#As You Wish My Lady
necromanticowboy · 6 months
Dungeon masters will tell you the city is ruled by a powerful witch queen and then think it’s weird you wanna meet her.
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shellshooked · 9 months
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so about that lotr x zelda au...
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ystrike1 · 2 months
As You Wish, My Lady - By Songjoo Yoo (8.5/10)
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A creepy, freaky Cinderella story. Resentment flows like water in this one. The yandere is classically yandere, but he is also insanely chaste. Content to serve and let his wife spend his money and travel the world, while he works. Love doesn't have to be part of the deal, but if she wants him in return well....that changes things. He gets worse.
A six year age gap.
Mental issues.
Both of those factors are Kind Of A Big Deal.
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Jinha originally thinks the princess his grandfather brings home is annoying. Their relationship is rather toxic. Hyun Eunseo clings to him. She begs for attention. She wants to play....but it's because her entire family died. She's not processing the trauma well, and Jinha is acting like a willing butler.
Jinha only becomes attached in return after she is kidnapped. He leaves her alone in a park, in a moment of frustration, after playing with her for hours. When her fate was uncertain he cried, and cared, for the first time.
Jinha is some sort of sociopath. He's pretty good at hiding it, but his fake mask is an open secret in the Cha family circle.
When Hyun Eunseo grows older her relationship with Jinha gets...healthier! Much healthier in fact. They become great friends and Hyun Eunseo trusts him BUT it is strange. Jinha treats her like his boss when she's around. He does it because Grandfather Dukman expects it.
Hyun Eunseo is the daughter of his Master.
It doesn't matter if Hyun Eunseo is a penniless seven year old orphan. She is the Master. The Princess. The Mistress, and Grandfather Dukman ensures she is treated as such.
The Hyun Princess causes friction, because this is a modern day story. Dukman's obsession with serving some Russian family that died in a car accident is freakish. Freakishly pure, and it's even odder that his servile behavior was passed down to one of his grandsons.
Hyun Eunseo never gets to live a normal life, and it is downright terrifying.
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The Cha and Hyun family lines could not be more different.
Eunseo is the daughter of some fancy rich Russians. They were old money. Crazy old money. As in they were old money enough to sponsor children as servants. Old enough to donate their fortune to the poor out of guilt because their power definitely came from improper places.
Dukman was one of those servant children.
Hyun Eunseo's grandparents saved Dukman from certain death in the wintery slums. Dukman was, quite literally, the most loyal dog of all time. He worked like a slave for the Hyun family, and he downright worshipped them.
He's not totally nuts. Dukman was released from his servitude when he had enough skills and experience to start his own life. The Hyun family did not actually "own" him, and they were famous for their philanthropy. Hyun Eunseo is the third generation...that hasn't accomplished anything yet. She was barely seven when her philanthropic parents died. Her wealthy grandparents were already dead, and the Hyun's weren't crazy wealthy by that point.
Hyun Eunseo had nothing.
Dukman became a rich man. He has a large family and an even larger company. When Hyun Eunseo was left without a guardian he immediately stepped in.
He told his children, and grandchildren, to bow down to the Hyun princess.
Naturally, most of them hated her on sight. An orphan girl is one thing. An orphan girl that can order you around is another.
Dukman spoils Hyun Eunseo as well. Everyone knows he loves her more than his biological grandchildren.
...even more than his actual children.
Dukman is a strange kind of creep to deal with, because he's not a pervert. He's just biased. He loved and worshipped the Hyun family. He naturally assumes that Hyun Eunseo is naturally superior to his family, and by extension himself and his blood.
It's a VERY old fashioned way of thinking that causes alot of trouble.
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Namjoon is the second son's son. He's a little older than Hyun Eunseo but....
Oh oops I'm moving too fast let me explain.
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The grandson who marries Hyun Eunseo will take charge of the company. Dukman built and enormous empire, and he wants Hyun Eunseo to live in comfort and pleasure until the day she dies. He also does...selfishly desire a great grandson of mixed Cha/Hyun blood.
Hyun Eunseo gets along with him great! They have a very loving grandfather/granddaughter relationship. The circumstances are so dang weird though it's hard not to hate Dukman.
Namjoon tries to use Eunseo to inherit the company. He doesn't care about her in the slightest. Not even as a sister or a friend. He lies to her face and he talks shit behind her back...
....and suddenly his life is ruined.
Grandfather Dukman disowns him. He does it because Namjoon tried to hit Eunseo, but he also does it because Namjoon has been spending company money on escorts. Alot of it.
Jinha provided pictures of those escorts. No one can prove he's the one who released them online but....yeah.
Jinha is a smart and capable stalker. He's been keeping tabs on his entire clan, in order to protect Eunseo.
He has dirt on all of them and he does plan to use it if the marriage competition gets violent.
It's even more awkward because poor Eunseo is AWARE of the situation. Like, she knows it's a marriage of convenience. It's what her grandfather wants. A marriage with no prenuptial arrangement. Guaranteed money. So she can live like a princess even after he dies.
It's an open secret.
After Dukman dies Hyun Eunseo suddenly won't be a rich girl anymore. Namjoon is just one of many examples. Namjoon's parents don't think Eunseo should get a dime of the family fortune.
Eunseo feels obligated to marry because Dukman did make her a princess. It's realistic and painful. She really loves him, so she's willing to endure his traditional ways.
Jinha is mostly just...there in the background being creepy for the first thirty chapters.
It's really awesome!!!
Super tense!!!
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Seungyeon is the third grandson. He's a volleyball player that could go pro....but his parents want him to marry Eunseo for power. His parents think volleyball is silly, and they're awful towards him because he's less obedient than the other grandsons.
Eunseo loved him innocently.
Seungyeon played with her feelings, and he slept with lots of girls to feel superior.
He did it all because he loved Eunseo, and he hated her at the same time.
Falling for Eunseo for real means he has to give up everything. His dreams, his sporty friends...freedom.
Dating Eunseo means marrying Eunseo. Dukman would never allow them to casually date.
Seungyeon does and says terrible things, but it's because he was never allowed to have a normal relationship with Eunseo.
Dukman formally announces that Eunseo will be choosing a grandson soon.
The pressure is on.
Eunseo does talk about her love for him, and how much it hurt her....and he doesn’t seem to care.
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Jinha offers himself up, on a silver platter. He says he is the natural choice, and he will let Eunseo live like royalty for the rest of her days.
He gets mad when she cooks, because his wife should not work.
He makes a room in their apartment her piano studio, even though her fingers were mangled in an accident. All so she can play simple songs for him, and enjoy the hobby she used to love in private.
He's considerate and insanely handsome, so she falls in love with him. She decides to forget about Seungyeon, because she wants to value herself more.
Here's the problem.
They sleep in separate bedrooms.
After six months the marriage spirals.
Eunseo finally asks him why he will not be intimate with her. Even if she flirts. Even if she bluntly asks.
The insanity is jaw dropping.
Grandfather Dukman told his grandsons to "save their purity" for the Hyun princess. Yup. Another open secret. The family has always known that wedding Eunseo is the key to power. Dukman has been drilling his grandsons about "how to be a good husband" since they were in high school.
Here are the rules for marrying Eunseo:
- Don't make her work.
- Your money is her money.
- She's more important than you.
- Stay a virgin if you intend to marry her.
There are eight Cha grandsons. 5 removed themselves from the battle because they were too old for Eunseo, or too afraid of the rules.
Seungyeon is a playboy, but Dukman was willing to let it slide if Eunseo wanted him as a trophy man.
Namjoon pretended to be "pure".
Jinha really is pure.
Jinha tells her he won't sleep with her until she's more certain of what she wants. He doesn't want her to sacrifice her body out of obligation. (She originally wanted to study abroad before Dukman told her to get hitched.)
Jinha tells her to fly around the world without him, and bang other men if she pleases.
He doesn't want to tie her down, after all.
They are family, but his position is service. He is her husband second, and a source of income/stability first.
Absolutely frickin wild I could not believe what I was reading.
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Eunseo, obviously, freaks out and says she really does love him. Sure, she did marry him for convenience. She was scared to lose the only family she has after Dukman passes, but she realized that Jinha is nothing like Seungyeon. He is good husband material. She doesn't need to jet set with a bunch of models! She's more than happy to stay with him and discover love for the first time!
She says I love you.
Jinha becomes more honest, and some of the elder grandsons come forward to warn her about Jinha.
It's pretty bad. His stalking has been in her life since middle school. Broken arms. Poison. Threats. Beatings. He's done it all, and she didn’t know until now.
She takes it like a champ though. She has always known the Cha family is abnormal, and she loves Jinha because he treats her well. It's not just his looks and the money. She trusts him, and Dukman. Those are the two men she believes in the most, so she decides to let the violence slide....
.....most of the victims had it coming anyway.
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Eunseo is no sadist, but plenty of people have tried to take advantage of her. Jinha is the perfect yandere slave but there were just too many. He couldn't stop it all.
Jinha dated some girls to look more normal, and he accidentally dated a few that were obsessed with him.
One girl told Eunseo that the Cha family was just acting, and when Dukman dies she'll be homeless.
It scared her when she was 14. She moved in with a distant aunt. That family used her allowance from Dukman constantly while they ignored her.
Eunseo got tired of being ignored and she missed Jinha so she left. She told her aunt no more money! I'm cutting you off for taking advantage of me!
Then, aunties son smashed her fingers inside a piano as revenge.
Taking away her one talent, and her favorite hobby.
Obsession, and money.
Cinderella cannot escape the fire.
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Seungyeon tries to kill himself.
It causes the main conflict in the story.
Hyun Eunseo and Cha Jinha are married, which means Jinha is the new head of the family.
Seungyeon lost. His parents abuse him more. They steal his volleyball career with rumors and bribes, because he dared to not date the princess.
He loses...
His first love, and his dream.
He cries and tries to get together with Eunseo, because she's allowed to have lovers on the side, and he wants that at least.
She says no. She has no intention of taking advantage of that particular polygamy clause.
He walks in front of an oncoming truck....after he destroys Eunseo's reputation.
It's unforgivable.
He says he's been her lover for years, and she married Jinha purely because he makes the most money. He tells a distraught grandfather Dukman that Eunseo played him. That he loves only Eunseo but she left him. Even though he was the one who ignored her confession to sleep with a bunch of women.
Dukman is at a loss.
He has already disowned one grandson.
Seungyeon is in the hospital. In a coma. It's hard to deny the evidence when he was spotted crying and clinging to Eunseo as well.
Hyun Eunseo loses every ally but Dukman and Jinha. Even Jinha's parents believe poor Seungyeon couldn't take the pain of being used for s**.
Jinha and Eunseo divorce.
She loves him. He's insane about her, but she does it because she hates the Cha family. She doesn't want to hate her grandfather, when he saved her. She definitely doesn't want to hate Jinha, so she leaves.
Grandfather Dukman gives her a massive allowance, and she does travel, but she goes to build a career. She gets work in America, and she enjoys being independent.
Four years later Grandfather Dukman calls and says he's ill. Eunseo immediately rushes home. Jinha's parents apologize to her. When she left their robotically perfect son turned into a violent drunk for a year. He's functional now, but the pain of the divorce proved that Eunseo can't be a bad person. Jinha really loved her....but then he went quiet.
He quickly entraps Eunseo, and he squeezes another love confession out of her.
Eunseo confronts Seungyeon, who admits his lies just to spite his horrible parents. Dukman finally disowns him for trying to ruin Eunseo's marriage.
Jinha and Eunseo remarry quietly.
The ending scene isn't another wedding.
It's Dukman in the hospital. Eunseo returned because he was sick. She planned to live in America forever, but Jinha told him to lie. He made it sound so innocent. He couldn't contact Eunseo, so he used his grandfather. Dukman was trying to distance himself from his little princess, but Jinha convinced him otherwise.
Also, he hired a guy to stalk her on his behalf in America.
This Cinderella story was inescapable from day one.
If Eunseo had chosen to marry another grandson Jinha planned to become her lover and steal her.
When she left he immediately started making plans for their reunion (after he was done being drunk).
Such a pure yandere is rare.
He became what he was raised to be.
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romanticatheartt · 17 days
You know why I love Feysand? One of the reasons is because there's a balance between them. In a way they complete each other.
Feyre is all forgiveness, love and a pleaser.
But Rhysand on the other hand is all revenge, hate and never forget.
Whenever he's drowning in hatred for himself, for people who wronged his loved ones, she's there to pull him up and shower him with love, respect and reminding him of goodness.
And whenever she is being too forgiving to the point she's forgetting herself or to put herself first, he's there to bring justice and be a shield for her from the injustice of it all.
That's why this is one of my favorite scene of them:
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He's saying he can't forgive anyone who wronged her. But she remembers the ones who wronged him and notices he doesn't care about himself, his hatred for himself won't allow it.
She's saying he has to forgive at some point. He's there to remind her that maybe it's okay to admit that some people have made her suffer.
It's this back and forth between them. It balances them.
He's always self sacrificing himself to keep his loved ones safe, to make them comfortable, to be a shield. And Feyre came to his life, saw right throw all of them and let him to burden her with some of those duties he put himself up for them.
Sometimes it's a wrong trait but it's never out of malice.
And she is always too forgiving, putting everyone else first, always backing down when some times she needs to back up for herself and she let herself to forget them. But he won't, he will remember, he'll defend her if it's needed and when someone crosses a line, he's there to remind them to back down.
Sometimes she let people take too much from her and it might hurt her in the process. A wrong trait of her.
They're the definition of "I will give my love for the both of us" and "I will give my hatred for the both of us"... does that make sense?
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
💖 Help Me Decide On An Idea! 💖
It's 2024 and I no longer wish to be a one-trick game dev lmao ^^; Help me decide on what visual novel idea I should consider in the future!!
Please note: 14DWY will still remain as my main focus and priority; this will just be a casual project for me to on the side to prevent burnout and tunnel visioning <3
(I may move posts like these to my main account (@cutiesigh) in the future since it's not inherently 14DWY-related!)
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cary-elwes · 9 days
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Cary Elwes + being cute and dorky and adorable
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givethispromptatry · 10 months
She couldn't help but think of those days before her adoption, before her mother died, when he would visit her shop. How he would whisper her promises of domestic bliss and happy endings that echoed through her mind for days afterward.
She glanced down again at the wedding invitation in her hands. "What a joke."
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aloekat · 6 months
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🍫 chancellor lapin cadbury 🐇
bulb above i think about this chocolate rabbit WAY TOO MUCH!!!
he's no riz gukgak or barry syx but there is just. something about him. he's so cool and interesting. as a random youtube comment i saw said, "zac oyama plays low intelligent/himbo characters as a blessing for brennan" and it SHOWS with lapin, it really does.
so yeah here's a fun little sketch of him! i think it turned out very silly :]
reblogs > likes but any interaction is greatly appreciated :D! tysm for seeing my art regardless :]
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dicapiito · 1 month
Does Joanne ever shut the fuck up ?
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tikara · 5 months
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Sometimes I miss actively participating in fandoms, but sometimes I see things that remind me how these days I find myself having a better time just keeping to myself and the small handful of people/groups I trust while still tossing some art out there publicly every so often.
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edenfire · 20 hours
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my chimera falin prints are finally here and up in my shop!! the foil turned out beautifully and I'm so so excited to share these with you!! I really hope you like them🥰💗💞🌸
> my shop <
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dayurno · 2 months
most touching bit that has been going on recently is people including kevjean when they say there are ship wars being fought on jean's holy name as if kevjean is ever even remotely comparable to jerejean (famous) and jeanee (canon)..... there are five kevjean fans and two are me. i dont think we can compete let alone compare but i love the enthusiasm
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ahauntedcowboy · 3 months
embarrassed myself in front of a very cute girl today. she was so pretty and so nice!!! she came to our table to get our orders and immediately started complimenting my nose ring and telling me about how she wants to get her septum pierced too, and liked my shirt and my entire outfit.
and i was being so cool about it for a total of 2.5 seconds until she asked "are you two together?"
and of course my brain didn't realize she was asking if the check was together or separate and i stared at her for the longest time before i answered, "um, no, thats my mom."
she was so nice about it thankfully and laughed and said thats exactly how she would've taken the question. i think she was being VERY kind cause i was so embarrassed and was covering my beet-red face with my hands.
clearly any brain cells i have evaporates in front of pretty nice girls.
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saturnvs · 8 months
i’ve had a shit week but yesterday i had my horse therapy for 3 (!!!) hours, and today i’m visiting a riding school for a lesson to see if i want to start riding there .. very nervous but excited :)
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gorespawn · 5 days
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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bugeyedfreaks · 3 months
What do you think? Does HIM from ppg ever had a crush or a love interest in ppg? Or HIM love boys or girls? I dont know. So what do you think?
I’m sure he goes every which way but in my heart he has his eyes on only one man alone:
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