#Anti solangelo
devils-little-sista · 6 months
Nico and Percy have so much in common with how they deal and cope with everything. I feel like if they could ever just sit down and talk about everything they would see that they understand each other better than anybody else in the universe understands them.
Because Will doesn’t understand Nico at all and doesn’t even try to, all Will does is try to gaslight Nico to think that the ostracizing he went through didn’t happen, and doesn’t understand when Nico acts accordingly with his ptsd, and doesn’t understand that Nico does not need to he “fixed” and that Nico was never “broken” — I could go on and on so I’ll leave it at that
Sally and Annabeth and maybe Paul kinda understand the surface of what Percy’s got going on but they know they’re missing something they know Percy’s not telling them everything because Percy doesn’t want to scare them, doesn’t want them to be worried for him, doesn’t want them to be afraid of him (and they already kinda are afraid of him especially Annabeth).
And I feel like Percy would truly understand most of what Nicos been through because he also went through something similar at some point in his life and Percy has never been afraid of Nico like so many people are and Percy tried to include him in things especially when they were younger. Percy sees that Nico is not “broken” he does not need to be “fixed” or “healed”. He just needs understanding and time to get used to something new.
And Nico wouldn’t be afraid of Percy either and Percy could finally let down his guard and tell Nico everything without worrying about Nico being afraid of him or for him. Wouldn’t have to worry about Nico thinking he’s crazy and too dark and too angry. Because Nico understands that Percy’s crazy dark and angry feelings are very much justified and valid and has alot of the same feelings and they have similar ways of coping.
It’s crazy how much they mirror each other. I want them to be friends so bad but I know they wouldn’t really spend time with each other unless they were forced to. I wish Chiron or Sally or Annabeth would lock them in one of their cabins for a few days so they can actually talk and make a bond.
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dax-enfinity · 7 months
i hate that ship where you have to give the characters a complete 180 for them to even work on paper, and then you don’t even recognize those characters anymore because the shippers just make the ship the characters only existing trait.
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g0thnico · 6 months
I think a lot about how they treat Nico with an eating disorder in fanfics
For a person with an eating disorder, it is very VERY uncomfortable and heartbreaking when someone ""trying to help"" feels sorry/angry because we don't eat something. Ok we KNOW how bad this is for everyone and we are trying to get better (some don't but it's a process) just give us time, you're not a damn psychologist
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erenfox · 2 months
Ok, hot take, but I genuinely don't ship Nico with anyone. Like, seriously, no one. Neither Percy, nor Will, nor Jason, not Leo. And if you think I ship him with some girl, I DON'T. What girl not related to Nico by family was actually close to him other than Reyna? And Reynico shippers just scare me lmao.
Idk maybe it's just because I personally never saw any awkward-teenage-romance type of conversations or internal monologue of Nico in any of the books regarding any of the boys whatsoever. I kid you not, I seriously thought (and still think) that Rick had never intended for Nico to like Percy during PJO and the first half of HoO. I feel like it's just something he made up while writing the Cupid scene to make it more, well, dramatic. As an author myself, I know exactly how it feels when ur writing ur manuscript and a brilliant idea related to that particular scene pops up, which leaves u wondering how to make it make sense with the rest of the story. And since there are speculations that Rick has ghostwriters, it seems a lot more suspicious about how we had not a single hint of Nico liking Percy anywhere before the Cupid scene.
I'm not gonna go into Solangelo, but I must say, Will is a pretty bland character. Solangelo has potential, I still think so, but Rick wasted basically all of it by trying to make Solangelo a cheap copy of Percabeth. He knows Solangelo is the second most popular ship among his fandom, so why not make it exactly like his all-time most popular ship? Because, come on, what good would it be to have a, idk, unique ship?
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Controversial opinion:
Percy Jackson fandom can be a little annoying. Because even when you block the tag percabeth, solangelo, annabeth chase, will solace. Your still shit out of luck because it makes up 90% of the Fandom. So it's just rows upon fucking rows of "this post contains filtered tags" when all you wanted to do was look up some nice nico(by himself mind you) di angelo fanart or some Percy fanart. But no its just rows of blocked percabeth tags. The ship I can't stand the most.
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Do you know that saying where insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different out come. Yeah that's me. I mean really what did I expect? This is so like the owl house Fandom all over again.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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percabeth4life · 1 year
is it just me or does everyone else see the nico disability hcs as annoying and fuckdd up? if I see another solangelo shipper give nico a disability for will to handle it in a fucked up, ableist way I will fight someone
disability isn't fun. it's not cute to give one to someone for an uwu power dynamic for your white boy squared gay ship
No same. Like I DO like disabled Nico, but for genuine "he's basically disabled in canon it's just not really acknowledged". Like he's def chronically fatigued from his powers and honestly should probably have a mobility aid for support.
But the way a lot of s*langelo shippers write it makes me cringe.
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rosesradio · 8 months
seeing solangelo discourse is so funny to me bc it’s like ‘there might be a slight age gap maybe!!’ or ‘will and nico's bickering isn’t Good Bickering it’s Bad’ like have you ever simply considered no one really gives a flying fuck about william solace as a character and solangelo is just as bad a ship (if not worse) than caleo and the only reason people like it (or even tolerate it) is because it’s a canon gay ship with one of the most popular characters in the series
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I understand that Nico and Will’s orientations/relationship are a huge deal of representation for people, and that TSATS is a really meaningful book for many young queer PJO fans. I’m very happy for all of you.
I need you guys to learn how to separate yourself from the art and literature that you engage in. I need you guys to learn how to not attach your entire identity to a book or a show or a movie to the point where you treat every little critique like an attack on your personhood and you get mad that people are “daring” to dislike TSATS.
Because art is subjective, your experience with any piece of art or literature is NOT universal, and not everyone is going to have the same experience as you. Some people are going to think this book sucks…and that’s okay. Sometimes people dislike things and that’s okay. No one is obligated to share your reading experience, and no one is required to validate your personal feelings about the book. You should not be so attached to a piece of content that you feel the need to get angry just because people aren’t gushing over it like you are.
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lavndvrr · 4 months
I just read the scene where soloangelo just met and I really don’t get the hype, maybe it’s cause they just met but it’s okish?
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thetruecthulhu9 · 8 months
Just saw a rick books tier list that I can't agree with so here's mine
1: PJO
2: kane Chronicles
3: hoo
4: Magnus chase
5: trials of apollo
6: sun and Starlight
7: chalice of the gods
1: it's the OG, I grew up on this shit and it still holds up. People are building a genuine connection with eachother and it's just solid
2: the concept slaps and he introduced some really interesting concepts. I'd love it if he returned to explore other things they had going in Egypt even if the execution of some of it wasn't great
3: whole thing was meh, I was only rly engaged by Percy hazel and annabeths chapters and even then there wasnt consistent characterisation. I mark it as the beginning of the downfall of ricks writing ability
4: I rly enjoyed the first book, but it stopped being interesting fairly quick. Props to rick for the queer characters it was nice to see, but there have been enough valid complaints about his depiction of muslim characters for me to not rly be a fan
5: again interesting in the first book but had a fast nose dive. I haven't got much to say about it in general
6: the whole concept is bullshit and I hate that solangelo is considered a good ship or that the trauma babies are "cute". I'm tagging this anti solangelo so if u have a problem with my opinion just block the tag??? Honestly it's more official fanfic than ricks writing
7: fuck this book as a concept Percy saved the world three times and the book is a blatant cashgrab
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devils-little-sista · 2 months
Will: Nico loves me, he would never cheat on me!
Eros disguised as Percy: that’s great! Nico knows what my blood tastes like. He’s swallowed it. He asked me for more.
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dax-enfinity · 2 months
hello my friend
i came across your hot takes regarding a certain ship involving the ghost boi nico di angelo which shocked me
because I AGREE.
literally everyone keeps kissing the feet of solangelo is so fucking annoying FUCK SOLANGELO!!!
I swear, the PJO/HOO fandom has a HUGE problem with a lot of people not accepting the fact that people like to ship non-canon ships!
Those people can’t understand that people have been shipping Nico with other people for MORE than a DECADE
And no, Rick Riordan is NOT the king of diversity just because “S/o/l/a/n/g/e/l/o is canon!” The ship is bland it SUCKS honestly I’m not gonna deny it
Plus the ship has no development whatsoever because what do you mean Nico started dating this random Apollo kid 8 months after Blood Of Olympus and suddenly by Trials Of Apollo he’s magically comfortable dating this random guy
Did Riordan and the fandom forget the fact that Nico was FORCED to come out and admit his crush on Percy in front of Jason back in House Of Hades…??
What the hell happened during those 8 months that made Nico so comfortable being openly out at camp, not to mention 99% of the camp is scared of him due to being a Hades kid!
Those shippers make Nico out to be some “uwu soft gay boi who can’t be protected and needs Will’s help when he gets hurt!!”
He’s the son of HADES
And Will before his random appearance at the END of Blood Of Olympus got MENTIONED 5 times AT BEST
S/o/l/a/n/g/e/l/o shippers then act like shipping Nico with either Percy or Jason is bad because it’s apparently “incest” and the three of them are “sibling coded” when Nico had a CRUSH ON PERCY SINCE HE WAS 10
Make it make sense, c’mon now!
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g0thnico · 5 months
Nico: I hate my life.
Will: Maybe you would hate it less if you sunbathed, ate healthy things and went out with your friends!
Percy: *taking off his shoe to throw at him* I'll show you your sunbathe
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aurelilia · 11 days
y’ll i don’t fw solangelo…
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punknicodiangelo · 2 years
Rick Riordan is a cishet white goyische man. We knew this. But you can see this in his writing, no matter when. Yeah, he's grown, but he didn't grow astronomically.
In this post I'll be talking about how history, women, queer people, and POC are handled in Rick Riordan's YA novels. I'm Jew-ish, very queer, and was socialized as a girl, but I'm white so POC tell me if I overstep or get anything wrong and feel free to add!
Also this is long af, way longer than I intended, so under the cut it goes!
The Pact and Wars
I think I've talked about this before (cannot find the post) but the way history is handled is so racist and antisemitic. Wars are not because of their real reasons, but instead conflict. WWII is made to be because Hades, Zeus, Poisiedon, and their kids had another spat, instead of the fascism and racism that really caused it. The Civil War, instead of being about racism, was made to be about a fight between the romans and greeks. The wars we see in series have no connection to real world events, why couldn't the old ones be the same? It also deminshes the accomplishments of real people. For example, Harriet Tubman is said to be a daughter of Hermes. To me, this says a black disabled woman can't do great things without great blood in a world where that exists
Annabeth is a girl boss, and this would be great, if her writer wasn't a cishet man. Being strong is equated to being mean, physically and verbally. When she thinks Rachel likes Percy, a guy she isn't even dating, she gets pissy at them for even hanging out! She constantly demeans Percy and hits people who anger her, including Percy, and this is treated as cute and quirky. And then her trauma is dismissed and diminished by a boy who went through similar treatment. Sorry Percy also was hurt by who his author is, but it makes things worse with Annabeth's portrayal. Also she once says people don't take her seriously because she's blonde. During HoO. With Piper and Hazel right there
The Hunters
The Hunters of Artemis, in mythology, are a group of women and sometimes men who joined Artemis to escape the deeply misogynistic culture at the time, and there are sapphic undertones to much of their myths! In the books, they're portrayed as man hating, romance hating, and functionally aroace. Hippolytus is completely ignored. Zoë is constantly talking down to Percy without giving him a chance and makes probably the dumbest decision by choosing Bianca for the quest in Titan's Course. Jo and Emmie were kicked out for finding love. I'm aroace. I love aroace rep. I'm overly weary of (cis white) men. But the way the Hunters are written is so similar to how angry anti-SJW youtube saw feminists
Nico is forcibly outed in one book and in the next gets a boyfriend with literally no personality or relationship with him up to that point. The drawbacks of shadow travel so clearly align with disability. He's also obviously depressed and deeply traumatized. Yet Will gives him no medical autonomy, something we disabled folk have to deal with all the time that's really very ableist. I love Nico, but the way he's portrayed just isn't great
Sadie and Carter
Sadie and Carter are biracial and look wildly different. This is good representation from what I've heard, but not how it's different or some incidental stuff. Carter, the boy, has dark skin and dark, coily hair, while Sadie, the girl, has pale skin, striaght blond hair, and pale eyes. This plays into colorism where darker people are seen as more masculine, as does Carver being the host to the god of war. Sadie is also a young girl who's put into a relationship with a god who kinda bullied her at the start. Carver is also in a relationship with a person who was hostile, but she gets better so I'll let is slide
Leo is latino, and stereotypical at that. Je is constantly flirting with everyone and looked down upon. As a Leo who is not an astronomical Leo, he deserves better especially when you consider c//leo
"I'm not like other girls" girl who's hailed as absolutely gorgeous. She was born on a rez that didn't exist at the time which just goes to show the lack of research. Her eyes are kaleidoscope, which is a trait none of her siblings, or her mom, have. She's cut off from her culture enough to not know the significance of feathers but has plenty of memories of her grandfather who lived on the rez. Also, she's a cleptomaniac. I love Piper, I like how she's representation for a person who was cut off from her culture and longs to know it despite living with her bio family because I and a few friends are the same, but Piper is still a stereotype. I also feel like the veganism plays into the whole spiritual nature stereotype, but I'm not sure so don't quote me
The only confirmed greco-roman demigod without dyslexia is also East Asian. I think the stereotyping is obvious it doesn't help that the only two Asian characters before him, Ethan and Drew, were antagonists. He was infantalized while fat and then had a magic glow up for... no reason, really, but that matters less here. Also he's dating a seventh grader as a tenth grader basically and I'm trying to not spoil stuff but the end of the Tyrant's Tomb is bullshit from a lore perspective imo
She's a black girl whose parents both had very dark eyes and hair, yet her eyes are gold and her hair is paler than her skin, and both of those last two are described as looking like foods. Again, she is the age of a 7th grader. See Frank. And this may be the fandom's fault, but it seems she's always either infantalized or adultified from what I've seen
All we know about Will Solace in BoO is that he's attracted to men and a medic son of Apollo. I bet you didn't remember he was at the Battle of Manhattan or that he's counselor because all his siblings died. And that's a lot of kids. Also he calls Nico nicknames he doesn't like. See Nico for further criticism of Will
Alex is called the adjective form of a slur multiple times. I could talk about how the grammar of that sucks, but *gesturs vaguely.* She gets transphobia from nearly everyone and disowned. I thought fantasy was supposed to be escapist, personally
Other stuff
Samirah is a hijabi, but we see under her scarf at least once and that feels really disrespectful, especially considering how observant she is of other stuff. Only women or close family (brothers, direct descendants, or direct ancestors) can see a hijabi's hair. Even if Magnus, Hearth, and Blitz are like family that usually isn't enough. She should have gotten a regular valkyrie's cloak imo. Some stuff feels off about Hearth but I'm not D/deaf so I'll hold my tongue on that as I'm not sure. Lavinia could use more yiddishisms in her speech and I'm curious to know what sect she was if her rabbi wasn't cool with her being a lesbian, but they do exist so *shrug.* There's probably something I missed with Reyna and Hylla, I feel like there is, but I can't remeber so it just gets an honorary mention
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percabeth4life · 11 months
9. s*langelo, except nico realises will is toxic af and stands up for himself. if you please (i thought you would be the best person to do it) <3
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
Nico relaxed against the rock, finally done running messages between the two camps. There'd been a lot of messages to run, and with the Iris messages and phones not working he and Mrs. O'Leary was the only reliable method of communications.
Mrs. O'Leary picked up the slack when he started feeling weak and he handled any verbal communication that they needed. Now he got to rest until tomorrow at the earliest.
"There you are! I've been looking for you all day," Will said, hurrying over to his side.
Nico rolled his head to the side to offer Will a tight smile.
Things had been a bit awkward between them for a while, but Nico was trying to be a good boyfriend as best he could. It was all still new to him.
Will didn't like Nico being far from him for long, so Nico had had to slip away to run the messages.
"Where have you been?" Will asked, reaching a hand for Nico's.
Nico pulled it away, knowing that Will would be able to feel the death clinging to him from the use of his powers.
That was sign enough for Will though, his eyes narrowing on Nico.
"Nico, where have you been?" his voice much firmer this time.
"I was running messages," Nico said, voice tight.
"Don't you ever do that again!" Will snapped. "I told you that that's bad for your health! When will you actually listen to me?"
"It's important," Nico said, temper flaring "We have to have a line of communication and I'm the only way-"
"They can figure something out that doesn't have you using your powers. They're bad for you-"
"They're my powers! Not yours!"
"I'm your doctor-"
"I don't care!" Nico blurted out, all the frustration he'd been feeling for weeks filling him. "I've used my powers for years just fine on my own! I don't need someone holding my hands as I use one of the most basic powers I have. And I'll never recover if I don't use them."
"I know better than you that this is hurting you! They revolve around death, it clings to you-"
"I'm the son of the God of the Underworld! Of course death clings to me!" Nico felt the grass around him die, the life force absorbed. "And I've had enough of you telling me how to use my powers!"
"Had enough!?"
"They're mine, this is my power, it's a part of me and I won't have you taking that away!"
But Nico dropped into the shadows and left. He couldn't deal with this anymore.
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