#Asthma AU
stars-of-kyber · 9 months
I do not know where this has come from but I do know that you’re probably one of the very few authors in this fandom that I know I could request to bring this to life and it’ll turn out better than my imagination.
Kate and Anthony have been together a while - they’re just getting to know about each other but one thing that Anthony doesn’t know is that Kate has dormant asthma which acts up during a stressful period and Anthony is there to witness it. He doesn’t know what to do or what’s going on, just that he is out of his mind looking at Kate going all blue in the face. I’ll leave the rest to you.
Would you please please please write it, my dear friend? Please???
You know they say flattery won't get you anywhere but with me, that's not true, complimenting me can get you very far lol
Thank you for the prompt! I love these random ideas that send me into an inspiration fit <3 and thank you for the comment I love it so much it makes me so happy you have NO idea.
You know what's funny? I've never mentioned any of this to anyone here bc it was years ago but my ex-boyfriend used to have severe asthma and one of the scariest situations in my entire life was the day his inhaler ended at work and he arrived at my house looking completely blue.
@chrissisheadisinclouds who asked for No 14 “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” so I put the two together.
I have to thank @kateandanthonyaremyparents and @mimix007 for the help and support and comments I love you both so much. And to my ex who not only made me live those insane asthmatic partner experiences but has been answering my annoying asthma questions for the past three days bc of this story lol Thanks Adal, you're great!
Here is Breathe, I hope it was able to live up to your expectations.
Anthony's day was being hectic at best. His alarm didn't go off and when he'd woken up with Kate rolling out of bed to get ready for work, he was already supposed to be at the office for at least fifteen minutes. It was raining strongly outside and by the time he arrived at work, he was about an hour late. And to top it all off, thirty minutes after that, the lights went off. A fallen tree smashed some cables and the entire twenty-one floors of the commercial building went powerless, along with at least another eight around them. All employees were instructed to work at home and Anthony had to climb down fourteen flights of stairs to go back to where he shouldn't have left in the first place.
The rest of his morning had been mostly ordinary. He sat through an hours-long meeting that could have been an e-mail, answered stupid questions from people who didn't know how to do their own jobs and ate cold leftover pizza for lunch. 
It was around three in the afternoon when Newton, who had been napping quietly on his study sofa, lifted his head in surprise, listening to the click of the front door opening. 
Anthony stood, following the dog with a furrow of his eyebrow. Was Kate home early? He knew storms upset her and the wind was picking up, cracks of thunder rolling over the sky, making windows rattle, so she might have taken a half day, but she hadn't called or texted him about it. 
He knew something was wrong the moment his eyes landed on Kate. Newton had rushed to her, wiggling his chubby butt as he nuzzled her legs to get her attention but his girlfriend didn't bend to greet him as she usually did. Instead, she stood stock-still, her entire body resting heavily against the shut door, trembling softly. Her eyes were closed and her chest was rising and falling too quickly, too harshly and her breathing was raggedy and rattling on her chest. 
Her lips were blue. 
"Kate?" She jumped at the sound of his voice, her eyes snapping open and falling on him. "Are you okay?" He could hear the worried hitch in his voice the same way he could hear the wheezing in her breath. She didn't answer, shaking her head, but she reached out for him as he approached, allowing him to wrap his arms safely around her shaking body. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Can't breathe." Kate croaked, trying to swallow a lungful of air. 
"Is it the storm? Are you having a panic attack?" His hands roamed nervously over her, trying to soothe and check for any injuries at the same time. Kate just shook her head again, her eyes turning wet as her breathing grew more and more raggedy. 
"Asthma." She whispered hoarsely. Anthony knew Kate had asthma, of course, he did, but only from the stories he heard from Mary and Edwina. His girlfriend never talked about it and in the year they've been together, two months of that year living in the same house, he'd never seen her have even a hint of what could look like a flare-up. He'd seen panic attacks and nightmares, but nothing that could indicate any difficulty breathing at all. 
The worst part is that Anthony had no idea what to do. 
He'd treated his fair share of allergy crises and strep infections. Rash and sunburns were easy. He could handle everything from scraped knees to broken bones and he had experience with how to deal with inebriation and hangovers. But none of his siblings had asthma. 
"Do you have an inhaler?" It was the only thing he knew about it, from years of films and shows about people using the little pumps whenever they felt any symptoms coming. Kate shook her head, tears streaming down her face. 
"Ended... A while back." She told him, her breathing worsening as the words came out, her bluish lips wobbling as tears ran down her face. "Didn't think I needed it anymore." 
"Okay..." Anthony's hands were trembling as they rubbed up and down his girlfriend's arms. " Hey, don't cry, alright? I'm here, I'm with you okay? Always. I'll figure it out, try to breathe as steadily as you can." 
"My chest hurts." She whispered brokenly, leaning her cheek at the palm that moved to cradle her face, closing her eyes. 
"I know love, but you need to calm down and save your breath, can you do that for me, sweetheart?" Kate nodded painfully, attempting to slow her breathing although the wheezing remained just as bad. "You're doing great, darling. Keep breathing in and out as slow as you can." Anthony guided her gently towards one of the sofas, Newton following on her heels. "Just sit here and try to breathe slowly alright? I'll be right back."
Kate just nodded, her hands burrowed deeply into Newton's fur as he climbed into her lap. 
Anthony took one last worried look at her before moving to the kitchen, fishing his phone out of his pocket. The first try went to voicemail after a minute of ringing and he dialed again. This time, after just three rings, the call connected. 
"Anthony, is everything alright?" Mary's voice was low on the other side of the line. He knew Kate's stepmother was working at the moment but if she hadn't picked up the phone, his next call would be directed to 999. 
"Oh thank God." He released all the air he had been holding back while the phone rang. "Mary, I need your help. Kate's... she's having an asthma... attack? Crisis? Flare? I don't know what it's called. She can't breathe and I don't know what to do." 
"Ok, Anthony, dear, listen to me. I need you to calm down."
"Calm down?! Mary, she's turning blue!" Anthony's voice was an octave higher than usual, his attempt at whispering turning into a squeak. 
"Listen, I know it’s scary, okay? By God, I really, really do." Kate's stepmother's voice was trembling slightly over the telephone. "But Kate's already nervous and she needs to be as tranquil as possible so you can't panic right now, yes?" 
"Yes, I... I know that. It's just..." He let the words trail out, unsure how to phrase them. 
"It's terrifying." His mother-in-law's voice was filled with sorrow and worry on the other side of the line as she spoke. "I used to sit next to her bed all night, watching her chest rise and fall after one of those crises."  
"What do I do, Mary?" 
"Does she have an inhaler?"
"No, she said she'd run out and didn't think she needed a refill." 
"Of course she did." He could see clearly in his mind the way Mary was most likely shaking her head with a sad little smile. "Make her a strong cup of tea." Anthony was already moving while she spoke, filling the electric kettle with fresh water before turning it on. "Caffeine has similar effects as the inhaler and it can help ease her shortness of breath. At least for a little while."
"Okay. Water's boiling. What else?" 
"Just keep her sitting up and focusing on her breathing. And some honey might help too if you have it." 
"And after the tea?" Anthony asked, opening and closing cupboards until he found the small half-used bottle of honey he kept for Hyacinth when she came over. 
"Once she's feeling a bit better, take her to the A&E to get proper medication." 
"Right." He stood in the silence of the kitchen for a few moments, watching the water begin to bubble over the glass and he only knew Mary was still on from the soft background noises coming through the speaker. "I didn't even know she had asthma... I mean, I heard it from you and Eddie but I... I thought it was treated or something... I never seen her have anything remotely similar to a crisis so I just assumed..."
"I don't think she'd had a crisis in a while, but I don't think Kate would have told me about it." Mary let out a tired little sigh. "She's always hated her asthma flares so much and she'd try to hide it from us until she could barely breathe. It was like those storms she was so afraid of as a girl. I think Kate tried to keep these things to herself so we don't worry about her or something like it." 
It was lucky the conversation was happening through the phone because Anthony would not have been able to look Kate's stepmother in the eye. Mary was not aware that Kate's deep-rooted horror of storms had not disappeared, but shifted as she had learned to hide her feelings better. Hell, Anthony only came to discover them by accident, when he decided to stop at her flat instead of trying to make it home in the rain only to find her curled up on the floor of her closet, her eyes glassy and her nose pressed to Newton's fur. He was quite certain that if he hadn't found her that day, Kate would have kept the fact from him for as long as she was humanly able. 
Yet he hadn't really told her about his blinding fear of bees and of not living past until it had been impossible to keep it from her without tossing their entire relationship away. He really couldn't judge her much without making himself a huge hypocrite. 
"I've got the honey." He told her, clutching the bottle to him with shaky hands. "I'll go give some to her while the tea is not ready." 
"You do that. Please keep me updated, I'll have my phone with me if you need anything."
"Will do." 
"And Anthony? You tell Kate she'd better have an inhaler on her the next time I see her." 
"Don't worry Mary." He told her honestly. If he had his way, there would be an asthma inhaler tied to Kate's work bag, one in each room of their house and perhaps one at his mother's and one at hers, just to be safe. "I've got it." 
Kate's breathing was even worse when he returned to the living room. She was making a strong effort to keep pulling air in and out slowly, but it didn't seem to be helping much. Her entire face was pale and drawn-out and her lips had turned completely blue. He was by her side in a flash, examining the bluish tips of her fingers and caressing her cheeks gently as she tried to inhale. 
"Here, take this." She opened her mouth to reply but he beat her to it. "Don't speak, you need to save your breath, okay? It's just honey and I'm making you some tea. Mary said it would help." Kate opened her mouth, this time to take the spoon he was offering her without any complaint and swallowed heavily but dutifully. "After you take the tea, we're going to the A&E, alright?" 
"No." Her voice was hoarse and you could hear the breathlessness behind it at the small word while her eyes filled with tears. 
"Katie, please, don't cry. Please," He begged, cupping her cheek in his palm. Anthony despised seeing her in any form of pain and he was terrified she'd stop breathing right there in front of him. The only reason he still hadn't dragged her into the car and to an emergency room, tea and honey and slow breathing be damned, was that he knew she'd hate him for it. But if she continued to get progressively more blue and her breathing continued to wheeze that way, he might just let her hate him, if it meant she'd be alright. "I know you don't like the hospital and you don't like having to go there, but you need to breathe, darling. It's kind of a requirement to keep living. How can I marry you if you stop?"
Kate closed her eyes to fight the tears, a little chuckle escaping her as she inhaled deeply. "You have to propose first." 
"Yeah, and I have the whole thing planned out, ring and everything." Anthony pressed his lips gently to her forehead, pushing her hair from her face. "But you need to have air in your lungs to say yes."  
The room was silent for a moment, devoid of any sound but Kate's harsh intakes of breath before she whispered, "Okay."
"Okay?" She nodded, letting her head fall forwards until their foreheads were touching. "Thank you, sweetheart." He mumbled, kissing her nose and then the corner of her lips. "I'm going to get your tea, alright?"
"Alright." With one last kiss to the top of her head, he got up. 
It was the fastest pot of tea Anthony'd ever made. Anthony was back at Kate's side with a steaming mug filled with strong tea in under a minute. 
As his girlfriend sipped, painfully at first, on the hot drink, the wheezing in her breath seemed to diminish until it was barely there, her plump lips recovering their colour bit by bit until very little blue was left on it. By the time the mug was empty, Kate looked almost like her normal self, abate for her chest rising and falling in measured deep breaths and the pained look written on her features. 
Anthony took the lilac ceramic mug from her hand and placed it on the centre table in front of them. Kate let herself fall against his side, looking drawn out and so very tired, her eyes closed as her entire body slumped into him. 
"Would you like to change before going to the A&E?" He offered, rubbing her back up and down in soft, gentle strokes. 
"No." Her reply was a husky whisper as she shook her head and Anthony could see the small bit of moist collecting in the corners of her closed eyes. He reached over, brushing the tears away before they could fully form. 
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry you have to go through this." 
"I hate it." Kate's little angry complaint was swallowed by the fabric of his shirt as she pressed her nose to it. "It sucks, I hate it, I... I thought it was over." Her voice broke over the last word and Anthony enveloped her in his arms, one of his hands reaching up to caress her hair as the other continued its soothing up-and-down motion on her back. "My chest hurts."
"I know, love. I'm sorry." He kissed her forehead again, inhaling the flowery smell of her hair, basking in the feeling of her, warm and alive next to him, of her chest rising and falling against his.  
"I don't want to have this." Kate sounded a little like a petulant child, angry and frustrated and Anthony deeply understood the feeling. He understood what was it like to feel as if you have no control over your own body, incapable of doing something that was supposed natural. When you needed your lungs, your limbs, your mind to do what they were made to do only to find them fighting you on every turn. It made you feel weak. It made you feel powerless. 
"I know you don't." He kissed the top of her head, saying the words into her hair. "And I know you don't like going to the hospital, but I need you to do this. If not for yourself, for me. I can't see you like this, darling." 
"I don't like the inhaler." 
"I get it, alright? I'll call Uncle Nick and Aunt Georgie and ask for a recommendation for a good pulmonologist. The best one in the country. I'm sure there must be some treatment for asthma so you won't have to use the inhaler in the future. I have a very good allergist too, I take all of my siblings to her to get tested every three years. We can schedule an appointment with her as well." He pulled back to be able to look at her face, his index finger trailing over her jaw in a soft caress. "But right now, I'm going to need you to go to the A&E so you can get medicated and properly breathing since we have established that it is sort of an essential part of life and all." 
"It's a bit important, yes." Kate laughed and the sound lifted the heavy weight that had settled over Anthony's chest since his eyes had fallen on her, breathless and wheezing this afternoon.
"And I'm going to have to insist you carry around an inhaler with you while we don't have a proper, safe treatment plan." Her nose wrinkled in distaste at his request that really was half an order, half a plea. "You scared the hell of out me, Kate." 
"It wasn't that bad." It was clear from the grimace that followed her words that she wasn't fooling even herself. 
"You looked blue, darling. Like that girl that chews gum in the Chocolate Factory movie that turns into a blueberry." 
"She turns purple," Kate’s tone might have been deadpan, but her teeth had sunk into her bottom lip and she was trying to keep her laughter at bay at the ridiculous discussion just as much as he was. 
"And you were one step away from looking purple. Plus, I could hear your wheezing from the hall. Newton heard it from the office with the door half-closed." The dog in question lifted his head from where it was resting on Kate's lap to nuzzle in her hand as if to agree with Anthony and his worries. "Please, Kate, for my sanity, if nothing else."
"I haven't had a bad crisis in a while." She told him, the hand that wasn't patting Newton's fun reaching out to his, enlacing their fingers together. 
"Hopefully, for both our sakes, you'll never have another one. But just in case, so I can have some peace of mind, knowing that I won't get home to find you passed out on the floor, blue-faced and unable to breathe." 
"You're very dramatic." She giggled, pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss. "You're going to spread inhalers around the entire house, aren't you?"
"Yes." Anthony wasn't ashamed to admit it and Kate knew him too well for him to even try and lie about it. 
"I'm sorry for scaring you." She whispered, pressing her cheek to his outstretched hand. 
"Don't be." He whispered back, kissing the tip of her nose. "Just let me take care of you." 
"You do. You take care of me very well." Kate spoke gently, nuzzling at his palm in a motion very similar to Newton's when he demanded pats. "It's the reason I love you so much. Well, one of them anyway." 
"And yet, you keep fighting every step of the way." He whined as his fingers carted upwards, threading to the lush dark locks of her hair and her eyes fell shut in bliss over the caress.
"I love you even more because you keep doing it despite me fighting you every step of the way."
"You'd probably have to kill me to make me stop." He couldn't help but smile at Kate's sweet little content sigh. "But you could, maybe... Not fight it so much? You don't even have to help, just... let me do it every once in a while."
"Pot, kettle, honey." She grinned smugly, her eyebrows raising up even if her eyes remained firmly shut before her entire face contorted in a big yawn. 
"Oh, no, Miss Sharma. You're not falling asleep on me here." Anthony stood quickly and Kate whimpered at the loss of him, her body falling down to the cushions slowly and a bit theatrically. He had his hands wrapped around her wrists before she could even lie down fully, tugging her to sit up. Newton let out a grumble of complaint when he lost his comfortable resting space. "We're going to the hospital before the tea effect ends and you start turning purple again."  
"It's raining a lot." She complained, sitting up with a pout. 
"Don't worry, the car is waterproof, I checked." When Kate was firmly on her two feet, he wrapped his arm around her waist, reaching out for the workbag she had abandoned by the door when she'd arrived and his wallet and keys without ever letting go of her. 
"I'm really tired."    
"The faster we're at the A&E, the faster we can return home. We can take a nap and order some food for dinner once we're back."
"Don't you have to work?" His girlfriend finally gave up on trying to convince him to let it go, allowing herself to melt into his embrace with a weary, drawn-out sigh as he walked them to the 
"Whatever I have to do can wait until tomorrow." It wasn't exactly a lie as much as Anthony barely remembered what he had to get done to work that day. Everything but making sure Kate was alive and well had fled his brain the moment she arrived home. Anthony was not a person to take days off for just any reason and the amount of overtime he had put up for the company greatly outweighed the amount of time off he'd gotten in the years he'd been working there. He was sure his boss would understand. 
"Hush." He told her as he deposited her safely in the passenger seat, pressing a quick kiss to her pursed lips. "Everything else can wait. You're my priority. Always." 
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sunnymainecoonx · 1 month
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Idk had the sudden urge to draw them so I drew them
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ladybirdmacbeth · 1 year
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this is modern kanej at some fancy event for Kaz’ job, gossiping abt the stuff inej has overheard his business rivals saying. cuz u know our girl is tiny and silent and snooping in every au
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natsuki208 · 3 months
I imagine a scene in my Dadbastian AU, during the time in the Circus arc, when Ciel has his asthma attack.
The poor boy is asleep throughout most of his recovery, only slightly waking up from a dream or for a glass of water. Sebastian of course is always at his aid during this.
But once he came to check up on Ciel, the boy was still half-asleep. He quietly tells and presents him a drink until he heard a faint name from the sick boy’s lips.
Sebastian stopped. He hadn’t heard Ciel call him that in years. He’s probably hallucinating back to when he was little and had his first asthma attack at the rough age of five, but he doesn’t care, hearing that name from his adopted son again secretly meant the world to him.
Sadly, because of the strict rules of the contract, he could only reply with this:
“You should go back to sleep since you’re clearly still tired… master.”
Inspired by a few posts of my dear friend @teenwithautism
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sourtomatola · 1 year
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This was so much fun to draw! I'm such a sucker for Eclipse XD
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cakesmelons · 10 months
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Ya gotta be careful with yer bitches Epic, Dream ain't got the best love life either,,,
And hey, look, Epic lost his smug face :3
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loopspoop · 3 months
Headcanon that if he runs for a little too long or it’s hella cold out Jigen gets a little asthma because walking in this Midwest cold for 10 minutes to get to my classes across campus has given me a little asthma and I’m using the gunman to cope
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jessicanjpa · 9 months
A random headcanon for 1918
One of Elizabeth's protests re: Edward joining the army was his asthma. He always scoffed at this and reminded her that he had outgrown his asthma years ago.
Not only is outgrowing asthma not a thing, but he was also outright lying to her about it. His asthma symptoms were still exacerbated by exercise, especially in colder weather, and he knew it. He continued to push himself in order to prepare, gritting his teeth through the familiar symptoms because he was determined to beat it. Determined to be that That Edward.
In other words, if the Spanish flu hadn't killed him, life in the trenches would have. Because this boy has always had a terminal case of StubbornIdiotitis.
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bonefall · 1 year
Are there kitty inhalers?
Inhalers are a little modern marvel of engineering; the more likely contraption that Clan cats would have at this point would be saunas.
Old inhalers were called "atomizers" or "nebulizers," and they were pretty notoriously clunky and unwieldy. This was revolutionized with little rubber handpumps and blown glass, but I personally rule out glassblowing of any kind because you're talking about some advanced crafting there
But asthma has been treated for thousands of years! I'd have to really seriously consider if the human treatments can work on cats, though... cat lungs are so much more sensitive to smoke in a way our lungs aren't, and in the past, we would smoke rooms with belladonna. I don't think that's safe for a warrior.
Rosemary is safe for cats though and often used for asthma... maybe mullein would work here... get a mud hut going, get some steam in there, that might provide a little relief.
SO sorry for there not being a straight answer lmao. You may be able to rig up a bootleg nebulizer out of a dried animal bladder though, the same way I'm doing for a makeshift IV.
If I do this though I'll be looking at ancient asthmatic treatments
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somer-writes · 4 months
god I have the next like two chapters of breeze from the south ready in my peanut brain
twilight prince is getting curb stomped before we move on to ripping out its teeth
I had an idea for meow finally after like a month
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stars-of-kyber · 9 months
Hi! Can we know more about oneshots you are writing right now? One of them is Single Mum AU?!
Hello!! Yes! I love talking about my AUs.
I've got the Asthma story an anon asked me in here, which is almost done, I'm pretty sure I'll get it posted still this week. I've called it Breathe (and unfortunately I don't have a moldboard for it)
There's the very self-indulgent Carnaval AU one-shot (it's the plan but we know me, anything can happen) where Anthony and Kate meet each other during a trip to Rio de Janeiro to enjoy Carnaval (yes, I'm going to write a story set in my city bc I can lol)
I've named it Amor de Carnaval
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Summary: After a bad breakup with Siena, Anthony’s brothers convince him to tag along to spend a week in Rio de Janeiro during Carnaval, one of the biggest street parties in the world in the crowded and hot streets filled with dressed-up strangers, Anthony’s determined to forget himself to the celebration.
On the first day, he meets a dark-haired, long-legged angel that goes by Kate who’s staying in the same hostel. They live a passionate week-long love story that ends along with Carnaval when it’s time to go home. He doesn’t even get her last name.
Because what happens during Carnaval, dies in Ash Wednesday. Doesn’t it?
And I've got the Single Mum AU I've been cooking up for a while.
Initially, the idea is just a meet-cute one-shot, but if people like it I can make it a series of one-shots about special moments of their relationship.
It's called Dog Days (Are Over)
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When Anthony Bridgerton got a call from his brother asking for his help on a random Wednesday night, a wide variety of things went through his head. He imagined everything from Benedict being bored to severe legal issues. The one thing he would never have imagined finding his brother with a toddler running wild in his living room.
Kate Sharma is an exhausted single mum of a two-year-old working two jobs and trying to finish her studies. When her friend from work offers to babysit Miles so she could take one of her final classes, she doesn’t even hesitate to accept. She’d known Ben since before Milo was born. He was responsible and got along great with kids. Miles liked him, which was rare. It would be fine… right?
I'm so excited for them!
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sunnymainecoonx · 9 months
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Anyways ignoring those cyan melons I really like I really like them
I really I really like I really like I I like really I really really I like really I like I really like them
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afewproblems · 9 months
A little sneak peak from my In My Heart Is A Memory (And There You'll Always Be) moving a little forward in time for this snippet!
Slight spoilers for the next update so this will be below the cut!
When Steve meets Nancy Wheeler he finds that it is infinitely harder to hide his condition around people that actually care about him. 
Or, perhaps it wouldn't have been if he hadn’t had an asthma attack after fighting a literal monster that emerged from the wall of the Byers home.
“That was crazy, what was that,” Steve asks, his breaths growing more shallow as he speaks, “that was fucking crazy,” he wheezes and clutches at his chest, crumpling the fabric of his shirt in his fist. The bat in his hands falls to the floor, thunking into the carpet as he sways slightly. A sudden bout of dizziness hits Steve hard as he tries to take a deep breath only for his lungs to stutter. 
Shit, not now, he hasn’t had one of these in years, not since that day at school when Eddie left. 
“Steve?” Nancy says softly beside him, she crouches low to try and look at his face, he hadn’t even realised when he had doubled over.
Steve shakes his head, his breaths come shorter now, he can’t even seem to gather enough air to form a sentence. A horrible wheezing sound begins to fill the destroyed living room as Jonathan takes a hesitant step closer. 
“Thats, what the fuck,” Jonathan mutters under his breath, “thats an asthma attack,” he continues slightly louder this time, cutting through the eerie silence that has overtaken the Byers living room.
“What?!” Nancy hisses, her movements stop and start, reaching for him only for her hands to twitch helplessly beside him, “what do we do?”
Jonathan hesitates for just a second, glaring around the living room with nervous eyes before he turns on his heel and heads down the hallway.
“Where are you going?” Nancy’s voice climbs an octave as she grabs Steve this time, gripping his shoulder painfully hard, making Steve bite down a groan. It comes out as a pitiful wheezing whine instead. 
“Make him sit,” Jonathan calls out from the other room, “I think, we might have an --yes, okay”.
Steve tries to focus on breathing, even if it feels as though he’s sucking the air through a straw as Nancy gently pushes him into a sitting position on the carpet, she places her small hand on his back and rubs it in between his shoulder blades.
“Here,” Jonathan says as he races back into the living room, mindful of the discarded nail bat and glass on the floor around them as he drops to his knees in front of Steve and Nancy. 
He takes Steve’s hand and places a familiar object in it, an inhaler. 
Steve uncaps it with shaking hands and brings it to his mouth, pressing down on the release mechanism greedily. He holds the medication in for nearly five seconds before breathing out and doing it again. 
“Will has it too, asthma,” Jonathan breathes out, his voice laced with something in between surprise and concern. 
"Thanks," Steve manages after a minute, he sucks in a deep breath through his nose before slowly releasing it through his mouth, "I haven't had an attack in years, since--" he cuts himself off with a click of his teeth.
The last time had been with Eddie, after he dropped him like a sack of rocks.
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nat-without-a-g · 2 months
I caved and made a character sheet for the Paeden in the AU where he grows up and stick with the Kiddads… it’s under the cut— I’m kind of hoping for feedback before I use it for anything? I just want to make sure it’s not OP/Out of character
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Thinkin about the POTS episode I had at a weed shop once like 5 years ago (well before I knew i had it. I thought i was just dehydrated) in which I passed out in the arms of the cute desk clerk who actually happened to also be an EMT and he knew I was passing out well before I did.
I remember sweating and being embarrassed because of how bad I was struggling to get my sweater off, couldn't stand straight, I was slurring my words and not fully understanding him. Last thing I remember was him deadass leaping over the desk after asking me if I needed to sit down (really hot of him). I'm quite sure he caught me because when I fall I definitely feel it later
It's a super humiliating disability to have but he definitely knew how to make it easier and feel less awful. I was halfway through my sweater when I went down but it was folded next to me and he was holding a cup of water for me until I came to. He was really wholesome and just left the desk and sat with me, tried to make me feel normal about it and distract me from people's wandering eyes and was just really chill. I don't think I was out for more than a few seconds but I definitely would've eaten shit if anyone else was helping me check out. Most people would not in fact jump over the counter to make sure a guy they don't know didn't crack his head open. But he's probably seen horrible things happen to people who didn't have someone there to catch them
I hope he's doing well, I was way too out of it to remember his name but I remember him being really chill and funny, being lighthearted about it to cheer me up. I'd smoke a bowl with him idk. He seemed like such a genuinely good person, didn't go back to his shift until he was sure I'd be okay and even then told me to take my time and call him over if I needed anything (dispensaries are often very particular making sure you're in and out and control the amount of people in there at once). Told me how I should breathe, how I should sit, and it's stuff I do when I have POTS episodes to this day
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
Rear Window / The Lake House AU
where Steve and Bucky can somehow see into each others' apartments, even though Steve's is in the 1930s and Bucky's the present-day.
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