obsessedftshit · 1 month
Young Justice S2 EP20 Part 2
I was so confused y there was another Kid Flash looking at the hologram of Kid Flash but then I realized it was Bart. Nah cause I'm telling u guys, Bart looked so similar to Wally. I also wish Artemis ends up being pregnant so she has her own little Wally with her and it would look like Wally gave her a last present which would be so cute but idk if that's gonna happen.
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The height difference is killing me. He's actually a baby 😂.
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Guys no more Artemis 😭. Now we have Tigeress. I'm not complaining but we can all see how hurt and melancholic she is now since she doesn't wanna be Artemis for now because it'll remind her of Wally. This is too much 💔. #BRINGBACKWALLY
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AND I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING. ROBIN TIM WITH SUPERGIRL?! NAHHH A SHIP I NEVER SAW. I SHIPPED HER WITH EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT TIM CAUSE HE WAS BARELY EVEN HERE NGL. Ok but they look so cute. And I didn't realize how tall he is. Like look at the kid. He got himself a muscle mommy. I'm jealous. But I need more interactions and scenes with them. They better not end up being like Connor and Megan cause that was annoying.
Ps. Connor's reaction was exactly like mine when I first saw Tim and Supergirl
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I'm still not happy with Megan about everything but she did apologize to Connor here and admitted to fault. I know Connor still loves her but he fr deserves better.
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Gifs made by me
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happy mother's day lmfao
bonus (the girls are fightiiing):
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comics-centalx · 7 months
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Take notes Dc. Take. Notes.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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I would say that, considering his history, he's not that wrong, but even I have doubts as to whether that would be right. But at the end of the day, this is just a joke that's been in my head for a while, sooooo…eh.
Oh hey, an attempt at a comic? Made by me? That I didn't give up during the process or lost all motivation? What was my only attempt at this, 2019? Damn, it's been a long time.
I thought about leaving this here without editing or any colors, just the natural ones from the paper and pencil. But something in my head said "HAHAHA, no" so I went back to work. I had to put this idea down on paper this time (literally). If another year passes without me being able to execute this idea, I would lose my mind.
This scenario was inspired by this video by Jehtt, inspired by the original meme by Windii. Credits to both of them.
For a long time I wanted to joke - especially on the anniversary - that I wanted Sammy to only have less than 5 seconds in the next game (or in other words, take his screen time in DR, and shorten it even more). You know, just for the funnies (unless..?) But,thanks to the news released at the beginning of January this year about The Cage, I legally can't do this joke anymore…this year. Don't worry, after that comes out (and finally gives Sam the screen time he wants,hopefully) and we start to crawl into the Bendy 3 production era, I'll make this joke when I can.
Anyway, happy birthday Sammy Lawrence. You may not be my favorite character in this franchise, but there are some things I can actually appreciate about you. Plus, you made me laugh a few moments before (you know what I'm talking about) so there's that.
And happy 7 years to Chapter 2, and by extension, Susie, Norman, Alice, the Searchers, (Johnny????), and Beta Ink Bendy. (I would mention Jack too, but he was only introduced with the release of CH4, so technically it's not his birthday yet, but I'll consider him here).
And now? May I be able to do something for CH4's anniversary. Wish me luck,cus I'll need it.
(it might be really late now, but it's still the 18th where I live, so it's still his birthday, so I still won)
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crocchompers · 3 months
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I'm digging sassy pants outta the grave he's coming back after who knows how long <3
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newt-uwo · 1 year
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I drew this guy bc ive been seeing him everywhere and im like… im slowly getting… pulled in… slowly getting attracted…
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One of these days Ace is gonna die on a team mission and Emiko is going to come back clutching his Kid Flash suit and sobbing.
And on that day Wally and Bart will look at each other and decide if they want to go the hands off mentoring approach and let Ace figure out how to get out of the speedforce by himself or if they're going to dive head first into the speedforce and start the search party.
They decide to wait and see if he can do it solo.
They last five minutes.
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strawberrycowgirly · 5 months
hii i finished watching all of school spirits and i so highly recommend it for all u guys who are looking to fill the lockwood and co sized hole in your heart! it’s got ghosts, mystery, a SUPER CUTE GUY (teehee 🫶 milo manheim 🫶) and it’s also a teenage supernatural tv show! it’s on paramount plus if you were wondering!
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laufire · 7 days
just saw someone say that wally was "fridged" in young justice. I need to fill their house with bugs.
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obsessedftshit · 1 month
Young Justice S2 Ep20 Part 1
Guys, I would've openly cried when Kid Flash died but I was watching Young Justice on my phone in the living room and my whole fam was there so I didn't wanna them to see me crying over a cartoon but nooooo. Y did they just kill off Wally?! There was no need. I think either the voice actor didn't wanna play Wally anymore but they could've always brought another voice actor but then again it wouldn't be the same. This is my first theory. My second theory...I DON'T HAVE ONE! Y DID THEY KILL HIM OFF?! THERE WAS ACTUALLY NO REASON TO KILL HIM OFF! I'm actually so sad guys 😭.
Nah cause look how cute these two r and now Artemis is left all alone. They did both of them dirty. Killing off Wally and then leaving Artemis heart broken.
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Ahhh but they're so cute. Now we're never gonna get to see them together again 😭.
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Also, when Artemis was speaking through the comms but Wally interrupted her by kissing her. I loved that scene. It's so adorable cute and I loved how their kissing noises were going through the comms and whoever was on the comms was like "Hello...hello..." I love Wally for that.
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No cause urghhhhh. Flash literally told Bart to run slower so Wally could catch up but Bart AND Barry didn't slow down and then he was being disintegrated. Nah cause even Blue Beetle's scarab told him that Wally will disappear and he just stood there dumbfounded like "wdym?" LIKE WDYM "WDYM?"! GO SAVE HIM. BUT NO HE JUST STOOD THEIR WAITING.
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I HAD TEARS WELLING UP. THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO MAKE HIS DEATH LOOK SO PAINFUL. I MEAN IT WASN'T BUT IT WAS TO ME! Nah but guys, they should bring him back cause he only disintegrated. U know how in marvel Ant Man how Hope's mom disappeared cause she turned so small and was stuck in this dimension but no one knew, maybe Wally is also just lost somewhere. Maybe his particles r just scattered somewhere and need to be found so they could bring them together to make Wally again. It's literally like in TMNT 2003 S7 where Master Splinter got blasted by smth and he disappeared but Donnie found out that his particles were scattered and that he could find them and then join them together to make Master Splinter whole again. THEY NEED TO DO THAT WITH WALLY.
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She's so heartbroken 💔. I don't blame her. She lost her boyfriend. Her love for this superhero business. Although, she doesn't blame his death on the whole superhero thing, I would've if I was her. I wanted her to start shouting at Barry and Bart for letting him die and all but they didn't do that cause she's better than that BUT STILL.
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Stop. I can't watch this scene even through these gifs cause it's breaking my heart 😭.
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Side note, y is she so goddamn beautiful when she cries?! Nah cause if I was Wally, I'd defo make her cry so I can see her beautiful crying face. How can she not look bad crying?! I'm jealous. At least now I can officially have her since her man is no more 🥲.
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Gifs made by me
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Not sure if this theory makes any sense at all but I'm starting to believe that there's no time skip between Wally's phone calls and what we see/hear in the show's Media/Merchandise. If we see the Toyland call being made before the Homewarming episode then it would make sense that Wally's expecting Barnaby to come over soon. As well as the Homewarming sketch from the prior update. (I don't know, still kind of brainstorming this perspective)
that theory Does make sense and i've been considering it! the "timeline" is such a nebulous thing right now because we still... don't really know! there are too many variables and too many Maybes for any solid answer.
maybe the reality that the neighbors live in exists outside of time like you say, and like half of me suspects. there's so much reality fuckery already present, but I'm also... unsure of how much merit this holds given what we know / can infer about how time passes in Home. i'm putting this theory on a low shelf to look at but not prioritize
maybe it really has been 50 years, and Barnaby is either still around / Wally is still in contact with him, or Barnaby... isn't there. who knows, maybe Wally was just verbalizing some Wishful Thinking. i mean, Wally is a bit of an unreliable narrator, isn't he? we can't assume that everything he says is entirely accurate or truthful. and i mean, if it's been 50 years it makes sense that Wally would be pushing for connection / to revive WH. who knows how long he's been trying.
hm... i mean. it could be a mix of that and the Outside Of Time theory. who knows, maybe W is receiving calls from different points in the timeline - Wally may have started out just calling, and has just graduated to invading the WH website / getting pushy with the envelopes and media that's been sent to the WHRP. maybe Wally got tired of waiting for W to respond before W was even born. who's to say!
#i mean. idk the emphasis wally puts on Its So Quiet makes my brain tilt its head#it feels like wally breaking composure before he pastes the Facade back on with '-during homewarming'#that and just the way he phrased 'everyones usually so busy so its just me and home for a long while'#Usually so busy. Usually. why not Always? or Is?#usually.#and then the 'its just me and home for a long while'#the phrasing here has Connotations i think!#homebogging#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#OF COURSE. I HAVE TO DEBUNK MYSELF!#what we hear / see from Wally is - ironically - more genuine than the WHRP's or W's recovered media (save the eddie excerpts)#the WH media shows us the ideal homewarming - where everyone is getting into the spirit and spending time together and the like#but then wally could be telling us what homewarming is Really like - lonely. quiet.#WHICH MAKES SENSE THEMATICALLY! and it mirrors how christmas time is. its marketed as this joyful thing that brings people together#when in reality its lonely and stressful. i know i certainly never feel more lonely than i do at that time of year!#so there's just. layers. right now im simultaneously believing in the time discrepancy And them existing outside of time#im leaning on the first one but you know!#BUT!!! IM CONFIDENT THAT THE HOMEWARMING WALLY WAS CALLING FROM WAS NOT THE ONE WE SAW IN THE UPDATE.#wally spoke with enough familiarity about the time of year to make me think 'hes lived through many of these hasnt he'#it could be that time Has passed for the neighbors and its been many homewarmings.#it could be that it Started as what the commercials/update showed us.#but as time passed maybe it became a time where everyone just... Isolates for one reason or another. so now it's just quiet and lonely#im still rolling it all around in my head! many factors and implications to consider w/ this update!#Take All Of This With A Grain Of Salt As Usual!
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lvkeskyvvalker · 9 months
any day now season 5 will be confirmed
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Dinah: We need a place we can go to escape for a week... or a month...
Me: *sirens going off*
Dinah: We need a Sanctuary.
Me: ...No.
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letkirillfight · 5 months
They can stop now. We get it. You're better than a team worth less than the cap floor. Congrats.
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delicatenightfury · 2 years
Five Years
2022 Month of Writing: Day 8
Pairing: Wally West x Artemis Crock
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Word Count: 1,202
Author's Note: please don't steal my work! you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work
I've watched Young Justice for many years and originally, Wally and Artemis were not my favorite couple. However, the more I watch the show, the more I absolutely love them together. They are so cute and their relationship is amazing. I'm still incredibly upset that they haven't brought Wally back yet and I'm hoping that in the future, Young Justice will choose to do so, because gosh darn it Artemis deserves some happiness again.
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Artemis sighed as she opened her eyes. Another restless night. She resisted the urge to look at the picture sitting next to her bed, the one of her and Wally. It has been almost five years now. Five years since they saved the world… and five years since she lost Wally. 
The love of her life. Her best friend.
Artemis sighed and forced herself out of bed. She rubbed Brucely’s head in greeting and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast. She was thankful that it was the summer so she didn’t have to worry about school. And as far as she knew, there were no missions that needed to be dealt with. 
She did, however, get to spend her day to herself. Will had the day off and was taking Lian to the zoo. They had managed to slip out of the house without waking her, so she had been able to sleep in.
Artemis made herself a cup of coffee and made herself a small stack of pancakes. She hummed lightly as she worked. Faint memories came to mind of her making breakfast for herself and Wally on the mornings they didn’t have morning classes or other responsibilities. Wally loved a huge stack of pancakes, drowned in syrup with half a dozen sides. Having to adjust her cooking portions had been strange after he-
She sighed again and finished making breakfast. She plated her pancakes, topping them with various berries. She took her plate and coffee to the table, and sat down. She ate slowly, trying to take time to enjoy the peace of the late morning.
Suddenly, her phone rang.
She sighed, recognizing the ringtone. She picked up her phone and lifted it to her ear.
“Hello?” she said, taking another bite of food.
“Hey, Artemis,” she heard Dick reply. “What are you doing right now?”
“Eating breakfast. I just got up. Why?”
“Oh no reason.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t lie, Dick,” she said, stabbing her pancakes. “You may be a detective, but I can tell a lie.”
He chuckled a little. She could imagine him rubbing the back of his neck.
“You got me. Listen, how soon can you get to the Watchtower?”
“Do I have time to finish breakfast and shower?”
“Oh yeah! Yeah, of course! Take your time. We’ll see you soon.”
Artemis put her phone down and sighed. She finished her food, most likely faster than she had been before. She put her dishes away and went to shower, Brucely padding after her.
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“Artemis, B-0-7.”
Artemis stepped through the Zeta Tube and looked around the large meeting room. Dick and Kaldur stood several yards away, talking quietly to one another. At the sound of the Zeta Tube, they looked her way and smiled.
“Artemis,” Kaldur greeted. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too, Kaldur,” she said. She gave him a small hug then hugged Dick. “Good to see you too, Dick.”
“Thanks for coming.”
“Yeah.” She sighed, trying not to sound disappointed. “So, what’s up?”
“We wanted to show you something.”
She raised an eyebrow at them.
Dick motioned for her to follow them down the hall. The Watchtower was relatively quiet, thankfully. That meant nothing world-threatening was happening.
Artemis glanced at Dick. The man was almost bouncing on the balls of his feet and he couldn’t seem to stop smiling. Kaldur was more calm, but he still looked happy.
“Okay, what’s going on?” she asked. “You two are acting weird.”
The men exchanged looks, making her a little more annoyed.
“Just wait a little longer,” Dick said.
Artemis stopped walking, putting her hands on her hips. Kaldur and Dick stopped a few feet after her, confused as to why she wasn’t moving.
“I’m not going another step until you tell me what’s going on, Dick,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him. “You called me on my day off and there’s obviously nothing immediately important happening right now because neither of you are in ‘mission mode.’ So you better spill what is happening, otherwise I swear I will turn around and walk-”
Artemis froze. Her eyes singled on a form further down the hall, past Dick and Kaldur. No words would come out of her throat, she couldn’t find any words.
Standing down the hall, having just appeared from what she faintly thought was the infirmary, was…
The red head grinned and walked down the hall. He stepped between Dick and Kaldur, ignoring them as he came up in front of Artemis. His green eyes were vibrant as they looked down at her.
“Hey, babe.”
“Oh my gosh.” Her voice was soft… and so close to breaking. “Please tell me this… isn’t another dream, or- or- or an illusion, or-”
“Hey, Artemis, calm down.” She gasped when he gently took her hands in his. He lifted them to his face and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. “I’m real, babe. One hundred percent.”
Artemis gently freed her hand enough to touch his face. His skin was so smooth and solid. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from him. Her mouth opened and closed several times, almost unable to believe what she was truly seeing. 
She suddenly launched herself at him, colliding with his chest. She effectively caught him off guard, causing them to fall to the ground. Artemis wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest.
“I can’t believe it,” she said. Her voice sounded wet as tears began to stream down her face, but she couldn’t care less. “You’re here.”
Wally wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. His hand gently stroked her hair.
“It’s okay, babe,” he whispered close to her ear. “I’m back and I’m not going anywhere.”
Artemis didn’t know how long they sat there on the floor, simply holding one another, but it didn’t feel long enough. Not after having him be gone for so long.
“I don’t understand,” she mumbled. “How are you here? You- you died. Barry said-”
“I know. I know, and I am so sorry for what happened, but it’s okay now.”
“But how-”
“We found a way to bring him back,” they heard Dick say. The two looked up enough to look at their friends, who were both smiling widely at them. “After what happened, and after we got Conner back, we dug further into research. We found a way to reverse what happened. Barry and Bart went into something called the Speedforce and were able to pull Wally back out.”
“Are they-”
“They’re fine,” Kaldur reassured. “Everyone is fine now.”
Artemis sighed in relief and turned back into Wally’s chest. She squeezed him a little harder.
“Don’t ever do that again,” she said. “If you do, I’ll kill you.”
Wally huffed a laugh.
“I know you would, babe. But I don’t plan on leaving any time soon. I hear I have a lot of catching up to do.”
He pushed her away the smallest bit, but leaned down to kiss her before she could offer some kind of complaint. Artemis melted into him. She had missed this, missed him.
For the first time in five years, everything felt right again.
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GIF by rantdragon
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emhr3210 · 1 month
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