#Apex Rise
mithryl-draws · 10 months
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just something i noticed about a few of my faves
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shardkn1ght · 9 months
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I’m a little late to this meme but.
My two favourite things. Apex and TMNT
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legokingfisher · 1 month
Riyu growls and snaps when he’s startled.
He knows it’s not polite, but he can’t help it. It’s a knee-jerk reaction.
He’s done it since he was a dragonet. But of course, it was no big deal back then. He wasn’t strong. He wasn’t big. His spooked growl sounded more like a puppy’s yelp than anything. The others could always shake it off with a smile and an apology, even if he’d accidentally bitten.
He’s grown a lot since then. His claws are sharper, and so are his teeth. His voice has deepened, and thus his growl has turned into a predator’s snarl.
He doesn’t mean anything by it. Everyone knows that. Everyone tells him they know that.
It doesn’t stop him from feeling guilty, though.
He wishes he didn’t react like that. He knows what’ll happen if he bites. If he swipes. If he whips around too fast, knocks something over. He’s got the equipment to do damage, now. Damage that can’t be just shaken off with a smile. And he’s not done growing yet.
It makes him cautious. It makes him wary. He’s glad his hearing is good, and his smelling. Ninja training helps, too— he’s learned to become harder to sneak up on.
He’s pretty on-top of it.
Or. He was.
The matriarch of the mountain dragons, mighty as the peaks she roams, is dead. Departed. Murdered.
It’s hard to focus, now. Riyu visited her once, after the victory against Beatrix. Just that once.
(He’d assumed he’d have plenty of other opportunities to do so. She was in her prime, after all.)
He wishes he’d visited more. He wishes he’d stayed with her longer. He wishes he could have given her a proper goodbye. He wishes he’d been ready.
He feels hollow. Heavy. Lost.
He’s been off his game.
Seeing as his tribe mother’s grave is far out of sight from the monastery, he figures he can put it out of mind, too. He trains with the others. He chokes down his food. He makes sure his tail is wagging.
But he’s been off his game. It’s hard to focus, now.
Sora didn’t mean to scare him. She’d just tapped his shoulder. But he had missed her approach.
He’s been off his game.
Riyu growls and snaps when he’s startled.
Sora’s fast, her reflexes are good— but what if she hadn’t been fast enough? What if he’d bitten? What if he’d swiped? What if? What if?
He startled her too. She can reassure him to the moon and back, but he saw it. He saw her face.
He’s been off his game.
It’s hard to focus, now.
It’s made it easy to startle him.
Riyu growls and snaps when he’s startled.
He’s been sloppy on missions, too. Lloyd tells him he’s trying his best. Thats what’s important. Lloyd tells him it’s okay. He’s not the weak link.
Maybe a weak link is a good thing to be. He’s sure it would be better than being a monster. Something that lashes out like a cornered dog.
Or maybe he can be both. Somehow. Lloyd’s also said he’s talented. Maybe he’s ‘talented’ enough to do that.
After all,
He’s been off his game. He can’t do anything right, now.
After all,
Riyu growls and snaps when he’s startled.
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mirapteo · 1 year
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thatonefunnyfella · 1 year
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Turtles of the Frontier
(An Apex Legends x ROTTMNT AU fan project, in collaboration with @shardkn1ght.)
This is the second half of a collaborative piece Shardkn1ght and myself have been working on. Soph's half can be found HERE.
Whilst Soph handled the artistic side, it was my role to advise/be a consultant when coming up with an original origin story and to make sure everything was lore-friendly to Apex and Titanfall. On top of that, we've also made concepts for each character's abilities and an lore explanation for each. This post will serve to present that.
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Class: Assault
Can open red supply bins
Carry more ammo per stack
Tactical: Red-ear retraction (30s cooldown)
Leo hunkers down and uses a small personal dome shield to protect himself for a short time 
When the dome runs out, it emits a small shockwave around Leo, pushing enemies back and applying a stun effect for a short duration. 
Any damage the dome takes during its active state will increase the radius and duration of the stun. (maximum 15m, 10s)
Lore note: A relic from a bygone conflict. The now discontinued Hammond Robotics™ Red-ear titan-grade dome shield. Named after the aptly named turtle from the core system, the Red-ear shield was used as on-board protection for Atlas chassis based Titans and the Militia’s Vanguard class Titans. It would be attached to the Titan’s top hatch to protect the Pilot as they either embarked or disembarked. However it was never fully adopted by either the IMC or Frontier Militia as the top hatch was rarely ever used by most pilots, rather opting for the quicker and far less claustrophobic options. After finding one in an abandoned Hammond construction line, Leo had Donatello retrofit a kinetic feedback discharge system to it, making it repel anyone who gets too close.
Ultimate: ōdachi point
Leo can use his blade to phase breach a short distance to a designated point.
Unlike Ash, Leonardo’s phase breach does not stay open. This means he can’t be followed by hostiles, however his squad can’t follow either.
Lore note: Ash has seen the combat potential in Leonardo. Therefore, like her own sword,  Leo’s ōdachi has been modified by Ash to allow the blade to tear into the void to a non-adjacent location and end up there near instantaneously. Unlike Ash’s breacher, Leo’s can phase to a location outside his line of sight to get the drop on unsuspecting hostiles. 
Passive 1: Professionally trained
Jumping, falling, landing and climbing are all silent
Passive 2: Natural Born Leader
Leo gains a slight boost to his speed and jump height if one of his brothers are in his squad
This effect stacks if both of his squad mates are turtles
tier 1: 10% speed boost, 25% jump height
tier 2: 20% speed boost, 50% jump height
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Class: Support
Can access extra loot from blue supply bins
Can craft unrecovered or expired ally banner cards
Tactical: Security Specialist (0s cooldown)
Raph holds up his forearms and utilizes repurposed armour plates from an old Scorch Titan and inhuman reaction time to block any incoming offense. (50% bullet damage reduction, 20% grenade damage reduction, 80% melee damage reduction)
No cooldown, however it requires a short start-up and finish animation.
No effect against legend abilities
Lore note: Using scraps of a Titan’s armour plates found in an abandoned Hammond facility, Raph had Donny create a set of armour plates that attach to his prosthetic arms.
Ultimate: Goliath Projection
Raph projects a monstrously sized holo-decoy of himself to swing wildly and guard an area (won’t actually do damage)
Any hostile that gets close will refuse to go any further
Will block lines of sight but can still be shot through
Lore note: Another of Hammond’s failed prototypes. The Titan-grade Holographic Decoy projector never saw combat, instead the only known use of it is in leaked Hammond Robotics™ test footage. Originally intended to be a Titan-sized counterpart to the more successful holo-pilot program, this old piece of tech was close to completion yet remained flawed. For starters, it drew too much power away from the Titan’s much more critical systems and was prone to overheating. Secondly, the projections would always move a little too fast; so it would’ve been easy to discern whether or not it was real. However, Raphael isn’t a Titan powered on a highly volatile nuclear reactor. But he is just as menacing. After having recovered it in the same abandoned Hammond facility Leo found his Red-ear shield, Raph had Donatello integrate it into his gear to allow it to project a Titan-sized decoy of Raphael.
Passive 1: Snapper’s Pressure
Upon landing from a height of 10m<, the weight of all of Raph’s gear will create a small seismic sock around him
Shockwave will push enemies back 
Won’t work whilst ADS
Passive 2: Big Muscles, Bigger Heart
Raph can use “Snapper’s Pressure” from a shorter height and with a larger radius (default is 2m) if one of his brothers is in his squad.
This effect stacks if both of his squad mates are turtles
tier 1: activates at 5m with 5m radius
tier 2: activates at ANY height with 7m radius
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Class: Recon
Scan survey beacons to reveal next ring location
Uses bō staff to do so
Tactical: Soft-shell Intel (25s cooldown)
Donny uses his augmented shell equipped with Acolyte Pods to fire two Sonar darts wherever he aims
Enemies caught by the scan are revealed for 5 seconds.
Each dart has 10m radius
Both darts are fired on activation, however the second dart is delayed. This means Donny can fire it in a separate location from the first. 
Lore note: After finding an old, inoperable Tone Titan in an abandoned Hammond factory, Donatello reverse engineered some of the armaments found aboard the Titan. Most notably its Acolyte Pods and Sonar darts. Knowing that his battle shell can support a hefty amount of weight, he has crafted the reclaimed pods into a smaller, more personal weapon system, akin to the salvaged Northstar Acolyte Pods Valkyrie utilizes.
Ultimate: S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N
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Donny uses his technologically enhanced bō staff to call down S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, a Reaper who warpfalls onto a designated location.
Anyone who is underneath S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N when he lands will be instantly knocked down.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N can fire short-range anti-personnel rockets from his left arm at a slow rate of fire to suppress enemies or draw their fire
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N’s right arm weapon can be chosen by Donatello on his gauntlet before he’s called in:
Option 1. a slow-moving shield-draining ball of electricity, which will behave similar to that of the LG-97 Thunderbolt.
Option 2. A Branthium powered gravity well that can bring targets in close to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N
Option 3. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N can use a second anti-personnel rocket system which effectively doubles the rate of fire.
Anyone in S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N’s sight line is spotted for Donny and his squad
Will be active until destroyed or time runs out (60s).
Give an audible warning that a S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N has been deployed with the Reaper’s iconic screeching.
Lore note: “Scanning Hardware Emplacement Linked to Logic, Defence and OffeNce”, or S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, is a heavily modified Reaper that Donatello has reprogrammed to aid him and his brothers in combat. With S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N being a model of Reaper that predates the design improvements Ash made during the late stages of the Frontier war, he fires at a slower rate and cannot deploy ticks. However, Donatello has equipped him with threat optics, an enhanced Operating System, and modular weapon capabilities, allowing Donny to equip a multitude of different tools onto S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Mikey has also painted him Purple now.
Passive 1: Violent Streak
When Donny uses a grenade he has the option to either make it adhere to surfaces and enemies OR lay it down as a proximity activated mine (mine has to be set manually from close range).
Passive 2: Genius Engineer
If one of his brothers is in his squad, Donny’s Sonar Darts will give out a pulse-echo which will scan a second time
This effect stacks if both of his squad mates are turtles
tier 1: 2 scans per dart
tier 2: 3 scans per dart, third pulse is larger (20m radius)
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Class: Skirmisher
Can scan care packages and see the highest tier item
Tactical: Lockup (30s cooldown)
Mikey uses his Kusari-fundo in a small area of effect to temporarily wrap up enemies in high-tensile wire and ignite them, causing burn damage over a short time (4 seconds).
Can hit multiple enemies at once.
3m width and 5m reach
Lore note: Whilst exploring an abandoned Hammond Robotics™ facility, Mikey found an old patent for a Pilot’s tool that never made it to production. A set of Kusari-fundo which use a high-tensile wire in place of a chain. This variant of the weapon was not so much meant for offense, more so utility. From what Mikey could see, it was equipped with a small yet powerful internal power supply, which would superheat the wire. The intention of this was to allow Pilots to wrap it around and melt through the extremities and weapon systems of hostile Titans. However with the advancements in Titan defences and with how quickly the battery depleted, the idea was left by the wayside. Mikey has instead found a way to fix the power issue, and the answers lie in Branthium.
Ultimate: Artist’s Intuition
Mikey pulls out a can of explosive spray paint and can tag any surface he chooses. 
Once the can runs out or he chooses to stop, Mikey can detonate the paint causing massive damage to anybody caught in the blast.
Useful for area denial
Lore note: Donny’s intellect and knack for high-explosives had pushed him to combine the two just to challenge himself, and so one day he did. The result was a nano-explosive that he found could bind itself to the Lead particles in Mikey’s spray paint. Once Mikey found out that Donny had been using his paint for his little science project, he hounded Donatello to let him use it for himself. Naturally, Donny didn’t trust that he wouldn’t accidentally kill himself, so he refused. Michelangelo, however, was unrelenting and so Donny eventually had to yield and give up the highly volatile tech to his gung-ho brother.
Passive 1: Rad Enough Ride
Mikey can perform 2 individual dashes using his Branthium powered, gravity defying board
Can be used for a speed boost, evasion, or to get in close
Uses a “fuel” gauge
Lore note: After the team of the Iris Project sent the remaining Branthium through the Phase Runner on Olympus and the rift was created, a sufficient supply of Branthium was distributed across the Outlands. However, not all of it went accounted for. A crate of the rare crystal was discovered by the Turtles and studied close by Donatello. He found that not only Does it have the potential to provide a near unlimited source of energy, but it also possesses gravitational  properties; a by-product of the crystal forming on the edge of event horizons. Donny found that by superheating the Branthium and making it rotate at a high enough velocity, he could create what was, for lack of a better term, a miniature sun. Of course he had to make a suitable containment vessel, so he employed the help of Dr. Mary Somers; whom has had her fair share of Branthium related encounters. And once they’d done so, he had essentially made a battery that could never deplete. A perfect external power source for Michelangelo’s newly acquired Kusari-fundo. Not only that, he could take advantage of Branthium’s Gravity-manipulation qualities to modify Mikey’s boring old skateboard into something much more useful in combat. And so with that, Michelangelo had his new gear hooked up to the Branthium battery mounted onto the back of his shell.
Passive 2: Boxed-in
If one of his brothers is in his squad, the width and reach of “Lockup” is increased, as well as the length of time enemies take damage .
This effect stacks if both of his squad mates are turtles
tier 1: 5m width and 7m reach
tier 2: 7m width and 10m reach plus enemies take extra damage over time.
Character art - @shardkn1ght
Backgrounds - me
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blakyoo · 13 days
who tf is this chad whatafuck
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LMAOOOOO this is like 4 years old i think. why did i look like that ough
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toonsforkicks22 · 1 year
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Wooly’s worked hard to be where he is today.
Cafe Maid May Day 22 + 23: Gaming & Wi-Fi
*Planned scene for the Rise arc in my “Default in Our Stars” fanfic
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Ripped Indulgence
Hunting is a raucous profession, that borders on playful, in the same way that a child might skip happily along a cliff edge. But for every drink quaffed and trophy boasted, there is sword that has to be wiped of blood, and a tooth-hole in armour to be repaired.
And while stories are regaled around the braziers, it is easy to forget that the bite you parried was meant for your torso, that your last-moment duck was the difference between a slick movement and your ribcage being shattered. The hefty bounty you just turned in once lusted for your blood, and you owe more to luck than you want to admit.
Because when the palicos run in with their cart, sometimes all they retrieve is a pack with bitten-through straps, or a glaive split like a twig. Or an arm, dropped into a patch of yellowgrass, the armour too thick and fiddly to be worth chewing open.
These are monsters, and it's easy to forget that - right up until your sword is shattered and a claw as large as your leg has pried your armour away, and the teeth that found no purchase on your shield sate their hunger in your body. What was fun and folly becomes the apex of a million years of cruel and merciless evolution, to which your body is kindling and appetizer.
And pray that the tortured anger of a thousand hard-won turf wars is kind to you, does not easily tear your body asunder. Because it nigh-surely will, but perhaps prayer, or hope, or whimpered bargaining will offer a trickling breeze of relief as his highness rips his indulgence into you, and teaches you the finite, final lesson, that eventually all will come to the monsters they hunt.
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happyteasalesman · 1 month
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stinkart · 5 months
Also I'm probably just gonna skip all the "Apex" (and maybe Risen) monsters because I don't understand why they were on the poll to begin with. You're telling me Rise "Apexes" are considered separate monsters/variants but the 4U Apexes aren't, and Risen monsters are considered separate monsters/variants but Afflicted and Frenzied monsters are not? That's weird. I also hate that people voted for Rise "Apexes" at all and they're in higher positions than a LOT of actual good monsters when they're just shitty bootleg Deviants. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Like why wouldn't you just vote for their regular form or an actual Deviant monster?
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bunbunwinkwink · 3 months
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✿.。.:* “𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘨𝘰, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘨𝘦𝘵.” *.:。.
- 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙞𝙩
Havyn - she / her - multifandom - 20
Will currently not be taking requests — this is a new blog and I’d like to get on my feet before taking requests
I will mainly be doing series, occasional one shots, and imagines.
Some fandoms I will be writing for
Avatar ( movies )
Avatar the last air bender ( show )
Ultraman rising ( movie )
Disney & dreamworks ( movies )
How to train your dragon
Big Hero 6
Rise of the guardians
Puss in boots last wish ( specifically death )
More to come
Dune ( movies ) — only movies
Cyberpunk 2077 ( game )
Cyberpunk edgerunners ( show )
Hogwarts legacy ( game )
Apex legends ( game specifically season 11 and under ) I stopped playing after Ashe came out lol
Overwatch ( game )
+ more to be added
✿.。.:* Ps. please keep in mind I’m a hobbyist writer, my blogs might be published inconsistently.
✿.。.:* I only write when I have inspiration, and I have a short attention span. So writing isn’t always top priority. Although I will try to push myself to finish my projects but please understand this blog is only for fun.
Thank you for reading, my little cottontails <3
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bluejaygryphon · 1 year
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
Here it is! My Apex Rise AU!
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This is the rise boys if they were in the Apex universe! Thank you to my boi @thatonefunnyfella for helping me keep their abilities canon to Apex!
Here’s what Spence wrote for their character abilities! ( Keep in mind he hasn’t actually watched the show. But omg it’s still amazing)
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There won’t be a massive comic for this AU. Just little ones to add to the Apex story.
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He is still sentient! But because he is a repurposed Reaper he’s only way of communicating is through screeching.
Luckily, Donnie can still understand him. As shown in this video.
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queenpiranhadon · 7 months
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A/N: Hehe call me a hypocrite, but as much as I hate cliffhangers, I shall be benevolent and gift you all one. This chapter is written me :). My cowriter is the lovely Nyota (@labaguetteisdabest). You can find the masterlist here
Warning(s): cursing, animal murder, snakes, Kaeda has ✨daddy issues ✨, talks about committing murder, implications of death, blood, gore, the usual.
Pairing(s): Kaepex
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Trudging through the forests of Fujimura, I hear crickets in the distance, along with the occasional growl of another infected animal. But they left me alone.  
‘Thank you, Mabel,’ I think, as the smell of fresh fruits waft through the air. But I ignore it, knowing that I can’t be tempted by the gifts of the woods. 
Who knows what’s safe out here.  
I was already in my new set of clothes, thankfully I only had an hour left before I’d see the palace gates. My mother once told me the palace was so large, the forests I was in right now merely served as a backyard for them. Or it used to be- until savage beasts started prowling the lands. 
To think only this morning I was still on the ship back to Dodomi.  
Cari’s last words to me ring in the back of my mind - “Don’t be too hard on her, okay?” 
The water princess’s pitifully striking blue eyes, ones that carried so much emotion. 
She must really care for Apex. 
Mabel’s blood still shone brightly against my skin, a reminder of what I still needed to do. 
I’m almost there. Suddenly, pain flares up in my side, and I can’t walk any further. 
Leaning against a tree, I slowly inch down, trying not to cause any more pain- even though whimpers occasionally leave my mouth. I gingerly life my shirt up- only to be met with ugly purples and angry reds that now adorned the side of my torso.  
Dropping the fabric of my shirt again, I take a deep breath, getting up slowly. 
Cooling my hand slightly, I keep it placed over my side. Just as the nursemaid back on Watarumi said; When in doubt, ice it.  
And then I kept moving. 
I couldn’t waste any more time. 
My thoughts wander again, as I think about what we’d have to do once I find Apex. 
We’d have so find some way to heal all on Dodomi – but of course we were mildly inconvenienced by the fact that it was virtually impossible so that was wonderful. 
Perhaps there was a way we could ask the gods for help.  
I hear some ruslting in the distance – except this time, it was a lot closer. 
I didn’t have any weapons, meaning no way to defend myself. 
Unless I used my Reya. 
But slowly freezing the blood of an animal driven by its sole instinct to survive was heartlessly cruel. 
In the end though, it was all of Dodomi or one animal. 
And so, letting energy course through my veins, I feel the air around my fingertips slowly become chilly – the humidity making it easier to freeze the water molecules in the oxygen around me, forcing it to take its solid form. 
My entire arm was now enveloped in a frozen gauntlet – and with the right contact, it would freeze the bloodstream of the creature awaiting me. 
But I couldn’t stray from the path.  
So, I let the animal find me.  
The robust serpent slithered out of the tree it was hiding in – its head probably the size of the sole of my foot. 
Like the leopard from before, its eyes were bloodred, its scales reflecting the dull moonlight that peeked through the thing canopy of trees above.  
But this time – the hungry and predatorial look in its eyes was only met by the icy stare I had mastered so many years ago. 
Eyes devoid of emotion, soulless grey storms, churning pits of emptiness. 
I learnt from the best, after all. 
As it lunged to sink its fangs into my thigh, I lifted my foot, and bringing it down to what would be its neck, transferring the ice around my hand to create an icy boot, successfully freezing the snake’s airways shut.  
The reptile – nothing more than a limp rag on the ground – started to ooze a disgusting blue acid-like liquid from its mouth, and the scent burned my nostrils, so I turned and moved on. 
But my heart pounded in my ears, almost disbelieving how short that struggle was. I killed something with such natural ease... 
I was just like him. 
Tyrion Loki Cynet, King of Khaenpani and my birth father, eyes colder than the violent sea that smashed against the cliffs around our kingdom.  
Just the thought of it built a sour taste in my mouth. As it always did when I thought about him. Only worried about how I behaved not how I felt. It was always about the outside with him. 
He would always be a better king than father. Always concerned about his reputation his image, his legacy.  
He was the youngest brother in his family – his hold on the throne was barely there. But then, after a brutal battle with a known gang of bandits in the area, he was given the nickname the Stained Prince – for the blood he spilt that stained our snowy fields of Khaenpanii. And with the fame it brought him – the people thought he would be the most fit to protect them – and they pushed for him to be crowned heir. 
7 years later, he was crowned king. 
His reputation.  
After I was born, I realized I had not one father but two. One was a strict but well-meaning ruler who wanted the best for his people. The other only showed himself at home, creating a dictatorship within his own home.  
HIs image. 
The five years I had known him, he had only talked to me about one thing and one thing only. And that was how I had to become Syla for the Cynet family – how I born for that, and for that only. Every day of my childhood was filled with him forcing my deference to his every will and command. He had shaped my goals into his. 
HIs legacy. 
And now, I was becoming just like him, taking life without a single thought in my mind. 
My feet ached as I neared the final stretch of my journey, begging me to stop, but I was almost there. 
And as the gates of Asraxvale came into view, my heart leapt in my chest. 
I did it. 
Thank the gods. 
The gates were chipped and rusted shut, but I had expected as much. It only confirmed my suspicions that Espyns could be affected by this virus as well. 
So I climbed over it, my feet finding footholds in the wrought iron, before reaching the top. I swung my legs over the gate and jumped down – the smooth stone path underneath my feet thankfully lead me to the main entrance of the palace.  
Everything felt off though, it just seemed...too easy. 
But I could just be paranoid after the forest. So, pushing the twisting feeling in my gut away, I made my way to the palace gates, pushing the grand doors open just to hear the big thud reverberate through the empty halls. 
And laying on the floor, in a pool of blood, was Princess Adrienne ‘Apex’ Pyracent. 
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autisticenbydonnie · 2 years
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trigger warning: blood! and gore! read at your own risk!
chapter ten was uploaded... on sunday-
yeah i'm late i know. but. if i forget to upload a chapter:
star crossed haters updates on wattpad every sunday at 12pm EST!!
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