outer-stars · 2 months
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AND I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER- wait wrong franchise
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umbracirrus · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!! 💛
Believe it or not, I actually have been working on my Oblivion fic a bit between stuff for The Perfect Storm. Last week I was debating between posting this or what I actually ended up posting, so thought I'd share this now!!
Tagged by @hircines-hunter and @thequeenofthewinter!!! Not tagging anyone back this week, but do feel free to share if you have anything and tag me 💛
Drissa's being a stubborn so-and-so, whilst Florian has the level-headed braincell these two share. For once.
Also, does anyone else find it strange that you can just walk on in to the Imperial City after having literally just broken out of jail in Oblivion? I always avoided it at first thinking I'd get arrested but. Nope. You can just walk on in. So I thought to rectify that.
“Whoa whoa whoa, hold it there, Champ-“ Florian quickly cried out, rushing to in front of her and holding his arm out. “I know that that Blade fellow said that he would pay off everything to do with our imprisonment if we’re delivering the amulet for the emperor, but he most certainly wouldn’t have done it straight away, and those things take time to process.” There was a desperation in his voice, a fear. “Don’t go into the city just yet. We’ll just get arrested again.”
Drissa scoffed and attempted to manoeuvre around him, just for him to grab at her arm and pull her back. For someone she could only call a fool, who held back and used a bow for the entire time they had been fighting to get out from those sewer caverns, she was not expecting him to actually have any sort of strength. He should have been using a blade instead. Coward.
“Do you have a death wish or something?!” he quietly hissed, pulling her towards a recess in the outer city wall. “Those guards are out for blood until they get told by their superiors not to arrest someone, why do you even want to go back in there when we have to go to Chorrol?!”
“I need my stuff. My weapons and my-“
“No. You don’t.” She was almost taken aback at how assertive he had become in his fear. “Look, you’re in my world right now, Champ.” She glared at him. If he called her ‘Champ’ one more time- “We’re not safe going into the city for the next few days, possibly even weeks, and you would be delusional if you think that you can just go to your house and get your belongings. The guards will have gutted your home if you’ve been accused of murder to find any weapons, and might even take possession of the building for a time. Nobody can stop them or call them out on their hypocrisy because they are ‘the law'!”
Remaining silent, Drissa continued to glare at him. Then came a quiet tut. "Then how do you propose that we handle the inevitable assassins who will come after us for the amulet? Not with these pieces of crap from the sewers, that's what!"
He continued to remain in her path, though folded his arms over and let out a sigh. “I have contacts. One is in Weye, not too far from here. They will have a better chance at getting your weapon out than you will... If we – or rather I – can afford to pay whatever price they ask.”
Drissa fell silent, weighing up his suggestion. It sounded marginally better than the chance of getting re-arrested with the Amulet of Kings in her possession... So she let out a frustrated huff. “Fine. How much would it cost?”
“With luck... Just a favour.”
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Crawling out of the art mines with a ref sheet of Halla + (her still unnamed) 'mech' for Art Fight! Said mech is actually a repurposed steam minotaur she's remade over and over in her time living in Lornar's Pass. There's plenty of scrap metal to go around after all :>
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sunflowertoonz · 2 months
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Just her (Grandma Edith, but younger bc i felt like it)
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aroace-poly-show · 2 months
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EMU HAMMMER!!!!!!!!!!
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muekyn · 1 year
feel free to explain why!
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yellowistheraddest · 10 months
a barbarian character who is extremely squeamish and almost starts panic crying from just seeing a single drop of blood or anything beyond a paper cut, anyone?
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pancakes-talks · 1 year
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First guy I've gotten to put together myself took me like two hours cause I was being real precise about it. My partner decided they aren't going to use em that much in games so Ima get to paint em however I want :D. I didnt have anything nice for a backdrop so I just used a rag lol.
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midnightfire1222 · 2 years
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So Chapter 71 or Wars of the Heart revealed the name of Amy's father. I got inspired after posting it and couldn't help myself. Big thanks to my co-author dreamverie (not sure if they're on tumblr) for the help in designing him!
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Is there a Tommy Wiseau or Ed Wood of videogames?  There are lots of notoriously bad game designers, but I’m not talking about people who make blatant asset flips or other kinds of dull, soulless Extruded Videogame Product.  I’m talking about people who seem to love the medium and have some kind of artistic vision in mind, their work is just... memorable for the wrong reasons.
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hmsmilkbone · 1 year
after months of hives and all kinds of other health issues we discovered the water is contaminated. Idk what is going to happen. We move soon-ish so I'm not really sure what could happen. I can't force the apartment to do something, but my word. months of suffering, losing my hair, taking tons of medication, having to carry an epipen, in and out of the er constantly. Wtf.
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
Whips and the battle-axes (the big two handed ones with a blade on each side) are, in my opinion, the best for a zappy weapon too
i had the same thought about battle axes but! it is!! surprisingly difficult to make that work!!!! the best place to put an arc is between the top two points of the blades, which only really implies the electricity rather than having it directly, visibly hit the target, which is more what i'm going for i think
one of the concepts i wanna try is kinda like the whip one, but i want to make it a bit more flashy to match her armor so i'm thinking of stealing an idea from some anime i never watched but found in my desperate google searching and giving her two split blade sword/dagger things connected by a copper chain or something........ tho i'm also not sure if i wanna give her a weapon with that much of a long-range emphasis so AUGH
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mobbothetrue · 2 years
Picked up my sploosh after using the forge splattershot pro for aaaaages and I forgot how much I love this thing
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minarcana · 2 years
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“Why do the Garleans get those fuckoff big hammers to fight with, but Gods forbid I try to steal one off of ‘em as a war prize or ask Cid if I can bribe him to build me one?! What’s a girl gotta do to get a meat tenderizer for someone’s face around here? They can’t be that much different from my axe. I’m gonna steal that green guy’s next time he crosses me. I deserve it more than him.”
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mammoneythegreat · 2 years
i miss my sword
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tumblerosestudios · 1 year
Ya know I really like battle-axes, it's all the fuck you intimidation of a giant hammer with the slashing of a sword, I'll take my enemies cubed not ground thank you very much
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