#Author: Leigh Bardugo
haveyoureadthispoll · 5 months
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone. . . . A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.
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🦇 Happy Tuesday and pub day to all my book-alicious bats, dragons, & babes! I hope you guys are having a great start to your week so far!
⏪ Though I have a TON of posts lined up highlighting the latest upcoming releases, I wanted to press rewind for a second. Sometimes, it feels like there's so much pressure to keep up with ARCs, new releases, and upcoming pub days that we neglect to express our love for all the books that sat on our TBR shelves just a little too long. Reviewing backlog books (whether their pub dates were years ago or a few short WEEKS ago) is just as important as keeping up with ARCs! Every review, picture, and post reminds writers (whether they're taking a break or working on their next novel) how much we adore, appreciate, and anticipate their projects.
💜 With that in mind, I wanted to rewind and send a big THANK YOU to Jordy, who hosted a Clear the Shelves Giveaway back in February. In my effort to keep up with an ever-growing digital shelf of amazing ARCs (I've finished 44 of the 65 our beloved NetGalley has granted me approval to read), I've neglected my physical TBR stack. Jordy, thank you so much for sending these books my way. I can't wait to dive in!
❓ QOTD: What backlogged book, sitting on your TBR, collecting dust, are you most excited to read before the end of May?
We're more than halfway through the month, book bats! It's time to dive into another world and devour another story!
📚 Books Featured: ✨ Hellbent by Leigh Bardugo ✨ Maame by Jessica George ✨ The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz
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oh, the agonies of booktok being right about this one, actually
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beckxbooks · 2 years
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What do you get when you cross If We Were Villains with The Atlas Six and add ghosts? Something that kind of looks like Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.
The protagonist Galaxy (Alex) Stern is a prickly and distrustful main character that doesn't really belong at Yale, having stopped going to school sometime around middle shool and spent all of her teens drifting and taking drugs. After being the sole survivor in a horrific murder of multiple people she is offered a spot at Yale because she can do something others need heavy and dangerous drugs to do; she can see the Gray, otherwise known as ghosts. She is tasked with monitoring the eight societies at Yale as they preform magical rituals, and the activities of the Gray.
Everything gets more and more sinister in the wake of a magical disappearance and a murder of a girl that might not be what it first appears to be.
“Darlington liked to say that dealing with ghosts was like riding the subway: Do not make eye contact. Do not smile. Do not engage. Otherwise, you never know what might follow you home.”
A magical thriller that utilizes the Outsider character well by her observations that frames the behavior of the societies as Other while also providing introductions and a guide to the world. This is a storytelling device I pretty much always enjoy as it provides a lot more meat and ability to criticize and Mull Over otherwise standard behavior apart of the Status Quo.
Alex Stern isn't particularly likable as a character, but she is astute in observations even when they're going to sting. She's painfully aware that she isn't very likable, smart, or anything but her ability to most people around her. She's a pain in the ass, but that's also part of her strength. Overall, she is a very believable character.
“All you children playing with fire, looking surprised when the house burns down.”
What I didn't like about the story is more about my own preferences in stories I read rather than the story itself lacking.* I'm not much of a crime fan, and I felt at times it was a tad too much crime than fantasy.
4.5/5 stars
*I did read the Swedish translation which I found lacking
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ravenyenn19 · 11 months
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Do I need to say anything more?
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fullmoonyy · 4 months
so I'm reading six of crows and I'm loving how kaz is so smart and manipulative while still behaving like a teenager.
I find all of his comebacks hilarious coz he sounds like a teen. So to my fellow writers, if you write about adolescents don't make them sound like they are 25, unless you have a reason to ofc, pls and thx.
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aleksanderscult · 5 days
Leigh Bardugo should become universally criticized just for the fact that she presented a victim of persecution and his actions as worse and more important to deal with than the genocide that takes place in that world.
She really said: "It's not the genocide we should worry about. It's that man and his efforts to stop it".
And people applaud her for it instead. Wow. You're all seriously fucked up.
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wulanvansunshine · 2 months
Having a bad day, going to reread six of crows to cheer myself up
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xcreepstreetx · 4 months
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It's them
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
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midshipmank · 1 month
50 pages into the familiar, it turns out that luzia being jewish is Extremely Plot Relevant, despite the fact that literally every booktuber i saw talk about the book left it out of the pitch
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haveyoureadthispoll · 5 months
Welcome to the world of the Grisha. Kaz Brekker and his crew of deadly outcasts have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn't think they'd survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they're right back to fighting for their lives. Double-crossed and badly weakened, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz's cunning and test the team's fragile loyalties. A war will be waged on the city's dark and twisting streets - a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
me: Aleksander Morozova deserves someone, who wouldn't be ashamed of their feelings for him, someone who wouldn't make his mother's words into a Holy scripture and would ask about his side of the story instead, someone who wouldn't dehumanize him to disregard his feelings more easily, someone who'd react to his immortality with empathy and concern. He deserves someone, who wouldn't demonize his every action, quick to believe the worst about him. Someone, who wouldn't interpret every breath he takes as a result of malevolent intention... McDonald’s employee: uhhhh do you want to order something or —
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prophecyofgray · 10 months
assuming the underland chronicles takes place around the time that the books were first published (so somewhere in the 2003-2007 range, as only a little over a year passes during the series) that means that, at the youngest, gregor (the character) will be turning ~28, and at the oldest, ~32. (this puts lizzie at ~24-28 and boots as ~19-23) (boots is making me feel craaaazy I'M 19 turning 20. she's MY AGE. potentially OLDER THAN ME i need to lie down.)
in a similar vein: at the start of CotW, gregor is 11 but we find out at the end that he turned 12 at some point while in the jungle. we also know at the start of the book that it's still winter, tho a few months after the previous book ended with christmas, but by the end of the book it's becoming spring AND we know that all of CotW takes place over about 2 weeks (theres a line in the book that indicates this, i forget which one. just. trust me.) ALL OF THIS TO SAY. can we as a community use this very very rough timeline of events to choose a birthday for this boy. and perhaps celebrate it this year. i simply think that would be neat.
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ravenyenn19 · 10 months
So… can’t stop thinking about this head cannon I realized I have.
If Kaz and Inej have kids (whether adopted or biological)… I personally think that their son &/or daughter would be the Grishaverse embodiment of Indiana Jones/ Lara Croft.
Let me tell you why bc I’m not wrong:
The love of complex puzzles from Kaz & climbing/fighting of Inej.
Lara’s long hair??? Indy’s obsession with his hat??? Come on now.
The potential for 💰 in the antiquities hunting field/ the desire for financial freedom comes from Kaz HOWEVER the appreciation for culture & peoples from all over comes from Inej.
A Kanej child would ABSOLUTELY use a forking ice pick as a weapon like Lara??? (I feel less inclined on Indy’s whip but in a pinch they would be aces with it.)
I’m right.
Validate me & I might write this along with my Alby Rollins 1920’s-esque Ketterdam fic. 👀👀
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Thanks for all the love on chapter one!! <33
(Also I’m not abandoning Don’t Go Blindly Into The Dark, I promise, I just got distracted there’s still more coming)
Summary: "Of course they do, Jes," Kaz flexed his fingers in his gloves, "That's what losing a war means. And when that war comes, Kerch can't afford for Shu Han to win it. They'll back Fjerda against Ravka now so that when Shu Han turn against them Fjerda will back them in return. Ravka's navy will fall to Kerch's, most of Ravka's territory will go to Fjerda and if it has any money left then I expect plenty of it will be given to Kerch as part of the deal. The Shu will move against Fjerda to take back the territories they were trying to win from Ravka, and Fjerda will pay them little mind until they declare war on Kerch. Novyi Zem will back Shu Han, because they still think their trade ambassador was killed by the Kerch in what was actually Shu Han's last attempt to start a war over here, Fjerda will back Kerch, refugees will flee to the Wandering Isle and their economy won't be able to withstand it, and meanwhile I will remain exactly where I am and get drunk toasting to the end of the world. You're all welcome to join me,"
OR -
A Van Eck wins AU, mostly exploring how the Crows would respond to the situation but I have some semblance of a larger plot forming I just need to piece it together
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