#Auto close door hinge
raajrajasharma · 1 year
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Auto close & Soft close Hinges - Shop Premium Quality Auto close and Soft close Hinges Online at Low Prices In India | Frikly
Upgrade your home or office with premium quality Auto close & Soft close Hinges at unbeatable prices. Shop online at Frikly and explore a wide selection of durable tools, reliable fixtures, and stylish accessories. Discover the perfect Auto close & Soft close Hinges solutions to enhance your space and complete your projects. Enjoy the convenience of online shopping and benefit from low prices without compromising on quality. Shop now at Frikly for all your Auto close & Soft close Hinges needs in India.
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talksonthego07 · 2 years
Sometimes, it is wondering how a small piece of equipment can handle something of its X size. Well, auto hinges fall into such a category. Auto hinges are used on regular swing doors, arch doors for those common overhead door closer are not much compatible.
Hinges connect two parts together and form a joint between both of them. These joined parts are able to rotate relative to each other. Hinges are generally used wherever there is a necessity for door setup such as home furniture accessories, cabinets, cases, windows, etc. Overall, hinges are crucial to keep the door in the right position which makes it function efficiently.
Khetan Udyog provides customized hardware solutions as per each customer’s needs and necessities. We at Khetan Udyog offer auto hinges that are suitable for the interior and exterior, highly resistant to corrosion, high durability, and friction resistance.
You should choose auto hinges based on the door weight, door type, and the location where the door is being fixed. The quality of hinges extremely matters for the better durability of the door. To conclude, we are specifically dedicated to such quality auto hinges for your residential, and commercial furniture accessories.
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carolmunson · 2 years
wish i had a river (part two)
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here it is, the part two i said i wouldn't write. if you missed it, here is the first part - wish i had a river this is very much an eddie munson fanfiction, it's mostly from his perspective and follows his story through his eyes and actions. 'you' are mentioned and seen in this fic, but for the most part, it's all eddie all the time. cw: minors dni, adult themes, some smut references. angst. hurt/comfort. lots of mentions of poverty/hunger, sleep deprivation, all around eddie having a bad time. cigarettes/mild drinking but nothing inherently like -- bad? idk. unpopular ship mentioned. i did NOT proof read this.
The alley behind Macy's was a safe haven. Cold, a blue black, poorly paved, with nothing but the dumpters of other stores and the rats to keep him company. Eddie nursed a cigarette on his third smoke break of the night, two bad customers away from a total nervous breakdown. His anxiety built higher every day, every rush, every icy road report -- more people yelling, more people stressed out, more car accidents he'd have to clean up. Wayne's been in an out of the doctor's office more often and it's looking like he might have to retire early. The cigarette loses it's flame and he curses under his breath when he goes to light it again, the nicotine soothing his lips and tongue with a slow steady burn.
You never got to decorate cookies together on his impromptu 'sick day', you hadn't returned any of his calls. Not that he thought he was off the hook or anything, but he did basically write you a fifty two page love letter. If he had the time he'd come by your apartment to apologize in person but at this point exhaustion had started to over stay it's welcome. He could barely make it to the pharmacy on his nights off to get Wayne's medication. The guys at the auto shop could tell something was starting to go very left, 'cause why was the youngest guy there the one who couldn't keep up anymore?
And Eddie really couldn't keep up anymore.
At least his commission in the shoe section was doubling daily.
The cold bites his cheeks while he finishes his cigarette, tossing the butt on the dirty, uneven pavement and crushing out the flame with his work shoes. He rubs his eyes, heavy and swollen with lack of sleep, with scrubbed fingernail hands and sighs. Just another hour and he can go home, just another hour and it's not a closing shift, he can go home at seven like normal people with regular jobs.
He drops his coat off in the cubby area upstairs, stopping in the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. He inspects himelf, eyes half closing in disappointement while he does -- he looks like a shell of himself. He hadn't picked up his guitar in months, didn't turn the radio on anymore -- opting for silence since it was so rare for him to hear between Macy's, the shop, and Wayne's breathing machine at night.
He takes his hair down, shaking out the curls that had at least dried into waving perfection last night, and gives it a shake before putting it back up in a neat ponytail. His bangs sit on his forehead, a few strands framing his now gaunt face. He practices an awake smile in the mirror before he completely deflates -- one bad interaction, one rude look, one snap from a boss, and he'd lose it. The rawness sat in a lump in his throat, a grenade of tears ready to blow if the pin is even so much as nudged.
The door to the back rooms squeaks open on its hinges, revealing the never ending click of boots, heels, sneakers, and men's shoes on the sining tile of Macy's walkway floors. In the beginning, the scent of the perfume section across the way and the bright lights of jewelry used to be an assault on his senses -- but as Wayne says 'You can get used to anything.'
"You good, Ed?" he hears, and turns his head -- it's Angie. Angie is his favorite coworker because she makes the best and meanest jokes about people. If it wasn't for some nights closing with Angie he would've left this job a long time ago. He'd been keeled over in laughs with a duster in his hand so many times that it almost seemed wrong to abandon her there.
"Yeah," he furrows his brow at her, "Should I not be?"
"Some pretty boy's been looking for you," she says, nodding over to the boots section, "You got another business I don't know about?"
A grin stretches across her frosted red lipstick'd lips, crinkling her overlined and spider lashed eyes. She's what Eddie and the guys at Forest Hills would have called 'trailer park pretty' if she was thirty years younger.
"They would be so lucky, wouldn't they?" Ed smirks back, eyes following her nod and landing on a head of beautifully coiffed chestnut hair, "Harrington?"
Steve's eyes perk up like a golden retreiver, a winning smile spreading across his face with a flash of white teeth in it's wake, "Hey, Ed!"
Angie gasps when she realizes who it is, "Oh shit! Is this the guy that --"
"Shh, shut up Ange," Ed huffs, waving her off while Steve comes up to approach him.
"Hey dude, I was hoping you were here. I uh, got a pretty big collection to get tonight so I figured -- you know, I'd come say hi and ask for your help." It's frustrating how pleasant Steve is. How warm his demeanor radiates to others, his candor, the way that he stands. It's annoying that a denim button under a cozy green sweater looks good on him. It makes Eddie sick that he can pull off wire-rim glasses and still look his age, that he smells like spice but not in a cheap way. A twinge of fear shook in his chest when a seed of assumption planted itself in his head -- was this why you weren't answering his calls? Was Steve Harrington smothering you with Christmas spirit every night?
"Yeah, man, sure," Eddie responds like the world isn't sitting directly on his shoulders, which -- he observed -- were not nearly as broad as Steve's, "How can I help you?"
"I need like, four pairs of Moon Boots," he shrugs, "Guess they're in style again? My sister's and nieces want matching pairs so like -- two in a size 8 and then, if you have it, two in a size 4 kids?"
"What color? We have white, purple, black, some metallics," Eddie lists on his fingers, "Well, maybe not black -- those probably sold out already."
"You got silver? Pink, maybe?" Steve shrugs, "I'm just trying to get these wrapped by tomorrow."
Christmas Eve. Ed had almost forgotten.
"Let me see what we have and I'll bring it out," he offers. He wants to ask about you but it seems too obvious. You must have talked about the fight or about him in general, how else would Steve know he worked here? How else would he know to come looking for him.
Moments later, Ed comes out with four boxes, "I have two in silver and two in pink -- so it looks like your nieces will be matching and your sisters will be matching. Does that work?"
"Oh shit, that's perfect," Steve smiles the same winning smile. Eddie wonders for a moment what it feels like to smile genuinely, it's felt like years since he had. He guesses that when you're Steve Harrington, you must get to smile pretty often. Rich, girls love him, former captain of the basketball team, has a masters degree, painstakingly handsome -- no wonder you called him after your fight. Damn, he would too.
"Is that all?" Ed asks, reaching up to run a hand over the five o'clock shadow speckling his chin.
"No, actually, sorry. I need some like, work boots, if you sell those here -- is that okay?" Steve asks.
"Work boots like, how? Like construction?" he asks, "You're a teacher, Harrington."
"Yeah but my uh, my roommate -- he's not in construction but he's on a whole bunch of terrain for work -- desperately needs good shoes for that," he explains.
"What's he do?" Ed asks, guiding him over to the display of Timberlands and Doc Martens.
"He's a photojournalist -- he's all over the place," Steve answers, "He's worn his sneakers down to the sole and like, swears their okay --"
"Jonothan Byer's is your roommate?" Eddie asks, making the connection. He'd only known him from their photography class they shared in Eddie's second senior year, but he knew enough to know he went into journalism shortly after college.
"Yeah," Steve nods, running a hand through his hair.
"Hm," Eddie looks over the shoes and looks up at him, "If I can be honest -- he's gotta be quick on his feet, right? These are gonna be too heavy for him to be walking around in. You might just want to get him some higher quality running sneakers. There's a Foot Locker downstairs if you wanna check that out? A lot of our sneakers are sold out until next week."
"Hmm, shit," Steve clicks his tongue, "Well um -- could I maybe try a pair?"
"Of Docs?" Eddie asks with a laugh.
"Yeah, of Docs -- I can be hip and cool, too, Munson," Steve's faux defense is charming. Eddie wonders what else you find charming about him.
Part of it feels degrading, kneeling down in front of Steve, lacing and relacing each new and different pair of boots he tries on -- but at this point he's buying seven pairs of shoes and the commission alone will cover at least a month of groceries so he's not complaining.
"So you don't hate me, huh?" Eddie asks, slipping a lighter weight Timberland over one of Steve's argyle socks.
"Why would I hate you?" Steve cocks his head, amber eyes catching in the light.
"Oh, did she not talk about it?" Eddie flushes. Why would you talk about him? Your loser mechanic (maybe ex) boyfriend who works at the mall, and at the auto shop, and sometimes sells drugs.
"Your fight from last week?" Steve raises his brows, "Yeah, she talked to me about it. But I woudn't hate you for that."
Ed tightens the laces up his foot to his ankle with care, "Why not?"
"I mean, you're doing a lot right now," Steve shrugs, "I think it can be hard when you're teaching little ones, especially this time of year, to not get caught up in the magic -- you sort of popped her bubble. But y'know, it was sort of a reminder to her that not everyone has it so good."
"She didn't deserve me yelling at her like that, though," Eddie shakes his head, he can feel the threat of the grenade pin tugging on his heart strings. One false move. One shake. One nudge, and he'll blow.
"You're doing the best you can," Steve offers kindly. Eddie swallows hard, offering him a tight smile.
"Thanks. I'm trying, I'm--" he shakes out the tingle of a cry before tying up the laces, "I'm trying really hard."
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By the time Steve checks out it's about 7:15 and Eddie wants nothing more than to go to bed. His back hurts, he's gotta make sure Wayne took his medication, he's gotta eat sleep for dinner for the third night in a row.
"Thanks so much," Steve beams, "This is great, thanks for your help."
"Yeah, no problem dude," Eddie sighs, running a hand over his face again, "Have a good holiday."
"You done for the night?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, just gotta y'know -- grab my shit and go," he shrugs.
"You wanna grab some dinner with me in the food court or something?" Steve asks, balancing the many shopping bags he'd collected this evening in his hands.
"I don't know, dude. I don't wanna keep you or anything," Eddie says. His stomach clenches at the word dinner, his body reacting like a dog who just heard the sentence 'you wanna go outside?'
"You're not keeping me," Steve assures, "C'mon, it's on me."
Before he knows it, Eddie's been corralled into a mall food court, sitting slumped over on the sticky table. He tunes out the shreiks of children, the tinny Christmas music playing in the background of the cocophany of noise that is the mall on December 23rd. His forehead sticks to the leather jacket over his forearm, only lifting it up when he hears the slap of a plastic tray being put down in front of him. He surveys the Burger King in front of him and huffs a laugh, it'd been a long time since he'd ventured into the food court. He almost forgot what fast food looked like after the past few months of thin ham sandwhiches or cold cans Spaghettio's.
"So why didn't you try to swoop in?" Ed asked, toying with a french fry before biting off the end, "When you went to her house the other night?"
He savors the oil and salt on his tongue, warm and crispy on the fry disolving in his mouth while he waits for a response.
"Swoop in?" Steve asks, shaking his head, "No, I wouldn't. We just -- we work together. She's my work friend."
"So you never thought about what the kids say?" Eddie challenges, still trying to keep it light hearted, "How the first grade teachers should get married?"
"Her classroom is across from mine and we make lesson plans together," he assures, "What the kids say is what the kids say. They're six, what do they know?"
"Whatever you say, Harrington," Eddie shrugs.
"Munson, seriously -- she's my friend. She's not my type," he offers. The way he says it stings Eddie, what's not his type about you? You're perfect. You're the best person he knows.
"The card thing though? That was cute. I'm gonna put that in my arsenal if I ever fuck up," Steve laughs. Eddie chest rattles when he realizes that Steve was still there for that. He never even knew your reaction.
Eddie clears his throat, "Did um -- did she like it?"
Steve nods with a lazy smile, "Yeah, she liked it."
"Did she say anything?" he asks hopefully.
"She cried," Steve answered, Eddie leans his head on his hands, "I know that might not be what you wanted to hear."
"I didn't wanna make her cry more," he explains, "I wanted to make her happy."
"They were happy tears," Steve encourages with a nod, "She knows you love her. She loves you, too."
"Then why isn't she answering my calls?" he asks, another fry passing his lips.
"I think she's hurt, a little embarrassed. You know how girls are, they never come right out and say it," he shrugs, taking a bite of his cheeseburger. Ketchup drips out onto the paper mat on the plastic tray with a wet plop, Eddie sighs.
"Did you end up getting anything for her for Christmas?"
"No I -- I can't afford it this year," Eddie rubs his eyes again, more swollen and aching than before. Heat beams through his cheeks in embarrassment, tinging pink and then red.
"Well I had an idea," he offers, "If you're up for it."
"Yeah, go for it Harrington. Shoot," he says, the enthusiasm was greatly lacking.
"Well her uh, her class room needs a lot of repairs and the custodial team isn't really equipped for that. The school'll either bare bones it for her or make her pay for it out of pocket if she asks," he starts, "And she told me you're really handy, y'know, working at the garage and all. So maybe you could take care of her class room this week while we're out for break. I can let you in and everything."
He mulls it over in his head, "That's a really good idea, actually. I could um, I could ask the guys at the shop if I could borrow some tools."
"And there's a bunch of wood palettes in the backrooms at Medvald's. Jon said he's happy to get them out of there for you," Steve says with a smile.
"Oh, so you already talked about this?" Eddie smirks.
"Well, yeah, kind of," he blushes, "I was asking around just to see if it was a plausible kind of thing."
"Definitely a plausible thing," he nods, taking a bite of his own cheese burger. He holds back the moan in his chest from eating something warm and mildly filling after such a long time, "Do you think she'd like it?"
"Oh, Munson," Steve shoots him the 'okay' sign, "She'd lose her mind. All she does is complain about how nothing ever works and everything's falling apart. Doesn't even have new chalk."
"Chalk I can definitely handle," he laughs, "I think I can afford chalk."
He feels a moment of calm wash over him when the van rumbles to life in the parking garage. Finally heading home and going to sleep with a full belly, finally with a plan to make you happy, finally feeling like after the new year things can go back to normal. He flicks on the radio and doesn't even change the station when Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas' crackles through the speakers. He heard it 700 times today, happy to hear it for the 701st.
It was your new favorite song, after all.
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Eddie woke up feeling slightly refreshed on Christmas Eve, the dull ache in his back mildly relieved. He fished into his pajama pants for his lighter, flicking it a few times before getting the fuse lit for his morning cigarette. He stood at the open door, bathrobe tied tight around him, and listened to the hum of Wayne's machine from the other end of trailer. The mug of black coffee in his hands had the bitterness cut by the soft sweetness of cinnamon -- that's what you always did this time of year.
'I like making it a little festive for you, honey,' you'd giggle, 'Don't be such a Grinch.'
He wished he appreciated it more, all the little things you did to try to make him happy. The faces in fruit on his pancakes some mornings, making his old favorites for dinner at your place, 'build your own sundae' nights. Scratching his head, scalp massages, hand massages. You'd call them man-icures so he didn't feel weird about you doing his nails and softening his callouses. He didn't care that it was just a manicure with a stupid name, all he cared about was your cute face when you concentrated on his cuticles. He missed your laugh, the way you tap your pen out to your favorite songs when you're grading papers or writing lesson plans, your elaborate schemes to make learning subtraction more fun. The way you're kind to everyone, all the time, constantly. When he first started taking you out he'd get embarrassed by how forward you were with people, how you'd make small talk with cashiers, or grab someone's hand to tell them their nails looked beautiful.
Maybe in a lot of ways, he wished he was more like you to start.
He took a shower and slipped on his coveralls, opting to be one of two guys in the shop today. Him and George. It was George's garage, and for the past six years, Eddie had always volunteered to be the emergency mechanic on deck on Christmas Eve. He got paid time and a half and never had to wait for the check, he'd always get paid at the end of the day.
He laces his boots before trudging down the hall to wake Wayne, taking off his machine and flipping the switch.
"I'm headed out," he whispers, "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Wayne groans when he sits up on the rickety mattress, "I have a new perscription, not sure if the pharmacy'll be open but would you be able to pick it up on the way back. They called last night but I couldn't make it to the phone, it's ready I think."
"Yeah, I'll grab it on my lunch break Wayne," he softens the more he looks at him, "Have some coffee already to go for you on the table, there's a couple eggs left for you too."
"Thank ya, son," his voice is grizzly, but it still feels like home.
Eddie shivers his way into the shop, George in the office organizing some files. The day was always slow, but there were some cars still in need of fixing so he got right to work.
"Hey George," he calls, knocking on the door.
"Hey kid," he calls back, "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, round six," he laughs back. He goes back to the break room and drops off his coat and his back pack. Normally he'd have you to look forward to later with a plate of cookies from your family's Christmas Eve party and some left overs expertly packed. You'd drive an hour and a half to bring it down to him and then an hour and a half back to spend Christmas with your family. But not before he gave you a present, or multiple presents, in the break room when George went out to get a six pack.
"Ed," he calls again, "C'mere when you're done dropping your shit."
Eddie heads over to the office, leaning on the door frame, "'Sup bossman?"
"Someone left a message for ya on the answering machine, think it's the pharmacy," he said, "Ya might wanna give 'em a call, s'probably for your uncle."
"Oh, yeah, I think his prescription's ready," he nodded, "Can I use your phone?"
"Yeah, by all means," he said, pushing it toward him, "Want me to give you a minute?"
Ed shakes his head no, "It's fine, just a quick call." He's got the number memorized by heart at this point, clicking the numbers on the grease stained white plastic buttons while barely looking at the machine.
"Hawkins Pharmacy, this is Debbie," Eddie smiles because he knows Debbie. He likes Debbie a lot.
"Hi Deb, it's Eddie, Eddie Munson," he says, "Calling for my uncle, looks like you called my work. I was gonna come by and pick up his meds on my break, will you guys be open?"
"Oh um, about his prescription Ed..." she starts, and he can hear the hesitation in her voice. The clip in the grenade buried in his chest jiggles slightly, he takes in a breath through his nose.
"What's up?" he asks, his voice his short and curt.
"Well, he changed his insurance recently, as you know and -- well there's a lapse in his coverage right now. His new plan doesn't activate until the first," she expains.
"Okay, and what does that mean?" he says, his palms sweat onto the cool plastic of the phone, his ear sticks to the receiver.
"Basically," she says, and then sighs, "His current insurance can't cover it and neither can is upcoming insurance, so the prescription has to be paid out of pocket."
"Um -- uh, fuck -- okay," he says, a chill courses through him, tightening his veins. The pin jiggles again, "H-how much?"
"For the month?" she asks, "For this prescription it's, hold on, let me check...it's looking like it'll come out to around..." she takes a breath of defeat.
"Around three hundred dollars, Ed," she says softly.
"Three hundred..." he repeats back quietly, "Is there like, is there a cheaper version cause he like..."
His voice cracks, the pin rattles dangerously while his eyes start to sting with oncoming tears, "He really needs these pills, Debbie."
"This is the cheapest option," she says apologetically, "I'm so sorry."
"I'll um, I'll figure it out," he shakes his head, "I'll come by and I'll figure it out. Thanks uh, thanks for letting me know Deb."
He doesn't wait to hear her response before he hangs up the phone, quickly leaving the office to go back to the break room. He sniffles in big shuddering breaths, sweat dripping down his back despite the lack of heat in the garage.
"Kid," George says softly, following behind him, "Hey, Munson. What's goin' on?"
He feels George's big hand on his shoulder, the soft squeeze on the muscle under his skin.
"I can't afford my uncle's medication," he says, the pin jiggles, "I mean I can, but like, if I get his medication I'll be late in paying the gas bill, but if they turn the gas off there goes our heat. Or I can delay the electric bill but if they turn the lights out he can't use his machine at night. So maybe I could like, go out tonight after this and shovel some driveways in the rich neighborhoods or -- I could -- I could --"
The pin falls.
He breaks.
He breaks hard.
Eddie's cries turn to wails, his body shaking with hunger and exhaustion and the unbearable heaviness of having to be himself. The tears pour in droves down his face while he tries to catch up with them, trying to find the words to explain to George that he's okay, he'll figure it out.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay, it's okay," George soothes, his aged face crumpling while he watches Eddie break down in front of him. He pulls him in tight, a hand plopping ontop on his mess of curls.
"Why don't you tell me what's been goin' on? You haven't been yourself for months," he says softly, "Talk to me."
George smells like Old Spice and Newports, it's a scent that's always made him feel safe. Like having a second dad -- well, a third dad, if you count his real dad. He never counts his real dad, though.
Eddie sits down at the table while George takes a couple of beers out of the fridge and places them down in front of them. He cracks them open and settles down, two sets of brown eyes meeting each other.
He begins.
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"Well if Wayne was sick why didn't you tell me?" George exclaims, "I've known Wayne longer than you've lived in Hawkins, boy. I would've helped you figure somethin' out. Taking shifts at Macy's? At Christmas time? No wonder you're so exhausted."
"I mean, I'm young. I can do it," Eddie shrugs.
"Those bags under your eyes say you can't," he says matter of factly, "And y'know you shouldn't have to. You're -- damn you're a kid."
"I'm like, inching towards thirty George," he laughs.
"And what about your little girlfriend? She not helping?"
"That's..." he sighs, "That's a whole other mess."
Eddie rehashes the story he told Wayne last week and then Steve's visit from yesterday, "So today I was gonna ask if I could borrow some tools and go in tomorrow or something to fix everything up. But now I gotta figure out how I'm gonna make an extra three hundred bucks for these meds."
"How about this," George starts, "You've been workin' for me a long time. You come early and you stay late. You cover for everyone. You know -- damn -- you know more about cars than I do and I've been runnin' this place for thirty years. How about you take this week off to work on your girl's classroom and I'll see you after the New Year."
"I can't. I need to work, George, I need the mo--"
"How about," he interjects, loud and stern, "You take the week off to work on your girl's classroom and get some rest, and I will pay you for the week. It's not like you're just sittin' on your ass."
"I can do that, that's not f--"
"If you say no again, I'm just gonna fire you. Is that what you want?" George challenges.
"No sir," Eddie quickly shakes his head and shuts his mouth.
"And," the older man continues, "I will cover the cost of Wayne's pills. I'll go pick them up at lunch for 'im and drop 'em off. 'Bout time I caught up with that geezer anyway."
The tears build back up in Eddie's eyes, his mouth lets out a sputtered version of a 'Thank you'.
"You gotta stop pretending like you have to do everything yourself," George's voice holds a fatherly fondness when he gets up and tosses their empty beers in the trash.
"C'mere, kid," he chuckles while Eddie tearily gets up out of the chair and back into the dad like embrace of his boss.
"You got ten minutes, but then we got some cars to fix."
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Eddie didn't tell Wayne about the insurance lapse or the pills, even though he was surprised to see George at the trailer park that afternoon. Eddie went home with his tool belt from work, his time and a half, and a little extra that his boss insisted he take with him. Wished him luck on his repairs and that he'd see him on the 2nd.
He was warned that if he didn't rest, Wayne would tell him, and it would mean hell for him at the shop.
Eddie'd already been through hell, so he didn't really want to have to do it again.
Christmas morning came and Eddie woke Wayne up to a cup of coffee and some breakfast.
"Thanks, son," he said smoothly, pushing in his chair at the table in the kitchenette, "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas," he wished back, tapping some cinnamon into each of their cups of coffee.
"What's that for?" he asks before a harrowing cough bubbles out of his chest. He takes a sip of coffee to ease the ache of the rattle in his throat.
"It's just festive, Wayne," he teases, "Don't be a Scrooge."
"Doing anything today?" Wayne asks, eyes casting up to look at the old pictures of a younger Eddie sat on Santa's lap. No longer a holiday where they stayed home and snuggled, where he played with his toys, where there was magic.
"Gonna go fix up my girl's classroom as a gift," he says, picking at his nails, "Thought it'd be a nice gesture."
"She hasn't called ya back, hm?"
Eddie shakes his head, already dressed in the Black Sabbath shirt you got him that he hadn't gotten a chance to properly thank you for. The chain you got repaired hung aroung his neck delicately, the pick hitting his chest in a gentle reminder that you're still here with him. You had to be. He'd know if you just decided to be done with him.
By the time the late afternoon rolled around he hopped in his van after Wayne fell asleep in the recliner. The perk of the holidays was that he could drive around in the rich neighborhoods and no one was out to give him and his car dirty looks. No one was around to be confused that Steve Harrington was hopping into his passengers seat to head to Melvald's. No one was around to be confused as to while they were loading wood from broken down pallets into the ample trunk space.
"Good holiday?" Eddie asks.
"Same holiday it always is," he shrugs, "My parents weren't around so I stayed home. Jonothan went to California with Joyce to go visit Will so he wouldn't have to pay to fly home."
"That's lonely," Eddie mutters, "Sorry dude."
"Don't be sorry, I'm used to it," he looks out the window. Steve looks well dressed for repairs -- a pair of worn in jeans, white on white Air Forces, an Izod half zip sweat shirt -- he might as well look like a father of three, "Have you heard from her at all?"
"No -- I left her a message on her answering machine, but I think she's already up with her family. I don't know what she told them so -- I don't want to bother her parents if they're upset with me," he explains.
"They'd never be upset with you," Steve shakes his head, "They're good people."
"I'm sure they wish on a star every night that she was with you, Harrington," he jokes.
"You'd think, right?" Steve laughs, "No, she told me how much they like you. They think you're so good to her -- you are so good to her."
Steve speaks about you with a fondness that makes Eddie wonder. He softens, looking over at him while he turns down the road to the elementary school, "Do um...do you wish it was you?"
"I already told you, man. I love her to death, but she's not my type," he laughs again, but there's a pain there.
"You keep saying that but like -- are you sure? 'Cause you can tell me it's not weird," he assures.
"She hasn't told you?" Steve asks, brows furrowing.
"Told me what? Did you guys used to fuck, or something?" Eddie asks, his heart hammering, "Did you fuck the other ni--"
"No, no, Ed I'm --" he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm gay," he says quietly, "Like, Jonathan isn't my roommate he's -- he's my partner. I'm gay."
There's a silence there for a moment and Eddie shifts in his seat a red light. Oh, I'm such a fucking idiot. Of course that's why they aren't together. I thought maybe he had a weird dick or something.
"That's y'know," Ed shrugs, "That's cool with me, man. Like, silence equals death and all that."
"Oh, shut up man," Steve laughs and shakes his head, putting his hand up to stop him from talking, "Don't like, do that all shit. I'm just surprised she hadn't said anything."
"If you told her not to, she wont," Eddie's voice drops to something sweet, "She's a good girl like that. Great secret keeper. Great -- Oh, shit..."
When the boys pull into the lot, Eddie's surprised to see a couple more trucks sitting by with their lights on, doors opening at the sight of them. A gruff voice calls out from the dark, a light snow obscuring him and the name on his coverall.
"How long were you gonna keep us waiting here, kid? It's a holiday."
George's gruff voice cuts the silence, a couple of the guys from the shop chuckle in the background. Eddie smiles, a genuine, warm smile -- the kind he envied from a couple nights ago that he saw from Steve. These were people who cared about him, who wanted to help. This was, he guessed, was what Christmas was really about. This was what you were trying to tell him the whole time. His heart breaks all over again, and he swears he can feel the pulse of your heart beat in the guitar pick hanging at his chest.
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By the 27th, most of the repairs had been done. The help from the guys was beyond what he could've imagined. They were able to replace part of the roof that had water damage, fix the windows, repair a cracked pane, build a new bookcase, fix the wobble in all of the desks, and yours. Now, he was just adding a new coat of paint after spending the morning chipping off all the shards of it that were falling off. In his backpack was an overflow of new chalk, pens and pencils, markers, crayons, construction paper, pipe cleaners, and glue. The guys went through their kids bookcases at home and donated a slew of new books for the room -- some duplicates, too.
He felt good. He'd gotten two nights of adequate sleep, heeding George's warning that he has to rest. He was able to buy a good crop of groceries and most of the guys from work came by to drop off so many Christmas cookies that Wayne was nervous he'd start losing his teeth too. Now, all he had to wait for was you. For you to come in on Friday and see his surprise when you dropped in for your professional development day with Steve. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave flowers or gingerbread men with the card but he figured he'd cross that bridge when he --
He jumped, nearly falling off the ladder he was on to reattach over head light that had rusted on the ceiling, "Jesus Christ!"
He clutched his chest, letting his heart rate settle down when at the bottom of the ladder, there you stood. His face blushed pink, pulse ping ponging through his wrists at the sight of you.
"Hi, sweetheart," he smiles, "This um...this was supposed to be a surprise."
"Who told you?" you asked, looking around, "About all my stuff?"
Eddie climbed down the ladder carefully, "Steve came to the store, told me that you needed some help. I figured y'know, if I couldn't get you a present I could just -- I could make you one."
"It's not done yet though, I still have to paint and put all your art supplies away," he explains, meeting you in the center of the room. He looks at you and then at the tears in your eyes, the heat rising in your cheeks. You don't say anything, his heart races in embarrassment. Maybe it wasn't enough, maybe you didn't like it. Maybe you wanted to do it yourself.
"And um, the guys from the shop, they uh, they brought books," he says, walking over to the new bookcase, "And I uh, I built this, like, with my hands."
He painted it to match the rest of the decor, a fun bright color that would hopefully draw the kids in to read. You'd mentioned that the got bored with the same ten books and weren't sharing well -- half of the books were falling apart since there wasn't anywhere to put them.
"And uh, I got you some new chalk -- white obviously, but I got you some multi-colored sets cause I know you like to do little sketches on the board during holidays and like, with spring comin' up maybe you could do little flowers or something?" he doesn't realize it, but he's gasping through his rambled sentences. Watching you walk toward him slowly.
"It's okay if you don't like it," he assures, "You can tell me and I can fix it I just wanted to--"
Your kiss feels like a spoonful of summer warmed honey on his cold lips. It trails down his throat and into his chest, down through his fingertips and his toes. He feels your soft hands cup his face, resting against his cold prickly cheeks. He's afraid to touch your face because you haven't given him a manicure yet this week. He doesn't want to scratch you with his rough hands, so he places them around you instead, frowning when you finally break away with a soft click.
"I just wanted to do something nice," he says against your lips.
"This is the best gift ever," you whisper quietly, a little sniffle stifling your cry, "It's very nice."
"Merry Christmas, baby," he smiles, leaning in for another kiss.
"Merry Christmas," you wish between kisses.
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He wakes up wrapped up in you, in your sheets, in your scent, peering at you while you sleep soundly next to him. You both had barely made it through the door of your apartment before you both had shed your clothes -- landing on the bed with a mutual 'oof!'
It had been so long since he'd been present. Savoring every soft moan out of your mouth, every shake of your thighs, everything whine, every clench, the way you'd rake your nails down his back, the way you'd pulse when he held your hand. You both laid there together after round one, eating cookies in bed (which you'd allowed just this once), while he told you everything. About how hard it had been taking two jobs, how he'd completely shut down, about Wayne's insurance lapse, about the guys at work, about Steve coming to Macy's, about how much he loved the gifts you got. About how he cried the night he yelled at you but was too afraid to face you after because he felt so awful. He listened when you told him that you just needed some time, but that you felt awful that you weren't there when he needed you.
"Need you all the time," he mumbled between heated kisses, "Never lettin' you outta my sight."
His eyes rolled and his toes curled when you took him in your mouth, letting you take the lead. He gasped and writhed, whining for more when your tongue swirled and sucked, showing him how much you missed him. How you'll always take care of him -- and he made sure to show you how he'll take care of you back.
Round three was long and drawn out, slow and sensual, close and quiet -- your boom box playing low static by the end.
Your eyes opened, stretching out when you see him sitting up in bed.
"You heading out?" you yawn.
"No, baby," he smiles down at you before laying back down, losing himself under the covers with you again, "I have the week off, so I'm intending to spend every moment I'm not with Wayne, in this bed, with you."
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vonev · 1 year
The Executioner (and the judge) III
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
Chapter 3: because wherever you go, I'll follow; even through hell, I'll find you
Part I Part II Part III
Words: 3.6k Summary: This…KorTac guy is kinda weird, but you finally meet Ghost, so yay, right?
a/n: i may or may not have lost a braincell or two but the grind dont stop baby
Warnings: VERY suggestive themes in this one, be warned!
—you awake with a headache deep in your noggin, hand feeling around the side of your head scrambling for your phone, only to feel the unpleasant buzz against your thigh.
Amidst your slumber, you forgot you don’t live in that poor excuse for a bunker anymore; as nice as it had been during an emergency, you have come to appreciate the soft linen below you that hugs your body in all the right ways. That’s not to say you’ll have the privilege to continue indulging in said comfort; because the sun shining through your tinted windows said otherwise. 
With a soft grumble you sit up from your face-down position, your hand instinctively reaches up to rub away the sleepiness off your eyes, yawning, you take a brief glance at your phone.
7:39 a.m. Thursday.
To be honest, you could head back to bed and relax, who’s to say you can’t?
Right then, a solid knock sounds from your door, and with that, you push yourself off the bed with an irritated groan; your body functions on auto-pilot, hand extending out to twist the doorknob before you could fully process your surroundings. You flinch at the harsh coldness of the doorknob as you groggily crack the door open.
Your eyes meet the midsection of the person, a man’s, because you’ve only ever met men that wear shirts too tight for them just to show off. Tilting your head backwards, you slowly lift your gaze up to see that it’s the same man you spoke about with Kate the day before—König—he’s infinitely taller in person, yet you don’t feel threatened by his presence; which is odd, but a welcome change. 
Neither of you speak up, only ever stare at each other; the cold morning air breeze past your body, you shiver, your arm trailing up the other to rub some warmth into your body. 
Upon hearing your voice, the man blinks once, then twice; you can’t tell if he’s silently judging you—or just lost. 
“Kate wants to see you,” his voice is surprisingly…light, for a man of his stature; you’d have expected a deep bass, maybe even grain in his voice. But he speaks softly, like the small raise of his voice would scare you off. He’s gentle, you think, and respectful, because he doesn’t try to stare you down as though you’re inferior. Maybe you judged him too harsh earlier.
You nod, “I’ll…get changed, I’ll meet her in about,” you glance down and check your empty wrist as though you wore a watch. “…15 minutes?” 
König only nods in response then stepping aside, presumably walking back to wherever he came from.
Sighing, you gently close your door, the hinge doesn’t scream this time—providing some much needed quietness in your morning. You drag yourself over to the sink and pull out the cabinet, amenities sitting in its creamy insides. Your eyes scans and falls onto the period products tucked away to the side; you make a mental note of thanking Kate later. Grabbing some products you then strip yourself off of your sweat-coated clothes, you don’t look in the mirror as you approach the bathroom.
Jumping in the shower you wince as the sudden sputters of cold water hit your back, you let out a much needed breath of relief, your body soon adjusts to the brutal temperature of the flood sliding down the curves of your exhausted figure. You haven’t had a proper shower in a while, either, relying on damp cloth gets old after a while; so this change of routine puts a small smile on your face, lifting some weight off your tired shoulders.
It doesn’t take long for you to get ready; a couple of minutes to dry up, slipping on undergarments and a casual shirt and jeans, you run the hairbrush through your damp hair for the final time before heading out.
The noise of birds chirping outside pierce through the thin walls, a pleasant sound that swells within your heart, your steps halts as you stare out of the window next to you; the beautiful sight of nature going about catches your attention. Trees sway along with the autumn wind, leaves fall into the already bundled piles on the ground, the sky a gorgeous hue of orange, blue, pink and white—like the display of painter’s hard work, of their blood, sweat and tears all pouring onto the sky outside as clouds resembles blotches of white paint. 
The soft breeze outside pushes past the tiny crack of the window, leaving gentle kisses across your skin as it passes.
It all blends so well together, harmonizing with minimal effort; if any at all.
You took leisure for granted, after being cooped up with only yourself and the smell of death outside as your company, you missed the small things in life: the glorious nature, the gracious flow of things as they came and went, the casual habits of the world around you.
The people.
“…are you okay?” 
Holy mother of Jesus.
Turning over to the voice, you catch König’s curious eyes boring into the back of your skull. Being built like 5 tons of trucks didn’t stop this man from being a master in stealth, it seems, because you don’t get sneaked up on a lot—a necessary habit of the war; indented into your DNA. Only one other person catches you off-guard, the same person that has you sweat under your thin shirt even with the cool breeze. 
A brief projection of a skull printed mask enters the back of your mind before you quickly suppress it.
“I’m alright, thank you,” your eyes flicker toward the scenery outside once more, imprinting it into your mind. For some reason, it makes you feel better about yourself. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Kate already?” looking back, and up, at him with your head tilted, you don’t miss the way his eyes widen. 
“Yes, yes I am.”
With that, he turns on his heels and paces back down the quiet hallway; his boots emit a soft thump with every step he takes. You follow behind, keeping a respectful distance, both of your steps creating their own rhythm that echoes in the empty concrete hallway walls.
Along the way, you zone out, your mind running off to another realm while your body carries itself in a routinely manner toward the hall where the meeting room sits.
You zone out too much, because you walk straight into a wall—er, König’s back. 
“You okay, little maus?” 
“Yeah I’m fine—little what?” your eyes snap to his, confusion smothers your face.
“I’m—sorry, it’s nothing,” he doesn’t elaborate, his shoulders slumps and twists the other way to open the door.
He stands there to the side, hand on the doorknob and peering back at you. You cock an eyebrow, crossing your arms and shifting your weight to one of your legs. A soft Ding! rings in your head, your lips part, and a grumbled Thanks slips out of you as you enter the dimly lit room. 
What a gentleman. 
You see the woman before she sees you; and when she does, a small smile spreads out on her lips, nodding to you in regard. You hear the door click quietly behind you as you sit down on a seat chair; König sits right across you, his head facing Kate’s way. 
Kate starts off simple, straight to the point—you’ll both be dropped in one of the designated safe houses near the Russians’ territory, and you’ll start off slow, steady. 
Okay. You think, I can do it slow and steady. 
If someone were to ask you your specialty; you’d come up with no answers. To simply put: you’re good at killing, and dragging information out of the victims in your grasps. 
But you can’t say, Oh, I’m very good with knives. Or, I can drop heads like flies. 
You just manage, and it was enough—because it landed you in one of the best task forces known to the people in the know. 
Adaptable, Perhaps? You’re unsure, nor do you have anyone around to question such things casually, especially during a serious briefing.
“From then on, we’ll move on the fly, I know you both are extremely capable at handling yourselves.” Kate’s eyes dart to your face momentarily before turning to König. “So I’m gonna need you to keep me updated.”
You decided; if it means you’re not good with a certain thing—you’re good with everything.
“Remember, this is a secret mission for now until we send out the team—absolutely no words about this should slip out of this room today, or tomorrow, and the day after.”
“Yes ma’am,” König pats his palm over his heart, his version of commitment to the cause.
Kate nods at him, appreciative, then looks over to you in anticipation.
You shrug.
“I’ve nothing to lose.”
This is it, you think.
With a blanket draped over both your shoulders, you find yourself seated at the bench right outside your room; thoroughly enjoying the cold yet inviting breeze that carries strands of your hair into the air. 
This is what life is about: the moments of serenity that can’t be bought, when the weather is just right. Not too in your face, yet present. 
It calls out to you, a gentle touch manifested into the form of the winds blowing past your slightly shivering frame. The moonlight illuminates your surroundings, shadows fall into their respective places, and where the darkness is the most prominent, the light shines brighter. 
Yin and Yang, like nights and days. They contrast, they fight. 
Like you and him—back in the good ol’ days, back when you both latched at each other’s throat with no remorse, a spit here, another spit there. The both of you would clash; where you’d want something, he’d want it entirely differently. 
For example: when you all had been deployed to bumfuck nowhere in Alaska, your belongings naturally came with as well. In the kitchen, everyone shared the same lackluster cabinets. You’d store your snacks all in one side of the cabinet, and you would wake up the next morning to utter confusion when said snacks couldn’t be found anywhere—
—anywhere except Simon’s side of the cabinet, of course.
For some odd reason it started an all-out cold war, you’d both purposefully misplace things: towels atop the toilet seat, storage boxes not being in the storage shelves, badges in-between sofa cushions. You and him would manage to find every single one of them; to your frustration. And seeks out to correct them. 
The cold war only ended because you hadn't been able to find the gauze to stop his actively bleeding wound one stormy night. 
It served as a lesson: don’t fuck with each other’s things.
And especially don’t fuck each other.
Of course, you’d have gone and messed that up.
Ghost sits with his back against the window, a propped leg on the still supporting the weight of his arm. 
His dark eyes follow your every move as you skillfully maneuver around the kitchen, a pun-based apron tied loosely around your waist, your hands busying themselves chopping up some onions and red pepper to go with the steak sizzling in the heated pan next to you.
You count in your head, 1, 2, 3, repeat, all to steady your breathing and not mess up dinner; you wouldn’t want to suffer through a fucked up steak then cry yourself to sleep. That wasn’t your plan, no. But you’re incredibly sleep deprived, the only support system being the thoughts that circulate your head. Or maybe it’s the deep wound you still carry on the side of your stomach? You don’t quite know, nor do you care—you’re starving, all you can think about is eat, eat, eat—
Amidst your haziness, the knife slips from your buttery finger, and cuts through the thin barrier of your fingertip. 
“Ouch—fuck me.” 
“Let me look at that.” 
Jumpy, you feel your heart leap out of your throat at Ghost’s sudden appearance behind you. Cautiously you hold your finger to your chest, and it takes Ghost’s hand prying at it to get you to release them. 
Blood seeps out the curve of the knife wound; it’s rather deep, but not enough to warrant any emergency care, give it a day or two and it’ll disappear as soon as it was there. Ghost stares at your fingertip, his eyes emotionless, darting from between your face and the blood that continues to flow out of your skin.
Then the unexpected happens—he hooks his free thumb under his mask and lifts. Your mouth left agape as you tried to process the commotion happening in front of your very eyes. 
His scarred lips come into view, he slowly brings your hand closer; your fingertip now grazing his bottom lip. A shudder rippled through your entire body; you remain motionless, uncertain and absolutely bedazzled. 
“It’s…it’s fine, really—“ 
You almost let out the loudest yelp that would’ve woken everyone else up from their evening naps. Because as the words get caught in your throat, Ghost pushes out his tongue and licks the tip of your finger. 
Your heart steadily pumps in your eardrums, fast yet too slow, and his eyes didn’t help soothe the concerning pace, either—with how sultry his gaze screams as he peers up at you from this angle, you could feel a familiar pool of wetness rub against the fabric of your underwear. You try to hide it by squishing your thighs together for some friction, hoping, praying, that it’d evaporate. 
Ghost notices, because he always does. 
His free hand glides up the exposed skin of your thigh; and of course you had to be wearing shorts that convenient night. His gentle touches send bolts of electricity through your nerves, igniting the suppressed part inside of you hidden away for so long; the part of you that you’d always deny—because you can’t have him, not when he hates your guts, right? 
His eyes say otherwise—God, those eyes, how you’d kill to stare into them day and night. 
He drops your injured hand, and instead, reaches up to brush the pad of his thumb over your flushed cheek, then gradually over your plump lips as he slots his finger right into your mouth. All the while he held your eyes with his, never once diverting his attention to anywhere else but you. His thumb crudely explores every nook and cranny of your mouth, settling to rest above the soft pad of your tongue.
“Tell me no,” he breathes out, exasperated; the actions had affected him as much as it did to you. “Tell me no and I’ll stop, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
You hesitate, the desperate longing for his skin on yours too much to bear—
—with a gentle shake of your head, his eyes lit up; the fire that once burns quietly behind his orbs now cackles into life. 
The situation soon escalates from Look, I’m touching you in all the right places to I’m touching you in all the right spots inside, with my cock. 
You had woken up very sore the next day; though incredibly satisfied. You swore he smirked at you when you both passed by each other that morning in the kitchen, drowned in the loud noises of your teammates’ banters.
The hunger you’d push away before now comes back tenfold whenever you’d see him sauntering over to you at night, in the quiet of your bedroom, only filled by his rough grunts and your muffled moans. 
It was how you’d spend the rest of the months, always sneaky and unsuspicious, both of you had an unspoken oath to keep things private; not daring to put a label on the sticky situation you found yourselves in.
You sigh, your breath visible under the cold autumn weather.
Just as you were about to get up from the bench, something moved from the corner of your eye.
You freeze up, your body left hanging in an awkward position in the air with your arm supporting your weight on the armrest, your eyes dotting around the scene in front of you, unmoving. 
Everyday, you live by fear that something would eventually catch up to you; the efforts of your runaway gone to ash. Were you ever not restless? With the ghost of your past constantly etching your back in scars that would haunt even your worst nightmares—skittish, that’s what you are. Forever molded into the remnants of your history, not moving on, letting yourself melt into the shape of a new you; yet just as empty if not more. It makes you doubt yourself. Question your life choices during somber times; what led you here? What compelled you to do the things you did? 
For love, you think. Everything you did up until this point had been for someone else. What about yourself?
You never had the pleasure to sit down and self-reflect, even as you were contained within a small bunker for years, the memories never once left you the way everything else did. Rusty; as your grip tightens on the armrest, you feel the practiced measure of the way you used to hold a gun slip out of you—it doesn’t actually, but it sure feels like it.
The wind sings out to you, and in this small area where you exist, you could feel the presence of something else: something more. Larger than you, perhaps. Maybe even commanding with how the leaves seem to have stopped swaying, though the gust keeps on moving.
Something moves, something undetermined. 
But you can tell; pinpointing its position based on the fraction of second their figure was exposed to you.
Right behind the large tree trunk that loomed over seemingly everything else, the person is shrouded by the shadows, you figured.
“I know you’re there,” you sigh. “Come out.” It wasn’t a request but rather a demand—because whoever this person is, they’re starting to graze your thin nerves.
And they do. 
Leaves crunches underneath their heavy steps, muffling the noise; but you know they’re there, and they’re right beside you.
You turn your head—and suddenly, it’s as though you experienced an icy whiplash over your entire body; your blood runs cold, your fingers numb.
He’s there.
Towering over you, his presence is as domineering as you last remembered it; and for just a second, you’re pulled back to that winter, one where you could’ve taken your last breath in the stormy blizzard, should’ve.  
He crinkles his nose slightly; it’s not noticeable enough, but with you, you always notice, you always know.
Know how his hand once felt in yours, the twinkle in his eyes and the sly curve of his lips behind that mask as he’d stare at you like you were the best thing in his life. That autumn, when his knees touch yours in a way that has you choking on your hot drink, spilling the beverage all over yourself—and he’d stare, he stared because he found it amusing; found you absolutely breathtaking with the way the light from the fireplace had hit you just right. How he liked it.
Right now, as you sheepishly peer into his eyes for a void, you’re not sure if you’re looking at the same person you used to know; the Simon that had you wrapped around his pretty little finger. Maybe he’s Ghost, in an ironic way. How he’d fleet away just as easy as he slots in, still the same man that haunts your every dream, every nightmare. Everywhere you go it’s him; him that now looks past you—and God does it hurt.
He’s never been a man of many words, only a little where it matters the most; or none, yet you know he’s consumed by the thoughts running around in his head, clouding his conscience, unreadable, unreachable.
And certainly not present; his mind is always far away yet grounded—you could never understand that part of him, but everything else? You do. You do because in the back of your mind, you reserve a very special place for him: the crows feet whenever he’d break a smile, the specific spot of his mole no one else knows about (except for Johnny), the musical notes of his laughter, the rough calluses on his hands. 
“...hey,” you lift a hand up to wave at him, timid, sweat starts breaking through the skin of your palm.
He doesn’t respond, only listens. That’s what he does all the time—so why does it make you extra nervous now? You supposed the meeting would’ve gone way smoother, you know, if he hadn’t believed you were dead for years.
His eyes seem so far away, like he’d up and go to another realm you couldn’t follow with. And it worries you to no end. Unsure; you take a huge leap in chance, your other hand extends out to brush his sleeves. Except, he retracts himself away from you; his body twists slightly further back to avoid your touch.
Have you ever learnt the true meaning of a heartbreak? You swore the deep cracks in your heart only worsens; all with just one swift move of his body, and you’re a mess.
There it is; the look.
“...don’t call me that.”
An excruciating chill runs down your spine; you stay as still as your arm that still sticks in the air, you don’t move when he starts to turn his back to you, walking the same direction he came from, waltzing back into his own world—you used to live there, not anymore, though. Clearly, the few words he said pierce deep into your heart, and it bleeds; it bleeds until the streams run dry–-until you can’t breathe anymore.
You taste some saltiness on your tongue, when you reach up with your fingers, you realize you’d been crying for a good minute. Your tears flowing like a river—it flows because your heart can’t do the same anymore, it stops beating, and your world comes crashing down on you. 
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Sir Vival, the two-piece safety Hudson
Sir Vival, Walter Jerome's Hudson-based concept for the ultimate safety car, last moved under its own power sometime around when he showed the car at the New York World's Fair in 1964 or 1965. Since then, it's been split apart, reassembled, shuffled all over eastern Massachusetts, and remained hidden more or less in plain sight, but nobody's made an attempt to get it running again. That'll change now that longtime owner Ed Moore of Bellingham Auto Sales has sold Sir Vival to Jeff Lane of the Lane Motor Museum.
"It'll be the perfect fit," Lane said. "I've been pestering him about it for a while."
Moore, as we reported in November, has decided to close the doors at Bellingham, which he considers the last active Hudson dealership in the world, and has been either selling off his inventory of cars and parts or transferring portions of his lifelong collection to his house nearby.
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In 1958, Worcester-based Walter Jerome decided it was about time somebody built a car designed primarily for safety and not for looks or speed. Rapidly increasing numbers of highway deaths - especially in the postwar period - led many to call for greater automotive safety as early as 1947, but the response from Detroit was tepid at best throughout the Fifties. Ford made a few gestures at improving automotive safety, including funding a study on safety cars at Cornell, but it largely fell to independents and individuals to build cars with safety features designed into the vehicle.
Jerome decided to start with a step-down Hudson - which he bought from Bellingham - and split it into two sections "to anticipate the possibility of collision from any angle." Similar to Bela Barenyi's idea for the crumple zone, Jerome intended the front section, mounted via a hinge to the rear section, to absorb a collision rather than deflect one, noting that the rigidity of typical cars was what led to injuries and deaths in collisions. To each of the two sections, Jerome added steel bumpers that acted, in his words, like a second frame, and rubber bumpers around the steel designed to redirect all but direct collisions. Yes, he built a full-size bumper car.
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He didn't stop there. The driver controlled the car from a turret-mounted central driver's seat surrounded by a "full circle" windshield for greater visibility. (According to Jerome's literature, the windshield itself rotated past stationary windshield wipers as part of Jerome's quest for maximum driver visibility.) The exterior is fitted with high-visibility marker and signal lamps; the parallelogram doors are designed not to pop open in a crash; and the interior features seat belts, padding, and even a rollbar.
"It is all too obvious that Detroit has no plans to come up with anything really new," Jerome wrote. "Their 1964 cars are already on the drawing boards and spring from the same rigid frames. I hold that human life is important, far more important than Detroit's worry about the cost of retooling to produce an automobile which will save human lives. Adoption of the flexible Sir Vival design would make rigid vehicles obsolete and create a new market, almost immediately, for 65 million vehicles."
Moore and his family assisted Jerome over the years with Sir Vival, including one episode Moore recalls in which he went to Worcester to retrieve the vehicle from the fourth floor of a warehouse, where Jerome had stored it in two pieces, so it could be reassembled and transported to Jerome's house on Cape Cod. After Jerome's death in the early 1970s, the Moores took possession of Sir Vival and brought it back to Bellingham. While Moore had hoped Sir Vival would have gone to Eldon Hostetler's Hudson museum, it turned out fortuitous that he didn't donate it to Hostetler, given that the museum was closed and liquidated in 2018. Sir Vival has thus primarily sat in its pride of place in Bellingham Auto Sales's garage ever since.
"It needs gone right through," Moore said. "It's not really something I want to take home and just let it sit there. Jeff, he's the guy who'd really appreciate it. He'll build it and do it right."
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Lane said he's only seen Sir Vival once in person, when he spent an entire day up at Bellingham Auto Parts four or five years ago. "I recall it as not terrible, but also not in great condition," he said. "It's not like it's been outside for 40 years, rusting away." While he won't have a more definitive plan about what to do with Sir Vival until he picks it up later this month, he said he wants to go through it mechanically without restoring the entire car, if possible.
"I'd say the closest it comes to any other vehicle in the (Lane Motor Museum's) collection is the Dymaxion," Lane said. "It's a really interesting story but it's really been pretty much hidden away from the general public."
Moore, for his part, said he'll continue selling Hudsons from his home garage even after the Bellingham Auto Sales property becomes a warehouse. "I still have my new and used car licenses," he said. "I know I can't keep them all, but I've tried."
UPDATE (6.January 2023): The Lane has started restoration on Sir Vival, according to a Facebook post from the museum. "Sir Vival has been separated into two pieces, and the automotive archaeology begins!"
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dees-writing-corner · 2 years
forever and more - chapter 1
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word count: 2344
pairing: ateez x fem!reader
if anyone wants to join the taglist just message <3
"Are you sure we've got the right place?"   
San leaned forward a bit from where he sat in the driver's seat.   
Poking my head between the front seats, I held out the address in my right hand.   
"For the umpteenth time, San, yes, I'm sure this is the right place."   
Mingi plucked the piece of paper from my hand.   
"I mean, maybe we've got the wrong place, there could be another 13th Header Lane somewhere else? To be honest, this place looks kinda abandoned."   
San nodded along, "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Mingi on that one. For someone who only just passed away less than a month ago, this place doesn't look very well kept."   
We'd been sitting in front of the gates for the past 15 minutes debating whether or not we were at the right place. And I say debate, but it was more of San and Mingi not believing that it was the right place.  
The iron gate that encased the manor and grounds was slightly rusty looking. The ground surrounding the manor was overgrown with weeds and an odd fallen branch here and there. The manor itself had definitely seen better days. The old stone building was covered by ivy vines, the original black roof was now a faded dark grey, the stairs leading up to the door were covered in leaves, and the wooden door itself looked like it might collapse with just a knock.   
Rolling my eyes at their antics, I pointed to something above the gate, "Yes, and if you two looked a bit higher, then you would notice the words 'Rora Manor'."   
Ducking my head down so I could have a better look at the gate, "Now, do I have to get out of the car to open the gates or something, because I don't think they're auto-"   
Before I could finish my sentence, the gates started to slowly swing open, an awful squeak emitting from the hinges as it did so.   
Mingi swallowed nervously before glancing back at me, "Why don't we just turn back. I mean, £500,000 is nothing to you."   
Shaking my head, I urged San, "It was probably just the breeze that blew it open, nothing to be scared about. Come on, San, let's drive in." 
Slowly coming up to the main house, I let out a small breath, "This place is bigger than I thought."   
Stepping out of the car, I stood between San and Mingi, "Let's check the place out before we bring the things in."   
Carefully making our way up the stairs, we made it to the front door. 
"Should we knock?"   
I looked at the two men beside me, only to be met with a questioning gaze from San.   
"Knock? You own the place now, and you want to knock? What do you expect to be in there? Ghosts?"   
"Oh, shut up. Okay, fine, let's just open it then." 
Turning the handle, I slowly pushed the door open. The inside of the house wasn't as bad as I thought it was. There was no dust or anything, and everything seemed to be in order.  
Closing the door behind us, we stood in the middle of the entry taking everything in. Most of the furniture seemed to be made of mahogany.  
As my eyes travelled over the portraits lining the wall up the stairs, I felt a cold draft when my eyes landed on the portrait in the middle. It was of a handsome young man, probably in his early twenties. He had blond hair that was slicked back, his eyes hard as he stared ahead. And for some reason, I felt as if he was actually staring at me like he was there. Like he was aware that someone was staring at him. 
"Can I help you?" 
Startled by the voice and the screams from San and Mingi, I jumped slightly before placing a hand over my heart as if that would stop it from trying to burst out of my chest.  
Eyes wide, I quickly turned around to see who the stranger was. Though not before hitting San and Mingi on the arm.  
"What is wrong with you two?"  
San sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry, he startled us."
Turning back to the man, I took him in. He was probably in his early twenties with his dark hair slicked back, a sharp gaze and a black suit that, if I had to guess, was mandatory to anyone who worked for my Aunt Jenna because it was very similar to the one her solicitor wore the day that I met him. There was something about him that seemed familiar, though I can't quite point out what.  
"Hi, sorry, I'm Y/N. I inherited this property from my Aunt Jenna. I didn't really expect anyone to still be here."  
The man slowly nodded, "Yes, we have been expecting you, Ms L/N. I am Seonghwa. I usually tend to the grounds; however, I have not been able to do so since your aunt's passing as I had matters to handle. That is why it is in its current state. Though I can guarantee that I will have it back to its former glory very soon." 
Nodding, "Okay, umm, you can just call me Y/N, and these are San and Mingi, they'll be staying with me." Said boys gave him a small nod. "And you said 'we'? Are there still more people on the grounds?" 
"There are technically 5 more members of staff here. Yeosang, who is the butler of the house, is currently in town getting some necessities for you. We weren't quite expecting you to arrive this soon. Jongho, who guards the grounds, is also in town with Yeosang. Then we have Wooyoung. He is the chef of the house, though don't be surprised if he pops up somewhere suddenly because he is also quite mischievous. Wooyoung is," Seonghwa frowned slightly, "I actually don't know where he is right now. The last two are Yunho and Hongjoong. They help out around the house, though you probably won't see them that often, especially Hongjoong. He tends to a lot of the things outside the manor." 
Just as I was about to say something, I was cut off by a disembodied voice. 
"I'm home~" 
Although Seonghwa's face remained neutral, I could see the exasperation behind his eyes, "That would be Wooyoung." 
Footsteps could be heard behind us, though before I could turn to see who it was, an arm was slung across my shoulder.  
Blinking, I slowly turned my head to the side.  
He brushed some of his hair back and grinned at me.  
"Hi boss, I'm Wooyoung, I'll be in charge of your meals and be your daily dose of serotonin. And if you want to have some fun, you can find me in the kitchen."  
Wooyoung sent a wink my way before going over to Seonghwa.  
"Have you got those herbs from the garden I asked for? I kinda need them."  
Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose, "They are on the kitchen table."  
And with a nod, Wooyoung made his way back into the kitchen.  
"I'll show you three to your rooms. Follow me."  
Following him up the stairs, my gaze landed on the portrait of the young man. As we went past it, my eyes stopped on the copper plate underneath it. Kim Hongjoong.  
Before I could think deeper about the name, Mingi put a hand on the small of my back, urging me to move forward.  
"Keep going. If you stop for too long, we're gonna get lost here." 
Walking down a corridor, Seonghwa halted to a stop and turned to face us. 
"I assume you'd like to stay on the same floor, yes?" 
Seeing us nod, Seonghwa then turned back around and pointed to the end of the corridor. 
"Y/N, your room will be the one furthest down the corridor. That's the master bedroom. Your friends can stay in the rooms next to it. I'll leave you three to yourselves to settle in. If you need help with your luggage, just call for me. Or, if you are willing to take a risk, Wooyoung." 
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By the time we brought everything in and tidied everything up a bit, it was already 5 in the afternoon.  
The three of us were currently sitting in my bedroom, talking.  
"So, Y/N," San turned from where he sat at the foot of the bed, "What do you think?"  
"Of what?"  
"The people working here, what do you think?"  
Chuckling, I rolled over so that I was facing him, "I think they are very good-looking."  
"Very good -" Mingi smacked my calf, "That's not what he meant. What vibes are you getting from them?"  
"Vibes? Guys, I just have 'inklings', it's not like they're reliable."  
"Well, I can tell you what San and I think. There's something off with them."  
Shrugging, I crossed my fingers over my stomach as I turned onto my back.  
"I mean, sure, they're a bit weird, but I'm not getting any bad vibes from them. Dark, maybe. But not bad. Also, when have you two been so superstitious?"  
San sat up from his position, "We're not, but your 'inklings' are more reliable than you think. Now come on, I smell food."  
Laughing, Mingi and I got up and made our way down to the kitchen with San.  
The moment I stepped into the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks.  
Oh, that is a lot of food.  
Snapping out of my thoughts, I made my way to the kitchen island.  
"You need help with anything, Wooyoung?"  
Wooyoung shook the spatula in his hand, "Oh, no, you, Mademoiselle, are going to sit down and relax. I have everything handled. Dinner will be served in 5 minutes."  
Nodding, I was just about to leave when Wooyoung stopped me.  
"Y/N? Are you alright eating with just your friends or would you like us to join you?"  
"You guys can come join us! The dining room is far too big for just three people."  
Smiling, I made my way into the dining room where I noticed Seonghwa and a couple of unfamiliar faces.  
"Good evening!"  
"Ah, Ms L/N."  
Grimacing slightly at the name, I nodded slightly as I made my way to them.  
"Sorry, I mean Y/N."  
"That's better."  
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ms L/N."  
A pale hand came into view, and as my eyes trailed up the arm and to the face, I was met with a remarkably handsome man. His blond hair was pushed back with a couple of strands falling onto his forehead, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and the birthmark at the corner of his eye only seemed to add to his charm.  
"My name is Yeosang and I am your butler."  
Placing my hand in his, I smiled, "Pleasure's all mine, and please, call me Y/N."  
Letting go, I turned my attention to the muscular, dark-haired man beside Seonghwa, "I’m going to assume that you are Jongho?"  
Earning a small nod from him, I smiled because of course the guy that guards the place is the cold and gruff one.  
-later that night- 
Curling into the corner of the sofa, I looked at the open book in my hands. It's about 11.30 right now and everyone was in bed while I decided to sit in the living room for a bit longer.   
Now that I could finally have some peace and quiet, I couldn't help but think over some of the weird things that happened.  
One that interests me the most is Kim Hongjoong. I remember Seonghwa mentioning something about Hongjoong helping out in the house, but the plate underneath the picture had two dates on it. If this Hongjoong guy -  
Startled, I turned my head to the left, towards the corridor where I heard the footsteps.  
Pausing for a moment, I shook my head before looking back down at the book. It was probably just some floorboards or something. Though before I could carry on with my thoughts, I heard the footsteps again, only this time, they were closer.  
Closing the book, I slowly got up from the sofa and walked towards the corridor. As I was about to look into it, a tall figure came out of the dark, causing me to stumble over the carpet and crash to the floor.  
Placing a hand on my chest, I tried to calm my racing heart as I eyed the man in front of me.  
"You must be Y/N!"  
Nodding slowly, "Yes, and may I know the name of the guy who almost gave me a heart attack."  
"Oh, right! Sorry about that, I thought everyone was in bed. I'm Yunho, I, well, I help out with bits of everything here."  
Yunho smiled brightly as he helped me up from the floor.  
"Nice to meet you. Hopefully the next time I see you, I won't be sent tumbling to the floor."  
Yawning slightly, I reached a hand up to massage my neck.  
"Come on, I'll walk you up to your room."  
As we walked up the stairs, my eyes, once again, landed on Kim Hongjoong. I don't know what it was about that portrait, but it was just weird.  
"We're here, I'll see you in the morning."  
As I watched Yunho's figure leave, the light from the moon caught his sleeve, making me notice something.  
"Hey, Yunho?"  
He turned around, slightly confused.  
"You've got a brown stain on your sleeve."  
Yunho held his arm up, "Oh, must've spilt my coffee this morning. I'll wash it out later.  Goodnight, Y/N."  
Lying in bed that night, I could feel my eyes starting to shut, and as I drifted off, I had one last thought.  
I could've sworn that stain was more maroon than brown.  
That night, a figure appeared at the side of the bed, watching.  
Placing one of its hands on my head, it whispered, "Soon, we shall all be reunited." 
taglist: @layzfeelit
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Garage Door Opener Repair: Troubleshooting Common Issues and Finding Reliable Solutions
Introduction: A malfunctioning garage door opener can quickly turn into a major inconvenience, disrupting your daily routine and compromising the security of your home. Whether it's a noisy operation, failure to open or close, or any other problem, getting your garage door opener repaire promptly is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore the common issues faced by homeowners and provide valuable insights into troubleshooting and finding reliable solutions for garage door opener repair. As experts in the field, Veteran Garage Door Repair is here to guide you through this process and help you restore the functionality of your garage door opener.
Understanding the Importance of a Well-Functioning Garage Door Opener
Enhancing convenience and security
Protecting your vehicle and belongings
Increasing property value
Common Garage Door Opener Issues: 2.1. Unresponsive Remote Control
Battery replacement
Reprogramming the remote control
Seeking professional assistance
2.2. Noisy Operation
Lubricating moving parts
Tightening loose hardware
Replacing worn-out components
2.3. Failure to Open or Close
Checking the power source
Examining the safety sensors
Adjusting the travel limit settings
2.4. Inconsistent Operation
Inspecting the wiring connections
Resetting the opener unit
Calibrating the force settings
Troubleshooting Tips for Garage Door Opener Repair: 3.1. Conduct a Visual Inspection
Look for loose or damaged components
Inspect the tracks and rollers
Check the opener's motor and wiring
3.2. Test the Safety Features
Ensure the safety sensors are properly aligned
Test the auto-reverse function
3.3. Clean and Lubricate Moving Parts
Remove debris from the tracks
Lubricate the rollers, hinges, and springs
The Importance of Professional Garage Door Opener Repair:
Expertise and experience
Timely diagnosis and effective solutions
Safety considerations
Choosing a Reliable Garage Door Repair Service:
Experience and reputation
Licensed and insured technicians
Transparent pricing and warranty
Conclusion: When faced with a malfunctioning garage door opener, it's important to address the issue promptly to avoid inconvenience and ensure the security of your home. By understanding the common problems and following the troubleshooting tips provided in this blog post, you can attempt to fix minor issues yourself. However, for more complex problems or if you're unsure about the repair process, it's advisable to seek the assistance of a professional garage door repair service like Veteran Garage Door Repair. Their experienced technicians can diagnose the problem accurately and provide reliable solutions, restoring the functionality of your garage door opener efficiently and safely. Don't let a faulty garage door opener disrupt your life—take action and get it repaired today!
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Nmae - Veteran Garage Door Repair
Address - 7050 Lakeview Haven Dr #136, Houston, TX 77095
Website - https://veterangaragedoor.com/veteran-garage-door-repair-in-west-houston-texas/
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navar44 · 2 years
Haunted House
A bit of writing based on @aaytaro-gt ‘s Inktober prompt list.
Day 7 - Ghost
Jack’s stomach twisted as he turned the knob to the old house. The hinges creaked and the door shuddered as he pushed into the foyer of the supposedly haunted house.
Not one of those “haunted” houses you pay ten bucks to walk through and get scared by teenagers. No, this was just an old house full of rumors.
Nothing to be afraid of.
Except the feeling of being watched, the sense of foreboding that hung in the air as he’d entered the decrepit building. The rumors of faces in the windows, lights that flickered in the dead of night, and old music stuck repeating until you entered and it would flicker into silence.
Rumors, just rumors or easily explained happenstance. Homeless people, faulty wiring, drafty houses, all the normal stuff that ghost hunters ignored to get a video made for some quick cash.
Jack smirked, stepping softly on the creaky floorboards. Ghosts weren’t real, and haunted houses-
Jack spun to the door that had slammed shut behind him, heart beginning to race. Just the wind, or one of those auto-closing doors! Yeah, totally would have those in a hundred year old abandoned house…
“I knew this was a bad idea…” He muttered, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself. It hadn’t been a dare that brought him here, just a challenge. A challenge he had to take up if he wanted to preserve his reputation at school.
Just go to the attic, wave to them out the window, then get back outside playing up how haunted the house was. Then, dare them to go inside, only to watch them fail and owe him something.
He cracked a small smile that shattered when the door at the top of the stairs slowly creaked open. His blood froze at the noise as he stared the door down, daring it to move again or for something to come out.
Nothing came out, and it stayed still, so he released his breath with a sigh. 
“Just the wind, or a rat, or something.” He said a bit louder than before, as if to convince himself as he continued to climb the stairs. Almost as if to answer him, the door that had creaked open before slammed shut with a bang.
He stared at it, frozen in place halfway up the stairs. Nothing had been touching it, he could see that much this close to it, but it had still slammed shut!
Jack swallowed hard, thrumming his fingers on the bannister as he tried and failed to peel his gaze off of the door. He couldn’t turn back, could he? It was his reputation, his status, that was at stake here! No, he couldn’t leave, he had too much riding on the challenge.
Unsteadily, he took another step up the stairs.
With the tiniest, creaky, clicking noise, the knob of the door upstairs slowly began to turn, and Jack’s hair stood on end as he gasped for breath. All at once, he forgot the challenge, forgot his reputation, and he was down the stairs and out the door. 
He’d deal with the ridicule sooner than he would deal with ghosts!
The door at the top of the stairs slowly swung open, the strings attached to the top taut. Numerous other doors and cupboards did the same as the borrowers pulling the strings peeked out from their hiding places, small grins hidden behind carved masks.
Tiny Jaya leaned her face over the edge of the cobwebbed chandelier on the ceiling, grinning.
“We got another one!”
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aaagaragedoorfl · 3 hours
Quick Tips for Keeping Your Garage Door in Top Shape
Hello Dania Beach! Is your garage door looking a bit tired or not working as smoothly as it should? No worries—keeping your garage door in top condition is easier than you might think. At AAA Garage Door Service, we want to help you ensure that your garage door operates safely and efficiently, so here are some straightforward tips to maintain your garage door without a fuss.
Simple Garage Door Maintenance Tips
Taking care of your garage door doesn’t require a lot of technical know-how. Just a few basic tasks can greatly increase its lifespan and functionality. Here’s what you can do:
•Listen and Observe: Regularly take a moment to watch and listen to your garage door as it operates. It should move smoothly and quietly. Any jerky movements or scraping sounds are signs that something’s wrong, possibly with the tracks or rollers.
•Keep It Clean: Dirt and debris can accumulate in the tracks and can cause your door to stick or derail. Use a broom to sweep away any debris from the tracks and a damp cloth to wipe them down. Keeping the tracks clean will ensure smooth operation.
•Tighten Up the Hardware: The motion and vibration of a garage door can loosen its hardware over time. Use a socket wrench to tighten the bolts and nuts on the garage door and track system. This simple task can prevent many common garage door problems.
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•Lubricate Moving Parts: Proper lubrication keeps your garage door operating smoothly and reduces stress on the door opener. Use a silicone spray or garage door lubricant on the rollers, hinges, and tracks. Do this at least twice a year, or as needed, to keep things moving without resistance.
•Check the Weather Stripping: The rubber weather stripping at the bottom of your door helps keep out dust, water, and pests. If it’s cracked or brittle, it’s time to replace it to maintain the garage’s insulation and protection.
•Test the Safety Features: Safety should always be a priority. Test the auto-reverse feature of the garage door opener by placing a block of wood or a roll of paper towels in the path of the closing door. It should reverse direction when it hits the obstruction. If it doesn’t, the door needs professional attention.
When to Call a Professional
While regular maintenance can be handled on your own, there are times when it’s best to call in the experts from AAA Garage Door Service:
•Spring and Cable Problems: If you notice any issues with the springs or cables, like wear or damage, don’t attempt to fix these yourself as they can be very dangerous to handle. Call in the professionals.
•Electrical Issues: Any problems with the garage door opener or its electrical system are best left to the experts to avoid safety risks.
•Significant Damage: If your garage door is significantly damaged, perhaps from weather or an accident, professional repairs will ensure that it’s restored correctly and safely.
By following these easy tips, you can help extend the life and improve the safety of your garage door. Remember, if you’re ever in doubt or need assistance, AAA Garage Door Service in Dania Beach is just a call away. We’re here to help you keep your garage door running perfectly year-round!
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onyxgaragedoors01 · 4 days
The Benefits of Regular Garage Door Inspections in Santa Clarita, CA
Garage doors are a crucial part of many homes, serving not only as a convenience but also as a significant security feature. Regular inspections are essential to ensure that your garage door operates safely and efficiently. This article will discuss the many benefits of conducting regular garage door inspections and provide practical advice for homeowners.
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Importance of Regular Inspections
1. Enhancing Safety
One of the primary reasons for regular garage door inspections is safety. Garage doors can pose serious hazards if they malfunction. Heavy doors can cause injury if they fall unexpectedly, and faulty components can lead to accidents. Regular inspections help identify issues such as:
Worn or frayed cables
Damaged springs
Misaligned tracks
By catching these problems early, you can prevent potentially dangerous situations and ensure the safety of your family.
2. Extending Lifespan
A garage door is a significant investment, and regular inspections can extend its lifespan. Just like any mechanical system, garage doors experience wear and tear over time. During an inspection, a technician can identify minor issues before they become significant problems, ensuring that the door remains in good working condition. Regular maintenance can add years to the life of your garage door, ultimately saving you money.
3. Cost Savings
Ignoring minor problems can lead to costly repairs or even complete door replacement. By investing in regular inspections, you can catch small issues before they escalate into larger, more expensive repairs. For instance, a simple misalignment of the tracks can lead to more severe damage if not addressed promptly. Regular inspections help you save money in the long run by minimizing the need for extensive repairs.
4. Improving Functionality
A well-maintained garage door operates smoothly and quietly. Regular inspections ensure that all components—such as springs, rollers, and hinges—are functioning correctly. This attention to detail can enhance your overall experience when using the garage door, providing peace of mind and convenience. A smooth-operating garage door reduces the chances of frustrating malfunctions when you need to access your garage.
5. Enhancing Energy Efficiency
Many homeowners overlook the role of their garage door in overall energy efficiency. A properly sealed and insulated garage door can help regulate the temperature inside the garage, which can affect the adjacent living spaces. Regular inspections can identify worn weather stripping or poor insulation, which can be easily fixed to improve energy efficiency and lower heating and cooling costs.
What to Expect During an Inspection
1. Visual Inspection
A technician will start with a thorough visual inspection of the garage door and its components. They will look for signs of wear, rust, or damage to the door itself, as well as its hardware. Common issues to look for include:
Cracks or dents in the door panels
Rust on metal components
Worn-out weather stripping
2. Functional Testing
After the visual inspection, the technician will perform functional tests. This includes:
Opening and closing the door to check for smooth operation
Testing the auto-reverse feature, which should engage when an object is detected in the door's path
Checking the remote control and wall switch to ensure they are working properly
3. Hardware Check
The technician will also examine all hardware components, including:
Springs: Checking for wear or signs of fatigue
Cables: Looking for fraying or damage
Tracks: Ensuring they are aligned and free from obstructions
4. Lubrication
A crucial part of the inspection process is lubricating moving parts. This helps reduce friction and wear, ensuring that the garage door operates smoothly. Technicians typically use silicone-based lubricants on components like hinges, rollers, and tracks.
5. Safety Feature Testing
The safety features of your garage door are essential for preventing accidents. The technician will test features such as:
The photo-eye sensors: These should be clean and aligned to detect objects in the door's path.
The auto-reverse mechanism: This should work effectively to prevent the door from closing on objects or people.
Signs That Your Garage Door Needs Inspection
While regular inspections are essential, you should also be aware of signs that indicate your garage door may need immediate attention:
1. Strange Noises
If your garage door makes unusual noises—such as grinding, squeaking, or banging—during operation, it may be time for an inspection. These sounds can indicate issues with the springs, rollers, or other components.
2. Slow Operation
A garage door that operates more slowly than usual may have underlying issues that require attention. Regular inspections can help identify the cause and prevent further problems.
3. Frequent Repairs
If you find yourself making frequent repairs, it may be a sign that your garage door needs a more thorough inspection to identify underlying issues.
4. Visible Damage
Any visible damage, such as dents, cracks, or rust, should prompt an inspection. Addressing these issues early can prevent more extensive damage down the road.
5. Inconsistent Operation
If your garage door doesn’t open or close consistently, or if it gets stuck at times, this could indicate a need for inspection. Issues like misaligned tracks or worn-out springs often cause these problems.
FAQs About Garage Door Inspections
1. How often should I have my garage door inspected?
It's advisable to have your garage door inspected at least once a year. However, if you use your garage door frequently or notice any signs of wear, consider scheduling inspections more often.
2. Can I perform a garage door inspection myself?
While homeowners can perform visual checks, a professional inspection is recommended for comprehensive evaluation. Professionals have the expertise and tools to identify issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye.
3. What are the costs associated with garage door inspections?
The cost of garage door inspections can vary based on the service provider and the extent of the inspection. However, regular maintenance is generally less expensive than waiting for significant repairs or replacements.
4. What should I do if my garage door fails during the inspection?
If your garage door fails any tests during the inspection, consult your technician for recommendations on repairs or replacements. Prompt action can prevent further complications.
5. Are there any DIY maintenance tips I can follow?
Homeowners can perform basic maintenance, such as lubricating moving parts, checking for visible damage, and cleaning the tracks. However, for more complex issues, professional help is advised.
Regular garage door repair santa clarita ca are crucial for ensuring safety, functionality, and longevity. By committing to routine inspections, homeowners can identify potential issues early, preventing costly repairs and enhancing the overall performance of their garage doors. In Santa Clarita, where garage doors are a staple of many homes, prioritizing regular inspections is an investment in safety and peace of mind. Ultimately, a well-maintained garage door contributes to the safety, efficiency, and comfort of your home.
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azgaragedoornj · 5 days
Smart Tips to Prevent Garage Door Breakdowns
A well-maintained garage door is key to ensuring smooth operations and avoiding unexpected malfunctions that can disrupt your daily routine. Regular care and preventative measures can save you from the inconvenience and expense of emergency repairs. At AZ Garage Door NJ, we believe in empowering homeowners in Bergen County with the knowledge to keep their garage doors in top shape. Here are some easy, proactive steps to help prevent garage door breakdowns.
Regular Cleaning and Debris Removal:
Keep the tracks, rollers, and other parts of your garage door clean and free from debris. Over time, leaves, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in the tracks, causing the door to stick or derail. A monthly cleaning with a soft brush and a damp cloth can keep these components clear and functioning properly.
Lubricate Moving Parts:
Proper lubrication reduces friction on the garage door’s moving parts, such as the rollers, hinges, and springs. This not only ensures smoother operation but also extends the life of these components. Use a silicone-based lubricant or a product designed specifically for garage doors. Apply lubricant sparingly—too much can attract dirt and debris, leading to a build-up that might hinder performance.
Check for Loose Hardware:
The motion of opening and closing the garage door can loosen its hardware over time. Every few months, use a socket wrench to check and tighten any bolts and screws on the tracks, brackets, and hinges. This simple step can prevent many mechanical issues related to component instability.
Test the Door’s Balance:
An unbalanced garage door puts unnecessary strain on the opener, which can lead to premature wear and eventual failure. To test the balance, disconnect the opener (usually by pulling the release handle) and manually move the door halfway up. If it doesn’t stay put, the springs need adjustment. Since adjusting torsion springs can be dangerous, it’s wise to call professionals like AZ Garage Door NJ for this task.
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Inspect and Replace Weather Stripping:
Weather stripping seals the edges of your garage door and protects the inside of your garage from the elements. Check the stripping regularly for cracks or gaps and replace it when it becomes brittle or damaged. This not only improves energy efficiency but also prevents water and debris from entering the garage.
Schedule Professional Inspections:
Even with diligent maintenance, some issues can only be detected by a professional. Scheduling an annual inspection with a garage door specialist can help catch problems before they escalate. A technician from AZ Garage Door NJ can perform a comprehensive check, including a safety review of the door’s auto-reverse features and photo-eye sensors.
Preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure the longevity and reliability of your garage door. By following these simple tips, you can minimize the risk of breakdowns and ensure your garage door functions smoothly for years to come. Regular care not only saves you money in the long run but also keeps your home safe and secure.
Call to Action:
Don’t wait for a breakdown to take care of your garage door. Contact AZ Garage Door NJ today to schedule a professional inspection or to learn more about our maintenance services. We’re here to help you keep your garage door in optimal condition!
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metrogaragedoor-tx · 12 days
How to Properly Maintain Your Garage Door After Installation
Maintaining your garage door after installation is essential to ensure its longevity and reliable performance. Proper upkeep not only prevents unexpected breakdowns but also saves you from costly repairs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you keep your garage door functioning optimally.
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1. Conduct Regular Inspections
Routine inspections are key to identifying potential problems before they become serious. Check for any signs of wear, such as loose hardware, frayed cables, or unusual noises when the door operates. Pay attention to the rollers, springs, and tracks for any irregularities. If you notice any issues, it's advisable to contact Garage door installation experts to address them professionally.
2. Lubricate All Moving Components
Proper lubrication of the garage door’s moving parts can prevent friction and extend its lifespan. Use a silicone-based lubricant on hinges, rollers, and springs at least twice a year. Avoid using heavy grease, as it can accumulate dust and debris, which may cause more harm than good.
3. Test the Door Balance
A balanced garage door is easier on the opener and motor, ensuring smooth operation. Disconnect the automatic opener and manually lift the door halfway. If it stays in place, the balance is correct. If it moves up or down, the springs may need adjustment. Always rely on professionals for spring adjustments, as they can be hazardous.
4. Examine the Weatherstripping
The weatherstripping at the bottom of the door prevents drafts, water, and debris from entering your garage. Over time, it may crack or wear down. Inspect it regularly and replace it when necessary to maintain an effective seal and protect your garage from the elements.
5. Clean the Tracks and Remove Debris
Ensure the tracks are clean and free from debris, as any obstruction can affect the smooth movement of the door. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the tracks and remove any buildup of dirt. However, do not lubricate the tracks, as this can attract more debris and interfere with the door’s movement.
6. Check the Safety Features
Garage doors are equipped with safety features like the auto-reverse mechanism, which prevents the door from closing if an object is in its path. Test this feature by placing an object, such as a block of wood, under the door. If the door does not reverse after contact, it may require professional adjustment to ensure safety compliance.
7. Tighten Hardware as Needed
The constant movement of your garage door can loosen its hardware over time. Periodically check and tighten all bolts, screws, and brackets, especially those that hold the tracks in place. Keeping these components secure helps maintain the door’s alignment and functionality.
8. Keep the Door Surface Clean
Regularly cleaning the door itself is vital to preserve its appearance and prevent rust, particularly on metal doors. Use a mild detergent and water to wash both the interior and exterior surfaces, and immediately address any signs of rust or damage to maintain its aesthetic and structural integrity.
Maintaining your garage door is a simple but crucial task that can significantly extend its lifespan and ensure it operates smoothly. Regular inspections, proper lubrication, and routine cleaning are essential to preventing major issues. When in doubt, professional assistance is always the best route to avoid potential hazards and costly repairs. By following these steps, you’ll keep your garage door functioning like new for years to come.
Metro Garage Door Repair Address: 11126 Shady Trail Suite. 116, Dallas, TX 75229 Phone: (972) 391-3610 Visit our website: https://www.metrogaragedoor.net/
Business Hours: Monday to Sunday - Open 24hrs
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richardmontelben01 · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Garage Door Maintenance and Repair
Garage doors are a crucial part of your home’s functionality, providing security, convenience, and curb appeal. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure that your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently. This guide will cover everything you need to know about maintaining and repairing your garage door, from routine checks to troubleshooting common issues.
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1. Understanding Your Garage Door System
A typical garage door system consists of several components that work together to allow smooth operation:
Garage Door: The door itself, which can be made from various materials including wood, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl.
Garage Door Opener: The motorized device that opens and closes the door, often operated by a remote control or wall switch.
Springs: Torsion or extension springs that provide the counterbalance needed to lift and lower the door.
Cables and Pulleys: Components that help lift the door by pulling on the springs.
Tracks and Rollers: Guide the door along its path and ensure smooth operation.
Hinges and Brackets: Connect the door panels and support the movement of the door.
2. Routine Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your garage door and preventing unexpected breakdowns. Follow these maintenance tips to keep your door in optimal condition:
a. Visual Inspection
Check for Wear and Tear: Inspect the door, tracks, and springs for any signs of damage or wear. Look for rust, cracks, or frayed cables.
Lubrication: Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the moving parts, including rollers, hinges, and tracks. Avoid using WD-40 or oil, as these can attract dust and dirt.
b. Clean the Door
Wash the Surface: Clean the door’s surface with mild detergent and water. For steel doors, use a non-abrasive cleaner to remove grime and prevent rust. Wood doors may need periodic refinishing or sealing.
Clear the Tracks: Ensure the tracks are free of debris and dirt. Wipe them down to maintain smooth operation.
c. Check the Balance
Manual Operation: Disconnect the garage door opener and manually lift the door halfway. It should stay in place. If it doesn’t, the door may be out of balance and require adjustment.
d. Inspect the Weatherstripping
Check for Damage: Examine the weatherstripping along the bottom of the door for cracks or gaps. Replace damaged weatherstripping to ensure proper insulation and protection against the elements.
e. Test the Safety Features
Auto-Reverse Mechanism: Test the door’s auto-reverse feature by placing a small object, such as a roll of paper towels, under the door. The door should automatically reverse when it makes contact with the object.
Photo Eye Sensors: Ensure the photo eye sensors located near the base of the door are aligned and free of obstructions. These sensors detect objects in the door’s path and prevent it from closing if something is detected.
3. Common Garage Door Problems and Solutions
a. The Door Won’t Open or Close
Check the Power Supply: Ensure the garage door opener is plugged in and receiving power. Inspect the circuit breaker for any tripped breakers.
Remote Control Issues: Replace the batteries in your remote control. Reprogram the remote if necessary.
Obstructed Tracks: Remove any debris or obstructions from the tracks. Ensure the tracks are properly aligned and not bent.
b. The Door Is Off Track
Realign the Tracks: If the door is off track, gently guide it back into place. Ensure the tracks are securely fastened to the wall and the rollers are properly aligned.
Seek Professional Help: If you’re unable to realign the door or if it’s stuck, contact a professional for assistance.
c. The Door Makes Excessive Noise
Lubrication: Apply lubricant to the moving parts, including rollers, hinges, and springs. Squeaking or grinding noises are often a sign that parts need lubrication.
Inspect the Rollers: Check the rollers for wear or damage. Replace any damaged rollers to reduce noise and ensure smooth operation.
d. The Garage Door Springs Are Broken
Do Not Attempt DIY Repairs: Broken springs are dangerous and should be repaired by a professional. Attempting to replace or repair springs on your own can result in injury or further damage.
e. The Door Is Not Closing Properly
Adjust the Limit Switch: The limit switch controls how far the door closes. Adjust the settings on the opener if the door is not closing completely.
Check the Tracks: Ensure the tracks are clear and the rollers are properly aligned.
4. DIY Repair vs. Professional Help
a. When to DIY
Minor Issues: Small problems like lubricating parts, tightening bolts, or cleaning the tracks can be handled on your own. Ensure you have the right tools and follow safety precautions.
b. When to Call a Professional
Complex Repairs: Issues such as broken springs, off-track doors, or malfunctioning openers are best handled by professionals. They have the experience and tools required to perform repairs safely and effectively.
Safety Concerns: If you’re unsure about performing a repair or if safety is a concern, it’s best to seek professional help.
5. Preventive Measures
a. Regular Inspections
Schedule Professional Inspections: Have your garage door system inspected by a professional annually to identify potential issues before they become major problems.
b. Maintain the Opener
Check the Opener’s Function: Ensure the garage door opener is functioning correctly and all connections are secure. Replace batteries and test remote controls regularly.
c. Weatherproofing
Seal Gaps: Inspect and replace weatherstripping as needed to protect against the elements and improve energy efficiency.
Proper maintenance and timely repairs are essential for keeping your garage door repair me in optimal condition. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your door can prevent common issues, extend its lifespan, and ensure smooth operation. While DIY maintenance can be effective for minor issues, professional assistance is crucial for more complex repairs and safety concerns. By understanding the components of your garage door system and following these maintenance and repair guidelines, you can enhance the functionality, safety, and appearance of your garage door, ensuring it serves your home effectively for years to come.
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From Noise Reduction to Smooth Operation: The Advantages of Consistent Garage Door Maintenance
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Regular upkeep of your garage door is crucial for maintaining its performance and extending its lifespan. From minimizing noise to ensuring seamless operation, there are several advantages to committing to routine garage door service. Here’s why regular maintenance should be a top priority for your home.
Reducing Noise Levels
One significant benefit of consistent garage door maintenance is the reduction of operational noise. Over time, parts like rollers, hinges, and springs can degrade, leading to undesirable sounds such as squeaks, grinding, or rattles. Regular lubrication and fine-tuning of these components can significantly diminish these noises, resulting in a quieter door. Proper maintenance is especially important if your garage is connected to your living spaces, as it helps create a more serene environment.
Ensuring Seamless Operation
A garage door that is regularly serviced operates smoothly and dependably. Routine maintenance involves checking and adjusting the door’s balance, securing loose hardware, and inspecting the tracks for any blockages. These actions help ensure that the door opens and closes effortlessly, reducing strain on the opener and enhancing the overall system’s longevity. Reliable operation is essential for everyday convenience and preventing unexpected malfunctions.
Avoiding Expensive Repairs
Regular garage door service is a cost-effective measure that helps prevent expensive repairs. Minor issues, if ignored, can develop into major problems requiring costly repairs or full replacements. Routine maintenance allows for early detection and resolution of these issues. Professionals can spot wear on components such as cables, springs, and rollers, replacing them before they cause more significant damage. This proactive approach helps reduce the risk of substantial repair costs.
Enhancing Safety and Security
A garage door plays a vital role in the security of your home. A malfunctioning door can jeopardize safety and make your home more susceptible to break-ins. Regular maintenance ensures that all safety features, including sensors and auto-reverse functions, are working properly. Technicians also check the door’s alignment and tension to prevent potential hazards. Keeping your garage door in excellent condition enhances your home’s security and safeguards your family from possible accidents.
Extending the Door’s Lifespan
Routine maintenance is essential for prolonging the life of your garage door. Components such as springs, rollers, and tracks experience significant wear and tear with frequent use. Regular inspections and maintenance help keep these parts in good condition, minimizing the chance of unexpected failures. This not only saves on replacement costs but also maximizes the value of your investment in your garage door system.
Consistent garage door maintenance provides multiple benefits, including reduced noise, smooth operation, prevention of costly repairs, improved safety, and extended lifespan. Prioritizing regular service ensures that your garage door remains reliable and functional for many years.
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Comprehensive Guide to Garage Door Repairs: Keeping Your Door in Top Shape
A well-maintained garage door is vital for the security, safety, and convenience of your home. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can prevent costly breakdowns and ensure smooth operation. This guide covers common garage door problems, the importance of professional repairs, and tips for maintaining your garage door repairs.
Common Garage Door Problems
Garage doors, like any mechanical system, can experience a variety of issues over time. Some of the most common problems include:
Broken Springs: Garage door springs are under high tension and can snap, making the door difficult to open or close.
Misaligned Tracks: If the tracks are not aligned correctly, the door may not operate smoothly or could get stuck.
Worn-Out Rollers: Rollers help the door move along the tracks. When they wear out, the door can become noisy or jam.
Faulty Sensors: Safety sensors prevent the door from closing on objects or people. If they malfunction, the door might not operate correctly.
Opener Issues: Problems with the garage door opener, including motor failures or remote control issues, can prevent the door from functioning.
The Importance of Professional Repairs
While it might be tempting to attempt DIY repairs, professional garage door repair services are essential for several reasons:
Safety: Garage doors are heavy and their components are under high tension. Professional technicians have the tools and experience to perform repairs safely.
Expertise: Trained technicians can quickly diagnose and fix problems, ensuring that your door operates correctly.
Warranty Protection: Professional repairs often come with a warranty, providing peace of mind.
Efficiency: Professionals can complete repairs faster and more effectively than DIY attempts, saving you time and hassle.
Choosing the Right Garage Door Repair Service
When selecting a garage door repair service, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for companies with positive customer reviews and testimonials.
Experience: Choose a service provider with extensive experience in garage door repairs.
Certifications: Ensure the technicians are certified and trained to handle various garage door brands and models.
Availability: Opt for a company that offers emergency repair services for urgent issues.
Transparent Pricing: A reputable service will provide clear and upfront pricing without hidden fees.
What to Expect During a Garage Door Repair
A professional garage door repair service typically involves the following steps:
Initial Inspection: The technician will inspect the door to identify the problem.
Diagnosis: Based on the inspection, the technician will diagnose the issue and explain the necessary repairs.
Cost Estimate: You’ll receive a detailed cost estimate for the repairs.
Repair Work: Once you approve the estimate, the technician will proceed with the repairs, using high-quality parts and tools.
Testing: After the repairs, the technician will test the door to ensure it operates smoothly and safely.
Maintenance Tips: The technician may offer maintenance tips to help you keep your garage door in good condition.
Preventive Maintenance Tips
Regular maintenance can help prevent garage door issues and extend the life of your door. Here are some tips:
Lubricate Moving Parts: Use a high-quality lubricant on the rollers, hinges, and tracks to reduce friction and wear.
Check Balance: Periodically test the balance of your door to ensure it operates smoothly.
Inspect Hardware: Tighten any loose bolts or screws to keep the door components secure.
Clean Tracks: Keep the tracks free of debris to ensure smooth operation.
Test Safety Features: Regularly check the safety sensors and auto-reverse mechanism to ensure they function correctly.
Maintaining a functional garage door is crucial for the safety, security, and convenience of your home. By addressing issues promptly and performing regular maintenance, you can ensure that your garage door remains in optimal condition. For expert garage door repairs, trust professional technicians who offer prompt, efficient, and high-quality service. With the right help, you can keep your garage door functioning smoothly for years to come.
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rolergaragedor · 2 months
Safety Features in Roller Garage Doors
When it comes to the security and functionality of your garage, roller garage doors are a top choice for many homeowners and business owners alike. These doors not only provide a sleek and modern appearance but also offer numerous safety features designed to protect both property and people. Understanding these safety features can help you make an informed decision when selecting the right garage door for your needs. In this article, we'll explore the essential safety features found in roller garage doors, why they matter, and how they can benefit you.
Why Safety Features Matter
Garage doors are one of the heaviest and most frequently used moving parts in a home or commercial property. Without proper safety features, they can pose significant risks, including injury to people and damage to vehicles or other belongings. Ensuring that your roller garage door is equipped with the latest safety technology is crucial for preventing accidents and maintaining peace of mind.
Key Safety Features of Roller Garage Doors
1. Auto-Reverse Mechanism
Auto-Reverse Mechanism is one of the most critical safety features in roller garage doors. This system detects any obstruction in the door's path and automatically reverses its direction to prevent accidents. If something or someone is in the way, the door will stop and reverse, reducing the risk of injury or damage.
2. Safety Sensors
Safety sensors, often installed on both sides of the Affordable Garage Doors Cambridge, are designed to detect any movement or objects in the path of the closing door. These sensors, typically located a few inches off the ground, create an invisible beam across the door opening. If the beam is broken, the door will not close until the obstruction is removed. This feature is especially important in homes with children or pets who might inadvertently wander into the garage door's path.
3. Manual Release Handle
In the event of a power outage or malfunction, the Manual Release Handle allows you to disengage the garage door from the motor, enabling you to open or close it manually. This is an essential feature for ensuring you can always access your garage, regardless of the circumstances. It's also crucial for safety during emergencies, as it provides a quick way to open the door if needed.
4. Rolling Code Technology
Rolling Code Technology is a security feature that prevents unauthorized access to your garage. Traditional garage door openers use a fixed code, which can be easily intercepted by tech-savvy thieves. Rolling code technology, however, generates a new code each time the remote is used, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to duplicate or hack your opener.
5. Finger Guard Technology
Finger guard technology is designed to prevent fingers from getting caught in the door's hinges or panels. This feature is particularly important for families with young children, as curious little fingers can easily find their way into dangerous spots. Finger guard technology typically involves special panel designs and hinge covers that eliminate gaps where fingers could be trapped.
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Additional Safety Features to Consider
1. Pos4d
For enhanced security, consider integrating pos4d technology with your roller garage door. This advanced feature can be linked with other smart home systems to provide real-time alerts and remote control capabilities. By incorporating pos4d, you can ensure that your garage door is always monitored and secure.
2. Battery Backup Systems
A battery backup system ensures that your garage door remains operational even during a power outage. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining security and convenience, as it allows you to open and close the door without electricity. Battery backup systems are a reliable safety feature that can provide peace of mind in unexpected situations.
3. Soft-Start and Soft-Stop Technology
Soft-start and soft-stop technology reduces the wear and tear on your garage door by gradually increasing and decreasing the speed of the motor. This feature not only extends the lifespan of your door but also enhances safety by preventing sudden movements that could cause injury or damage.
4. Emergency Locking Systems
Emergency locking systems provide an additional layer of security by allowing you to manually lock the garage door from the inside. This feature is particularly useful in areas prone to extreme weather conditions or in situations where you need to secure your property quickly.
Benefits of Safety Features in Roller Garage Doors
1. Peace of Mind
Knowing that your garage door is equipped with advanced safety features provides peace of mind. Whether you're at home or away, you can trust that your door is secure and that the risk of accidents is minimized.
2. Protection for Loved Ones
Safety features like auto-reverse mechanisms and safety sensors protect your loved ones from potential injuries. These features are especially important in homes with young children or pets, ensuring that they remain safe around the garage door.
3. Enhanced Security
Features like rolling code technology and emergency locking systems enhance the overall security of your property. By preventing unauthorized access and providing additional locking mechanisms, you can rest assured that your garage is well-protected.
4. Longevity of the Door
Safety features like soft-start and soft-stop technology reduce the strain on the garage door's motor and components, extending the lifespan of the door. This not only saves you money on repairs and replacements but also ensures that your door operates smoothly for years to come.
Investing in a roller garage door with advanced safety features is essential for protecting your property and loved ones. From auto-reverse mechanisms and safety sensors to rolling code technology and manual release handles, these features offer numerous benefits that enhance security, convenience, and peace of mind. By understanding the key safety features and their importance, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right roller garage door for your home or business.
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