the-acid-pear · 1 year
Shaking fist at the sky I hate spooky dood so much even if he's a clever man arggghh!
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yuwuta · 4 months
yuuji’s the friend that’s ridiculously affectionate, but he’s that way with everyone he’s close to, so it’s easy not to pay it any attention. he drapes his arm and his entire body weight across megumi’s shoulders, he plays with megumi’s fingers when he’s bored, lays his head in nobara’s lap while they gossip, on a good day, he can even be found brushing and braiding her hair—yuuji’s even twirled gojo around in a hug on more than one occasion, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. except, he seems to have a thing for just picking you up. when he’s trying to get by in the cramped kitchen, instead of squeezing behind you, he often puts his hands on your hips, lifts you and swivels and places you right back on your feet before fetching cereal from the cabinet like it’s no big deal. you’re one to fall asleep on the couch, but yuuji’s one to lift you up bridal style and carry you back to your room—or over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry when you’re drunk and want to fight back and insist that you’re sober. there’s a puddle on the ground and instead of helping you hop to the other side, he just wraps his arm around your waist and carries you while he jumps across, puts you down, and continues on walking. you get good news and yuuji’s the first to pick you up and throw you up and down like you weigh nothing to him, like you’re a kid and he’s your trampoline… he’s so casual with all his affection, you know it’s second nature to him, but that doesn’t make it easier for your brain to short circuit in those moments… makes you stop to wonder if he’s that strong unintentionally and attractive without thought, then what can he do when he’s trying… 
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horsegirlhob · 9 months
Spike absolutely haunts Riley I fucking know it
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I seriously don’t understand how people can make boyfriend go through the horrors and make him depressed like why are y’all so afraid to see him happy and goofy
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look at him
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teehee-vibes · 5 months
DREY FERIN DISEASE call that…. I dunno, fucking scurvy I guess
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secretcherimaybe · 5 months
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shelfperson · 3 months
just cause i know some of y’all will have a hard time with this i want to stress—
“lestat obviously did not want to be at the trial and was under hypnosis, came to earnestly apologize to louis and claudia, and it’s a tragedy claudia never got that validation from her father because of armand’s fucking fuckery”
can and absolutely MUST coexist with
“what lestat did to louis and claudia is still cruel and awful, to act like it isn’t diminishes the man’s own character development, and claudia would’ve probably never forgiven him in any conventional sense.”
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slipery-bastard · 4 months
Headcanon that no matter how hard he tries Dazai cannot for the life of him pick up Chuuya
He is simply too twig
Chuuya however, can pick up Dazai with ease and takes it to his full advantage
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hermitmoss · 1 month
dog motif this, i'm his guard that. can we talk about the disability i want to talk about how vimes knows vetinari's body in maybe the second most intimate way (being aware of what a disabled person's Situation is). everyone knows it's OOC for vetinari to ride off, but vimes says character be damned i don't think he could ride a horse. yes it's charged and sort of funny but in feet of clay when vimes wants to stay with him and it's transparently to tend to him - i can tell you there is nothing more truly an act of love than not for a second thinking you are a burden for your illness and impairment, just immediately wanting to shove everything else in your life off the table and be with you even if it doesn't do any good.
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skyrzeart · 1 year
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when Fenris finally calls u his friend & u need to cry in the bath, oil on canvas
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ideas-ideasideasideas · 7 months
JayTim omegaverse AU where Tim presents as an omega when he’s stalking Batman and Jason-as-Robin. Jason finds him collapsed on a rooftop and tries to help him but the proximity triggers his own presentation as an alpha. From there things go to hell in a hand basket and they ride out their first heat/rut together. In the immediate aftermath, once they have both recovered enough presence of mind, they agree that this is no one’s fault but it doesn’t stop Jason from feeling guilty about taking advantage of Tim so he escorts Tim home (in the process finding out they’re neighbours) and asks if there’s anything that he can do for him to make up for whatever the hell just happened.
There’s a lot of trauma to unpack here for the both of them but Tim is barely a teenager and Jason has emotionally repressed Batman for a parental figure so they just mutually decide not to mention it ever again because if you pretend it never happened then it can’t hurt you right? (Wrong.) Anyway, Tim tells Jason that if he really wants to do something for him then maybe he can just not tell Batman that Tim was on a rooftop at night, pretty please? At which point Jason, horrified that a boy Tim’s age is running around on rooftops unsupervised in the most crime-ridden parts of Gotham at the most crime-infested time of the day, makes it his personal duty to figure out why Tim does this and also how he can convince him to NOT do this. What he did to Tim was wrong on so many levels but oh god, what if someone so much worse found Tim instead? He agrees to Tim’s request on the condition that Tim carries a beacon at all times during his nighttime extracurricular activities.
Jason brings the beacon over as soon as possible, which turns out to be the next day after school (as Robin of course), and the sight of Tim alone in a giant house compels him to stay for a while, and a while turns into the rest of the day. Tim shows off the photos he’s taken of Batman and the Robins, and Jason is reluctantly but appropriately impressed by Tim’s stealth.
A friendship grows between them.
And then Jason dies.
And Batman grows too reckless.
And Dick refuses to be Robin again.
And Tim becomes Robin—
Except he doesn’t. Not really. He wears Jason’s Robin suit for a very short time before random bouts of nausea take him off the field. But Batman is still beating the shit out of petty criminals and Tim is desperate to help, so he allows Alfred (bless him) to call him a discreet doctor to ensure that his illness is not due to anything he was exposed to while Batman-wrangling before he’s allowed back on the field. Tim just wants it over and done with quickly so he can get back out there and—
He’s not allowed to back on the field.
He’s holding a little black-and-white picture of a literal human growing inside him and he is absolutely benched until there is no longer a literal human growing inside him.
Doctor Thompkins lays out his options, is brutally honest about how his body (too young, too small) will handle a pregnancy (not well), and asks if there is anything he wants to tell her (if there’s anyone Batman needs to put in jail for touching him). Tim doesn’t have long to consider his options—he’s nearly too far along for most clinics to be comfortable performing an abortion (although, given his age, they might be sympathetic enough to bend the rules if Doctor Thompkins can’t perform the procedure for him).
He decides to keep it, a parting gift from his friend Robin to be cherished beyond his death. There is a difficult conversation with Bruce about the child’s father (no, you can’t arrest them, they’re already dead, no, I’m not defending a heinous rapist, it’s your goddamn son, Bruce, this is your grandchild). An unforeseen but extremely welcome consequence of this is that Batman starts pulling his punches, now that he has something to live for again. He looks only half-broken now and he offers Tim a room at the Wayne manor when he finally learns about Tim’s extremely absent parents.
(Tim worries about how to break the news to his parents until he no longer has to worry about it because his mother is dead and his father is in a coma and god he wanted to avoid having that conversation with them but this wasn’t how he wanted it to happen.)
Properly benched now for the foreseeable future, Tim picks up remote vigilante-wrangling instead (from Babs?) and makes headway in some cold cases. He pulls out of school to be homeschooled instead, keeps out of the public eye, and generally avoids leaving Wayne manor because a thirteen-year-old pregnant omega living alone with an adult alpha (and his butler) is a Very Bad Look even for Brucie Wayne and Tim would rather not be known as Bruce Wayne’s child bride thank you very much.
Life proceeds in this manner, the child is delivered by Caesarian with very little fanfare. It is, unfortunately, very difficult to hide the presence of a whole infant. The public settles on the theory that the child is Bruce’s illegitimate son from one of his many dalliances and Tim allows the misconception to propagate simply because no good can come out of him, all of fourteen, publicly claiming his child. But it still stings, just a little. He made this child, held him safe in his womb for eight months. He puts him to bed and nurses him and loves him so much but nobody outside the manor will see it.
Tim bursts back into society when he’s officially adopted by Bruce. He refused to register his son as Bruce’s (it takes some extremely deft work by Oracle to file the appropriate documents for Tim’s claim on his child to be legally valid without alerting the press) but he also understands that Bruce wants a legal connection to his grandchild, so he becomes his son’s dead father’s legally adopted brother. It’s a mess, but at least people who should be are allowed into hospital rooms. It’s not like it will matter, right? Jason’s dead, right?
Jason is very much not dead and very much bewildered by the presence of a baby Wayne that isn’t Damian and it completely derails his plans to exact revenge on Bruce for not killing the Joker. It fucking hurts to see that he’s been replaced by not one but TWO new children but at least they aren’t Robin. At least no one is Robin. At least one of them is Tim, his lonely friend who deserves a family. He returns to Gotham, heads to Crime Alley, becomes Red Hood, and buries himself in shooting out enough kneecaps to push Bruce and Batman from his mind. That was another life. He’s fucking furious at Bruce and his replacements but god the baby has the same curly hair that Jason did and Jason can’t help but think that Bruce might actually have missed him, at least a little.
But probably not enough to love Jason as he is now, full of anger and rage and impulse to hurt hurt hurt the people who hurt others. He channels it all into cleaning up the Alley, perhaps more aggressively than Batman would (should) have, but Batman doesn’t give enough of a shit about the Alley to know that what he’s doing isn’t enough and it’s up to Jason to get his hands downright filthy if he wants to make any changes around here.
Tim notices Red Hood, because of course he does. And it takes him no time at all to realise, oh, that’s Jason. That’s Jason.
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sunglassesmish · 2 months
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screaming crying throwing up he’s SO pretty
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lunallaa · 7 months
So potentially hot take....
Jason Todd doesn't need to or should be that much a pretty boy. Not saying he should be super ugly or something but I am a firm believer of the rough and really just average appearance Jason agenda.
I know we all love how Dexter Soy draws him but let Jason be just a lil ugly a lil beat up yknow?
This post is all in silly goofy fun pls don't get mad 🫣
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iaus · 3 months
not to be a pervert and expose myself but in a perfect world porter's fat
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royaltea000 · 3 months
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Gilbert Bielschmidt the lunatic that you are
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ei-encora · 7 months
okay im gonna be fr here the rest of this is unfinished and totally based on a fic im writing rn where pickles drags nathan to wisconsin with him in the preklok/earlyklok era but it's just so good that i feel the need to post it
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i started doing a blur effect with my lineart recently and its making my pieces look way more finished i feel so powerful
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