#Auvergnat Cheese
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Petit marché typique auvergnat au Mont Dore situé rue Jean Moulin. Retrouvez des saucissons et fromages locaux. 🧀🥓 #blog #blogger #blogging #marche #auvergnat #auvergne #vert #tourism #saucisson #cheese #montdore (à Mont-Dore)
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pennarblog · 6 years
#2 | Recette bretonne du mois d’août | Cheese-cake aux fraises
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Une recette de notre Penn ar Chef, Romain Pouzadoux ! Il est chef du restaurant L’Imaginaire, à Brest. Il est mi-breton, mi-auvergnat, de partout et nulle part à la fois. Il a pour singularité de ne pas avoir d’attache aux terroirs mais bien aux territoires. Son restaurant reflète sa manière de travailler : local et humain. Connaissance du producteur, du produit et proximité sont ses maîtres-mots.
Recette pour 4
Biscuit croustillant
• 200 gr de cookies au caramel • 50 gr de beurre
Pulvérisez les cookies au caramel, ajoutez le beurre fondu et étalez au fond de cercles de 10 cm de diamètre. Cuire à 170°c pendant 10 min, laisser refroidir.
Cheese cake
• 250 gr de Philadelphia ou St-Môret • 50 gr de sucre • 20 gr de farine • 2 oeufs • 100 gr de crème
Mélangez tous les ingrédients et cuire à 150°c dans des cercles de 8 cm de diamètre pendant 15 min. Laissez refroidir et coupez en deux. Faire un sandwich avec deux demi-cercles de biscuit croustillant et un demi-cercle de cheese-cake. Décorez de fraises fraîches. Accompagnez avec le coulis de fraises.
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cooking-ez · 8 years
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Truffade is a traditional dish from France's Auvergne region. It is made with potatoes and local cheese. Truffade originated in the mountains and is a proper winter dish, quite rich and delicious. This recipe, like with all traditional food, comes in many versions: different cheeses, ways to cook the potatoes, with or without bacon, onions or garlic. This is my version, using pre-cooked potatoes, lardons and that delicious cheese from the Auvergne, Saint-Nectaire. Despite the name, truffade has nothing whatsoever to do with truffles. The name comes from "trufa", an Auvergnat dialect word for potato.
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Murol Salers Beef Burgers
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Another tasty lunch made with delicious local produce, these Murol Salers Beef Burgers are a mouth-watering celebration of the generous terroir here, abundant in meat and cheeses, both full of character!
Ingredients (serves 2):
300 grams/10.5 ounces Salers Beef Mince (or other very good beef mince, like Angus)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
60 grams/2 ounces Murol Cheese
a drizzle of olive oil
In a medium bowl, season Salers Beef Mince with salt and black pepper. Gently toss with clean hands to mix.
Cut Murol Cheese into thick slices.
Divide Salers Beef mixture into two portions, and form two patties, wrapping each around a slice of Murol.
Heat a frying pan over a high flame.
Drizzle both cheese-stuffed patties with olive oil, and rub them gently. Add to the frying pan, and cook, about 3 minutes on one side. 
Flip on the other side, and reduce heat to medium. Cook, another 4 or 5 minutes until cooked through.
Serve Murol Salers Beef Burgers with dressed lettuce, on their on or onto Cranberry Dinner Rolls, to make hamburgers...
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