#Answering a War Cry
markmybirds · 5 months
Shuffle On Repeat Music Game
Instructions: shuffle your on repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs. TIL: What an On Repeat Playlist is. Tagged by @wardog-of-the-endless (Everyone should just expect this now) Tagging people.. Uh @genometriics I am actually going to tag @fuckyeah-itme too and Neehehhh~ lmao. @ladynyoko @scattered-stardust .. And anyone who'd like to do this? I tag you too. I am sorry about how Asian heavy this is. You know what, I'm not. I'm not sorry. There's Muse and Mystery Skulls on this... and Marina. That's good enough. 1. SuperM - 100 2. Slot Machine - Free Fall (KinnPorsche Theme) 3. Jeff Satur - Fade (Thai) 4. Jeff Satur - Hide (Thai) 5. Shinee - View 6. The Boyz - Maverick 7. Jeff Satur - Highway 8. NCT U - The 7th Sense 9. TXT - Devil by the Window 10. Tilly Birds & MILLI - Just Being Friendly Bonus: Demian - Casette
I... WE GO 100!?
It's the Kinn version (Thai). I listen to power metal and this theme is up my alley.
Yep. Well.. I knew that even in Shuffle the moment Fade or Hide comes on...
The other follows.
My SHAWOL heart.
......Mmm-mm. They call me "Little Bad", bad, bad.
Okay uh you can tell I have Space Shuttle No.8 on my Spotify and I listen to it a lot. There might be my one and only fanfic in the works cause of this list of songs..
Fave NCT U song and that's saying a lot cause it lacks Haechan.
This. Song. Is. My. Jam.
Yoot khit baeb ni~!! Yoot khit LllllllLLllLlleyyy~. (My fave version is a mash up someone did of Fourth and NuNew's versions on YT)
Bonus: I gave you guys a Bonus cause I listened to JBF all the way through haha. But seriously. I love Demian I want more. Oneus - Valkyrie was my jam for the little Mar Notes List and.. That song also fucking slaps. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S THEIR DEBUT.
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aaeeart · 4 months
ur kanan jarrus art is superior
you caused me to giggle and kick my feet and lo and behold I ended up with another drawing of him pfpbfb
edit1: I was told he's not doing his shirt proud, had to fix that of course
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Question for Peppino's Pizza Peppino, we'll forget the obvious "can you take the lanky goopy lad in for a bit?" one for now, how did you even get into the pizza business? Like, what drove you?
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Peppino: "Coming up behind you, Pep."
Pep: "Hi~"
Peppino: "Yes, hi Pep."
Peppino: "How I got into the pizza business? Well, I suppose I was-a always destined to end up working with food in some way."
Peppino: "My parents ran a restaurant when we were younger. Not just pizzas, but that was the main attraction, and I loved to-a help out in the kitchen. Cooking was relaxing and comforting, and making food for others gives me a feeling like no other."
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Peppino: "I was going to take over the restaurant when my parents decided to retire, and when I finished culinary school..."
Peppino: "But then the war happened..."
Peppino: "I got drafted, and the restaurant had to close... Those years were awful..."
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Peppino: "But, y'know, we made it out in the end... And while the old restaurant was gone, I didn't want to give up my passion and decided to start-a this place."
Peppino: "Sure, it's not the most popular, or successful place in the world, but it's mine... And I wouldn't trade it for the world..."
Peppino: "Yeesh! This onion is strong today! I might need to get a candle."
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kafka-ohdear · 7 months
I love your comparison of Croz & Bubbles as the softer version of Malarkey & Skip, and it just confirms itself bc these 2 mfs both lost their best friends and it hurts to much
EXACTLY. that's what i'm talking about.
because both malarkey and croz have lost the person who they thought would've been by their side through the war, and til forever like they've always used to do. and both of them weren't the ones who directly witnessed their friends dying. and both skip and bubbles gave/left them something to remember them aka the piece of rosary and the letter to (that was suppose to be for) jean.
it's like watching them loosing an essential part of themselves, the part that we all (and them too) have been so so attached to without realizing. TWICE.
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apricusapollo · 10 months
leia and din about luke
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No because why, WHY, did they make an episode focusing on the Domino Squad bonding, Domino Squad learning, Domino Squad being generally happy and fun, AFTER we know that over half of them DIE. Do the writers LIVE FOR OUR SUFFERING?? Do they WANT us to feel pain???
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jascurka · 6 months
Hello beloved followee I have a question idk if you'll want to respond or not but I would genuinely like to know why you like mobrei/reimob? Like what's in it that sparks joy for you?
Anyway I love your art. Keep truckin
Hii I answered this question already here if you're interested :>
im not that good at explaining cause most of why i like it is feral incoherent thoughts doing a merry-go-round in my brain and i dont speak english good enough to voice it that well but i just really like their little i saved you you saved me thingy they have. Reigen hitting rock bottom when Mob is not around, how he's gonna rush in against a dangeround freaking esper with nothing but a gun to rescue him. mob going stfu reigen shishou sometimes... WELL i love their dedication and trust and how they changed eachother's lives so much and i think it's cool to have this whole past as base for something more.
And thank you so much!! Have a nice day <3
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vintageseawitch · 4 months
at this point if you're against Project 2025 while also being republican or libertarian, you're more than welcome to join all of us, liberals, centrists, communists, socialists, & anyone else. our country has an awful system but Project 2025 will rip it shreds in a way that will benefit no one but the ruling class. i know it feels like it's this way now - & in many ways it is - but the kind of state that will be created is not going to be good not just for US citizens, but for people across the world & the environment. Project 2025 is a real threat & needs to be taken seriously. please talk about this with everyone. i won't gatekeep you if you also don't want Project 2025 put in place. literally the only thing stopping is is making sure they don't get the presidency. i hate biden & what our government is doing but i hate trump more. how can anyone be proud of a vile rapist felon being able to run for president is brain rot i will never understand & frankly it's fucking embarrassing. please vote like not just your rights but your life no matter who you are. LEARN, BE ANGRY, & VOTE!!!
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biscuityskies · 8 months
3 4 7 :)
tyvm for the ask <33 sorry it took a bit for me to get back to you (tysm for asking when i requested!!!!) but i am here now!!! (also. also while i've got you. i love your handle. it brings me joy every time i see it.)
3. do you share fic ideas or keep them to yourself?
I am apparently physically incapable of keeping things to myself and i have to immediately share ideas with other people - both to gauge if it's a viable idea to write (i.e. if there are any holes in my plan) and to see if it's something that people would actually read. (the kicker is... i don't really write plot?? so i have a couple of fics that are directed by plot that have yet to be written. they're still outlined, but i'm sort of saving them until i become a better writer lmao.) the frustrating second part of it is that if i share with too many people, then i'll be like "well the idea is already in the world, no need for me to write it" so if it's something that i REAAAAALLY want to write then i try to share as few details as possible while still maintaining the writing viability and the reading interest. (this doesn't always work.)
4. how do you choose which fics to write?
the fics that i write - especially of late - are generally prompted by either events hosted on tumblr.com in which case i try to do my 45-hour-a-week job and instead come up with ideas, or they're canon fix-it or additions. mostly it's stuff that haunts me, that sticks around in my head even after i, say, sort of attend a beach boys concert, or total my car (two events mostly unrelated).
7. post a snippet from a wip.
behold! a wippet! this is from chapter 2 of admiring from afar! (proof that i'm working on it i AM i PROMISE)
And Cody - sweet, kind Cody - knows him so well, can probably hear him overthinking, even over the waterfall. “How are you doing?” is his first question.  Obi-Wan nods slowly, his brow furrowing with it. “I’m okay,” he replies.  Cody just levels a look at him. “And how are you, really?”  Damn it all to hell, they’ve been working together for too long. Cody knows all of his tells at this point, clearly. It may be a boon on the field of battle, but it’s not great for Obi-Wan presently. Cody’s lovely warm eyes search his, scanning for any hints that Obi-Wan may give.  “I’m fine, my dear, honestly,” he says, a little dishonestly. “In the span of two days I got married and moved to a new home with my new husband, so I’m a little disoriented, but otherwise genuinely fine.” He takes up Cody’s hand. “And how are you?”  Cody snorts and breaks eye contact, instead watching the water cascade down the precipice. “Same as you, sir, disoriented as all hell. I’m living a life no vod can have without deserting.”  “Oh, Cody,” he muses. He brushes his thumbs along the back of Cody’s hand. “I am sorry, darling. I have no basis of knowledge for married couples, and I still genuinely believe that you and I are the best set for the job.”  Cody’s brow furrows, and he looks back at him with an expression Obi-Wan can’t quite describe. “You do know about… Skywalker? And his senator?”  “Allow me to rephrase: I have no basis of knowledge for normal married couples who aren’t trying - and spectacularly failing - to keep things secret.”  Cody’s responding grin cuts through whatever farce he’s put on. There he is.
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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fals3nd · 11 months
@isbrilliant said ; shows how lonely this place is. / the captain
their head tips. "ah, yeah," the captain looks down the third silent hallway they've traversed in the last ten minutes, "well. it is abandoned. to tell you the truth, this isn't really my scene." their scene has been spas and resorts more often than not, really, interrupted by quick bursts of chaos like this one. "uh ... do you think it's a left or a right up ahead? i've lost track ..."
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
when you tag "cry havoc" is that Cry Havoc Ask Questions Later? bc the ads i get for that only sort of interest me but the way you talk abt it (if that's it) makes me want to listen
yep that's it! it took me a few episodes to get into the swing of its type of comedy but once I adjusted I started really enjoying it. cry havoc ask questions later, 2023's top doomed-by-the-narrative workplace comedy podcast, ft. several episodes precision designed to send theater kids into nervous breakdowns.
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
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who would win: my emotional stability or the songs on my blumendrei playlist?
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
You've mentioned you have a Vash and oc playlist, but you haven't talked much about your Trigun oc what are they like!? Love your blog!!! <3
Thank you!!!! and oh you guys don't want to hear me ramble about my oc
ANYWAY, let me ramble! Also sorry for how this is written I'm just stupid also under the cut because I ramble lol
Juno Kress (Name meaning: 'Queen of Heaven' and 'Loved')
Something you should know about me is I love tragic characters, and pain because it's cathartic to me! Juno is quiet she's got a quick temper, and can be a little sharp. She's difficult to get along with and doesn't trust people that often. She doesn't like showing her soft side, in fear of being perceived as weak. Juno doesn't talk about herself and keeps things close to her chest. She's running, but won't say from what.
My Ocs are an extension of myself! Juno is angry and hurt by the world desperate for something good, but doesn’t believe she deserves it. Oh no me! lol, remember this post? How I said Vash would like someone soft and kind? Well, that's not Juno! Well, she is a little soft, she's good with children even if she feels like she is not, and she pets every animal she sees and if they ever have to part with a Thomas they had she'll cry. But she has a hard time accepting kindness and doesn't think she deserves it. She's been alone for so long that traveling with someone like Vash is confusing (Slow burn baby!)
They just kinda end up traveling together, Vash tries to ditch her a couple of times becusss of the whole I only put people in danger, but then she eventually tracks him down and tells him to knock it off they are stuck together. They can fight sometimes, Juno is easy to rile up and Vash has found that if the conversation is getting to serious and deep he can just rile her up to deflect lol
They just kinda end up traveling together, Vash tries to ditch her a couple of times becusss of the whole I only put people in danger, but then she eventually tracks him down and tells him to knock it off they are stuck together. They can fight sometimes, Juno is easy to rile up and Vash has found that if the conversation is getting to serious and deep he can just rile her up to deflect lol
Juno is at first put off by his kind and giving nature because tf why is he so nice to her when she’s mean like why? Juno has never met someone who was kind to be kind and not want something in return, she settles down after a while she’s a bit like a cat hard to trust and ready to strike and lash out if cornered.
(Vash took one look at Juno and her sour attitude and was like well SOMEONE has to take care of this feral cat. But they had a pretty instant connection, two lonely souls)
The definition of idiots in love, also big hypocrites like Vash will go days without eating, he sees Juno skip a meal and he loses his mind with worry! Then Juno will hide wounds from him patching them up by herself, but oh if she finds out Vash is hiding an injury from her A LECTURE. They get along like a house on fire, it's actually amazing they get anything done. Once were captured by a bounty hunter and he let them go because he got sick of them arguing. Juno manages to bring out a real side of Vash, she likes pushing his buttons and getting real reactions. They figure it out lol
Juno is very protective! She's strong because she's always had to be, she craves soft moments but doesn't know how to accept them. Lowkey really hates the life she lives, but it is what it is and she figures it out.
Lyrics from the playlist :) I think this might be a good insight into her character, and the pain! lol
"I'll find a new place to be from" / "No, I'm not afraid to disappear" (i know the end - Phoebe Bridgers)
"You're running just to run from me, I don't blame you / Who would wanna be around me?" (Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina)
"But the story is mine And I wish I could say that it ended just fine We all wanna know how it ends" (Happily Ever After - He is We)
"Haven't I given enough / Always the fool with the slowest heart" (Gilded Lily - Cults)
“And you’ll never see the reasons I had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel” (Never Love an Anchor - The Crane Wives)
Other songs that i'm too lazy to find the lyrics for, but that scream Juno!
Apollo - Faith Zapata, Fools - Lauren Aquilina, Wings - Birdy, Rescue - Lauren Daigle, Start of Time - Gabrielle Aplin, Prologue - CHase Petra, Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk, On the Edge of a Moment - Mikey Geiger and Best or Worst? - Kathleen Regan
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apricusapollo · 10 months
fuck you youve made me ship dinluke a ship of a fandom im not even in. now im forced to watch what, 10 movies????? ill blame you for my lost hours of sleep (who am i kidding i alr sleep less than 5/6 h) dinlukes cute tho
follower of your marauders content, who has finally snapped
okok but you GOTTA start with the original trilogy (a new hope, the empire strikes back, return of the jedi), then the prequels trilogy (the phantom menace, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith) and then the sequels trilogy which I love and people are just dramatic when they say it's bad (the force awakens, the last jedi, the rise of skywalker)!! SOO!! overall 9 movies
but then of course we have shows: the clone wars, rebels, the bad batch, the mandalorian, ahsoka, kenobi, the book of boba fett
OH AND don't forget solo, andor, rogue one!!!
(also don't be intimidated because I've only seen the movies, the clone wars (I'm on s6) and the mandalorian out of this list for now.)
and obviously we have my all time favourite couples *cleans throat* din x luke, han x leia, anakin x padme, obi-wan x satine, obi-wan x cody and some others every here and there but these five are The Main ones.
hope this didn't convince you Not to watch it anymore because UGH IT'S SOOOO GOOD I'm crawling on the walls
ANYWAYS. the point is. welcome to star wars hellhole and if you thought marauders fandom was painful, I have some news for you<3333
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Classic “Lucifer breaks out of the cage to defeat Metatron” au but with actual attention paid to how devastated Lucifer would be at the mass murder of his little siblings, especially by each other
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