantle and put them back together too. I used to time myself."
You spoke casually and nonchalantly about those memories, recalling that competitive feeling to beat your time again and again. However, you heard nothing from Midoriya, finding that he only stared at you quizzically.
"What? I was... bored," you slowly explained, a little embarrassed about the topic.
"That explains your reaction time," pondered Midoriya, his eyes staring upwards in thought. "Constant practice and muscle memory would only make them second nature to you."
"Are you theorizing now?"
"Hehe, maybe a little."
You grimaced and yet smiled at Midoriya, bumping your hip into his playfully. He was still the observant and analytical man, always putting forward his ingenuity over his Quirk.
Soon, the both of you made your way to his old family home in an apartment complex, taking the elevator up before approaching the very familiar front door to his mother's. After a knock or two, the door opened, revealing a short woman whose eyes upon seeing the both of you, smiled happily.
"Izuku," she greeted, receiving a large hug from Midoriya.
"Nice to see you mum," he spoke, pulling away for you to greet her as well.
"So good to see you Inko," you cooed with a gentle hug. "Hope we haven't disturbed you."
"Oh nonsense, what's all this?" She asked, eyeing all of the bags in hand.
"Happy Mother's Day," cheered Midoriya while he lifted the heavier bags in hand. "We're going to treat you with potluck brunch."
"Izuku had this planned over the last week," you explained with another yawn escaping your throat. "Nothing but the best ingredients."
Inko glanced between yourself and Midoriya, along with all of the ingredients on hand in astonishment, before her eyes pricked with tears. You contemplated whether she was growing upset, however she closed in for another hug, sharing it between the both of you.
"You two work so hard. You didn't need to do this," she cried in happiness. Because of her short height, you glanced at Midoriya who was also standing awkwardly from the hug, finding that smile on his face again.
"We wanted to," he comforted while he gently pulled away, allowing Inko to release her sudden hold before he entered the apartment. "We'll take care of the cooking and cleaning."
"Today is meant for you," you reassured her, following Midoriya with a smile. "You don't lift a finger at all."
"As long as Cutie doesn't grill a cake," he teased from within, causing your shoulders to stiffen from the twang of embarrassment.
"Huh?" uttered Inko in confusion.
"Hey! It was only once!"
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SHOUTO TODOROKI | Visiting Hours
Entering into the hospital ward still felt like an odd experience. Already having bypassed the reception desk with ease, Todoroki and yourself brought a few gifts for the occasion, including a small bouquet of Autumn Bellflowers.
"Have your brother and sister visited already?" You asked curiously with the resonant sounds of footsteps filling the halls.
"Natsu visited after work, and Fuyumi spent the day with Mum yesterday," bluntly replied Todoroki.
"That's good."
Todoroki eyed a smile on your lips, the both of you walking side by side while he smiled to himself. He cherished these little stares he could steal to see you happy next to him, hoping for you to slowly become more ingrained in his life now that you were engaged.
"What?" You uttered, catching his eye on you.
"Nothing," he replied, still with a warm smile.
Soon, Room 315 was in sight before Todoroki knocked on the door, opening it for you to enter first. You spotted his mother by the window, enjoying the gifts that were brought over the past day until her tired yet calm eyes spotted you by the door.
"Welcome," she greeted, walking up to you with open arms and hugging you. That was unexpected. You quipped in surprise, before she gently released you to turn to her son.
"Hello Mum," cooly greeted Todoroki.
"Please sit," invited Rei, pulling you gently by the arm to seat you by the dining table while Todoroki placed the bouquet of flowers elsewhere. Though the tug of Rei's hands were gentle, it held purpose. You felt it in her grip, in the tiny fingertips while she pulled you into the room.
Something wasn't odd, but it was different.
"How are you both?" She asked with delight.
"Aside from work, we've been doing fine," replied Todoroki.
"Yeah, there's been a hiccup, but nothing that we couldn't handle with some old friends," you added with a smile.
"I've seen the news," started Rei, her eyes dulling a little from her thoughts. "That man that is causing a mess, there's no sign of him?"
You turned to Todoroki, catching his eye once more before he joined the table, calmly holding onto his mother's hands.
"The Commission's got eyes on him. We'll find him soon," he reassured, receiving a calm
smile from his mother. "How are you going, Mum?"
"I've been well. Natsuo brought over some gifts and Fuyumi visited with some delicious treats and meals." Rei's eyes turned to Todoroki, filled with a sadness you had seen time and time before. "Your father came by as well, only for a short while though."
"I see," shortly replied Todoroki.
"Will you be slowly moving back to the estate?" You asked out of the blue, catching Rei off guard. "I mean, there's a place there for you, and maybe it's good to stay close with... family."
"Very soon," replied Rei without hesitation. "It's a shame. I was hoping to see you more often."
"Oh, I mean I don't live far from the hospital so if ever you need anything I'm a phone call away."
A silence befell the room, one that felt odd, like how Rei held your hand not too long ago.
"Oh it's not that I don't appreciate the offer, but I would've thought Shouto would have invited the suggestion to you," explained Rei with that content smile, almost similar to the ones she gave on Todoroki's birthday.
"Love, would you like to move in with me?" Asked Todoroki from beside you without warning and without fail.
A stammer stopped your mouth from forming comprehensible words, taken back by the question. You looked between the two, spotting that content and warm smile on mother and son. Ones that you couldn't object or argue with. This was supposed to be Mother's Day.
"This is the best gift yet," commented Rei, smiling gently at your flabbergasted reaction.
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Both Bakugou and yourself stood by the front door of his old family home, having arranged half a day to visit his mother for Mother's Day. You noticed how blue the sky was, how bright the sun shone, and how calm the Neighbourhood felt.
If only Bakugou was as cheerful.
You eyed him every once in a while, his face unchanging with that scowl etched in his brow. It wasn't his normal, usual, aggravated self. It was more of a-
"What?" He growled, his eyes glancing into yours.
"Nothing," you responded coolly with a smile.
"Don't gloat."
"I'm not."
"If that hag says anything, we're walking back home."
A snort escaped your nostrils, a small one but nonetheless one that continued to bubble into your shoulders. "I love your parents," you commented.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"You're here!" Exclaimed Mitsuki, causing a cringe on Bakugou's snarl but a smile from yours.
"Hi Mitsuki!" You chirped, hugging the woman by the door.
"Oh hush, you can call me Mum now."
"Shut up hag," reacted Bakugou with a snarl. "They're not calling you that."
"I give them my consent, Katsuki. You have no say in the matter," snarked Mitsuki.
The tension was, well, insurmountably tense, standing between two very aggressive individuals in a staring contest. Until you spotted a familiar set of eyes from inside the house, waving meekly despite his tall stature.
"Hi Masaru," you greeted with a wave of your own.
"I see the day has started," he commented while his eyes worriedly observed the growling match his wife and son were dealing with by the door. You only chuckled until-
"Oh, you can call him Dad now, or Pop whichever you prefer," mused Mitsuki with a chirp, with no sign of aggravation on her face or in her voice.
"Honey, they don't have to call me-"
"No, I won't accept it. Our Katsuki has found his one and only, so they're now a part of the family!"
"Will you shut it you old hag?" Interrupted Bakugou again. "They're not calling you that, and they don't want to."
"You're not the voice of reason here, you brat! Even as a man, you're still a child!"
You stuttered at the sudden change and turn of phrase every so often. The thought crossed your mind that you would've been so used to this family dynamic now. But there were some things you hoped you weren't the center of attention for. That was difficult when you were between Bakugou and his mother.
You gently held onto Bakugou's arm, pressing your body against it in hopes to comfort him while you smiled at Mitsuki.
"Why don't we cross that bridge when we cross the threshold?" You suggested. "After all it's your day today and we are happy to spend it with you out of our Hero schedules."
A deep sigh escaped Mitsuki's lips while she smiled back at you. "Of course, I still think that you're now a part of the Bakugou family, so no pressure when you're comfortable with the new names."
"You'll hear it straight from me," you reassured, causing a giggle to erupt from Mitsuki.
"Splendid, come on in." Mitsuki skipped inside the family home, leaving Bakugou and yourself by the door to spot Masaru following after her, mouthing his thanks to you.
You felt Bakugou's aggressive and tense nature wash away while you held onto his arm throughout the small conversation with Mitsuki, tenderly rubbing your hand against his skin before you noticed his stare on you.
"You okay?" You asked with a smile.
"Yeah, no thanks to that hag," he retorted. "But... thanks."
"Always here for you."
You felt his large hand intertwine with yours, fingers pressed together, palms touching. A smirk appeared on Bakugou's lips before he led you into his old family home, a place you had become acquainted with for years, now stepping into it as his fiancé.
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candychronicles · 4 years
red room // y. inasa
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A/N: my take on the bnharem sex workers collab! so excited to write for inasa. he’s an incredibly underrated character and all i hope is that one person likes this lol
CHARACTER PAIRING: Yoarashi Inasa x F!Reader
WARNINGS: oral (m!receiving), sex work, just some good ol fashioned safe, consensual sex
SYNOPSIS: a lucrative encounter with a group of pro heroes leads to an unlikely relationship.
want to read more goodies? head on over here!
loud music blared over the speakers as you sashayed your way through the back stage. it was a crowded night and you were itching to get on stage and make some money. usually, you got good tips just by shaking your hips in your scantily clad body but the real cash was private events. it was especially rewarding when pro heroes, such as the ones who sat in the private VIP section, joined the club. that was when you made the most dough.
your set was announced and before people could prepare themselves you sauntered on stage, false confidence oozing out of you. you never really loved your job for this aspect, nor did you think you did great in front of a crowd, but you had been faking it your whole life and it came in handy when you walked across the platform, twirling around the sleek metal bar in the center of the stage.
slowly, your gaze raked across the people in the bar, eyes narrowed into slits, a small smirk across your face. you lazily dragged your hand up your body and across your chin, letting it fall to the pole. gripping the metal, you twirled your body around once, twice, three times before jumping up, entwining your legs around it and letting your head fall back, hair cascading towards the floor. you spent the next five minutes tantalizingly moving about the area. slinking to the floor towards the end of your set, you pushed your breasts together as you tucked the tips from the greedy men in between them, sliding the rest in the waist of your sequined panties. with one small wave, you pulled yourself off the ground and sauntered back behind the stage.
it had only been a few minutes of you counting your money in the dressing room before one of the bar maids had flagged you down, letting you know one of the VIP sections was asking for you. a cheshire grin made its way across your face as you realized that this could be the big money you were after for the night.
“well hello boys, how are we tonight?” you cooed, sliding into the seat next to a rather uncomfortable looking guy with striking red and white hair.
a man of intensely large stature sat in the middle, a few older men surrounding him in the semi-circle booth. across from you sat another guy your age: tall with buzzed hair and looking as equally uncomfortable as the man sitting next to you.
“we were very intrigued by your performance,” the large man in the middle stated. when he leaned forward, you recognized him as the former number one pro hero Endeavor. despite his size, you weren’t intimidated. you may have not had a lot of confidence with large crowds, but when it came to working a group, you could get them wrapped around your finger with a little bat of your eyelashes.
this collective was no different than the rest. a few jokes to the ones who were uncomfortable, chagrin smiles to the ones who just wanted some entertainment and some well placed compliments and they were putty in your hands. Endeavor spent most of the time sloshing his drink around and bragging about his accomplishments back in the day. you had found out that the guy sitting next to you was his son and they did not seem to get along very well. while you had spent time verbally praising the former number one hero, you secretly whispered jokes and jabs to the dynamic man next to you, allowing him to loosen up and even smile. 
when the session had finished, you were tipped heavily. some sloppy cheek kisses were exchanged and you had thought that had been the end of it, a thick wad of cash in your hands, when Endeavor had spoken up once more.
“Inasa, you haven’t said one word to this pretty young lady. she’s spent her time here all for us and you disrespect her like this?” he chided, but his words were laced with something else, something sharp.
“a private room might change your mind, perhaps? you’ve barely looked at anyone here or even touched your drink. i suggest you change your act after this is over.”
you felt bad for the fellow, you really did, but when Endeavor, Enji, he told you to call him, pulled out a stack so large you didn’t even know if you could fit your hand around it, you accepted immediately. you were going to make sure he had the time of his life one way or another.
you placed your hand gently on his shoulder and he jumped, his skin crawling underneath your touch. you didn’t let it phase you though as you guided him towards the private room, your hand coming to clasp around his, twirling yourself as you giggled. he looked like he was going to be sick, face clammy and eyes darting everywhere but your body. 
when you had finally sat him down in the cushy couch, he burst.
“i’m so sorry miss, i’m trying really hard to be respectful and not look at you. i’m not interested in this at all, so if you could please just let me go, i’d really appreciate it.”
you blinked at him, cocking your head before howling, hands clutching at your stomach as you listened to him continue to babble.
“are you not into women? it’s okay if you’re not, i’m happy to sit here but your friend paid a great amount of money for you to be in here and if i want to keep getting that money i have to at least do my job and make you stay the full hour.”
“oh no no that’s not it at all. in fact, i find you very attractive. i just, i don’t like these sorts of establishments. not that they’re bad in any way, oh no, your profession is quite admirable, it’s just that i prefer to have a connection before engaging in anything flirtatious and physical. though i have been told that it is easy for me to make friends and i guess that’s true, so maybe we will be friends by the end of this and it won’t be a total waste, but it’s…”
you cut him off with your hand, flabbergasted at his ramblings.
“i’m happy to just talk and i’m happy to make friends. so tell me about yourself then.”
you sat down opposite him, sinking into the soft plush as you listened to him ramble about his life: where he went to school, when he met Shouto Todoroki, how he became a pro hero, how he landed the job at Endeavor’s agency and how he had ended up across from you in the burgundy room. you listened with rapt attention, nodding sympathetically when he expressed struggles, giving little whoops and cheers when he explained his victories and just generally murmuring along to his story. 
when the time was up, you stood up and walked over to him.
“is it okay if i sit down?” you questioned, motioning to his lap. 
he looked you up and down as if you had three heads but leaned back, palms placed firmly on the plush seating. you giggled at his actions but proceeded nonetheless, popping buttons open on his shirt, rustling up his clothes and placing a big kiss on his cheek for good measure.
“don’t want your boss thinking you chickened out on him,” you teased. “it was great meeting you Inasa. it’s not every day i get a gentleman as kind as you coming in. i do hope i get to see you again, if only to listen to more of your stories. take care of yourself and stay safe.”
you stood up and opened the door, motioning for him to step out and walk down the hall back to his booth. he watched you for a moment, enraptured by your actions, before he quickly turned around and practically sprinted down the hall. you heard the whoops and hollers of the men as he returned back to his seat and you smiled, satisfied with the heavy weight of cash in your hand. 
the next night of working started out the same. a few sets with some decent tips, but you had little luck when it had come to private dances and you greatly missed the generous tips from the booth the night before. just when you had thought luck ran out for you though, a familiar buzzed head darted nervously around, seemingly looking for someone.
“are you lost handsome? never thought i’d see you here again, let alone so soon.”
relief flooded his eyes and before you got a chance to tease him for it, he had pulled out a stack of money equally as large as the night before.
“you know you don’t have to pay me that much for an hour.”
“will this cover the rest of the night?” 
you didn’t even have to look at the stack to know it would cover a whole week's worth of private dances if he wanted. wordlessly, you took the money from him and led him to your private room. this time you brought in snacks and drinks, choosing to sit on the lavish carpet instead, cocooning yourself with pillows.
“so what do you want to talk about this time?” you asked, spurring him on to talk about his latest adventures.
things took a turn for the worst when, an hour in, he became visibly upset.
“i feel like this is wrong,” he confessed, eyes darting to scantily clad figure, teeth clenching as he attempted to calm himself.
“this is my work. i don’t feel degraded, i feel empowered. people are paying me for my services, whether they be innocent or not. i choose what i get to do with my body and how. nobody else can control me. i’m happy to be anything to anyone and i must confess that talking to you has been the highlight of both nights. it’s a gentle reprieve from everything else but at the end of the day this is a job and i don’t feel demeaned by it, so please don’t treat me like i’m some abused puppy.”
after that argument, his body visibly relaxed. it didn’t really matter exactly what made him relax but it did lead to a much more enjoyable night. when everything was over, you left him with a kiss, pinching his cheeks with your hand as you led him out for the second night in a row.
you had a day off, choosing to enjoy your excess money by splurging on some new items you wanted but when you came in the next day, he was there waiting, a wad of cash in one hand and a bag of something in the other.
“a private room for the whole night?” you questioned, not waiting for his response as you took the cash out of his hand and grabbed his tie, leading him to your room once more.
when he sat down across from you, he pulled out his own snacks and drinks, claiming he needed to pay you back for the night before. you shrugged your shoulders as you dug in, chatting the night away, laughing and enjoying yourself much more than you should for him just being a client. 
“Inasa, while i don’t mind you spending exorbitant amounts of money on me every night, i’ve got to ask, why are you here? why do you come just to chat all night? do you not have friends or family?”
his eyebrows furrowed, mouth forming a harsh line before he stated, “i do but nobody treats me the way you do. nobody treats me like i’m, well, nobody. i don’t claim to be the number one pro hero, but i am fairly popular, and the fact that you sit across from me chatting and listening to my stories like i’m an old friend and not some big shot with money makes me feel different.”
you pondered the thought for a moment, not realizing how taxing it could be to have so many eyes on you all at once. while you felt sympathetic, you still didn’t understand why he paid you so much for just one night. was he afraid you wouldn’t accept the normal rate? was he trying to remain professional despite the lines already being blurred?
“listen, Inasa, while I don’t mind you doing this, we can be friends outside of work. you don’t have to pay me for just talking, at least while i’m not here. this is my job and i’d like it to remain somewhat professional. i won’t be leaving for any person, any relationship, any amount of money, because i find dignity and excitement in doing so. if that’s something that doesn’t bother you, then let’s finish the night off and if you’d like to see me, we can go get coffee or something, yeah? the most i’ll let you pay is for the drinks themselves.”
he nodded his head firmly, agreeing to see you for coffee, but something seemed off still. you tried to keep the conversation going, throwing candy at his face and cracking jokes but he remained somewhat stoic still.
“alright buttercup, what’s wrong?” you questioned, frowning when he looked up at you.
“you find dignity in this job, it doesn’t bother you to be sexual with someone in any manner for a certain price, and you don’t look down on anyone who engages with you sexually?”
you nodded your head at his questions, looking at him quizzically as he processed the information.
“would you look down on me if i asked you for something like that?”
ah, so that was the big question. it would take a fool for someone to not realize how he had looked at you, how his gazes got more bold and as he shifted, holding a pillow in his lap as you laid lavishly across the fluffy carpet. you felt stupid for not realizing sooner that that was what he wanted, but with a satisfied smile, you shook your head no. 
“it’s my job and you are my client. you have paid me well, way more than i would ask for anything like this. i don’t see it as weird or uncomfortable. we do have some ground rules to lay if you’re interested though.”
you spent the next few minutes explaining safe sex, STDs, condoms, rules and boundaries for the scene and safe words in case anything got out of hand. he sat listening with rapt attention, soaking in every word you said and engaging in the conversation maturely and respectfully. when everything was said and done, you pulled out your contract, having him sign, agreeing with all that you had said.
“i don’t know if i can do this. i feel like this is wrong. not because you do but because i like you and i know this is just a job for you and wow i shouldn’t have done this.”
“relax Inasa, i’ll take care of you. and if it gets too much, don’t forget to use your safeword.”
he clenched the seat next to him as you straddled his lap, taking his face into your hands as you etched all the little scars littering the skin. 
“it’s not every day i get to fuck a handsome guy like yourself,” you cooed. “is it okay if i kiss you? i don’t usually do that with clients but i think you’re an exception to the rule.”
he responded by surging forward, all inhibitions lost as his lips smashed into yours, hands reaching to pull you impossibly close to him. you squealed into the kiss but relished in the way he felt, the way his large body engulfed all your senses. you were definitely screwed, not only literally but mentally as well. you knew damn well that this was more than a client interaction and would lead to something potentially messy but right now you didn’t seem to care as you felt his hands grasp at your ass, squeezing and eliciting yet another moan from you. this time, he took advantage, his tongue delving into your mouth, exploring every inch of you.
“i need you Inasa,” you moaned, partially because it was true but also to spur him on, to continue to make him feel confident and satisfied. 
“let me take care of you first,” he tried to insist, eyes blown wide at your lewd words, but you had other plans.
you shimmied out of your panties, sequins glittering in the dim red light, tossing them to the other side of the room before motioning for him to stand up, asking permission to take off his pants. when he nodded his head, you chided him, reminding him to use his words. all it took was a squeak of a “yes” for you to slowly pull his pants and boxers down, mouth absolutely drooling at the sight of his cock. he wasn’t the longest you had by any means but he was so incredibly thick you weren’t even sure if he could fit inside, but all you knew was that you wanted to be stuffed full.
you pushed him back onto the couch, dropping to your knees as you settled yourself between his thighs, kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin. before you even had a chance to ask him if you could touch him, he was already begging, hand gently placed on your head as he struggled to remain calm. 
you spent a few moments just admiring the way he breathed, how he moved, what got him twitching, before you began. a soft lick was placed on the underside of his shaft and he jumped, startled yet aroused at the soft feeling of your tongue on his dick. you licked once more, enjoying the way he reacted, before you took him fully into your mouth. he felt warm and heavy on your tongue and you did your best to take him all in, using your hand to pump the rest of him. 
a languid pace was set, you appreciating the way he reacted to your touch but it wasn’t long before he was begging for more, his release being teased. you complied, wanting nothing more than to keep the customer happy, or so you told yourself. in reality, you were enjoying this much more than you could possibly explain.
it took only a few more minutes before he was bucking his hips into your mouth, spurting hot liquid down your throat. you swallowed every drop, sticking your tongue out to show him what you had done. he spent the next five minutes apologizing for not asking permission before doing that but you had shut him up by straddling his lap, your pussy grazing over his already hard again cock.
“want you s’bad Inasa. won’t you fuck me please?” 
he sputtered and stammered, not believing this was happening but complying all the same. he quickly grabbed the condom and rolled it down on his shaft, careful not to rip anything. he slowly lifted you up before placing you down on his cock, enjoying the feeling of you sucking him in immediately. 
it took an agonizing three minutes before he bottomed out. he had stretched you completely, filling you to the brim with his cock. you felt like you were going to burst at the seams with how full you were but it also felt so incredibly good.
“please move, wanna feel you inside of me,” you begged, throwing your head back and bouncing on your knees.
he complied once again without question, thrusting his hips up to meet your pace, setting a fast yet gentle tone to the scene. you gripped his shoulders with all your strength, attempting to steady yourself against his speed. moans and whines left your mouth at an obscene rate, your brain being fucked out of your body as he continued to stuff you over and over again.
when he realized he was close yet again, he licked his thumb before placing it experimentally against your clit. you bucked immediately into his touch, keening at the overwhelming sensation. setting a rate that matched his thrusts, he circled around the bud, applying just the right pressure to have tears leaking out of your eyes, feeling so overwhelmed by sensation of him and him alone.
“please, i want to cum, please,” you begged, this time putty in his hands as he continued to fuck you senseless.
“cum for me, please, i want to see it, want to see your pretty face as i make you cum.”
all it took was some added speed and pressure and a gentle grab to your chin with his other hand to have you come undone, eyes screwing shut as an intense wave of pleasure rushed over your body. he sputtered and thrusted a few more times before coming in the condom, his body instantly relaxing. 
he spent the next few minutes bringing you down from your high, rubbing soothing circles on your back, having you drink some water and cleaning you from your own juices which were dribbling down your thighs. when he was finished, he pulled back on your underwear, careful of your now sore and throbbing cunt.
sitting down on the couch, you spread out, completely spent from just one fuck. never in your life had you had dick that good, the sheer care and intensity at which he screwed you sending you reeling as you tried to wrap your head around what had just happened.
looking at the clock, you realized his time was up. despite not wanting to see him go, you had to admit to yourself that you had a fun time and that this was something outside of a workplace situation. 
“i-uh, your time is up now Inasa. i hope you had fun and had a satisfactory experience.”
“i did, a lot.”
“i hope to see you again soon,” you finally admitted, bringing your eyes up to stare at him, at his truly disheveled yet satisfied state. you didn’t want to get your hopes up, knowing that he paid for this and it was strictly professional, but when he uttered a question, you smiled, hoping that this would turn out to be an interesting time.
“so, uh, coffee soon?” 
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darkcircles4lyfe · 3 years
retrospective & predictions
Since we're on a hiatus week (between 320 and 321) I feel like waxing poetic about the depth and growth of bkdk for a bit. Especially because it seems like we’re right on the edge of their biggest development yet, I’m getting the urge to lay all my perspectives and insights I’ve picked up from others out on the table. This is ultimately only my subjective interpretation of subtextual material in canon, though. If you’ve never quite understood what people see in their dynamic and you’re actually open to hearing me out, maybe from this you can at least see where we’re coming from. And if you don’t like my takes after all, well, we’ll see who’s right in the coming chapters, won’t we? What I have to say can be taken platonically or romantically; I appreciate both. 
putting it under the cut, since it’ll be long:
At the risk of projecting, I want to start by examining a couple things based partly on personal experience.
From many different directions, I often hear people expressing that Deku’s persistent attachment and admiration for Bakugou is baffling at best. Despite the bullying, despite Bakugou’s loud, rude, and uncompromising personality, he still puts effort into their relationship and frequently describes him as amazing. It seems like Deku himself is aware of this as he’s said things along the lines of how he’s difficult, BUT... etc. Although I don’t think it’s exactly that Deku finds Bakugou’s personality hard to be around, but that he’s deliberately expressing patience for Bakugou’s emotional turmoil. 
I have to say I know what this sort of patience is like, as I went through it with someone I love. I only chose to put up with their behavior because I decided the possibility of what our relationship could be was worth it. I wasn’t blind or submissive to how they treated me, and I wasn’t coerced. I simply expressed myself and established my boundaries while still allowing them the opportunity to join me in my world once they got over their own hangups. And guess what? It worked out in the end. That doesn’t mean there aren’t circumstances where it’s better to cut ties, but I want to stress that true reconciliation is possible sometimes. I used to worry that other people around me thought I was delusional for seeking it, but what really helped was my therapist reminding me that I’m smart and strong. So I think Deku deserves to feel the same. In a way this is his whole mission in life, his approach to being a hero as well as his personal relationships.
Let me also be clear though that I don’t mean Deku is only tolerating Bakugou’s personality, his mannerisms, the parts of him that will likely never change. I’m drawing a line between those things and his emotional state (they so rarely align anyway, but I’ll get to that later). In fact, I think Bakugou’s general attitude is part of what Deku admires. This is gonna be hard to explain without inserting personal experience too, sorry. As a writer myself I’ve noticed I’m drawn to writing characters that are brazen and bold and don't mind telling people off. Really it’s because I operate in the world in the polar opposite way. I try not to draw attention to myself, I’m quiet, and I’m a people-pleaser. People who project confidence, especially in an impolite sort of way, fascinate me. It’s good to take cultural context into account, too: I've heard people who’d know better than me that part of the reason Bakugou is the most popular character in the Japanese fandom is likely because he contradicts a lot of their social norms. His disregard is refreshing and cathartic. I can speculate that Deku has a similar point of view based on what he thinks but does not admit about Bakugou being his image of victory and how this sometimes makes him mimic Bakugou’s speech and mannerisms: 
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There’s also the bit in this fight where Deku realizes he's the only one able to receive Bakugou’s emotions. This is because he’s the most intimately familiar with him and his situation, but I think there’s another layer. Deku, as we know, has a self-sacrificing tendency, and in the current chapters we’re seeing the worst side of that. But let’s also not forget that to an extent, it can be a positive trait: resilience. When it comes to Bakugou, he has an almost comical ability to dodge the potential fallout of his outbursts. The example we all jump to (and fight about..) is how in ch1, apart from the initial shock of Bakugou suggesting he jump off the roof, the most he reacts is to criticize him for saying such a ridiculous thing. However, I think their interaction post- sludge villain is a lot more interesting:
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Note two things: 1, in his head, Deku is practically making fun of how Bakugou’s acting as he stomps away without waiting for a reply. It doesn’t faze him. 2, Deku thinks, optimistically, that he can now focus on a different career choice. This is astonishing really. Up to this point, none of Bakugou’s attempts to put him down have worked; he just kept pursuing his dream. The only reason Deku concedes in this moment it because for the first time, he has been shown that he really couldn't do anything in a fight against a villain. All Might told him he couldn't be a hero (although he’s literally about to take that back in the next few pages lol) and the other heroes at the scene gave him a lecture about it too. It was those experiences, and not Bakugou’s words, that truly affected him. And when All Might tells Deku he can be a hero after all, it’s not thinking of Bakugou’s bullying that makes him sob and fall to his knees, it’s the memory of his own mom never telling him those words he so desperately needed to hear. Having spent most of their lives together, Deku must have been aware all this time that Baukgou was influenced by larger societal forces rather than a core judgement, so he didn’t take it personally. He separated the person from the action, and because he’s resilient and patient, he is thus equipped to handle Bakugou’s emotions. It’s a testament to his maturity and emotional intelligence, really. 
But I can almost hear some of you saying, “that doesn’t mean Deku should have to be the bigger person here!” Correct! Just because Deku is perfectly alright bearing all of that, doesn’t mean atonement-era Bakugou sees it this way. We can track his awareness of Deku’s care and selflessness as follows-
The bridge scene, when they’re little kids: Bakugou conflates Deku’s heroism with pity, and subsequently thinks Deku is looking down on him because Bakugou’s own insecurity makes him defensive.
The Sludge Villain, and also Deku vs. Kacchan Part 1: Bakugou witnesses first-hand how easily Deku jumps to risk his own life, but still thinks he’s being looked down on. 
The Sports Festival: Bakugou fights Uraraka and recognizes her endurance strategy and refusal to give up as very Deku-like. He’s half right. He thinks Deku advised her in the fight, when in reality she just mimicked Deku because she admired him. I want to draw attention to his very sober comment about her not being frail. It’s a great endearment of Uraraka’s character and Bakugou’s respect for her when others didn’t take “fighting a girl” seriously, but it also reflects on his opinion of Deku. Deku isn’t weak either. He never was.
Deku vs. Kacchan Part 2: Deku finally corrects him about the whole looking-down-on-him thing, and Bakugou is informed that Deku’s selflessness is in fact the reason All Might chose him. Since Bakugou had been in search of what he himself was “doing wrong” for All Might to favor Deku over him, he now has to reconcile the fact that selflessness is a heroic trait, and moreover something he lacks. This is also possibly the first time Bakugou is able to see his past actions toward Deku as bullying since he previously thought it was more mutual. Additionally, Bakugou can now link Deku’s selfless behavior to what he perceived as pity/contempt, and realize that Deku has been giving him A LOT of grace. Maybe too much. Maybe more than Bakugou deserves, and definitely more than Deku should have to. Holy heck- now Bakugou has to figure out how to live up to all the faith that’s been placed in him. 
Subtextually, we can see Bakugou’s feelings about atonement reflected in the Todoroki family:
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1, Shouto is another example of Deku growing a friendship using his selflessness (since their fight in the sports festival) and their relationship is being acknowledged here where it hasn’t been in Bakugou’s situation. Perhaps Bakugou is wishing it could be so simple for him, to be able to thank him for being his friend like that. Deku saying the pleasure is all his also probably calls to mind how a mere apology from Bakugou would probably be dismissed because that’s just the kind of accommodating person Deku is. Bakugou has to operate more quietly in order to actually make up for their past. I personally don’t interpret this scene as Bakugou being jealous of Deku and Shouto’s friendship, exactly, just the lack of emotional baggage. Side note, Deku and Fuyumi are kinda similar in their desire to repair relationships. I like that she’s the one to give him some credit. 
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2, With the common terminology, this can be interpreted as Bakugou receiving a model for atonement, one that is about action, and nothing to do with receiving favor or forgiveness. It’s a sense of duty. 
Many of the above sentiments are repeated in the flashback conversation between All Might and Bakugou right before Bakugou’s sacrifice. 
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Bakugou acknowledges his bullying and that it happened because of his own insecurities, but aside from that, it’s interesting he neither confirms nor denies All Might’s suggestion that he’s trying to atone, or that Deku doesn’t see it that way. All Might is a bit of an unreliable mentor sometimes, but I don’t think he’s misreading here. Rather, Bakugou is displaying his tendency to hold back when talking about things that would make him really emotional. Besides, admitting to what he’s doing kind of defeats the purpose. He isn’t seeking acknowledgement. All Might has gotten to the crux of the issue here when pointing out that Deku doesn’t recognize the atonement, likely because Deku doesn't think Bakugou even needs to atone. Am I reading into it too much to say Bakugou looks wistful at this? It’s kinda frustrating sometimes trying to interpret Bakugou’s actions because he’s so paradoxical. Loud and in your face, but also extremely reserved. Sometimes I feel like I’m grasping at thin air, but hey, being hard to figure out is part of his intrigue as a character. The simplest way to look at him is to assume that unless he’s really showing vulnerability, he’s probably deflecting and hiding something.
Speaking of Bakugou’s tendency to to hold back emotional stuff, there’s his apparent lack of issue with Deku calling him Kacchan. Maybe to begin with, in his warped perception of things where he thought they hated each other, Bakugou saw it as Deku’s way of getting back at him for calling him “useless,” and didn't dare give any indication that it actually bothered him. However... consider how betrayed Bakugou has appeared when he was noticeably thinking Deku was looking down on him- the bridge scene, and the beginning of their first year at UA when he thought Deku was hiding a quirk all along. He looks shocked and hurt. That kind of emotion couldn’t be invoked by someone Bakugou didn’t actually care about his relationship with. “Kacchan” comes from a long time ago, before their relationship was strained, so it’s connotations are pure. Maybe somewhere deep down, Bakugou has always been hoping that Deku’s continued use of the nickname was not simply a matter of habit or teasing, but a vestige of friendship they’re both clinging to, and Bakugou himself was too afraid to admit to himself that he felt this way about it, so he mostly ignored it. (These are not original thoughts I am having here lol, this is a common interpretation. I’m just laying everything out like I said.) 
And now we turn to the current situation. Personally, I’ve been looking frantically back and forth between them wondering who’s going to break down first (Deku vs. Kacchan Part 3, this time it’s just a fight to get the other person to cry? ha.) Both have looked like they’re approaching a breaking point for some time. Also, I’ve addressed this before, but I think it’s significant that Bakugou is no longer wearing his mask with his hero costume, in contrast to Deku recently donning his own. It feels symbolic of Bakugou about to be upfront about how he feels.
The question is, what is it going to take to get Deku to accept help? If you ask me, Deku has dug himself so deeply into the I’m-doing-this-for-everyone-else’s-safety-and-smiles hole, no common sense argument can possibly reach him. By the end of 320, Deku’s mask is off, and we can see how desperate he truly is. But he has not cried, yet. I predict we’re going to see a bit more of his defiance, this time on full display on his face as the remaining class members and his other friends take their turns. But then I think Bakugou has to be the one to break down so Deku can witness his actions having the opposite effect he intended. People have been pointing out that Deku is currently ignoring Bakugou, and oof, that’s gotta be intentional. Regardless of what Bakugou says, it’s going to be wrapped up not only in his understanding of Deku’s self-sacrifice, but also the betrayal Bakugou feels at being ignored/left behind that ironically echoes his previous perception of being looked down on, as well as a need to express how much he cares about Deku before it’s too late. He must show that the two of them are inseparable because they both act to save each other without thinking, and both feel like losing the other would be like dying themselves. All Might may have been right when he told them they could learn from each other after Deku vs. Kacchan Part 2, but he didn’t fully realize that idea by making sure they stuck by each other for support and balance. 
I can’t wait to see what it’ll be like when they do finally get to that point, totally in synch and in tune with each other. They’ll be a powerful force no one is quite prepared for. Who knows when that will be, or even which chapter will be their big showdown, but I know the day is coming.
To speculate even further, I think the 2nd user is going to be really important really soon. And no I don’t mean to suggest that the 2nd user is Bakugou. But I do think their resemblance is key. Okay this is gonna be convoluted...
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See how 2nd is the only one still standing? I think that’s symbolic of him withholding his quirk. Deku may not even know what it is at this point, let alone have unlocked it. Given that 2nd approves of Deku’s strategy at this point, it seems odd for him to withhold his quirk based on lack of faith. I think if his quirk was something that would help Deku in combat, he would have shown it to him already like the others did. So what if those gauntlets of his are support items that are meant to make up for his lack of a combat-oriented quirk, rather than to augment it? Mind you, I still have no idea what his mysterious power might be, but I’m dead set on it not being explosion-y. Regardless, I think 2nd looking like Bakugou is more about aiding some grand visual parallel, so! You know how 2nd and 3rd were probably intending to do away with Yoichi but 2nd changed his mind as soon as they made eye contact? This is really a long shot, but I wonder if 2nd’s quirk has something to do with that exchange. Maybe it’s something psychological, or some 6th sense about people he meets. So... in that way 2nd’s quirk could play a role in bkdk reaching a deeper understanding? Idk! But it could be significant at least that 2nd left Yoichi’s question about why he reached out to him unanswered. 
One more thing- while I was gathering screenshots I found this. I think “you’re the last one I’m telling” might be foreshadowing for Bakugou revealing his hero name to Deku and it being a Big Deal:
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As for other lingering threads in the overall plot right now, such as the UA traitor, Stain, whatever Tsuyu is apparently about to do, All Might’s car maybe in the background of the last page of 320... man I have no idea. All I know is there’s literally 320 chapters’ worth of build-up to this confrontation that can’t be interrupted. 
See you next week <3
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Not All Are Bad
Summary: Dabi, formerly known as Touya Todoroki, was arrested. While being interrogated, he spills everything that his father did to him and his siblings until the day he disappeared from their lives. Now, not only are you and Shouto in danger of losing your pups, your friends are too. It's up to you and Shouto to prove that not all Pro Heroes are abusive parents and spouses.
TW: Enji Todoroki's A+ parenting (heavy 600 ton sarcasm), abuse, swearing, referenced child abuse, abusive relationships (not anyone from Class 1-A), nosy reporters, A/B/O dynamics (I don't think that's a warning, but I'm adding it anyway.), mentions of sex but not actual smut because this is a SFW blog, mentions of pregnancy, discussions of pregnancy. If I forgot anything, or anyone wants me to add something, please let me know! Slide into my DM's or leave a comment. I would hate to make anyone uncomfortable and I will change it as soon as I see the notification!
A/N: This just popped into my head today, so I figured I would write it out! Also, a little run down of how my A/B/O scenarios work is under the cut with the rest of the story in case these kinds of things make anyone uncomfortable!
Quick run-down (if you don't care skip past all of the italics and find the bold words and the space where the story starts):
Alphas: An alpha is someone who's alignment makes them a lot more domineering in certain situations. They tend to be natural leaders and don't appreciate being questioned by someone they perceive as lower ranking than them. They release strong pheromones that allow them a certain level of control over the other alignments, usually omegas, but there are omegan protection laws that keep alphas from using this to their advantage in unsavory ways.
They get ruts twice a year, which means that they just get really possessive of their mates and anyone they consider family. This is expressed in different ways, from your typical A/B/O scenario when they get really h*rny, to simply scenting their mates and family more than usual. They tend to take their ruts off from work, because the chemical imbalance in their brains can sometimes make them go feral.
*When an alpha goes feral they will attack anyone they perceive as a threat to them or their families. They can sometimes go after their mates or even their pups if they think their pups are hurting their mate. It rarely happens among families, but there are extenuating circumstances. Common signs include an excessive amount of growling, snarling, howling, snapping etc. Sometimes, depending on how strong an alpha's alignment, their eyes will flash a deep crimson. (Think Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter)
*When an alpha offers to share their rut with an omega or beta, it is either a related family members (or found family, someone they feel no sexual attraction to), or someone they have been courting with. It's a big deal when an alpha requests that someone they're courting spend their rut with them. It shows that the alpha is ready to commit to a more serious kind of relationship.
*These are the alignments most likely to impregnate an omega or a beta. Rarely are alpha x alpha relationships able to conceive and bring a pup to full term. (For the sake of ease, it's the usual nine to ten months.)
Betas: These tend to be your more neutral alignments. They can smell pheromones, but they tend to have less of a reaction to the other alignments. They tend to keep the peace among packs, simply because they are less likely to become swayed by pheromones. They can snarl and growl like alphas, but they also purr like omegas, they are kind of in the middle of the spectrum.
*They don't have ruts or heats, but they aren't sterile either. They can impregnate an omega or even another beta with little issue, though they have a harder time impregnating alphas. They also have a hard time bringing a pup to term. It's uncommon, but it does happen.
Omegas: Now, most A/B/O scenarios I have read make omegas seem weak and taken advantage of. Not mine. An omega can just as easily sway an alpha with their pheromones as an alpha could with an omega. There are certain things that are just courtesy when in public, and there are laws about using one's pheromones to one's advantage. Omegas also tend to have more of the maternal instincts, but that's not the entirety of their character.
*They are the most likely alignment to get pregnant, and they are the least likely to impregnate another alignment.
When omegas get their heats, it shows mostly the same way as when an alpha goes into a rut, but sometimes they also become a lot more affectionate with younger members of their family since their maternal instincts are on a high, and they tend to become more clingy to people they see as protectors, for lack of a better word, usually their alpha friends or parents, depending on the age. Alphas tend to get possessive, while omegas become more clingy and touch-starved.
Please note: Sex and gender have nothing to do with one's alignment. One's alignment is simply something that happens by chance and rarely makes one less worthy of something than another.
Children are called 'pups' but they are still referred to as kids and children etc.
Children start presenting from as early as nine to as late as eighteen, and it's different for every child. The alignments all have different symptoms.
Alphas become easily irritated, possessive, sometimes they become destructive or even go feral when they present. They also tend to run a fever, and their eyes sometimes turn crimson, even if they don't go completely feral. Female alphas don't get their periods. They just get the rut.
Betas just tend to have their scents change. Pups smell a certain way, but when one presents, the scent changes. They also tend to be more in tuned with their packs' feelings.
Omegas become touch-starved, clingy, and sometimes more emotion. They tend to get cramps and muscle aches. Think about a girl on her period, minus the blood. Female omegas don't get periods or bleed during their heats, and neither do male omegas.
"Touya, Reizo, come on guys, we're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" you called, laughing as your pups practically climbed over each other to get into the hallway from their room, Reizo with his sweater on backwards and Touya almost falling on his face trying to get his pants up over his knees and his very colorful Pro Hero Shouto boxers.
"Moooommmaaa!" Reizo whined, blue eyes shining brightly as he fixed his sweater. "Touya pushed me!"
"Reizo bit me!" Touya argued, face flushing redder than his hair.
"Come on boys, come here," you cooed, crouching down and gesturing them over. "Do you love me?"
"Of course!" they cried.
"Do you love Daddy?"
"So you guys must love each other right?"
They glanced at each other, frowning, but flushed, telling you everything you needed to know.
"We're family," you told them, keeping your arm firmly around each of their waists, despite Touya being almost as tall as you. "And that means that no matter how much you fight, or how much you irritate the snot out of each other, at the end of the day, you love each other. Right?"
"Yeah," they muttered, albeit a little reluctantly.
"Okay then," you said, ruffling their hair softly. "And remember, no matter what happens, your father and I will do whatever we have to to protect you and your cousins."
They nodded.
"Alright, now Daddy has the car running downstairs, so we need to get going!" you said, ushering your boys out the door, making sure to lock the door behind you.
"No one forgot anything?" Shouto asked, climbing out of the car to make sure that the boys were strapped into the car properly. "Everyone has jackets?"
"You have your keys, phone, wallet?" Shouto asked you, opening the door for you.
"Of course," you replied, buckling up, letting Shouto know that he could shut the door.
"Alright, well, we have to get going anyway," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple before he moved to close your door.
"Momma, Dad, why do we have to do an interview?" Touya asked, frowning.
He was your oldest boy, thirteen and a spitting image of his uncle, who he was named after, save for a white streak in his hair that covered his left eye, that he inherited from Shouto.
His quirk was a fire type quirk, and it relied on his emotions. His flames changed color based on how he felt, and when his emotions got out of control, so did his flames. Unlike what Enji had done with Touya, you and Shouto had taught your son to understand and channel his feelings so that he didn't harm himself or anyone else by accident. He was extremely in tune with his feelings, and his communication skills were through the roof, despite his age.
He was also intelligent, already having skipped two grades, and he was much more mature than most kids his age.
You supposed that with both of his parents being Pro Heroes, along with most of your found family, that he had heard and had to deal with things that other kids hadn't been exposed to. Not to mention that he had started taking care of Reizo more and more while you and Shouto were gone, despite both of you trying to make sure that one of you was always home with them.
Reizo was named after his grandmother, and he was ten, with white curls with (Y/H/C) undertones, and heterochromic eyes. One was gray, the other was the same shade of (Y/E/C) as your eyes. No one knew where the curls came from, but you were assuming it was from your side of the family, since most of the photos you had seen of Shouto's side of the family made it clear that it wasn't from him. Reizo's quirk was also some sort of mutation quirk. He was able to manipulate light at will, it didn't matter what kind.
One night, after you had woken up from a nightmare, you had checked in to make sure that both of your pups were safe and found Reizo sitting up in bed with a small ball of light in his hands. He had turned four a few months before, and while the doctors had assured you that he had a quirk, he had yet to manifest it physically.
Shouto had assured you, and vice versa, that it didn't matter if your pups were quirkless, you would love them regardless.
Reizo, even at four, had known that you were upset, so he had put on a little light show for you, and had managed to keep permanent star charts all around his room as he got older. He had memorized so many constellations and their stories that it made your head spin.
You and Shouto couldn't have been prouder of your boys, but that didn't mean that you subjected them to the media the way some heroes did with their kids.
In fact, you had tried to keep your kids as far away from reporters as you could, but you had also coached them on how to deal with them as they got older.
Touya, a recently presented alpha, had become much more protective of you and Reizo when reporters tried to stop you in the streets for questions.
Touya had never been violent, and you had been so proud of him when he had hung a reporter with his own tongue after they had gotten under Touya's skin with personal questions they had no right asking a thirteen-year-old.
"Because some things have been happening with your uncle Touya recently, and people are nervous. We're hoping that this makes them feel safer," you explained, turning in your seat to look at your boys.
Shouto's grip on the wheel tightened enough that it made a small noise, and you reached over, touching his thigh lightly.
"Hey," you whispered, turning back around, "it'll all be okay, we haven't done anything wrong. They have no reason to take the boys from us."
"I know, but he screwed everything up, not just for us, but for our friends too."
"Wait, what?" you asked.
"Bakugou called me to tell me that every hero with pups is going to be getting investigated, just to be sure. He and Kirishima might lose Kazuki and Eichiro," Shouto murmured.
"Fuck," you muttered, quietly enough that you knew your sons wouldn't hear you.
"Bakugou isn't exactly thrilled, but he's too afraid to do anything about it like he normally would."
"I can imagine," you replied. "But it's fine. No one from our class is going to lose their kids. We all love our pups, and we love everyone else's."
Shouto nodded, and you could tell that he was really trying to believe you.
"Hey," you murmured. "We're gonna be okay. Me and the boys and you. We're all gonna be okay."
He nodded again, and his grip on the wheel relaxed a little bit.
Interviews like this always made Shouto edgy, but he was extra concerned about this one and what was at stake.
He hated putting the boys in the spotlight, he hated even taking them to a news station, but he knew that you all had to do this if you wanted to stay together.
"I love you," he murmured, taking your left hand, kissing your hand lightly.
"I love you too Sho," you told him, smiling at him softly.
"Ready to walk through hell?" he asked as he pulled up to the building.
"With you by my side?" you inquired. "Always."
Shouto, as always, climbed out first, drawing a cheering crowd, and opened your door for you.
Then you each grabbed a boy.
Touya moved to stand dutifully by his father, and they both moved to your side.
You had your hand wrapped tightly in Reizo's, who was on your left. Touya, on Reizo's left, had an arm around his brother's shoulders protectively, and Shouto stood at the other end of your little line, glancing at you and his boys every few seconds.
Cameras flashed, and there were fans there to show their support to you and Shouto. Some of them held signs, other had merch.
Touya copied his father, his eyes steadfastly forward unless he was checking on you or Reizo, and his head held high with a confidence you knew wasn't entirely faked.
Reizo, on the other hand, was glancing nervously back and forth as you made you way inside.
"Momma, I don't like it out here," he said.
"I know baby," you murmured, barely pausing as you scooped him up into your arms, hiding his face in your shoulder.
Reizo was small, even for ten years old, and you could easily carry him in one arm while the other rested on Touya's shoulder, a comforting gesture.
Reporters shouted questions, fans screamed for some attention, and some people just watched, stone faced and blank.
Touya opened the door for you, and you ruffled his hair affectionately while Shouto kept a protective hand on the small of your back.
Shouto, who had been the first of you to meet the hosts, lead your family through the building, waving away assistance with enough politeness that no one got offended, but got the point across that he didn't need their help.
"Momma," Reizo murmured sleepily.
"Yeah baby?"
"Are Touya and I going to be taken from you and Daddy?"
"Not if we have anything to say about it baby," you whispered, trying to control the pheromones that were leaking around your scent reduction patches.
You had been straight with Touya about what was going on, he didn't appreciate being treated like a child, but you had sugar-coated the explanation you had given Reizo. He still understood, but it was terms he could understand.
"I love you Momma," Reizo said, clinging to the back of your shirt.
"I love you too baby," you told him, kissing his forehead lightly.
You and Shouto had declined the list of questions the station had sent you, and your PR managers had already 'leaked' it to the media that you and your family were winging this.
You had told the boys to answer the questions honestly, unless they didn't want to answer a question that made them uncomfortable.
You and Shouto had had a long conversation with the boys about this kind of thing, about personal information protection when being questioned, tone of voice, all of it, but at the end of the day, you knew that someone would find a way to twist everything.
Everything seemed to pass in a blur before you entered onto the stage, Reizo still in your arms.
Shouto and Touya were on either side of you, and you suddenly felt as if you had two bodyguards.
"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Todoroki. Mr. Todoroki, Mini Todorokis," Nariko, one of the hosts, said.
Shouto nodded, wrapping an arm around your shoulders absentmindedly.
"Nice to see you again too, Ms. Tanaka. I apologize for my husband, his second cup of coffee hasn't really settled in yet," you snarked, nudging your husband playfully.
"Dad doesn't function properly until nine in the morning," Touya added, flashing one of those dazzling smirks that would have people bowing to his every wish in a few years.
"My own son," Shouto muttered, making you laugh.
"It seems like your youngest takes after his father," Tatsuya, the other host, offered.
"Reizo does like his sleep," you agreed, rubbing your son's back soothingly.
"He's been spending too much time with his Uncle Katsuki," Shouto muttered, and you chuckled.
"Hey, when we were in school, you and Katsuki were the only ones that went to be bed before ten," you reminded him, wrinkling your nose in a teasing way.
Shouto opened and closed his mouth a few times before he pouted, tugging, very lightly, on a stray piece of hair that fell into your face.
"So, Touya- is it alright if we call you that?- what's it like? Having both parents be Pros?" Nariko asked.
"I don't mind if you call me Touya," your son said, looking surprisingly relaxed. "You guys don't ask the weird questions that some other reporters do. But, to answer your question, it's been . . . interesting, for sure."
"How so?"
"Well, for once thing, it's always stressful seeing them fighting on TV, no matter if it's a small time attention seeker or a high profile criminal. Dad has been my role model since I was little, even more so since I presented as an alpha. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Momma's boy," Touya said, sending you a fond look. "So I want to make sure Momma's safe."
People in the audience cooed, and you let out a small purr, ruffling your son's hair.
"What do you have to say to that Mom?" Tatsuya inquired.
"Both Shouto and I already know that Touya is a Momma's boy," you informed them. "Both boys are, though recently Reizo has been spending more time with his father."
Reizo shifted in your lap, slowly peeling his eyes open, glancing around.
He rubbed his eyes as they asked Touya a few more questions, before he crawled from your lap into Shouto's.
Shouto waited for him to get settled before moving to make sure Reizo was secure in his position.
"So, Mrs. Todoroki-"
"Please, call me (Y/F/N)," you interrupted. "We've been doing this since I was in high school."
"Fair enough," Nariko said, smiling at you. "(Y/F/N), what's it like for you? Being a mother and Pro?"
"The separation anxiety in the beginning almost made me quit," you joked, waiting for the laughter to die down before continuing. "But seriously, being a mother is stressful enough, but I was rising through the ranks, so was Shouto. We both knew that our jobs were dangerous, and we made sure that we talked it through thoroughly before we even got together. When I found out I was pregnant, we both took a few days off to talk about things. We both agreed that I was going to take myself out of the field, stick to desk work, that kind of thing, and then we argued on baby names."
"Speaking of baby names," Tatsuya said, making sure you were done before continuing, "you named your son Touya. Care to explain the name choice, given everything that's happened?"
You and Shouto glanced at each other, and you could tell by the look on his face that he was leaving this one to you. He wouldn't be able to get through it if he answered.
"Until recently, we didn't know that Dabi of the League of Villains was Touya Todoroki. Shouto and the rest of his family thought that he was dead. I don't know the full story, since Enji didn't like me to begin with, and Shouto doesn't talk about him much. Shouto was separated from his siblings because of his father."
You tried to reign in all the angry pheromones leaking out, but it was hard. You had never really liked Enji Todoroki, in the uniform or out of it, and hearing about the abuse over the years from Shouto and his siblings had lowered your opinion even more.
"Anyway, when we started talking about names, Shouto brought Touya up. He said, 'I want there to be one Touya Todoroki that gets to see all the good the world has to offer'. Once he told me that, I couldn't say no, besides, I wanted there to be one Touya Todoroki that saw what love was supposed to be."
You took Shouto's hand, interlacing your fingers, and your son took your other hand.
"You got what you wanted," your son told you, voice cracking with emotions.
"So, Touya, do you think that your parents are a good example of love?" Nariko asked.
"Without a doubt," Touya replied, almost instantaneously.
"You answered that very quickly," Nariko told him, eyes wide.
"For those who don't know, my quirk reacts with my emotions," Touya said, setting his hand on fire, the flames a bright gold. "The flames change color based on my emotions. From the first day that my quirk appeared, neither of my parents have ever lost their patience with me. They have both taken the time to communicate with me. They taught me that showing emotions isn't a bad thing, it's something that makes us human.
"My parents have never raised their voices at us, me or Reizo. Even when we probably deserved it, they've never yelled at us out of anger or frustration. Never. They've never laid a hand on us either. I've never seen Dad's eyes change color even a little bit when talking with me, my brother, or my mother. He's gotten mad at a few people who can't take a hint, but he's never been violent around the house. He's never yelled at Momma, and Momma's never yelled at him either. Not in the time I can remember. Dad taught me how to be a good alpha. I said earlier he was a like a role model to me.
"I watched the way he treated Momma and followed his example. Now I know how to treat my future mate, and how to make things work. My parents are a good example of a healthy relationship, love, acceptance, parenthood, and a bunch of other things. They taught me and Reizo that communication is the key to everything. If only it was the key to cooking, because I think that's the only thing neither of them can do."
The audience had been cooing at your sons little speech, then laughed at his unexpected joke.
Tears stung your eyes and Touya seemed to panic a little bit.
"Sorry Momma, I didn't mean to make you cry!"
"I know honey," you said, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm just happy."
He sank into your hug, arms tight around your waist.
Shouto rubbed a hand down your back soothingly, and you pulled away, wiping your eyes.
"So, Mr. Todoroki, you've been very quiet," Tatsuya said. "Why are you letting your wife and son answer everything."
"If there's one thing I've learned in the fifteen years that we've been together," Shouto said, "it's that my wife has a way with words that I lack. Luckily, both our sons have inherited that from her. Besides, I like hearing her and my children talk. I like hearing their voice much more than I like hearing mine."
"And you said you didn't have a way with words," you teased, and Shouto chuckled.
Reizo rubbed at his eyes, glanced around, and crawled over your lap to get to Touya, who let his little brother tuck himself into his side, yawning.
"Finally awake baby?" you asked, turning your attention to your youngest son.
"Yeah," he murmured, stretching before he settled down again. "'M not used to being up this early on a weekend."
"We know," Touya teased, patting his brother on the head.
"Rude Touya!" Reizo whined.
"Boys," you chirped, "save the bickering for when we get home okay? Let these people do their jobs."
"Sorry Momma," they both muttered.
You smiled at them, and Shouto shook his head with a small smile.
"Are they always like this?" Nariko asked, trying to hide a giggle behind her hand.
"Pretty much," you admitted, smiling brightly. "But they are our sons, it's to be expected that they get a little snarky."
"We certainly were," Shouto muttered.
"To say the least," you agreed. "God, high school was rough. We were such problem children, I don't know how Aizawa dealt with us, or any of our other teachers for that matter."
"Speaking of your U.A. days, Touya, you're in class 1-A currently, aren't you?"
"Yes, I recently got my acceptance letter," he confirmed. "I can't wait! I already met some of my other classmates already, since they're cousins of sorts, but it's gonna be great to see where Momma and Dad went when they were my age."
"And you were accepted through recommendations, but you took the public entrance exams didn't you?"
"Yeah," Touya said, nodding. "I wanted to show everyone that just because I was accepted through recommendations didn't mean that I didn't have the power to back it up, or that I thought I was better than anyone else. I wanted to prove that it was through my power that I got in."
Shouto's eyes shined at the words his son used, and you took his hand, remembering the words that Izuku had told him at your first Sports Festival together.
"That's my boy," Shouto murmured, leaning across your lap to ruffle his son's hair.
Touya grinned, fixing his hair.
"Reizo, do you want to be a hero?" Tatsuya asked him.
"No, I want to be a natural disaster first responder."
"Why don't you want to be hero?" Nariko inquired.
"Because I don't want to steal my brother's spotlight," Reizo teased, cutting a playful glare at his brother. "Besides, they're heroes too, they just aren't Pros. Most civil servants are heroes, they just don't have the same title. Momma and Daddy taught me that!"
Reizo beamed at you, and you couldn't help but smile back at him, wrinkling your nose at him, which he did back at you.
"(Y/F/N), Mr. Todoroki, do either of you have anything to say to the people who are questioning whether Pro Heroes can be effective parents?"
"I can't speak for all Pro Heroes," you said, your voice going colder. "But I can confidently, without hesitation, tell you that the entirety of my graduating class- those that have kids- are better parents than most of our grandparents were. None of them would ever hit their child. And yes, we're all training our kids to use their quirks, but it's to teach them control, and we aren't training them for battle. Our children are not soldiers. And I think some people need to be reminded that while heroes are capable of handling situations that others are not because of our training, we're still human.
"Every time we leave our kids, every time we go out, we know that we might not make it back home. I worry about my kids whenever I leave for patrols. Every time I come across a strong opponent, I worry about whether my kids are safe, whether Shouto is safe, whether I'm going to make it back home. And to those that are specifically questioning Shouto's ability to be a parent, I'm disappointed in you. For those that are more than willing to let him walk in harm's way to risk his life for them, but doubt his parenting skills, well, ask any alpha from our class and they will tell you that I was not an easy omega to get to know.
"As an omega that was almost deemed unbreedable, unmateable, for me to let Shouto anywhere near me should be proof enough, not to mention the fact that we have two amazing pups. Not every hero is Enji Todoroki. Not every hero is thinking only of themselves or their image. The reason we're heroes is to help the world. We're not looking for fame and glory. We're looking to keep the world safer for our mates and our pups. We're heroes, but we're human, we're parents. I'm disappointed in every person that ever praised Enji Todoroki for his parenting skills, I'm disappointed in everyone that was fooled by his 'hero' persona. He may have had a license, but when it came down to it, he was no hero, not in any of the ways that mattered."
You leaned back against the couch, tearing your eyes away from the camera, leaning against Shouto's side.
"I have to agree with my wife on this," Shouto said. "My father set the bar pretty low when it came to what being a functional parents as a hero looks like, but our class is setting the bar high. None of our friends have pups that are terrified of when they walk through the door after patrols. None of our nieces and nephews have ever hated their parents with serious intent. Every member of our class, which we all know is still referred to as 1-A, adores their children. Even Katsuki does, and when we were in high school all he cared about was being number one. He took time off from work to raise his pups, and if that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does. When we get home, Touya and Reizo always jump to their feet and hug us.
"Katsuki's kids are the same way with him and Eijirou. The number of times (Y/F/N) and I have been knocked over when we get home from patrols is insane, honestly. Denki and Hitoshi's kids are just like Denki, always smiling. We've made mistakes of course- what parent doesn't?- but that doesn't make us bad parents. My father was a bad parent, most of the time he was a bad person, and I made it my mission to not be like him in anyway. I think I did pretty well."
You took Shouto's hand, squeezing it.
"Our class is one big family," you murmured, "and every time the kids are with us or any of our former classmates, they always smile. Like Shouto said, we've made mistakes, and we'll probably make more. We're human, it's what we do, but we're trying our best to be good parents. Our boys know that we just want what's best for them, that we support them no matter what. We taught our kids that it's alright to be afraid of things, but we also taught them that we shouldn't be something they feared. Class 1-A wanted to be the kind of parents where instead of them thinking 'Oh shit, I can't tell Mom or Dad' we wanted them to think 'I'm in trouble, I need to call Mom and Dad'."
"It sounds like you did a very good job," Tatsuya said.
"He's right!" Touya and Reizo chirped.
"You all agreed to wing this interview. We personally watched your PR agents tear up the copy of questions we were going to ask you, though (Y/F/N)'s went further and dissolved hers in water, so you had nothing to prepare yourselves with. Why would you do that?" Nariko asked.
"Momma and Dad are great parents," Touya began. "We knew that any questions you asked us would have only good answers. They get frustrated with us, they get mad, but they handle it well, they never take it out on us. Twist our words however you want, but at the end of the day, that's my final answer. I wouldn't want anyone else to raise me."
"Same," Reizo said. "And anyone that thinks Momma and Daddy are bad at what they do needs to get their eyes checked."
"Reizo," you chided.
"Sorry Momma, but it's true," Touya agreed.
"My boys," you murmured, pulling them both closer, resisting the urge to cry.
"There you have it folks," Nariko said. "I don't think there are any other questions we need to ask."
"None," Tatsuya agreed.
A few days later, the interview was on TV, and you couldn't resist the urge to watch it.
You were home by yourself for now. Shouto was out on patrol, Touya was at the dorms getting settled in, and Reizo was at a friend's house for the night.
It was clear how much your boys adored you, and it was clear that neither boy was frightened at all of you or Shouto.
Katsuki had called, practically in tears, though whether that was from the sappiness of you and your family or the kind things you had said, you weren't sure.
Most heroes had been cleared of any suspicion, they had started in the higher ranks and worked their way down, so you and the rest of your class had been cleared already.
After you had all learned that you were cleared, kids had been dropped at grandparents' and other trusted family and friends so the adults could celebrate.
It had been nice to see everyone, and there had been a lot of tears (Izuku and Katsuki were the worst, though you had been close to them), but there had also been a lot more laughter and drunken shenanigans that you would never tell your kids about.
Your ranking, along with Shouto's had shot through the roof after that interview, and you and your husband had both gotten tons of fanmail apologizing for ever doubting, and other that said they had never doubted at all and that they were glad that you were cleared.
Shouto had been so relieved when the investigations had been dropped, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"I told you," you had told him one night, and he stumbled across the interview on twitter, along with someone's breakdown of it.
You were lying in bed together, his arm wrapped around your waist as you laid on his chest.
"I know," he murmured, kissing the top of your head.
"You will never be like your father, and you will always be my hero, same with the boys."
"Speaking of the boys," Shouto began, cheeks tinted a little pink.
"Oh no," you teased, pushing yourself up to see his face.
"I . . . I want to have another pup," he admitted. "I want to try for a girl this time."
"Upset that both of our boys are almost as devoted to me as you are?" you asked playfully, moving to sit in Shouto's lap as you both readjusted.
"No, I love that our boys love you as much as they do, but they are Momma's boys," he said. "I want a Daddy's girl."
You couldn't help but chuckle, leaning down to kiss him.
"Let's ask the boys in the morning," you suggested. "Then we can try for a girl."
Shouto beamed at you, and you shook your head at him, kissing him again.
"Dork," you muttered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I would've asked sooner, but with the investigations going on, I didn't think it was the right time."
"You're right, it wouldn't have been, but we would've worked it out. We always do."
Shouto nodded, burying his face in your neck.
"I love you Shouto," you told him.
"I love you too (Y/F/N)."
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Clingy (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Anon asked: “Hey! I know you're really busy rn and I couldn't bring myself to ask you directly.. (and you don't have to do this so soon! Only do it if you have spare time. ^^) but can I have a short(or long) todoroki x reader? Uhhh, I was thinking of Shouto asking his s/o for kisses, being needy, clingy and stuff. :3 just some fluff. Saying things like "Just kiss me already."”
Genre: Fluff/spice
Word count: 1,241
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: I 👏🏼 have 👏🏼 been 👏🏼 DYING 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 write 👏🏼 this 👏🏼 I've been neglecting my baby for too long, my simp heart was shriveling up.  I was originally picturing this because I was lonely, but this turned out more spicy because I’m having cramps and I needed to relieve them 🙃  I might end up redoing this request in a more fluffy light if I have time.
I probably won't be too active until the end of the week because of my finals, I'll finish the rest of my huge pile of requests then!  Please wait for my next post patiently, I’ll try to still be active with ask box games and stuff so we can still chat hopefully! Wish me luck and enjoy!
"I don't know what's up with Shouto today, he's acting...different," I admit to Ojirou uneasily.  "Do you think there're something up with him?"
"Not really," the boy shrugs.  "At least, nothing I know of."
My loving boyfriend suddenly woke up this morning and became more loving than usual.  I'm not one to complain since I'm way more of the needy type, but it's strange for the dynamic to be suddenly switched.  When he knocked on my door to walk to school this morning, I barely even opened the door the entire way before he grabbed my shoulders and placed a long good morning kiss on my lips.  I was shocked to say the least, but he carried on like it was normal, so I didn't ask about it.
On our way to the classroom building, Shouto entwined our hands together before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and occasionally peppering a kiss or two on my face randomly.  He didn't even leave my desk while I was talking to my friends until Aizawa came in.  Before going back to his own seat, he took my hand again and kissed it, leaving me both warm and confused at the same time.
Oh no, did I forget our anniversary or something?! was my first thought, but after checking my phone calendar, I realized we never really celebrated monthly anniversaries anyway.
All throughout class, I felt his eyes on me from behind.  I just couldn't figure out what was so special about today.  A few passing thoughts blamed me for being a selfish and stupid partner; I only insist on taking all the love and attention in our relationship, but I don't give anything back or remember the things that matter.
It's only in this moment before lunch and Shouto going to the bathroom that I have to breathe and confide in Ojirou.
"Maybe he just got up on the right side of the bed today, he's just in a really good mood," my tailed friend suggests.
"But he hasn't been smiley, he's just been clingy."  I can't stop the heat from reaching my ears as I recall his touch and his lips on my skin.  "I'm kind of being spoiled today.  I can't say I don't enjoy it, but I wanna know what brought this on."
"I wouldn't worry too much about it," Ojirou waves it off with his adoring smile.  "I'm sure only good things could have caused it."
"You're probably right," I agree, letting myself relax though I know I'll address it later.  We continue talking about class from today as we walk to the cafeteria, I had to ask him to go over some things from class that I didn't get.
Suddenly, a familiar warm arm secures itself around my waist.  Shouto somewhat roughly pulls me into his body.  "You didn't wait for me?" he asks low in my ear, just slightly hurt.
The vibrations course through me in waves from head to toe.  "I thought you would just meet me there."
His other arm joins the other so he's standing behind me now, practically capturing me.  "I wanted to walk together."  He traces his nose from the side of my face down to nuzzle my neck.  "Let's eat lunch together somewhere else."
"But Midoriya's probably waiting for us-"
"He'll understand."  His voices come out with a slight edge as his arms constrict around me tighter.
"Um..."  Shouto and my head snap up to face my poor abandoned friend, his face red with secondhand embarrassment like he's intruding on something.  He flinches briefly as he catches Shouto's gaze.  "I'll leave you guys to talk, and I'll catch Midoriya up.  See you, (Y/n)."
"Thanks again for the help, Ojirou," I wave to him as he walks off quickly.
Before I can turn on Shouto, he's already placed a kiss on my tragus to freeze me up, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me down the hallway into our empty classroom.  The lights are off and the door echoes when it's slammed shut by my body being pinned to it, heterochromatic eyes boring into me.
His warm breath puffing onto my skin stops me.  "I wanted to be with you today, alone.  I want to be selfish and keep you to myself today, but I feel like you've been rejecting me."
I raise an eyebrow as a cold hand cups my cheek.  "I'm not rejecting you, I'm just confused why you're acting like this."
His lips brush just an inch shy of the corner of mine.  He's keeping both of us on edge.  "Enough talking, just kiss me already."
I can't get a word in before Shouto completely devours me.  He doesn't start off slow at all, going straight to high-passion kisses.  His chest presses against me against the door, his knee leaning between my legs.  I'm swallowed up by his intensity, following along with his movements, clinging onto his back as I'm taken for a ride.  The heat between us grows as our lips dance together, his fingers tracing down my sides and I can feel his searing touch through my uniform shirt material.
My head spins as his mouth trails open-mouth kisses down my jaw to the base of my neck.  Through the waves of electricity, I try again.  "Shouto, what's-" I sigh when he reaches the sensitive spot right at the center of my collarbone, making me grab his hair, "What's gotten into you today?"  He continues caressing that spot eliciting another gasp from me before I tug his head back for me to breathe.  "T-This isn't like you."
His impassioned gaze nails me before he calms down, taking a breather himself and leaning his forehead on my shoulder.  "I...had a dream last night.  You left me for someone else because I wasn't paying enough attention to you.  I was being too cold.  I was scared I'd been neglecting you this whole time and you didn't say anything."
My heart sinks at the hurt in his voice.  I encircle him with one of my arms and stroke his head with the one already tangled in his locks.  "I wouldn't do that to you.  You haven't been neglecting me at all, even before today.  I know you have a hard time expressing yourself, but you show it in other ways."
Shouto picks his head back up and plants a soft kiss on my cheek.  "I still think I need to give you more affection, love.  You deserve all of what I'd give you."  His peppers more light kisses up my temple to my forehead.
I chuckle at his gesture.  "I guess I can be too needy.  You don't have to worry, as long as you satisfy me when I ask for it, I'll be happy."
He travels down the bridge of my nose to peck the very tip.  "I apologize for acting childish today, I was being disruptive and I made you worry."
My arms snake around his neck.  "It was an unexpected change of pace, and fun considering we ended up in an empty room.  I like this side of you."
Shouto lets out a dark chuckle and presses his body into me again.  "Are you asking for this to become a habit, baby?"
"Mmm, not a habit, but every once in a while would be a nice surprise."
He captures my lips with a last lingering kiss.  "Be prepared for me to ravage you someday then."
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scftizuku · 4 years
Big 3 vs Wonder Duo (Which one will end happening in My Hero Academia)
Okay this topic has been on my mind for awhile now i mean their is evidence for both the wonder duo and the big 3 (especially from the vibe that I’ve been getting from the war arc) So i’ll try to break down evidence for both sides and come to my final conclusion on what might actually happen at the end of the meta analysis
Big 3:
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Alright lets start with the Origin trio. This trio first became a official hero combination from the Endeavor Agency arc. Within that arc we as readers were able to learn more about Shouto as a person and his family dynamic. Now you could say that Deku and Bakugou being their was due to the fact that they are the protagonist and deurotagonist (which are valid points since it would make sense for them to be present in the Todoroki family conflict since one Izuku has helped Shouto a lot since the Sports Festival and on Bakugou’s end he got to bond with him during their remedial license exams)
The Endeavor Agency arc is the first time that we got a hint towards a possible three way combination in terms of skills. Izuku and Katsuki learned more about Shouto’s home life and we even got Fuyumi thanking Izuku for being his friend (which was important in terms of a successful hero trio working in the near future) having all of the members in it have something that binds them emotionally will ensure the strength in their bonds.
Let me break down 2 dynamics within the Origin trio (Im saving Bakugou and Midoriya’s part of it for the Wonder Duo section):
Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku:
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Izuku telling Shouto that his power isn’t his fathers but his own helped Shouto embrace himself. This big moment helped fans understand Izuku as a character and that he didn’t care about winning but being able to help Shouto accept himself for who he is.
When Todoroki and Bakugou fought at the Sports Festival Izuku was showcased to be cheering Shouto (who at that moment was hesitant to use his full power) this ignited his flames to come full force which was big for Shouto’s character
During the Stain arc Izuku sent out a signal to his location (which Shouto saw) and we see him worried for his friend and he makes his way to Iida and Izuku
During the aftermath of the stain arc Shouto showcases his worries and protectiveness of Izuku and Iida.
In the Forest Training arc Izuku was having trouble connecting with Kota and Shouto was able to give him advice by stating “ "Even he's told all the right things, if you don't know his background then you'll only succeed in annoying him" and continues with  "The important thing is, what the person who's saying it has done...and what they're doing now. I think that words are always accompanied with deeds.",
Shouto’s advice to Izuku showcases how much Izuku trust his advice and judgement (again a big change from where they were from the Sports festival)
When Izuku fought Muscular Shouto’s words came back as a form of encouragement which helped him defeat the villian and become close with Kota.
"Even heroes cry sometimes." which was a quote Shouto said as a mean to help comfort Izuku who struggled when learning about all the horrible things that have happened to Eri. That scene showed how perceptive Shouto was in the feelings of others and also showed his method of trying to help someone.
When Shouto fought against Tetsutestsu in the Joint Training arc the symbolic moment that started the beginning of their bond which was the reminder of Shouto’s quirk being his own helped him with his fight
We also have their friendship being stronger when Izuku talks to Shouto about his path to forgiving his father and saying that he is kind (Endeavor Agency arc)
Izuku saves Shouto from Dabi by using black whip and states that Shouto is his “precious friend.” which that signified how powerful their bond is
I wont mention all the moments that they share as I am saving more on the shipping aspect for another blog post but my point on these two supporting each other endlessly still stands. Izuku has helped encourage Shouto when using his quirk and in return Shouto has given Izuku such helpful advice when stuck between a crossroad. From canon alone Horikoshi showcases their unconditional support for each other.
Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki:
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From what canon has given us in terms of the introduction of their bond Katsuki has viewed Shouto as another rival of his while Shouto isn’t scared of Katsuki and his temperament at all.
Shouto and Katsuki are usually shown to bicker and banter with each other which is usually fun to see when observing their dynamic
Katsuki overheard Shouto and Izuku’s conversation after the calvary battle (which in a way foreshadowed his bond with Shouto getting stronger since it was able to connect him to the other two)
The Forest of training arc was the first arc that showed how natural Katsuki and Shouto were with one another (as compared to the Sports Festival)
Their friendly bantering continues when they both have to retake the license exam again. The running joke of Todoroki insisting that they are friends and Bakugou denying this is always a joy to see.
Bakugou was one of the first people (alongside Deku) to understand Shouto as a person when they were interning with Endeavor
Bakugou and Todoroki in canon both notice each others strengthens and made multiple comments on this. One example of this is when Todoroki used one of his well known attacks from the Sports Festival against his fight with Deku and Bakugou states this while bantering with Todoroki which he quickly responds with “I weakened the blow by a bit. Are you hurt?”
During their retake to get their hero license Bakugou opens up to Todoroki about how he was raised and that violence is needed against their challenge with the children which Todoroki comments that there is a better way that they can get through to the children.
Just from canon context alone these two have such a playful yet rival like bond and even to the current point of the manga we never really see these two break out of their usual bickering and bantering. I wont elaborate much on this since I plan to do a post more in depth about all the personal relationships. In canon we don’t really see a lot for them being explored but the potential for them to bond more is their and I have no doubts that Horikoshi will do this justice (especially if the big 3 route is endgame)
The timeline of where the third MHA movie will take place can play a factor to this as well. If the movie takes place during the Endeavor Agency arc then it wouldn’t really leave much room for fans to interpret Shouto’s role after he finds out about OFA. However, if the movie takes place post war arc “All for One and One for All.” which was the movie teaser’s highlight it could solidify the importance that Shouto will have once he finds out what Katsuki already knew about Deku.
Big 3 Evidence:
Deku, Katsuki, and Shouto were all shown to admire All Might when they were younger. 
Ever since the concept of the big 3 was introduced (Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire’s debut) it gave fans the idea that a future big 3 will come into play. It was just a matter of who would be apart of it
War arc hints that Shouto will be let in on the OFA secret (which was something that binded just Deku and Katsuki before) with this knowledge it will connect the three of them 
With quirks alone all 3 of them are compatible and would be an ultimate tag team
Endeavor Agency arc once more hints of the potential trio with Katsuki and Izuku fighting alongside Shouto in order to save Natsuo from Ending. The first time we got to see these three join forces and showcase everything that they’ve got
Small parallels between them and the current big 3 (Mirio and Bakugou) (Deku and Amajiki) and (Shouto and Nejire) I might make a post on the comparisons soon if you guys are interested.
Trios have been shown in the My Hero Academia universe (examples: rooftop trio which consist of Aizawa, Shirakumo, and Present Mic) which considering that the three of them wanted to open up their own agency as pros but sadly could not it wouldn’t be surprising that the Origin trio ends up doing so instead.
Endeavor hints on this possible trio by saying that the three of them need to have the three fundamentals which are rescue, evacuation, and battle. Izuku (Rescue), Shouto (evacuation), and Katsuki (battle),
Wonder Duo:
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Shifting perspectives let’s discuss some evidence of Horikoshi ending the series with the Wonder Duo. Now with this hero combination it was stated at face value during Deku vs Kacchan 2 ( chapter 120) by All Might who says “If the two of you can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes who both win and rescue.”  This was the first indication that not only could they become a hero duo but also that these two would rekindle their broken bond by the conclusion of the series.
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku:
From what we know prior to the beginning of the series Izuku and Katsuki knew each other since childhood and that their relationship started off rocky (since they were set up to become rivals) 
To show the closeness of Izuku’s connection to Katsuki he calls him “Kacchan” while even tho Katsuki’s originally meaning of the word “Deku” meant worthless Izuku took that name and made it his hero name.
For seasons 1-3 (before Deku vs Kacchan 2) Katsuki believed that Izuku had always looked down on him hence him pushing him away which he yet again confirms in the war arc that because of his weakness he ended up bullying Deku because of it
When Bakugou got kidnapped from the villains he states “stay back Deku.” and as a result we have Deku screaming out in agony when the villains took Bakugou away during the training camp arc
Following his kidnapping scene Deku cries at the hospital about not being able to save Katsuki (despite during that time of their development Katsuki wanted to push Izuku away)
When Deku vs Kacchan 2 occurred fans got to see Katsuki become vulnerable for the first time talking about why had it been him that ended All Might’s career. This following with Deku stating that he is “the only one who can accept Kacchan’s feelings.”
"to the same extent of all your unpleasant traits, your sheer amazingness at everything you do was so brilliant to me, it was blinding!" (quote from Izuku during the fight) followed by "You, who had so many things that I never had... to me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was even closer to me than All Might!"
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was the pivotal fight that changed the entire course of their dynamic since it was the first time that fans got to see the two of them unleash all their emotions that they had been keeping in for years
In Heroes Rising Deku shares OFA with Bakugou and commenting that "It's okay if it's you," when talking about having his childhood friend hold that power and also showcases Izuku’s trust in him.
During the Meta Liberation War arc when Izuku tries to find Shigaraki and try putting a end to all of this Katsuki notices this and follows him commenting “because being a hero means protecting everyone." foreshadowing the save mentality that Katsuki has when he put his life on the line to protect Deku from Shigaraki’s attack 
Link to a perspective that tackles the possibility of Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo in the future.
Wonder Duo Evidence:
During the provisional license arc Aizawa talks to Mrs. Joke about how Bakugou and Midoriya encourage and inspire the rest of the class (with a screenshot of the two of them while he says this)
During the Final Exams arc Midoriya and Bakugou were partnered together to take down All Might and that fight showcased the miscommunication the two of them had (despite them winning against him in the end) the fore shadowing of these two working together could be hinted as far back as the final exams arc if thinking about how shounen writing sets up rivals.
All Might’s quote about the two of them being the types of heroes to “win and save” made a return as we are shown during the war arc of Deku trying to achieve victory while Bakugou gained a quirk awakening because of his desire to save Deku. In other words having them switch perspectives in the current point of the story really does come a long way
Horikoshi mentions that Heroes Rising was meant to be the original ending for the series which could mean that a) the scenario of Bakugou and Midoriya working together in the series finale would stay and that the main difference is that they would be pros or B) the duo would be changed to a trio and that Shouto’s involvement might be intertwined with Izuku and Katsuki... still unsure on which route)
When All Might vs All for One happened we had a screenshot of the two of them calling out for All Might to win. Showing not only their significance to All Might but also foreshadowing them working together in the future
Throughout the series Horikoshi highlights their bond as one of the focal points in the series by not only setting them up as proper rivals but also being able to repair their broken bond (which in turn all goes back to All Might hinting at them becoming a hero duo)
We’ve seen some duo combinations as well as trio ones in the series example being Hawks and Endeavor during the pro hero arc (it was temporarily but the point still stands that as fans we were able to see how successful a duo could be in the series)
Foreshadowing can come a long way since the series has started with Midoriya and Bakguou through middle school it very well could end with them finally fixing their broken bond and become the heroes that will win and rescue.
Sorry this took so long everyone I was just gathering my thoughts on this interesting discussion. I can see Horikoshi going with either route but as of right now its possible that we could get the big 3 while Deku and co are still teenagers and then have the wonder duo happen when they become pros (which if this were to happen then there would need to be some explanation on what happened to Shouto during all this)
Im unsure of whether the big 3 would happen when they are pros or only for the time that they are still teenagers.
I could also see Shouto being in charge of his father’s agency and allowing people with all types of quirks to intern there (especially if Endeavor ends up passing away before the conclusion of the series) which might be the likely explanation we will get if the wonder duo route is still something Horikoshi stands by.
Final thoughts: As of everything we have so far I will go ahead and say that we will actually have both with the big 3 being officially confirmed as the Origin trio while they are still teenagers but the wonder duo happens when they become pros. This topic was such a fun and interesting one to dive into so regarding personal bonds i’ll do another post.
This post is meant to view them as hero combination not shipping wise so with that said I hope this post was worth the wait.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I agree with your comment on the heroes. The students aren't ever going to learn if they keep listening to the old gen. They have got to think for themselves. Bur Hori makes all the heroes and kids brain dead when the villains bring up good points, just so he can have this push and pull. Now I am wondering. Mind you Shouto Todoroki is one of my favorite characters along aside Dabi who is my fav villain. During the reveal when the abuse of Shouto was put out into the light Shouto didn't seem to be too happy about it. I think cause of how hero society is, he was taught to just be quiet and take it? Is that why he is so quiet all of them and puts himself in harms way? I am just curious on your thoughts.
Mmh, no, I don't really read it as though Shouto's giving in to social pressure or any external expectations. In fact, I think he's very stubborn about fighting authority and things that are chosen for him. You can't convince this kid to do something he doesn't want to do, and you won't dissuade him from doing things he shouldn't do if he thinks they're right. That's just how Shouto is. (See the aftermath of Stain's arc and his reaction to being reprimanded for illegal and unauthorized quirk use)
That said, I think that the reason why he reacts that way after the broadcast is because it throws him off balance. Shouto canonically struggles a lot before making choices. He's an overthinker and he spends a lot of time making up his mind about what is right and what is wrong. Because of this, he spent a majority of the manga coming to terms with his father's legacy, and only after some deep soul searching, reassessing of his ideals, and reconnection with his mother, did he finally figure out how he felt for his dad. All of this took a lot of careful consideration, and at last he came to a conclusion he was confident in.
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He didn't want a father/son dynamic with Endvr, but he would only be interning for him to learn how to better make use of his fire, which he neglected to train properly for nearly a decade.
He also decided that he would give Enji room to grow and to prove himself to his family, without granting automatic forgiveness in exchange for the effort. Basically, he comes to terms with working under Endvr's guidance on the condition that this doesn't mean reconciliation or blanket forgiveness. To even consider that, Shouto makes it clear he wants to see a real change first, and he makes sure his dad knows he's just giving him a chance to become a less shitty person.
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He reminds Endvr of all this one the first days of the internship, in front of his friends, so it's not like he wants to keep the sordid past a secret, per se. But he shows the ability to separate Endvr the cool number one hero from Enji the shitty father and husband.
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Shouto wants to see Enji change; he already has a certain degree of respect for Endvr the hero for his experience in the field and fine turned quirk control. What he needs is to see more of an effort from his father to change in the domestic sphere, but after some inner growth, Shouto is now able to keep work ethic and private life separate. Thanks to this, he can be around his father again without it being detrimental to his mental health like before.
This gives Shouto balance. For the first time in ten years, he has reached something resembling stability. He feels secure in his hero path, and he has things to look forward to on the personal side because he's curating his reconnection with Rei at the same time, another thing that had been weighing on him all this time.
When Touya comes back from the dead and talks about their past, however, he throws a wrench in that tentative stability. Suddenly, everything needs to be renegotiated again to accommodate Touya's reappearance in the family dynamics. Shouto wants to reconnect with him because Shouto has always wanted to reconnect with his estranged family members, and he feels close to Touya in some regards, which amps up that feeling. But Touya is a villain, while Shouto is a hero, and that complicates matters because Shouto feels a responsibility towards the population, while also feeling the urge to connect with his brother. The current arc shows that he's being pulled in two different directions at once, and can't choose which instinct is stronger. Dabi notices this and exploits it to get the jump on him. That makes Shouto falter further because he never wanted to hurt his brother (he developed a cold fire technique just for that), but the nature of their roles makes them enemies.
Plus there's also the fact that Touya's reappearance destabilizes Enji as well, making him fall back into his avoidant and neglectful patterns.
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So Shouto feels pushed into the role of pulling Enji back on track whenever he seeks an easy escape, and that further weighs on Shouto. He wanted Endvr to prove himself as a father, gave him room to do so, but any change Enji was slowly crawling toward was thrown askew by the reveal. Shouto hadn't forgiven him for the abuse, but was shown to be genuinely interested to see which steps his old man would take to be a better person from then on. But since Touya came back, Enji regressed. Instead of moving forward or facing the past head on, he retreated into crying over himself, avoiding Shouto, ignoring Touya, and doubling down on being Endeavor the Proud Hero who Defeats Big Bad Villains. It's an involution instead of the growth Shouto was hoping to get, and it put the family several steps backs in their jurney towards healing. The opposite of what the poor kid wanted.
I think it's understandable, all things considered, why Shouto wasn't happy with the events after the broadcast
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flourchildwrites · 3 years
It’s an ordinary Tuesday for most of the hospital occupants as well as the passersby scurrying on the street below. As Rei ends her call with a reputable cab company, she gazes out the window to watch their comings and goings one last time. From the comfort of her windowsill, she likes to imagine the colorful lives they lead in contrast to the hospital's endless reserve of rooms drenched in muted earth tones. The exception is, as always, a vibrant arrangement of Japanese gentians that sits in her windowsill, sticking out like a sore thumb.
But this Tuesday is different. Her doctors say that this day marks a milestone in her recovery. For what it’s worth, Rei is inclined to agree. She’s packing her bags to leave the hospital. Unlikely though it once seemed, Mrs. Todoroki is going home.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationships & Characters: Todoroki Rei/Todoroki Enji, Himura Family, Todoroki Family, Todoroki Shouto
Genre: Flashbacks, Parent-Child Dynamics, Healing, Hopeful Ending
Trigger Warnings: Implied/Referenced Canonical Child and Spousal Abuse
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,993 words (Complete)
A/N: I'm so excited to share the fic I wrote for @todofamzine! I would like to thank the Winter Dawn mod team for being the best damn moderators I have ever worked with and @robinoxel for collabing with me and creating art of Rei to go along with the fic which you can find here. This fic was written before the recent chapters featuring the Todoroki family were published. I did my best to imagine what might have happened during Rei and Enji's past, and any canonical divergence you see is just that: canonical divergence coming from a simpler time. Flashbacks are in italics. I hope you enjoy this fic!
Home is a curious concept for Rei Todoroki. For the better part of a decade, she’s passed her time in a series of well-furnished hospital rooms with bland walls and bleached sheets. Her accommodations are not so cold as to be unwelcoming: extra blankets and plush pillows are a perk of her long penance, not to be taken for granted in spaces like these. But the walls are nearly bare, every wire is tethered taut, and someone somewhere is always—always—watching.
Oddly enough, she’s going to miss that.
It’s an ordinary Tuesday for most of the hospital occupants as well as the passersby scurrying on the street below. As Rei ends her call with a reputable cab company, she gazes out the window to watch their comings and goings one last time. From the comfort of her windowsill, she likes to imagine the colorful lives they lead in contrast to the hospital's endless reserve of rooms drenched in muted earth tones. The exception is, as always, a vibrant arrangement of Japanese gentians that sits in her windowsill, sticking out like a sore thumb.
But this Tuesday is different. Her doctors say that this day marks a milestone in her recovery. For what it’s worth, Rei is inclined to agree. She’s packing her bags to leave the hospital. Unlikely though it once seemed, Mrs. Todoroki is going home.
What she will find waiting on the other side of the recovery divide is still a mystery.
Rei folds her life into two suitcases. One shirt and a pair of pants lay neatly on top of the open case, but beneath the surface, she allows some disorder. The hairbrush she used this morning is stuffed in the middle. Prescription bottles with rattling pills hide between layers of cloth, and there are deep wrinkles in the fabric below, not unlike the tired lines etched under her middle-aged eyes. She’s almost finished, almost ready to relegate the sterile smell of the hospital to nothing more than a memory, but there’s one last thing to pack.
Some of her photographs are framed; others are faded. A few photos are torn, and still, there’s the odd bit of charring on the edges of one or two pictures, courtesy of young Touya’s wild ways. Rei can’t help but smile at her collection of fond memories.
Her eyes flit to an old, framed newspaper clipping, and echoes of Rei’s glory days wrap around her like a favorite cardigan. In the picture, her stance is commanding; her arms are outstretched. A sheet of ice streams from her fingertips as her pale hair fans out from the force of the chilly blast. The sidekick Frostbyte is strong and vivacious, a match for any villain she might encounter in the small locality she protects. The headline beneath her picture speaks volumes: New Sidekick Frostbyte Freezes Crime Rates!
It’s a warm memory, something Rei wants to tuck in her chest and carry with her wherever she roams. She picks up the frame and places it safely in the top compartment of her baggage. Another image, a picture already tucked in her suitcase, draws her attention.
Rei doesn’t know why she keeps the picture. She isn’t sure why Fuyumi pulled the image from the family albums for her in the first place. Perhaps both Todoroki women are sentimental for what was and what might have been. Looking at the staged photograph now, Rei sees hope in the lineless eyes of her younger self, a blushing, traditional bride in a pure white shiromuku. And there’s Enji by her side, a tall, prideful hero made uncomfortable by the humble formality of the Shinto shrine.
The smile fades from Rei’s face; it is replaced by well-earned worry lines as she glances sideways at the blue flowers on her windowsill. She’ll never know how Frostbyte appeared on Enji’s bride-to-be radar. Neither will she ever be certain if her family, eager to capitalize on her early success as a sidekick and drowning in debt, put her profile into the matchmaker’s hands. Either way, the request was made and answered before the young woman could give her blessing.
Looking back, it feels like their first meeting happened lifetimes ago, as if the entire event is witnessed through a pane of frosted glass. But Rei remembers every detail, down to the tea stains on her mother’s best table cloth and the nervous buzz in the pit of her stomach. The scene plays out as though she is on the outside looking in, forever separated from the optimistic young woman she used to be.
The Todoroki family seems pleased.
In between courses, Rei’s mother hisses this sentiment in her daughter’s ear. Her father sits politely through dinner, speaking when spoken to and wearing his deference on his sleeve. Enji appears to be nice, though fixated on his work and the pro hero rankings. His mother and father are cordial, especially considering their lofty status; however, their impeccable etiquette is not important. The Todoroki family fortune is the reason her mother and father agreed to this meeting.
The older couples beam at their children when, somehow, dinner devolves into dessert. Their eager matchmaker announces that Rei and Enji should spend a few moments alone to speak candidly about dating with marriage (and children) in mind. Rei, for one, isn’t sure how to feel. She cannot know how a conversation of this nature is supposed to go.
Nevertheless, she stays the course and flashes Enji an accommodating smile as they take a seat on the bench in her family’s small garden. The summer heat does not agree with Rei, but her favorite flowers, bell-shaped blossoms the color of sapphires, are in bloom. They bring her comfort, and Rei doesn’t hesitate to tell Enji that these are her favorite to jumpstart the obligatory small talk.
He doesn’t respond in kind.
“I saw your rescue in Hasetsu,” the young man observes, changing the topic. “The way you fortified the building with your ice quirk was impressive, and I understand there were no casualties.”
Rei does not reply. She merely nods in assent, wondering if he really wants to talk about the ins and outs of their careers when marriage is on the table. For the first time, she glances upward and looks at Enji Todoroki. Impressive height, flaming hair, and cerulean eyes speak for themselves, but there’s also a hint of something sweet and smoldering in the night air that’s coming from him. There’s no denying that the rising pro hero is, as the tabloid papers are fond of saying, a hot commodity.
But the blush that dusts Rei’s cheeks isn’t only from physical attraction, nerves, or the thick material of her best dress. There are worries and concerns, curiosities that Rei thinks should be sated. Her thoughts spill from her lips before she can catch them.
“Why me?” she asks, bolder because of the plum wine passed around the dinner table. “You’re Endeavor. Surely, you have people lining up to-”
“Did no one speak to you about this before our meeting?” Enji interrupts.
The grin wilts from Rei’s face. “What do you mean?”
Enji sighs. He stands and steps forward; his figure illuminates, outshining the moon. His glow erupts into a burst of hellfire, and Enji’s arms are engulfed. The sleeves of his fine suit are ruined, but he doesn’t appear to care. Rei is startled, yet she only feels a gentle heat radiating from the star before her. Enji’s command of his quirk is incredible.
“Power like this comes with a cost,” he remarks bluntly.
He turns to face Rei, and the blaze surrounding his arms contracts, burning brighter. When Enji grimaces, her eyes widen with the realization that he is overheating.
Rei can relate.
“With a quirk like this, my body can only withstand the heat for so long. I assume that it is the same for you and your ice.”
The puzzle pieces connect as reality settles on her shoulders. Their pairing isn’t about temperament so much as temperature; their powers are polar opposites that cancel and complement. Enji reaches out to take Rei’s hand, and instinctively, she drops her body temperature to combat his blaze. Frost meets hellfire, steam rises, and the garden is flooded with fury. When the cloud clears, Rei and Enji remain hand-in-hand. No burns. No ice.
But it is neither luck nor good fortune. It is calculated equilibrium, a quirk marriage through and through.
She remembers that there were three dates, three opportunities to be seen and photographed at hotspots near his agency and hers. Matching stories were crafted for the hows and whens of their contrived romance. While they dated, the Todoroki family lawyers drafted an airtight prenuptial agreement.
The contract arrived on a Friday evening, Rei recalls, along with a small package that contained an engagement ring worth more than six months of her salary. The advice from her mother was particularly memorable.
“Answer him,” her mother’s voice pleads. “The sooner, the better. Remember your family is counting on y-”
Rei stops the answering machine. She doesn’t need to hear the rest. The older woman’s lecturing tone grates on Rei’s nerves. The pressure from her father is more subtle, but it’s still there. She isn’t sure where the family debt came from; however, she doubts that the schools she attended were inexpensive. Plus, her mother never hesitates to tell her that she should give them more of her paycheck, though the salary of a sidekick is barely enough.
She rolls her weary eyes and tosses the package on the low table of her small living space. Paperwork spills across the surface; the ring box nearly falls to the floor. Rei wants nothing more than to sink into her futon until her next shift rolls around. But Endeavor is not a patient person.
Rei runs through her internal debate once more.
True enough, Enji will be hard-pressed to find a better match than Rei, not for the ends he has in mind—a child with a combination of their quirks. Likewise, Rei knows that she will never rise as high as him on the hero billboard chart. It’s not that she doesn’t want to make a difference, but her countenance is naturally understated. Rei would like to live a quiet life, helping others and supporting her family.
And someday, she’d like to have children too.
Yet, the possibility of a loveless marriage is a difficult pill to swallow, especially since the concept of romance is nebulous in Rei’s mind. Her parents swear that love can take root and grow with time, and Enji is nothing if not dedicated to his goals. Moreover, Rei is not so naive as to pretend that a comfortable life with a steady income isn’t attractive in and of itself.
One last glance at his profile cements her answer. She doesn’t revel in bargaining for a better future as she slips on the engagement ring and signs her name on the dotted line of the prenuptial agreement. Rei calls her parents to share the news and phones Enji to tell him she’s accepted.
As she lies down on her futon to rest, Rei swears that she will plant a garden at their first home, filled with flowers to admire and founded on promises worth keeping. She imagines pretty blooms decorating a harmonious house alongside the pitter-patter of little feet which grow into the large shoes Enji wants filled. Rei consoles herself: if she does a good job of bringing up the next generation of Todorokis, her children will have the luxury of choosing love instead of a contract.
Rei admits that hanging up her hero costume was an easy thing to do after the marriage. It was even easier to watch her hardened muscles soften into feminine curves as life took root in her belly. Her parents were proud; Enji was satisfied. Any lingering doubts were pushed aside by the demands of motherhood.
And when Touya’s quirk proved disappointing, Rei tried harder to fulfill her side of the bargain. She can scarcely remember a time in her twenties when she was not waiting for her child’s quirk to manifest or swallowing prenatal vitamins over an anxious lump in her throat.
Fuyumi was born on a crisp December morning eleven months after Enji declared Touya unsuitable for further training. Like clockwork, Natsuo was on the way after their sweet daughter failed to manifest a fire quirk before she turned four. Then, Rei cannot forget how Enji became impatient. Natsuo had not reached his second birthday when her husband decided that he was also a failure. As Rei thinks back on the arrival of her last child, hindsight’s perfect vision highlights chilling insight.
“It’s a boy!”
Strong cries rebound off the walls of the delivery room. Rei breathes a sigh of relief as her body shudders from the efforts of her labor. At the end of her bed, the hospital staff congratulate her on another healthy baby as they pass the newborn to his mother. The comforting feeling of an infant pressed against Rei’s chest will never grow old, and she savors this moment with Shouto, mumbling words of love as she holds him. Deep down, Rei realizes that her fourth pregnancy was hard, and secretly, she dreads what her husband will think if this child also has a head full of snow-white hair.
Enji often tells her that he knew the other children were failures the moment he laid eyes on them. On this subject, husband and wife will never agree, but Rei is content that he leaves their upbringing to her. She’s done her best to temper Touya’s attitude, bolster Fuyumi’s confidence, and keep Natsuo laughing.
Rei glances down at the fresh face of her newborn son and is perplexed by the contradiction she sees between his halves. Trembling fingers weave through his hair. Fine white and crimson strands part down the middle. Yet, Shouto’s hair is not his most striking feature. A pair of mismatched eyes blink up at Rei. One is bright turquoise, and the other is a somber gray.
The contrast is uncanny.
“Heterochromia iridum,” the doctor pronounces as if on cue. “That explains his eyes. Usually, it’s a benign condition, nothing to worry about. Considering his hair, I’d say it’s all genetic, possibly related to his quirk.”
Through a blissful haze of oxytocin, Rei registers Enji’s hand on her shoulder. He laughs in an abrasive chuckle that overtakes Shouto’s cries.
“Finally,” he exclaims, “a masterpiece.”
If the doctor and nurses think Enji’s behavior is untoward, they keep the observation to themselves. Rei is too exhausted to fight the relief she feels. She allows her husband to take the newborn baby from her arms instead of insisting that she nurse Shouto straight away as she did with her other children.
“You did well this time,” he mutters.
Rei smiles wearily at the compliment, but it does not sit as well as she believed it would.
In retrospect, Rei understands that there was no singular moment that caused the trouble which followed. Rather, it was a collection of compromises that seemed, at the time, to be for the best. Rei gathers the rest of her photographs. Carefully, she thumbs through the small stack and is reminded of all the seeds she and Enji planted in their garden.
Undoubtedly, her children are her greatest love, and she tucks the loose photos in her purse for safekeeping, holding their cheerful likenesses close and the good memories closer. Looking around, Rei realizes that she’s finished packing—all except the vase of Japanese gentians sitting on the windowsill.
Rei prepared for this. She spoke at length with her therapist about the baggage she intends to take into the next phase of her life. Some of it is essential. Never again will she let herself slip so far as to harm someone she cherishes. No more will she suffer the company of people more concerned with ends than means. But when it comes to Enji, Rei is of two minds, torn between the past and the present. Scarred and repentant, he is not the person he once was.
Neither is she.
A brisk knock on the door stirs Rei from her reverie. She turns to address the nurse and is happy to find a familiar face.
“Your discharge papers are ready, and your cab is here, Mrs. Todoroki,” he says cheerfully, already taking her bags. “Are you sure you don’t want your family to escort you home?”
Rei shakes her head.
“They offered, but I want to do this by myself.”
“Fair enough.” The nurse shrugs.
He takes a step toward the windowsill and reaches to collect the flowers when Rei makes her decision. With a gentle expression but a firm palm tilted upward, she halts his kind gesture.
“The flowers stay,” Rei says confidently. “I don’t have room for them anymore.”
It’s a short walk from her old room to the hospital’s front door, but the journey took Rei over a decade to complete. She slips into the back of the cab and passes the driver a slip of paper with the name and address of her new accommodations—a small, refurbished apartment with a low table, comfortable futon, and no answering machine. It's a perfect place for someone starting over.
Rei knows that if she turns around for a last look, she will see Japanese gentians standing guard on the windowsill, but she lets this opportunity pass. As the cab speeds away, Rei commits herself to the good habit of not looking back.
“That’s a nice address, Miss. Where are you headed to?” the driver asks.
It’s been a long time since Rei was called anything other than Mrs. Todoroki. Caught in the small thrill, she doesn’t correct him. She’s grateful for the crowded city’s veil of anonymity and, within it, her second chance.
“Home,” she answers honestly, feeling freer than she has in decades.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Kinktober Day 8 ~ kink: tentacles
pairing: dom!amajiki tamaki x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 2,848
a/n: wow.........I actually really hate tentacle porn, it always disgusted me, but I would let one man fuck with me tentacles. yes you guessed correctly, shouto. just kidding its definitely tamaki, enjoy sluts!
You sometimes wondered how Amajiki Tamaki was such an unconfident man. His need for perfection was something that worried you, after all, in your eyes he was perfect. Your relationship with Tamaki had begun with major bumps in the road.
He had assumed in the beginning that you hated him. Your sweet words only a taunt in his mind, your affectionate smiles only a hidden snarl. It truly broke your heart when he finally admitted that to you. Tamaki was such a talented Pro-Hero that it often left you bewildered at his nervousness. You knew he would never get defeated in battle. But his often flashes of anxiety that filled his veins while he was in fights scared you.
You would watch via television while Tamaki went from confidence to crippling anxiety. Your hands always clutching your chest as you stare at your, at the time, best friend gets stomped on screen. However, without fail, Tamaki always pulled through. Of course, once you were finally done with work, you raced to his house. Waiting for the indigo haired boy to return home, bruised but victorious.
You could never resist throwing yourself into his arms, his voice squeaking your name. Heavy with embarrassment. You would always follow him in and help him with whatever he needed. You used to leave whenever Mirio and Nejire showed up. Given the three of them were best friends you always felt like you were intruding. It took a while but when Tamaki finally insisted along with the other two, you stayed.
You never expected to become friends with this very talented Pro-Heroes. Even now it made you smile whenever the four of you hung out. But things changed drastically between you and Tamaki. It all beginning after a fateful encounter with a merciless villain.
You remember watching from your office. Too many Pro-Heroes and sidekicks were getting tossed around like rag dolls. Your eyes widening as the onlooking camera crew focused in on Suneater running to the scene. They praised your best friend! Tamaki seemed unaffected by the villain's immense threat as he began to apprehend him.
It was a long fight.
It lasted an entire ten minutes, dramatic highs and lows. All to the point where you believed Tamaki had been killed. The panicked screams escaping your mouth as your coworkers held you. But with tears still streaming down your eyes, Tamaki rose. The costume is torn and in shreds, he ate something. Your shouts intermingled with the entire floors as you cheered him on. And within seconds, the villain was finally defeated. Tamaki standing over him, chest heaving as more Pro-Heroes arrived on the scene.
Tamaki shortly fainted afterward and was then rushed to the hospital.
He was released that same night, thankfully. You were in the waiting room for him to be discharged. Mirio and Nejire asked again if you were sure you were able to take him home. Your eyes were swollen and puffy due to the high amounts of sobbing you did. Your lips are chapped and brittle as you waved them away. “You guys have early rounds tomorrow,” Your voice weak and yet steely strong. “I can get him home. I’m fine now.”
“There’s nothing wrong with feeling scared, y/n-chan,” Nejire says, her voice serious as she held your cheeks in her hands.
It often made you speechless when Tamaki’s friends turned serious. They were all such dynamic people you forgot they could take things very seriously.
“I got this handled.” You affirm, your mouth pulling into a soft smile. They hugged you before leaving. The quiet hours of the late-night consuming you as you waited for Tamaki to be officially released.
You saw the battered hero exiting his room and into the hallway. Bandages surrounding his arms and a few gauges on his cheeks. He acknowledged you with a shy smile, his head slamming away from you as he talked to a nurse.
You stood up, collecting your things as you walked over to the Pro-Hero who talked with the nurse. She looks at you as you approach the counter, a tired smile on her face as she greets you.
“Hi, I’m assuming you’re here to take Amajiki-san back home?” She questions and your head nods in confirmation. “Okay, well please keep an eye on him. We were able to heal him mostly with our resident healing quirk. But he will be extremely groggy in the next few hours when it hits him.”
“O-Oh, of course. I’ll do my best to look after him.” You say with a bow, and a muffled sound comes from Tamaki as you grab his arm gently.
“Ready to go?” You ask, your eyes locked on his blushing cheeks.
He nods, and with that, you take him home.
It’s silent the entire car ride to his home.
Your eyes shifting over to his stiff form as you drive.
He had nothing to say to you, and you had nothing to say to him.
You had been scared out of your mind for him, but you couldn’t help the anger from filling your veins. The only question was why were you so angry?
Angry at him? No, that wouldn’t make sense. You worked hand in hand with Pro-Heroes, you knew what they did was because they wanted to be everyday heroes. So why were you mad at your best friend for scaring you like that?
Your hands tighten over the steering wheel as you pull into his driveway. Stepping out, you helped a stumbling Tamaki to his feet. Your eyes staring ahead as he leaned against your shoulder for support.
You often forget your friend was as strong and as big as he was. His weight crushing your shoulder. You attempted to maneuver him towards his front door.
“Y… Y/n…” Tamaki mumbles as you get to the front door.
“Yes?” You respond getting him to lean between the corner of the walls. All so that you can fish out his spare key from under his rock garden.
“Butterflies are my… my favorite things.” Tamaki tells you this, and you laugh as you shake your head. Your fingers finding the cool brass key and you stand up to see Tamaki looking at you with groggy eyes.
“I know that, Tamaki.” You remind him, “You told me that during our twenty questions drinking game.”
His face flushes red, and you sigh as he slams his head against the wall, his body shaking. “No… it’s not just that.” He admits and you quirk your eyebrow as you unlock the front door.
“Then what is it, Tamaki?”
“C-Can I call you butterfly?” He asks you, confidence seeping into his voice and you freeze as his front door opens.
“W-What?” You stutter, as the man stumbles in his stance, he looks so tired and yet so painfully in love with you.
“I… I like you a lot, y/n…” Tamaki whispers, and he takes a few steps towards you. His tired eyes burning as he presses his forehead against yours. Your chest is hammering as you feel his flushed skin against your own, his eyes closed as if this was a dream. His hands resting on your waist as you choke softly. “Today with that battle… I thought I was going to die, and I was going to die a coward. I couldn’t die knowing that I… that I never got to confess my feelings for you. I’ve always been a coward, my entire life… I know that! But as I lay there… as I lay there--” His eyes were full of tears and your hands grasp his face.
Your fingers brushing away his falling tears as you shake your head, “You aren’t a coward, Tamaki.” You say, the anger within you making sense now. You were in love with your best friend. “You weren’t going to die there, I wouldn’t have let that happened.”
A broken sob escapes his mouth as he shakes his head, furious. “I am a coward, y/n. I’m in l-love with you, and I never confessed until I thought I wasn’t coming back.”
“Even if y-you don’t like m-me back, can I p-please call you butterfly… you just make me so happy…”
His dark eyes search yours, and without a single word more, your lips press against his. Your soul overcoming his own as he cries against your mouth. You don’t care, and tears are coming down your own cheeks as you pull him in close. Your lips uttered to him everything you had never told him. Promising him a future he would never think of until now.
You were in love with your best friend, and you were going to live the rest of your life engraving that into his heart.
When the two of you showed up to the next hangout with your friends. Everyone was so overjoyed to see Tamaki turning beet red as you held his hand cheering in excitement.
Your love was pure, forgiving, wholesome.
Late-night dancing, lingering kisses in the morning, and an insane amount of food dates.
Tamaki surprised you in many areas. His initial anxiety and unconfident nature erasing in many areas. After five minutes of doing something, he tended to feel confident. Of course, the greatest surprise came in bed.
Humans had a natural ability to make things… sexual, to say the least. It took until your fifth month anniversary for you to ask Tamaki to bring his quirk into play. Your mouth brushing against his trembling torso as your hand grasped his cock. “I want to use your tentacles one day,” You sighed, and like that, Tamaki had come into your hands.
Of course, it took another month for Tamaki to not crumble when attempting your request, but once he did. It unlocked something new and exciting within Tamaki. Something that made you wish you had asked him to bring his quirk to bed earlier.
Tamaki bit down on the golden broken takoyaki, your tongue slipping out of your mouth to lick your lips.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this, butterfly?” Tamaki asks as he finishes his food. Your thighs rub together in anticipation as you laugh.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything.” You counter, a cunning grin on your face as his gentle face smiles.
You had no idea what was going on in his brain, but the confident smirks sent waves of pleasure down your spine. Your breaths turning into pants as you wanted him to climb on top of you. Last time around he had simply fingered you, but it seemed he had a new idea in mind.
Your eyebrows furrowed as Tamaki pulled up a chair, and sat down on by the foot of the bed.
“Tama-chan?” You ask confused, why was he sitting down.
A shriek leaves your lips as something grasps your wrists and ankles.
Your body is pulled against the mattress, and you gasp as you try looking. Sure enough, four pink tentacles are holding your limbs tightly to the bed. The suckers on the limbs making you groan in pleasure at the intense pressure it added to your arms. Pants leave your mouth at the sight of Tamaki smiling at you, pure of innocence.
“You’re quite beautiful when you’re spread out like this, butterfly.” Tamaki sighs as he leans against a single hand, a grin curling on his features. Your body trembled as another tentacle traces up your leg. The cool limb touching your inner thigh, and you struggle against his tentacles. Your body wanting nothing more than to cover up. “Now, now, don’t cover-up. I love seeing your clenching pussy like this, butterfly. I don’t want you to hide from me.”
“Tamaki…” You moan his name as the tentacle moves to your left breast. It encircles it tightly but continues moving. It is quick to reciprocate its actions to your right breast. You arch off the bed as the tentacles pulsate, squeezing your chest delicious as you cry out his name. Good god was this on another level. You shudder against his groping tentacle. The tip of the tentacle pressing against your nipple and you whine greatly.
A chuckle comes from Tamaki, but you lack the will to stare at him in the position. Your arousal feels like its growing as you feel the heat being emitted from your lower lips. Your hips shifting to ease the uncomfortable buildup within you. You weren’t getting the attention you needed down there. Unfortunate for you, Tamaki seemed focused on your breasts right now.
“What’s wrong, butterfly?” Tamaki asks, a smirk all too evident in his tone.
You curse as your hips thrash against the mattress. Your jaw-dropping as his tentacles continue lavishing your body. The pleasure in you only seeming to spark higher as he watches from afar. Your head spinning with lust as you can’t help but feel dirty as his tentacles do his bidding. The tentacles around your wrist tighten and you moan out.
“Do you need more?” Tamaki wonders, and you finally manage to look back down at Tamaki who bites down on his lip. “Tell me, butterfly, do you want more?”
You nod your head, unable to trust your voice as he grins. He raises a single finger, and you watch with the utmost glee as it manifests into a tentacle.
It immediately sinks into your desperate cunt, and you mewl loudly. The moving appendage pressing against the walls of your pussy as it thrust into you. Your hips slam up against Tamaki’s tentacle, your jaw falling down as you pant. The feeling mind-numbing as it slams in and out of you. Over and over, twitching and twirling within your dripping cunt. You plead for more, wanting nothing more than Tamaki’s cock to enter your pussy as well.
“Tama, please! Oh my god!” You scream as the tip of his tentacle easily presses into your g-spot. “SHIT!”
He slams the tentacle into your g-spot without mercy. A feral grin on your face as you continue thrashing against your bonds. His tentacle growing in girth inside your spasming walls. All while he continues to build the fiery pressure from within.
“I think you’re being too loud.” Tamaki groans. The tentacle that was groping your breasts shooting down. The smooth skin pressing against your aching cunt.
Your head throws back and your mouth drops as you’re about to scream his name. You’re cut off as another tentacle fills your mouth. Your scream is muffled, and you choke around the tentacle. The tip of the tentacle pressing against the back of your throat. The tentacle rams further down your throat, and your eyes roll back. The double penetration overwhelming you. There is nothing more that you can do except take it. Letting him have way with you as he fucks both your mouth and clenching pussy.
In and out, your body trembling as he fucks you in both places fast, hard, unforgiving. Your dripping cunt making the most lecherous noises as he pounded into you. The occasional gags emitting from your throat as his thrusts don’t give you enough time to adjust to his speed.
“Kami, you look so fucking delicious like this.” Tamaki pants from the distance, and you moan around his tentacle. Your mind wanting him even more so as the building pressure of your pussy increases. “Are you ready to come yet, butterfly?” You sob a sound that’s choked around his pounding tentacles. Your head nodding as your cheeks feel as if they are on fire. “Then come for me.”
It all comes crashing down. The tentacle sliding up and down your throat erases your sobs. The tentacle pressing into your pulsating clit goes faster. The tentacle slamming into your pussy widens within your clenching walls. You come hard, your vision turns white as you choke around the tentacle.
Your body weakly thrashes around on the mattress as he tentacles finally leave you. Your body sweaty, aching, and on a whole new high as Tamaki finally crawls onto the bed. A teasing smile on his face as he presses butterfly kisses to your collarbone. You heave for air as his touches are achingly sweet.
He gathers your limp body into his arms, and you sigh as he smooths your bruised wrists. “You were so beautiful,” He whispers. You groan slightly as he presses a kiss to your aching throat. “But don’t think this is over.” Your eyes slide over to Tamaki who grinds his raging boner into the palm of your hand. “You’re just too sweet to resist.”
“Tamaki.” You moan as you begin palming him through his restricting pants. You grin as you feel his lips beginning to suckle against your neck. You smirk as his hips rock against your moving fingers. You whine as he pins you back onto the bed, the tips of his hair brushing against your flushed and sweaty skin. Butterflies once more erupting into your stomach.
“I’m glad you're ready for a round two,” Tamaki groans as your fingers grip his hard-on. You chuckle as you silence him with a kiss.
“Me, too.”
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Does anyone wanna hear about my gore/horror au that has been passed down through all of my hyperfixations and how it differs from hyperfixation to hyperfixation?
too bad youre getting one
TW for a lot of talk/description of gore. its under the cut.
So! when i was in middle school we were given the prompt to write bland-as-plain-toast character going through dystopia, fantasy, horror, and romance genres. I was at the height of my sanders sides obsession and wrote about Thomas meeting each of his sides in a different genre: Virgil in dystopia, Patton in fantasy, Roman in...romance, and Logan in horror.
I describe Logan as a "living amalgamation of undead flesh" in his short story. and that got me thinking
About the Patchworks.
So, I came up with a few things about them.
One, they are tragic immortals: they die before their time, and either after or the cause of their death their flesh or body is ripped apart and requires stitching to become whole again. Hence, "Patchwork"
Two, it does not need to be their body or flesh stitched back together: my idea for Logan is that he had a skin condition that requires him to manually sew patches of other people's flesh onto himself to keep fully together.
and Three, whenever they pop up, though most of the ones I write retain their sanity and composure after their death, society crumbles from fear and brainless patchworks (which are, simply put, Patchworks that either let their immortality go to their heads, or otherwise go insane) terrorizing the place. It basically becomes a zombie apocalypse in a way.
So. The hyperfixations. In order, we have Sanders Sides, My Hero Academia, Coroika, and now, Cookie Run Kingdom of all things.
With Sanders Sides it was simple: Thomas stumbled across these four undead patchworks, thinking they were gonna kill him.... and they kinda just added him into their found family??? Like okay now thomas has extra scary friends!!!! nice!!!!
With My Hero I went ham on the fuckin angst. Dabi's a patchwork and turned Shouto into one after the whole water incident. Deku's mom was killed by a Patchwork and he decided to take his revenge on most of the species. Kirishima became a patchwork and hid it cause he was scared Bakugo would try and take him out if he told him. Yeah this was my hurt no comfort phase
but it also introduced the idea of the Patchworks being immortal but not invulnerable. They could be killed: disassemble them to beyond the point of fixing and they're dead for good. This gave me a bit more room to work with when it comes to angst. But I never really did anything for this AU outside Dabi, Kiribaku, and Tododeku. Which is a shame. looking back i really think adding a bit of Erasermic would have been pog-
So Coroika was a lot more thought out on the patchwork cast front. Mainly cause... it's coroika! there's team dynamics that are just so damn good. also Alarmy do be OTP. So I had a full on LIST in my documents about which peeps were patchworks, how they died, and what part of their death or aftermath resulted in them becoming a patchwork. I won't list them here unless asked but basically it was angsty, and honestly really really fun to write for.
this realization happened via me going "yknow if red velvet was undead he'd technically be considered a patchwork by my au standards" AND THEN I REALIZED IT WAS HAPPENING
So for that au i only have 3 patchworks so far.
Red Velvet- Died due to his arm. it was lost but on was stitched another one for his funeral and oop he's alive again
Madeleine- Crumbled in battle, defending Espresso cause i am a slut for espressaleine. but anyways. He's stitched back together by an Espresso working tirelessly and. well. at least they're together
Almond- Unclear how he dies. All that is known is that he's a patchwork, as he mentions it to Espresso about how Madeleine will change physically after being stitched back together.
"...How do you know this?"
Almond pulled his shirt collar to the side, revealing stitching on his shoulder and collarbone. "I am one."
So! That's the story of my Patchwork AU!
I encourage others to use my AU but please for the love of GOD credit me.
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hamliet · 4 years
At the end of BNHA, after everything had been resolved, the final dramatic battle has been fought and the story is just about over and on its way to the conclusion, what do you think Deku’s and Shigaraki’s relationship will be like? On the one hand, he’s hurt a lot of Deku’s teachers and friends and Deku said he could never forgive him. On the other, there’s clearly a path leading up to saving and *possibly* forgiving him, or maybe looking past it? But my main thing is, I wonder if we’ll get to see them be friendly toward one another? And like have a conversation that isn’t hostile, kind of like a friendship type relationship? I wonder what that will look like? Also the dynamic with the LOV trio and the 1A kids. I wanna see friendliness everywhere but I don’t know what that would look like. What do you think?
Hi! So, I think Deku’s “I’ll never forgive you!” was clearly something he will overcome, at least as presented in the text. I don’t take it too literally. 
That’s a great question. To answer the brief part: yeah, I think Shigaraki and Deku will have a conversation that is more than just “ah, I was wrong...” “I’m sorry you suffered” etc. I also think Touya will have to have a scene with the Todoroki family, and Toga is the one most likely to be interacting with the UA kids as a whole. 
It’s hard to redeem murderous villains and let them survive precisely because of this question: what happens after? So often they get redemptive deaths because writers don’t want to tackle this question. It’s lazy writing (most of the time). 
I also just don’t see death working for the main three villains in the story, considering Deku, Shouto, and Bakugou’s insistence that no one is dying and the focus on saving which is everywhere in the manga. I know a lot of people think they will be saved... spiritually? mentally? but not physically, which is just lame to me when all of the story leading up to this has involved saving spiritually/mentally through physical salvation. It’s not set up as two separate things (at least not thus far). It would also imply a two-tiered view of saving, which is to say villains don’t actually get saved in any way but mental, which is pathetic and not a way forward for heroes at all. Thankfully the manga hasn’t indicated it will take this route thus far. 
So, assuming they survive: will society really change to the point where it accepts them? Will they have to hide their identities as society slowly works its way forward? Will we all just have to stifle our brains and assume society is somehow magically fine with it? (I'll just say that is not entirely out of the question; it’s a superhero story and Horikoshi’s done stuff like this before, like with Deku and Bakugou’s non-reactions to “my father may have killed my brother”). If Enji can hide his family issues I’m sure Shouto can keep redeemed Touya under the radar. The problem is that still creates a skeleton-in-the-closet type situation which isn’t great for the themes of calling out society but considering that BNHA is pretty... wishy-washy on this in a lot of ways anyways, plus this is more saving than concealing wounds, it wouldn’t be out of the question. Or, will society just ignore it, because frankly they have been shown to be pretty ‘whatever’ about a lot of things? 
Basically: ????? It’s too early to predict. I’m sorry I can’t give a more concrete answer! 
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clearturtletrash · 4 years
Horikoshi’s writing of Shouto and the problems I have with it
If you’re a fan of the way Shouto’s treated in the manga, don’t read, we’ll end up disagreeing on everything and you’ll probably end up offended lol. Because I’m not (satisfied, that is). 
This post is spoiler-heavy for anime onlys, and for manga readers not up to date with the last arc (and last chapter for that matter, which is 301).
So, about Shouto and how he’s handled, along with ‘his’ story.
I don’t get how Horikoshi, whose writing I respect immensely, managed to depict such an incredible and alluring storyline with the Todoroki family, with some of the most complex character writing I’ve seen, but fumbled the one character he had to actually focus on.
Literally more than half the people in the Todoroki storyline are more interesting and more developed than Shouto at this point. Hawks, Endeavour, Dabi, Rei… a good bunch of fans are way more invested in their story than his, and I am too. It’s really sad, because if you asked me two years ago Shouto would have probably been one of my favorite character. But he was completely shafted, given no internal conflict, and at this point, I have the same interest in him as I do for Fuyumi and Natsuo, which basically means his only interesting feature to me is that he’s Endeavour’s child (oh, and he does have a cool design, but that can only get you so far).  
Deku and Katsuki are more popular than him by a landslide compared to before if we believe the Japanese popularity polls, because Hori actually bothers to give them focus, conflict, and cool moments (even though, sometimes I feel like Horikoshi forgets Deku’s his main character lol). It’s a testament to how great Shouto was and how much potential had that he’s still that popular despite everything. Because, let’s be real, Endeavour and Dabi have taken the focus because they have much more emotional energy, while Shouto is just stuck in the crossfire, as a punching ball and stress relief (and eventually as the person who’ll save him I guess) for Touya (see how he was relegated to first aid during the big fight against Tomura? how he did absolutely nothing against Touya who was burning him alive? And how Touya had no interest in Shouto outside of the fact he was Endeavour’s son? Story of the way Hori treats him). He has no particular interesting insight to give on the Todoroki family either as he was too small to remember the important events, so even on this point we can’t count on Horikoshi to write something for him, everything comes from Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei. He's really had one great moment in S2 and S3 and that’s it. The way Horikoshi struggles to give him a personality doesn’t help either (he admitted some time ago he was hard to write sometimes, and… yeah, I can see that).  I’m really trying to like his character but the manga gives us nothing, and keeps developing Endeavour, Dabi, and Hawks, which is great (I really love all three of them) but makes no sense given who’s supposed to be the main focus.
In the Endeavour agency arc, Endeavour’s thoughts and struggles were heavily touched upon, and Bakugou and Deku are in sync for 90% of it while Shouto’s just… there. as fodder for Endeavour, and maybe as a link between Endeavour and Bakugou/Deku too. He’s supposed to be a part of both these storylines, but instead, he just ends up as a way for them to overlap. we don't even take a peek in his thoughts, even though it's supposed to be an arc about the Todorokis!
I say all this as someone who eagerly waited for the day Horikoshi would portray Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku as a trio, but yeah, Shouto feels more like a third wheel than anything. if he wanted to establish them that way, he should have done it right after the sports festival arc, but after this arc, they have no scene together, and the focus shifted on Deku and Katsuki. Too little too late I guess.  
To come back to the Todoroki storyline, I feel like Horikoshi simply woke up one day and decided Endeavour was more interesting to write lmao. at this point, it’s more Endeavour’s storyline than Shouto’s, even though Shouto’s supposedly one of the main characters. it has come to a point where, even though I know it ought to focus on Shouto because he’s (at least he should be) the main focus of this particular storyline, I’m hoping it won’t, because that’s just the least interesting aspect of this whole thing.  
I’d say even Ochako’s treated better by the story, because at least Horikoshi tries to challenge her views and beliefs (even though for now it’s not very conclusive), while Shouto’s inner growth hasn't been put into question in how many chapters?
(btw, by inner growth, I’m not talking about his problem with his fire side, because that’s just been rinse and repeat for more than 200 chapters. I mean, srsly it’s been already 3 times since this problem has caused him to lose/fail... and it's not even satisfying like Katsuki or Deku (except for the first time in the sport festival, because that was when his character was still handled very well by Horikoshi). Why? Simply because when he loses, the stakes aren’t high, it’s all training or exams, so he’s just like, "oh, I have to maybe learn how to deal with it!", but there’s no real pressure he’s under. It’s not like Deku, who, if he does not progress, will break all his bones, and who failed to rescue Katsuki because of his broken arms (=and had a mental breakdown immediately afterwards and blamed himself). It’s not like Katsuki either, because Katsuki has a personality that makes low stakes feel like high stakes, which isn’t the case for Shouto. just compare Shouto's reaction when he loses because of his setbacks to Katsuki's reaction when he lost to Deku the first time (mental breakdown), or when Katsuki failed the provisional license exam (another mental breakdown, not caused just by his failing, but yeah). And anything else about Shouto's inner growth is tied to his reaction to Endeavour’s arc, which isn’t a flaw, and 100% depends on the way Endeavour acts. Apart from this, he has 0 internal conflict).  
Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent lol.
To get back to the point I was making, and to further develop my analogy with Ochako, let’s look at their relationship with Deku, because there’s a major difference there, which is clearly in favor of Ochako.  Deku has a big impact on Ochako, yes, but the reverse is also true. People complain she’s all about him (which, yeah, probably), but at least, she made a big impact on him too. She was the main reason ‘Deku' became his hero name. Shouto and Deku have a nice friendship, and Deku clearly considers him one of his best friends. but... it’s all one-sided in terms of impact, I can’t think of a single thing Shouto has done who changed/motivated Deku, while Deku literally changed his life. Because of this, he’s not one of the people who’s intrinsically tied to Deku’s character development, because he’s not Ochako, Inko, Katsuki or All Might (and probably soon Tomura).
His writing feels so fast compared to the others too. Shigaraki / Deku and Toga / Ochako have been paralleled for ages, have had a conversation at least once, and have had deep encounters early on. Nonetheless, both Deku and Ochako are just coming to terms with the fact these villains aren’t so different from them. However, Shouto’s only interaction with Dabi is a ten second eye contact when Dabi kidnapped Katsuki. Dabi had more interactions with Endeavour for fuck's sake! Shouto then learns Dabi’s Touya, and speed runs the development of Ochako and Deku. He doesn’t even need 10 chapters to process they’re ’the same'. Where were all the reflection and doubts? Okay, it’s his brother, so the parallels are easier, but still, it shows Horikoshi doesn’t allow Shouto to have that much introspection, and I feel it’s because Horikoshi just doesn’t care that much. Even worse! Horikoshi introduces another hero parallel to Dabi in the character of Hawks. A parallel much more interesting and compelling, because it parallels Dabi MUCH BETTER. They’re opposites in every ways (particularly in regards to their relationship with Endeavor), and know each other. Touya and Shouto don’t even seem to have spoken to each other...
And so, the only thing that still was interesting and that Horikoshi still bothered to develop was Shouto’s relationship with Endeavour, but in the end, even that was overshadowed by the much more complex, fucked up, and challenging relationships of Endeavour and Touya (and Endeavour and Hawks) as seen in 301 and before. Clearly the one Dabi’s fixated on is Endeavour.
one last thing: Shouto's stuck in a weird loop where Horikoshi kind of makes him comes close of the Bakugou and Deku duo, and then when we start to think they’re an actual trio, he does everything in his power to make it very clear how that’s NOT where he belongs either, since OFA/All Might/Deku/Katsuki is another storyline. It’s as if Horikoshi doesn’t want him here (see: how he decided the ‘win all might’ scene didn’t have to include him), but puts him there sometimes anyway. It’s probably because Shouto’s so popular, which, yeah, would be fine, if he could stick to it!
His supposed admiration for All Might (I feel like everybody forgets it's a part of his character, and I don't blame them) is brought up once every blue moon, which compared to Deku and Katsuki, is just ridiculous. And, once again, All Might has a much deeper and more interesting relationship with Endeavour than with Shouto. At this point, I don’t even know what Hori could do to make me want to read about him. I much prefer the dynamic of Hawks/Endeavour/Touya and Katsuki/Deku/All Might.
I hope the future will prove me wrong for his character. Actually, I hope everything I’m saying is wrong and idiotic, and Horikoshi will make every scene I criticized worth it and a means to an end. I mean, he clearly has the talent and writing ability to pull off some of the best character development I’ve ever seen, so anything’s possible. but yeah, I don’t really believe it for now, and I’m frustrated, because Shouto had so much potential.
tldr; I liked Shouto as a character, but he dwindled after some time, and now I feel as if he’s not the focus of his own storyline, because this place is occupied by the much more dynamic relationships of Endeavour, Touya and Hawks. And I’m not even mad, because their dynamic is much more interesting. However, I feel like Horikoshi grew bored of Shouto, and has put much more soul into Katsuki and Deku as of late.
I’m welcoming any responses, if people are seeing an aspect of his character I don’t, please enlighten me! I miss enjoying his character, and I’m not opposed to seeing him in a different light. I just needed to put down my thoughts in writing to make sense of them lol.
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transhawks · 5 years
what do you think that dabi feels around shoto?
It’s complicated.
I don’t think narratives like Dabi unconditionally loves Shouto or wants to protect him are correct. I think it’s far more complex. I think there is resentfulness there, too. 
My friend wrote something a few years back that I still think applies to Todoroki family dynamics: the golden child/scapegoat dynamics. 
In short, this is a family dynamic where one child is “is the cause of all the ills of the family, and the golden child is exalted”. 
As @dabistits wrote, “Their abuser simultaneously blames Touya for failing, warns Shouto not to fall into the same pattern, and sets them up as competition so that Shouto has someone he can aim to be better than. We don’t have much indication on whether it worked or not, since Touya and Shouto’s relationship is still a mystery, but the intent is very much present.”
What I’m trying to say is we have a clear case of how Enji treated his children. He deprived them of love and affection, managing to both neglect and micromanage them (Natsuo’s food wasn’t good enough for Shouto, and so Natsuo was no longer allowed to cook, leaving Fuyumi, the sole woman left, to do so...), separated Shouto from his siblings(mostly Natsuo) to the fact they are sometimes like strangers, while emphasizing his ‘favoritism’ of Shouto. 
Of course that came with physical abuse of Shouto and his status of the Golden Child was never ‘rewarded’. Touya was clearly compared and discarded once Shouto came into his quirk, and from what we can tell, Touya was ‘trained’. 
So this paints a nightmarish picture: if Touya was the only one who knew what it was to be the Golden Child in the family before Shouto, there was an understanding of what exactly Shouto is going through. At the same time, losing attention of a parent, even an abusive one, is hard. Changes in how parents treat you, when you’re a child, hurt, especially abruptly. 
Shouto was ‘perfect’, Touya was ‘almost’. Not good enough. It might not be rational, but I can understand resentment and pity stemming from that. 
Additionally, Shouto and Touya have a large age gap between them. Since it seems Touya is not Fuyumi’s twin, he’s older than Shouto by the very least eight years (Fuyumi and Shouto have a difference of seven years and a month), likely more. Now, I don’t have any siblings, but from observations and articles I’ve read, this is a large age difference. It would be mean, given Touya’s gakuren, that Shouto was probably no more than seven when Touya left their life. 
So, all together, I think...Touya doesn’t really know Shouto. Doesn’t know who he is, besides his brother. I think he can guess what Enji has done to him, knows the parenting style very well, but there’s a gap there. Not insurmountable. I’ve always maintained the brothers are quite similar in temperament. 
Now this is a very half-baked meta by my standards, but I do want to draw attention to something. 
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These are all the different translations of this very important line by Dabi. As far as I understand there isn’t plurals in japanese, might be a suffix or just context. As you can see VIZ went the route of saying that Dabi was talking about all of them, and Hawks speaking of all of them as students, but JB and Mangastream (RIP!) went different. 
Someone taking a look at the raws would greatly help but when I first saw this discrepancy I immediately thought MS was a good ‘in-between’ them. Dabi referring to one person (probably Shouto), Hawks misunderstanding and just being, ‘Chill they are students’ (also deflecting attention of them, but that’s for another meta).
So, to add to potential resentment and pity, and Dabi does treat Shouto like a hero (mocking him and his efforts, much like he does with other heroes), I think he also doesn’t know what to think of Shouto; he’s watching, waiting to see who Shouto is. We know he thinks of family - his one moment of vulnerability, alone in his musing was, in response to a question about how families felt, “Was thought about it so hard I went crazy”. 
The thing is, even in a relationship mired in a forced competition, in resent and pity, and distance, Shouto and Touya are brothers. Brothers in circumstances that their siblings can’t fully grasp either, as they were never golden children, nor scapegoats. For all the rage that might leak through from what he feels for Enji, Dabi should know Shouto is as much as a victim of Enji as he is. Maybe at one point he loved his baby brother, too.
Dabi doesn’t know what to think of Shouto.
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