#BUT i do think it would be hilarious if they referenced myself. and i know that it wasnt even being used that much anymore in 2011
br1ghtestlight · 8 months
bob's burgers namedropping tiktok in 2024: lame, will become outdated quickly
bob's burgers if it had namedropped myspace in an episode in 2011: timeless, would be objectively hilarious forever, tammy would use myspace?
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delta-pavonis · 8 months
I would love to hear more about Raspberries and Rum?
OKAY. So this came from a conversation that I had with @wordsinhaled in, no joke, NOVEMBER 2022. And I still haven't written all of it. BUT some of the bits from our conversation are goddamned SOLID GOLD and I am cracking myself up all over again reading the transcript. [Important background science here (just read the title).] Here is me just copy-pasta-ing from Discord with no indication of who is saying what:
hob getting wasted on dream’s jizz because he tastes like a good mixed drink suddenly a thing i need to see Hob as New Inn bartender keeps trying to make a new rum cocktail with raspberry flavor and no one understands why referencing it makes Hob blush, it is just a reference to that cool space data, right? now suddenly need a 5+1 where hob keeps making dream trial raspberry rum cocktails until they find the Perfect One and dream is very bemused Gotta keep going back and comparing to the actual source material apparently raspberry season in the UK starts in june where he’s like fucking. up handmaking raspberry simple syrup in the middle of the night and dream is like “ah, offerings” Because, honestly, he is technically trying to figure out a way to have everyone who orders the drink get drunk on something that tastes like his husband's jizz? And I find that fucking hilarious? Definitely deranged Hob humor mainly because he’s like, do i want everyone to suck your dick? this is reserved for me but do i want everyone to know the JOY of this taste? perhaps However, first time a university student of his orders the cocktail, once it is on the menu, Hob has A Moment of Regret™️  just a moment though i wonder if dream is aware he tastes like this or if he just. came up with the most reasonable taste he felt he would have when composing his physical body, which of course would be nothing like human and of course some esoteric shit like didn’t even think about it once so he keeps trying this drink and being like yes my very competent bartender husband perfecting his fancy raspberry drink i am so proud but hob is looking perpetually more glinty around the eyes each time he gets closer to the mark and dream is like, cottoning on that Something Is Up eventually dream is like “there is some... significance here. that i am missing.” and hob has to turn around and hide his face in his hands because somehow he never thought he’d have to Explain what he was doing especially because i feel like this would be some shit hob would try to do one time in the middle of the night while planning the summer drinks menu and then somehow he’d be neck deep in recipes from google weeks later but then dream is fucking. super out of left field when he finds out like... “you are crafting a libation. to me.” and hob is like uhhhhhhh no???? not actually???? am i??? I mean... just... based... on you? Hob will argue semantics on this dream is like you’re distilling my essence into a drink that all your patrons will imbibe and hob is like uhhh maybe? uuuhhh... maybe I am? okay but dream like THAT’S KIND OF HOT and hob is like I WASN’T TRYING TO BE HOT I WAS BEING STUPID and dream is just. yes. my husband can be very stupid. and very hot "These two things are not mutually exclusive, my dear Hob." of course this has to culminate in “you mean to tell me you don’t know you taste like raspberries and rum? you just made yourself taste all... lovely and you had no idea?” “i had not the faintest idea, indeed.” “you’ve never...?” “i have had no occasion to... sample myself, as it were.” “sample... jesus. alright. what are you, an hors d’oeuvre at the department party?” “no. but it seems i could be its signature drink.” DREAM IS A LIL BITCH hob’s inner exhibitionist cackling at forcing his staid ass colleagues to drink this drink while dream broods in the corner indulgently eyeing his antics everyone like “wow robbie this is a GREAT cocktail mind if i nick the recipe off you” and hob is like “ah no actually, it’s a bit of a jealously guarded secret” NO. Dream overhears and that's how he introduces himself, the little shit "And you are?" "Oh, I am Hob's Jealously Guarded Secret."
Here is the first chapter of the 5+1 that is in that WIP file (under cut because NSFW - cw for drunkenness and blowjobs):
One: May
It starts as a joke. A joke in Hob’s head that he doesn’t tell anyone. Because he knows that after this many years walking God’s green Earth that he can have a slightly warped sense of humor. 
So Hob keeps his motivations to himself and dusts off his bartending skills, back from when he had just opened The New Inn and was still getting the staff up-to-snuff. And then he sets to work. 
He has to figure out the rum first. Actually, Hob knows exactly which rum he would like to use, the second batch of ron miel honey rum by Destilerías Arehucas produced shortly after they opened on Gran Canaria island in 1884, but as far as he can tell there are only three bottles of it left in the world and they are all in his personal collection. 
So Hob called some friends and obtained as wide a variety of current lines of Canary Island honey rum that he could manage. He bided his time until the next Friday night, poured out a shot of each in a row on his coffee table, and proceeded to get fantastically pissed.
(Could Hob have sipped and spit out the liquor as he tasted them? Sure. Was this more fun? Absolutely.)
It was only after Hob was well toasted that Dream sidestepped into his living room. 
Hob was off the couch and on his knees in front of Dream before he even really decided what to do with his drunk-ass self. He was nuzzling into the fly of familiar black jeans and Dream was letting out a surprised hiccup of a moan and Hob was pretty sure his brain had dissolved into giddy bubbles of lust and want.
Long fingers wound into Hob’s hair and held him there as he rocked forward, purring, “Why hello to you, too, Hob Gadling. I did not expect ah!” A gasp when Hob started peeling away the clothing. “Expect quite this manner of hospitality upon my arrival.”
“Gotta…” Hob had the single-minded determination only liquor could provide. “Need to check…”
Dream made a curious hum of an inquiry at that, but Hob didn’t have time to explain. The taste of the rum was already being diluted by all the saliva pooling in his mouth and he needed to compare them. 
It had been just over a year since His Stranger had walked back into his life. Slightly less than that since they realized what absolute idiots they were for each other. It was enough time, given the many many repetitions Hob had to practice, for him to get really fucking good at getting Dream off with his mouth.
Hob, in his infinite need to stroke his own ego, had timed it once. Well, more than once. Many times actually. The current record was 143 seconds from first press of lips to spend. Hob drunkenly thought he could do better than that. Not that he had his phone handy. Ah well, that wasn’t a good reason to not try.
Dream finished getting hard in Hob’s throat, sobbed as Hob swallowed repeatedly. His lover was shaking with it already, Hob preened distantly, and moved to press the tips of his fingers just so into Dream’s perineum. Another press and stroke behind Dream’s balls, this time while Hob sucked with his entire lung capacity as he backed away, and then the Lord Morpheus was coming with a strangled shout right onto Hob’s tongue.
Hob savored it for a moment, eyes closed, cataloging the taste, before swallowing and scrabbling away from Dream to the table. He grabbed the bottle of what he thought was the best flavor match and took a pull from it.
“Oh yeah,” Hob’s ass hit the floor with a thump. “That’s it.”
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agentrouka-blog · 1 month
Cersei is very much like Tywin. She is as dumb as he is (by that I mean, they are not actually dumb but blinded but their own faults and insecurities) the only difference between them is that he was a man so he was trained to be a good administrator and she had no training.
(post referenced)
Let's also remember that Cersei lost her mother at a young age. That's the person who would have been best suited and most responsible for educating her daughter in administrative matters, and after her death Tywin neither remarried nor likely paid that much attention to Cersei's specific education. It was enough that she was uncommonly beautiful and reasonably obedient to him.
We saw how she treated Tyrion's nursemaid. While she may have treated her Septa Saranella with more basic poiliteness, I doubt she felt the same deference that Sansa did for Mordane, especially given her resentment of the differences in her education compared to Jaime.
The queen's face was hard and angry. "Would that I could take a sword to their necks myself." Her voice was starting to slur. "When we were little, Jaime and I were so much alike that even our lord father could not tell us apart. Sometimes as a lark we would dress in each other's clothes and spend a whole day each as the other. Yet even so, when Jaime was given his first sword, there was none for me. 'What do I get?' I remember asking. We were so much alike, I could never understand why they treated us so differently. Jaime learned to fight with sword and lance and mace, while I was taught to smile and sing and please. (ACOK, Sansa VI)
Sansa seems to have been taught alongside the boys at least for part of her education, given she knows she is better at reading and writing than any of her brothers. No such recollection for Cersei. And note the emphasis on fighting for Jaime. Doubtlessly, he was taught by very experienced and competent teachers in everything pertaining to matters of warfare and knighthood. But he's not exactly a bright light when it comes to history, politics or the art of administration either. (Unless it's his special interest The Kingsguard.)
Cersei herself is hilariously aghast at his ignorance at one point.
"And Ossifer Plumm was much too dead, but that did not stop him fathering a child, did it?" Her brother looked lost. "Who was Ossifer Plumm? Was he Lord Philip's father, or . . . who?" He is near as ignorant as Robert. All his wits were in his sword hand. (AFFC, Cersei III)
Tyrion knew what he was about when he emphasized the importance of books and independent reading.
Alas, I was born a Lannister of Casterly Rock, and the grotesqueries are all the poorer. Things are expected of me. My father was the Hand of the King for twenty years. My brother later killed that very same king, as it turns out, but life is full of these little ironies. My sister married the new king and my repulsive nephew will be king after him. I must do my part for the honor of my House, wouldn't you agree? Yet how? Well, my legs may be too small for my body, but my head is too large, although I prefer to think it is just large enough for my mind. I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind … and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." Tyrion tapped the leather cover of the book. "That's why I read so much, Jon Snow." (AGOT, Tyrion II)
If Tyrion had been born able-bodied he might be as much of a "dumb" disaster as the rest of his siblings. As opposed to the clever disaster he is now.
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kittyit · 3 days
I enjoy your writing a lot — whether it’s your essays or your reviews. In a weird bit of coincidence, actually, I independently followed your letterboxd, medium, and tumblr and only realised it was all you today. And now it’s obvious because whatever the platform, I keep being drawn to your writing — it’s matter of fact yet still tender in a way, and your essays are so incredibly thorough and well-researched.
I guess I wanted to ask 1) how long it takes you to put these things out and 2) how do you manage yourself so you’re not burnt out by all the legwork? Maybe it’s my grad school fatigue speaking but the idea of putting my pen where my mouth is feels daunting, so any insight would be welcome.
side note: I found you on letterboxd because I unknowingly had a “transbian” oomfie who was overly-familiar but not particularly off-putting — until he was very, very mad at Envy/Desire which then piqued my interest and yada. Glad someone also found it funny — hilarious on a meta-level especially. Call me a hater but nothing quite so delicious as getting to witness such a flood of AGP self-owns in real time.
and my answer will most likely be incredibly unhelpful to you. i'm actually seeking (in a life quest way but making some moves recently) ways to become someone who can write more regularly and in a more consistent way. i was kind of fascinated by the concept that i would be putting in legwork - it's the other way around, sort of.
i have ideas for several essays right now, and when i write an essay, i usually just sit down for 1-3 hours and write it all in one go. i have the sources i need because they're things i've already seen or know about, it's just referencing the references in my head. i think i wrote the envy/desire review in about 45 minutes and then just published it. sometimes i try to edit for a few days but often i just pull the trigger (NEED TO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i have an incredibly fraught and difficult relationship with writing (or making anything) that has caused me a huge amount of emotional torment in my life so it's really nice to get a genuine compliment that seems to assume i am not just an insane person who sits down and writes insanely which is pretty much what happens
KITTY'S CREATIVE CYCLE: i am thinking about this so much → oh man i'm getting pretty pissed off/sad/beside myself/overwhelmed by the joker nature → i am snapping and sitting down and writing insanely → don't do anything for a year because i dislike myself so much → fuck i'm really starting to think about something a lot
but quite often i rev up on the first two parts of the cycle and then just fritter away to nothing for no reason. it sucks! it is not a good way to be a creative. but i am trying :) and that's what we can do as women. despite all of the ways i feel (very negatively about myself and my work), i can still take the action steps (writing whenever i can, taking myself and my thoughts seriously) to add to feminist intellectual legacy and encourage other women to do the same thing
everyone can write an essay (or a review). just go crazy
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intothewickedwood · 5 months
🐈‍⬛ 🌻 😇 👥️ 🎶 for the ask game <3
Thank you so much for the asks! <3 :D
🐈‍⬛ animal
My favourite animal is a cheetah! I'm just so impressed by their speed and how they run. If I had a mutant power, I'd want it to be super speed. So I want them to teach me there ways!
😇 blorbo
Right now, my The Wilds hyperfixation is so strong I can think of practically nothing else (oopsie). But yes! I love all the Wilds girls but Toni Shalifoe is my favourite <3. Honestly, she might have taken the crown of favourite character of all time at this point. Just gaaah. Such a softie underneath all that understandable anger. Cares so much for those she loves. I love her and all the layers of her character.
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Before I watched the Wilds I got really into Legacies again (by finally watching s3 and s4). Absolutely obsessed with Lizzie Saltzman! Very relatable in some regards. Absolutely hilarious! Has so much pain and so many deep insecurities.
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Alice Jones from Once Upon A Time, (my beloved) <3! A silly who has suffered too much!!
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Chelsea Daniels from That's So Raven. She's so endearing to me. The silliest of sillies. Raven is a very close second, though.
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Natalie Goodman from Next To Normal. Relatable in an ansty way.
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Peter Simmonds from Bare: A Pop Opera. So relatable. A Cinnamon Roll <3.
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Kate Dalton from We Are The Tigers. Sarcasm queen.
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Vincent Lin From Adamandi. They may be a murderous blorbo. But they're my murderous blorbo.
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Circe from Epic: The Musical. She's just so cool.
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Draculaura from Monster High. Again, so cool and I love how much she loves her friends.
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Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. Big influence on me growing up. Though I probably shouldn't have been watching Smallville at 9. She just cared so much about those she loved.
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Simon Tudor from Jeopardy. His character development is everything <3.
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Cloe From Bratz. The biggest drama queen ever and I love her for it.
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Kurt Wagner from X-Men Evolution (and just x-men in general). He's such a silly guy.
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Shalimar Fox from Mutant X. The most badass, protective queen to ever.
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And that's all I can think of, but they're in no particular order. Except Toni. Toni gets the number 1 blorbo badge.
🌻 flower
I don't know much about flowers but I really like the look of Plumeria.
👥️ otp
So many! I shall limit myself to one per show.
Shoni!! (from The Wilds). I think they have made it to number 1 otp status!
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Snowing from Once Upon A Time. But also shout out to Curious Archer!
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Mizzie from Legacies! Still can't believe they got to be endgame!! I thought it was just gonna be hopes and dreams but the way I screamed my head off!! I love an unrequited love storyline but I love it even more when it then becomes requited. He thought the world of her and then she realised she felt the same about him too and it was beautiful and I cried (and screamed).
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Natalie x Henry from Next To Normal. He's just so supportive of her and would do anything to make sure she's okay and that makes me want to cry into my cereal.
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Peter x Jason from Bare: A Pop Opera. Everything hurts. But their chemistry was of the charts and they were so in love and I am in pain.
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Cheer Wives from We Are The Tigers. They were sooooo bad for each other but needed each other? It was a mess but I was so very there for it.
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Quincent from Adamandi. I am once again in so much pain. I can't get over how beautiful the lyrics they sang were when referencing each other.
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Freffy from Skins. The way he cared for Effy D,:. He would haved moved mountains just to make her smile. My heart will forever be broken over what happened to Freddie. He deserved so much better.
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Dracudeen. Just the whole of 'This is Not How Or Story Goes.' There was no hetrosexual explanation for that and Clawdeen nearly died to save her!
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Chlark from Smallville. Next to Simon x Chrissie, they were one of my first otps. No one did friendship like them. But I always wanted it to be more. That whole unrequited thing that was never really given a chance to become requited.
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Edited to add: Chlavis! I now one cannot have 2 otps that include the same character but I always go back and forth between which I like best. Chlavis' story was so intense and traumatic but at least it ended up being requited this time around! Extremely requited!
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Simon x Chrissie. Tfw the two most terrible people you'd never wanted to be stranded in the wilderness with have the most beautiful, unrushed character development and learn to care for people other than themselves as they slowly fall in love, when there was merely the shallowest one-sided crush you ever did see there before. The way they became heroes <3. And the way Simon just didn't know how to be without Chrissie but persisted in trying to save her when chances were beyond slim. I miss them so much and need to rewatch <3.
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Harlan x Cyrus. They had so much chemistry and genuinely had a connection and now we'll never know what happened to them. I wish we got to know them better. Darn you Amazon!
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Cloe x Jade from Bratz. It was more of a case of all the unwritten fanfiction I had in my head for them as an 11 year old. But I only let it get as gay as Monster High 2 at the time, which is actually very incredibly gay, so I don't know who my brain was trying to fool.
Lance x Kitty from X-Men Evolution. They had a really interesting connection and were drawn to each other.
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🎶 musical artist
I mostly listen to musical theatre songs but my favourite band has always been S Club 7. I'm not sure I have an overall favourite solo artist. Maybe James Morrison!
Thank you again for the asks! They were such a blast to answer!
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Anonymous OC question of the day!
If you could make a character real, which of your OCs would be:
your bestie
your spouse/partner
your secret lover!
your friendly rival
your enemy!
BONUS: do this for other people’s OCs too!
Pass the game along (anonymously or not) ( I believe this is the ask you were referencing in your last SQOTD? So here it is dear ~ 💛)
YES! This is the one I have been wanting because I have opinions. Here is Pollock demonstrating having opinions.
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p.s. This is happening in an alternate universe where I don't have to break my couples up to bring them to life and achieve these results
My Bestie: Devin Villareal or Reece Foster
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Because I wish I had their confidence and I think being friends with them would help me out of my shell. Beyond that I feel like both of them would have my back if needed. Devin can pay for our shopping sprees. And she wouldn't mind teaching me how to walk in heels or do make up properly. Reece would happily have long chats about the most random things in life, plus we could geek out.
My Spouse: Rahul Chopra or Marta Romero
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What can I say? I cannot cook and they both can! I'd love to eat well for the rest of my life with minimal imput. As for Rahul I love when people have specialised areas of knowledge, and he knows so much about plants. Beyond this he loves jigsaws so we could definitely sit together drinking sparkling grape juice (because I don't do alcohol) and working on one together. Marta loves singing so I could happily sing aloud to all my favourite songs and know she would join me for some of them. I also feel like she'd be able to teach me how to not take myself so seriously. Plus they're both rather attractive to me.
My Secret Lover: Joey York
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First off we have to pretend I am anything other than the vanilla monogamous soul that I am. Joey is working his way through his aspiration of sleeping with 30 different sims. I imagine along the way he is learning a lot, basically I'd be guaranteed a good time with him. Plus no danger of him getting romantically attached and breaking up my marriage. Also he's hilarious.
My Friendly Rival: Suzanna Knightstone
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I was a nerd in high school and I imagine if Suzanna and I had gone to the same one she would be my biggest competition for awards, scholarships etc. I'd probably still be jealous of her post high school life with a successful career, loving husband and cute kids. But what can I say? Despite it all she is a fellow geek and I can't help but like her. How can you dislike someone who wants a better environment?
My Enemy: Artemisia York
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This won't be that hard to figure out. Basically my evil bean would have figured out I was sleeping with her older brother Joey on the side and would be blackmailing me about it. BUT she wouldn't tell me what she was requiring from me, just constantly reminding me that she knows and hasn't decided what her silence is worth yet.
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mickules · 2 years
Dangantober asks
So, you may or may not have seen, I've been posting Dangaronpa Ghost Photos as a daily october drawing and writing challenge
This is just a collection of asks about them, and I'll be posting a little breakdown of my thought process behind each character tomorrow
But first, the most pressing question:
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I'm afraid not, it's just gonna be THH and SDR2 but I do appreciate the enthusiasm👍! I'll be honest, I kinda ran dry on the ideas front. It might be different if I'd planned it all out in advance, but since v3 isn't a direct sequel, it doesn't slot in as neatly with the prev 2 games. I'd have had to do a lot more juggling to fit it in and I hate to admit it, but I was already starting to repeat myself a little bit. There's always next year tho perhaps...
Rest of the asks below!
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oho! (referencing Chiaki's photo) you certainly did see what I did there It was honestly a toss up between that, and sonic.exe which would have been HILARIOUS. (also not sure if anyone caught the ref to one of my fave youtubers)
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Fair point, Well we know what happens when you break ALL of them, But if you break a few all at once I think it'd the first option. They won't come for you at the exact same time though, the haunts cascade, one after the other depending on when you broke the rule, and how fast the ghost haunts you.
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I did try to make most of the rules things that'd probably get you in trouble anyway if you were caught, but there's gonna be that one unlucky fecker who accidentally throws a new pen away and gets their ass ghost stalked by Nagito, no idea of what's going on.
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@cat0901h3 Originally I was going to include a bit with Makoto as the headteacher The idea was that Junko lured you into the headteacher's office to kill you THERE, essentially framing Makoto, and starting up her whole campaign of despair again. I decided to leave it more ambiguous instead like the ending of THH, and have Junko be your unreliable narrator instead
Course this au crumbles a little if you look too hard since the sdr2 lot are actually dead and not in a simulation (and I did not plan this lol) I like to think of it like a Battle Royale situation. Junko set up the killing games but it never got outside Hope's Peak, it was kept under wraps. there wasn't an actual apocalypse.
In this scenario I do see Makoto as the headteacher, he'd probably know about the hauntings, hence why there are school policies in place that match the 'rules', I figure Hiro helps out a fair bunch working out the haunting parameters, they're trying to help their friends rest in peace.
thanks so much! super glad you like! Working fast was what I was most known for in school lol, it helps if I've got a solid visual in mind, otherwise I can meander with the best of them.
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AHH?? THANkS SO MUCH! I'm so pleased folk liked them! I've gotta admit when I started I was like 'ha ha this'll be a laugh' and halfway through it was very much 'WRITING IS HARD' Lord, pour one out to the fanfic authors, I cannot do what they do!
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Thanks so much! it really makes my day to see folk waiting for the next one :) Hope celeste lived up to your expectations ;)
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Sorry for leaving these too late to answer! I didn't want to stop and answer in between the dangantober posts in case I lost momentum But I wanted to acknowledge it, I'm pleased I sparked your interest! :)
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[EDIT this ask came literally as I pushed post]
@emberz7 AH!! Thanks so so much! I'm blown away to hear that folk were actually spooked! A little creepy vibe was definitely was I was going for I think I like Chiaki's picture the most, I just really like how it came out with the screenshot vibe. In terms of story, honestly Sayaka's it was the one that inspired me to start the whole thing, and at the beginning it was the only one I had! I think it's also the most robust in terms of flow, it feels like an actual ghost story someone might tell.
Also, I see you, you absolute GEMS who reblogged each one?? and left tags??? you don't know how much that means to me
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not gonna lie that's a big reason why I didn't run out of steam sooner <3
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greyias · 1 year
The Continuing Adventures of my Dumbass Minstrel Paladin
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I keep forgetting to record or even get screenshots of some of the more hilarious shenanigans Aravyn and the Tadpole Gang are getting up to. So last night after spending an hour gleefully running all over the map to make Gale infinitely recast "Speak with the Dead" on all of the glowing corpses with our new shiny necklace loot we got from the chapel, I realized I hadn't gotten a trigger for a quest I remembered from early access regarding mean druid lady being suspiciously mean and after referencing some ancient texts (see: walkthroughs), I realized I needed to head back to the grove to do some poking around.
After spending like fifteen minutes poking around rooms, eventually I started throwing up dancing light cantrips at all of the dark corners. And eventually doing this I find the little dark hole that leads back to a hidden area where there's a chest marked in red.
Just imagine, you're a xenophobic druid who is ready to cut yourself off from the outside world forever, and this stupid paladin who talked your homicidal new boss lady out from letting some kid get eaten by a snake is now going around to all of the dark corners of your comfy dark underground hidey hole muttering to herself and throwing up sparkles in all of the shadows. Nothing suspicious there. She's just lighting up the world. It's what Sylvanus would want, I suppose.
Well, going into sneak mode reveals that the angry elf druid guy who keeps telling me to get lost is looking right at the chest, and so that's a problem. What's the Tadpole Gang to do? My paladin has a negative on stealth checks, and I don't know if stealing will technically break her oath, but if I'm staying true to character she probably wouldn't like it. But, clearly the group needs a distraction that will get everyone's attention in one area, so that an enterprising sneakthief can go pick the lock on that chest and take a little peekaboo.
It's time for a Mini-Heist
"Surely this won't work," I tell myself, and get the group gathered just in between all of the NPCs in the grove, toggle party mode, and position my rogueiest vampire suspiciously near where he needs to be.
Then Aravyn starts strumming away -- and lo and behold--
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Gathers a crowd. Literally everyone stops what they're doing to come gather around and in the distance I hear them all cheering her on and complimenting the tune. "That's a great song!" says Kagha who moments before was sneering at us. Apparently, she's a lover of music. THE WOLF even comes over and starts listening, I think it's a possibility the rats even stopped scurrying around to listen.
There is cheering going off in the distance as Astarion quickly and effortlessly picks the lock on Kagha's chest and loots all of the contents. Then casually saunters back to the rest of the group as the NPCs are still happily bopping along to Ari's rendition of "Bard Dance".
She finishes her song, Kagha starts throwing gold at her feet. An NPC literally just paid me to rob her 🤣 We quickly pick up our three hard earned gold (look look it's not important however much Astarion has in his pocketses okay), and the party shuffles on out where everyone is still chanting their ritual and quickly go off to the secluded area just beyond the chanting circle to look at the evidence and continue their quest, having successfully completed their tiny heist.
And now I'm imagining now imagining this scene where Astarion throws his arms around his pal(adin)'s shoulder and is like "Look at all these dour faces. Darling, why don't you perform that utterly delightful ditty you couldn't stop playing around the fire at camp last night. I'm sure it would raise everyone's spirits", and then casually strolls off as she starts plucking at strings and the crowd begins gathering, then whistling along with the tune as he walks back up and congratulates everyone on the impromptu concert and then quickly steering his party back outside. "Man, that outsider sparkle-making Paladin sure is a bitch," says Marcoryl, who keeps complaining about not killing a small tiefling child (so you know his opinion is to be trusted), "but she sure can play a lute."
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archivalofsins · 1 year
So uuuh I remembered you mentioning in a Mikoto post how Orekoto seems to refers to Haruka as just "Haruka" whereas boku-Mikoto calls him "Haru-kun". And earlier I was going back through all the Minigrams and in episode 34, Mikoto uses "boku" (僕) AND calls Haruka just "Haruka" so I wanted to know if you had any kind of thoughts on this because atp I'm just lost 😭
The explanations I can think about are : 1) the two alters were co-fronting so the two alters ways of talking mesh together 2) Orekoto just has had an influence on Mikoto as a whole and now Mikoto also adresses Haruka as "Haruka" in general instead of "Haru-kun" 3) it's actually Orekoto fronting but he's"masking" by taking on the host's manners
I guess it's not that big of a deal but it still bugged me slightly and since first heard of Mikoto's alter showing up in Minigram through your blog I thought I'd ask
Yeah, I re-blogged something recently that brings up that idea it's not the first thing to though. Many people have pointed it out over the course of Milgram. I'm assuming the post you're referencing is this one here.
To keep a long story short like you said in your follow up ask I did not write that I just re-blogged it from someone else.
Edit: I have since taken down that reblog and as such have linked to the original post above instead. I prefer not being asked why I did that. (I've also edited this again to fix formatting and spelling errors. 08/22/23)
Again, I'm assuming what you're referring to is this part,
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There are other verbal differences between how Mikoto and the other one speaks. Mikoto proper referring to Haruka as Haru-kun is one of the more obvious ones.
We see this illustrated throughout the portal timeline repeatedly,
Haruka: Ah…… ah, u-um, Mikoto-san. The c-communication……? thing, that you were saying was important I-I thought, I’d give it my best…… Um, so, Mikoto-san, what’s your favourite food……?
Mikoto: Ooh? Nice going, Haru-kun~ Yeah, we still have no idea how long this lifestyle will go on for, so it’s best if we all get along together here. My favourite food…… I like pasta and horse-meat sashimi. Also bubble tea, and recently I’ve been big on custard puddings. What about you?
Haruka: ……ah, I, I wonder…… H-hamburg steak, and omurice, a-and also…… what else? Ah. Cotton candy……
Mikoto: C-cotton candy!? That’s the first time I’ve met someone who has that in their top three favourites!? ……man, Haru-kun, you really are hilarious.
22/10/06 (Mikoto’s Birthday)
Haruka: Mikoto-san. Um, are you ok……?
Mikoto: Ah, Haru-kun. It's been a while since we last talked, huh. Yeah, I'm fine. Are you doing ok......?
Haruka: Ah, I’m fine. I’ve been enjoying myself, a lot. Um, I’m sorry, for avoiding you. I was a bit scared. Of you, honestly……
Mikoto: Ahhh, yeah. I’ve been lashing out whenever I go to sleep, right? ……it’s fine. Even I think you’re right to be scared. You know, I kinda just hate that I don’t even know what’s going on myself…… haha. Ah, but despite all that you still came and talked to me because it’s my birthday, right? Thank you, you’ve grown into a good man.
Mikoto is also the one shown and stated to be the one who gives other people nicknames. He is shown doing so off the bat with Mahiru.
Mikoto: ……I’ve really got caught up in some trouble, huh. What even is this place? It’s probably a TV reality show or something. ……but to think someone in this day and age would try to do a project that could land them in so much trouble. Uh……
Mahiru: Ah…… I’m Shina Mahiru! You can just call me Mahiru. And you are……?
Mikoto: Kayano Mikoto. I’m fine with just Mikoto too. Ahh, I’m glad there’s someone here who’s easy to talk to…… It’s nice to meet you, Mappy.
Mahiru: ………… ……Mappy???
He's also the one to refer to the prisoners by nickname in his first trial Interrogation.
"See? Like, Yun-chan and Mucchan, are just high school girls, Haru-kun looks like someone who can't hurt a fly, and Futa would be an umbrella thief at worst."
And states this when asked about it during his first trial interrogation,
Q.09 Why do you give everyone nicknames?
Mikoto: I guess it became a habit when I was at university. Having a nickname for someone that only you call them comes with a lot of advantages, do recommend.
Even though it seems to follow the rules stated within the other post this is not some hard rule. It is just an observation.
We've seen in Milgram through other prisoners that they can switch up honorifics or not use them at their discretion. Just as people in real life can. For example, Yuno with Mu.
Yuno went from only referring to Mu by her name to using chan over the course of Milgram,
Yuno: Huh, so you go to that high school. So, you are from a rich family then~! I mean, you already gave off that vibe though. What year are you in?
Mu: First year…… Kashiki… san…… you’re older than me, right?
Yuno: Yeah, I’m in third year. But you can just call me Yuno, I don’t really like the stuffy formalities. It doesn’t really matter who’s older and who’s younger. If you squint, we’re basically the same age anyway.
Mu: ……fufu, what’s with that? But ok…… I’ll call you Yuno from now on.
Trial 2
Q.11 Which of the other prisoners do you get along with least?
Haruka: I don’t dislike Amane anymore. I’m not scared of small children now
Yuno: I wonder; the ones that are painful just to watch are Haruka and Mu-chan.
The use of honorifics is highly circumstantial. In Minigram 34 Spoiled,
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Mikoto is doing a mock job interview where referring to someone by kun might just be contextually inappropriate or disrespectful for the environment he's attempting to simulate. So, he reasonably drops it.
A lot of the Milgram characters do what many people where I'm from would refer to as code switching. Basically, changing their language to fit the environment. People in general do this a lot in their everyday lives. People who are incapable of doing this or have difficulties doing it can run into social issues.
So, to put it simply given the topic he rightfully wouldn't refer to him as kun. He also doesn't refer to the others by name at all. Something common in job interviews, at least group ones.
The best way to come to a simple conclusion is to ask simple questions.
If they could co-front why would Milgram have any issues restraining the other Mikoto or even be unaware of their presence until after trial one? It is likely that there are other prisoners who have dissociative disorders, and their cases haven't been as difficult as Mikoto's. So, from that we can infer that if Mikoto had a more interconnected system or was even aware of the other then Milgram would have been able to better account for their presence.
The other Mikoto having more of an impact on the usual Mikoto would allude to the progression of time when it has been stated by Yamanaka that the Minigrams take place during trial one only.
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A bit of a more accurate translation (still not completely accurate though),
"The minigrams are basically going to remain in the first trial timeline forever. It will remain in a relaxed, relaxed manner. There is a lot going on in the main story, but please rest assured to enjoy it."
Although since you can read the minigrams this is more for my benefit.
Because this is the case we will not be seeing any of the prisoners who have injuries with those injuries within the minigrams. This is perfectly displayed through the state we Mahiru is in within the minigrams in comparison to her state within Milgram currently,
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Being able to jump rope despite needing a wheelchair in canon.
Since the minigrams take place during trial one chances are Mikoto is still unaware of the other's presence. It isn't completely impossible for the other's presence to be subconsciously impacting Mikoto, but I personally don't think it would be enough to change his way of speaking. Especially if this is all taking place over the course of trial one.
There are much more definitive ways to tell when the alter is in the minigrams the use of ore is one of them. However, just referring to Haruka as Haruka and not Haru-kun is a bit too skewed by circumstantial and contextual factors for me to consider it a reliable indicator.
Something your question has brought to attention here.
This is why I don't use that as the only indication of which personality is out myself. There are a lot of subtle mannerisms verbal and non-verbal that indicate which one is out currently and who has been out the longest. All these details come together to make Mikoto and his situation far more realistic in my opinion.
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voxofthevoid · 2 months
Screaming about jjk, I know everyone has probably already pointed out the parallels between the train station scene and the airport scene visually, but I love how the whole situation parallels Gojo's death--Sukuna recovers RCT after doing some black flashes, thinks he's got it in the bag and gets whammied. I thought the go north/go south thing would come up again bc how could it not (and I know the fight is still ongoing, nothing is settled) but it would be hilarious if it was Sukuna and not Yuuta or Yuuji who ended up making the different choice. --Blackflash Chussy Anon
I'm eyeing those parallels with Great Interest myself, won't lie. There's the thematic potential of (empty) airports and train stations as liminal spaces, plus the literal and metaphorical choice they represent. It's tasty! And I'm growing more and more obsessed with the potential of Yuuji's domain being a station. I don't know what Gege's cooked, but if they've brought their A game (like they often do when Yuuji's involved), this should be incredible. Fingers crossed.
Same about wondering whether the north/south thing will pop up again. It doesn't seem relevant for Gojou anymore, if it ever was, but the concept itself seems like the kind of thing Gege would bring up several chapters after it's introduced.
I don't have any predictions as to whom it'll affect. Yuuta seems out of the running. I'd say the Gojou body thing is... enough transformation for him, y'know? Yuuji and Sukuna remain, and Sukuna is already posited as an existence almost beyond humanity, like Tengen, so let's see if that'll get pushed further. Yuuji's also a good candidate, given both his physical and psychological state as well as Kenjaku's frequently referenced desire to create something that spins out of their control.
I'm also curious if this domain will somehow lead to a Heian-era flashback. It's as good a setting as we'll get, from what I can tell so far.
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heartembrace · 2 months
I wish there was an American Auto roleplay fandom because Melissa being Katherine's psychiatrist would be hilarious
I imagine Katherine would hate their sessions at first, especially since they remind her of couples counselling with Richard, but she starts to hate them less when she realises how frequently Melissa compliments and agrees with her. Also she enjoys getting to talk to someone where the only topic is herself, even if she has to pay lots of money to do so.
I'm aware that Arkham Asylum and Payne Motors are nowhere near each other but Katherine will find a way to use the private jet shown in episode six.
Katherine: How am I meant to take a mental health day if I'm surrounded by people who piss me off?! If you actually expect me to take therapy, I'll need the private jet.
Board member: You can't find a psychiatrist in Detroit?
Katherine (hadn't thought of that): ... Not any good ones!
And since the height of Katherine's ego makes up for her physical height (making myself laugh with that one), she would never admit to seeing a psychiatrist, let alone one who works in a mental asylum, so I headcanon that Melissa is code for Mumbai.
I literally thought of that while at musical theatre choir practice and whispered excitedly to myself, "Because of the letters!!!"
Putting the quotes I came up with for Katherine and Melissa under a read more 'cause there's heaps
Katherine (slamming her hand on Melissa's desk): The board of directors want me to take therapy, I don't know why. I did some research and you were the first psychiatrist I found who didn't sound like a quack, plus you're a woman so you can relate to the whole female in a male-dominated career, glass ceiling nonsense.
Melissa: I'd probably relate to it more if you didn't call it nonsense.
Katherine: While I'm sure this is going to be a complete waste of time for both of us, the board will take any excuse to replace me and I am this close to getting fired.
Melissa: Your fingers are touching.
Katherine: Exactly. So here's how this is going to go - I am going to pay you a stupid amount of money to give me whatever drugs I need to keep the board members at bay. Got it?
Melissa: There's a bit more to it than that, and I admire your enthusiasm, I don't know how much research you did -
Katherine: Just a quick Google search.
Melissa: *nods in 'I had to learn how to do in-text and end-text referencing and this CEO couldn't be bothered to look at one full website* But I treat criminals and the criminally insane. I would love to help but you're talking to the wrong person.
Katherine (deadpan): Who do you want me to murder?
Melissa: What?!
Katherine: *slides over money* Will this change your mind?
Melissa: Bribery isn't - *adds up amount, raises eyebrows* I'm sure Arkham would never turn down funding for better resources.
Katherine: If I have to be honest with you, this should be a two-way street. You're going to spend the money on a holiday or something, aren't you?
Melissa (honestly): No, I'm going to give it to the asylum.
Katherine: Then you're an idiot.
Melissa: *Sliding money back* I can always change my mind again.
Katherine: And Sadie said she wasn't sure about that.
Katherine: *sliding money back* Point taken.
Melissa: That's dumb, you could easily pass for 38.
Katherine: Thank you!
Katherine: ... You're not just saying that 'cause I'm paying you, right?
Melissa (honestly): Nope, that is my genuine and unbiased opinion.
Katherine: I'll take your word for it. To be fair, I've had a bit of work done over the years. (realises) Wow, you're good! You didn't have to say anything and you've got me spilling my darkest secrets.
Melissa: There's no shame in having plastic surgery or Botox but thank you for trusting me enough to admit that you've had at least one of those. Also I appreciate that you think I'm good at my job. Let's see what else I can get you to divulge.
Katherine: Let's not, I don't need another lawsuit on my hands. (realises) Shit!
(at the beginning of a session)
Melissa: How's your week been?
Melissa: *hugging Katherine*
Katherine: Fine. Uneventful. Oh, Richard wants to divorce me, so that's something.
(ten minutes later)
Katherine (in tears): And he is such an asshole but I can't get over him calling me selfish.
Katherine (as they're walking to Melissa's apartment): I swear that waiter only asked for your ID to mock me.
Melissa: We should really spend a session talking about your fear of aging and belief that everyone's out to get you.
Katherine: I would rather die.
Melissa: Okay.
Katherine: Also I never mentioned a fear of aging, you don't know what you're talking about.
Melissa: I'd ask if you'd looked in the mirror lately but that would be rude.
Katherine: Why? Are you saying that I look old?
Melissa: No, but the fact that you had to ask me that only proves my theory.
Katherine: That kind of trickery is why there are so many negative terms for psychiatrist.
Melissa: I wasn't intending to trick you.
Katherine: Bull. Shit.
Melissa: I'm sorry that that's how I came across.
Katherine: *checks her reflection in a window and pulls back the skin of her face*
Melissa: I saw that.
Katherine: *raises her middle finger behind Melissa's back*
Melissa: That too.
Katherine: I hate you so much.
Melissa: That's why you're my favourite client. 😊 
Katherine: Kiss-ass.
Melissa: Cougar.
Katherine: I insult people on a daily basis, I can play this game much longer than you.
Melissa: You want a bet? *winces* Sorry, poor choice of words, I forgot about your gambling problem.
Katherine: It's only a gambling problem if I'm losing.
Melissa: You know that's something an addict would say, right?
Katherine: You know that's something a fuckwit would say, right?
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firepony67 · 1 year
Part 3 of scenes from utsukare eternal!! This is less favorite scenes now and just bits that I remember enjoying, so that I can come back and reminisce about the movie in the however-many-months before it comes out on DVD.
I’m very sorry to anyone who wants a more cohesive view of the movie, my brain is too chaotic to do a step by step summary, but @anotherblblog did an actual recap/summary. My posts are more like a diary of my own scattered thoughts, because I’m used to my tumblr posts being basically just me talking to myself.
First of all, and I’m not putting this on the list officially, but just Kiyoi’s outfits in general!! Stunning, amazing fashion as usual, he’s just gorgeous and his clothes are amazing. Also Anna’s costumes were also fantastic- the monochrome black, widow-ish looks really suited her!
1. Kiyoi and Anna’s manager being incredibly overworked all the time. That man never stops scrambling around frantically, it’s honestly kinda hilarious but also I feel bad for him. I mean he did have to deal with 2 serious “scandals” in a very short amount of time, including Anna with her boyfriend and then a fake scandal of Anna and Kiyoi dating, plus they don’t seem to have any other staff other than the boss dealing with the two actors (kind of bad planning if you ask me, especially given how famous Anna supposedly is).
2. Kind of part of one of my previous favorite scenes- when Anna and her boyfriend are reuniting, Anna is hiding at first and then Hira or Noguchi (Hira’s cameraman boss) tells the boyfriend something like “there’s someone here who wants to see you/talk with you” and the camera pans dramatically to some tulle curtains beautifully draped over an entranceway. And you think it’s gonna be Anna appearing out of the fabric but then Kiyoi just pokes his head out with the cutest expression. And when I tell you the disappointment and wtf energy on the boyfriend’s face was so strong 😂. But then Kiyoi is just like- oh sorry- and shuffles over awkwardly to stand next to Hira so that Anna could get her proper dramatic entrance. It was so cute.
3. The opening scene. Beautifully pastel scene of Hira and Kiyoi waking up (naked) in their bed, and Hira rolling over to cuddle Kiyoi, complete with kind of hazy/dreamy lighting, calming atmospheric music, and a tulle curtain/veil thing covering both of them to add to the dreamlike feel. Some people in the mydramalist comments didn’t like the veil thing, because it was kind of just functioning as a call back to a scene in the series and didn’t actually serve a purpose or make any sense in the movie 😅. And that’s a valid point, but honestly I’m perfectly fine with doing things purely for the aesthetics. Sometimes, artistic choices aren’t super logical lol. It was a beautiful scene, and frankly it’s not too far fetched to me that Hira and Kiyoi might cover themselves with a pretty curtain like that while sleeping together simply for the vibes 👍
4. Hira and Kiyoi apartment hunting together 😭😭 Although obviously Hira’s house is the best, it was so cute to see them going around together thinking about the things they needed in a home (Kiyoi’s list including a bathtub I think, referencing the earlier bathtub steamy scene 🫢). It was so cute how Hira zooms into the kitchen to test out how cooking for them would feel, acting out looking into the living room area to make sure he would be able to see Kiyoi while making food! The domestic fluff!! I’m so soft 🥺
5. Okay I know that Anna’s obsessive fan turned out to be awful later, but I honestly really liked his and Hira’s introduction. It was painfully awkward, but the way they bonded over their shared fan interests and devotion to their idols was honestly really sweet, and then how they cautiously shook hands afterwards- I was kind hoping Hira would gain a friend with a similar personality to him, but instead he gained an enemy that he would later try to murder for hurting Kiyoi and then subsequently almost be murdered by. So that’s fun 🙃
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
ALSO i was thinking about egot nico and even though the easiest way for him to get that emmy or oscar would be for a soundtrack i think it would be interesting for him to do some voice acting (probably for the emmy tho idkw but in my head it fits the best). and it would also be for like a smaller show but like with a really good story line OR for like a book to (animated) show adaptation for something he read and loved.
oooh that sounds really interesting in the way that i've referenced how he'd be a good voice actor a few times - i still think he can do hilarious accents. my only question would be whether *he* would really want to step into acting? because we know now that a lot of people (including myself) are kind of annoyed with just big names taking voice acting roles... i'm trying to think of a show that'd have a good character fit for him, and for some reason all that's coming up is viktor from arcaneLSKDJF (that might just be the arcane brainrot, sorry) HOWEVER i love the idea. i'm still like questioning whether i'm going to actually do another fic centered on the egot because like.. there are just so many options!! i think the only reason he'd choose to be a voice actor though is if he's approached, and it's a project that he's already invested in - like you said, a book to show adaptation. that'd be really interesting to see though! im such a huge fan of nico just literally doing ten million side quests, and that'd be a perfect oneLJKDF
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idontlikeem · 1 year
Some anon who stalks your blog went crying to the “insider” blog about some tags you left about it and they literally wrote as of that blog is saving the world and you’re insane for liking fan fics 😂 I only check the gossip blogs for fun and couldn’t believe the hysterics just because you made some valid tags. Also rly telling when someone screams against fan fic. They’re either old as hell or protesting way too much. Wanted to pass this along because it’s honestly impressive/hilarious how easily outraged that side of fandom is.
yikes lmao. i don’t check those blogs unless i get DMs about them, i think they’re gross and i stand by that. if someone is coming to my blog and getting pressed about what they’re reading, then running off to tattle to some gossip blog about me…well, it’s their time they wasted i guess. i think i know which one you’re referencing here and remember making a post about it, and i haven’t changed my mind about how i feel about someone in that position saying the things they do.
i’m not gonna go hunt that post down because i don’t make a habit of seeking out unkind things about myself or reading content i don’t like, and i’d like to recommend that anon and that blog owner do the same.
fic stuff isn’t for everyone, and the booktok drama notwithstanding, in my opinion people who do tumblr fandom and fic stuff are very good at keeping that oh so important wall up between fantasy and reality. in my opinion, leaking personal info is the exact opposite of respecting the players as people, and it’s ironic that an hrpf community would do a better job of that than these gossip blogs who look down their noses at fandom.
but that’s none of my business :)
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yarrystyleeza · 1 year
how did you make your pfp i love it
Hi nonnie, well I drew it myself on paper, it's not digital at any sorts. They're Matt and Madilyn (my oc) on Valentine's day. 💖💖💖
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This was the first sketch of it, it's referenced from a pose I found on pinterest (I changed the expressions a bit because the guy in the reference was pissed off — in contrast to Matt who was enjoying the hold 😉)
Actually I never noticed he has a hold on her bum until my friends mentioned it to me 😂 but it was hilarious, they looked at me like "you pervert" 😂😂😂 no one knows what goes on in this little brain of mine (the most perverted shit). But I didn't do it on purpose this time 😂😂😂
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This is the final product, I use Faber Castel color pencils (the normal one — not the water color pencils), and for the markers it's called TOUCH idk if it exists outside my country but they're amazing and the colors are solid — and PRISMACOLOR markers too, as well as calligraphy markers because it has the darkest black. I also used a regular black ballpen for tracing. And for sketching I used an HB pencil.
As for the context of the drawing itself, it's valentine's day, Matt confesses his feelings to Madilyn after a year of total Rollercoasters between them (besides them thinking the other is considering them a friend and not interested in them in a romantic way, and they don't want to ruin their friendship if any of them confesses). When Matt confesses, Madilyn gets surprised and —in contrast— grabs his face close and kisses him, it's not long, it's not that of a perfect one, it was more like "finally you said it!" one. She parts and apologizes for what she did and how awkward it was of her to catch him off guard, so he tells her that he loves her and her kiss and he wants to kiss her (for real now). She accepts and kisses him, they dance their way out of the office kitchen. The kisses are eager and sensational, but they end up in giggles and lipstick marks around Matt's face. They're caught on camera for Foggy's valentine's special recap, they're all red — while Foggy and Karen are laughing their asses at them because it took them so long to actually realize that they liked each other. "we thought you'd hook up in two weeks not a goddamn year!" Foggy would yell, and Karen can't keep her face straight. After they're done laughing, Matt asks Madilyn out, she asks for a specific ice-cream date, and he accepts and kisses her passionately. 🥴💖
-I can hear how smoochy they are and Matt is just a bitch he lives for smoochies-
Anyways thanks for the ask nonnie! 💖
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jjesperr · 11 months
ao3 tag game
Got tagged by @tragedyposting !! I don't read as much fanfic these days but thought it would be fun anyway.
Tags generated here! Basically tldr; generate ten and rate them according to... with bonus points if you explain why. How much do these tags affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Ancient Greek Religion & Lore: +3- Dying over getting something so niche to start. Not necessarily something I'd specifically seek out, but sounds fun, so sure.
Idiots to Lovers: +100- I am literally going to find a fic ASAP with this tag to see exactly what this entails. Sounds hilarious.
Bad Ideas: +10- Assuming this is in the sense of shenanigans, yes, I love me some shenanigans. Also good if it means "bad ideas leading to angsty situations."
Suggestive Themes: -3- Not to expose myself but like... Just give me actual porn.
Enemies to Lovers: +10- Hell fucking yes lets goooooooo.
Implied/Referenced Character Death: -4- I know I just said I like angst but I want the angst to resolve and everything to end happy in the end! Not as bad as major character death though so I might still click.
Neglect: +4- Now there's some of that angsty shit I like! Probably not enough to go on, but hell yeah, now someone come give him all the attention he's been missing.
Whump: +9- I do want to see it fixed in the end but yes this is my main thing if I'm reading fanfic. -1 point cuz sometimes it can get a lil too dark but usually that stuff is tagged.
Promises: +8- Can immediately envision promises being broken and the drama that ensues. So much sighing... sign me the fuck up!
Awkwardness: +10- When I'm reading fluffy stuff, love me some bumbling romance. 10/10.
I'm going to tag @dullpickle13 who I believe has never read fanfic which is why I think their response would be hilarious.
I'll tag some moots @jazz-eyes @yongbvks @amourphousblob @themathomhouse @oh-huney @scalpho @zizygy @planetquest but no pressure at all!! You have free will!!!
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