#Antisepticeye Fanfic
southerndragontamer · 6 months
You Only Get Three Strikes
This is my interpretation of how things after the amazing fanart by @andaboop went
Actor hummed an old tune to himself as he adjusted his tie in the mirror and flashed himself a grin. He had just finished up setting things up for the confrontation with Dark in their next encounter, he wondered if it would work enough he could bring out Damien again. He had sent his….no not partner, that was reserved for someone else…..like minded fellow? That sounded right, out to go through the plan Actor had crafted for him about some hero, magician? Whoever the target he was after.
He’d really lucked out in meeting the other, it was always nice to have a trump card in your pocket and though he was a bit…jagged around the edges the actor was confident that the shared interest in their respective goals would help him figure out how to direct those edges the way he’d like.
His thought process was derailed when the door was slammed open. No, that wasn’t quite right, it wasn’t slammed so much as kicked in so hard it flew to the opposite wall. He whirled around, cane in hand ready to defend himself as his mind immediately jumped to William or Damien only to blink as he saw the glitch there. His smile fit into place as he relaxed.
“Oh it’s you my friend! You gave me a heart attack there-”
His voice cut off by force by a clawed hand that snapped around it with the speed of a striking cobra, or a bear trap when it shut from the pressure plate being triggered. He gagged and choked and instinctively tried to pry away the fingers that felt like they were going to snap his windpipe in two. He attempted to kick as he was lifted into the air and slammed against the wall.
Anti’s face was twisted in a near wild fury, all his fangs bared and body glitching as the lights began to flicker and dim. His eyes were glowing like a live wire as he spat out, Irish accent thickened even further than normal.
“Shut yer damn mouth. I don’t wanna hear a sound outta ye, unless I say you can talk.”
Actor couldn’t have tried to speak right now if he wanted to, he tried to nod as his vision swam with black spots. Just as he thought he was going to pass out, or need to reconstruct his throat again, he was let go and dropped like a sack of bricks. He held in the gasp as oxygen flooded into his lungs and covered his mouth to muffle the cough as he looked up at the glitch for a reason why he’d suddenly flown off the handle.
Anti’s glare was like looking at a lightning strike inches from where you stood, the sense of if he wasn’t careful he’d have to dig himself out of a grave again. The glitch stepped back and manifested his knife as he started to absently twirl it in his fingers with the ease of someone that had wielded a blade for a long time.
“I was willing to give ye a chance ya know, at working together. You talk a big game pretty boy. But you can’t cash it. I went with that ‘plan’ of yours that ye made for me. And do you wanna know what happened?”
Actor felt his stomach start to knot and sink, his heart picked up and he felt the hair raise on the back of his neck at the way the lights flickered and threatened to pop, sparks arced off of the glitch’s skin as his voice dropped into a growling hiss.
“I had the magician about to collapse at my feet when the damned timekeeper intervened. They got away from me. Oh I can find em again, easy as breathing, my strings don’t allow any less. But it’s the principle of it all.”
Actor resisted the urge to hunch in on himself as Anti’s head snapped around at a sickeningly off angle and speed and instead he began to try to save face, backpedal as he stood up. His best apologetic expression on as he tried to keep from going out of the frying pan into the fire. His eyes shone a brighter red and he weaved his own kind of power into his words like red ribbon braided together to hide blood.
“I’m sorry that it didn’t work like I intended friend, but I didn’t take everything into account it seems when I made my plan.”
That was as far as the ‘apology’, because such a word was only proper in a true sense of remorse for actions, got as he found his jaw exploded in pain from the literally lightning fast blow to one side. He felt bone crunch and fracture as he collapsed to the floor and held his jaw in place as it began to repair itself.
Only to choke and blood to spurt out of his mouth by the sharp kick that echoed with the cracking of ribs, just as quickly he was hauled up by the collar of his suit and the knife was pressed deeply against his skin. Ruby droplets trailed down the edge of the blade as Anti half snarled.
“I told you. Not. A. Sound. You must not have much grey matter between your ears, or you’re just a glutton to get your arse beaten. So let me explain this in a way you’ll be sure to understand.”
Actor winced and his eyes squinted as the glowering, searing light of Anti’s eyes were right in front of him. The knife cut in just a bit deeper into his skin. The glitch’s tone went from utterly furious about to stab someone, to calm and measured and almost cold rage that was somehow almost more terrifying.
“If you’re not one of my puppets, you get three strikes. Your first mistake was fockin things up for me reclaiming one of mine. The second one was the half-arsed, shite apology ya tried to make.”
And Anti grinned, slow and cruel and his eyes had a sadistic glint in them as he chuckled and finished in an almost croon. The lights shone green and the white noise of static snow started to hurt Actor’s ears enough to make him wince and he swore for a second something started to bleed.
“Your final strike? Thinking I was too stupid to know you didn’t expect more out of me than dumb muscle eager to get to fighting, someone that wouldn’t question anything.”
The lights flared such a bright green that it went white and then popped with the sound of fizzling soda and shattered glass. Actor subconsciously, human instinct still ingrained after so long of being inhuman, flinched, shut his eyes and covered his head. The sound of shrieking static made him cover his ears as they ached and he was positive he felt his eardrums burst, his head ached as the sound pierced through his skull.
The shrieking came again, not just a wall of sound but laughter. Actor had never been one that dealt well with being made a joke, pride bristled in indignation as his eyes snapped open and he started to growl, to snap back at the glitch for being so ungrateful for his help. His mask dropped as his true form slipped through the handsome image he portrayed. Like the true face of Dorian Grey, sickened, rotten and ugly.
Only he saw that Anti had dropped his mask as well…
Instead of a human with glowing green eyes, sharp claws and fangs to betray the inhuman underneath…what stood in front of Actor was something that could only be called eldritch. Lightning and static in a silhouette that was humanoid but not, it glitched and twisted on itself, crackling at the seams. He blinked and it shifted each time as if it couldn’t decide on how to ‘appear’. Too long, too many ‘limbs’ too long claws that took the place of fingers, jaws filled with rows and rows of razor blade fangs, it looked too big for the space it was in, the walls creaked and groaned with the strain to hold it in.
His head ached like the worst migraine he’d ever had, his ears rang and he felt blood dripping from his nose, the world felt like it tilted and he felt like he was going to throw up. There was a rumbling of thunder and then he was aware of his body falling and convulsing as his brain lit up with only agony as a reason. Past the pain and the searing white noise in his ears that felt like it was trying to break his mind apart, he grit his teeth at the shrieking, piercing laugh that had him swallow down bile.
“Already on the ground writhing like a snake without its head~ You thought you were such a tough shot because you constantly annoyed Dark, ohhh boyo you got no idea of what forces you’re playing with now~”
The sensation of barbed wire cutting and tearing, ripping into his skin as the glitch’s strings wrapped around his limbs and yanked him up to his feet. Up further still to Anti’s ‘face’…too many eyes, shades of green, black, blue and some brown, they looked like fractured images through cracks in a mirror. The glitch’s body waved and rose as it spoke, like watching a sound wave on a computer screen.
As much as Actor tried to hold it in, as he finally realized how in over his head he was, that making a deal with the glitch had been a horrible mistake, when he felt the lightning forced through his body again, he screamed. Anti’s cackling laughter of delight rang in his ears and covered the sound as it echoed in on itself.
“It’s been a while since I had a chance to play with something that can survive it~ Oh yes, I’m aware you can’t stay dead~ You’re gonna wish you were back in that manor when I get bored of you~”
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Hey, work work is ausome. Do you think you could do yandere antisepticeye x reader. And people think reader is crazy and sends them to a crazy hospital and there in a stray jacket and anti kill 1000s of people and reader is like oh shit then anti snuggles reader in the jacket.
Just a thought but yeah, have a nice day
*cracks knuckles*
Ask and you shall receive >:)
Antisepticeye x Reader (gender neutral)
Tw: obsessive and possessive behavior (yandere), swearing, drugging, hospitalization, restraint, blood, murder/death mention. I do not endorse this behavior in real life relationships.
I may have taken a little creative liberty with this one. Hope you enjoy 😅 💚
Words: 1,251
Time is a distant concept at this point. You didn’t know how long you had been sequestered in your home. Forced away from the world by him.
You couldn’t believe this reality, it didn’t feel real. He somehow wriggled into your life and quickly consumed every aspect of it. “My little pet,” he would call you at first.
Eventually, after you stopped fighting so much, he grew softer. You fought with your mind to not fall further under his control, but his seemingly genuine affection was making that difficult. He was growing soft for you, growing careless. An opportunity to run was given one evening. “Now or never,” you told yourself, even as you hesitated. You had to leave, this wasn’t right.
So you fled.
Running through yards and bushes, you ran to the opposite end of the neighborhood and started banging on the door of the last house. The joy and relief you felt when finally seeing another person. Pleading for help.
Your stomach dropped as they gave you off looks when telling your story.
A man coming out of nowhere and keeping you locked in your home? Sounds crazy.
The police thought so too.
In a hysteria, you grabbed the closest person and practically screamed to help you. You had to escape!
The police weren’t convinced and did little to help. You did eventually get something an unceremonious toss into a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.
They didn’t take your story seriously, but were convinced by your extremely distraught state that you were at risk.
Now you lay in a padded room. The high ceiling presented a single bulb you couldn’t ever hope to reach. Not like you could… your arms had been restrained in a canvas jacket.
To keep you safe, of course.
You couldn’t believe your rotten luck.
It had to be some sort of delusional nightmare.
The only comfort was your own thoughts, when you could actually think straight. Dreams were haunted by visions of your most recent experiences. Green electricity dancing through your home, flashes on screens that weren’t supposed to be there. There were the times Anti would fly into a manic rage that caused bulbs to pop and windows shatter. They always were miraculously fixed the next day. Guess it was all in your head.
Why would anyone find themselves living with a fictional demon after all? It was crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy- wasn’t it? That’s why you were here.
That’s right.
You were crazy.
Everyone said so.
You continue to lay in your new padded home, staring at the wall, medicated out of your mind.
Surely this will make me better… you think to yourself, shifting slightly in the jacket that was graciously forced on your body.
To keep you safe, of course.
You weren’t quite sure what safe felt like anymore. After some time you had been convinced that Anti would provide anything you needed. He made you believe he was everything you needed. He kept you safe right? From everyone else?
A delusional thought for sure. Believing in something that was created as fiction. You could laugh, if you didn’t feel so fuzzy. Surely the doctors know best and you’ll be all fixed up to return to a normal life.
You could only hope.
Only a few days into your stay, you adjusted to dismal rhythm. You were thoroughly convinced at this point that you were suffering from hallucinations and mania. The meds they gave you numbed all your senses. You felt floaty. Drifting between activities and time in your room. A routine without chaos, without change.
Until one day you heard muffled screams just outside your door. The room was supposed to be sound proof. Isolating you from the outside, but those cries somehow made it in.
You were hallucinating again. Had to be.
Shuffling back into a corner, you did your best to curl into a ball and wait for a nurse to enter and give you more of those numbing pills.
The screams suddenly stopped. You let out a nervous breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
The door burst open.
The glow from his eyes hid a fiery rage as they quickly scanned the room, finally landing on you. He exhaled with a harsh, “Christ there you are,” and rushed to your side.
“Do you have any idea the scare you gave me?” He nervously laughed. Rolling you over, his relieved expression turned concerned. “My god…” his hand brushed the side of your face. You were vaguely aware of the iron like smell that had consumed the room. “Poor thing, they’ve drugged you haven’t they?”
You didn’t have the strength to respond, only able to let a trembling sigh escape as he pulled you into his arms. “You’re safe now, I’m here- and look! They’ve wrapped you up like a little present,” he was trying to get just a little more of reaction out of you, but realized there wasn’t going to be one as your head limply connected with his shoulder. His laugh was bitter now, “happy birthday to me…”
Gathering you up, he made his way out into the stained halls. “Don’t you worry now, (y/n). Those bad people are aaaall gone. No one will bother us anymore,” he pecked the top of your head before resting his own atop it. You decided to close your eyes, not wanting to look at the stained walls as you were carried out.
The amount of panic he felt when you weren’t in the home was immeasurable. Going to neighbors provided context of “someone crazy was running around the neighborhood” and quickly finding out you had been sent to the hospital. This wasn’t the answer he wanted.
You had been running around? He didn’t want to think that you wanted to leave. No, you must’ve wanted some fresh air is all. You loved him after all and everything was going so well in recent weeks.
This train of thought was further reinforced when he found out that you had been involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric ward.
Panic turned to anger. How dare they separate you two! You didn’t need whatever “help” they were trying to give.
He had cut down all other obstacles up to this point, now he was on a rampage. If staff didn’t give useful information, it was curtains for them. The only person he wanted to see was you and he would kill indiscriminately to make that happen.
The hospital was void of activity by the time he got to the hallway you resided in. He went room to room looking for you, still lashing out in a rage when someone else had the audacity to appear in your place.
Oh, the relief when he found you curled up in that ridiculous room. Your very presence was enough to calm him immediately.
But something was off. You didn’t look at him, nor responded to his words. Didn’t even flinch when he busted the door down.
He would’ve murdered everyone in that damned place twice over once he got a good look at you. The glazed over eyes and lack of response almost convinced him you were dead had it not been for your shallow, uneven breathing.
He clutched you tighter in his arms.
He hadn’t said much during the walk back, you wanted air after all and being in that stuffy hospital wouldn’t have satisfied that urge whatsoever.
“Remember I told you the world was a dangerous place, (y/n).” It came out as a statement. A reminder. “If you want something just ask! I can accommodate within reason you know…”
You remained unresponsive. He sighed, “You’re not gonna go behind my back anymore right?” He nuzzled into your hair. “Better off safe with me than going out and letting something like this happen again.”
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graphic-hawk · 6 months
Starting on AO3!
Just letting everyone know here that I have officially started to transfer stories from Wattpad to Archive of our Own! (AO3) The winner story people wanted to see on there first was , 'Chained Puppet' so I'm starting there.
I just wanted to let you guys know here so nobody thought someone was stealing my works lol
Here's the link to my Ao3 Dashboard so you all can subscribe there:
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cosmok13 · 2 months
Cocoa and Shadows
Angus saw how down his ears and tail were, making him worry about Anti. A nightmare like that was never easy to get over. He thought for a while, wondering what he could do. He hummed as he looked back at the kitchen and smiled. “Hang on a moment, I think I have some powder left over!” He stated, heading over into the kitchen and rifling through the cabinets. 
“Powder?” Posi questioned. Angus didn’t answer him as he grabbed two mugs and a couple of packets. He then went to the fridge and grabbed some milk, pouring it into a teapot and let it heat up over the stove. While the milk started to get warm, Angus placed the powder into the kettle, mixing it a bit. Anti and the two souls watched as he worked in the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, he came back into the living room with the cups in hand. He then walked over and handed one of the cups to Anti. The angel sniffed the air and gasped. “Is that chocolate I smell?!”
Angus chuckled. “Hot chocolate to be exact.” He let the cup be held in Anti’s hands. The Glitch took it, sniffing it as his tail wagged in anticipation. He could smell how delicious it was, even while Angus was making it. “Go on, drink up.” Angus advised.
Anti leaned closer to sniff it again, before bringing it to his lips. He let the steaming liquid enter his mouth and swallowed it down. He purred as he began to take larger gulps. It felt so warm and tasted wonderfully. Anti made the mistake of drinking it when it was hot, though. So he set it down and shook his head as his tongue was stuck out. “Hawt… hawt… hawt…” 
“You have to give it a moment to cool down, but don’t leave it for too long.” Angus advised. “Try blowing on it, that should help.” Anti took a moment to cool his tongue off before listening to Angus’s words. He reached for the cup again and blew on the surface, once he did, he drank it again and it didn’t hurt as bad. “Better?” Angus asked. Anti looked over at him and nodded. The Glitch now had a milk mustache on the one side of his face. “P-Pfft…” Angus snickered as he saw that. “You got some on your face. Here, hold still.” He reached over, wiping the excess cocoa off with his thumb. Once it was gone, Angus grinned. “There, much better.”
“How does it taste, Anti?” Posi asked.
“It was hot… but great.” He admitted with a smile. 
“I learned this trick from Dad, uh… Henrik, when I lived with him for a while. Whenever I had nightmares, he would make me a cup of cocoa to help soothe my nerves. I could never make it the same as he did though.” Angus admitted as he took a sip of his own drink.
“Well, I think it tastes great! And… it did make me feel better.” He admits with a small grin. Anti’s cup was already halfway gone at this point, as he sighed. “Whenever I had a bad dream, dad would come into my room and we would build a special fort of blankets and pillows. He would sleep in there with me, always telling me that no one would be able to hurt me so long as I was inside that fort.” 
“Glad to see not all of your memories are bad ones.” Angus stated as he sat close to Anti. “Actually, you mentioned your dad before… back before we went into Chase’s memory.”
“Well, he isn’t my real dad.” Anti admitted. “But he took me in when he was in charge of looking after me. Things really only got slightly better when he came into the picture.” 
Angus raised a brow when Anti added that. “I can only guess that your dad hated what they were doing to you.” 
Anti nodded. “He despised it. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have remained bitter and hostile to everyone I met. He kind of looks a lot like your father, Henrik. That’s why I thought… when I saw him through the window…” Anti trailed off, looking deep into his cup. 
Angus tried to break the awkwardness as he bit his lip. “I can see why you’d thought that.” He admitted. If this father of Anti was anything like Henrik, then it was a good thing he took the Glitch under his wing. 
“He’s a great dad and wonderful doctor… even if the others didn’t really like him.” Anti admitted. “I… I hope he’s okay.” He stared down, as he felt depressed. Angus noticed this, seeing the worry on his face. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out what he could do. An idea came to the Hunter’s mind. 
He jumped up from the couch and smiled. “Hey Anti, how about we do a project?” 
The Glitch wagged his tail as he looked at him with a tilted head. “What are you planning, Hunter?” Nega questioned. Angus only smirked wider as he winked at the devil. Nega and Posi were slightly confused, but they went along with it.
Within twenty minutes, the four had managed to create a small pillow and blanket fort right in the living room. Anti and Angus had to be very close together, but it was worth it. Anti was happy as he covered his body in a fluffy blanket and purred. The Hunter chuckled. “It came out a lot better than I thought. I’ll have to thank Chase for those pillow fort lessons he and his kids taught me.”
Anti’s tail wagged as he was giggling like the child he was. “This brings back so many memories…” 
“Good ones, I hope.” Posi smiled. “Oh, let me try something real quick!” The angel waved his hands around, summoning his powers to create a northern light recreation within the sheets and pillows. The other three awed in amazement as the angel smiled with pleasure. “Figured we could use a nightlight for tonight.”
“I feel better already…” Anti sighed, still smiling with that perma-grin.
“Yeah, thanks Posi.” Angus chuckled. As the lights danced across the sheets, Angus got another suggestion. He began to move his hands around, letting their shadows project onto the blankets. He moved his fingers just right so he could create an image of an animal. He opened the animal's snout and imitated a howl. “Awoooooooooo~”
Posi clapped his hands as he heard that wolf impression. “Whoaaa! Angus, you’re so good at that!” 
“Nothing less from the ‘Survival Hunter’.” Nega chuckled. Angus blushed at the comment. 
“What kind of animal is that?” Anti asked.
“That was a wolf, it’s like a dog but much wilder. They howl in order to call members of their pack, cause they don’t like to hunt alone.” Angus explained.
“Ooooooh!” Anti’s bullseye sparkled as he looked back at the shadow. “What else can you do!?” 
Angus redid his hands, trying to get his fingers in a certain position. He ended up doing a growl, making it low in volume with a snarl at the end. 
“Oooh~ That sounds like a bear.” Posi noted. 
“A bear?” Anti tilted his head in confusion.
“They’re big, fluffy animals with small tails, but they have large claws and sharp teeth! You don’t want to mess with them!” He warned Anti. “There are also different kinds though, like grizzly bears, black bears, polar bears, and panda bears.” 
“Woah… I didn’t know there were so many…” Anti commented.
Angus smiled at the Glitch. “When we get better, I’ll take you on an expedition! It’s like an adventure where we will see all the different kinds of animals.”
“R-Really?!” Anti’s tail wagged more as he enjoyed the thought. 
The Hunter placed his hand on Anti’s head, patting him as he nodded. “It’s a promise.” He declared. Anti leaned into the rubbing, his tail wagging like a dog as Angus kept petting him. The two of them seemed to look much happier, and looked even closer together than when they first met. Posi and Nega noticed this, glad the two of them were on better terms. They were going to need to support one another if they were to get through this ordeal. The road ahead was still a long one, but the guardians would make sure they would make it out of it in the end. 
“Feeling better, Anti?” Angus asked as he ruffled Anti’s hair.
“Mh-hm.” He nodded. “Thanks for this, Angus…” 
“Nightmares are never fun, I’ve had my fair share of them.” The Hunter admitted. “Why don’t we try getting some sleep again? We can stay in the fort together, and if you have another nightmare, I’ll be right here to comfort you.” Anti nodded, adjusting himself so he was laying right on Angus’s chest. The Hunter sighed, not an ideal spot to sleep in, but if it made Anti happy, he would put up with it. He used his wings to cover up Anti, acting like a blanket around them. It would just be for one night, and he figured he’d have Anti pay him back later on. For now, some long-awaited sleep was what he needed. What they both needed.
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So I finally delivered you the comfort after the angst, Angus had his fair share of nightmares so he knows how to handle them at this point. Some hot cocoa, curling up in a tent and doing shadow puppets always cheered him up, and it's working for Anti it seems. Even Posi and Nega are spending time with their hosts so they can be there for both of them. I didn't know how I was going to do the tent, so I just gave them a light area of green, and the outer area is black to create the illusion they are inside the tent. I also had to look up hand gestures for creating shadow puppets so I know what Angus's hands were going to look like. Everyone seems happy, for now at least. If you want to check out the chapter this image in based on, then read SoulScape Revise on my fanfiction.net account
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franklyshipping · 1 year
When Calm And Chaos Collide ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
HERE WE HAVE A FUN BONDING FIC BETWEEN OUR FAVOURITE GLITCH AND OUR FAVOURITE GRUMPY TOYMAKER! This prompt was courtesy of our lovely Jameson/Marvin anon and I am so grateful for your patience! Solo LET’S FINALLY DO THIS!
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch 
Shawn took a deep breath. A very, very deep breath. His eyes were narrowed as he watched Anti fiddling with yet another one of his handmade wind-up boxes… the fourteenth of said boxes he’d decided he had to investigate and fidget with. Shawn had been having a perfectly normal day, working on a hummingbird carving he was planning to hang from his ceiling, when Anti had just glitched into his room. Before Shawn could utter a word, Anti started rummaging curiously around his workshop-bedroom, picking up things and asking question after question. It wasn’t irritating per say… but he just wasn’t stopping.
‘Why is it a crocodile?’
Anti asked, causing Shawn to sigh as he once again looked away from his carving.
‘I thought it would be… I dunno, whimsical.’
‘… that’s not a real word.’
‘It means fun. Go ask Google if you don’t believe me.’
‘Okay, okay relax, I was just askin’.’
Anti raised his hands in a surrender motion, putting down the trinket. He watched as Shawn returned to his work… and then smirked. He was having way too much fun with this. That morning he’d woken up and just had this irresistible urge, an itch to get under someone else skin. Since he couldn’t do it literally without causing agony, he settled for annoying the shit out of someone instead. To him, Shawn was the perfect target. The guy wasn’t the kind for big emotions or reactions, courtesy of being introverted, which also meant he had a wealth of patience. Anti therefore figured he could spend as much time as he wanted being irritating, and nothing would happen.
Anti could have been right. If Anti had just kept on going, pretending to just be energetic and innocent in his curiosity, Shawn would have entertained him for the whole day, not wanting to be rude. But unluckily for Anti… the façade was broken. Anti thought it was safe to smirk, with Shawn having turned his back… but he didn’t notice the mirror. It was a little thing, shaped like an owl’s head, but it was perfectly angled to show Shawn Anti’s expression. The toymaker’s eyes went wide… that little shit. He slowly turned round in his seat, so Anti schooled himself… but he could never have prepared for the look of thunder Shawn gave him.
‘What were you smirking at?’
Anti blinked. A bubble of nerves fizzled in his stomach, but he decided to act confused, pretending to have been looking at another trinket.
‘Huh? What are you–?’
Anti’s breath got caught when Shawn suddenly stood up. Uh oh.
‘I’ll ask again, shall I? What… were… you… smirking… at?’
Shawn’s eyes were locked onto Anti, and Anti’s eyes were locked onto his. Dark hazel versus flickering emerald. It was a stand-off. Anti’s mind was racing. He had no idea what the hell Shawn would do, which was the most nerve-wracking thing. No-one had ever seen the man annoyed before, not really… so there was no way of knowing how he treated those who pushed him past his limit. Anti inhaled… and decided he didn’t want to find out. Anti bolted for the door, his body preparing to glitch through it… until a hand locked onto his upper arm.
‘Oh no… I don’t think so.’
Anti got chills. Shawn was so… calm. His voice, which usually had this measured, rough edge, was suddenly smoother. It was terrifying to say the least. Then, with a strength that made Anti genuinely yelp, Shawn pinned him to the ground. Before he knew it he was straddled with his arms pinned tight under Shawn’s knees, and the edges of Anti’s form glitched and quivered as he looked up at him. Shawn raised an eyebrow, observing Anti’s glitching form.
‘That’s a lot of glitches. That only happens when you’re… nervous, if I remember right?’
Anti swallowed thickly, then cleared his throat.
‘No… no it uh… random… it’s random…’
Anti, try as he might, could not steady his voice for the life of him. When Shawn heard the shakes, a slow, small smile crept onto his lips. He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head and tutting.
‘You know… annoying me on purpose, distracting me, pestering me… that’s not something I can just forget, Anti. That’s not something I can just brush under the rug, you know?’
On the word “brush”, Shawn did a subtle gesture with his hand, his fingertips brushing oh so absently against Anti’s t-shirt covered stomach. Anti’s breath hitched at the touch, and he felt a smile threaten to appear… as he saw the glint. He’d never seen it with Shawn before, but the glint was the same with every Septic. The same flicker in the eyes, the same mischievous gleam, the same warning. A warning that only meant one thing. Shawn noticed the realisation dawn on Anti, and he smiled again as he slowly pushed up Anti’s t-shirt, revealing his bare stomach.
‘Oh dear… you know exactly what I’m going to do, don’t you?’
Anti bit the inside of his cheek, trying so hard not to smile already – it hadn’t even started yet! He didn’t reply, making Shawn chuckle under his breath. He rested his fingers on Anti’s stomach… and started drawing little circles. Then swirls, spirals, and a few squiggles thrown in. Anti, though he did try to resist it, just burst into giggles.
‘Shit– okay okahahay lohohook Ihihi wahas juhuhust hahaving fuhuhun!’
‘Fun at my expense.’
Shawn tutted softly, continuing his agonisingly gentle technique.
‘You know you have to be punished… you know you deserve this.’
Anti retorted, letting out whines through his giggles, continuously gritting his teeth as he twitched. He was waiting for the moment Shawn started scratching, pinching, or otherwise digging in… but he didn’t. Not once did the speed or roughness of the tickling increase. It was gentleness, constant, never pausing… and it was one of the most ticklish things Anti had ever experienced! He started struggling, his face gaining colour as he spluttered.
‘Stahahap thihihis, lehehet mehehe goho dahahammit yohohou cahan stahap!’
‘Stop? Stop what, exactly? I’m barely… even… touching you.’
Shawn smiled, his eyes flicking down to Anti’s pale, soft midriff. He let his sweeping traces and teasing shapes traverse right to the base of his ribs, making Anti whine and kick out. Then he slipped all the way down near to Anti’s navel, which made him splutter and arch his back, his giggles getting very high-pitched.
‘Yohohou’re fuhuhucking ehehevil!’
Shawn raised an eyebrow, and used the tip of his little finger to tease Anti’s bellybutton. Dead centre.
‘That’s not a nice thing to say Anti. Not nice at all.’
Anti’s back was permanently arched as he squealed, his voice cracking so much that it sounded like his vocal chords were glitching.
‘Shitshitshitshihihihit– Ihi dihihidn’t mehean ihihit!’
Shawn hummed musingly, keeping up his teasing of Anti’s navel, his little finger swirling round and round and round and round. Anti’s face was beet red, his breaths shaky and jittery amidst his constant giggles. Shawn tilted his head down at him, his eyes gleaming.
‘You act like such a formidable being… but you’re just as sweet and sensitive as everyone else aren’t you? Just as tender on the inside, just as easily flustered.’
‘Nohohoho nohohoho thahahat’s nohohot truhuhue!’
Anti exclaimed, his eyes going adorably wide as butterflies surged through his midriff. Shawn chuckled warmly, and now let his fingers drag down softly to Anti’s exposed hips. He tapped Anti’s hipbones delicately with the pads of his fingers as he whispered.
‘Oh but I think it is true. You’re tough, and you’re impressively popular, that’s for certain. But as well as all that, you are completely and utterly adorable.’
Anti whined, his blush creeping up to his ears down as the teasing at his hips made him flinch. He was also nibbling his lip, adamantly trying not to burst into giggles yet again. Shawn’s words were the worst, because they were making Anti feel genuinely really good about himself whilst flustering him! That had to be illegal… somehow.
‘I–… sh-shut up!’
Shawn smiled, deciding not to reprimand Anti for that one. He now resumed his little drawings, focusing mainly on swirls and playful swipes to Anti’s hipbones, occasionally dragging into the hip bowels too. This, safe to say, made Anti truly think he was going to lose his mind.
‘Wow, you really are very sensitive.’
Anti gritted his teeth… but the giggles bubbled freely anyway. He was trying to wriggle in order to dislodge Shawn’s fingers, but it didn’t work one bit.
‘Shahahawn! C’mohohon stahahappit!’
Shawn raised an eyebrow, and humming as if he was contemplating. Though really he was just dragging it all out, enjoying every single one of Anti’s little reactions.
‘I might. Do you promise to cease irritating me on purpose today?’
Anti immediately nodded, looking up at Shawn as his flickering green eyes started getting watery.
‘Yehehehehes yehes Ihihi prohohomise!’
‘And do you promise to never irritate me in this fashion again, on pain of me tickling you like this again?’
Just when Anti thought he couldn’t get any redder, he felt the flustered warmth creep down to his neck as he babbled.
‘Yehehehes ohokay yehehes!’
Shawn smiled, letting his satisfaction show on his face – a rare expression for the usually mild-faced man. He ceased his tickling and got off Anti, sitting by him on the floor and chuckling when Anti immediately curled up into a tight ball. Anti’s hands were a flurry, rubbing at his abdomen and hips frantically as he stuttered.
‘Holy shihit holy shit holy shihihit…’
Anti had experienced the after effects of a tickle session, the famous “ghost tickles”, but never like this. Whether it was the gentleness, or some weird carpenter magic Shawn was keeping secret, Anti wasn’t sure – but he was sure that the sensation was totally unfair! Anti’s breaths, though far more normal, were still interspersed with giggles as he carefully unfolded himself, and looked at Shawn. Once he’d fully calmed down, Anti was silent for a few moments, just staring… which admittedly started to unnerve Shawn a bit. Especially when they hit the five minute mark.
‘Uh… Anti? Earth to Anti?’
Shawn said, clearing his throat. Anti blinked once… twice… thrice… then grinned as if he was awestruck.
‘Where did you learn to tickle like that? That was… fuckin’ wild.’
Shawn smiled with clear surprise, his eyebrows knitting together.
‘Oh… I um, I didn’t learn it from anywhere. I’ve always tickled like that, I suppose.’
Anti asked, his eyes wide with curiosity. Shawn was taken aback for a moment, unsure quite how to answer his question. He thought for a moment, and he fiddled with his fingers softly as he replied.
‘Well… I suppose, I’ve never liked rough tickling. The slightest proper scratch or dig always felt painful for me, or just really uncomfortable. So I um… I guess I tickle people how I’d want to be tickled.’
His smile turned noticeably shyer as he looked across at Anti, but this was instantly soothed when Anti broke out into a huge grin.
‘That’s fuckin’ cool, and by the way you’re really good at it.’
‘Yeah! I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t freakin’ love the way you tickled me!’
Shawn got a little flutter in his chest. The thought that his tickling, his preference, could make people happy… well, that made him feel really good. He smiled at Anti gently.
‘That’s… really nice of you to say.’
Anti’s grin widened, and Shawn spotted the tell-tale glint of mischief in his eyes.
‘You wanna test the theory?’
Shawn hummed, and momentarily glanced to the half-finished carving sitting on his work station. He’d already spent an unhealthy amount of time with his spine curved crooked at his desk… and honestly, this sounded like a hell of a lot of fun. Shawn stood up, and nodded down at Anti with his own little glint in his eyes.
‘Alright… I’m in.’
Anti jumped to his feet, and Shawn chuckled quietly as Anti grabbed his arm and practically yanked him out of his room. He didn’t mind though… not one bit, in fact. Anti may have been a rougher kind of guy most of the time, but when he told Shawn those things, spoke that kindness… it was soft. Soft in the way that mattered most for Shawn. The pair of them were so different in so many different ways, and that’s what made them so perfect to be hand-in-hand. Calm & Chaos… united.
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muscari-melpomene · 7 months
Want, and Need
Chapter 3 of Counterbalance!
"It's supposed to be his job," said Anti sharply, and Dark sighed like he was trying to keep his temper, shutting his eyes for a moment. Anti was standing firmly in front of him, arms crossed, and no way in hell was he about to back down. "You said it was Wil's job to take them."
"It's not good for him to be there so often."
"He loves it there."
"That's why it isn't good for him."
"And it's good for you?"
"Anti," said Dark, opening his eyes to glare, "this-"
"If you tell me the fucking manor sucking your soul out isn't my concern, I will start screaming."
"I was going to say 'not up for discussion', actually."
"You fucker-"
"Don't," Anti nearly snarled, a glitch tearing down his back and fizzling out his words, "don't you dare use that bullshit on me, Dark. Why the fuck have you been feeding the manor, and why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't tell you for exactly this reason!" Dark threw his hands up and turned away, starting for the stairs. "I didn't tell you because you're only going to do this, and there's no point telling you anything else about it because you won't fucking listen."
Anti glitched out and appeared in front of Dark, shoving him back into the living room.
"Do not walk away from me-"
"What else am I meant to do," Dark gritted out, catching Anti's arm and pushing him away before Anti could shove at him again. "You're acting like a child."
"I'm the child? Wil's the one who hangs on your every fucking word, who can't understand that not everything's a part of his stupid little game-"
"-And the longer he's at the manor, the worse his delusions get-"
"William," said Anti slowly, "is not. Coming. Back. He's gone. Wilford isn't going to snap out of being Wilford, that's all there is left of him."
Dark was silent, watching Anti with cold, hard eyes. Anti stared back.
"And even if he did come back," he continued, ignoring the high-pitched ringing slowly building in the corners of the room, "he wouldn't know you. He wouldn't want you. He wants Damien and Celine. He doesn't want Dark. He never has."
"...And you do?" said Dark, all cold calmness now. "You want the shells of them, crumbled and mixed into a new mortar and plastered over the cracks of a broken body?"
"I want-"
"And what do you want with that body, Anti? Do you want it to abandon the power that sustains it, to lie helpless on the floor for you?"
Anti shook his head sharply, pushing away the image. "That's not-"
"Do you want it isolated like one of your victims?" Dark demanded, moving closer, "no ties, no escape? A doll to keep to yourself? Or perhaps you want this forever, fights every night because I dare to have a priority that isn't you and you need the struggle, the suffering, the pain my divided attention costs me- am I nothing but misery for you to have your fill of? When do your teeth sink in to my neck, then, when do I wake up to my last morning with you to see you grinning and sated?"
"Stop," said Anti, voice ragged as he grabbed at Dark's shirt, "Stop, stop it. Please stop it."
"Why should I?" said Dark, head held high. He didn't push Anti away.
Anti tipped forward, letting his head fall against Dark's shoulder.
"...Every time you feed the manor," Anti mumbled, "you get further away from me. It might as well be you getting tossed in that fucking basement. I hate it. I hate it, it's hurting you. You're tired when you come back, you're... less of you. More of it. It's gutting you to make more room for itself, because who you are isn't what it wants you to be, you don't want to be like it, I know you don't."
"How would you know that?" asked Dark. His voice was still cold, still impatient, but it was... softening. Just a little. Anti took a deep breath.
"I know you have nightmares."
Dark stiffened a little, and Anti kept talking.
"You're good at hiding it. Really good. But you can't pretend when you're asleep. I see your face move, I feel you get tense, like you want to run... and when you wake up, you look like you just got back from giving it a fresh body. It wants all of you, and you're afraid. And I don't want your fear."
"Why not?"
"I need you."
"You need to-"
"I need more than feeding," said Anti tiredly, shutting his eyes. "I need you. You next to me. Your arms. Your voice. Your terrible fucking interior design choices-"
Dark huffed like he was trying not to laugh, and Anti stored it away to feel smug about later.
"-your rants about the dumbass dog next door and the lemon window upstairs, your pretentious, stupid filing systems, you, Dark, I need you. I want you. And the manor wants to take you away from me, and I'm not going to fucking let it."
A long, quiet moment passed. Dark's hand pressed into the small of Anti's back, and Anti did not cry as Dark finally curled into him, holding him carefully.
"I need you, too," he murmured, setting his chin on Anti's head and stroking his hand up and down Anti's back. "I want you, too. And I... I don't want it. But it will kill me if I don't let it in."
"It'll still kill you if you do," said Anti miserably, and Dark sighed.
"...Maybe. Maybe it will. But there's time to figure that out, alright? I'm not dying right now, am I? I'm right here. With you."
Anti finally unclenched his hands from Dark's shirt, only to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's neck, pressing closer against him.
"...You're here," he agreed. Dark nodded.
"I'm not leaving you. I don't want to leave you."
"Promise," Anti demanded.
"I promise," said Dark, without hesitation.
Chase kept his eyes shut, and hated every second of it. But this was- this was important. This was important, and if Henrik tried anything Marvin was right there to set him on fire. Marvin was good at fire.
Chase tried to focus on that, on the memory of Marvin getting startled by his own damn cat and setting the ceiling fan on fire that one time. It was better than focusing on Henrik muttering to himself as he took notes on Chase's last answer.
"...Alright," said Henrik finally, and the frenzied sound of scribbling stopped, "there is... no evidence that the connection has changed. Decreased paranoia does not indicate it has weakened, it is simply the natural progression of increased security in the absence of an attack. All that remains is to-"
"Do we really have to do this part?" Said Marvin, and Higgins yowled. Henrik sighed, agitated.
"Yes, we do. It's the most important part of this check-in, you are well aware of that."
"Then- then couldn't I do it? This once?"
Chase frowned. Marvin sounded more worried than usual.
I should tease him about that later.
"Were you possessed by the anomaly?" Henrik snapped, "Chase has the strongest connection to it, he is our best avenue of insight. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement, Chase will be fine."
Chase tried very hard not to think about the word 'possessed'.
"You don't know that," Marvin muttered angrily. Henrik sighed again, more pointedly this time. Chase was pretty sure Marvin would throw hands with Henrik if he wasn't so scrawny. Henrik wasn't much to look at either, but he definitely had the height advantage. Marvin did have magic, though, and an unmatched level of pure, unadulterated spite, and honestly Chase would pay to watch him kick the shit out of-
"Chase, I said focus," said Henrik.
"Always ruining my fun," Chase muttered. Marvin snorted, and Chase could feel Henrik holding back one last sigh.
"Reach out to him," Henrik commanded. This was the part Chase hated. He'd had his eyes closed through the whole questioning process to help disengage from his body, because if he was too present, too connected with what was happening around him, he wouldn't be able to...
...to feel Anti. And the others needed him to, needed any information on Anti they could possibly get. They needed him to do this, and it was all he could actually do for them, and damned if he was going to keep all of them trapped because it scared him. Damned if he was.
Chase took a deep breath, and reached out.
"Chase," said Marvin, half-frantic from where he knelt in front of Chase, "Look at me- can you hear me? Chase, can you hear me?"
"Why'm I on the floor?" Chase mumbled thickly, frowning stupidly at Marvin. Marvin was on the floor with him, holding him by the shoulders, looking ready to pass out with relief.
"Because you fell," he said, voice sharp with what sounded like anger but going by his expression was worry. "You went still, you started crying, and you fell-"
Marvin turned to glare up at Henrik, eyes glowing faintly green.
"You said he'd be fine."
"He doesn't look hurt," Henrik shrugged. "Chase, would you mind getting up?"
"Fuck off, Henrik-"
"He's miserable," said Chase slowly. Marvin looked back at him, frowning. Henrik tilted his head. Neither of them spoke. Chase swallowed. "Anti," he clarified pointlessly, "he's... he's miserable. Feels helpless. Angry, but not in a 'killing people' way. He's usually happy when he kills people, actually-"
"Chase," said Marvin, squeezing his shoulder, "we should get you to bed."
Henrik paused in his frantic note-taking to glare at Marvin.
"...Yeah, actually," said Chase after a moment, "that'd be... yeah. Sorry, Hen, I'll- I can write it all up for you later."
Henrik pressed his lips together, clearly frustrated, but nodded.
"...Alright. I had better pack up, then."
Marvin helped Chase off the floor, and Chase tried to shake off the last of the suffocating, cloying, helpless anguish that had rushed in on him from all sides. Higgins brushed against his ankle as Marvin guided him down the hallway and into the office he'd usurped and turned into- well, it wasn't really a makeshift bedroom anymore. It had been over a year. He was probably officially Marvin's roommate now.
"You're hovering," he told Marvin as the other herded him to the bed. The mattress felt softer than it had been that morning.
"You gave us a fright," said Marvin. Chase grinned up at him, and Marvin folded his arms.
"Knew you cared," Chase teased. Marvin went pink. Gods, he was so fucking easy.
Higgins jumped up onto the bedspread and curled up at Chase's feet purring loudly, and after a moment Marvin relented and sat on the edge of the bed.
"...are you alright?" he asked softly, and something flipped over behind Chase's ribs.
Not the time, Brody, really, definitely not the time.
"I'm fine," said Chase, only lying a little bit. "It's... they're not really my emotions, and I only feel him in- in my head for a moment, so... I'm fine."
"You were crying."
"Can't prove it."
"Marv," he said, taking Marvin's hand and doing his level best not to think about it, "I'm fine. I'll be fine. You should go make sure Henrik's not doing any bullshit out there, okay? I'll be fine."
Marvin hesitated just long enough for Higgins to meow impatiently.
"Fine," he said, dropping Chase's hand to stand up, "alright, I probably should see him out... I'll bring you some tea, alright?"
"Thanks," Chase hummed, giving him a smile. Marvin nodded sharply, and left. As soon as the door shut behind him, Higgins climbed up to settle on Chase's chest, purring loudly and nuzzling his head into Chase's shirt.
"Good kitty," said Chase, voice cracking halfway through. He took a deep, shaking breath, burying a hand in the cat's fur. "Good kitty. Thank you."
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unorthodoxposts · 6 months
Tumblr media
a mood-board of my current ao3 work! because the quality dropped when i converted this to a gif, here’s what it says:
“I don’t like remembering. Remembering makes me feel things. I don’t like feeling things.”
“Paint me as a villain.”
“I never had a chance to be soft. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me.”
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spooky-draws-stuff · 7 months
Additional Tags: Violence Summary:
In this episode, our characters are driving in a car. Then Chase gets a gun. (it's free) Strange sounds at night are bothering Anti. Can he figure out where it's coming from? Marvin is ready for battle. and Jackie gets stabbed. Find out in this adventure! READ IT NOW!
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llclown-kittyll · 2 years
Hi I love ur work - but could u do a yandere septiceyes x reader who is disabled and always unintentionally hurts them self? U didn't have to but the idea is here
I saw this a couple weeks after Anon asked. I hope you're still around to read the fic you inspired!
TW's: Stalking, undiagnosed/ untreated medical issues.
I based this on my experiences and the reader is gender neutral
The world was set up to fail you from the very beginning. This much you knew. You didn’t know who was leaving you small trinkets and small love notes for you in your workplace- but you knew that the world couldn’t care less about you or your ‘issues’. 
Since you could remember, you had episodes of dizziness and lost your coordination skills- that could last minutes to hours, it varied. Pair that with anxiety and sensory issues, and it equaled out to your worst day when both showed up. Realistically, you knew you should get a cane or something. Since the path for a required diagnosis and treatment wasn’t covered by your healthcare plan, it was the next best option. 
But your anxiety would sky-rocket if your coworkers and friends saw you with a cane, and then you’d have to explain why you used it to every single person. It would be none of their business, really, but the social pressure of explaining why and letting strangers invalidate or validate your reason was an expectation- and you didn’t have the strength to go through that.
Punching out, you were just done with today. It was 9PM and today had been hectic to the max. Frustrated customers, cleaning every nook and cranny cause the area managers were visiting, stocking- bending up and down, again and again it was way too much. But trying to be the perfect worker to prove your worth, you pushed. You were the last one leaving, the mall already closing two hours ago. You spent 10 minutes in the break room earlier, sprawled out, trying to get some feeling back into your bones. And in your tired, weary mind, when you saw that the escalator was shut down- you picked the stairs, forgetting about the real possibility that you could die if you had an episode then and there. It was 2 floors- so not awful. Trudging down, you loosely held onto the railing, just wanting to get home already. Everything became a blur slowly, losing awareness because of how stressed out you were and the feeling of dizziness becoming more prominent minute by minute. Stopping a couple times, you took a break so the symptoms slowed down- playing the waiting game and then moving again. Missing a step, you almost fell…
Black sleeved arms caught you around your waist, holding you up from face-planting into the concrete floor. If you weren’t ‘alone’, at a mall, at night- you would've said thanks. But the fact that you never heard a single door open or footsteps fueled your action to grip onto the rail harder and turn around- nothing. Nothing was there... No-one was there… The next morning you forgot all about it, blaming it on your delirium from working a ten hour shift on four hours of sleep and a red bull. It was nothing.
Months passed since then, you almost hurt yourself countless times because of your perfectionism and by ‘chance’ you didn’t. A ‘gust of wind’ pushed the door closed just in time for you to lean on it. Your phone appeared, ringing so loudly in between your couch cushions that you had no choice but to crash instead of continuing cleaning during a dizzy spell and a migraine once. How convenient that you didn’t burn an arm trying to cook while your head was spinning because the electric stove shut off randomly that day. The small gifts from your secret admirer ramped up in price and became spot-on choices of what you liked. Word got around fast- despite your 50+ coworkers. So, you assumed whoever it was, was listening. Small detailed jewelry, costly gemstones, your favorite snacks- it should’ve been alarming. But who were you to question gifts given out of ‘pure romantic obsession interest’? 
Tuesday, on the way to work in a uber, you checked your missed texts. One was sent 4 A.M. and you didn't recognize the number. Your blood ran cold when you read it.
Don’t push yourself to be a perfectionist today, Y/N. I can’t watch you every second like usual- I’ll only be able to check on you every hour today. I’m making everything perfect for our 8 month anniversary and need to spend some time on getting it all ready for tonight. Be careful, Doll. I love you~
The same number showed up as calling after you read it, and with shaky hands, you answered. 
“̶̥͙̬̂͊R̴̢̲͈̿e̴̹̤̲͊͠ă̵̞͇ͅd̸̙̤͘̕͝y̶̤̭͛͋͐ ̵͔̒f̵̣͉̉̎ó̶̧͖̩͗r̵͉̼͚̿̈͆ ̷̙̲͕͂̚o̵̪̓̋ų̴͋r̶̼̬̍̕͜ ̸̬̪͆d̵͓̑̂ą̷̬̦̀t̷̩̩̪͆͒̾ḛ̵̓ ̶̘͌̌̈ẗ̶͉́̐͋o��͖̟̼͑n̶̳̍̚ḭ̶̔͊ĝ̸̰̲h̵̺̒̒̕ͅt̷̻̠̬͌͝,̵͇͐̾ ̵͓͌͝D̸̦̦̽̀ạ̶̫͊̀̉r̴̙̈́l̸͕̫̭̓̒ī̷̻n̷̩̂’̴̧̓?̸̠̖̍̀”̸̦̈́̑̕  *
*”Ready for our date tonight, Darlin’?”
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cakethefabulousart · 10 months
A Demons Deal...
(note that this is my first public fanfic and i am still learning <3 )
Chapter 1 The deal
The night was young and the air was sweet with the fresh smell of rain, it having rained not too long ago. Out on this night and down a bit into the city, there was a man clothed in red with a green floof of hair poking out from his hood, he had a blue mask on that hid his identity while he strolls the streets, it identifying that he is in fact a superhero.
This man seemed to be distracted, earplugs in and hands tucked into his pockets as he kept his gaze down at the footpath. Honestly it just looked like he was just wondering around the streets with no intention, just so, alone… he sighs as he finally stopped, stopping in front of a rather dark alleyway to his right, he looks into the dark void that the alley appeared as “fuck it.” He spoke in a rather low but soft voice that sounded broken, just hesitating for a moment before pulling out a piece of paper, reading it one last time before shoving it into his pocket and walking into the darkness.
As the hero walked through the darkness he had grabbed his torch to light up his way through, looking around until he spotted a dark green door, it was odd looking like as if it wasn’t meant to be there in the first place.. “Huh.. is that it..?” the man muttered to himself as he approach it, reaching out to touch it and when the feeling of what should be cold metal, it didn’t and in fact it was tingly like strange glitches or some sort of fuzzy static feeling.
When the hero had touched the door a hand had suddenly reached out through the door!? It had grabbed him and pulled him in “what the fuck!?!-” he squeaks as he couldn’t stop the hand from pulling him in. he was admittedly scared when he got pulled in, but prepared for a fight if this was one.
“Jackie.. I see you accepted my message.” a voice that was a bit more scratchy yet distorted had spoke, the voice coming from what had pulled him in. before the hero was a smaller man who slouched and wore black and ripped clothes, he had piercing neon green eyes that stair down jackie, they were odd as they glow and had a cat like slit pupil, sharp and small as if watching their pray. This unnatural human as well had pointed ears that twitch a little, listening to things around them, this creature grins after a moment, taking a step back “honestly i didn’t expect you to actually accept it, wow! So interesting!” he chirped with mischief in the back of his tone “i can say the same for myself..” Jackie replied as he stairs back at the other.
The other that stood in front of Jackie tilted his head, noticing something different about the hero, looking him up and down “you good?” “no..” “huh okay!” he shrugs and turned around and walks in a direction, gesturing for the hero to follow him. Jackie followed him after a moment of hesitation, keeping his eyes on the other “so.. Why aren’t you attacking me, Anti..?” he asked with confusion, genuinely not sure why he was just letting him walk freely behind him.
The two walked through the dark room, going pretty far down until they reached another door. Anti had opened it and walked in with Jackie, it being much brighter in there as it looked as if a normal apartment “huh, wasn’t expecting this” “hm? What, you think I just live like a crusty creature in the darkness??” Anti spoke back as he went to sit down on the table, his legs swinging back and forth a tad now “uuhh.. Nevermind.” Jackie honestly felt more relaxed in here then he did outside. But now that he was there and Anti was there, he makes eye contact with the demon and walks up to him, offering a hand that Anti takes “you know that you won’t be able to go back once you accept.” the hero sighs “I know.. I have nothing to lose.” he was tired, but he won’t be tired no longer as Anti nods before pulling out of thin air, red and glowing strings, wrapping them around his and Jackie’s hands
Now that they both had the strings around their hands, it slowly faded away and Anti had let go of his hand, looking at Jackie as he watched his left eye glow green then fade to a natural green, now having one green and one blue eye “there. You are now my Puppet, hero~”
“Fuck fuck FUCK!!” a person in a cloak with a cat mask that conceals their face was swearing while looking into a black orb, showing the last moment of the hero before he got pulled through that odd door… they were stressed as they started to pace back and forth in their room, pulling the cloak hood up and over his face, holding it there as he slowly went down to the ground and curled in on himself “please no.. i can’t lose him.. No no no-!” he was breaking down until he felt a sharp pain in his chest, looking shocked as he knew that his protection spell on Jackie had broke “n-no…” he whimpers quietly then curled up more on himself, crying quietly to himself.
This magical man cried quietly to himself, holding himself close for a while. But, eventually he does get up and grabs a satchel, putting the strap over his shoulder and then heads out of his home, a look of fear yet determination on his face “i will get you back, Jackie…” he mutters too himself, just simply vanishing into thin air just outside of his home..
Just a bit away from that green door in the dark alleyway, the magical man appears and he seems to whisper something as a little light orb appears above him. He looked around for a moment before walking up to the door, grabbing the handle as he tries to open it and to his surprise it does! Well, it was really heavy and he struggled to open it “fuck why do i have to be weakkk-” he whines quietly as he gets it open and wonders in with caution, letting his little light shine the room.
To the magicians surprise and shock, there was nothing there… where was Jackie??! Where did the hero vanish off to..? “Jackie..? Where are you..! Please.. Please don’t be gone- no no no nononono! Fuck!!” he was starting to panic at the lack of a hero being here, looking around as he tried to keep hope “come on come on! You gotta be here..- what-” he stops in his frantic search when he spotted something on the ground, looking over at it as he hesitated before hurrying over and onto his knees. In front of him was a red phone and a piece of paper, the phone was Jackie’s and the note had something written on it “Jackie- please no… please!…” he started to sob as he read the note…
The Note. “I am sorry. I love you Marvin”
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Back at the apartment that the hero and demon where in, Anti’s eyes were glowing as they watched Marvin find the phone and note, snickering to himself “hay where is my room?” Jackie had asked as he watched the demon, tilting his head at him “ oh uh it’s down the hall on the left, bathroom is on the right.” Anti spoke casually like as if nothing had happened, which the hero guessed was a little comforting that he doesn’t straight up treat him like shit after making him his puppet “alright thanks…” Jackie mumbles as he heads down to his room.
(I hope you enjoy chapter 1!!)
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fruitycasket · 5 months
Thinkin' about Dark Puppetry.
It's such a shame I was broke when that book was still for sale, I thought it looked neat then and now having hunted down the post it was advertised in (it's deleted now but the reblogs live on), I stand by that.
Now I guess someone could release another collection of fics in a book but you see that would require gathering the writers and other things so like. (Image of the book for reference under the cut.)
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Egotober Day 7: Leaves
It wasn’t often that Dark went outside when it was cold, given that it bothered his body in a way those with chronic pain and arthritis all knew very well most of the time. But today it wasn’t as bad and it was more a soft chill than a painful sort of cold. Plus he wasn’t alone, dark eyes glanced up at the sound of a glitch and a soft smile tugged his lips as he saw Anti glitch around the yard almost like a puppy to get rid of energy.
The glitch was acting like a big kid as he was ecstatic for fall. Dark was as well but in a much less visible exuberant way than his lover, the thick sweater under his suit jacket kept him warm as he raked up leaves and hummed softly. He actually hummed the tune to This Is Halloween and when he realized it he chuckled to himself. Well he knew what he’d ask the glitch what he wanted to watch when they went inside.
He finished raking up a pile, and with how big the manor was there’d have to be more than one made and then pooled together, Dark barely had time to register the mischievous feeling of sparks in the air.
Then Anti jumped into the pile and leaves went everywhere, he laughed and shook himself as some stuck in his hair from the static cling. He looked up at the shadow with an unrepentant grin. It widened as Dark let out a fondly exasperated sigh, expression attempting to be frustrated but failing as his eyes sparkled softly in amusement.
The expression turned into a fond smile when Anti grabbed his tie and pulled him down for a kiss.
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Always Finds You
Back to Anti for a moment.
That whole IRIS thing, right? Crazy 👀
wow gonna have to make a cut, this got long.
Tw: implied violence, blood, slight torture, possessive behavior, hints of past trauma, swearing
Antisepticeye x Reader (female)
Word count: 969
Set up: “Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?” Welp now you’re locked up in an IRIS holding room, dreading what might happen because of your situation regarding a certain alter.
Initially you didn’t know why you were being kept in this facility. Only after they mentioned something called “ALTR 114209”, did the reality dawn on you. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak after that. You couldn’t talk about him. Anti had to know where you were at this point and talking about him with anyone was against his rules.
However, they had ways to encourage you.
The day after your complete shutdown, they brought in a small device with wires. Three large men accompanied the IRIS worker. They grabbed you, placed you in handcuffs and forced you into the chair on the opposite end of the scientist. You, of course terrified, couldn’t even protest. You knew why this was happening. You had no idea what would happen if you complied, but you knew it wouldn’t be good.
The same man was in front of you once again, adjusting an earpiece and pulling out notes to began questioning, “Do you feel like speaking with us today?”
Your eyes began to water. You shook your head, “I can’t…”
He sighed and seemed to speak into the earpiece, “Subject remains incompliant, beginning incentive procedure.” He waved the men forward.
They once again grabbed you and roughly began attaching the small electrode stickers to different parts of your head, neck and torso.
“Applying 70 volts.” Before you could respond, he flipped the switch that sent a jolt through your body. The air grew heavy with a familiar static. You were sure he let it last longer than it should’ve.
He switched the device off and your entire body slumped. You ached. Your hadn’t felt this way since your first few weeks with Anti.
“What do you know about ALTR 114209?”
“Please… I can’t tell you…”
“Subject remains incompliant. Applying 85 volts.”
“Wait-“ another jolt wracked your body.
This continued for about an hour until you were up to receiving 120 volts. Panting and shaking, you were left with a growing migraine. Unable to speak even if you could.
Suddenly the lights shut off and it sounded as if a generator booted everything back online. The IRIS worker spoke into the device in his ear, “Requesting status update…” a few moments past with his eyes growing wide. “Wrap this up, Central needs us.” He quickly left the room and the men removed the equipment. Uncuffing your hands just before they left and locked the door.
It took you a minute to move, but you gathered your strength to threw yourself onto the cot you had been provided.
A loud scream echoed from the halls and the lights went dark, a loud alarm blaring. He’s manifesting. The door automatically unlocked as an evacuation order played over the intercom. Instead of attempting a futile escape, you curled into a ball, and pressed your knees to your chest.
Screaming mixed with shouting. Sounds of gunfire soon followed, you could almost laugh knowing that it wouldn’t do a damn thing.
The chaos neared you before ceasing completely. You felt sick. The door opened.
“(Y/n)~ “ you shivered at his sing-song call. “There you are… waiting for me ever so patiently. Such a good girl.” You turned to look up at him, not to surprised he had moved directly next to you without making a sound, a dangerous red aura followed him.
Though his appearance seemed overall collected, the mirror like glitching that surrounded him told another story. Vicious images of him tearing at himself and screaming in rage.
“I really hate it when someone touches my things…” he growled to himself and bent down to your level. The playful tone was back, “Sweetheart~ I think I’ve had my fun for now. Let’s go back home.” He quickly grabbed you up into his arms, you only latched onto him as a reflex.
His chest rumbled with a small laugh and he turned to leave, but stopped.
“(Y/n), I’m not angry with you. In fact, I’m actually very happy with your behavior… I know how easily you get frightened, so let me help you relax until we return home, okay?” A wave of numbing exhaustion hit you. This was a familiar sensation. Anti would use this as a “reward” to help you sleep on days you were good for him.
You were about to drift off when the overwhelming smell hit you. The raw tang of iron that heavily laced the air. You didn’t realize how hard you were gripping at him until you felt his grip tighten too. Another hard wave of exhaustion hit, “Shhh sh… sleep now, everything’s alright.” With that, you finally passed out, grip going slack.
He would never admit his feelings. He was enraged when he found out you had gone missing. Anger at the thought you had foolishly made another escape attempt. Worse yet when he realized you’d been taken. When he saw what they started doing to you… there was no word to describe his state of mind.
He hated that someone else had touched you. Hated that they had taken you from him. Hated that they had harmed you.
He was going to burn the place to the ground.
A different perspective dawned on him though… He would soothe your wounds. Build you back up in order to trust him.
He would admit that in the beginning he had been rough with you, but humans could be so much worse. Letting you see that would make him appear as the lesser of two evils. It made him giddy at how well he could control the situation. Oh, and you behaved so perfectly too.
Now you would come around to like him. He would see to it that all you ever thought about was him. He would revel in your blind obedience.
Not that… he, himself could come to care for such a fragile thing. The precious little bundle in his arms… with that adorable spark of your soul.
He internally groaned. He just couldn’t help himself… he had grown attached to this cherished little project of his.
“Don’t worry, (y/n). I won’t let them harm you again.”
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onwiththestories · 4 months
Snippet of WKM: The Egos chapter 4
I trudged up the stairs to my apartment after I’d waved goodbye to Sandra, but stopped when I found several small boxes on my doorstep. They looked like they were from Amazon and were all addressed to ‘Ms. Echo’. I didn’t like being called Miss, Ms., Ma’am, or lady, but I squinted and let this one slide. There were two small boxes, about the size of cell phone packaging, and one larger one that looked like it might hold a laptop. A note was hidden between the big box and my doormat that read:
“Dear Ms. Echo,
I’ve heard from a friend of yours that you don’t have many electronics, so I thought I’d chip in. Especially for a new recruit to the Superhero Program, these will come in handy. Don’t worry, the phone and laptop come to you direct from a department in the Unit, and they’ll handle the bills. They’re top of the line, and not really supposed to be available to the public, but I won’t tell if you don’t. The third box is a bioscanner, which should help you figure out if you’ve got more powers than the teleportation and resurrection.
Yours sincerely,
‘Well, that’s a thing that happened’, I thought, mulling over the letter as I let myself into my apartment with new toys in tow.
The house was exactly as I’d left it. After taking off my shoes and four-day-old clothes, and taking a very long shower, I dressed in navy sweatpants and a purple tank top and plonked myself down on my futon couch and set to checking out my new devices. The phone looked like any other smartphone, but it didn’t have a brand anywhere and was already set up in my name with a single contact: Adam. It came complete with charger and ‘terabyte micro sd card’, whatever that was. I spent a few moments personalizing it and seeing what I could do with it before getting bored and checking out the bioscanner. The instructions said I needed to give myself a shot with a syringe that came with it, then put a droplet of blood on the scanner’s detector strip. Fuck that. Massively fuck that.
Here's a bit of chapter 4, it's up on Ao3 if you want to read!
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cosmok13 · 6 months
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Anti looked over at Stacy, seeing that morphing monster in front of him caused him to shake again. But the more he listened to her words, the stronger a new feeling became as it took over his fears. He stood on all fours, raising his tail up in defense as he started to snarl lowly. Posi took notice of this, wondering what the Glitch was going to do.
She laughed while looking at the group. “Aren’t you so smart, Doctor. You were also a factor that ruined our marriage. You filled his head with lies about me, making him choose sides. For shame on you.” She mocked. 
Chase shook as he looked away, crying again. He couldn’t face her, but at the same time he didn’t want to listen to her. “I-I-I... No! T-That’s not true!”
“We know damn well none of those were lies! All of your memories of her, you could see what she was capable of! What she really did to you! You can not change the memories of that abuse, but that gives you all the more reason to NOT believe her!” Henrik defended.
Stacy continued to laugh. “That doesn’t matter. He’s still trapped in the past by me. After all, he knows that learning the truth now won’t ever free him.”
Angus stepped forward, no longer interested in what she had to say. “Alright, that’s fucking it. I’m gonna kick her ass. Who’s with me?”
“Let’s throw her off the Mindscape’s edge.” Nega agreed. Everyone else stood by Chase’s side, ready to defend him. Even Anti seemed to have been ready to attack, in a feral state that was. 
“Chaaase… you still love me, don’t you?” She asked innocently. 
“...I…” He hesitated, still looking away. 
"You won't fucking hurt him again, bitch." Angus snarled at her, as his wings puffed up in anger.
“If you love me, then you’ll come back and stay with me… forever.” She offered. “Just listen to me and I’ll love you ag-” At the moment, Anti hissed as the glitching around him seemed to have increased. His hands turned more into claws as his tail pointed out like a spear. Without thinking, and to everyone’s shock, he ran over and jumped onto the ‘Manifestation’ of Stacy. She screamed as Anti latched himself onto her, clawing at her face as he flung her goopy skin away. It disfigured her face terribly, again causing her to howl in pain. Posi and Nega did not know what to think of this situation. Henrik and Chase stared in awe while Angus… was in disbelief. “Get off of me, you fucking animal!” She managed to grab onto Anti, tossing him and sliding him across the street over to the others.
“Anti!” Posi quickly ran over to the Glitch as he checked him over, making sure he had no wounds. Angus knelt down to see if he was alright as well. 
Chase looked between Anti and Stacy, seeing what had happened and loss for words. “Chase, are you really going to let that thing attack me?!” Stacy demanded as she growled. “Kill it now!” She ordered. 
Chase felt like he was about to hyperventilate again, every single thought he had came crashing into him at once. He envisioned his memories of Stacy and the kids, how they seemed like a happy family. Then again, only three of the four were ever truly pleased with the life they had before Stacy wore the pants in the relationship. Stacy was right, knowing the truth at this point wouldn’t change the trauma he went through. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t use this to learn from his mistakes. “No!” He shouted, looking back over at her. He still had tears leaking down his cheeks, and though his body trembled, he was still doing his best to stand his ground. Gritting his teeth, he was the one that talked down to her! “I’m not going to listen to you any more, Stacy! You and I are through!!!” He raised up his nerf gun, pointing it right at her with his finger on the trigger.  This took me a lot longer to make, but I wanted to try my hand on body portions and background. I tried to make it look like the battle background for Chase's memory. I also did a bit of a redesign with Memory Stacy, I liked the idea of her having a two-face personality given how she most likely hid her abusive side of her family in public, which is a common trait for abusers. So in the battle, she is half human and half monster. Honestly, I had fund with her design to make her look slightly ugly. I also like Anti attacking her, being the feral he is! That was such a roller coaster of a chapter, and that was just one of the many memories we will see. If you want to check out the story this is based on, check out my SoulScape revives on my fanfiction.net account: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13872298/1/Soulscape-CosmoK13-edition
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franklyshipping · 1 year
Sticky Situation ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
WOOP NEXT ANON PROMPT! Here we have a fabulous Septic trio getting up to some fun, so LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch and @jameson-lee-jackson
The doctor was focused, very nearly unblinking. It was perfection he was striving for in this experiment, and so concentration was essential for success. His tongue was poking out through his teeth as he hovered the dropper over the little mound of lime green slime, a residue courtesy of Gooper (just… don’t ask which bit of Gooper it came out of… long story short he has his own toilet now). With his free hand, Dr Schneeplestein dimmed the lights in his office, causing the liquid in his dropper to reveal its properties – it was a glow in the dark solution. He allowed three drops to fall upon the mound of slime, before he kneaded it gently with a gloved hand. He waited five seconds. Ten seconds. Fifteen seconds. Then… it happened. The glow.
‘How magnificent! I think we have the correct concentration of the luminescent solution Gooper!’
The doctor said, turning to Gooper who was perched on his shoulder. The glob wiggled with a quiet, happy gurgle in response… but Gooper’s joy was not at the great volume it usually was. All day he’d been watching Schneeple toil and work on hundreds of versions of this slime experiment, with the goal of making the best glow in the dark ectoplasmic substance in time for Halloween, as a surprise feature for all the egos to play with. And, as often happened with the dear doctor, he was so caught up in his work that he hadn’t rested. Not once. As he focused on his next batch, Gooper subtly slid down the doctor’s back and onto the ground, before wibbling his way out of the room. He knew if Schneeple was going to get any rest, he was going to need the right help. So, with an agility that often evades our gooey friend, he rushed through the manor looking for potential compatriots.
Despite how densely populated the manor was at this point, Gooper spent a good half an hour rolling and blopping through the place before he found anyone, but lucky for him they were the perfect duo for what he needed. Anti and Jamie had just finished decorating the main living room with tons of ghost-shaped lights, and the former spotted Gooper with a grin.
‘Well if it ain’t my favourite slimy guy, what’s up?’
Jamie gasped happily when he saw Gooper, giving him a little wave. Gooper cooed, then hopped up and down in an agitated way, before morphing part of his form into tiny hands – this was one of the rare occasions where he needed to communicate actual human sentences. A few minutes of wobbly sign language and accompanying gurgles later, Anti and Jamie were wide eyed as they looked at each other. Anti tossed the remaining LEDs he was holding onto the couch, and got a determined look in his eye.
‘Right, our décor mission is officially on hold. As of now we’re on Operation Get-Schneep-The-Fuck-To-Sleep, agreed?’
Jamie nodded enthusiastically, and after Gooper was scooped onto Anti’s shoulder, the trio headed to the lab, and when they arrived they didn’t bother knocking. As they entered Schneeple’s eyes widened, and he immediately used his body to try and hide his surprise project from them.
‘Woah- hey no no you cannot be in here! I am doing work things!’
However his attempt to hide is too late, and Anti sighs at him with a grin as Jamie sends Schneeple a fond look. Anti folds his arms at the doc, raising an eyebrow.
‘As awesome as your project thingy probably is, we heard a rumour that you’ve not been resting.’
Schneeple gaped for a second, and then noticed Gooper resting on the glitch’s shoulder. He grumbled and muttered.
‘You gooey little snitch…’
Gooper made a raspberry sound at him, and Jamie sent Schneeple the kind of look parents reserved for when their kids were being difficult.
‘Come on Henrik, you promised us you’d rest more!’
He signed, his expression turning pout-like – the expression made Henrik want to melt, as it tended to do with all the egos. All of a sudden, Henrik was pouting back like a little kid who didn’t want his bedtime.
‘I know I know but this ectoplasm is going to be so cool! It’s going to glow and make the manor look spooky!’
‘That won’t matter if you end up sleeping through the spooky season because of exhaustion!’
Anti retorted, before he and Jamie shared a look. They knew that the only way they were going to get Schneeple to see reason… was by force. So they each darted forward, grabbed an arm each, and started just trying to pull Schneeple out of the lab. It was entirely childish, but it was their only option!
‘AH! Hey, you let me go hey–this lab coat is new!’
‘And you look great in it, now come on!’
Anti said, causing a little blush to appear on the doctor’s cheeks as he struggled… but what none of them noticed was the stray bit of slime stuck on the linoleum floor. Slime which, unfortunately, Schneeple ended up slipping on. In an instant the three of them tumbled to the ground in the most clichéd, comedic fashion, and to make it ever better an entire jug of prototype slime got caught by Schneeple’s elbow, and tumbled with them. Anti and Jamie landed less hard whilst Schneeple landed on his back with a loud squelch, the slime cushioning his fall. Jamie’s eyes immediately went wide as his hands moved frantically.
‘Oh my golly are you okay, are you hurt?!’
‘Holy shit that’s a fuckton of slime! I think that coat’ll need dry cleaning.’
Anti snorted, spurring Jamie to elbow him with a pout – but the gentleman was quickly relieved when Schneeple laughed up at them.
‘I’m okay I’m okay it cushioned my fall… but now I am screwed.’
Jamie asked, but his question was answered as he watched Schneeple try, and fail, to get up. A side effect of this particular slime batch was this it worked as a marvellous adhesive, keeping Schneeple stuck to the ground by his coat and his bare hands, so there was no way he could even escape by wriggling out of his coat. Schneeple sighed.
‘Ah, it’s one of my earlier batches with a sticky side effect… and it will take twenty minutes for it to become malleable enough to remove.’
‘Oh damn, you don’t need to pee do you?’
Anti said, making Schneeple snort and roll his eyes fondly.
‘No Anti I do not need to pee.’
‘Good because we are not close enough for me to be cleaning up your pi–ow!’
Jamie whacked Anti’s arm reproachfully, making the glitch snicker even more. Schneeple let out another quiet sigh as Jamie tilted his head down at him, giving him a sympathetic look. Meanwhile… Anti’s expression turned suddenly, and unnervingly, mischievous.
‘Y’know JJ… I think this is a great opportunity for us.’
Jamie blinked at Anti curiously, and Schneeple got nervous flutters in his stomach when Anti grinned wickedly.
‘I think this is the perfect chance for us to punish our friend here for not resting like he promised.’
Anto cracked his knuckles and wiggled his fingers playfully in the air, allowing Jamie and Schneeple to cotton on instantly. Schneeple went bright pink as Jamie gasped with a grin, his eyes lighting up as he clapped his hands.
‘Oh what a top idea! I like it!’
‘I don’t!’
‘Hush, promise-breakers don’t get a vote.’
Anti retorted to Schneeple’s little outburst, before he and Jamie knelt over him with delighted looks on their faces… and Schneeple knew he was screwed. Anti hummed and tapped his chin for a moment, before he pushed up the doctor’s sweater vest and shirt to reveal his tummy. Before Schneeple could say another word Jamie’s deft fingers were dancing at his tummy, tickling him with such speed that he shrieked and burst into cackles of varying pitch.
‘AHH! Nononohoho nahahat the tihihickling nohoho plehehease!’
Schneeple tried to wriggle, but it was no use. He was stuck… and he realised it was going to be a long twenty minutes.
‘Aww, must be even worse not being able to move.’
Anti teased, making Schneeple cackle and snort with embarrassment as he wriggled helplessly amidst the resilient slime keeping him on the ground. Jamie giggled and let his fingers tap and wiggle as if he were playing the piano, toying with Schneeple’s soft tummy pouch under his navel. He didn’t stop to sign, but he gave Schneeple a bright grin with his tongue poking out.
‘Guhuhuys plehehehease Ihihi ahaham sohohohorry!’
‘Too late for that, you better get ready to squeal.’
Anti’s grin broadened, showing off his sharp, pearly white teeth as he allowed his eyes to glow a spookier hue of green – he knew when he showed off his scarier side it really made Schneeple more flustered. The doctor trembled as Anti loomed over him, letting out a shy giggle as Anti wriggled his fingers near his armpits.
‘Nonono wahahahait wahaha–EEEEE!’
Anti shoved his blunt nails into Schneeple’s hollows, sliding them against his bare skin under his shirt so he could scratch away at the sensitive area. Having twenty fingers dancing against his ticklish skin, scratching and tweaking relentlessly, had the poor doctor almost incoherent as his voice switched back and forth between countless octaves. At the same time Jamie was letting out soft little giggles, enjoying the way Schneeple’s tummy trembled from the tickles. He leant down and nuzzled it as he used his hands to sign.
‘You have the best tummy for tickles!’
Schneeple went even redder, looking away from Jamie as the comment about his tummy gave him lots of extra flutters.
‘Ihihihi dohoho nahahat!’
Anti bit back a snicker, and grinned at Jamie playfully.
‘I think he’s right, honestly his armpits are just way better!’
Schneeple let out a yelp when Anti pinched his hollows, and Jamie giggled at Anti and narrowed his eyes.
‘No way, his tummy is the best!’
He leant down and pointedly blew a loud raspberry against it, making Schneeple shriek and arch his back.
‘AHA-dohohon’t dohoho thahat!’
Schneeple’s words went entirely ignored as Anti laughed at Jamie, cracking his knuckles playfully.
‘Oh yeah? How about now?’
Anti pressed his thumbs into Schneeple’s armpits and vibrated them nice and deep into the muscles, making Schneeple howl with wide eyes as he tried to tug at his arms – alas, his hands were still stuck in the resilient slime, keeping him helpless to the (now very competitive) tickling Anti and Jamie were giving him.
For the next fifteen or so minutes Schneeple’s babbles and shrieks went entirely unheard and Jamie and Anti competed to see who could get the biggest reaction, with Jamie at the doctor’s belly as Anti stuck with his armpits. One minute Anti would scribble with his nails, and Jamie would nibble to make Schneeple’s squeals get louder. Anti would then blow raspberries into Schneeple’s hollows to made him cackle, to which Jamie would flutter his fingers at the edges of Schneeple’s navel to make him snort and kick his legs. It was a wondrous myriad of tickles, and Schneeple felt like he was going mad!
Anti and Jamie couldn’t help but burst into giggles, and Anti let out a thoughtful hum as he stopped his tickling at Schneeple’s armpits.
‘Hmm, you know these two tickle spots look pretty evenly matched… there’s gotta be a special spot around here somewhere, don’t you think?’
Jamie nodded, and Schneeple was left panting as he too had mercy on him. Jamie’s eyes then flicked to where Schneeple’s legs had been kicking… and his face lit up with a cheeky grin.
‘His legs look like they want to join in on the fun!’
‘Ooh you’re so right!’
Schneeple exclaimed, his eyes going wide as Anti and Jamie shared a giddy, knowing look. Before Schneeple knew it they’d descended onto his legs, each of them targeting a kneecap each – even though he was wearing jeans, they did nothing to dull the sensations of fingertips pinching and wiggling relentlessly.
‘Oooh you like it here doc?’
Anti teased, using his fingertips to mime the egg-cracking sensation against Schneeple’s right kneecap, causing his leg to jolt as he tossed his head back and forth.
Anti snickered, and grinned as he glanced at Jamie. He’s decided to initially skitter over the kneecap before him, but now had slid his fingers to the back of Schneeple’s knee. The flutters kept adorable squeaks and squeals bursting out amidst Schneeple’s main bouts of laughter, and Jamie took a moment to meet Schneeple’s gaze and give him a playful wink. Anti laughed, his eyes twinkling.
‘Oh we gotta do this more often!’
What followed for Schneeple was three minutes that felt like three years, the tickling seeming to slow down time as he laughed and laughed, enduring coos and grins from Anti and Jamie as they went to town on his hypersensitive knees. The jolts and tingles shot all the way up and down his legs as he got the tickling of his life – needless to say, he was definitely wishing he’d invested in more lids for his slime prototypes. Eventually however, Schneeple’s struggles increased and he managed to roll himself out of the, no longer adhesive, slime. Jamie and Anti ceased their tickles as Schneeple lay on his stomach, panting and giggling residually.
‘Thahahat was… sohoho unfahair…’
‘You should’ve got that rest like you promised.’
Anti retorted as Schneeple slid out of his slime-covered coat, sighing as he looked at the glitch with a wry smile.
‘Yeah yeah I know…’
Schneeple fiddled with his fingers as he bowed his head. He did try to rest, really he did, but sometimes he just got so caught up and excited with his projects that all sense of self-preservation took a back-seat in his head. Jamie shifted forward then, and pecked a kiss to the doctor’s cheek as he signed.
‘We only try and make you promise because we love you, you know that right?’
Schneeple smiled, a little of his blush returning at the affection as he nodded.
‘Yeah… I love you too.’
Jamie beamed and wrapped his arms around him, not even caring that he got slime residue on his tailored sleeves. As Schneeple hugged him back, the pair heard a sound halfway between a groan and a retch as Anti grinned at them.
‘You’re so sappy it makes me sick.’
‘Yeah yeah, love you too.’
Schneeple retorted with a snicker as he and Jamie parted… but curiously, Jamie’s smile had fallen. Before Anti or Schneeple could ask what was wrong, he frantically signed.
‘Where’s Gooper?!’
Anti and Schneeple’s eyes widened as the three of them suddenly searched around, particularly on the pile of slime… and then spotted a lump amongst it. Anti hurriedly scooped at the lump, and Gooper was in his hands. The trio felt like their hearts were in their mouths… but then Gooper exhibited a tired squirm, and let out the most colossal burp known to goop-kind. Schneeple looked down at the spilled slime, and realised about half of it had been eaten!
‘Gooper, that is not for eating!’
He admonished with a fond sigh, to which Gooper merely let out a giggly gurgle as he snuggled more into Anti’s hands. Anti petted Gooper softly as Jamie giggled, before signing with a grin.
‘I think we all need a rest now.’
Schneeple rolled his eyes and nodded, and in the space of ten minutes a mound of blankets and pillows was compiled. Schneeple was instantly snoring between Jamie and Anti, whilst Gooper napped at his chest. After rest was had the slime project was resumed, but this time Schneeple had the most enthusiastic assistants possible. Before long they had created the most epic Halloween-vibe ectoplasm the manor had ever seen… and out of a sticky situation had come sweet rest, with even sweeter rewards.
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