#Audrey bourgeois is a terrible mother
katydoodles · 1 year
More ✨fashion✨
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Dead ass they will buy a boat next.
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remmicreates · 1 year
For the requests, Zoé giving Chloé an emotional hug 🥺 Would really love to see the sisters in your style
Inspired by @mattw83 and @wild-mare-of-prosecution comic Miraculous Tales: Vinegar and Honey
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Not sure if you could consider this 'emotional' but its definitly a hug! Its also not a full illustration and is not colored. I did my best with the time i have :D
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hypexion · 2 years
There was no Chloé Bourgeois  Redemption Arc
It’s time to for me to write about the so-called “Redemption Arc“ for Chloé Bourgeois, of Miraculous Ladybug infamy. Many people claim that such a thing existed. These people are wrong. While Miraculous Ladybug may provide the illusion of such an arc, that’s all it is - an illusion. And like all illusions, it falls apart once you touch it.
There’s also some questionable takes in regards to exactly how responsible Marinette is meant to be for Chloé’s “redemption”, which need to be tackled since they help feed into the illusion. And also because I find them deeply offensive. To me, personally.
A neccesary preface here is that I’m not saying Chloé is incapable of redemption. What I am saying, however, is that during seasons two and three of Miraculous Ladybug, the redemption arc people claim existed clearly did not.
Redemption 101
In the most basic sense, a redemption arc is a type of character arc where a bad character decides to stop being bad and start being good. Along the way, it’s generally accepted that they need to atone for their bad actions, and perhaps do something to reverse the damage such actions have caused. A critical component required for this to work is that the character both understands that their actions are harmful, and so decides to act in a better way.
Probably the most famous redemption arc in western animation is Zuko’s, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Zuko begins the show as an antagonist, directly attempting to capture Aang, the Avatar and Last Airbender. Doing so will allow the Fire Nation to win the war, and also complete their genocide of the Air Nomad people. However, Zuko realises that supporting the Fire Nation’s bid for world domination is harmful to others, and himself. By the end of the series, he has rejected the worldview of his father, grandfather and great grandfather, and indeed helps Aang defeat the Firelord. Along the way, Zuko find a way to help not just Aang, but also Katara and Sokka, who are also victims of Fire Nation Imperialism. Zuko earns redemption not through the decision to be good, but by performing good, and in many cases, reparative actions.
Honestly, from this basic definition, I think it’s pretty obvious that Chloé hadn’t even started the first step of a redemption arc by the time she betrays Ladybug in Miracle Queen. She never accepts her actions are wrong, makes no attempt to change them without an ulterior motive, and generally continues to do bad things for bad reasons. But in spite of this, the claims of this mythical redemption arc don’t just exist, they are considered generally accepted. Why? It’s complicated, yet simple.
Chloé Who?
On a basic level, Chloé Bourgeois is fairly generic character - the “mean girl“ school bully, who torments the protagonist, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. In keeping with Miraculous’ superhero genre, Chloé admires Ladybug, Marinette’s superhero alter-ego. How ironic! Generally, Chloé acts as a minor, civilian-level antagonist to Marinette, who gets in the way, while being clearly much less of a deal than Hawk Moth. However, due to the mechanics of akumatization, Chloé’s actions often spiral into larger, supervillain-shaped consequences. Because while she may fit into the bully archetype, there is one thing that makes her somewhat atypical: a reach that extends far beyond the school setting.
André Bourgeois is his daughter’s primary enabler. As a rich person and Mayor of Paris, he has a significant amount of influence. Influence he makes freely available to Chloé for basically any purpose. No grudge is too petty, no problem too small when it comes to indulging her whims, and no bridge is too big burn. Nobody who theoretically has the authority to say no to Chloé actually can, because her father is implicitly approving her every action. It’s hardly a shock that Chloé is consistently terrible when she faces no consequences for her actions.
But there’s one last piece in the Chloé puzzle - Audrey Bourgeois. Chloé really wants her mother’s approval, but her mother lives in another country. Audrey is also a terrible person, a character who is literally defined by her vileness. She has Chloé’s attitude, and André’s level of influence, and like her daughter, immediately throws a tantrum when she can’t get her way. The attention Audrey gives towards her daughters is primarily negative, and that’s when she actually pays attention to them. Thus, Audrey provides Chloé with a Tragic Backstory, and some much needed Sympathy Points. This, of course, forms the foundation of the Redemption Illusion.
The thing about Chloé’s relationship (or lack thereof) with her mother is while it explains her behavior, it doesn’t excuse it. The harm she inflicts is no less because of it, and many of her actions cannot be ignored due to it. I think there’s a pretty obviously piece of bad logic here. Many characters who undergo redemption arcs are often sympathetic villains. Chloé is a sympathetic villain. But that doesn’t mean that Despair Bear, the episode that introduces this sympathetic side is the start of, nor the foundation of a redemption arc. If anything, Despair Bear shows the primary reason why Chloé isn’t on the path to redemption - her attempts to be “nice“ are motivated entirely to maintain her friendship with Adrien, and once she has what she wants, she immediately reverts to her normal behaviour. This theme of apparently good acts being done for selfish reasons will be repeated later.
Marinette: Victim, Not Victimizer
An important part of the Redemption Illusion is how it ultimately revolves around not just Chloé, but Marinette. Chloé is nothing but negative towards Marinette, but at the same time admires Ladybug... who is Marinette. This isn’t Alya style “wow look how cool and heroic she is“ style admiration, however. No, Chloé, in a sense, wants to be Ladybug. First by pretending to be her, and later via the Bee Miraculous, which would seem to put her on the same level as Ladybug. But since Ladybug is Marinette, this can only lead to conflict.
While Chloé has perpetrated many on-screen acts that are selfish, obnoxious and downright cruel, something that manages to slip under the radar is her pre-Origins treatment of Marinette. Sabine’s comment about how long Marinette and Chloé have been in the same class indicates that the latter has been bullying the former for at least three years. This has evidently damaged Marinette’s self-confidence, since even after being Ladybug in part one of Origins, she still thinks she can’t do it, and tries to give it up. She also doesn’t dispute Alya’s rather hasty assessment of Chloé as evil, and immediately assumes that Adrian is a bad person because he’s friends with Chloé.
Marinette’s relationship with Chloé is already poisoned at the start of the show. And it’s entirely Chloé’s fault. She didn’t have to bully Marinette. Being cruel to Marinette wouldn’t earn Chloé her mother’s approval. All it achieves is making Chloé feel better, by making Marinette suffer. Three years of bullying isn’t something you can ignore. It’s not something Marinette can simply “get over”, even as Ladybug. She probably hates Chloé, and every drop of enmity is earned. But how can I know this all from the limited picture painted by Origins, and the glimpses into Marinette’s pre-Ladybug life? I don’t. This isn’t something I needed to find from the text or subtext of the show. So then, how do I know?
I know because I lived it. When I was Marinette’s age, I was bullied. A lot. It hurt. But what people don’t want to acknowledge is that being a victim of bullying doesn’t just make you sad. It’s deeper than that. It made me angry. At the perpetrators, and the staff who let it happen, no matter how many times it was brought to their attention. It’s took me years to realise just how much it affected me, how my aggressive behaviour in certain online spaces might be connected to it. In Marinette, I see a part of myself. So when I see people claim that Marinette is somehow to blame for Chloé’s actions, that “Marinette should have given Chloé a chance“, it makes me a little angry. If someone told me I should be responsible for making my bullies better people, I’d tell them to fuck off.
Attempting to shift the responsibility for repairing Chloé’s bad behaviour on to Marinette is simply victim blaming with extra steps. Yes, Marinette is Ladybug, hero of Paris. But Marinette is also Marinette, a long-term victim of Chloé, and someone who Chloé continues to try to abuse, even if the efficacy is no longer there. It’s also not really fair to Chloé, either, when you think about it. Marinette is positioned to think the worst of Chloé, meaning she’s likely to see any regression on Chloé’s part as proof that the whole endevour is pointless. For Chloé to escape her toxic behaviour, she needs help from someone she hasn’t caused significant damage to.
And as with the rest of the Redemption Illusion, you have to ignore a lot of the text to make the idea that Marinette is somehow to blame seem reasonable. Marinette shows more compassion to Chloé than Chloé does to anyone in her entirety. It simply doesn’t help, because Chloé doesn’t want Ladybug to be nice to her, she wants Ladybug to accept her as an equal. And when that isn’t given, Chloé isn’t above trying to take it, with disasterous results.
Bad Bee-haviour
A key point in Zuko’s redemption arc is when he joins Team Avatar. This is when he truly abandons the ideals of Fire Nation Imperialism, and chooses to work directly against them. It’s not the end, but a midpoint. And it’s not a reward - it’s a duty, a commitment to help Aang defeat Ozai. I think it’s worth noting that Zuko actually gets weaker due to this, as he can no longer draw on his negative emotions to firebend. Only by helping Aang discover the pre-imperialism version of Firebending does he regain the ability himself. Rejecting the negative brings Zuko so far, but to be complete he must embrace a positive alternative.
Chloé’s transformation into Queen Bee is her anti-Zuko moment. She doesn’t work to attain it - the Bee Miraculous is literally dropped into her path. It gives her power, yes, which she immediately abuses. Queen Bee doesn’t exist to do good, like the other four heroes at the time. No, Queen Bee exists to exalt Chloé. Becoming a hero doesn’t move her to toward redemption. If anything, it moves her away from it.
It all comes back to Chloé’s first act as Queen Bee. In an attempt to prove that she’s “exceptional“, she transforms and tries to find a problem to solve. But when she can’t find one, she chooses to create one. By paralysing a train conductor, which ends up creating a problem she can’t solve. If it weren’t for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s timely intervention, a lot of people would have been injured, or even killed. All because Chloé wanted to seem like a “hero”. It’s an act so callous that it should have marked the end of her career as Queen Bee. It’s instant, irrevocable proof that she can’t be trusted with a Miraculous, because she nearly murdered a bunch of people with it.
But even if you ignore the train incident, being Queen Bee clearly doesn’t make Chloé better. In both Stormy Weather 2 and Miracular, her cruelty is what triggers an akumatization. In Animaestro, she forms a truce with Marinette entirely for the purpose of harassing Kagami. These are not the actions of someone trying to be a better person. Indeed, they look very much like the actions of a person who doesn’t think they need to change, and is thus continuing as usual.
Yet in spite of the lack of actual progress, Queen Bee is perhaps the keystone of the Redemption Illusion. She wants to be a hero. So it is assumed that if she wants to be a hero, she must be good. I suppose this line of argument sounds convincing, if you only consider it on the surface level. The problem is that it falls apart when you actually examine Chloé’s actual behaviour after becoming Queen Bee. Which is mostly the same as her behaviour before, except sometimes she tries leveraging being Queen Bee for status or bullying. This is because her motivation for being a hero isn’t heroic - it’s selfish.
Malicious Queen
Of course, the Redemption Illusion eventually collided with reality in the form of Miracle Queen. When Hawk Moth offers her the Bee Miraculous, Chloé doesn’t hesitate to take it, and is then willingly akumatized. While I do think this could have had a little more setup, it’s an action that’s entirely in-character for Chloé. She’s selfish, she’s cruel, and she’s unwilling to change. But Ladybug couldn’t be bullied or blackmailed via Chloé’s normal methods. So when Hawk Moth offers her a way around Ladybug’s No, of course she takes it. She accepts akumatization because she believes that the best way to prove her superiority to Ladybug is by harming her. The same way she harmed many other characters up to this point. (Including Marinette, who is Ladybug.)
Some people attempt, in the usual poor manner, to deflect Chloé’s responsibility for her actions onto Ladybug. Gotta keep that victim blame train going, I guess. The logic is that because Ladybug chose Kagami to help fight Heart Hunter for selfish reasons, Chloé is magically absolved of her guilt. I can’t disagree that picking Kagami in order to break up her date with Adrien was a bad thing, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that bad. The fact of the matter is that Ladybug probably wasn’t going to bring back Queen Bee, no matter the situation. It’s not her job to make Chloé a better person, and it’s not her responsibility to stop Chloé from making bad decisions.
Marinette made a dodgy decision because of a teenage crush and suffered massively disproportionate consequences. Chloé decided to help a terrorist because she felt entitled to the Bee Miraculous, and could still go back to her incredibly privileged life afterwards. It’s Marinette who had to live with the consequences of both their actions, becoming Guardian far earlier than she should have. A consequence that only occured because Chloé decided to help Hawk Moth. Once again, Marinette is not the problem; Chloé is the problem.
Ultimately, Miracle Queen is entirely in-character for Chloé, because Chloé has never been a good person. The Redemption Illusion persists, however, because people seem to have blended her few sympathetic traits with her occational (and temporary) good actions to create a version of Chloé who doesn’t exist within the show. Along with one last act, that really isn’t as heroic as it might seem on the surface.
The One Where She Isn’t Akumatized
In Miracular, Hawk Moth tries to akumatize Chloé and fails. Up to that point, akumatization had been presented as 100% effective, with no attempts to resist being successful. This is occationally used to suggest that Chloé is becoming good, which ignores basically all information the show provides about akumatization.
Throughout Miraculous Ladybug, succumbing to akumatization is never considered to be an immoral act. Indeed, the reasons for akumatization vary, from completely unjustified selfish reasons, to justified selfish reasons and more community-minded reasons. But no matter what a victim’s starting intentions are, Hawk Moth twists them around until he can make them into a supervillain. People are even akumatized over stuff like “kids don’t respect panthers“ and “ice cream was wrong“, which aren’t really things you can appy a moral judgement to.
Since being akumatized is not a moral failure, it follows that resisting is not a moral success. While breaking the akumatization is impressive, with very few people achieving it, that doesn’t mean Chloé gets merit points for it. Indeed, Chloé resists akumatization on the basis that she believes she can still be Queen Bee. She rejects Hawk Moth’s offer not because it’s the right thing to do, but because she thinks she doesn’t need it. Which is why once it becomes clear that Ladybug won’t be giving her the Bee Miraculous, she willing accepts akumatization.
But the real killer problem is that Sabrina is able to be akumatized into Miracular because of Chloé’s actions. When Lila’s fake Ladybug dance fails, Chloé takes it out on Sabrina, in a way that’s just, look, here’s the exact quote:
PLAY? With you!? Who are YOU anyway? You don't have any powers! You're a nobody! I'm a superheroine, okay? I'm Queen Bee! You and I have NOTHING in common! Go away!
That’s a horrible thing to say to someone, especially a friend! She explicitly ties Sabrina’s worth (or lack thereof) to having powers. And the real kicker? This is the last thing she does before the failed akumatization. Out of context, Chloé resisting akumatization might seem heroic. With this context? It’s anything but.
The Overdue Conclusion
Ultimately, a Redemption Arc is a narrative process for developing a character. It’s a trope, a storytelling pattern. The key element of such an arc is change. A static character cannot undergo a redemption arc (or indeed any arc), because the arc is the process of transformation, of becoming a better person. Not just on the surface, but in a fundamental way. A post redemption character is, in some ways, a different person to who they were before.
During seasons two and three of Miraculous Ladybug, Chloé does not change in such a way. She’s just as cruel and spiteful after becoming Queen Bee as she is before. She does bad things for bad reasons. Her motivation for being Queen Bee is entirely selfish. Indeed, while there is some feeling of a divide between Marinette and Ladybug, Queen Bee is simply Chloé with superpowers. And while she may be a victim of abuse from Audrey, that doesn’t mean she is excused from abusing others herself.
Chloé’s tragic flaw is her desire to be exceptional, in a way that places her above other people. This is why she fails to change. In the narrative of Miraculous Ladybug, the exceptional that matters is to be exceptionally kind, exceptionally couragous, exceptionally selfless. Character traits which Chloé displays sparingly and insufficently, because she believes she is above them. But without humility, there can be no change. Without change, there can no redemption. And while others might provide a catalyst for such a change, ultimately it must come from within.
The concluding point is that I still don’t think there was a Chloé Bourgeois Redemption Arc, but I can sort of see how you’d fall into thinking one existed. But when you actually examine the character’s behaviour, the illusion quickly crumbles. At this point, the whole thing has clearly taken on a life of its own beyond the source material, and is perhaps unstoppable. Will my long, somewhat rambly Tumblr post make much of a difference? Perhaps not.
But there are harmful ideas attached to it. As long as people try to make Marinette responsible for Chloé’s actions, it adds, however slightly, to the notion that the abused are responsible for the actions of their abusers. In many respects, I don’t care that strongly about these particular fictional characters. Yet other people do, and in doing so I see how they distort the role of victim and victimizer, and I care about that. I understand that it’s not a big serious issue, but it matters to me. So I’ll say my piece, and move on to other thoughts.
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 2 months
I kinda wish Zoe and Chloe interacted more
I’m going to be real, I have absolutely no opinions on Zoe as a character. I desperately wish I could love or hate her, but for as much as the show wants you to like her, they barely utilize her and her relationship with the Bourgeois family
One way this shows is with her relationship with her sister. You remember, back around the beginning of season 4 where Zoe said that she’d always love her sister despite everything? And how what she says implies she’d try to have some type of relationship with her?
Where is that?
They rarely interact in seasons 4 and 5, from what I remember. And then in season 5, she’s just all too happy to have Chloe leave! I’d be slightly more okay with it if they had more moments of Zoe trying and failing to connect with her sister throughout the show (tell don’t show and all), and came to the conclusion that she’s putting in all the work when she doesn’t need to. I’d actually love that! But the show doesn’t do anything with them!
You remember back in the season 4 finale when we saw a shot of them together looking scared at the fact that Hawkmoth got this powerful? Chloe looking scared? What happened with that? Why were they even together in this scene if the show’s not going to do anything with their relationship, not even to set up Chloe’s fall due to her lashing out at her sister when she’s trying to connect?
Their lack of any relationship, even the lack of a nonexistent relationship with one sided animosity kind of makes the whole “Zoe sitting back smiling while her sister gets sent off with her horrible mother and her stepdad(?) adopting her right after” a little strange?? Zoe lived with Audrey for years, knows exactly how terrible she is, and she’s completely fine with this? Even if she gave up on Chloe, you’d think she’d look a little conflicted about all of this?
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toxinellebug · 4 months
Shadybug/Claw Noir Reverse Umbrella scene Headcanon
(aka “Emo Adrien’s origin story”)
EmoAdrien was always homeschooled, just like regular Adrien, but after his mother died, he wasn’t interested in studying, or anything for that matter… he just stayed cooped up in his room in the dark, watching the DVD copy of “Solitude” over and over.
Anyone with a brain knows that’s not healthy, and Gabriel regretted homeschooling Adrien all these years because if Adrien had better social skills he would have friends his own age to help him deal with his grief in ways Gabriel cannot.
As such, Adrien’s only “friend” is Chloe Bourgeois’ a terrible influence and not so much as a “friend” as an unwanted playmate who clings to Adrien like a lovestruck leech whenever Audrey comes to talk business.
Adrien doesn’t WANT to go to school… it’s just another change in his life, and change sucks!
He’s convinced the school’s curriculum won’t be anywhere near HIS level, plus he’ll have to deal with other students (he doesn’t mind signing autographs, but having to sit with and study alongside other people? Gross.)
But Gabriel insists it will be good for him (also, kids with connections to show business as well as other important families go there, so it’s not like he’s sending Adrien to some public school full of delinquents).
Gabriel even rides in the limo with Adrien on his first day, but Adrien runs off at the school’s gate, even knocking down some poor old man without stopping to apologize in his attempt to escape. Gabriel has to help the old man up and apologize on his son’s behalf, explaining that Adrien is going through a difficult time right now.
The second day, Adrien isn’t able to escape, and is forced to show up, where he has to put on a fake smile as Chloe escorts him around despite the fact that he is repulsed by her touch (but her mom is the Style Queen and she ruins the careers of anyone unlucky enough to be within her line of sight when she’s having a bad day, so he has no choice but to pretend to be Chloe’s friend).
Everyone gushes over him, as they should, (he takes after his Mother, after all) which is fine so long as they keep their distance.
Some punk in glasses named ‘Nino’ had the nerve to be sitting at the same desk that Chloe had reserved for Adrien, but with a stern look and a word, that kid moved real quick to sit next to some girl in glasses who was giving Chloe major stink eye.
Sitting by himself means no one can copy off Adrien’s work, because he’s not going to let some rando ride his scholastic coattails.
But even with a desk to himself, Adrien is annoyed; Everyone at this school seems to know each other and lump together in their own little cliques and friend groups, and he is expected to join in with Chloe and he little flunky/servant Sabrina- the daughter of an Enforcer (there are no police, only Enforcers of Supreme Law.)
Adrien doesn’t want to be friends, he doesn’t want to be in this school- if things can’t go back to the way they used to be, he’d rather just be left alone!!!
The last straw comes at the end of the day; it’s raining, and his umbrella, which he left in the designated spot near the exit, is gone!
What. The. HECK?!
And then he sees her; some pigtailed girl with a red streak in her hair and a dark jacket with thorny vines embroidered on it, wearing earbuds and holding an umbrella- HIS UMBRELLA!
This girl is a dirty little thief!
He calls out to her but either the music in her earbuds is too loud or she has the audacity to ignore him, either way, he plans on catching up to her, taking back his property, and ripping her a new one- this was the wrong day to tick him off!
But for some reason this crazy girl jaywalks across the street and hops the half-wall to walk down alongside the canal, which is insane because rumor has it some lunatic released a crocodile in there.
Still, he can’t just let her get away with it!
So he gives chase and calls out to this thieving witch and then it happens…
“Rain drops pouring down, the figure of a lone woman walks down alongside the canal, holding her umbrella. The only sound is her footsteps against the pavement, and a lonely piano sonata. Suddenly, she pauses, glancing over her shoulder with a curious yet melancholy smile and covetous eyes…”
Adrien is frozen to the spot and his voice sticks in his throat as the pigtailed umbrella thief glances back at him over her shoulder briefly, before shrugging and carrying on her merry way, fully immersed in her music without a care in the world.
Content in her peaceful solitude.
There is a rumble of thunder overhead and Adrien swallows the lump in his throat. There is a fluttering in his chest that is not at all unpleasant and his face feels abnormally warm.
There is a honking of a car horn and a frantic calling of his name. His father urges him inside the limo and fusses over Adrien being so soaked and goes on about him catching a cold and blah blah blah.
But Adrien can only think of the mysterious girl who has the same melancholy smile as his Mother…
(Marinette was annoyed because she didn’t want the rain to ruin her make-up but she forgot her umbrella. Luckily, some poor sucker had yet to claim theirs and you snooze you lose! But she was in no rush to go home and listen to her mom’s nagging so she chose to take the longer, more scenic route with the least amount of other people so she could enjoy her music and relish in her luck that this was FINALLY a year where she WASN’T in the same class as Chloe! She thought she heard something, but all she saw was some blond moron standing in the rain, so she shrugged it off).
Not able to ask around directly because A.) He has an image to uphold, and B.) Chloe would probably throw a tantrum, Adrien has to resort to stalking… aka bribing his body guard to follow the Pigtailed girl from a distance, and he learns that she lives and works in a local Bakery just walking distance away from the school.
Rather than going in and demanding his umbrella back, he decides she’s probably a shy but die-hard fan of his, therefore as a celebrity, there is nothing wrong with letting a fan keep a little souvenir, right?
She’s also a very cute fan… and the only other person in the whole school who looks as miserable as he feels. He likes how her sense of style seems to reflect his own emotions.
He starts having his driver stop by the bakery every day after his fencing practice to pick him up a little something, so he can “visit”… or, you know, stare at her through the shop window.
On his birthday, rather than doing their annual fancy dinner with his father, he gets Chloe to get him a walk-in appointment with her exclusive hair dresser, and he gets a haircut that he thinks is the style that baker-girl would like, and maybe even shock his father.
Gabriel is shocked since Adrien never mentioned getting his hair cut, but he doesn’t get angry; figuring all teens go through rebellious periods and perhaps this is just a way for his son to cope with his grief… So Gabriel starts designing fashions to match his son’s new look because in Gabriel’s mind, fashion is about adaptability.
(That mock turtle neck shirt and the long sleeves of the white leather jacket would prove useful in keeping things hidden.)
When Claw Noir’s powers start to take their toll on Adrien’s body, he takes inspiration from the cute Baker Girl and hides it with thick make-up.
Again, Gabriel is sure this new “Emo” look is just a phase Adrien needs to get out of his system, so he is a supportive father who makes sure his son has only the best black nail-polish and kohl eyeliner money can buy.
The new, bad-boy “Emo” look is also a hit with Adrien’s fans, and he is even praised in ‘Style’ magazine.
Despite this, the only time Adrien feels like his pain is truly understood, like he’s truly not alone, are those short but sweet moments he can gaze at that pretty Baker-girl from a distance.
He lacks the courage to actually go inside to speak to her, but he is certain his own solitude would feel less painful if he were alone with her.
*emo boy sighs longingly*
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Why Andre is a horrible father and badly written character - Season 5 Spoilers ahead
You might know Andre Bourgeois as the corrupt mayor of Paris or Chloe’s spineless father who can’t stand up to her. He never bothered me too much in S1-4 but Season 5 - his character felt ruined. This post will explain why Andre is an awful father and badly written character. 
Part 1 - His relationship with Chloe
Despite not being an evil character - he is still a rubbish father. First thing he does is adopt Zoe and seemingly disown Chloe in Collusion judging by the deleted section of the leaked script.
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He knows Audrey is a terrible mother but still lets her take Chloe nonetheless - hoping they’ll have fun. Andre also favors Zoe and wants to keep her by how he willingly adopts her and when he allows Audrey to take Chloe to NYC despite knowing she will abuse her . Hell he even says " I like her best". This disgusts me because Andre is willing to play favorites and only wants to love and take care of Zoe - who in his eyes is the easier daughter to raise.
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This is proven in Revolution when he seemingly takes Chloe away angrily and leaves her with Audrey - judging by the plane scene. This angers me because Andre seemingly abandons his daughter and doesn’t take any responsibility for what happened. Chloe isn’t 100% to blame for how she turned out . Andre should take ownership of how Chloe acted and should’ve tried to discipline her . If he was a Good father he would’ve sent Chloe to Juvie or to live with a strict , non-wealthy relative and financially cut her off.  I’m not saying Chloe is innocent - she had a choice to become mayor and should definitely be punished - but sending her with Audrey will make the situation worse. I'm not against him adopting Zoe but the fact he didn't take any responsibility for Chloe's behaviour and tosses her aside proves that he only cares about Zoe not Chloe. Therefore he is a horrid father because he pretty much abandoned Chloe knowing her mum will mistreat her but doesn’t feel guilty because he replaced her with Zoe - the better daughter. No wonder Chloe is the way she is.
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Part 2 - badly written
Andre - as well as being an awful dad , is also a badly written character. The writers portray him as an amazing father by how he saved Zoe from Audreys wrath by adopting her and how he put his foot down in revolution when taking Chloe away.  However - he is terribly written because the writers want to show him as a good father but write him to be a coward. He is a bad father by how he replaces Chloe with Zoe because she is the better behaved daughter. He adopts Zoe and takes responsibility for her because she is the easier daughter to raise and Andre wants to feel like he is a good person. He never took responsibility for Chloe and seemingly blames Chloe and Audrey for what  happened. The writers present him as a hero and honorable father when in reality - he is a spineless, pathetic man for not raising Chloe properly and abandoning her.
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What makes him even more despicable is that he knew Gabriel and Tomoe used his daughter as a puppet and manipulated her - but he never called them out.
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He let his daughter be presented as a scapegoat and received all the blame when he knew Gabriel was the real villain behind the robots. Well to play devil's advocate , lot's of the shows characters are dumb , but that still isn't an excuse. I'm not suprised he wasn't able to piece two and two together. He never was a Good father to Chloe and was too pathetic to take some of the blame for what she did. His character honestly is worse than Audrey because the writers at least write her decently. She is written to be horrible and is presented as horrible. Andre is the better person while Audrey is the better Character. However Andre is written to be a benevolent person when in reality he is a mouse and a disgusting person. 
If you love Chloe or you hate her - you cannot deny that it isn’t entirely her fault on why she turned out to be such a spoiled brat. Andre is just as to blame as Audrey on why Chloe is a bad person. He never disciplined her , seemingly replaces Chloe with Zoe because she is his favorite, didn’t take responsibility for what Chloe did , leaves her with Audrey ( who he’ll know will abuse Chloe) and lets his daughter be slandered by Paris for the fiasco when he knew Gabriel and Tomoe were behind all of that.  But what makes him the most terrible character is that he is obviously an irresponsible father but the writers present him as a loving one who is innocent and has done nothing wrong.  Chloe is no angel , but she isn’t pure evil . She wasn’t born bratty , someone raised her to be like that . I wished the fandom recognised how atrocious Andre is as a father and I find it disgusting how the writers think he is a good person . But these are just my opinions. However if you like what they did with his character , that is perfectly fine . I’m not saying you are not allowed to like Andre. Please stay respectful.
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was going through my files and found some unfinished old fics from maybeequeen week back in 2022! i'm going to work on finishing a couple of them but probably will never complete this one, still it's just a little snapshot into chloe's life and her relationships. it was for the birthday prompt:
On Chloe’s 11th birthday, the best part of the day was supposed to be that her mother had promised to be there. Audrey was in London doing some fashion critic thing with British Vogue. Normally the flight over from New York was too long, but the flight from London to Paris was only an hour.
But around lunchtime, Chloe got a voicemail from her mother’s assistant, saying that Audrey was busy with a fashion show, but she wished Chloe a happy 10th birthday. Chloe had curled up on her bed, holding Mr Cuddly as tight as she could, as she tried not to cry. Her mother hated crying. 
In the evening, Andre Bourgeois threw Chloe a party. It was very fancy and sophisticated and Chloe felt very grown up. Unfortunately most of the people who’d been invited where her father’s friends, business associates, political sponsors. And given that it was an eleven-year-olds birthday, all of their wives and husbands and partners and children were invited too. A family event.  ‘We should never waste an opportunity to network, sweetheart.’ Her father had said, fixing his cufflinks, as a stylist did Chloe’s hair. It’s not like the other kids from school would have wanted to come anyway. At least Sabrina, Adrien and Felix were going to be there. 
When the party started, Chloe went around with her father and smiled and introduced herself. She answered the polite and uninteresting questions, gracefully accepted birthday wishes and clenched her teeth as her cheeks got pinched by women who had apparently known her since she was a baby, even though she was sure she’d never seen them before.
Sabrina arrived and Chloe showed off her new dress and new jewelry and told Sabrina all about her new presents, as Sabrina gasped and admired and begged to borrow things. But the real best part of the day was the surprise Chloe got was when the Agreste’s showed up. 
She’s in the middle of falsely smiling at one of the hotel board members when hands grab her around the middle from behind. She yelps, but is only pulled into a hug by a laughing Adrien. 
‘Happy birthday, Chlo!’ He yells in her ear, and then she’s laughing too. A real one, not the simpering little giggle she’s been putting on all night. She turns in his arms and hugs him back. 
‘Adrikins! You came!’ 
‘Of course! But you’ll never believe who else did…’ He says mysteriously, before grabbing her hand and pulling her through the crowd. 
Aunt Emilie has been awfully sick. She’s been sick for a long time now, but whenever Chloe would ask about it, her godmother would wave away her concerns and say she was fine. Chloe still doesn’t know what she’s sick with. Over the last few years, Emilie’s only gotten worse. She has terrible coughing fits, bouts of confusion or anger that come out of nowhere, and terrible spells that Uncle Gabe calls “episodes”. Chloe has never seen one of the episodes, but Adrien told her they were awful, and made him so scared that he couldn’t get them out of his head.
Several months ago, Emilie took time off of work so she could stay at home, to try to rest to get better. Chloe thought that was a good idea, when she was sick she got to stay home and eat as many sweet things as she ordered, at it always made her feel better. Adrien stopped going out as much, staying at home to keep his mother company. At first Chloe would go over all the time to see them. But as the months passed, Emilie didn’t seem to be getting better. So Uncle Gabe said his wife needed proper rest, and that Chloe should give her the space to do so. Chloe started shortening her visits, then decreasing her visits - first to twice a week, then once a week, then every fortnight - always under her godfather’s watchful and disapproving gaze. Her last visit got cancelled because Emilie needed a visit from the doctor, so Chloe hasn’t seen her for almost a month. 
So when Adrien pulls Chloe through the crowd, she’s expecting to see someone like Jagged Stone or the President. Instead she sees Uncle Gabe, frowning like he always does nowadays, but beside him, grinning without a care in the world, is her Aunt Emilie. 
Chloe gasps and races forwards (in a very undignified way) and throws her arms around Emilie. 
‘Careful, Chloe!’ Gabriel snaps, steadying Emilie with his hand, but Emilie shushes him and wraps her arms tightly around the birthday girl. 
‘I didn’t think you could come?!’ Chloe says, her face still buried in her aunt’s jacket. Emilie runs a hand over Chloe’s fancy hairdo. 
‘Well, I couldn’t miss your 11th birthday now, could I?’ Emilie says, tucking a strand of Chloe’s hair back into place, and Chloe smiles up at her. ‘It’s a very important occasion. Happy birthday, dear.’ 
‘Yes, happy birthday.’ Gabriel echoes. 
Chloe sniffs, and steps back, remembering herself and smoothing out her skirt. ‘Thank you for coming.’ She says politely, but she’s still smiling brightly. That’s when she gets a good look at her aunt. She’s very pale, supporting most of her weight on her cane, and she’s wearing a winter coat even though it’s September. But her smile is just the same as ever, so Chloe puts it out of her mind, and eagerly shows off her party and her presents to her new guests. 
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bellzsad · 9 months
okay so i know this has been greatly talked about, but we need to readdress chloe’s deserved but never received redemption arc.
this whole thing wouldn’t have made me as upset if it didn’t seem like they were literally setting her up for a redemption. we had that little moment with ladybug where chloe was venting to her, talking about how alone she felt and the way she “served no purpose”. chloe really only bullied others because of her own insecurities, to try and “make herself useful”. this was our first glance into the real chloe.
then we have her issues with her mom. clearly, audrey bourgeois is not the picture-perfect mother she seems to be and absolutely needs to be better. i would say chloe is more neglected from her mother than zoe is, because zoe spent her entire time with audrey in new york and has a better relationship with her, based on toxicity. i mean, all of chloe’s relationships are toxic, but the fact that it’s with her own mother is terrible.
and ofc we can’t forget about mayor bourgeois. he is certainly feeding into chloe’s behavior by continuing to purchase things for her and buy her way to the top. it’s not his fault though, because his situation is obviously difficult to escape from. he has a needy daughter and a controlling wife, what do you expect?
but my point here is: after that look into chloe, everyone thought that she was going to have a redemption arc. and with her getting the bee miraculous, we all assumed it was a given. but then they came in and ruined it by making her take ten steps backwards from where she started.
chloe was doing very well before she tried to impress her mother with the miraculous, which i think is very in character for her since of her strained relationship with audrey and because of her past. if she had actually apologized and not been a brat about it, i’m sure that marinette would have let her keep using the miraculous. i think that part of the reason as to why chloe’s redemption stopped was because ladybug hesitated to tell her about how she wasn’t receiving the miraculous ever again. but still, even with this, chloe shouldn’t have turned over to hawkmoth with all of the development she was going through. plus, i just don’t understand why the writers would ruin it (ahem, thomas astruc), because chloe as a hero would be much better than her as a villain. her staying as the antagonist for the whole series is just so draining and it’s getting boring. with her out of the way, they could’ve focused on lila so much more.
i’m not excusing any of chloe’s behavior, that’s a given. but i just wish her redemption arc could’ve been fulfilled.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Miraculous Paradise - Chapter 14 - Ambrosia and Agape
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Chloe and Sabrina opened their eyes to a blinding light. They blinked away the brightness as it filled with a warm golden glow and tiny, red floating heart-shaped lights. Bees buzzed pleasantly while dogs played around them. They watched the dogs for a moment before the dogs started down an invisible path. They exchanged looks and followed the dogs.
            Chloe and Sabrina looked around as memories played out before them. Chloe was primarily raised by her father when she wasn’t left in the care of the Agrestes. Pain stabbed her heart seeing all the years she spent with her real family and always being forced to return to the Bourgeois’s. Many times she had wished Andre would give her up to the Agrestes as he never had time for her and Audrey, her mother, was never around.
            Sabrina watched Chloe’s childhood memories before she turned to her own. She was raised by her father, the chief of police. He raised her with all the love and care in place of her mother, who died giving birth to her. Regret tore through her as witnessed all the happy memories. She loved her father, and she knew he loved her, but she felt terrible. She took away the one he loved most in this world. The one he could bear his soul to, and she was all that was left. A mere consolation prize.
            Chloe and Sabrina watched their happy childhoods fly by to the point when they met. When Sabrina’s father officially became the chief of police and their fathers decided to introduce them. It was a painful one-sided friendship that slowly bloomed into a real friendship and romance.
            The memories faded as the animals vanished. Pollen and Barkk appeared from the light. Chloe took Sabrina’s hand as they approached the kwamis.
            “The time has come girls. Who will go first?”
            Chloe stepped forward.
            Pollen nodded. “Do you accept me as the manifestation of devotion?”
            “I do.”
            “Do you promise to live your life with an ever loyal heart?”
            “I do.”
            “And do you promise to always serve those who hold your loyalty and command those who are loyal to you with a gentle, but stern hand?”
            “I do.”
            Pollen bowed and flew back. Barkk approached Sabrina. “Do you accept me as the manifestation of love?”
            “I do.”
            “Do you promise to live your life with an open heart and mind?”
            “I do.”
            “And do you promise to always love everyone and everything and to always forgive and forget, to never hold a grudge?”
            “I do.”
            Barkk bowed and Pollen moved forward. Chloe and Sabrina watched as the kwamis bodies dissolved into light. The light wrapped around each of them as they faded into the light.
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mlbigbang · 1 year
January 11 — Compilation
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Radio Silence by Eevee
When an inexplicable change between Marinette and Adrien brings the two closer than ever, Alya is left on the outside of a secret too confounding to be about cheesemaking or puppy love. [No S4 AU]
curiosity killed the bug by ahavati
By the end of the week, Marinette becomes absolutely sure she knows why Chat winces at a light touch, why he desires those small, innocent gestures. She thinks of a way to help him, and Adrien, too. Her plan is a flawless plan, her plan leaves no space for failure. (She never stops to consider how it can go wrong. How her curiosity could possibly be the biggest risk of all.) or ladybug notices s few about chat noir like that he flinches when he’s this he’s and that he loves sweets and that he has great and good and bad and terrible days. but chat noir is notorious for keeping his feelings shut out as his humor fronts. one thing leads to another, and curiosity kills the bug.
Chloé Bourgeois' Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous Way Towards Redemption by kirayaba
Chloé Bourgeois was always sure she was exceptional. She knew it, her daddy knew it, Adrien surely knew it, and she made sure her classmates knew it; heck, very probably Ladybug knew it too. However, the only person that didn’t seem to be aware of that was Audrey Bourgeois: her own mother. And while that was absurd, Chloé would make sure that Audrey acknowledged what everyone else knows when an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity literally appears on her feet — but how do that when this unique chance must be kept in the shadows? And how else can Chloé prove herself to Audrey when the exceptionalism she knew of was very different from the exceptionalism Queen Bee has to show both with and without the mask
Part of Your World by aoyagiworld
Shaking her head to get the water out, she takes a defensive stance again, watching Adrien slink back to her, avoiding all the puddles. “You really are a cat, Chaton,” she giggles, before calling up her lucky charm. Ladybug uses her yo-yo and swings over to him, opening her mouth with that teasing glint in her eyes before he yells “Cat’s don’t like water, bugaboo!” __ AKA, Adrien is half mermaid. How will he juggle going to school for the first time, being a superhero, AND hiding his mermaid side all at once?
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katydoodles · 1 year
I think I got a name now
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I think imma call this head canon Stolen Credit Card Chronicles.
These fashion sisters should steel Audrey’s credit card on a weekly basis to just have some kind of therapy for having a shitty mom. Retail Therapy.
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Miraculous Ladybug Fan Headcanon: Audrey Bourgeois Is Utterly The Worst Mother Ever of All Time.
[Note: Do Not Reblog Without Permission] 
even if Chloe might not fully see it, but she needs to in order to grow and learn...even if it will only be in the fanon timeline, where fans will try to get Chloe to become a better person, even if her bad side might show at times...
Chloe needs to acknowledge that her Mom, Audrey Bourgeois is never going to love her, and will only show her “love” when she does something that pleases her, I mean Audrey forgets Chloe’s name, and even Zoe’s name as well.
plus even if when Chloe isn’t being aggressive or bullying others, it is shown that half the time, some of her fellow classmates do start it....
I seen some clips, in theory, one of the other reasons for Chloe might act like a bully, might have to do with how people and her parents, have treated her.
her father spoils her rotten, and might not understand that “Money Can’t Buy What We Truly Need” and it “Can’t Buy A Loving Touch”....
if you listen to one of the Sonic Underground songs, and listen to “Money Can’t Buy”, some of you might understand what I’m going with this.
but we know it might be hopeless to try to get those who make a great show like Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir, to change their minds about how they treat Chloe, even when she looks like she is gonna get better, but ends up going back to her old ways, and ending up with that bad influence “Lila”....
and I think that one of the song that would match Chloe, would be “Born Without A Heart” by Faouzia...
Chloe isn’t as worse as Hawkmoth, even if Chloe can be that mean girl, who is just broken on the inside because she was never truly loved by her Mom or given the proper love and guidance from her Dad....
but Hawkmoth has done far worse than Chloe before, and even if I can still like Marinette, it is still partly her fault that Chloe ended up crossing the lines she did when she was told she couldn’t be holder of the Bee Miraculous anymore.
even if some fans might disagree with this, but even if we can still love and admire a character that is our favorite in a show or video game or comic book series, sometimes we need to point out some of their mistakes when they end up hurting someone emotionally and cause some damage and hurt someone past the breaking point, and it is possible that at times, it is something you can’t take back.
Chloe is the way she is, because of the bad parents she has, and possibly because of the other reasons, such as the whole blackmailing with her favorite teddy bear, I had watched a video that talked about the blackmailing with the teddy bear.....and I have to agree, that perhaps if her Butler had thought about something else, and didn’t just show her teddy bear in front of everyone, and got her really mad and embarrassed, she wouldn’t of went off on him like that, and he wouldn’t of placed all the blame on her when he got akumatized.
that is kind of scapegoating, even if some might not agree that it is, but it makes sense if you think about it, he did end up making her both mad and embarrassed, and even if she could of express it better and tried to make him understand in a calming way how she felt, it still ended up like she was the one at fault.
plus there might of been a reason why she turned down Kim, possibly knowing that his feelings for her wasn’t truly genuine, and she possibly could see right through him and the reason why he took a interest in her in the first place.
even if Chloe has done some terrible things, there could be hope for her to change, even if it might not be in the canon, and it will only be in the fanon...
the one bourgeois who has no hope of changing and becoming a better person, would be Chloe’s Mom Audrey Bourgeois.
Audrey is far too gone to be helped, she is a lost cause, and she is half the reason why Chloe is the way she is...
Chloe deserves a better Mother figure than that “witch”....
and she also deserves better friends, who can try to keep her from a bad influence like “Lila” and even being able to see through the meanness of her outer self and see the deeper part of herself that has been unloved and not given the proper love and understanding in a long time.
even if Adrien is or was her friend, and he admits that there is good in her, but he was perhaps clueless and didn’t know how bad it was for Chloe, and one of the reasons why she acts the way she does, is because of how she was treated and brought up.
and it sucks when a hero can’t see that those who have emotionally suffered, are seeing as truly bad...
like Bradford from Ducktales 2017, even if the full blame would be his insensitive Grandmother, and the only good that came out of it, was Webby and her sisters....as well as Lena, if Scrooge hadn’t messed up Magica even more and made her worse, Lena might of not been born.
Louie might of defended his uncle, and he ended up viewed as not guilty, but that doesn’t mean he should not be seen as guilty for not taking feelings of others into reconsideration.
and yeah I think that if anyone could of redeem Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek...
would of been Sunset Shimmer, who might been able to get to the root of why they are the way they are, and not just solve the problem by turning other creatures to stone.
I can still love those three shows, but at least Steven’s friends and family had acknowledge their own mistake on not seeing how hurt Steven was, and had ended up giving him a hug in one of the last episodes of Steven Universe Future....
which once more, the emotional problems that Steven was showing in Steven Universe Future, didn’t start there, it was just the breaking point, and it all started in some episodes in the past and even the movie, before it got to Steven Universe Future.
I know that not all fans like Steven Universe Future, but myself and others do happen to like it and know that while Greg might have his good side, he didn’t properly take care of Steven like he should of, and I still don’t like it when he is speaking to Steven he uses words like “your a Gem.” instead of “Your Half-Gem.”
Greg has shown some selfish side, like the time he got hurt, and once he was healed, he pretended he was still hurt and it caused Steven some problems with his healing powers.
and it might be possible that while Greg has a good heart, he might of been selfish brat when growing up, and might of not understand the reasons why he had to have curfews and chaperons, was because it was to keep him safe.
and the reason why he couldn’t have everything he wanted, might of been because his parents couldn’t afford it until they saved up, and the reason why he couldn’t have his music up too loud, was possibly because either his Mom or Dad or both of them, would be hurt by the volume.
and if my theory is correct, it would mean that both Greg’s parents or at least one of them, has Hyperacusis.
both Greg and his parents are at fault for their broken family home, if his parents had explained better, like the whole reason why they wanted him to take up wrestling, was so he could protect and defend himself, as well as the other things they done, maybe he wouldn’t of became not so great of a Dad, well more like he is still good, but the other half is still bad....so like in between.
but as bad as Greg is, well half of him, while the other half still being good...
he isn’t as worse as Chloe’s Mom, who doesn’t show any proper love for Chloe or Zoe, and if Zoe finally figured this out, maybe she could try to befriend Chloe and try to make her understand that she knows that deep down she is hurting and that she will be there for her, even if she tries to push her away.
even if Chloe is made to be the most hated by everyone in and outside of Miraculous Ladybug, but there could still be hope to make her better and show her as a good person and who can be redeemed...
and as for those who can’t be redeemed and become better, that would be her Mom who once again is utterly the worst mother ever, and oh yeah, and Lila.
both Audrey Bourgeois and Lila were bad influences on Chloe, and if she was around a much better and good influence, maybe she would try to redeem herself once more and not get involve with those two again.
Chloe could trick her Mom into signing some papers, that would be her disowning Audrey and showing that she is no longer taking any of her orders or going to try to get her to love her and treat her like a daughter or to remember her name.
Chloe’s Mom might not physically abuse her, well unless she is akumatized and we can count what Audrey has done to Chloe when she was akumatized as physical abuse if we view it that way...
but Audrey might verbal abuse Chloe, and might of done this since Chloe was very small and might of been part of the reason why she verbal abuses others, like her friend Sabrina.
even if Sabrina and Adrien were the closes to friends that Chloe could have in her life, that were perhaps the light in the darkness in her life that was caused by her parents and those who like maids and butlers who brought her up the wrong way....
but not even Adrien or Sabrina could really see the damage that is inside of Chloe, and at some point she will reach a breaking point where all that harm that was caused by her parents and everyone else, will in theory will possibly cause her to go into a deep depression.
and if it ended up like anything like my second one, it would perhaps take a lot of months to get fully better and those negative feelings to fully go away, even if there are still people and some things like your favorite video game or book or tv show or movie that makes you feel a little happy, that pain is still there, even if you feel a little happy but at the same time not feel all that great.
I know that not all villains can be redeemed, also as terrible as Gabriel’s actions....he was only doing it so he could bring back the love of his life...
Gabriel is a broken man, who has done some messed up stuff that he can’t excuse himself for, but at times it isn’t just the main villain that can do the most emotional harm, sometimes it will be the heroes.                            
both he and Audrey weren’t the best of parents, but if I had to choose which parent has caused the most damage to their child, well Audrey would come in first place and Gabriel would come in either second or third place.
 we know that it might not be possible to change the mind of those who work on the show, about Chloe and trying to make her a better person, and it’s best not even try to make them try to do that, we fans can try to do right by Chloe in a Fanon Timeline, where she is perhaps given the proper love and guidance that she needs....
as well as maybe some therapy, it might be possible that in theory...
Chloe might need to see a therapist because of all the stuff she’s been through, and maybe even owning up to her own mistakes and how she has hurt others and realizing that her Mom will never change and will never acknowledge her and will only do so, if it somehow involves her in some shape or form...
even if we know that as bad as Chloe has been in the series, and the moments she seems to have been getting better and changing fro the better of herself and others, it ends up being taken away and if Pollen didn’t tell her the rules about the miraculous holder, then it it would be partly Pollen’s fault who should of told Chloe the rules about not revealing your secret identity as well any other rules that had involved the miraculous.
if Chloe could have a Miraculous and Kwami to help her change and become better, it might be a Miraculous and Kwami that has to do with the power of Empathy.
a Kwami who has to do with Empathy, might be able to be one of the few who can see through Chloe and know that she is the way she is, because of those who mistreated her and never understood that the reason why she became a terrible person, is because of how she brought up and the other reasons why she had a relapse back to her old self and even fell in with a bad influence like Lila.
Audrey is stuck up, snobby and self absorbed witch, something that Chloe tries to be like but no matter how much she tries to be like her mother and try to get her mother’s approval and love, it will never be good enough...
Audrey has proven that she is a terrible mother to both Chloe and Zoe, and both of them need to know that Audrey will never love them and will not see them as good enough to be her daughters, and maybe if there is some still hope for Chloe’s Dad to become a better person, the first thing he should do is divorce Audrey and take full custody of Chloe.
if I had to ship Andre with anyone, I would ship him with Caline Bustier.
even if some might believe that Audrey isn’t at fault for the person that Chloe became, and how she treats others....we shouldn’t ignore that one of the problems in Chloe’s life, is Audrey Bourgeois....and in theory, maybe Andre has hope to become a better parent to Chloe and own up to his own part of the mistakes how they brought Chloe up....
so the only parent of Chloe that might be able to go through some form of redemption would be Andre Bourgeois.
Audrey Bourgeois, is still possibly a lost cause who can’t be redeemed.                                                                                        
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plvtformbvllerina · 1 year
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[ sarah jeffery, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ CELINE BOURGEOIS ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ TWENTY-ONE ] year old child of [ CHLOÉ BOURGEOIS ] from [ MIRACULOUS LADYBUG ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ FASHIONABLE ] but [ SELF-ABSORBED ] and have [ 0 ] siblings. i could almost swear i heard [ ME TOO - MEGHAN TRAINOR ] playing when they appeared.
full name: celine audrey bourgeois
nickname(s): none
age: 21
sexuality: heterosexual
zodiac sign: aquarius - february 9th
celine is the only daughter of acclaimed tv personality chloe bourgeois (picture like the hosts of access hollywood; good at putting on a smile for the camera but has a terrible attitude irl) and her father is a famous actor.  she lives with her mother most of the time, however, since her parents split up when she was four.  chloe immediately pushed celine into the spotlight, signing her up for child acting and modeling gigs as soon as she could sit up on her own.  because she’s been in the spotlight from such a young age, she’s become quite a bit self-absorbed, and it certainly doesn’t help that her mom spoils her rotten
these days, celine is focusing more on pursuing a music career than she is an acting career.  she released her first single a little under a year ago, and her influence and popularity online was just starting to grow when she suddenly woke up in some unfamilair town, and worst of all, her phone has no reception.  
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nerd-chocolate · 3 years
I have headcanon that Zoé used to have brown hair (that came from her dad side)But Audrey bleach Zoé because to her “Zoé didn’t look like perfect or beautiful”.That when Zoé learns that being someone else is completely fine.
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Bourgeois’ family is the cheapest version of Nakiri’s family from Food wars which is both of them having one family members who ever doing affair (Azami & Audrey) and had an illegitimate child (Asahi & Zoe). Sorry spoiler, so surprised That Azami doesn’t realize that he had a child before married to Mana Nakiri. later he feel guilty and decided to quit from Nakiri’s family although Erina still accepting him after what he did and invited Asahi to become the Nakiri’s family.
I’m just wondering, did Audrey will take the responsibility to Zoe because she knows she was cheating or even Her affair will visiting Paris for her responsibility. I don’t have the empathy for this narcissistic woman since before, she neither care to Zoe nor Chloe unlike Azami although he was so harsh on caring Erina, but her daughter still can refused him for his act and can accept his mistakes in the past.
Too bad, this show was reaching 100 episodes and so many wasted potential because asstruc and the writers were still using same storyline. Tbh, this show could become better if thomas can treating his characters that he made equally not only focus on Creepynette and her shenanigans but also the others (i.e. Agreste, Bourgeois & Tsurugi families). Well sadly, his ego, pride and his vision on viewing his audiences like some dumb braindead who don’t understand the story and he’s too busy for blocking the people and giving illogical explanation on Twitter 🥴
I haven’t seen that anime, but that honestly sounds far better than what we have with the Bourgeois family.
The fact that the writers said nothing about what Zoe’s life was like living with Audrey “Doesn’t Even Know Her Own Daughter’s Name” Bourgeois really goes to show just how last-minute her addition feels. They seriously expect us to believe that her relationship with Chloe, someone she barely knows, is worth discussing two whole episodes towards instead of her emotionally neglectful mother. 
The most we get is Zoe acknowledging that they share the same mother and that’s how she tricked Chloe into wearing her soon to be pointless Magical Charm in the first place. Because it’s not enough Marinette has to convince Chloe to bond with her terrible human being of a mother. Now Zoe has to gaslight Chloe into accepting something for her own protection from the crazy butterfly man by claiming it was a gift from their mother, who again, doesn’t give a rat’s ass about either of them.
Say what you will about Chloe, but Audrey is a far worse person who somehow manages to get away with far more than Chloe. Audrey never actually gets called out on her actions while Chloe routinely gets punished for every evil plan she comes up with, because the writers seriously want us to believe she deserves punishment more.
The thing is that both Chloe, Zoe, and even Andre are victims of Audrey’s verbal abuse in some way, yet the show just loves to play it off as a joke because if it isn’t Adrien being insulted, why should we even care?
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I forgot to say some stuff in my last Miraculous post, so here's a part 2 of things I would've done if I were writing Chloe's character!!
First, I forgot to say anything about Ms. Bustier gradually becoming Chloe's primary maternal role model! That's kinda important to my concept, I can't believe I didn't write that down, but uh... yeah. Sprinkle that in for some extra growth, starting at Zombizou. Chloe opening up to her, admitting her faults, and feeling genuinely happy with that hug were important moments for her, and I think should definitely be expounded on. Despite being the complete opposite of her mother, Chloe clearly admires and appreciates Ms. Bustier, so she's already proved to be a positive influence on her.
As well as Mayor Bourgeois and Audrey eventually getting a divorce. Not so the mayor and Ms. Bustier can end up together, I just think his relationship with his wife is toxic, and he and his daughters would be better off without Audrey's influence. Maybe she could chill out and realize that she needs to be less terrible after her ex husband and kids finally stop putting up with her crap. Or maybe she could run off to New York again, and not come back. Either way works for me since I don't particularly care about Audrey having character growth, as long as her toxic behavior stops burdening her family.
It would be nice if Chloe and Zoe had a healthy relationship with their mom, but if that were to happen I imagine it as a sort of post-series epilogue, adult life thing. Again, Audrey's character growth within the series doesn't really matter to me. I actually think trying to develop her character too much would distract from the more important characters and plot.
And I also wanted to add that I think Luka would make a good love interest for Chloe. I think their personalities would balance each other nicely.
Chloe would benefit from a guy who's patient, levelheaded, and with a strong moral code. Someone who will make an effort to understand her, and gently keep her in check. This fits Luka to a tee, and with her connection to Adrien there's precedent for her being attracted to those traits. Plus she did say he was cute.
I think Luka would honestly benefit from someone more aggressive. Because he's so easy going he can be a bit complacent, so I think being with someone confident, willing to take the initiative, willing to call out people who're taking advantage of his kindness, and able to push him to be more assertive would be good for him.
Having both been superheroes gives them common ground and shared experiences (although they wouldn't know that until much later), and in their civilian lives they can relate to each others' struggles with trying to reconcile with an estranged parent.
And their color schemes are complimentary, same as Marinette and Adrien, so the symbolism is there.
I imagine this romance would have hints starting about midway through Chloe's arc, with them (Chloe mostly) possibly being a bit flirty as Queen Bee and Viperion and bonding over family drama in their civilian lives, and then become official post redemption, some time after Luka and Mari's breakup in Truth. At first Chloe would be a complete tsundere, with her inability to process real emotional connection and vulnerability and all, but then she'd slowly open up, and be a lot warmer towards him.
Plus, I think she'd be a good friend for Juleka for similar reasons as to why she'd be a good match for Luka. Chloe could be very helpful in pushing Juleka to be more confident, assertive, and help her learn to set healthier boundaries.
Here's the first post:
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