#Aoto Station
neiptune · 7 months
on the outside of the greatest inside joke
cw: 3k wc, female reader, reader goes to therapy, enemies to potential lovers, swearing, pining, you simply can't believe the same tsukki your best friend has told you about ends up being the biggest asshole you've ever met. thank you @tetsuskei for helping me with this one!!!
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Kenma’s pace is slow as he walks next to you, hands buried in the pockets of what is probably a very expensive jacket. He doesn’t seem fazed but you know he’s secretly pleased about the guy who stopped him right after getting off the subway, so pleased you had to gently pull him by the sleeve to remind him that it was getting late. The pout was there: no doubt, he would’ve loved to stay and spend the evening discussing fortnite strategies with a complete stranger who swore didn’t miss a single one of his streams.
“Why are you coming anyway?” he shoots you a glance from the corner of his eye “you could’ve spared yourself this torture”
“Tetsu insisted. I’m actually curious, I only ever met a few of your high school friends” you lightly nudge his shoulder with yours. He pulls a face.
“You’d like Shoyo but he couldn’t make it. The amplified version of him will be there, though”
“The amplified version?” you chuckle.
“Yeah. You’ll see”
“Stop pretending to be grumpy, I know you’re happy to see them again”
His golden eyes find your fond smile and he scoffs. “Tetsu insisted” 
“Whatever you say, Kenny”
“Don’t call me that ever again”
You stick your tongue out and Kenma rolls his eyes, turns his head the other way to hide a small smile. You’re actually happy you managed to form some sort of bond with him, somehow climb over the wall of paralizing shyness that has followed him like a shadow to his current quite popular, very successful days. Tetsu loves him dearly and so do you. Whether he sees you as a friend or as a presence that doesn’t necessarily bug him, isn’t really important. Kenma likes you enough to call to ask if you’d be down to head to the apartment together and gently take the bag containing the bottle of wine you insisted on bringing from your hand. That’s more than enough.
Tetsu’s apartment is in a fancy enough condominium, at walking distance from the Omotosando station. Aoto, the concierge, knows both you and Kenma by now and you bow to each other as soon as you walk through the carriage porch to enter the complex. Sometimes you still can’t believe the little kid with perpetually scraped knees who used to collect his ball from your backyard, toothy grin so big it took over his entire face, now has a house with heated floors and a freaking mist sauna.
A foreign, boisterous laugh echoes through the empty hallway the second you step out of the elevator and Kenma meets your astonished glance with a shrug. “Told you. Amplified”
The door swings open before you have the chance to knock, your handsome, disheveled friend grinning so hard his dimples are showing. “Finally! Took you long enough!” Tetsuro pulls you in a hug to tight you groan and a laugh rumbles in his chest at your playful attempts at pushing him back.
“Are you drunk already?” Kenma gets inside with outstanding nonchalance, skilfully escaping the hand that threatens to ruffle his perfectly styled hair. 
“Of course not, we were waiting for you to get the party started” you finally manage to escape his ironclad embrace but Kuroo simply refuses to let go and barely gives you the time to kick your shoes off before throwing an arm around your shoulders and quite literally pulling you inside.
There’s a small group of people crammed around the horigotatsu table in the living room. Despite his appetite for fanciness and expensive taste, Tetsu always preserved a sense of tradition that, to this day, brings him comfort. You remember the evenings spent at his grandparents’, all the dinners shared around that very same table.
“Everyone, please pay your respects to my second best friend in the entire world!” he pushes your head down in a forced bow with a grin and you swat his hand away with a chuckle.
“Oh my god, it’s you! Finally!” round, golden colored eyes that glimmer with sincere delight are suddenly in your line of vision, along with spiky grey hair and a muscular build that just screams pro-athlete.
“Hello!” you smile “I’m—”
“I know! Call me Kotaro!” he grabs your hand to energetically shake it but you can tell he’s barely containing the urge to suffocate you in a hug. Oh. You chuckle as realization suddenly washes over you. Of course you know who he is, too.
“Hi, Kotaro. You’re the first celebrity I get to meet”
He dramatically clutches his chest, astonished stare finding a very skeptical Kuroo who is looking at you with a frown.
“A celebrity. Oh, she’s wonderful. Where were you keeping her, Tetsuro? A celebrity. Keiji, did you hear that? She called me a celebrity! Can’t wait to tell Atsumu, he’s gonna hate it” Bokuto grins so wide you can’t help but mirror his genuine joy “come sit! Move over Tsukki, she’s sitting next to me” he locks his arm with yours and you slip out of your best friend’s hold with ease and a giggle. That is until Kotaro frees your sightline and you freeze on the spot as soon as your eyes find those of the last person you’d expect to find there, casually snacking on a bowl of senbei. His hand stills mid air when your gaze meets his stoic one.
“What the hell” he mutters, voice every bit as annoying as you recall. Somewhere on your forehead, a vein throbs.
“What the hell indeed” you turn to look at Kuroo with an outraged grimace distorting your features “you know him? As in he’s your friend?”
“Who, Tsukki?” Tetsuro cocks his head “yeah, of course? I’m sure I mentioned him more than once”
“That one’s Tsukki? The fun, talented, kind kohai from high school?!” it’s clear that skepticism is oozing from every syllabe and Kuroo is taken aback, mouth opening and closing like a koi fish. 
“I was never his kohai” the absolutely indifferent pitch makes your blood boil.
“I wasn’t asking you”
“Hmm” the hint of a smile teases his lips “you’re being kinda rude. Again”
“Okay, I’m honestly lost here” Kuroo clears his throat but Bokuto lets out an amused laugh at complete odds with your suddenly sour mood.
“Let’s sit, so you can tell us all about the fascinating sparks that are flying here” the wink he offers is met with a grimace.
“There are no sparks—”
“You haven’t met Keiji yet! Here, give me your coat, Tetsuro will take care of it” you’re quite literally dragged to the table and then down on the floor, before you can protest or beg Kenma to sit next to you. For some foreign reason, Bokuto has you uncomfortably squeezing between him and the last person you’d want to sit next to who, for the record, is doing absolutely nothing to make room for you. Which, unfortunately, means that your leg is flush against his and your arm is dangerously close to be grazing the sleeve of his black shirt.
“This is Akaashi” Kenma, sitting across from you, politely comes to the rescue and nods toward the one stranger you haven’t been introduced to yet.
“I’m sorry” you duck your head with an apologetic smile “nice to meet you. I promise I’m usually pleasant to be around”
The little smile he tosses back supports you immensely in the grim task of ignoring the snort that comes from your left. “You wouldn’t be able to endure Tetsuro if you weren’t”
“Yes, yes, that’s enough small talk” Kuroo, hands free from your coat, arms occupied with more snacks and the wine you brought, flops down next to Kenma and narrows his eyes “tell the story”
“What story?”
Tsukishima sighs, patience already running thin. “He’s asking about us. Not really the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?”
“I see, so you’re just as much of a pain in the ass in your everyday life too. As expected” you don’t even look at him as you accept the bowl of chips a frowning Tetsuro is offering. If Bokuto’s eyebrows could shoot higher, they’d be hanging on the ceiling by now.
“What happened?” Kuroo is one snarky comeback away from imploding.
“She’s the reason why I couldn’t get my coffee this morning” Tsukishima’s bored inflection is what prompts you to finally look at him. For a second, just a split second, you’re startled. By what, exactly? You’re not sure. He’s drinking from a can of beer so the pink on his cheeks was to be expected. What wasn’t expected is the speed at which his eyes dart to you in turn. Those glasses do an awful job at hiding just how big and brown they are. Are those golden specks? You’d have to get closer to find out but that would mean breathing in more of that masculine, woody cologne. Suddenly, you’re all too aware of how hot and sturdy his thigh feels against yours.
“Well, that’s an awfully long pause” Bokuto snickers from your right and you flinch, pulling back so abruptly your back hits his chest.
Tsukishima offers another one of his enigmatic smirks.
“He’s the reason we’ve been kicked out of the coffee shop” you grumble. The skin of your face feels on fire when you meet Kenma’s skeptical stare. You know him well enough to grasp that he’s clearly assuming something entirely different than what’s to assume.
“And that’s happened how?” Akaashi’s gentle voice serves as an anchor you find yourself grabbing onto for dear life.
“I’ll tell you exactly how that happened”
The place is busy and it’s your first time trying it out. The advice came directly from your therapist: trying something new opens up the possibility to find joy in something new. And that’s precisely why you’ve been staring at the list of hot beverages, cold beverages, drinks, cocktails, mocktails, teas, iced teas and desserts hung right behind the cashier.
“Have you decided?” the woman is smiling but you can tell her eye is one second away from starting to twitch.
“Uh, not yet? I’m sorry, just a second” your eyes keep frantically scanning the options over and over again but it’s like your brain is failing to register them, palms sweaty, self-awareness gnawing at your alarmed mind.
“Can you hurry up? Some of us can’t spend the day waiting in line” the sharp, annoyed voice makes you jump and you turn around to apologize, tears practically teasing the corners of your eyes already, but you find a young man looking back at you with such an infuriating scowl that the apology dies on your tongue.
“Menu is the other way” he points an annoyingly long finger toward the wall behind you “just get a cinnamon vanilla latte with soy milk and caramel drizzle or something and let’s get going”
The condescending, bordering mocking suggestion is what infuriates you the most and suddenly all the humiliation you were feeling leaves room for nothing but rage.
“Why don’t you learn to act as a civilized being instead of a primitive asshole?”
“You have ten people who’ve been waiting for you to make up your mind for the past hour and I’m the asshole?”
“I would be done by now if you hadn’t rudely interrupted me!”
“Hey…” the cashier attempts to chime in but your anxiety and frustration are getting the better of you and this stranger is just being so unnecessarily mean.
“And, for the record, that is so not my usual order!”
His eyebrows furrow and a tiny crease appears between them, right above the bridge of his infuriatingly petite nose.
“I’m sorry if I came off the wrong way” he balances the words carefully, with a seemingly sweet inflection “truth is, I couldn’t care less about your usual order. Just order anything before we all grow collectively old here”
You let out a scoff with an incredulous smile. “You really are the biggest prick I’ve ever met”
“I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to ask you both to leave” the cashier interrupts the ridiculous quarrel and the humiliation is back in all its glory, the annoyed stares of all those standing in line suddenly burning through your body.
“I hope you’re not insinuating that any of this is even remotely my fault” the stranger is visibly experiencing utter disbelief but really, you’re done. A quick bow to the cashier and a barely uttered apology to the strangers still waiting for their turn is all you manage to put together before heading out. Oh, the entire thing is going to become such a fun conversation to have with your therapist.
“Hope you’re happy, I only arrived in Tokyo half an hour ago and I’m already out of the best coffee in Ueno” the voice, the literal stuff nightmares are made of, follows you outside and once again you are denied a very much needed crying sesh. Jesus, fuck this guy. Seriously, fuck him. So what if you took a little too long? Hasn’t he ever heard of distress? Fatigue? Just how familiar is he with the human emotional spectrum exactly?
“You may as well choke on your next coffee for all I care” you direct him a saccharine smile and the way his jaw tenses can finally count as a small win.
“How civilized of you”
“Hope you have a horrible day!” you wave and turn around to march back to your neighborhood, to your favorite cafe, to the coffee order that hasn’t let you down once in the past ten years. Phone in hand, you’re already calling Tetsuro to tell him all about your horrible, horrible morning. Only to curse under your breath when, against all odds because who the hell could he even be talking to this early, you’re met with a busy tone.
“Wait, she’s the crazy coffee shop girl you were telling me about?” Kuroo stares at his friend in complete shock and Tsukishima’s lips twitch.
Bokuto lets out a low whistle. “Wow. What a heated first encounter”
“I feel like I couldn’t properly convey just how presumptuous he was” you hope you have found an accomplice at least in Akaashi, who seems the only genuinely sane person in the room and yes, that’s including you firsthand.
“There’s no need, we’ve known him since high school” he succeeds in drawing a smile and you’re grateful. You wish you were sitting next to him instead of the annoyingly-tall-even-when-seated dude who scoffs once more.
“I feel so welcome, thank god I accepted to take part in this reunion” Tsukishima finishes his beer with a single, long sip.
“Of course you’re welcome, Kei!” Bokuto leans over from behind your back to squeeze his friend’s shoulder “you just need to hone your social skills some more!”
“She gets nervous” Kenma’s calm voice cuts through the conversation and, as it usually happens, all eyes turn to him in quiet surprise “in unfamiliar situations, when she’s doing something different. She gets nervous” he doesn’t look at you, he isn’t looking at anyone really. The dorayaki tray seems to be the only one deserving his undivided attention.
There’s a pause. Tetsuro’s stare softens when he locks eyes with you.
“Yeah, that’s true. Insecurity can be easily played off as aggressiveness, did you know?” his signature smirk is back when his eyes shift to Tsukishima. The leg still pressing against yours gets suddenly stiff.
“Enough talking about me” your chuckle sounds forced and Kenma looks up from the tray “I want to know all about high school and volleyball” you avoid his gaze and refuse to meet Tetsuro’s, the giant smile tense at the corners directed at Bokuto and Akaashi only.
They indulge you. In fact, they all do, and soon enough your little dispute is forgotten and the atmosphere gets less tense. You decide to be the bigger person and, instead of pretending Tsukishima isn’t even there, you politely look at him when he talks and laugh if any playful banter rises between him and Kuroo. You don’t notice that Tsukki looks and listens too, when you’re deep in conversation with someone else or reply to Bokuto’s dumb never have I ever statements. He finds it odd that you two end up drinking almost the same amount, a list of seemingly stupid shared experiences that grows longer the more the game continues around the circle.
Tsukishima Kei doesn’t feel guilty, he’s just good at admitting to himself when he’s wrong. Not that anyone else needs to know, of course. The habit of being too quick to judge others has followed him ever since high school and it annoys him that, as an adult, he still doesn’t know better. Does he want to make this right because he’s not sure he’ll have the chance to do so again? Is the beer clouding his mind, making his body move on autopilot when he gets up shortly after you disappear into Kuroo’s kitchen? Either way, he’s there when you turn around with a tray of fresh mini sandwiches and you’re not immediately bolting by him and he thinks this would be a wonderful time for his big brain to put a few judicious words together.
But then you awkwardly shift your weight from one foot to the other and clear your throat. “I’m sorry about this morning. And for insinuating that you’re a caveman” you shrink in yourself a little, head hanging lower.
“And for hoping I choke on my next coffee?”
You snort out what almost sounds like a laugh. “Yeah, definitely. That was mean. But, honestly, you—”
“I was an asshole” he calmly interrupts, the actual apology clawing at his throat to come out to no avail “happens a lot, or so I’m told”
When you finally look up from what you’re holding in your hands and your lips curl into a smile so sincere, Tsukishima almost smiles back. What the hell.
“Let’s chalk it up to us both having a bad morning. Deal?”
He stares for a second too long, then gently offers “deal” and you leave the kitchen with a friendly nod, fully missing out on the opportunity to catch an amused twitch of the lips, honeyed gaze turning inexplicably soft.
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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TV Guide & TV Station Magazine (Kansai Editions) ft. King-Ohger Cast Interviews for Adventure Heaven (translation below, spoilers)
TV Guide: Half movie talk (beginning), half fun free talk (second half)
TV Station: All movie talk . . . _
TV Guide (page 38-39)
Sakai: The film has wonderful guests such as Shido Nakamura-san and voice actress Ayane Sakura-san. The interaction with them left a deep impression on me.
Watanabe: There's a scene where Gira (Sakai) fights with Reiniol, who is played by Shido-san.
Sakai: There's also a scene where it looked like they were performing tsubazeriai (crossing swords and getting in each others faces).
🕷️Ikeda: Was it really intense when you faced each other?
Sakai: It was too intense! The atmosphere created the moment the cameras started rolling was beyond overwhelming, and it almost felt like I was being "swallowed up." I thought I was going all out, but I guess I wasn't. When we decided to do one more take, Shido-san said, "Come on!" He was very enthusiastic.
All: Whoa~!
Sakai: It feels like I'm only half joking, but he created an atmosphere that said, "Come at me again," I was able to give it everything I had.
Murakami: During the filming of Gira's coronation, I had an opportunity to talk with Sakura-san, who played Devonica. We all had the chance to talk with her and noticed she has a really nice voice.
Hirakawa: It almost resonates.
Murakami: We learned a lot about voices. She performed various voice patterns in front of me, such as low, high, resonant, straight, and a voice with an emotional range. It's an experience that only you can only see in this film.
🐝Kaku: Like the TV series, the CG in this film is amazing. We were surprised to see such original backgrounds, which are even more beautiful and fantastic than those in the TV series. As we watched it on the monitor we were amazed while going, "Oooh." I hope everyone can experience the scale of this film at the theater.
Hirakawa: I think the story is enjoyable, and contains a strong message.
🕷️Ikeda: I would like to encourage you all to see it on the big screen, as I'm sure you'll be impressed by how it evolves from the TV series in so many ways.
Sakai: It's been about half a year since the TV series started filming, and everyone in the cast is naturally getting closer to each other.
🐝Kaku: (to Murakami) You've been making alot of funny faces recently, right?
Murakami: Eeeh? you noticed?!
🕷️Ikeda: When you're tired right? (laughs).
Murakami: Mainly when I start my "engine," or when I'm sleepwalking. Sometimes it seems as if I'm not listening to what others are saying. The other day, Aoto-kun was holding a bottle of water and saying something weird like, "If you want this water, you have to pay 1,000 yen."
Watanabe: If you cut that just that part out, it sounds like a totally unfunny joke! (laughs)
Hirakawa: I'll start from the very beginning (laughs). Aoto-kun walked along a muddy road in the heat to get water for the film site.
🐝Kaku: It took about 20 minuets.
Hirakawa: That's why he jokingly said, "1 bottle is 1,000 yen."
Murakami: But I had just woken up from sleeping and was still feeling abit fuzzy, so I accepted what he said with as normal with a, "Thank you," while making no comments (laughs). If I were my normal self, I would've been more careful and said something. But in this worksite, you can be relaxed without worrying about anything.
Sakai: Lately, you've even started to make yourself laugh (laughs).
Murakami: I was able to train myself, since everyone is so good at boke-tsukkomi (double act)
🐝Kaku: My arms, are up (banzai) (laughs).
Hirakawa: It's about relationship trust. You can go big, because I think everyone will pick up on it.
Sakai: That's right. If you say something, someone will surely pick up on it.
Murakami: Thank you.
Sakai: Finally, which of the 5 countries in the story would you rather live in?
Murakami: I'd want to live in the country of Toufu, where Kaguragi (Kaku) is a Lord. I think it'd be really fun being one of the his citizens, because it's full of hospitality and delicious foods.
🐝Kaku: If there's filming in Toufu, rice is always served.
Hirakawa: Their rice is very tasty. I'd like to live in the country of N'Kosopa, where Yanma (Watanabe) is King, and I'd enjoy my life relying on technology. I want to leave everything to the machines and say, "Take care of me."
Watanabe: Although it's not depicted, I've always thought that there's a sauna in the country of Gokkan, where Rita (Hirakawa) is the King. That's why I want to go to Gokkan, for the sauna.
Hirakawa: If I ordered it, they might make one, but it's too cold to bathe in the open air of Gokkan (laughs).
Watanabe: I see (laughs).
🐝Kaku: For me it's Queen Hymeno's (Murakami) country of Ishabana. If I have an injury on my knee or shoulder and I want it to be healed, it'd be easy to do so.
Sakai: I think I could become macho.
🐝Kaku: Yes, yes. I'm sure you're doing a lot of health research on that.
Sakai: I'm not…
🐝Kaku: Say Toufu.
Sakai: Maybe Ishabana…
🐝Kaku: Why not?! (laughs)
Sakai: Maybe it is Toufu. I like the country side feel of the place! It's like there's nothing there…
🐝Kaku: "Nothing." That's a bit harsh, isn't it? (laughs)
Sakai: I'm joking, I'm joking (laughs)
🕷️Ikeda: For me it's N'Kosopa. I want to play games with Yanma and win.
Watanabe: Oooh~ sounds good!
Hirakawa: Well, It's a tie (laughs).
🕷️Ikeda: Shugoddam isn't popular, huh…(laughs).
Murakami: Shugoddam is a country full of small happiness, but many forms of it.
Watanabe: But, if I were to bring my camera, I would take it to Shugoddam. The architecture there is beautiful.
🕷️Ikeda: It's a European-styled town…and what do you mean "if you bring a camera?" (laughs)
Sakai: The question was "if you want to live there." (laughs)
TV Station Magazine (page 96-97)
"Bonds of the Young Kings"
Sakai: The first film for Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger will be released, and when I first read its script, I was very excited to see how the coronation of Gira would turn out, and thought alot about how I would act out his responsibility as king.
Watanabe: When I read the script for the confrontation scene in the film's climax between Gira and Reiniol (Shido Nakamura), the first King of the Kingdom of Death, It made me remember my audition. At that time, I was asked to watch a confrontation scene between Gira and Racules (Masato Yano), and Gira truly looked as though he was shining. As for myself, between the two of them, I was more influenced by Reiniol's way of thinking this time, but even still, I want the children to see Gira succeed.
Murakami: There were multiple scenes in the film where I thought I saw a new side out of all six of us. I wasn't sure how the scene where Hymeno meets her parents in the Kingdom of Death would be executed, so I prepared myself alittle for that part before we started filming.
Hirakawa: I was curious how we would film Gira's coronation and, on a personal level, how we would express a side of Rita that they had not shown before in the TV series. I was looking forward to it, but was also a little worried about possibly ruining what I had established so far.
🐝Kaku: I was very excited about the whole story, including the development of Gira's determination to become king despite hesitating. There are scenes where Kaguragi touches on his past mistakes, and It makes me understand what kind of mindset he had when he became king, so I can't wait to see how it plays out in the film.
🕷️Ikeda: I was honestly impressed by Gira's words. Going to the Kingdom of Death made me think a lot about the meaning of my life and, "what does happiness mean?" I think you'll be able to realize it, that even the smallest of happiness is such a wonderful thing.
Murakami: Between takes, I had a chance to talk with Ayane Sakura-san (Devonica), and she showed me how she does her voice in various patterns while right in front of me. It was a unique experience that can only be seen in this film.
🐝Kaku: The whole film was shot with green screen, but the backgrounds of the world were more magical than those found in the TV series. I was truly impressed by how beautiful the CG was.
Sakai: I think it was the scene where Shido-san and I are fighting. I wanted to go all out, but I guess I was alittle nervous, and the scene lacked some impact. When they decided to shoot the scene one more time, Shido-san said, "Come on!" he was very encouraging and created an atmosphere of excitement. Thanks to him, I was able to give it my all.
🕷️Ikeda: The cost of Gira's coronation has become a hot topic for some time. It's really cool, isn't it? It seems to be one of the main points this time.
Sakai: I also thought it was cool.
🐝Kaku: Also, the fight scene at the end is cool. Saying famous quotes before battle.
🕷️Ikeda: I think the film shows off everyone's good sides, such as how a king is supposed to act.
Watanabe: The part where each king confronts their past, Hymeno's scene had additional dialogue at the end, didn't it?
Murakami: I added the lines.
Watanabe: That part was really well done. I personally thought it was cool.
Murakami: I didn't know how it was going to turn out, and I was also worried about it, so…thank you (laughs).
Hirakawa: Gira, Yamma, and Rita perform actions in their pre-transformation stage. We worked hard on it, and I think it came out looking cool.
Murakami: I also really like the way in which Kaguragi confronts the past Queen.
🐝Kaku: Thank you. The scene with Yanma and Shiokara (Chiwata Yuhei) is also interesting.
Watanabe: Gira is both very straightforward and cool, so I hope that children will think, "I want to be like Gira too." With that, I hope you'll come to the movie theater with your family to see it.
Murakami: Each line has its own message, and feels like it has weight to it, so I would be happy if you could feel them as well.
Hirakawa: I think the message is very strong as the kings face their past. The story is also connected to the TV series, so I hope that you;ll enjoy.
🐝Kaku: The production of the film is different from that of TV series, so I'm sure that when people see the film, they'll think, "King-Ohger looks very interesting."
🕷️Ikeda: The world view of King-Ohger will evolve further and will definitely impress you when you see it on the big screen, so please come and see it.
Sakai: I would like you to see the determination of each king on the big screen. I'd be very happy if you could come to the theater to see this film, which we put alot of effort into. We look forward to seeing you!
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mofffun · 1 year
Sakai Taisei first IG Live (Aug 29)
archive until Aug 30 7pm Japan time.
Kaku-san, Erica, Yuzuki all there in the comments section the whole time. Chiwata-san and Masashi showed up.
"Yano-san, are you here? Yano-san hasn't come yet?"
New costume
I look more like Racules…
like the mantle Gira took from Racules
Favourite King-Ohger scene?
a lot, because every episode is like the final episode.
the one all six gathered and transformed together against the diamond monster - which episode is it? 
(comments (with Erica & Chiwata-san) reminded him it's 19)
*ask audience for their favourites*
*doesn't know you need to scroll down to read comments*
Favourite movies?
well there's this french director.... *nervous laughs* Can I say this? I saw its re-showing with friends recently, The Mother and the Whore (1973 French film). For Japanese movies, it's "Machi no Ue de" by Imaizumi Rikiya.
Can I become King and cool like Gira? 
ehhh... how should I answer this? ummm anyone can do it with a Royal Arms.
Looking back on King-Ohger and Gira
Recently, really appreciates Gira's empathy. I grew together with Gira. Compared to when we first started, I feel calmer and more dependable on set.
What does the cast do in-between takes?
Impersonation. *manager (?) reminded him to try do it* "Otto" <- exactly the same as Jeramie
Would you like kids to call you by your own name or your character?
Both. I was very happy to hear little kids called to Gira, felt like I got energy from them.
What's your dream growing up and from now on?
Childhood dream was soccer player. Now... nothing big really. just giving my best every moment.
If King-oh cast is a family, what's your role?
eh? What do you think, Kaku-san? We need to discuss this together...
Kaku-san: Papa.
Aoto: Eldest brother
Mari & Yuzuyan: middle daughters
Me & Masashi: youngest
I don't know ><
Amusement Park in Kyushuu PR trip
Masashi is scared of the roller coaster. Aoto and I were sitting in front so we can't see the expressions of Kaku-san and Masashi behind us. When we looked back at the videos, Masashi's face turned blue.
Haunted House: Mari and Yuzuyan ran away. Yuzuyan is scared of haunted houses/ghosts so Mari ran away with her. (Erica comment: we went for a girl's date~) I'm not as scared of ghosts as much as I'm bad with jumpscares. But Kaku-san, even when I shouted at the jumpscare, he was always emotionless. That in turn scared me. Incredible, Kaku-san.
Summer Station
I was very nervous! I'm not good at facing a large crowd. Sorry for bringing trouble to the other five members. Thank you for saving me. The supportive atmosphere from the fans is overwhelming. I feel particularly encouraged by the little kids's energy.
Your parents' reaction to the movie?
They came to the greetings in Fukouka (Taisei's hometown), in the first row. Everyone can spot them at once. I didn't know we looked that much alike. Surprisingly, they don't have much to say, but I'm just happy we found time to share a meal.
*Erica emphasized SCREENSHOT TIME*
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harukakitous · 1 year
team wings being adorable
Yuzuki (Rita) commenting under Masashi (Jeramie) and Aoto's (Yanma) selfie on Instagram:
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Yuzuki: Tomorrow you and Ritachi take a photo together~ lol
Aoto: Wai a human paragon~ (I presume he's emulating Rita's imitation of Moffun haha)
The photos in question:
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More cute wings things under the cut:
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Yuzuki: The third day of Samasute (Summer Station)!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out in the hot weather today! Today I was able to join the N'Kosopa group 💻. It was fun 😚 Finally, the 26th (Wednesday) will be our last appearance! Please enjoy 😉
Aochi and Ritachi 🎧🦋 (referring to the pictures she posted above)
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Aoto really likes his hashtags lol
Aoto: #Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger #Samasute #Thank you #We have received so much power in three days #The Judge looks like they had lot of fun
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Yuzuki really likes her emojis haha
Yuzuki: 🎧🦋‪
The third day of Samasute! Everyone came out in the hot weather today too! Thank you so much 🥹
I appeared with the N'Kosopa members 💻 Thanks for including me! lol
Finally, the 26th will be out last appearance! Next will be RitaMor, Kaguragi, and Jeramie appearing so I hope you look forward to it 🤗
Aochi and Ritachi took a picture as promised ~ lol
#Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger #King-Ohger #Samasute #Aochi and #Ritachi
(the way they both keep on using aochi and ritachi is killing me...)
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Aoto's story (left on mobile, above on desktop): Thank you so much for three days of Samasute!! I was really happy to see everyone's smiles. I'm not kidding really. (Big text): RITACHI
Yuzuki's story (right on mobile, below on desktop): Thank you so much for three days of Samasute! Here are the pictures I promised 😚 lol (Big text) Aochi and Ritachi lol
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stationpic01 · 2 years
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2018.11.3 Aoto Station 京成電鉄 本線 青砥駅
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tokyoshrine · 10 months
The Japan you don't know. Protecting yourself from the plague. Pictures of Japanese people a hundred years ago
Nakahara Hachiman Shrine 2-2-2 Aoto, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo
The shrine stands in a bustling location just outside Aoto Station.
Once you enter the shrine grounds, you will hear the sound of insects and the atmosphere will change to a remote one that you would not expect to find in a busy downtown area.
The shrine treasure here is an ema (votive picture tablet) depicting a prayer for the eradication of a plague. They leave us with a picture of Japanese people who have been desperately trying to survive.
#Japan #Japanese
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muratagawa · 1 year
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Aoto station, Katsuhika-ku, Tokyo, June 2023
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passerine-writes · 1 year
Silent Sparks - Volt 29
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities and scars, minor medical shit Word count: 3133
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts Espeon is Shinsou
Volt 28 | Volt 30
After hours of training, my muscles were sore and I was exhausted as I sat on the phone with my parents.
"Hey little listener, how was the first day of interning? Save any lives?" I sarcastically rolled my eyes at Pops, the phone on speaker so I could talk to him and Dad. They're voices sounded distant though, if I didn't focus, I probably wouldn't catch a word either of them said.
"I take it you guys saw the news?"
"Yes we did, it's still running if you want to see it for yourself." I sat up and turned on the TV in my room, clicking to the news station and waiting a few minutes until it aired again.
"Earlier today, at approximately 2:30 this afternoon, a hero in training going by Sonus, saved a small boy from being crushed by a car going one hundred and ten miles per hour (177 kilometers per hour) in Tokyo. Here is the video surveillance from a small shop across the street." The video flipped to earlier today, and I watched as I was talking to the boy and signing his notebook, the car coming around and the frame changed again, the screen splitting in half with the news reporter as the footage was slowed down. "Look closely, just before the car fully rounds the corner, Sonus calls to Endeavor and the other student interning before picking up the child and getting both him and the child out of the way safely. Yet Sonus doesn't stop there, if you look at how he's holding the kid well, it looks as though he's making sure he doesn't see the wreck and still, he does more. He stays with the child until his mother arrives and informs the mother of her sons condition. Here's a few words from the mother and son duo." The screen switched to the Rikuta's.
"Miss Rikuta, in your own words, can you tell us what happened today?" The on scene reporter asked.
"My son and I were out shopping today and he saw Endeavor across the street. He's always been a fan so he asked if he could go over and ask for his autograph and I told him he could. A few minutes later I heard a big crash and came running outside but the ambulances were already there and Sonus was staying with him to keep him safe." The reported knelt down next to Aoto.
"Can you tell me everything that happened with Sonus today?"
"He was so cool! He signed my notebook for me too!" He held up his notebook and the camera zoomed in on my signature before zooming out. "He helped get me out of the way and kept me safe the whole time! It was super scary when I couldn't hear anything but he made sure I was okay! Thank you, Sonus!" His mom crouched down next to him.
"Thank you for saving my baby, Sonus. We can't thank you enough." I smiled to myself as the screen changed back to the news reporter.
"There you have it. Sonus now has one of the youngest hero debuts in history." I turned off the television, smiling to myself.
'This is why I want to be a hero.'
"We're proud of you, Onryo." My heart swelled happily from hearing my dad tell me that.
"Thank you Dad. I kinda got chewed out by Endeavor after and then I lectured him for lecturing me and he sort of, uh, shut down?" Pops was laughing and I could practically see Dad's confusion. So I explained and it only enticed Pops to laugh harder.
"I'm going to go make coffee." I focused and barely heard Dads footsteps over the phone before I quickly broke out in laughter with Pops.
"We're seriously proud of you, when we saw you on the news we thought you were hurt but that thankfully wasn't the case. How'd it feel to save your first person?"
"Surreal. I never thought it would come this soon. Thank you for designing the glasses for me, Pops. That's what got me to see the car coming." Pops let out a tense breath.
"I'm glad I stuck with my original design. How are you coping with the short sleeves?" I groaned and ran a hand down my face.
"You already know the answer to that."
"I know, little listener. I'm sorry for going with short sleeves, the only reason I did is because I don't want to get a call or see on the news one day that you blacked out from the heat. Especially cause I went with your favorite color for the majority of it. Your winter suit though, will probably be more to your liking." I let out a breath and debated on how exactly to word this.
"I just don't want people to know about my scars. My friends already found out about the ones on my back and the one on my face I can't really hide. Even the kid today asked me about it but he was nicer than most would be. Plus it was general child curiosity so I can't fault him for that. I just don't want any more of my classmates finding things out and risking the judgement."
"I know kiddo, your dad told me about your friends finding out and I'm surprised that you reacted as well as you did. Okay, your dad's out of the room so I have to ask, what's going on with you and Kaminari?" I blushed at the mention of him, shocked that I even reacted that way.
"He's still being my fake boyfriend, that guy from C is relentless and it's getting irritating. I definitely have a crush on him, but there's too many unknowns plus I've only known him for about a month." He hummed thoughtfully.
"Makes sense, and don't worry about Sho. I'll work my magic and get him onboard with breaking the 'no loud blonds' rule." I couldn't help but laugh again, saying my goodnights to my parents before checking my messages.
From Espeon: Hey, I saw you on the news, good job today.
From Espeon: But if you scare me like that again I'll kill you.
To Espeon: I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean to scare you. It's weird having a debut already though
I couldn't help but laugh more at what I saw Mina named the group chat.
Tsukababes Pokémon
(Boldore - Kirishima, Venomoth - Mina, Scraggy - Sero, Pikachu - Kaminari, Whismur - Tsukare)
From Boldore: Did you guys see the news???
From Venomoth: No, why??
From Scraggy: I just looked, holy shit Tsuka! Congrats!!
From Pikachu: What happened?!?!?
From Boldore: Tsukabro already had his hero debut! He saved a kid from a car going wayyy over the speed limit!
From Whismur: Thank you :) I honestly wasn't expecting that to happen today
From Venomoth: 1 image attachment
I looked at the picture and saw me on the news holding Aoto after the crash.
From Venomoth: Can we just take a moment to appreciate how AMAZING Tsukababes would be as an older brother?? Look at him!!!
From Scraggy: 1 image attachment
I slowly started laughing more as all four joined in. Sero sent a picture of me crouched down talking to the kid.
From Scraggy: Mina's got a fair point, he's a natural!
From Boldore: 1 image attachment
Kiri sent a photo zoomed in on my bicep.
From Boldore: Can we appreciate how manly he is? Look at those muscles!
From Pikachu: 1 image attachment
I choked on air laughing when I saw a picture zoomed in on my thighs and ass.
From Pikachu: DAT ASS, BRO!
From Scraggy: Dude, have some respect lmao
From Venomoth: Respectfully, Kaminari has a point
From Boldore: I'm staying out of this 😶
Before I could respond, there was a knock on my door. I announced that they could come in and saw Todoroki standing at my door with a blank expression.
"Hey, Todoroki. What's up?" For some reason, I didn't shirk away at him seeing me in a tank top. Maybe it's because I know he understands and know him enough to process he won't judge or say anything.
"The walls are on the thinner side and I heard you laughing, I assumed you put a comedy on and was going to ask if I could join you." I shook my head but gestured for him to come inside.
"I was just laughing because some of our classmates are being funny and earlier my dad was too." His eyebrows furrowed together.
"Aizawa can be funny?" I cracked a smile and nodded.
"Him being funny is similar to you being funny, it's unintentional." He stared at the floor for a moment but nodded. "Would you want to take a picture with me to send to the group chat of a few of our classmates? I can add you to it, if you'd like." He hesitantly sat on the edge of my bed as I spoke, I could almost see his mind calculating.
"So far I only have Midoriya's number, who's in the group chat?"
"It's me, Kirishima, Mina, Sero and Kaminari." He thought for a moment.
"No thank you, I'm not looking to make friends right now. I suppose I can take the picture with you though." I smirked and sat up again.
"You might not have been trying to, but you're my friend so you already made at least one this year." He sent me a barely there smile and I smiled back before standing up, going over to the bathroom and waving him over. "For the picture, we're gonna take one of us flexing one of our biceps." He nodded once, the heterochromic male also in a tank top. We both lifted our left arm and flexed, showing off our well earned muscles, our figures enunciated with the tank tops. My right arm raised the camera a little higher to show my smile. Todoroki's jawline was accentuated since he looked up at the camera. I snapped the picture and pulled it up to show him, a small smile coming on my face while he looked indifferent, but his eyes said it all. "We actually look pretty good." He gave a quick nod and we went back to my room.
From Whismur: 1 image attachment
From Whismur: Are these the muscles you were talking about Kiri lmao
From Pikachu: 😳😳😳
From Venomoth: Hehe, someone's blushing!!
From Venomoth: But unlike you guys, I'll say it
From Venomoth: Tsukababes you are hot, no denying it. Especially with that lighting?!?! Uh, hello!! Two of the hottest guys in our class are in that picture!
From Whismur: Thank you Mina but really, I'm not that hot
From Venomoth: Oh my goodness, someone talk some sense into him for me
From Boldore: Bro, you literally took a picture in a mirror, how do you not see it???
From Scraggy: This one I'm staying out of, not because I disagree because I don't but it's definitely not because I'm still looking at Todoroki. Kami, take it away
From Pikachu: I-
From Pikachu: Uh, head empty, no thoughts
From Venomoth: See? Kami knows it too
From Whismur: I don't know about that one
From Boldore: Also, why are there bandages on your arms? Are you okay?
From Whismur: Yeah, I'm alright. I just got some road burn earlier, nothing big. The EMT's patched me up so I'm all good
I locked my phone and put it down, Todoroki set his down as well, a curious look in his eye.
"Can I ask you something?" I sat up a little more and nodded, patient for him to figure out what he wanted to ask. His voice still muffled and I finally narrowed it down to side effects after earlier. "How long have you had the scar on your face?" I froze up and awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, not expecting him to be so forthright but I shouldn't have been so surprised with his bluntness.
"I was around eight, it happened right before my Dad adopted me." I swallowed the lump in my throat at the memory. "I was in a really bad foster home, probably the worst one I've been to. When they sent me back to the foster center, the treatment I got there only made it worse. What about you?" He touched his scar lightly before he spoke.
"My mother poured boiling water on my face and called my left side unbearable for resembling my father." We sat in a weighted silence for a moment. "How do you handle it? Of having the knowledge that it will always be on your face for everyone to see?" I shuffled around, laying on my back with my head near the edge of the bed and my heels resting against the wall.
"If I'm being honest, I don't. Most of the time, I don't even acknowledge it, so much that I forget it's there for a minute. On the days where I'm feeling really insecure about it though, I think about everyone in my life who has a scar on their face. Like you, my dad, Kirishima, you all have scars on your faces but I don't think any less of you or see you any differently, so why shouldn't I be able to see myself that way?" He hummed curiously and nodded.
"You have a point." I nodded and sat up again, resting against the headboard.
"Wanna watch a movie? My family and I have a lot of streaming services so I can log into whatever. We can watch a comedy that you seemed all excited about earlier." His head shot over, eyes trained on me in a curious way. Almost as if he was studying me.
"Sure. Is there anything in particular you would like to watch?" I shrugged and passed him the remote, leaving the choice up to him.
I didn't know what was on but going into this I knew I would have no attention span. Todoroki seemed content though, so that was enough for me. My phone buzzing in my lap caught my attention.
From Pikachu: Hey :D
To Pikachu: Hi :)
From Pikachu: Sorry if any of us made you uncomfortable earlier, and I wasn't trying to insult you or anything if that's how it seemed
From Pikachu: You looked really good in that picture and I didn't really know how to react and didn't want to come off like Sero about Todoroki
From Pikachu: I just wanted to clear that up I guess, sorry I didn't mean to ramble 😅
To Pikachu: It's okay! No worries!
To Pikachu: In all honesty, I'm horrible at taking compliments if you haven't noticed
To Pikachu: So I was more in shock and disbelief rather than being uncomfortable
From Pikachu: Whaaa?! But you're so AHH!!
From Pikachu: I'm glad you weren't uncomfortable though, I would've felt really bad if we made you feel that way
To Pikachu: I just don't really see it, I guess? I know I have muscles and stuff but I just don't see the attraction some people hold towards me
From Pikachu: Well I can confirm you're hot and it's not just for your muscles ;)
My face went aflame at his text and I was glad that Todoroki was paying attention to the movie.
To Pikachu: Thank you, I still don't really see it but thank you
From Pikachu: One day I'll convince you of it, just you wait
To Pikachu: Do I want to know how you'll "convince" me of it? Or should I just be scared?
From Pikachu: No and no :)
To Pikachu: Definitely scared
I put my phone down with a small smile on my face and tried to focus on the movie. I don't typically watch comedies but Todoroki seemed happy enough with it, so the least I can do is tough it out.
"You smile a lot." I looked at him curiously. "You were just smiling at your phone. Most of the time in class and in general, usually you have at least a small smile." I laughed softly, not realizing how truly observant he was until that moment.
"That's why a lot of people refer to me as the sunshine friend." His head tilted to the side ever so slightly, showing his confusion. "People usually see me happy and smiling and compare me to a ray of sunshine. Hence the term sunshine friend." He sat for a moment before nodding,
"That makes sense." He turned back to the movie, my phone buzzing again.
From Boldore: Hey Tsukabro, you busy right now?
To Boldore: Not really, what's up Kiri?
From Boldore: I know it's probably not my place, and it might be a sensitive thing for you but we're adoption bros and I wanna make sure you're okay. I know you had a rough time in foster care, I didn't have that and after your shirt fell down at the park I realized that. And during the sports festival, I saw your scars, I have my own past with that and mine are a lot easier to hide and I wish I had the confidence that you do to not hide them all the time. But you promise that those bandages are from road rash? Not from what else it could be?
I re-read his message, not expecting his honesty nor how much he cared. While I wasn't the most overtly comfortable with his bluntness and observations, I'm glad he didn't press for more.
To Boldore: I promise, it's road burn. If you look back to where I'm carrying him you can probably see it. Thank you for checking in though, it means a lot to me. If you don't mind though, I'd honestly just rather you all just forget about the scars and not acknowledge them. I don't like them all that much, just know they're all years old. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm in your corner bro.
From Boldore: I'm just glad that my worries were wrong. Sorry if I came off a little strong with it, I wasn't trying to interrogate you or anything. But thanks Tsukabro, it's nice knowing I have someone in my corner. Y'know? And I've been clean for a while now, I lucked out with having my moms.
To Boldore: I know exactly what you mean. It feels nice having someone outside of my family that's there and understands.
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konradnews · 2 years
Keisei to Stop Some Skyliner Trains at Shin-Kamagaya Station in Revised Timetable. Convenient access to Narita Airport.
Keisei to Stop Some Skyliner Trains at Shin-Kamagaya Station in Revised Timetable. Convenient access to Narita Airport.
Keisei Electric Railway will revise the timetable of the Keisei Line: on November 26 for weekends and holidays, and on November 28 for weekdays. In the revised timetable, the Skyliner, which stops at Aoto Station, will also newly stop at Shin-Kamagaya Station to improve access to Narita Airport from the Matsudo and Kashiwa areas. Currently, the Skyliner operates two types of trains: one that runs…
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angryraccoon1 · 6 years
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Aoto Station
From the airport we took the Keikyu line to Aoto Station for the Keisei Line. 
Originally Taken on the 11th of February 2018
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doitvision · 4 years
The Best China LED Display Manufacturer in 2020 Review
The decision to how to buy an LED display screen is not as easy as it looks like. Apart from considering its features, buyers have to evaluate the efficiency and expertise of its manufacturer in order to be rest assured about post-purchase services. Sometimes, LEDs seem to be of high quality but their manufacturers do not offer satisfactory services and vice versa. It is, therefore, necessary to spend some time and make efforts to evaluate and compare different LED display manufacturers in China. This way, buyers would not have doubt on the results and can conveniently call the manufacturer in case of any need.
Since buyers want to get the best LED, they are always on the lookout for the best and trusted manufacturer as well. LED video wall has turned to be an influential source of on-site advertising and therefore, LED manufacturers are expected to send the best products in the market. But, the question is how to make sure that the manufacturer is reliable and producing high quality China LED displays? Here are a few factors to look out for:
Authentication: The first and foremost thing is to figure out whether the LED display screen manufacturer is reliable or not. If someone is producing P10 LEDs, then they are the most trusted and buyers can blindly take any product from them. Company reputation is another deciding factor along with customer reviews and testimonials. All these factors are the key to finding out authenticity of a manufacturer.
Budget: The next important thing is to determine the budget. Since every buyer has some limitations, it’s necessary to evaluate the extent to which they can go and buy an LED display. From a manufacturer’s point of view, the price for LED display screens will vary according to their procedures, quality of material and other factors.
Experience in the Industry: With the knowledge of their experience, buyers are rest assured about the quality of LEDs they will be getting.
Top 10 China LED Display Manufacturers
As a reliable service provider in the industry, Absen prides itself for offering turnkey solutions that cater to all types of customers on display applications. Absen has managed to claim the first spot for exporting China LED display screen in the past couple of years. The company has proudly achieved 30,000 customer references across the world.  Their LEDs are capable to work outdoors, especially for advertising billboards, sport stadiums, TV stations, shopping malls, business centers, exhibitions and son on.
Since its establishment in 2004, Shenzhen Unilumin Group Co. has emerged as one of the leading LED manufacturers. The company is also providing solutions for the manufacturing, development, sales and post-sales services. Their vision is to work together for a brighter future and therefore, customers can expect to have high-performance, high quality LED display products along with the reliable viewing solutions. The company has been proudly manufacturing full-color, high definition LED display screens and lighting. Their support and sales network has reached over 100 countries where there are more than 700 channels and 16 offices and subsidiaries to serve the customers.
ROE Visual
ROE Visual stays true to its words and tries its level best to transform customers’ expectations into reality. This LED display manufacturer produces best, unique display screen for commercial applications. From architectural and exquisite broadcast installations to the top stage anywhere in the world, ROE Visuals has maintained its excellence, maximal creativity, easy-of-use and durability.
ROE Visuals has been working according to customers’ expectations and has managed to produce a range of LEDs suitable for HD broadcast, control room, architectural, sporting events, touring and rental market, houses-of-worship, corporate and various other applications.
Known as a high-tech enterprise in China for introducing large LED video display, InfiLED strives to exploring new doors for continuous improvement and independent innovation. The company has been taking the pride to remain at a leading position with its wide range of product applications. Their manufactured China LED display screens are used in corporate meetings and branding, transportation, command & control, creative applications, sports, advertisements and much more. Their products have reach more than 85 countries of the world with TUV, RoHS, CCC, FCC, ETL and CE certifications.
With the help of reliable components and advanced production methods, InfiLED has been delivering the finest quality of products. The company used to follow regulations as stated by Total Quality Management System, OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO9001 Quality Management System and ISO14001 Environment Management System. InfiLED follows the concept of ‘Five Stars Culture’ and tries its level best to claim one of the top spots in the LED manufacturing industry.
The company has taken its hands into the manufacturing of LED lighting, China LED display and LED traffic signage. Based in Shenzhen, Guangdong, Yaham Optoelectronics Co. is into designing and producing high quality LEDs for customers in all over the world. The company works on the spirit of perfectionism and artisanship to ensure efficiency in custom-designed and reliable LED display systems. Yaham Optoelectronics is proudly serving over 112 countries and has managed to sustain its position as the pioneer of LED technology. It is the first manufacturer to introduce custom-designed display systems. The company is still on the vague of reinventing methods to upgrade display screens so that customers can have a better experience afterwards.
Shenzhen based company, Ledman Optoelectronics Co. has been in the LED industry since 2004. It has been considered to produce some high-tech LED products along with effective visual solutions. The company specializes in working for the 8K UHD industry where they are proudly manufacturing a full range of products. What makes LedMan different from others is their hands into 8K micro LED UHD display products that work on advanced COB LED technology. It is because of their professionalism and efficiency that LedMan is now a strategic partner in the aerospace industry of China.
Today, LedMan is working as a leading UHD display screen company, comprehensive sports operator, global LED industry chain partner and high-tech benchmarking enterprise in China. The company also own and LED product ecosystem consisting of UHD Micro LED display items (having COB advanced technology), intelligent LED lighting, comprehensive sports operation, LED solution portfolios, 5G intelligent conference systems, city lighting projects and information integration solutions.
Apart from providing immediate coverage for 5G services, it follows latest trends of the time. From 5G+8K+AI, the company is actively providing the information ecosystem for five different areas, namely edge computing (EC-IOT), chip solution integration, data center product solutions, smart city and smart car digital solutions.
Leyard Group
Famous for being a global name in LED industry, Leyard Group is one of those manufacturers who have been using audio-visual technology since years. Its products are the result of technology research, development, creativity and product innovation. Its business layout comprises of four core elements: landscape lighting, virtual reality, intelligent display and cultural tourism. Leyard Group was awarded the National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise, National Culture and Science, Beijing Top 10 Information Industry, Technology Integration Demonstration Enterprise and China’s Top 100 Electronic Information Enterprises awards.
Liantronics is another reliable China LED display manufacturer that offers system solutions for high and medium-end LED display products. Being a state-level enterprise having 97.8 million USD of registered capital, Liantronics specializes in the development, manufacturing, sales and post-sales services.
It is a diversified holding company that consists of 4 strategic units, namely banking electronics, sports operation, highest quality LED display and lighting engineering. The company has grown over a couple of years and made a lot of efforts to gain a spot among the world’s leading LED display manufacturers in the world. It prides for producing a wide range of outdoor and indoor direct view display products.
Another LED display manufacturer who is playing a significant role in the industry is Desay. Its own control system, coupled with technologies like optics, electron and particularly, pixel-by-pixel calibration technique enable the company to create distinct gradations and vivid pictures of the services. It has successfully installed over 5000 LED across the world, no matter how much efforts it had to make.
Considering this list of top China LED manufacturers, it would be quite easy for people to come up with an appropriate choice. There are no hard-and-fast rules about the selection criterion. People can choose whoever suits their requirements. However, if someone wants to try out a different service provider, then Doitvision should be the choice. Although we are new to this industry, one thing is for sure that our customers will leave with a big smile on their faces. We offer a variety of items like IP68 outdoor screens, creative flexible screens, stable rental screens etc. So, give decision in our favor and help us to get into this list in the future.
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AOTO's Virtual Overlay LED Display System Brings New Business Model to Sports Industry
AOTO Electronics (China stock code: 002587) August 8th, 2016, AOTO Electronics has successfully tested its virtual overlay LED display system in NBL games (Chinese National Basketball League). This advanced virtual technology will change the business model for sports advertising. AOTO will combine this advanced virtual technology with the company's leading traditional LED display manufacturing capacity to maximize the value of the combined systems. This will allow both the virtual and the real live LED displays to get the maximum effectiveness from their sports related applications.
Leading LED Virtual Display System to Demonstrate A New Virtual Display World.
AOTO Electronics is a leader in LED display systems both virtual and real live displays that are used in sporting venues all over the world. AOTO has many years of experience of cooperation with major sporting authorities like FIFA, UEFA and FIBA, becoming the official LED display system provider for FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro. AOTO aims to provide cutting edge virtual display systems to satisfy the multi-national broadcast requirements. This virtual overlay system could help realize precision marketing of sports advertising by displaying different advertising content to certain areas during live matches.
Leading Innovation Superiorities
1. Accurate LED color key switch over technology based on smart Chroma-Key and motion analysis to help the cameras to move freely.
2. Automatic Suppositional Focus technology regulates image blurring to simulate camera motion.
3. Ultra close range LED virtual image simulation techniques.
4. Super high refresh rate LED technology.
This system can be deployed cost effectively plus the in-expensive engine is compatible with existing the broadcasting process. And it supports multiple cameras at any angle, focal length, shape, multi-zone replacements with minimum video processing delay time and global broadcasting “one screen multi display”.
“One Screen Multi Display” Brings New Business Model for Sport Industry"
When holding alive event, the organizers or advertisers expect the advertisements on the LED display to show different content to different regions at the same time. But the traditional LED displays can only convey a single advertising message. Usually, advertising period of time only a one-time sale. Because it can't be individually customized. AOTO's virtual overlay LED display system can broadcast more than just one screen out to the audiences. This means that different regional audiences will see different advertising content on the same displays at the same time on their televisions. This technology will bring a new revolution in the sports advertising business model!
About AOTO Electronics
AOTO Electronics (002587), founded in 1993, is specialized in designing and manufacturing high-end quality LED display system. AOTO insists on technology driven differentiation strategy by establishing R&D team and focusing on technology innovation. It's AOTO's principle to provide quality products and service to our customers. Based on the leading technology and profound understand of customer's needs, AOTO has proposed professional solutions for financing, advertising, rental, sports and broadcasting and television industries, which have been widely applied in commercial banks, famous advertising companies, top entertainment and sports events, famous television station, etc; all proved successful and outstanding. With adherence to independent innovation and brand establishment, AOTO has become a leading company in the LED application industry globally.
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trynabetravelpro · 7 years
Japan Post!
I’m headed back to Japan for my 5th time later this November and finally feel confident enough sharing some insights about traveling in this beautiful country. Below are tips about traveling alone, being respectful in Japanese culture and a few great areas to visit/stay in. I hope this guide will help you feel more confident to take a trip, especially on a budget, and do some spontaneous sight seeing/events while you’re there. I’m also a comic artist and illustrator so I’ll be suggesting places aimed at my interests.
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So! First thing’s first, I want to say that Japan is SUPER safe and very easy to get around. As a woman I have felt free to wander and get lost, unlike the way I feel in most countries, especially in Europe or the US. It’s a little complicated at first (the train map looks like noodles!) but know that if you get on the wrong train it’s not going to take you anywhere unsafe. It may take you 30 mins to get back on the right track, but it’ll be OK and there will always be people to ask for help. Asking for help from either a train station attendant, policeman (they’re usually in the station exclusively for that reason), or a passerby is totally acceptable and most people will be happy to help you. I have had a few instances where Japanese men wouldn’t look at me after politely excusing myself for asking them a question which didn’t feel great but there was always someone nearby I could ask instead. In Japan not everyone speaks English (though many do, especially in larger cities) so asking questions in simple Japanese is your best bet and, of course, less obnoxious. Here are some phrases to memorize for trains and directions…
First, start with: sumimasen, eigo ga hanasemasu ka? Excuse me, do you speak English? -Eki wa doko desu ka? Where is the station? Kono densha wa Kyoto-e ikkimasu ka? Does this train go to Kyoto? - Asakusa ikiwa kono hommu desuka? Is this the right platform for Asakusa? - Nan-ji ni demaska? What time does it leave? - Kono denshawa dokodesuka? Where does this train go?
Also memorize these simple phrases to help in any situation:
- Sumimasen. Excuse me. (Formal) - iie, Wakarimasen / Hai, wakarimasu. No, I don’t understand / Yes, I understand. - Arigato gozaimasu / arigato. Thank you / thanks. - Sayonara. Goodbye. - Dōzo. After you.
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- When buying a ticket you commonly have to insert the money first and then type in what you need or where you want to go. - All the stations reprised by distance, rather than one fare like New York. Look up your station on the map and determine how much to put on your ticket with the corresponding number. - If you can’t find your destination fare you can purchase the ticket for the lowest possible price and pay the difference at the fare adjustment station when you get to where you’re going. - Keep your tickets, you must insert them on the way out of the station you’re arriving at. - Consider getting a Suica or Passmo refillable IC card. They’re both generally the same and can make traveling a lot more streamlined. Buying tickets at machines is fine, it’ll just take more time and standing in front of the map trying to figure out which station is yours because sometimes the lettering isn’t in romaji (roman characters) and is really obnoxious when you’re late for a dinner date. - Trains stop running around 12:30-1am depending on the train line and what day it is. Weekends it’s open a bit later. Plan accordingly! Taxis are expensive. - if you have a JR pass and taking a JR train you can show your ticket at the manned gate close to the automatic ticket gates, make sure the date is visible for the attendant and you can pass through without a purchased ticket. - Look on the ground at the platform to find the line for the doors. You’ll probably see people lining up to enter the train, just copy what people do! Make sure you aren’t in line for a ‘green car’ which is a more expensive car, it’ll usually be marked green. Train etiquette: - talking on your phone on the train is not allowed. - Take your backpack off on the train. - Just talking on the train is considered rude. - When you get into the train move all the way to the middle, don’t stand by the doors, things might get tight. - Let people off the train first, then get on. - As a rule, just copy what other commuters do.
Passmo: ¥1000 (pink, robot). Suica: ¥2000 (green, penguin). JR Rail Pass: $255~. Great if you’re traveling from tokyo-kyoto and back, or doing several stops in many cities.
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I want to spend as much time as I can not having to worry about traveling while I’m out and about so before I go to Japan I check out what routes and stations I’ll be using the most. Google maps is pretty accurate for train routes so I’d start there, just make sure you’re searching in Japan time in Google maps, like don’t check at 4pm EST or else it’ll say the trains aren’t running in Japan, instead, look at 7am or 6pm to get train times for 8pm/7am. I like to star places I want to go on Google maps, that’s been really helpful for when I’m offline and just want to glance at the map to find the best route to the star. Google maps also updates your GPS offline so you’ll always know where in the city you are, even without data. However, I’d suggest getting some kind of data plan with your service provider so you can search things on the fly. I know AT&T does a day by day data package and T-Mobile has it built in or something, but yeah, I’d highly recommend doing that…I don’t know anything about getting phones or SIM cards in Japan and I think it’s pretty complicated so I’d rather pay a little extra for the convenience of using my own phone. Back to trains, I’d also suggest watching Youtube videos and reading forums about train travel to help prepare for what could easily become really overwhelming. All (or maybe most) train signs use roman letters and most have English translations and are VERY convenient and also EVERYWHERE so just look out for signage if things get nuts.
Narita Airport to Tokyo
The cheapest (and usually best) train I take (when I’m not in a rush to get to Tokyo) is the Limited Express (also called Keisei Main Line), which costs about $10 (or $5 if you use a Passmo or Suica IC card). It’s the regular train and not a fancy bullet train into the city. It’ll take you to Aoto, Nippori and Ueno stations for transfers to other lines in about 71mins. Just look for all the orange signs towards the train and don’t forget to buy the ticket first upstairs in the airport. Stand at the sign on the ground that says Keisei Limited Express or Main Line. If your back hurts, you’re tired and just want to splurge and get to your lodging asap I’d suggest taking the Keisei Skyliner (not to be confused with the Keisei Limited Express, it’s confusing), or the N’EX (Narita Express). They’re super fast trains with nice seats that go directly into Tokyo proper but they’re $20-$40. If you’re going to activate your JR rail pass on the day you enter Japan I’d suggest taking these more expensive trains because they’ll be free when you show your JR pass, the same goes for when you’re coming back to Narita. Sometimes choosing is just a matter of which trains are coming sooner and how you feel. These trains are extremely punctual so don’t waste any time getting to the platform if you’ve already bought your ticket. All of these trains pick up on the SAME TRACk so don’t get on the first train that comes or you could get kicked off/take a slow train you paid $$$ for. On the ground there will be strips where the doors for each train open. Stand in line at your train’s place marker and pay attention to the train times on the board. This part is important to remember because you’ll be jet lagged like crazy and it’s important to get on the right train. Optional tip- walk to the front of the train because there will be less people standing and more seats available there.
*Before you leave the airport and walk into customs get all your wifi needs out of the way. Once you’re out of immigration the wifi goes away.
QUICK NARITA TRAIN GUIDE: Keisei Limited Express AKA just the regular old train- $10~one way. could face crowds of daily commuters but I never have. 1h10m. Fastest: Keisei Skyliner: 36 mins to Nippori to transfer to the JR Yamanote line. $23~one way at 1h5m (discounts with a Passmo or Suica card) Comfiest: Narita Express or N’EX: round trip ticket $40 (within a two week period), one way $30. leave every 25-40 mins. 1h30m, way comfier. fully covered by the Japan Rail Pass.
Hanaeda I don’t know shit about Hanaeda. Will update if I have something to say. Below is a great guide for the airport trains!
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- Activate your JR Rail Pass at either Tokyo station or Shinagawa station. I’d suggest going to Tokyo station because seats tend to fill up at Tokyo station and it’ll be awful trying to find good seats at Shinagawa if you didn’t reserve your seats. On that note you can reserve your seats at the JR ticket counter, which is highly recommended. - You can now buy JR Rail passes in Japan but they’re more expensive. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/04/01/national/jr-rail-pass-available-japan-ending-frustration-tardy-tourists/#.WgEgzraZPXE - Watch out for which Shinkansen you get on. Nozomi is an express train that the JR rail pass doesn’t cover so you’ll either get kicked off (happened to me) or fined (thank god it didn’t happen to me). This sucked because our station in Kyoto was air conditioned and it had snacks. The station we got kicked off at was outdoors and there was weird construction happening so it was loud and hot. I guess as a general rule, don’t take an unnecessary risk when you have a good train platform situation. I guess also don’t travel in August like I did. Things were definitely worse when they would’ve been fine if the weather had been nicer. - Hikari is regular express and ok, kodama is the slowest train stopping at all stops, it you’re going from Tokyo-Kyoto do NOT get on the Kodama. - You can buy snacks on the platform or on the train in case you’ve forgotten to eat before your 3 hour trip to Kyoto.
Rough Yen to USD currency conversion: ¥50=$0.50 ¥100=$1 ¥1,000= $10 ¥10,000= $100 ¥100,000= $1,000
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- Call your bank/arrange with your bank online and tell them you’ll be in Japan. The first time I went to Japan my credit union actually got the dates wrong and I couldn’t use my card for three days (that was cool). - On that note, bring some cash to exchange when you get to the airport. I tend to bring $300 or more because Japan runs on cash, so you’ll most likely need to get cash out a lot anyway, might as well do it it one lump sum at the airport without all the small fees. Because it’s so safe I wouldn’t worry about carrying around like $600/¥60,000 in cash. - *A note about safety* if you leave your bag in a coffee shop upstairs and go and grab a coffee downstairs it’ll be there, untouched, when you get back. Stealing is very uncommon in Japan and everyone leaves their bags to save their seats. It’s kind of obnoxious when you’re trying to sit down at a Tsutaya coffee shop and there are no seats available because everyone’s put their bags down to save seats while they get their coffee or browse the magazines. Also if you leave your bag on a train it will most likely be there at the end of the line or at some lost and found at a big station. I’d suggest trying to call or going to the lost and found and your bag will most likely be there or they’ll direct you to where it would be. And then maybe they’ll pay for your train ride back home because of the inconvenience you experienced. - Keep your trash with you. Most people have a little baggy or something that they keep trash in until they get home. There are very few public trash cans, especially outside of Tokyo, even in large cities, so don’t buy something with a messy wrapper and expect to get rid of it quickly. Or eat it right in front of the place you bought it so you can throw everything away there. - Keep your passport with you at all times, it’s actually ILLEGAL for you not o have it! Nothing will happen probably but keep it with you for tax discounts (which are usually a waste of time) or entry onto trains that require your passport, like the N’EX. Ghibli also requires your passport for entry. - Consider learning how to squat pee in hole in the ground toilets. Japan has AMAZING public bathrooms and badet toilets, every bathroom I’ve been in is clean and beautiful. BUT if you’re in a park or out in the boonies there will be hole toilets. I had to pee SOOO bad when I was in the park once that I made myself learn how to not pee all over myself in a hole toilet. For women it’s fucking hard. Toilets can be a hole in the wall labeled or described as ‘international’ and specifically women’s toilets can sometimes be found in a different space. You’ll find these in old establishments, mostly. - You can drink in public and in parks. Bring a foldable picnic blanket with you, read a book and drink a beer while enjoying Japan’s beautiful public parks!! - Google maps is usually 100% BAD at finding Airbnb locations. Triple check hotel/Airbnb spots and make sure to get a detailed list of how to get to your lodging. - Try everything in the vending machines. EVERYTHING.
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- Going to a shrine is like a good luck charm and is less of a religious thing, feel free to copy the locals when they go into a shrine and of course be very respectful of where to go and not to go. Sometimes it costs to get in and it’s always a good idea to throw some money into the box at the shrine, you’ll see people doing this. It is not rude to copy locals and donate money to the Shinto shrines. While at shrines wash your hands in the little wells before you enter. DO NOT drink the water, you’ll see people washing their mouths with it, it’s not to drink just for washing and cleansing.
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- Japanese culture revolves around strict social rules and etiquette to help make everyone’s lives better. It’s a more empathetic society but with the cost of a bit more strict lifestyle. Please keep in mind that a city with 15million people functions only when everyone is aware and courteous of each other. Stand on the left side of the escalator, walk on the right. Follow signs and floor guides. Be aware of your surroundings. - Airbnb is a little illegal in Japan, most airbnbs will tell you not to talk or linger outside your apartment or risk getting kicked out. Just a heads up. - The Japanese do bread better than the French, that’s how I feel anyway, definitely buy some bread or pastries at local bakeries while you’re there. - Before you head out for the day I suggest hitting up your local 7 Eleven/Lawson/Family Mart and grabbing an onigiri and a drink. Just in case! Also maybe before you sleep because sometimes the jet lag can get awful and you wake up at 3am starving. - Take your shoes off before entering a home or a temple. There will be spots to take shoes off before entering, keep an eye out for them.
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Ghibli: - Tickets go on sale the 10th of each month for the next month https://l-tike.com/st1/ghibli-en/sitetop - You can enter at 4 different times throughout the day, I’d suggest trying for 10am but 12 is fine too if you can’t get the 10am! plan for 4-5 hours inside the museum. - You’ll probably spend a lot of money at the museum shop, plan accordingly. - Bring your passport. - You MUST print out your Ghibli ticket. There’s not an obvious place to find a printer and printing at 7-11’s without the proper applications can be really tough. Print them out before your trip. In a pinch you can stress print your Ghibli tickets onto 5x6 glossy photos at a 7/11. They laughed and let us in anyway so TESTED. - Inoshikira park is gorgeous on a nice day, I’d suggest planning a whole day in Kichijoji around your museum trip. Kichijoji also has great shopping!! - No photos are allowed inside the museum. - Take notes! There’s a whole section where you get to see ORIGINAL paintings from the studio and it’s fantastic.
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Fun stuff! Suggestions!
FOOD/DRINKS - Sushi Daiwa and Sushi Dai. AMAZING sushi at Tsukiji Market. Sushi Dai will have a 6 hour wait while Sushi Daiwa, their sister restaurant right next door, will have an hour wait. It’s less famous but still very good. Expect $40 per person but it’ll be the best, freshest sushi you’ve ever had. https://goo.gl/maps/j9SAvWDwkW42 - Golden Gai, lots of small vendors, 5-6 people per restaurant tops, for after drinks or drinking food. https://goo.gl/maps/ZZgiK2n5fZn - Sakura Tei, Okonomiyaki in Harajuku, https://goo.gl/maps/iYzg2xwYhLF2 - 7/11 or Family mart have great onigiri and sandwiches, plus great general to-go stuff. - Ichiran ramen https://goo.gl/maps/hM7qVP6y7vA2 - Eggcellent https://goo.gl/maps/sZY6mQZvkxj
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PLACES TO CHILL - Daikanyama T Site, Nakameguro (beautiful bookstore and cafe spot). https://goo.gl/maps/5AcADepdnyS2 - Tokyo Hands Shibuya, top floor (there’s a cafe and a cool science section) https://goo.gl/maps/f48GRHqGPAn - Meiji shrine, Yoyogi park - Karaoke anywhere. Dress up!!!
NEIGHBORHOODS to visit in Tokyo and wander around. - Kichijoji - start with this amazing bakery and then wander https://goo.gl/maps/ejmjn9DN4Uo - Harajuku - Shimokitazawa - Naka-Meguro - Shinjuku - Shibuya - Nakano (Nakano Broadway) - Akihabara (Get some gotcha pons at Gee store.) - Ikebukuro
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SHOPPING - Best alt comics: Taco Che in Nakano Broadway https://goo.gl/maps/PVTM4dcg1tG2 - Tokyu Hands - a stationary and all around amazing store - Daiso 100Yen stores https://goo.gl/maps/dv4XAcBpYUn - Galaxxxy https://goo.gl/maps/fzxQ6jJGQb12 - Muji - a non branded, simple/clean living store - Tokyo Station underground stores. God, like everything you could ever want.   - Super Potato video game store in Akihabara https://goo.gl/maps/eQ2HVRNkoX22 - Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, has Pokemon store. https://goo.gl/maps/4z3gVUokdJn - Do purikura pretty much in any arcade. - Harajuku! Tin Tin store, cat street, pretty much just wander. https://goo.gl/maps/yzJowRr9zcs - Tokyo Midtown Mall, really nice stores and art museums, always events https://goo.gl/maps/NyervLaznt32
Helpful Phrases: *pronunciation tip: Desu ka is pronounced “deska”, ikkimasu ka is pronounced “ikkimaska”
Mizo o kudasai. Water please. Ohayō. Good morning. Konban wa. Good evening. Hajimemashite. Nice to meet you. Konnichi wa. Hello. Gomen nasai. I'm sorry. (Informal) O-genki desu ka? How are you? Toidai doko desuka? Where is the toilet? Aisu/Hotto Kohi o kudasai. Iced/Hot coffee please. Ii desu ka? Is it ok? Hai. Ii desu. It's ok. Okanjo wo kudasai. Bill please. Kore wa ikura desu ka? How much is this? Mo ichido wo kudasai. Please say it again. iie, kekkoudes. No thanks iie, chotto… —No, a little (a less harsh response “to do you like ___” when you really don’t like or want it. Nani. What. Itsu. When. Doko. Where. Ikki. Go. Ikura. How much/amount. Kore/sore/are: this/that/that over there. Irasshai mase. Welcome. Nan mei Sama deska? How many people? 3 ppl (San nin desu) 5 ppl (go nin des) Eigo no menyuu ga arimasuka? Do you have an English menu? Onomi mono wa? Would you like a drink? Omachi kudasai. Please wait. Osusume wa nan deska? What do you recommend? Kore wa nan deska? What is this? Tamago wo nuki ni shite moraemaska? Can I have it without egg? (Shrimp: ebi) hai - yes. iie - no. Jya, mata. See you soon. also matanae O-genki desu ka? How are you? O-namae wa? What's your name?
Casual phrases Majide- seriously?? Uso /Uso desho - it’s a lie! No way! Yabai- terrible!Amazing!
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The luggage combo** Tokyo is luggage and cart friendly for the most part, but there are still stations where you’ll have to lug your bags up and down a flight of stairs, keep this in mind while packing and save your back! I’d suggest not bringing a lot of clothes, but enough exactly for each day of your trip, maybe even one outfit less because you’ll probably go shopping. Bring half the week’s clothing if you think you’ll do laundry, most airbnbs have laundry. However some don’t have dryers, it’s hanging only. I bring a carry on suitcase, a rolled up duffle bag inside and a roll top backpack with middle strap. That way you can check the duffle full of dirty clothes and all the non-breakable things you buy and stuff the carry on suitcase with the mugs and delicate things you’ll inevitably want to bring back. Roll-top backpacks are good for spillover stuff and usually nicer on your back. The carryon suitcase will be good for resting your backpack on while waiting around in the airport or for trains. It’s all easy to take a part if you’re going up and down steps and not all the weight will be on one thing so it’ll be easier for your back.
Like I said, I’m heading back to Japan really soon so I’ll update this with any new info I feel is worth adding when I come back ^_^ I hope this helps in the mean-time!!
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iotindustrynews · 5 years
The Ultimate Guide To Win The Digital Out of Home Market By 2025 - Market 4.0($$32.1 Billion Market)
“Digital Out of Home Market (DOOH) by Product (Billboard, Street Furniture, and Transit), Application (Indoor and Outdoor), Vertical (Commercial, Infrastructural, Institutional), and Geography - Global Forecast to 2025"
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The digital out of  home (DOOH) market is expected to reach  USD 32.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 10.7% between 2017 and 2025. The growth   of the digital out of home market is supported by the increasing use of commercial display in advertising, which is a strong medium for promotion for  all the sectors and applications. The DOOH market is driven by  cost-effectiveness of digital displays. The players in this market need to  continuously find unique product implementations and create complementary  products and innovative services to increase their market share. Digital out of  home provides an opportunity for marketing with digital billboards, creating interactive  campaigns, and weekly promotion at a greater level without wasting paper for  printed boards.
Infrastructural vertical expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The digital out of home market for the infrastructural vertical includes transportation and entertainment sectors. Displays are installed in railway stations, roadways, and airports in the transportation sector. These displays provide accurate and timely data regarding schedules and timing of trains, flights, and buses with the help of interactive screens, thereby helping travelers to have access to updated information. In the entertainment sector, the displays are installed in theaters, stadiums, arenas, nightclubs, and other entertainment venues.
Download PDF Here: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=206656541
APAC expected to witness the highest growth rate  during the forecast period
The digital out of home market in Asia Pacific (APAC) is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Increasing developments in the field of transportation, communication, public infrastructure, and construction are expected to create demand for digital out of home in this region. The digital billboards and kiosks are suitable for sectors such as retail, corporate, and education. As the digital out of home market is directly related to the population of a region, APAC is a potential market for various digital out of home devices such as billboards, street furniture, and transit and could register high growth in the retail, entertainment, education, and transportation sectors.
The low cost of labor in this region reduces the overall implementation cost of the digital out of home system. This factor provides an opportunity for companies to establish and grow in the digital out of home market in this region.
The digital out of home market is dominated by players such as JCDecaux (France), Lamar Advertising Company (US), Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (US), OUTFRONT Media (US), Prismview LLC (US), Daktronics (US). Other major players in the digital out of home market include NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. (Japan), oOh!media Ltd. (Australia), Broadsign International LLC. (Canada), Stroer SE & Co. KGaA (Germany), Mvix, Inc. (US), Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. (US), Ayuda Media Systems (US), Deepsky Corporation Ltd. (Hong Kong), and Aoto Electronics Co., Ltd (China).
Major players are actively performing in the digital out of home market by following contracts and partnerships as their key strategy. Along with product launches, the companies also follow other strategies such as contracts, partnerships, joint ventures, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions.
For more information visit: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/digital-out-of-home-market-206656541.html
Contact: Mr. Shelly Singh MarketsandMarkets™ INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA : 1-888-600-6441.
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stationpic01 · 3 years
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2017.12.16 Aoto Station 京成電鉄 京成本線 青砥駅
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misscatd · 5 years
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Aoto Station, Katsushika City, Tokyo I take back what I said. Not doing this in order, judy posting as much as I can, as fast as I can. HuzzaH. #AotoStation #ExploringTokyo (at Aoto Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPKsyFJ-wR/?igshid=3w62f3n3yax4
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