tagzpite · 6 months
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arrancar ichi update!!
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master-muffinn · 3 months
Bleach: sitting on their lap in public headcanons
With Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow and Yoruichi. x reader
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 🍓 I feel like Ichigo would be more fine with you sitting on his lap in a semi-public place, like at the park, library, waiting for the bus/train outside the city or if you are out in the evening together.
 🍓 If it’s too many people around it would be too much and he doesn't like the stares and the whispering!
 🍓 Of course he wouldn't accept it until you have been together for a couple of months at the very least. And you will most likely be the one starting it. Ichigo will be blushing quite a lot in the beginning but be more comfortable after every time. 
 🍓 He would prefer to not do it infront of his friends either, because they probably would make fun of him and that would make him even more embarrassed, but as we know, Ichigo wouldn't exactly let it slide either. 
“Renji, you are just jealous because you are still single!” 
“HUH?! I’M NOT!!” 
 🍓 However Ichigo prefers to be home alone with you and cuddle together without staring, judging eyes. 
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 🍍 This boy has been watching way too many series and movies by now. Taking inspiration from different romance shows and adding it to your relationship so that he can be more romantic and be the best boyfriend there is! 
 🍍 I can see him being the one who straight out asks you about it when you two are watching movies together and then regret it because it sounded so stupid! 
 🍍 If you accept it, Renji will be so nervous and awkward and be blushing the whole time. He’ll be wondering if you can hear his fast going heartbeat through his chest. ‘Why does it look so easy in the movies???’ If you start talking about the movie later he will have no idea what youre are talking about.
 🍍 Renji would also be more fine with semi-public places while being awkward and blushing most of the time even after doing it for months. He would rather have you on his lap in privacy and cuddle. Then you can have all his attention and no one would disturb you. ;) 
 🍍 If you were sitting on Renji's lap in a semi-public place and his friends would see you two like that, teasing would have a great effect on Renji at that moment.
“Geez Renji, y/n will go deaf if you scream like that”
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 😾 This boy is a little complicated. You sitting on his lap is both prideful and embarrassing. He wants you to sit on his lap in the public and show off his amazing s/o and that they are obviously taken. But at the same time he’ll want you all by himself ALONE with no prying eyes. 
 😾 It’s the same with Grimmjow, you’ll have to be the one to start sitting down on his lap first, after that he’ll be the one who will grab you the most. He’ll find your physical affection very comfortable and calming. 
😾 Romance and relationship in general is something he is lacking, which is something he gets to experience and learn more and more with you. In the beginning he probably wouldn't be too fine to be lovey dovey in public, then it would be embarrassing. But the longer you are together the more pride and love he takes in you and your relationship so later on you can basically sit on his lap whenever you want and wherever you want, unless he’s out and fighting or training. Grimmjow will be happy either way and he won't take peoples crap either!
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🐾 Yoruichi is literally a cat. She has been sitting on your lap in her cat form long before you have been in a relationship. So of course it’s no big deal! 
🐾 It doesn't really matter when or where, as long as she gets your attention and affection, but don’t forget to let her sit in your arms too! Yoruichi loves both and people who staring doesn't affect her. 
“Y/n what we do is none of other people’s business, just ignore them okay?”
🐾 Yoruichi wouldn't mind sitting with you in front of her friends either. Kiskue and the others wouldn't judge. Everyone in that shop is so used to your relationship by now. 
🐾 But don’t forget that Yoruichi also has a lot of energy and likes to mess with people and prank them, so watch out! Like that time when she was sitting in Byakuya's garden with you in her lap and was making out with you in front of him just to get a reaction. Byakuya was not happy.
“You are a disgrace…Leave immediately!”
“What? Are you uncomfortable? Or just jealous, hmm?” 
“...Bankai, senbonzakura..”
Thank you for reading! If liked, please reblog! 💖 Have a good day!
Post made by @master-muffinn
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hashtagartistlife · 1 year
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how much greek mythology do you know?
(for ichiruki month 2023 day 8: fairest)
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zakuroarts · 1 year
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Arrancar Ichigo AU! - Did anyone tell Ichi he's basically started courting Kisuke when he dropped off Aizen's corpse? Will Kisuke ever court him back?
I'm honestly torn between one fo the other Arrancar making a comment about Ichigo already choosing a mate and that clues him in onto what he's done and he just runs with it because yes, yes that sounds/feels right. And, eventually, Kisuke starts returning the gestures cause he did a deep dive into arrancar/hollow habits and uhhhh if Ichigo is courting him then he wants to be able to court back.
Ichigo doing it on purpose right from the get go because he was just gonna drop Aizen's corpse off but then he saw/smelt/felt Urahara and was immediately like !!!!!! and just goes full shameless with it.
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So I haven't read CFYOW and it turns out Grimmjow has no issue with Nel smacking him for being a jerk or throwing a bala at him for the same reason. Bro just lets it happen?? Also, Harribel tells him to come join her to eat.
What's wild Is Grimmjow is much much stronger now than in the Arrancar arc. Even Harribel admits she wouldn't fight him because she isn't sure how powerful he's gotten.
So this man just lets the ladies do whatever with him. Lmao.
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incorrctbleach · 5 days
Grimmjow: What's that thing on your face? Ichigo: What's that what on my- Grimmjow, punches him: MY FIST!
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2004 vs 2024
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cspcrashing · 1 year
☠️ : oi. kurosaki.
🍓 : hmm?
☠️ : quit it.
🍓 : quit what ? i'm not doing anything !
☠️ : quit looking at me like that !
🍓 : like what ?
☠️ : kurosaki i fucking swear— hey, back off !
🍓 : it's just— i really like how you look in my bed ?
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☠️ : ya asking or telling ?
🍓: telling. definitely telling. i really like how you look in my clothes, too.
☠️ : fuck off.
🍓 : i mean it !!!
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elyonholic · 7 months
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Ichigo and Orihime in ROCK MUSICAL BLEACH: Arrancar the Beginning.
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grimmcheems · 3 months
UlquiHime 🖤❄️
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🗣️These two were my Roman Empire during my bleach phase🗣️, punching the air rn bc they could’ve had it all😭😭💀Orihime’s biggest fumble deadass. Ik my boi had a lot going on but she could’ve fixed him if she tried hard enough 😤😔😢🥺 I still have another doodle sketch of them and maybe I’ll post it later but meh.
I also had his horns in the initial sketches but if I made them to size they would be tearing Orihime’s head and this angle is a bit wack so I’d have to position them weirdly if I kept them. I think I’m gonna main my soft brushes for now bc for some reason my works come out better with them. Hard brushes are also rly hard for me to work and have me making multiple sketch layers for hours in order to get the linework coherent enough.
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tagzpite · 6 months
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bit of a swap around again, redesiiiigneeed
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akimao · 1 year
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~Burichi sketches
Watching the tybw saga was definitely a great decision! I can't wait for the second part! 💜
My latest bleach fanart is from 2012 😅 (and you can find it only on dA) I think I've improved a little bit.
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tossawary · 4 months
Everything surrounding Orihime's kidnapping in the Hueco Mundo arc of "Bleach" feels... weird and underwhelming to me. Like, I'm not fully certain what happened there. Did Ulquiorra hold those two random soul reaper escorts hostage until Orihime returned from saying her invisible goodbye, or was he just threatening her friends generally...?
The invisible goodbye thing has some interesting elements, but... I don't want to call Orihime a pushover for being threatened by genuinely scary people when she's feeling especially isolated, but it does seem to immediately and directly prove Urahara and others right when they said that Orihime is probably unsuited for the battlefield. Even medical / support people have to triage and improvise under fire and work within a greater structure! She (fairly!) does not like weighing lives!
(Though I do think that Urahara and others were very wrong to just tell Orihime to go away. She has no family! All she has left are her friends! And she's too self-sacrificing to ever willingly leave for her own sake! It would have been far better to keep her close and let her train for a medical / support position, so that she wouldn't get kidnapped like this (and would have had the confidence to work out some way to get around Aizen's weird mind games), when Ichigo is fucking notorious now for going apeshit if anything happens to even distant friends.)
When Ulquiorra first appeared in that space between worlds for an ambush, I was like, "OH SHIT, THAT'S COOL." This place is famously dangerous and if she and her escort disappear without a trace here, no one will know what happened. Perhaps Ulquiorra can destabilize whatever safety technology exists here and make it look like some mechanical failure. It's clever! (It also made me imagine Ulquiorra as some kind of deep sea leviathan, cleverly feeding on the plus souls and hollows passing over this trench, where the soul reapers don't think to look. Ulquiorra potentially first meeting Aizen by attempting to ambush him and swallow him whole in this inbetween place would be a great first encounter.)
And then Ulquiorra lets Orihime go to say a weird invisible goodbye? As part of Aizen's mind games to make the Gotei 13 think she left on her own and her feel like this kidnapping was partially her own choice? Unless Ulquiorra was holding those soul reapers hostage at this point in time, I'm really not sure why Orihime went along with this instead of trying to get help (besides her obvious feelings of isolation / depression + plot requires she be the damsel in distress to kick-start the Hueco Mundo arc). (There's REASONING, I'm just not fully persuaded by it.) It feels a little overcomplicated for me on Aizen's end, especially when I haven't yet seen it be paired with any other charisma or compelling persuasion from Aizen, this supposed master manipulator, when Orihime has plenty of buttons to press besides fear.
"Soul Society is broken and doesn't care for the poor people on the outside." "The Gotei 13 are corrupt and will ungratefully turn on people like Ichigo and Rukia as soon as they're no longer useful." "Hollows are people too, aren't they? And the soul reapers don't bother trying to help the people who need them most." "The Soul King is a threat to us all and I'm the only one who can stop him." There are so many lies and half-truths that Aizen could tell! This could be a point in time to showcase how he got so many people to follow him besides spiritual strength, and him being apparently nice to a vulnerable Orihime would be genuinely eerie given what we saw / know happened to Momo.
And this "making the Gotei 13 think that Orihime left of her own choice" story decision could work if Aizen had done more to frame her! But the fact that the Captain Commander immediately makes this assumption with so little evidence makes him look incompetent, when there are so many people who could immediately vouch for her and for the fact that it's way more likely she's been forced into something bad. Of course, maybe the story's point is to make the Captain Commander look bad at reading situations! Rather than simply ruthless for dismissing Orihime as lost and irrelevant. That gets a slight pass, I guess, but it's really such a wild and insulting and unnecessary assumption.
I think what I would have preferred to happen is OPTION 1) Aizen or underling kidnaps Tatsuki first and uses Tatsuki to get to Orihime.
This would bring Tatsuki fully into this arc instead of sidelining her again. It would be a nice culmination to the secrecy straining her friendships with both Ichigo and Orihime, and a nice bop to Ichigo's nose for trying to protect everyone on his own and his utter failure communicating danger to his friends and family. We could have a lot of fun stuff with Orihime and Tatsuki trying to survive together in this place. It would give Orihime some fucking motivation that isn't just "trying to help Ichigo". It would allow Orihime to find her strength by protecting the friend she has always viewed as being tougher and more confident. I need more women in this show who aren't made of relentless boob jokes.
OPTION 2) I would have preferred it if Aizen had found some way to locate Orihime's brother, Sora, and kidnapped him from Soul Society to use against her.
Aizen is supposedly a genius. It would track with the rest of the story if he could invent this technology. It would make the Gotei 13 look really bad if they have a way of helping families reconnect in the afterlife and just don't bother; and it would look really bad for them if Soul Society had utterly failed to be a safe place for Orihime's loved one. If Aizen is interested in Orihime's powers, he would probably be interested in seeing if her brother has any similar potential.
Option 2a is that Sora could be a regular plus soul and remembers Orihime. Aizen could have been experimenting on him and could be threatening to continue experimenting on Sora. Maybe being a regular plus soul in Hueco Mundo without the protection of a soul reaper's cultivation energy is dangerous. The air is toxic to him. He'll undergo hollowficafion again without special medicine from Aizen / Aizen's experiments keeping him as a normal plus soul, and he's terrified of becoming that monster again. Aizen coaxes Orihime to help him by claiming he's trying to find a way to cure hollowfication forever, so that Sora will be safe.
Option 2b is that Sora has no memories of Orihime or they've been suppressed, and Aizen has turned Sora into an Arrancar. Aizen claims that Sora was left vulnerable and starving on the outskirts of the Soul Society, abandoned to become a hollow again, or attacked by a hollow and transformed. Aizen has now used the Hogyoku to take Sora back to a mostly human state and given him Arrancar powers to "protect himself". Sora is grateful to Aizen for having saved him and as loyal as Ulquiorra. Aizen asks Orihime if she's prepared to fight her own brother. Doesn't she want to help him help Sora?
Honestly, I dig Ulquiorra so far and I'd like to keep him (he and Sora could have a weird not-twins thing going on), but you could totally replace his role in the story with Arrancar Sora and then put Orihime through the ringer torn between Ichigo and Sora. It feels so, SO weird to me that Orihime's dead brother never comes up again in this show about dead people and the story barely treats it as relevant.
OPTION 3) is that you bring both Tatsuki and Sora into it! Why not? Have amnesiac Arrancar Sora kidnap Tatsuki while Ulquiorra ambushes Orihime! Have Aizen threatening to turn both Tatsuki and plus soul Sora into hollows if Orihime doesn't cooperate!
I am feeling desperate for Orihime to have anything in her life again that is not her love for Ichigo. They don't have chemistry! The story is not taking the time to develop chemistry and bonding and partnership between them! Ichigo barely seems to remember she exists half the time.
Side note: I can barely fucking believe that Ichigo went off to train with the Visored without telling his family that he was leaving or where he would be. That's not a great sign for good mental health or healthy relationships! Which is probably (hopefully) the point! He could be dead in any alleyway for all his baby sisters know. That's not good big brother behavior! Ichigo has a real problem with not trusting anyone else to protect everyone (not without reason!), including not trusting his loved ones to protect themselves, and I'm not certain yet whether or not the story actually thinks this is a real problem and intends to have Ichigo fix his communication bullshit.
There is so much good, bloody material here if the story was genuinely willing to dig into the mess and make it hurt good. Instead, I'm watching Nel and her little hollow buddies do their fairly repetitive hijinks and Ichigo fight random nobodies who will not be meaningful to the story later. When Rukia finally ran into Aaroneiro pretending to be Kaien, I was like, "Oh, thank fuck, something with SOME emotional weight and compelling psychological turmoil again."
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Orihime’s character in Bleach
I was rereading bleach and the brainworms have fully taken over
I can’t get over the way Kubo portrays Orihime. She’s fifteen and feels out of her league, preparing with her friends for a war she is not ready for. She hates violence so much it physically affects her attack power and people around her treat it like a weakness (except Rukia and Rangiku, bless their hearts). As if heading into war to protect the ones she loves, even though it goes against everything she stands for, isn’t one of the bravest freaking things to do.
And she’s so messy! She’s jealous of Rukia for being able to cheer up Ichigo but hates that feeling because she knows it’s unfair to her friends and she loves them both. She is scared for her friends and for her town and so she tries extra hard to help them all. She is determined and fiercely protective and she cries because she feels useless then feels selfish for crying. Like. That, right there, is a human girl. And her humanity gives the story an extra layer that most shonen simply don’t have.
Following that, I’m convinced that part of what makes Aizen so unsettling as a villain is because we get to see him from a human perspective. He is manipulative and cruel yes, but it’s his interactions with Orihime that make him truly terrifying (at least to me). It’s the comparison between the human and the monstrous, which Kubo also does with Ulquiorra and the two arrancar girls. Orihime doesn’t have an unbreakable shonen spirit. She can panic, she can break, she can beg for her friends to help her. She shows mercy to her enemies. All of these are things that the arrancar (and the shinigamis to an extent) consider weaknesses but they’re really not. They’re what makes her human and what makes the arrancar inhuman and just. I can’t get over this comparison. It goes so much deeper than the typical good vs bad storyline. Neither human and inhuman are necessarily evil or good they just are.
I probably didn’t phrase any of this the way I truly wanted to but ah well. Orihime is really one of the best characters, it’s a shame so many ppl write her off as stupid and useless
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kingofanemptyworld · 10 months
one of those soulmate AUs where your soul mark turns black when your soulmate dies and Ichigo’s mark has been black since he was born. you can’t miss what you never had so it’s never bothered him much. only, it itches sometimes, nearly burns, and he sure as hell doesn’t know how to explain that so he wisely doesn’t mention it to anyone, ever.
meeting grimmjow for the first time both complicates and simplifies things.
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