drekasal · 2 years
Okay but Blue really is a flipping enigma, cause I’ve been staring at his design trying to figure out what a grown up version of him would be.
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His head seems simple enough—I already have a few ideas—but his body is throwing for a loop cause on the one hand, he reminds me of a seal pup. On the other hand, he has fish-fins as opposed to paddles like Red, and I don’t know how I wanna build on that. I could probably look at mudskippers, but the thing is that they kind pull themselves forward. Blue flat out walks on them.
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snowthornes · 10 months
Greetings, @greatprotector-if . I saw your tag about writing the mc. Do you remember that random galen.txt file screenshot Someone (alas, 'tis me) sent to your asks? Yes. I have kept its contents locked away for all this time but now it is clamoring to be set free. I cannot keep it at bay any longer.
I was about to send it to your ask box, but then I took a step back and Actually Looked at its length and I was like. Madness. To terrorize anyone's inbox with this would be a most heinous crime.
So, it's a post now!
(Warning!!! Short snippet where you talk to a loser who's utterly in love and is very annoying about it. You may feel the urge to launch them out a window. I would support you <;3)
I am going to babygirl galen so hard actually, themk youf or creating them. I've mostly been lurking around in your blog till recently, but I just want to say that the moment I laid eyes on Galen I have been head over heels besotted with them. Thank you for giving them to us, they are the light of my life, the love of my dreams, I promise I will take care of them I will make them so so happy.
I am keeping an MC who's ready to fall head over heels besotted in love at first sight with Galen. They are raring to go. They are going to be so in love and they are going to be so persistently annoying about it.
"I don't think love at first sight is really a thing," a lovely well meaning individual might say, "Wouldn't that just mean you liked their face?"
(Another MC I keep stuffed in the freezer, voice coming muffledly from its depths: AND WHAT ABOUT IT,)
"No, friend," My MC would say, with a solemnity akin to a war general giving an impassioned speech in the name of their cause before they march off to war, "I mean, yes, Galen is lovely. The prettiest. They have the prettiest golden eyes, like the glimmering gold of sunlight coating tree bark and grass blades in sunset, though they often use them to give me the look—"
They pause in their enthusiastic ramblings to stare at you, eyes bright. Your expression has long collapsed, settling into a flat, dead-eyed stare. Why are you here. Why are you still listening to this. They gesture excitedly at you, triumphant.
"—Yes, like that! And they have the broadest shoulders and the thickest arms and the loveliest eyelashes, and sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to hold them—"
"You know, you're really not helping your case," you interject, your dead-eyed gaze strengthening into indignant accusation. You have to cut this wannabe bard off before he decides to wax poetic about this poor Galen for another three paragraphs.
Gods know that you would launch either them or yourself out a window before they finished.
"It— it's not like I'd do that without their permission," they cough meekly, their eyes wandering away from your accusing gaze. They have the audacity to look shy. "Of course I'd court them first."
"Court," you echo flatly. "Did you really just say court—?"
"Yes!" They draw themselves up, gaining steam once again. Their eyes sparkle with determined fire as they outline their wooing plans to you, the resigned listener. "I'll give them gifts, like cool looking rocks and flowers — nothing too expensive at first, since that would probably make them uncomfortable—"
You squint at them. "... Are you a crow?" they steamroll on, undettered.
"And I'll do some wood carving! Maybe some pocket-sized figurines first — wait, what do you think Galen's favorite animal is? Do they even have one? Ah, what about a chicken? Do you think they'd appreciate a chicken—?
"Not a clue, but you never answered the earlier question," you point out. "Why do you like them so much?"
At this, they pause. "I just..." unlike in their earlier spiels, their voice sounds much softer. Stumbling over their words, as if they were about to voice something extremely precious. "They're... them" they clear their throat, and fiddle with the woven bracelets around their wrist. "Galen. They can be grumpy and intimidating and they're kind and they care and everyone knows that. And I just... I like them a lot. Just because."
"Just because," you repeat.
"Yeah." they seem to struggle with themselves for a moment before they draw themselves up, looking at you with earnest eyes. "I want... I want to make them happy."
— And that was my Galen-mancer MC. It was an ungodly hour in the morning, I was possessed by the Galen Brainrot, and I proceeded to write this abomination, immediately passing out at 5am once I finished it. I woke up groggy and dazed with only one .txt file possessing a damning title as a testament to what I'd done. I'm so sorry 💀
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yeonban · 2 years
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
@withsorrowandregret​ asked:  👀  +  which  original  troupe  member  would  you  choose  to  sacrifice  if  their  death  would  prevent  the  end  of  the  spider?  (For  Shalnark)
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The  silence  intensifies  as  Shalnark’s  smile  flattens  into  a  straight  line,  expression  eerily  devoid  of  emotion  whilst  the  gears  turn  and  he  begins  to  sincerely  contemplate  the  topic;  ultimately  offering  a  preliminary  /  vague  answer.   ❛   Whichever  one  would  be  of  the  least  use  to  the  spider,  either  at  the  respective  moment  or  in  the  long  run.   ❜   The  tone  is  seemingly  unbothered,  and  although  he  would  prefer  for  such  a  scenario  to  never  happen  &  for  him  to  not  be  in  charge  of  a  fellow  spider’s  death  (  much  less  of  one  of  the  founders’,  a  decision  akin  to  destroying  a  monumental  part  of  a  mechanism’s  core  ),  the  sixth  realizes  the  futility  of  such  wishful  thinking  in  the  grand  scheme  of  things  &  the  inevitability  of  disaster  eventually  befalling  their  ranks  once  more  (  many  of  the  spider’s  legs  had  previously  been  cut  apart  from  the  main  body,  left  either  dead  or  dying  -  this  hypothesis  wouldn’t  be  the  first,  nor  the  last  of  its  kind  ). 
Undettered  by  the  heaviness  of  the  subject  &  the  hypothetical  responsibility  placed  on  his  shoulders,  Shalnark  placidly  continues,  raising  a  finger  (  the  initial  reply  hadn’t  been  quite  specific  enough  /  quite  justified  enough,  and  thus  the  blond  offers  his  train  of  thought;  with  no  traces  of  subjectivity  left  in  any  of  his  subsequent  explanations  ).   ❛   Danchou  and  Pakunoda’s  abilities  are  indispensable  to  the  troupe,  so  I  definitely  wouldn’t  sacrifice  either  of  them.  Machi’s  threads  can  help  with  regeneration  and  can  be  used  to  track  moving  targets,  which  means  she’s  an  important  asset  to  have  as  well.   ❜ 
A  pause  for  the  words  to  settle,  and  he  raises  a  second  finger.   ❛   Once  the  members  with  rare  or  special  abilities  are  out  of  the  way,  the  next  thing  to  consider  in  this  scenario  is  overall  strength,  or  in  other  words  -  which  of  the  remaining  founding  members  is  the  weakest.  Fei  and  Uvo  are  by  far  our  strongest,  or  more  durable,  fighters,  so  they’re  out  of  the  equation  by  default.  Other  than  them,  there  are  only  two  founding  members  left  to  consider:  Nobunaga  and  Franklin.   ❜ 
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Returning  his  hand  to  his  hip,  only  a  mere  instant  is  spared  to  cement  his  decision  before  he  utters  it  outloud;  gesturing  in  the  air  with  his  unoccupied  hand.   ❛   From  a  purely  objective  point  of  view,  I  would  probably  sacrifice  Nobunaga.  While  the  two  are  equal  in  strength,  the  primary  difference  is  that  Franklin  tends  to  maintain  his  composure  under  most  circumstances,  whereas  Nobunaga  is  quick  to  act  on  his  emotions  even  if  they  may  clash  with  the  rest  of  our  wishes.  It  isn’t  a  bad  trait  to  possess  per  se,  but  paired  with  how  common  his  ability  is,  I  believe  he  would  be  the  safest  choice  if  one  of  their  deaths  was  indeed  mandatory  for  the  spider  to  survive.   ❜ 
He  then  nearly  asks  (  am  I  included  in  this?  ),  but  the  query  brings  rays  of  doubt;  and  therefore  Shalnark  opts  to  simply  place  an  addendum,  wasting  no  time  to  once  again  explain  his  reasoning.   ❛   I'm  not  sure  if  Phinks  and  I  count  as  original  troupe  members,  but  from  the  way  this  question  is  phrased,  I  take  it  that  I  shouldn’t  consider  myself  as  an  available  option.  Between  Nobunaga  and  Phinks,  I  think  Phinks’  destructive  power  outclasses  Nobunaga’s,  but  Phinks  is  even  more  impulsive  than  Nobunaga  is,  so  it’d  probably  be  a  coin  toss  between  the  two,  if  it  ever  came  down  to  it.   ❜ 
A  sigh  of  finality,  and  a  shrug  of  his  shoulders  follows;  his  muscles  finally  relaxing.   ❛   My  answer  might  change  in  the  future  depending  on  several  variables  -  for  example,  if  only  a  certain  few  of  the  founding  members  are  present,  or  if  some  of  them  suffer  any  lingering  injuries  that  may  put  them  out  of  commission  by  the  time  this  decision  has  to  be  taken,  but  if  things  remain  exactly  as  they  currently  are,  then  this  is  what  I  would  decide.  Although,  well,  I  would  much  rather  keep  this  conversation  as  a  mere  fun  mind  game  to  test  my  analytical  skills  on,  rather  than  an  actual  decision  with  consequences  to  bear.   ❜ 
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shequotesherself · 2 months
Let's imagine for a moment That I picked up that drenched business card on the pavement (that's been there for two days) For some auto dealer of which I've never heard, Put on a deep, butchy voice and said, over the phone, “I'd like your finest car”
“Comment?” “Your finest car, please. A vintage, preferably – somewhere around 20 years old ought to do it.”
“Monsieur, je suis désolé, mais je n'ai pas du tout compris. Je ne parles pas d'anglais.”
“Well that's no problem, I can understand your French just fine.”
“Attendez-vous une moment, s'il-vous plaît.” It's at this point that I switch to my higher femme range to play my own wife, And I start speaking with my hand over my mouth, mumbling something indistinct. Back to the butch, I begin to speak, enunciating clearly:
“Do you have anything French, by chance? My wife is in the mood for a French car this evening.”
“Hello?” a new voice responds; the confused French-speaking car salesman Has handed me to his Portuguese colleague who studied English in high school And remembers a little more than enough to get by. It is at this point that I switch to French.
“Oui, bonjour, monsieur! Comment peux-je vous aider?” The Portuguese guy, hearing my accent and not buying it, continues in English:
“You want a car?”
“Ahhh, vous voulez une de nos voitures, un choix excellent!” “No, sir, it is you who call me and ask for a car.”
“Donnez-moi une segunde brèfe, s'il vous plaît. Je dois regarder la selection de la semaine.” He's not having any of it. He responds politely but with an unamused edge,
“Ok, I think you have wrong number, sir. Have a good day.”
“Cette semaine, nous avons une séléction des voitures très excellentes,” I continue undettered, “Avec une accent particulier sur les voitures de l'origine française-” and he's hung up. If this were a company against which I had some sort of personal vendetta, I might have amused myself further by continuing to call until they blocked my number And then written a very sternly-worded email to a higher-up about being treated like a nuisance Only to call them again with the same tired gag until they blocked it once more, But I am not an advocate for the torture of people just trying to use a few slimy tricks To get enough money to stop living off cat food and start living off frogs and snails or whatever it is French people eat these days.
And hey, you know, at the end of it all, I think I got enough amusement Just from imagining the whole thing through with you, so, Thanks for that. I feel a lot better.
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solitaire-dreams · 3 years
I’m not sure whether the parallel to this quote is intentional (the quote is Akane talking about Aoi); but I am confident that Teru is meant to parallel Aoi.
Academically gifted and beautiful students born into family lineages where they are meant to sacrifice parts (or all) of their lives to defend against supernatural. Feeling isolated from the rest of society, they put on cheery facades. The person they have both confided in the most is Akane.
The key difference is that Akane was able to get through to Aoi about the negatives of her behaviour and convince her to work towards changing; while Teru is still undettered from pursuing his objective and putting up his front.
“You not having anyone that you’re able to confide with with on your real thoughts...
...Is your own fault.”
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
Misunderstanding is the greatest thing I’ve ever read. What would Shino do with the new information afterwards that THAT could be a...sexual thing? Would he be awkward around them, or maybe talk to his friend to learn more about the possibilities of sex, would it awaken something in him or maybe just dismiss it?
ahhhh, i'm so happy to hear you liked it because i actually had SUCH a good time writing it!! that prompt was so funny, i'm glad you asked for a followup heheheh
("Misunderstanding" follow-up hcs) / Shikamaru Nara x fem!reader / 18+ mdni!
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okay so you guys definitely traumatized him
no i'm kidding, but he is SHOOK. he forgot all about his bug-hunting expedition and bolted home when he left you there
he is absolutely going to be awkward around you two for a bit after. like he won't be able to look you in the eye for a couple days
Shikamaru tries to talk to him the next day to smooth things over and he just straight up ignores him, making some lame excuse about how he thinks he heard someone call him just now
but it does make him curious, so he goes to Kiba
he has sex right? maybe he can explain it to him, because try as he might he cannot understand how what he witnessed was arousing
BAD IDEA. as soon as the question has left his lips Kiba is on the ground, absolutely busting a gut
"they did what?!" "Shikamaru said that?!"
and he just continues laughing and shakes his head at Shino before running away to share this delicious news with someone, anyone
undettered, he seeks out another consultant and settles on none other than... Sai, king of research
so Shino repeats the humiliating story to yet another innocent bystander, and thank god Sai takes it seriously because he needs answers
(Sai is equally shocked to hear of your and Shikamaru's bedroom habits but he's much better at hiding it than Kiba and he goes full professional, wanting answers as badly as Shino)
they spend a few hours together and figure out the basics, ie. the psychological/sexual thrill of giving control to a partner etc.
and he... gets it, he supposes. it's not for him, but he can finally face you guys without picturing you kneeling in front of Shikamaru in that clearing now
but... unfortunately for you and Shikamaru, Kiba has already told everyone in the village 😏
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nikkywrites · 3 years
Find the Word Tag 3
Thank you for the tag @fayoftheforest :)
These are all from Ocean’s Heart.
Edge (sailor vers)
He is leading the current shanty -- a hymn about siren’s allure. He is singing and happy and working when he notices something he never has before. When he has chance, his eyes rest on the water, fascinated by the everlong roll of the waves.
It is his love that lets him see the horror.
There is a single moment of confusion, three heartbeats of paralyzing fear before he leaps away from the edge. His mind whirls in a circle. Something long and dark creeps over where he had just been.
“Kraken!” he bellows, a warning.
Cut (sea vers)
“Do try not to move.” She anchors her pinky under the ridge of his jaw and begins swiping the blade against his skin, movements careful and precise. “I don’t wish to cut you.”
Knife (sea vers)
“Let us go then.” She takes his hand and leads him to her water and calls a fishing knife to her hand. He looks at the blade skeptically. “You must learn to trust me, Davy Jones. I mean not to harm you. Now sit.”
Point (sailor vers)
The smile still sits on her face, strong with their goodbye fast approaching, undettered. It’s probably nothing for her, all of this. Brief amusement. “Do keep me in mind until then. It would be untoward for you to forget,” she tells him, with all the ease in which she says hello. Parting is no struggle for her. She is finding something to smile about in it, even. Davy Jones struggles to keep his face from falling. He was seeing her again, a third time, and that was more than most could say. It was a great honor she was giving him.
He swallows thickly. It does not feel like much of an honor, not like how he would have expected an attachment with a deity to be.
“Of course not,” he assures her. “I will offer you sacrifice each night.”
Her nose wrinkles. She sidles a bit away. “There is no need,” she says, haughty. “I am quite capable of tending to myself. I need not your assistance.”
Davy Jones stumbles back. “But-- I owe you much.”
“Not that.”
“O-okay,” he agrees shakily. “No sacrifice.”
Her expression smooths itself. She looks calm again. “Good,” she says airily, waving an uncaring palm in the air. As if she had not been disgusted a moment prior. “I do not understand Olympus’ infatuation with burned rejections from mortals. It seems such a pointless thing to give.”
Trace (sailor vers)
Her attention turns back to him. “What comes next, Davy Jones? Do you try for shore?”
His brows raise. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Her expression turns to be a bit smug. “Do you know which direction holds nearest land?” she asks.
Davy Jones turns to the sky. He is a sailor and he knows how to measure direction. Nearest land is the port he sailed from. He jabs a finger at the half-hidden sun, beginning to set behind petulant clouds. He traces the sun back to noon, to morning, noting the location of the dim northern star and pale moon, mouthing the turns the ship had taken and adjusting his finger’s path as he does.
The passages for cut and knife are from a scene set in the future! I have a few of those scenes and they’re pretty bare bones, just there for inspiration when I finally get to that point, hence why there’s only the tiny snippet.
Tagging @the-deciphered-narrator @wannabeauthorzofija @amberskywrites @manotelier @leave-her-a-tome @art3m1s2004 and anyone else who wants to join in to find the words knowledge, beautiful, wood, agree and lose.
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a perfect sunset
Toni loves sunsets- the colors, the symbolism, everything. Cheryl, however, is more fickle when it comes to sunsets. No matter how many photos she looks at, she doesn’t see the raw beauty.
Cheryl insists that there’s only one thing she needs to qualify a sunset as perfect, so Toni makes it her mission to find out what this is.
Chapter 1: she wants to kiss on lips (but she’s scared to get caught)
Toni knows from the moment that she meets her roommate that at some point (likely in the very near future) they will bump heads. Her theory is proven right when after only two weeks of living with Cheryl (her roommate), they get in a fight over one of the things Toni is passionate about- sunsets.
Toni had been walking across the quad in the evening, just when the sun had begun to sink below the horizon and paint the sky with brightly colored hues. She had been unable to resist the sight, and she even snapped a picture that she planned to share with her roommate later. When Toni finally came into her room, she found Cheryl typing away diligently on her laptop.
"Hey, Cheryl, take a look at this!" Toni says excitedly, bounding over to her. Her roommate glance only briefly at the photo before returning to her writing.
"So, what do you think?" Toni prompts her, raising an eyebrow at the non-answer.
"It's okay, I guess," Cheryl responds distractedly, shrugging. Toni's jaw drops.
"'Okay'?" she repeats incredulously. "What are you, some sunset cynic?" The redhead sighs (resignedly, almost like she was expecting this reaction) and closes her computer, giving Toni her full attention.
"No, I am not in fact a 'sunset cynic,' as you put it," Cheryl tells her. She pauses for a moment, and then, smirking, continues: "Actually, there's only one thing I need to classify a sunset as perfect."
"And what would that be?" Toni asks.
"I guess you'll have to find out," Cheryl replies, grinning devilishly before opening her laptop again. Never one to back down from a challenge, Toni narrows her eyes at her roommate and retreats to her own bed, wracking her brain for any clues on what exactly Cheryl doesn't like about the picture. She comes up empty, and eventually, she just goes to bed.
The next morning, she studies the photo again, this time with a critical eye, while she's waiting for the coffee to brew. Cheryl wakes up about half an hour later and grabs Toni's cup, making a beeline for the door.
"Hey, that's mi-" Toni protests, stopping when she realizes that her roommate is already gone. Grumbling, she gets a new mug and then remembers that she wanted to quiz Cheryl about what she's now referring to as 'Cheryl's vendetta against sunsets' (which may be a little unfair, especially since the ginger has only specifically said that she wasn't a big fan of one sunset).
I'll talk to her after class, Toni decides.
"Cheryl, we need to ta-" Toni calls out as she bursts into their room, only to stop in her tracks when she finds her roommate crying. "Cheryl?"
She's not sure what the protocol is for this (she's only known the redhead for a few weeks, after all), but when Cheryl reaches out her arms for a hug, Toni obliges. Toni holds her roommate tightly, rubbing soothing circles on her back until Cheryl's full-out sobbing slows down. When the crying finally stops, Toni sits back on her heels and faces Cheryl, who is sitting cross-legged on her bed.
"Do you want to talk?" Toni offers gently. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Cheryl takes a shaky breath and wipes the tears off of her face.
"I was talking with my mother," she says simply, her tone suggesting that she and her mom don't have the best relationship.
"That bad, huh?" Toni sympathizes with her. She's had her fair share of mom issues as well. Cheryl nods.
"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" the redhead asks, changing the subject. Toni goes with it, not wanting to pry any further than Cheryl is comfortable with.
"Well, I did want to ask you some questions about sunsets, but I can always do that later if you'd prefer..." Toni proposes. Cheryl considers her suggestion for a few seconds and then smiles brightly.
"You can ask your questions tomorrow, but for now, how do you feel about Netflix?" she returns.
"I think that it's sensational, why do you ask?" Toni replies. She knows that she's given the right answer when Cheryl's eyes sparkle before she grabs her computer and moves over, patting the spot next to her. Toni squishes up against Cheryl's side as the redhead opens Netflix.
"What do you want to watch?" Cheryl asks.
"How about The 100?" Toni offers. Cheryl scrunches up her nose in distaste, and Toni almost smiles, because it seems like Cheryl's already getting back to her old self.
"Isn't that show really problematic with the whole 'Bury Your Gays' trope?" the ginger recalls skeptically.
"Yeah, but it's got a pretty good plot outside of that," Toni argues. "What do you suggest?"
"Easy. Everything Sucks!" Cheryl answers, folding her arms over her chest.
"Wasn't that show cancelled after only one season?" Toni retorts.
"Yes, so?" her roommate stubbornly responds.
"So, there won't be much of a show to watch," Toni reasons.
"Everything Sucks! was a teenage lesbian/coming out story for the ages," Cheryl insists.
"How about we compromise and watch Wynonna Earp instead?" Toni suggests.
"In what universe is Wynonna Earp a compromise between those two shows?" Cheryl demands.
"Fine. One Day at a Time?" Toni proffers next.
"Fine." Cheryl mimics her tone. The redhead begins the pilot episode of said show and the two of them not-so-subtly inch closer to one another again, Toni wrapping her arm around Cheryl's waist and Cheryl leaning her head on Toni's shoulder to show that all bad will is forgiven.
And, in these exact positions, they binge-watch throughout the night.
The next morning, true to her promise, Cheryl gets up at the same time as Toni (albeit reluctantly) so that the pink-haired girl can finally ask her questions and (possibly) get some answers.
Sitting across from Cheryl, who is rubbing the sleep from her eyes and nursing a cup of coffee (not Toni's this time), Toni is energized and already going through her list.
"Okay, first question: is it the lighting?" Toni asks.
"I can't answer that," Cheryl replies, poker-faced. Toni blinks.
"Um, okay? Is it... the coloring?" she tries next.
"I can't answer that," the redhead repeats.
"Is it the place?" Toni queries.
"I can't answer that either," Cheryl says again, clearly amused now.
"What can you answer?" Toni questions her, frustrated.
"Simple. You show me sunsets, and I'll tell you whether or not I like them," Cheryl explains, resting her elbows on the table.
"How... easy," Toni deadpans, rolling her eyes. Her roommate grins.
"Hey, you're the one that wanted to play, remember?" she reminds Toni.
"And play the game, I will," the pink-haired girl responds, undettered. Cheryl smirks cockily.
"We'll see about that.
"-how about this one?" Toni asks, flipping to the next picture. She's been taking photos of sunsets for years, and she's collected so many that she created an album on her phone dedicated to pictures of sunsets.
However, Cheryl doesn't seem to like any of them.
"No," the redhead repeats, bored.
"You aren't even looking at the photos!" Toni protests. Cheryl lets out a loud, long-suffering sigh and turns her gaze to the phone screen.
"Okay, this one?" Toni inquires again.
"No," Cheryl replies flatly. The pink-haired girl sighs and slides to the next picture.
"This o-" Toni begins, but her roommate cuts her off.
"Who's that?" Cheryl questions her, her interest piqued. Toni glances at the phone and her heart sinks when she recognizes the photo. Not at the quality -- the picture is one of the best she's ever taken -- but at the person in the picture. The photo is of a girl standing in a field. Her head is thrown back in laughter and her blonde hair is illuminated from behind by the fading glow of the sun. It's a candid picture, snapped at just the right moment...
"It's my ex-girlfriend," Toni confesses, swallowing the lump in her throat. "We broke up two months ago because she didn't want to do long distance." Cheryl's hand reaches out and grabs her own, squeezing tightly. Toni wonders how the tables turned so quickly, with Cheryl now being the comforter and Toni becoming the comforted.
"I'm so sorry, T.T., but you deserve to be with someone who will be willing to do long-distance with you, and for you. She just wasn't the one," Cheryl tells her, her words full of confidence and self-assuredness.
All of the sudden, Toni notices that the redhead is a lot closer than she was before. It's almost as if Toni could lean in and kiss her if she wanted to...
And Toni really, really wants to.
But just as their lips are about to touch, Cheryl springs away.
"Shit! I'm going to be late to class!" she yells, panicking (although Toni doesn't think that her alarm is purely school-related). Cheryl dashes out of the door like the room is on fire, and as soon as she's gone, Toni's face crumbles.
How could you be so stupid? she berates herself. How could you think that she wanted to be anything more than your friend?
Toni's anger at herself quickly turns into despair and dread. I've ruined our friendship. She's never going to speak to me again.
I should've never tried to kiss a straight girl.
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dragoncanefangs · 6 years
@rxptured-wings continued from {X}
The cold reception was not unexpected but still quite puzzling. From their brief meeting at his club’s grand opening he had assumed her quick exit was due to some unforseen wrong he had done her. What exactly it could be he had no clue but when he found her mask discarded in the trash in the club he took it as a clear sign she wanted her displeasure to be known.
He couldn’t recall interacting with women much. He was certain he had and none had been interesting enough to remember. So when this woman caught his curiousity he sought to pursue it. Worst case scenario, she’s as forgetable as all the woman he’s conversed with in the past.
Because they must have been forgetable. No fault of his own could be at work in how little he remembered them. 
“You do not strike I as the kind to be so flustered by so little. I suppose I will take it as a compliment if I must but such flattery will not woo I so easily my lady.” 
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A sip of his wine and he continued to hold the glass out for her to take, undettered by her cold shoulder.
“I find myself at a disadvantage. You know my name but I am unfamiliar with your own. May I ask for the mercy of a beautiful Madonna to spare I the torture of ignorance and have your moniker?”
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babyawacs · 2 years
aeh.. prime-noctis mit de tante gerda isnich...  .@rbb prbb @cottbus @elonmusk @te slamotors @spacex  dettis de boese herrscher vom @mars aber ener der unboesesten b islang wa? .@rbb @rbb  aeh wie erklaer ik dett denn nu ambesten. darthvader baut autos in @cottbus undett is och jut so aber . .. dettis darthvaaaaaader .@rbb @rbb
aeh.. prime-noctis mit de tante gerda isnich…  .@rbb prbb @cottbus @elonmusk @te slamotors @spacex  dettis de boese herrscher vom @mars aber ener der unboesesten b islang wa? .@rbb @rbb  aeh wie erklaer ik dett denn nu ambesten. darthvader baut autos in @cottbus undett is och jut so aber . .. dettis darthvaaaaaader .@rbb @rbb
aeh.. prime-noctis mit de tante gerda isnich… .@rbb prbb @cottbus @elonmusk @teslamotors @spacex dettis de boese herrscher vom @mars aber ener der unboesesten bislang wa? .@rbb @rbb aeh wie erklaer ik dett denn nu ambesten. darthvader baut autos in @cottbus undett is och jut so aber . .. dettis darthvaaaaaader .@rbb @rbb I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK +…
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mlknae · 6 years
get to know me tag (?)
tagged by @ilysoojin​  !!!
nickname: kay !!
gender: female lol
zodiac: gemini sun, taurus moon, mercury taurus (?) idk shit about astrology but one thing’s for sure and i’m a gemini idk about the rest,,
height: i’m standing proudly at 5′0″ yet i remain undettered of my height
age: I just turned 15 two days ago !
time: 7:47 pm atm im writing this
favorite bands/solo artists: the boyz, pentagon, pristin, standing egg, planetarium records
song stuck in my head: get it !!! SUPPORT PRISTIN V thank u
last movie i saw: does a japanese drama count,,,
last thing i googled: "gemini full zodiac” uhhh
other blogs: i own a neon-themed blog @yaesterday​ which is pristin-centered (i post about other groups too but mostly ggs), and a film aesthetic/japanese drama blog @komatsou​ i’m planning to delete lmaoooo
do i get asks: not really :”)
why i chose my username: all my bg biases are from the maknae line !! but my ult biases r wooyu,, which means milk in korean,,, so i decided to make some kind of word play with milk and maknae = mlknae ,,, cheesy i know
following: 113 blogs :)))
average amount of sleep: sleep who??? i don’t know her sorry
lucky number: 8 hahaha i always associate the number 8 with goodluck xD
what i am wearing: a cat sweater,,, i don’t really like cats tbh but the design of the sweater is really cute imo
dream job: UM i want to be a graphic designer but i dunnO Uh my parents don’t really approve of it but hhh let’s see where this goes.,,,also it would be really cool if i’d be a music producer but i make shitty garageband beats and unreleased lofi trash LMAO ,,, if all else fails i’ll just become a kpop idol istg
dream trip: tokyo !!!! i went there when i was little but i didnt remember most of it,,, shame
favorite food: matcha !! cheese !! pasta !! spicy food !! tbh i can eat anything
play any instruments: i play the guitar and piano,,, my skills havent improved the slightest in the span of 3 years look what 9 years of learning to play the piano took me xD ,,
favorite song: atm??? get it obviously,, nd i also really really love hocus pocus by plt
play(ed) any sports: why do sports and sweat when u can chill nd sleep at the comfort of your bed sis
hair color: jet black
eye color: dark dark dark brown resembling black lmao
most iconic song: shine by pentagon remains superior. period. thanks for coming to my ted talk
languages you speak/are learning: i speak english and bahasa (indonesian) but atm i’m learning japanese and korean ,,,, i still suck
random fact: i hate my country for blocking this site ,,, they can sue my ass i have vpn bitches
describe yourself as aesthetics/things: a try-hard edgy millenial, arthoe-slash-vintagechic-slash-softindie
tagging @minhyun @trouvezmoi @ptgwooseok @mooniekevin @chanqhee @bfwooseok u dont have to do this tho <3
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jrpneblog · 4 years
Consistently, inconsistent!
I suppose the one phrase that covers North End`s season so far i sthat we have been consistently, inconsistent. No better example of this than the two results in the last seven days taht say North End thumped 4-1 at Watford last Saturday afternoon only to go to Bournemouth on Tuesday evening and come away with 3-2 win. I know people will say that there was some mitigation for the Watford result in the fact that we had so many injuries and suspensions but the dody lanuguage at Vicarage Road was poor to say the least. Contrats that with the up and at em approach seen at the Vitality Stadium on Tuesday evening and you just end up scratching your head. North End have won five times on the road this season already at yet have lost six times at Deepdale in what has been one of the craziest first third of the season that I have ever known.
Reflecting a little more on the last seven day and a heavy defeat at Watford saw us go two goals goal before getting back into the game. A mistake for the first and a penalty for the second made it difficult enough. Backhuizen got one back before a superb third from the Hornets put the result beyond doubt before adding a fourth late in the proceedings to make the afternoon misery complete for North End and leaving the managers position in question. However the manager and the squad answered all the questions down in Dorset on Tuesday evening as we took three points fron second placed Bournemouth. North End were three up after sixt five minute with goals from Barkhuizen, Bauer and a world class chip from Scott Sinclair for the second. The home sid emade it a nervy finish though with goals in the seventy first and eighty sixth minute and with twelve minutes added time it turned out to be a bit of a nail biter. One big down side to the evening was Patrick Bauer ssustaining a bad achilles injury which may well put him out for the season. Im sure we all wish Pat the speediest of returns after this awful injury.
Im starting to dread trying to preview weeks when we have two home games because as predictions go I don`t seem to be doing very well. This week we see Wycombe at Deepdale on Saturday, 3:00pm ko, followed by Middlesbrough at home next Wednesday, 7:00pm ko. Saturday sees the return of former North End favourite, Gareth Ainsworth, with his Wycombe side and the Chairboys have found life difficult in their first season in the Championship. Under normal circumstances this should be a regulation home win but with the way our home form is going at the moment anything could happen. Undettered Im taking North End to win by two goals and to start to turn this home form round. On Wednesday Boro visit Deepdale for what well might be a turgid affair as Middlesboro are doing quite well in the Championship this season but reports of their performances are less thanencouraging for the purists. You are usually looking to take six points from two home games and hopefully North End will. Once again the fist result on the Saturday can influence the manager for the midweek game and two wins would certainly put it in a much better position and probablt on the tail of the play off as it is very tight this season at the top of the Championship.
And finally this week:- football fans werefianlly let back into to some grounds this week after eight months on the sidelines. It is of course only in Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas so I am afraid Lancashire will be starved of football for a while longer yet but at least its a start and if everybody does their bit over the Xmas period then maybe a return to Deepdale might not be that far away.
JR`s HIGH FIVES            
Cheltenham to draw with Exeter 5/2           
A £5 Stake returns £17.50 on bet365      
SEASONS STATS            
Returns  £55.00    Stake £65.00    percentage profit  - 15%       
Predictions 13   won 5   lost 8 
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It was a sudden plan to visit the landlocked province of Abra. Taking advantage of the long December holidays, we embarked on a cutting trip from Pampanga to Abra. I was to meet in Calasiao my travel buddy Ella where we will both take the bus to Vigan, eventually to Bangued, Abra.
It was a jam-packed bus terminal in Mabalacat City, as many passengers are rushing to their respective hometowns to celebrate the New Year. Having the youthful agility (that time), I was able to squeeze myself in the midst of sea of passengers and able to secure a seat at the rear portion of the bus, saving me from another standing commute. Few hours passed, we arrived in Dagupan and took a jeep transfer to Calasiao. In less than an hour, I saw the Calasiao spelling on many establishments, signalling our arrival. We had a quick lunch in a fast food chain before hailing a ride to Vigan. Even buses at this spot are full of passengers already. We are able to board a bus and take seats just beside the driver. It was one of the rare moments to stand behind the huge windshield.
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In Calasiao downtown while waiting for a bus ride to Vigan
Me and Ella and the bus driver, bound to Vigan
We intend to spend a night in Vigan before visiting Bangued. Taking advantage of the yuletide season, we strolled around the heavily decorated main streets of the touristy side of Vigan. Stalls brimming with tourists, the streets are breathing alive even at nightfall. Children running around with their apparent christmas garbs and presents and the clippity clops of tourist calesas are the usual busy attractions in Calle Crisologo.
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Empty Calle Crisologo at around 4:00 AM
After calling it a night on the quieter side of Vigan, we planned to leave as early as possible to see the Calle Crisologo complete and utter void of tourists. We left at 4:00 AM and hurried to the very spot – we practically owned Calle Crisologo. We left soon as the skies turn from starry black to deep blue and few tourists starting to tread the renowned street.
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Selfie with the bus before it leaves for Abra, and Ella seating at the front
Arriving at the then dimly lit Vigan Bus Terminal, the first leaving bus of the day bound to Bangued seats composedly in its slot waiting for the first passenger to board. With lengthy time for waiting, we decided to have our breakfast in the terminal-located eateries and tried on the local dishes they serve – Sinanglaw (warm sour- bitter profiled soup with beef innards) and Dinakdakan (Chopped grilled pork parts with onions and chilli peppers). Soon as our tummies are filled, we decided to board the bus and catch some quick snooze. The mini bus interiors looks like an oversized traditional pinoy jeepney with 3 by 2 seat configuration. As first passengers, we took the front seats.
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My breakfast in Vigan with Sinanglaw and hot instant coffee
One must not miss passing through the Tangadan Tunnel located in San Quintin municipality. Construction of the tunnel commenced last 1934 as many workers pummeled through sheer hard rock just to connect the new road sections, shifting the new path to Abra to a safer and easier to navigate terrain. The tunnel became the main gateway to access the hidden wonders of the Abra province. Years after its completion, the tunnel marks as one of the destinations in the province. Tourists on private vehicles take the opportunity to have a photograph with the view of the tunnel as their backdrop.
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Tangadan Tunnel in San Quintin, able to capture this since of our front seat access
It was more than two hours of driving when we finally on the bustling capital. Before arriving, we enjoyed breathtaking views of the mountainous landscape of Abra through its winding provincial roads. With nothing but thick forests on view, this is the one of the best spots in Abra to enjoy mother nature. Soon as we set foot finally and officially onto the soil of Bangued, I breathed excitedly and started scanning around. Hordes of tricycle drivers offering us ride, mobile vendors yelling out loud their products, porters heaving sacks of produces onto their backs and passengers hurrying to exit the terminal borders. Reaching on the main streets, busy foot traffic on both street edges and establishments brimming with customers was a welcoming sight. More vehicles stuck in traffic jutting out thick grey smoke while motorcycles squeeze their away into tight traffic spaces just to get ahead – really just a typical town, only within the borders of Abra. It was national campaign season, and campaign collateral litter the streets, walls and buildings.
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My shoe size did not comfortably fit on the foot space of the bus front sea
In every corner of the Bangued town, you would notice armed authorities in pairs – an army and a police officer, sometimes a trio with a traffic enforcer. This is a normal scenario during a campaign season confirmed by a random local. Using digital maps on our smartphones, we are able to locate the capitol grounds on foot.
At the center of the capitol complex features an open park area with a recognizable half dome covered platform fronting the geometric-hive facade of the green colored Capitol building. Its ground floor roof extension features the typical Ionian column heads topped with a triangular roof.
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Ella and the Abra Capitol Building facade
On the other side of the park is the Bangued Cathedral – St. James the Elder Parish. Already on a modern architectural style, the structure features a towering octagonal bell tower with four levels of arched windows. It features also a glittering retablo placed higher on the altar side. The ceiling is embellished with an elegant chandelier and the walls are parted by high arching windows, allowing natural light to enter through it s mosaic design glasses. A mass is celebrated at that time we visited.
We checked our digital maps and located the Calaba Bridge. One of the  longest modular bridge in the Philippines, spanning the wide yet seasonally treacherous Abra River – at 900 meters end to end. We chartered a tricycle to bring us on both of its ends, as walking under the afternoon us proves taxing. After agreeing on the amount we would pay the driver, we sped to the bridge. Soon after, a caged like structure emerged at the end of the road and there we met the signage of the bridge. The driver also instructed us that we can see and visit the riverbed below. True to its definition, the Calaba Bridge is indeed long. Seeing how vehicles turns into miniscule portions as they reach farther end. From there, we can see clearly the Sleeping Beauty. A portion of the mountainous skyline of Abra depicting a sleeping lady, with the face, chest and abdomen above the lower hills of the mountain ranges.
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Sleeping beauty mountain viewed from Oval Era Hotel
Since the sky was dry for days, the Abra River below apparently flows calmly against the clear blue sky. Noticeable are stilted huts above the river surface that visitors can rent should they wish to bathe on the river. There are no authorities that time to ask permission if we can try and check the huts, we just enjoyed seeing them from where we are. We took the chance to take road to the river bed. We marveled on the gigantic and massive support columns of the bridge. From there, we can hear and feel the clunking of steel whenever heavy vehicles would hit the bridge deck. Undettered by the noisy traffic above, scantily dressed children jumped back and forth onto the calm river.
After an exhausting afternoon tour around the main downtown area, we decided to check in with Oval Era Hotel (Contact: +63 917 184 6825) . This hotel is located on Cassamata Hill. We hailed a tricycle since our feet would not be able to carry us to the ascending road inside the park. We have made the right choice. At the wide balcony and open air veranda of the hotel, we can view the Bangued downtown, with the roofs below our feet. We chose an airconditioned twin bed room with private Toilet and bath. It was the best decision we made since we enjoyed much of our room. It also has a room balcony with view of the highers slopes of Cassamata Hill.
Our driver waited for us since he promised to bring us to another view deck within the Victoria Park. We continued the uphill road until we made sharp turn to the entrance of park. We saw an open air semi circular arena and a grotto. We walk around the park and enjoy the better panoramic view of Bangued and the mountain range backdrop.
Finally, our driver dropped as off on the gates of the hotel and we hurried back to our room to rest. Soon as we are done refreshing ourselves and our back against the supporting mattresses, we decided to end our tour.
My bed while in Abra
At dinner, we visited the neighboring Ayesha Cafe. We are amazed by its interior and garden inspired alfresco dining area with the view of the Bangued town. I ordered then Crispy Beef Ribs with Gravy for my dinner. It took less than 10 minutes before the smoking hot dish landed on my table. The meat is tender and tasty against the crunchy breading. I decided to end my meal with an iced tea beverage.
We called it a night when we returned to our hotel room. The relaxing and calming cold room and soothing mattress instantly drawn to dreamland.
The province of Abra, being part of the Cordillera Administrative Region, proves its tourism potential. At the time of our visit, visitors are rare and locals seemed to be not used on sights of backpackers sauntering their thoroughfares. That time, December 2015, when tourism activities are not yet rampant, we had a hard time in obtaining information from locals. There is a different vibes as to a tourist town like Banaue where locals are more warm to visitors and a smile is like a permanent gesture. I remember when the now famous Kaparkan Falls of Tineg municipality is still reachable by 6-7 hour trek or 3-4 hour horseback ride according to a local we have spoken with. We also lack in coordination with the tourism office and we are only able to see spots on what we just researched in the internet. I am now happy that Abra has taken huge strides in tourism, and social media was an effective marketing tool on bringing to a wider reach the beauty of Abra. I am thankful to my longtime travel buddy and confidant, Ella, for joining me in this tour and herself braving the long commute. As of posting, I could imagine the impact of increasing tourism activities in Bangued. I have learned many destinations now, like the rolling hills, rice terraces and many waterfalls. I tried to plan an itinerary for this a weekend trip would not suffice. I want to see myself what could be the difference from years back. This lingering travel thirst would want my itching feet board that “Abra” or “Bangued” signed buses.
Photo of Mt. Bullagaw in Abra by avid mountaineer and trusted financial advisor, Mr. RJ Garo,
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A post shared by @ rjgaro on Jan 31, 2017 at 6:52pm PST
Photo of Kaparkan Spring Terraces Falls in Tineg, Abra by Mr. Hancel Reyes ofThe Restless Pinoy Traveler blog
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Dreaming still to visit this seasonal Kaparkan Waterfalls
From Manila, you can take Bangued bound bus (Dominion Lines and Partas Line)
Alternatively, you can take Vigan/Laoag/Pagudpud bound bus and alight in Narvacan Junction. Take jeep, bus, van bound to Bangued
Will I ever go back? I will and that’s for sure. There are many section in the province still void of blog article and I am willing to spend time and effort to return to the province.
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Exploring BANGUED: capital of Abra province It was a sudden plan to visit the landlocked province of Abra. Taking advantage of the long December holidays, we embarked on a cutting trip from Pampanga to Abra.
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rkohsehun · 7 years
turning point**
…on going call 00:02:55
“you’re practically asking us if it’s ok for you to move out. the answer is no.”
the answer came not even a second later. his mother’s frown evident in the way her brows furrow. her expression screams of finality, of a decision that had been set on stone. it’s the same face his father has during business meetings. it’s that look that would have sent everyone else shaking where they stood; would have sent them scurrying to do whatever it is his parents wanted to happen and make sure it’s done exactly how they want it to happen.
it seems like the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
but still, sehun is different - had always been different.
for years he had been immune to this kind of look. he’s rarely told no, and if he does he had always made sure to whine long enough to be able to change their minds and he’s done a lot to do just that. there’s practically nothing he wants that he didn’t get. other times he just do what he wants regardless of what the consequences would be. everyone else can worry about that later. so long as he gets what he wants, nothing else mattered. it’s the mindset he’s always had - one he’s grown accustomed to.
but this time, it’s different.
being away from his parents - with a new environment and circle of friends - had definitey done him a few good things; had helped him mature to some extent. his grandparents aren’t as strict - the maids and butlers do that a lot for them instead. but this time, he has his reasons ready instead of locking himself up in his room to whine until he gets his way. he’s got his options lined up, got his choices to appease his parents instead of ignoring their side entirely. this time he’s ready to reassure them he’d be fine on his own.
sehun had always known why they’re overprotective of him. but he’s turned 18, a legal adult in the eyes of the law, and it frustrates him how he still doesn’t know how to do anything because no one lets him do anything. everyone’s afraid - afraid of his parents, afraid of his grandparents, afraid of the family butler. it’s been fun, of course. he’s enjoyed the never ending perks of being spoiled to no ends. but he’s just… he just wants to to learn how to be independent.
“mum, please!” he starts, again, keeping himself from huffing and rolling his eyes. “how will we know if we–if I don’t try? if it makes you feel better, we can just get a small place and then I can find a roommate,” he rushes the last part before his mother can even interrupt. there’s a long stretch of silence, mother and son having a stare down as if challenging who would back down first. but she’s always been the softer one, easier to reason out with compared to his father, and that also meant she’s by far a lot more protective of him.
“then it has to be someone we know,” is what his father says when it felt like his mother still wouldn’t speak. his posture screams of authority as he stares him down, although the slight slouch is there - only ever seen when he’s around family. there’s something in his eyes, though, a challenging glint as if he’s waiting on how this will turn out. sehun is unaffected, but he can’t deny that he hadn’t expected this kind of request from him. it’s the same one they’ve given him when he told them he wanted to continue his studies in Korea. “and a butler or a maid would be with you–”
“no!” he huffs, unable to keep the frustration in his voice. “that wouldn’t be much of a difference with my current living arrangement. not to mention it would defeat the purpose of wanting to live independently. but I do think I can find someone you already know so you don’t have to worry as much. if not, I promise I’ll introduce them to you properly. then you can interrogate to your heart’s content,” he reasons, making sure his expression mirrors that of his parents’ - determined and undettered. there’s another stretch of silence and sehun takes this opportunity to explain more. “i actually have one in mind - hugo hyung? he offered when I… had vent out things back then,” the memory makes him chuckle fondly. he’s managed to surround himself with good people all by himself. “he said he has a spare room for me, and that they don’t mind me staying. i doubt he’ll let anything happen to me. you already know he’s a good person.”
the look in his mother’s eyes softens somehow and it has him tilting his head in confusion. “I’m actually more worried that you’re more comfortable to talk about your feelings with your friends than with us to be honest,” and even her voice is soft - fond. of course she knew. if there’s anyone who knew him inside and out it’ll be his mother. it has him smiling, as fond as the smile on her lips.
“I actually talked to Minsoo about it, too,” he chuckles, shrugging sheepishly and really, they should also know how good he and minsoo are getting along nowadays.
“…you’re serious about this.”
sehun nods. “I am,” and he bites his lips before he continues. “I also want to continue my studies - dance major, but I won’t be giving up being a sphere trainee.”
“can you do it?” and the worried look in his mother’s eyes returns. “i don’t want you over working yourself.”
“i have to try,” sehun shrugs but keeps eye contact. “but i guess we’ll see?”
there’s a sigh, strong hands clapping sturdy knees. the sound made him flinch a little in his seat and sends the laptop monitor shaking a bit. “i see you’ve made up your mind about everything,” was what his old man says. and before his mother could even try and reason out with his father, his old man reaches over to place a hand on her shoulder and gives her a look. it was soft - the kind he never understood until now - and his mother deflates, a defeated sigh slipping past her lips.
“we still can’t say no to you, can we?” she says. it comes out more of a whisper but the mist in her eyes was unmistakable. it makes his heart stop. “you never let the rules restrain you. you always find a way to break out of them,” there’s a fond chuckle before she wipes a stray tear away. he never pegged himself to be brave. he’s always thought he’s scared to even thing of stepping outside his comfort zone. that’s exactly what he wanted to accomplish this time. what’s she on about? “but you’ve always shown this kind of courage. you’ve never been afraid to break out of your comfort zone to do the things you want to do. it’s one of the reasons why we’ve held such tight reigns on you - we couldn’t keep up. we were worried of a lot of things, but it felt like you’re growing up way too fast for us. you’re our baby, and no matter how proud we are of how much you’ve accomplished on your on, you’re still our baby!”
“we love you, sehun. and if this is what you want, we won’t stand in your way,” this time it’s his father. sehun blinks, growing uncomfortable but couldn’t help but think the warmth that spreads across his chest felt nice. he felt like a child, but not in the bad way. “but you still can’t stop us from sending someone to check up on you once in a while.” and this time, sehun laughs - really laughs - but the tears in the corners of his eyes builds and he’s sniffling. “at least bring the driver with you - although i can already feel that you’ll be taking care of that driver’s licence soon, too?”
sehun chuckles but nods. “one step at a time, dad.”
his old mand laughs. “we’ll call you, okay, love?” there’s a pause just as his father reaches forward, probably to end the video call. he gives him a warm smile. it was brief, almost as quick as the words “i’m proud of you, my boy,” leaves his lips. it was so abrupt he wondered if he imagined it. then the screen turns black.
sehun sits there, overwhelmed, but he’s done it.
it’s a big step, he knows, but it’s also one he needs to do.
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vladxmaddie · 7 years
Takes place before Phantom Planet ///Jack Fenton comes up dead. Maddie and Danny Fenton zero in on a suspect and plan on the confrontation of a lifetime! However Maddie finds herself confronting more than just Vlad... She’ll have to confront her past... and fate. There had been a lot of unresolved feelings between Maddie and Vlad leading up to this. \\\ Romance/Suspense (VladxMaddie pairing) My husband wrote this and it is sooooo good!! If you are a shipper you’ll love it. It is very deep and intelligent and the characters are well written.  -------------------------------------- Wars have been started over lesser heroines. Helen of Troy was a mere fairy tale by long dead warriors. Juliet was a mere silhouette in romance poetry when compared to the light of my long lost Lenore.  Joan of Arc became a Pop Tart for a shred of my conviction. For me, there is only one name on the Marque -- Maddie.
Please allow me to introduce myself; I am Vlad Masters, also known as an ectoplasmic superhuman, the Plasmius. With an army of both wealth and manifested supernatural underlings, I command an empire... but such a lonely kingdom it is without her. An accident has forever bound the fate of Maddie, and I -- and ... him, and made me what I am today. He is the one I have loathed for longer than a human mind can conceive of time; he is the sole reason why I command a legion of lowly ghosts, hopelessly scrambling to win back Maddie's affections. Jack... Our lives our forever linked by tragedy.
We knew only one of us would come out truly alive... and truly loved. Jack Fenton is dead. You must understand that this is a day I never really imagined would happen.
You must understand what this means... Maddie...
Though you may think of me as the villain of our previous affairs, know that I have my reasons for my crimes. Oh, sure, I've had my fair share of dasdardly doings, malicious schemes, and underhanded dealings towards Jack and his family, but what I've dealt and done, I did for love. Even my minions know this. They often times tire of every tear that shrivels up in my ecto-eyes whenever a cheesy 80's love song blares throughout the castle walls. They tell me that I call her name out in my sleep... and that my snoring sounds like buzz saws cutting through jagged metal. They call it, "Maddie's Song" or, "The Cheese King's Lament" (-- I prefer the former).
They say I also say, "Kill Jack" at least three times a night (four on weekends).
Life has not been easy for this half-ghost super-villain, let me tell you. I have years of occult training under my belt, and a skillset to match that belt with shiny sequins... but nothing can shine like the glow of Maddie's eyes... though often times my glances at her were while she glanzed, doe-eyed and stupidly at Jack.  However... in my newfound understanding, I almost sympathize with my rival, and know that our intentions were more similar in heart than in their eventual actions. We were  two primal beasts beating our chests for the affections of a girl.... but not just any girl. Maddie... the girl he stole from me!
Forgive me, however -- I am getting far ahead of myself; she will be at this castle again in one hour.
My eyes dance in otherworldly flames that twist around the hands of the clock. My devious smirk twists from space and time in the mirror's reflection. Tonight, all the doors are open for my love and I. Tonight, a brave new world has opened itself up to us with loving arms.
Tonight there is a song playing on the radio so oddly reminicent of our plight...
"Take these broken wings and learn to fly again."
Maddie... let me teach you to fly. Let me show you a better world -- a world without Jack Fenton -- a world without Ecno-acne or the obnoxious fundraisers on the TV to cure it (we only raised $200 -- mainly because no one knew what the hell we were talking about--) a world where you and I are finally King and Queen...
Tonight, my minions are restless... Maddie's Song is going viral. Fifty-eight minutes, now... and I'm getting nervous. Tick tock, Maddie...
Words cannot describe the oceans of time that crash from our last true moment together as rightful heirs to this ghost kingdom. The blast of blinding light that overtook my vision as I thought I was surely dead -- the screaming crash that resolved the brooding tension of hearts -- it feels like forever ago, and yet every heart beat now. Jack Fenton had robbed me of my humanity on this day -- an infamous day -- but what no one really understands is that it was one of many days -- lonely days... without Maddie. Had I died that day at the lab, Maddie would have been the last thought on my mind, as she has often been the first, since then. Every wretched morning, I awake in a grave of a bed, and see my ghosts, bedside by her altar. Her face haunts me worse than they ever could.
So many pictures...
You could call me a collector.
For so long, for so many fights, in so many blasts of ectoplasmic energy, and for so many of those lonely nights and mornings, there has been only one thing standing in our way: Jack Fenton. Could a world without such a man even exist?
Well, it does... tonight.
Thirty minutes, Maddie...
With the aforementioned skillset I've boasted, these minutes are able to whip up quite the hardy dinner date, complete with everything from the freshest steaks from the almost freshest cows, their freshest milk and cheese, and the most aged and locked away wine, festering in at least three of my dungeons for at least two decades. The table is set, the finest (and freshest) silverware is laid out. The mirrors are all slightly tilted, so as not to distract my love with too many a horrible scene of my minions ready to kill her son if need be, in case of a backup plan.
The doorbell rings... "Maddie!" my voice confidently addresses, forgetting social cues. "You look so lovely... given such terrible circumstances."
Her eyes tear through me like ghost-obliterating lasers, and her face is pale and puzzled.
The moment is stolen by a snot-nosed little shit named Danny. His stare instantly becomes a threat of violence alone. There is a tension between us all that festers like an ever-expanding elephant in the rooms of my castle. I have to tell the truth, instantly.
"I didn't kill your father, Daniel. But please, come in! -- And Maddie, I will have your coat lined up on the finest of coathangers, and--"
"Vlad--" she intercepts like Brett Farve to score a touchdown in my heart. "I--"
"You must be so tired!" I desperately try to persuade her into security of my smile. "Have you ever felt the material of a six hundred thousand dollar expandable bed on your legs before? It's... really quite divine."
"It sounds lovely, Vlad," Maddie admits, delighting me, but likewise she toys with my heart with her every word. "But I really don't know if it's appropriate to be meeting like this so soon.."
"Oh, Maddie," I say, my voice cracking in genuine concern, "Even as a grieving widow, your eyes are still no more nor less haunting than before."
"Cut the shit, Vlad!" her misfit child barks at me. "I know you had something to do with this!"
"Oh, hush, boy," I say, undettered. "As I've been telling your mother for... exactly three hours and twenty eight minutes straight of text messages and Skype calls -- I'm here to help."
"I... want to believe that, Vlad" Maddie whimpers. Such delicate pain -- pain I know all too well, somehow, in longing for her. I have something for her tonight that will change everything we have ever known... my last chance at winning her heart.
"Please come in."
Touchdown, Packers.
The evening dinner goes smoothly enough, with the obvious passive aggression between me and the boy. Maddie even eats like an angel. I hope she doesn't mind me staring, in between the usual condolences and small talk about our favorite wines and cheeses. It's a touchy subject -- the Jack thing, as you can imagine, and she is in a state of grief. I am doing my best to prepare her for this truth that Jack never saw coming.
(Frankly, neither did I!)
What I had not ever truly known in all these years was there was a ghost among the presence of my castle that was not only strong enough to merely kill Jack or Danny -- but one that might resolve the pieces of my heart to repair -- repair in Maddie's arms at last! It was a freak accident that changed my life, but as such, I was not Jack's only mistake in the world of ghostly mischief. Allow me to ellaborate. A chance encounter with another immortal  showed me what I really became on the day that ripped me away from her, and drove her into Fenton's arms. A keeper of time and potential fate, Clockwork, had mumbled to me about ghosts not always being what we think of them to be. Sometimes feelings can be ghosts, too.
(Then he tried to kill me; go figure.)
"Daniel, could you excuse me and your mother for a moment?"
"No way, dude. I am NOT leaving you alone with my mom after what you--"
"Danny, please!" Maddie's voice interrupts us, heavenly and reserved as she is stern, and so the true conversation can begin. Danny slips out of the room, watching me in his every step as he goes to what I hope is the last possible bathroom on the furthest end of the castle.
Minutes tick by, and the conversations do rightfully shift to talk of Jack and Danny, and the wheels of fate that turn for us all now.
"I know your secret, Vlad," Maddie declares. "I know about your life as Plasmius, your countless attempts on Jack's life -- what you've done on your expensive beds -- everything!"
I gasp. "Maddie!  How could you accuse me of such awful and atrocious things? Surely you would not have come all the way out here just to toss around such hurtful accusations!"
"Danny always told me I shouldn't trust you, Vlad..."
"Danny is a fool, Maddie. He has grown up being overshadowed by that big, lumbering wall of a husband of yours. Both of you have been restraining your true potential -- potential that I can--"
"Enough!" she interrupts, glaring at me with hellish eyes that I know are serious... but something behind the fire beckons me still.
"How did you find out?" I prod.
She looks into my eyes and begins our psychological game of musical chairs. Both of us are refusing to stand, now, deadlocked into cemented stance, waiting for each other's move.
"I have my ways, Vlad. I have been onto your true motives for quite some time." "My 'true motives?'" I question. "Why did you come out here if you think I killed him?" Maddie says nothing, her lips devoid of a twitch, and her eyes too vigilant to fall off of me with more than a blink.
"Do you also know about Danny's powers?"
She nods.
This is all going so much better than I had anticipated...
The music has long since died. "Are you and Danny going to try to kill me?" I ask, smirking. "If you're going to take advice from him, you should ask him how many times I've died. It's honestly not many, Maddie... and never for as long as Jack."
Maddie hesitates for a moment, a bit of blood rushing to her head as she lets the wine settle in her stomach.
"I need to know what happened to him. I know that you know... Vlad Plasmius."
Hearing her call me by that name sends a quiver down my spine with the force of ten thousand Fenton-patented spiritual spine beams. I try to maintain my composure, and disicpline.
"If you knew what I knew," I respond, "you'd know I didn't kill him. Jack killed himself... in a way."
"How dare you!" she screeches. "Are you saying that--"
"Maddie -- what I'm saying is, we are on the cusp of something that no one could have truly understood before."
"What are you talking about?" Maddie demands.
"-- What killed Jack -- what gave me and Danny our powers -- what compelled you here, if not to avenge him -- it's all part of the same thing, Maddie. We are all summoning a great supernatural energy -- here, and now. You and I are the rightful owners of this energy -- not you and Jack!"
A part of the truth leaks from my lips like cosmic sludge. I wipe my mouth and wait for her to catch an interest in my information. It's a very curious game.
"You're... not making any sense... " she mumbles. "At least... not much sense. A little, I think."
"Yes," I confirm. "You know it in your heart, don't you? -- On the day of the accident, a terrible crime was committed against fate... a crime that robbed me of my humanity -- and of you! Yet, one was many in a list of crimes that begin and end with the Fenton name! I should be the one taking care of you -- the one honing your crafts with my own. Jack ensured that all I would ever have was a bucket full of extra crispy for a head!"
"And there you go on again," she shoots down, "always the same stories, always the same people to blame. Have you ever EVEN ONCE considered that I chose Jack over you because I genuinely loved him, and NOT because your face was fried chicken?"
"Yes, Maddie," I concede. "I have considered all possible fates since that day, and all foods in which to compare my face to -- hopelessly wandering through space and time to reconcile this matter -- why I feel so alone without you. Why the ghosts around us all are conspiring in such anger; why you ended up with such a ... a bafoon! They say opposites attract, but my--"
"Stop talking about him like that!" she warns. "How can you say such things about my husband -- your former friend -- if you were not the one who killed him! He loved me -- and he loved you! You were like a brother to him!"
"HA!" I deflect. "That oafish fence post couldn't calibrate a calculator! He never truly cared about my talents -- or yours! It was always US, Maddie -- the brains of the team -- the true Masters of the unseen! Jacky-boy was just along for the ride!"
"You're insane," Maddie spits.
"I know," I acknowledge, sipping the wine and building a rather impressive statue to myself out of toothpicks on my dinner plate as we talk (one of my many hidden talents). "You always said that the 'mad scientist' thing was a turn on, didn't you?" I smile.
"Vlad..." Maddie blushes, "That ... was years ago."
"Eternities," I correct. "Each of them spent in my own personal hell without you."
"You, Maddie..." I call out, declaring my undying devotion. "For all of these days and nights and years and crimes -- it has always been the pain of really losing you that has driven me to these low frequences..."
Maddie looks to the ground, for a second, slightly lost and assessing her thoughts.
"We did have some good times together, didn't we...?"
An unexpected wall has come down in her temperment. I catch her lost in reflections of a life that should have continued on with us together -- days and nights of lab partners and friends and potentially so much more -- Vlad... and Maddie. Unfortunately, connecting the dots reveals that our love story has always been, indeed, a tragedy.
... Until tonight? "Remember  when I won those tickets for that Packers game, for the stadium near our old lab?"
Finally -- a smile comes to the sweet widow's lips and she almost trips into a slight chuckle.
"Of course!" she beams.  "That was crazy!"
"Yes," I agree -- "more than you know, for more reasons than you understand."
Maddie shakes her head.
"'You're looking sharp!'" she quotes herself from the day in question, giggling in slight self-deprecation. "I was such a dork back then!"
"No... you weren't," I reassure her. "You were beautiful then, and you're beautiful now.
"Vlad..." Maddie blushes. She tries to steer my mind towards the events of that fateful day. "You were so excited! You ran to tell me, as I was--"
"You were wearing your labcoat," I begin to effortlessly recall, finishing her thought, "hiding a blue halter top, a studded belt, and a purple skirt with flowing fabric, like ribbons. You were working on an experiment..."
"The Spectral Emotional Ecto Sludge," she correctly remembers. "I forgot all about that nasty, brown goop. It was so ugly... so sticky and slimy, so--"
"So like HIM!" I shout at her, startling even myself, a bit.  Maddie is taken off her guard by my conviction, but that is okay. I have my reasons for making an enemy of the Sludge I met on that day, and they are the same as my vendetta against her late, great Jack: it cost me yet another chance with her!"
-- "Hey Vlad! You're looking sharp!" Maddie called from afar, deep within a memory forcing its way through my powerful brain. "Whatcha' so excited for?"
My eyes soon caught the aforementioned ribbon-like fabric of her unforgettable purple skirt. It flew through the air like angel wings. Those eyes very quickly went to hers, though, as I tried not to stare.
(I may be a villain, but I'm not a creeper.)
Mainly I remember this occurance because it felt like a gust of wind had taken up toward me as I entered the lab through the creaky door, tickets outstretched in excitement with my flailing hands trying to reach for Maddie. It was as if I was having a premonition before I actually had the ability to have them (a prepremonition).
I was so happy. This was finally my chance to win her over -- to ask her out on a date to one of the biggest games in history!
(Okay, it actually wasn't an important game, but free tickets are free tickets, and boy, did I need an excuse to work up the nerve.) "Maddie!" I gleefully called out as a mere mortal man. Up until a certain point, I'd consider these the simpler days. "I have some amazing news!"
"I can tell!" she boasted with a surprised smile. "Your emotions are radiating throughout the Sludge -- which, of course, means the experiment was a resounding success!"
Delighted with her own information first, she beamed.
"What is that?" I asked, puzzled and broken away, too, from my own cause of success. Like a supermodel posing with a product, her hand held a meager tupperware container among the land of test tubes. In it was a sight that scars my eyes to this day.
"Well!" Maddie grinned, seemingly waiting for hours just to be asked -- "This little baby is the magical -- the fantasical -- the -- Spectral Emotional Ecto Sludge!"
I tilted my head slightly to the left, thinking to myself how deeply I was falling in love with her every graceful gesture. I had to keep these feelings to myself, so I resigned to looking rightfully puzzled by her experiment. "Spectral... Emotional ... Sludge?"
"Sort of!" she laughed, and true to its name, there was an emotional reaction to match her own within the brown, toxic slime. It danced to the sound of her voice, highly reactive.
"What does it do?" I pondered to her, intrigued. "Well," -- and Maddie hesitated with a flush upon her face that made my heart skip, here -- "I'm not exactly sure?"
Both Maddie and the slime coyly shrugged.
"It's supposed to read the emotions of the people it comes into contact with," she continued, "and what I was hoping for was that it could help communicate emotional resonance in the supernatiral realms, too... but..."
"But it's dancing." I smiled. "Maddie, you're a genius!"
She took a quick bow, drinking in my admiration, before finally acknowledging what I was holding.
"What are those?" she asked, the slime still hypnotically clinging to her voice in a dance.
"Well!" -- and I tried to use the same inflection as her, to make her laugh (and it worked; yes!). "Do you remember the call-in show from a week ago?"
-- "MADDIE!" -- -- Just then, a second gust of wind generated -- a huge one --  the wind generated by a man wearing tights one-fourths his size, and incredible amount of hot air coming from his own bullshit. Imagine as gorrilla had mated with an ostrich at a superhero convention, and that would only cover his mother's genes -- but I digress. The oafish, walking fencepost returned.
And as if compelled by the hands of fate, as Maddie's voice rang out in confusion of the three of us all in a state of excitement at once, the slime hopped up from its container, hurling itself in the air like a sentient pile of flying vomit.
(About that premonition...)
"OH NO!" screamed Maddie.
"NO!" Jack screamed like a mentally stunted chimpanzee. "Maddie! Vlad is projectile vomiting  --  QUICK! -- FIND SOMETHING ABSORBANT BEFORE IT STAINS THE LAB!"
"WHAT?!" I tried to scream out in confusion, but it was too late. Like an obliviously charging rhino, Jack began hurling towards me. "JACK, NO!"
"Jack!" Maddie cried out in sincere panic -- "It's -- NO! -- IT'S -- "
The tickets were ripped from my hand before I could say anything else, and I went hurling in the other direction of Jack, and the "puke" for about five feet, before landing on the ground, horrified.
The sentient Ecto Sludge ate the tickets in the air in an instant, controlled by the will of its stupid and unrightful wielder. It then grew exponentially in size until it covered the walls of the lab... but in an instant, it was gone. In one twist of fate to add to the list of all the ways Jack had robbed me of Maddie -- even in freak accidents no one could have forseen -- another notch was added in the belt. As I told you before, I have begun to better understand Jack in wake of his passing. This day, though I had no true way of knowing, up until tonight, sealed his fate. But I'm getting ahead of myself again. The food is eaten. The drinks are drank. -- "You didn't tell us that those were tickets for weeks!" Maddie recalls, laughing with a snort and reflecting back much differently than me on the memory.  " -- Even up until the day of the game, you just kept sulking and sulking! You didn't even show up for the next couple--"
"-- It's his fault!" I scream, rageful. "It's always been! That should have been OUR game!" "Vlad..." "Maddie -- you don't understand," I plead. "Can you not see that I've waited lifetimes just for a moment like this alone with you again?
"Alone... with me?"
"You're laughing again, Maddie," I remark. "Do you know how long I've waited to hear you laugh or smile and think of me?"
Finally, I begin to read a shred sympathy in the voice of my beloved -- one that she has denied for so long, just like Jack has. She has such an innocent coyness to her... behind the makeup, behind the tears. She has spent all of this time untamed. Her powers could have even rivaled mine, in terms of sheer intellect. But like the dulling of a blade, her thoughts and memories and dreams fade away into memories of Jack. "You talk about him like he was just something in your way," she moans, saddened.
I want to blurt out, "he was" -- to sink back into sheer hatred and revenge -- but the game has changed, and I want to return her lowered guard with genuine affection. Both of us are grieving in very different ways. "Maddie," I concede, "Perhaps I was misguided in seeking revenge in the ways I have before. Perhaps, if you were happy with him, I can be happy for you. The main thing that I wanted you to see tonight is that you would have been -- and could still be -- much happier with me." "Vlad..." she sinks, almost recoiling into her seat. "Why have you always been so... interested in me? With all your power and money, you could have anyone in the world -- or ANY world. Why ME?"
"You..." and my voice and heart both skip in tune.
"Think about it," she suggests, like the hushing of the words that I cannot yet follow with. "Get back to me... after you tell me how you killed my husband."
"I -- I ... didn't kill him," I assure her -- and to me, this is still the truth.
"Can you prove that to me tonight?" she sternly asks in the tone of an almost threat or warning.
"If I can..." I begin to bargain " ... will you stay with me tonight?"
"Vlad... I... " -- she turns her head and fades in and out of racing thoughts and priorities, confused about her true feelings. I anticipated this moment. I have been waiting restless eternities -- as I've rambled on about. "Think about it," I smirk.
Maddie is not impressed... just still very lost.
My hands wish to touch her cheek.
My long, expensive overcoats long to keep her body warm.
"I love him, Vlad, living or dead, killed by you or ten thousand grisly ghosts -- I love Jack."
"But you love me, too... don't you, Maddie?"
"Isn't that why you came here, Maddie...? Do you not remember the good times with me -- times where Jack would never cease to screw up, and yet you never stopped forgiving him? Why? Why, Maddie?"
She cannot reply, her breath and eyes stolen by an oncoming emotion. Her breath smells of Merlot, and her words are from the heart.
"It wasn't ... exactly a grisly," I begin, drawing her to stay on her guard. She takes the bait, and gives me an angered look. "What was it, Vlad? What happened? What do you know?"
"Maddie," I begin to unravel a bit, again, with the truth. "All I have ever wanted to know in life was your love... not a world of grisly ghosts."
" What kind of ghost have you been hiding from me, Vlad?"
My brow lowers. My body stiffens. One more drink of wine... is drank.
"I know of a ghost more powerful and brutal than those you and your family have struggled to understand," I begin, -- "one that feeds on anger, hate, and pain...  and of that pain, I know a pit so deep and eternal that it could never contain said ghost. It longs forever, wishing to belong to something -- to attach to someone -- and it waits, and festers and and goes insane... like me. With that pain and insanity, festering under the surface of my power and your marriage, we have likewise birthed a rival to Jack much like me, as well."
"This is pointless." Maddie retorts, catching me off my guard. "You're still just rattling off nonsense. Do you still think you are the only one who is in pain, Vlad? Do you have any idea how you and your powers have hurt other people? If there is such a ghost -- such a creature -- such a MONSTER -- how is it not you, yourself -- your ego, your plans -- YOUR cause?"
Now it is my turn to hesitate.
"There are far worse monsters than simply me, Maddie," I begin to my love, still overtaken with the weight of all my devious decisions visa vis her attempted guilt trip.  "Likewise, there are many causes to fight for -- 'the Ecno Acne Supercure Fundraising Agogo-plex,' for one -- but I digress. With absolute power, corruption is absolutely essential, is it not? With all of this power, the temptation to rule the galaxy would be strong for anyone -- even your son -- and even you, Maddie."
"I'm not like you, Vlad," she dismisses. "I don't desire power. I want to make the world a better place -- for me -- for Danny, for everyone--"
"Young Danny has yet to fully grow into his powers," I remind her " -- to realize the potential laid out before us, as demigods. I only wish now to guide him to understand the worlds beyond our own, and yet still -- you -- and he deny me -- empowering a father that has no clue how to handle him, this power, or ... you."
"Yeah?" Maddie shrugs, seeming to tire of the conversation reaching a vague stalemate. "Well, it's too late for that, now," she laments. "Jack's dead... and you're going to tell me what happened to him, and... where's Danny?!"
Oh, great. Now even Jack Fenton's sperm has to interfere with my life in his absence.
"I'm sure he's fine -- probably 'going ghost' or something uninteresting such as --" A large amount of thudding and banging interrupts me -- followed by a voice I wish would dissipate into the brick walls.
Maddie topples the wine glass off of the table, and begins to take out of the castle room before I can even stand up. More loud noises echo out of our reach. Something is causing a great havoc all of a sudden... and I know exactly what it is. Damn it. I was expecting showtime to not be so early...
The thudding and banging continue as I chase after her, calling her name in genuine concern, because I know what she is racing towards. She, of course, ignores my pleas, as any mother would, and tries to find her son (whom I assume is righteously getting his ass kicked, as he so often tends to do in my castle).
I knew it was only a matter of time before the boy discovered what truly killed his father. I figured I'd see if I could get a two-for-one kind of deal before I moved in for Maddie. I suppose it's too late now... but no matter.
Let the show begin.
As I chase after her, I remember how long I've been chasing... how long I've been longing. More flashbacks ceaslessly pound against my mind like ping pong, remembering the older days between Maddie and I. I wonder as I follow her racing footsteps if my own seemingly endless corridor is a metaphor of some kind. I've been chasing her for so long, always being pulled away, always being hurled up into the big, stupid arms of the hero. Tonight, she will know her hero isn't dead.
He's me. I feel like my mind is a straight, thin line, like every hallway... an arrow to Maddie's heart.
As she finally opens the door, she gasps loudly enough to count as an explosion. She sees her boy knocked unconscious on the floor, bruised and beaten, as I had anticipated. He is buried underneath dust and rubble, but so far, there is no sign of his attacker. She rushes to his side, and from her position to check his status, she gives me a scowl.
"You!" she screams. "I knew I couldn't trust you! What have you done?!"
"Maddie--" I plead, now realizing that our former game of musical chairs has ended, and both of us are scrambling to find a proper seat in the room, before we get taken out. "This is actually the one time when you NEED to trust me -- or your son, and you, and I -- will --"
Just then, a terribly familiar brown, sluggish goop begins to form all over the walls...
Maddie's expression has turned to shock and panic to horror, and something familiar. It's almost as if the memory has summoned an old foe to the scene, and it reacts with matched hysterics. The walls begin to crumble and tear apart, sinking into the readings of everyone's panic. It's a vicious cycle, as the more Maddie and I become unhinged, so too, does the world around us... literally. The Sludge is rageful... wrathful. It will not stop until the paradox of our emotions is resolved. What Clockwork had revealed to me, after I bested him in battle, was that the Spectral Emotional Ecto Sludge, was in itself, now like a ghost. It had been feeding on all of our collective misery since that day... at least, mine. The tickets were not made of a very absorbant material, to say the least... but when I held them with the intention of winning Maddie over, that intention resonated. Eating the tickets fed the Sludge knowledge of our curious triangle. It had been festering for far too long.
It wanted Fenton.
Perhaps the whole time, fate was trying to rectify what I never could.
Needless to say, I had been attempting to track it down for quite some time since learning of its intention... but it had always eluded me... just like Maddie... until tonight -- also just like Maddie -- it showed up at my door... exactly one hour before she did.
But now, Maddie has finally returned to see the weight of her own grief and mine combined and threatening to kill us both. Now, she is in danger.
I have to show my true form; no need to hide it from her anymore.
("Going Ghost!" is still such a stupid catch phrase, by the way.)
Once transformed again into my Plasmius ways, I try my best to shield her from the oncoming debris, generated by the Sludge. My powers shine in kinetic lightning, phasering rocks and expensive items from other rooms that the monster is summoning with its rampage to fly at us. I shoot many a blast at every slimy, oozing piece of matter I see... but it seems completely unaffected.
"VLAD!" she screams, "GET US OUT OF HERE!"
"I can't!" I shout back, trying to talk over the rumbling bricks and pillars.
"What the hell do you mean you CAN'T?!"
A few more useless blasts at the Sludge dishearten me. I have to admit something to Maddie that normally a man of my status would not let his pride allow... but again, it is the truth.
"Even with all my power," I concede, "I know of no way to stop this thing!"
Maddie is cradling Danny, holed up in storage of the room's corner now that seems shadowed away from the Sludge. I can see in her eyes that even admist the panic, her mind is racing to assess new information. The look she gives me almost continues our conversation in the other room without us having to.
"The... Sludge...!" Maddie calls. "The Sludge killed Jack?!"
The room stabilizes now slightly as if our  goopy enemy wants to answer. My hands tire from wielding my powers.
"Do you remember?" I ask her in the becoming calm of the Sludge's storm. "Do you remember how you felt on that day you say me, before the accident -- before the madness?"
"What?" -- Again, Maddie is confused.
"I was 'looking sharp' -- remember?"
"Vlad -- what --"
"Maddie! You -- me, Jack -- we've all been feeding this thing for years. All of the battles -- all of the madness -- all of the scorn and jealousy and all of your research -- it can wield it all against us! This is more powerful than all of us combined... and we can't all combine anymore!"
-- "It's just you and me now, Maddie..." I finish for her.
"Vlad... what have we done...?"
Maddie's resignation to her fear, like the starting of an engine, roars again the Sludge to rear its ugly head, in its true form, this time, as well. A goop that pours from the walls piles into the corner adjacent to Maddie and Danny.  It begins to grow bigger, and bigger. Ominously, it assembles itself like a creature looking far too big for a human, and far too... solid, for a ghost or goop. It's changing its properties fast, drinking in Maddie's fear and my yearning. The Sludge has grown up into a villainous, vile dasdardly, worthy of my army...
But I would never command anything to hurt Maddie! --  (the boy -- sure -- and often -- but --)
"VLAD!" Remembering that day I first encountered the sludge, I reach into my pocket for my only real idea as to how to combat this perdicament. In my suit pocket, now slightly stained with wine, is a long, yellow envelope.
"What... what is that?" Maddie trembles as the monster moves towards her.
"Well!" I gleefully say, recalling our old life,  "it's an 'ace in the hole' -- a secret weapon I've been saving to wield for a few days, wrestling with this decision. Every tragic love story needs a sacrifice -- right, Maddie?"
"What are you TALKING about?!" she screeches. "Are you going to... mail a letter while this thing kills me?!"
I grimmace. Carefully, my powerful hand opens the envelope, and pulls out an obnoxiously long piece of paper.
"Maddie," I decree, while savoring the mere seconds before the monster finds her. "They finally sold me the team."
"... What?!"
"-- The Packers, Maddie -- they made me an offer. All I have to do is sign it and--"
"VLAD!" Maddie screams, now visibly in tears, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO SELFISH RIGHT NOW?! DO YOU WANT ME TO--" "I WANT YOU TO SEE THIS!" I scream.
"See WHAT!?"
With time running out, I make my move.
"None of this, Maddie --  NONE OF THIS means anything to me anymore -- not the Packers, not this world or the world unseen -- absolutely NOTHING -- if I do not have you. Why you? -- Why YOU? -- I'll tell you why -- because you make me want to be GOOD, Maddie. These ghosts have been restless for so long -- all because of our tragic romance. You know in your heart that I could have given you more than he ever could, and YOU KNOW IT, TOO -- YOU UGLY, BIG PILE OF SHIT!"
Without a single flinch of hesitation, I fling the unsigned contract into the monster.
It sinks like a fish into Jello into its back. The sacrifice has been made.
Maddie screams.
Silence holds for a few seconds now in her echo. The monster stands still.
The monster roars.
My mind is racing for a way to kill this thing. If none of the Fentons could do it, it's up to me.
None of the Fentons...
As the room is engulfed in an ominous gold glow, and the Sludge creature inches towards Maddie, who is too tired to try and fight, time almost stops as it did in all of my terrible encounters with Jack that changed my life. Now it all is starting to make sense.
Maddie hangs her head down, accepting her fate, and Danny's.
"Goodbye, Vlad... I..."
The final puzzle piece of the Sludge mystery fits, and as it raises a hand that has hardened from goo to solid stone to crush the love of my life, I cry out to her.
"But I --"
"Jack always knew it, Maddie -- he knew that we had something that he could never have with you -- never did. He was his own worst enemy. It was only a matter of time before his own mistakes caught up with him... but you... you're so brilliant, Maddie -- so wonderful and truly good! You don't deserve this! He wouldn't have wanted things to end this way! And it can only end this way if you refuse to see what you and I have been running from for YEARS--"
-- "VLAD! I LOVE YOU!" --
Hell freezes over.
The monster crumbles into dust.
As the castle starts to further rip itself apart in resolution of the monster's feelings (and ours) I use all of my strength to create a shield around me and Maddie (and begrudgingly, the boy as well). In flashes of light so bright that death itself would lose focus, I nearly pass out from the toll of the ecto-shield.
(Thanks for helping, Danny. Little shit.)
I swear I must be dead. I swear I must be.
Is this Heaven?
Maddie is resting in my arms now as her son had been resting in hers. The castle walls around us have crumbled... and she loves me. "The... experiment..." Maddie groans, groggily struggling to stay awake. "It... was... my fault."
"There is no such thing as fault, my love," I whisper in her ear as I dry her cheeks, "only fate, now."
"... Fate..." Maddie whispers. "Could you... really have been mine... all along?"
Exhausted, she fades away into a sleep that weighs lovingly on me. I am overjoyed.
Wars have been started over lessser heroines. Helen of Troy was a mere fairytale by long dead warriors. Juliet was a mere sillouette in romance poetry when compared to the light of my long lost Lenore.  Joan of Arc became a Pop Tart for a shred of my conviction. For me, there is only one name on the Marque -- Maddie.
I had known for far too long that we had a fire of chemestry. It ignited a passion that Jack wouldn't stand for. Like beasts, we both beat our chests, performing for Maddie's approval. Jack's least impressive stunt, it seems, had finally cost him his life... But I think MY life is finally starting to turn around.
Jack Fenton is dead.
Maddie Fenton is safe, where she belongs... Sometimes, emotions can be ghosts, too -- unresolved feelings so powerful that they may just resolve themselves.
"Take these broken wings and learn to fly again."
Let's fly, Maddie.
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babyawacs · 2 years
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aeh wie erklaer ik dett denn nu ambesten. darthvader baut autos in @co ttbus undett is och jut so aber . .. dettis darthvaaaaaader .@rbb @rbb
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