#Architects mind
rochenn · 1 year
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in a time before time ...
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solobodor · 3 months
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im a few points away from rank 9 kudos in AA, chip babygirl im almost there ...
anyway, some stuff ! pride, and human!cogs <3
note bc i dont want it to be misinterpreted - the pride art DOES NOT implie they are in a romantic relationship, it is their respective flags , they are a close group of friend/ chosen familly. chip and spruce are brothers to me and flint is with graham, they just love eachother very much and affection toward other can be other stuff than romantic ! :0 (im arospec btw)
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brainrotcharacters · 11 months
whatever level of insanity odysseus was under when he spat "you don't think I know my own palace? I built it" I'm down
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rathologic · 8 months
I've always found Alexander Saburov interesting, especially P1 Rubin's take on him where he tells how Alexander in incognito saved people from burning house and went unrecognized for the deed (nor flaunted it). Wonderful and easy to miss characterization.
YES saburov's fucked up sense of performing duty by putting himself at risk... my favorite... have had thoughts brewing in response to this that aren't quite cooked enough yet but it's very much a gendered standard that he holds himself to IMO, of idealized masculinity as a responsibility. as an active role and as the way things must be done. making the choices that he thinks need to be made regardless of how bad they are for him. pairing beautifully with katerina's self-destructive attempts to conform to the extremely feminine-gendered role of mistress, pairing wonderfully with the two of them's catastrophic attempt to conform to the heteropatriarchal nuclear family archetype by adopting the changeling :^) and especially how this is a function of how saburov relates to his Job, a role that's been passed down in his family and Actually Is critical to the function of the Town, inescapably so as long as the system of rulers exists
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ladders101 · 9 months
i know this isn’t the brightest timeline because if it was community would have aired at the same time as the good place and we would have got the best crossover episode of all time
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pumpkster · 1 year
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artemis-artblog · 2 years
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"Alhaitham is the Kevsu lovechild" "Kaveh is Voidwelt's lovechild" okay, then give me the awkward Kavetham family dinner where they realize that two of their dads had beef in the past
Taglist: @mocha-bunbun @creaturre @lauch-for-everyone
part 2
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tanunigans · 11 months
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Smurfs !
Architect and Passive-agressive
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themancorialist · 2 years
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Portland Street, Manchester.
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herssian · 2 years
i think all humans are capable of creating and do create even when they don’t realize they are, in various frequencies, forms, and across different mediums or aspects of life, but i truly believe there are some people who were made to create first and foremost and everything else comes second. i don’t know what the percentage is and i don’t know how many were taught to put it on the back burner because “that’s not how life or society works”, but it’s always sad to see the general public, especially those in charge, unwilling to give support to their creatives and help them flourish. it’d be a boon for everyone in the end, we all partake in art to be entertained or soothed or healed :(
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beliscary · 2 months
for real though I don't care what garth says, belgaer is around in ways that are inexplicable and funny and also tragic and sam is perpetually exhausted bc of it
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aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 005
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hello everyone we are backk i was too busy of dying from embarrassment and the fact tumblr was being weird. i said i was hungry then i went back to sleep then i woke up again and decided to eat cereal, yeah
this is the mirror chapter to the ecw one..things are a bit different here in this timeline by the way, for the sake of continuity we’ll say macho man did not help create wolfpac and it was scott hall instead. i do be struggling to post though.
had to rewrite this so many times it got so bad. sorry if this seems short. if you forgive me i will give y'all two attitude chapters..the calm before the storm AND VENGEANCE! if it lets me post lol. my layout is FUCKED i cant even add anything else augh i give up. i'll come back for this
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People disagree on a lot of things. They can disagree on the type of music they like, they can disagree on what kind of foods they like, and they can even disagree on something as simple as their favorite colors.
However, people found it hard to disagree whether or not you deserved a spot in World Championship Wrestling. There’s people that love you, there’s people who hate your guts, there’s people that feel conflicted.
One thing was certainly true though, whenever you’re set to be on television, no one could ever take their eyes off of you. Even though you were mainly on commentary right now, it’s hard to pay attention when you’re around.
Maybe it’s your cadence. Maybe it’s the way you carry yourself. Maybe it’s just because you’re a fighter. It’s something about you that makes people wonder. It’s how you landed yourself in the New World Order in the first place.
Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth had dispersed from the group. Hogan split to try and create his own, NWO Hollywood, which left Kevin Nash and Scott Hall to deal with the damage.
After nights of debating what to do with themselves, the both of them created the NWO Wolfpac, but it wasn’t complete. There’s something missing. Some spice to the group, a wildcard….someone no one would ever expect.
They came to the conclusion that they wanted a woman in the group. It’d be something new. Something that’ll give them a hold on the steadily growing women’s division as well. As of right now, there were very limited options. Elizabeth was already with Macho Man, they were damn sure Madusa wasn’t interested, and they didn't want just anyone.
So, that leaves you. Who better than the Queen of Extreme herself?
Now, they didn’t know you entirely too well, but they’ve heard of your accolades so far. Every so often they’ll watch ECW to compare it to WCW, so they’ve seen you more than once.
You could remember meeting them like it was yesterday. You were sitting in the office of Eric Bischoff, with him telling you how “you were trying too hard” for a chance to get in the ring and compete for the title.
You’ve got a rising suspicion that people were talking around backstage and you wouldn’t stand for it.
“We gave you a spot on commentary.” Eric says, shifting through papers. You were sure your contract was somewhere in there. “Isn’t that enough for you?"
“No.” You quickly answer. While you tried to be grateful for being on commentary, it’s boring to just watch matches and not get in on the action. “There’s a women’s division here and I want to get in on that.”
It was the whole reason why you jumped ship, truth be told. It’s fun getting involved in others matches and competing with the men, but you wanted to extend your range.
Women’s wrestling doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves. Even when you were in ECW, most of the ‘matches’ weren’t matches. They were cat fights that last 6 seconds. You and Luna’s match was the only official woman’s match in the company, and even then, you two didn’t have a lot of time to do what you wanted.
A lot of your coworkers were upset you were going to jump ship. Especially Raven. He was begging you not to leave, which was rare coming from him.
He eventually stopped begging, which makes you think he’s come to terms with the fact you were leaving. Paul Heyman did his best to make you stay, but it's about time you set your sights on other things.
It wasn’t looking too hot so far, though. Eric looks up at you. “Even if you wanted to, there’s no one for you to wrestle right now. You want to become a Nitro Girl? Know how to dance?”
“No.” You repeat, shaking your head this time. “I can dance, but I don’t wanna be a Nitro Girl.”
“Well, what do you want to do?” Eric exasperatedly asks, setting down the stack of papers. “We’re not getting anywhere here.”
You quickly counter. “I’m trying to get somewhere. Are you not understanding me? What’s the issue?? There’s a whole division! And I’m not in it!”
He pauses for a moment before looking back up at you. “I do understand. It’s hard to not understand you. I told you, you were trying a bit too hard and people were starting to get concerned with your attitude.”
Your attitude? What? You’ve been kind and sweet to everyone backstage so far.
“I don’t have an attitude.” You say. “And I’m nice to everyone here.”
“Listen, don’t shoot the messenger.“ He holds his hands up in defense. “I’m sure you’re a real sweetheart. Unfortuneately, I’ve started to hear otherwise.”
“Color me intrigued. Who’s been saying those things?”
Before he could answer you, the door opens and in comes Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. At the sight of you sitting down, bright smiles grow on their faces.
“Hey, chica,” Scott says, taking a toothpick out of his mouth. “You’re just the person we’ve been looking for.”
“Glad both of you are in one place.” Kevin says. “We’ve got an offer that’ll work out for all of us…”
And it was just history after that. This storyline saved you from possibly tanking and the NWO gaining more popularity. Were they listening from outside of the door? Possibly. Would they confirm? No. Would they deny?? No.
It was easy for you to become closer with Kevin and Scott. All of your personalities just flow like water together. Eric Bischoff was glad he made the decision in the end, especially since you three were bringing him more money at the end of the day.
You three had gotten so close, that the first promotional picture you took was the three of you in matching red and black gear.
You really liked that photo. So much so, you decided to frame it and put it on your wall with the rest of them. Some would say it’s conceited to display photos of yourself, but who really cares? No one ever tells you those things.
….Actually, Kevin does. Every time he and Scott drop by your home, he always comments on your pictures, then falls asleep on your couch like the heathen he is.
Somehow he manages to hear every little thing in the house. If you turn the television off, he’d shoot up and say he’s watching it like an old man.
Scott’s always been a friendlier house guest. Sometimes he’d bring you housewarming gifts, but you can’t say he’s not like Kevin, he does immediately goes to sleep in your recliner chair. It’s his favorite spot.
Those housewarming gifts reminds you of the time he brought you the absolute ugliest glass vase you’ve ever seen. It was so bad. The colors clashed with each other, the shape was weirder than a normal vase, and you weren’t entirely sure if flowers would even look good in it.
You still accepted it though. It’s your shitty little vase. You will love and cherish it forever.
HOWEVER, even though they treated you with respect, they weren’t exactly the best at treating your house with respect.
You knew Kevin and Scott were quite the socialites. You met new people everyday thanks to them. They’d drag you to parties and bars, just about anything that was a big event. If anyone from ECW knew, they’d be incredibly jealous that you’re going out with them.
The one time you let them host something at your house was a disaster. A big disaster.
Kevin insisted you get pizza that night, so that’s exactly what you did. You were confused when he ordered like 10 of them. He said it was a small event. It must’ve been a mistake, but you’ll be damned if you pass on free pizzas. Now you don’t have to cook for a while!
You’re going to have to make two trips, which was kinda annoying but oh well. It is what is is. You’re only holding four pizzas, so it’s a little difficult to see in front of you.
Once you open the door, you’re greeted with loud music. What is happening? No one’s in here singing kumbaya right now….
You really hope your neighbors haven’t called the police. You assume it’s safe since you pulled in the driveway with no cop car sitting there, but holy shit, this is REALLY LOUD. You're not even sure what to do. All you can do is stand at the front of your door, pizzas in hand.
Your eyes dart around to some of your coworkers and people you didn’t even know. What the hell can you do?!
“Heyyy, mamacita! You saved us! We’re dyin’ from hunger here!” The voice makes you come back to Earth, turning your head to the left. It’s Eddie Guerrero strutting towards you while wearing sunglasses inside. Huh…
He grins at you before opening a pizza box. “Pepperoni, eh? Got anything else? Tastes too plain to me.”
“Just—“ You sigh, literally giving him all four boxes. “Take it all. It’s all yours. I don’t know what’s on the rest.” You’re too exasperated to even start another conversation. You need everyone to get the hell out of here first.
You leave him to walk over to a blonde woman who was chatting it up with other people. “Hey, excuse me…who are you?”
She looked familiar, but you couldn’t place a name on her.
The woman turns to you, drink in hand. There’s no animosity on her face, just a big smile. “Oh, I’m Torrie. Are you friends with Kevin too? I gotta say, when he invited me here, I was surprised. I’m having a good time! And this house is huge! Whoever is the owner really outdid themselves.”
….You really don’t care. “I see. You could say I’m a friend. I have to ask, have you seen him around anywhere? Or if you know him, have you seen Scott Hall?"
“Hmm, I saw him earlier, but I’m not sure where he went. I think I saw the other guy you were talking about over there.” She says, motioning over to the corner with her free hand. "I keep hearing his name."
You nod, thanking her quickly before letting out a sigh. "...Fun fact, I'm the owner of this house. I need all of you to get out of-"
“Catch!” You hear someone yell. You immediately snap your head over to see two people playing catch with your vase. Not just any vase, THE SHITTY VASE! Now it’s certified that everyone’s gotta get the hell out.
“Stop! Stop throwing the damn vase!” You yell at them. They listen luckily. Before you make your big announcement, you needed to find at least one of your boys. Your ears are starting to ring from this music.
You found Scott first. He was entertaining some ladies, but he immediately shoo’d them away once he got sight of you. You were fuming, so much so that Scott started to feel scared of you. The words; “what’s wrong, chica—“ had barely left his mouth before he let out a whistle at your expression.
You point a finger at him. The smile that appears on your face scares him even worse. “Scott, you know I love you, right?”
“Yeah…?” This is probably the first time you’ve heard his voice laced with uncertainty.
“Great. Everyone needs to get the hell out. You tell me where Kevin is, I’ll let you stay.”
Scott knew that snitches get stitches, but it’s every man for himself. He’s never snitched any faster in his life.
After that fiasco, Kevin very profusely apologized to you. He repeatedly told you he wouldn’t do it again, all the while the person who betrayed him stood and watch the drama unfold. Fortunately, he’s kept true to his word.
These days he and Scott just drop by for some simple hospitality and to travel together for the show.
Your mother would probably chew you out if she knew how lenient you were these days. She’d just have to understand that they’re your friends, so of course you’d help them out every now and then.
Truth be told, you actually enjoyed the company. It made your home a lot less lonelier. There was a time where you had no visitors when you were in the midst of jumping from promotion to promotion. You weren’t sure if you liked the silence or not…
Save it for another time. Thinking back on the past is fun, but the present is what truly matters.
You’re backstage, idly pacing around as you glance towards the small television screen every so often. There’s a segment with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan going on, something that you found incredibly boring.
They didn’t give you any matches today. It was more than likely because the men were mostly dominating the card. You just wanted to punch the wall.
Eric had recently said you were going to get more involved, but so far it’s looking like that’s not the case...ugh.
Both Kevin and Scott were backstage with you, not ready in the slightest. Meanwhile, you were already ready and raring to go. On cue, you were supposed to interject in honor of the Wolfpac. The other two would come out later to defend you.
Kevin’s too busy on the phone to pay attention to the segment. “Yeah, man. Scary woman. She’ll kill you if you even look at her wrong.”
“What’re you talking about?” You ask, turning around. “Where’s Scott?”
He waves you off, then motions towards the bathroom. “Yeah. Nah, that’s not it. She’s a sweetheart.”
“Alright then.” You wonder who he's talking about. All you can assume is that Scott's fixing up his hair.
“That Wolfpac trio has been causing nothing but trouble lately, brother.” Hogan says. Eric’s holding the mic for him, so he’s making as many exaggerated hand movements as he can.
Hogan was running his mouth about how bad things have been lately within the company. The mention of your name makes you turn back around.
“They’re a disgrace to the New World Order’s name. NWO Hollywood is where it’s at! You lost half of your members, so now you’re nothing but wannabe superstars. If you jabroni's think you can get the best of my group, you’ve got another thing coming. I think we should fire them, fire them all. Especially that [Name] girl. She’s been poking her nose where it shouldn’t be.”
That was the straw that broke the camels back. You’re going out there. You stomp over towards the door, throwing it open and storming out.
You could hear your name being called, yet you don't stop walking.
You’ve had enough. It’s like high school all over again. People gossiping and whining for no reason. You have a rising suspicion that Hogan’s the one at fault for everything. Before you head out there, you make sure to get a mic from a staff member.
There’s no music, no nothing. You’re just here to set the record straight. For a second, the lights of the stage almost blind you, but your eyes slowly adjust.
Standing at the center of the stage, there’s a hint of a smile on your face as you hear the crowd cheer at your appearance. You haven’t even said anything yet. You hold up your hand, making the crowd quiet down so that you can actually speak.
“Hulk Hogan, you are FOURTY-FOUR YEARS OLD. You’re waaaay too old to be acting like this. Newsflash, it’s not the 80’s anymore. It’s time for you to retire.”
The crowd is still surprised that you even had the gall to come out here.
“And you talk about me,” You say, making your way down the ramp. “I think we should start talking about you. No one wants to hear the saaame oldddd jarrgoonnn.” The moment you get to the ring, you hop on the apron, not getting inside just yet. “Eric Bischoff goes on and on about how amazing Hogan is and he literally does absolutely nothing! I’m tired of it!”
Hogan takes the mic away from Eric, adjusting his title on his shoulder. “No one’s tired of HOLLYWOOD! All my NWOites love to see me on TV. They don’t want to see a woman here, let alone one that’s not a champion.”
“What they don’t want to see is a wrestler who should’ve retired about seven years ago. And for your information, I’d be a wonderful champion.“ You finally go under the ropes to get in the ring.
“I wouldn’t desecrate the championship like you did." The spray painted 'NWO' on the title was completely noticeable. Out of line, too. "In fact, why fire me? I’m a rising star. Once I get my hands on the Women’s Championship, your daughter can finally have a real role model to look up to.”
Hogan is surprised you’d go that far, bringing his own daughter into this. “You take that back.”
“Or what?” You’re not scared of him or Bischoff, and you kept the smug look on your face, which pisses him off even further.
Eric comes in between you two. “Hey now, this is pretty unfair. It’s obvious Hogan’s winning this fight. I mean, what can a woman like you do to the Heavyweight Champion?! I think you need to take a step back, [Name].”
It’s a warning you don’t heed. Instead, you kick you boss right in his shin, the crowd cheering you on. As he’s kneeling down in pain, you take the opportunity to hook your leg over his head and the other around his leg, bringing him right into the Black Widow.
You don’t need to get the heavyweight champion first, you’ll go for his best buddy!
You pull his arm back as humanly possible. Any further and you were sure you’d dislocate it. He wanted to know what a “woman like you” could do? He’ll get the answer.
Just as you see him about to tap, Hogan saves his buddy from getting a broken arm. He pulls you off, making you wrangle in his grasp. Eric falls down to the ground, holding his aching arm in pain. Once Hogan lets you go, you turn around and slap him as hard as you can.
“What’re you gonna do, huh?! Huh?!” You didn’t have your mic, so the crowd couldn’t hear you too well. You’re still talking trash though. “Hit me! I dare you!”
The crowd begins to cheer. You didn’t see why until you saw a man was ascending from the rafters. Once his feet hit the ring, you look at him in surprise. Hogan hadn’t noticed him yet, but he’s looming right behind him.
It’s Sting, the man who’s been watching you for the past few weeks. He made you crazy and not in the good way. You repeatedly told Kevin and Scott the walls had eyes, which made them glance at each other as if you were actually insane.
You’re swear you’re not. You knew he was watching you everywhere. Whether it be backstage or in the ring, Sting’s always just….there. Even when you’re in the same room, he never says anything. Just stares and walks away.
It’s not surprising he came out here. More than likely he wanted to try and save you. You didn’t need saving. You were just about to beat the shit out of Hogan for even interrupting your submission hold.
With that black metal bat, he lifts it up and pokes it right in his back. Hogan freezes in place and the crowd is losing their mind. Rearing his bat back, Sting quickly strikes him.
Hogan falls down in pain and you back up. Even if Sting wanted to “save you” the man was definitely unpredictable. You can see Eric scrambling out of the ring in the corner of your eye.
Sting lifts Hogan back up and Death Drop’s him right back down with ease. You flinch at the sound of them colliding with the mat. He gets up and turns his head towards you.
You point a finger toward him, almost warning him that if he comes any closer, he’ll get what’s coming to him. Where the hell was Kevin and Scott?! They completely abandoned you out here. They were supposed to run out and say a few things, but there’s no sign of them.
Sting starts walking closer to you. You feel your back hit the turnbuckle and you change your finger into your palm, waving it at him. Even if you feel your hand slowly start to shake as it grips onto the ropes, you don’t back down.
You didn’t want him to notice you’re freaked out. It’s the last thing you wanted him to notice.
With every step he takes, the more you think he’s going to do something. He doesn’t lift his bat, instead letting it drag on the canvas as he comes towards you. The crowd’s on their feet in anticipation. Would you get the same fate as Hogan or would he let you go?
He drops the bat. You can barely hear the sound of it hitting the mat due to the crowd yelling.
“I’ve got a knife in my pocket!” You say. He doesn’t say anything as he still corners you. “I’ve got mace too!” Nothing deters him, he just stares at you while you’re in the corner.
You were already starting to think of an escape plan. Something that’ll catch him off guard and hopefully give you enough time to escape. Maybe even give enough time for Kevin and Scott to get out here.
Drastic times means desperate measures. You grab his face and pull him closer to kiss him. The crowd erupts in cheers and you don’t feel Sting make any moves. It’s almost like he’s never kissed anyone before, but it’s hard to function when you’re busy trying to shove your tongue in his mouth.
Just in time, Kevin and Scott come rushing down the ramp, with the latter sliding into the ring with a chair and slamming Sting in the back with it. He slumps over, shifting most of his weight onto you.
Scott comes over and pulls him off, taking one glance at you to see if you’re alright. There’s a mix of your own red lipstick and Sting’s black lipstick smudged on your lips, and there’s a few spots of white paint on your face. Yeah, you’re fine. And he’s not talking about your looks.
Hey, at least he can proceed to beat the shit out of Sting! He’s glad he has a reason to straighten him out, especially since it had to deal with you. Kevin on the outside of the ring opens his arms, telling you to come over.
You hop under the ring ropes happily and he takes it upon himself to throw you over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. “Off we go.” He chimed. It literally felt like you were on a skyscraper, god damn.
“Where the hell were you guys?! I’m pretty sure you missed your cue.”
“We got distracted. You were the one who stormed outta there first, so we thought you could handle it.” Kevin explains. He roughly changes the way he carries you, bringing you down into bridal style. At least you could hear him a bit better now. "Had to hang up my phone call and everything.”
Got distracted by what exactly?! They could see the television, what were they waiting for! You roll your eyes. “Whatever.”
“Don’t be mad.” He says with a grin. “We’re here now, princess." For a moment, he turns around to the ring, holding up a strange symbol with his free hand.
Scott finishes the job, sliding out of the ring and tossing the chair to god knows where. Kevin finally puts you down, so you shuffle over to be in the middle of them and raise their hands in victory.
You hope this was a message for Sting to stop following you all over the place and messing with your head. But you're also hoping Eric and Hogan understand that you're not one to be fucked with.
Being here was strange. It's a new world. Certain fans knew who you were, but many others did not. All you can wish for is that this run comes with peace and a LOT of luck.
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didn't even save it as a draft this time i just hoped for the best. i still hope you guys enjoy, i will try and make the next flashbacks longer, and the next one after this will prob be a timeskip because there's not much for reader to do that night, if it makes sense. im gonna eat more cereal
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bmpmp3 · 23 days
Guy who just got a new fountain pen nib voice: I just got a new fountain pen nib
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geomimetry · 1 year
I just discovered AL-AN and I? love? hes just so neat? girl help?
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bibewilderedandbuck · 2 months
what is it with 911 and these sliding doors, tarlos got them in all all their apartments and now david and michael got them. like we have a fear of hinges or something
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wigster07 · 1 year
@the-erie-tea-blog made a playlist for The Architect of Catastrophe! As well as the cover art! My mind is blown and you all should check it out!!
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