#Aone Fluff
makkir0ll · 3 months
between you and your husband, you were the one more…vocal about your love for him. leaving him sweet notes with doodles of the two of you in his lunch, ending all heartfelt messages with x’s, planting a big kiss on his cheek that he pretended to cringe at but in reality he looked forward to it everytime he left the house.
people would always come up to you, telling you that he doesn’t reciprocate his love with words and such and asking you how you dealt with it. truth be told it took a while for you to get used to but soon enough you began to see the signs.
it was the way that every time he got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom he would tuck your feet back into bed. the way he spent a solid twenty minutes cleaning your phone screen, and with furrowed brows as he placed your new screen protector on, making sure there were no bubbles. it was when you opened his wallet that you saw all the notes you wrote him saved in one pocket of his shitty leather wallet that was begging to be put to rest. it's the way when you come home after a long night out with your friends he takes his time undressing you, removing and placing your jewelry carefully on your bedside table and making sure to gently take off your makeup and of course do your skincare routine that he has memeorized. when he goes out and he spots a little something with your favorite character on it he buys it immediately, not bothering to look at the price tag because the way your eyes would light up when he brought home the little gift was worth more than a billion dollars to him.
it was when on your third month anniversary when the two of you were still dating, while the two of you sat down on the booth next to each other at a restaurant he held your hand and squeezed it three times. signifying the words, i love you. he knew he loved you from the start but was scared it was too soon to say it and this was his silent way of telling you so. and you picked up on it quickly when he started to do it more often.
and on your wedding day, as the two of you stand in front of all your loved ones and the officiator he says the most beautiful vows ever, telling you that "if death do us part then i hope to find you in every lifetime" and once he ended with that sentence, he squeezed your hand three times. i. love. you.
you always knew your husband loved you because his actions spoke a thousand words to you.
sigh. TSUKISHIMA FREAKING KEI!!!!!!!!, akaashi keiji (he writes notes back to you), KITA. SHINSUKE., iwaizumi hajime (30) athletic trainer, suna rintarou, USHIJIMA, kageyama tobio (squeezed your hand a lot when you started dating), MIYA OSAMU, sakusa kiyoomi, OH OH OH AONE!!,
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wake-uptoreality · 1 year
You always liked the thought of 'your moles being where your lover kissed you the most in your past life'. When you innocently tell him that, he grabs your hand pulling you closer to his chest. "Like this, baby?" He murmurs as he starts kissing every inch of your face where your beauty marks are located. You furrow your eyebrows, clenching his shirt with shaky hands. He goes lower and lower, breathing on your neck at last, gulping the sweet smell of you perfume. "You are my past, present and future love, never forget that" he grumbles "...now should we find your other moles too, sweetheart?"
-> IWAIZUMI, ushijima, hinata, BOKUTO, sakusa, AKAASHI, aone, OSAMU.
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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gentle. (aone takanobu x reader)
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summary: he’s not the same with you as he is with everyone else
word count: 1,399
warnings: swearing, but pretty fluffy otherwise, fem!reader, high school setting
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
this is written for @honeybleed’s Underrated Character event! I had so much fun writing this because it’s the perfect opportunity to give love to our blorbo aone (he deserves the world).
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After Date Tech's loss to Seijoh at the Inter High preliminaries, you didn't know what exactly to do with yourself.
You had been managing the team since your first year. The previous manager hadn't really stayed to show you the ropes, and you had to learn everything from scratch. You had often felt lost and disoriented, and it felt like you were drowning as the novice team built themselves slowly but surely.
You truly felt that this time around, Date Tech's Iron Wall would be strong enough to get you all to Nationals. Now, not only did you have to stomach that loss, you had to deal with the fact that your precious third years were leaving.
You felt like you were drowning all over again, like you had back in your very first week with the team. Like you had no clue what to do. As you sat on the steps outside the volleyball gym on campus, you contemplated your next move. How the team would operate with Futakuchi as the new Captain. How you all had to somehow hone the talent in your inexperienced new setter, Koganegawa. It all seemed like too much work. How were you supposed to manage it all?
You nearly jumped out of your skin when something moved in your peripheral vision and you realized it was Aone, sitting on the steps next to you. When had he gotten here?
"You scared me!" You breathed, laughing a bit. It was almost comical how someone as huge and imposing as Aone could somehow make himself so invisible. But considering how quiet he was, it wasn't surprising to you.
Aone didn't react to your words, but his stare was intense on your face, eyeing you closely before he reached a finger out to poke at the skin under your eyes. Oh.
You felt your face heat a little at his touch, but you gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Aone. Just a little tired."
It seemed like he didn't believe you, the scowl between his eyebrows only deepening. You fidgeted a bit.
From your very first day managing Date Tech's volleyball club, you had had a soft spot for Aone Takanobu. He was, by all means, a scary looking dude. Taller than any boy you knew, and built like a brick wall. Despite his massive size, he was agile too, a very scary combination. Silver hair, a deep scowl that always seemed to twist his face (you later realized that he wasn't scowling, it was just the lack of eyebrows that made it appear so). It was no wonder people tiptoed around him.
But two years on the same team, spending every day together, meant that you knew Aone in ways that his audience did not. His personality was anything but scary. He was as docile as they came, and slowly but surely, you felt yourself drawn to his quiet disposition. In the storm that came with Futakuchi constantly butting heads with your third years, Aone was the silent bubble you found comfort in. He knew you inside out, and he was perceptive. Like right now, pointing out the dark circles under your eyes with an uncharacteristically gentle touch.
No wonder you had an embarrassing crush on him.
He kept an intense stare on you, his way of insisting there was something wrong. You shook your head again, sighing. You knew he wouldn't let this go. So you let yourself vent, letting out every dark and uncertain emotion inside you.
You ranted about everything that was plaguing your mind, body turned towards Aone but curled into yourself. You pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them to curl into yourself as you spoke, looking up at the boy next to you every now and then.
Aone did not interrupt. He never interrupted. He let you go on and on about how you didn't think Futakuchi was mature enough to lead a team, or how Koganegawa was nowhere near ready to stand on a court. All your doubts were spilled out into the air surrounding you, welcomed by Aone as he sat and listened to everything you had to say. His eyes did not leave you once, but he didn’t react in any other way.
"Sometimes I think you are the only thing holding the Iron Wall together." You gave him a little smile. "And I don't know how you do it."
When you finally finished, silence stretched between the two of you, as if everything around you was absorbing your words. You watched Aone, waiting for him to lean towards you and nod encouragingly, like he did whenever you had one of these ranting sessions.
"I do it because of you."
Your eyes widened, not expecting that he would speak. You knew Aone, and you knew he wasn’t a talker. He loathed having to voice anything because he felt like he didn’t have anything to say which wasn’t already understood. His voice was hoarse and deep, making your breath catch.
"Do what?" You asked, not understanding his words.
"You said I hold the Iron Wall together." He continued, and you basked in the sound of his voice. It was so rare for him to say anything. You wanted to savor it while it lasted.
"I do it because of you. I see how hard you work for this team. And it makes me work hard too. For you."
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, trying to catch up to his words and process them. You felt like your entire face was on fire, your breath stuttering. Aone did not look at you, instead staring at the ground before him. Your eyes caught his porcelain pale skin, eyeing how the back of his neck flushed red. The sight made you giddy.
"Aone…." You breathed, feeling truly speechless. Which wasn't like you at all. Between the two of you, you talked and Aone listened. For the first time, the roles were reversed.
Aone shifted a bit, still not looking at you. "Don't worry too much. You will figure it out like you always do. And I'll be here for you."
His sentences were simple. Yet to you, it felt like he was waxing poetic. You couldn't help your wide smile, shuffling closer to Aone and placing your head on his shoulder. You felt infinitely lighter, like all of what you were worried about didn’t matter at all when Aone was right there with you.
"Thank you." You whispered.
You felt Aone nudge at you gently, his way of saying 'you're welcome'. You let yourself bask in his touch, cheek pressed to his bicep, feeling how your heart pounded in your chest.
Multiple steps sounded on the ground, and then a sharp voice broke through the silence.
"You lovebirds done? Come on, let's get pork buns and then head home. I'm hungry!"
You sighed and rolled your eyes, pulling away from Aone to glare at Futakuchi, who was standing a few feet away while the team lingered behind him. They had all changed out of their sweaty practice clothes, bags slung over their shoulders and ready to leave. You saw Koganegawa peek at you from behind him, his mouth open comically wide.
"Eh? I didn't know our manager and Aone-san were dating!"
Before you could protest, Aone was lumbering onto his feet and grabbing your hand, pulling you up with him. His giant hand enveloped yours completely (you were giddy as you observed this fact), and he didn't let go as he walked past Futakuchi, who had an annoyingly smug grin on his face. You knew you wouldn't hear the end of this.
"Yeah, stay away from her, Kogane!" He called, being obnoxiously loud on purpose. He was definitely trying to goad you two, as was his nature. "You don't wanna know how pissy Aone gets when other guys flirt with her."
Your eyes widened, looking up at the boy in question. Aone pointedly looked away from you, but his grip on your hand tightened, and you could see the same blush creep up his neck and to his ears.
You grinned all the way to the convenience store, and then all the way home too, basking in the new information Futakuchi had spilled, as well as the tight grip Aone had on your hand.
He didn't let go even once.
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dira333 · 8 months
Lap Cat - Aone x Reader
Just a lil something I couldn't get out of my brain - 1,4k
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Aone is a lap cat. 
You know the moment you meet him, even though you can’t point out what had given it away. 
It surely isn’t the way he keeps his voice to himself and uses his glares as a way of talking. Or the way he overestimated the weight of the door or underestimated his own strength and ripped your office door out of its handles on his first day.
He’d been the talk of the town for a whole month.
“Aone-san,” you called out at the end of the morning briefing. “Do you have a minute?”
He nods and follows you out and up the stairs into your office on the first level. 
You wonder what he thinks of you, in your nice business suit with the air-conditioned office. If he looks down on you like some of the other workers do because you’re one if not the youngest building designers in the company. You don’t think he does, but he’s hard to read.
“I’ve noticed you are very diligent in your work.” You explain to him. “And this part is very difficult to master. I’d love it if you could double-check the work, especially if you end up working on a different part. I don’t want to call anyone lazy, but I’ve been told that we’ve consistently had trouble keeping up with the plan for these structures and I want everything to be okay. I-”
“It’s okay.” As always, the deep timbre of his voice surprises you. You wish he’d talk more often. 
“Great. I’ll be here all day. And tomorrow too and the day after that as well. So you can come in whenever to let me know, okay?”
He nods, having used up all his words already. He leaves you shortly after, but not after an awkward pause where you try not to babble and he stares intently at the little pink bows adorning your stilettos.
You’re in the middle of unpacking your lunch Bento when there’s a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Aone’s face is smeared with dirt. His clothes are stained too, but his hands are clean as they offer you a piece of paper.
You take it and inspect it. He’s made a checklist for the area you mentioned. Your heart lurches at this careful work. 
“Thank you!” You doubt your smile can express even half of your gratitude.
His ears are red. He’s probably gotten a sunburn from working outside all morning.
“Do you…” You hesitate. “Do you want to share lunch? It’s cooler in here and I wouldn’t mind.”
He looks at the pretty but uncomfortable chairs in front of your desk and back to his dirty, stained clothes.
“Don’t mind it.” You rush to say. “Please, sit. I will go and get something to drink from the machine outside.”
“Let me.” He says and you freeze, spellbound by his voice - again.
Soon you find yourself spilling your thoughts over eggrolls, rice and two cans of sparkling water. 
You babble when you get nervous and he sure as hell makes you nervous.
“It’s so nice to have someone with me when I eat.” You tell him when he gets up, no doubt to leave for his work again. “I mean, I can eat alone, no problem, I do that at home too. I mean I have a kitten there, but he’s the quiet type. It just gets a little lonely around lunch when I have to work by myself all the time anyway. You probably don’t have that problem, because you’re so many workers all working together all day and then you have lunch break together too, but if you want to cool down for a bit, feel free to come up here for Lunch Break.”
“Thank you.” He interrupts your babbling, bowing so abruptly you’re left speechless - a rare occurence.
“Oh no, I have to thank you.” Now you’re bowing too and it’s only your colleague passing by that saves the two of you from bowing in turn until one gives up.
Kenji curls up on your lap that night as you tell him of your day. 
He’d been a stray, a tiny ball of fur and teeth, only slowly learning that you did not mean any harm. He’s not the best listener, occasionally digging his claws into your thighs as he either disagrees with you or does not care about your opinion. But he’s yours and you’d be even lonelier without him. 
You don’t see Aone for another week. Well, you spot him during morning briefings, a quiet presence at the back of the room, but you don’t come across him other than that until it’s Monday and you only find out that you’ve left your Lunch at home when it’s time to unpack it.
It’s pouring outside and you’re dressed for sunshine to the point that not even a borrowed umbrella will keep you warm or dry during the trek down to the Konbini and back again.
But going hungry is even worse.
You run into Aone right at the entrance, raindrops creating little patterns in the dirt on his face. 
He holds a can of sparkling water in one hand and a Bento Box in his other.
“Oh, Aone. Hello!” You smile up at him. “Are you taking your Lunch inside? Do you want to come up to my Office? I’ve turned my heater on, actually, because I run cold easily.”
He looks down at the Umbrella in your hand.
“Oh, I forgot my Lunch at home. I’ll just run down to the Konbini and get some, but feel free to go up and get warm.”
His eyes travel down to your feet, where your painted nails peek out of a new pair of high-heeled sandals. 
“What do you need?” He asks. “I am already wet.”
“Oh, I can’t.” He hands you the sparkling water. You take it, too surprised to refuse it. He takes your umbrella and hands you his Lunch.
“What do you need?” He repeats again. There’s something in his voice, at least that’s what it must be, that makes you open your mouth and answer.
He nods and turns to leave, leaving you behind with his Lunch and his drink.
There’s a blanket resting on one of the chairs. Aone is the only one who uses it, and drapes it over the chair to make sure he doesn’t get it dirty.
Aone is a lap cat. He wants to be asked, he wants to be offered. He does not ask himself. 
You get his phone number so you can text him every day, letting him know what you’ll be taking for Lunch. He never stands up an invitation. 
So you invite him to walk to the train station with you. He holds your umbrella, nodding along as you talk about your day. 
“Where do you live, Aone-san?” You ask, nibbling on the inside of your cheek as you debate if that question is too forward. You don’t even know his first name yet, even though you long to.
You almost miss his answer, too absorbed in the sound of his voice. He does not live far from you.
“Are you taking the train as well? We could sit together.” His face changes into something that looks like disappointment. 
“But we don’t have to!” You try to mend whatever mess you’ve just created.
“I have practice.”
“Ooooh! Can I come watch?”
The faintest blush covers his cheeks at your question. You’ve never seen it before, but you could get addicted to that sight.
“They would think you are my girlfriend.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.” Your face burns as you realize what you’ve just divulged.
“I don’t mean- I wouldn’t ever pressure- You don’t have to feel-”
Aone interrupts your blabbering, but not with words. He stretches out his incredibly long arm, offers his hand to you in a wordless answer.
You take it, your heart beating so loud you fear he can hear it. 
Aone is a lap cat. 
Just like Kenji he craves your touch, your presence, being near you whenever he can. 
But quite unlike Kenji, he does not mind when you roll over in your sleep and kick your leg into his shins. He does not dig his fingernails into your skin - and if he does, he does it lovingly.
He’s as much a quiet presence in your home as your cat, making lazy Sunday Mornings so much sweeter.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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clawsdevour · 1 month
༻°. aone bf hcs
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wc: 0.5k content warning: fluff, slight smut, aged up, post-time skip, my shitty writing, not proofread
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to have a hard time expressing his feelings and love towards you but he tries his best to communicate it with small but meaningful gestures. For example, he'd boldly declare his love for you with his resting serious face.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to respect all of your boundaries even if you didn't even tell him what they are. He'd easily pick up on the things that cross the line and remember these little details.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to be not very familiar with physical touch. However, he finds it cute and likes it whenever you're the one giving him your warm touch. When you're holding hands, he'd walk so stiff and try not to swing his arm from being so happy.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to immediately apologize and rights his wrongs if you end up in an argument. He'd bow down and give you the most sincere and gentle apology, wondering what went wrong and thinking about solutions to work around the hurdle.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to always show you this lighter version of himself. His facial features are more soft, he's more prone to have this cute subtle smile on his face whenever he's around you.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to turn a light pink shade whenever he feels a bit flustered or shy with you. You could be discussing about having a date and he'd be pondering about it in his mind, happy with the thought that he's able to spend private time with just you.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to be very honest and formal with your parents which makes them think that he's a very serious person also due to his resting face. They'll later find out that he's a very affectionate person through his smaller interactions and thoughtful words about you.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to shove you full of his cock to the point where he doesn't even need to find your sweet spot because he's able to hit all your spots just being inside you. Aone would also be playing between your sopping wet folds with his fingers while he's at it.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to enjoy pounding into you in a cuddling position while peppering your face with his gentle kisses. His pace is consistent until you tell him to go harder and faster to which he'd oblige in a rough manner till you finish.
-Aone, the type of boyfriend to love whenever you just lay on him with all your weight because he can't feel it with his bigger body under you. He enjoys the warmth your body radiates, wrapping his hands around your torso just basking in your scent under the sheets.
masterlist here
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haikyu-mp4 · 3 months
Plant lover
word count; 1369 – f!reader, for my idea exchange with @dira333 <3
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In some way, you knew what to expect when you joined a male-dominated profession. Naturally, part of you wanted to expect the worst, but you couldn’t give up before even starting! You went into it with high spirits.
During your first week, there were a few incidents of men making rude comments. Whether it was asking if you needed a makeup break or telling you that you should leave certain tasks for the men, you would smile back and leave them be. That’s why you were so surprised when Futakuchi, one of your coworkers, shut them up by snapping back on your behalf.
Futakuchi was sick of it. He didn’t usually get involved in anything that didn’t affect him at the workplace, but he was sick of hearing every single guy bother you for no reason at all. You were more than capable and way more reliable than many of them ever were. So he snapped back, making sure they all reconsidered any other comments they might have made up in their minds.
Before the weekend, Aone sent out a reminder for their ex-Dateko monthly game night. Aone might not be the biggest talker or texter, but he hosted these get-togethers to keep the squad together.
Futakuchi had an idea, and it wasn’t such a bad one this time. Many of the others had brought partners or other friends to some game nights before, so it wouldn’t be a problem, asking you to join. He walked over to you at lunch, tapping the table beside you to get your attention.
“Hey, newbie. Wanna come to game night with some of my friends? You can practice talking back to these guys,” he said, hiding his kind intentions behind that fake motive. You could only nod in agreement.
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On Saturday, Futakuchi shook his head as he saw what you carried when meeting him by the entrance to Aone’s apartment building. It was a healthy snake plant, classically known as a plant you don’t need to care much for since you weren’t sure what kind of guys you were meeting.
“That’s just perfect,” he chuckled, and you soon found out why. As the door was opened, you were introduced to the jungle-like apartment and its owner.
“Welcome,” Aone said with the tiniest smile, and your starry eyes moved from the plants in his hallway to him.
“Thank you so much for having me,” you greeted him, smiling at him with wonder.
You even forgot about Futakuchi until he cleared his throat and pointed at the plant you carried. “Where will this fit in?” he asked, somehow managing to tease both you and Aone simultaneously.
“I brought this for you, but it seems I could have chosen something more challenging.” You held out the plant with a soft laugh, and after he took it, you finally shrugged off your jacket to hang it up. “It’s a jungle in here!” you commented as you followed him further into the apartment, and Futakuchi introduced you to the rest in one fell swoop before sitting down haphazardly on the couch.
“Thank you,” Aone said, looking around for a place to put the new plant. “I think I’m out of pots.”
As the evening went on, all the other guys would glance over at the two of you, where you would be talking animatedly about something or the other, like an anecdote related to some plant or something else you happened to remember, and he would nod along patiently.
Now and then, you would move so he could show you some plants in another room, so the squad had no idea when exactly you managed to plan a thrift shop date, but Aone revealed in their group chat on Monday that he would be looking for new plant pots with you.
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“Did you always like greenery?” you asked Aone as you navigated through your third thrift shop. He had a tote bag on one shoulder that was awkwardly bumpy with the other pots you had chosen from the previous stops.
“I liked a girl once, and I wanted to impress her,” he told you, and you pretended to look at the opposite shelf, nodding in understanding. “I don’t talk to her anymore, I just started loving the plants.”
You giggled at the picture in your head of Aone slowly giving more attention to his collection rather than that girl. “Evidently, it must be love. Between you and the plants I mean,” you joked, making him smile a bit.
Suddenly, your eyes set on a gorgeous blue pot with intricate flower details on it, and just as you were about to point it out, Aone’s arm shot out to point at the same one.
In your excitement, you rested your hand on his lower arm. “I was looking at that one too! We have to get it.”
And in the implications of how nice it sounded when you said ‘we’, Aone lowered his arm and let your hand slide down into his. Then he used his free hand to pick the pot up and put it in the basket you were carrying before taking the whole basket from you.
You stared at him for a moment, cheeks flushing red in the innocence of his affection before you finally put some energy into your feet and kept going, pointing out more pretty options and blushing every time you had to step closer to him to put them in the basket.
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Because you found so many pretty pots, you arranged to meet up at your place another time, and Aone had brought some cuttings and other plant babies that might grow nicely at your place.
The two of you worked on filling your apartment with plants in mostly comfortable silence. He would tell you little facts he knew and you would listen intently.
After washing off your hands and cleaning up the table you had used, you made dinner, and the two of you settled into your sofa to watch reruns of sit-coms all evening.
It was no wonder the two of you were falling, fast.
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After you had gone on a couple of more-than-friendly dates, Futakuchi told Aone that you still get comments from your coworkers when he wasn’t around. Aone didn’t even hesitate to utilise some overtime and extend his lunch hour to visit you.
When he stepped inside, his presence spoke for itself as your coworkers’ eyes went to him. He was holding two bentos, one covered in a cute green cover and tied into a knot at the top.
You were kind and soft and Aone loved that about you, so unlike Futakuchi, he didn’t want to encourage you to fight back. He didn’t want you to get in trouble when you were already at a disadvantage.
So he let his eyes fall into a determined glare, making sure most of them noticed him as he finally found you, covered in dirt but with a bright smile as you spotted him. “Takanobu!” you yelled, and that alone made him soften up.
“Hello, I brought you lunch,” he said, handing the bento over.
With hearts in your eyes, you dusted your hands off on the equally dirty pantsuit before taking the bento, eyes tearing up as you looked up at him. “Thank you! I can’t believe you did that, I even forgot my lunch at home.”
Aone bowed, giving you that small smile. “I have a long lunch, we can eat together.”
So you did, and Futakuchi was happy to report that you had been receiving less degrading comments and found the time to bond with some of the few other women in other departments.
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Times were looking good, and you had Futakuchi to thank for it. He watched you with a raised eyebrow as you came over one day at work with a cheeky smile. “Congratulations on your new boyfriend,” he cooed.
“Thank you! I was thinking that when we get married…” Futakuchi’s eyes almost bulged out of his eyes at the statement, and you rested a hand on his shoulder. “I want you to be the flower girl.”
At least he knew you were serious about this relationship. His best friend was in safe hands.
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Watching The Great British Bake Off
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The ones who get super invested:
Sugawara, Bokuto, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Aone, Asahi, Tendou, Kita, Kuroo, Ennoshita, Akaashi, Koganegawa, Makki, Hirugami, Kageyama, Aran, Goshiki, Inuoka, Komori
The ones who lean back and swear they could win it easily:
Osamu (he could), Atsumu (he could not), Tendou (he could, of course), Semi (no), Oikawa (mmmaybe), Mattsun (also no), Noya (honestly? Probably.)
The ones who make it a theme night with a spread of tea, cakes and cookies:
Sugawara, Bokuto, Asahi, Tendou, Yamaguchi, Aran, Noya, Inuoka, Komori
The ones who pretend not to be invested and stare at their phone but have not scrolled or tapped anything for over an hour because they’re glancing at the TV:
Futakuchi, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Hoshiumi, Sakusa, Suna, Shirabu
The ones who actually don’t care about it that much but appreciate an opportunity to cuddle with their soft and squishy partner:
Daichi, Ushijima, Konoha
The ones who yell at the TV like they’re on the sidelines of a volleyball match:
Yaku, Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu
The ones who fake a British accent for the rest of the week:
Atsumu, Hoshiumi, Hinata, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tendou, Noya, Inuoka, Mattsun
The ones who have a betting pool going with their friends about who makes it to next round:
Kuroo, Tendou, Yaku, Mattsun, Makki, Noya
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art: Black Butler
a/n: something silly I really wanted to get off my mind 😅
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liyev · 5 months
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takanobu aone.
the name of the main pillar in date tech’s “iron wall” defense. a man of six feet of stoicism and seriousness — yet, if there was a word for what laid beneath the surface of his permanent frown, it would be home. every inch of his being houses gentleness that the earth envies, as if he had stomached snow and took only its softness then melted into the sight of you.
his hands have been calloused — trained to tower over those who dare score on his side of the court, like a shield. it also serves as a place to return to in times of need; a safe hiding place from everything that is all too cruel for you and your sweet self.
he is determined to make you feel safe despite the way he presents himself to be. that a certain gentleness can be known to a man renowned to be six feet of power and intimidation.
aone tries showing his kind heart into more of his actions (he keeps his hands in his pockets for longer in cold weather so that once you come along, they’ll be warm for you to hold) — and on some, perhaps a bit more special occasion, he talks more and more for you (he got into reading poetry to convey how much he loves you because his own words that he could come up with weren’t enough).
as much as he focuses on scoring aces in games, he devotes himself just as much when it comes to you. whenever you find yourselves in a packed train, he keeps his pinky finger twined with yours while protecting you from any slip ups or harmful intentions from others. he lowers his shoulder towards you whenever you fall asleep, providing you a place to rest if you ever get sleepy on the ride home.
there are many things that intimidate you — but his name is not one of them. takanobu aone means to be true and tranquil. like a home, a place of rest — a moment where one is allowed to be soft.
that is what he is.
that is what he means to you.
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©️ LIYEV 2024 — do not steal/plagiarise, translate, or feed my work to ai.
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adoringhaikyuu · 1 year
Helloo! I saw that your requests are open; I was wondering if it’s okay for me to request something? Could I request Aone, Osamu, and Iwaizumi with a s/o who had a bad day and they just comfort their s/o? If you don’t want to that’s okay! I completely understand. Make sure to stay hydrated <3 love your work
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characters: aone + iwaizumi + osamu + (gn!reader)
notes: this is old but i hope you see this!
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★ aone would set a bath for you while he cooks dinner (bc i hc that he can actually cook v well and bake too! just imagine his huge hands doing something delicate like icing a cake with flowerssksjdghf). he may not use his words much, but his actions are very telling and very comforting. he's there to hold you all night in his warm embrace as well.
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★ iwaizumi pulls you into his arms immediately and just holds you for as long as you want. makes sure to look into your eyes when he asks if you're okay/what's wrong. is there to listen and help however he can. gives you a massage and orders your favorite to eat while you watch your show you watch together.
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★ osamu cooks you the best meal ever of course and listens to you rant for as long as you need. will offer his complaints and insults for anyone who ruined your day to support you and make you feel better, but anyone who upsets you is immediately an enemy of his.
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nanamistie · 11 months
Can you do haikyuu boys reacting to fem!s/o crushing a watermelon between their thighs like it nothing🌚🌚
(Not just crush makes it explode👀👀)
Ofc i can ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
Imagine,you're a woman who has big thighs,but they're not fat, they're muscular. And one day, you and one of the hq boys went together on a picnic. You had a basket with lots and lots of food, such as home made sandwiches, some cupcakes, brownies and a watermelon. You two were enjoying the food and then came across the watermelon.
“Babe, can you give me the knife?” you say while looking at the watermelon. “Sure” he says. He looks through the basket and realize, that you don’t have one. “We must’ve had forgotten it” he says. You sigh “Well then-” you say before grabbing the watermelon and putting it between your thighs. You quickly wrap your legs around it and squeeze it hardly, and just like that, the watermelon almost explodes in half.
He just stares. Jaw down to the ground. He doesn't even know what shocked him: the fact that you were that strong to do that or how your thighs looked while. "I-" he clears his throat "wow, I...am...wow... I'm speechless". You just laugh at his reaction "Oh come on, love, you're not the only one with big stong thighs". He smirks "Well I actually love that~" you both laugh.
DAICHI MY MAAN, Asashi (bear with me), Osamu, Ushijima, Aone.
He would take it as a competition, he would be like: "Oh yeah? I can do that too!" Then he like grabs a small chunk of crushed (by your majestic thighs) watermelon and puts it between his legs. The he tries to squeeze it, but fails miserably. You take it the chunk in your hand and crush it and he says: "Well, I got it loosed for you" he hufs and then we would act so dramatic, pleaseee.
Tanaka, BOKUTO, Hinata, Oikawa (do not argue on this-).
Complains and acts like he didn't just drool over your gorgeous thighs. "You ruined the watermelon." You look offended like you just wanted to help. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to do that,we just, didn't have other ways to do it" He sees that you looked at him with a pout so he quickly says "It looked kinda cool tho.." You end up teasing him all night, teehee, he loves you so much, he loves everything about you.
Tsukisima (of course), Kenma, Kageyama, Kyotani.
He would flirt so much pleaseeeee. He would stare at your thighs, then at the watermelon and then at you and with the biggest smirk and a bit of blush, he would say: "DAAAMN, DO THAT TO ME" you look at him like -__- but when he sees that you blushed too he would tease you,omg.
Terushima, Kuroo, Atsumu, Iwazumi, Nishinoya (he would).
Sorry for the waittttt. I hope you like it 🫶
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lizandbo · 6 months
Baking cookies with Aone
A/N: Like actuallyyyyy I love Aoneeeee but this is literally so fucking short bru💀🤚
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• I feel like he would really like sugar cookies
• Anyways-💀
• this is gonna be like a raw dawging midnight snacking out of pocket type of cookie baking session
• Would definitely eat the raw cookie dough with you
• I feel like he would have the most random but cute cookie cutters in his drawer,, maybe he had a turtle one😭 would be so sad if you don’t wanna use his ultimate turtle cookie cutter
• But before any of that aone would do that shit where they go behind you and like cover your hand with theirs and y’all stir together
• Yeah he likes doing that
• Big baby is quietly cheesy for that type of stuff… sometimes not tho
• While the cookies are baking aone would be so lovey dovey, I mean he is to you all the time but in his own manner
• Him being a hunk of a man is gonna lift you (no matter your weight) on top of the counter and cuddle you that way so you can watch the cookies safely
• “Nobu,, the cookies are gonna burn if you don’t get off of meeee”
• Aone would just nuzzle into you more as you giggle while you are hugging in the kitchen
• Obviously in a second or two he’ll actually let you check the cookies
• After you guys are done baking the cookies and let them cool Aone will definitely feed you the cookies😭 such a sweet baby
• maybe just maybe at one point in his life IK I JUST IK that he tried to count how many cookies he can fit into his mouth at once
• I swear this man is so out of pocket 💀💀🤚 but I love him oh so very😔
• As he does like sweet treats, he has to limit himself cuz no body wants to be sick from too many sweets but we all do it💀
• Aone will be again a sweet baby and wash all the dishes so you won’t have to go do it <33
• Aone baby hugs you from the back while cuddling and sleeping and would definitely softly caress your arm to help fall asleep
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wake-uptoreality · 2 years
"The only women you have ever kissed are your mom and grandma" you tease as you take a sip from your can. You have been teasing him since you came in his house, not noticing the fire in his eyes started to glow time to time. He clenches the thin fabric of trousers. Couldn't bear the bitterness from your words. You laugh at his reaction and again start your blubbering, until he grabs your shoulders and looks at you with seriousness. You stop your speech and stare at him. His expression making you gulp as you see the sharpness in his eyes. He breaks the tension with pinning you down and crashing your lips with his his. Making your lips swollen and puffy in no time with a few gently bites and licks over it. He at least gives you a breath and backs away. "You should mind your words before you speak, sweetheart"
-> sakusa, KAGEYAMA, USHIJIMA, iwaizumi, DAICHI, hinata, AONE, kita, TSUKISHIMA, suna, KENMA.
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Aone Takanobu x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Date-Tech Fic Rec Masterlist
Nosebleed ✨✨✨💖by WritingTheInserts(oneshot, fluff, humor) All the important moments of your life started with a nosebleed. [COMPLETED]
The Lightest Touch✨✨ by @seokiloquy (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) you have a birthmark/tattoo of the place where your soulmate first touches you and it slowly fades over 24 hours until it’s gone.[COMPLETED]
Perfect ✨by @volleyboys-n-girls (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) The words first spoken by your soulmate are tattooed on your skin. For you, you were lucky right there. [COMPLETED]
soulmate au ✨by @pies-writes-and-more (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) The words first spoken by your soulmate are tattooed on your skin. [COMPLETED]
gentle by @teamatsumu (oneshot, fluff)he’s not the same with you as he is with everyone else.[COMPLETED]
High Priestess✨ by theunluckycanuck (orphan_account) (oneshot, arranged marriage, smut) You were the priestess of the east and he was a monk of the west, in order to bring good fortune you had to meet and become a union. What brought forth was more than just marriage.[COMPLETED]
The Scarf by starryiedd (oneshot, fluff)she finds the scarf in her locker, she didn't expect any of the events that followed.[COMPLETED]
A Gentle Silence✨ by Amoralyn (crushes, love letters, fluff, oneshot)How does he really feel about me? Does he want to be my friend, or more? And how long can I pretend that I’m happy with just being friends?[COMPLETED]
Eighth Wonder by abswrites (oneshot, fluff)Aone knows he looks scary. Hell, he sees his own face in the mirror every morning. But here you are, chattering away next to him without a care.[COMPLETED]
Sound of Silence by @dira333/Fogfire (oneshot)What happens if you, with your sharp tongue and sweet features, meet Aone, the grim looking sweetheart everyone seems to be afraid of?[COMPLETED]
A Good Man ✨by @dira333/Fogfire (oneshot, fluff)You'd known he'd be a good father, a good husband, a good man. You'd known all along.[COMPLETED]
The Class Rep and the Wall by Teapots_and_Teacups (oneshot, fluff)Aone takes a moment to help out an underclassman.You aren't scared by the gentle giant.[COMPLETED]
Soft, sweet, and light✨ by @write-haikyuu (oneshot, fluff) Aone Takanobu loves dessert. But he loves you more.[COMPLETED]
what he's looking for by flying_siphonophore (oneshot, smut, fluff)...he wonders if you’re wearing shorts under that…. if you’re wearing those cute underwear you bought the other day…. or if he ran his hand underneath he’d find nothing separating his hand from you.[COMPLETED]
Train Ride | Aone Takanobu/Reader ✨✨by @thisnoodlewritesao3 (oneshot, fluff)Aone had never been more thankful of the people who avoided him on the trains, especially when they gave him something as amazing as you.[COMPLETED]
Trepidation Overlooked by introher (masturbation, friend to lovers)aone masturbates to the thought of you, alone and in his room are where his fantasies run wild.[COMPLETED]
Lover's play by @dira333/ Fogfire(friends to lovers, oneshot)[COMPLETED]
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dira333 · 11 months
Crossing balconies - Aone x reader
for my Follower Celebration - requested by @fuzztacular
A/N: does anyone notice that I love Aone?
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About an hour ago Aone had been sure what he had adopted was a cat and not a shapeshifting Ninja. 
He’d only been gone for a quick shower and Nyan, the little Calico he had found out in the streets last week, had been napping in the sun when he closed the door after him.
Now, however, Nyan was nowhere to be found. 
Aone waved the little bell around that Nyan usually loved to play with but she didn’t come running.
He laid flat on his belly and peered in every corner, but no eyes were glinting back at him.
It took him an embarrassingly long time to put two and two together and realize that she must have climbed through the half-open window onto the balcony and from there, he didn’t know…
Aone stepped outside and looked down. His apartment was on the fifth floor and even though he had heard that cats always landed on their feet, he didn’t want to think about Nyan falling from this height.
He heard a soft mewing and turned, hoping to see her hide between the plants he could barely keep alive. Nothing.
His eyes moved over the balcony next to him. There was a cute little pink chair with a matching table and a few flower pots with healthy-looking plants. That was no surprise.
Aone had met his next-door neighbor the day he moved in.
You’d been so sweet, knocking on his door with a plate full of cookies and a friendly smile and he’d been so flustered by your sight and the little dusting of flour on your cheeks that he couldn’t bring his lips to move. He’d gripped the doorframe so hard you had noticed and excused yourself, “not wanting to keep him up if he was tired from moving”.
Aone hadn’t been tired. Just awkward, like always.
After that, he’d only been able to nod at you in passing, his tongue in a knot the moment he thought he’d seen the swish of your hair or caught a whiff of your flowery perfume. 
In a way, you reminded him of Hinata.
Beaming like the sun whenever you meet someone, and never tiring of treating everyone and everything with kindness.
If only you’d been as daring as Hinata when it came to talking to him. 
Aone had always done better with friends who were more forward than he was.
Another sound pulls him from his thoughts and he takes a step forward, realizing that the door leading to your balcony is open. Nyan has likely taken that route.
This is bad. This is very bad.
Sure, it’s not worse than Nyan falling off the balcony, but what if you’re allergic to cats? What if Nyan scared you? A fear of cats is a real thing, he’s read about it once in school.
What if you thought he couldn’t take care of a cat?
Aone hasn’t exactly proven himself worthy of having Nyan today, so he can’t blame you for that.
With shaking knees and a knot in his tongue, he stalks through his apartment and out the door, knocking on yours with a bit too much force.
“Coming!” He hears from inside, giving him just barely enough time to steel himself before the door opens.
“Oh, Aone-kun! Hi!” You smile, and he manages a grunt, trying to untangle his tongue.
“Cat.” He finally gets out.
“Oh, is it yours?” You blink innocently. “I didn’t know you had a cat.”
“Last week.” Aone presses through his teeth. “Found her on the street.”
“Oh really? How sad!” You clutch a hand to your chest, the movement pulling down your sleeve. His eyes flit to the colors adorning your arm. Is it a bruise? No, he realizes, it’s a tattoo.
“This was my first.” You explain and pull your sleeve up further to reveal it. “I really like Octopuses.” 
He blinks, not daring to stretch out his arm and touch your arm.
Somehow, just in that little moment, his impression of you has shifted. 
You’re not some unreachable goddess, but real, like him.
It’s that thought that unravels the knot in his tongue.
“Her name’s Nyan.” Aone says, eyes still locked on your arm. “Because she mews a lot. She talks a lot.”
You laugh. “I noticed. Do you like that?”
“Yes.” He admits eyes on the floor now. “I like to listen.”
“Come in.” You open the door wider. “I don’t mind Nyan coming over for a visit, but I’m sure you’re already missing her.”
Aone nods, unable to form words yet again when he realizes he’s in your apartment.
His eyes dart around, to the plates in the open cupboard you once used to bring him cookies, to the plants on the shelves that seem to wink at him, and the cardigan over the chair that he’s seen you wear at least twice this month.
“It looks like you.” He says because he’s been taught to compliment when shown an apartment.
You laugh, the silver twinkle of it running down his back.
From somewhere behind you, Nyan mews loudly and you gesture for him to follow you.
“She got into my bedroom, don’t mind the mess…” 
Aone follows you through the doorway, heat rising to his cheeks when he sees your unmade bed, your pajama a heap on the middle of the mattress.
It feels indecent to stand so close to you in such a private place and he doesn’t want to know how red his face is right now, his eyes darting around in the search for Nyan.
He finds her, to his horror, in a little woven basket next to your nightstand. The basket must have been filled with yarn before, balls of wool in different colors covering the floor around it now.
“Nyan.” His voice is low but stern and he gingerly takes the few steps necessary to come to her side.
His cat, troublemaker that he now knows her to be, stops in her madness and looks up at him like she’s never done anything wrong in her life.
He picks her up as carefully as he can, strands of wool still hanging from her claws. As he holds her up to his chest, the strands of wool hang around her almost like tentacles and before he can stop himself, he presents his cat to you with one single, stupid word: “Octopus?”
For a second, you stare at him wordlessly. Then, you press a hand against your mouth, but your laugh splutters out like water from a pressure washer.
You’re belly laughing now and he can’t look at you, knows his face is as red as Nekoma’s Volleyball Jerseys. He picks the wool from Nyan’s claws, the cat curling into a purring ball in his left arm. Aone drops to his knees, collects the wool on the floor with one hand and puts it into the basket while you’re still laughing, although it’s growing into more of a giggle now.
He doesn’t look back at you until he’s sure all the wool is back in the basket and he’s standing again.
Your eyes are still gleaming with amusement and even knowing that it’s at his expense, it just makes you more beautiful.
“I am very sorry.” He presses through his teeth. “It will not happen again.”
“That’s a shame.” 
He freezes, your words rolling through his brain like bowling bones in search for cones to hit.
“Your cat is very sweet. Just like her owner.” You step forward and scratch Nyan behind her left ear, your hand dangerously close to his thundering heart.
“I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to stay a bit longer. With Nyan or without her. I could order dinner.” You add on, your voice growing more timid at the end.
He’s doing it again. Staring at you until you’re ready to flee, unable to open his mouth.
Nyan’s sharp claws dig into his arm, pulling him out of his head just long enough to speak.
“I eat a lot.” Aone says and wants to slap a hand to his forehead. What?
You smile. “That’s good. I like ordering a lot.”
Nyan mews loudly, calling for attention and Aone feels like his cat has decided for him.
Months later:
Somewhere in the distance, Nyan mews loudly, calling for her breakfast.
Aone’s head is buried in your hair, arms wrapped around you. It’s Sunday, the one day he gets to sleep in.
“Nyan’s hungry.” You mumble, sleep slurring your words.
“Can wait.” He mutters against your skin, drawing you a little closer.
He’s falling asleep again when the bed dips behind him. He’s got not even a second to prepare himself before the full weight of Nyan, the most spoiled cat in the world, lands on his back.
Nyan mews loudly and once more when Aone pulls back from you, knowing he’ll get no rest before the bowl is filled.
When he slips back into bed five minutes later, you’re already dead asleep again, not even noticing that he pulls you back into his arms.
His cat might be a troublemaker sometimes, but she has very good taste in women.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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mikichko · 6 months
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wc: 446 words info: reader insert, second pov, no use of y/n a/n: going to try and write every other day to try to get my creative juices flowing. we'll see what happens though! enjoy this homage to my mountains
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“i like it here”
your gaze raises at his soft murmur, watching as he pulls a mango free from it’s resting place on the branch. wordlessly, you press the hilt of the knife into his unoccupied palm.
you don’t need him to tell you. the feeling consumes him when he’s here on the mountain. it manifests itself when he closes his eyes as he turns towards the breeze, letting it caress the curves of his face. he explores the forgotten footpaths. like a lover returning home, hoping to commit it all to memory again. his midday dips in the river, clothes forgotten on the shore as he lets the cool water love him the only way it can. even now, as his eyes flitter across the landscape, drinking in every detail as if committing it to memory, you know that the mountain has overtaken him.
he turns the fruit over in his hand, gently prodding it’s sides before gliding the knife through it’s flesh. you watch the knife slide out, the juice of the fruit barely beginning to gather on it’s edges. Aone sticks the knife into the trunk of the tree, picking up the newly separated mango piece and sinking his teeth into it.
a low groan of satisfaction leaves him, bringing heat to your cheeks. you watch a blissful expression overtake his face, brought on by the explosion of sweetness. in a slow pull, his top teeth scrape across the inside of the mango, pulling with it the meat of the fruit, his bottom teeth following suit on the outer skin of the mango. small drops of juice escape the sides of his mouth, you catch them with your thumbs.
“i can tell. you eat mango like a local now.”
you steal a bite from the other untouched end of the sliced fruit. he glows at you, cheeks red from the constant tropical heat. the blush enhanced by the way that wayward strands stick to his forehead with sweat.
you stroke his cheek, enamored by a man who makes you feel so much love through the single act of eating a mango.
“what if we stayed here?”
your eyes close, instinctively shaking your head slightly and huffing out a low laugh.
“jiji would kill me. both of us, actually. and then find a way to bring us both back so that he could do it all over again.”
aone huffs, slicing off another piece of the tender fruit. “he’d understand if he were here.”
you hum, leaning on Aone and wrapping an arm around him, “we could bring him”
he looks down at you, eyes softening around the edges, “i’d really like that”
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he is such a sweetheart!
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