#Any Takers?
delusinaldreamer19 · 2 days
Black butler casino AU
Black butler casino AU
Or just like a plot revolving around a casino.
I can see it now, Sebastian is the dealer shuffling cards all fancy and Ciel is the formidable gambling foe. They work together to steal everyone’s money, and Seb uses his demon powers to make the cards/dice/roulette always land in their favor.
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angel-fruitcake · 3 months
ok it's been long enough i'm ready to live through another supernatural historical event
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butchharts · 2 months
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if I had a femme this is what I’d want our relationship to be like
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Since I am obsessed with the Modiste Bitch Fight kiss, I had a funny thought after rewatching that again.
Fanfic writers, hear me out:
What if, whenever Colin and Pen fight, Pen only needs to shout “I love you!” to end any fight?
At first, it was by accident. Pen says it out of frustration on where the fight was going.
Second time, Pen starts to form a theory in her head after accidentally doing it again.
Third time, she does it on purpose.
Colin takes a while to pick up the pattern because he is just soooo turned on by Pen’s love declaration every time. Something like a Pavlov effect.
Then, after catching on, Colin always tries to stop Pen from saying it.
(Because my goodness, look at that kiss 🫣🫣🫣)
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benkeiii · 1 month
I think I need a ticklish tummy to play with during commercial breaks or long loading screens. That might make things more bearable.
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ashnotashe · 6 months
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I havnt ever had a gender affirming haircut and I've let my hair grow for 3 years. Both of that changes fucking today.
My local LGBT center was having free haircuts and I decided fuck it. If I want to start to lean butch then I better fucking do it now, life won't wait for me to do it.
I'm so fucking happy these pictures don't show it I nearly cried when I got to my car <3
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zukkaart · 5 months
So who wants to write me a one shot where the gaang tells ghost stories and Zuko has to comfort a scared Sokka
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biggirldreaming · 8 months
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I think you should worship me 🤭
(Don’t add text, keep it in tags)
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etrebko · 18 days
Somebody should do a farming game like Stardew Valley or like Fields of Mistria but you're a bee. Or an ant. You have to build a hive/nest. Make honey. Collect food. Cozy up in winter. You can also wear a funny hat.
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sadiegirl2021 · 23 days
Ughhh Downton Abbey AU with chauffeur Lucien and Lady Elain! Please someone write this!!
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xmx208 · 6 months
I wish I had a nice cockwarming slut under my desk so I could pet their hair while forcing them to choke on me... and if they're good, I just might have to bend them over or throw their legs onto my shoulders and breed them once I'm done with my work...
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helixobesity · 9 months
How about hypnotising someone so she doesn’t notice how fat shes getting…? Whenever she gets close to noticing just hypnotise her again and then give her all the heavy foods she wants, getting that belly even bigger!
Oooooo god I’d love to do that to a piggy willing to surrender herself to gluttony~
She wouldn’t even understand what I’d changed about her
She’d live her life as she always had
Though she’d catch on how stairs are making her… so much more winded
Then her mind pops
🌀And she eats like a piggy should 🌀
She’d always been the athletic type
Or maybe she’s misremembering that…
🌀And she eats like a piggy should 🌀
Here my beloved! Dinner is served!
Hm? What do you mean it’s your 5th one tonight?
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about darling
🌀And she eats like a piggy should 🌀
Id love using hypnosis to fatten up someone eager to grow relentlessly
Cause she’ll always realize it too late
And I’ll always feed into her beautiful gains
Whether she knows it or not~
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leclerity · 3 months
kind of toying with the idea of writing a dark!reader x charles... think drugs, sex, rock and roll kind of vibe, corrupting charles. (and by "toying with" I mean "I've got the intro in my drafts")
would anyone be interested?
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bucktothecore · 1 month
Currently obsessed with The Last Dinner Party. Namely their song 'Sinner' I have next to no talent when it comes to making edits but I do believe it's Eddie/Buddie coded. If someone wants to make this?
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mamayan · 8 months
Before I forget I have a abo fic idea but like hear me out cuz I’m an alien fucker (yeah I love my kindle edition alien/monster fucking novella) anyway,
Alien that has conquering in their blood, but was raised on earth like a human. Think Superman/Brightburn style.
Reaching full maturity and just slaughtering/destroying everything—unstoppable and a cause for horrifying awe and fear—until they find you.
Why do you smell so good? Why do you look so cute? Why do they not want to tear you open like a piñata and pop your head like a confetti canon?
Curiosity replaces the boiling desire to exterminate, but only with you. Your curious alien so besotted they can’t leave you alone, but oddly enough, they listen. Not when you tell them to leave, they can’t do that, but as you hand off chores or tell them not to touch you, you realize they obey.
The psycho alien hell bent on death and destruction now following you around like a puppy, filled with the utmost joy just getting to be in your presence and neither of you understand why…
Until you let them touch you.
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cooltuna69 · 5 months
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I want his devotion
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