#Anti loona
tooningin · 4 months
A rewrite of Via and Loona’s talk in “Seeing Stars”
Loona: Try to cut your dad some slack. He may not always get it right but… he’s trying. That’s-
Loona: *Is shocked*
Loona: *Gets defensive* B-but, he always gets in my space, and-
Via: Have you ever tried, oh I don’t know, TELLING HIM THAT INSTEAD OF RESORTING TO SHOVING PICTURE FRAMES DOWN HIS NECK?! *She begins to tear up* He’s far more likely to listen anyway…
*Via heads for the stairs, and Loona watches, realizing just how badly she treated Blitz*
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penguinofspades · 5 months
It's funny how Helluva Boss is so badly written that it actually taught me what parental abuse is and how to recognize it due to Loona's treatment of Blitzo.
The Stolas/Blitzo plotline is also a really good example for Quid Pro Quo and the fact that rape and sexual coercion isn't always with brute force.
And yet we're supposed to root for Loona and Stolas lmao.
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Me when anything bad happens to Blitzo, Loona or Stolas:
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ms-cartoon · 11 months
Before I make another post regarding the recent ep of Helluva Boss, I just wanna say something slightly off topic. This is more about my last post about most of the women being made to be mean in the show just because. All lot of people argue that Loona is far from being b*tch or just being a bad person in general. Look, if y'all wanna like Loona and think she's a good person somehow, then fine. But there is NO WAY you can look past these moments--
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And say she's NOT a b*tch!!
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todomemolesta18 · 11 months
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This time Im leaving credits, Im sorry for my mistake
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Loona would make an awful and abusive friend for Octavia
(Sorry if I might be rude and pity in this post , but this have been bothering me for so long and I feel like I should voice my opinion on the matter now disclaimer I mean no ill will towards anyone and I don't harass people who write about this idea neither should you this is just me voicing MY PERSONAL OPINION so are we cool here?)
So I have seen many and I mean MANY fanfics ,fanart,ect of the idea that loona would make an awesome older sister to Octavia and be her "first real friend who understands her " and some take it as far as shipping (sorry but the shipping aspect of this is really gross loona is 22 while Octavia is 17 this is pedophilia) now I will be honest I personally think this is sugar quoting and people giving loona to much credit, this woman is ABUSIVE (yes I said it she's a more accurate representation of abuse than stella and yes abusers could be traumatized victims) this woman beats and attacks her adoptive father who always shower showed her with affection and she knows hed get over it this is an extremely toxic trait, she kept insulting moxxie about being fat (even though he's a stick figure) until she gave him body image issues and she starts pity fights like how she did in queen bee now in what world would someone like this be a good older sister towards anyone?like imagine if Octavia asked loona to dial down her attitude a bit what would loona do? Would she listen to her NAH if she'd beat up her own father for that whose to say she wouldn't do the same for Octavia?, and their conversation in seeing stars....oh boy I was holding back trying not to throw my phone when this part came there are a bunch of posts about how nonsensical this part was but the long and short of it is that loona doesn't have any right to tell Octavia to put up with stolas when she herself treats her father poorly and she straight up lied to Octavia, stolas wasn't looking for her he was pathetically sitting around in the theatre getting thirsty over blitz and he wasn't all that freaked out that he's daughter ran away because of him, so loona literally gaslighted Octavia to apologise and come back to her neglectful father (yes for the millionths time stolas is neglectful) , this just makes their "friendship" all the more jarring and toxic, just because both are goth girls with daddy issues doesn't mean they will be instantly healthy friends their issues, upbringing, situations are completely different, Octavia is getting neglected by her father who constantly puts hes own desires before her will being and constantly makes her uncomfortable and constantly let her down and break his promises and from her perspective he ruined her home life, loona on the other hand is being rude and abusive towards her father who so far gave her affection, protection and while yes he was once over protective of her it's understandable considering where he got adopted her from yet even after all of that and after 5 years of being with him she still treats him poorly with only a few moments where she was nice to him and even then she resorts back to not caring about him and being rude and violent and she knows he'll get over it and come back to spoiling her, Octavia is getting emotionally abused by her father while loona is abusing her father THERE SITUATIONS ARE NOT THE SAME and now loona will basically glue Octavia onto her abuser while also probably abusing Octavia either emotionally, mentally, physically I don't see her at all as a kind or understanding or caring person she only act like that when it's convenient to the plot or as a moment to gaslight people into ignoring her awful actions , so yeah I don't think loona would at all be a good person for Octavia to hang out with under any circumstances she'd probably badly influence her and make her mental health worse than it already is , people go out of their way to make her act completely different from what she does in the show to make this s*** idea possible and that's another problem loona like stolas is coddled by the fandom and they always ignore how much of an awful person she actually is instead come up with excuses for her and try to make her look better than she actually is , I get the appeal people might get from this idea but I really don't like it or see it I feel like people are glossing over alot of issues with this whole situation
Thank you for coming to my rant
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picamoonk · 2 years
> "Oh, oCtAvIa yOu sHouLd FoRGivE YoUr dAd BeCaUsE eVEn tHoUgH hE fUckEk uP sOmEtiMeS, He dOEs hIS bEsT tO mAkE yOu hApPy aNd He lOVes yOu So mUcH AnD tHaT's wHy YoU sHoUlD ApRecIAte HIm"
*proceeds to literally kick her dad in the balls after saying that*
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I actually hate blitzo but really that was so unecesarry especiale after that scene
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Loona could beat blitzo to death in one of her rages and fans would ignore. Probably mostly because she’s hot
Yup. Legit the only reason why fans love Loona so much is because they want to fuck her or just want to excuse her shitty actions because she grew up in a toxic environment. I remember when so many fans on twitter got pissed at the mere IDEA that some people out there don’t like her character, like for the love of god either touch some grass or touch a real live woman instead of a computer screen.
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It's hard for me to like Loona, but it's also hard for me to hate her.
You can see what they're going for with her: An angsty teen (?) with trauma which makes it hard for her to socialize. She's not malicious, she just doesn't know how to handle her father. And he's been restricting her in a way that has been feeding into her struggle to socialize. She had no friends. Besides this one person who pretends everything is fine, she had no one. She gets angry, not knowing real boundries, not knowing how to behave. Knowing how she acts is wrong, but not knowing amything else. That's what they were going for.
Meanwhile we get stuff like this:
And let's not forget, that even after giving a heartfelt speech about appreciating her dad, of course, we all know the scene:
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So I find myself conflicted. On one hand, Loona actually has some depth and deserve so much better than this writing. On the second hand, well, she's made to be a b*tch.
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inu-jiru · 1 year
After giving it some more thought, I can say with confidence that Seeing Stars is worse than this new episode, if only because of Loona. If anything, this episode makes Loona’s behavior in Seeing Stars worse because Blitzo, as flawed as he is, spent 5 years planning for Loona to get her damn Hellbies shots so SHE won’t catch some shit and die, just for Loona to be like “dads screw up tee hee” and kick him in the balls, like bffr
Hmm funny how we haven’t seen the greatest dad in the world Stolas do that tho 🤔
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ken-the-fluffy-pix · 1 year
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ENG Good news, I'm not getting kicked out of uni yet because I paid off one of the debts. The second good news is that the art made for me is beautiful in every sense. The way that kitsune kills the devil is great. I haven't experienced this kind of pleasure in a long time. Keshni: Ьу "Black Wolf": Helluva boss Art: Semi fox in VK
RUS Хорошие новости, меня пока не отчисляют из универа, так как я здал один из долгов. Вторая хорошая новость - арт, сделанный для меня, прекрасен во всех смыслах. То, как лис убивает дьявола - это великолепно. Такого наслаждения я еще давно не испытывал. Кешни: Я "Черная Волчица": Helluva boss Арт: Semi fox в VK
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Blitzo Has His Priorities As A Father Right Better Than Stolas
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Seriously, looking back at these episodes it really hammers how both are as fathers. Even in the face that their wealthy, powerful proprietor is facing assassination, he chooses his daughter's health over being a white knight to this pompous, entitled bird who then is ungrateful that his employees were the ones to save him. On the other hand, when Via needs him the most he will neglect her to focus on his petty squabbles and flirting with his booty call which caused the current strife in the family. She might say he loves her but his actions really contradicts how self-centered he really is towards her regards. He will do the bare minimum after spending the previous time pushing her away. This is in contrast who will put all his focus on Loona when he feels like it is important. What's even more ironic this is from a guy who only had her since she was 17 while Stolas was always with Octavia but as time has gone by he has done less to focus and prioritize her needs over his own. Again why is Stolas called best father when that title should go to Blitzo.
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penguinofspades · 9 months
Stolas, Loona and Blitzo are all horrible irredeemable people and you can't change my mind.
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Loona is a literal bitch with the way she treats her adoptive father like shit even though he tries to be a good dad. But yet she capes for Stolass and defends his actions to octavia
I always despised Loona from day one with how she basically bullies Moxie for no reason and constantly disrespected her adopted dad, the guy that literally took her out of that hell-hole and treated her as a daughter even when he didn't have to (I hate Blitzo, but credit where credit is due 🤷) And she repays him by basically abusing both him and his employees. No wonder the b doesn't have any friends. I bet the only reason she has a fanbase is because of her appearance. I bet if she were drawn as unattractive she'd be the most hated character on the show, no doubt.
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ms-cartoon · 10 months
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Imma be honest with y'all, I don't like how Loona is drawn here. She looks too jagged in most parts. Feels like an amateur artist drew this.
Also her smiling like she did somethin' makes me mad. Like telling this 17 year old girl that she needs to suck it up for her daddy's sake and forgive him despite what he put her through is something to be proud of, lol!
Definitely big sister material here . . . .
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todomemolesta18 · 7 months
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Ok, Im just gonna
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Lets see.
Our main character is an asshole, who, while he does have a complex personality, he also never faces any consequences.
Millie is unidimensional.
Moxxie just repeats the same arc.
Loona is terrible and her actions are always justified.
Stolas, the same, and even worst than Loona.
Do I have to keep going?
Anyway, here are two shows that actually have a good cast of characters, bye.
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