#BETH is such a fuckin icon
variksel · 2 years
the elevator button is so great honestly and its soo Extreeemely glenn and making me miss him . i can HEAR the conversation the dads couldve had about installing it, like im absolutely sure it was a long goddamn pitch meeting. they had weekly "dad huddles" where theyd bring up ideas they had had over the week about what they wanna add to the d.a.d.d.i.e.s HQ and im soo sure those went. about as well as youd expect LMAO
i can just picture glenn going "nonono guys see, have you never seen a movie where the good guys are running from a bad guy and-" and daryl just going "absolutely not" and henry being like "cmon daryl, this is a safe space and there are no bad ideas, you remember what we said about those footballer toys you put up on the walls? lets hear him out"
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Sleepover Time!!!
Who are your top three favorite wrestlers current or past? Any particular reason?
here’s my three sentimental favorites
jon moxley - that’s my fuckin hero. there is a 100000% chance i’m going to have multiple tattoos related to him. i just relate to him in more ways than one.
lita - just a fuckin badass bitch. she is still like one of my punk rock icons. i was friends with only boys for a lot of my younger years and seeing her just kickin it with the hardyz just made it more normal for me. and who doesn’t love looking at her do a litasault?
chyna - growing up; i was always the tallest girl in the class, broad shoulders, all black, tomboyish, and i would just throw down. chyna represented me
on a technical note (same three but i’ll give you three more)
bryan danielson - even tho i’m mad at him rn. he is one of the greatest professional wrestlers EVER. not of this generation, not of technical wrestlers, not of submission specialists; GREATEST EVER
beth phoenix - i love her for the same reasons i love chyna. she is probably my favorite women’s champion and favorite divas champion.
asuka - imo: one of the greatest japanese wrestlers to ever walk the earth. from her look, to her striking, to her heart; that is a hall of famer
i can talk abt why i love xyz wrestler forever
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mego42 · 3 years
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good girls appreciation week 2021: day 2 // places and spaces: pwp in the paper porcupine
for places and spaces day, i’m going back in time to celebrate one of my fav show locations: the paper porcupine, specifically the back room.
if there is one thing above all else i am a truly desperate heaux for, it’s a good art room. what can i say? i spent my formative years haunting them and there’s something about a paint/ink/god knows what splattered work table that does it for me. add in a mechanical printing press? nirvana, truly.
so without further ado, allow me to rec some fics that use the space as god intended.
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one thing that always stands out to me about this fic is how well it captures the snap, crackle and pop between beth and rio
it opens with them literally giving each other the silent treatment while still hanging out alone for hours on end in the paper porcupine while beth prints for weeks
yes that weeks includes the mutual stubborn silence
iajs that’s the kind of petty that really makes this ship shine
and then when they break, the nasty, bitter reckoning that spills out only serves as foreplay for a hookup that perfectly captures that half bitter antagonism, half desperation to reconnect dichotomy that characterized their s3 dynamic
in addition to a fantastic hook up, the back and forth banter and energy is really what makes this fic shine
fav quote:
“You’re a shit shot,” he says instead, so close now their chests are grazing with every intake of breath.
“I had a shit teacher. Kinda full of himself.”
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is it that i love pp back room hook ups or the post 213/rio’s return from the dead angsty tension? who can say, really
(both, both is good)
whatever it is, have another!!! this fic is specifically a take on the missing scene from the infamous 304 money-making promo i mean montage
what DID they do while they waited for the pulp to dry?????
the tone of this one leans a little more heavy than the previous rec as beth and rio grapple with the bitter weight of everything between them and how it’s made that much more complicated by how present the good parts of their history are as well, and how much they can’t/don’t want to escape either
idk guys, that juxtaposition is the specific flavor of angst i live for
i also love love love that in this one rio’s the one poking at the open wound of their relationship and i love that it’s the key to beth unlocking and airing some of her own grievances. communication! who knew!?
fav quote:
“I like watchin' you work.”
Me too. She wants to say. I like you watching me too. She wants to say. But her mouth is dry and her voice doesn't work so she‘s silent.
“I fuckin' hate that I like it.”
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how do i love this fic, let me count the ways (jk we’ll be here all day bc i love it a lot)
remember how i said my favorite flavor of angst is the kind that runs on a combo of bitter and poignant memory? well boy howdy does this fic nail that like whoa
while this fic is much more sprawling than just hooking up in the pp, that is both where it starts-ish AND a returned to feature including an A++++ negotiation for a new and better blender
points deducted for mention of the keyhole sweater (I KID!!!!!!!) (not about hating the keyhole sweater, it looks so itchy idk why, but about the points deduction)
basically, to cap it off, this is one of my fav rio pov fics, it does such an incredible job capturing this completely exasperated, vaguely pissed off about it, but also kind of desperately into it vibe that feels so exactly right for a later s3 era rio starting to realize how deep his feelings for beth may in fact go and losing his mind about it and i love it a lot
plus the anti-beth list of hook up criteria remains i think one of my favorite things in any brio fic ever, so
and this is all just ch 1, i’m still not ready to talk about ch 2 but just know i think about the bit in the shower a normal amount
fav quote:
No women between 5’7 and 5’10, ‘cause Elizabeth’s height fluctuates dependin’ on her shoes.
No women with doe eyes, doesn’t matter the color, ‘cause she’s all he sees when he looks into ‘em.
They can’t drink bourbon or tequila shots, and shit, it’s not even the things she likes, but the things she doesn’t, too—which means no women nursin’ a chard or a rosé, either.
If they’re got a flower printed or embroidered or embossed anywhere on their person, they’re out.
He’s left women in parkin’ lots for drivin’ vans, and said goodnight ‘cause they carry a large brown purse.
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like i was gonna leave the iconic brio try butt stuff fic off of the list
what i really love about this fic, aside from the fact that it’s hot af, is how well it captures the competitive aspect of beth and rio’s dynamic and how they’re always playing a game and trying to score points against each other
in this version it’s on the playful, almost, dare i say, affectionate end of the spectrum and the way it’s woven throughout gives the fic an extra spark that makes the story an absolute delight
this is also like, the peakest of peak beth, i.e. blurts out something she didn’t mean to and then not only will she gnaw her own arm off before admitting a mistake or defeat but she’s actually gonna flip this whole thing around and lean in as hard as she can and be the absolute best
i also love how rio immediately gets on her level and takes it just as seriously as she is but still finds ways to tease her, without like, teasing her (this makes sense shut up)
what i’m trying to say is the characterization is flawless throughout and captures all of the best things about them and their dynamic perfectly and i love it thank you and goodnight
fav quote:
It’s playful, more of a game than anything else. It’s just that he tends to be a bit more agreeable when she’s sucking him, just a bit more willing to be persuaded when he’s inside her. Usually, she’s asking for something small, like a new blender or a larger supply of singles, something she knows he won’t say no to. Beth has fun with it, daydreaming up some pretext or another while she’s printing. It’s easier this way, to pretend that what they’re doing is nothing more than a transaction.
To pretend it really is just business.
And if he lingers when they’re done—to kiss her and hold her and laugh with her—well, it means nothing if she doesn’t think about it.    
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riosnecktattoo · 3 years
Nbc good girls really said “oops” and accidentally invented love... iconic
the way tv shows and movies will do extensive chemistry reads when casting a couple for months and months hoping to find an ounce of the absolutely bonkers chemistry NBC just stumbled upon with Beth and Rio by complete dumb luck?
it’s so fuckin funny to me.
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the-average-fandom · 3 years
S2:E1 spoilers under the cut bc I wanna talk abt it
bruh I- so good, want more, time to yell about it-
I wasn’t expecting Sparrow’s kid to be the one called Normal, but honestly I’m not surprised lol
Hehe ninja rocks, and I really hope that we get to see the mf who gave Taylor (iconic name, quality content) the 4 seconds of fame thing again
but also Taylor Swift! Can’t wait for him to meet his father, bc we all know That’s gonna be fun- (v excited for more little nicky (??) content tho)
new theme song???? hooooooooly shit I fuckin love it, it’s a wholeass bop and rlly good, like, I’m glad that’s it, it goes so fuckin hard
haha cue dream speedrunning music (lol, mr beast moment, but also the contest sounded kinda cool and I wanna know more about it (hopefully we’ll get more content surrounding it????)
hearing Beth May be a Moody Teen™ is quality shit, but I also liked when Scary was fascinated by the elevators, I was kinda like ‘aw :)’
ON THAT NOTE, ELEVATORS comedy, loving car box on stairs
waiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwait also Anthony absolutely popping off, how could I forget???? I was like ‘oop- bestie, why so angery-’ lol
okay that’s it, rant over, it was very good
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We started the week with some angsty new authors and we’re ending it by spotlighting five angsty one shots that’ll hurt but make you say more please.
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Wanting More by morrishwelcrrll
02 Dec 2020, T, 5.5K, 1/1, 29 kudos
Goodbye Elizabeth. – there’s something different in his voice, and when she just exits the car and look at him with the help of the street lights she sees something in his eyes that just make the felling in her stomach awake, and she knows what’s he’s doing, he’s pushing her away.
We gonna meet tomorrow? – she asks just to make sure her voice is still there, and that he isn’t going anywhere again, because she made peace with herself, she knows what they are now, knows he will come to collect, and she’s okay with it.
Uhm... yeah. – he hums, but doesn’t look at her, and when she can think of something to say other then the pain in her side and the look he was giving her he is already gone.
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All The Ways by justcallmered
05 May 2020, M, 12K, 1/1, 93 kudos
“Where’s your brood, Elizabeth?” Rio countered.
“Well if you’re asking you must already know. Dean took them to his mother’s where they’re not in danger. Says I have to choose,” Beth intoned, no emotion bleeding through her words as they usually did.
Rio scoffed and shook his head. “Ain’t nowhere safer for those babies than in this house. Carman’s an idiot.”
Beth turned to look at him then, narrowing her eyes, “Is it? Because I’ve had a gun held to my head on more than one occasion in this house. So you tell me, how safe is that for my children, Rio?” She spat out, lips pressing together in a firm line.
Rio didn’t turn to look at her, just smirked that half-smirk that infuriated her. “You still sittin’ here alive, ain’t you? I ever show up here wit’ a gun to your face while your kids around?” He shook his head then, “Nah, I ain’t ever do that and I never would, either. Damn, you still don’t get it, do you, ma?”
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Cute without an E by Niham87 / @niham87​
04 Oct, 2020, E, 4.7K, 1/1, 194 kudos
"Name," he husks, mouth parched. “I need her name.”
"Beth. Elizabeth Boland.”
There it is. Three little words. Three taut burns.
“We call her ‘The Chef' but she could be a fuckin’ witch. She cooks that shiz out the back of a store, with an apron and a Vitamix."
Rio palms the man’s shoulder, smile slicing, sharper than a Japanese blade, “What store?” 
“I… It’s some weird-ass name. I-I don’t remember.”
“No?” he asks sweetly, eyebrows raised up to his hairline. “That’s okay,” he chuckles, seizing the man’s sweaty nape. The dampness there makes the contact clap like the forecast for thunder. “I can help you with that.”
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it's good when it's not right by prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​
11 Apr 2020, E, 4.7K, 1/1, 199 kudos
"Find my friend," she blurts out and he raises his brows, waiting for an explanation.
"The find my friend app. It'll show where Beth is."
She reaches for her phone but he steps back, closing out of the messages, to pull up the app. Of course these housewives would be dumb enough to leave their location on. He's gonna have to have a talk with Elizabeth. About a lot of things.
And there she is, her smiling icon placing her right in the middle of...
"A cemetery? Y'all bitches get into grave robbing when I wasn't looking?"
Annie doesn't answer right away; it takes a minute for the confused furrow of her brow to smooth out into something resembling understanding, and that's all the confirmation he needs to know the location is right. He tosses the phone back at her, lets her scramble to catch it.
"Wait–" she tries but he's already got the door open.
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waiting for someone who needs me by s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
10 Jun 2020, E, 9.9K, 1/1, 425 kudos
When she rounds back into the living room, the empty hamper sinks from her arms, smacking loud against the floor.
Cos there is a – a distinct and unexpected male presence in the room. Someone decked in head-to-toe black, almost literally. From the glossy jet shoes to the maybe charcoal-grey hat – which looks objectionably warm, if soft. Late spring is cresting entirely into summer and, particularly with the exertion of repeated stair-trotting, even in her relatively light dress, Beth doesn’t exactly feel cooled. And his buttoned up style ought to be seasonally inappropriate, not make her doubt her exposed skin, especially since he’s interrupted the privacy of her own home which–
“Aargh,” she says, exceedingly deliberate – if belated. It doesn’t seem a great effort in truth, Beth experiences that flop in the moment; the amused glimmer he gains highlights quite unnecessarily. 
It reminds her a little of the way Annie tends to scoff at her insistent ow in response to Annie poking or prodding at her, as she quests for attention. Sure, that stuff doesn’t really hurt, but Beth’s adamant her disapproval over such things should be made very clear.
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If you know of anyone’s tumblr/twitter and we haven’t found it or tagged incorrectly, please send us an ask to let us know.
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n7punk · 4 years
I would kill for that playlist. Maybe you could share a handful of songs. 🥺 Also, your writing is so good it gives me heart palpitations. Not sure if that was ever your intention when writing but your succeed either way.
aaa ty so much! that’s absolutely wild that it affects you so much ty!!
okay my playlist is kind of roughly divided into sections (they blend a bit) and long (ive added more since that last ask lmao), so ill do some highlights from each section below the cut. i have a separate playlist for adora and a separate catradora playlist but my catra playlist is by far the longest and has some catradora sections on it too. sorry if any of these are locked to people without youtube red but you can just search the song if so.
some of these I’m going to highlight lyrics for because I just have Thoughts ok but ill mostly do it for the lesser known artists. EDIT: added a few more songs 2/8/21
Horde days:
White Lies - To lose my life (It’s just..... Catra/SW about Adora ok)
He said to lose my life or lose my love/That's the nightmare I've been running from/So let me hold you in my arms a while/I was always careless as a child
Adora leaving:
How - The Neighbourhood
All You Had To Do Was Stay - Taylor Swift (I think I’m funny)
Good For You - Dear Evan Hanson
The Tech Thieves - On My Own
Enough - The Tech Thieves (I MEAN HOLY SHIT it’s the thaymor song!!)
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?/Throw another of your right hooks/Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Beth Crowley - Gone (oh it’s how She-ra took Adora from her Cool)
XYLØ - I Don't Want To See You Anymore
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift (I mean COME ON)
I thought we were meant to be/Thought it'd be you and me/Standing together at the end of the world/I guess that's not what you want
This is not how you make love/This is not what we signed up for/This is not how it's meant to be/This how you start a war
Nothing More - Go To War (Another season one catradora song)
I don't know what you had in mind/But here we stand on opposing sides/Let's go to war/We arm ourselves with the wrongs we've done/Name them off one by one/Let's go to war
True Friends - Bring Me the Horizon
No one’s here to sleep - Naughty Boy ft. Bastille
Rising the ranks:
Krewella - Calm Down  
Anna Akana - Pick A Fight
Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy
Halsey - Castle (Oh it’s the SW fight, oh it’s sitting on Hordak’s throne, oh it’s being “favoured” by Prime, it just fits so often so well)
Halsey - Control (Season four Catra.... you go bby)
Runaway - Felix Cartel
Alpha - Little Destroyer
Born Without A Heart - Faouzia
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
KSHMR - Do Bad Well (Replace “daddy” with SW as “mom” and oop)
Icon for Hire - Blindside 
Halsey - Nightmare (I mean I could highlight like the entire song but I won’t)
Spiraling out:
Curse or Cure - Icon For Hire
DeathByRomy; Sleep At Night (the DT takedown at the end of season four in song form)
Beth Crowley- Too Late for Me
I wanna be a hero/But the villain's having more fun/Which one of us will wear the bigger bruises/When the war's done/There is no wrong or right/When you're fighting for your life
PVRIS - Gimme a Minute (if ur a lesbian and not listening to pvris then what are you doing. lesbian-fronted band that fucking kills it. this is mostly here because i love them so much and they have a bunch of catradora songs)
Meg Myers - I Really Want You To Hate Me
Heaven - PVRIS (OKAY I MEAN COME ON “You took my heaven away”? It’s so Catra)
Tegan and Sara - Don’t Believe The Things They Tell You (They Lie) (This song and Catra makes me fuckin cry alright I could highlight ummm every line)
Claire Wyndham - Kingdom Fall
Seeing the light/Regret:
Gabrielle Aplin - My Mistake
Sir sly - Too far gone
Taylor Swift – this is me trying
Afterglow - Taylor Swift (I don’t know why there’s so much Taylor Swift on this playlist okay she just has a lot of catra/catradora songs)
Arrested Youth - The Kid I Used to Know 
Relient K | Who I Am Hates Who I've Been  
K.Flay - Giver (oh its THE season five catra song cool!!!)
I'm learning to live/I'm trying to be better/I'm learning to give/But I don't know if I'm a giver
Ghosts - PVRIS (I exactly why there’s so much PVRIS they’re incredible and have a ton of good Catra/Catradora songs).
Finding Adora again:
St. Patrick - PVRIS
Fall Out Boy - The Last Of The Real Ones
Delicate - Taylor Swift
sorry this is so long but i have a lot of fucking feelings about catra songs alright. i have a “classic hits” playlist i save every song ive ever liked to and whenever a new character possesses me i go trolling through it for songs that fit them and make a playlist lol
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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MISSION 4: MARS is the fourth mini album by smk group SOLAR released on june 30, 2020. it’s their longest album so far, with eight tracks in total, including an english version of the title track, MILKY WAY. the title track was promoted from june 30 to july 20, along with two bsides, PITPAT and DAY BY DAY, from the female and male subunits.
MILKY WAY (title) insp
PITPAT (female subunit) insp
DAY BY DAY (male subunit) insp
FLARE insp
MILKY WAY (english ver) insp
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bitchhhhh they did not come to play this era fr
there were a lot of more popular groups promoting at the same time so they were a little overshadowed ?? they still managed one win though !
and the mv got 5m views in the first 24 hours !!!
their promotional period was a lil shorter than usual and they said it’s bc w the new bg smk is debuting soon they wanted to give the spotlight to them :((
and there was SO MUCH CONTENT this era we fuckin won
dance practices for milky way , fly me to the moon , pitpat , and day by day were uploaded !! the other songs that had dances they just spoiled a lil on vlogs
at one point leda and milo tried to choreograph in interpretive dance for flare ?? it was stupid
SPEAKING OF FLARE they uploaded a live studio version and they had bloopers at the end and the bloopers were just all of them straight up crying it was :((
that song was dedicated to fans and it just meant so much to them :((((
can i just talk abt how much the hairstyles slap for a second
min cut her hair short and dyed it purple !!
eri still had the same shoulder length hair but dyed it blue !!!
milo lightened his hair to a bit of a lighter brown come on just go blonde coward
leda had bright pinkish red hair and it was GORGEOUS she looked like a mermaid
beth brought back the brown to blonde ombré and all i’ll say is YES
posie was still strawberry blonde but she dyed it light pink a little into promotion ! it faded quickly but it was so cute
mj had dark red hair ! so still not fully black like he wanted but we’re gettin there
and orion went back to light brown !
it was like . vv summery outfits but also kinda keeping w the theme of their last eras ?? just brighter and cuter tbh
the pitpat stages omg . so much pink . and glitter . they looked like they were having so much fun it was so cute
AND THE DAY BY DAY STAGES . it was adorable they’re adorable
they did a fly me to the moon stage aswell !!! but it was just the one but fans ate it up and half of the fandom was like . THAT should’ve been the title track cmon
the makeup was so bright and fun !!!
and ofc their iconic cover stage of signal by twice . that was . adorable and amazing and it was so cute mwah
the vlogs this season were hilarious i swear they started off the season with the maknae line breaking into the food court in the smke building and stealing some sandwiches
that was funny
but also the behind the scenes content for the jacket shooting and mv making was 🥺🥺 they all looked so happy and it was the best
they had a few viral moments lemme just : milo busting a lung on weekly idol playing cleopatra , orion accidentally uploading a cover of a minecraft parody instead of the original song , when they dropped their playlists and leda’s was the entire animal crossing soundtrack , posie almost getting crushed by beth when they were standing near those confetti things on the show , and mj saying “gay rights” on vlive
icons dare i say
even tho this wasn’t their most successful era ? they had fun and tbh that’s all that matters
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petriichvrs · 4 years
DAY THREE   :   personal edition.
001.   𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘   &   𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘. “i’m sorry,” he tells her, voice cracking, and he doesn’t know what he’s sorry for anymore. for the sins of his father? for ginny’s ruined childhood? for the fact that he is draco malfoy, and not someone else?
we joke around a lot about the draco + ginny dynamic, but the reason that i love the noxtms version of them so much is because... we had a thread very early on between these two characters who, by RIGHTS, should despise one another, and instead what we came away with was something very real. human, if you will. there’s so much to unpack from their past, especially given how they met, and what happened afterwards. draco’s father was the reason that ginny lost... all of her childhood innocence, really, and every year after only added another reason to dislike the malfoys. the fact that we took all of that and turned the expected on its head, but did so in a way that i still think about, today - pretty iconic behaviour, honestly, and the WHOLE reason i think so highly of them as a dynamic. 
002.    𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐌   &   𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄.  he had heard the first syllables, imagined the flash of green light, had the terrified thought that he wasn’t ready, he wasn’t ready... but this woman who he had spoken to for the first time in front of his arch had tackled his would-be murdered and saved his life.
i know that technically, the neville / merry dynamic formed by CHANCE with the benefit plot drop. i know a part of me at the time did that on purpose, because we had already established that these two people should have something, some complicated relationship born from the fact that they’re COUSINS, but merry’s father took part in the torture of neville’s parents. went to jail for it. deserved to die for it, really. i think about it a lot, though, because it’s a pretty good example of the way in which all of these families and friendship circles can entwine - things are so tight, that’s just the way it is, but from that tightness comes situations like these. times when things aren’t black and white, but shades of grey. honestly, birdie, every single dynamic that i write with you makes me so happy. i’m not going to dedicate another POINT, but i will say that if i did, i’d use pain-fear-need for nev & ginny, and i’d have to touch on kodi’s distaste for niko, and ginny winding mirabella up at the weird sisters, and you know what? kingsley + arthur, who are kind of ours, too. i could go on. i want to go on, because i want to do so much more. please and thanks.
003.    𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘   &   𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄.  if it was honesty she asked for, surely she had to know : it was honesty that drove them to their little entanglement and honesty in return that broke it off. no matter their best intentions, it seemed their collective relationship with truth was scandalous at best and damning at worst.
admittedly, i always forget that george and merry haven’t had as much on the dash as what i think they have. i think that’s the mark of a good connection. i didn’t ever imagine there being so much layers to the relationship formed between merry and the person that she had an affair with, but then... you gave me george, and he’s brilliant. they’re brilliant. there’s something so heartbreaking about the ways in which they needed one another, and the ways in which they pass by one another, only sometimes able to collide. there’s a different sort of need with each of them, and i really love that this sort of complicated relationship formed between a weasley and a lestrange : yet another pair of people who should hate one another, united by something... indescribable. daisy, george brings me such joy, all of the time. you write him incredibly, and his struggle is so real. ginny and george are so near and dear to me ( the video of george in gof clutching ginny to his side to protect her as the de’s attacked the campsite lives rent free in my head ), and i could have mentioned them, too, and gone off on them just as much. but george and merry are unique. and i love ‘em ! 
004.    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄   &   𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐈 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐅. everyone’s favorite bug eyed bastard, apparently.
you guys. i’m kidding. i’m not, really, but, this will change subjects rapidly very quickly so just stick with me. i was going to do an actual dynamic, again, i had my little list, but... i didn’t realize until tonight how much people enjoyed reading niko, specifically the ways he interacts with people. i’m a little self conscious about him all the time. there’s things about his character that i didn’t ever write explicitly, such as... the reason for the way he is, etc- and i love him, but i worry that i don’t characterize him properly, or that people will perceive him wrongly. most of all i live in fear that his SORT of character will turn sour, eventually, and people will stop being interested in him. i think it’s a testament to everyone else that niko has become... noxtms nikolai, because i couldn’t have shown so many different parts of his character if it hadn’t been for all of you - birdie with kodi, blo with nell, of course lex with kaela and of course gia with damien, sam with viktor, nancy and selene, and... u know, even the uncle igor memes. thank you for taking him and allowing me to write him opposite of all of you, and allowing me to create dynamics that i really enjoy. they’re... very special to me, thank you.
BUT. like i said. i really... didn’t know how to narrow this down. i have been blessed by... the girl gang ( aura, mafalda, ginny ) that likes to feed a giant squid. an AMAZING luna played by mozzie, who i’m admiring so much and can’t wait to start swamping in threads. finally, the hermione that we all deserved. an ALICIA SPINNET who’s training ginny, now, who’s like a sister to her, who she loves so much. heather by atlas, a dynamic that hasn’t resurfaced, yet, but was so fun and chaotic, at one point. and then. we go deeper. i’ve got MALFAM thanks to blo and cherry, i’ve got sybill’s favorite student lavender thanks to beth, i get to write with a fantastic tonks because of gia ( who’s going to be an EQUALLY fantastic molly ), and sybill finally has her daughter, and i love her, and i’m so excited about her. there’s gin’s drinking buddy dudders and merry’s favorite bookshop owner, penny. and i’m. just. full of love tonight, you guys. i really am. thank you so much. thank you for writing with me, and forgiving me when i’m just so fuckin busy. i really do love you ALL, and if we don’t have anything yet, i cannot wait until we do. 
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Why do I feel your au vibes from Beth Crowley's song "Warrior"?
Oooh that’s a very good song!!
we have a channel for theme songs on the discord, actually XD this is what we’ve gathered so far as “approved good themes for ___”
The ones in bold were my suggestions ;)
Flamenco by Timmy Trumpet - Roman (it’s perfect for him, literally, check this one out!!)
Deo Volente by Boom Kitty - Remus and Roman (I was listening to it the whole time drawing Remus for the backstory snippet!)
It’s Called Freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise - Deceit and Remus
Nerves by Icon for Hire - Deceit
Quiet by Lights - Remus and Virgil
Let’s Get This Over With by They Might Be Giants - the campaign as a whole
Run From Me by Timbre Timber - Deceit
Leach by Bones UK - Virgil
Smile by Nat King Cole - Patton
Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons - Roman, Remus, and Sune (much more Roman)
Today We Rise from Galavant - Remus
Bermuda by Sickick - Deciet (its sick as hell)
Brother by Kodaline - Virgil and Remus
Run To You by PTX - Dee, Remus, and Virgil
And some more that will return in comic:
My Love Will Never Die is def a song Logan’s mom sang to him when he was little
He sings it for others on very special occasions, and rarely. Patton is the only person who’s ever heard it twice. Roman only got it once, and he was half-asleep, so he doesn’t remember (and he’s furious about it)
Bottom Of The River by Delta Rae is a good song for Virgil, Dee, and Remus
They liked to have fun and get wasted at taverns, cause Remus and Dee are both lightweights who go semi-feral, and Virgil remains sober but doesn’t get embarrassed about cutting loose cause he knows they won’t remember shit. This is a song they would start fuckin chants to
Whats A Devil To Do by Harley Poe (listen to the live version) is also one of these
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beanplague-moved · 7 years
another commissions post
i’ll be real with you, i just really wanna get commissions right now. like, i’m not in any dire straights, and as far as life goes i’m pretty set, i just like having money and i’m on spring break and i’m bored, so you know.
if you weren’t aware, i have perpetually open commissions! writing commissions, specifically. what do i look like, an artist?
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6.]
above are examples of past writing, and i can work with a variety of genres! i mainly specialize in romance, but i’m also proficient with humor, angst, and can take a stab at any genre you ask from me!
i take fanfiction, oc writing, and drabble commissions. i charge at a rate of $1 for every 100 words. you can send in your commission request via email ([email protected]) or tumblr message.
you can specifically request that i keep your commission private if you want! if you don’t mind, i’ll post it on my tumblr or ao3 if it’s a fandom work! you can also post it on your own personal blog if you tag me in the post!
i don’t write rpf or gross subject matter, particularly inc/est.
all of my commissions are conducted through paypal via the buyer sending money to my account, as i am unable to create invoices.
i only ask for payment after completing the commission!
i am willing to write for most media asked of me, with certain exceptions. i am an active member of a number of fandoms. i’ve listed a fuckin atrocious number of fandoms below and elaborated ships i enjoy if that’s your thing. this was really unnecessary of me but also idk.
maybe it’d help contextualize stuff for y’all. maybe you had a burning need to know if i’d write for homestuck. who knows.
hetalia. i am a pretty reserved and content critical member of the fandom, but nonetheless i spent four years being part of it and still write for it on occasion, and am willing to take commissions for it as long as your request isn’t #problematique. i have mainly written for hongice, but i also thoroughly enjoy a lot of different ships. too many to count, actually. just ask in your request and i’ll tell you if the particular ship you’re asking for isn’t something i’ll write.
dragon age. i adore dragon age and though i’m not completely enriched with lore, i have played a significant amount of the first two games and i have completed inquisition four different times. i really love sera and zevran and also most dragon age characters, actually. i can’t really think of any particular ships i stan but i do love a lot of different ones, so just ask in your request!
steven universe. i’ve been binging su lately and though i’m not completely caught up with the new episodes, i’m pretty knowledgeable about the series, and if you want me to write something 5th-season specific i’ll watch it!
gravity falls. still emotional about this show.
overwatch. i really enjoy overwatch and the characters within it! i’ve written a widowtracer fic before but tbh it was a dumb bulletpoint fic i wrote in 2016 so like please don’t think of it as reflective of my current writing. i particularly love mcgenji, zarmettra, widowtracer, bunnyribbit, roadrat, and mercymaker.
the adventure zone. griffin mcelroy killed me and burned my crops but i still told him i loved his work.
homestuck. i’ll be fucking real with you there was no way in hell i was reading this entire comic. i read specific parts that interested me and read the wikia for extra information. i like solkat, solfef, davekat, and mitula.  
lovely complex. this is one of my favorite anime and i adore it to pieces, and if you commission it i will die.
kimi ni todoke. same with the above. i’ll die.
yuri on ice. this show is iconic tbh.
crazy ex-girlfriend. one of my favorite shows at the moment! i don’t know if there’s a high demand for fic in this regard but if you want one i’d be happy to write for it! i like greg/rebecca, nathaniel/rebecca, valencia/beth and heather/rebecca.
the good place. more like the great place, am i right? because it’s a good show. it’s a good fucken show. i like chidi/eleanor and eleanor/tahani.
brooklyn nine-nine. i actually have written a b99 drabble before but it was kinda rushed, needless to say a commission would be less rushed. i of course like amy/jake, but i’m also a huge rosa/gina stan.
friends. there really isn’t demand nor need for friends fanfiction, and tbh this white ppl show is like... overrated, but i watch it a lot and i love money so if you like rachel/joey please... give me your money.
orange is the new black. i didn’t nor will i watch season five anytime soon, but i did avidly watch the first four seasons and carry a lot of info about the series.
dream daddy: a dad dating simulator. i still stan this game tbh. my favorite characters are every dad except joseph, unless you like joseph, in which case my favorite character is joseph.
supernatural. i... don’t watch supernatural anymore, and i kind of hate it now, but also i used to really love it, and i particularly liked castiel and still sometimes carry a torch for the show, and if you want fic that takes place before ~season 11, i’ll write it. i like megstiel, destiel, and sastiel.
doki doki literature club. i have written doki doki literature club fic in the past but no ones seeing that shit. not yet, at least. i like natsuki/yuri and yuri/sayori.
honestly there are so many musicals i’m willing to write for, so just check out my musical blog. i’ll write for everything on there except hamilton.
monster prom: i’m in love with this game, honestly. my favorite characters are miranda and damien, and my favorite player characters are vicky and oz.
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mego42 · 4 years
the entire domestic phase in Song made me ascend. the TEETH BRUSHING!?!?!?!?!?! (will also echo everyone else and say the boxers were iconic) also have never been so terrified as when Beth was going through his phone and it just said M and i was like plz sweet jesus not Mia. Also in Listening when Annie bursts in on Rio going down on Beth and he fuckin LAUGHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
EEEEEE tyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! (PAGING @nickmillerscaulk COME COLLECT YOUR DUES) i am most pleased you enjoyed the domestic phase in song, writing it made my heart happy when canon was Decidedly Not. also extraordinarily pleased the M trick worked (fake out aside, i strongly headcanon rio as having the few contacts he saves as initials both for crime and MINIMAL KEYSTROKE reasons) TELL ME HE WOULDN’T LAUGH IN THAT SCENARIO like what’s he got to be embarrassed about honestly 💖💖💖💖💖
what bit of my writing lives in your brain
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riosnecktattoo · 4 years
fully unable to function after that new script-to-screen just imagining the cut scene of Retta being hilarious and moving her hands further and further apart ‘measuring’ Rio’s dick while Beth is like ‘oh god’ but DOESN’T STOP HER!?!?!?! 
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! that would have been fuckin ICONIC
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Priceless Last Minutes [cegan]
yoo so i found this angst sitting mostly finished in my drafts. i polished it up and decided to post it! this is sort of for @rainyhart​ bc she made me my great bi!cegan icon, and she enjoys sad fics--so, a sad bisexual fic seemed fitting!
read it on ao3!
“It’s your turn, tonight.”
“It’s been my turn a lotta nights, kid.”
Carl glares up at his lover. “So you have more life experience than me, fuck you.” He crosses his arms over his bare chest and shivers slightly. Negan obeys the unspoken request and drags the heavy blanket over the younger man’s body. “I just… Want to hear the stories.” He shivers again but he’s as warm as he’ll get shy of tossing him into a fireplace. He refuses to dress in the evenings, even though the sex has been waning between them for a while now. Negan shuffles closer anyway, and wraps Carl in his arms.
“I know,” Negan replies softly. “What kinda story you want tonight, hm?” He kisses the top of Carl’s head and tries to ignore the way his hair is so short. They cut it off when the fever brought the kid to tears, and he was begging for any sort of relief. It’s choppy and uneven, curls jauntily around the jut of his cheeks and jaw. It had only helped a little, and now that Carl’s stuck in some sort of twisted chill, his drastically altered hair is serving as a harsh reminder more than anything.
Carl hums, yawns, and hums again. He gets tired more easily now, and more often. Where before he used to put in ten hour shifts like most other people in Alexandria or the Sanctuary, now he’s lucky if he makes it out of bed. It had declined slowly but surely. Started at ten, then eight, then six, then dropped from four to the occasional single hour in the span of two days. It was hard to watch; it still is. Negan finds, as much as he wants to look at his lover, he spends a lot of time around Carl with his eyes closed, these days.
Carl has started to doze and even though he hates it, Negan jostles him awake. “Gotta stay with me another hour, kid. Can you do that?” They both know he can’t; they both know their little story time won’t help, either. It’s something that started weeks ago: Negan and Carl, hushed and curled impossibly close to one another, had started to share stories of their lives before the outbreak. Carl went first, worked his way backwards from just before the world went to shit, as far back as he could remember. Negan started contributing when Carl froze him out one night, nothing but sighs and cold-shoulders.
Carl ran out of stories a couple days ago—right as his pallor turned a sickly blue, in fact. Since then, Negan’s been sharing everything he can think of, even the most inconsequential or less-than-flattering stories. He does have more life experience than the kid, outside of walkers, at least. It’s bittersweet, but Carl seems to enjoy it, and Negan finds he can’t deny him anything. Not now.
���Sorry,” Carl murmurs. His eye is still closed but his breathing isn’t quite so rhythmic, the way it is when he sleeps. “What about…” He trails off and tilts his head from side to side. “Sorry,” he says again. “Feels like my head is full of cotton.”
“S’alright.” Negan insists. “We don’t have to do this tonight.”
Carl shakes his head furiously. “No, we have to.”
Negan doesn’t argue.
“Tell me about… your first pride parade.”
Negan opens his eyes again and looks down at Carl. “I’ve told you that one before.”
Carl shrugs. “I want to hear it again. I like that one.” He tilts his head up and Negan leans in to brush a kiss over his clammy lips. “Unless you’ve got a better one,” he challenges with a smirk. It’s tired and he still hasn’t opened his eye; Negan knows it takes too much effort to do so, Carl’s told him before.
“Nah, that one’s fine, if that’s what you want.” Negan rests his chin on the top of Carl’s head and settles in. He tells him the story again, foggy as it is; he was a punk kid barely out of high school and had drank until he was sick. It’s not his clearest memory, not even his funniest or most exciting.
He snuck away from the little shit town he was living in and drove three hours to the big city, got there halfway through the parade, and got so drunk he passed out in a bar. He woke up painted in pinks, blues, and purples, and when he came home his dad has tried to whoop his ass.
But he’d kissed people, people he’d never seen again but never dreamed of kissing in the first place. It was freeing, like he could finally breathe. Doesn’t matter that his lungs shuttered up under his dad’s steel toe boot, the next night. Negan had had a taste he wanted more.
Negan pauses to breathe and realizes Carl is asleep again, deep as he can be. He’ll wake, restless, partway through the night. He might cry, might be in pain, might not remember certain things. One night Negan woke with a blade against his neck and Carl looking crazed above him; other nights Carl cries out for his mother, for Beth, for people Negan knows are long dead. Even knowing it’s coming doesn’t make it any easier.
Despite the fact he’s already almost sweltering, swept up alongside Carl like this, Negan settles in. He tightens his grip around the kid wrapped up in too many fuckin’ blankets and buries his face against sweat-tacky short curls. He holds on tight, and listens to Carl’s rattling breathing, because he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll get to hear it. There’s something in the wet, wretched inhales, the ones which sound so pained, that Negan knows it’s only a matter of time.
He’s not sleeping tonight, he already knows. He stays awake and holds Carl and waits—for the kid to wake up in a fit or for him to pass, either way.
Negan sighs and closes his eyes.
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simonssnow · 7 years
Well done on hitting 300! Woo! 😊
thank you lovely
url: cool | amazing | did you have the power of god and anime on your side?
icon: cute | beautiful | ICONIC
mobile theme: noice | fabulous | my longest yeah boi ever
desktop theme: noice | fabulous | i could’ve dropped my croissant
content: great | spectacular | FR E SH A VOCA DO
overall: amazing | fuckin iconic | I AINT EVER GONNA STOP LOVIN YOU BITCH
+ beth ilysm i miss talking to you, you’re such a lovely person 
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riosnecktattoo · 5 years
Ship History Meme!
Embrace your past and get to know your friends fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fabdoms/ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you'd like to learn about!
Tagged by the awesome @taraknowless ❤️
1. Beth/Rio - Good Girls
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Absolute shocker!
I actually owe it all to @hopelikethesun who I've been following for such a long time. When S2 started she was the only person I followed posting about it. I saw a few gifs and thought 'eh, he's not that hot' LOL and then a 2x04 gifset popped up and I went ummm excuse you? Then I felt the 'I want to watch this' urge. Thought it would be casual. It was not. This ship is flames and controls my life.
2. Karen & Frank - Daredevil S2/The Punisher
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I deadass can't with Kastle. Seeing this violent angry but loving man fall apart about his soft badass fave lady constantly? Him tearing down an entire building to keep her safe? That's love mf. Absolutely beautifuly acted by Jon & Deb. I'm still gutted about Marvel stopping their shows. They were holding off till S3 to make these two fuck. But they still made it canon that they love eachother so I was thrilled. But I deserved my kiss. The almost kiss in the Elevator before forehead touching will always be iconic.
3. Carol & Daryl - The Walking Dead
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When I say I used to think it wasn't possible I could ship anything more than these two? I mean it. The ship of Dreams.
I watched the show up until S8? Then I couldn't take it anymore. I had waited 8 fuckin years for Caryl and was tired of being baited. As much as I still do love them and check in, tptb are cowards and won't make it romantic explicitly. They'll just keep stringing fans along for views cause they know it's so popular.
And rightfully so. It's the most beautiful relationship. I remember watching S5 thinking 'this is my year! Caryl will be canon!' I fuckin baked Caryl cookies and put quotes on them! I was THAT much of a Caryl saddo! But they are on S10 and it's still not gone further than implication. It makes me so mad.
4. Jaime & Brienne - Game of Thrones
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I have a lot of GoT ships, but Braime really is That Bitch™
I had loved them from the books, then NCW and Gwen are just far too perfect for these roles. They are ridiculousy adorable and beautiful and everything good about love. They put so much work in to understanding eachother. Jaime becomes a better man for her. They fight to the death for the other. They are just amazing.
The show absolutely destroyed them in the end, but fuck em, the books won't be ending that way. The show did an amazing job until those last few eps. Forever salty. Braime 4eva.
5. Sawyer & Kate - LOST
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MY FIRST SHIP EVER! THE BEST SHOW EVER! This show made me the fangirl I am today. 11 year old Tay was born when this show aired.
If you didn't ship Skate, you were wrong. Jate was the most sauceless garbage ever and I'm still fuckin fuming about it.
It's not like Sawyer and Kate were the main ship for 5/6 of seasons? 🙃
They were fuckin beautiful and broken and had the most insane chemistry. That first kiss? Flamesssssss. Cage sex? Flamesssssss.
My first EVER fanfic was Skate! And I read it on my family computer! And it was filthy! And I minimised it thinking it was gone! It wasn't! My Dad found it! He read it to see what his 12yr old was up to! I've literally never been so embarrassed! 🙃
The day the finale aired I was wearing a SKATE FOR LIFE T-Shirt I had printed. I baked a LOST Cake. I baked cookies and wrote quotes on them. I dressed up as Charlie. I still have a Lost shelf in my bedroom.
This is who I am.
(Plz don't ask me for pictures of these things cause they do exist but I'm so tragic I just keep them to laugh at that lil nerd)
I'm taggin @medievalraven and @sothischickshe cause u gotta have some good ships in your repertoire! 😊
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