#Azula didn't think that's how he would react.
the-genius-az · 4 months
Katara, destroying everything because Azula refused to let her braid her hair:
Azula, running: It's better here he ran than here he died!
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rifari2037 · 17 days
16. Do you think Zuko and Katara developed feelings for each other in canon or post-canon?
I think, Zutara developed feelings for each other in both canon and post-canon.
If talk about development feelings in general and not specifically about romantic feelings, I can say that their development feelings had been there since the beginning of the season.
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When they first met, neither of them cared about each other's existence. Zuko didn't see Katara as a threat, while Katara only saw Zuko as someone from the Fire Nation. They were enemies, nothing more than that.
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After they met a few times, Zuko's impression of Katara changed from an unimportant girl and terrible waterbender, to an enemy that couldn't be underestimated.
It's a development of the relationship.
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Then, their conversation in the Crystal Catacomb became a significant development in their relationship.
Their feelings develop from enemies, to someone who can understand each other because they have the same experience, which is losing their mother.
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Katara trusted Zuko enough to give him something she was saving for a very important situation. Meanwhile Zuko trusted Katara enough to let her touch his scar.
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Katara's expression towards Zuko conveys different meanings, in the first scene she looked annoyed and in the second scene she looked hurt. It showed that after Zuko betrayed her, Katara's feelings for Zuko grew from hatred for an enemy to hatred for being betrayed.
No one would hurt when betrayed by an enemy, unless they already trusted their enemy on different level.
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Their relationship development changed drastically after Katara forgave Zuko. Their feelings for each other changed from enemies to friends. And they became yin and yang, opposites but complementing and trusting each other.
When it comes to developing feelings romantically, I feel like the spark was there since their journey in Southern Raider. Moreover, I always had a headcanon that Zuko and Katara had a really deep moment together, until Zuko picked up the rest of the Gaang to Ember Island.
The spark was still so small, they could still deny it.
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The spark grew bigger when they saved each other's lives when facing Azula. This moment makes a lot more sense if they were the ones kissing in the final scene.
Or if you follow the canon storyline, then their feelings would develop in post-canon, when they finally realised that their 'canon' partner wasn't a bad person, but not right for them. They could no longer deny their feelings for each other and end up together.
17. How do you think Iroh and Hakoda would react to Zutara?
Iroh and Hakoda are wise men, I feel like they wouldn't have a problem with Zuko and Katara's relationship.
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First, Hakoda. He initially had a bad assumption of the Fire Nation royal family until Sokka said that Zuko could be trusted. And Zuko proved it by reuniting him with his daughter.
Not only that, Hakoda must saw when Zuko saved Katara from the rocks. Hakoda certainly could trust his daughter's safety to Zuko no matter what the stakes. And that was proven when he gave up his life to save Katara from Azula's lightning.
If they were together, Hakoda clearly had no worries about his daughter.
In post-canon, Katara couldn't deny her feelings for Zuko but she was hesitant. She thought about her mother who died because of the Fire Nation, how she ends up in a relationship with the Fire Lord?
Hakoda would convince Katara that Fire Lord Zuko wasn't the one who killed her mother, instead he was the one who brought her to her mother killer. And her mother wouldn't be happy to see her daughter kill her own heart because of her, after she sacrificed her life to keep her daughter alive.
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Then Iroh. He knew his nephew very well, especially his stubborn nature. Iroh is wise and always sees things from a different perspective, he must felt that Katara was a good influence on Zuko. But still, I'm sure he was surprised when Zuko, without any hesitation, asked Katara to accompany him to facing Azula, rather than insisting on fighting her alone.
If they were together, Iroh must be sure they would complement each other, because he knew there was bond between them since Zuko took the lightening to save her.
In post-canon, Zuko couldn't deny his feelings for Katara but he was hesitant. As a Fire Lord, he was afraid that his people would not accept someone from the water tribe to become First Lady. Moreover, this had never happened before in the history of the Fire Nation royal family.
Iroh will convince Zuko that he has made history by declaring the end of the 100-year war, he as Fire Lord can also make history by marrying someone from the Water Tribe. Their marriage will be a symbol of peace between the Fire Nation and the other nations. Also, Zuko has a lot of responsibilities and Katara could help him to lead their people.
18. How do you think the Gaang would react to Zutara?
When Zuko and Katara surprised the Gaang that they were dating, no one shocked, except for Aang.
They were like, "I knew this day would come."
Zuko and Katara didn't realised that their love on each other was very obvious. The rest of the Gaang knew it from the start, but kept it quiet and gave them a chance to develop their own relationship.
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I guess, the Gaang started to get suspicious at this point. They didn't know what their problems, but it seemed very personal.
Imagine after that, Zuko went to Sokka and talked about his sister. Since Zuko interrupted his date with Suki, Sokka must've told her and Suki started to wonder, "Is there something between them?"
After a little field trip with Zuko, they seemed to be very close, but they denied it. But, the more they denied it, the more it became clear there was something between them.
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It was weird that during the performance of Ember Island Players, the Gaang always commented on various occasions, but they didn't comment or shocked during Zuko and Katara scene in the Crystal Catacomb.
I mean, the show did exaggerate the facts, but it was still based on reality. No one really knows what was going on between them and the scenes on stage were supposed to be controversial.
I was expecting a comment, maybe from Sokka as her brother, like, "Hey, you guys weren't really flirting, were you?" But no, Suki smiled instead and Sokka looked like it wasn't a surprise.
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They denied it again when June teased that they were dating. Did the Gaang notice? Of course!
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They held hands before, then they slept back to back, then Katara comforted Zuko before meeting his uncle, then Zuko asked Katara without hesitation to face Azula. And Gaang was there to notice all of that.
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As I said before, all of the Gaang members are aware that there is something between Zuko and Katara, except Aang.
It wasn't like Aang didn't realise that, he just denied it because his attraction to Katara. He was still saw her as his 'forever girl'. But later, after Aang matured, he finally realised that his duty as the Avatar was far more important than his crush on Katara. The only way to open his chakra was to let Katara go and he did that.
Aang finally accepted the relationship between Zuko and Katara.
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sokkastyles · 10 months
I think it's implied that Azula started firebending before Zuko did, and not even just that Zuko started at a later age than Azula. If Azula 5 or 6 in the flashback in Azula in the Spirit Temple when she first starts firebending, then I think Zuko hadn't started firebending yet as a 7 or 8 year old. And that probably informs the reactions we see in the comics from their parents as well.
I mean, I think Ozai would have very much held Zuko's lack of firebending over his head. My theory is that Ozai's disfavor of Zuko began to fester as soon as Zuko was born, due to Ozai protecting his own insecurities onto Zuko (and also being jealous that Zuko divided Ursa's attention). This would be easy for Ozai to do since Zuko is both his firstborn and a boy.
So by the time Azula comes along, Ozai is already convinced that Zuko is a failure (and it's possible that there were disfavorable omens when Zuko was born that fed into that perception, maybe Zuko was late learning to walk or talk, etc.) and that he will be a late bloomer, or maybe not a bender at all.
And poor Zuko, for his part, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as kids often do when they live in a household where the adults in their lives don't expect them to flourish. So every time Zuko failed to hit a certain milestone, Ozai would use that to either torment him or Ursa on how her son was a failure.
So when Azula is born, Ozai is determined that she will be everything Zuko is not. And maybe Azula does things that encourage this perception. We know she's precocious, and again, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ozai gets pleasure out of giving Azula every praise and advantage he denied to Zuko. How long before either of the children began to make a single spark do you think Ozai was telling his family how sure he was that Azula would firebend first, and rubbing it into their faces how that meant Zuko was a failure?
I think this fits with both the reactions we see from Zuko and Azula as young children in the comics. A lot has been made of that scene in Azula in the Spirit Temple when Ursa reacts with fear and disappointment on seeing her daughter bending, while Ozai is exuberant and demands Ursa praise their daughter. We, the audience, know who Ozai is. We know his excitement for his daughter's firebending skills is not out of caring or pride for his daughter, but all about himself and the weapon he wants to make Azula into. There is reason for Ursa to be fearful, here, but it's fear of Ozai, not fear of her daughter. And, as the comic also states, fear for Azula.
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I also want to go back to that scene in the Search where we see young Zuko coming to his mother, waking from a nightmare where Azula has set his room on fire. Both Azula and Zuko are very young in this scene, and of course Zuko's fear is ridiculous. Neither of the children have started bending yet.
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But if Ozai had already been telling his family how strong Azula was going to be, and how weak Zuko was in comparison, that explains very well Zuko's fear.
There's also something here of fire as an element both prized and feared by those who wish to control it, and I think both children learned very quickly the dual nature of fire and made it a core aspect of their personality.
I think about that image of baby Zuko in awe of Iroh's flames in Legacy of the Fire Nation. How long before the wonder of fire turned to fear, and anxiety because he just couldn't seem to measure up?
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Can you imagine how terrifying it was for all of them living with Ozai? Not because he was physically violent, but because of the violence in his threats, the subtle reminders of how his rage could be turned on those who didn't meet his expectations at any moment. And he'd already made up his mind that Zuko would never meet his expectations and that Azula had to. No wonder Zuko learns to fear his sister at an early age. No wonder Azula learns that it's better to be feared than to be a disappointment.
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ilikepjo24 · 11 months
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Sokka could have killed Azula if he wanted to, indeed. He could force her to retreat even more, cause I her to fall. He could stab her. He didn't. He retreated and let Zuko throw a fireball at her, one that she managed to avoid.
That says a lot about Sokka and about everyone else on that rooftop as well.
Sokka didn't want to kill Azula. He could. And it would be convenient for him a Team Avatar if he had. But despite her imprisoning his dad and girlfriend, and ruining his dobs plan and killing his best friend and almost harming his sister on multiple occasions, he still doesn't want to kill Azula.
However, I don't think it's about being a good person or anything like that. Sokka was never afraid to do sketchy shit if that's what needed to be done. He invaded the Fire Nation when they were at their weakest. He crashed airships, killing hundreds, without even giving it a second thought. He killed the Combustion man without flinching. He wouldn't be afraid to kill Azula if that's what he thought was necessary.
And yet, he didn't. There could be multiple reasons why. It could be that he feared if the most important person (by FN standards) in the elevator thingy was dead, the guards wouldn't hesitate to cut the line immediately. It could be that he thought they had a chance of capturing her and having a vulnerable hostage, since they had better numbers. It could be for Zuko's sake. As a brother, it's possible he wouldn't be interested in killing a little sister infront of her older brother.
As for Suki and Zuko... They don't hate Azula. Sokka just threw away an opportunity of getting rid of an enemy and none of his allies that saw it were bothered. No one said "wtf are you doing? Why would you do that? You could have saved us so much trouble!". They are not eager to see Azula dead despite her being their enemy. Suki doesn't hate Azula, even after Azula imprisoned her. And Zuko doesn't hate Azula either, so all the fics of him having Azula endure any kind of torture are ooc, and they need to be stopped.
No, seriously, stop it.
When it comes to Ty Lee, I noticed that she didn't react to her friend almost dying? I don't think it because Ty Lee doesn't care for Azula, so it's either that she didn't notice because she was busy, or that she had trust in Azula's abilities to make it out alive.
And Azula is... interesting. She either doesn't value her life, or she values it, but she values her duty more. There's no other option. Because how TF is half your foot touching sweet death, and then you just continue without flinching or being scared or anything? You just move on? Honestly, whether Azula doesn't care about being alive that much, or does care, but would still find it honorable to die on duty, it's still interesting. It creates lot of questions about Azula's mental state at the moment and about her dedication to her father and country. Where does it end?
If it's neither of the two, then Azula was just being an arrogant-ass motherfucker which also creates questions. Is it because she trusted her own abilities a lot? Is it because she believed Zuko wouldn't let her die? Is it because she thought Sokka wouldn't kill her? And why is that? Does she consider him soft, cause he didn't hurt her in the dobs, or does he consider him too weak to kill her? And is that because he's a "water tribe savage" or because he's a nonbender?
Every time Azula is on screen, there are so many things to analyze!!
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imagines--galore · 3 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Twenty-Six
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty, Part Twenty-One, Part Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty Four, Twenty-Five,
A/N: I am so glad you guys liked the last chapter! I hope you enjoy this on! Get ready with the tissues folks! This is gonna be one emotional ride!
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Fate was on their side.
For once.
Her didn't run into any trouble while Zuko carried Orora to the war balloon. No one spotted them as they were lifted into the air and the clouds provided them with the cover they needed to stay out of sight. The winds were also in their favor, so maybe things weren't all bad.
While Zuko's intention had been to follow after Aang and his friends as they made their escape on the bison, he now had to make a small detour.
He couldn't keep the balloon in the air while also trying to take care of Orora, so they would have to make a stop where he would bandage her up and make sure she wasn't too severely injured.
His eyes darted to where he had laid her down on the floor just beside him. His pack served as a makeshift pillow for the time being, while his cloak covered her body, hiding the worst of her injuries from him. Checking the compass to make sure they were on the right course, Zuko turned his attention towards Orora.
She was just as beautiful as he remembered her.
Maybe even more.
While he had only seen her with short hair, he had to admit the longer hair suited her even more. It made her features appear far more softer. Her skin was slightly darker, probably from being under the sun for days.
He wished she would open her eyes so he could see if her eyes were truly as blue as he had seen in his hallucinations of her, or had that all been in his head.
But Orora didn't wake up.
Her breathing was even and her body relaxed, so that was a good sign, he thought to himself, his hand gently pushing away some of the hair from her forehead.
How long had she been fighting for her to get so tired that she would pass out?
Zuko shuddered to think what would've happened if he had arrived any later. It was obvious that his sister found out what Orora was to him. And if the Water Tribe girl had fallen into Azula's hands..........
His stomach churned and he felt like throwing up whenever his mind would wander to such thoughts.
Which is why he forced himself to focus on the present. And just be content and thankful that Orora was beside him. A little injured, but at least she was alive.
He had no idea how she would react when she woke up, but honestly, Zuko didn't care. As long as she didn't force him to stay away from her, he was ready to accept whatever she had to give him. His gaze flickered to where her hand peeked out from under the cloak. His own hand twitched, and he very nearly had to physically retrain himself from reaching out and taking it in between his.
He didn't deserve to hold her hand.
Not after what he did to her.
Closing his eyes in resignation, his hand clenched at his side before he stood to check if they were on the correct course just so he would have something to do.
Little did he know, their destination was the very island Orora and her family had decided to call their home for the four days they had spent there before the Invasion.
It was nearing late afternoon when he sighted the island he had decided would be safe enough for them to take refuge on. For the past two hours, Orora had not stirred, and Zuko was starting to get more then a little worried.
As soon as the balloon landed, he quickly disembarked. Zuko had never set up camp as fast as he did then. There was no need for a tent, so a tarp overhead would have to do. Once his bed roll was on the ground he quickly rushed back to the balloon. Throughout his tasks, he had kept glancing in it's direction, afraid that Orora would wake up and try to stand by herself.
Cradling her in his arms, he gently placed her atop the bed roll, before pulling his pack towards himself and began to rummage through it. Once he had taken out whatever he needed, the young Prince set to work.
First, he made sure to clean the cuts that littered her arms and face. Her clothing had saved her skin from being cut open, but the tumble she had taken hadn't been forgiving when it came to her bare skin. Not to mention her gloves were tattered in some places as he removed them to allow her skin to breath. Dark bruises were already forming along her skin, and he gritted his teeth, regretting not taking down the soldiers then and there for hurting her like that.
Just then, she moved. A soft sound came from her parted lips, and her head fell to the side, now facing him.
Zuko paused, the cloth he'd been using to clean her cuts hovering just above the cut along her eyebrow.
But she didn't wake up.
And he resumed his task.
Once he had applied a soothing salve onto the cuts and bruises, he moved on to the injury she had sustained at her side. The sight of which had his heart constricting in his chest.
Somehow, despite the pain, he could see Orora had managed to heal herself a lot more then he had initially thought. The wound still needed to be dressed, something he was an expert at since he had to take care of his own burn a little over two years ago.
Not wanting to cut away her shirt, lest she feel uncomfortable when she woke up, he did his best to slowly and carefully cut the cloth around the wound, allowing the unmarred skin to show underneath. This time, when he applied the salve for burns, she did react. A sharp gasp that tapered off into a whimper echoed in the clearing, and her forehead creased at the pain she felt. Her hands clenched and her body tensed.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice soft. "I know it hurts, but it won't in a bit. Trust me." As he spoke, he continued to apply more of the salve. And just as he said, the herbs within began to act and Orora relaxed.
She still didn't wake up.
Sighing to himself, Zuko picked up the roll of bandage he had packed. Gently guiding her into a sitting position, he leaned her upper body against his own, trying not to notice how her head rested against his shoulder, her warm breath brushing against his neck.
Wrapping his arms around her abdomen, he made quick work of bandaging her up, before laying her back down. He heaved a sigh of relief.
She looked much better now, he thought to himself, standing up and making sure the rest of the supplies were secure. A small stream ran just a little ways away from their makeshift camp. He was quick to walk over and get some fresh water before returning to her side.
She hadn't moved an inch.
And it didn't look like she would be waking up any time soon.
After a meager meal of bread and some fruit, he found himself beside her once again. He pulled the blanket up to her shoulders after slipping her feet out of her shoes, hoping it would make her comfortable.
Was it strange, for him to be looking at her like that?
But he didn't care. If he couldn't touch her, hold her hand, then at least he could just look at her.
And reassure himself that she was really there, and not just a figment of his imagination.
Zuko had no idea how long he sat there. Slowly the light dimmed as the sun set, but the moon was bright enough to allow him to continue looking at her. When did he change his position from sitting to laying beside her, his hand just inches away from her own, he didn't know.
Neither did he realize when his eyes closed and he fell asleep, his face turned towards her, one arm laying in front of him, as if even in his sleep, he was reaching out towards her.
His string glowing a strong blue.
Ice blue eyes blinked open, staring at the canopy of trees above.
Her entire body ached, and yet not a sound fell from her lips as she slowly sat up. The blanket dropped into her lap, as her hand lifted to press against her bandaged burn.
Orora blinked, slightly disoriented after having been asleep for so long. She raised a hand to press against her forehead, frowning at the bandage around her wrist. When had she hurt her wrist? She couldn't remember.
Everything was so unclear, as if she were trying to see things through a thick fog.
A slight movement at her side had the young waterbender turning her gaze in that direction.
Only to be greeted with the sight of a very real and very there Prince Zuko fast asleep.
So it hadn't been a dream, she thought to herself.
Zuko had been the one to save her. He was the one who had cleaned and bandaged her up. Her heart constricted at the sight of him, her teeth biting down on her lower lip. Allowing her eyes to drop to the string that connected them, she was not at all surprised to see hers flickering red every now and then.
Her heart and mind were raging an internal war, her eyes never wavering from Zuko.
It was ironic how their first encounter had been him saving her, and now, after all that had happened, after what he had done, their second meeting mirrored their first.
He had saved her yet again.
And it had opened the door in her heart, behind which she had kept her true feelings for him buried and hidden away from sight and mind for so long.
Because yes, she did have feelings for him. Feelings that had grown during their time together in Ba Sing Se but had stalled once he........well.............
Suddenly feeling like she couldn't breath, the girl quickly, yet silently, rose to her feet and walked off towards the edge of the tree cluster. Stepping out into the clearing, she took in the familiar sight. Seems Zuko had brought them to the very island where she and and her friends had been staying before the invasion. Her suspicions were confirmed further when a koalasheep with barely any wool covering it's body, walked past her.
A brief smile pulled at her lips before she began to walk further.
She didn't get very far though, her side began to hurt after a few minutes. Groaning softly, she leaned back against one of the many rocks that littered the surrounding and turned her face towards the sky. There was only half a moon that night, but it provided her with the comfort she needed.
Zuko was back.
He was here.
Just as he had promised he would be in her dream.
And even more strange was the fact that he was wearing the very clothes she had seen him wear in her last hallucination of him while she had been bathing before the Invasion.
Was this a trick? Was he going to try and lure her in and try to take down Aang and her friends? Was this Azula's plan? Or was it his father's? Or was it his?
Or maybe it wasn't a trick?
Because try as she might she couldn't ignore the fact that she had seen the glow of his string when hers had flickered with color as well.
And no one could fake their string glowing because it wasn't something anyone could tamper with. Not even the spirits.
What did that mean? Did he.............have feelings for her? But then how could he? How could he after what he had done? But her string flickering meant she still had feelings for him too didn't it?
But how could she? How could she be angry at him and hate him but also have feelings for him? Or maybe it wasn't hate? Maybe she was just angry and sad? Or just mad? Or sad? Maybe both?
Her head began to pound, and she reached up to rub her fingers gently against her temples to try and alleviate the pain.
Why did the Spirits have to give her such a complicated soulmate?
If she were honest, she didn't know how to feel about Zuko. There were so many emotions tangled up inside her chest that she could barely make sense of where one emotion ended and the other began.
The sound of his voice calling out her name had the young waterbender growing rigid. Her eyes widened, and she pressed herself further against the rocky surface, ignoring the way a few sharp rocks dug into her already sensitive skin.
"Orora, where are you?" He called again. His voice sounded strange, she frowned, trying to determine the emotion within his tone. "You shouldn't be wandering around! You're hurt!" He called, and this time she was able to guess the emotion.
Or rather emotions.
Panic and worry.
She pursed her lips, wandering why she remained behind the rock hidden from his view.
"Please Orora! Answer me!"
The girl in question couldn't help herself as she took a small step towards the edge of the rock and peaked out from behind it. He was standing just a few feet away from her hiding place, his head turning this way and that as he tried to locate her.
"Orora!!" This time his voice broke at the very end, and though she had told herself she wouldn't allow her heart to feel anything remotely in favor of him, it did feel a pang of pain at the fear and heartbreak in his voice.
She watched as he dropped his head into his hands, before turning his gaze towards the sky where he glared at the moon.
"Was that all just a vision too?" He shouted, his voice echoing across the otherwise silent landscape, disturbing a couple of the sleeping koalasheeps.
Orora frowned. Vision? What was he talking about?
"Did I hallucinate all of that? Like I have been for the past few months? Am I going crazy?" He continued, raising his hands to his head and gripping his hair.
Her eyes widened as her mind finally caught up to what he was saying. He had been seeing her, just as she had been seeing him since their time apart.
But why would he see her? He had betrayed her. Was it out of guilt? Or was it because of what they had shared in Ba Sing Se? Questions burned at the tip of her tongue, and even more swirled around in her mind.
"Answer me!" He suddenly roared, making the girl jump where she stood and focus her attention back on Zuko. His head was tilted back once more towards the moon, and though she couldn't see his face, Orora knew there were tears in his eyes as he finally collapsed to his knees, his face buried in his hands.
Slowly, so as not to startle him, she began to walk forward. Her bare feet made no sound on the grass as she drew closer to him with each step.
"Please." She heard him say, his voice muffled. "I can't take this anymore." Curse the Spirits for her inability to see anyone, even people who had betrayed her, in such a heartbroken state. Because that is exactly what Zuko was right then.
Heartbroken and hopeless.
"I have to know if she was real or not."
She knew it was genuine, knew he couldn't fake it. Not when she could hear the pain in his voice and see the glow of his string, while her own flickered red.
"Please, let her be real."
She mirrored his posture as she dropped to her knees in front of him. Reaching out, she placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder.
His head snapped up.
Terrified amber eyes met an uncertain ice blue gaze.
The moment his eyes met Orora's, Zuko stilled.
For a moment, he even forgot to breath as he simply took her in.
Was this another trick? Another game his mind was playing with him?
But then his body seemed to register the fact he could feel her hand against his shoulder.
Warm, solid and strong.
And there.
She was staring at him, and though he could see the confusion on her face, he could also see the doubt in her eyes. And he had no one to blame but himself for that.
Once his breathing had calmed, she slowly retracted her hand, moving to sit on her knees properly, her hands resting on her thighs as she looked at him. This time with barely a hint of emotion on her face, as she watched him and waited.
It was strange how quiet she was. He had been expecting her to be angry at him, to yell, to cry, to blame him. And he had been ready to accept all of that.
This silence was somehow worse.
His stomach churned and a shiver of nervous energy passed through his body as he finally looked away from her. Too ashamed to meet her gaze. Her eyes, he realized, were the same as the ones he had seen in his vision. They were as blue as he had remembered them to be. Zuko focused on the bandage at the side of her waist.
Which only made him feel guilty at not being fast enough, not having been able to reach her in time.
"I-I-" He paused, clearing his throat.
Spirits! He had no idea what to say to her.
The next few minutes of silence were agonizing.
Finally, she sighed, and her body shifted, as if she were about to get up and walk away.
And that terrified him more then he had been while facing his father.
His right hand shot out, grasping her left hand within his. He felt her entire body freeze at the contact, knew that he had probably crossed a line, but he didn't want her to go.
Not when he hadn't said anything.
Still he did drop her hand and she resumed her previous position as did he.
"I-I was worried when I woke up and found you gone." He began, stumbling over his own words. "I thought maybe it had all been a dream." He admitted, glancing skywards towards the moon for a brief moment before resuming to focus on her injury rather then her eyes. "I know I'm the last person you wanted help from, but I just....."
He stopped, not knowing what else to say. Running a hand through his hair as an act of frustration he chanced a glance at Orora.
She was looking back at him, still silent.
The night air echoed with the sound of a humorless chuckle. "You're not going to say anything are you?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
"Honestly I don't blame you. Even I wouldn't talk to someone like me after what I did." He paused, licking his lips. "I-I don't bl-blame you for ha-ting me." The word felt bitter on his tongue.
In front of him, Orora seemed to tense even more.
"I don't blame you for hating me." He repeated. "What I did, betraying you and uncle, after all that we went through and what you did for me, I went and betrayed you like that." His voice cracked at the last words, his eyes stung with tears but he didn't let them fall. He couldn't break down in front of her.
Not like this.
Not until he had at least tried to explain himself and what he had done.
Whatever courage he had left, he forced it to the forefront as he finally lifted his tear-filled amber gaze to meet her ice blue eyes.
"I am so so sorry for what I did." He said, this time his voice did crack, and the tears that he had been holding back began to make their descent down his cheeks. "I was so desperate for my father's approval and to go back home that I- Spirits I'm so sorry Orora!"
"Not a day went by when I didn't think about you or wished that you were with me." The words poured out of him.
From his lips.
His mind.
His heart.
His soul.
His very being.
"Spirits! Sometimes I missed you so much I could barley breath." He remembered those sleepless nights when his heart would physically ache at not having her near. "I mean I missed you so much that I actually started to see you everywhere I went. You would talk to me, give me advice and I thought I was going crazy but I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want to loose you." Though his voice quivered and broke, his gaze never did. It remained fixed upon his soulmate who continued to look at him.
In silence.
"But I did loose you after what I did. And I regretted that decision from the moment I made it." He paused, licking his lips before continuing, his body leaning towards her slightly as he did. "But I've changed now. I found out some things about myself. And its helped me realize why I've always felt so conflicted about my place in the world."
A slight breeze brought the salty sea air with it, while also allowing loose tendrils of her hair to brush against her face.
"And I realize I was wrong. I was wrong to think I could have my father's love back." He looked ashamed of himself, for even thinking he could have his father's love. That he deserved it. "You were right." Zuko continued, his voice and gaze earnest. "You were right about everything. I stood up to him and I told him everything." He shook his head.
"And I wasn't scared. Because of you." A look of gratitude crossed his features as he continued to look at her. "The thought of you and how you stood up to your father made me strong enough to face my own. Even when you weren't with me you were helping me." He was still crying, but the tears fell unnoticed.
Where her hands had been lying flat atop her thighs, they were now clenched into tight fists.
"Please believe me when I say that I'm done with my family. I am done trying to win back my honor and father's love. He never had any to give me in the first place." The realization, however horrible, was a reality he would have to live with.
"I am going to try and help defeat them so this war can end and everyone can have their lives back and leave in peace. I'm going to help Aang learn how to firebend, so he can defeat my father. Because I know that is the only way, the world....that you will be safe." Zuko knew that while his main focus should be to safeguard the entire world, Orora was his world.
He had to make sure she was safe. That she could never get hurt at the hands of his family.
"I-I don't expect you to forgive. Or to not be angry at me. I know you might even hate me." There was that bitter taste again. "But please believe me when I say that I am so sorry Orora. I am so so-so sorry."
Silence followed his deceleration, with the two teenagers just staring at one another. One having bared his heart, while the other struggled with her own heart.
"Please." He was begging her now. "Please Orora say something. Anything, please."
Was this it then? Was she never going to speak to him?
How he could feel his heart begin to shatter physically was something he never understood.
One last time.
His head hung in front of her.
He would beg her one last time.
If she had thought her emotions were a raging storm before, now they were a full blown hurricane. She still had questions.
A lot of questions.
But those would come later.
Right now she needed to make sure Zuko didn't deter from his decision. Because if his teaching Aang firebending could help save the world, then she could push aside her own feelings in favor of the greater good.
Or at least that was the lie she told herself.
Finally, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes before opening them again.
"Prove it." Those two words prompted Zuko to lift his head and look at her. "Prove to me," She forced herself to continue. "And everyone else that you have changed. That you won’t betray anyone like you did me and Uncle in Ba Sing Se." She saw him flinch at the reminder, but she continued.
"Teach Aang firebending and help us save the world."
She made no mention of her forgiving him. Or not being mad at him. Or not hating him.
Honestly, she just didn't have the energy to sort through her emotions right then. So, this would have to do.
But what she had said seemed to be the exact words Zuko needed to hear. He smiled in earnest. "I promise, I won't let you down Orora."
The girl pursed her lips, before simply nodding. Slowly, so as not to aggravate her injury she stood, with Zuko rising beside her, his arms raised slightly towards her, as if he were ready to catch her should she fall over.
But she didn't.
"Aang and the others will be at the Western Air Temple. I told them to wait for me there when I left them in the tunnels." She said, a hand resting atop her bandage. The burn was beginning to ache now, and it would be best if she laid back down. "We can leave in the morning."
With that Orora began to walk back to where their camp was.
Zuko stayed where he was, staring after her. He was just about to turn away when he stopped at the sound of her voice.
Hearing the sound of his name coming from her lips after so long had him standing completely still in utter shock. She had paused halfway towards her destination. Her shoulders were tense but she turned her head so she could look at him over her shoulder.
"Thank you. For saving me. Again. I-I owe you."
With that she walked away, leaving her string to flicker behind her.
An occurrence that was observed by Zuko.
And had a small flicker of hope to ignite within his chest.
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"Zuko did not have a conversation with the person the was clearly there to kill him and his friends, thefore he did not care about his girlfriend" is certainly a take.
And I gotta love how they use Sokka and Suki as the exemple of "how an actual caring boring reacts" when Sokka ALSO never mentioned his girlfriend AFTER being told by Azula that Suki was in a miserable, sorry state, and the only reason he was at the boiling rock at all was because he wanted to save HAKODA. Suki was just lucky enough to be there and tag along.
Why is that not used as proof that Sokka doesn't care about Suki, but Zuko not asking questions to the person that is blasting fire balls at him means he never loved Mai? And if not talking about missing/being worried about someone every other scene means the character doesn't care, why do people not complain that Zuko asking about his mother in the finale came out of nowhere since she only ever came up in FOUR out of SIXTY ONE episodes?
Why is it that only Maiko needs to constantly be talked about to prove that the characters care about each other - and why are scenes like Zuko remembering Mai's childhood crush on him after not having seen her in years, or being visibly upset that he has to leave her, or bringing her up when talking to Sokka about THINGS HE'LL MISS ABOUT HIS OLD LIFE completely disregarded?
And why, why, WHY do zutarians act like, even if Zuko didn't care about Mai, that would somehow mean he HAS to care about Katara? During most of "The Southern Raiders" he's being super entitled and acting like he's OWED her forgiveness and friendship just because not having it is inconvenient. Zuko is not "pining" for her, he's basically saying this:
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Also, it makes perfect sense that Azula would not bring up the Mai thing:
1 - Her feelings, and more importantly, her ego, are still VERY hurt by the fact that Mai chose Zuko over her. She literally tells the guards to put Mai and Ty Lee somewhere she'll never have to see their faces again. This could not be more different than the situation with Sokka and Suki - two people that meant literally nothing to her.
2 - She's already snapping a little bit. We see her using her entire hand to firebend instead of her signature two fingers-move that make her flames precise and basically cut through stuff like a blade. Zuko is even able to bend her flames away from him, and for the first time his strength is equal to hers, thanks not only to his new training with the dragons, but also Azula's imperfect fighting style. She's not gonna be thinking of how mess with Zuko's feelings to make him lower his guard, like she did on their first on-screen fight, because SHE is the one deep in the emotional turmoil this time and she isn't thinking clearly, even if she hasn't fully lost it yet.
3 - This fight is very clearly foreshadowing both for the Last Agni Kai AND Zuko's reaction to his victory coming at the cost of Azula's well-being. She's attacking him and his allies, and fully said she wants to kill him - yet when he sees her falling "to her death" he isn't happy like one would expect, even if he's kicking himself for giving a shit later when she inevitably saves herself. That scene was about Zuko's hostile, yet complex, relationship with AZULA. Bringing literally anyone else up would make no sense. It's THEIR moment, completely separate from his romance with Mai.
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hello-nichya-here · 25 days
How would Ursa and Ozai react in a modern AU where Azula gets pregnant but they only find out that Zuko’s the dad after she gave birth?
First, they'd be shocked that Azula is pregnant at all. She's the smart one, how come she didn't make the way wear a condom? So disappointing. Ursa would be freaking out and trying to push Azula to get married. Ozai would be the typical "cold fury" type of thing and "calmly" ask Azula who the father is so he can shoot the guy - they're both annoyed she won't tell them.
They're also surprised that Zuko didn't seem as shocked when they told him, but hey, they are closer in age, maybe he knew something they didn't.
Ursa thinks it's sweet that he is caring and protective of Azula during the pregnancy, but she gets a bit of strange feeling each time he is dotting on her. Ozai finds it strange as well, but assumes it's just a result of Zuko's pathetic, overly emotion nature. What DOES make him raise an eyebrow is the fact that Azula is not annoyed at her brother for it. Sure, pregnancy hormones and all that, but still.
Then the baby is born, and oh God, Zuko can't even try to be subtle. Everything he does for the child might as well be a way to scream "I'M THE DAD." He is in co-parent mode right away, and even asked Azula, in front of the whole family, if she'd want more kids eventually and was overjoyed when she said yes.
Until Azula is old enough to move in with Zuko, and have the happy incest family she seems to want so bad, Ozai and Ursa have the silent agreement of just... moving on like nothing's happening. They don't speak of it to each other anyone, and immediately end the conversation when someone else tries to bring up that topic. Denial is very comforting in such a messy situation XD
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gigigle · 6 months
I really hate how ursa is done in the comics idk
Like I'm done with the arranged marriage and her and ikem but I hate the other stuff.
1. Her and azula
I kinda wish they made her and azulas relationship more complex and nuanced instead of it being that ursa loved her all along and never favored zuko
Because I just think that's a little lazy. I feel like if ursa had favored zuko it would've made sense like if we keep the ikem part of all of it then I think it would be interesting that ursa favored zuko because he reminded her of her past and ikem. Also that with zuko she could at least pretend he wasn't ozais.
But with azula she couldn't pretend at all. And then coupled that with the fact that azula had a spark in her eyes that zuko didn't and she saw how ozai reacted to that and how he treated zuko that she would feel like she would need to protect him even more. I think it would be an interesting thing if zuko reminded her of her old life while azula reminded her of her present life.
And that would cause a rift between them. And then we would have azula acting out for her mothers attention and acting more and more similar to ozai which would just further increase the rift. Because ursa would struggle to separate her daughter from her abuser like she can with zuko. Especially since azula would also spend most of her time learning from ozai and listening to him.
Im also not saying she would a horrible mother either. Because I think even with this scenario that she is still nuanced because she got forced into a situation she would have never chosen and is just trying to get through it day by day. I think it would be that like ursa, azula was just a casualty of azulon and especially of ozai. Because had ozai not been there I think she would have been a much better mother.
Like idk I just feel like with how the comics wrote ursa and ozais relationship this would make even more sense than her being just a slightly flawed mother but she was trying her best. Idk I'm not very articulate.
2. The forgetting thing
It sucks. I hate it so much actually. It's just so bad, like I feel like the writer couldn't think of anyway to make it make sense that ursa would never go back to her kids but tbh I can think of some ways.
Like ursa is definitely terrified of ozai and he knows where she went and she would still go back to her hometown.
So maybe ozai knows this and every now and then he sends soldiers around there to just do a bit of patrol maybe even have them raid her parents house as a way of telling ursa that if she does something her parents and ikem are gonna be the price. Which I think would work.
Also I think with azula and zuko that she just kept telling herself that zuko had Iroh and that azula was ozais favorite. She probably just repeated those constantly like how zuko does with azula always lies. And soon after like a year she believed it.
Also I think she wouldn't get any information on them because ozai would make it harder and like we see in canon not that many know of or recognize azula and zuko. Like in the beach episode kids who seem to have noble parents don't even know about them so I think it would make a lot of sense that the royal family is way way way more private esp during ozais reign. Because yk ozai killed his father,stole his brothers birthright, and In ozais opinion had a failure of a first born. And maybe ursa was also too terrified of what shed find out or just to leave hir'a/her hometown.
Also part of me thinks it was lazy writing so that they wouldn't have to have ursa have difficult conversations about why she never went looking for them or just a conversation with azula because we never actually get a real ursa and azula convo.
3. Kiyi
I hate her. Like she just feels like such a a replacement and lazy writing. Like they wanted zuko to have a healthy brother sister dynamic with someone and they didn't know how,didn't think of, or just didn't want to write that with pre established characters, they decided to make a character that was everything azula wasn't and was the perfect little sister and daughter.
Like I think she could be fun but I also think she was just so that zuko could have that dynamic without having to put in the work of writing azula a semi redemption arc or smth.
But also I think maybe they could've given zuko that brother sister dynamic with katara or toph. Like we see zuko jealous of sokka and katara and maybe we get stuff we're zuko and katara will act like sibling or like the relationship he always wanted with azula but then gets reminded that he can't have that.
Also It feels like a way to also give ursa the perfect daughter but I do think rewritten she could work. I think she's a fun concept.
Tbh I just wanted to rant because I feel like so much was done that was just kinda boring and lazy.
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aboutiroh · 2 years
You know how Zuko and Azula were overhearing Ozai asking Azulon for Iroh's birthright and Zuko ran away before he could hear the rest of it? Well, what if didn't but stayed to hear Ozai's punishment and as a result ran away in fear. Basically it would like how Aang reacted when he overheard the monks planning to send him away except that Zuko would be even more scared. Anyway what do you think could happen? Like it would be a dark story of survival, hiding and secrecy for Zuko as he would probably have to stow away on ship to the Earth kingdom and be on the run from the fire nation. Maybe he could meet the gang while there and join them and Azulon might still alive at the time and Ursa and Iroh would probably do everything they can to find Zuko.
All I can think about is a 9 year-old Toph finding 13 year-old Zuko hiding in a cave and the unusual friendship that ensues. 
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theerurishipper · 5 months
how would a redemption arc work for azula? because like you said, azula isn't even close to the realization that she was wrong. what kind of major event would it take for azula to realize her genocidal ideals were wrong? how would zuko react to her change? because I dont want zuko to accept it right away for obvious reasons.
I'm not exactly sure how a redemption arc would work for Azula. I much prefer her the way she is in the show, a tragedy to illustrate how being abused can sometimes turn you into an abuser yourself. If she were to have a redemption arc, it should be away from anyone' influence. Away from Ozai, because obviously, and away from Zuko as well. I think it would be good way to illustrate how a victim does not have to help their abuser, and it would give Azula the opportunity to find herself without exacerbating her inferiority complex when it comes to Zuko. I feel like if he was always around to help her, she'd learn nothing about personal responsibility. Even Iroh didn't help Zuko when it really came down to it, and Iroh wasn't even Zuko's victim in the way that Zuko is Azula's. But anyway, I'll give it a go.
Maybe I'd have Azula travel around the world, learning more perspectives kind of like Zuko did. I do think it would be harder for her to do than it was for Zuko, but I think being forced to confront the world and every perception of it that she's had would help her on the road to becoming a better person. The same way Zuko did, she should go on a journey by herself, having to struggle to find food and shelter, struggling to get by. She once thought she was so capable, so powerful, but she's struggling. She put all her value into being the best firebender, a prodigy, a raw talent that she was born with, the divine right, but she can't see any of that now. Her natural firebending isn't coming to her aid here. It doesn't bring her food, it doesn't bring her shelter, and it doesn't bring her any help. She's so hungry and tired... she can't even firebend that well at all, can't conjure up her flames as strong as they used to be.
It's almost as though her skill, her expertise in fighting with fire... isn't as important or useful as she thought. It doesn't matter as much as she thought it would. It leads to her needing to reevaluate everything she knows, because if what she believed was most important really isn't... then what is important? What makes her worthy, what makes her special?
And when she comes across people who are suffering the same way she is, instead of scoffing at them and dismissing their pain like she once would have, she sees herself in them, and she understands them. And she also begins to understand that her father, and she by extension, did this to them. It sits wrong with her, now that she knows what it feels like. She's already beginning to realize that maybe her divine right isn't all that she thought it was, but she clings onto it anyway, because it's the foundation of her worldview, and without it she has nothing.
Azula keeps on travelling, she meets more and more people. I think it should be the Earth Kingdom that she travels in most, because it's where she caused the most damage to the people, it's the place she wanted to burn to the ground, and now she's forced to travel there.
And then maybe, on her travels, she stays with a family one day, who let her in out of the goodness of their heart. She scoffs at them for being so weak, so naive, but she's tired and hungry and has nowhere else to go. While she's staying there, she happens upon a scene where one of their kids is getting hugged by their mother, getting a kiss on their forehead or something, and she can't help but remember her mother doing that to her, and she can't help but remember that her father never did. And her mother was weak, and her father was is powerful, but... the kid looks so happy. And so was she, back then, when her mother showed her she loved her. But she didn't love Azula. She didn't.
But did she? Could it be that she really did love her?
Azula runs away from them in the middle of the night.
Because sure, it's a worthless display of affection, so far removed from power and fear and everything her father taught her to be, everything she strove to emulate. And they're just Earth Kingdom peasants, after all, what would they know about who she is and what she's destined for? But she can't help but think about the joy in that child's eyes, the loving way his mother looked at him, like how her mother used to look at her, how she used to feel so special when her mother stroked her hair and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Even Azula can't mistake what the look in that mother's eyes were. And if it reminds her of her mother... was her father wrong? And if he were wrong about that... what else could he have been wrong about? Her, raw talent, her divine right which she's already questioning?
And those people... they had no power. They had no money, no glory, no superior bending ability, but... they were so happy. And as long as she can remember, her family wasn't. Of course, maybe that was Zuko's fault for being so weak, her mother's fault for being so weak, her uncle's fault for being so weak... but this family has nothing, nothing like she did, and they're still so loving, so happy. And she still can't shake her faith in her father entirely (though it already began, back during Sozin's Comet), but... maybe, just maybe, somewhere deep in her heart, she's forced to admit that maybe she would liked this a lot better. Her father never did this... but maybe he should have.
She keeps travelling. Some people help her, some turn her away. She understands both of them. She would turn away anyone who came to her for help. They never were worth her time. But now she's on the other side, the one in need of help. And the people who help her, once she would have called the naive and weak and foolish, but they are the ones who help her stay alive, who she depends on. She's starting to realize who the better person is, between these two. When it comes down to just being a person, stripped of wealth and power, who it's better to be. Her father always said these things to her, and she believed it for the longest time. She did everything she could to be on his right side, to be like him, to be better than her brother... but ultimately, in her time of greatest need, none of it matters. What's really helping her is kindness, is compassion, the things she derided and scoffed at. In the fact of the harsh reality, she has to admit that her father is wrong. She can't deny it anymore.
Maybe she happens upon a refugee camp at some point, and she sees these people suffering, with nothing. She used to believe that weakness led to your own suffering, and that it would never happen to her. Zuko brought his fate upon himself, after all. Iroh lost his son because of his weakness. Her mother was sent away because she was too weak. But Azula sees these people, there people who have nothing because everything they had was burnt away. She would have blamed them too, but she's also spent so long feeling helpless, realizing that when it comes to the world outside the confines of her majestic royal palace filled with luxury and comfort, that not everyone has that kind of power, even her. Especially not her. And she knows, just as surely as she knows that she wanted the fire that destroyed their homes to be lit, she knows in the depths of her mind and heart that this is their fault. The fault of her father, and her own. Just like what happened to Zuko was her father's fault.
And they still help her, believing her to be one of them, someone who has been hurt by the Fire Nation like they have. And for the first time, she feels that she doesn't deserve their help. She doesn't deserve their kindness. She's horrified by the true reality of her actions and their consequences, horrified by what she's done.
And then maybe someone recognizes her. And then people are drawing weapons and trying to defend themselves. They all come together in hatred for her. In fear of her. It's what she's tried to achieve for so long, to subjugate these people, to rule them, to make everyone fear her. But she sees them come together, fearing her, and she only feels sick. There are children crying, somewhere, and for a second, she sees Zuko in his place, crying, half of his face burnt off-
She runs. She can't deal with this. Some people chase her, trying to take her down, because they're so afraid of her. She's never truly been confronted with such raw hatred before. She thinks of all the children, with burns on their skin, and thinks of Zuko, his face burning, and she thinks of how she had smiled. She thinks of her father, teaching her all sorts of falsehoods about power, and worthiness, and how she knew, she did, that it would only last as long as it pleased him. She thinks of that family, happy and loving, and how much better it seemed compared to her own family. She thinks about how so many other families have been the same way. She thinks about how even the people in this camp, who are so hurt and powerless, were ready to fight her to protect their family.
She thinks about her mother, who was the one who really loved her. Realizing her father was wrong also brings about the realization that she was wrong about her mother. That her mother was trying to protect her. From her father. The man who would burn the face of his son, all because he wouldn't fight his father. Who treated Zuko like he was worth nothing because he couldn't bend as well as her. Who treated her like she was worth something only because she could bend her fire better, the same bending ability that she's realized is ultimately meaningless, which doesn't matter when it comes down to the realest parts of the world. Who fed her lies and treated her like a tool, because he saw her as a weapon, not a daughter. He never looked at her the way her mother did. With love. He just wanted to use her, and he cast her away when he was done with her. Just like he did with Zuko. She wasn't special, she wasn't born lucky, she was just more convenient, and he used her and discarded her like a cheap toy.
And she has to admit, that fear isn't the answer. She's seen people now, people who are more afraid of her than anyone has ever been before. They should be running away. But they don't. She thinks about these people, who she thought were weak, but really, they are stronger than her, because even in the face of fear, they fight. Because they have love, and that's always been more powerful. Just like Zuko. Like Mai and Ty Lee.
Her mother wouldn't have done what her father did. She would have helped Azula. She tried so hard to. Her brother tried too, as she fought him and relished in his pain. So did her uncle, while she spurned him and wished him dead. So did these people, even though she wanted to burn them to the ground not so long ago. Her father was well on his way to do it. Burn down their homes, kill these people, some of whom are her age too. And she suggested it, she wanted to be by his side, like it was some game, some glorious quest.
Her father is a monster. So is she. She's always laughed it off, believing her mother thought that about her, and trying to pretend it didn't matter. But it does. Now it does. She's always known all this, somewhere in the depths of her mind, her mother's teachings had left a mark, but she can no longer run from any of it anymore. It's the truth. She's a monster, and for the first time, she feels remorse. She can no longer hide behind her belief of superiority, of her divine right to rule. She feels guilt, the way she did on that day, before she lost everything she once thought mattered, when her mother looked at her and said I love you Azula. I do.
From then, she keeps travelling. She tries to avoid people. She doesn't dare face anyone, for fear of what rejection she might face, especially because she now knows she deserves it. She doesn't deserve their help or their support. Not these people, not Zuko or Mai or Ty Lee or her uncle or her mother. And as she's going on like this, she sees some people one day, shivering in the cold, trying to light a fire and failing. She's also cold, so she lights a fire. But the fire in her hand is blue, like ice, too hot, too much. So, for once, she stops focusing on making her flames the hottest they can be. The flame in her hand cools down, and now it's a warm yellow glow. And then she actually feels warm, not just on the outside but in her heart as well. And she looks at these people, and she knows how they feel. She knows what she'd want someone to do for her if she were in their place. So, she lights their fire with a flick of her wrist. They don't see who she is, they don't even notice her. For all they know, they managed to light it themselves. But they look so happy, so content, so warm. Because of the fire. And she didn't even use it to fight. Her fire is helping people, making them happy. Maybe it's not just good for fighting.
Just like her.
She knows in her heart that this is what her mother would have wanted. Her mother who was right all along. So, she goes on doing this, secretly helping people. Lighting their fires, their torches. It's small, but it clearly means a lot to people on cold days and nights. And they never notice her. But she's surprised to find that she doesn't need or want the attention anymore. Just the fact that she helped makes her feel the warmth she thought respect and power would get her.
And so, she doesn't just help with her fire. She tries to learn new ways to help. She tries to learn how to treat wounds, especially burns. And she finds so much more fulfillment in this simple work than she ever did in plotting against her brother and planning to burn down the Earth Kingdom. And it's not even just because of her mother's words anymore. Her mother was right. This is something she wants. She still struggles sometimes with doubts about if she's wrong now, still struggles with feelings of resentment and anger towards the people she knows don't deserve it. She still feels small when she thinks about her father, about what he'd think if he saw her like this, even though she's realizing he doesn't matter. But she's getting better. She feels better than she's ever felt.
And then she ends up in Ba Sing Se, and then Zuko is there. With Iroh. And the Avatar and his friends. Zuko spots her. She runs. Zuko chases her. She didn't mean to run into him, but he's coming after her. Zuko confesses that he was worried about her, that he's been looking for her. And she's shocked that he would, even after everything. Because even now, she can still see the wariness in his eyes, the slight nervousness in his posture, the way his friends stand tall behind him, making less of an effort to look concerned, even though they don't look completely antagonistic.
So Azula does the one thing she's always been running from, something she knows she has to do but has never been able to. Admit to her mistakes. Apologize. She still wants to run, but Zuko is here, he's been looking for her, and he's worried about her. She would have felt, and a part of her still feels, anger towards Zuko, still blames him unfairly. But she's grown to recognize it for what it is. And so, she says to him I'm sorry, the first time she's said the words and truly meant it. He looks shocked, but then smiles, and says I forgive you.
But she can see he doesn't, not really. She can see now, how much he loves her, how much wants her to get better, how much he appreciates her sincere apology. How much he wants to forgive her. But she can still see the doubt, the pain and fear in his eyes that she caused. She can see the resentment and the hurt. She's not blind to it anymore. So she says, no you don't. And when he steps forward, tells her to stay, Azula, I don't want to lose you, she tells him that it's best for the both of them if she leaves. And maybe one day, she'll come back, when she's become better, enough to truly begin to make up for what she's done to him, and he can truly forgive her. And he smiles, and says good luck.
So Azula goes off to do more good things and learn to heal herself and find her worth, and then they meet and can actually be a decently stable family again. Or not, YMMV.
Thank you for your ask!
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yikes-kachowski · 1 month
Hiii! I dropped by on accident and found out your avatar headcanons and OCs so so nice
I gotta ask a few curiosities of mine if that's cool? *takes out a notebook and a pen*
- since katara and zuko are a thing, did it make their friendship with aang weird or was he cool with it instantly? And how did it even began for them? Did it followed the show's events? Did Aang even got a crush on Katara?
- What happens to Azula?
- How does all these next gen kids react when Korra shows up? Is it weird, is it fine, is it all the same? I mean, they all knew the previous avatar and he was pretty much their family and all. Tho I think them having their own lives also mean it's not that much of a deal?
- Is Katara still one of Korra's teaching masters?
- Sokka's kids get along?
- Does Tenzin and Bumi eventually get okay with each other?
- Korra still loses her connection to the past avatars and therefore Aang? Do they even talk, like he did to Roku and all?
- do you have any other headcanon or change of other characters from tlok or tloa that you mind sharing? like, a plot from tlok that you think it could be better improved or discarded, or something that happens on your universe and you haven't talked about yet?
Sorry for this such a big of an ask, i really REALLY liked these ideas you had (and your art is also amazing and so awesome and pretty too 💞).
heyyyy anon! sorry for the late reply, i hope you still see this.
First of all, thank you! I love genuine interest in my stuff I never expect it. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and clever. ALSO thanks for complimenting my art! i'm a slow artist so my blood sweat and tears (mostly tears) are in every drawing !!!
onto answering your questions to the best of my ability:
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1) Aang is completely cool with Katara and Zuko's relationship. He's basically their biggest shipper :) He did have a crush on Katara (and Zuko tbh), but he was able to let it go pretty quickly. As the Avatar, after the war he was almost too busy to even be sad about it. Overwhelmingly, he was just happy for his friends
Also, Katara and Zuko get together after the war, when Katara's about 17 and he's about 19. Katara goes to the South Pole and they fall for each other through letters and short visits.
Most show events aren't really taken out for me. Just really the kiss right at the end.
2) Azula has a redemption arc. I like to think of it as being a redemption arc she herself is hardly aware of. She just thinks she's really in the long haul of fooling the gaang into liking her. Her redemption arc starts immediately after the war because Zuko keeps her safe in the palace.
Aang becomes her friend first and encourages everyone else to give her a chance. Sokka provides an outlet for all of her older brother issues, since she and Zuko have an awkward relationship. And Katara is tutored by Azula in Fire Nation etiquette and history so she's better equipped to be Fire Lady.
sorry if this is confusing, but believe it or not this rambling all makes sense to me.
3) Korra is very important to the next gen kids, aang's kids and the zk especially. Her arrival is in the middle of great political conflict that never would have happened if Aang wasn't murdered, so they're eager to get her in on the Avatar business.
My idea with Aang dying so young, is that all of his business is half finished. His kids didn't get real closure for their relationship. So Bumi, Yelaan, Palkyi and Tenzin all have complex feelings toward her. Bumi's in particular are very intense.
Being around Korra FEELS like being in his father's presence, which is hard for him. He doesn't want aang to have been a good person or a good father because then he'd really have to miss and mourn everything he was gone for. but this is a lot and hard for me to say so
the steambabies also need Korra and consider her central. They watched their parents' reactions when Aang died (particularly Zuko), and that has affected them deeply. Sakari has been advised to always follow the avatar, so she's happy to have guidance. Besides, she hopes the Avatar will restore and era of peace since she worries for Bumi and Akiak.
Akiak has changed since Aang died, a lot. In ways he's not always proud of. Facing Korra is somewhat hard for him for that reason. Especially since sometimes she opposes some of his methods. He thinks her way of bringing peace is naive.
Tophs kids (and Tenzin to some extent) are the same :)
4) Yes! Katara is one of her waterbending masters. I feel like when you're an Avatar's Master, that's your role for life. She already knows how to train the Avatar. She, Zuko, and Toph taught Korra in the right order, and are old friends with her. Korra has already met the whole Gaang even if she doesn't see Toph or Zuko as often as she'd like
5) I usually choose not to give Sokka kids. I feel like he doesn't want to be a father (even though he'd definitely be the best at it). He and Suki work too hard and have agreed they just aren't super interested in kids. He and Suki are full time Aunt and Uncle to all of the Next Gen. Now, ive made some OCs for asks and I'd say that they do get along :)
6) Bumi and Tenzin's relationship is ROUGH in this story, but yes, they do. It takes a while but eventually they're only mildly hostile with each other. Tenzin helps Bumi reconnect with Air Nomad culture, and Bumi helps him commune with the spirits better. This is jumpstarted by Korra.
7) Korra does keep communication with her past lives! But her path to being a fully realized Avatar is much more difficult. The decision to raise her in a compound was a mistake, and so her growth as an avatar is severely set back. This means, she speaks to her past lives when they reach out to her (and she's in tune enough to listen). Aang is not easy for her to talk to, but eventually she masters it. She doesn't really tell anyone because she's scared everyone will then only want to talk to aang, not her.
8) First of all: for atla, i write very particular cultures and geographies to expand the universe. They affect things in only minor ways for the most part in atla. Also, Aang is trans. I love it too much for it to not be true (if youre wondering how he had kids he made deals with spirits)
Now for tlok. In my opinion, it's very necessary for the different conflicts to not have clear starts and ends. These should all be interweaving conflicts that everyone's caught in the middle of. Not only does this facilitate a lot more character interactions, but it also builds stress and feels realistic.
Mako and Bolin are former triad members and pro athletes, they should be rougher around the edges. Also, Mako would NEVER EVER become a cop after seeing the direct damage they cause marginalized communities. I think that perspective would be very important for korra as an avatar.
Season two plotlines should just be a civil war between north and south. Tbh, I'm not digging all of the subtle ways the north takes over the south, and I imagine the south isn't either. They separated from the north for a reason, and then during the war, the north didn't even help them. The tensions were rising and Aang never came up with a good long term solution when he was alive, and that affects Korra.
Season three's plotline can mostly stay the same except there is no harmonic convergence that introduces new airbenders. The airbenders are the group that they are. They're travelling the earth kingdoms doing peace talks since much of the earth kingdoms don't want to be under ba sing se. Particularly the Si Wong Desert. Aang was in active peace talks when died and was never able to come up with a long term solution.
Season four is also mostly the same except no mechs or spirit nukes.
All the while the equalists are raging on at home.
ANYWAY. thanks for the ask! I hope you see this after i posted it SOOOO late.
See the pattern? Korra must fill aang's shoes while also dealing with all of his unfinished business. Every character serves a unique perspective that helps inform korras decisions.
I dont think these ideas are perfect and the only way to write Korra, but I think they make sense. They help tell a story Im more interested in.
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sokkastyles · 10 months
I've heard that Azula was meant to be male originally. I wonder how different the writing would be for the character and how different the fans would react to it. I am glad that they made Azula female tho.
I remember hearing that male Azula was also supposed to be the older sibling, which does change the story quite a bit. It makes Ozai's favoritism into a simple issue of succession. Male!Azula would be naturally favored because he would be the crown prince. Zuko would be raised to be subservient to his younger brother and that would be considered normal. Even Zuko being sent on a quest to find the Avatar becomes much more reasonable from that perspective as a practicality. Historically, second sons often went on those kinds of quests because it gave them something to do that wasn't "usurp my older brother for the throne."
Ozai would be even more aware that this was a issue, since he himself usurped his older brother. Actually, now that I think of it, it's really rather odd that Iroh, as crown prince, was the one out campaigning while Ozai stayed home, and that gave him an opportunity to stage a coup against his brother. A politically savvy Azulon would have sent Ozai out to man the siege of Ba Sing Se while Iroh was at home preparing to inherit the throne.
As for how fans would receive Zuko's older brother? I know a lot of people might argue that male characters are more easily forgiven than their female counterparts, and I have no doubt that a male version of Azula would have people ready to excuse his every move (see the inexplicable fandom that has sprung up around the likes of Billy Hargrove), but I also think the ways in which he would be excused would be vastly different.
Because with Azula there's a lot of "oh, she didn't really mean it," especially when it comes to the way she treats her brother. This idea that she actually really loves him, she just doesn't know how to show it, or twisting the things she does and says to him in canon so that they're actually proof of her love. I've been thinking about this a lot in terms of people saying they want to see Azula be "humanized," and what they usually mean is that they want to see her given redeeming qualities. Which to me reeks of a misogynistic double standard because most male characters aren't required to show kindness or be really loving deep down to be recognized as human. Being cruel and arrogant and sadistic are also human traits, and women are just as capable of these things as men.
I also think that because Azula is female and Zuko is male, there's a certain perception that she can't hurt him that much, either physically or emotionally. And the first one can be dismissed because the show takes place in a world where bending eliminates most differences related to physical strength. The second one is just wrong and relies on misogynistic beliefs about boys being less emotionally vulnerable than girls.
I do think that the Ursa blame would still be present if Azula were male, and possibly worse, because there would be that Freudian current about how Ursa damaged her son by not being the perfect madonna figure.
If Male!Azula were still the younger sibling, I think it would flatten the character in a way because it makes his cruelty and resentment of Zuko about envy for the throne. One of the most interesting things about Azula is that the fact that she is younger and girl makes her cruelty towards her older brother less expected, and more personal. And it takes something away from the character to try and excuse it away or soften it.
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firenaition · 1 year
What if this happened? At the Western Air Temple, right after Katara catches Zuko from falling he says "She's not gonna make it." Aang notices her falling, and out of very strong compassion or foolishness, he jumps off Appa, glides toward her, catches her, puts her back on the ground, saves her, and immediately heads back to Appa without saying a word and the gaang fly off.
How differently would things play out? How would she react? How would the gaang react?
this would have changed everything i think :'( genuinely believe all it would have taken for azula to change was for her to find someone who genuinely cared whether she lived or died, and nothing would have hit her like a ton of bricks more than forgiveness as pure as aang's. the gaang would have been flabbergasted (zuko most of all, after everything he had to do to gain their forgiveness literally only a day before) but aang is aang. like in his head yeah! azula killed him not that long ago and she's zuko's evil lil sister but she needed someone in that moment - of course it had to be him!!!
meanwhile azula thinks about it forever. she never stops wondering why the avatar of all people decided to spare her. she's kinda annoyed - like did he not think i could survive that fall? i definitely could have survived that fall. but she's mostly staggered at the fact that she didn't have to do the lone surviving she usually does ... and that would've catalyzed everything imo
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ilikepjo24 · 10 months
On Azula burning Zuko's toys...
I mentioned in my last meta, that I'd write this one and here it is.
In the previous meta, I talked about how the turtleduck we see Azula burn in Azula in the Spirit Temple is not real. I brought up some arguments and pictures to show how the turtleduck does not at all react the way a real animal would, which is why it is a toy.
@prying-pandora666 was kind enough to add to that by mentioning we can see the base of the toy, broken, burnt and tossed to the side of the panel, further proving that it isn't alive, because real creatures don't have figurine bases.
So we already know it's a toy. And one might assume it was Zuko's toy, since we already know Azula likes to burn his toys, right?
And this is the point I'll be providing in this meta.
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As you can see, Zuko never accuses Azula of burning his toys. He just says she was laughing at him while his toys were on fire. That doesn't mean she started the fire. I can't think of two possible scenarios that don't include Azula burning the toys.
In the dream, Ozai burned his toys as punishment and Azula laughed at him getting punished.
In the dream, he was trying to train his firebending and he set his own things on fire and Azula laughed at how bad of a firebender he is.
Plus, Zuko looks around 4-5 years old, which means Azula is 2-3 years old, and in Azula in the Spirit Temple, she looks 6 or 7 when she burns the toy, which was her first time firebending. So around the time Zuko had the nightmare, there was no reason to dream of Azula burning his stuff, because Azula didn't even have fire.
And let's not forget that it was a dream. Something happening in a dream doesn't mean it happens in real life. If that's what it meant, I would have survived 6 zombie apocalypses in the past month. And for those of you that are going to say "he probably had a nightmare about it because it's a traumatic event that actually happened 🤡", not only you don't know math, but you also know nothing about Zuko.
I'm not going to argue that no one ever burned his toys, but I am going to argue that it wasn't Azula, since she had no fire at the time, and it was actually Ozai, who's a terrible father. And the only reason Zuko saw Azula in his dream is because he uses her as a scapegoat for Ozai's actions. He blames her for all the things that happened to him, as if Ozai would have been a good father if Azula wasn't born.
It wouldn't surprise me if Ozai burned Zuko's toys as punishment for doing bad at his spelling lessons when Azula is just two and can already form full, grammatically correct sentences in her speech, and Zuko blamed Azula for knowing how to talk instead of blaming Ozai for being a bad person. Which would explain why he'd see her at his dream instead of Ozai.
Lastly, not only do I think that the object wasn't Zuko's, I'm 100% sure it was Azula's and she just didn't like it, since we already know she has a habit of ruining her toys when she doesn't like them, as most children do.
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I guess turtleducks just aren't her favorite animal.
Thus proven.
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graphx · 7 months
so…that avatar show, huh?
me no likely:
they made aang leaving an accident. like he didn't deliberately try to run away from his problems, it was just coincidence on a midnight fly and he even says he will go back when he clears his head (then everyone else frames it as intentional??? Even himself???)
Kataras character literally feels like her ember island counterpart and made her perfect and I hate that she doesn't get mad at aang talent at all because she can't be TOO MEAN NOOO WHATEVER WILL WE DO IF SHE HAS FLAWS??? OR A REALISTIC REACTION TO FRUSTRATION OF NOT BEING ABLE TO DO SOMETHING SHE VALUES A LOT CUZ ITS HARD??? (took away all of her development about having to be the bigger person and gave it to sokka??? Fun loving joking sokka??? Even tho it ties in with her toph conflict later?)
jet blows up things with jelly and hurt civilians but…the entire point of jet was that he hurt people who did nothing wrong and there was definitely fire benders doing something wrong so he can justify his actions?? And the entire point was that he needed to REALIZE his actions were unforgivable before moving on from his vengeance to ba sing se?But now he does nothing wrong because we can't have the pretty boy terrorist be TO00000 BAD
i get that we are supposed to emphasize the power of friendship thing in the bumi episode but it just seems like instead of aang realizing he is going to make hard choices with no right answer his friends take that decision/responsibility AWAY from him? And the point in the show is that while he cant rely on others and has to do it alone???
azula sounds like she's complaining about zuko like a normal teenager gossiping to her friends even tho her entire beach episode was emphasizing how she is NOT A REGULAR KID AND DOESNT ACT LIKE IT. Or being mad zuko got banished and got himself an opportunity? No azula only cares about her dads orders/approval at this point she doesn't take zuko seriously as a threat? She was glad he was gone and tried to take him prisoner? Complaining that she is "risking her life undercover?" Did we watch??? The same source material???
would have been so easy to show badger moles and benders but noooo lets just make them savage animals that don't react to VIBRATIONS AT ALL ya know THE EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE
why the hell is kyoshi getting mad at aang for not fighting WHEN SHE IS TRAPPING HIM IN A DREAM TO LECTURE HIM INSTEAD OF LETTING HIM FIGHT??
Never recovering from zuko and leaves on the vine playing at the same time
at least sokka got some development?? It could have been worse tbh
I like that they explained the avatar possession stuff can only happen in certain places
my cabbages made everything worth it
giving iroh and lu ten a bit more depth! I like that everyone subtly framed it in a good way but zuko was more empathetic
im a mixed bag on how they handled suki (great to show that she is unsociable from being an isolated warrior all her life but I hated that they just…beat up sokka for no reason by taking out his misogyny arc…. And didn’t frame it as a bad enough thing?? And then they just… got over it? With no real apology? Cuz it’s fine now that they think the other one is hot!! Problems solved!!!)
i like that they made jet and kataras relationship less “ooooo hot bad boy!!!” And more a mutual relationship (then they threw it out the window for no reason cuz JET IS BAD BUT NOT TOO BAD! KATARA NEEDS TO GIRLBOSS!!!! U guys can make empathic characters while still making them bad not giving him misogyny problems he never had???)
sokka and katara sibling moments? They were okay
(I’ll update when I watch more)
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I love your analysis, I'm very interested to hear your thoughts on this post.
As usual with this motherfucker, their bias shows pretty fast.
"People read it as a sympathetic moment for Azula, but I'd say it's toxic" Newflash: it's both. Yes, she made Ty Lee cry by being mean. But she holds all the power in that relationship. She can just tell Ty Lee to stop making a scene and Ty Lee would obey.
Instead Azula apologizes, something she rarely does, because she genuinely felt bad. And while Azula likes being praised, she does NOT like being comforted, because comfort implies that she failed somehow or was weak enough to let something get to her. There's a reason she immediatelly dismisses her own confession about her issues with her mom with "she was right of course" and saying that she "doesn't have sob stories.
Azula. Doesn't. Like. Pity. How could she? She was raised by freaking Ozai. Her admiting her jealousy towards Ty Lee is part of the episode's theme of "Ember Island reveals your true self." Behind that selfish, cruel, egotistical princess, there's a confused, lonely, insecure child, much like there's a frightened, hurt young boy hiding behind Zuko's hostile exterior.
"We will never know what Ursa herself really, truly thought about Azula"
Except we do. We see her spending alone time with Zuko, but not with Azula. We see her explaining to Zuko what he did wrong when he threw a huge chunk of bread at a turtleduck, hurting it, but with Azula is just "We don't speak like that" and "Not another word" followed by "What is wrong with this child?" Ursa's character description even full on states Zuko is her FAVORITE.
If we take the comics into account, it's even worse. We see Azula burning flowers to anger her mother so she would stop paying attention solely to Zuko, and Ursa reacts like she just killed someone.
Ursa woke Zuko up to say goodbye, but didn't do the same to Azula, letting her daughter think she wasn't worthy of something so basic as one last moment with her mom.
It's pretty clear that, in Ursa's eyes, Azula was the "problem child." Does that mean she'd ever treat her the way Ozai treated Zuko? No, but there's a clear unwillingness to ask herself why Azula is the way she is, if there's something she can do about it, if she's contribuiting to it somehow, etc. There's a reason Zuko, the one never hesitates to pick up a fight, doesn't argue when Azula says their mother liked him more and thought of her as monster.
Questioning whether Azula's feelings about her mom felt about her are connect is the on the same level as questioning if Zuko was right about their dad favoring Azula and hating him. The problem is staring everyone in the face.
"That part of herself with the part of herself that was taught right and wrong by her mother" Casual reminder: while Ursa didn't approve of hostility and violence within the family, she was as much of an imperialist as Ozai. She laughed at Iroh's joke or burning Ba Sing Se to the ground. She never questions the war. Ursa might be a better person than Ozai, but she was still DEEPLY flawed, and it's not surprising that Azula, a CHILD, could not understand why her mom was totally okay with genocide, but would be horrified if Azula said "Grandpa is old and will die soon."
Ursa's teachings are contradictory. Ozai's are vile, but consistent. Azula is 14-years-old, raised in a society that normalized violence so much that even her mom, descendent of an Avatar, was affected by it deeply.
Being raised solely by Ursa, with no contact with Ozai ever, would not magically make Azula a saint because Ursa was no saint. She did NOT always know right from wrong, and her inconsistent stance on what counted as "bad behavior" made it nearly impossible for Azula to figure out what the fuck her mom expected from her - once again, making Ozai look better by comparisson because what he wanted was vile, but was crystal clear.
"She blames her mother for the person she is, instead of herself" She doesn't. She literally says Ursa is RIGHT about her, but merely admits that she is sad that meant she couldn't be loved. How the fuck is that saying "She made me the way I am"?
Azula would blame herself a billion times before blaming either of her parents - even though, as the adults who taught VERY poorly, they hold far more responsibility than she does, because she's still a child.
Why is Zuko recognizing that his father's abuse messed him up a winning moment of him coming into his own, but Azula trying to process her trauma about her mom needs to twisted into "blaming her for who she is"?
"Azula doesn't want responsibility or redemption" Neither did Zuko for most of the show. They're characters. They go through ARCS. Not wanting her to have redemption is a valid narrative choice, but acting like it's IMPOSSIBLE when the show itself says that even freaking Ozai could potentially change someday is ridiculous. Ehasz himself said they were toying with the idea of redeeming Azula. People didn't pull that out of thin air just because she had a sad story.
"She is harming the image of herself due to self-loathing" *one sentence later* "She imagines her mom again because she never blames herself for anything and always takes her rage out on others instead" I don't even need to point out the blatant contradiction here, do I?
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