#Anyways if someone wants to write this as a fic pls go ahead
navree · 8 days
ooh, pls expand on your dae/jae/aeg3 ideas! 😃😃😃
This is what happens when I wake up at 3am due to stubbornly persisting jetlag (pro tip, if you're gonna go to a country that's, like, sixteen hours ahead of your's, just block off a solid week of not doing anything when you get back because your sleep is gonna be FUCKED, my European jetlag has never been this longlasting or this bad), I create Ideas in my head and then use them to help me fall asleep. And it's honestly highly likely I'm actually gonna write something with this, it's quickly moved really high in my ASOIAF fics priorities list, just behind my Dance AU (I really should also write my version of Aegon's Conquest but it would just be so fucking looooooooooong and fall quarter is about to start for me at school anyway).
So, unlike most Greens, I actually quite like Daenaera, sue me, sometimes character are just Your Baby, and she's mine (I've enumerated why here for the curious). But I do understand the narrative issues some people have with killing off Jaehaera to make room for her, so I'm merging the best of both worlds here. A lot of the same things I talk about when it comes to why I like Daenaera's relationship with Aegon can also be applied to Jaehaera, she's also someone who likely would have felt lonely and isolated and deeply depressed after all she went through, and there likely wouldn't be many people she could try and connect with. There's Gaemon, her bastard half-brother, and there's Aegon. But can Jaehaera really bring herself to connect with him, or he with her? Aegon's father sent men to murder Jaehaera's twin and threaten to rape her; Jaehaera's father not only kept Aegon a prisoner but also made him watch his mother's execution via being eaten by a dragon. That's a huge emotional gulf for two children to overcome on their own, and that's where Daenaera comes in. Kids need socialization with other kids, we know this, and given that Daenaera becomes a ward of Aegon's half-sister Baela, her visits to King's Landing to see her brother often include bringing her young charge (I'm also reducing the age difference between Aegon/Jaehaera and Daenaera, because it is rightly weird as Hell that so much emphasis was put on six year old Daenaera being the hottest preschooler in Westeros). She socializes with both Aegon and Jaehaera, since she's on a similar social level, given not just the closeness between the Velaryons and the Targaryens, but her being kind of a member of Baela's family, and thus technically the royal family by extension. And Jaehaera is queen, so it's not unreasonable for someone to go "OK she needs some noble female companions" to allow her and Daenaera to hang out more.
In my head, the first closeness happens between Jaehaera and Daenaera, and not only as a meta-rebuttal to fandom weirdos who wanna pit two little girls against each other like it's One Tree Hill because you've all got big feelings over a fictional succession crisis. But I think Jaehaera would be more openly receptive to friends than Aegon. I mentioned it in my above linked post about Daenaera, but Aegon's one friend in his minority was Gaemon, and he had to be very careful about that friendship because of how Gaemon could be treated, so he was probably recalcitrant from getting close to anyone, along with his other issues. Jaehaera doesn't have that hangup, she's just a lonely girl without any friends, so having someone who's canonically sweet and charismatic enough that her sunny disposition uplifted the people around her would definitely help her out, and make her appreciate Daenaera as a person and want her around. It'd be almost something similar to what HOTD has between Rhaenyra and Alicent, close female companions bordering on homoeroticism and sapphic first loves.
On the Aegon front, a lot of what I talked about when talking about their canonical relationship can also apply here even before a marriage. Aegon's two main relationships to people his age are Gaemon, with the issues mentioned above, and Jaehaera, which does come with its own issues from the Dance. Daenaera would still be the first major guilt-free relationship in his life, someone he can interact with and be close to without feeling the burden of his own sins or the ones of those close to him on his shoulders. And again, along with that same temperament that endeared him to her in canon, and would endear her to Jaehaera in this AU, that's how they draw close and forge their own independent friendship. On all three sides though, it would likely be restrained to something like courtly love, where you can have concretely romantic feelings and even certain minor expressions of those feelings, but you can't ever really do anything, you just pine and have unspoken thoughts about everything. Aegon and Jaehaera are married, to each other, and they're also still growing, considering they get married when they're ten, so even if they grow closer and start communicating about shared desires more, it's still gonna take some time to parse out what it is they feel and what they want. Similarly, Daenaera would also need the time to grow and realize what she wants as well, and what her feelings even are, given that she's also young. And while I've talked about how Aegon and Jaehaera would grow closer to her, even beyond Daenaera being a naturally friendly person, there is something for her in those relationships as well. Companionship with people her age, for one, and a more calming presence from two people who do seem pretty even keeled, if melancholic, after the chaos of her own early life, and a measure of stability after going from two parents to just a father to orphaned to living with Baela.
One thing that would, in my view, firmly solidify the idea that Aegon and Jaehaera like having Daenaera in their lives and want to keep Daenaera in their lives is the secret siege. In canon, Daenaera nearly dies because of the poisoned fruit tarts, it's only because maesters give her something to make her throw up before the poison gets too much ingested into her system that it doesn't, unlike what happened to poor Gaemon. In my head, there's a period of time, probably a couple hours but still, where it's verrrrrrry touch and go for Daenaera and both Aegon and Jaehaera are really worried about her. Because they know death, they've seen death, not only have a lot of their family members died but they have personally witnessed someone not just die but be killed, be murdered. They know what it looks like and they both realize that they don't want that to happen to Daenaera, that she's important to them. After all, when I said "aegon and jaehaera and daenaera as the conquerors reborn", I wasn't just being facetious. I've mentioned in a lot of my Conquerors meta that Rhaenys appears to have been the glue that held her and her siblings together, and I can see Daenaera occupying a similar role. Like Aegon I and Visenya before them, Aegon III and Jaehaera are likely people who would be reticent in expressing emotion, though for different reasons (trauma vs just inherent personality), whereas Daenaera is not. And having kids socialize with someone like that, and learn to socialize with other people, including each other, like that, it's important, and it makes Daenaera important to them, along with the personal feelings that might become involved, especially with them all maturing emotionally and sexually at the same time. Post-secret siege is when I think things would take a concrete turn to the romantic, and given that the most successful Targaryens of all time were very famously in a polygamous marriage, that's when a plan can start forming about bringing Daenaera into the marriage, not unlike Rhaenys getting brought into Aegon and Visenya's marriage.
(though, unlike my headcanon where Aegon and Visenya never wanted each other romantically or sexually due in part to incompatibilities as Visenya was a lesbian, and they both wanted Rhaenys, all three participants in this poly couple would want each other. I think that Aegon and Jaehaera might like Daenaera individually more than they might like each other, cuz again there's a lot of baggage involved, but there's romantic attachment and sexual interest, though to varying degrees, from all parties to all parties)
A marriage including Daenaera also helps deal with the unseen faction of the Dance: the Velaryons. The Velaryons kinda got shafted by both sides in this war. The Blacks in general treated a lot of members of House Velaryon badly in the lead up (Daenaera's grandfather, again, is Vaemond Velaryon. That Vaemond Velaryon), along with Rhaenyra imprisoning and threatening the House head, Corlys, over her own neuroses. The Greens, meanwhile, not only kept a member of House Velaryon as a prisoner (Baela, who is also the current king's sister), but are responsible for the death of a member of House Velaryon through marriage, since Aegon and Aemond killed Rhaenys (fuck you HBO for ruining that team up, sorry I'm done now). The toll of the war on House Velaryon was pretty severe, with wrongs done by both sides, and there does need to be some element of House Targaryen going "my bad" and offering some kind of recompense, especially considering the ways House Velaryon helped both sides with the allegiance switch (also, if we're moving up Daenaera's age, you can have her father be a casualty of the Dance, rather than the Daughter's War). Having a Velaryon at the table, given a prominent seat at the table, can definitely be that, especially someone who is historically pureblood Velaryon, without major Targaryen ancestry who can clearly advocate for House Velaryon. So if the two Targaryen monarchs go "we want this Velaryon as our queen", that can work from a political perspective and allow the match to go forward.
And if we keep the dragons around, which I want to, because I like dragons, that's something that can also connect Daenaera and Jaehaera. Say Morghul never dies in the storming of the Dragonpit, now Jaehaera has a dragon, and we know Daenaera loves dragons, whereas Aegon can't stand them (reasonable, given what happened to Rhaenyra). So Jaehaera can't bond with Aegon about dragons, but she can bond with Daenaera, who'd be very interested in hearing everything about it. If Daenaera wanted to claim a dragon herself, and we know she expressed the desire to have one after seeing Rhaena and Morning in canon, Jaehaera could be the one to help and facilitate that. Not to mention, I put in a response to someone asking who might Sunfyre have allowed to be his rider if he survived Dragonstone (can't find it for the life of me tho, sorry!) that Daenaera was a likely candidate, given that they're both pretty sweethearts. So if I get to be self indulgent and have Sunfyre survive for a bit, Daenaera can connect with him and Jaehaera can have some link to her deceased father, Sunfyre's original rider.
So yeah, these are just a couple disjointed thoughts I had based on that idea, but in my head that's how it should be. I'm sure I'll think of more about them as actual proper adults and reigning monarchs, cuz right now a lot of this was childhood and teen years focused along with a spotlight more on how they got together than how the relationship unfolded into adulthood, but hope you enjoyed the expansion anon!
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were-wolverine · 10 months
just watched the final doctor who special.... spoilers ahead
they're a familu ims sobbing they afinalyl let 10 be happy wven if technialy theyre 14
10 has always been the most traumatized honestly. it's esp evident in the one special with 10 11 and the War Doctor where 10 remembers exactly how many children were on Gallifrey when they "destroyed" it. he's also the angriest and most unhinged (Waters of Mars, his 'death' scene, def more i can't remember). he lost the most of all the new who doctors (rose, martha, donna, river song)
just remembered donna was 10's last companion. crying again. he was always meant to come back to her.
and he still gets to have a Rose in his life :,)
i am now going to make a bunch of crack hcs about the Doctor and Donna being a PTA-mom duo lol. everyone is like "why is this man with you? where is your husband" and donna is like "excuse you, this is my long lost brother who cares deeply for his niece. shaun is making dinner for us. never speak to me again."
ncuti seems like SO much fun omg im really looking forward to his adventures. and him being so caring towards 14 :,) their interactions were so sweet esp bc its also david passing on the mantle yk?
15 really said "you're going to therapy for both of us thanks" as if that's how it works. babe pls.
i was kinda disappointed that their TARDIS interiors are the same but alas, its probably way easier than making a whole new one so i get it. for a sec there i thought we were gonna get 9 & 10's TARDIS back but no :(
ALSO- the toymaker being afraid of 'the one who waits'... listen i know its unrealistic BUT i really want it to be Me/Ashildr because she is said to be 'waiting to play chess at the end of the universe' and i think it would be so cool. i want to see her again. which reminds me i really wanna write/read a fic of her and capt jack meeting bc they were both turned immortal by the doctor and then left behind. but anyway
i also think it could be river song or capt jack, maybe even clara. aside from them tho idk who else it would be (unless its someone from classic who or a new character)
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rainswept · 6 months
Hiii I noticed u have great taste in fics.. so i’m gonna ask if you can recommend a few hsr & genshin fanfic writers?? Pls & ty 🙏🏼
oh man,, this is such a great question. i’m touched you decided to come to me!! i’ll go ahead and list some writers and the fics that came to mind first (most of them are angsty, i apologize, but those are what usually stick w/ me 😭😭)
dulcesiabits — my all time favorite fic in general is still your shadow under the illusory moon + part two. also dissection of a liar, which i read and went hunting for again because i forgot it was a fanfic and mistakenly remembered it as part of his canon character stories. i was Really Confused. i looked through the wiki and game for a really long time. anyway, dulcesiabits herself also has a bunch of fics for other fandoms (including hsr) + other genshin characters, and everything i’ve read from her has been absolutely heart-wrenching and world view altering (positive)
perpetualcynicsm — The Writer Ever for everyone who likes long fics and wants to get invested (their current wip is over 130k words). their work is absolutely amazing and clearly has so so much effort and passion put into it. i’m not even that big of a fan of xiao but they got me to read about him anyway. i still haven’t gotten to to dance amidst a sea of flowers but i WILL. terribly underrated as a whole
thenyxsky — not sure what else to say except for when reading awaken i died just like heizou did. it had me on the edge of my seat and then left me feeling like a part of me was left in the page. it was so so good and AGAIN incredibly underrated
ruershrimo — one of my favorites was hair, which remains one of my favorite lyney drabbles in general to this day,, such good characterization and so poetic. super super underrated for the third time and also a really sweet person in general
noraszoo — ohhh my god i found their blog through one of my mutuals recently. their writing is so sweet and descriptive and their dialogue!! particularly loved keep my blankets warm and my name in your mouth
m1d-45 — i’m not the biggest fan of sagau usually, but their work introduced me to a flavor of it i actually liked and changed my mind. my favorites i can remember reading were wandering and (what about me?)
aeroblossom — their writing and theories and the little things they notice in the game are all so good. a symptom of something wrong and a curse-bearer in particular. so vivid and compelling, really feels like you’re there, watching someone go through everything in real time or even going through it yourself. once again, so awfully underrated. criminally, even, for how much of an emotionally reaction these gave me. god
thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch — i love her dialogue and the way she breathes life into scenes and characters that are typically overlooked or gotten awfully wrong. i loovveddd changsheng’s favorite, and tolerance.. oh man. one of the only fics i’ve ever read where blade actually feels and acts like blade.
i have plenty more, especially including my mutuals, but i didn’t want this to get too long so i just put in the ones that i vividly remember left me with a gaping hole in my chest where my heart had previously been (positive). the ones that gave me a visceral reaction and changed the way i see the world (also positive). i’m sure there were more that also did that to me but it is 4 am and i want to post this now 😭😭 if you do want an exhaustive list all the writers i could recommend, feel free to send another ask! i could talk ab them all day and all night so please don’t be afraid, i’m sure i’ll have more to recommend every week
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n7punk · 1 year
Hey there! Good evenin!
I wanted to ask for advice on posting AI3 stories on here? I’ve noticed you and other artists I favorite doing it for some time but I’ve never really gotten the hang of figuring it out for myself.
(well, tumblr gave me two notifications but only showed me one anon so... hope you're the only one LOL). I assume that's a typo for AO3 and not the crime of AI generating 3 stories XD
okay, so I'm guessing you're looking for tips on how to effectively share fics in a useful/concise way? i don't know what a lot of other people do since the fanfic authors i follow on tumblr dont usually make share posts, but i can talk about my thought process i guess.
i share the way i do because i used to write my fics direct on tumblr (which was fine when they were like 1k one shots and doesn't work for pretty much anything else). i had to include all the information someone might want at the start of a post by necessity. when i started sharing fics from ao3, i continued providing the same information with some changes/additions because like, if that's what they wanted to know to read it on tumblr, they probably want it in order to click through to another site too. i know a lot of people who post direct on tumblr will just include like two lines like [- ship name - prompt/summary (some people skip even this & just. pls. include it) - read more] but that's really not enough for me to read something new unless i already like the author.
(side bar: for long projects, i generally do one share post at the beginning and one at the end, occasionally with another halfway through if it's especially long. i used to do them every chapter but that's just Annoying (for me, people in the tags, and my followers probably) but i update really frequently, so if it's been 2 months since the last chapter, go for a new share post, why not.)
anyway this is my general formatting notes that led to how i do my posts:
either start with or end with the link. you can type a regular title/"Read here on AO3!" and make it a hyperlink, or include one of the embedded links tumblr has.
IF YOU USE AN EMBED LINK: for multichapter fics, it will title it only as "Show Chapter" which is totally unhelpful. ao3 links are roughly formatted as "ao3.org/works/[workID]/chapters/[chapterID]". you need to delete the "/chapters/[chapterID]" part to have it display the embed link the same as it does with one shots, with the fic title, author pseud, and "AO3" stuff. This will make the link title actually helpful!
think of what information you would need if you were browsing ao3 instead of tumblr. you would usually be in a fandom, character, or ship's tag, so that's going to be the most important information you want to be sure you include and get out first, since it's often the first qualifying/disqualifying factor for people looking at fics. personally, i include fandom and ship because those two characters will be the obvious focus and all the others can be found on the actual ao3 post. if it's not a ship fic, then you can list major character(s) instead (also, you can list ship as "Gen" for general, non-shippy fic).
obviously you need a summary (seriously, you need a summary. even if it's bad, or one sentence, put something), but if there's other stats you want to include (like how i do the rating - which i think is important - and chapter/word count) you might want to put those ahead of the summary just to keep things visually neater. what you view as important will vary.
if you want to literally copy what i do i dont give 2 shits lmao. if you like some things about it but would change others, go for it. to me, your hitlist of information should be: fandom, ship/characters, work title, and fic summary. pseuds can be skipped, especially if its the same as your tumblr name, but i generally include it. i think rating is important, and i include something indicating length since thats a big decision factor in when/if i read what fics, but it's not so important in a share post because ideally, if they're interested in the summary, they'll at least open the fic and add it to their saved for later if its too long for that moment, and they'll see word count then
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sanjuwrites · 1 year
hello on this day of nice asks i would like to ask about the love of my life aishwarya. how did you come up with her, misc trivia (what’s her favorite ice cream flavor, what dish is her absolute weakness, what kinds of books does she love) things you’re going to include in the series and things you’re not i want to know everything pls
oh my god i could go on for ages about her, i love aishu to pieces. i have an entire "aishu begins" style fic in the works, but i am happy to feed you until i finish that one (which wont be for a while lmao)
okay aishwarya rajesh is a heavy combination of people i know in my life, and some of my own personality traits thrown in there. there's a lot to be said about the lack of queer poc/brown women in hollywood, and that was definitely a driving factor of in the creation of her character. she was originally someone i would just write these little scenarios about in the margins of my notebook, going as far back as my freshman year of high school with a couple of other OCs.
ironically, i've always had the same face claim and profession for aish - anupama parameswaran (who is absolutely stunning btw) and paramedic. She evolved as I did, fleshing out into a fully fleshed character over the years.
when i restarted lone star and started engaging in the fandom, i realized that this was a safe space for this character i had shaped into someone i loved so dearly.
anyway enough about how i created her <3
favorite ice cream flavor: has to be haagen-dazs coffee-chip or talenti's chocolate peanut butter cup gelato. she's literally obsessed with chocolate and peanut butter, it's a sureshot way of getting you to forgive her.
favorite dish: aloo paratha, oh my god it's pani puri. whenever tk and carlos did something really stupid, they'd go begging Aparna to help them make aloo paratha so she'd forgive them. once carlos started picking up cooking, carlos started making it himself, picking up so many other recipes. it's a bonding thing for the trio now, where they all go to one of the three houses and make one of aparna's recipes. they absolutely carry this into their adult life, and it's one of aishwarya's favorite traditions that was carried from their childhood.
books she loves: crime thrillers. she's obsessed with them, she thinks there's so goddamn interesting, and she will make carlos read them with her and send him her insane theories (she's right almost 95% percent of the time and it drives carlos nuts) (he doesn't know she reads ahead and actually knows how it ends, and she just likes his reaction) (tk does know this and watches the chaos unfold with his cider every. single. time.)
okay so i've alluded to an aish/iris relationship before, but never really discussed anything, buuuut aish's got an ex-boyfriend, rahul. thye broke up on good terms because rahul realized aish was in love with iris but wasn't ready to confront it yet. they stayed friends and i have not decided yet, but i think they hooked up on and off throughout college, after which iris and aish reconnect again romantically (they do repair their friendship, but they both wanted more)
i'm cutting myself off, because i could tak about her for hours and still have more to share. she's so special to me.
send me more asks about her, please. i love talking about her.
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tagged by @morihaus! thank you for thinking of me!! c’:
describe one wip you’re planning to work on over the summer: I have made the teeniest of dents in the Amanda Lee revelation chapter which I consider a great success! also have a handful of short pieces I’m working on besides the ones for tesfest. the one closest to being done is one I thought would be a good primer for how I’ve been thinking of the mechanics of restoration in a less um. immediately urgent setting lol.
recommend a book: OBLIGATORY: read Peter S. Beagle. cough. anyway I think while last time I recommended books I hit a couple of my favorites but I’ve been thinking about Anna Pigeon again so let me tell you once more in more detail about Nevada Barr’s Anna Pigeon series. gimmick setting mysteries where the gimmick setting is a different national park each time bc Anna Pigeon is a middle-aged park ranger, who used to be on the tech side of live theatre, has a Tragic Past involving a Dead Husband of Many Years Ago, is 100% unknowingly bisexual (which I would say is just me projecting but 1. Barr has written at least one book about a wlw relationship and 2. for a while she lives with her lesbian friend and is like oh :( I’m so sad eventually she’ll find a gf and I’ll have to stop living with her :( if only I were gay and also her type so we could keep living together :( like... ma’am.), and she’s so much fun. I love her. Track of the Cat is the first one and the ending KILLS ME. light spoiler territory ahead, but listen. LISTEN. do you want to read about a scrawny 40-something woman covered in blood and leaving a man to certain death? OF COURSE YOU DO. read the Anna Pigeon books. pls.
recommend a fic: as always, everything in my fic rec tag is, obviously, a hearty and resounding recommendation!! however I am also going to take this opportunity to plug EBStarr’s Cordano work bc they get it. I have never otherwise seen someone who nails their characterization and dynamic so precisely so naturally I come back to their work every so often like a moth to candlelight. OBSESSED. had the jaw-dropping realization a few months ago that they were apparently only like 17 when they wrote these and then I had a bit of a crisis lol. EBStarr if you’re out there I NEED to know what you’re writing now bc I think you’re a genius
recommend music: the song I have been looping for days on end now, from my all-time favorite band: Nothing Lost by Anberlin. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Stephen Christian’s voice could resurrect me!! it’s from what was previously their most recent EP until like three weeks ago and the most recent one is ALSO exceptionally good, this is just what’s currently feeding the brain worms
share a piece of advice: run the garbage disposal in your sink every couple days even if you don’t think you need to. trust me you do need to you really really need to please my friends listen to me do not make my mistakes run your garbage disposal right now
tagging the usual suspects @bwayfan25, @codenamesailordarillium, @flugames and anyone else who wants to do it (please do it and say I tagged you I love tag games and seeing what people’s answers are!! :D)
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deadwriter16 · 1 year
so im also a minor and i love ur fics but i have to ask how do u have the modivation to update. im writing smth rn and its so hard to have modivation to update so do u have any tips?
hi! tysm im glad u like my fics!!
and regarding motivation honestly a lot of the time i simply don't have the motivation to write, but I've found some ways to fix that (kind of) that personally work for me.
when i first started writing fic a couple years ago i had way more free time so a lot more writing time, and i was motivated by all the fresh ideas i had and my excitement to write. however i do tend to get bored by longer stories the more i write them which is why i mostly stick to oneshots or shorter works because an idea that used to excite me starts getting boring after a few chapters.
with my current busy ass schedule ive been slowly but steadily working on this chatfic, because it's easy, stress free, and short. i can write one chapter in 30 minutes to an hour and post it right after, so it makes for an easy way to keep writing fic even while im busy. i just find chatfics overall very low effort so that helps me w motivation
my biggest tip for motivation would be: if something you used to actually want to sit down and write starts feeling like a chore because you feel like you have to update regularly or soon, stop writing it. fic is supposed to fun and an escape from stress, not a cause of it. so if writing something isn't really fun anymore, stop writing it. your readers may be disappointed but they'll understand because we all have our own important lives and feelings. and if someone doesn't understand then they don't deserve to read ur fics anyway
when you do enjoy writing but you just have a hard time finding the motivation to update, something did with my longfics was always have a backlog of chapters. for my long 70ishK fic i used to be about two chapters ahead, so i would post chapter 10 right after finishing chapter 12. doing that makes it easier to update knowing that you have a safety cushion if life gets busy or you get tired.
sometimes when i havent updated in a while i just have to kinda sit myself down and force myself to do it honestly. not in a bad way though, just in more of a i want to do this but i keep Not Doing It but i have some free time now and im going to use it to write. and i just clear up that free time and make it writing time and just do it. motivation is really hard sometimes so idk how helpful my tips will be at all because i certainly haven't mastered motivation so
anyway i hope this was at least like a little bit helpful, pls lmk if it was and sorry if it wasn't lol. anyway thanks again for reading my fics :)
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kookslastbutton · 3 months
Ur Yoongi fic is so guuuuuud! I need it in my veins, right now! I can't wait for the story to go ahead and for Yoongi and oc to kiss!!!! Something tells me oc ain't the kinds to just sleep with someone so fast. Am I right?
I had a question, does Tae also like her and hasn't told anyone because he hasn't realized it himself? I don't want competition for Yoongi 🫠
Loving the new series Those Eyes Chico! Tell me about y this title? Wts the story behind that?
Also when the next chapter comin? Pls tell us???
Me without the next chapter of Those Eyes Chico ----- 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Oh my goodness anon, you’re so sweet for this! 🤍 thank you for loving Those Eyes Chico!! I’ve been working hard at writing chapter 3 so I think it’ll be released this weekend! Also Yoongi and oc kissing 🤭 don’t make us blush out here now, hahahah jk
Anyway the title of Those Eyes Chico came from the 1983 movie Scarface where Tony Montana (aka Al Pacino) says “The eyes, chico. They never lie”. Basically it means that despite what a person may say or do, their eyes will reveal the truth. It was fitting for my series and the characters, so inspiration was drawn from it.
Also, no, TEC oc is not someone who will sleep with someone right away. Trust is so important for her, so she wouldn’t bring herself to do it (among other reasons).
Taehyung and her’s friendship is merely platonic btw. No romance at all which means there is zero competition between him and yoon.
Thanks so much for asking! Makes me happy to hear from you 🥰🤍
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feuqueerfire · 7 months
The Sign Live Blogging
I was supposed to watch Only Friends after Pit Babe but then took over a week off of watching new shows because I had to write a Pete/Kenta fic and now instead of Only Friends, I'm watching The Sign.
I know incredibly little about this show except it involves Billy and a guy I don't know, there's monsters? sci-fi/fantasy elements? cops? I watched like a few tiktoks/gifsets from eps 1 and 2 but those didn't give away much. Also, there was angsty stuff going on in this show during that week when Pit Babe ep 10? aired and [redacted] [redacted] and Last Twilight was getting a lot of flack for ep 12 but I can't remember if it was because somebody died or not
Anyway, here we go, hope to love it, as always.
Ep 1 (Feb 20)
Ah, I for a split second wondered if that person was gonna betray them... but was like nah, this is just the beginning and we don't know anything, would they would that rn? maybe that look was meant to signify that he's gonna get himself killed by being stupid? but ig they would make him betray them (though was that a real hostage or also a dummy?)
ohhh we got powers here too? Jeff in Pit Babe needed to touch someone to see their future but ig it's just visions at random times here?
I wish the first 10 minute fight sequence was shorter because we knew nothing but the last 3-4 minutes was interesting because we see more of the characters at play beyond just fighting
Ah, it was a little educational test. I knew it was about cop training, so I guess this makes sense
Were the censored butts necessary lol
ohhh people don't believe Tharn can see the future and would make fun of him
Ohh Tharn's visions often include Phaya
Also at first I didn't get what iron rod they were talking about but I rewatched and seems like there are iron rods protruding from the poles
Man, Chart's gonna be like Winner (Pit Babe) isn't he? But maybe more skilled and so less pathetic but more dangerous? Equally annoying maybe?
Does Tharn like Phaya already?
Are the guys who keep calling each other Baby dating for real or is this a joke? So many dudes, can't keep track of who is who
omg are Tharn and Phaya becoming friends aw
I just realized from the comments Chart is Kawnah (from KawnahTurbo and TharnType's Lhong)
"a sign in your vision but couldn't stop it" oh is that why this is called The Sign
Oh Chart is gonna already? delightful
oh wtf, a sea monster?
woah gorgeous gorgeous beautiful sea monster for real, I was not expecting it to look so beautiful instead of kinda janky CGI
not the ethereal being reaching her hand out to rescue Phaya and that hand becoming Tharn's pulling him up
What's the thing Tharn always wanting to do
dang, that girl is Tharn? but like magical? his magical projection when he couldn't physically go to help Phaya?
not past life soulmates
Chart haunting this story by being annoying even after he's left goddamn
Shoulda dropped some money for the auntie before leaving for making a mess of her restaurant
Phi Yai so funny watching Tharn and Phaya run away hand in hand talking about feeling like his nong is about to fall in love
I'll be honest if i was a gay dude and my crush drew a girl who looked like me and had my name but again was a girl, I'd lose my shit
Why is P'Yai obsessed with Tharn and Phaya, it's so embarrassing for them >.<
ouuu not this random kiss
damn a Lieutenant died and was found in the water
Is the Lieutenant dead fr or no cuz why'd the other instructor kinda give Phaya the go-ahead to do some investigating on his own
man, Phaya and Tharn are so cute! At first during the 5 day training I'd thought they weren't friends but then became friends throughout it but obviously not
oh lol so the guys actually have something going on on-and-off
pls not Yai airing out everything about his bro including his single and virgin status
this bathroom scene why?? i'm so embarrassed but also shy
A tree? monster??
wtf how can you even drink to "Do you like someone at this table?" Like the answer is then obviously yes and the answers aren't very broad lol considering there are only 4 people and one of them is your brother. and there's also the guy that everybody is teasing you and him about
What a good first episode! I'm very intrigued both in terms of the romance (it's so cute idk like why do they interact in a way that makes me kinda shy) and the fantasy elements + mystery elements. The straight-up fighting elements are alright but I could do with less. Also, tragic that we're getting copaganda but oh well
Also, Pit Babe and The Sign started in November while Dead Friend Forever started in December. The people who watch these BLs weekly must've been having a ball with so many shows exploring new genres and high-concepts in BL. Also interestingly, both Pit Babe have Pavel and Billy who each have been in BLs before and lead them as one of the main pairs while their partners Pooh and Babe are new to the industry. Ta and the other guys apply a little less since Ta only had small roles before and Dead Friend Forever seems more ensemble cast but kinda similar ig
Ep 2 (Feb 20)
As expected, I have a hard time stopping watching a show when I start even though I have work to do.
Also, while looking for ep 1 gifs, I came across some stuff about the naga (snake) and eagle but I didn't read much into the post but I guess those creatures will feature prominently throughout the show
aghh I'd seen this hiding under blanket scene in a gif or tiktok or something before it's so aksldfj cute [or was it a kinda different scene? cuz feels like they were more giggly hmm]
Ah, Tharn wants to joing the Special Investigation Unit to investigate his dad's death (and Yai isn't related to him by blood)
Is Captain Akk with them? For now, I'm guessing he also wants answers and that's why he's wanting more evidence + telling Phaya to get evidence + not stopping the little group from investigating
But now he does seem kinda suspicious...
omg a siren call type thing?
hmm Phaya says that Tharn looks like the girl in his dream... was he sleepwalking when he started following the magical girl?
Oof they got caught but okay again, it seems like indeed the captains are also investigating the cause of death and are not against our main characters
Tumblr media
gorgeous shot
ah, past lives talk again
now we have some real cops on our hands oof
oh wait hah they were taking 5 special investigation students and it just happens to be our 5 characters lol
so cute they're so cute omg
also glad that
I gasped out loud, whoever Tharn loves will die? omg, this show has Everything fr
ahhh no, that's probably not Phaya's gf, don't mourn, Tharn <- I say as somebody who is mourning
ack, Phaya is no annoying with intercepting the drink from Oat (random guy buying Tharn a drink) agh you're jealous, do you know that?
Wish the lyrics were translated
lol their Spin the Bottle never ends
The drinking obviously means the answer is yes, wtf don't be silly guys
Would Phaya have fr chosen Tharn? ah the questions
AND OF COURSE THEY'RE LONG LOST CHILDHOOD FRIENDS why would they not be? I'd thought they'd mention that Phaya also lives at the same province as Tharn and Yai when it was mentioned earlier in 2-3 (Nong Khai?) but then they didn't but I guess they indeed met each other at kids at that province
Yai in his drunken state still making Phaya give Tharn a piggyback ride and take him to his condo
Ah, this is what the "Billy and Heng playing enemies instead of friends" was about
Didn't mean to watch the Ep 3 teaser but omg Phaya has prophetic dreams or something?
I'm really into like... Billy's physicality? I don't know how to word this, just the way he carries himself, I guess. It's very Boy and I'm envious but it's also attractive
Ep 3 (Feb 21)
Watching this in the dark on my iPad at 2am
ah how do i feel about a love triangle hmmm like theoretically it could be good idk some passive aggressiveness and jealousy amongst the suitors. also saw something about the lore behind it like heng’s character is the naga who has loved Than forever vs Phaya is some eagle guy who is Tharn’s one true love who is meant to die over and over omg??
15th day of the 11th waxing moon seems an important day, Phaya used to dream of the magical girl only on that day but now he dreams of her more often
oh lol i straight up thought they were all already in Nongkai cuz that conversation had insinuated they’d all meet at Nongkai for some reason. this makes more sense
oh did Tharn do some people wrong in his past life and they are still after him for vengeance?
lol why is Phaya so surprised about the amulet thing, he had a big hunch from last night
ah, so Tharn has bad karma from his past life and his life is intertwined with Phaya’s who will make him experience bad things but can also free him fr the bad karma
Ah, Tharn gave Phaya the amulet on the night of 15th day of 11th waxing moon and that’s when the dreams used to happen. i guess that’s why Phaya said he needs to go to where the dreams started and came to this temple on this day
the first time the childhood amulet thing came up i was like lol not this childhood friends who forgot each other again trope but this is actually such a good interpretation of it. they met at this festival where Phaya was drowning and Tharn saved him after seeing a vision, similar to how many times Tharn has seen him in a vision + has saved him from drowning whether it be himself or his last girl self. and also the amulet that started Phaya’s dreams
and it’s not like the trope of perfectly fine adult relationship that had random childhood backstory for no reason. this one is that the reason they even have this adult friendship and crush is because they met each other that time and were told they’ll meet again since their lives are intertwined ah Phaya dreamt of the naga often as a child
ah so many things happening. so the naga keeps calling Phaya to the water or is it the girl? and the naga wants to drown him under there but Tharn’s past life girl/Tharn in this life doesn’t allow it?
and these last words are so heavy lol protect each other and undo your bad karmas
this Naga said No Peace for Phaya
The Naga festival and cave and myths are so cool
what??? i was like aw at the cheek kiss but then the liplick goodnight kiss happened and i was literally like is this a dream? is it just that Phaya is drunk and so is actually kissing Tharn like he wants to?
On the one hand, who gives a fuck if a serial killer is killing rapists, let it go - so annoying if cops and the justice system can't keep rapists off the streets but can put the people behind killing rapists behind bars agh
On the other hand, killer seems to just be the mastermind and forcing other people to do their dirty work and murder is too big of a thing to force people to do so agh I suppose they should stop them
Also, is this gonna be related to the Lieutenant's death at all or are we forgetting about that one? the methods of killing are different though
Not as many comments, esp in the last 2 parts despite the episode being like over 80 mins or smth cuz I was watching on my iPad and sometimes had my phone with me to write thoughts down and sometimes didn't.
Continues to be intriguing, put out so many different threads and it feels like we got a few answers but so many more questions.
Also, I didn't realize the actress playing Sand is a trans woman but yay, employing trans people let's gooooo and in roles that aren't making a fool of them either!
Ep 4 (Feb 21)
Noooo okay fuck this killer mastermind I can't believe they made the woman who was sexually assaulted by some dude and then had her case dismissed was forced to kill him under duress
omg the stepson who was raped by his stepfather and was forced to kill him, this killer is literally forcing the victims to kill the perpetrators and it must be so horrifying to kill somebody but, like the woman said, she was glad that he was dead and wouldn't be able to harm anybody
clown mask
ah this investigation itself could be a 12-16 ep procedural kdrama, I wonder how they're gonna deal with this as a side plot in this already high-concept show
Oh yeah, I didn't recognize Surprise (from SCOY) in last ep but he's the IT kid
got food to eat lunch as they're eating dinner but it's so hard to type now
who is this fortune-telling, face-changing, snake-bracelet wearing woman?
what is going onnnnn
oh kissing??? and caressing
a dream ofc makes sense. since that ep 3 kiss was real i thought may be this was as well
was that tharn in the pic that shattered
lmfao the finger in egg + licking it off + "I like it raw" ??
and then the sausage eating ahh Tharn let Phaya suck your dick, he's going crazy
hehe Phaya caught in his broken bike excuse
Tharn's secretiveness regarding Phaya spending the night makes it seem so much more salacious than it was
oh damn, it was just 3 days ago that Meena was kidnapped and forced to kill that guy?
ah, I don't remember her name but one of the SCOY girls!
fungal spores in their lungs, not gonna lie it reminds me of To Sir With Love mushrooms lol
Ah, I did wonder if somebody in their little quintuple (+ the boss Akk) was gonna betray the team but I suppose one of them could also be behind the mastermind killer
Why'd the criminal lowkey look like Akk?
Anyway, I kinda like that in 1-1 combat, Phaya wins over Tharn but Tharn's always out here saving Phaya because he can see when he's in danger heh
Also funny because the Abbot and the mystery woman was like never let go of Tharn and that Phaya's gonna help Tharn get rid of his bad karma, meanwhile Tharn's protecting Phaya all the time. guess it'll be balanced eventually
Ah, Phaya casually talking about getting stabbed to death and how it'd be solely his fault, nothing to do with Tharn. Meanwhile, Tharn has seen Phaya in near-death experiences like 5 times in his visions and saved him so far but is haunted by the experiences
Is it Akk and he's covering for himself by saying no fingerprints? Reminds me of Beyond Evil where Park Jeongje's fingerprints appeared in the forensics results but they made it disappear hmmm
pls not Tharn being like k whatever as he's jealous about Phaya and new girl Dao vs Phaya being like lemme Intervene as he's jealous about
Phaya is so annoying omg
Oof, did Tharn tell the doctor guy (man I can't remember Heng's character's name beyond it starting with C and similar to Shortcut) about Phaya's nightmares? Or did Doctor man come to find out about it some other way (since he's also connected to them via lifetimes? Is he sending nightmares and trying to drown Phaya on purpose or anything?)
Ah, so Doctor is decidedly a troublemaker/antagonistic and not accidentally so
omg Phaya is really angry (and violent :/)
AI to construct a face under a mask and hood, be serious girl, this cannot possibly be accurate
Okay, if this last murder is being done by the killer himself to avenge his sister who was raped and committed suicide, I think we should let him play it out. arrest him afterwards lol
I hope they clarify next ep that Tharn didn't tell the doctor about the dreams because he would never do that
Next ep has 5 parts woah and is gonna be like ~80 mins of runtime, these are pretty long episodes but don't feel that long and I don't feel the need to speed it up (except I think I did 1.1x once and also wanted to skip some of the gratuitous butt shots/that dream shower scene lol though I didn't)
I was kinda avoiding watching the dream sex scene (watched it in mini on the corner of my screen lol) and so I didn't have too many thoughts except once Phaya wrapped his palm around Tharn's neck. But going through people's gifsets, I've seen a few mentions of how we know this is a manifestation of Tharn's desires, whether it be the choking kink lol or liking getting pushed around dommed and that it's fun to actually get to see his fantasy like that. honestly a FAVE aspect when I think about it that way like aw his desire to be manhandled
Ep 5 (Feb 21)
I'm hungry and want to get dinner but am afraid that there'll be too much genetelia talk and will lose my appetite... maybe I'll gauge how gross it's gonna be first
Also, accidentally thought Ep 5 aired on Dec 24 and so ended up looking at tumblr posts made on Dec 23 (actual date it came out) and so was spoiled that the forensic guy was scheming with the murderer guy for this serial killing
oof shoulder check
okay I lied, I got too hungry and got dinner but am now gonna be unable to type for at least part 1 probably cuz food hands
okay I'm done eating and gotta say that hmmm too violent
Phaya is just too physically violent in his anger, especially the fact that he deliberately punched the wall beside Tharn's head and also accidentally backhanded him but didn't apologize. like I know we're meant to catch the range of emotions in his face, including guilt and apology for accidentally hitting but he purposefully doesn't apologize and yeah, nope
oh this fucker, why can't they just use this rapist as bait to catch the killer, why does he need to be protected. innocent man my ass
hm, the smaller black van is gonna get crashed into by a big white truck and the killer is seen with the van... is the rapist guy gonna be in the van when it crashes?
yess tomato tomato!
Man, they really had to have these killers force other people to do the first 3 murders in order to gain the audience support to stop the killer because like... what even is the reason for stopping them? If the cops and judicial system are gonna be useless, I think the little team should def kill this man as he's the reason their younger sister or gf is dead. should've teamed up to kill those other fuckers too tbh instead of involving the victims
let's kill him quickly (and painfully) before the cops come to stop you!
"I promise you that I will not let you die so easily" I get your need for torture but there are cops hunting you right now so hm
nah, not the amulet!
oh? is this guy naga too? the water magic thing?? also I think I saw a gif of Phaya fighting the killer and he had firey wrapped-up palms?
omg? Tharn taking the knife for Phaya and then somehow having red magic that defeats the blue man killer?
and he got a trinket? did Tharn get it from inside the killer? Was the killer wearing it?
oh hohoho Phaya saying he'll do everything Tharn says is really doing it for me
"The laws you worship and look up to can never keep those bastards behind bars for long" tell 'em. need these fuckass cops to be brought down a peg and get a sense of reality
rolled my eyes at Phaya's "There's the justice you're looking for. It might show up late but it will always come in the end." you cannot be this naive
that video the sister before she died was so fucked man i'm so sad now
stupid ass pep-talk from Captain Akk or whatever "I don't want a loser on my team" okay kys
enough copaganda, let's go back to the fantasy and romance and stuff because this story arc was so sad
Ah, so the car crash vision hasn't manifested yet
Or is that related to his parents death??
Ah, wearing the amulet again
pls Phaya prepping to make his moves
plssss both of them in their little fantasies
"I want to do just as you did to me" What? You wanna blow him? I acc have no clue why I'm so on the Phaya giving Tharn a blowjob train
not even little fantasies, incredibly long fantasies for both of them like okay Enough
but so funny like okay at least the first fantasy was Tharn dreaming but then he was getting off on that dream again the next morning in the kitchen while cooking and now here's Phaya with his fantasy while awake and mid-conversation
and also hilarious that Tharn's fantasy was like hand around neck + shower while Phaya's is... Tharn blowing on his wound like 40 times lol
Phaya's foiled plans
Oh, that's the gif I saw. Bandaged hands + black smokey magic from Phaya while grabbing Doctor by the shoulder??
lol Phaya speaking to Doctor as if he has any right to control who hangs around Tharn and to what degree. you forget yourself
"Until your time in done" ???
Ohh Phaya burned? Doctor's shoulder omg
not the sponge bath lmfao
lkasdfj the quick 123
Ah, Phaya being the bolster tonight
Phaya's taking advantage of sleeping Tharn fr but lol sure. I wonder if Tharn's also kinda awake lol
Phaya's dream: Freen magic woman -> Tharn and behind Phaya, very big eagle man (which is supposed to be him I guess?)
What happened this ep? Most of the beginning was focused on catching the killer, then the fantasy & staying over at Tharn's place, then being cute toward grandma. But stuff that happened in the middle: the killer can't remember what happened in the cellar but he def had magic (blue) and so did Tharn (red) - which he used to defeat the killer, Doctor and Phaya face-off where Phaya had black? coloured magic which burned Doctor - I wonder how much doctor knows? about the myth/past life stuff, the temple man (Luangpur?) told Tharn that Doctor and Phaya shouldn't meet. Then finally, the dream where we get Freen magic lady, kinda confirmation that she's indeed Tharn (this life), and also a visual of that tall eagle man. Also, from gifs, I realized that the amulet or whatever Tharn used to defeat the killer was his own, he tore it from his neck
Ep 6 (Feb 22)
I love the eagle fr I'm obsessed w the beautiful Naga from ep 1 too
ahhh lesbians !!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe
I don't care that much about this side couple and their backstory, let's hurry it up
lmfaooo okay funny but I would've murdered someone if all my papers went into the water like that
SCOY mention
huh?? Tharn dated someone and they died?
Why did Dao's actor become worse at acting? :( I think the script here is just bad because why would a character just recite these things? and they made her cross some lines with her "advice" about Phaya like you guys may be close but you can't say that you think he should quit his work lol
the triangulations lmfao I'm glad that even though Dao seems to care for Phaya a lot, she doesn't necessarily like him like that?
heh Nee coming to sus out if Phaya and Dao were ever a thing
and Phaya clocking that Nee and Dao are into each other lol
I like their little sibling relationship full of teasing but also Nee trying to guide Phaya into grandma's good graces
Dang, what's this painting the man thought was sold at the gallery about?
Okay, in this universe, it's just like ours where the stories of Naga and Garuda are thought to be myths/legends. I kept getting confused how much regular people believed because everybody seemed to believe whatever the monk said but that involved a lot of fantastical aspects + the Naga festival, so I wasn't sure what people in general believed (not just what Phaya and Tharn who are like reincarnations or smth of magical creatures believe lol)
pls let Tharn and Phaya have scenes together this section
oh man Phaya’s tendency to just do instead of speak and also drag Tharn around is kinda… agh
dang Doctor straight up said he’d seerate the two of them even if it means Tharn dies
oof punch but can’t quite blame Tharn
art something or other, who is this suspicious guy?
Was too sleepy to write anything for 6-4 but I have half-baked thoughts about the punch ig. On some YT comments and tiktok comments, I saw people annoyed at Tharn for not believing Phaya and people were calling him too stubborn and naive. I do think he should've taken Phaya's warnings/dreams more seriously cuz like girl, you're always seeing visions of him in danger so it can't be that much of a stretch to think he dreams of you in danger c'mon. But I also think Phaya is kinda too vague and doesn't explain properly like he can't just expect to burst in and physically drag Tharn away from Doctor who he has known for years and years and trusts; in contrast, Phaya and Doctor fought and Phaya even physically pushed him or whatever. So I get Tharn being like wtf... and also Phaya being desperate.
I hope they make up next ep (properly. through conversation and honesty and understanding) so that we can get them together again though bc we barely had them together this ep and unfortunately unlike Pit Babe ep 11 where the other characters were able to carry the ep w/o much Babe or Charlie, I don't care as much about the characters here.
Ep 7 (Feb 22)
As a mix of Death's Game murder artist + last ep's ending where Tharn saw someone (I'm assuming this guy) in a room maybe killing someone with red everything, I thought this guy (Art?) was gonna kill his (ex?)-lover. I still think that's the case cuz of the ending with all the red paint probably hiding the blood but lol at first, I literally thought the guy was asking to be killed and used to Art's painting lmfao but nah he wasn't that devoted, mans was getting married to someone else anyway
Anyway, cool idea, will be cooler once we realize he killed him
My biggest rip is that Wi can actually act while Dao's actress cannot, so I wish the actresses were switched or Nee's love interest was Wi
hm, so the VIP is the Minister Montree and we didn't get any visions or anything but Inspector Akk kinda makes me think he's behind Lieutenant Tam's death and I wonder if Tharn thinks he's behind his parents' death or at least the coverup. I also just realized is this the guy they were saying has ties to drug stuff that Lieutenant Tam was investigating and the rapist from last ep is tied with him too but they can't interrogate the rapist about him?
lol they talked about this after I wrote allthat
hmm Art said "That's too evill" before maybe puncturing the guy with a pen... so did that man himself suggest it?
I wish the camerawork focused on the art and dance better since it went on for so long
"To me, a guy named Kao, is already dead" oh man
Why is Phaya as a guest restraining the woman when there are so many cops who came to volunteer or whatever lmfao
Anyway, I thought they were gonna maybe pretend this was also part of the exhibition before he accidentally cut her (with the same pen that killed Kao? and was maybe gonna stab Montree with?)
Is Doctor doing some sort of dark influence/magic on Art? and the way he's physically touching Art on his thigh and then his chest over his heart and then hugging him... no.
okay atp Tharn Has to be kinda suspicious of Doctor knowing about Phaya's dreams/conditions and why he's using it against Phaya (and publicly too) and idk the way he's undermining Phaya like that... is he trying to make other people think of him as hysterical? As if he'd have an outburst similar to Art? but then Phaya almost becomes violent - strengthening Doctor's position...
ah yes, just casual handing over patient records to the cops <3 esp because Art isn't like... actually in jail or anything, idek what they're holding him based on. just cuz of a public outburst and possibly suspicion of maybe a reason behind Kao being missing? like c'mon cops are so fucking shit
bruh why are these cops just saying anything and everything about the case in front of the doctor? dumbasses
Tharn can see into a painting like this?
The Art and Kao hallucination (?) is so eerie, everything about this is so eerie, I really like it
omg so Kao was really selling the art and betraying Art
I love love love the spliced scene from that night and the same scene in a white room as Tharn and Phaya watch it (I'm assuming Art is recounting it?)
crazy ass pen to be able to rip somebody's throat open and kill them just like that
Oh, so they don't think Art has something to do with Kao's disappearance... but does that man disappearance of Kao the alive man (maybe he ran away abroad with Montree lol and that's how Montree had known to whisper to Art about it being the pen that hurt Kao) or his dead body?
okay at least the pen didn't kill Kao the way they were insinuating lmao I was like tf kinda pen
I actually cannot, Phaya and Doctor must be Stopped
oh confession ahhhhhh <333
lmfao I'm watching the shower scene in mini on the side lol too much for me
It Continues like okay Enough i'm like watching in mini with 1 eye only enough enough enough i'm so embarassed/shy I think after barely watching anything for so long and then only recently starting watching shows again that have NC scenes (kinda Law of Attention, Pit Babe, and now this) means that I've lost a lot of the tolerance I've built up against it lmfao
Ep 8 (Feb 22)
5 episodes left and they're each fairly short compared to some other ones (each is less than an hour I think?) so I hope they have proper time to wrap everything up in a satisfying way, esp with all the fantasy going on
omg? The book flipping to Doctor's face to make it seem like he's watching it all was creepy enough last ep but now he tried to kill Phaya via magic dream?? and only stopped because the monk woke Tharn up
I hope Tharn starts actually thinking about the Doctor critically now
They're so cute, I'm glad we can have cute Phaya and Tharn back for a bit because they were really upset with each other for the past 2 eps (and then resulting sex scene but that's still not cuteness yknow)
Having Phaya promise to not leave... sad if he does end up getting hurt/leaving/whatever and ironic if it's Tharn instead
Wait I'm so confused? Was the Doctor somehow shrouding Tharn and that's why Phaya couldn't see him?
omg even making Phaya see an illusion of Tharn, then once Phaya gets in the water, taking control of him
oh we finally get to see the past
Also this other world reminds me of Midnight Museum a bit
hm Tharn plays the past "sister" Wansa? I'd expected Freen... but maybe they don't wanna have to have Billy and Freen in such romantic situations etc
I'm South Asian but not Indian or Hindu, so it's very interesting to see these costumes/myths which are vaguely familiar but I'm not fully aware of because idk much about Hindu concepts beyond like the most well-known gods and festivals
ngl I'm slightly confused still but sure
The amlet is Wansarut's original SOUL? damn girl
ENOUGH of calling Wansarut her nong sao/younger sister. Tharn isn't a girl in this life at least, so say nong if you must why are you saying your sister and Phaya are in love when Tharn's now your brother agh
Bad CGI but I forgive because all the Thai show CGI has looked like this I think?
Kao died in the waters... I wonder if Doctor had something to do with it with his evil water magic since he knew Art and stuff and used Art as a way to get into the investigation...
oh never mind, killed somewhere else and dumped here
why not at least say Yai follow that man with me!
ohhhh that car crash vision was actually a flashback of him and his parents
ah, the scene with Tharn screaming while holding Phaya's still body
I commented about the gender thing like why are we doing Tharn as a girl bc it was kinda... why are we actually just pretending the character who is seemingly the bottom [I mean they're vers to Me but idk about canon lol] and sexually submissive is the girl fr instead of having an actual woman play Wansarut but then I saw a post that said that actually she takes on a female form under water but took on a male form above ground and yay gender fuckery and i'm like okay nice sure, I love gender fuckery.
I wish we got... slightly more time and a more coherent story that Showed the past life story better. I think this show is good with broad themes and parallels and characterization but kinda struggles sometimes with specific moments/scenes, which can make it kinda confusing or unsatisfying - this scene of the past life kinda feels like that to me.
Ep 9 (Feb 23)
yep Tharn is def gonna be like fuckkk ppl whom I love with die because I love them (and i mean in this case Doctor is making that true) and probably gonna withdraw and breakup after Phaya wakes up
since that Eye Contact moment with Montree’s bodyguard in ep 7? or whatever art gallery, it’s been clear this guy is suspicious and behind some stuff
Montree got Tharn parents killed and wants to kill him now
Okay so at least Inspector Akk seems to be on the hood side and also knows way more about the case like Korn (the bodyguard?) was behind this
who is Akk talking to?
The disparity between Ning and Dao’s actinng skills is just too much, why didn’t they make Dao be played by Wi the art gallery woman or Marys the forensic officer who are both better at acting ahhh
huh? why doesn’t Phaya have the Naga amulet? it came off in the water or something?
this is just silly what is even happening
wtf Chart? is that even a fr tattoo? Montree got someone else to get the tattoo/join the gang to throw ppl off his own trail or what
hopefully a real break from the cop stuff even though ig Tharn’s gonna investigate on his own
I wish Phaya would explain more to Tharn rather than being so cryptic
plssss man snuck out of her hospital to not only meet his past life love but also to have sex despite nearly dying for a few days
aw I wish this NC scene was longer, I’m kinda better at hanging these soft and loving sex scenes more than the crazy shot Horny desperate ones I think?
Also, Phaya kissing down from Tharn's chest and staying kinda on stomach in a similar fashion to how Tharn did it to Phaya during the shower sex scene... I'm gonna take it to allude to Phaya finally sucking Tharn's dick, I've waited for this moment for multiple episodes
Ep 10 (Feb 23)
Okay, discussion, good! And Phaya didn't tell Tharn about the Doctor but that's because the Abbott told him not to, so it's okay IMO
And it's a cute scene with the cuddling and just so domestic with how casual it is
Phaya was so desperate to make sure Tharn was okay (and also thirsty for that dick...) that he forgot to bring his phone or inform his grandmother and sister like omg
Phaya is so cute puppy as he's apologizing
Yai shut uppppp the music and vibes makes it seem like Grandma's gonna be okay but what if she wasn't and you outed them D:
pls the Grandma being like "Give me a second" before asking Phaya what the important thing he wants to say is aklsdfj so funny
Awww so supportive and cute T-T
Khem suspecting Inspector Akk of being in cahoots with Montree
SCOY and Gap mention
dang, is someone in the unit gonna betray them again? We already had Wit or whoever
ah, Tharn overhearing Phaya and the abbott about Doctor... Can I hope he won't do anything stupid lol
lmfao the grandmas complaining, so true
Tharn wants to quit his job after solving his father's case and just stay with his grandma? girl I wish I was rich omg
agh, Korn and Khom are same person then right? Cuz they're not consistent in naming
oof, Ning dead
lmfao I saw a post w the pic of the "A tiger-man is not real" line by Phaya with caption whatever you say bird-man like so true
everything converging in Nongkai i suppose
Ep 11 (Feb 23)
One episode until hopefully tomorrow morning it's ep 12? Cuz then it's perfect timing. Otherwise, it'll suck lol
Is the tiger-man and the person died related to this Montree drug ring
Is the instructor knowing about the visions gonna backfire or anything?
So many times people just overhear things lol like Ep 4 Phaya overhearing Tharn and Yai talking about the visions, Ep 10 Tharn hearing Phaya and Abbott talking about Doctor and stuff, and now Khem overhearing Phaya and Tharn discuss his footprints lol
No I get Tharn cuz it's like why does my lover claim to be so jealous of this guy who I've known for years and trust? To Tharn, it feels like Phaya doesn't trust Tharn
oh oops, he doesn't believe Phaya even he's told directly anyway, which I feel like is theoretically understandable like wtf are you even saying Phaya but if you believe the rest of it with past lives and naga and garud, then this is like yeah sure i suppose that makes sense lol + I thought he overheard Phaya and Abbott but no I guess??
ooh cool shot about the grandma to the flashback
omg ?? Doctor in child Tharn's room talking about how they'll be together when the times comes um ??
Oh, I just realized that the man who Inspector Akk was speaking with was actually probably Chart. like he's there to infiltrate and give info to Akk (and that's also why he hasn't resigned as a cop maybe)
sorry everytime Phaya's exasperated about the Tiger Man, I want him to be more real. like girl you believe you are a Garud reincarnated who is in love with Naga princess reincarnation and have been lovers in the past lifetime(s) and also that a current Doctor is actually a Naga like right now in his own current lifetime. your boyfriend has visions and you have dreams.
Dang, the cliff falling and surviving should’ve been more exciting I feel like? kinda feels like History 3: Trapped when Tang Yi and Shaofei got out of the forest out of screen lol
ah im really into the last scene bc it’s once again giving vers switch framing with the way that Tharn’s palm is not Phaya’s neck this time + That is sitting slightly taller than Phaya who has to look up at him
I feel like even with a 15 min longer ep they could’ve made part 4 more emotionally charged on-screen idk i might be nitpicking also, so funny cuz I thought Ep 12 was gonna be airing at 11am or so but then I finish watching this ep at like 9:04 or smth and see The Sign ep 12 live premiere schedule recommended on my YT feed and part 1 is airing right now cuz apparently the ep is releasing at 9 ig
Ep 12 (Feb 24)
Accidentally read a couple words of BLupdate's tweet for the ep and apparently Doctor sacrifices his soul? interesting ig
Doesn't trust anybody but does trust Chart lol
Okay but atp someone (else) from their unit Has to betray them right? Like Inspector Akk has mentioned it so many times
extremely hilarious to have Phaya who was limping around moments ago and Tharn go in guns blazing in casual clothes while all the other cops are in full gear and bulletproof vests etc
Do any of these gunshots from either side injure/kill anybody at all lmfao
oh finally some ppl (villainous) just drop dead from the shots lol
agh, Yai and Sand are honestly so cute >.<
So funny for Phaya to be talking about protecting Tharn like yes agree but throughout the show, Tharn has definitely protected you much more lol
Ah, I'm noticing the lighting choices after reading posts about it like the bokeh effect for Phaya and the concentrated warm colours for Tharn
Okay, I can watch this subdued and softer version of sex scene more than the desperate/erratic first one
okay lol ended up skipping last minute or so though heh
omg gorgeous, beautiful shots and directing and acting for Phaya finding Tharn gone and the whole desperate sequence with the grandma, Yai, the Abbott etc
Ah, Phaya saying that even if hadn't remembered their past lives and past loves, he still would have loved Tharn in this current life, exactlyyyyy that's what I wanna hear
The endless number of times (well, 3) Tharn runs in front of Phaya to protect him
noo he was taken to the Naga cave and is gonna recover, trust. maybe the Doctor is gonna sacrifice his soul or something to save him, who knows heh
From the flashbacks here and in part 3, I do miss the earlier days when we knew there was Lore but didn't know it yet and they were just cute and such. I very often feel this with paranormal fantasies where the earlier parts of knowing there's something happening but not yet knowing and slowly discovering is my favourite part - when things are simple, yet intriguing
wait I have a question, did Khem die or what? like is he just in the hospital?
Also, Billy in this hospital room looks a bit like Saint?
omg I was like who is that with the long hair but it's Phaya, I guess it has been many months
ah, I was wondering if it'll be 15th days of 11th waxing moon again for Tharn to come home and yeah, guess it's been a whole year fr
man, I wish the meeting again had a bit more fanfare because the despair was done so well, c'mon
Ah, so Doctor didn't die, just gave Tharn his Naga soul to keep him alive but I guess that doesn't kill the Doctor, idk. and he's letting them love each other now
Aw cute but again, anti-climactic and not enough relief, not enough time, not enough emotional impact. I wish they had maybe shown some of Tharn's time there (though that might've taken a bit away from Phaya's desperate situation? idk)
Update: lol I didn't realize there was a little after-credits scene with Saint cameo and season 2 bait
no fr what is that ending, Tharn stayed with Doctor for a year on purpose? and Doctor decided to just get over it? And so Tharn appears all casually over the hill a year later? Seriously needed a stronger ending.
I think I liked the first few eps and the potential of the series and the possibilities more than I liked the actual series oof. Since everybody freaking loved this, I also had high expectations.
I just went through the gifs I'd reblogged (I reblogged A Lot cuz I thought I'd end up liking the show more than I ended up liking. went and deleted a bunch bc I was like why did I even reblog this one, what's the point) and I really did like more of the show's gifs from the earlier eps (whereas I enjoyed the analysis and stuff more in the later eps). Don't even feel like reblogging any ep 11 or 12 stuff now though, except maybe the checking under bed sequence. It was also just clear from how invested I was in an episode while watching because in the earlier eps, I was paying more attention and watched an ep in one sitting whereas in the latter half, I would pause in the middle of a section to go on my phone or even just stop watching the ep after a section, do stuff and then come back to finish.
I thought there would be more focus on the romance and fantasy and past lives aspect and less on the cop activity. Like there was no need to spend That much time on the rapist killer case nor Art and Kao's case, we could've spent that time on something like following up on what Lieutenant Tam had learned and the drug case/Tharn's father's case more directly along with more of the actual past lives and fantasy and such. In fact, we got so little about their past lives, I thought there were 4 cycles or something?
I don't know man, I feel like they didn't choose the correct things to show on screen? This sucks because they clearly put in So Much Effort and tried so many new things for BL, so I wish I had loved it more and was more attached.
I think most of the fight scenes and stuff were confusing and not choreographed very well and some interactions/moments/explanations needed to like have more time dedicated to them. However, some moments were just shot/directed so beautifully like ep 11 when grandma is going through the flashbacks of seeing Doctor with Tharn as a child and uni student etc from that single room and ep 12-3 when Phaya wakes up to find Tharn gone, looks under the bed, and the whole sequence after that. (Unfortunate that the reunion scene was so meh).
So many parallels and gifsets of parallels, I keep having to remember my parallels tag is for across different shows while compilation in the tag for same show. I enjoy the parallels and the thought put behind them. It also shows like the cyclical nature of Phaya and Tharn's lives, and it would've been even more impactful if we saw more of their past lives (the original one or the 2 that occurred in the middle apparently).
Highly doubt I'm gonna think of the characters again, I somehow stopped being attached to them about halfway through. Really wanted to give it at least a 7 for trying so many things but don't think it earned it sadly. They tried so many things, as shown in the list of tropes below, but I don't think they satisfyingly merged them or chose the correct things to focus on on-screen.
Running list of tropes: A mix of romance and fantasy lol
Monsters and Cryptids: Sea Monster (naga?), the woman Freen is playing, that tree dude (whatever happened to him? Was that Doctor or something?). Update: the monsters/dieties are the main characters themselves
Police training/cop academy
Murder mystery + a Serial Killer murder mystery + drug ring bust
Tharn seeing the future/people in danger (specifically often seeing Phaya in danger)
Past lives/reincarcation/soulmates
The person Tharn loves will die
Childhood friends (who Tharn gave the locket to). Update: just a fated childhood meeting more like
Does Spin The Bottle count lmao
Love triangle
Lesbians, let's go
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I’ve watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
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priestessrosery · 1 year
Hiiiii!Priestess here!it's my 1st time writing for the Tears of Themis fandom heheheheh pls enjoy!And yes,this doesn't have plot as it is,in fact,a crack fic or at least in my opinion lol😂
Tw:Swearing,Mentions of digesting rocks,fatigued men and women ahead.
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Crack Fic/Drabble
Team NXX was in the middle of an investigation when Rosa pulls a shady ball that looks like a rock from her bag and takes a bite out of it.The investigation is being held at the ass crack of dawn.
And now,as we all know,everyone- I mean almost everyone goes on a berserk mode when waken up so darn early in the morning especially when the sudden awakening had caused you to fall down the wrong side of the bed which happened to be the side of the bed with no carpet which also caused you to,in a sense,kiss the floor.
And now you're probably wondering how this is so strangely accurate.Well,truth is,Rosa experienced everything,in that same order.
So when she received a text message saying there was going to be an investigation and that her presence was required,*breathes in* *holds it* Rosa responds to the text saying she's OTWw.
(Btw,this is my version of Rosa heheh,just a little teeny tiny bit of change.Maybe not but,come on!It's a crack fic for a reason.)
Mind you,Rosa has her own meaning for this particular slang.And the extra W was definitely not a typo.
It means "On the way to water."
Meaning she was on the way to the shower.
And now I think I went off rail somewhere there anyways,let's go back to that rock looking ball at the start.
Said ball did not go unnoticed by the ever so nosy- I mean,observant,Von Hagen.
Not the father but the second son.
"Miss,are you so hungry that you ended up eating a rock?"
Marius said in a surprisingly concerned and serious tone that it was almost suspicious.
But then again,if he wasn't being frank,he would have said something along the lines of "You should have told me you were hungry!I could get you a whole restaurant reserved if you want!"
But Rosa hadn't had enough of chocolate intake yet so she wasn't ready to dogshow the piece of shi- I mean shit so early in the morning,y'know?
So she says,
"Yeah,I am.so what."
And casually walks away leaving the piece of shit astounded.
Marius was like,
Rosa takes Marius's silence as a signal that he finally realized his question was incredibly stupid and already realized what the hell she was eating.But,said Von Hagen is known to always go belo- beyond your expectations.
So as she runs around talking to Captain Morgan and the others Marius's gaze follows her around.Something the attorney didn't fail to notice.
"What,do you need to say anything?You've been staring at me for a while.Do you have something to say?"
"Miss.....are you okay?"
Was all Rosa could muster.Because,as far as she knows,she doesn't feel anything unusual and uncomfy.
Seeing Rosa's visual confusion,Marius shouts,
And the other men who heard their names being called so unceremoniously so darn early in the morning almost wanted to strangle Marius for being sooo loud but after hearing "Rosa" and "Wrong" in the same sentence,they all but rushed to her sides to bombard her with questions.
Artem,her senior,was particularly worried that she hadn't gotten any sleep yet as he knows how she is sometimes.
Luke,her childhood friend,was worried that she accidentally bashed someone's head in hard cement because they soured her mood and because it's so damn early.
And Vyn,her very special friend-
(I am biased towards Vyn,okay?)
Was worried her senior gave her one too many cases and fieldwork to handle that she barely had enough rest,oh,his poor rose.
And here is Marius freaking out telling everyone he saw Rosa eating a rock out of hunger and fatigue.
"Are you quite certain that this is not one of your measly attempts at-"
My baby- I mean the doctor gets cut off by the super rude annoyin- I mean his lovely student freaking out saying,
"Miss was eating rocks,okay!?I saw it!She even confirmed it!"
"Rosa,is that true?"
Artem decides to break off the cycle of confusion and misunderstanding definitely not because he thinks he's gonna strangle the tutor and his student for being so loud and rude so early in the morning.
"No.I wasn't."
Everyone then looks and glares at the poor annoyin- cute puppy🐶.
"Hey!I definitely saw you!If what you were eating,isn't a rock then,what is it!?"
Marius defends as he crosses his arms in an attempt to go cutely say 'hmmmmph!' he wasn't cute.At least in the doctor's perspective.And mine.Kiddding!Lol😂........or am I?
"Marius,that wasn't a rock!It's tablea!"
Rosa exclaims feeling immensely offended by the claim.
Luke breaks the awkward atmosphere.
"I remember!Grandma sent you those,yea?"
"She did."
Rosa confirms.
"What.That still doesn't answer my question."
Marius stubbornly claims.
"Marius,not to be rude or anything but,have you eaten anything yet?Because it seems like it's you who who needs to eat and sleep."
"Hey!I know that and for your information,I did eat and sleep.Answer my question!"
"It's tableya.It's chocolate used to make porridge.It came from cacao and was made to be the shape of a ball.How's that?
Or do you need me to write you a thesis defense?"
Rosa sarcastically rolls her eyes.
Silence ensued.
Luke was confused whether he should laugh or not because he's so tired that he can no longer read the room like everyone else.Artem was clueless.He doesn't know what the hell just happened in front of him.And no,it's not because of the foolishness of the event.He's tired too,fatigued if you would say.
And Vyn,was to say, at the very least,is holding himself from laughing like a crazed maniac a)because he's also fatigued.He just went to sleep a few minutes before his presence was deemed to be required in the investigation.b)because he finds it incredibly amusing to make a fool out of the piece of shit.c)He also actually knew what "the rock looking ball" was from the start.Because just yesterday,Rosa asked him if he wanted to come over so she could teach him how to make 'champorado' since he's always the one doing the teaching.And she also happened to mention the tableya in their conversation.
Rosa walks away and the other fatigued men follow her suit like some ducklings following their mother.Leaving the piece of shit- I mean the Von Hagen alone to ponder how the hell he just made himself to look the fool.In front of everyone.Including Rosa.No one's going to let this one slide,especially Rosa.He sighs thinking of the countless ways Rosa ft. Luke and Vyn would remind him of this moment.
They will never let me live this one down.Ever.
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mattmewrdock · 2 years
It goes against so many theories but instead of Nandor getting his memory wiped and Guillermo being hunted by the Vampire Government™, something something Nandor ends up having to turn Guillermo or lose him and them forever after finally finding what he has longed for for centuries??? Nandor regretting not doing it when it was a choice and not a survival decision??? Guillermo seeing it completely different because he's a romantic and now he doesn't think of it as succeeding his lifelong dream but as "sacrificing his life to save Nandor"???
Is this anything?? Am I reaching??? Wasn't I supposed to be at work??
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jessikahathaway · 2 years
Dreaming of You - JJK M
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Hello hello!
It's been a while. I apologize for that but I'm back with some serious smut does that make it better???
Anyways, here's a Kook crack fic because I am a simp for him.
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Jungkook X Reader)
Genre: Crack, Smut, Romance, Lil bit of Fluff
Warnings: *cracks knuckles* aight here we go. Smut Warnings: Oral, Female/Male Recieving, face fucking, throat fucking, cum swallowing, spit kink, daddy kink, name calling, degradation (Jungkook calls her dumb and stuff be she wants it I swear), unprotected sex (DON'T DO AS I WRITE pls), Creampie, lil aftercare, Jungkook is so in love, and so is reader pls save them.
Words: 8.9k
Rating: 18+
Summary: You and Jungkook had been dating a while, but you still hadn't. You know. Got jiggy with it. So this is a story, about how you resolved that problem.
These past five months of your life had been, eventful, to say the least. Hell, the past 8 months have been wilder still. Your boyfriend, Jungkook, is a former boytoy. Playboy, man whore, fuck bucket whatever you wanna call it, he was that. You were a little sheltered. Not like, amish sheltered, but sheltered, nonetheless. You weren’t a virgin by any means, but that's neither here nor there. Jungkook had been a notorious name around town. A server at the local diner, he was known to be flirtatious and entirely too handsome for his own good. And you? Well, you were a local high school counselor, helping the troubled youth of today.
More like: Helping teen drama queens and delinquents not kill each other on a day to day basis.
There was the odd time you did make a difference in some lives, but most of the time it was petty bullshit that could easily be solved by a little maturity. 
You two knew each other, it was a smaller town and most everyone knew everyone. You had graduated a year ahead of Jungkook but you both went to the community college together, although you knew each other and passed in the halls you knew he wasn’t a long term deal. He fucked a few times then ditched, that was his thing. He was notorious for running out of parties with different girls, it was what he did. 
You did your same old routine. School and work, funnily enough, at the same diner Jungkook still works at. But when you graduated college you realized home is where your heart lied. So you stayed. Grabbing a decent sized house near your grandparents that had raised you. And nabbing a new job that was infuriating yet rewarding.
Now, all you had to do was find a husband. According to your grandmother.
It’s not like she was forcing you, but she encouraged you to find a life partner, someone to share your home and life with. You know, real soft stuff.
But that’s when Jungkook had entered your life yet again.
In the form of a life saving event.
Very cliche shit.
You were drunk at a party on the beach and fell in the water, almost drowned but Jungkook saved your life. That’s when you two started to talk more. It wasn’t a big deal or anything like that.
Jungkook and you wound up dating-it totally wasn’t you drunkenly admitting you had feelings for him and then proceeding to throw up in his bathroom. No, that would be sloppy and unbecoming of a lady-you know what. It happened, and he somehow found it endearing enough to ask your frigid ass on a date.
At least that’s what your older brother Jin says. 
So, finally, you two have been dating for five months. It’s sweet and cute or whatever. 
But there’s one little problem.
You two haven’t fucked yet.
Not even like, a little bit.
Jungkook had said something about wanting to wait until you both were ready, and saying he wanted to do this right.
But for fucksake.
Five months? 
That’s a little long. At least you thought so. It was starting to make you feel as though you weren’t good enough. Now, before anyone thinks your worth is judged based on your sexual attraction to someone or something or however you play. You wrong, you’re worth much more. BUT. It hurt your pride. Just a little bit. 
You’d done the first kiss, an awkward little smooshing of lips between the two of you.
You’d made out of the hood of his car one night.
But everytime you go to take the next step?
“Not now babe, just wait a little longer.”
And you don’t want to pressure him, and you don’t want to go insane sexually... What else is a girl to do?
You’ve even done the classic going to bed in lingerie and wanting for him to come over, only for you to either fall asleep and him be too sweet to wake you or he winds up getting cold feet and not coming over at all.
It makes you a little sad, because you love Jungkook. You think about him when he’s gone. And how much you long for him to stay when he leaves in the mornings. Your sweet kisses that are shared on one of the many dates you do. You don’t just want to fuck Jungkook. You want to make love to him and all that hippie bullshit.
Okay, so you’re super soft for the guy.
He makes you want to be all smoochy and gross. 
There’s something about him though, that just makes your netherlands quiver, like some sex obsessed fiend. But you can’t help it. Jungkook is like a beautiful work of art, and you just want to tear into him like some fat piece of meat.
It’s all you could do to keep your hands off of him sometimes. 
The way he wears those fitted tops and just, ugh. He looks so damn good. But not only that, he has the personality of a fuckboy, flirtatious as a sinner and as sweet as honey. But his true personality. That’s what you love the most. A modest, nerdy guy who loved video games and banana milk. And, the cherry on top of it all. He loved you too.
You went out with a good friend of yours, Jimin, who was a former fuckboy himself. But was now married and had a boy on the way. To ask for his ‘sacred’ advice.
So, you were at the bar one night. 
That’s generally always a bad start.
Now, you’re drunk. 
Even worse off.
Thirdly, you’re listening to Jimin.
That is the fatal blow.
“Babes, listen to me,” he said, slightly buzzed from his cocktails.
“I’m listening o-sacred one,” you giggled.
“Good, cause my old ass is about to give you some good fucking advice,” he said, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Less hear it,” you slurred.
“You need to be the prey in his eyes. You need to make him think that it’s all his idea. That you’re totally innocent in the things you’re gonna do. Like wear a short dress on your next date, or send a hot pic or something. Drop something and bend over in front of him to pick it up. Shake your ass a little harder to  Kayne for me, please. But that’s just a personal request, we'll discuss those terms later.”
“Prey in his eyes huh?”
“Exactly, find out what his kinks are, play into them,” he suggested.
“How?” you sat on the edge of your seat.
This is what desperation does to a person, folks.
“Like, maybe he’s a dom, maybe he’s a sub. Start there. Does he normally take control of things, or do you?” He asked. 
“He’s normally in control,” you said, thinking of his lustful kisses.
“Okay, so probably a dom then,” Jimin analyzed.
“How do I figure out more specific things though? Like things I can do to turn him on,” you ask.
“Well, see if a certain title gets a reaction from him. Like sir, master, daddy? Any of those?”
“Okay, what else?”
“Well, is he an ass or tits guy?”
“He’s an opportunist,” you answered.
Jimin laughed at your answer, before getting serious.
“Does he have a breeding kink? Cum kink? Am I getting warm?”
“I don’t know, it’s not like I’m out here yelling about ovulating or something,” you stammered.
“You should try that!” Jimin encouraged.
“Jimin I don’t know,” you said, suddenly getting self conscious.
“Hey bitch don’t you start negative talk that’s gonna sabotage all my efforts here,” he warned.
“Sorry sorry, I won’t. He loves me, I love him, game face is on,” you teased.
“Good, listen to me though. If that boy doesn’t last longer than a minute dump his ass.”
“That seems harsh,” you pondered.
“It’s not, especially not for someone his age,” Jimin stated.
“I won’t leave him because of something dumb like that Jimin,” you said, feeling oddly protective over something you had no idea of yet.
“Just, try different things. Life's too short not to fuck like bunnies while you can. I’m starting to get back pain if we go too long,” Jimin joked. At least, you hope he was joking.
“Okay, you’re right. I’m gonna go call him daddy and yell about ovulating,” you said firmly.
“That’s the spirit! Go!”
And you did. 
Go back home and pass the fuck out.
Listen, listen, listen.
You’re a notorious lightweight. 
But you had forgotten that Jungkook and you had planned a breakfast date that morning. So, when you hauled your ass out of bed you realized one: you had to puke. Two: you were late for your date. Three: Your period was four days early.
Scrambling to the shower you got in and turned the water up entirely too high making your head spin and fall out of the shower. Unfortunately, you had taken the towel bar down with you. Jungkook had his own key for your place now, so, naturally he let himself in. And when you fell, a cry came from your lips and a loud thud. Jungkook, ran in to find you on the floor, hungover and covered in towels. 
“Baby what happened?” he asked, rushing over and placing his hand on your head.
“What happened, did you fall?” he asked, looking at the running shower and your soaked body.
“Yeah,” you whimpered, Jungkook pulled you into his arms and patted your head to look for any sore spots.
“Do we need to go to the doctor?”
“No, I’m okay,” you whispered.
“Did you go out with Jimin last night?”
“Yes,” you said, wiping the water off your face.
“Sweetheart you drank way too much,” he chuckled.
“No,” you lied, biting your lip, trying not to die of embarrassment.
“It’s okay, big baby,” Jungkook laughed.
“Thanks... daddy,” you said softly.
You felt the harsh floor hit your ass as Jungkook dropped you.
“Sorry Y/N!” Jungkook hastily apologized.
He helped you to bed and the topic never even came up. As if dropping you was a regular occurrence. You couldn’t help but be slightly bitter. You really wanted that to work, cause it might have been a kink of yours. Can’t win them all you guess.
You reconveened the meeting of the minds with Jimin over a facetime later that night long after Jungkook had gone home.
“So your dumb ass was too hungover to get a sensible thought to go through your head?” 
“Listen,” you started. “I may or may not have been hungover, but don’t call a bitch out. Rude as hell, however I called him daddy and he dropped my fucking ass.”
“That’s oddly poetic,” Jimin commented.
“Shut up, I still have a bruise,” you complained.
“Well, Daddy’s out for now, so. Try just, doing something scandalous. Show off some sideboob hell, this is serious!”
“I can do my best,” you said, looking down at your girls with motivation.
A few nights later, Jungkook came over for dinner and a movie. You picked just a mindless action flick, but it would no doubt enthrall him. 
You dressed a little skimpier than usual. A tighter dress to show off some of your cleavage, you had Jungkook entranced at the door. 
He was way more touchy tonight you noticed. 
Coming up behind you and kissing your neck gently.
“Smells good baby, whatcha cooking?” he asked, leaning his head over your shoulder as his arms came around your waist.
“Just some cheesy alfredo noodles, nothing too crazy,” you said with a grin.
“Ooh, fancy pants,” he said, landing a tap on your ass that was gentle but noticeable.
“Not really, but I’m glad you like it so far,” you said.
“May I kiss the chef?” Jungkook asked, leaning for the corner of your lips. 
“Please do,” you agreed, turning to connect your lips with his. 
“Mmm, baby,” he smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in tighter. 
“Missed you so much these past three days.”
“Yeah? How much?” 
“So much, Jungkook,” you whispered, breath fanning over his lips.
“Me too,” he agreed before bringing his lips back to yours.
Your mouths melded together as he led your hips towards his.
“So sweet, what are you drinking?” he asked, licking his lips.
“Peach soju,” you smiled.
“Mmm tasty,” he said, moving to turn away from you. No doubt to go slam the rest of that peach soju.
You grabbed the belt loops of his pants and pulled his pelvis against yours. “Baby, don’t leave me yet,” you whined. Jungkook made a small growl in his chest as he devoured your lips this time, gripping at the back of your dress with his fingers. You mewled at the action, leaning forward to press your body against his harder.
Jungkook pulled back suddenly, causing your head to swirl with confusion.
“Just a second, I need to go use the bathroom,” he said, waddling down the hallway.
Your dazed mind believed him.
But when he did finally come back he was flushed, like he wasn’t feeling well.
“You okay Kook?”
“Yeah, just, felt a little off for a second,” he said, skin returning to its normal color as he calmed down it appeared.
“You were gone for a long time, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
Jungkook’s cheeks got warm as he looked at you.
“Much better,” he said, patting your leg gently. You’re not entirely convinced, but he brings his lips to yours briefly. You kissed him gingerly, but he pulled back before much else could happen.
“Well dinner is ready,” you said, bringing the dishes to the table. Jungkook hurried to sit down, ready for your cooking. You smiled as you set his meal in front of him, moving to sit down as well.
“Babe it looks amazing,” Jungkook said, eyes wide.
“Thank you, it’s nothing special but it’s always a fail safe,” you explained.
“Well I’m excited,” Jungkook said, digging in.
“I’m glad baby,” you answered before grabbing your own fork and eating.
The meal passed relatively uneventfully. You asked about work. He said it was the same as usual.
“Is Mrs. Lebanskyi still trying to set you up with her granddaughter?” You giggled.
“No, I think after the fortieth no, I have a girlfriend, she finally got it. That and I may have put a rather disturbing image in her head just for good measure,” Jungkook laughed.
“Ooh, disturbing image. Do share, do share,” you said.
“Don’t you know that mysterious guys are more attractive?” Jungkook teased.
“Oh I bet,” you said, sipping your wine.
“Well, how's turf wars going?”
“Shelby is currently winning but Duke has been making some power moves lately,” you commented.
“Always liked that kid,” he said in reference to Duke. He was your troublemaker. But he had a great sense of humor.
The rest of dinner passed quietly. 
You and Jungkook both cleared the table, washing the dishes and settling down for a movie. Jungkook sat down on the couch, looking at his phone for a few minutes. 
Now it was time to initiate your newest plan.
“Hey babe, I’m gonna take a quick shower,” you said, moving towards your bedroom.
“Okay!” Jungkook said, head still in his phone.
“Be right back,” you stated.
“Kay,” he responded.
You got in the shower and washed yourself down. You shaved and put on Jungkook’s favorite lotion, then you forewent a bra, as well as putting some of your fancy panties on. Hopefully this next move would get those panties of yours to come off and get thrown towards some random corner of your bedroom. Or living room. Or kitchen. You weren’t picky at this moment.
So, you finally made it out to the living room, damp hair and shorts on. 
It’s time to put seduction plan number two into motion.
“Hey babe,” you said, sitting down and reaching over him to grab the remote.
That’s when you saw it.
Jungkook’s eyes were trained on your chest. You pretended not to notice, turning the movie on and settling into the couch with Jungkook. 
You sat with your arms crossed. Watching the action race across the screen. You stretched out your legs and had them draped over Jungkook’s lap. You watched the screen with tired eyes, when you felt Jungkook’s hand on your bare leg.
His eyes were still on the tv, but his hand was rubbing your leg slowly.
You tried to keep a neutral expression, but he was touching you... And his hands were so warm...
Jungkook turned to you for a moment, making your heart lurch into your throat for a second. Play it cool, play it cool.
You knew that Jungkook wasn’t stupid, but you weren’t sure if maybe this was pushing it a little too far. You could just do the adult thing and ask him if he wanted to have sex and why he hadn’t been more intimate with you but, where’s the story in that?
“You’re wearing that lotion I like,” he said, smiling.
“Well, you’re here so might as well spoil you a bit,” you said.
“I appreciate it,” Jungkook said, coming closer to bring your lips together.
“I was hoping you would,” you said, kissing him back gently.
Jungkook wrapped his arm around you, bringing your lips together sensually almost. The urge to rip your clothes off and have your way with him were strong in this one. But, you refrained. He has to think it’s his idea. His idea-oh god his lips are so soft, and plush beneath your own. Your mind almost went blank at the action of his hand coming up along your waist and pushing you onto your back.
Your lips parted as you stared up at Jungkook with pupils blown wide and breaths coming in short gasps. He looked at your eyes, then your lips as he connected your mouths again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. It wasn’t enough, you wanted him closer still.
Jungkook pulled away slowly, as if savoring your kiss.
“You’re so beautiful,” he smiled, brushing some of your hair out of your face.
“Thank you Jungkook,” you whispered, moving to capture his lips yet again when he put his hand on your shoulder.
“I think I’ve gotta get going, it’s almost eleven and I have to work in the morning,” he said, sounding just as disappointed as you felt.
“Okay Kook,” you said, sitting up to give him a hug.
That’s when you felt it.
A distinct prodding at your stomach.
You moved back to ask him about it when he placed a quick kiss on your lips, effectively dazing you before rushing towards the door.
“Bye babe! I love you!” he hollered, running out of the house and leaving you thoroughly confused and horny in your living room.
Soon after that even your work friends were starting to wonder if you were frustrated about something.
“Y/N, are you sure you’re alright? You haven’t touched your food,” Hoseok said, a good friend of yours who was the literature teacher. 
“Hobi, I’m gonna ask you something and you have to help me out. Jimin’s advice has failed me before and continues to do so to this day, but you-you’ve never led this lamb astray before, can I have some advice?”
“Of course, what’s the trouble?”
“My former playboy boyfriend won’t fuck me,” you said, covering your face in embarrassment.
Hoseok choked on his drink and looked around the office to make sure no one heard your debauched statement.
“Okay. Okay, rewind. Jungkook.”
“Your sweet loveable boyfriend Jungkook.”
“Good communicator and flirtatious server Jungkook.”
“That’s the one.”
“Have you thought of, I don’t know, asking him?” Hoseok said, smacking you upside the head gently with a few papers.
“Hey,” you whined.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes,” he laughed.
“What do you mean?”
“Firstly, for going to Jimin for some kind of advice that’d only work in a romance novel.”
“Secondly, for listening to any advice that came out of that idiot’s mouth,” he continued.
“This is feeling less like helping me and more like roasting me,” you complained.
“Partially because it is, but anyways. To the advice column of our paper,” Hoseok joked. “Well, talk to him and figure out what’s going on. Or if all else fails just show up to his house in a trench coat and lingerie, there’s only so many ways to seduce someone.”
Okay, you know this was a dumb idea.
But there wasn’t much else to do.
It’s the middle of the night, you’re standing outside of Jungkook’s apartment with a stupid peacoat on and your trusty pale pink babydoll. Your legs were freezing. You knocked on the door before you could think better of it and waited. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Eventually, a sleepy looking Jungkook answered the door. He looked at your attire and then up to your face.
“Babe,” he greeted.
“Hi Kook,” you said, biting down a shiver.
“It’s a little past midnight,” he said, looking at you with confusion.
“I know,” you answered.
Jungkook continued to stare at you before you couldn’t help the shiver that ran over you. Teeth chattering and body shaking, Jungkook’s eyes softened and he opened the door wider and urged you inside. Rushing into the living room you turned around to face Jungkook.
He was shirtless, a pair of joggers on and his phone in hand.
“We need to talk,” you said, looking at him with nothing but love and a little bit of lust because damn he looks so good-no! Damn it, try to focus Y/N.
“About what baby? It’s almost one in the morning,” he said, coming forward to take your hands.
“I don’t want to break up,” you said. Jungkook cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips.
“Okay-were you thinking that you did want to break up?”
“No! God no, not ever. I love you Kook,” you said, palming his cheek.
“Then why are you telling me you don’t want to break up? Are you drunk? Have you been out with Jimin,” he started to scold you, when you pulled him to your lips gently. He quieted down a little but pulled away nonetheless.
“Y/N, what is going on?” he asked.
“Jungkook, how long?”
“How long what?”
“How long are you going to make us wait?”
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed.
“What are you talking about, quit beating around the bush and just fucking tell me what-”
“Why won’t you fuck me?” you asked, blunter than you had intended.
Jungkook balked at you before he replied. “What?”
“Fucking, sex, making love whatever you wanna call it, why aren’t we doing it?”
“Baby-it’s one in the morning I don’t think this is the time or the place to have this conversation-”
“What conversation Jungkook? Are you just not attracted to me? Or is it someone else? Why?”
“Not attracted to you-Y/N, do you hear yourself?”
“My ears work fine,” you glared.
“Great, cause they’re about to get some use.”
You were going to argue some more, feeling rather defensive about the whole thing when Jungkook blocked your path.
“Not attracted to you huh? You think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing? Little fucking tease, that’s what you are. Calling me daddy, wearing no bra and those shorts as well as my favorite lotion. Now the trench coat-”
“It’s a peacoat,” you corrected.
“What the fuck ever, what I want...” he swallowed thickly. “What I want is underneath it anyways.”
“What do you want?” you asked.
“What I’ve always wanted from you,” he smiled. He approached and opened your peacoat, button by button.
Gently, he peeled back the coat and let it drop to the floor. Your lingerie decorated your body perfectly. But Jungkook didn’t even look at it. His head dipped as he came closer, your heart was in your throat. Was this actually working?? The fuck??
But, all you felt was Jungkook's lips right above your left breast.
“This is what I want,” he said against your skin.
“My boob?”
“Your heart you idiot.”
“Lot of harsh words being thrown around right now,” you sniffed. But even you could help the small smile that came to your lips as Jungkook backed up. Carefully, as not to scare him away, you lifted your hand to his chest and laid your hand over his heart. “This is what I want,” you repeated.
“My boob?” he joked.
“Yeah,” you teased, pushing him back a little. When he frowned you sighed and nodded your head. “I want your heart too babe, always.”
“You’re such a softie,” he smirked, coming forward to kiss your head.
“Yeah yeah, only for you babe, only for you,” you warned.
“That’s all I care about,” he smiled.
“You’re such a little shit sometimes,” you growled.
“Sorry,” he said, trying his best to look sheepish.
“God sometimes I wonder,” you said, laughing.
“Anyway babe, about the other thing,” Jungkook said, looking at you.
“Have you forgotten that you’re literally standing in my house in lingerie and heels?” he asked, incredulous.
“Sorry, my bad,” you sighed. “Here hand me my jacket, I’ll get out of your hair so you can sleep,” you said.
“Wait babe-”
“No, I get it. This isn’t the time nor the place to discuss that, I shouldn’t have woken you up-”
“Babe if you walk out that door in that set and I don’t fuck you, I have done both of us a disservice.” 
It was your turn to look shocked. “What?”
“Babe, I admit I was holding out on you,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was used to being used, and people saw me as an object and not a person, but you changed all of that. You showed me what love is, how a relationship works. And I’m so grateful that you did. Because being with you is my greatest joy. Honestly. God I’m such a simp for you babe, for real. But-But with sex, I was worried that maybe all you wanted was that you’d slept with me exclusively. I know it’s dumb but I was insecure at first. Now-Now I’m ready to take that step with you, if you want.”
“Jungkook, don’t say something if you’re really not ready I’m being an idiot and-”
“Well you’re always being an idiot. But right now you’re onto something,” he encouraged.
“Okay, burn me, that’s fine. But, what do you mean I’m onto something?”
Jungkook groaned.
“Do you want me to spell it out? G-E-T I-N B-E-D-”
“Speak my language please,” you snarked.
“Get in my bedroom,” he said, walking and opening the doors to fucking heaven at this point.
“Are you serious?” you asked. 
“As a heart attack,” Jungkook responded.
“Holy shit-okay,” you said, walking towards the bedroom. Jungkook swatted your ass as you walked past him.
“Get on the bed, put your coat on the chair,” he said. You did as he asked, putting your jacket down and climbing onto the bed. You realized you still had your shoes on, moving to take them off you heard a snarl from the otherside of the room.
“Did I say to do anything else baby? Keep those heels on, it’ll be the only thing you wear when I’m fucking you,” Jungkook growled, walking towards you like a man starved.
Your heart wasn’t prepared for that statement, almost giving out at the last minute, before you could even suck his dick. What a shame, but a way to go nonetheless.
That’s when Jungkook’s hand gripped your jaw, not tight enough to hurt you, but enough to get your attention from your wayward thoughts. “Listen up babydoll, if you need to stop, say something. Make a safeword right now.”
“Uh-um, I’m really not good under pressure Kook-”
“I’m not fucking you until you think of one,” Jungkook said.
“Fine, fine. Uh-strawberry,” you answered.
“Alright, if you say strawberry at any point we’re done for the night okay? If you need me to slow down just say yellow, and if everything is okay tell me green,” he announced.
“Why couldn’t red be my safeword?”
“I just like to watch you struggle sometimes,” he smirked before bringing his lips to yours seductively.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back fervently. Like this might be the last time you get to kiss this man in your life. Jungkook licked the seams of your lips, asking you to open your mouth for him. You did just that, opening your mouth and letting his slick tongue inside. You moaned when Jungkook wrapped his tongue around yours, showing you just a glimpse of the pleasure he could pull from your body.
“Baby,” you whined when he pulled back, mouth hanging open and chest heaving.
“I’m not your baby, sweet thing, no no. Call me Daddy,” he said, holding your head back so he could nip and suck on your neck.
“Wait, I thought you didn’t like that?” you asked, looking at him.
“What do you mean?” he questioned pulling away from you.
“You dropped me on my ass the last time I called you that,” you said, reminding him of your little experiment.
“Did you ever think that you shocked me by randomly calling me daddy outside of the bedroom?”
“Well, I mean I thought about it,” you sniffed.
“Clearly,” he snorted before pulling you back in, kissing you feverishly.
You whimpered into his kiss before wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Fuck, you’re so god damn sexy,” he groaned.
“You too Kook-”
“What did I say,” he snapped. “I’m not your baby, I’m not Kook, I’m your daddy. And you better start fucking acting like it before I punish you.”
His words sunk in and you nodded demurely.
“Yes Daddy, I’ll behave,” you said, biting your lip.
“You will huh? We’ll see about that,” he teased before pushing you down onto the bed, climbing on top of you and kissing your jawline, leaving wet kisses along your heated skin.
You moaned underneath him as he worked his mouth over your jaw and down to your chest.
“Such pretty tits baby,” he said, pulling them out of the lingerie. His eyes sparkled as he unwrapped his present like a kid on christmas. You arched into his touches, watching with rapt attention as he brought his mouth over your nipple. Your reaction was music to his ears.
“Fuck daddy,” you mewled, looking at him with stars in your eyes.
“Mmm, so sweet babydoll,” he said, laving his tongue over your breast salaciously. You moaned at the contact, shivering when he blew on the wet skin. He brought your hands up above your head, holding them there by the wrist. If you tried hard enough you could escape but you didn’t want to upset him, and a part of you didn’t want to escape him, you wanted all the pleasure and torture he could give you.
“Feels so good daddy,” you whined, rutting against him like a bitch in heat.
“Just playing with your tits and you’re already so responsive. Fuck I should’ve done this sooner,” he lamented, pulling your nipple into his mouth and sucking on it harshly.
Your cries were softened by the very torturous lips that were bringing you such pleasure. You struggled to keep yourself under control. You feared chasing him off originally, now you were afraid of the fucker teasing you to death.
“My beautiful doll,” he smiled, looking at you with adoration in his gaze. “Open your mouth.”
You didn’t question him, you just opened your mouth like you were told.
“Suck on these fingers, get them nice and wet so they can fuck you good,” he said, bringing his pointer and middle finger towards your mouth. You sucked his fingers lewdly, taking them so deep your lips hit his knuckles.
“That’s it, good girl,” he praised. “Now, you’re gonna take those panties off.”
You flushed, trying to keep your composure but-his voice was like pure sin. You couldn’t explain it better than that. You wanted to hear it more and more, you wanted him to talk to you like you were a dumb little bitch-which you weren’t (most of the time).
You weren’t sure if you were into that kind of degradation but, maybe, with Jungkook? Maybe you could see it as a thing.
“How many times-”
“No-time out for a sec before we really get into this,” you said, wringing your hands together.
“What is it? Do you wanna stop?”
“No! No no, I’ll literally die if you don’t fuck me but-”
“This sounds like it’s going to be a boner killing conversation-”
“Bitch what did you just say to me?”
“What did you want to say babe, what’s wrong?” he asked, rubbing your thighs gently.
“Well. I was wondering... maybe we could do like... I don’t know-you call me mean names and stuff?”
“Like degradation?” he asked, raising a brow. “Consider my boner intrigued.”
“Yeah. Are you down for that?” you asked.
“I think that could be hot, but I don’t want you to feel bad about anything,” he said, biting his lip.
“Nah, I know that’s not what you actually think about me, no worries babe. But like, call me a dumb slut or something I don’t know,” you said lamely.
“Well then, I’ll call you a dumb slut and go from there,” he laughed. 
“No! I’m serious! I wanna be degraded,” you encouraged.
“Alright I hear you I hear you, but I can’t just whip it out and be like-dumb slut! That feels weird to me,” he shrugged.
“We’re supposed to be having sex right now but I had to open my big fucking mouth and ruin it-”
“I wonder why some people like degradation,” Jungkook pondered.
“This is getting us nowhere, nevermind just forget I said anything,” you sighed. 
“No babe, I wanna do this how we’re both gonna like it. Maybe we should talk more about it tomorrow, and just sleep tonight huh?”
“No! Please please please don’t just sleep on me, I’m literally ready to go, I swear,” you answered. “Please Daddy, please fuck me.”
“See I’m not in it anymore so it just feels weird to hear you say that-”
“Jungkook are we really not gonna have sex after all this?”
“I dunno. I’m kinda tired,” he yawned to emphasize his statement.
“I’ll suck your dick, please, I’ll do anything to feel you-call me a needy bitch or whatever cause it’s true I'm a needy bitch for your dick daddy please.”
Jungkook’s brows raised in interest. 
“You want it that bad huh?”
“Yes. I want it so bad please,” you begged.
“Alright baby, alright I’ll give you my cock. That’s what you want isn’t it? My big fat cock in that tiny pussy huh?”
“Yes,” you moaned, laying back into the pillows. 
“I bet you do you whore,” he growled. “You come here in the middle of the fucking night because you’re so hungry for dick. I bet you’d crawl on the floor if I asked you to, huh? I might just have you crawl for this dick.”
“I’ll do it daddy, I’ll crawl, I’ll grovel, I’ll do whatever you want just please daddy,” you begged. 
“Alright, I’m gonna fuck you dumb,” he snarled before coming forward to kiss you again. 
You accepted his kiss and let him dominate the passionate exchange before whining and rutting against him. You were a dumb slut who wanted his dick more than anything in the world right now.
“Please daddy, give me your cock. Wanna suck it like a good girl,” you said. 
“Aww my baby slut wants to suck my cock huh? Should I give it to you? Do you think you deserve it?”
“I don’t deserve it,” you whimpered. “I’ve been so bad, coming to daddy’s house so late and demanding his cock but if you let me, I’ll be so good for you.”
“Mmm, come here my baby,” he encouraged, moving you down so your body was flat but your head was propped up on a pillow. “Gonna fuck that dirty mouth of yours. Then I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna drink it like the good little bitch you are, and you’re gonna thank daddy for giving you such a reward when you’ve been nothing but a disobedient little shit.”
“Thank you daddy,” you said before opening your mouth up to him. Jungkook wound back and pulled his pants down. You kept your mouth open, waiting for him to give you what you wanted.
Finally, you gave a small whimper and Jungkook freed his cock from his underwear and your eyes bulged. His cock wasn’t like-pornstar huge-but it was pretty big, thick and ready for your wet mouth.
“Open up wider, daddy’s cock won’t fit otherwise,” he said, scooting forward so that he was straddling your face. 
“Fuck my throat daddy, I’ll be good,” you pleaded. 
“That’s a good girl,” he smirked. “Nice and easy.”
He slowly eased his cock inside your mouth, giving you a few seconds to get adjusted before pushing a little further. You bobbed your head forward as much as you could but Jungkook was also thrusting at the same time, making you cough a little as he hit the back of your throat. 
“Gag on it, yeah, fuck like that,” Jungkook moaned. “Love watching you struggle to take it all.”
You struggled to keep your throat relaxed as Jungkook thrusted forwards, fucking your mouth and throat. You whimpered under him. Jungkook was whispering the nastiest shit to you the whole time, effectively ruining your panties as you struggled to keep up with him.
“Fuck you are a nasty little bitch aren’t you? Fuck, love watching you suck my dick. I’m gonna fuck your throat raw baby, gonna fuck it so deep and hard then I’m gonna make it all better by cuming down your throat to soothe the ache. Aren’t I such a nice daddy baby? Even though you’ve been so bad? Fuck your mouth is so hot, I love it. I love you,” he moaned. 
You wanted to respond but you were rather preoccupied. 
Jungkook was brutal at certain points, making your head spin with the lack of oxygen. But he seemed to know your limits pretty well because just before you’d want him to let you breathe, you would feel him let up. Giving you some air. 
Jungkook’s groans turned to whines above you as he continued to fuck your throat.
“Gonna cum baby, gonna cum down your throat and make all that hurt go away. And then what does my special girl say huh? What do you say after that?”
You choked on his cock once more in lieu of a response and let him do whatever he wanted.
“Here it comes you dumb slut. Drink my cum,” he groaned, body tensing before he shuddered a few times and you felt the warmth of his cum go down your throat. You choked again and Jungkook brought his dick out of your throat and let you swallow the rest. 
You wheezed a few times, feeling the sweet air in your lungs. 
Jungkook took your jaw in his hands and kissed you senseless for a moment. Jungkook’s lips were swollen from him biting them and from your previous kisses. 
“Thank you daddy,” you croaked, kissing him again. 
“You’re so welcome,” he beamed. “How do you feel about spitting as a form of degradation?” he asked, raising a brow at you.
“Do it, please daddy,” you hiccuped, feeling the ache in your throat more. 
“Open your mouth,” he said, pulling back.
You did as he asked and he spat right in your mouth, causing you to rub your thighs together as he growled. 
“Now swallow.”
You did just that. 
“What a good dumb slut you are,” he groaned. “So perfect for me.”
“Just for you daddy, only for you.”
“That’s right,” he snapped. “You’re all for me. My perfect stupid whore.”
“Daddy... My pussy... Hurts,” you whimpered. 
“Yeah? Let me look, let daddy see where it hurts baby,” he said, pulling your legs apart slowly. 
The sight before him knocked the wind right out of his lungs. Your panties were stuck to your center. That's how wet you were for him. Fuck you looked so good, dripping and whining for him.
“I see the problem,” he said, biting his lips once more.
“What’s wrong daddy?”
“Need to eat your pussy baby, that way it won’t hurt anymore,” he said, placing an open mouth kiss to your core.
“Oh!” You gasped. 
“Take those panties off for me,” he demanded, looking just as impatient as you felt. 
You scrambled to get your underwear off, almost rolling off of his bed if it wasn’t for his gentle hands holding you. When you finally did get the blasted things off Jungkook’s mouth was quick to replace them. You moaned in surprise, but you quickly got a hold of yourself. 
“Fuck! Feels so good,” you mewled. 
“You taste even better,” he moaned into your wetness. He sucked on your clit lightly, causing your hips to buck and making his face smoosh into your cunt even more. You cried out at the feeling of his tongue moving against your sensitive center. 
“Daddy, oh god,” you hiccuped. 
“That’s right pretty, let it go for me, let me taste even more,” he said, licking and sucking on you like you were his last meal. The string in your tummy felt so tight like it could burst at any second. But fuck you just needed a little more. Just a smidge. 
“Daddy... C-Can I-oh fuck me, can I have your fingers please,” you asked, trying so hard to be good. 
“Being polite now huh? Now that I’m gonna make you cum? Well, I wanna see how tight this pussy is, wanna stretch you out before you get shoved onto my cock.”
You could feel the frustrated tears welling up in your eyes. You wanted it so bad and if he didn’t give it to you, you weren’t sure what was going to go down-oh...
“Fuck!” you screamed as Jungkook entered two fingers into you. Your walls clamped down on the intruders and Jungkook huffed into your center at the sensation.
“Shit you’re so tight baby,” he groaned, licking firmly at your clit as he struggled to keep his control.
“Daddy, m-my pussy, so full,” you hiccuped, feeling the tears finally start to trickle down your cheeks. 
“I bet it is, but you’re still gonna take this big cock. I promise it’ll feel so good baby. Hot and throbbing in your pretty pussy,” he said, not yet noticing that your cheeks were swelling from your salty tears. 
“Daddy,” you said, feeling yourself shaking as Jungkook began to thrust his fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck, gonna feel so good on my dick. You’re such a good girl, daddy’s good girl huh?” he said, like someone might say to a young pup. But here you were, eating it all up. Fuck, the tears wouldn’t stop. It was almost too much. But you didn’t want him to stop. Not yet. God not yet.
“Mngh, your fingers are so good,” you whispered, arm going over your eyes to help shield them from Jungkook’s heinous activities downstairs. 
Because if you kept looking you might pass out. 
You sniffled and felt Jungkook pause his fingers inside of you. 
“Are you crying baby?”
“N-No.” You swallowed to try and keep the shudders at bay but his fingers wickedly started up again.
“Hm, you aren’t? Well, let me take a look then,” he said.
“Y/N, are you alright? Just move your arm,” he encouraged. 
“I-I can’t,” you said.
“Then let me help you,” Jungkook answered, moving your arms away from your face and pinning them to your sides. 
Jungkook was slightly blurry, your eyes now doubt slightly swollen and red from your tears. You weren’t sure why you were crying so much but you were certainly overwhelmed. 
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
“No Daddy, I don’t,” you said, looking him square in the eyes. 
“Alright,” Jungkook said, kissing up your throat, and onto your chin. Next, claiming your lips in a harsh exchange. But a sweet peck was placed right after to soothe the sting. Jungkook then kissed your cheek. You felt a wet sensation, and realized. He was licking you. More specifically-your tears. 
Holy shit.
Jeon Jungkook has a crying fetish. 
You wanted to laugh, but you were so turned on all you managed was a slight wheeze, which was interrupted by Jungkook’s plush mouth coming back to yours. 
Jungkook grabbed onto your lingerie and pulled it up and off, baring you fully to his hungry eyes. He looked at you like you were everything he’s ever wanted and more. Fuck, was this love? Is this what all those teen fanfiction authors are spurring on about?
Cause, if it is, they’re onto something. 
The tears poured down harder as Jungkook came back to you. 
“My baby, so emotional huh?” he whispered, biting on your ear gently. 
“I just love you-so much,” you said, intertwining your fingers. 
“I love you too baby, more than I could ever say, but maybe I could show you,” he said, pulling his underwear off and onto the floor. 
“Yes, yes please I want it,” you begged, spreading your legs wide for him. Jungkook moved slowly, crawling up the bed towards you like a hungry jaguar hunting the antelope. 
“I know you do, so do I, fuck are you sure you’re wet enough? Do you want me to use a condom?” he asked, mind probably spiraling at the thought that this was actually going to happen now. 
“I’m wet enough, believe me, but you don’t have to use a condom. I’m on the pill,” you said softly, touching his cheek. “And I trust you.”
“Okay, whatever you want... might even give you my cum if you ask like a good girl,” he smirked, licking his lips before lining up with your entrance. You felt his tip rubbing against your clit for a few seconds before pushing down against your hole. Jungkook groaned when he sank in. Because fuck, it felt too good.
“You’re so tight, and wet and-shit, feels so good baby,” he praised you. 
A soft whimper and tear came from you as Jungkook slowly pushed in. Your breathing shallowed and Jungkook felt you tensing. 
“Ease up baby, I’ve got you, it’s okay,” he shushed, pressing gentle kissing to your sweaty hairline. 
“So big,” you mewled. 
“Almost there. Be a good girl and take it,” Jungkook moaned out. 
“Want it all,” you said, gripping his hips tight.
“Oh fuck,” he whispered as he bottomed out. Your cunt was stretched to its max it felt like. Jungkook held still as he could until you gave him the okay by tapping his side gently. 
“You sure you’re ready? I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, concerned. 
“I’m okay, please move,” you said, bucking your hips against his softly.
“Alright baby, hold on tight,” he smiled, before bringing your lips together and setting a slow pace. With each draw out and push in he felt incredible. So hot and big inside of you. But he wasn’t rushing either. You could feel every inch when he pushed in, and the slight ache when he pulled out. It didn’t hurt, it was more like you just wanted him there always. 
“Fuck, feels so good, daddy. Wanna cum, wanna cum please!” you cried, gripping his forearm. 
“Yeah? Wanna cum on this dick you dirty girl. Coat my dick, coat it in your cum for me,” he egged you on so much it made your head spin. 
You’d never felt like this during sex. Most of the time you were chasing after your orgasms. Sometimes having to finish yourself off after your partner had long since fallen asleep. But right now? You were being throw towards your end at a rapid pace. He’d barely been going a minute and you were already such a mess. 
“Shit so tight, fuck, come on baby. Cum, cum hard I wanna feel it,” Jungkook growled, leaning forward and capturing your lips in a tight lock. 
You moaned and cried against his lips as finally-finally your orgasm washed over you. Jungkook felt your walls flutter around him and he bit down on his lip as he pulled away from you, letting you ride through the afterglow slowly. Jungkook halted his movement when you started whimpering. 
“Too sensitive? Does it hurt?” Jungkook asked, eyes sparkling in the dark. 
“It doesn’t hurt, just want more,” you begged. One orgasm was never going to be enough with Jungkook. Because he felt so good, knew exactly where to touch and when to touch you. Fuck it was so god damn good you were still teary eyed. 
“My greedy slut wants another one?”
“Yes, yes please!” you said, moving against him, already feeling pleasure rather than the sharp ache. You cried out when Jungkook left your needy hole empty. 
“Lift your ass up in the air,” he demanded. Knees wobbly after your climax you almost fell, but Jungkook’s gentle grip was there to stabilize you. 
“L-Like this?” you asked, spine curved and hips jutting outward. 
“Just like that baby,” he said, approaching you with a gentle smack to your ass. 
“Oh!” you gasped, and Jungkook just laughed. You knew it didn’t hurt but you weren’t expecting to feel such a rush from it. 
“Like being spanked pretty?” he asked, landing another one on the other cheek. 
“Fuck!” you cried out, falling forward on your elbows. 
“I think you do baby slut,” he smirked, rubbing his fingers through your slick. He rubbed at your clit a little, enhancing the sensations all the more. 
“Daddy, fuck,” you said, arching your back. 
“Take my cock baby,” he said, rubbing it against your wet pussy. 
“Yes, yes,” you whispered to yourself. But Jungkook heard it as he pushed into you once more. Your warm walls welcoming him as he pushed inside your wet heat again and again. 
“That’s right, daddy’s cock is all you want isn’t it? Say daddy’s cock is all you need,” he encouraged. 
“D-Daddy’s-ah!” you cried out as Jungkook landed a sharper whack to your ass. 
“Say it,” he demanded. 
“Daddy’s cock is all I-hngh fuck! All I need!” you said, struggling to speak as Jungkook’s cock battered your core. 
“That’s it, that’s what daddy wants to hear. You’re my good slut, aw fuck, feels so fucking good,” he said, pushing forward harder. 
“So good daddy, feels so good,” you murmured, feeling your sanity slipping away from you. 
“Gonna fuck you dumb, you’ll be full of cum and uh fuck-jesus christ you’re so tight-and you’ll want more of it. In your mouth, in your pussy and on those fucking gorgeous tits, yes baby fuck it,” he groaned, molding his back to yours as he interlocked your fingers. 
“Uh uh uh, daddy I want it, pleas-s-se give me your cum,” you said, unable to really speak coherently at this point. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he whined, rutting into you harder, causing stars to erupt from behind your eyes. 
“Me-e too, fuck!” after a particularly harsh thrust Jungkook kissed your neck and you could feel him tensing up. 
“Right there baby, right there,” he groaned, gripping your hands tighter. 
“Jungkook,” you cried, orgasm finally taking you causing your walls to flutter around Jungkook’s cock. He’d already felt your climax once, but twice proved to be too much. Jungkook whispered your name into your neck as he came inside of you with a firm thrust. 
Your vision blurred as you felt Jungkook give a few more shallow thrusts inside of you, before pulling out and looking down at the mess you’d made. 
“Y/N? Sweetheart?” Jungkook’s voice was soft as he approached you. 
“Yes, kook?” you said, turning over.
“Wanna take a bath baby?” he asked, kissing your shin and up to your knee. 
“Mmm, yes. Wanna take one together?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Jungkook started the water and you both got in, relaxing against one another. Jungkook brought your body close to his, wrapping you up in his arms as he kissed your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
“Love you so much,” he said, bringing your fingers to his lips. 
“I love you too kook,” you said, bringing his head down to meet yours in a sweet kiss. 
This must be love. You thought to yourself. You may have almost puked because of how sweet your thoughts had turned. But you couldn’t help but let yourself be smooshy and gross with him. Because it was Jungkook. And he was everything you could ever want and more. 
Before you got too far into that, Jungkook pulled the plug on that bath and had you wrapped up in a towel. 
“Go get changed baby I’ll be right out,” he said, moving towards his sink no doubt to brush his teeth.. 
When you two finally got settled down and wrapped up in the sheets you kissed Jungkook’s chest before laying your head on it. 
Listening to his heartbeat lulled you off into a peaceful slumber.
This must be love.
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munsonslilbunnie · 2 years
missin' out. | eddie munson x reader |
mini-series: pt. i (you're here)| pt. ii
summary: after a failed 'talking stage' with steve "the hair" harrington, you find yourself in a little slump - before a certain someone pulls you out of it and shows you how it's like to be truly desired.
pairing: eddie munson x plus-size!fem!reader | past!steve harrington x plus-size!fem!reader
word count: 4.2k
warnings/cw/tw: body-image issues. insecurities. comparing yourself to other fem!characters. y/n is shorter than most. steve is a bit of a meanie, but that’s just for the sake of the plot lol.
a/n: aaaa you guys have no idea how grateful i am for the response i received from my first post here 🥺 most of what i post on here will prob be fics but i might post lil blurbs here and there! if you have a plot bunny or idea you want me to try and write, pls don't hesitate to request it! i'll try my best to fulfill it <3 anyways, i hope you enjoy this bbs! no beta so all mistakes are mine. p.s. – should i make this into a mini-series? would y'all be interested in it? c:
bunnie's taglist: 𐐪 @angelbbygrl 𐑂
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“hey, uh, (y/n)..”
a soft hum came from your lips as you pressed your landline against your ear, listening to steve’s soothing voice over the receiver, “yeah, what’s up, steve? is everything okay?” you asked softly, twirling the cord around your finger as you pressed your back against the wall, waiting for the man to continue speaking. 
it was weird, to say the least – that you’re talking to the steve harrington. it has barely been two months since that day you stepped into the family video store, waving your hand towards robin, who was quick to shoot back a smile and a wave, motioning you to the new releases at the time. you weren’t expecting anything that day – you came in wearing a simple white tee that ended just below your belly button and a pair of old baggy jeans, with white, beat-up sneakers. you weren’t coming here to impress – you just needed a new movie or two to watch that weekend and you were out of there. your pajamas were waiting for you at home – along with your favorite popcorn and snacks. while you were roaming around the ‘new releases’ section, you had – quite literally – bumped into steve ‘the hair’ harrington, making him drop a couple of vhs tapes that he had in his hands. 
god, you can even remember the way your face had gone completely red as you bent down to gather the vhs tapes for him, muttering apology after apology to the man. you were honestly a bit terrified that he was going to be pissed at you when you didn’t hear any movement from above. you had looked up at the last second, cheeks flushed and brows drawn up as you were getting ready to spew another line of apologies to the man. yeah, you might have had a crush on him back when he was in school, but, uh, he never gave you the time of day, considering your social groups never mingled, and honestly, he was too preoccupied with nancy. but – the look on steve’s face was definitely – not one that you expected. he had looked so cute with those flushed cheeks and wide eyes as he ogled down at you. he didn’t seem like he knew just – where – to look at. he had gone from your eyes, down to your lips, probably down to your shirt, if you wanted to think that way. yeah, steve harrington truly did notice you that day – for the first time ever. 
from that moment forward, you were suddenly hanging out at the video store every other day after school, something that steve seemed to enjoy. before you knew it, he was asking you out on weekly dates – whether to a pretty little restaurant a town over from hawkins, on a stroll around the park, or even to his place to watch all of the new releases that you had been itching to watch. 
you guys weren’t necessarily dating – not yet, anyway. you were hoping that on this date tonight he would finally ask you – to finally put a label on whatever it was that you two were doing. you two already acted like a couple, so why not just go ahead and put a label on it? you held hands, you hugged, you cuddled, you kissed – heck, you knew yourself better than anyone else on this planet and you knew that you were even ready to give him your all. you were definitely ready to go all the way with steve, but you just – wanted to have a label before you exposed yourself in that way to him. 
of course, though, you had your own insecurities that might have been weighing you down these past couple of days. you weren’t like – his past girlfriends, more specifically, like nancy wheeler. you knew you were far different from the girls he normally dated. all of them had been thin, petite. small in a way he could easily wrap his arms around them and have space left over (something that you picked up on early into the ‘relationship’ between you and steve – maybe it was all in your mind, but sometimes it just felt like he could barely wrap his arms around you and have his hands actually touch). you knew you weren’t exactly the smallest girl steve had ever been with – your thighs touched and rubbed against each other when you walked, your arms had a bit of a jiggle to them, your breasts were a little on the small side and it just made your tummy stick out more and look bigger than it actually was. you’ve always had your own insecurities, something that some of the mean girls in school liked to remind you of in the hallways, but you typically didn’t let it bother you. you knew you weren’t like the other girls and that was okay to you. you didn’t want to be like them. you were (y/n). that was good enough for you. and you had clearly assumed that steve wasn’t the type of guy to care about that either – something that you relished in because it’s not like you had a line of people who wanted to date you. you were always the secret. the one people didn’t want others to find out they were dating. it was a nice change – to be involved with someone who took you out to public and made it known that there was something more happening between you two. it was nice. really nice. 
its been a few moments already and steve still hasn’t answered your question. 
“steve? you still there?” you ask softly into the phone, a confused tone in your voice. it wasn’t really like him to just – stay silent. especially considering he was the one who called you in the first place when you should be getting into the shower to get ready for your date tonight with him. “everything okay?”
“(y/n), look, i’m really sorry, but i don’t think this is gonna work out between us…” came a sigh from the other side of the phone. 
it was like you suddenly forgot how to breathe. 
“what? what do you mean ‘not gonna work out’?” you managed to choke out, your heart beating harshly against your chest as your brain tried to make sense of the situation at hand. everything was going so well. what changed? the dates went well. you hung out a lot – sure, it’s been less lately, but that was just because you needed to study for final exams and such, and he knew that – steve knew that and he was okay with it. you were so thrown out of the loop, you almost missed his next words.
“ – it’s not you, it’s me, ya know? you’re a great girl, i enjoyed my time with you, believe me! you’re awesome, (y/n), i just… uh, i just don’t think i’m ready for anything as of right now. ya know, busy with work and stuff,” he replied back to your question. you could practically feel the cringe from the other side of the call when you heard him curse softly under his breath, “i’m sorry, man. i truly am. it’s just… not gonna work out, right now. maybe later, just not… now.”
everything felt so wrong. it was wrong. it didn’t feel right. not anymore. maybe it never did. maybe it was stupid, getting your hopes up that such a gorgeous guy like steve would ever be interested in a girl like you. why should you be so surprised, when he had only ever gone out with girls like nancy wheeler? gosh, how pathetic. how pathetic to think this would have ended any differently than the others. 
“it’s… fine. it’s fine, steve. yeah, yeah. totally fine. i’ll see you around. bye.”
“wait, (y/n) –” 
you hung the phone back up, letting the cord fall from your fingers. you stared blankly into the space, slowly letting yourself slide down the wall until you were flat on your bottom, legs stretched out in front of you as your hands laid on your thighs. 
you let your head tip back, letting it hit the wall softly as wavering eyes stared up at the ceiling. 
another one bites the dust, i guess, you thought bitterly to yourself, trying so hard not to cry. but the familiar burning sensation started in your eyes first – soon finding itself in the back of your throat. a pitiful whimper left your trembling lips – it started off slow, soft. a whimper, which soon turned into a soft cry of sadness as tears started to flow down your round cheeks before it turned into body-shaking sobs that wrecked through you, the sounds of your sobs echoing throughout the empty house. thank god it was friday – meaning your parents were on their weekly friday date nights and wouldn’t be there to see you break down. you didn’t need them to see you like this. not over a guy. 
not over a guy you thought was different. 
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after that last phone call you had with steve, you locked yourself in your room, coming out only to eat or to shower. you didn’t really have it in you to speak to anyone – and your parents definitely noticed. unlike most, they were mostly understanding, so they gave you your space – something that you were really grateful for. on that following monday morning, you finally had the energy to speak to your parents and to some of your friends, but you were definitely quieter than usual. your friends were the type to not overstep boundaries and let you come spill your feelings out to them once you were ready. 
it took you two weeks of keeping quiet and to yourself to finally go to your friends for comfort, who (in their own right) were ready to go after ‘the hair’ for hurting you that way. they knew how excited you were about steve and how happy being around him made you feel. it was definitely something that had surprised them, but hey – your happiness was important to your friends and they honestly just wanted the best for you. cheesy, you know. but considering you have been there for each other since elementary school, it’s no longer a surprise how protective you all were of each other. 
you definitely felt lighter after coming clean and letting others listen to your thoughts and how you truly felt about the situation. while it wasn’t a breakup, since you weren’t even officially dating, but shit – did it hurt like one. 
it even hurts to say now, but it took you a little over three weeks to even step foot back into the family video store after shit hit the fan. 
you had two vhs tapes that were long overdue, but you didn’t have it in you to go back just yet. 
until today. 
weeks after the phone call, you finally made your way to the family video store, hoping to whoever out there that steve wouldn’t be there. you haven’t seen him in three weeks and you would like to keep it that way, thank you very much. 
you parked your car outside, glancing around for the sight of steve’s car, and heaved out a sigh of relief when you didn’t see it anywhere. 
before you got out, you were startled when you saw a van swerve its way into the parking lot, conveniently parking right next to yours, although a little haphazardly. the van looked like it was vibrating from the way the music was blasting at full volume. a small smile quirked up on your lips. you recognized that van instantly. eddie ‘the freak’ munson. the ‘super senior’ of hawkins high. you’ve never spoken to him before – your social groups never mingled amongst each other. your group wasn’t popular – or even seen, most of the time. you were the quiet ones in school. you didn’t get in the way of the populars and jocks, and they – for the most part – didn’t mess with you either. 
you’ve heard all about the rumors surrounding eddie, though. but you never believed them. you’ve seen him in the hallways enough to know that those rumors about him being a satanist or whatever were all just a bunch of lies. yeah, he dressed a little… dark compared to others, but he seemed like a decent person. maybe even like a dork, based on that D&D game he plays. plus, he was the local drug dealer at school. some of your friends have bought from him before and deemed him to be completely innocent – no trouble at all. so yeah, eddie seemed like a decent dude. 
you shook your head. you needed to focus. you needed to make this quick and painless and you wouldn’t be able to achieve that if you didn’t get out of the damn car. 
with a heavy sigh, you grabbed your bag and put the two vhs tapes inside, before hauling yourself out the car. with a slam of your car door, you trudged up towards the double doors, unaware of the long-haired burnet that was making his way to the door as well, head gently swaying back and forth as he focused on the song that was stuck in his head. 
your hand shot out in time with his own, fingers gripping onto the handle at the same time. 
“oh!” you gasped softly when your hands touched, feeling your cheeks flush slightly as your eyes glanced up quickly towards the other hands’ owner, who looked just as startled as you did – even if for a split second. 
“so sorry, m’lady! didn’t see you there for a second,” the man gave you a small grin, the both of you letting your hands fall back to your sides. 
“uh, it’s okay…” you sent him a small grin as well, albeit a little awkward. 
eddie cleared his throat and moved, gripping the door handle and swinging it open. for a second you thought he was going to enter – but, to your surprise, he held it open for you, a wide smile on his (rather cute) face as he motioned for you to go through first, “after you, sweetheart.” 
was it normal for your face to get this red? you weren’t so sure. you just stared at him a little dumbfounded, not used to this behavior from anyone (except for steve). after a few moments of not responding and just… staring, you could see eddie’s smile start to falter, and you were shaken at how much you didn’t want to see him frowning – especially not towards you. 
“t… thank you!” you stumbled over your words as you flashed him a bright smile, making your way into the video store, unaware of the way his wide, doe-like eyes stared after you in astonishment. that was the first time you had ever smiled at him – he wanted it to happen even more now.
a shaky sigh came from your lips as you made a bee-line to the counter, relieved to see robin there. she had called you a few times to see how you were doing after steve ended things with you, calling him a ‘dingus’ and to ‘not worry about a butthead like him’. you were grateful for her, in more ways than she knew. 
“hey, ro,” you spoke softly as you stopped in front of her, hands already digging into your bag as you fished out the vhs tapes. 
“(y/n)!” she called out happily, giving you a bright grin as she leaned her elbows on the counter, “finally decided to grace me with your presence, your highness?” she asked you with a whiny tone, letting her head fall forward slightly, “i’ve missed you! it’s been boring without you here!” 
you couldn’t help but laugh at the girl’s antics, your hand reaching over to gently pat her head, oblivious to the eyes that followed your every movement, watching you – observing you – in a curious manner. “i’ve missed you too, ro. you… you know i just needed to be away for a bit.” you gave her a sad smile before brightening up a bit, “but, hey! let me make it up to you, yeah? tell me what you want to watch and maybe you can come over and watch it with me? we need a girl’s night in!” you added in a whiney tone at the end, fluttering your lashes at her in a way to convince her. 
the dirty blonde couldn’t help the cackle that escaped her lips at the way you were begging, as if she could ever say no to you – not with the way you batted your lashes at her. she grinned at you, glancing behind you for a second when she noticed the audience you seemed to have gathered – a one-man audience, but an audience nonetheless. she quirked a brow at the long-haired metalhead, watching the way his eyes were practically glued to your face, doing a rather shitty job as he hid behind the horror section. ‘hmm, this is an interesting development,’ she thought to herself before giving you a wide smirk, nodding her head to your plan. 
“fine, fine! you’ve worn me down, (l/n)!” robin giggled at the way you clapped your hands. she leaned over and clasped her hands around yours, “how about you go to the horror section and find something that you think i might like, yeah? whatever you choose, i’m good with! i’ll return these for you while you do that.” she suggested innocently, mentally cackling when she heard the soft curse coming from the horror section, something that you didn’t notice. 
you nodded your head in an excited manner and made your way towards the horror section, a happy bounce in your walk. you were so into your own thoughts about what robin might like, that you didn’t have enough time to react when you bumped into a lanky form, a soft ‘oof!’ leaving your lips as you stumbled back. strong hands quickly grasped your shoulders, holding you steady against them.
“woah! you good there, princess?” eddie’s voice filled your ears in a way that made your heart flutter. has his voice always been this rich? this soothing? 
you gulped and looked up at the man, who seemed to tower over you. there was concern in his eyes as he looked down at you, his hands not yet leaving your arms, though his grip was soft, comforting even. “ah, yeah! i’m fine – sorry for bumping into you, i guess i wasn’t paying close enough to my surroundings, eddie.” you giggled nervously, glancing away from him for a moment. 
“shit, you know my name, sweetheart?”
his response startled you, glancing back at him in surprise. you tilted your head in confusion, maintaining eye contact to the best of your ability. “uh, yeah? of course! why wouldn’t i know your name? we’ve been going to school together for a while now, munson.” you laughed softly, shaking your head at his question.
a blotch of red appeared on his cheeks at your response, looking a little embarrassed at how silly his question was, but also seemed pleased with himself that you even knew who he was. “can’t help but be a little surprised, (l/n). a princess like yourself? knowing my name? oh, it does things to my heart!” he gasped out dramatically, pulling his hands away from you to clutch onto his heart, head tilting back as a lovesick expression appeared on his face. a large grin formed on his face as he heard you giggle, cracking open an eye to see the way your lips curved into a large smile, your giggles bright and cute – happy. he could definitely get used to hearing that. 
“oh, don’t be so dramatic, munson!” you playfully swatted his shoulder, not thinking too much about it, “you’re the infamous eddie munson! would be rather dumb if i didn’t know who you were at this point, huh? heard lots of things about you.” 
eddie leaned against one of the video racks, hand gripping onto it as he grinned down at you. “oh, yeah? ‘nd what did ya hear about me, babydoll? all good things, ‘m hoping.”
you playfully tapped your finger against your cheek as you pretended to think for a moment before letting out a quiet gasp, “well! i heaaaard… that you’re, like, this big dork who likes to play a fantasy game with this ‘hellfire club’. mm, oh! and you’re, like, a member of a band!” you looked up at him innocently, though you had a cheeky grin on your face, “did i nail it, munson?”
“a dork? oh, how you continue to wound me, my princess!” eddie pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, holding it there as he fell onto his knees in front of you in a dramatic fashion, which just continued to make you erupt into fits of giggles. he smirked slightly, looking up at you from his kneeling position, seeing that he wasn’t that much shorter than you in this position. it was cute, really. “as for the other part, you hit the nail, (l/n). got my own, big boy band called corroded coffin.” he sent you a grin before finally getting off his knees as your giggles faded into little hiccups, cheeks flushed. 
god, you couldn’t remember the last time you giggled this much in a long time. it felt nice – laughing like this with someone, anyone. you never expected that it would be eddie munson making you giggle like this, but you relished it. it felt nice. he was nice. really, really nice. 
“corroded coffin? interesting name, eddie. i’m sure you’re getting all the chicks with your band,” you teased him, having no real venom in your words as you finally started to take notice of all the titles, trying to find one that robin and you might like to watch. 
“all the chicks? nah, you got it all wrong, doll,” eddie stated as he fell into place next to you, walking by your side with his hands behind his head. he winked down at you when you looked over, “i play because i love to rock out. love the exhilarating feeling it gives me. but… if being in a band gets me a sweet doll like you, that’ll just make things even better.” he was laying it on thick, but he didn’t care. you were sweeter than he could have ever imagined and fuck it, he didn’t want to lose the opportunity. 
your cheeks flushed heavily at the notion of his words, eyes widening slightly as you stared up into his own. you glanced away as you let out an awkward laugh, shaking your head at him, “a doll like me would make it better? dunno if you’re thinking correctly, munson.” you stopped in front of a rack, eyes glancing around but not truly taking note of the titles. eddie’s words were rolling through your mind, trying not to think too much into it. he was just teasing you – he had to be. 
“‘m pretty sane right now, (l/n)!” eddie’s chuckle broke you from your thoughts. his smile was wide and genuine as he watched you. “ya know, i might sound a little crazy right now, but…” he paused for a dramatic effect, leaning close to your face, eyes clashing into one another. your breath hitched the closer he got to you, his eyes unwavering as he mumbled, “i’ve had the biggest crush on you since middle school. you’re the prettiest girl i have ever seen, ya know? like – so pretty, so nice, so sweet. been trying to get your attention for years now, but you never gave me the time of day, sweetheart.” his plump lips formed into a small pout, but there was a sincerity in his eyes and tone that made you believe him. you blinked owlishly at him, trying to get your heart to settle down inside your chest. “listen, no pressure but like… just one date. you, me, tomorrow night? we can go to, like, a diner or a movie or something? would you be down for that, sweetheart?” he stared into your eyes, teeth now gnawing at his lips as he tried not to let his nerves get to him. this was his only shot – ‘please, please, accept,’ he thought to himself. 
was this really happening? was eddie munson really asking you out on a date? god – this was real, wasn’t it? you couldn’t really believe your ears but you were soon nodding your head to his question, your lips forming around words that spilled from your lips, “y…yeah! a movie sounds nice! uh, here!” your hands fished out a notebook and a pencil from your bag, tearing a page from it before jotting down your phone number and address on it. with a gulp, you thrust the piece of paper into his hands, a stunned look on his face. the expression just made everything seem much, much more real. “there’s my number and address! you can pick me up at 6 and we… we can check out what they’re playing! uh, i gotta go now, eddie! can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” you all but squeaked out as your hand blindly grabbed some random vhs tape from the rack and raced backed to the counter, thrusting the tape into robin’s awaiting hand. 
a faint ‘yes!’ could be heard from the horror section of the store. 
robin looked at you with a wide grin on her lips, staring at you with a knowing glint in her eyes. “tonight, you’re telling me everything.”
oh, tonight will definitely be interesting. 
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
I swear,
if I ever read another fic with Billy and Steve/anyone else having sex on the backseat of the Camaro, I'm gonna flip around some tables 😑
Sure, I know it doesn't matter - really. The story is what matters, right? Yes. All the way. BUT. If you want to write details that aren't fiction as accurately as possible to make the fic more credible...
I'm kind of a car geek, so I like my facts correct, and hereby present them to you:
Camaro Z28 (1979) - the car Billy's car is based on.
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(It's not the particular model throughout the show, enthusiasts keep referring it as a mutt instead of a fullbreed :D It seems to be a custom make from several different cars - or then Duffers messed this up too simply by using different cars. Anyway, it's more or less the one he drives whenever the car is seen outside snd that is what peeps think about first when thinking of Billy's Camaro)
2nd row length (length from the back of the front seat to the 2nd row backrest): 28.4 in / 721 mm
2nd row height (on highest point): 36 in / 914 mm
2nd row shoulder room (width somewhere around on the height of the door windows because the seat is located as low as the front seat): 54.4 in / 1382 mm
2nd row hiproom (backseat width from left to right): 46.3 in / 1176 mm
A ton of details of this particular model here >>
As you can see from the measurements (go ahead, get the measurement tape, I'll wait), the shape of the car is such that it narrows the backseat headspace AND the width of the seat towards the trunk from the sides and roof. The whole inner space is shaped like a flat oval.
So, the whole backseat space is small to say the least.
Here, let me show you:
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The car in the photo is probs a model from earlier years (bc of the back windows) but the measurements stay true more or less with Z28's that were produced in the 1970s.
It might look like in the show that it's more spacious, but in reality there's NO WAY you can have sex on that back seat. Especially if you're writing Harringrove/Mungrove or (god forbid 😂) Harringroveson. Ok, maybe if you think that the frontseats are leaning down forward. It's not gonna be fun for them that way either tbh. Maybe you can get some comedy out of it? 😂
But not even one grown up fits to travel there properly. You can hold your groceries there, or two small kids - if you're willing to suffer the fighting. AND same goes whenever you're writing The Party traveling on the Camaro - all of them won't fit in.
It's a muscle car, not a family saloon.
I think the photo above says it all. Remember it every time you're writing.
If you want to write people having sex in the Camaro, then write them maybe doing it on the front seats and having the backrests leaning down towards the backseat. Though they won't really lean that much back down (if at all tbh, they might only lean forward to let someone on the backseat), there just isn't the space as you can see. Or if you want to keep the back seat scenario then mention the front seats leaning forward.
In any case, having sex in that car is difficult, but I think the front seats offer more space for it in all cases, and make the fic more credible.
PS. Pls, don't take this too seriously. Keep writing your fics the way you like and don't allow the facts to stop you imagining what you want. Fan fiction is not about this kind of details, it's to let your creativity to flow. Stay true to that, always.
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Enemies to Lovers!Jeonghan
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One day I will come up with titles for my works lol. 
Hi Hannah!!!! Thanks for requesting! I loved doing this one! I went ahead and went with Jeonghan cuz I feel like he fits this trope best! Sorry you had to wait so long, this particular fic got deleted like... three times so it was a struggle lol. I hope it’s what you were looking for!
I hope this is a good one, I’m realizing I get real insecure about my writing anytime I’m not doing a bulletpoint or reaction fic, so I don’t feel great about this time. Also I only started recently putting actual detail into my kiss scenes and idk how I’m doing with those???? Like do they seem ok??? Also I feel like I make it so obvious that I am such a sucker for SVT having cute nicknames for siblings, friends, partners, etc in fics lol. Anyways...
Also, I really said: Jeonghan... but in different types of lighting
Remember I don’t own the gif! Link to OP is right there if you want to go give the creator some love!!!
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Mentions eating, reader is using female pronouns (I will keep things gn unless you request differently), I think that’s it, pls let me know if I missed any
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You’re not sure exactly how it happened. It was probably just an instance of getting off on the wrong foot, that led to more awkward interactions, giving both of you the wrong impression of each other. You knew this, you could rationalize it all. You were well aware that all it would take was one “I think we might have the wrong idea of each other” conversation and it would all be over. You could easily fix it all, but…
But his stupid smug face. The sarcastic jokes. The never-ending pranks that were not as funny as he thought they were. His ridiculous arrogance. His overall unapologetic nature towards all of it.
You couldn’t help but hate Yoon Jeonghan.
“I don’t know, Wonnie…” you say uneasily over the phone. In previous years, you’d go over to the dorm without hesitation. You loved spending time with your brother and many of the other boys. But ever since you had officially met and begun interacting with Jeonghan…
“C’mon, [Y/N]! I bought that new game you were talking about! We can play it together on my gaming system!” Wonwoo began to persuade. You knew you’d give in; you always did. Your brother was far too sweet a person and far too comforting a presence to reject. The question was how long did you want to argue with him about going to the dorm.
You sighed, accepting defeat early to save time, “I’ll head over there in a bit.”
Wonwoo gives a small cry of victory, “Ok, I’ll have Gyu make extra ramen.” Wonwoo abruptly hangs up the phone right after, leaving you in silence to groan in regret of your decision.
You immediately straighten yourself out, though, trying to put yourself in a mindset of determination. What were you thinking? Just because you and that asshole didn’t get along meant you couldn’t go see your own twin brother without feeling uncomfortable? Screw that! If he wanted to keep the peace then he was going to have to start watching where he stepped around you. 
You knocked loud and clear on the door of their dorm, knowing that with thirteen people living inside, it was usually too noisy for them to hear someone signal their arrival. To your relief, Seungcheol opened the door just moments after you knocked and greeted you with a warm smile followed by a hand sneaking into your hair to ruffle it, “Hey there, kiddo! How’s it hanging?”
“Just fine,” you tilt your head down slightly in his direction as you pass him to enter the dorm. “How are things here?” As soon as you ask, your ears are met with the noise of someone dropping something in the kitchen, followed by Seungkwan crying in alarm.
“Same as always, I supposed,” Seungcheol sighs, but his smile doesn’t fade. “I think Mingyu and Wonwoo are already in the computer room, if you want to go ahead and see them!”
“Ok, thanks Cheol!” you call as you both rush off in different directions, him towards the kitchen and you towards the small room that would provide you solace from the possibility of having to see Yoon Jeonghan.
You were determined not to let things go how they usually did: you with your mouth clamped shut as Jeonghan spoke whatever teasing words he had saved up for you, and the most you can do to fight back is by rolling your eyes and finding any way to get away from him.
This time, you would still avoid contact with him, but if it happened, you’d speak your mind and not care what he thought, since that’s how he treated you.
But there was no sign of him or anyone else as you walked to the computer room. You could hear Mingyu and Wonwoo yelling and cheering at the game long before you opened the door. It was pitch black inside, the piercing light of the screen making you squint your eyes.
The two men inside both turn immediately to check who offended their dark space with the soft, yellow light from the hallway.
“Oh [Y/N], you came!” Mingyu beams up at you. You nod, matching his bright expression.
“How’s the game?” you ask simply, looking up to your brother.
“We like it so far,” Wonwoo’s smile is wide, he always gets excited about new games, whether they’re good or not. He leans over to grab a can of some sort of energy drink before gulping it down. “We left some ramen for you over there on the table. Eat first, then I’ll let you have a turn.”
You roll your eyes, though Wonwoo was only mere minutes older than you, he found those moments to be enough leverage to order you around and act like you should be dependent on his care. There were times when he even referred to himself as “oppa” to you and insisted that you do the same.
Most of the time you let it slide, especially when you weren’t in the mood to argue. However, there were times when you’d pull out the “We’re the same age,” “Even if you’re older, I’m smarter,” or “Don’t boss me around when I’m more mature than you” cards at the drop of a hat.
“Can you at least turn on the LEDs while I eat?” you ask, tip-toeing in the darkness towards the table at the back end of the room. You hear a click before a soft blue glow fills the room, finally giving you a clear view of your path. You pull the bowl of ramen towards you as you sit and resist the urge to comment on how little they left you. The dorm was filled with food anyways, you could find more later if you got hungry again.
Wonwoo and Mingyu begin to eagerly tell you what they like about the game as you eat. You listen happily, feeling safe in the presence of your brother and friend.
Then of course…
“Hey you two, Cheol wanted me to remind you that we have to get up early tomorrow,” you can’t help the sour expression that comes over your face as Jeonghan enters the room to speak to Wonwoo and Mingyu. “Oh, hey there cutie, I didn’t know you were here!” His smirk makes you sick.
“Don’t call me that,” you say bitterly into the nearly empty bowl.
Wonwoo looks nervously between you and his bandmate, well aware of the dislike you have for him. He’s grateful that you’ve always kept it so civil, but still feels bothered by the unrest between you.
Jeonghan lets out a little giggle in response, and Wonwoo feels a tug in the pit of his stomach, he wishes Jeonghan wouldn’t be so hard on you sometimes. He knows his hyung doesn’t mean anything by it, but you…
You feel your heart sink as Jeonghan steps fully into the room, striding to sit across from you at the table. You can only stare in wonder at his audacity as he slides the bowl towards himself and finishes off the ramen in one bite.
“I was eating that,” you try to keep your tone measured, attempting to keep within the balance of standing up for yourself but not starting any drama that would affect the boys.
“Go make more if you’re hungry, then,” Jeonghan says casually, making your anger positively flare.
You don’t even give your brother the chance to mediate, jumping up from your place and leaving the room, wanting to be anywhere but around that prick.
“You’re leaving already?” Mingyu pouts at you.
“Gyu, I’ve been here for hours,” you laugh, stretching out your fingers as they start to prick from pain of slamming into a keyboard for so long. You had returned to the computer room but only after Jeonghan left. Part of you had wished you had done more to confront him; another part was glad you didn’t start a fight and put Wonwoo in an awkward position. “Besides all of you, as well as me have to get up early tomorrow, it’s already late. I need to get back home.”
“You can stay here,” Wonwoo was quick to offer.
You shook your head at him, “Then I’ll just have to get up even earlier, I’ll go back to my place.” Wonwoo nods almost reluctantly, standing to walk you out.
All of you run into Joshua on your way to the front door, he turns out to be the only one smart enough to ask how you got there.
“Oh, I took the bus,” you say slowly, knowing this is about to cause issues.
“Well, the last one would have already stopped running by now,” Mingyu says looking at the time on his phone.
“I’ll give you a ride,” Josh offers immediately.
You bring your hands up to shake them back and forth, “No, no, I can find a way home, you all need to go to bed.”
“[Y/N],” Wonwoo speaks up immediately in that stern voice you hate but also can’t help but listen to, “let Josh take you home. It’s either that or you stay here, I won’t have you walking around alone at night.” Wonwoo waits a moment to gauge your expression. He finally nods affirmatively, before speaking directly to Joshua, “Take her home, please.”
Joshua nods before walking off to grab his keys. You and Wonwoo send Mingyu off to bed. Once you’re alone, your brother pulls you in for a tight hug. “Do you want me to say something to him?” he asks lowly.
You shake your head, “I don’t want to cause any problems with you guys.” You sit in silence for a moment. “Come and stay over with me sometime, I miss our sleepovers.”
Joshua comes back and Wonwoo pulls away, “Thanks, hyung. Please get her home safe.” For the second time that night, your hair gets ruffled before your brother disappears to go off to bed.
The ride home with Joshua is comfortable. He speaks kindly to you and makes you smile.
You begin to wonder how amongst all these angels, there exists a person like Yoon Jeonghan.
Wonwoo used the new game as leverage to guilt you into coming over quite often in the following weeks. You hadn’t realized how much you had limited your time at the dorm until you started going consistently once more. It was nice being able to spend time with the boys again. You hated that Jeonghan had become such an unbearable presence that it affected your relationship with the rest of your friends.
But ever since you had started to stand your ground and talk back, he had finally begun to avoid you. You supposed it was only fun for him when you sat there and took it.
It didn’t stop the two of you from bickering when you saw each other, but now both of you preferred to avoid each other instead of Jeonghan seeking you out to tease you.
The following weeks of visiting were fairly comfortable. Whenever Jeonghan wasn’t around, you got to spend plenty of time with the other boys and your brother. Plus, the new video game was even better than expected.
Jeonghan’s presence slowly became uncomfortable in a different way.
Instead of being smug and overbearing, he became strangely quiet around you. His facial expressions became more serious as he sent genuine glares your way before letting out bitter remarks and going on his way.
It made you even angrier.
Who the hell was he to torture you all this time and then act like a kicked puppy when you finally fought back???
Your anger and his bitterness slowly escalated the tension between you two. Although they were happening less frequently, the arguments between you became more serious and almost hurtful.
Whatever, you told yourself, he could do as he pleased, you wouldn’t let it affect you anymore.
You stared down at your phone screen. Why? Why did it have to be here, while you were at the dorm?
The call was only five minutes. They didn’t even do it in person. Of course, they had warned that because of hard times, there’d be lay-offs soon. But they couldn’t even do it in person? And all you got was a simple “Sorry, come collect your things on Monday”??? You were a hard worker, passionate about the job, more efficient than most of your coworkers and this is how they treated you???
A part of you could’ve guessed, many of the employees your age had gotten in because of nepotism. But you didn’t want to believe that they’d just brush off all your years of hard work just to avoid stepping on the toes of higher-ups who had relative connections hired at the company.
You squatted against the wall of the hallway, still too in shock to move.
So, you simply sat in silence, for what seemed like forever.
“You good?” you had never felt worse than the exact moment his voice reached your ears.
“Go away,” you said sternly, knowing you’d be crying soon.
“Geez, forgive me for asking,” Jeonghan responds before turning to walk away. He stops abruptly after you sniffle. “So, you’re not ok?”
“No offense, Jeonghan,” you say hating the way your voice is shaking, “but you are the last person I want to speak to right now.”
There’s a heavy silence for a long moment. You silently pray that he’ll just leave. “Do you want me to get your brother?” he asks lightly.
You shake your head, “No, I don’t want to ruin the mood. I’m going to go home, just tell him I had a stomach ache.” You push yourself up and begin to walk briskly towards the door.
To your surprise, Jeonghan reaches out to stop you. You stare at his hand wrapped around your arm and wonder if you’ve ever even allowed him to touch you before. “It’s already late, let me give you a ride.”
You pull his hand off of you, “No, thanks.” You grab your coat and start to dig around in your purse to make sure you have all of your belongings.
“[Y/N],” Jeonghan’s voice rings clear in your head despite your brain feeling fuzzy. You don’t want to look at him. Who is this person that’s showing concern and speaking kindly? You don’t like it. It feels fake. It feels like a predator playing with a wounded prey. You’re just waiting for him to laugh or make a remark or do anything to make you feel worse than you already do.
But Jeonghan simply grabs the keys laying on the front table, grabs your arm once more, and leads you out to the car.
The ride is suffocatingly silent. You wished he’d at least turn on some music to cover up the sound of your crying, but you remained in the quiet. You rolled down your window and stuck your head out, letting the warm night air and sound of wind comfort you. Since you were turned away from him completely, you didn’t see Jeonghan glancing over at you throughout the drive.
You couldn’t have left that car faster when you finally pulled up to your apartment.
To your dismay, Jeonghan also gets out, apparently intent on walking you up.
“You don’t have to-” you start but abruptly stop when he gives you a look telling you an emotion you don’t quite understand.
Jeonghan finally speaks when you’re riding the elevator up to your floor, “I don’t really mean it, you know.”
“Mean what?” you say weakly, starting to feel the exhaustion from crying so much.
“When I talk to you like that… I mean when I’m… rude,” he trails off, running a hand through his hair. “Usually it’s just teasing, but obviously I went too far with you. And I didn’t realize it until you started showing how upsetting it was for you. I should’ve known before that, though.”
“You seemed ruder after I started talking back,” you say, confused.  
“I was just being petty and defensive. I kept telling myself things like: It’s her fault, isn’t it? She should have made it more clear from the beginning that it was upsetting her. How was I supposed to know? But that was just me being immature, I should’ve just talked to you.”
“Is that an… apology, Yoon Jeonghan?” you ask, letting yourself be a little smug.
For the first time, you get a genuine smile out of him, “Maybe.”
There’s more silence for a second.
“It’s a two-way road, though,” you say finally.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“I mean, I could have also come and talked to you instead of letting things escalate,” you say. “I played some part in all of this… unpleasantness. You can’t entirely blame yourself.”
Jeonghan smiles again, reaching out to ruffle your hair the way Seungcheol always did. Then he takes a dramatic deep breath and rolls his shoulders, “There! That feels better, doesn’t it? We can finally be friends!”
You roll your eyes in a playful manner, but you feel it too, a weight has been lifted.
Wonwoo showed up at your door in the middle of the night that night. You took one look at his frantic face and groaned, “I told Jeonghan I would tell you myself.”
“You should have told me immediately!” your brother pouts as he passes you to walk into your apartment.
“I didn’t want to worry you so late, especially when all of you were having a good time. I was going to tell you tomorrow,” you close the door behind him. You watch as he turns on the TV and starts picking through your pantry. “Hmmm, yes it seems quite clear that you came here out of concern for me,” you can’t help but use a sarcastic tone.
Wonwoo sends a glare your way as he grabs snacks and settles on the couch. You sit next to him, grabbing your fair share of the food. You try to keep your attention on the show, but the feeling of Wonwoo staring straight at you is distracting.
“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry,” you sigh.
“Really? Because Jeonghan described you as an emotional wreck,” your brother scoffs.
“I was just shocked and upset. I’ll be ok. I have a good resume, I can find a new job,” you insist.
“I keep telling you, you don’t have to work-”
“I don’t care how much you make,” you interrupt. “I’m not going to depend on you. It’ll just make trouble for both of us.”
“Will you at least let me help out if there’s any problems before you find a new job?” Wonwoo kicks at your leg.
“Like I would even tell you if I was having trouble,” you return his kick.
“You just can’t help but be difficult,” your brother complains quietly.
You let the sound of the show take over the room for a few minutes. “I do have good news,” you finally speak up, wanting to give your brother some peace of mind about something. “Me and Jeonghan made up. We figured it out.”
Wonwoo bolts upright with a grin on his face, “Really??? It’s really all good now?”
“100%,” you say, unable to stop yourself from pinching your brother’s cheeks, finding his excited expression cute.
“Let’s celebrate soon then! We can have a big gaming party with all of the boys!” You agree to your brother’s proposal. You feel content in this moment, knowing you’ll wake up in the morning in an uncomfortable position, immediately kick at his legs and tell him to get his stinky feet away from you.
Your time at the dorm increases with the weight of you and Jeonghan’s rivalry being gone. You’re enjoying getting to know him as a friend instead of constantly walking on eggshells around him. Going to visit the boys is once again a happy and comfortable experience.
You hadn’t realized how much Jeonghan had affected you until you two had worked things out. The world felt light again and you could breathe, no longer in constant worry of possibly ruining things between your brother and his bandmates.
You hoped things would remain without complications for a long time.
“Seungkwan, you should come with us!” you begged. “The carnival only comes once a year; you can’t miss it!”
“But it’s so crowded and there are screaming kids everywhere,” Seungkwan complains.
“Oh, whatever,” Soonyoung interjects. “You love it every time we go.”
Seungkwan gives Soonyoung a look that has you laughing through your mouthful of ramen. “Oh, shoot,” you say feeling liquid start to dribble down your chin. “Can I get a napkin?”
“Here’s one,” you hear Jeonghan’s voice as he enters the room. You reach out to grab the napkin as Seungkwan and Soonyoung continue bickering. But instead of handing it to you, Jeonghan extends his hand not holding the napkin towards you. His fingers come to lightly touch your chin and turn you towards him. Jeonghan wipes your face with the napkin himself, taking the time to make sure it’s really all clean. “All better,” he smiles at you, running his thumb across your chin to check its cleanliness one last time.
As Jeonghan walks away, you turn to see if Seungkwan or Soonyoung saw what had happened. They were still arguing, though. The boys showing you physical touch or affection wasn’t really all that uncommon. But for some reason, the way Jeonghan had grabbed your chin just now… Why was your heart beating so hard?
You couldn’t stop yourself from dragging Wonwoo all over the carnival. It was nice to get out in this environment, the lights, the laughter, the food, the games, the rides. You wanted to do everything, but not before you looked at all there was and took in the spectacle.
You could hear all the boys laughing excitedly behind you, you knew they’d want to try everything as well. You shook your head at Seungkwan’s bright expression, you couldn’t wait to play the ‘I told you so’ card later.
The night was a blur. All of you ran from games to rides to snacks and then all over again.
You couldn’t help but stop completely in your tracks as you passed a booth with a giant stuffie of your favorite animal as a prize. Your fascination with the plushie doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You want me to win it for you?” Jeonghan’s voice is suddenly speaking right into your ear. You jump after realizing he was right behind you. You grip your cotton candy a bit tighter and shyly nod. The way Jeonghan grins at you fills you with warmth.
You watch him walk over to the booth. His light hair and pink shirt were illuminated by the soft glow of the surrounding lights. Jeonghan takes his wallet out and hands some bills to the vendor. You step up closer to stand next to him as he plays the game. He laughs as he chats back and forth with the vendor. You watch in awe as Jeonghan clears the game, no problem.
“Anything from the top shelf!” the vendor exclaims happily.
“That one please,” Jeonghan points right at the stuffie you had been staring at.
“It’ll be a wonderful memory for your girlfriend,” the vendor smiles as he hands the prize directly to you.
“Oh, I’m-”
“Of course!” Jeonghan interrupts you almost instantly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and starting to pull you away from the game. “We’ll cherish it for a long time! Thanks for the game!” The vendor waves kindly as you two walk away. After a moment, Jeonghan pulls his arm off of you, “Sorry, sometimes it’s just easier to agree than explain, you know?” You nod in agreement. “Wait a second,” he stops you by putting his hands on your shoulders and standing in front of you. Before you can ask what’s wrong, his hand comes up towards your face as it had earlier that day. He quickly swipes his thumb across your lips before pulling to back to show you remnants of your cotton candy. “Do you always eat this messily?” he grins and then, to your surprise, puts his thumb in his mouth to clean it off.
You stand there, frozen, unable to really comprehend what just happened as Jeonghan walks away towards the other boys.
“For the second time today?” Soonyoung is suddenly standing next to you.
“So you did see what happened earlier!” you exclaimed, hitting his arm lightly. “It was weird, right?!”
“Can’t tell yet,” Soonyoung replies cocking his head to the side and putting his hands in his pocket. “Sometimes Jeonghan is just sort of naturally flirtatious. But I’m not sure about you. I figured since you two didn’t get along at first, it’d take him awhile to warm up to you at that level. He seemed to get comfortable with you quite quickly.” Soonyoung turns and shrugs at you after his words.
“You’re no help at all,” you say emotionlessly. There’s a pause before both you and Soonyoung slowly look at each other and laugh at your quip.
You decide to brush off your new concerns about Jeonghan and enjoy this night with the boys. The vendor was right, it was a good memory, and you’re sure it’d last you for your whole lifetime.
You hate yourself a bit for it, but you once again seem to be avoiding Jeonghan. He had made you so nervous that day, and the way your heart pounded… You didn’t want to get sucked into having a silly crush on him if he wasn’t actually trying to flirt with you.
No, from now on, interactions with Jeonghan would be friendly but short and appropriate.
You were stupid to think he wouldn’t notice.
It wasn’t long before there came a night when Jeonghan insisted that he be the one to give you a ride home. You couldn’t help the way your nerves spiked at his determination to be the one to take you. You knew he most likely wanted to talk to you about your sudden distance from him.
The ride itself was nice, Jeonghan rolled the windows down for you, remembering that you enjoyed the warm night air of summer. You talked comfortably with one another. Jeonghan was always able to make you smile so easily.
You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He was just wearing a t-shirt and sweats but… His blonde hair being illuminated in the moonlight as he ran his hands through it and his bright smile as he laughed...
He really was beautiful.
Once again, Jeonghan came with you to walk you to your door. And once again, he finally spoke up in the elevator, “You’ve been avoiding me, sweetheart.” Your heart drops to your stomach at the nickname. “Is everything ok? Did I do something to make you mad again?”
You quickly shake your head and pull your hands up to shake them as well, “No! Not at all!”
“You sure?” he insists.
“Yoon Jeonghan, you really don’t think I’d tell you if you did?” you say.
He giggles, “Yeah, that’s true. You’d let me know the moment I messed up, wouldn’t you?” The elevator dings and opens up to your floor. You and Jeonghan step out together. “Is everything else ok, then? You don’t start avoiding people for no reason.”
You nod as casually as possible, “Everything is great.” Your tone isn’t convincing and Jeonghan nudges you. “I guess, I just got… nervous? I mean one moment we were like enemies and then the next we were suddenly really… close, and-”
“I made you uncomfortable?” Jeonghan’s voice is slightly panicked.
“No, you did nothing wrong! It’s all on me, I just got caught up in my emotions and-” you stop abruptly when you realize what you were about to do.
Jeonghan nods quietly as if to say he understands, but what it is he understands, you’re not sure. “Is it ok for us to remain close, or do you want me to back off?”
“I don’t want any more distance between us, but…” you trail off.
“But, what?” he prompts you again.
“I don’t want to get the wrong idea about anything…” you say, finally reaching your door.
Jeonghan watches as you slowly unlock your door and push it open, “You haven’t gotten the wrong idea about anything.” He avoids eye contact when you look up at him.
You’re shocked by his forwardness. But once he voices his thoughts out loud, you once again feel the feeling of a weight being lifted.
Jeonghan gestures for you to step inside, catching your arm once you fully pass him. He pulls you back to him, close enough for him to lean in and leave a quick kiss on your cheek, “Night, babe, I’ll see you later.”
You stand there, completely still, staring at your door that had shut closed in front of you. You can feel heat rise from the tip of your toes all the way up to your ears. You finally let yourself fall into a squatting position, covering your face with your hands, and letting out a squeal.
Jeonghan invites you to meet up outside of the dorm. It’s a cute little coffee shop at a quiet part of the city. You’re already sitting when he walks in. Maybe one day, you won’t be completely caught off guard by his beauty… but today is not that day.
His whole person is bathed in the glow of the early morning light as he approaches you, the softest, most genuine smile gracing his face.
“No, don’t get up,” he says when you try to leave your chair, “I need to go off and order anyways.” Jeonghan leans down to kiss your forehead firmly. “I just wanted to come say hi first,” he whispers, holding your face close to his.
Your first date sets a wonderful precedent to the rest of your relationship. Jeonghan gets your heart racing with flirty comments and sweet touches. But he also makes you feel calm and content, easily keeping a smile on your face. You just feel… good throughout it all.
You insist on walking him back to the dorm, since they had schedules that day.
“So, we’ll be doing this again?” Jeonghan asks hopefully, as you reach the front door.
“Definitely,” you nod enthusiastically up at him, wondering how you had ever managed to despise the man that made you feel so whole and happy.
Jeonghan looks utterly happy and a tiny bit nervous as he stares down at you. His hand reaches up to brush back your hair before settling firmly against your face. Jeonghan looks at you so fondly as he leans in. His lips connect to yours… so softly… so sweetly. You can feel his nose nudge against your face to push it into a preferred position. He pulls back slightly after every little kiss to let out laughter so sweet, it sounds like it should be coming from the mouth of an angel. But he’s never far away for long, reconnecting to you quickly every time. You let him take the lead, allowing his lips to take care of yours, giving them the sweetest kind of attention. He pulls back for a moment longer to nuzzle his nose against yours, an action that has you gripping his shirt to keep him close. His hands keep themselves entertained by running across your face or through your hair.
He’s going back in to kiss you once again when he front door of the dorm opens, leaving you caught in the act. Wonwoo stares at you two for a long moment before making a single comment that causes you and Jeonghan to laugh.
“You know, when I said I wanted you two to have a better relationship, this isn’t exactly what I meant.”
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jimipoo · 3 years
All yours.
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prompt: Since your boyfriend is a dancer you thought it was a good idea to learn a TikTok dance with him and post it for fun. Until suddenly, everyone wants to take him from you and you are not pretty happy with it.
pairings: choreographer!jimin x oc
genre: fluff and a tiny bit of angst (insecurity but its harmless)
word count: 2.8k
warnings: jimin is so sweet and flirty it makes u roll ur eyes, oc is emotional all the time lmfao but in conclusion, theyre that couple + they r domestic bc dats my fav trope
a/n: plots kinda lame but cute imo.. its jus something i randomly thought of as im scrollin thru tiktok bc i hav an addiction yay ^__^ plus i love this tiktok dance LOL anyway its my first ever fic, im nervous so pls tell me what u think about it :3 im still a beginner at writing so it might b messy and rushed >.< but aaa hope u enjoy hehe
if u have tiktok, u might kno about this ;) jus imagine jimin dancing to this song *screams and does a backflip*
It’s becoming increasingly rare for you and Jimin to be home at the same time these days. As much as you want to wait for him every night, draw him a warm bath after a long day of practicing at his dance studio for hours, you can’t. Because you'd be passed out by the time he got home. The only time you’d be able to see him is during mornings when both of you are getting ready for work, one or two kisses on the cheek and it’d be another long hours for the both of you to see each other again.
And you miss him, quite a lot actually. For being such a clingy and affectionate partner and all your texts for him being all “Baby, I miss you :(” you highly doubt that you would be able to survive a full week without at least feeling his presence.
Jimin misses you too, of course. But as much as he feels bad for not coming home early as usual, and as much as he wanted to see you home and eat dinner with you like before, his practicing/working hours needed to be extended for some time because this new choreography for this K-pop boy group is not as easy to master and he feels as if he running out of time. You’d understand though, you know how hard he’s been working and all you want to do is take care of him as you’d like. 
This Friday was one of those rare days. Jimin was able to finish everything he needed to do in his studio ahead of schedule and returned home with a takeout bag from your favorite restaurant. Just a little something to make up for the time you hadn't spent together in the previous weeks.
It’s 9pm and you were really tired. Your back hurts, your legs hurt, even your fingers hurt from all of the typing and note-taking you were doing the whole day. But at this point, all you really want to do is flop your now weak body on the bed, let your heavy eyelids close and drift you off to sleep, giving little to no care about changing from your work clothes which you are probably going to regret later on. You could say that today, specifically, has been a little rough on you. Your boss’ assistant turned out to be absent due to some sickness and because of that, you were the one who was assigned to take over most of her work. You thought it was just that, but during lunch, you accidentally bump someone and spill your mango juice on both of you. They were nice about it, saying that they had a spare shirt to change in their locker. However, you had to deal with the fact that your favorite dress shirt got a huge yellow stain that looked like someone had peed on you.
You thought it was just that, but it happened again. You then accidentally spilled the same mango juice on three of your papers, which you frantically fan with a thin notebook until someone offers you their mini hairdryer. It didn’t dry all the way, but it was enough to make the yellow splotch go away. Your overall summary of your day was just a pure mess, and you were just about to curse at the universe for making you suffer like this. 
Again, it’s 9pm and you were really tired. 
You wrap your hands around the doorknob, lazily pushing the door with your shoulder as you let out a sigh. A very familiar voice of a man immediately echoed through the apartment and you look up, only to see your favorite person, whose lips and eyes were formed into an upturned smile. You felt as if the heavy feeling in your body had been evaporated. 
You’d never expect to see Jimin at this hour being home earlier than you. He was placing some take-out boxes on the table and from what you’ve observed, it’s from your favorite restaurant. His brown hair was slightly ruffled and it looked like he’d just been woken up from a nap. You thought he looked adorable like that, his large, sleeved shirt that made his cute hands look like paws as he looks over to you with puppy eyes and that oh, so cute smile on his face. His crooked tooth peeking out a little. 
You immediately drop your things and tightly wrap your arms around his waist as if you hadn’t seen each other in a decade.
“Jimin!” you squeal, never letting go of his waist and you softly inhale as the smell of fresh laundry mixed with his scent hits through your nose. Your favorite.
“You really missed me that much, huh?” Jimin chuckles, his words slightly sounding heavy as he’d just woken up an hour ago. Bringing his right arm to place on your back, he pulls you closer to him.
“It feels like we haven’t seen each other in weeks,” your voice comes out a little muffled as your face is buried in his chest. You feel like crying, this week really has been pretty bad for you and finally getting to spend some time with your favorite person in the whole world has only been the good thing that’s happened. You try your best to let out a quiet sniffle, but Jimin heard it. 
“Oh my god, are you crying?” He immediately says, his voice laced with concern. “Baby..” he gently grabs your face to make you look up at him, his heart sinks when he sees you red-eyed and it’s clear that you were crying. 
“I’m sorry, today was just terrible, and,” you pause to sniffle, “I’m glad I came home to you.” you finished. You see Jimin looking at you with concern, “I know baby, I know.” he brings your face close to his chest again and embraces you tightly, placing his chin on top of your head as he sways both of you.
“I missed you too.” Jimin clarifies. “Let’s eat now, I’m hungry. Thank you for this.” you let go of his embrace, quickly helping set up the table and both of you take a seat, You start unwrapping your food and so does he, you take a huge bite and sigh in relief because finally, you haven’t eaten since lunchtime. You mentally thank god for having such a sweet boyfriend who never gets sick of you and your clingy-ness. Or maybe he is, he’s just good at hiding it. You thought. 
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It’s 10pm and both of you are laying on the bed, your head comfortably rests against Jimin’s chest as his right arm tightly wraps around your shoulder for support, you could still smell his body wash as he had just gotten out of the shower after you. You’d trade everything if it meant you get to cuddle with him like this forever.
“What are you doing?” Jimin asks, looking over to your phone, curious to see what you’ve been watching on your phone because he noticed you’ve gone quiet and all he could hear was some music playing over and over again. The show playing on your shared TV had been long abandoned but neither of you feel like turning it off.
Jimin sees a woman, dancing to a song to what he guesses sung by an American artist named Doja Cat. “Oh wow, she’s good,” Jimin observed, being a dancer himself, he found the choreography pretty impressive, and if he were to learn it, he thinks he might even do it better. Or should he say, eat it up?
You start humming along with the song, suddenly, a light bulb in your brain lit up as you let out a gasp. Looking up at Jimin, he looks at you with curious eyes. “You think you can do this dance?” your lips form a smile.
“Who do you think I am?” he jokes, “I’m a dancer, of course, I can.”
“Do you wanna shoot a Tiktok video?”
“What do you mean, like, we dance to it?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun! Plus, I think you’d look hot.”
Jimin’s lips tugged in a smirk, “Hot?” this earns a laugh from you. “Yes! I think I’ve gotten a hang of it though, it’s pretty easy.”
Spending time with your boyfriend is and will always be enough to charge your energy battery. Even if it meant forcing him to film and dance to this random video you found while mindlessly scrolling through Tiktok. This was exactly what you and Jimin needed after those long stressful weeks, especially after you had a bad day today at work. Jimin had always told you how dancing is like therapy, and for once, you agree. Because this is so fucking fun.
“How did you know all the steps already? I’m still struggling a little,” you pursed your lips at him.
“Okay, well, try to follow my moves,” he repeats the dance but slowly, so you could easily mimic his movement. You start getting a hang of it, and you can’t help the heat flowing across your cheeks as Jimin gives you praises and you think if he’s like this when he’s actually teaching a student.
But right now, you’re his student.
Luckily, it didn’t take you long enough to master this dance so you immediately press record on your phone and dance along to the song, but as you were dancing, you mess up one move, “Ahh! No!” you let out a giggle and Jimin does as well.
You couldn’t care less about messing up, since this was just purely out of fun, plus, you’ve always thought he’d look sexy dancing to this song.
Your phone finishes recording and you quickly grab it as it shows the preview, showing both of you dancing and you cringe at the sight of you dancing and notice how your moves were slightly delayed and undetailed, unlike Jimin who moves as if he was the one who choreographed this dance. It was clear who was the real dancer between the two of you, he wasn’t even giving his full best, and yet, it still leaves you stunned and blown away. Regardless, you were definitely right about Jimin looking sexy while dancing to this song.
“Damn, look at you move!” Jimin teases as he watches the video over your shoulder, “You can tell I was struggling,” you said in between giggles.
“You did great babe, you look cute.” he nudges you, rolling your eyes in which earns a chuckle from him.
“I’m gonna upload this so our friends could see how cute we are.” you quickly type in your caption: “Roped him into dancing to this song with me 😌 @ParkJimin” you hit post and you wait for it to load and show up in your feed.
“We’re that couple, huh?”
“We’re that couple.”
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The following morning, you wake up to the continuous ding! sound echoing throughout your shared bedroom, you could’ve sworn that it was just a part of a weird dream you were currently having, but no, that sickeningly annoying sound was no other than from your own phone. As your brain begins to realize what was happening around you, your red eyes immediately shot open, quickly bringing your hand over to the bedside table to grab your phone, you try to move quietly as you realize that Jimin was still sleeping peacefully beside you. You quickly take a quick glance at him, making sure your shuffling didn’t wake him up.
You open your phone to see about 500 notifications from TikTok.
You sit up as you quickly unlock your phone, confused as to why you suddenly have that many amounts of notifications when all you do in that app was scroll through your For You Page for hours until you find that one funny video that will make you sob from extreme laughter. Did someone hack your account perhaps? Is it a virus? You try to rack your brain but you were still too sleepy to remember anything from last night, and your body is also, pretty sore.
The moment you open the app, it hits you.
You made a TikTok with your boyfriend and it blew up.
It had 10 million views, 3 million likes, and 100 thousand comments.
What.. the fuck? How?
You quickly tap on your video and went straight to the comments, you were immediately met with comments from people thirsting for Jimin, your boyfriend. Your eyes widen as you scroll through them, some of them were straight-up sexualizing him, and a lot of them were comments about how he was too pretty for you, and how odd that you guys are together. Some were even arguing that you guys are probably siblings. What is wrong with these people?
Instead of feeling angry, you felt your heart sink as you scroll more and insecurity gushes through you. You were never the type to feel upset over anything like this, but lately, you’ve been feeling very sensitive and you never even thought that this one video of you guys dancing will have an impact on people like this. You only posted this for fun, so why were they so mean to you? And what do they know about your relationship to judge you like that, plus the audacity to say nasty stuff about YOUR boyfriend? Are you really that ugly? Should you tell Jimin? Should you just delete it? What if people start blowing up your DMs? What if-
You immediately turn your head to see Jimin who was now awake, puffy-eyed, and pursed lips as he looks up at you, his knotted eyebrows mimicking yours. “What’s wrong? Why were you looking at your phone so intensely?” he innocently asks. You don’t say anything and just showed your phone to him, his eyes immediately squint from the brightness and the blurriness, realizing he still can’t see what you were showing to him, he swiftly turns to grab his eyeglasses from his side’s bedside table, he puts it on. All he sees are comments, but he’s confused. “What is that?”
“Our little TikTok video blew up, and people are being mean for some reason,” you answer.
“Huh? Wh-what do you mean?” he’s still confused, the drowsiness was still preventing him to be aware of what’s currently happening. “It went viral, I mean,” you look through the comments again with a scowl on your face and Jimin sits up, scooting closer to look over your phone. Suddenly, the realization hits him like a truck. “We’re famous?!” is what his first response was.
This made you laugh, “More like, you’re famous,” you hold up your phone to his face, “Everyone is hating on me. Look at these.”
You see his eyes quickly scan through the screen, a divot slowly beginning to form between his eyebrows as he begins to scroll. Suddenly, he grabs his phone from your hand, his thumbs were moving very quickly and you realize that he was replying to one of the comments, you saw his finger tap the send button. “Hey!” You grab your phone from his hands.
user1: There’s no way this pretty guy is with this.. whew anyways 😳
user2 replied: right like..
user3 replied: omg fr hes too pretty for her, look at the way he moves too
user4 replied: why u guys so mean theyre cute :/
user5 replied to user4: naur the girl ruining the video with her dancing lmfao
user3 replied to user5: BYEEEMFMGM
user2 replied to user5: FRR DOE LMAOOO i want a seperate video of him dancing woman he fine as helllll😩
YN replied: lol ok at least I get to suck his dick <3
Your eyes widens at his comment and you let out a gasp, “Jimin!” you slap his shoulder, to which he laughs. “What? It’s true! I’m just telling them who really owns me.” he rubs his shoulder, “That hurt, by the way.”
“Who really owns you?” this made your eyebrows rise and your mouth formed into an amused grin, you let out a laugh.
“Yeah, baby. I’m all yours. Always has been.” he clarifies with that shit-eating grin he sports everytime he acts all cocky and flirty around you. You playfully roll your eyes, trying to hide the fact that it still has an effect on you, it’s one of the things that made you fall for him, anyway.
“Now,” he grabs your phone once again and places it on the bed, but this time you don’t react. You watch him bring one of his legs over yours and sits on your lap so his legs were on either side of yours. A smirk visibly formed on his pretty puffy lips.
“We’ll deal with those people later, they don’t know what they’re talking about. For now, let me show you how beautiful you are to me.”
“Oh and,” he adds, “You look really sexy when you dance.”
“Oh, really now, Park Jimin?"
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