gummiix · 5 months
The need is so bad that I can’t go one moment of mind wandering without thinking of that One Lesbian Weed Scene from The Last of Us pt II. Iykyk…. (suffering)
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siriannatan · 1 year
Prep & Punk - Flower Husbands
AU by @vyeoh, it's really cool and stuff and all their art is really good
[Treebark thingy from this AU]
Jimmy would literally rather be anywhere but where he was now. In Scott's bedroom. Trying to focus on maths. With only him and Scott in the whole house. Completely unable to focus.
Why was Jimmy spending his weekend with Scott and not Grian and Joel? As much as studying wasn't a 'bad boy' thing,  almost failing most his classes was apparently even less so. So their math teacher assigned Jimmy a tutor - Scott apparently volunteered to spend his time trying to get some information into Jimmy's head. He had no idea why after their last rather messy break up and the whole Tango thing... jimmy tried really hard to think about geometry and not that. It wasn't all that hard. But quite frankly focusing on anything right now was a bit difficult.
In the past three months, he spend pretty much ignoring Scott's existence he forgot about a certain habit Scott had. He liked to wear skirts. Not a bad thing in the slightest. Jimmy was all for everyone wearing whatever they wanted. He, Grian and Joel had their leather jackets. Cleo, Scar and Bdoubs their weird old people shades, and Tango and his friends had their ties. Scott and Martyn had Pink. The capital 'P' is not a typo. Literally every Wednesday the two showed up in pink. And back when Jimmy was dating Scott he himself would wear something pink to fit Scott better. 
Grian and Joel still poked fun at him for that.
No. The skirt was neither nothing new or a problem in itself. The problem was how much of Scott's legs it exposed, making Jimmy's brain unable to think about anything but that. And suddenly realise he's missing Scott. But who could blame him? Scott was damn pretty and smart and... just Scott. And that maybe his marks were better when he'd sit around Scott and Martyn - very unhappy that Scott would explain everything to Jimmy at least three times - studying. Jimmy was no Grian or Joel, just hearing about a thing during the class was not nearly enough for him.
A sudden flick to his forehead had him looking up at Scott's face. It was no less distracting than the skirt. "Eyes up here Jim," he chuckled and Jimmy felt a weird pang. He never called him back when... "Have you heard a single word of what I just said?"
"Juliet's potion only made her look like she died?" Jimmy tried to scrabble together something they talked about in the past hour. He instantly knew he was wrong by the sigh Scott let out.
"We're at maths, Pythagorean theorem," he said but did not sound the slightest bit angry. Just a bit disappointed and maybe sad. "You didn't use to be that bad, Jim, no matter how short of a skirt I wore in the past. What happened?" he asked, pushing some hair off of Jimmy's face.
Jimmy just shrugged. He was not about to admit he didn't really study without Scott there. "I don't know," he shrugged instead and tried to focus on the pale pink, full of colourful side comments and sticky notes page of Scott's notebook. Scott's notes were always so clear and easy to understand. Jimmy sat through more than one session of Scott working on them and technically understood how it worked but was still beyond impressed. "I guess I was busy with other things..."
"I know I'm probably the least 'bad boy' person you know but you know you can always come and ask me if you don't understand something?" Scott sighed, leaning back and gently kicking Jimmy under the low table they were sitting on a fluffy carpet by. "I know you probably like Tango better... I can see when I've lost but... I don't want you to fail school. Not when I know you're smarter than that," he said, looking away from Jimmy, all slumped and sad and Jimmy felt mildly like a jerk.
He broke Scott's heart with a damn text. Managed to stay together with Tango for only like a month until they both realised they are too different. And then spend two more months avoiding Scott and admitting his own feelings. And throwing all the studying Scott practically dragged him through away... "No... Me and Tango... We weren't all that compatible... Not that way. He's cool to hang out with but most of the time I have no idea what he's talking about, it's damn hard to keep up with him..."
"Jim... please don't..." Scott protested and pounded the table. Glaring at Jimmy with teary eyes.
"I'm not," Jimmy stopped him and gently took his and in both of his. "I've spent three months being an idiot and I'm frankly done with that. I missed you. I missed carrying your bag. I missed you leaning on me when there are no free chairs or we're stuck in a line. I missed sitting silently while you study. I even missed Martyn's grumbling. But mostly I missed listening to you talk and just being around you... I missed you Scott," Jimmy really hoped he managed to express what he just realised. That his grouchy and angry phase was just him denying he was missing Scott playing with his hair and playing with Scott's hair. "I miss you so damn much..." he added, barely a whisper, not daring to look away from Scott for even a second.
"You promise... you promise it's all true and nothing but?" Scott sniffed, staring at his held by Jimmy's hands. 
"I do, Scott," Jimmy nodded. He was never so sure of anything he's ever said.
"So it'd be okay if I said we should have a break and maybe a nap?" Scott asked with a pout.
Jimmy had nothing against a break and a nap. Maybe ended up texting home he'd be staying over at Scott's and not at all telling Grian and Joel where he was the whole weekend. And maybe Scott wore Jimmy's leather jacket the whole Monday. And maybe there was a bright pink hairpin in Jimmy's hair.
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sofiaispunk · 1 year
dbf!Joel Miller x Reader - Part 3
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The next morning, you woke up early, eager to get ready for the fair with Joel and Sarah. You  picked out a comfortable yet cute outfit, and made you way to the Miller’s house. You opted for a light blue, flowy sundress with thin straps that showed off your tanned shoulders. The dress fell mid-thigh and twirled around your legs as you walked, making you feel carefree and playful. You paired it with white canvas sneakers, so you would be comfortable walking and running around all day. To complete the look, you added a denim jacket, which was perfect for the slightly chilly autumn evening. 
As you arrived Sarah opened the door not even two seconds after you rang the bell. She greeted you with a huge bear hug and you both sat down on the breakfast table. Sarah was practically bouncing with excitement, "I can't wait to go on all the rides and eat all the food!"
Joel chuckled, as he placed two perfectly made pancakes on your plate "Slow down, Sarah. We have to pace ourselves." 
You smiled at Sarah's enthusiasm, "I'm excited too. I haven't been to a fair in ages."
Joel's brother, Tommy, joined you at the table. He was a tall, handsome man with a warm smile and a friendly demeanor. "Good morning, everyone. Ready for some fun?"
Everybody nodded and you finished breakfast, then made your way to the fairgrounds.
The fair was a colorful and vibrant scene, with bright lights illuminating the sky. The air was filled with the scent of popcorn, cotton candy, and fried food. People were laughing, shouting, and singing along to the music blasting from the speakers.
There were a variety of attractions, from carnival games to thrill rides. The Ferris wheel stood tall in the center of the fair, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. The roller coasters twisted and turned, eliciting screams of excitement from those brave enough to ride them.
Food stands lined the fairgrounds, offering everything from hot dogs and burgers to deep-fried Oreos and funnel cakes. The sweet aroma of fresh baked goods drifted through the air from the stands selling cookies, cakes, and pies.
Children ran around with balloons, stuffed animals, and giant cotton candy sticks in their hands. Teenagers roamed in groups, trying their luck at the various games and rides. Couples walked hand in hand, enjoying the romantic atmosphere.
As you wandered around the fair, Sarah tagged along, excitedly pointing out all the attractions she wanted to try. Joel smiled his daughter's enthusiasm, glad to see her having a good time.
"Hey Dad," Sarah said, tugging on Joel's sleeve. "Do you know why Mom didn't come to the fair with us?"
Joel's expression darkened slightly as he glanced down at his daughter. "Your mom had to work late today," he said, his voice tinged with annoyance. "She's been really busy lately."
Sarah pouted, clearly disappointed. "But she promised she'd come," she whined.
"I know, kiddo," Joel said, patting her on the back. "But sometimes things come up that we can't control."
You felt a pang of sympathy for him. It must be tough for him to deal with a failing marriage, especially with his daughter caught in the middle. So you decided to change the subject to lighten the mood.
"Hey Sarah, do you want to try that rollercoaster over there?" you pointed to a nearby ride that looked thrilling.
Sarah's eyes widened with excitement as she nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, let's go!" she exclaimed, pulling you by the hand towards the ride.
Joel watched you go, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. You could sense his gratitude distracting Sarah and allowing him some space to think. So you headed off with Sarah towards the ride.
Unbeknown to you Tommy kept glancing over at you admiring you from afar.
"Hey man, What's her deal? She single?" Tommy leaned over to Joel, his tone casual, slurping on his strawberry milkshake.
Joel stiffened, his protective instincts kicking in. "Why do you ask?" he replied, trying to keep his tone even.
Tommy shrugged nonchalantly. "Just curious. She's a beautiful girl."
Joel's jaw tightened. "Yeah, she is," he said, his tone cold.
Tommy immediately noticed the tension in Joel's voice and raised an eyebrow. "Is there something I should know?" he asked.
Joel hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "Look, I just don't want you getting any ideas," he said finally. "She is a good kid and she doesn't need any complications in her life."
Tommy rolled his eyes. "Come on, man, I'm not going to do anything stupid," he said, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. "I just wanted to know if she's available."
Joel sighed, feeling torn between his protective instincts and his desire to give his brother the benefit of the doubt. "She's not available," he said firmly. "And I'd appreciate it if you kept your distance."
Tommy looked surprised, but then his expression softened. "Okay, man, I get it," he said, putting a hand on Joel's shoulder. "I won't mess with your girl."
Joel tensed at the phrase 'your girl', feeling a twinge of jealousy and possessiveness that he couldn't quite explain. He shook it off and forced a smile, glad that the conversation was over. 
 "Guys, did you see how fast we went? I could feel my hair flying all over the place! It was like being in a movie!" Sarah said as she ran over to Joel and Tommy, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Tommy chuckled, "Yeah, you looked like a real daredevil up there."
Joel nodded in agreement, "It definitely looks like a wild ride."
You couldn't help but smile at Sarah's enthusiasm. "It was really fun," you said, still feeling a little bit dizzy from the ride.
"Okay, guys, now that we're done with the ride, let's go get something to eat!" Sarah exclaimed.
Joel looked at her quizzically, "What are you in the mood for?"
"I don't know, maybe a funnel cake? Or some cotton candy? Oh, or maybe some nachos!" Sarah replied, her eyes scanning the surrounding stalls.
Tommy grinned, "How about all three?"
Sarah laughed, "That's not a bad idea, actually."
"I don't mind what we get, as long as it's something sweet!" you said.
Joel looked at you, "Are you sure? You haven't eaten much since we got here."
You just shrugged, "I'm not really that hungry, but I'll have a little bit of whatever you guys get."
You continued to stroll along the fair, checking out the different food stalls, and finally decided on getting nachos and a Pizza for Joel and Tommy and funnel cake for you and Sarah to share.
You sat there in silence enjoying your food and as you dug into the funnel cake, Sarah pointed out the powder sugar on your cheek. "You got a little something there," she said with a giggle.
You laughed along and reached for a napkin to clean it up, but Joel beat you to it.
You felt Joel’s thumb gently wiping the powdered sugar from your cheek and your heart started racing. The soft touch of his skin against yours sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. Slowly you gazed up into his deep, brown eyes and for a moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of you, lost in the moment.
His touch was so gentle, so tender, that you felt yourself melting under his gaze. It was like he was the only one who knew how to touch you, how to make you feel so alive. His fingers lingered for just a moment longer, tracing the curve of your cheek, and you felt a sudden urge to lean into him.
"So, have you seen the game booth over there? I bet I could win you a giant teddy bear!" Tommy said oblivious that he just interrupted your little moment with Joel.
You smiled at Tommy "I'm not very good at those games, but I'd love to watch you try."
"I think we should all stick together for now." Joel said directly to his brother with a low, icy tone.
Tommy raised his hands in surrender, "Sure thing, bro." 
You just shrugged your shoulder at Tommy and gave him an apologetical smile, but your mind kept drifting back to that moment with Joel. You tried your best to just push it out of your mind and focus on enjoying the rest of the day, but your heart couldn't help but ache at the thought that you could never be more than just friends and that he will never feel the same as you do.
Part 4
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liauditore · 11 months
hi i have returned opinions on secret life so far? (also any idea why bigb’s secret animation was different to everyone else’s?) :D
hi hi i have so many Thoughts that i will definitely miss Something but. lots of things. spoilers for ep1 under the cut obvs.
why is every ship getting crumbs. literally all of them. what is wrong with everyone wtf. (except treebark. treebark girlies stay losing)
new mechanic is insanely hype and i am going a little bit feral over it. i've been wanting a UHC-style season for a long time and this seems a great way to kind of. entertainment-fy it i suppose? cus as much as i wanted straight up UHC i can totally understand why players like joel or skizz or scar would struggle hard in that sort of ruleset and it wouldn't be very fun to watch as a result.
i'm a bit.. tentative about the more acknowledgment of the Lore this time around? On one hand i love it and i think it's incredibly cool but on the other hand i know well that lore can eat a series alive if let out of control. Especially when fans start getting pushy about their theories and disappointed when inevitably things aren't as explained or thoroughly confirmed or straight up forgotten. (<-- fnaf fan. i have seen it. it is horrible)
that being said i have trust in grian specifically to handle it well and not go off the deep end with it cus a good chunk of the viewers don't know/care for the lore and if it becomes a Big Thing then a lot of people are gonna end up feeling alienated and confused.
i LOVED Bigb's episode and i think it's like. the ideal way to incorporate lore into a series like this. the way you can Feel that something is off rather than it being explicitly shown. you can choose to write it off or dig deeper. it's good juice. I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again -- Bigb is easily one of the strongest roleplayers on the entire server and his editing REALLY sells it hard. He really melts into what's happening rather than getting up on a platform and shouting THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. LOOK AT ME. which i really appreciate as a kind-of honorary former theatre kid.
but yeah tl;dr i think lore/fan theories should be left to the fandom mainly otherwise it starts getting weird. that being said i trust the life series ppl and can't wait to see what's going on with this season.
now if i may be unhinged myself. i def agree with the theory that Something is up with Bigb's task and maybe whatever gave it to him is trying to mess with the game.
Bigb and Mumbo specifically I felt were acting.. a little OOC the whole episode? Bigb was very much on purpose i think and i reckon mumbo's just excited to be back lol but its fun to think about
the task system has a lot of potential for. fanfic symbolism fuel. i mentioned this on my spam blog i think but something something about the way the players' tasks almost seem to. mock them? a little bit?
like pearl's being to "earn" people's hearts after she failed to make any connections throughout double life and has been somewhat isolated the whole series. bdubs being known for his efficient and beautiful builds being told to make something ugly and useless. scott being implicitly called a parasite with his history of teaming and latching onto one specific person each season. etc. etc.
the teams this time around are looking interesting and i think it's worth noting how it almost feels like.. the opposite of limlife a bit? with how slow and cautious everyone has to play. it seems like over half the server haven't really even joined up with anyone yet which is intriguing. (im personally praying for a scar/jimmy team up. just cus scott said they wouldn't make it lol)
which is great for me cus i loved limlife but the chaoticness of everything did kind of. make deaths less impactful i think? if i see another sky bridge i might scream
im very. of two minds about the scott and impulse team up. because if you dig through my blog you'll see i have kind of a history of being unhinged about those two and their parallels. but i have the sneaking suspicion that their actual dynamic will be like nothing i had in mind lmao
overall i am very excited but trying to control my expectations
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yellowsomethings · 11 months
beans exchange letter 2023
hi its us thebeans you have been selected to secret us a santa !! this is going to be a bit of a tutorial letter so everyone else knows what exchange letters are like, so rest assured it will be as comprehensive as i can manage. remember that you do not need to fulfill All of the conditions the recipient lists, just at least one of them to the best of your ability. woo
1. hermits
big fan of grian, scar, mumbo, ren, doc, bdubs, zed, joe hills, things of this nature. i think the slapfight goes here if it goes anywhere. we have seen seasons 6/7/8/9 and a little of season 5 so if you go before that we will probably be Confused but Willing To Roll With It. idk theres the wonderful world of hermits and crafting
2. lifes
you are probably well aware the extent to which we like the life series. things you could cover include property police kiss on the mouth secret life (or property police cold patrol new life which isn't getting its own entire bullet but it's a thing), treebark slash fairydog slash renb, toxic yaoi majorwood, the bad boys, last life grumbo, idk get silly with it !! slash p or slash r it is all good <- applies to all listed items in this letter not just here
3. empires
empires:). for season 1 there's flower husbands; you could do kathgempearl or some duo permutation; arenaduo; the whole wra tbh; smallidarizzie trio; scott and xornoth content (you could write the one billionth postcanon xornoth finds out what happened fic if you wanted). for season 2 HEAVENTRIO OBVIOUSLY; or arenaduo again or hallelujahduo or roundhousekickduo which i still need to come up with a better name for; best buds jim and joel; kathgem; pixlriffs; the crossover; fairytale trio i also like; maybe some olieddie as a treat if you're so inclined
4. eswap
free space basically. scottpearl !!!!!!! or arenaduo or kathgempearl again (or duo permutation) or pearl and pix bonding maybe idk what the state of eswap is gonna be pixwise by the end of november. or if some other part of eswap compels you then go for it. you might wanna write the watcher grian crossover idea that jay2 had that one time. up to u :D
5. pirates/rats
yeah babyyyyyy this is the writing to pander to littlesound zone. i love datastream martyn interacting with this-is-just-their-world other characters such as oli or sausage or olive or shelby or owen or scar or other people that don't start with the letters o and s. kisstrels obviously (including shep and shub); you could do property police with martyn and safety rat; farmer rat scott, baker rat lizzie, he had a pretty sweet bond with will. maybe mratyn watching as oli tries and fails to seduce the butler with cringefail affection in his eyes. maybe mratyn trying and failing to seduce one of the brown wild dogs at the edge of the grounds while scott looks on in disappointment. p!bek is canonically aroace so if you write pirate bekel you'd probably get Comments about it but like if you don't fear the fandom then fuck it. SPEAKING OF:
6. witchcraft
YURI OPPORTUNITY AGAIN BUT FOR BEK INSTEAD! beky's finally figured out her witchcraft bek au which is that el is a not-so-famous witchtuber and bek is one of her few very dedicated commenters so when el randomly stumbles across the supreme witch crown where scott dropped it then she ends up asking bek what to do and they bond from there, so you may wanna do something with that.
7. dsmp
if you are dsmp inclined and you want to go classic style then you cannot go wrong with a little bit of crimboy/clingy. bee/bench and michael could also be fun; i like niki, big q, JACK MANIFOLD, fundy, eret, hbomb, foolish, and i miss honq every day babyyyy <- not every day but often. if you'd like to add to the hit canon ao3 tag tommyinnit crashes own funeral (dream smp) then that would be very welcomed too, i canonised that shit with my bare hands
8. au ideas
well i said all of that for canon concepts but what if you want to write/draw an alternate universe? goooo fuckin crazy with it my friend. some concepts i enjoy reading are: royalty; urban/low fantasy; newly discovered/obtained superpowers; domestic roommates setting; famous & doesnt give a shit about that fame; creative type & muse; guardian angel & human. idk have fun!
9. not mcyt
i'm adding this section because i know some people will want to do this but mine will be quite short because i . do not watch anything else. uhhhh the magnus archives. moon knight 2022. i like quite a lot of musical theatre but mostly the modern post hamilton shit and i have not seen hadestown. thubs up
do not want
don't do scottpearl if it isn't eswap please! or any hermit pearl actually! uhhh nothing particularly viscerally gorey but it's ok if people die or get injured. this isn't a dnw but it is a specification, if you would like to trans some genders and neo some pronouns then you should feel absolutely free to go ahead love is love. i think i'm gonna make no nsfw a rule for the entire exchange so i don't need to clarify that. probably best to have minimal cleo inclusion if any. any fics which are specifically about the moment after a life series game where characters see each other and talk about what happened because those are weirdly common and we don't like it and it feels weird. no blinding, no throats slit, no being suffocated/choked. ummm ya if you arent sure whether something would be ok then go ahead and ask!
will write
this one is gonna be much shorter
hermits: bdubs cub doc gem scar grian joe pearl ren tango xb zed cleo
life series: scott ren martyn pearl joel grian scar bdubs lizzie skizz mumbo jimmy gem
empires 1: scott gem joey kath lizzie sausage pearl joel jimmy
empires 2: scott gem joey kath lizzie sausage pearl pix shelby joel jimmy oli
pirates: acho aimsey bek puffy eret scar guqqie martyn kyle sausage olive oli owen ros shelby scott el tubbo
rats: bek el jimmy lizzie martyn oli olive owen scott shelby tubbo
witchcraft: scott joey pris shelby el cleo
dsmp: eret callahan eryn bbh puffy phil niki karl sapnap george quackity foolish jack manifold hbomb fundy aimsey slime wilbur sam ranboo schlatt dream punz tommy tubbo techno dxd
misc: honestly i think if you asked me to write qsmp phil tubbo fit cellbit bagi bad foolish wilbur tallulah chayanne then i probably could at this point. but don't ask me to. also the afterlife/new life smp i will write for also
won't write
i'm sorry i can't write the copper people on empires i just have not seen them enough to. highly doubt my ability to write crastle/best/ties/similar groupings well. dear god please don't make me write the syndicate it won't be good for either of us. i will not write nature wives i can't do it to my girlo. pirates!scott ships also. if it's gonna get me cancelled then i may still be willing to write it but i will not post it on ao3, it's going straight into fools writing discussion channel when it goes live. i won't write . idk pregnancy? you probably weren't gonna ask for pregnancy. again feel free to ask :thumbsup:
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anika-ann · 4 years
Grease and Pearls - Pt.3
Dreams Meet Reality
Type: One-shot turned three-shot (because does anyone really want a 17k in one go?)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (main), Tony/Reader, Tony/Pepper
Word count: 3400 or 5100 (yeah, you read it right, see A/N)
Summary: An uptown girl met a downtown guy with a heart of gold. Oh, and he was handsome too. It inevitably leads to their relationship developping… but is there any chance for them at all?
For @cxptain​​ ’s challenge. Prompt: Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
Warnings: swearing (a lot), attempt at angst, ghosting, communication par excellence
A/N: We had fluff and smut. What are we missing? That’s right. Heads up, people! There is an alternate ending to my original one, the one sentence where it breaks is in italics. I hope that makes sense ;) Pick whichever or read both :D Enjoy!
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Story Masterlist
It was bound to happen – you knew as much – but deep in your heart, you had hoped it wouldn’t. You had hoped it would last longer. You had hoped that perhaps a miracle would occur and in some mysterious way, you would be able to convince your parents that marrying you to Anthony was a terrible idea.
You should have known better than that.
The very day you had fell asleep in Steve’s arms after making love – and God, you could still feel him, his touches on your skin, his mouth, everywhere, even in the most intimate places, a pleasant, almost ceremonial ache lingering exactly there, a memory of fire in your belly and your heart – you got caught.
Your parents had been waiting at Potts’ house as you reached it around eleven in the evening, a smiling mess, a sight to behold, and any illusion about the future you had been painting in your mind shattered.
Pepper had tried to take part of the blame, but your parents always believed that you were the faulty daughter in your household and such ways stretched outside your house.
Your father was furious. Your mother was deeply disappointed and even faked a few tears – or perhaps she shed them for real, mourning her reputation, one the family would fight tooth and nail to retain.    
You had literally fallen on your knees and begged when they found a drawing from a street artist, a souvenir of one of your trips to downtown which you had only craved to explore-- and by some miracle indeed, you were allowed to keep it and not to have it torn to shreds right in front of your eyes. Pepper’s teary gaze told you she knew you were making up things up as you went and that the drawing, the one that captured beauty you weren’t sure you possessed, meant much more.
You couldn’t even hope to earn forgiveness, so you only asked for it half-heartedly.
What you did earn was a damn chaperon.
In your age! In this day and age!
Her name was Maria and she was truly efficient and strict to a fault. Nevertheless, she respected your privacy and whenever you were to meet Pepper, she would stand just outside the door and wait if you asked for a confidential conversation… which was always, you didn’t need some goddamned stranger spying on you. What the hell.
But truly, all things considered, you had lucked out; as your parents didn’t fault Pepper for your actions, you were still allowed to meet with her at least and to talk her in private.
However, the marriage plans were sped up.
And naturally, you couldn’t even hope to set your foot anywhere near downtown. You hadn’t seen Steve for two weeks, you hadn’t even found his number in the phone book to explain yourself and you missed him.
Your heart seemed to fail in its basic function; when you were lying in your bed at night, wide awake, it longed after ocean blue eyes with a drop of green, strong hands holding you close, and it wouldn’t stop pounding wildly in your chest. In the morning, your heart appeared to be beating so slowly you had to place your palm over the area to make sure it was still there, that it still had enough strength to keep you upright all day ahead.
And it ached 24 hours a day. For you, for Steve, who must have been clueless on why you never showed up to your set date or any time after. You were hurting and your parents watched you suffer along with your sister, frowning at you and scolding you to stop acting like a five-year old who had a toy taken away.
They could never understand. Was that a curse or a blessing?
Pepper was the only person you could trust, only person you could talk to about your true sorrows and her patience never seemed to wear thin despite her own turmoil – after all, if your marriage was to be sped up… her hopes were being crushed as well.
“Pepper… I don’t want to marry Tony. God, I can’t marry him,” you whispered, a cup of tea in your hands, your palms and fingers curled around the warm ceramics, hoping for it to take away some of the ever-present cold your body radiated these days.
Your friend smiled at you sadly, an honest and heart-breaking lift of the corners of her lips.
“I know, honey.”
You chuckled bitterly at the irony. Here you were, stealing her dreamed man, on she loved, while yearning after another, after the one you loved. You looked up at the ceiling, blinking away the tears gathering in your eyes – again and again, barely a day without their presence. They were always there, ready for the dam to broke so they could run down your cheeks.
When you spoke again, you could barely force the words out of your tight throat.
“I… I truly love Steve. I dreamed tonight, about having a little boy,” you whispered, the image still vivid behind your now closed eyelids. He was so damn pretty, your sweet little boy. “Blond hair, pretty blue eyes full of mischief and such innocent smile with a front tooth missing and I was expecting with another--… I want that. I want to have Steve’s children one day and I want Steve. I need him. It feels like I can’t breathe without him.”
Tender hands reached for your shoulders and pulled you into an embrace, soft and careful, yet very unladylike, not proper for anyone to see in public – at least not here, not in uptown. God, you hated it here. You despised it now, truly. And if that made you an ungrateful brat, then so be it.
“Oh sweety, I know exactly how you feel. I’m so sorry,” Pepper replied in the same manner, comfortingly stroking your arm. She sounded on the verge of tears as well. “But you know what your family is like, they would never accept Steve. As much as it hurts you and me… I’m not sure you really have a choice.”
You swallowed against the lump formed in your throat and shakily breathed in.  
“Don’t I?”
You thought of your chaperon and wondered… just how heartless could she be?
It was three weeks after his girl’s last surprise visit that had somehow resulted in her and Steve tangled in his sheets when he lost his faith in her and whatever the two of them had had completely.
Three weeks without as much as a glimpse of her or a word, two weeks of not going to bed without few bottles of beer to keep him company, Steve walked into the shop and instantly knew something was wrong.
The usually loud environment full of chatter and teasing was suspiciously quiet.
“Hey guys,” he called out, trying to sound casual. “What gives?”
“Nothing-“ Thor responded swiftly – and way too quickly. Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’m blond but ain’t that stupid. Who pissed in everyone’s cereal? Buck?”
Steve’s best friend looked up from his work, shorty meeting his eyes. The regretful gaze spoke volumes on its own, but the brunet still sighed, tossing the rag in his hands on the nearest hood.
Steve suddenly wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear the news whatever it was. Dread filled his stomach, a feeling that had his gut twist uncomfortably. The blue-grey irises of his friend hid behind his eyelids.
“I… I’ve been in town this morning, Steve,” he explained slowly, cursing under his breath when he took in Steve’s perfectly confused expression, awaiting a metaphorical punch. “Fuck, Steve—I-eh, I saw Carter with Stark and they were-“ The coil in Steve’s stomach tightened to the point of him thinking he might throw up. “-shit, I’m sorry, Steve, they were at jeweller’s, probably picking up a ring.”
A ring.
Because she was getting married. To Stark. He knew that—he had been, in fact, informed that it might happen at some point.
But no-- like a fool, he had painted an image in his head, stupid and naïve and even found himself thinking about his ma’s engagement ring – once or twice since he had met his stunning uptown girl –, one he had inherited and was planning to give a woman who would take his heart.
Funny how his mind had been purposely leaving out the fact that the very same woman he had given his heart to was the one who could stomp on it and let it bleed on the pavement.
Fuck, he was a complete idiot, wasn’t he?
Steve swallowed against his suddenly dry throat, nodding few times in acknowledgement of the information, lips in a tight line, one corner lifted in an ironic smile as his blood boiled.
“Well… we knew it was comin’, didn’t we?” he remarked and shook his head with a scoff.
God, he was so fucking stupid-
He waved Bucky off, stalking towards his own station. He dropped his bag, always stashed with clean clothes just in case, to the ground by the counter, hand blindly reaching out. He grabbed the wrench on the top unmistakably, his fingers curling firmly around the metal.
One swift movement, one jerk of his bulging arm and the wrench was sent flying, hitting the momentarily empty chain with an ominous clang that could only hope to echo the mad rage he felt, sizzling in his veins, eating him up from the inside.
“Fuck him!” he roared, the ferocity of his voice startling even his mates who were familiar with his occasional temper.
His breathing turned heavy as he reached for another tool, flinging it the same way, this time hitting the wall, much to his irritation.
Jesus fucking shit-- he was so fucking mad – at her, at himself, at Stark, Stark who thought he could just take and take, greedy asshole, just like all of those uptown snobs that thought they owned the fucking world!  
“Fuck Stark and all of those privileged assholes! I hope they rot in- Fucking! Hell!”
Two more objects Steve didn’t bother to look at flied through the air and hit the chains, the harmless violence not providing him with half the satisfaction he hoped in.
By the time the boss stalked into the shop the check on what was going on – and to yell at his employees to stop fucking around – Steve had been long gone, taking the SHILED bike and driving away until all he could feel was the wind swishing around his head, loud enough to drown out his noisy thoughts.
“Rogers came in sick, we sent him home,” Pietro supplied helpfully, the deadpan expression on Fury’s face telling him that he had none of that shit.
Yet, the bossman sighed and headed back to his office.
“Good, wouldn’t want him to puke all over my fuckin’ garage.”
She showed up in the shop on week four. Steve was just coming back from a short bathroom break, quickly taking a U-turn when he got a glimpse of her in the overhead door to the garage, wearing black and red elegant dress.
He leaned his back against the separating wall, closing his eyes at the painful jab to his stomach.
Logically, there was no reason for him to be so devastated. He fucked girls before—he liked girls before. So why did he have to be such a missy when it came to her? She was pretty, sure, but there were plenty of cute gals. Steve really tried not to think about the L word they had exchanged, because deep down it had dawned to him a while ago; he was so fucked up because he was in love and then he was dumped by a lady who normally wouldn’t look at him twice, which was something that his brain had been bullheadedly refusing to accept.
“Sorry, he ain’t in today,” Odinson drawled, traces of hostility in his voice.
“Oh,” she sounded surprised and he could picture the gentle confused frown, the slight pout to her lips—shit, those lips tasted like cherry-- "Uhm, do you know when he will be in?”
“Why do ya’ need to know?”
Steve was certain that her frown deepened at Bucky’s words.
“Well, uhm, I need to talk to him, it’s important. Should I come here in few days or-“
“Don’t think he’ll be ‘round here any time soon.”
“Is he alright?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice and it took all of Steve’s willpower not to bang his head against the wall.
Why, just why was she doing this to him? Why would she care?
Now he knew that was cruel to her – he believed that once, she had truly been interested in him – but he told himself multiple times that her looks were deceiving, that she only had been looking for a distraction from her uptight uptown world. Maybe if he told himself enough times, he would start to believe it.
“Ain’t none of your business, princess,” Thor retorted and Steve just knew she winced at the harsh tone, a soft gasp escaping her mouth, that sweet mouth he had  kissed over three weeks ago, sweet, innocent and sinful, the music of her short breaths filling his poor excuse of a loft, keeping him fucking going.
“Nice ring, by the way,” Bucky said nonchalantly.
Steve gulped at that. Yeah, he bet it was; but there was no way Bucky was being polite. The venom dripping from his words was a message on its own.
And she picked up on it, naturally. His –not his anymore, not that she had ever truly been – brilliant beautiful girl.
“Oh. Thank- thank you,” she whispered and Steve had to strain his ears like a creep, catching the crack in her voice; he almost ran out hearing it, ready to comfort her, because God, he couldn’t imagine her crying, salt tears rolling down her rosy cheeks - few had when they had made love, but she had been smiling too.
He was sure that seeing her cry without that smile… it would feel the world was ending. Her eyes were made for shining with happiness, her lips made for laughter-
“The fuck-?“
Steve’s head snapped straight when he heard his boss leaving his office, catching him chilling by the wall, very much not working and instead trying not to break and kiss the woman he loved stupid – no matter how stupid that made him. She was engaged. Promised to another, a much classier man… or at least much richer, Steve didn’t imagine his character being worth a damn penny.
On instinct, Steve put a finger over his own lips, wordlessly begging Fury not to rat him out. The man rolled his good eye – the one that hadn’t been hit by hot oil years ago – and crossed his arms on his chest.
“And—uhm, I see. Tell—please tell him I stopped by if he- and that I am sorry for not coming here for so long. He can leave a message with Mrs.Maximoff if he--- tell him I really need to-- that I would like to talk to him,” her voice trembled a bit as she stuttered, but it was clear she had been aiming for a firmer voice and missed by miles.
“Don’t see why he should want to know, princess, but sure, whatever.”
Fury gave Steve another annoyed look and stalked into everyone’s sight. For a second, Steve panicked – was his boss about to tell on him? – but the bulky man only walked in, a professional greeting on his lips.
“Good afternoon, madam. What can we do for you today?”
“Oh, good afternoon, sir-“
“My name is Nicolas Fury, I own the SHIELD Car Repairs. May I be of service?” he continued pleasantly, a businessman in his heart. And actor in his soul, apparently, because Steve was sure he figured out what was going on from the few words he had heard and from Steve’s cowardice and was now putting up a face.
“Mr.Fury, thank you for your readiness, however I was only just leaving. Your staff was most helpful,” she said, polite and respectful, almost a hint of a kind smile in her tone as if she hadn’t sounded on verge of tears only a moment ago. As if the guys hadn’t been jerks to her, standing up for him and his… ugh, his hurt feelings.
“Very well then. Have a pleasant day. Should I walk you out?”
“I actually already offered to walk Ms. Carter out if that’s alright with ya’,” Pietro quickly stepped in, a voice that hadn’t spoken since she had arrived.
“Thank you for choosing SHIELD Car Repairs, Ms.Carter,” Fury’s voice echoed through the shop, complete silence following for what felt like an eternity.
Steve gulped, knowing all too well Fury was waiting for him to come out of his hiding spot.
And sure enough – the boss’ eye found him the moment he returned. “Mr.Fury-“
“For fuck’s sake, Rogers, don’t pull shit like ‘dat in my shop. And all of ya’ – less chatting, less big-mouthing customers and for fuck’s sake, don’t go jerk into the bathroom now just because a girl in skirt showed up. Get your head in the game… and don’t drop anything on your fucking toes, accidents on a workplace are shit to deal with.”
Steve nodded with fervour, going back to his station, even when he couldn’t say that his head was in the game. No, his head was miles away, with beautiful pouty lips, the sweetest smile and a body to write sonnets for.
When Pietro came back, he didn’t say a word, but Steve could feel him burning a hole in his head with how much he stared.
That night, Steve switched from beer to whiskey, just once, hoping to drown out the sorrow that consumed him at simply hearing her voice.
Two months later, two months of Steve avoiding Maximoff’s diner like a plague and dodging Pietro Maximoff’s attempts to have a minute alone with him, a Good Samaritan left a newspaper on Steve’s doorstep. Steve, utterly confused and bone-tired from the long day at work, lifted it and started flicking through the pages absentmindedly as he went inside of his apartment.
And there, right among the obituaries, were marriage announcements, one single photo from a wedding.
She was stunning in her dress, the fabric appearing as delicate and soft as her skin when Steve had felt it under his rough fingers the day she had asked him to make love to her. A smile, crooked and melancholic, played on Steve’s lips at the memory, her breathless moans echoing in his ears.
In the photo posed a beautiful bride with her husband; and yet, Steve couldn’t make himself think she looked as pretty as she had been when sitting on his bed, misplaced, breath-taking and tempting, as pretty as she had been in the moments of ecstasy he had brought her with his loving; for the first time and for the last time at once.
He abandoned the paper on the counter and poured himself a glass of whiskey, bringing it up, hesitating an inch from his lips.
Eyeing the amber liquid, stirring it in the glass, he recalled a movie he had been to with Buck a long time ago. He had never seen people do it in real life, they certainly hadn’t done that at his ma’s funeral, but it would feel symbolic perhaps; the action of pouring a drink into a freshly dug grave was as outside his reality as the foolish idea of a relationship with her, after all.
Taking the newspaper to his hand once more, straightening the picture, he let himself feast his eyes on her. She was radiant, like sun, like the damn sunflowers on her dress the day he had met her.
Shaking his head, he threw the paper to the trash, picture up. Pouring half the whiskey on it, he buried the bittersweet memory of his untouchable uptown girl;downing the rest, he ignored the burn in his eyes and focused on the one in his throat.
As much as he hated himself for it, his last thought before he fell asleep that night was of her, a minute of wonder if she had ever truly been as affected as he was, at least for a moment; he lulled himself to sleep hoping that perhaps she had.
He dreamed of reaching out to Mrs.Maximoff as she had asked the guys to tell him to do. He dreamed of her being there the next time he came in, with an inviting and yet sad smile, a big-ass diamond on her finger… her cherry-flavoured kiss of goodbye lingering on his lips when he opened his eyes to a new day.
He took the trash out that very morning, adding a half-finished sketch he torn away from his book.
It was the last time he saw her.
Thank you for reading! Scroll to the end of the fic for notes. ….Or? ;)
◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦ Alternate ending ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦
That night, Steve switched from beer to whiskey, just once, hoping to drown out the sorrow that consumed him at simply hearing her voice.
In the night of week four turning to week five, Steve’s eyes snapped open to the darkness of his apartment. Momentarily confused, not remembering a nightmare or anything that would cause him to wake up so abruptly, he groaned when he reached for the alarm clock on his nightstand only to find out it was half past one.
He woke up for no fucking reason barely two hours after he went to bed.  
Furious knocks on his door made him jolt, his irritation only growing.
Not without a reason then – some fucker was-- ugh. People were fucking assholes. He was not getting up from his bed for sure.
“Fuck off,” Steve muttered, lying back down face first, determined to ignore-
His door rattled with the force of the next series of knocks and he growled, scrambling to his feet, shuffling to the door and wiping the sleep from his eyes.
“C’min’, comin’, Jesus, fuck.”
Unlocking and opening the door for a slit, Steve stared at the face of his night visitor, absolutely baffled.
“The fuck, Pietro? Do ya’ know wad time ‘zit?”
“No. Do ya’?” the blond retorted, his voice dripping sarcasm and Steve really wanted to shut the door to his face. It was too early – or late – for Steve to deal with that bullshit. “Pack your bags, Rogers, Natasha has a free room.”
Steve briefly wondered when the fuck the world stopped making any goddamn sense, but opened the door fully for his clearly delusional friend. For all Steve knew, Pietro could be having a stroke, he’d better hear him out.
“Huh?” he hummed, his palms massaging his bloodshot eyes. “Da’ fuck are ya’ talkin’ ‘bout?”
“Natasha? My cousin? Remember her?”
Why the hell was Pietro acting as if it was completely normal to stop by a guy’s loft to talk about his cousin, one Steve hadn’t even met?
Steve sighed, humouring the other man. “Yeah? Married some… general or somethin’? What’s ‘dat-”  
“Colonel, yeah. She’s the one who lives in Baltimore. She got a room for ya’,” Pietro repeated, still not making an ounce of sense.
“The fuck’d I do in Baltimore?” Steve asked tiredly, earning a look that told him that it was fucking obvious. Which it wasn’t really, not to him.
…was this a fever dream?
“Open your own shop, dumbass, or find a spot in some. Make money for that pretty gal of yours and that little cute as fuck babies you’ll make.”
Steve’s heart dropped to his stomach at the mention of you, fully prepared to rip Pietro a new one to wake him in the middle of the night to fuck with him—but  he caught a movement to Pietro’s right from a corner of his eye and his heart leaped right back, suddenly sprinting.
This was most definitely a fever dream. Steve felt his jaw drop, his eyes fixing on the vision in front of him as he entirely tuned out Pietro’s next words.
“She must like you real big if she’s willin’ to sell her family nick-nack to look at your ugly mug every day. And skip town and shit…”
And a vision his beautiful uptown girl was, a mirage his mind must have come up, because there was no way she was standing there, sheepish as always, but instead of her dress, wearing a pair of jeans and a simple red blouse, a denim jacket unbuttoned, hanging loosely over her shoulders. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, threw over her left shoulder.  
And shit, she talked too, which made it appear this was in fact real.
“Good evening, Steve. I am sorry to wake you,” she whispered, leaving him stare at her blankly, dumbstruck, breath stuck in his chest.
“I’ll drive ya’, Dr.Strange’s car needs a test ride. Fury’s payin’ for the gas, by the way, the ol’ bastard,” Pietro continued as Steve managed to only watch the woman he had been missing for the past weeks lower her gaze, her teeth anxiously biting on her lower lip, fingers toying with the edges of her jacket. Hers? “I’ll be back by tomorrow afternoon, even have an hour or two to spare. That’s if you start packin’ now, bud.”
The mention of packing snapped Steve from his trance, all the emotions hitting him like a damn truck. Anger, longing, more confusion, restlessness as his girl was standing only few feet away from him and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He took a hesitant step towards her, ignoring the smirking man clearing his path.
“What—what are ya’ doin’ here?” Steve asked incredulously, his inner turmoil reflecting in his voice. She hadn’t showed up for weeks and now-- what exactly was she doing here? “You- you’re engaged-”
Gulping, she looked up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears; yet, a hint of a smile spread on her lips as she shifted her weight from one foot to another. For the first time, Steve also noticed her shoes, a simple pair of sneakers looking bizarre on her feet.
“To a man who loves my best friend and vice versa, my best friend who has been covering for me whenever we were together before it blew to our faces,” she explained, not daring to raise her voice above whisper. Steve still didn’t understand – not fully, unable to comprehend what was happing on his doorstep. Pietro talking about his cousin, about driving, Fury paying for gas, the woman he still loved standing there as if ready to skip town- “She was too covering for me when I talked to Mrs. Maximoff when she helped me to plan this. Pietro said you would want this as well— but- but if you don’t, I will leave you alone. I-“
The day Steve had met the strange girl from uptown, Bucky hadn’t failed to mention Pietro was the fast one, clearly implying Steve was the slow one.
Bucky should have fucking seen Steve now when she hesitated, unsure of his feelings – he had never acted so fast in his whole damn life.
He crossed the distance in one long stride and his hands shot up to her, grabbing her by her shoulders unceremonially. Before she could react, he pulled her body against his with all he got, claiming her mouth like there was no tomorrow.
He swallowed her yelp of surprise, followed by her happy laugh, feeling tears springing from her eyes, causing him to halt just as she finally started kissing him back.
“But your family-“ he blurted out, interrupted by her shaking her head wildly, hair flying.
“Mr. Ross has an eye on my sister. He is from a good family, of good name, generations of lawyers. My family will do splendidly,” she said with a smile playing on her lips, sweet and watery as tears still rolled down her face – happy ones, Steve believed. He felt the same delight bursting in him, switching from a broody cynic back to the fool in love in no time. “And we might too. We will have each other and I have learned enough to teach—or-- or I can be a waitress if I can’t find another job, it doesn’t matter, just so you are not the only one to-“
God, he loved her. She was so adorable and sweet and was talking about being his and going from basically a modern princess to a damn waitress, because she was willing to be with him whatever the fucking cost, apparently--
And was there really anything else he could do?
He grabbed the back of her neck to connect their mouths again, a hungry open-mouthed kiss, his hand fisting in her hair, because holy fuck, how was this happening, she was here and she was his-
“Alright, alright, smoochin’ later, packin’ your friggin’ bags now, Rogers,” Pietro cleared his throat loudly, sounding only as annoyed as amused. “I have a long drive ahead.”
Later, bags hazardously full and piled up in the trunk and on the backseat next to them, Steve couldn’t stop smiling and yet he felt a pang of guilt, ruminating over everything she was giving up.
She was resting her head on his shoulder, their interlaced fingers in his lap and Steve revelled at the absence of an overpriced engagement ring on her hand, the one from his ma’s securely in one of his bags to take place on her finger one day. She was walking the fine line between the real world and the dreamland, breathing softly to the crook of his neck and she seemed content. For now.
He sighed and pressed what could be the hundredth kiss to her hair that night.
“Doll?” he whispered softly, the question burning on his tongue, the only one he could hope to actually have answered now and not after they would try and started a life together.
“Mm?” she hummed softly, nuzzling into him further, her lips brushing the exposed skin on his throat.
“Why me? You could have any of those-“ snobs “-high-class… uptown guys.”
The smile he felt against his skin had him melt into the seat as he chased away all the grim thoughts about what the future might bring, her regretting her decision and blaming him for her ruined life on top of that list.
“Because I love you, Steve, and you are worth ten of them. My amazing downtown guy,” she emphasized, filling Steve’s chest with the most delicious warmth, his heart swelling, feeling so full it might burst.
He knew she wasn’t just saying that – she meant it. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t’ have been in his arms right now, heading to damn Baltimore with nothing but her bags, little money and few pieces of jewellery.
“I love ya’ too,” he whispered, this time pressing a kiss to her nose, drawing an exhausted giggle from her lips. Yep, his heart was about to burst before they even reached their destination. “Love ya’ so much. My sweet, sweet uptown girl.”
“Not so uptown anymore...”
Steve chuckled as rather than regret, her voice was filled with relief. “I’m willin’ to put up with ‘dat as long as ya’ stay mine.”
She squeezed his hand, tilting her head up, blinking up at him sleepily and softly pressing her lips to his.
“I think that can be arranged.”
S.R. masterlist
cxptain’s challenge (check it out, prompts are still available - and who doesn’t like the 80′s?)
@wxstedhexrt, @comicshoplife, @elysianecho, @scentedsongrebel, @orions-nebula, @pies-writes-and-more​, @kayteewritessteve​, @murdermornings, @rinkashirikitateku, @queen-kass-the-writer
….yes, in the first ending, there might have been a chance of our uptown girl planning an escape and Steve aka heartbroken dummy blew it. But hey, maybe not, perhaps she only wanted to say goodbye like he dreamed of… who knows. 
You are my hero if you finished reading this fic! Thank you so much for finding time to do that, this one truly was a beast – at least when I consider that it WAS supposed to be a one shot. 
Any feedback is appreciated, as always – good, bad (if constructive), coherent or incoherent, or ‘just’ a like if you enjoyed and don’t feel like putting feelings into words. Thanks again for reading!
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darringauthier · 3 years
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Becky (2020)
Genre: Thriller/Action/Crime
Who's In It: Lulu Wilson, Kevin James, Joel McHale, Robert Maillet, Amanda Brugel
Who Directed It: Jonathan Milott+Cary Murnion
Plot: A teenager's weekend at a lake house with her father takes a turn for the worse when a group of convicts wreaks havoc on their lives.
Run Time: 93 Minutes
IMDB Score: 5.9
Metascore: 54
Why I Watched It: Honestly I was the fence but I heard decent things about it and gave it a try. Full disclose I'm not the biggest Kevin James fan so that held me back a bit.
How I Watched It: Amazon Prime Canada
Random Thoughts: Lets talk casting, it's something I think everyone movie fan is aware of and yes we can make a fuss over miscasting but most times we play the hands we're dealt. This movie we have a one type of casting I'm a fan of and the other that almost never works for me. We'll start negative first and that would be stunt casting and here we have Kevin James, a comic actor on TV and film and a guy who mostly plays board types not know for being subtle. The other is casting against type in this film we have Joel McHale also a comic actor but has done over things. So what's the difference here McHale is in a darker film and plays it straight all he really has to do is not being overly funny and ruin the tone. Now with James it stands out more and if it fails everyone will be like told you so. Also this type of casting may make people not want to see the film. So we have that. I will say we don't usually get two of these in the same film.
What I Liked: Becky is different, and for me that's a good thing. When I say different that's different across the boards. It's one of those film no matter what you were expecting it will either surprise you or disappoint you. For me it surprised me in a few ways. One and this is the big one for me was tone and the reason the film works for me is the director picked a tone and settled on it and it didn't waver. This film has a dark tone and a serious tone and you have to give the directors credit you have two comic actors and a teenager carrying this and they stayed the course. I think when you see the trailer this film looked like a Die Hard type action film with a teenager being on the outside looking in of a hostage situation. Now what they do they didn't go Home Alone they went much darker and honestly by the time we're done it's very dark.
A lot of credit has to go to Lulu Wilson, this is someone to keep an eye on cause she's very good and she's only 15 but not only does she have range she can be intense and very scary. The other tricky part is Becky isn't that likable of a character, she's the lead and in this set up the hero but in that Becky is miscast not the actor but character and one of the things I really liked about the film is that Becky is a full drawn out character but as the film goes on we learn more and more about her and I think the big things is she learns about herself. It's an interesting character for an adult to play with but Wilson as a teenager gives it more edges and at times more complexities being her age.
The story is starts out very straight forward, you think well this is an action film and boy it goes to unexpected places. The action is brutal and done very seriously. One of the fun things about the film is the hench men bad guys look at this smaller teenager and see no threat which makes the violence all the more interesting. By the time the story ends Becky has changed before are eyes if this was an adult character we might thing that Becky was always like this deep done and she just showed her true self but I think in the course of the story Becky becomes this and embraces it.
What I Didn't Like: Kevin James is fine but he's not only an example of stunt casting but it's also miscasting, I think a more solid actor could have brought more to the table. Not only didn't I buy him I thought he was trying to hard. A veteran character actor could have had a field day here. McHale was fine. I do think the film would have been even better with better casted characters.
Oddly for a film that I think is better well written and much deeper than most thrillers they do rely on a huge McGuffin, the thing the bad guys want, we never know what it is per say and it comes of as an excuse to have a movie. I which it was something more real and serious. The only other nitpick I have is the end does drag at the end, it's not a bad ending but I think it gets dragged out and it loses momentum.
Final Thoughts: I think i respected Becky more than I really liked it but in the end it's worth a watch.
Rating: 7/10
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Survey #314
“as above, so below  /  what you reap is what you sow  /  what you give comes back threefold  /  as above, so below”
What do you do for work? I'm currently unemployed. I only get paid now and again to do pictures for people. What would you ideally like to do for work? I'd love if I could just be a photographer. What are you doing in order to achieve this? Practice and shoving my extreme discomfort about it aside and trying to promote myself where possible and not in an overbearing manner. What do you think is the worst being on the planet? "Rapists, pedophiles, abusive people in general." <<<< This. Anyone who disrespects the existence of other and equal people. Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? No. How big an age gap is between you and your siblings? My immediate sisters and I are two years apart. My half-siblings, I don't know. I don't have their ages memorized, but I do know 5+ years, some even 10. Do/did your siblings cause trouble? Not really, we were good kids. What's your dream vehicle? I don't really have one. Are you good at taking care of your finances? What finances? And I don't mean that happily. What's your favorite comic strip? I don't have one. How many people have you texted today? Zero. Someone cheats. Second chance? Nope, byyyyeeeee. Thoughts on kids? Clay that I'm not playing with. Are you a risk taker? No. What are you listening to? I'm currently going through a phase of playing The Evil Within 2's theme nonstop, jc. Is/Was your high schools dress code strict? Not like, mega strict, but it still was overboard. No spaghetti strap shirts, and I even once got in trouble for wearing a floral mesh shirt, despite having a normal tanktop underneath it. It was weird, like no one had ever had a problem with it before, it was just this one teacher that I passed in the hall. Who was the last person to request you on a social media network - and did you accept? Someone I didn't know, so obviously not. Who was the last person’s vehicle that you rode in? Mom's. Who was the last person to make you laugh or smile, and why? Another current obsession of mine: John Wolfe, another let's player who I think is super funny. He said something that made me snicker before I turned on music and started this. Who was the last person that you took a photo with? My half-sister while she was visiting. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment, and what did they say? In group therapy the other day, one of the other women told me that even if I don't believe it, I bring so much positivity to group and she was really happy to be there while I am. I was so so super flustered but flattered, too. Who’s the last person that you visited in the hospital? My mom, following her surgery. Who is the last person that you lent money to? Actually today to Mom. What was the last food that you ate? I warmed up a burger for dinner. What did the last pair of footwear that you wore look like? They're just black flipflops. What was the last kind of bread that you ate? Just plain white bread. What was the last app that you downloaded to your phone? Oh wow, I never do this. I want to say it was a game for my niece. When was your last work shift? I haven't worked in a long time, so idk. When is the last time that you had trouble falling asleep? This is literally every single night. When was the last time you saw a significant other? I ain't got one'a those. When’s the last time that you took a risk? What was the risk? Well, I did say I'm not a risk-taker... Where was the last place that you went on vacation to? You know, how long does it have to be to be considered a "vacation?" I would say not since I went to the beach with an old friend, but it was literally a day. Where was the last place you got lost? uhhhhhhh Why did your last relationship fail? We need to work on ourselves before we could properly support each other and stay in a healthy mindset. Why did you leave your last job? I couldn't handle the stress of serving people and having so many responsibilities at once. How long has it been since you last visited a doctor? How about a dentist? I literally went to the doctor today because I had a follow-up appointment about my weight gain again. I haven't been to the dentist in a few months; I had a normal cleaning my last visit. How big was the last fish you caught? Oh boy, this is stretching years back. It was probably something small, idr at all. Give me the first initial of your last name? D. Something in your home that’s on its last leg(s)? We just moved here, so nothing that's a part of the house itself. As far as items we actually own, idk. Where do you purchase most of your clothes? I haven't gotten new clothes in so long, idk. I would probably say Hot Topic. Describe your skincare routine. I don't have one, if I'm being honest. I just shower. What’s your typical morning routine look like? I don't have one of those, either. The only thing that's consistent is going to the bathroom, eating, and taking my meds. Even brushing my teeth, the time of day when I do that (if I'm not leaving the house) varies. Then it's time to just binge stuff on YouTube and do whatever on the laptop... Are you still playing Animal Crossing? I've never played it, actually. How has the pandemic specifically affected you? It's caused a lot of stress worrying about my mom falling ill, given her being immunocompromised. It's also held me back from searching for another job (even though I don't know what I'd go for, anyway...), because I absolutely refuse to risk bringing Covid into this house by leaving it daily or whatever. What is your main source of anxiety? Being mentally ill, really. It just affects a lot. Any bands or artists you’ve recently discovered? Not very recently, no. What kind of games do you play on your phone? Just Pokemon GO nowadays. Do you have a specific aesthetic? It varies. I love dark, gothic, and gory stuff, but then I also love everything pink and pastel?????? Pastel gore is especially where it's at. Describe the moment you realized you were falling in love with someone. I'd rather not. What’s your favorite sparkling water brand/flavor? I've never even tried it before. What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I don't wear nearly enough makeup to be even remotely familiar with any. What’s your all-time favorite movie? It'll probably always be The Lion King. Do you have any subscription boxes? No, but they're cool. What fictional creature would you like as a pet? On deviantART today I actually discovered a fantastic artist who does a lot of HTTYD fanart, and I would say as a dragon lover, Toothless would be soooo great. Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? I'm certain tons have closed, but none come to mind. How do you feel about TikTok? I don't feel anything about it. Did you/do you still have a Neopets account? Haha I've had like... two or three at different stages in my life. What were you doing at 9 o'clock this morning? That's actually when (virtual) group therapy starts. Are you wearing any jewelry? Yeah; my piercings (if you count them) and then two rings that I always have on. Are you good at hiding disappointment? No. I'm bad at hiding my emotions because they're so strong. What happened the last time you cried? lmaooo I was finishing watching a The Evil Within 2 LP yesterday, and like, the last hour or so of the game just rips me apart. I was hoping so bad that my mom didn't pass by and ask what the problem was. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you? Both would be stunned to know the situation I had with Joel/my former best friend's boyfriend when I was around 12. What fictional character do you have the biggest crush on? dARKIPLIER Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? When all things are considered, like laws, seeing family, etc., somewhere in Canada, or maybe Alaska. Actually, Alaska would be really cool. What after school activities did you do in high school? I didn't have any, if you mean like, school sports and clubs. I did do dance once or twice a week, but it wasn't tied to my school. What’s the last book you really loved? I positively adored The Handmaid's Tale. If you could have been a child prodigy what would you have wanted to be skilled at? My writing was seen as very exceptional for my age as a kid, but it still would've been awesome if it was even better. If earth could only have one condiment for the rest of time, what would you pick to keep around? Uhhh I guess ketchup. I use that the most of all options. What is the scariest experience you have ever had? The night of the breakup. It was such an impossible concept to me that I genuinely thought my life was over, that I'd pull the plug at any moment. Who is a non-politician you wish would run for office? Oh, hunny, Markiplier lmao. Call it a bias all ya want, but he's just a genuinely incredible person that cares so much for everyone and is so serious about equality and just being a good person. Do you think it’s important to stay up to date with the news? It's very hypocritical of me to say, but yes, regardless. Do you own plants? If so, what kind of plants? If not, would you like to grow any? I've never been into growing plants, honestly. Is there a city that you have a particular fondness for? If so, what city is it and why? No, not really. When was the last time that you acted impulsively? Is this a common behavior for you? I dunno, I've gotten better at this. I probably said something I shouldn't have. If you received an allowance as a kid, what kinds of things would you buy with it? Were you more the type to save up for something big, or spend it on little things? I didn't get one. When you cuddle with someone, how do you prefer to position yourself? Would you rather be held, or do the holding? Or both? Are we sitting or lying down? Either way I think I have a tendency to lay my head on their chest while hugging them, and my legs generally curl up. If I'm upset, I definitely feel better and just a greater sense of safety if I'm the one being held, but if the roles are swapped, then I like to be the one doing the holding because I know that's what I want when I'm upset, so treat others how you wanna be treated, y'know. When you woke up today, did you find unread messages from anyone? No. Have you recently told anyone that you miss them? Yes. Can you recall the last time you turned down an offer, of any kind? Mom asked if I wanted to come with her to Ashley's a few days ago, but I said no. I wasn't in a social mood at all. Is there anyone you interact with every day on social media? No. What was the main character's name in the last fictional book you read? Sunny. Have you ever been rejected by a church? No. Is your family nice to you? Yeah. Are you comfortable with your gender? Yeah. What was your favorite Mary-Kate and Ashley film? I don't remember; we had a couple, though. What was your favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders. What was your favorite Nickelodeon show? ngl, I don't remember a lot of them and don't feel like looking up a list. Do you still live in the house you grew up in? No. Which Spice Girl was your favorite? I don't remember their names. Do you think you look the best you've ever looked? Oh hell no. Have you been hurt by religion? Yes, honestly. In Truth or Dare, would you rather choose Truth or Dare? I always choose "truth." Have you ever had more than one crush at once? Yeah, I think that's perfectly normal to feel, even for someone monogamous like myself. Just when you establish a relationship, then it's time to make a choice. What social issue do you care about most? This is hard to say with how passionately I hold my opinions, but probably LGBTQ+ rights. It's just... so disgusting to me that I was once homophobic. It's like I want to make up for it. Just the idea of being repulsed by love just because someone has "the wrong thing" in their pants is just... appalling. When was the last time you read a Bible? Many, maaaany years ago I started reading it, but I didn't get very far at all. Do you own a Bible? I personally don't, but I know Mom has one, maybe multiple. Do you discover new music regularly? No; I very much stick to what I know. It's great when I do, though, given that that's how I find new songs to repeat to the grave. What does your first name mean? "Of Britain" or something like that. What country do you live in? U.S.A. Do you believe that gays are born that way? Uh, yes? Who honestly believes a homosexual would *choose* to be in the discriminated minority? People are murdered and abused for simply their sexuality; no sane person would "choose" to risk that torture.
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sunaswife · 5 years
How did we end up here?/ Erick Brian Colon SMUT
I hope @cncopmhoe likes this cuz I’m Lowkey trash hehe.
Inspired by 5sos’s “How did we end up here?”
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“Oh no I’m late I’m late. Mrs. Vega is going to kill me.” Erick said to himself as he rushed down the hall. He was trying to hurry to class, this is what happens when you try to help your irresponsible best friend with his homework. Chris is going to pay for this. Before he knew it he bumped into someone and they both fell on the floor. He immediately looked at the person to apologize and was in awe by her beauty. She was wearing a simple jean jacket with black pants and a band t shirt tucked in. She also had a beanie on. She looked so casual and beautiful. She looked up at him and gave him a glare. “Watch where you’re going dumbass.” She grabbed her folder, he saw a schedule and he quickly grabbed it. “I’m sorry, is this yours?” He asked and she grabbed it. “Yeah, hey dumbass where is this class anyways? It’s B 21.” She asked, “down the hall to your left is the b wing.” He said and she was already walking away. He stayed there for a second but quickly remembered he was already late. He grabbed his folder and he was on his way to class.
He opened the door and was confused that the whole seating was changed, his best friend was paired with someone else across the room. “Erick you’re late.” His teacher said, “I’m so sorry.” He apologized, “I let the students pick their partner but there is only one person available.” She said and noticed the girl from earlier. “Okay thank you.” He said and sat next to her. She was messing with her nails as she read the paper, she looked at him and looked back down. “Hi I’m Erick whats your na—“ “President Nixon.” She said, “Excuse me?” He asked. “Our project is on President Nixon. I chose cause you’re late.” She said and handed him the paper. “But Roosevelt is better.” He tried convincing her. “Too bad dumbass. I already chose.” She shrugged. He glanced across the room and saw his other best friend Joel talking to a cheerleader, Joel looked up and he shrugged. They usually pair up together but Joel thought he was absent and he was distracted by the cute cheerleader.
You walked in everyone was asking for your name, you just smiled and told them trouble
“Ay shorty what’s your name.” The schools fuckboy, Richard said. Erick and her looked up and she smirked, “Trouble.” She said and looked back down to the textbook. “More like nerdy.” He snorted, “What do you say we switch our partners so we can work together baby.” He said and she giggled. “Nah I’m good—he looks smart.” She shrugged. “But with me—“ “But with you we’ll fail this project. I’m not an idiot, now get the Fuck out of my presence.” She groaned. “Bitch.” He muttered and walked away.
My head spins, I’m pressed against the wall just watching your every move. You’re way too cool and you’re coming this way.
“She literally said trouble?” Zabdiel asked as Erick talked about the new girl. “Bro bro.” Joel shook Ericks shoulder. “What dude.” Erick said annoyed. “She’s coming this way.”
How did we end up talking in the first place?
“Hey dumbass.” She stood right in front of Erick, “It’s not dumbass it’s Erick.” He corrected, “Nah you look more like a dumbass.” She shrugged and he sighed. “What do you want?” He asked, “What are you doing after school?” She asked, “I’m going to the arcade with—“ Joel punched his shoulder interrupting Erick. “Ow What the hell.” He rubbed his shoulder. “If you’re asking if he’s free then he is.” Zabdiel answered for Erick and Erick looked at Zabdiel in confusion. “Sweet so after school meet me in the front so we can go to my house.” She said and turned. Erick, Zab, and Joel stood there in shock. No girl has asked either one of them to come over. Especially for a project. “Oh and Erick?” The way his name dripped off her lips made him melt.
You said you like my Cobain shirt
Her confidence is amazing for someone small and beautiful like her. She’s scary and mysterious but so beautiful and sexy at the same time. “Yeah?” He asked. “I like your Cobain shirt.” She said and walked away.
Now we’re walking back to your place, you’re telling me how you love that song about living on a prayer.
I’m pretty sure that we’re halfway there
She would not shut up, neither did he. “RIP to the legend.” She said and he nodded. Who knew they shared a similar taste in music. They walked close on the narrow sidewalk. His hand accidentally grazed hers and she moved her arm. “Hey dumbass just because we like the same music doesn’t mean we’re friends.” She said and he was slightly disappointed. “I figured.” He muttered and she pretended she didn’t hear. She mentally smiled and glanced at the boy. He was the hottest guy she’s ever seen. His eyes are beautiful but she hasn’t properly looked into them. He had a nice posture and a simple but good taste in clothes just like her. He was definitely sweet and she loved that.
“We’re here.” She said and he followed as she entered her home. “Your parents?” He asked, “one just got into work and the other who knows, never came back after buying a pack of cigarettes.” She shrugged and he felt bad. “My mom comes back at like two in the morning. She’s a nurse.” She said and he nodded. “Well let’s get to work. My room is upstairs the one with the 5sos poster on the door. He nodded and walked up the stairs as she made her way to the kitchen. He was nervous, this was the first time he has been over a girls house, this was the first time he’s been in a girls room. And they were alone. He made himself comfortable on her brown carpeted floor. She came back ten minutes later with a big bowl of pizza rolls to share and two Gatorades. I would make something but we don’t have a lot of food because we’re still organizing.” She said and he smiled. “Thank you.” He said and ate the pizza roll from the shared bowl. She layed on her stomach as she was googling information on her laptop.
But when I wake up next to you I wonder how,
Erick woke up to the sound of giggling, he opened up his green eyes and he was in a bed that wasn’t his, in a room that wasn’t his, with a girl that wasn’t his. “It’s about time.” She said as she looked at him, she was sitting on her desk watching funny cat videos. “My mom is asleep but, she’s knows you’re here. I told her you accidentally fell asleep and she was cool with it.” She said and he sat up. “Come on you have an hour to get ready.” She said, “How are you up so early?” He asked. “I go for morning jogs so I can see the sunrise.” She responded and he smiled. “The shower is that way and I put my brothers underwear and shirt inside so you can change into.” She said. “Thanks.” he mumbled and he stood up and made his way to her bathroom. She tried to not look but he was gorgeous.
Erick showered and he was daydreaming. Remembering what happened yesterday. They were arguing over how the PowerPoint should be. “Ugh if you weren’t so hot I would have slapped you.” She hissed and he was taken aback. “You think I’m hot?” He asked, “Don’t get too cocky—“ “no it’s just that no one has ever called me hot.” He admitted and she smirked. “Really? But I mean look at you? You’re earrings, your hair, your eyes. Your intoxicating.” She said lowly and crawled her way to him. He was feeling tight in his pants. She sat in front of him and held his chin with her soft hand. “Have you had your first kiss before?” She asked all of a sudden. “Um no..?” He said, she bit her lip as she looked at his. “May I?” She asked, “Yes.” He whispered and she moved closer to him. She kissed his lips gently and pulled away. She gave him a smile but he wanted more. He grabbed her from behind her head and he smashed his lips towards her. She released a moan. He wanted her to make that sound again. “You’re a little horny huh?” She said against his lips. “Is that a problem?” He asked and he sat her on his lap. “Of course not.” She smirked and kissed him once again. They stripped clothes and he quickly turned to text his mom he was spending the night at Zabdiels and told Zab to cover for him.
He turned and was in awe and he saw her in her underwear. “Close your mouth before you eat flies.” She said with a giggle. She crawled onto his lap again and their lips fought for dominance. She didn’t have much experience either but they both hoped that porn was enough knowledge to know what to do. Her clothed heat was on his growing bulge and every time she moved he moaned. They both pulled away and they looked at eachother in the eyes. “Are you okay with this?” They both asked at the same time then chuckled. “Guess that’s a yes.” Erick said and he picked her up and gently tossed her on her bed. He baggy shirt lifted slightly and he kissed where her belly piercing was at.
“So beautiful.” He whispered and lifted up her shirt more. He looked at her breasts and without a second thought he nibbled on her left and he played with her right. She released another moan and he groaned softly. His lips found hers again and he carefully pulled down her underwear. She became a little shy and she kept her legs closed. “Come on Mami, spread those pretty legs.” He said and she was so turned on by his words. She did as asked and he tasted her. He was in cloud 9. No wonder why Chris is obsessed with sex. She’s delicious. She pulled his hair and he groaned which made her released a soft whimper. “Erick—“ she gasped as he put two fingers in without warning. “You’re okay right?” He asked, “Yes go faster.” She moaned and he obeyed. The sight of her weak underneath his touch made him want to cum right there. He pulled away and she sighed and caught her breath. He grabbed a condom from his wallet and he carefully placed it on himself. His mom got him these in case he ever needed them. She didn’t want her son getting a girl pregnant at seventeen.
He remembers a bit of advice Chris gave him and he rubbed his cock up and down her slit to self lubricate. When he was satisfied he put the tip over her entrance. she admitted that it was her first time as well so Erick wasn’t as worried. “I’m ready.” She said and he carefully entered in her. She gripped her bed sheet and she took a deep breath. When he was all the way in and she had time to adjust he moved at a slow and steady pace. She released short breathy moans, he looked at her in amazement because she was so beautiful in this state of bliss and he was so happy that he was making her feel this way. She opened her eyes and they made eye contact, she bit her lip and she pulled him down to her and she attacked his lips. “You’re so good.” She whispered, “Go faster.” And so he did. They didn’t move or do anything else because it was their first time and they were focusing on getting the release.
“Oh my god—Erick I’m close.” She squeaked and he nodded. “I am too.” He mumbled and his rythem became sloppy. He thrusted two hard ones and she scratched his back. “Oh Fuck Erick, just like that.” She said in his ear. He felt her walls tighten around his cocked and they both released in sync. “Oh my god.” He released a boyish moaned, “fuck—that was so good.” She said and They catched their breaths. He carefully pulled out and tossed the condom away in her small trash bucket. “Are you okay? Did it hurt?” He asked, “I mean in the beginning but I’m fine.” She responded, “I just don’t think I can move my legs.” She giggled and he quickly grabbed her underwear and helped her put it on. “Thanks.” said and he slid on his. “No problem.” “What time is it?” She asked, he looked at the time on his phone. “10:30.” He said. “We should go to sleep, we have school tomorrow.” She said and patted a spot next to her. He smiled and layed under the covers with her. She hugged his waist and put her head on his chest. They both quickly fell into a blissful sleep and they both dreamt about eachother.
How did we end up here?
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oh-goldeneyes · 6 years
CNCO comforting their s/o after fans are harsh on them
Requested? Yes! By @prettyboypimentel
(I thought this was a great idea btw)
Warning: none ?
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- probably started happening recently
- like a week or two now
- you don't really pay attention to them tbh
- you knew this was going to happen when you agreed to go out with Chris
- so you were fine with it
- -until Chris said something reallyyy dumb
- you'd be on the couch together watch a movie one night
- when the girl on the screen is seen cheating on her husband with another guy
- Chris kinda laughs and goes " damn she should stay with that one he's WAAY hotter just saying"
- you got reminded of all the messages saying Chris was probably cheating on you with someone else since he was a bit of a mujeriego
- you got really quite all of a sudden
- Chris looked over at you like "Estás bien, bebé?"
- you just smiled before rushing upstairs to your shared room saying you weren't feeling good
- you could hear his footsteps behind you so you quickly rushed into the bathroom
- he started calling out for you from the other side but all you could focus on was your phone which was now full of those messages
- Chris was knocking softly on the door begging for you to talk to him
- I can practically hear his heart shattering when you walk out with red eyes and a tear stained face
- "ay bebé, please tell me what's wrong it kills me to see you like this"
- he says pulling you into his lap and sitting on the bed
- when you do tell him what's wrong... his face is so full of emotions
- he looks angry, confused , sad , disappointed
- he lifts you head up with his finger and smiles softly
- " you want to know why I stopped being like that? Going after any girl who showed any interest in me and then doing it all over the next time we go out? Carajo Y/N it's because I met you. And - and I realized I didnt want any other girl, I wanted you. No amount of hate comments or edited pictures are EVER going to change that, bebé"
- and now you're both crying
- I dont think he'd go off on a rant on social media but you can expect a picture of both of you on his Instagram later with the caption:
- " oh yeah you're stuck with me for a looong time count on that "
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- Oh, homeboy notices
- you two would be on your way home from a date when you’re phone vibrates
- He sees your face go from giggly to sad REAL quick
- You close your phone and keep joking around with him hoping he didn’t notice
- Once you guys are at a red light he says he forgot to tell Chris or Joel something and if he can borrow your phone since his is in the back seat for some reason
- you let him and he goes straight to Twitter
- 4 words my friends
- IS
- Clouded a bit by his anger he asks you about it immedieatly
- like “??? WTF is this???”
- oH SHIt
- trying to convince him it’s nothing and he should just drop it
- yeah, you just fueled the fire
- “drop it? DROP IT?! How can I drop this Y/N they’re literally calling you a slut how AM I GOING TO DROP THIS!”
- You two ended up in a heated argument on your way back home
- Once back at the house you don’t feel like fighting anymore
- “RICHARD there are SO MANY fans who actually like me ok? They’re just - just not as noticeable when 3/4 of them are saying the opposite..”
- He feels like a dick
- He should’ve talked about it with you not attack you on it
- Apologizes before bringing you into is arms letting you shed as many tears as you needed into his chest
- When you’ve both calmed down, you actually talk about it
- Probably heads to Twitter and says something along the lines of 
- “ The worst feeling in the world? Having the people who support you hurt the love of your life”
- when you wake up the next day the amount of compliments you got over shadowed the mean ones by a long shot
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- I feel like you 2 would be the couple who tells each other everything you know?
- so when they started bothering you he’d know
- THAT IS... until they started getting worse
- you didn’t tell him about it after a while so he thought it was getting better or no longer happening
- poor sweet clueless bb
- every night when you felt Zabdiel holding you closer you’d think back to all those tweets saying shit like
- “Wow can’t believe I’m saying this but can we get Gwen back?sjsks”
- he’d start to worry he did something wrong when he feels you getting distant
- so one day ya’ll are binge wathcing the Harry Potter movies and half-way through the goblet of fire you’re phone vibrates
- you were in the kitchen so he decided to look at it
- “probably her mom again”
- SURPRISE it’s not your mom
- Get’s teary eyed just seeing what his fans think of you
- we know Zabdi is one sentimental boi
- you come back with more popcorn and find him looking sadly at your phone and you freak
- grabbing out of his hands and quickly trying to delete the messages even though it’s too late
- the damage is done : he’s seen them
- You have your back to him and hear him getting up off the couch 
- at this point you’re both holding back tears cuz neither of you want to talk about it
- You both stand there in complete silence for a few minutes until you feel him tugging you into his chest
- and every ounce of strength you’ve had over the past few days trying to keep it together breaks right then and there
- You’re knees feel week and you’re both slowly sliding to the ground crying into each other
- You feel him turning you around and putting your foreheads together 
- “ay... ay mi amor. Why didn’t you tell me? You tell me every thing... why- why not this?”
- So you tell him everything you’ve been feeling for the past week and his heart breaks a little every time your voice would crack 
- You both fall asleep on the couch holding each other tight while the beginning of the order of the Phoenix played in the background
- He doesn’t go to social media for this, he just focuses on seeing you smile for the next few days and he makes you promise to tell you every thing and he’ll do the same 
- guys I’m crying why do I do this to myself
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- Buckle up
- he knows when his baby isn’t feeling well
- prides himself on it haha 
- like you don’t have the time to tell him you’re sick and he’s already serving you chicken noodle soup
- so when you don’t finish vine references with him on time he like ???
- Doesn’t know how to ask you what’s wrong
- does he ease into the question or just go straight forward with it??
- he decides to finally ask you when he sees you distracted for the sixth time that day
- tbh you don’t know how to tell him either
- how do you tell your boyfriend you don’t think you deserve to be with him because you aren’t talented enough or EXTREMELY hot or funny or anything
- how do you tell him the people who support him the most got those ideas in your head...
- So you lie and tell him some shitty other story
- “uM... I saw a duck ....in the park...the other day that kind of looked like.... Richard??”
- Yeah, not buying it
- So he starts to insist on what’s wrong and GOD he is not making this easy on you
- after like 9 minutes of him asking what’s wrong and asking you if you don’t trust him anymore you just start shedding tears
- he’s too sweet you really don’t deserve him
- he goes into panic mode
- “shit I made her cry oh- no shit shitshit asshole - fuck”
- You tell him it’s not him that’s making you sad (he said that out loud dummy)
- you take a deep breath and let everything you`re feeling out
- Joel gets emotional because he used to feel those things about himself too
- Hugs you so tight, as if if he let go the world around him would crush you
- Carries you to your shared bed and wraps you into a burrito using the blankets
- Holds you in his arms again and spends the whole night telling you all of the reasons why he loves you
- Once you’re asleep this bb DIVES to Twitter
- to everyone’s surprise not to rant or fight with the CNCOwners 
- he posts a video of he filmed of you balancing a chopstick on your nose and failing many times while he’s laughing hard on the other side of the camera
- the caption?
- “ I’m gonna marry you one day, I swear”
- (I’m melting guys)
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- The minute you guys announced you were together the fans went crazy
- most of them really happy for you two they saw how happy you made Erick and loved you instantly
- ... the other half.... not so nice
- by that I mean hitting you straight in the insecurities... and HARD
- “ oof chubby much?” “seriously he could have anyone and he goes for THAT?” “awn she really thought she looked cute in this picture HAHA”
- yeah...
- so everyday whenever Erick told you a joke (cuz he loves seeing his baby smile) he noticed you’re smile wasn’t the same
- no matter how good you were at faking them, your eyes held so much sadness it made him sad
- so he tried to cheer you up by coming home early one day 
- oh boy
- he’s outside the door leading to your shared bedroom when he hears a sob from the other side
- he rushes in and sees your phone buzzing next to you
- and there you are your knees hugging your chest and you head down
- you look up and see him standing there
- *sniffling* “Erick? Que haces I thought you were getting here late-”
- he’s holding you in his arms 
- letting you cry into his shoulder as he peeks over to see your phone
- his heart breaks into a million pieces
- he’s holding the love of his life (he’s sure of it guys) , his world in his arms and the reason you’ve been upset all this time is because of his fans
- he doesn’t understand 
- how can someone not love you? 
- The way your nose crinkles when you smile, or your singing voice that sounds like angels to him no matter what you say, or even the corny jokes you two share all the time... your eyes that hold all the stars in the sky to Erick
- he doesn’t understand one bit
- he finds himself also crying into your neck
- You tried to explain yourself but he shushes you telling you it’s ok, he’s there and he’s not leaving
- and that he loves you 
- so so much
- *actually crying while writing this*
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onheavenlythings · 4 years
My Life Verses
Sharing with everyone my life verses 
1. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11 and Habakkuk 2:3
"There is a time for everything; He makes everything beautiful in His time."
"Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come, and not delay."
God knows what we need and when we need it.
2. Romans 5:5
"...and hope does not disappoint."
This world will disappoint you, but with God, nothing can be disappointing. This verse has been working in my life ever since. Lagi natin naririnig yung salitang PAASA pag may nangangako satin tapos di natutupad. But everytime God gets me even a little bit of HOPE, it happens. It always does.
3. Joel 2:25
"God will give you back what you lost."
Yes! This is so true! God loves to surprise me all the time. Sometimes, I lose something, may kapalit na agad kinabukasan. Or the next week or months. Minsan same amount ng nawala, minsan naman sobra pa. Basta. God never fails to surprise me. Mapapasabi na lang ako ng, "Grabe Ka talaga Lord, totoo talaga yung promises Mo."
4. Luke 6:38
"Give and it will be given to you.."
We were taught to give and not expect something in return. Totoo naman, syempre unconditional dapat. But there are so many times na pag nagbibigay ako, eventually, something bigger comes into my life. Tapos maaalala ko tong verse na to. Minsan bibiruin ko na lang si Lord, "Lord, pano ba ko hindi mageexpect ng something in return pag nagbibigay ako, kung nasa promise Mo na yun? Hehe"
5. Colossians 3:2
"Set your heart on heavenly things.."
When I lose something, syempre masakit, lalo na pag naginvest ka sa bagay na yun. There's a time to weep, but there's also a time to laugh. Iiyak ako, yes. Tapos tatanungin ko na lang yung sarili ko, "Madadala ko ba sa heaven yung bagay na yun?" If the answer is NO, I'm starting to feel better.
6. Proverbs 31:25
"..she laughs without fear of the future."
Lagi ko naririnig noon yung "Tawa ka ng tawa jan, mamaya umiiyak ka na." Hahaha! Srsly? Somehow, it can be true. Kung maniniwala tayo. But hey, why would I deprive myself from being happy TODAY? The Word says, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. You can be happy today without worrying that you will cry later. Happiness is a choice. God is blessing me with so much good things in this life. Sayang naman kung hindi ako magiging masaya. 
7. Isaiah 54:17
"No weapons formed against you shall remain.."
Even when you are already a Christian, hindi pa din maiiwasan na may magalit satin. Hmmm. It's out of our control anymore. Sometimes, out of their anger, hihilingin pa nila na mapasama tayo. It is somehow scary. But I always remember this verse. No weapons formed against me shall remain. Kahit ano pang ibato sakin ng kaaway, hinding-hindi ako tatablan. Because God is my protector. I will fear no evil, FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME.
So these are my life verses! Yey! And I'm always holding on to them. Dahil..
Binubuhay ako ng bawat salita ng Diyos.  ❤
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maybemitch · 5 years
Taking Risks | Chapter Two (Nerve AU)
Warning/Disclaimer: This story will contain spoilers to the movie/novel ‘Nerve’, so if you haven't watch I would recommend reading/watching it. However, you don't need too. All rights of the story go to the author of the Novel, Jeanne Ryan. This is purely for entertainment purposes. Also, this fan-fiction will include swearing. The dares which are involved in this fan-fiction you shouldn’t try at home. || WORD COUNT: 6012 ||
Description: When an online game called ‘Nerve’ takes the world by storm, Louis is somewhat disappointed with his friends which are involved in the game. However, when Clementine accuses Louis of not taking risks, he finds himself wanting to prove her wrong. And when he gets partnered up with someone, he finds himself agreeing to more challenging dares.
Read on AO3
Read Chapter One HERE
Louis’ eyes were watching the loading symbol of the game which felt as if it was taunting him. He wasn’t regretting the decision entirely: maybe a small minor part of him was. Louis did want to prove himself to Clementine, he wanted to show her that he did take risk every now and then and that he was indeed living a life, not just watching everything flicker by from his comfort zone.
He inhaled and then held his breath for a momentarily, before realising it in shakes. Louis could feel his stomach-churning, as the loading symbol went round and round. He knew exactly what the game was doing in this agonisingly long moment; it was analysing every piece of information which was meant to be kept confidential, such as bank statements, medical bills, the things which you don’t normally talk about unless really necessary. He also knew that it was cycling through his likes and dislikes. The reason the game was doing that, it would help the watcher determine to dares which he would participate in. An invasion of privacy. Yet, he couldn't complain, he signed up to this.
Nibbling on his nails and began to think. One dare.  That's all he's going to participate in. He knew that one dare wouldn’t cause no harm. He would complete it, take the money and then back out of the game. That was the plan he had decided as he thought. It seemed flawless, as if nothing could go wrong.
He allowed his eyes to flutter shut, the loading symbol was beginning to frustrate him more and more as the seconds tick by. The hand which wasn’t allocated to his mouth being nibbled on, began to tap on the desk in a soothing rhythmic pattern. It was from a song which he knew out to play on piano, a song which he and his parents adored.
Louis jerked back in his chair when a loud electronic voice filled the room, a small piece of panic settled into him as he looked around his room, before casting his eyes to the laptop screen, "Hello. Welcome to nerve. You have chosen player." his eyes were so fixated towards the screen, watching the bizarre, yet intriguing introduction scene to game. He cocked his head to the side slightly, his jaw dropping, "Nerve is a direct democracy. Watchers decide your dares.”
That caused him to rolled his eyes, he knew that the watchers decided their dares. Only because Omar gave him - alongside his group - knowledge about it. Louis still wasn't fond on that fact. But then again, he knew thats how dare games work, other people choose them for you. Arching his eyebrow, he crossed his arms over his chest, as he waited to find out more about this game.
"The two players with the most watchers by the end of regulation will advance to the final round, where the winner takes all." The electronic voice informed, only to get a scoff from the boy with the dreadlocks. Louis was shaking his head in disbelief at the game as he mumbled something his breath as the introduction to nerve continued, "Watchers can watch from anywhere, but they are encouraged to film live. So don't be alarmed. There are three rules.”
Louis found himself perking up. Rules, that's exactly what he need to knows. Especially if he wants to stop after the first dare.
"One, all dares must be filmed on the player's phone." Louis nodded his head. The first rule was understandable and easy to get behind, if it's your dare, you need to have evidently proof you fulfilled it. Also, it would be best to see it from the darer themselves.
"Two, there are only two ways to be eliminated. Fail or bail." Louis began to tug at his bottom lip. If they were the only two ways out, then he would want to take the less humiliating route, yet they both seemed as bad as each other. Failing at dare would meant you didn’t succeed and bailing just makes you seem like a wimp.
"Three, snitches get stitches. Thank you for keeping nerve a secret. Good luck, player." The electronic voice cut out, leaving Louis is an eerie silence in his room. He blinked at the screen before beginning to process the final rule.
It sounded like a threat, which was something that raised alarms bells in Louis' head. Surely a game couldn't make rules like that, not in such a aggressive way. Louis bit down on his nail once again and then hissed out in pain when he reached the nail bed, it bleeding slightly.
He casted his eyes down to his phone which light up, the words 'ENTER ID' was wrote in bold yellow letters at the top of his screen, with a thumb print underneath of it. Timidly picking up the phone in his right hand, he placed his thumb on the touch ID, allowing the game to also get ahold of his finger print. That means the game not only has his personal information but a type of DNA, not completely reliable, but still something.
Louis shifted his eyes back to the laptop, a question blinked on the screen.
Louis huffed as he placed his phone down for a moment, bringing his hands to the laptop, his fingers delicately touching the trackpad. "Doesn't even give you a chance to decline it.” He pressed his finger down on the trackpad, accepting it. He was prepared. All depending on hard the first dare was going to be. 'PLEASE PROCEED TO JOELS DINER’
Slowly standing up, Louis shut the lid to his laptop and swooped his phone up from the desk. He went through his contacts, hovering his finger over Marlon's name, sighing he clicked down on it. He brought the phone up to his ear, listening to the constant ringing on the line.
Marlon picked up after the fifth ring, he mumbled a few words, then the sound of the car horn went off. "Yeah?" Marlon asked, sounds of muffling came from the other side, "You're on loud speaker. Violet is here with me.”
"Perfect," Louis smiled as he look in the mirror in his room, straightening his outfit, "I need you to swing by my house and take me to Joel's diner. It's... urgent?”
"It's urgent?" Violet questions, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion on the other end of the line, "That's code for, you've done something we wouldn't like.”
Marlon kept his eyes on the road, as he changed the direction, "What have you done, Lou?”
Louis tugged at his lip as he opened his bedroom door, "So... I may or may not have signed up for Nerve. And my first dare is at the diner. I believe.”
"Are you kidding me Louis!" Violet raised her voice at the boy on the other end of the phone, she shook her head as her fist balled up, "Don't tell me you let Clementine's words get to you. Because Louis, that's stupid. Im so slapping you when you get in the car.”
Louis shook his head, despite the fact the two couldn't see him, "I didn't let Clementine's words get to me. I... I just want to prove to people that I do take risks. I'm doing one dare. That's it.”
Marlon turned down Louis' street, "One dare. That's it. Then you bail," Marlon sighed as he parked his car in the drive way at Louis', "Here. Get your ass into the car now.”
The door to Joel's diner chimed, the person behind the counter sent a smile towards the three teenagers who were huddled close together. Louis kept his eyes fixated towards his phone, as he waited for the dare to pop up on his screen. Violet was the one which returned the smile, even if it was force. She didn’t like the person which was behind the counter, she didn’t like much.
"Can we get a milkshake?" Marlon asked as he noticed a deal on the wall, "I could kill for a milkshake.”
Violet slapped Marlon hard, "We are not here for you cravings. We are here for support for Louis. What's the dare Lou?”
Louis felt his heart race when he read over it. There is no way he could go through with it. He tilted his phone slightly, allowing Violet to know what he had to do. Her eyes widened, as she looked between the area and then to Louis.
Louis shook his head, "I-I can't do that." He bit his bottom lip, his heart was still racing, "Kiss a stranger?" Some of the people around in the diner, turned to look at Louis is disgust. Louis ignored the disgusted stares from everyone. He wasn't going to kiss them anyways, so they were safe.
Violet rubbed Louis' upper arms. She could sense the nerves radiating off him, after all, she was one of his best friends, she knew him better than anyone, maybe not better than Marlon, but a close second. Violet frowned, "Kiss someone which looks like they would understand. You could always apologise after.”
Louis nodded his head slowly. Violet was right. She was always right. He could always apologise after kissing them. He let out a shaky breath, "Yeah, but who could I kiss?”
Violet looked around the room - Marlon did also. The blonde headed girl looked at the old man which sat at the gambler machine, a beer can at his side and crumbs scattered in his beard, her face twisted into disgusted when they burped and didn't apologise for it. That person was a definite no.
Marlon raised an eyebrow at a women which sat in one of the booths, he pointed a finger discreetly at them. Louis raised his eyebrow as he took a small step towards the table, but then slowly backed away when he noticed a boy sitting opposite to her. He wasn't going to kiss someone if they were on a date with someone. That would be wrong in so many different levels.
The trio moved further into the diner, all hopes being lost, until Violet abruptly grabbed ahold of Louis' shoulder and shook it, "Them." She said excitedly, a genuine smile on her lips. "They're reading The Great Gatsby. You love that book.”
Louis grinned and nodded his head - it was easy as that - as he looked down to his phone, a notification from Nerve popped up saying 'HURRY UP!’.
"Here," Louis handed his phone over to Marlon, "The dare needs to be filmed from the players phone," Louis wiped his hands on his jeans, "Just shout five when i'm finished.”
Marlon and Violet nodded as they quickly sat down in a booth, five down from where the mysterious person behind the book sat. Louis found his feet shuffling over to the table, his fingers playing together as he tried to think about what he should say.
Louis knew he couldn't straight up and ask them if they wanted to kiss him. Louis didn't even know if they liked men, so this whole situation could be awkward.
He stopped at the table, running a hand through his dreads and cleared his throat. The person dropped the book down slightly, showing his face slightly to Louis and gave a welcoming smile.
"Hi?" He spoke, as he moved the book down from his face completely, he began to close the book, his finger in the page they got too, "How can I help you?”
Louis let out a shaky breath. Holy shit. Their voice was soothing, Louis found himself leaning slightly, he could listen to their voice all night if he got the chance too. Yet, unfortunately, that wasn’t an option on the table, if it was he would cease it instantaneously.
Louis licked his lips as he pointed to the book, "I-I couldn't help but notice you're reading my favourite book," he paused as he made eye contact with him. Louis felt his cheeks heat up, "And I want to know how you're finding it. I'm Louis by the way.”
They chuckled, "Hi Louis. I'm Aasim," he smiled softly to the male, before flicking his gaze down to the book in his hold, "The Great Gatsby? I've read it before. An all time fave, if you want me to be honest." Aasim looked Louis up and down, before asking a question to him, "So, Louis. To you, what's the most important theme in this book?”
Louis grinned as he took a seat besides Aasim, hoping his wasn't over stepping any boundaries. Louis thought for a moment, before snapping his fingers together, making Aasim jump slightly, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. But I would say love.”
Aasim arched an eyebrow, "You would say it's love? Do tell me why you think that then, Louis.”
Louis gulped, "Simple. Jay Gatsby loves Daisy. And the love which he holds for her, drives him to gain his wealth. And with that said wealth, his throws phenomenal parties in the hopes that Daisy would show up to them as she lived directly across the sound. Then, there is also the theory that Nick Caraway was in love with Gatsby himself…”
Aasim found himself smiling as he watched Louis speak on about the book which was his favourite. Louis must have sat for hours, rereading the book to know the plot in depth, considering he was explaining it well, without spoiling it.
The two boys made eye contact, which resulted in Louis losing his train of thought of the book. He tore his eyes away from Aasim, and began to look around the room. His eyes noticed Marlon and Violet waving their hands at him, desperate to speed things ups.
Shit. The dare. Louis thought, how could he forget?
Louis gave a tight lipped smile to Aasim as he fiddled with his own hands. Aasim is probably going to hate him after this. Louis swallowed the lump which formed in his throat as he made eye contact with Aasim. Now or never.
Louis blew out some air as he scooted more into the booth, he moved his hands abruptly, grasping onto Aasim’s plaid jacket, tugging the male much closer to him.
Aasim was confused, yet let out a gasp when he felt Louis' lips on his, his eyes fluttering shut automatically. He was in a state of shock to begin with, not daring to respond, yet after a moment or two, his hands slide up Louis' and began to clench onto the padded shoulders of his trench coat as he kissed him back in the same passion Louis was kissing him: needing.
Marlon and Violet gagged as they watched their friend make out with some stranger, they couldn't wait until they get to persistently joke about this moment with him. The timer on the phone hit zero, Violet raised an eyebrow at the two boys a few tables down who were still kissing one another. Clearing her throat she shouted, “Five."
"Five!" Marlon joined in, watching as Louis awkwardly pulled away from the person he was kissing.
Louis felt his cheeks heat up as he looked as Aasim, his bottom lips pulled between his teeth. Aasim gave Louis a timid smile. Neither of the two boys knew what to say to each other.
Louis moved a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it, "I'm... I have to go? I'll see you around..." He cringed at the words, he didn't know if Aasim wanted to see him again, "Or not.”
Louis stood up and left to the table his friends sat at.
Frustrated, Aasim ran a hand through his hair. He was trying to grasp the fact he had made out with a complete stranger in a diner he was a regular at. He wouldn't live this down. His phone vibrated, causing him to awkwardly stand at the table - which only meant lifting up slightly to gain access to his right tight pocket. Unlocking the phone, he groaned.
"You've got to be kidding me?" He asked to no one in particular as he pressed the button on the right side of the screen. Slowly sliding out the booth, he began making his way down to the jukebox.
When Louis arrived at the booth his friends sat at, he practically threw himself into the corner and buried his head into his hand, shielding his heated cheeks. Louis knew Marlon and Violet were smirking at him, knowing that the moment he lifted his head up the teasing would start and would probably never die down. Best friends.
Yet at that moment in time, Louis didn't care about his friends. His mind was so drawn to Aasim and the way his lips were soft against his, the way he so desperately wanted to keep kissing him. Louis would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy the kiss. Louis just hoped that Aasim enjoyed the kiss too. He knew he kissed back, but that could have been from shock. Or because Aasim didn't want it to be awkward. Louis sighed, he was overthinking everything.
"Did you get it?" Louis asked, yet his words came out in a muffle due to his hidden face.
Marlon raised an eyebrow at his friend, "I'm sorry. What did you say?”
Louis lifted his head up slightly from his hands, his face showed signs of embarrassment and annoyance "I said. Did you get it?”
Violet frowned, "You know, we didn't. We ended up going through your pictures," Louis' eyes widened in disbelief at his friends. Going through his pictures was totally fine with him, he has nothing to hide, but it was the fact they did it when he was doing a dare. Violet snorted shaking her head as she slide the phone back over to him, "I'm messing with you, doofus. Of course we got it.”
"I seriously hate you both at times." Louis groaned as he looked at his phone screen, when the nerve notification went off, "$100 has been wired to your account," he lifted his eyes up to look at his friends, "Should I check?”
Nodding his head, Marlon spoke, "You should check which account it's gone into. Yours or your joint.”
"Isn't the joint one connected with both the parents?" Violet asked as Louis nodded his head in confirmation. “Won’t you get in trouble?”
Louis shrugged his shoulder as he looked away from his phone, “If it ends up in that one, I’ll play it off as a glitch in the system. Then ill transfer it to my account.”
The sound of the money dropping to the jukebox made everyone tilt their heads slightly. Most wanted to know what the person was putting on. Yet the trio didn't bother turning to see what the person was doing, they were all expecting an old lady to put some Elvis Presley on.
Louis moved down to the end of the table, looking down the small walk way to where Aasim was once sitting. He frowned once he noticed the male was missing. "Where has he gone?”
Marlon chuckled and teased his friend, "Probably to wash out his mouth out from kissing you. I would have also.”
Louis glared, "Screw you.”
Put your head on my shoulder,
Hold me in your arms, baby,
Squeeze me oh-so-tight,
Show me that you love too,
Marlon, Violet and Louis' eyes widened as they heard someone start singing in the diner. The voice was oddly familiar in some ways, yet Louis bit down on his bottom lip an thought for a moment. Louis eyes light up when he pinpoint the voice, it was Aasim’s. He was hypnotised by that voice a few minutes ago. Louis licked his lips over as he peeked over the wall at the booth, only to witness Aasim dancing as he sung.
"What's he's doing?" Louis whispered to his friends, his eyes not shifting from Aasim.
Put your lips next to mind dear,
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe,
You and I will fall in love,
Louis watched as Aasim approached a table, smiling down at one of the people which held the phone. Aasim was forcing a smile on his lips as he did this, but he still went forwards with it. It was obvious Aasim was uncomfortable.
"He's singing one of your favourite songs." Violet pointed out with a smirk on her lips as she realised Louis was staring at Aasim.
Louis scoffed, "Yeah. Great observation Vi.”
"He's singing to you." The blonde girl teased, as she nudged Louis' leg with her foot.
Marlon turned his head slightly, realising that someone was following him with a phone, "No. It's a dare," he pointed a thumb behind him as Louis and Violet turn to him, "He's fulfilling a dare.”
A game you just can't win,
If there's a way,
I'll find it somebody,
And then this fool with rush in,
Put your head on my shoulder,
Whisper in my ear, baby,
Words I want to hear,
Tell me, tell me that you love me too
Louis found himself turning to watch Aasim, a smile never once leaving his lips. With each sentence Aasim sung, he got closer and closer down to their table. His heart was racing when Aasim sent his a warm smile.
Louis bit down on his bottom lip as he smiled, waving slightly. He could sense the judgemental states coming from his friends but, he didn't really care right now. His main care right now was that Aasim was singing. His favourite song and was heading right towards him.
Put your head on my shoulder,
Whisper in my ear, baby,
Words I want to hear, baby,
Aasim locked eyes with Louis as he stood before his table, his lips twitching up into a smile, "Put your head on my shoulder." He finished.
The people which were eating at Joel's diner broke out into applause, congratulating him on his performance. Aasim felt his cheeks heat up as he slide into the booth besides Louis, bumping his knee against his. A waitress handed his phone back over and gave him a smile.
"So," Louis spoke quietly, "You completed your dare.”
Aasim pulled a face as he slowly nodded, waving his phone slightly, "Yeah. Yeah I did. You did too.”
Louis gulped, "Y-yeah. I did too. Sorry about that. You know, kissing you out the blue.”
Aasim looked at the two people in front of him, sending them a smile, before turning back to Louis, "It's fine. You had to complete a dare, I completely understand. I would have done the same.”
Louis stared. He couldn't find the words to continue on the conversation between them going, he wanted too, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so. Aasim noticed the silence coming from the table and lowered his head. He didn't feel welcome.
Louis' phone vibrate on the table, his brown eyes shifted down to his phone as he picked it up, reading the next dare. Aasim also got a notification and look at the screen at the same time as Louis, being in sync.
Violet frowned as she snatched the phone out of Louis' hand to read what was on his screen. She shook her head at it before glaring at Louis, "One dare. That's all you said. You're not doing no more.”
Marlon sighed, "Louis. You said you're bailing after one.”
Both, Marlon and Violet were against the idea of Louis continuing and it was obvious in the way they were acting.
Aasim raised on eyebrow, "It's up to Louis on whether or not he completes another dare? He's the one which signed up to the game.”
Louis shook his head at Aasim and cleared his throat, "I promised them that I would only do one dare. I signed up spontaneously. They didn't want me to be involved with this game.”
Aasim nodded as he decided to stand up, he gave a briefly nod to the two others, then looked back to Louis, in plead but also respect, "Well. If you decide to change your mind, I'll be in the garage for another 10 minutes. Come find me.”
Whilst the three teenagers - Louis, Marlon and Violet - argued it out on whether or not Louis would continue on with the game, Aasim sat on his motorbike, his helmet resting on his knee, whilst a spare hanged from the handles. Aasim attention was drawn to the keys which dangled from his index finger, the small hand carven wooden koala the thing sticking out.
Every time his gaze locked onto it, his heart practically skipped a beat. Despite it being a sloppy carve, it still held a lot of sentimental value behind it, he couldn't bring himself of ridding his keys of it. He reached his other hand forwards, pinching it between his index finger and thumb, and brought it up to his face to inspect it closely. A smile pushed itself to his lips.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." Mitch demanded as he tapped his foot rapidly on the snowy floor, in a waiting manner. Mitch's eyebrow arched when Aasim refused to do as he was told, "Sim. Please. Just for a few seconds? I promise it's nothing bad.”
Huffing - his warm breath visible in the night sky - Aasim reluctantly closed his eyes, his hand was held flat out in front of him, as he did what he was told to do. "Why do I need to do this?”
Mitch chuckled to himself as he shoved a hand into his back pocket, fishing for something. Mitch watched Aasim, ensuring that he didn't try and cheat by opening his eyes. He hoped that Aasim would like what he was about to give to him, he liked it himself, yet their type in things were different sometimes, scratch that, a lot of the times.
As Mitch fished the item from his back pocket, he gave it a quick glance over, as Aasim whined for him to hurry up so he could reopen his eyes. The item was a small carven Koala keychain, something Mitch had spent hours - maybe even a day or two - on doing. The wooden Koala hugged onto something - Mitch didn't have time to put in details, yet if he had, then the thing would have been a tree trunk.
Mitch let out the breath he was holding and dropped the keychain into Aasim's hand and balled his boyfriends fist. He patted it gently and began to speak, "Before you open your eyes and take a look, just remember, romantic gesture aren't really my strong suit. But just bare in mind that I'm trying my best for you, okay?”
Aasim nodded his head, his balled fist squeezing the unknown object in his hand, "I know. I know you're trying your best. And thats all I want from you," Aasim paused as he wetted his lips, "You know that I'm not expecting you to change. I love you the way you are.”
Mitch fought a blush which was trying to over take his cheeks and slowly shook his head from left to right, "You can take a look at it now.”
Aasim opened one of his eyes slightly, taking in Mitch which had his arms crossed over his chest and a look on his face which told him to 'carry on'. Therefore, Aasim opened his other eye and looked down to his balled fist in excitement. Surprises weren't his favourite things in the world, but it If was coming from Mitch, then it's a different story.
"The suspense is killing me Aasim," Mitch teased, "Open your hand and take a look at it already.”
Aasim rolled his eyes at Mitch's impatience and opened his hand. At first he was in a state of confusion to see a piece of wood connected to a metal key chain in the palm of his hand, but as he wobbled his hand and the wood moved, he realised it was something more.
Gently pinching it, he took a closer look. He automatically recognised the Koala design, an inside joke between him and Mitch. He couldn't believe Mitch put in the time and effort to carve him something special and so unique.
However, due to Aasim's silence, Mitch took it the wrong way and began to panic internally. In nerves, his forehead began to mat with a glistening sheet of panic sweat, his palms sticky. Slowly, he swallowed the lump which formed in his throat and spoke up, "You don't like it do you? I mean it is a shit present to give you on our one year anniversary. I'm sorry. I can get you something else if you want? W-why are you laughing at me?”
Aasim was sniggering at Mitch's panicking as he advanced closer to him. "I'm laughing at you because you don't think I like what you got me.”
Mitch sighed as he cocked his head to the side, "So... you do like it? Because if you're honest with me, I can get you something else. You'll probably have to wait a while till I get my pay check but I will.”
Aasim shook his head, "I love it," he slipped his hand into Mitch's front jacket pocket and took out his keys so he could loop the key chain on. He smiled down at the wooden koala next to the shining metal keys, it looks perfect. "It's perfect. Honestly, it is.”
Mitch smiled as he pulled Aasim in for a hug. Aasim's head rested where Mitch's heart was, the sound of it thumping made Aasim smile. Mitch was actually nervous about his reaction. Mitch held Aasim close, a part of him not wanting to let him go, wanting to stay in this moment for a while long - he wanted to stay forever but he knew that was a tad extreme.
"You know something, Mitch?" Aasim whispered against Mitch's chest.
Mitch shook his head, "I don't know. Enlighten me.”
"I would take your carvings over something brought at the shops," Aasim admitted, as he tightened his grip on Mitch's blue jacket, "It's one of a kind. I know no one else in the world is going to have it. And even if you try and replicate it, it wouldn't be exactly the same.”
Mitch chuckled, "I suppose you're right. So what did you get me for our one year?”
Aasim pulled away, "Well about that…"
Mitch gasped, playfully hitting Aasim's shoulder, "You didn't forget did you? I thought I was the most likely one to forget our anniversary.”
Aasim scoffed and shook his head, "Of course I didn't forget idiot. It's just that mine isn't as creative as yours," Aasim pauses to shrugging, "It's just, I brought you something which would basically benefit the both of us?”
Mitch raised an eyebrow waiting for Aasim to continue, Aasim sighed, "I brought an extra helmet. You know the one you was looking at? The red one with the white sticker on the side? I brought you that. Because you've been driving without a helmet for the past few weeks and it's been making me nervous.”
Mitch smiled softly to Aasim, "I would have gotten round to buying another eventually. But thank you, I love that you got one for me.”
Aasim nods his head slightly, "I did it because I want you safe when we ride together and because I love you.”
"I love you too.”
Aasim ran a finger over the sharp edges of the Koala, he couldn't bring himself of removing it from his keys, despite the fact he and Mitch were no longer together. He gave the carving a sad smile, before letting a sigh out.
Aasim just sat in silence, he knew that he had been waiting for Louis for well over 10 minutes now and by the looks of it, Louis had decided to bail. Part of Aasim hoped that Louis would join him down in the garage, that Louis would join him on the dare to the city. It would have been funny, besides that's where the exciting dares take place.
Huffing, he twisted the keys of the motorbike, the sound of the bikes engine vroomed and the headlight turned on, revealing someone standing in the shadows. Aasim jumped back at them and glared.
"How long have you been there?" He asked as the person took steps forwards, revealing themselves to be Louis, "Have you come to tell me you're bailing?”
Louis shook his head and he took steps towards Aasim, beginning to explain, ”I'm not a good partner. If you want a good partner you should team up with my friend Clementine. She is down to do anything. I-I’ll just screw this up for you.”
Aasim shook his head, in disagreement, ”You seem like you're a good partner. You shouldn't get yourself down about it Louis. You never know, you might be better than her. I bet you’re better than her. You did make out with a random stranger, would she do that?”
Louis gave Aasim a sad smile, “You don’t know Clem. Trust me. She would have made out with a stranger also. She hasn’t got a fear really, dying maybe? But everyone is scare of that, maybe.” Louis paused and groaned in realisation that he was rambling on about something Aasim didn’t need to know about. He sighed, waving his hands at his sides slightly, “And, I know I'm not a good partner. So if you want to team up with her, I can give her a call.”
Aasim bit down on his bottom lip, before picking up the spare helmet and held it out for Louis, "No offence to your friend Clementine, but I don't want to team up with her.”
Aasim tossed the helmet over to Louis when he realised the boy wasn't going to take it. Louis caught it, his phone clattering down on the cement. Cringing, Aasim watched as Louis grabbed his phone, and tilted it to him, revealing that it was fine.
"The watchers. They want me to team up with you. And quite frankly I want to team up with you also.” Aasim arches an eyebrow as Louis stared down wonderingly to the helmet, "So what do you say? You going to accept the dare and come to the city with me?”
Louis closed his eyes for a moment and slowly bobbed his head, "Yeah." He whispered as he put the helmet on timidly.
Aasim grinned as he watched Louis approach the bike. He was glad that Louis would be joining him, an adventure to the city is always better with two people. Aasim tightened his hands on the bars when he felt Louis sit behind him. Aasim knew that the two were different heights, however, that didn’t bother him when it came to riding his bike.
Aasim moved his hands on the handle bars and revved the bikes engine once, he removed a hand briefly as he fixed his helmet - mainly bringing down to visor. He hesitated for a moment as he held his hand out for Louis’ phone, the taller male handed it over and watched over Aasim’s shoulder as he fixed it to the front of the bike, securely.
“You know how to drive this thing right?” Louis asked as he clipped his helmet into place, the strap resting under his chin, he didn’t have one like Aasim’s.
Aasim scoffed, as he grabbed ahold of Louis’ arms and wrapped them around his waist so they could ride, “I can drive this thing. Yes,” he tapped Louis hands which were resting in the mid of his chest clasped, “Just hold one tight, okay?”
Louis nodded his head as he tightened his grip on Aasim already despite them being stationary. Aasim just found himself grinning at he clicked down on the 'ACCEPT' button.
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lucky-katebishop · 6 years
Top 10 Failed/Doomed Ships
Hello! So I watch a lot of TV and something that pops up a lot are relationships that the public has been rooting for, but for some reason or another, the writers and show-runner feel like it would be the best to end that relationship. This is a list of my personal top 10 failed relationships that were once canon. 
Note: This is my opinion and only my opinion, I do not speak for the general public or anybody besides myself. Also none of these pictures are mine, I got them off Google Images. 
Spoilers for: Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls, Daredevil, The Defenders, Skins (UK), That 70′s Show, Please Like Me, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Lucifer, How I Met Your Mother, and Doctor Who
10. Josh and Arnold (Please Like Me)
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Josh and Arnold was so soft. They were so so soft and when they broke up in season three, it was weird because it not only felt like a crushing disappointment but also a relief. They had been fighting and had recently decided to have an open relationship where Josh had found another man, and it was weird because (it may have only been me) I rooted for Josh and that other man. Their breakup felt so realistic because it felt almost impulsive, the way they screamed at each other during the camping site. Josh ended up getting back together with his season one boyfriend and it didn’t feel right to me. But I have always praised this show on how realistic it feels and Josh and Arnold’s breakup depicted how sometimes in life shit happens and it’s just not the right time for two people to be together. Which really sucks because they were like so great together, but the reason this is so low on the list is because of that realistic feeling. It just unfortunately was not their time to be together anymore.
9. Matt and Elektra (Daredevil)
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Matt’s life has always been so private, even to the audience, so when we were given the gift of a series of flashbacks of a baby faced Matt in college and his super elegant, dangerous girlfriend, Elektra, I instantly fell in love with them. They are the epitome of the good guy/bad guy relationship and it’s amazing! I love their dynamic, especially when she comes back and Matt is faced with his moral dilemma of trying to stop her, or join her and it’s so unbelievably hot. Their relationship is so hot. What’s worse is that Matt was so heartbroken during the entirety of The Defenders, trying to find her that he was almost unable to focus on anything else. The way he would risk is life for her, even when she didn’t even recognize him just speaks volumes about their relationship. I understand why she had to die, it just sucks because I would’ve liked to see more Matt/Elektra fighting villains and just being super sexy morally gray vigilantes. 
8. Lane and Dave (Gilmore Girls)
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Okay, you’re probably going, “Why is this above Matt/Elektra? You’re crazy!” Listen. Every single time I watch Gilmore Girls I am infuriated about how Lane and Dave broke up. I understand that the actor who played Dave had to leave to star on The O.C. but Lane and Dave were just so cute and adorable! He read the whole freaking bible in a single night to persuade Mrs. Kim to let him take Lane to the prom! They understood each other, and he supported her with their music, her mom, and her life. Dave enjoyed playing music for Mrs. Kim for pretty much an entire day just so he could be near Lane. He never made her feel bad for the things she liked, and he was just so so gentle. I always rewatch the scene where Dave is jealous about how Lane is going on a date that her mom set up for her and he ran all the way to her school just so he could say, “Hi. Just checking in.” I will never forget jealous Dave! So cute, just so cute. Lane and Dave breaking up is something I will never forgive Amy Sherman Palladino because it was the catalyst for Lane’s shitty life. Lane married really young, she had kids (and she didn’t even enjoy the sex, mind you) and then didn’t even end up being a rock star like she wanted! I know she was supposed to mirror Lorelai, but Palladino could’ve done Lane better. Instead she did her dirty. 
7. Joel and Midge (The Marvelous Mrs Maisel)
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I don’t believe Midge and Joel are a failed relationship in the way that you might think. It’s the reason why they are going to keep going back to another is the reason why they are a failed relationship. Lenny Bruce sang it himself in the season two finale. Midge and Joel are meant to be together in the most fucked up way possible. Always going back and forth between getting back together and being apart. They will always love each other in the most comfortable and frustrating way possible. Sabotaging their future relationships. I do not believe they belong together. I do not believe Midge has to settle for him and I don’t believe Joel has to settle for her. She has changed, he can see that and he doesn’t like it. She inspires Joel to be better but that doesn’t mean they belong together. Amy Sherman Palladino has a vision and it frustrates me but I understand this is the way things are supposed to be. So we as the audience has to settle for their relationship just like they have to settle for each other. It’s brilliant in it’s own fucked up way. 
6. Barney and Robin (How I Met Your Mother)
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I am not over this. I am still not over this. Hey, guess what, I am not over this! Man, the series finale did us dirty. For an entire season to be revolved around the love between Barney and Robin only for the last fifteen minutes to rip our security and comfort out from under us is diabolical. Barney and Robin went through a lot. Their character development was beautiful but the writers had a vision and just straight up ruined them. Barney and Robin knew each other so well and they had so much fun together vs Robin and Ted who Ted just expected so much out of Robin and tried to make her into something that she wasn’t. Robin and Barney were a badass couple who shared their vulnerabilities and insecurities because they felt safe in their relationship which is why it’s a damn shame that they had to get divorced in the last few minutes of the series finale. 
5. Rich and Grace (Skins UK)
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Generation 3 could’ve been better, I know, but it got progressively worse when Grace died. Why they had to kill off the most beautiful, adorable, sweetest character in Skins history I don’t really know, but damn them. Grace and Rich were the epitome of the dark, angsty character dates the light, bubbly character. He was a metalhead and she was a ballerina and if that’s not cute then you don’t know what you’re talking about. Their relationship has always reminded me of a Shakespeare tragedy, where two unlikely characters meet, fall in love, are torn apart by their families, they run away to get married, and the one of them di- oh okay, so yeah, they’re Romeo and Juliet. Alright. I never made that connection until just now. Well it fits because they are fucking cute and romantic as hell. Just thinking about them rips my heart out because I really didn’t like generation three, but I really did like them. I am angry and betrayed that I never got a relationship like this in high school (I mean granted I didn’t have a relationship in high school so...)
4. Chloe and Lucifer (Lucifer)
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Just look at them in this picture! So soft! I love them for so many reasons. She makes him human, most of all. Who would’ve thought Satan himself would feel vulnerable around a human being? This is better mythology than Hades and Persephone. Just, god, they are the high strung detective/ morally gray childish detective dynamic and it works so well. I put them on the doomed relationship list because well, they were canon for an episode and then just kind of stopped. They’re kind of like New Girl with Nick and Jess because you know they are going to happen eventually, you just don’t know when. I just hope that the show does better when Lucifer and Chloe get together vs when Nick and Jess got together because season three was a mess. The most amazing thing is that they both bring out vulnerabilities with each other. Chloe lets down her walls when she’s around him and he becomes more human. It’s so cute. They’re partners and they trust each other and damn, did I mention that she makes him human? Because that is truly insane. I can’t wait to see what they do with season 4. I know it’s going to take a really long time for them to get together and that makes me want to rip my hair out but we’re going with it. The reason why this is so high on the list is because they had everything going for them in season two but Lucifer had to be himself, of course and it just fucked everything up.
3. Hyde and Jackie (That 70′s Show)
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Still bitter. Still angry. Still annoyed. I mean, come on, Fez? Really? Out of everyone Jackie could’ve end up with, she ended up with Fez? Are you actually serious? Hyde and Jackie were such a surprising couple but it makes so much sense. Their relationship, to me, mirrored Kitty and Red a lot and I’m really mad they broke up. I am not even going to talk about the last season except I think it’s universally agreed upon every That 70′s Show fan that it should not have existed and it’s incredibly stupid (and out of character). Hyde and Jackie evolved together, and they cared for each other, and they made each other better people. They just matched so well and it got all screwed up. 
2. The Doctor and River (Doctor Who)
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They were so perfect because of so many reasons it makes me so sad they broke up. But the worse thing is that I know why they had to break up, I get that, and I accept it. But damn we really should’ve gotten more scenes of them just being domestic. They were so perfect! And River’s storyline is just beyond genius, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that they had planned this storyline in season 4, my god. They were both so playful and fun, I like to believe they’re the more bubbly version of Matt/Elektra. The Doctor cared so much for River and I think it sucks so much that we didn’t get to see as much cuteness as I would have liked. They had like two kisses, three kisses tops and I find that sad because their chemistry is so amazing. Sorry my reasons are getting progressively worse, I am tired. 
Honorable Mentions: June/Happiness (The Handmaid’s Tale), Sammy/Abigail (Dance Academy), Jane/Michael (Jane the Virgin), Sara/Chuck (Chuck), Tracey/Connor (Chewing Gum), Evie/Dylan (Lovesick), Maddie/Josh (Liv and Maddie)
1. Dan and Blair (Gossip Girl)
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Listen. I don’t care what you say, they belong together. Dan and Blair is a couple you wouldn’t think would work but they fit so well together. They’re both from completely different backgrounds but it doesn’t matter because they have each other. Dan understands Blair in a way Chuck never could. Dan loves who Blair is not in spite of her flaws but because of them. Blair and Dan are able to say those three words that Blair and Chuck had so much trouble saying: I love you. Honestly, Blair and Chuck were never able to say I love you to each other! (well they did but not as easily.) It says something, huh? Dan was there for Blair when Chuck wasn’t, he loved her when no one else would, and he saw the value in Blair. They brought each other up and were so soft. They had problems like any couple but they communicated with each other like a healthy couple does in order to grow from their mistakes. They really did love each other and were the healthiest couples in the entire show (besides Cyrus and Eleanor). I will forever be bitter. 
I hope you enjoyed my list! Sorry if you didn’t agree with me, leave who you think belongs on this list in the comments. I’ve made a couple lists similar to this, so here’s the link: Masterlist
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slashertalks · 6 years
Pumpkinhead, And Thoughts On Unnecessary Sequels
(I’m writing this as I watch the movie, so the review may be a little all over the place- bear with me, please)
Pumpkinhead is a movie that achieves a rare sort of perfection: it does everything it wants to within the confines of its run time. There are no loose ends, no glaring plot holes, no setup for another movie. It’s a film that needs no continuation; it demands nothing of us beyond itself. Why, then, does Pumpkinhead have three sequels?
I can’t imagine many fans clamoring for a continuation of this film- it’s niche enough as it is, and the majority of people I’ve seen who are fans of similarly niche-yet-fantastic movies want the films to remain relatively untouched. There’s too much of a risk that any additional installments will ruin the film’s magic. You expect a myriad of sequels from big hits, so you can steel yourself for low quality schlock, but for those of us who love smaller (and older) films the announcement of a sequel is both exciting and enraging. More likely than not we’ll be disappointed, but damn it, it’s hard to keep ourselves from being at least a little excited.
Pumpkinhead is a movie about a man and his son, and grief. The film establishes its world before showing us our main characters; there is so much genuine love between Ed Harley and Billy, we really feel deeply for these two even if we’ve only seen them for around five minutes. Lance Henriksen is an excellent actor, and his talent shines in this film- the boy who plays his son seems to have real fun acting as well, and it shows. When we meet the teenagers, only two of them are really bearable. There’s the asshole character (Joel) and his brother Steve (he would be fine, but at no point does he stand up to Joel), and Joel’s girlfriend Kim (who also does nothing until late in the film). We have a third girl, Maggie, who does nothing, and our two tolerable teenagers. The blond guy, Chris, who’s actually willing to stick up to our asshole teen, and the girl with the camera, Tracy- our final girl, who is genuinely good-natured and very kind to Billy when they first meet.
Finally, we meet Bunt Wallace, who provides another introduction for our monster in the form of a rhyme, and also establishes more solidly that Ed Harley is the young boy from the very opening. This leads into a scene where Ed has to go and pick up some feed for Bunt’s grandfather, leaving Billy alone at the store. Which, in turn, sets up the catalyst for everything else in the movie. Gypsy, Billy’s dog runs outside, which makes Billy run outside where Joel and Chris are riding their dirt bikes- Maggie tries to stop him but trips, which is when Steve crashes to avoid Billy. We think everything is fine, until Joel comes sailing over the hill and hits Billy. While everyone else tries to help, Joel forces Kim to leave with the dirt bikes.
This scene is longer than we’d normally get, of the four teens alone trying desperately to help Billy while Ed is gone- what could easily be only a minute of debate is three or four. The point? To give us our real introductions to the teens- Joel is exactly who we thought he was, but the others, who’d seemed like your standard, flat fare for a horror film are shown to be genuine people who are horrified at what’s happened and desperately do their best to help. Steve stays behind while the others leave to wait for Ed. Ed arrives to find his dying son and Steve, a boy he knows had been on a dirt bike. We see Lance Henriksen give one of the most gut-wrenching glares ever put to film.
While Joel is off being one of the biggest teenaged-to-early-20s shitstains I’ve seen in a movie to date, we get to watch Ed futilely console Billy only for his son to die in his arms. At this point in the film, half an hour has passed and we still haven’t seen the title monster. The only film I can think of that’s similar is Alien, but I’m unsure if it even takes that long for some form of the Xenomorph to appear- half an hour is an awfully long time for a monster movie to take to introduce its monster. However, Pumpkinhead isn’t really a monster movie, at least not in the traditional sense. Pumkinhead (the monster) is an extension of Ed Harley, his grief, his rage, and his desire for vengeance (hence the alternate title, Vengeance The Demon that appears on some merchandise). This movie isn’t about Pumpkinhead killing people, it’s about our own twisted emotions and clouded judgement getting the better of us and turning us into a monster.
At his core, Ed Harley is a good man. He’s a hard worker and a loving father who would have and did give everything for his boy, but much like how he tried to wash Billy’s face to comfort him, it was futile. He was desperate, hurting, and made a horrible decision that cost him his life, and did nothing to revive his son. I remember an interview where Lance Henriksen said that the scene that stuck with him the most reading the script is the one where, after summoning Pumpkinhead, Billy’s corpse sat up in the seat of Ed’s truck and asked him what he’s doing: “What’d you do, daddy?” By then it’s too late to go back; even Billy’s warning is futile. The film is an exercise in futility and the pointlessness of our actions when we’ve allowed ourselves to become a monster, but at the same time, the film is never tedious to watch. It’s not painful to sit through, I’m wholeheartedly engaged in every moment of the film, because even at his worst I can empathize with Ed Harley.
Later in the movie, particularly when Ed confronts Haggis the witch, there’s a particular kind of overacting to Lance Henriksen’s portrayal, but I don’t feel like it’s out of place, or particularly cheesy. How many of us can actually say we don’t look and sound stupid when we’re upset? Ed comes across as a petulant child, demanding someone else fix the problems he caused, and it’s perfect. He’s a good man, so how could he have done this? How could he have caused all this pain when all he wanted was to make right the wrong he was done? Pumpkinhead is a monster of payment in kind, though, and Ed had no real target- it was always “those city folk” to him. Not Joel or Steve, but the whole group, and so Pumpkinhead is bound to all of the teens, even the ones who tried to help Billy, and he expects their blood for Billy’s. It’s particularly ironic that Steve, the one who did the most to help Billy, is the one who dies first.
There is a wonderful little touch given to the Pumpkinhead monster throughout the movie, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it transition as the beast’s face slowly takes on Lance Henriksen’s features. It’s subtle, I definitely missed it on my first viewing, but the effect is a perfect little touch. We know that whenever Pumpkinhead kills, Ed can see it, and the additional sign of their further-solidifying connection is a detail not often seen. If you ever get the chance to, I’d recommend looking up behind the scenes footage of the creation of the costume- even unpainted and segmented, the costume is haunting.
Bunt returns to the core group of characters later in the film- much like young Ed, he’s told to go to bed when Chris and Tracy come banging on the Wallace family’s door. However, unlike young Ed, Bunt is old enough to help. He sneaks out of the house, putting himself in grave danger to try to save the teens, giving them a lot of good insight in the process. This is important because of the third film and how it portrays Bunt, but that’ll get touched on in a moment.
There’s a haunting moment where, in a half-built, abandoned church, Pumpkinhead pauses at the doorway before stepping through (Bunt had thought it might be safe there because it’s a holy place). The moment really drives home the point that while Pumpkinhead may be demonic, it’s truly a beast of man. If Ed Harley can step into a church, so can Pumpkinhead. The finale of the movie comes when Ed tracks down Bunt and Tracy, doing his absolute best to save them- like everything else in the film, however, it is a futile gesture. Until Ed Harley is dead or vengeance has run its course, Pumpkinhead is tied to the earth and bound to do its duty. As a final exercise in futility, Ed Harley tried to kill himself- to shoot himself in the head. This fails, and it’s Tracy who has to destroy the monster. A final act of both kindness and cruelty, she ends the destructive path of Ed Harley’s corrupted grief, only for Haggis to collect the gnarled and withered corpse. I’d stated at the beginning there’s no call for a sequel, so why this moment? Because it shows us that Ed Harley is not a special case- he’s simply human, and we are all susceptible to this if the right conditions arise. When the next desperate, rage-filled and heartbroken person wanders her way, Haggis will summon up Pumpkinhead again, and Ed Harley’s twisted remains will become its flesh.
I began this review by talking about sequels, though, and I’m going to close it the same way. Pumpkinhead, a film that presents is message perfectly to us within the span of an hour and 27 minutes, has three sequels. The second of which is supposedly an alright film, abandoning the setting of the original and focusing entirely on a new set of characters, which is just fine. I would argue, in fact, that that kind of departure from the original was necessary to create the film in such a way that it could stand on its own as a decent film (without using the original as a crutch). I haven’t seen the second one and I don’t particularly intend to, but I bring it up here because it’s important to the sequel(s) I do intend to talk about.
In 2006 and 2007, SyFy released two installments in the franchise. I forced myself to sit through the third, but couldn’t bear to trudge through the ocean of garbage the fourth would inevitably bring. In the third movie, we see a funeral director who dumps bodies in the river instead of cremating them. Bunt is his assistant, and had been doing the dumping, but Ed Harley’s ghost appears and tells him he’s doing wrong. Somehow, Pumpkinhead is summoned and everybody dies, while Ed Harley’s ghost keeps appearing to Bunt. Now, this’d be alright, if it was just Ed Harley’s ghost- when they finally destroy Pumpkinhead, it turns back into Ed and disappears in a puff of white CGI bullshit.
It’s one thing if you want to ignore a sequel, but please, for the love of god, make it CLEAR that you are ignoring a sequel. Pumpkinhead 3: Ashes to Ashes does not do this, therefore leading viewers to believe that the second Pumpkinhead film is still valid within canon, which means Ed Harley is no longer Pumpkinhead. If the person who summons Pumpkinhead becomes the next conduit, then Pumpkinhead should’ve turned back into whoever the hell summoned him in the second film. Why does this bother me so much? Because while the makers claimed they had passion for the original, it doesn’t show in the slightest. Bunt is treated as a stereotypical “hillbilly” idiot with none of his charm or intelligence from the original. Lance Henriksen seems bored the whole time. The Pumpkinhead monster looks ugly as shit (which would be excusable considering the film’s low budget IF there had been an ounce of care put into the rest of the movie). At this current moment, I’m watching a featurette about the making of the original and the creators are still so clearly passionate about the film, even after all these years. It’s deeply unfortunate that the third film, supposedly a return to form, was instead so horribly disappointing.
The fourth film was filmed back to back with the third, entitled Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud. The film is about the Hatfields and McCoys, but in the “modern” (for 2007) day. It’s also a play on Romeo and Juliet. For some reason, instead of moving on to the afterlife to be with his wife and Billy, Ed is still a ghost who hangs around and talks to Haggis. Don’t ask me why. It has received mediocre reviews; again, don’t ask me why. Disconnected from the original, it may be decent, but it’s still a shitty sequel. For a film to work as a great installment while also requiring a disconnection from the original, it needs to have a fantastic message and an environment that fits near-perfectly. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation fits this description; it is both a terrible Texas Chainsaw installment AND an excellent film with a lot to say about complacent viewership. Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud? It’s nothing of the sort. There’s no grand message, the idea is... somehow both nonsensical and overdone. It is a deeply, deeply unnecessary film that has no reason to exist within the continuity of Pumpkinhead.
Horror sequels for niche/cult horror films have to match the passion of the original film if they want to be taken even remotely seriously. I saw something, once, some article, where the thought that maybe, if the budget hadn’t been split into two films, Pumpkinhead 3 could’ve been great was put forward. I’m not sure if I agree, but it would be interesting to see. Yes, SyFy films are notoriously bad, but I’d point attention to Fear Clinic: based on a miniseries on FEARnet (which was absorbed into SyFy/Chiller after being acquired by Comcast), the film continues the story of the series while also being greatly original and is, in my humble opinion, a very interesting film. Is it the best ever? No, but Fear Clinic is fun and interesting. A film with a relatively small budget that makes use of CGI and is a passion project for its creators and cast can be great and can make fans who are passionate about the source very happy.
Even sequels that can be considered bad, can at the same time be obviously fun. I consider Escape from LA one of the absolute worst movies I’ve ever seen. I love Escape from New York, but I can’t express how much I despise EFLA. Yet, the team behind EFLA clearly had worlds of fun making it! The third and fourth Pumpkinhead movies could’ve easily fallen into this category- even if I still despised them, they could’ve had the redeeming quality of having actual, genuine passion behind them, but they fail at even that simple step. Why do so many small horror films get such bad sequels, though? If the original doesn’t have a huge following/hadn’t seen great success initially, why the follow-ups? Were there really that many fans clamoring for two subsequent Pumpkinhead films, especially ones from SyFy? I highly, highly doubt it. Maybe it really was a passion project, but why then did the films turn out so shoddy? People can make low budgets work, as clearly evidenced by films like The Evil Dead, so there’s no reason for that to make the film fail. Lance Henriksen certainly didn’t seem overjoyed to be there, so he wasn’t demanding a sequel either, even though he’s said he enjoyed working on the original and liked his character.
This phenomena of unwanted, poor quality, yet seemingly fan-demanded sequels absolutely boggles my mind, trying to decipher why they come to be. The horror genre has such an interesting core of fans who come to legitimately care for the villains of these movies. There’s a feeling that these iconic, terrifying monsters and madmen should be honored by their sequels- evolution is a natural part of the process, but they shouldn’t devolve into pure schlock and silliness. With smaller films, this feeling is doubled- we treasure what little is given to us and dread the almost inevitability of terrible continuations if the movie isn’t completely forgotten. I think I’m going to lose my mind if I continue to try to solve this conundrum, to grant reason to the completely unreasonable and almost completely profit-driven (ridiculously so, because of the niche market, but which also explains the low budgets) decisions to continue films that do not need sequels. I think this is the longest piece I’ve ever written, and outside of the actual review of the film I haven’t come to much of a conclusion- I’ve got to apologize for that.
There’s news of a remake of the original Pumpkinhead on the way, though, and I am truly filled with exasperation, dread, and a little spark of hope. Hope, because maybe it will introduce more people to the original, or spark more merchandise. Dread, because it will likely be terrible and spawn more negative thoughts than nostalgia for the original. Exasperation, because really? We’re going through this again? Why? I don’t think I’ll ever know.
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RvB16 Episode 3 Review: Lost Time
(Old Blog Repost)
Wasn’t last week fun everyone? I thought it was fun! But yeah, a lot of shit happened despite Grif’s attempts to not let shit happen… that we can argue caused the shit to happen. Isn’t meta humor fun kids?! But yeah scary alien woman attacked (and converted Tumblr into her own group of worshipers from what I can tell), Donut is a God, and everyone’s been separated ala Season 3. Only this time with time travel… ala Season 3 but the separation happened before that part. I just gave myself a headache. Well.. lets get on with the review while my brain is still intact.
We begin on… IDK if it’s a planet or not, but someplace with snow! This is where Grif and Doc got sent… so this is the second time a portal sent Grif off to same snowy wasteland. Man, this really is like Season 3 only he’s taking Church’s role as the grumpy one while Doc is… Doc. Well at least he didn’t get hit in the nuts immideatly after this time or thrown in a cell! Anyways, yeah snowy wasteland. Doc is freaked out about the entire thing and what it means while Grif is trying to figure out how the portal gun works so that they can get out before they freeze. He’s also grumpy. But to be fair, if I saw a perfectly good pizza parlor blow up in front of me, I would be grumpy too.
Grif is also refusing to let Doc help or even get near him. Why? Well he’s pissed off cause they got roped into bullshit again, but the biggest thing seems to be that he got stuck with Doc who… you know, is a piss poor combatant, bad at his medic job, and had betrayed them not too long ago. To be fair, Doc… completely understands Grif hating him for that. Heck, he feels guilty for what he did. I’ll get into it more int he analysis portion, but it looks like Joe may be giving Doc character development… or is leading up to a joke later. but hey he’s giving Doc attention. More than I can say for Miles’ run (sorry Miles, I love you but I’m gonna point stuff like that out). Grif ignores the sob story to work on the gun,a nd to his credit he gets the thing to work… on shuffle. Okay, why did God put a shuffle function on the gun? Then again, God has his ways and as a Christian I should know to not question it… assuming that that’s the God we’re refereeing to anyways. Lets just pretend that’s the case for now.
Meanwhile, Tucker and Sister have made the same revelation. The two of them have ended up, to my glee, in Valhalla! Since the Recolleciton Trilogy is my favorite storyline, seeing it again makes me SO happy. IDK what point this is at. It could be before the Reds and Caboose got sent there, could be after the Reds fought Wash and the Meta, I don’t know. But who cares? It’s Valhalla again! I am happy! Also we learn that Tucker is atheist and Sister, like her brother, is agnostic. Good to know!
Tucker tries to figure out Donut’s cryptic warning of ‘the key to fixing the future is to fix the past’ or something along those lines. Sister however wants to hold it off and have a little ‘fun’ with Tucker… boy going through time to bang various historical figures! And Sister is officially more sexually ambitious than Tucker could ever hope to be. Tucker, being Tucker, is unhappy that… you know, she doesn’t want to bang him and all. He also refers to them apparently having had sex in Blood Gulch that… I forgot about I guess. But Sister says it didn’t happen and it wasn’t all that memorable anyways. Ouch… you know, when binging I found Sister pointless all in all and writing her out would have changed nothing. But now that she’s back and Joe is actually giving her attention, I freakin’ LOVE her. Keep it up Joe!
So now over to Simmons and Sarge with Simmons trying to figure the gun out. Him being a nerd, he’s far more confused and nitpicky about it than the others have been. Sarge is more than happy to accept having a ‘magic gun’ though and wants to get on to the ‘fixing the past’ thing. How? Well his first thought is to go to The Battle of Broken Ridge. Apparently it was rather traumatic for Sarge and going back would reopen some old wounds, but he’s willing to face it to fix it. We’ll talk more about this later. Simmons wants to instead go to a lab to get the gun taken apart to figure out how it works since nothing else had made sense and he wants to have something explainable. But Sarge convinces him to just figure it out by actually using the gun, leading us to the Battle of Broken Ridge… so using Ancient Egypt last episode was a total copout so no mummy fights. Damn it!
So yeah, after Gus, I mean Simmons, I mean Gus (come on, you can’t tell me he WOULDN’T do the same thing cause nerds) acts like a nerd by making a log, he and Sarge see the battle in progress. Past Sarge was a lieutenant at the time and sends his men out to make a surprise attack while he covered them from behind the ridges. This ended with them all getting massacred, and present Sarge figures that this is because the went in the wrong direction. SO he goes and tells them to go the other way.. which past Sarge makes them go back and… well, you can figure out how it ends. From the afterlife, I can just see Church laughing at them cause now they know how he felt during his time travel stint (yeah it was a simulation, but still)
Finally, we have Lopez coming back online after his head came off and Caboose fixed him. Shock of all shocks, I think Caboose has understood what Lopez is saying moreso than any other character as he tries to figure out Donut’s warning. He concludes on… universal savings… okay who let Joel write on the scripts?! But yeah, Caboose wants to create savings accounts for everyone in hopes of saving the universe. Too bad that he lost the penny he had on him, but it’s okay! Cause he actually figured out how the portal gun works! Because of course he did!
So the two end up back to the opening scene. Caboose tries to find his penny and… remember when Caboose seemed to lose focus and Grif had to remind him to find Donut? Turns out that it was resent Caboose and past Caboose actually didn’t lose focus. Ah, I love it when jokes come back around like that! So Caboose goes through another portal to keep looking, Lopez resigns himself to the end of the world, and somewhere Burnie is probably wondering how even with Church dead his character somehow always gets saddled with Joel’s. I guess we’ll never know.
This was shorter than last week, but BOY does it leave me plenty to talk about!
The episode seems to exist to explain how the time travel will work, some more character development setup, and just to have some comedic hijinks after last weeks more plot heavy episode. And I thought it was great! Like I said, it reminds me a lot of Season 3 when everyone was separated and the first episode with it jumping back and forth between the pairs, setting up their situations. IDK if this was an intentional callback, but I liked it nonetheless. And everyones current situations and the pair dynamics were done very well. So lets just go in order here:
Grif and Doc: This is the one I’m most interested in, and so far I’m pleased! Beginning with Grif, he’s reacting exactly how I expected him to, ala being angry at the whole thing. t makes sense. Despite his efforts, the universe decided to shit on him again and thrust him and the others into another adventure and one arguably more insane than ever before. He’s also stuck with Doc, who he’s never particularly been on good terms with. Heck when he WAS friendly to Doc back in Blood Gulch and even got validation for using CPR to cure Sarges head wound, Doc threw him under the bus when he realized that Grif was the butt monkey. That was a dick move. Of course Doc has been shit on by everyone far more at this point, but still Grif’s got a bit more of an excuse than the others. Plus again, he was’t there when Doc turned on them and he at least had the dignity to just quit an tell them that he quit before things went to shit instead of just turn his back on then in a dire moment.
But going to Doc… his reaction is good. He actually takes responsibility for his actions, feels guilty that it contributed to everything that happened (Wash getting shot), and that he ultimately couldn’t talk the Blues and Reds out of their plans. He feels that he failed both sides and that in doing so, everyone got hurt. He even completley understands Grif hating him for it since he feels the same way about it. He doesn’t try to make excuses, even when honestly he has very valid reasons to make excuses. He’s been constantly shit on, forgotten about, and even got trapped in another dimension before and everyone just forgot about it and didn’t care. But we could say that betraying the guys when he knows that the Blues and Reds have fallen off their rocker was going a tad too far, even if he did try to use it to convince them to stop and failed. But its a nice look into Doc’s current psyche and Matt did a great job expressing how disappointed in himself he is.
Now will this lead to anything? It might. Normally with Doc, it’s hard to tell. I feel there may be a point where Doc either sacrifices himself to save Grif in a pivitol moment, like shoving him through a portal when one of the villains find him, or he goes all O’Malley to make a sacrifice play so that Grif can escape. IDK, but going off the self-loathing there’s a god chance that something’s gonna happen and this time it may have more of an impact. We’ll have to wait and see, but  hey it’s something. Can’t wait to see what happens with these two next!
Tucker and Sister: Their moment is mainly for comedy but it was good! Like I said, I loved seeing Valhalla again. IDK if they’ll still be there later, but hey I appreciate the callback. It’s also nice to see Tucker being… well, Tucker again. Hes had a lot of character development since Chorus, and it was very well done. But after last season, while I personally didn’t find him OOC, I an see why the way he was written was frustrating for people. Plus after all the events in Chorus and S15, I think we needed to see him in a happier state of mind, and it looks like he is. I said before that it felt like S15 was Joe trying to put the bookend on Blue Team’s problems, and I think it shows. Tucker seems far more relaxed and comedic, like during Recollection. Hopefully he still has his newfound competence, and I assume that when things go to shit again we’ll see that. But he’s in a place where he can be comedic Tucker without him coming across as an arrogant idiot, so this is good.
Then we have Sister… OMG Sister. SO as I said above, I did not care about Sister when I was watertight Blood Gulch. She wasn’t particularly bad, her personality was strong and fitting for the cast of characters she was in. But… she didn’t really do anything. According to Burnie on the DVD commentaries, he had wanted to add her for a while and S5 was the only place he could, but still you could write he rout and very little would change. Her being gone for over half the series since then doesn’t help. But the upside to adidng her back is now they can actually do stuff with her, and so far I’m happy!
Okay so Sister’s so far only expressed wanting to bang historical figures and I kind of hope we can see her do more than make sex jokes. But hey, we can officially confirm her bi now so yay canon bisexual character! Plus the way her and Tucker’s banter was written was very well done. It was really funny and her proving to be far more ambitious with her sex life and finding Tucker not worth remembering was hilarious. Plus her just not giving a shit about Tucker’s advances are both hilarious and make me very happy. Sorry Tucker, but hey at least our probably the only guy who an claim to have had sex with an entire planet… and still paying the lawsuit for it XD
Sarge and Simmons: It was hilarious, Plain and simple. It’s been a pretty good while since these two had one-on-one time and so far I’m pleased with what we have. Simmons wanting to study the gun and have some kind of explanation he can cling to when noting else is making any kind of logical sense is perfectly IC. I’m also glad to see him actually disagreeing with Sarge and trying to get his own point across. Simmons has mostly grown out of the kissass phase, at least tot he extent he was in Blood Gulch, and I’m glad to see that sticking. He feels a lot mroe independent but still the nerd we all know and love. Character development, yay!
Then we have the Battle of Broken Ridge and all the continuity stuff it brings up. If I had to guess, it takes place early in Sarge’s military career before he became an ODST or this was before he got put into Blood Gulch. Considering we don’t completely know how these outposts operate aside form how they use the SIM troopers, I don’t find it hard to buy that Sarge has been on multiple Red Teams before getting recruited for Blood Gulch. But these guys have brown armor so… IDK. But still, it’s good to see some backstory and it was good to see Sarge try to save his men. Sure it looks like he failed, but hey he tried.
Still, it really DOES make me ponder on this whole ‘fixing the past’ thing. Like… what does Donut mean by the past? For the Reds and Blues to fix their own pasts? I’m assuming not since Sarge only inadvertently caused it. Did the villains do something in the past and damage it? Why didn’t Donut just say that though? Or is ‘God’ just using the Reds and Blues to invoke what will fulfill the prophecy mentioned in Episode 1? After all, it’s said they end the world and this may be the catalyst that cause sit, hence why Huggins (where is she BTW?) has to follow them around. But I would hope that the puppetmaster would have made a reasonable explanation about what had to be fixed to provoke that. IDK, it’s way too early to tell and this is a multi-part saga, so we’re just gonna have to see how it plays out.
And finally…
Caboose and Lopez: THIS WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR. Caboose being… Caboose, but also showing that he CAN be competent in his own way. Sure he got Donut’s message wrong, but at least he was thinking about it. Plus he was able to both fix Lopez and actually understand what he said. IDK if Caboose can speak Spanish, but I absolute believe that he can just until what Lopez is saying. And unlike everyone else, except maybe Simmons unless they just used shuffle enough times until they got the right portal (which if that isn’t the case, kudos to Simmons for figuring it out on his own), Caboose is the only one who figured out how to make the gun work. So now hes on a Penny Quest as Lopez continues to regret his own existence. I love it!
I admit I wasn’t sure how this was going to work since Caboose and Lopez are the two most incomprehensible characters int he show. Caboose is random and dimwitted, and no one an understand Lopez at all. But it’s surprisingly really funny so far! Normally having characters together alone like this without someone else to keep it balanced can be annoying very quickly. But in this case, it came off as really funny and not exaggerated. I guess it helps that Caboose can understand what Lopez is saying, but still it’s just the right balance. Which is good since I assume that they’re going to be the comedy relief pair for now. But who knows?
Final Thoughts
As I said, this seems to be here to show us how the time travel will play out and I assume the next episode will either cut to Chorus or focus on one pair for the majority of it. We’ll have to see. Still, this was good! The interactions were really good and I really enjoyed seeing it play out. Everyone felt IC and leaves plenty of setup for their respective situations. It leaves the question of what happened to Donut, but I guess we’ll find out eventually. But overall, this was a fun episode that perfectly sets up what we can expect. Hopefully, we’ll be delivered just what we’re hoping for.
2 notes · View notes
calliecat93 · 6 years
RvB16 Episode 3 Review: Lost Time
Wasn’t last week fun everyone? I thought it was fun! But yeah, a lot of shit happened despite Grif’s attempts to not let shit happen... that we can argue caused the shit to happen. Isn’t meta humor fun kids?! But yeah scary alien woman attacked (and converted Tumblr into her own group of worshipers from what I can tell), Donut is a God, and everyone’s been separated ala Season 3. Only this time with time travel... ala Season 3 but the separation happened before that part! I just gave myself a headache. Well.. lets get on with the review while my brain is still intact.
We begin on... IDK if it’s a planet or not, but someplace with snow! This is where Grif and Doc got sent... so this is the second time a portal sent Grif off to same snowy wasteland. Man, this really is like Season 3 only he’s taking Church’s role as the grumpy one while Doc is... Doc. Well at least he didn’t get hit in the nuts immideatly after  or thrown in a prison cell this time! Anyways, snowy wasteland! Doc is freaked out about the entire thing and what it means while Grif is trying to figure out how the portal gun works so that they can get out before they freeze. He’s also grumpy. But to be fair, if I saw a perfectly good pizza parlor blow up in front of me, I would be grumpy too.
Grif is also refusing to let Doc help or even get near him. Why? Well he’s pissed off cause they got roped into bullshit again, but the biggest thing seems to be that he got stuck with Doc who... you know, is a piss poor combatant, bad at his medic job, and had betrayed them not too long ago. To be fair, Doc... completely understands Grif hating him for that. Heck, he feels guilty for what he did. I’ll get into it more in the analysis portion, but it looks like Joe may be giving Doc character development... or is leading up to a joke later. but hey he’s giving Doc attention. More than I can say for Miles’ run (sorry Miles, I love you but I’m gonna point stuff like that out). Grif ignores the sob story to work on the gun, and to his credit he gets the thing to work... on shuffle. Okay, why did God put a shuffle function on the gun? Then again, God has his ways and as a Christian I should know to not question it... assuming that that’s the God we’re refereeing to anyways. Lets just pretend that’s the case for now.
Meanwhile, Tucker and Sister have made the same revelation. The two of them have ended up, to my glee, in Valhalla! Since the Recollection Trilogy is my favorite storyline, seeing it again makes me SO happy. IDK what point this is at. It could be before the Reds and Caboose got sent there, could be after the Reds fought Wash and the Meta, I don’t know. But who cares? It’s Valhalla again! I am happy! Also we learn that Tucker is atheist and Sister, like her brother, is agnostic. Good to know!
Tucker tries to figure out Donut’s cryptic warning of ‘the key to fixing the future is to fix the past’ or something along those lines. Sister however wants to hold it off and have a little ‘fun’ with Tucker... by going through time to bang various historical figures! And Sister is officially more sexually ambitious than Tucker could ever hope to be. Tucker, being Tucker, is unhappy that... you know, she doesn't want to bang him and all. He also refers to them apparently having had sex in Blood Gulch that... I forgot about I guess. But Sister says it didn’t happen and it wasn’t all that memorable anyways. Ouch... you know, when binging I found Sister pointless all in all and that writing her out would have changed nothing. But now that she’s back and Joe is actually giving her attention, I freakin’ LOVE her. Keep it up Joe!
So now over to Simmons and Sarge with Simmons trying to figure the gun out. Him being a nerd, he’s far more confused and nitpicky about it than the others have been. Sarge is more than happy to accept having a ‘magic gun’ though and wants to get on to the ‘fixing the past’ thing. How? Well his first thought is to go to The Battle of Broken Ridge. Apparently it was rather traumatic event for Sarge and going back would reopen some old wounds, but he’s willing to face it to fix it. We’ll talk more about this later. Simmons wants to instead go to a lab to get the gun taken apart to figure out how it works since nothing else had made sense and he wants to have something explainable. But Sarge convinces him to just figure it out by actually using the gun, leading us to the Battle of Broken Ridge... so using Ancient Egypt last episode was a total copout so no mummy fights. Damn it!
So yeah, after Gus, I mean Simmons, I mean Gus (come on, you can’t tell me he WOULDN’T do the same thing cause nerds) acts like a nerd by making a log, he and Sarge see the battle in progress. Past!Sarge was a lieutenant at the time and sends his men out to make a surprise attack while he covered them from behind the ridges. This ended with them all getting massacred, and present!Sarge figures that this is because the went in the wrong direction. So he goes and tells them to go the other way.. which past!Sarge makes them go back and... well, you can figure out how it ends. From the afterlife, I can just see Church laughing at them cause now they know how he felt during his time travel stint.
Finally, we have Lopez coming back online after his head came off and Caboose fixed him. Shock of all shocks, I think Caboose has understood what Lopez is saying moreso than any other character as he tries to figure out Donut’s warning. He concludes on... universal savings... okay who let Joel write on the scripts?! But yeah, Caboose wants to create savings accounts for everyone in hopes of saving the universe. Too bad that he lost the penny he had on him, but it’s okay! Cause he actually figured out how the portal gun works! Because of course he did!
So the two end up back to the opening scene. Caboose tries to find his penny and... remember when Caboose seemed to lose focus and Grif had to remind him to find Donut? Turns out that it was present!Caboose and past!Caboose actually didn’t lose focus. Ah, I love it when jokes come back around like that! So Caboose goes through another portal to keep looking, Lopez resigns himself to the end of the world, and somewhere Burnie is probably wondering how even with Church dead his character somehow always gets saddled with Joel’s. I guess we’ll never know.
This was shorter than last week, but BOY does it leave me plenty to talk about!
The episode seems to exist to explain how the time travel will work, some more character development setup, and just to have some comedic hijinks after last weeks more plot heavy episode. And I thought it was great! Like I said, it reminds me a lot of Season 3 when everyone was separated and the first episode with it jumping back and forth between the pairs, setting up their situations. IDK if this was an intentional callback, but I liked it nonetheless. And everyone's current situations and the pair dynamics were done very well. So lets just go in order here:
Grif and Doc: This is the one I’m most interested in, and so far I’m pleased! Beginning with Grif, he’s reacting exactly how I expected him to, ala being angry at the whole thing. It makes sense. Despite his efforts, the universe decided to shit on him again and thrust him and the others into another adventure and one arguably more insane than ever before. He’s also stuck with Doc, who he’s never particularly been on good terms with. Heck when he WAS friendly to Doc back in Blood Gulch and even got validation for using CPR to cure Sarges head wound, Doc threw him under the bus when he realized that Grif was the butt monkey. That was a dick move. Of course Doc has been shit on by everyone far more at this point, but still Grif’s got a bit more of an excuse than the others. Plus again, he was’t there when Doc turned on them and he at least had the dignity to just quit and tell them that he quit before things went to shit instead of just turn his back on then in a dire moment. 
But going to Doc... his reaction is good. He actually takes responsibility for his actions, feels guilty that it contributed to everything that happened (Wash getting shot), and that he ultimately couldn’t talk the Blues and Reds out of their plans. He feels that he failed both sides and that in doing so, everyone got hurt. He even completely understands Grif hating him for it since he feels the same way about it. He doesn’t try to make excuses, even when honestly he has very valid reasons to make excuses. He’s been constantly shit on, forgotten about, and even got trapped in another dimension before and everyone just forgot about it or just didn’t care. But we could say that betraying the guys when he knows that the Blues and Reds have fallen off their rocker was going a tad too far, even if he did try to use it to convince them to stop and failed. But its a nice look into Doc’s current psyche and Matt did a great job expressing how disappointed in himself he is.
Now will this lead to anything? It might. Normally with Doc, it’s hard to tell. I feel there may be a point where Doc either sacrifices himself to save Grif in a pivotal moment, like shoving him through a portal when one of the villains find him, or he goes all O’Malley to make a sacrifice play so that Grif can escape. IDK, but going off the self-loathing there’s a good chance that something’s gonna happen, and this time it may have more of an impact. We’ll have to wait and see, but hey it’s something. Can’t wait to see what happens with these two next!
Tucker and Sister: Their moment is mainly for comedy but it was good! Like I said, I loved seeing Valhalla again. IDK if they’ll still be there later, but hey I appreciate the callback. It’s also nice to see Tucker being... well, Tucker again. Hes had a lot of character development since Chorus, and it was very well done. But after last season, while I personally didn’t find him OOC, I can see why the way he was written was frustrating for people. Plus after all the events in Chorus and S15, I think we needed to see him in a happier state of mind, and it looks like he is. I said before that it felt like S15 was Joe trying to put the bookend on Blue Team’s problems, and I think it shows. Tucker seems far more relaxed and comedic, like during Recollection. Hopefully he still has his newfound competence, and I assume that when things go to shit again we’ll see that. But he’s in a place where he can be comedic Tucker without him coming across as an arrogant idiot, so this is good.
Then we have Sister... OMG Sister. SO as I said above, I did not care about Sister when I was watching Blood Gulch. She wasn't particularly bad, her personality was strong and fitting for the cast of characters she was in. But... she didn’t really do anything. According to Burnie on the DVD commentaries, he had wanted to add her for a while and S5 was the only place he could, but still you could write her out and very little would change. Her being gone for over half the series since then doesn’t help. But the upside to adding her back is now they can actually do stuff with her, and so far I’m happy!
Okay so Sister’s so far only expressed wanting to bang historical figures and I kind of hope we can see her do more than make sex jokes. But hey, we can officially confirm her bi now so yay canon bisexual character! Plus the way her and Tucker’s banter was written was very well done. It was really funny and her proving to be far more ambitious with her sex life and finding Tucker not worth remembering was hilarious. Plus her just not giving a shit about Tucker’s advances are both hilarious and make me very happy. Sorry Tucker, but hey at least our probably the only guy who an claim to have had sex with an entire planet... and still paying the lawsuit for it XD
Sarge and Simmons: It was hilarious, Plain and simple. It’s been a pretty good while since these two had one-on-one time and so far I’m pleased with what we have. Simmons wanting to study the gun and have some kind of explanation he can cling to when nothing else is making any kind of logical sense is perfectly IC. I’m also glad to see him actually disagreeing with Sarge and trying to get his own point across. Simmons has mostly grown out of the kissass phase, at least to the extent he was in Blood Gulch, and I’m glad to see that sticking. He feels a lot more independent but is still the nerd we all know and love. Character development, yay!
Then we have the Battle of Broken Ridge and all the continuity stuff it brings up. If I had to guess, it takes place early in Sarge’s military career before he became an ODST or this was before he got put into Blood Gulch. Considering we don’t completely know how these outposts operate aside form how they use the SIM Troopers, I don’t find it hard to buy that Sarge has been on multiple Red Teams before getting recruited for Blood Gulch. But these guys have brown armor so... IDK. But still, it’s good to see some backstory and it was good to see Sarge try to save his men. Sure it looks like he failed, but hey he tried.
Still, it really DOES make me ponder on this whole ‘fixing the past’ thing. Like... what does Donut mean by the past? For the Reds and Blues to fix their own pasts? I’m assuming not since Sarge only inadvertently caused it. Did the villains do something in the past and damage it? Why didn’t Donut just say that though? Or is ‘God’ just using the Reds and Blues to invoke what will fulfill the prophecy mentioned in Episode 1? After all, it’s said they end the world and this may be the catalyst that causes it, hence why Huggins (where is she BTW?) has to follow them around. But I would hope that the puppetmaster would have made a reasonable explanation about what had to be fixed to provoke that. IDK, it’s way too early to tell and this is a multi-part saga, so we’re just gonna have to see how it plays out.
And finally...
Caboose and Lopez: THIS WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR. Caboose being... Caboose, but also showing that he CAN be competent in his own way. Sure he got Donut’s message wrong, but at least he was thinking about it. Plus he was able to both fix Lopez and actually understand what he said. IDK if Caboose can speak Spanish, but I absolute believe that he can just get what Lopez is saying. And unlike everyone else, except maybe Simmons unless they just used shuffle enough times until they got the right portal (which if that isn’t the case, kudos to Simmons for figuring it out on his own), Caboose is the only one who figured out how to make the gun work. So now hes on a Penny Quest as Lopez continues to regret his own existence. I love it!
I admit I wasn’t sure how this was going to work since Caboose and Lopez are the two most incomprehensible characters in the show. Caboose is random and dimwitted, and no one an understand Lopez at all. But it’s surprisingly really funny so far! Normally having characters together alone like this without someone else to keep it balanced can be annoying very quickly. But in this case, it came off as really funny and not exaggerated. I guess it helps that Caboose can understand what Lopez is saying, but still it’s just the right balance. Which is good since I assume that they’re going to be the comedy relief pair for now. But who knows?
Final Thoughts
As I said, this seems to be here to show us how the time travel will play out and I assume the next episode will either cut to Chorus or focus on one pair for the majority of it. We’ll have to see. Still, this was good! The interactions were really good and I really enjoyed seeing it play out. Everyone felt IC and leaves plenty of setup for their respective situations. It leaves the question of what happened to Donut, but I guess we’ll find out eventually. But overall, this was a fun episode that perfectly sets up what we can expect. Hopefully, we’ll be delivered just what we’re hoping for.
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