speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Ok so, i love how you write and i wanted to request a thingy for Howdy!! (If ya interested ofc, also am non native eng speaker so um sorry in advance for bad communicating)
How about human Reader jolting awake in the middle of the night, waking up Howdy too, as they panic and say "oh my god oh my god i think we have bed bugs and they are eating me!!!!" They are covered in bites and now explaining how there are several bug species that find readers blood to be delicious? Im assuming that Home usually only has non aggressive species of bugs in it, and its not like anyone has blood there for them to appear ether
Fun fact about speckle!!! (Idgaf if you don't wanna hear it *^*) I have never been bitten by a bed bug! So whoop whoop!!!
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Your honesty right about the non lethal bugs in the neighborhood
The obvious bugs that inhabit that area are: butterflies (for obvious reasons), caterpillars, ants (the non harmful ones), spiders (but the goofy cartoony ones), and bees!
It's mostly the basic bugs people know about
Ever since you came into the neighborhood you have been bringing in new things that home never had to deal with
It was a quiet night not a single puppet -or human- was stirring the frogs were- "OH MY GODS OH MY GODS OH MY GODSSSSS!!!!!!"
And never mind....
"What's biting you sugar cube?!?!" Your husband howdy shouted in alarm.
"BED BUGSSS!!!" You exclaimed while trying to scrape them off you.
Howdy was rightfully concerned so he headed to the bed and checked it.
All around where you slept were hundreds if not less of those pesky bed bugs you were talking about.
He was incredibly confused but decided to do a deep clean of his whole bed and covers so you both could go back to sleep.
After that little fiasco he went to Frank to see what could be done
But Frank didn't know to much so you told him of what you could remember
"Darling I think we have to vacuum them, or what's left of them. So we're gonna have to do a deep clean." You said while scratching your arms
"ohhh no no no not you sugar cube your gonna stay in the living room while I do the deep cleaning!" He stated while picking you up and dropping you on the couch.
You decided not to argue so you went and took a shower washing and disinfecting all of the bites.
After said shower you applied creams (that were some how available) onto all your bites
Later on howdy emerged from the room putting away all of the cleaning products he had used
"Go take a shower darling! It's best to clean your self off just incase" you said looking up from your book.
After a while the bed bugs haven't come back which was a good sign
After that experience after every week on Sundays you wash all your bed sheets, pillows, pillow covers!, and you check the mattress just in case!
{HI HI ANON!!! I really hope you liked this! I wrote this while taking a break from Minecraft... But as always hearts and reblogs are always welcomed along with questions, comments, and requests!!! }
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 1 month
the other women.
word count: 886 (kinda short)
pairing: p.b. x reader
summary: After the live incident with Azzi y/n confronts paige.
pt: 2/3 (I think there will be 3 parts idk)
i hope yall enjoy thiss. im gonna remake part 1 because it doesnt really fit with this part too well. i mean its good enough for yall to get the plot of the story but ykkk. SO SORRY FOR MAKING AZZI A BAD PERSON YALL ITS FOR THE PLOTTT🙏🙏 tried to do the lil picture thing evb be doing cs i thought it was cute how we feeling?..
-love gabby💋
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Paige wakes up to an empty bed. She blinks rapidly trying to blink the sleepiness away. Wincing as she feels the hangover coming in. She notices the advil and glass of water on the bedside table you left for her. There was ice in the cup indicating the glass was filled not too long ago.
She doesn’t hesitate to pick up the glass and pills and takes them with one big gulp.
Whenever you’re mind is too loud you usually vent to Paige and cry in her arms. You couldn’t do that this time so you went for a walk. You honestly had no clue where you were because you were so consumed in your thoughts you lost track of where you were walking.
Youre phone pinged snapping you out of your thoughts.
my fav blonde🖕🏻: Where are you?
You stared at the message not knowing if you should respond or not.
Just out for a walk.
You respond dryly trying to let her know you don’t want to speak to her. You hated confrontation so you didn’t know what you were going to do about the whole Azzi situation.
my fav blondie🖕🏻: Thanks for the advil and water, bug.
You stared at the phone not even realizing you were crying until you saw the tear droplet falling down your screen.
That damn nickname. She had given it to you as a joke when you first started dating and it’s stuck ever since. Whenever she called you it, a wave of comfort rushed through your body. Now it was just making you sad.
“You okay?” you hear a semi-familiar voice call out.
You look up quickly wiping your tears and see this girl from your psychology class. Her name was Addie or something like that.
“Yeah” you manage to croak out.
“You sure? Doesn’t really seem like it.” she says chuckling attempting to lighten the mood.
“Yeah. Thanks for asking.” You say smiling.
She smiles back. She was pretty, she had freckles and was brunette.
“Do you need a ride?” She offers still smiling.
“If its not too much of a bother.” You say embarrassed.
“Ofcourse! Hop in.”
Guilt is rushing through my body remembering the events from last night. It all happened so fast and it was a mistake.
my baby: omw home. 🤍 (hearted the msg)
my baby: got a ride from this girl
I smiled seeing her notification.
Theres even a video going around and im just praying y/n didnt see it. She could take it the wrong way. I would have to tell her eventually. She just cant find out through a video on social media.
Azzi was being extra touchy tonight but I just assumed it was the alcohol. I mean she knows I have a girlfriend and she loves her.
“Paige, you look so good” Azzi slurs out running her hand down my chest.
I quickly move her hand off of me. “Thanks Azzi.” I say smiling. She puts her red solo cup up to her mouth “I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight” I say grabbing the drink from her.
“Nooooo” She whines. I just laugh at her drunk antics.
She grabs my face and gets really close. “Never noticed how pretty your eyes were.” She says staring at my eyes.
I just smile awkwardly trying to get out of her grasp. Before I knew it her lips were on mine. I gently push her off me. “Azzi.” I begin. “Paige you know you want me just as much as I want you.” She cuts me off.
“I have a girlfriend. And shes the only girl I want.” I say sharply.
“This is bullshit” She spits, pushing herself off of me.
“Thanks for the ride.” Y/n says smiling at the brunette. Who smiles back “Anytime.”
Y/n is fumbling with her keys outside of the apartment door trying to find the right one. Once you find the key she puts it in the lock and unlocks the door.
Paige immediately shoots up of the couch and runs to her girlfriend. “Hi babyy.” she says smiling and giving you a hug. “missed you.” she says in your neck.
The feeling of Paige’s breathe on your neck made you shiver.
“Hey.” You couldn’t help but smile, missing Paiges warmth.
You let go of each other and you wander off into the kitchen while Paige goes back to her spot on the couch.
“Hey can we talk?” You manage to say. Paige looks up at you and hums in response already knowing what you’re going to say.
“What happened last night..” You pause and clear your throat “With Azzi?” You say trying to hold back your tears.
“Y/n I promise it wasn’t what it looked like.”
“Then what was it Paige.” You snap all your built up anger coming out. “Because it looked like the love of my life cheating on me with her BEST FRIEND.” You say emphasizing the last two words.
“Please let me explain baby.” Paige says, tears pricking her eyes.
“Don’t call me that.” You say coldly.
“You don’t need to explain anything I saw what I needed to see.” You say before Paige could open her mouth to speak.
You walk out of the door not wanting to make the situation worse.
thank you for reading mwahh!
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hey-august · 3 months
Working on the big top for years, working with buggy for so long you trust each other more than anyone, being each other’s confidant and best friend but NEVER crossing the line to anything else because! That’s still your boss! And your friend!
You could neverrrrrr imagine anything happening between the two of you especially not late at night, cleaning up after a show after the crew has gone to bed, sitting down to take a break and putting ur head in his lap, looking up at the stars and catching buggy staring at you? Oh my god that’s crazy nooooo you absolutely would neverrrrrr reach up and pull him down to kiss you omg
Ugh. ugh. ugh. ugh. I LOVE this anon. I love this and things got out of hand. It deviates sliiiightly from what you wrote because I kept forgetting about the stars. I hope it's still enjoyable!!
WC: 908 Warnings: SFW, buggy x GN!reader, lil bit of longing, mention of drinking, barely proofread
It’s purely platonic. A friendly connection. Captain and crewmate. Drinking buddies. Shoulders to cry on. Secret keepers. Partners in crime. Friends, and nothing more.
Becoming close happened so naturally that no one questioned it. Life carried on, as it does, and eventually you and Buggy were joined at the hip. While you worked on the crew and he was the captain, the dynamic didn’t carry into the friendship. 
No one worried that you were an informant for their boss. You knew when to keep your mouth shut, when to pass along “rumors,” and you still joined in on the shit talk. It was all part of the bonding and you were thankful that your connection to the captain didn’t ruin it. If anything, it boosted morale. Your closeness with the captain made them feel closer to him as well. If you could survive slapping him on the back with laughter, so could they. 
The other tokens of friendly affection, however, they left to you. Grabbing Buggy by the arm and dragging him to see something. Teasing him whenever he got irrationally ticked off. Shoving him playfully after a prank. Pushing the hair from his face when his hands are busy. Offering calming words and a quiet walk when his emotions were too extreme.
Buggy reciprocated in kind. Only letting you polish off his personal flask. Fixing your clothes when you misaligned the buttons or left a tag out. Swapping plates and drinks mid-meal. Calling you out on your shit when you were being rude or pissy. Offering you his room as a quiet place to calm down when you needed a minute.
You two were buds. Peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. And nothing more. That’s just how it was. How it was supposed to stay. It was luck that the friendship worked out well and didn’t jeopardize the crew. You couldn’t risk throwing that off-balance.
No matter how much your heart ached when you shared drinks that touched both of your lips. No matter how much you liked when he squeezed you with one arm while laughing raucously at a shitty joke you told. No matter how long you wanted to stay in his room, hoping that he would come in to join you. No matter how many times you held his hand in the dark, while you both walked the deck among the stars.
You were friends.
You used to be friends until that one night. Another successful raid, another successful show, another successful party. The crew worked hard and they were exhausted. Knowing you could convince the captain to finish cleaning in the morning if you two were alone, you helped the rest of the crew sneak away slowly.
“Looks like it’s just us again, Bugs.” The captain hadn’t noticed the dwindling numbers and needed you to point it out.
“What? What?! Where did those freaks go?” Buggy spun around, as if he expected you to be lying. Maybe his crew was hiding among the seats, waiting to pop out.
“It’s been a long day, captain. We’ve done a lot…why don’t we sit down for a moment.” 
That was the first step. Get Buggy to relax. Once his guard was down, it would be easier to convince him to call it a night.
Instead of listening, the pirate continued to grumble. Slipped in between complaints about abandonment were short praises and compliments about how well his crew performed and what a great captain they had to bring them such glory. Rather than interrupting his monologue, you sat on the wood ground to listen and wait for him to follow your lead.
Buggy’s mouth ran on as he joined you on the floor cross-legged and patted his lap. You reclined and rested your head on his leg, settling in to be a good friend.
It was no secret that Buggy talked a lot. You were a good listener. You had to be, as his best friend. Sometimes he just wanted to talk. He didn’t need to be heard, but you always paid attention. The pirate’s voice was soothing. Whether it was shrill when he was shrieking, grating because he was shouting, low because he was angry, or bubbly with excitement, you wanted to drift away in the sound. Closing your eyes, you let yourself fall deeper.
As he carried through topic after topic, his voice grew softer. Calmer. You could easily imagine Buggy’s expressive yet content face. While it was imprinted in memory, the real vision was one that always took your breath away. Opening your eyes to get your fill, you were faced with the gentle expression aimed towards you. 
With air stuck in your chest, your mouth was empty. Lonely.
Reaching up, you put a hand on the back of Buggy’s head and pulled your friend closer. And closer. And closer. Until your lips touched. Until you could breathe again, filling yourself with him. His mouth was soft. Warm. Inviting. Your tongue accepted the invitation and joined his for a dance that started cautiously before turning into something fervent and confident. 
You held him close until your breath stopped again, stilled by emotions that grew too big and too fast to keep contained. Loosening your hold on his head, Buggy took the cue. He pulled away, also out of breath.
You two stared at each other in silence.
“It was about time,” he finally said before leaning in to kiss you again.
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
Suguru would be shirtless in the morning and I would wake up earlier to see it
“don’t” — geto surguru
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ᴀ/ɴ: my reaction to this reminded me of that one time I accidentally barked when I meant to say “you look hot” and yes I call my besties hot
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“you can stop staring now,” he hums and you wolf whistle making him roll his eyes.
you raise your hands in surrender, “oops, I got caught.”
he reaches for his shirt and hears a faint ‘noooo,’ and retracts his hand only to hear nothing. suguru tries to take it once again but hears a more clear, “nooooo.”
he looks at you, “what’s wrong?”
“don’t…” you start and he ushers you on, “don’t put a shirt on.”
a smirk plays at his lips, “oh? why is that?”
“I would like to admire your shirtless glory, thank you very much,” you defend shamelessly and he chuckles.
he sits by your side on the bed, “you are flattering me; I am sure you have stuff you need to deal with.”
“aside from admiring you? no; I don’t,” you cheekily say and the latter sighs.
he stands up once again after pressing a kiss to your cheek, “well, I need to get dressed so you don’t have the chance to do that, unfortunately,” he coos annoyingly but you just swat him like a bug.
“someone’s feisty,” geto muses, “it’s quite the cute look on you.”
he turns his back to you, looking for a shirt but freezes instantly when he feels you behind him, “what’s wrong…?”
your hand place themselves on his shoulders as you start massage them, “you’ve been working hard; please stay with me for today?” your voice is sweet, way too sweet and he knows what game you’re playing.
his hand reaches back in attempt to tickle you but you squeal, dodging it.
“you manipulator; you only want me to stay because you want to look at my back!” he quips.
you press a kiss to the back of his neck, smiling against his skin when you see the tip of his ears turn the softest shade of red, “thought you liked it when I admire you?”
he sigh in defeat with a smile, “alright, y/n; you win.”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @fiona782 @kisakitwister @iamjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Not my Name. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFF*
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Summary: Based on this question I got from an anon. Eddie has been “bugging” reader all day, when he disrupts her nap, she calls him by his “government name” and he takes it to heart. 
TW: Eddie being extra. Implied that Eddie wants sex. 
Word Count: 869
Eddie was in a mood.
Well 2 moods. Both of which, playful.
He had been poking fun at his girlfriend all afternoon; laying on top of her, making dumb little noises in her ear while he was on top of her, licking her neck at one point, and slapping her ass any opportunity he got.
The trailer was freezing, and when she was cold, all she wanted to do was nap.
She snuck away to Eddie’s room when he was on the phone with one of the guys from Hellfire, snuggling Eddie’s pillow while she burrowed under all the blankets and dozed off.
It felt like only a few seconds passed before she heard the door open and quiet footsteps behind her. She was still aware of her surroundings, but she was too far into sleep to wake up and investigate the sound.
“Sweetheart, you wanna go to the movies?” Eddie asks in her ear, slowly sliding into bed behind her, wrapping his arm around her while he pressed kisses to her cheek.
She could smell the fresh cigarette he had just smoked on his breath and his clothes, the smell making her snuggle against him deeper.
“Hey, wake up.” He pokes. “Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.”
She huffs loudly. “I’m trying to sleep.”
“I know, I want you to wake up. I wanna do something.” He whines like a child. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” He chants in her ear, pulling the blanket down from around her shoulder.
“No.” She whines, trying to take the blanket back from him. “I wanna nap! Take a nap with me. You’re doing a lot of extra shit right now, you need to relax!”
Eddie tsks. “I don’t want to nap. We can nap after we have some fun. Come on, princess.” He starts to press kisses to her exposed shoulder.
“Nooooo.” She whines, trying to keep her eyes shut in hopes she could easily fall back asleep.
A sharp sting against her shoulder blade makes her gasp loudly, her eyes flying open. “Eddie! Fucking ow!” She shouts, turning to her back to flash him a dirty look.
“Who?” He furrows his brows at her.
“What? Who what?”
“Who did you just call me?” Eddie pouts, his face reading offended.
“Your… your name.”
“What was the first rule I said when we started this relationship?”
“Not to touch the radio in the car.”
“Really?” He glares at her.
She looked over at him completely dumbfounded that he was taking this so seriously. “Eddie, you’re kidding me. All I did was call you by your name.”
“Yeah! Exactly! I am: babe, baby, handsome, peaches, daddy, sir, or dungeon master. That’s it.”
She bites her lip to stifle a laugh that would just cause another outburst. “Y-you like when I call you peaches?” She covers her mouth with her hand, smiling from ear to ear underneath.
Eddie pouts again. “No, but it’s better than you calling me Eddie.”
She can’t help but let out a full belly laugh, pulling him closer to her. “Oh my poor sensitive baby. I’m sorry I called you Eddie. I won’t call you that again.”
He rests his head just above her chest, letting her play with his hair. “Good.”
“Did you still want to have some fun, Edward?” She can’t help but burst into a fit of laughter, never having called him Edward before, mostly because he hated his “proper” name.
“Babe!” Eddie yells, wrapping both of his arms under her and attacking her with his mouth. “That’s even worse than Eddie! Stop being mean.”
She was crying tears from laughing so hard, not having enough energy to fight back with Eddie. “I-I-I can’t stop laughing!” She covers her face with her hands, having a full blown hysterical laughter fit.
“Call me babe and I’ll let you go. Call me babe!”
“Okay! Okay! Get off me, baby please! I can’t breathe anymore!” She almost shrieks.
Eddie lets her go, laughing at how worked up she was next to him. “You done?”
“My tummy hurts from laughing.” She flips over and lays on her belly, burying her face in the pillow so she can calm down and stop laughing. After a few seconds she looks up at Eddie, bursting into another fit of laughter.
“You know what, take your nap. I’m going to go hang out with Henderson.”
“No, don’t leave me. I’m done! I’m done! I’m sorry, baby. I’m all done.” She inhales deeply, a smile still plastered on her face. “Kiss so I can say sorry?”
Eddie leans over to press a sweet kiss to her lips. Resting his forehead on hers. “You’re a punk, you know that?”
She giggles and kisses his nose. “Yeah, but you love me… peaches.”
Eddie’s face grows red in embarrassment at the stupid nickname he had given himself one night when he was drunk that she threw in his face when she thought she was being funny. “Alright, I’ll remember this the next time you want me to love on you when you’re needy, punk ass.”
“Aww, pouty baby. Come here, I promise I’m all done now.” She says, kissing his cheek over and over.
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
Hi!!! Can you do a Matty + Daughter oneshot where she's sick with a stomach bug on tour or something, and Matty is just being the best dad ever and taking care of her.
I'm struggling BADLY with a stomach bug and need some dad!matty support 😭🫶
Human Too
pairings: Matty Healy + Daughter!reader
a/n: ANON NOOOOO! i’m sending all my good energy to you who i can only imagine is curled up in bed reading this. PLEASE let me know how you’re doing! I hope you enjoy :)
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The band was playing at Madison Square Garden. Although they played it just last year and countless times before, it was still a huge deal. You were immensely proud of him and were excited to watch the show from the pit for their two-day run which you had never done before. It was very exciting.
After an early soundcheck, your father headed back to the dressing room to check on you and tell you that he was going for a meal with the boys. He noticed you’ve been acting off all morning. You just weren't as energetic as you used to be. He chalked it up to you just being tired. Your father knows you like the back of his hand. He can read you easier than a book, knows when you’re lying, and can always see right through you. It’s like a spidey sense but for being a single dad. You were lying on the couch curled up into a blanket with the lights off. When he flipped the switch on, you groaned but still not moving. “You alright, Darling?” He asked. You didn't answer. Instead, just laid there without saying a word. His first instinct was to check your temp. He sat next to you on the couch, moving your legs to make room. He pressed his hand lightly to your forehead. You winced a bit. “Oh, love.” You slowly unfurled from your little cocoon and sat up slowly. Keeping the blanket still wrapped around yourself. “Why do I feel like shit?” You said. “You’re sick.” Matty replied.
You shook your head. “Nooooo.”
He nodded, smiling at you. “Yessssss.”
“No, I’m not.” You winned.
“You have a fucking fever.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don’t-”
“I’m not playing this game again.” He stood up as he made you smile. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna tell the guys I’m not going to lunch so I can sort you out.”
“No! Don’t cancel your plans because of me!”
He ignored you and closed the door.
When he returned less than 10 minutes later, you weren't on the couch like he left you.
“Y/n?” He shouted as he closed the door.
You didn't respond.
“Baby?” he asked again.
Again, no response. He looked around the room and saw the light peeking through the slightly ajar door to the bathroom. When he opened it and walked in he saw you hunched over the toilet. “I think you were right.” You said.
He helped you up and back to the couch.
“Lay down.” He said sweetly. “I’m gonna run out and get you some medicines. There's a pharmacy just down the street.”
“No, I want you to stay.” You said pulling on his arm with the little strength you had left.
“If you don’t have medicine you’re not gonna feel better.”
“Just order it or something! I want you here.”
He thought for a moment. “Alright.” He kissed your forehead and sat down on the floor next to the couch. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to instacart Theraflu to Madison Square Garden but I’ll figure it out.”
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alltheshithesaid · 30 days
Adam: "Eden time for bed kiddo!"
Eden: "NOOOOO Dad I dont wanna go to bed! Papa tell Dad I'm not going to bed!!"
Brian: "Your brother is in bed. Come on Eden love..."
Adam: "Mate I don't make the rules."
Eden: "No! I'm not going! I'm not listening to you!"
Brian: "That's what we get for teaching her 'stick it to the man' huh?"
Adam: "Don't pin this one on me."
Brian: "Dad is right bug. We don't make the rules. Your mother does."
Eden: "I'm telling Mommy!"
Adam: "Fuckin' hell."
Brian: "Language before Ari kills us."
Eden is a rebellious fuckhead and she's not even born yet... I already love her so fucking much.
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
hii! saw your requests are open
sfw please!! could you please write how the yautja would react to their s/o getting drunk with c'ntlip?
you can totally ignore this request btw ^^
Word count: 378
This is a short one, hope you don't mind.
Drunken ooman
"C'mon, can't I have some? Pleeease?"
I looked down at my ooman mate, "No. It is too strong for your kind." I don't know why they keep asking. I have seen the effects of it on a ooman before and I know they wouldn't be able to handle one mug of c'ntlip.
"Just this once? I'll stop bugging you about it if you give me some." They said with a little smug grin.
I sighed, "fine. But this is not like any earth drink." I poured some of the pink liquid into a mug and handed it to them. They gulped it down and I could see them holding back tears from pain of the drink hitting their throat.
Some oomans get emotional, others wanna fight... I hope they get emotional because I really don't feel like trying to fight a small ooman tonight. I took a drink from my own mug and then looked back at my ooman.
They chugged the whole mug... they sat there for a little bit, I could see the c'ntlip kicking in. Well, this is going to be fun.
"Wwoooo... this stuff isssss... so strong." They leaned up against me, "like you...."
I blushed, "yep.. told you that it would be too strong."
They hugged me, "I love youuuu."
"Love you too." Oh gods, I feel so awkward-
I shouldn't have given them a full mug. I patted their back as they clung to me. They started to cry and I looked down at them.
"You good?" They continued to sob. I sighed and picked them up, "How about we go to bed? You're going to feel terrible in the morning.." I mumbled the second half to myself.
"I don't wanna go to beddd." They squirmed in my arms.
"Too bad, you're going to bed."
I huffed as I walked to our room. I placed them down on our bed and they tried to get up. So, I wrapped them up tightly into a swaddle with one of the blankets. They squirmed and tried to get out of it but they couldn't since the c'ntlip had such a strong effect on them.
I laid down right next to them and made sure they didn't get into any trouble before falling asleep.
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aprillikesthings · 11 months
The list of topics on every single Camino forum, subreddit, or group:
How crowded is it this year
What’s the weather like when I’m going
Which route should I do
What shoes should I wear
Is it possible to do it camping the whole way
What do you think of my packing list
“You’re not a real pilgrim because [you’re not Catholic/you have your bag transported/you only did it from Sarria/seriously the list goes on and on]” vs “Everyone is a real pilgrim, stfu”
“A pilgrimage is supposed to include some hardships” vs “you don’t know what is or isn’t hard for other people”
How do I get to my starting point from [European city]
Vigorous discussion of blister avoidance/treatment
How do I train for the Camino (extra points: people who live in incredibly flat places)
Should I be worried about bed bugs
Angry post about Camino etiquette, always followed by five hundred replies of people agreeing/disagreeing
Is it safe to do it alone
Can I bring my kids/dogs
Do I need trekking poles
Should I go with a paid company that arranges everything for me and if so which one
Who here has seen The Way (WE ALL HAVE)
Can I do the Camino with [health condition]
Can I do the Camino with [non-standard diet]
Poncho or rain jacket
Will I get lost
“Please watch my YouTube video about [one of the above]”
Americans, specifically:
How do I use my cell phone in Spain
How do I access my money in Spain (I’ve met at least one person who brought €2k cash?! I know of another person who did that and lost it all! Nooooo just use atm’s oh my god)
Why do the Spanish/Europeans generally do this thing that annoys or confuses me
What travel insurance should I buy
Will they all hate me if I can’t speak Spanish
What do you mean none of the hostels have air conditioning
The Best Posts:
Here are photos from my Camino! Here are photos of me and my new friends I met on the Camino!! Here’s a photo of me in front of the cathedral! I made it!!!
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This is a fun little prompt idea i had!
One of my favorite ideas are wake up tickles! When i think of the spidey boys, i can see Peter 2 and Peter 3 both being up and Peter 1 still being asleep and they want to wake him up and obviously they agree there is only one way to do it, with tickles!
"Alright One, its noon, you gotta wake up!"
Ler!peter2 and ler!peter3 lee!peter1
(Awww, this is adorable ❤️ wake up tickles are just top tier because they're so much fun to play around with :) you can be fun, aggressive tickler or you can be soft, gentle tickler depending on the situation ❤️ It's a win-win either way! Hope you enjoy Anon, and thank you :))
"Alright One, it's noon, you gotta wake up!"
"Mm!" One whined.
"Looks like someone stayed up past their bed time again," Two teased as he sat on one side of the youngest.
Peter 3 sat on the other side. "Ignored bedtimes make for cranky teenagers."
"Mmmnot," One mumbled and curled into a ball.
Peter 2 and 3 shared a look. Their baby brother always argued he wasn't adorable but then he would do the cutest little things.
Peter 3 ruffled One's curls. "You can't sleep all day Bug, you gotta get up."
Peter 1 pulled the blanket over his head. "Nooooo!"
"Peter, you have 10 seconds to get out of bed or else," Two warned.
There was a huff from under the covers before everything fell quiet again.
Three shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you warned him."
Peter 2 sighed as he grabbed an ice cube out of the water cup left on the youngest's nightstand. "They just don't listen do they."
Three watched as the oldest rubbed the ice cube together in his hands. "What are we going to do about it Two?"
Two dropped the rest of the ice cube back into the cup. "Simple."
Peter 1's upper body popped into view as the blanket was yanked away. Without thinking, One covered his eyes with his arm. This movement allowed Two to quickly shove his now cold hands under the youngest's shirt.
One squealed. "AHH! WAHAIT!"
Two's frozen fingers skittered across his belly. "Wakey wakey."
Peter 2 pulled his hands out from One's shirt. "Are you going to get up?"
Peter 1 groaned and covered his eyes with hishands. "Don't wahant to."
Both older brothers noted the small smile tugging at the corners of One's mouth.
Peter 2 wiggled his cold fingers into the youngest's neck. "Come on, where's that little face?"
One turtled into his shoulders. "NOO!"
"Yohou're doing ihit wrong Two." Three gently pushed his older brother aside. "Let me show you how it's done."
Peter 3 then placed two fingers on each One's sides then began walking his fingers up. "Come out, come out wherever yohou are."
Peter 1 broke into bubbly giggles that made both his older brothers grin. Then Peter 3 slipped a pinch to One's ribs.
The youngest's hands shot down to grab the middle brother's wrists. "AHH! Hehey!"
"Thehere he is!"
"And you claim you aren't cute," Peter 2 cooed.
While Peter 3 resumed his attack on his ribs, Peter 2 added in some light pinches to his cheeks. The double attack kept him squirming in multiple different directions and a dark blush burned across his cheeks.
After a couple more moments of friendly torture, the older two released the youngest. Peter 1 curled into a ball of airy giggles.
"Ahare you ready to get uhup now?" Two teased.
One whined. "Fihihine."
"Come on Bug! We want to go have some fun!" Three exclaimed.
Peter 1 pushed himself up. "What did yohou want to do?"
"Well, the park's not too far," Peter 2 replied.
"The weather's perfect too!" Three sprang to his feet. "Come on!"
The youngest jumped out of bed. He had been begging for a park trip all week but they just hadn't had the time.
A moment later, both younger brothers bounded out of the room with Peter 2 strolling behind.
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ms5m1th · 2 years
Layla is being very stubborn, taking care of her sick Mama (with some help).
"Layla, honey, I'm fi-"
Layla blocks the door Mama was trying to get to, her face red and pouty. Mama, exhausted but used to this, just sighs.
"Bug, I have to go to work."
"No! Mama's sick and needs sleep! No stupid work!"
Mama raises a brow, which causes Layla to pause, before apologizing.
"Sorry, Mama. But no working! You'll get even more sicker!"
Mama rubs her red nose, and sighs at her baby's worried yelling. She could call in, but today was her last day before their planned vacation, so she didn't really see the point of it.
"Bug, it's just one more day. If you're worried about me getting worse, I'll wear a mask."
"Nuh-uh! You might take it off!"
Mama chuckles, rubbing her eyes.
"What do you want me to do then, bug?"
Before she could answer, the Layla-blocked door opened.
It was Steven. He had agreed to watch over Layla while Mama was at work, which she was now late for.
"Hey, I thought you were at work?"
Before Mama could answer, Layla interjects.
"Steven! Mama is sick and she won't stay home even though she sniffles and stuff!"
Steven looked over to Mama, who looks (nothing against Mama, we love Mama) horrible. Like she's about to fall over and sink into the floor horrible. That horrible.
"Just stay home honey, it shouldn't be a big deal."
He guides her to her bed, and rummages through her closet. He pauses his movement for a while, before picking up some pajamas and throwing it in her sick face.
"Guys, I'm fine."
"Shut up and put on the dam- dang pajamas."
Mama chuckles, only for it to turn into a painful cough.
"You need to work on your language, Marc,"
He flips her off, and takes her phone.
"I'll call your boss and you get dressed."
He leaves the room, cracking the door. She sighs, but complies.
"I can take care of myself, I'm not a child. I'm the Mama, I think I can handle being sick, sassy prick."
Mama continues to mumble to herself, only to fall asleep. Hours later, she's awoken by soft shushing and excited giggles. Without opening her eyes, she smiles and says,
"What are you giggling about, bug?"
She then opens her eyes to see Layla holding a tray that had a bowl of soup, crackers, juice and a medicine, smiling brightly.
"Me 'n Steven made you soup 'n crackers! I even poured you some of my juice! Only because you're sick!"
She gently puts the tray in her lap, and bounces in place. Steven picks up the medicine and sets it on her bedside table.
"Eat, then take these. They'll help you. I'll make some tea later, in case you're feeling nauseous."
Mama smiles weakly, but complies.
"Thanks guys."
"No problem, Mama!"
"Don't mention it,"
I decided to do more of these. Will I ever stop? No one will ever know...
K, bye
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ruppcake · 1 year
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Bob Velseb with Pet Regressor! Reader Headcannons
when he finds out about your pet regression, he wouldn’t know what to do at first but he will quickly learn about it
gives you pets and cuddles when you want them
there was an incident where you bit him and he bit back but a bit harder than you did. he didn’t mean to tho. it was pure instinct. he apologized profusely and gave you lots of hugs and kisses. he didn’t mean to hurt his fur baby 🥺
“im so sorry, darlin’ 😭” he would cuddle you giving you back rubs and kissing your head 🥹
loves to watch you act like a (your pet mindset) on his days off or when he gets back home after work
he made one of the rooms to be your petre room with a bunch of toys, comfy beds, blankets, etc.
he lets you sleep with on top of him either on the couch or oh his bed
gets you your favorite snacks and meals for your regression
will play games with you or just cuddle
“hey darling? have you seen my—“ you’re sitting on the ground with his sweater in your mouth “nooooo. put it down.”
he’s gifted you little gloves and socks with toe beans on them to help with your petre
will do stuff with you outside if you want and will threaten anyone who tries to judge or be mean in any way
he loves and supports you no matter what. you’re his cutie pie after all
nicknames he gives you: cutie pie, darling, love bug, puppy (sfw), kitten (sfw), fluffy, fur baby, etc.
nicknames you give him: my human, master (sfw), papa, dad/dada/daddy (sfw), bubby, etc.
has also given you a tail and some ears to help with your head space as well
he got you a few collars too (if you’re comfortable with it. also sfw obviously)
will give in easily when you give him 🥺. he can’t resist it so you get away with a lot (most of the time 😅)
your little whines, meows, barks, etc. he finds adorable and so heartwarming
he always loves to come home to you after being at work all day
he loves you and nothing will ever change that 💕
I hope you like it! So sorry for taking a while to send this out! Thank you for the request! ☺️
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Octogoblin day 20! Sick day! It ain’t gonna be in order but y’all will get all of them eventually 🥲
After Nwh
Norman woke up with a terrible headache and a sore throat, he couldn’t breathe through his nose and he felt like he could cough one of his lungs up. Norman sat up and started coughing..was he sick? No! He couldn’t be sick…he still has the goblin serum in him. The noise and shaking of the bed woke up otto and he sat up. He put his scared and callused hand on the sick man’s back and started checking on him. “Norman….? Are you alright..?” Ottos morning voice immediately sent butterflies to Norman’s stomach….it’d feel so much better if the shorter man wasn’t coughing and feeling bad. Norman nodded and kept coughing, otto felt his forehead and norman had a bad fever. Ohhhhh dear-…..his lover was sick. He knew how to deal with simple colds and stomach bugs, Rosie would normally keep a cold so he knew a bunch of home remedy’s for a cold. Norman finally stopped coughing a few minutes later. This poor man felt lightheaded and just the sound of him breathing hurt his head. “Y-yeah…..I’m a-alright…” Norman mumbled as he curled back up in bed….he kind of yanked otto with him. “oK- aGh-!” Norman had grabbed the back of his turtleneck as he laid back down so it put pressure on ottos throat-. The tentacle man just chuckled after he was let go and he cuddled up against norman. “w-where is y-your hand….g-give me it.” Norman asked and then demanded for ottos hand. He gave his boyfriend his hand and it was yanked to norman. The sick one put ottos hand on his chest and just sighed…..norman always stayed cold and otto was always hot. Sooooo any kind of touching otto did to norman warmed him right up. “Bud I need to go get medicine for you…you’re sick..” otto said as he kissed Norman’s neck. “mhmmm…..I-I’m not sick…..just g-give me five more minutes to sleep…” Norman mumbled as he shut his eyes, he had to get up to go to work but he just wanted that extra five minutes. “I’ll give you a few days….I’m going to call in for you…” otto told norman as he got up and grabbed his phone…nOoOoO! Norman needed to go to work! “nO…..! doNT cAll iN-“ his voice was just blocked out by otto as he dialed oscorps business number. Norman heard him talking to one of the board members…eH-. Screw it…he didn’t need to go into work-, norman just accepted his fate and chuckled. “Alright thank you….you’re off for the rest of the week..I’ll be taking care of you hon…” otto put his hand on Norman’s shoulder and rubbed a bit…there was no response. “Honey….? You alright?…” otto said as he looked over at Norman’s face. Poor Norman was out cold-….his mouth was open a bit aaaaand he started snoring a tad. Otto just chuckled and covered him up some more as he cuddled close to him. “Sleep good my dear….” Norman wasn’t fully out yet and when he heard otto say that he just smiled a bit and rolled over into his boyfriends arms. Now he was out…feeling the warmth of otto just completely calmed him down and he relaxed almost immediately. Not to long after that otto fell asleep as well…..
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fates-theysband · 10 months
🤪, 🛌, 🎞️, and 👀 with the bayou boys?
thank you!!!
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
tbh i think the fandom would see "burned-out former Kid What Got Good Grades who actually did try to get out of galloway but due to circumstances outside of their control ended up stuck and is so at the end of their rope with stress that theyre too tired to express it" and think "OHHHH so basically just rand if he didnt smoke weed right?"
i think this because i have at times worried "wait oh god did i just make shiloh 'rand if he didn't smoke weed'?" but no i think they're different enough people
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
well appropriately for the emoji attached to this question i think "post-canon everyone lives au Oh Nooooo This Motel We Have To Crash At For The Night Only Has A One-Bed Vacancy" is a strong contender lmao. i also think there's a lot of like..."we're hiding out while Shit's Going Down outside and well we're not going anywhere anyway so let's have an emotional heart-to-heart"
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
it's tough for me to actually think of scenes in canon, everything is always pre- or post-canon for me but like. augh. i cant articulate an answer. i think the fandom would go nuts over how fiercely protective shiloh is over the guys but i can't think of any specific scenes.
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
literally the metas would be off the fuckin chain. like a big theme in bitb is ending up back where you started despite every attempt you make to escape your past and i tried to construct my s/i with that theme in mind so like. the whole parallels of rolan coming back for his parents' funeral and having to confront the fact that he's been part of the hivemind since he was a kid/kian coming back just to see his friends and being forced to admit he's been living a lie to ease the pain of failing at his dreams and pining after "the one that got away"/rand having to drag himself out of the shell he's retreated into and actually productively face all his guilt over what happened to his sister/shiloh's entire family turning into bugs and forcing them to snap out of their autopilot for the first time in ten years and actually live for themself for once, and then all of those issues playing off each other??? boyyyyy howdy.
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berestweys · 2 years
Kinnporsche Rewatch - Episode 12
Summary: Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you
Or, alternatively, for people who still have their wits about them (not me): Some boys fuck up and other boys fuck.
Favorite Line: “If you’re feeling sad it means it’s important.”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Arm and Porsche together again! CODE RED we must spy on Kinn immediately to make sure he’s not cheating, using Arm’s Super Secret Spyware. Uh oh, CODE BLACK Arm you gotta go catch them red-handed! … Uh oh this is... not cheating but. Uh oh. Elsewhere, he moves Chay into the Main Family house, moves him back into Porsche and Chay’s house, and we already know because this is a rewatch that in short order he’s going to move Chay back into the Main Family house. 
Why is Chay crying? He’s sad he’s about to break Porsche’s heart by not going to his Music Academy University interview. Come ON kid.
Woe is Big: Still dead. Still no wake. Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: Tankhun has disappeared from my eyeballs. Disappointing.
A Woman Speaks: University student asks Chay if he’s here for his interview. When he says no, she goes and starts greeting other students.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Pete doesn’t eat anything. Of the two of them, Vegas is the only one eating. 🍑 He savors it.
Vegas Report: Vegas and his assortment of wide leg pants emphasizes how pocket-sized he is. I would like to pat him on the head. Right as his big pet is recovering and regaining his spark, Vegas’ littlest pet is sick and he fails his dad again. “Everything my dad gives me to do is important,” and Vegas failed in keeping any of the pets foisted on him by his stylish fuck of a father alive. His life is pathetic, and Macau is the same. Being born into the Minor Family is a Series of Unfortunate Events.
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Oh nooooo Porsche’s spying reveals Kinn was behind the debt to force Porsche to take the bodyguard job. People in love don’t lie to each other, Kinn! He was following Korn’s orders and he didn’t know Porsche then. He promises he’ll do better & help Porsche find any answer he wants. He waits until Porsche’s body language indicates permission to touch, and they are such dumbasses with the constant lying and mistrust (it’s hilarious I love it) but they also demonstrate respect for each other? Kinn’s excited to be a domestic goddess at Porsche and Chay’s house – isn’t bread and water a delicious snack? (From a purely Watsonian perspective, these dudes are obsessed with eating bread.) They talk about who has the best home and Kinn is firm that he wants to be in whatever house has Porsche in it. Kinn supports Porsche when they go to take revenge on the dude who supposedly killed his parents, but Porsche can’t hurt someone’s grandpa. Of course he can’t. They revisit the back of Hum Bar where they first met and they start all over again, with no secrets between them (Once again, Ha!). Then there’s bug eating and this time I skipped over that shit because I can only tolerate one watch-through of bugs.
VegasPete: Okay. Okay. *cracks knuckles* Pete’s reading a book about personalities and blood types because “what else is there to do around here,” and Pete is the funniest dude on this show. He and Vegas bicker: “You’re an idiot.” “No, that’s you,” and tease: “I wish I was AB not O type. O is handsome, cool, smart and clever, though.” (It’s notable that Pete is no longer addressing him as Khun.) Apparently pets can reveal their owners’ personalities, and a hedgehog’s owner looks strong & scary but is sensitive inside. You need love, Vegas. Oops, you touched a nerve, Pete. Put your insights away. Vegas “accidentally” leaves the key to the cuffs on the bed when he runs off to save the hedgehog, and Pete’s free! He’s gonna run along home! Except… is that Vegas over there on the lawn? Is he- Is he crying? No, no, gotta go Pete. Time to hightail it out of here. But… what if Vegas is really hurting? Pete knowingly gives up his chance to escape, and when Vegas realizes he looks just as stunned as Pete. Pete shuffles closer and it’s so sad that little hedgie is gone, and Pete slowly reaches out with a gentle touch. I’m holding my breath this is Too Much. That’s all it takes for Vegas and the waterworks really begin. They have a lovely funeral for the hedgehog (This is not the time or place but WHERE IS BIG’S FUNERAL). Pete willingly follows Vegas back inside and he doesn’t know why he didn’t run. Everything Vegas loves leaves him and he’s stupid and he starts self-flagellating but Pete won’t let him. It’s okay to be sad but it’s stupid to hurt yourself. Vegas accuses Pete of thinking Vegas deserves this grief but Pete is not having that nonsense and he tells him so. Vegas regains enough composure to be cruel – he’s got insights too, Pete. He can see you like it when Vegas is “moody.” He can see behind Pete’s mask too. Don’t go around perceiving people when you can also be perceived! It’s rude! Pete tells Vegas he’s a psycho and Vegas basically responds with yeah? Well so are you. What are you gonna do about it, huh? Pete’s ready to let whatever is happening here happen, but Vegas isn’t willing to take this one thing. It has to be given, and Pete has to make a choice. He chose to stay, and now he must choose again. Vegas isn’t interested in a passive doll. So Pete Chooses. He grabs, demands, and takes. He asks. He wants, he hungers, and he chooses to give that to Vegas. He offers Vegas trust. Hip hip hooray for explicit consent!!! Between the two men hanging out in the torture bungalow, everything until now has been force and coercion, but this is shared and freely given. My screams are loud and unceasing. The focus on Pete’s tattoo! Pete handing Vegas the rope! The kiss to his bound hands! The tenderness! The unwavering eye contact! Asking for what you want and getting it! Their smiles in the afterglow: knowing and being known for the first time in their lives. I see you. I see you, too. I know you. There you are, my reflection, finally after all this time. There’s nothing more to question here, right? ... Right? The white noise surrounding me is rolling thunder and high pitched keening. I’m undone.  
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. Porchay jeopardizes his future at University because of this useless fucker. Stalking him to a club does not make it better, Kim (Did he put a tracker on Chay’s phone? Did he? I will fight him. He’ll take me out with his bare hands but I will fight him.) Yeah Chay’s making some questionable choices but that’s none of Kim’s business. Chay can be an idiot without you, dude. (Oh dear. I’m rereading that and realizing my tone is not one of disinterest. Well shit. If I’ve played myself here I’m gonna be so pissed. No. Nope. I’m just gonna breeze on by that moment of self-reflection mmmkay?)
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 1
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 1
Kisses: Vegas and Pete consummation sensation. Porsche and Kinn smooching and eating bread. More KP smooching behind Yok’s bar.
Tits Out: Pete and Vegas, baby.
What’s Gun wearing? He left Vegas alone for five minutes, praise all the gods. Wherever he is I’m sure he looks amazing.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: Porsche and Chay are precious together. That’s all. Watching Korn lie through his teeth without a care in the world is just *clenches fist* grrrrrrrr fun. His betta fishies in their terrible vases smashed up against each other! Gah! Tay is the ultimate cinnamon roll: too good for this world, too pure. Time ought to get his shit together and be worthy of him. Or, you know, ASK first before trying to start up a polycule. Tay is clearly over the bullshit and I support him I will buy him so much Farmhouse bread.
Have I calmed down? No, and we’re close enough to the end that I’m starting to worry I just… won’t. I know what’s coming and it does not bode well for my future peace.
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 3/ Episode 4/ Episode 5/ Episode 6/ Episode 7/ Episode 8/ Episode 9/ Episode 10/ Episode 11/ Episode 13
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 9 months
nooooo it doesn’t sleep sucks in my opinion you miss out on so much i dont sleep alot im always awake all night or until im forced to go to bed by my domme 😑
Awww ^^ Is that what you think, little bug? I wonder if your domme will agree... Hm... Or did you say all that, just to flirt with trouble again?
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