#Anti God
ihategodandthatsfinal · 6 months
God: Blasphemy Is a Sin
Me: But Rape is not?
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highcicada · 2 days
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IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR YOU. I HOPE YOU ALL DIE TERRIBLY IN AN ACCIDENT THAT WAS YOUR FAULT. YOU ARE ALL SO LITERALLY DEMENTED PLEASE STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MEEEEE. i dont know why tumblr has given christianity a space here, but not on my fucking blog. get the FUCK outta here, you evil brainwashed stupid ass fascist inbred worthless pieces of human trash
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nando161mando · 5 months
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"Ignorance of scientific knowledge is not evidence that God exists" (EN: English)
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Reality check: God doesn't exist
If you believe in him, that's fine. But the second you start pushing your religion down other people's throats, it becomes a problem.
When it starts interfering with the government, it becomes a problem.
When its starts corrupting people, it becomes a problem.
When the churches become corrupt, it becomes a problem.
Believe what you want, but don't make it interfere with my life.
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legion--23 · 3 months
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Path of the Blood Edition: Limited to 70 copies this being an unnumbered publisher’s copy, this hardcover leather bound edition has been completely handcrafted from the moment the pages left the mechanic press. All the spines are hand-sewed and the leather has been given a caiman skin pattern. The pages have been gilded in gold, and the cover has been stamped with a golden Blood Sigil. All the illustrations preserve the dark red color from the ox’s blood used to accentuate the details. The paper comes in a wonderful creamy tint that offers a nice contrast to the red and black inks used throughout the book.
Specifications: 153 pages, 135 g. cream color paper. Octavo size (135×190 mm), hardcover bound in leather. Cover stamped with a golden Blood Sigil. Hand-sewed spine, pages gilded in gold, black end-papers. 3 full-page color illustrations and several other sigils and illustrations. Limited to 70 hand-numbered copies.
Wolf’s Hooked Cross is the second volume in a series of works that delve deep into the mysteries of the Gnosis of the Devil, presenting a deeper look into the mythos, philosophy and practice of this unique Current, previously introduced in the book Diabolic Gnosticism.
Where Diabolic Gnosticism presented us with the philosophical basis of how to understand the mysteries of the Blood and the Devil, Wolf’s Hooked Cross shows us the practical methods to work with said mysteries. The praxis of Diabolic Gnosticism involves recognising the sinister essence of writhing Chaos within and setting it free. It is a dynamic and organic way of understanding and using magic, psychology and spirituality. This book describes the cycles of rituals, initiations and the symbolism of the Devil’s Current.
Diabolic Gnosticism, or the knowledge of the Devil, is an alternative to Christian Gnosticism and offers a post-, anti- and non-Christian perspective or framework for coming to know the divinity of the Blood – the Blood-as-God or the Devil-as-God. Diabolic Gnosticism could be considered to be the combination of exoteric Devil worship and esoteric Blood worship, Diabolic Gnosticism being a wide reaching sinister spiritual movement. Devil, Chaos and Death worship currents are the exoteric form of actual Blood worship and Blood Mysticism, Blood Mysticism being the esoteric spiritual path. The Devil in Diabolic Gnosticism is not temptation and weakness. It does not represent the failings and failures of an adherent, but rather it is the inner Will and the anti-human urge. The Devil in many ways is the instigation of withdrawal from humankind and humanity generally. By withdrawing from one’s humanity an individual can then come to know of his depth of character. One becomes a stranger or an outsider to many-too-many.
Wolf’s Hooked Cross re-introduces us to an updated version of Diabolic Gnosticism, explaining old and new concepts about its philosophy and mythos in a new light, but rapidly focuses on the true goal of this book: the praxis. Whether alone or as part of a larger group, the Diabolic Gnostic will find everything they need to tread the Path of the Devil, from sigils and runes to chants and summonings.
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stitchmyluvvingbones · 2 months
if God can impregnate a child or degrade women or encourage slavery and have no problem with it but then shun gay people, maybe that’s not a god worth praising but 🤷🏽 u do u friend
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nympho-scene-boy · 5 months
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smokeandsteam · 7 months
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no. 2 creator unknown // no. 4 anne sexton, “the civil war”
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God is an abuser
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eros-ghoulette · 8 months
Just saw a satanic TikTok and the comments were disgusting. It as just some peaceful TikTok like Christian people post daily about their god, just about Satan. And as always the comments were full of Christian people offending satanist and everything, but this time it was more. Here's a screenshot:
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It's more than disgusting to read that. People need to think before commenting such things. There are real persons getting that comments!
And as a pagan I get hate by Christians too, but this is enough. The person behind the video has just different beliefs and people use that to comment such disgusting words. Most satanist I've met were the kindest persons ever, and they don't deserve this. No person deserves this. Just let people live, let them be different and let them believe different.
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Makes perfect sense
God created all thing's, within all creating all those goddamn things he expects all things he created to kiss his ass as hard as possible for eternity, but he's all knowing so he knows exactly what's really going to fucking happen
What a stupid fucking deity either he's stupid or he's cruel
. . .
On the other fact you think about how the fact that God created motherfuckers who are going to end up committing sins anyway who are going to do everything he doesn't want them to do just so he can Send them to hell
Because, fuck it that's why
. . .
God loves you he's all loving he's all caring he's all knowing he's all-powerful but some other Reason he created fucking hell
I don't think he's all loving I really don't think God's all loving cuz a lot of times when God says I love you God awesome destroys people When God says I love you to deities he curses and torments them
I love you the death threat from God I love you is a hateful bitter fucking evil thing
If God says I love you look see you with a smile be very afraid or get really angry and ready to fight
God doesn't have fucking love God only has malice & a lot of fucking power
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hyrule-warrior-411 · 2 years
I single-handedly kicked God's ass and lived to tell the tale.
No, I will not elaborate.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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"Sram na nazioli" (PL: Polski)
"I shit on nazis" (EN: English)
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stlhandyman · 2 years
This is eye opening video https://rumble.com/v1o5i95-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-agenda.html . 
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Nazi Ratline Images from my files:
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soundwavefucker69 · 9 months
bastille has done more for the queer community by just making all of their love songs about "you" instead of specifying a gender than taylor swift has in all of her discography. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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unholy-cvlt · 4 months
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Scornful, relentless memory
Ripped of all but drive
Undressed by betrayal
Zero tolerance for the souldead
Wish I was the violence,
Inflicted upon you
Fuel for hatred, air raid siren
Fuel for hatred to mankind
Little you,
still like a claw in my eye
Pulsating organic rage
I should have let you off of the hook
Mind drifts
Into dynamic pain
Universal onslaught
I'm on my own (one soul, one hate)
Fuel for hatred, air raid siren
Fuel for hatred to mankind
Damnation, holocaust
Devil horns for you to ride
Time for the angel
To spread his wings and fly
World opponent,
Wishmaster of gruesome pain
Stormtroops' frantic fury,
Demoniac spitfire!
Abortion of religious life, distinguish the rot
I hate you
To a level of intoxication
Don't feel alone,
I've got enough
I wish you slow death,
Slow death by grinding
Fuel for hatred, air raid siren
Fuel for hatred to mankind
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