Can we briefly talk about how season 4 TUA kinda made Klaus’s addiction his entire personality?? Like I feel like so much of Klaus is shown through his style and clothes but when he was sober he looked like all he wore was a mix of Viktor’s and One’s closet (they rock that style but it’s just not Klaus) .
Like he could of been sober and kept his flamboyant personality that we all love so much like it honestly just confused me. Okay maybe fear of death makes sense because he’s afraid of becoming a ghost/being with them again but other than that he literally lost all his personality. The only time I felt like it was klaus (before he got his powers back) was when he did his little tarot but everything before that felt like a joke.
Again why make it so he’s only authentically himself when he’s not sober/got his powers? I mean they always made Klaus’s addiction kinda his personality but this season they went further, it’s like he was a completely different person in the first few episodes.
Anyway he’s my fav character and I would be more mad if it hadn’t been a complete butchering for all the other characters as well.
Also are we just not going to address the forced prostitution and the sex possession thing??
TUA S4: no absolutely not all the traumas and old love interests are never going to be brought up again/concluded and everyone is just going to cease to have existed
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Past Klaus if he could see early season four Klaus’s outfits and hair
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pepperf · 14 days
Pop quiz, hotshots! Which would you rather have:
A relationship that, when it goes wrong, you can tell the other person that you need a break to reassess your relationship, and they will discuss this calmly, let you go, and then go away and think about what you said, agree that they were in the wrong, and start working on ways to fix their own behaviour;
A relationship that, when you want to leave, they tell you that you don't really want to go, that you're happier with them, that you should isolate yourself from your family and friends so you can stay with them - and when you disagree and tell them the relationship is just a matter of necessity, they start in on your other relationship (which they have apparently decided is the reason you're going back, despite you making no mention of it), telling you that it's broken, that you shouldn't go back to him - and when you tell them to butt out of your personal business, they tell you they're entitled to have an opinion because you've been stranded alone together for a long time...
Is that or is that not what happened? Because I remember Lila making herself pretty clear on these points, but apparently a bunch of people think we should disregard a woman's expressed opinion about her own life, and go with what she's being told. Because Five knows best, amirite? Gosh he's so smart and clever! And he deserves this - he deserves Lila, no matter what Lila herself says. He's owed it by the universe, because he had a bad life.
Lila did have another relationship like that, where she was told what to do, kept in the dark, told that the other person knew what was best for her...and it wasn't Diego.
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tex-now · 29 days
Chameleon is the most ableist episode in all of Miraculous Ladybug holy fucking shit
this is all gonna be pre season 4 jsyk
Also serious note here, my words are not gospel. I myself am not physically disabled nor do I have severe enough disabilities that it requires specific accommodations. If anyone who has any experience with this has any input they want to add or wants to correct me on anything, you are more than welcome to.
Okay let's go
Immediately off to a bad start, Marinette is upset that she has to sit in the back because she doesn't want Lila to sit next to Adrien and no, this is not because she wasn't talked to about it beforehand, because when Adrien offered to sit in the back in her place Marinette adamantly refused.
And since Marinette really was causing such an unnecessary ruckus, (ill be momentarily ignoring that Lila was lying) she was making Lila feel bad for needing accommodations. Which is super fucked up of her. And also i distinctly remember Lila cuddling up to Adrien which made Marinette angrier but that's not in the transcript so take this with a grain of salt.
Okayyy the dreaded lunch scene. I have a lot of problems with this scene so I'll do the biggest one first: The fact that the narrative states that Lila is in any way benefiting from having a disability.
People carrying her lunch trays, getting her food, making sure she doesn't have to lift a finger because of her sprained wrist and treating it like shes benefiting from it is like. Atrocious on so many levels. Not only does it state that Lila is benefiting from having a disability but it also frames making accommodations for people with disabilities as being "used" in some way, which is why disabled people don't usually get the accommodations they need because they don't get "special privileges" or the people who should be accomodating them "refuse to play favorites." Horrible thing to teach children.
And then. The napkin scene. I'm gonna say it. Marinette is the fucking worst in this episode. She is being actively ableist here, assuming that since she had one bad experience with Lila being a liar, that she's lying about everything, including having a disability, which leads to her to try and "prove" that Lila is lying. Which is super fucked up.
She throws the napkin at her in order to prove that she's lying about having a sprained wrist, and since she doesn't like Lila this is an entirely okay thing to do ig/s. The reason why this scene in particular upsets me so much is because stuff like this happens in real life all the fucking time, and people have suffered because of it.
Neurodivergent and disabled people have to fight for accommodations or to be taken seriously, by literally everyone around them while neurotypical or able bodied people constantly brush them off or interrogate them in order to prove that they are disabled, and having the main character do someting like that and end up having her be framed in the right (eventually) is abelist as fuck.
The bathroom scene is also incredibly gross to me. Marinette corners Lila in the bathroom and LITERALLY SAYS (paraphrased) "I don't have the proof for it, but I know you're lying about your disability because you lied about being friends with a celebrity so therefore I get to be ableist as fuck towards you >:(" I don't think I have to explain why that's ableist.
Okay. The elephant in the room. Lila IS faking her disabilities. She IS pretending to have them in order to benefit off of other people. This is the biggest problem in the entire episode.
The narrative itself supports the idea that
1. People benefit from having disabilities
2. Attempting to "prove" that someone doesn't have a disability is okay
3. Making accommodations for people with disabilities is "using" the accommodating party in any way
4. Being ableist is okay as long as you're right in the end
And that is hammered in by this scene in particular. Marinette is being egregiously abelist throughout the entire episode and IS being the bad guy here but since the writer's need to make her NOT look like the bad guy turns out she's right Lila is faking everything and is evil lol/s
Its not just the characters themselves that are being ableist, the writing itself is so ableist that it is literally imbedded into the story of this episode and is essential in order for it to work at all. Which is a huge writing failure on the writer's part.
Okay I think I'm done. Is this coherent at all
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
This recent idol meme makes me think of Lila and idol Ray/Saeran 😭😭😭
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I hear you. I've decided to deliver what we both want. This outfit is one of my favorites and we're going to pretend this doesn't come from a Bad Ending. In fact, this belongs solely to a happy universe where our boy is an idol and Lila's the fan he falls in love with through a comical set of rom-com tropes.
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kacievvbbbb · 8 days
Can't believe this show just said that yeah these broken children that have finally managed to claw some semblance of family out of the train wreck their psychotic father made of them, these children now adults, don't get peace, they don't deserve it. actually the world is so much better without them in it. They are the direct reason why so many people they have met are not living happier lives and the universe would be a much happier safer place with them gone. They were pawns in their father's game and now they are victims of their "mother's" scheme. And this is all they get, there was never any happy ending for them in the cards the universe rebukes their very existence and it is constantly trying to write them out of it.
They doomed the world from the start, the blame is all at their feet and they must pay for the crime of being born "special".
The fucking implications of that my god!
That's the message you ended your show on. That is what you are leaving us with. Why?
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highlyincorrect · 1 month
The Schrödingers Cat Experiment of simultaneous states was invented to describe how I feel abt Umbrella Academy Season 4
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swampbrick · 1 month
if I can’t pretend that the Lila/Five plot line didn’t happen I WILL absolutely pretend that nobody died and they ended up in a toxic but fulfilling polycule with Diego and Delores and they all raise Gracie and the twins together
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mazojo · 1 month
From now on TUA characters are MY OC’s because I know them better than anyone at Netflix HQ’s ever would
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xvivinx · 1 month
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“We didn’t choose this life, we’re just living in it.”☂️🌕🔪👄👻🐙🎻
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littlehatmouse · 5 months
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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cecenyss · 22 days
I can’t believe they ended the umbrella academy season 4 with I think we’re alone now. They do not deserve I think we’re alone now.
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themattress · 2 years
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I’m sorry, but I'm still not over this. There is very little tweaking that would need to be done to the Season 5 finale of Miraculous Ladybug to make it a series finale (and it very well could have been one!), and thus how would these major antagonists have concluded their runs?
Gabriel Agreste / Hawk Moth / Shadow Moth / Monarch: He basically wins; sucker-punching Marinette and at last obtaining the two Miraculouses he’d always been after, using them to rewrite reality so he can join his wife in death (since he was dying anyway so it isn’t a sacrifice). Adrien (who now only has memories of him as a good father and not an abusive bastard) and most of Paris is left oblivious to his crimes, and he even gets honored as a hero who sacrificed his life to defeat his own supervillainous alter-ego once and for all.
Nathalie Sancoeur / Mayura: Her fatal illness is removed and she gets to live a peaceful life alongside her new girlfriend Emilie Agreste. Her crimes against Paris also go undiscovered.
Tomoe Tsurugi: She’s now in charge of Gabriel’s business, and still an active member of a creepy secret eugenics cult dedicated to replacing humanity with perfected sentimonsters.
Felix Fathom / Argos: He keeps the Peacock Miraculous he obtained through a horrific betrayal that led to devastating consequences for all of Paris and now even has a girlfriend.
Lila Rossi / Iris Verdi / Cerise: Her being exposed as a liar and expelled from school ended up meaning jack shit since “Lila Rossi” is just one identity of this person who’s apparently always been an aspiring supervillain, complete with her own evil lair and special resources. And now she’s obtained the Butterfly Miraculous, so things can only continue to go her way.
Chloe Bourgeois: She earns the hatred of all of Paris which she is forced to leave behind, loses all her power and privileges, her father disowns her in favor of her half-sister, her friend and minion Sabrina turns on her, Adrien wants nothing more to do with her, Marinette wins a final victory over her on behalf of all the students she’s bullied over the years, and she’s trapped in the custody of her abusive mother who intends to take her abuse to a new level. 
OK, yeah, as I think we can all see: one of these things is not like the others!
Seriously, Thomas Astruc, what is your damage in regards to the character of Chloe!?
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the urge to write a alternate version of s4 of the umbrella academy fix it fic is insane
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the-officially-kat · 1 month
...so, I just finished season four of the umbrella academy, and usually I try to stick with the positives with my fave shows, but... Damn is that hard to do with this
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pucaantaibhse · 10 months
The contrast and the parallels between Tula in the preview for next week’s episode confronting Ava for trying to blame the family instead of letting herself feel sad, and her getting mad at Lila for suggesting that that she’s mad at Geoffrey for dying… it’s delicious.
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I think the reason Lila targets Martha in whos Lila rather than anyone directly antagonizing her, such as Mike, Jimmy, etc. is because she wants to garner an emotional response (despair) from the player. Martha is one of the few characters to never directly insult or harm Will. I believe even her talking to the police wasn’t done out of malice, but pure fear and concern for her friend. I take it less as an act of betrayal, and more a desire to help, even if it meant potentially compromising William.
And the fact that we see her in an emotionally vulnerable moment (even then being sweet and kind) makes the player have a higher bond with her, feeding Lila with more despair at having to kill her. She’s the sacrificial lamb, another wheel in the pain machine.
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