#Ans ocs
meefy · 16 hours
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Thank you @onedivinemisfit for the absolutely stunning Lata/Féanne commission! The details are amazing and you captured Féanne’s personality beautifully.
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nokaru · 11 days
AnS OCs moodboards
I've stumbled upon this very cool OC aesthetic builder template (at the bottom!) and I knew what had to be done — Nokaru and Shovel aesthetics woohoo
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Nokaru︱Stranger︱Alenian/Clarinesian Underground
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Nora "Shovel" ???︱The Gravedigger︱Alenian Underground
the template!
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ane-doodles · 3 months
Seafoam prince (AF sona)
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I'm actually quite proud of this one. I had the opportunity to experiment with new colors and brushes and I fell in love with the results.
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I won't deny it, I would like to receive attacks from this one...
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waddei · 2 months
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redraw trend that was literally them
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forystr · 5 months
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vicciouxs · 17 days
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killerof1983 · 2 months
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was scanning my sketchbook and found some old mcd and billy sketches
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Since Dr. Jan and Terri have a child together, what are they like and what is their relationship with the Calamity Family? Also do Jess and Ally have any children?
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I had an idea to have her in more stuff early on when I first started to come up with the Calamity Siblings but didn't have a design until more recently. Here's some stuff about her. Idk if we ever learned Dr Jan or Terri's last names and so this fankid doesn't have one either atm.
As for the IT Gals, they don't have any kids unless u count their robots as kids in which case they have tons of them
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"He can be bit odd but think you'd already knew that" - Ane
Character in first page belongs to @bweoo I saw them in the comic and I couldn't help but to think of that audio lmao 💀
Lil free context about my insert if yall wanna understand how they relate in marvel:
-Has the same ability like deadpool does from 4th wall breaking and going into comic panels like he and gwenpool do in the comics
-has a uncle to niece relationship with wade, she does enjoy being with him rather than tolerating his existence like most of characters tend to do since they both understand how it is living in a world knowing it's technically fictional (her situation like gwenpools)
-Logan's more a father/ teacher to Ane. Acts like she's annoying but will go berserk if another tries anything funny
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sullyfortress · 1 year
I commissioned @ochomonos to draw my oc Ziri. Look how good she did.
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starheirxero · 4 months
Unfortunately for all of you, I am not only unwell about Lunar but I am also unwell about angel x robot dynamics. So here's my persona as an astigmatism angel being gay with TWO different Lunars 😁
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meefy · 8 days
2.,3.,5. and 14. for the roots game! any ans ocs but I would love to hear more about Xyvie :3
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I'M SORRY THESE TOOK SO LONG i wanted to give as much detail as possible for all four of my AnS OCs and I hope you enjoy the Xyvie ones!
2. What was your OC's first job? Do they still work that job (or in that field), or do they do something else now?
Xyvie: she was too sick to work until she absolutely had to once her parents died, and they were no longer able to support her. She made and delivered cooked meals to the elderly, sick, or disabled residents of her small town. After moving to the royal palace in Tanbarun, she doesn't "work" so much as study (she wasn't able to go to school past what we'd consider late junior high) and she helps out the chefs once in a while!
Féanne: she wasn't allowed to work until she left home at the age of 24...she studied for two years and during that time in college worked as a scribe for extra money. Today she is Lata's trusty and beloved research assistant in the mineralogy department!
Feiran: he has been told all his life he needs to be a knight, and just sort of passively accepted it as his fate. Post-Féanne-fic, he goes to college and studies botany, and works with Yuzuri as her assistant in Lyrias.
Aleyan: a knight, like he was expected to be, then Vice Commander and finally Knight Commander of his knights circle. But,Feiran has been trying to get him to take charge of his life and decide what he truly wants to be.
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
Xyvie: afraid and overwhelmed mostly. She'd never been out of her village before except for shopping trips with her family. The circumstances of her leaving (going to the prince of her country to help solve her parents' murders) didn’t help matters either. She wasn’t used to such expensive, vast furnishings...
Féanne: elated and free. She left to pursue a higher education and make a career, rather than get married and help with the family business. She is very independent in that regard.
Feiran: he left for college both nervous but cautiously optimistic. He has a hard time settling in and thinking on his own without Féanne or Aleyan telling him what to do or believe; he doesn't settle in at Lyrias right away, as he is unused to seeing Féanne so independent and social. He ends up feeling a bit neglected and it takes some time for him to break out of his comfort zone and make his own acquaintances.
Aleyan: has never left home; as it stands, he will marry and live out the rest of his days in the family mansion - unless...
5. What did your OC think their life would be like when they grew up? Has it lived up to that expectation?
Xyvie: she had hope for a brighter future, and that the treatments and medical procedures her parents fought to pay for would grant her a new lease on life so she could work, go out, etc. Her parents' deaths and her failing health betrayed that hope. But she certainly never expected to marry the crown prince and move to the capital of Tanbarun...though once the shock of it all wore off, she's been settling in nicely.
Féanne: she dreaded her adult life, knowing she'd be destined to wed and stay put at her family's estate. Creating her own path, through studying and moving to Lyrias, has been her dream come true. And, meeting Lata (ie someone who loved and understood her for who she was) was an unexpected bonus to that.
Feiran: he looked forward to becoming a knight, until he realized it was not for him. But when he realized that, there was no going back, according to his father and elder brother - so he bowed his head and went along with it. But his sister encouraging him to leave gave him the motivation to try and forge his own journey towards happiness in Lyrias too. And though that move wasn't easy it did end up giving him the strength and independence he needed to succeed in his goals.
Aleyan: his life has played out exactly like how his family laid out for him...and though he'll never admit it, he wishes it hadn't. He’s never let himself think about what he actually wants vs. what others have told him he should want.
14. Who was your OC's first love? How do they remember that person now?
Note: where all of my OCs are aspec I am interpreting this question for both familial/platonic love.
Xyvie: she was very much a "daddy’s girl" as a young child so he’s likely who she’d consider her “first love”. Though as she got older they saw less of one another (he would work at the port town for weeks on end because travel was difficult), he continued to think of her often - he advocated for her strongly and vocally when she was unwell, and always brought her back treats and surprises from town when he returned home. She misses him dearly today and remembers, in fleeting and haunting images, how he tried to protect her when they were ambushed in the woods that night.
Féanne: her twin brother. He was the only person she could trust and rely on as a child; they were together since before they were born, so it only made sense. He remains her number-one person today.
Feiran: likewise, his twin sister Féanne…he is quite shy and reserved, and not overly demonstrative about it, but he cares for her more than anyone, enough that he chooses to shove aside his feelings of resentment and envy when she works up the courage to leave home for the first time.
Aleyan: he will tell you he loves his family above all else - that he wants nothing but the best for them. For Aleyan, the “best” is more materialistic - high status, great wealth, unlimited power. The way he shows it, however, is not really what one would consider love, and he feels mostly spite and resentment towards his twin siblings now…but that is mostly jealousy that they had the determination to stand up to their father and leave, and he did not.
15. What was comforting to your OC as a child? Do they still find comfort in that now?
Xyvie: she had a blanket her mother sewed for her as a baby that she slept with for quite a while. When she got older, the scraps of it became one of her favourite ponchos...so it continues to bring her comfort whenever she wears it.
Féanne: she'd stay up late at night, when her parents though she was asleep, with an oil lamp reading the books she'd secretly borrow from the kind elderly owner of a bookshop in town. She still loves to read, and doesn't have to hide away to do so anymore.
Feiran: counting his rock collection with his sister while hiding under his bed. Sometimes they'd play with them, building fortresses or sorting them by size, colour, etc. He gave his collection to Féanne when she moved out, but he takes comfort knowing she's putting it to good use in her studies.
Aleyan: cleaning his sword and doing reps. It made him feel special and important.
16. What does your OC's childhood bedroom look like?
Xyvie: she didn’t have one. Her family was poor and they shared the main living area as a “bedroom”, with an oversized futon that they’d roll up during the day or to receive guests. Xyvie got her own, smaller futon as an adult.
Féanne: what you’d expect in a high-end noble’s room: sheer curtains, queen-sized bed with a canopy and terribly-expensive linen and pillows, and a hand-carved desk to practice penmanship, with a few shelves for oil lamps and the occasional decorative plant or doll. The walls were otherwise painted a deep burgundy and had some oil portraits of herself and family on the walls. There was a dressing table with hair/skin products that she very rarely ever used (only when there were occasions she was forced to attend), and a walk-in closet with various fancy dresses that she also typically scorned. There was a small area with a canvas partition for bathing and changing. To her, it was very plain with no true personalization, and she hated it.
Feiran: very much like Féanne’s, except the walls were green, there was no dressing table (there was, however, a mirror and a few odds and ends), and there were hooks on the wall where he would rest his training sword. He also had a walk-in closet, with tunics and party attire. He was also permitted a shelf to display his rock collection, since it was considered an acceptable hobby for a young boy.
Aleyan: almost the same as Feiran’s, minus the rock collection. He also had a more varied assortment of training swords and shields, and a couple “real” metal ones, with some basic armour for training too. He also had a sewing kit on one of his shelves that one of the domestic workers (one of the ones who took a liking to Aleyan) let him borrow and showed him how to use thread and needle to hem one of his torn cloaks…and that eventually grew into his passion for sewing his own.
20. What were the most idyllic years of your OC's childhood? Does your OC miss those days?
Xyvie: riding in a coach with her parents and going into town to look at the marketplace down by the water. There was a baker’s stand she loved there, and her parents would set aside some money to buy her a lemon tart as it was her favourite. She misses those days greatly; she misses her parents and wishes she could spend that sort of day with them one more time.
Féanne: rolling around in the dirt with her twin brother, looking for rocks, bugs, cool sticks, etc. and overall ignoring her nannies’ demands that she keep her dresses neat and tidy. She especially loved seeing Feiran’s face light up when she was the one who found something particularly exciting. She misses that sort of innocence greatly, but she does not miss the sense of powerlessness she had when being scolded by adults for acting in “unladylike” ways.
Feiran: believing that he was going to be a strong, important knight like his brother and father, and that he'd earn their favour. He preferred spending time with Féanne growing up, but sometimes he liked to swing a stick or something around and pretend to be a warrior (like many children). He initially refused to start training until he was almost 13 (because he preferred to be with Féanne and she was not permitted to train as a knight) but he quickly realized he was not cut out for it…and by then he had been essentially threatened into continuing to train by his father and Aleyan, and it was too late. He prefers not to remember those days.
Aleyan: he was an only child until he was about five…and his parents took somewhat more interest in him then, taking him out to the knights training grounds to watch or for walks out on their family vineyard. But it was mostly nannies or domestic workers who looked after him; usually they'd bring him around the mansion to explore (as kids enjoy), and they'd let him help them sew, dust, bake, etc. Aleyan was much more curious and easygoing as a kid, and well-doted on as the firstborn son and only child. If he were to let himself reminisce on those days, he'd probably yearn for them quite strongly.
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nokaru · 26 days
obsessed w the gravedigger called shovel can u answer any of the character design questions from that ask game for her
omg haii okay I was thinking a lot about the design questions for Shovel cause girlie is pretty much plain and so are her clothes/or they change a lot BUT I'll try to pick somethings that stand out okayyy let's go
i wanted to draw her for better explanation/visuals but my pc is being currently torn apart so no Shovel reveal yet :((
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
like I said – pretty much nothing necessary stands out, her whole color palette is mostly black-brown-gray with gold accents and that's about it. One distinguishing feature is her hairstyle tho. Basically long black sleek hair pulled up into a long ponytail. The actual special feature are the two thin strands of hair that she pulls out of her slicked back pony. Yes, she's that cool. Besides that...maybe her gold hoop earrings which she wears when she's not working. Oh also cat eyes. (not as catty as Obi's but similar)
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Tall and fit, muscle mostly gathered in her upper body esp arms from working with shovels all day uknow gravedigging and stuff. Not necessarily as buff as her other companions but her shoulders + back muscles are definitely toned. Unless she just has her tank top on you can't really tell tho.
I don't have a specific height in mind for her but she's around the same height (maybe bit shorter) as Rita so smt like 175-177cm.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
one thing I'm sure about her design is her shoes- well not sure sure but the general idea is thick(ish), tough, high combat boots. The shoes are held together by numerous straps and sheer willpower.
always covered in mud is a must!
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
the golden hoops 🔥🔥🔥🔥 she only wears them when she's not working so they don't get in the way, the earrings are one of the things she likes to keep clean at all times. No real meaning behind them besides being gifted by Anna Marie with love.
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ane-doodles · 4 months
Art Blast!!
Today is my birthday and I decided to make some sketches as a gift for the people who continue to feed my hyperfixation with cotl (and especially narilamb)
I've been working on this for the last two months while doing homework and somehow this was what pushed me to keep going, so thank you all :)
Long post notice
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Second part right away...
(I'm only now realizing how many I did)
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bustedxblue · 29 days
Got a new charcoal brush. Played about with it using Stu and Rump in a goofy AU. Twas fun to do.
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It was supposed to be like "Roadie stays in the shadows? How about the roadie is a shadow." But it's giving off more ghost look. Whoops. 🫠
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funky-dealer · 1 month
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AURGH happy birthday... sorry i'm late, i hope it was good! here's your cool daughter
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