samairuart · 5 months
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Deep diving back into Octopath Traveler
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ashlan-doodles · 9 months
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colored sketch of my dragonsona, ashlan. wanted to practice drawing her snoot
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Ashlan - Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
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Ashlan – meble i oświetlenie, które sprawią, że Twoje wnętrza zyskają nowy wygląd
Ashlan to marka mebli i oświetlenia produkowanych w Danii. Została założona w 1970 roku, kiedy to młody designer, Jens Alsbirk, postanowił przekształcić wizję swojego ojca o podróżach i dizajnie w prawdziwe projekty. Od tego czasu Ashlan stał się prawdziwym meblowym fenomenem w Danii i w wielu krajach Europy. Dzięki klasycznej estetyce nadal nie tracąc charakterystycznego designu, meble Ashlan doskonale sprawdzą się w każdym pomieszczeniu. Od klasycznych mebli biurowych po designerskie produkty. Wykorzystując wysokiej jakości materiały i doskonały dizajn, meble Ashlan są idealne dla osób ceniących sobie elegancje i nowoczesność. Jeśli chodzi o oświetlenie, Ashlan nie pozostaje w tyle. Oferta obejmuje lampy stołowe, wiszące, ścienne i wiele innych. Klienci docenią nie tylko piękny design, lecz także zastosowanie najnowszych technologii, co pozwala na wykorzystanie światła LED i żarówek energooszczędnych. Wybór kolorów i stylów sprawia, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Dzięki bogactwu opcji, meble i oświetlenie Ashlan pozwalają stworzyć stylową aranżacje w każdym wnętrzu. Każdy design jest wyjątkowy i wyrafinowany, co sprawia, że meble i oświetlenie są odpowiednie zarówno do nowoczesnych, jak i klasycznych domów. Najważniejsze jest jednak to, że wszystko to wykonane jest z najwyższą starannością i dbałością o szczegóły. Jeśli szukasz produktów, które pozwolą Ci stworzyć unikalną, ale i stylową aranżację w swoim domu, Ashlan jest marką idealną. Meble i oświetlenie tej danej marki doskonale wpiszą się w każde wnętrze, nadając mu klasy i elegancji. Dzięki zastosowaniu najwyższej jakości materiałów i zaawansowanych technologii, produkty wytrzymają lata użytkowania bez utraty swoich właściwości i wyglądu. Warto również wspomnieć, że Ashlan ma bardzo dobry stosunek jakości do ceny, co czyni je dostępną marką dla każdego.
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astral-ashlan · 2 years
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Art blog: [link]
Pillowfort: [link]
Toyhouse: [link]
Listography: [link]
Portfolio Site: [link]
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eeriethacus · 3 months
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First three artfight attacks!! First for @homebickles! You can find second here and third here!
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blazlngblade · 2 months
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TRAVELERS | 57 - 64
57 - Scarecrow | 58 - Ashlan | 59 - Sigrid | 60 - Merrit 61 - Mabel | 62 - Menny | 63 - Juan | 64 - Saria
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57 - 64's ARTISTS
57 - IndexEnthusiast (Pixiv) 58 - @hielounplugged 59 - @fantaseagal 60 - Smileday 61 - @fantaseagal 62 - Bruni91 (Twitter) 63 - Pipo 64 - Bruni91 (Twitter)
Full Credit List:
If you are the artists of these Travelers (57-64), you are now welcome to upload them independently!
Feel free to tag me (@blazlngblade) so I can update the Full List with your posted drawings for additional credit!
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marilynsweet · 2 years
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Needed to do something other than a ref for a bit, have some very angry Vali
Based on some stuff that happened in the roleplay (dm me if interested!)
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fenixarson · 2 years
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idk what to say. it’s been a wild ride. thank you all. thank you kevin, thank you hk, thank you ashlan, thank you ciaran, thank you matt, dom, merlyn, joba, bari, romil, kiko, roberto, etc. you all mean so much to me and inspired me in so many ways. would not know most of my friends without yall. i miss the band already. all love. minute of silence for the best boyband ever. it’s been great - fa
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symptom3000 · 2 years
Christian Alexander "Makeup" (2022)
director: Ashlan Grey
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[ENG Subs] Ashlan's Traveler Story
Overall Game Content Warnings: - Violence, blood, and minor body horror. - Sexual and suggestive themes. - Various types of abuse, including child abuse. - Drug usage, including overdosing. - Crude language (our translations don't soften the language). - And more...
"Ashlan's Traveler Story" Content Warnings: - Various types of abuse, including animal testing.
Ashlan 4-Star | Fame | Hunter & Dark | Highlands, Shepherds Rock Original Release Date: October 27th, 2020
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Full Playlist of "Traveler Stories"
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ashlan-doodles · 11 months
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I made a 3d bust of my dragonsona Ashlan! About 13-15 hours of work.
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walkinginthewnd · 2 years
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Lorde ph. by Ashlan, august 2021
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dulcieluvsgracyn · 1 month
i'm watching the new dance moms... does anyone else think ashlan looks like kamri peterson? like esp kamri when she was young? or am i crazy lolol 😆😆
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archergrid · 6 months
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“I had a dream. I was in a strange land. A vast wilderness. I went on and on, but met no one. I called, I shouted... but no one answered. I was alone.”
-Akira Kurosawa, Ran
<< Ch1-5 Ch 6-10>>
Chapter 1
Look, I get this question a lot for obvious reasons, so I know you won’t like the answer. It’s dissatisfying. But, because you asked, the best cybersecurity commercially available is something called an air-gapped computer.
An air-gapped computer has no network card. You won’t see a cerulean ethernet cord spouting from the stern of the case. There’s no hard, hollow plastic antenna to receive a wifi signal. It doesn’t have Bluetooth. My compsci professor at Tech explained it like this: there’s a literal wall of air—a gap—between the computer and anything that could inject it with compromising code. This abstinence-only approach makes air-gapped computers cheap, simple, and impenetrably secure.
But much like celibacy, not a lot of people opt for the air-gapped method. What’s the point of a computer, they ask, without e-mail and Twitter and porn? And I understand that. There were days I got so dog-tired of the manual data dumps, of examining each file down to the binary before connecting the USB, of hand-transcribing scraps of code onto sheets of paper, of the day-to-day ennui of existence inside those invisible walls. But when I broke into a system, all I saw back then was each and every way very, very bad things could get in.
The air wall was better. It let me breathe.
My laptop had to be online so I could access those vulnerable systems, but my desktop was air-gapped—a little black lockbox of my pdfs, jpgs, pngs, mp3s, mp4s, xls, txts, zips, bins, bats, dats, all my associate backgrounds and every line of my code. Knowing how safe they were in there calmed me at times like this, when I felt Julian Ek’s omniscient data network watching me like an enormous, electronic eye.
Notifications came like machine-gun fire into my phone. My apartment was dark, black under blackout curtains. I saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing but automated search alert after automated search alert filling my notifications: ek trial, julian ek trial, ek trial update, ek trial verdict, ek inc, joseph chambers, joseph chambers shooting, joseph chambers deepfaEk, deepfaEk, deepfaEk scandal, deepfaEk shooting edit, deepfaEk trial. More and more, on and on. I With dread, I went to Twitter, and there it was in blue and white. #EkAcquitted. It was the #2 trending topic, below #NationalVideoGamesDay. My hands began to shake. It had to be misreported—a mistake. I searched “Ek trial” and clicked the first link, scrolling past Ashlan’s disbarment and the Marshals’ conspiracy convictions to read the 6 words I’d dreaded for 4 years.
Julian Ek acquitted on all charges. 
Ek walked. I went to the Herald for nothing; became a fugitive for nothing. I gave up my parents, my friends, my condo—my dream job obviously. I blew my whole life up, and now I’m stuck here, all alone on the other side of the world. Jeopardy attached, meaning I was officially of no use to anyone; meaning I could never, ever go back home. This dusty, pitch-black 300-square foot apartment really was my life. 
I was hyperventilating. Breath after keening breath, air refused to reach my lungs, only rattle in the back of my throat. My head and stomach and knees went fuzzy. My phone screen smeared as it slipped from my hands. I reached for it and missed. The clatter of it hitting the floor—the dull pain of my thigh hitting the floor too—degraded into garbling static as I sank into gasping, grasping unconsciousness.
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Dance Moms A New Era Statistics
Summary of amount of dances by dancer:
Mina: 3 Solo, 1 Duo/Trio, 11 Groups: 15 Dances
Bellatrix: 1 Solo, 2 Duo/Trio, 11 Groups = 14 Dances
Audrina: 3 Solo, 1 Duo/Trio, 9 Groups = 13 Dances
Leilah: 2 Solo, 1 Duo/Trio, 10 Groups = 13 Dances
Lily: 1 Solo, 2 Duo/Trio, 10 Groups = 13 Dances
Ashlan: 2 Solo, 1 Duo/Trio, 9 Groups = 12 Dances
Isabella: 1 Solo, 2 Duo/Trio, 9 Groups = 12 Dances
Gina: 3 Solo, 0 Duo/Trio, 7 Groups = 10 Dances
Average Solo Placements (Age Division):
Mina 1
Lily: 1 *
Audrina: 1.6
Gina: 2.3
Ashlan: 3
Bellatrix: 5 *
Isabella: 7 *
Leilah: 9 **
. * competed only one solo
.**results of second solo are unknown
Average Duo/Trio Placements (Age Division):
Audrina: 2 *
Leilah: 2 *
Mina: 2 *
Bellatrix: 3
Isabella: 3
Lily: 4
Ashlan: 4 *
Gina: no duo/trio
.* only performed one duo/trio
Average Group Placements:
Gina: 1.57
Mina: 2.09 *
Bellatrix: 2.09 *
Audrina: 2.1
Leilah: 2.1
Lily: 2.1
Ashlan: 2.2
Isabella: 2.2
.* Performed in all groups
Average Overall Placement (solos, duo/trio, groups combined)
Gina: 1.8
Mina: 1.87
Audrina: 2
Lily: 2.3
Bellatrix: 2.43
Ashlan: 2.5
Leilah: 2.6 *
Isabella: 2.7
. * does not include unknown results
Pyramid Placements:
Mina (4 Top, 4 Middle, 2 Bottom)
Audrina (3 Top, 5 Middle, 2 Bottom)
Gina (3 Top, 2 Middle, 0 Bottom)
Ashlan (1 Top, 3 Middle, 6 Bottom)
Leilah (0 Top, 4 Middle, 6 Bottom)
Lily (0 Top, 4 Middle, 6 Bottom)
Bellatrix (0 Top, 2 Middle, 8 Bottom)
Isabella ( 0 Top, 0 Middle, 10 Bottom)
Pyramid Average:
(Top = 1, Middle = 2, Bottom = 3)
Gina: 1.4
Mina: 1.8
Audrina: 1.9
Ashland: 2.5
Leilah: 2.6
Lily: 2.6
Bellatrix: 2.8
Isabella: 3.0
Dance Details:
3. Oh Snap (Jazz): 2nd in Petite Advanced Solo, High Platinum
8. Glitz (Contemporary): 4th in Junior Solos, Explosive Ignite
4. Bound Together (Contemporary): 4th in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
5. Priscilla (Contemporary): 1st in Teen Solos, Explosive Ignite
9. Captive (Contemporary): 1st in 12-14 Level 3 Solos (not shown)
10. Seeing Red (Contemporary): 3rd in Level 3 12-14 Solos, 5 Overall
2. Come Play With Us (Open): 2nd in Level 3 9-11 Duets/Trios, 1st in Level 3 Duet/Trio Open Age 10, Diamond (not shown)
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
9. Explosions In The Sky (Contemporary): 2nd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Huntress (Contemporary): 5th in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Solos
2. Red, White, and Bleu (Musical Theatre): 4th in Level 3 9-11 Duets/Trios, 1st in Level 3 Duet/Trio Musical Theatre Age 10, Platinum Plus (now shown)
4. Here Kitty Kitty (Musical Theatre): 2nd in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
9. Explosions In The Sky (Contemporary): 2nd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
5. Ave Maria (Lyrical): 1st in Junior Solos, Highest Scoring Solo, Explosive Ignite
7. Cinema Paradiso (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Solos
10. Monster (Lyrical): 5th in Level 3 9-11 Solos, didn't place overalls
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
9. Explosions In The Sky (Contemporary): 2nd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
6. Baby Jessica (Contemporary): 7th in Level 3 9-11 Solos
2. Come Play With Us (Open): 2nd in Level 3 9-11 Duets/Trios, 1st in Level 3 Duet/Trio Open Age 10, Diamond (not shown)
4. Bound Together (Contemporary): 4th in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
1. ?? (Lyrical): Unknown, Elite Gold
6. Renaissance Nation (Jazz): 9th in Level 3 9-11 Solos
4. Here Kitty Kitty (Musical Theatre): 2nd in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
9. Explosions In The Sky (Contemporary): 2nd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
3. Juiced (Open): 1st in Petite Advanced Solo, High Platinum (not shown)
2. Red, White, and Bleu (Musical Theatre): 4th in Level 3 9-11 Duets/Trios, 1st in Level 3 Duet/Trio Musical Theatre Age 10, Platinum Plus (not shown)
4. Bound Together (Contemporary): 4th in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
1. Swamp Witch (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Petite Solos, Elite Gold
5. Time To Grow Up (Lyrical): 1st in Junio Petite Solos, Explosive Ignite
8. The Spy Who Loved Me (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Petite Solos, Explosive Ignite
4. Here Kitty Kitty (Musical Theatre): 2nd in Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Gold
1. Shattered (Open): 7th in Elite Junior Groups, Elite Gold
2. Medium (Lyrical): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups, Diamond
3. Telephone (Contemporary Ballet): 1st Overall Advanced High Score, Platinum Plus
4. High Voltage (Jazz): 3rd in Junior Group, Elite Gold
5. Migrations (Contemporary): 1st in Junior Group, Highest Scoring Group, Explosive Ignite
6. Sunshine and Rainbows (Open): 2nd in Level 2 9-11 Small Groups
7. The Menu (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 Junior 9-11 Small Groups
8. God Don't Give With Both Hands (Open): 1st in Junior Group, Explosive Ignite
9. Heartstopper (Jazz): 3rd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
9. Explosions In The Sky (Contemporary): 2nd in 9-11 Level 3 Small Groups
10. Body Bags (Contemporary): 1st in Level 3 9-11 Small Groups
Pyramid Details:
1. Bottom
2. Bottom
3. Bottom
4. Bottom
5. Top
6. Bottom
7. Bottom
8. Middle
9. Middle
10. Middle
1. Top
2. Middle
3. Middle
4. Middle
5. Bottom
6. Top
7. Middle
8. Top
9. Bottom
10. Middle
1. Bottom
2. Bottom
3. Bottom
4. Bottom
5. Bottom
6. Middle
7. Middle
8. Bottom
9. Bottom
10. Bottom
6. Top
7. Top
8. Middle
9. Middle
10. Top
1. Bottom
2. Bottom
3. Bottom
4. Bottom
5. Bottom
6. Bottom
7. Bottom
8. Bottom
9. Bottom
10. Bottom
1. Middle
2. Bottom
3. Middle
4. Bottom
5. Bottom
6. Bottom
7. Bottom
8. Middle
9. Middle
10. Bottom
1. Bottom
2. Middle
3. Bottom
4. Middle
5. Middle
6. Bottom
7. Middle
8. Bottom
9. Bottom
10. Bottom
1. Middle
2. Top
3. Top
4. Top
5. Middle
6. Middle
7. Bottom
8. Bottom
9. Top
10. Middle
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