elysiumcalled · 1 year
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demonsfate · 1 year
Hey, boss. This is Bruce. You may not remember me, but I worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu when you took over. After much consideration, however, I resigned my job. Unfortunately I didn't get my last payment, and I was left with nothing due to the on going war. Is there a way that you can get me my money? Much thanks.
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❝ Uh . . . yeah, I'm sorry. I don't remember you. ❞ But, he doesn't remember anything from that time. ❝ The company isn't owned by . . . ❞ it feels wrong to say the word ' me ' when it was never his to begin with. ❝ I have no access to the wealth that came with the company. You'll have to ask the new CEO, Kazuya Mishima . . . & I have a good feeling he's not concerned about your payment. ❞
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Do you think you could write about short sized! Reader working for Bruce banner as a lab assistant and Steve has a total crush on her.
Get A Life
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You sat comfortably at your desk, analysing recent data on your computer screen. To an everyday person what would look like a jumbled mix of numbers and symbols to you made perfect sense. 
“Ah-huh.” He responded, eye deep into a telescope.
“The optimal temperature for nuclear reaction is…” 
“100 million Kelvin… depends.”
“Figured.” You grumbled, nibbling on the end of a pen.
He rose from his stool, moving towards your desk and minimising the screen.
“This might sound hypocritical coming from me, but you need to get a social life.”
You re-opened the screen, eyes zoning in on him “This is social.” Gesturing between you both. 
“No this is work.” He minimised the screen again. 
“It’s a hobby.” You re-opened it,  
“That you get paid to do.” He minimised the screen once more.
Before you could continue your game of cat and mouse, a knock at the door caused both your heads to rise.
“Sorry to interrupt I just came to drop off these documents for Y/N.”
Your eyes darted up to the large frame leaning against the door, his blue eyes never leaving yours as he offered a soft smile, holding a thick manilla folder in his hands like it was nothing. 
“Oh yeah, okay, I was just about to go.” Bruce rose, walking past Steve.
Bruce raised his pointer finger at Steve, leaning in close and whispering while you were distracted by the screen in front of you “I…MIT won’t stop calling desperate for her to join so don’t… you know because I will go Hulk on your ass.” 
Steve gave him a respectful nod “I won’t.” 
“Good.” With a slap on the shoulder Bruce made his way out. 
Steve stalked towards you, placing the folder on your desk with a thud.
You skim through the contents only to find blank pages.
“These are all blank?”
“Yes, they are.”
“What… why would you… what?”
Steve’s hand rubbed the back of his head “I just wanted an excuse to come see you.” He smiled at you sheepishly. 
You sighed, rising from your desk making your way to the chemical cupboard with Steve close on your tail.
“I’m in the middle of making universe altering research breakthroughs Steven.” You thumbed through the walls of vials and chemicals.
Steven. Only you called him Steven. Not Rogers. Not Captain. Steven. And while he’d choke out anyone else who called him that besides his mother, he loved hearing his name fall from your lips. 
“Which is why I think you deserved a break.”
“Why is everyone so obsessed with me talking breaks around here?”
“Because you work the hardest.” You momentarily paused, turning your head over your shoulder, catching the sincerity on his face. 
“I’m not a superhero.” You shook your head. 
“You are, in a way…” He moved forward coming behind you as you reached upwards, pushing your weight onto your tippy toes to reach the container on the top shelf, your fingertips barely brushing it. Even in heeled boots you couldn’t even reach. 
With a swift motion, he placed his hand on your hip to pull you back slightly, raising his toned arm and grabbing the container effortlessly and handing it to you.
“I can’t even reach the top shelf.” Blush rose to your cheek at the feeling of his body so close to you. 
“Yes, but even superhero need help sometimes and more importantly… lives.”
“I have a life!” You moved out of his reach going back towards your desk. 
“When was the last time you had a beer with us? Or didn’t go into the lab for a day? Or went on a date?” He spat out.
You paused, turning on your heels, eyeing him.
“What do you want?” You said bluntly, crossing your arms over your full chest.
You were annoyed and he could tell. But he was absolutely obsessed with the way you looked in this moment, eyes piercing right into his soul through your glasses, your hair in a claw clip with strands sticking out and falling over your face. The tapping on your boot against the linoleum floor and the way your arms crossed pushed your chest together revealing a small sight of cleavage under your sweater. 
He shouldn’t have found it as sexy as he did. 
“I’d like you to take a break…”
You went to interject him and give him a 1000 reasons why you wouldn’t take a break until he finished…
“So, I can take you on a date.”
Your mouth fell agape but you were quick to recover with a sarcastic chuckle.
“Do you want me to warm up the CAT scan? Seems your brain has turned to mush from being in the ice so long.”
“Y/N please.”
“Steven, I don’t date.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not scientific and it’s not logical, it’s unexplainable nonsense that drives women to insanity.”
He crooked an eyebrow up at you. “I don’t think you could get more insane than you already are if that helps.”
You rubbed your temples turning on your heels to go back to your desk until you felt a strong hang grab your wrist and pull you back into a hard chest. 
“Y/N, I see what you do day in day out for this team, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. But I also see how when you’re focused your eyebrows knot together, how I know which pencils are yours because of the bite marks on ends, how at the end of every day you let your hair fall out and you shake it with your hands, how the sweat drips down your chest and soaks your sports bras in the gym, how when you make a sly comment everyone laughs because you’re funny without realising and I can’t stop looking at you and I won’t but I desperately want to see what’s in your mind behind formulas and data because I know there’s more to you than that so if you would give me the pleasure I really REALLY want to be the social life you so desperately need. I see you, more than you know. And while it may not be mathematical, it makes perfectly calculated sense to me.”
You sucked in your lips, emotions swelling inside of you. His head bowed towards you, foreheads touching. 
You nodded unable to form words as his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you in as his lips lightly brushed yours, forcing you to relax in his grip and reciprocate the tender kiss.
“I’ll see you at 7pm - don’t be late.” He gave you final kiss on your forehead, walking out with a beaming smile. 
Leaving you in shock as you finally let out the breath you’ve been holding in and warmth spread throughout your body. 
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diabeticriddler · 8 months
made my friends watch the batman w me last night and i know bats was SHITTIN when riddler started going bruuuceeeee wayyynnneeeeee bruceee wayynneee at him like that he looked like he was 0.1 seconds away from bursting into tears
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saipng · 3 years
Oh the riddler didn't figure out Batman's identity in the movie. Sure it looked like that at first, but once he starts going "but we didn't get Bruce Wayne :/" it becomes clear to Batman that not only does Riddler think they're a team, he also thinks they together failed at getting Bruce, meaning he doesn't know Batman and Bruce are the same person. He also didn't outsmart Batman - sure he thinks he did (because. He's the riddler ofc he'd think he's smarter than everyone else) but he didn't. The reason why Bruce missed the last clue wasn't because he isn't smarter than Edward ( he very much is, especially when it comes to emotional intelligence which Edward is lacking entirely) but it's because he was too emotional/too scared of being unveiled as Bruce and too scared of "facing his dark mirror" that he didn't stop to think things through, and also because he had gaps in knowledge due to his privilege (not knowing what a carpeting tool is). Once this Bruce gets a better grip on his emotions he won't make mistakes like that again. Also this riddler is very much selfish, imo it's very clear that his whole "justice" thing is what he convinced himself is the reason for his actions when it's actually petty revenge for his trauma as well as wanting to be seen/getting attention - I mean why else live-stream what he does if it's not for attention's sake. (they also released the pages of his journal, and imo that one makes quite clear he's doing it for personal reasons, mostly for getting back at the system for what it did to him (and the other orphans) and for feeling invisible, and not for true justice, as well as because of his compulsions) .. anyways lmao sorry for the long ask just wanted to share how I interpreted what they did with the character but your points are totally valid as well ofc!!
hello and first of THANK YOU for a huge ask i am literally always down to discuss batman and im obsessed with your take because it’s so different from mine.
the only thing i can answer definitively to this is that i will need to rewatch the movie again to see if i can see where you’re coming from - especially the secret identity part since riddler literally sat there going ‘i know who you are. bruce wayne. bruceee wayneee. bruuuce waaaayne. brrrrruceee wayyyyyyne.’
so if i misinterpreted that part, i definitely need to see it another time
the part about riddler outsmarting him though - i don’t know, it sounds a bit like justification to me. not saying it’s not valid, your take has really good points and i’d agree entirely IF, like i said before, we were talking about batman vigilante career month 3. then i’d understand this carelessness, this underdeveloped instinct when he doesn’t think twice why someone as smart as riddler would give himself up so easily, the overlooking evidence specifically placed to get his attention. but this is batman year 2 and two years is a goddamn long time to be going out every night into the streets of gotham.
i SUPPOSE i’m being somewhat unfair though, considering riddler is basically the first major supervillain in gotham (the mobsters don’t really count). bruce never had to deal with anything like that before, so he doesn’t know what to expect - but that just makes me think that he should be even more careful than usual and think twice before every action taken. argh, this is frustrating, i’m spinning myself in circles here. will need to think more
and the thing with the livestream makes sense (no matter how much i passionately hate that twitch is becoming a new staple of society in movies), he craves attention and recognition, sure, and he wants vengeance on the ones who wronged him - but the thing that bothers me is that in almost every other media, riddler always wants to prove himself the smartest, not the most just. his intellect always comes first, and anything else is secondary. it would make sense if he like. made all his victims solve puzzles before murdering them (like he did with the DA, giving them a chance to prove they’re just as smart (which he is sure they won’t cuz he’s the smartest most specialist boy in the world)). that would give him a chance to prove himself better than them, to have that sense of superiority and power.
and now i’m imagining a riddler that kidnaps his victims using elaborate traps, placing them in devices a la saw, doing the whole riddle me this shebang, asking them questions about corruption and dirty laundry, all while streaming all of this tortureporn to thousands of people online. and when the victims would finally not be able to answer the final question, the contraption goes off and the person is dead. the whole ‘leaving the clues for batman’ thing would come after, when he sets up the crime scene and leaves it for the police to discover. imo, THAT would coincide with riddler’s MO much better - him exposing the sins of the city’s elite while simultaneously proving himself smarter over and over again.
i just want my classy suited up eddy with his stupid question mark cane doing a little dance when he performs, so confident in himself and his genius, only to be crushed by batman’s galaxy brain and sent to arkham shaking and mewling like a newborn kitten
and not like. a dude who lives in his mom’s basement streaming on twitch to his 500 subs in his silly little ski mask that he wears his glasses over
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danolover · 2 years
Confession - Edward Nygma x Bruce Wayne
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In which the Riddler is obsessed with Batman and decides to confess
NSFW 18+
Haven’t had a tumblr account since like 2018 and i kinda forget how this all works
First post on a new account!
Cross-posted on AO3 and Wattpad
The interrogation room was dimly lit, with nothing but a buzzing table lamp on the desk flushing the area with a pale yellow light. That desk, covered in shallow scratches and dents where the chipped wood once was, was placed directly in front of a wall and rested right below a sheet of bullet proof glass. Beyond the glass, another desk sat below it with the same lamp placed upon it.
Sitting at this desk, Edward Nygma had his hands placed flat on the table with his head craned downward. He stared at the cracks in the wood, frantically bouncing his eyes back and forth trying to come up with a sensical pattern. He lifted his finger shakily and began tracing the divots, counting as he dragged his digit.
"One," his voice came out husky and damaged.
"Two, Thre-" The interruption came from the door in the room across from him swinging open abruptly. He lifted his finger and slammed his hands down on the brittle table in frustration.
Heavy footsteps caused him to freeze, the metal clanking all to familiar. He pushed his head up and peered through the curtain formed from his unkept hair. Ed let out a soft chuckle and relaxed in his seat, his leg bouncing up and down being the only movement he made.
"Bruceyyyy," he dragged, "you know I love it when you show up in that suit." He sighed softly and leaned forward, looking over Batman with a smirk.
"Shut up Nygma, we need to talk," Batman snapped gruffly as he sat down. He glared at Edward through his cowl, the cold and cruel look nearly piercing the glass in front of him.
"Oh! I know we do," Ed replied elatedly. "I've been trying to get your attention for far too long." He swung his head back and pushed backwards in his chair, balancing two legs on the floor. "And I've finally got it! I have you all to myself, can you believe that?" He swung his arms out. "All the letters and cards I've sent you..." He trailed off mumbling incoherently.
"Ed. If any of that stuff about Gotham comes out, there will be a war. The people will riot."
Edward giggled proudly. "Thats Gotham's problem not mine Batty. Gotham needs to be exposed." He stared up at the ceiling, continuing to balance on the chair.
Bruce slammed his hands on the table. "Do you know how many people want to kill you, Nygma? I might just have to do it myself!" He snapped, his low voice booming against the walls.
Ed cracked his chair legs back on the ground, facing Bruce with his arms laid on the table. "Your not going to kill me, you're obsessed with me. Lets not lie." He gave a soft smile.
"You think I wouldn't rather have you dead than in the hands of somebody else?" Batman returned, really in a far too protective tone. "Lets not lie."
"Oh Bruceee," Edward tilted his head on his arms. "I know you want me all to yourself. I made everything for you. I made myself for you. You need to see me Bruce." The Riddler leaned back in his seat, his legs slightly spread as he pulled his hands up to his face.
He pointed at his temples with urgency. "Everything up here, is you Brucey," his face contorted pathetically, "I need you to see. You want to see... I know how you think about me... It's..." By now his hands had trailed down his own shirt, pulling the fabric before letting it snap back into place. "...Mutual obsession."
Batman sat across from him, speechless. He hid a scowl underneath his cowl as he watched Edward lose himself over his own sick thoughts.
"I know you think about me the same way I do Batty. You obsess over the-" he took a deep breath and writhed under his own touch. "pitiful... situations I put myself in." Edward looked up at Bruce and his face twisted into a miserable frown as his hands moved lower down his body. His cheeks began to flush, slowly turning to a soft pink as his hands reached his belt.
"I've been wanting to show you how I feel... Have you watch me lose control at the deplorable thought of you, watch me confess." His breathing hitched between sentences, body  completely overwhelmed. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, his dick slowly growing in his pants.
Edward fiddled with his pant hem nervously, and frantically proceeded to free his cock. He closed his eyes and dragged his hands up his thighs, wishing it were Batman touching him in that moment. He let out a raspy breath, practically begging through his body movements and moved his hand closer to his groin.
Bruce looked away, scowling and shifting in his seat thinking of the pathetic boy.
"Look at me!" Edward managed to croak, forcing Bruce to focus back on his pitiful expression.
Once he was sure he had his full attention he began to move his hand up, fully surrounding him in a pool pleasure. Small noises escaped his lips, in sync with the repetitive movement of his chest. "Iv'e dreamt of you Batty.. W-wondering how your skin would feel against mine," He threw his head back with a groan as his hand pace went faster over his flushed cock. "I wondered if your skin would cut mine, if the fantasies you have include me." Sweat dripped from his forehead and onto the concrete floor. "Iiiii I can't let someone else have you, y-y-you have to be mine Bruce.."
His hips stuttered and his hand paused at the base of his cock. Cum fell across his stomach, falling down with the rising of his chest. He sat there with his eyes closed, his body seeming to go limp. A pathetically beautiful sight Bruce was looking at, his own cock had started to get hard in his tight black pants from looking at Edward.
Ed let out raspy sighs, eyes still shut, and reached out with his voice. "Batty?" He waited patiently for a response, his cum-soaked cock twitching against his thigh.
"You're fucking pitiful Eddy." Bruce replied before standing up stiffly. "It's cute."
The door slammed behind him, leaving Edward slumped in his chair, cum pooled in his lap, and a small smile forming on his face.
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