#BV poses
nemiepies · 2 months
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Upcoming pose pack by @busyvampire ♥
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hanafubukki · 6 months
When I saw your OT3 with Lilia and Dawn I thought for a long time about what kind of Yuu would fit them and remembered that I have a soldier! Yuu from the alternate Twisted Wonderland. And then I saw your post "The Knight of Dawn and Lilia Vanrouge as the Weapons in War " and my brain just said "Yes, that fits"
*looks at her convoluted notes with Soldier!Yuu's lore and sighs nervously* Very briefly (and omitting the world lore and part of the backstory), Yuu has been a long time soldier in the service of the Briar Valley and their fate is somewhat similar to that of Dawn and Lilia combined, but somewhat more disturbing. *looks further at the notes and tries to figure out how not to go on a 10 hour rant trying to explain everything that's going on* Was the victims of experiments in which they became immortal, was enslaved by a man who used her as living weapons, was "freed" by the King of Briar Valley in exchange for oaths of service to the BV, manipulated and co-dependent by him, lost all new friends whose deaths were not accidental, witnessed the destruction of their "home", *looks further down the list* then became certified war criminals with several revolutions, genocides, brutal murders, all to avenge their friends.
*realizes it's getting too long and tries to speed things up*
Then a few centuries of self-injury and attempts at suicide amidst loss before she gets to Twisted Wonderland and becomes an NRC student. And then there's the anxiety of meeting boys who look like their friends.
*sigh* A fitting match for Lilia and Dawn, isn't it? The level of trauma in this relationship is off the charts. But at the same time, these three are wonderfully understanding and supportive, trying to help each other through everything.
Some funny and fluff thoughts and headcanons with this family, because it's about time to end this angst.
A thought about Lilia raising Silver alone and telling him about his parents. About what a perfect knight his father was, and the recklessly suicidal mother who could single-handedly mow down a troop. ("Never, hear me, young man, never be like your mother. Unlike her, you are not immortal.")
Yuu, after returning from the past: In my world, you were my apprentice and I was attached to you. Silver: Well, in this world I'm your son and I'm attached to your image created from the old man's stories.
Also a conversation with Meleanor where she asks what Malleus was like in Yuu's world. "He cared for his people and his lands. Was just and merciful to them and harsh with the enemies of the Valley. He accomplished much for his country. His Majesty was undoubtedly a good king. Not a person."
Yuu are nerds when it comes to swords. As a soldier she is skilled with any kind of weapon, but swords have always been her favorite. She enjoys caring for them and has always wanted to build up a collection, but in her home world that was impossible. Meleanor gives Yuu the sword that will start the collection. All those years while Lilia waits for Yuu's return and Dawn's awakening with Silver, he collects a variety of swords for Yuu's collection.
Shortly before Yuu's return to the present, Meleanor orders them to pose for a portrait, saying that the descendants should know by sight those who contributed greatly to the war between fae and humans. She would never admit that she wanted Lilia to have any reminder of his spouses.
Levan was the one who insisted on teaching Malleus swordfighting. Because Yuu has proven to him more than once that a sword in skillful hands could be stronger than any magic.
In fact, no one had ever explained to Malleus all the intricacies of the situation and the Lilia x Yuu x Dawn relationship, because they thought he knew and understood everything himself. So Malleus thought for a long time that Lilia was actually married to Yuu because they had a child together, and that Dawn was their mutual friend, and that they died years ago. And then Lilia shows up with a child he calls his son and mentions in passing that Yuu and Dawn would like to see their child. Malleus asks for an explanation of what he means and then gets a pattern breaker.
Lilia keeps a huge chest filled with photo albums. Every moment of Silver's life is documented and stored to show them to Yuu and Dawn.
Silver keeps parts of his parents' uniforms in his room, which he discreetly stole from a trunk in the attic when he was 10 years old. Lilia pretends he still hasn't noticed they're missing and hasn't had a heart attack when it went missing.
Meleanor knows what Yuu went through and likes to call her "My sweet war criminal" to tease her. The people around them are starting to feel uneasy.
Lilia didn't actually plan on informing Meleonor and Levan of Yuu's return right away and wanted to delay it because the Draconia are obviously crazy. Unfortunately for Lilia, Meleonor is crazy enough to link a sleeping spell to Yuu's return and cast a huge number of signaling charms on Dawn. So within a minute of Yuu's return, Meleonor has already dropped everything she's doing, grabbed the newly awake Dawn, and is preparing to storm the NRC in search of her "sweet war criminal".
Sebek is the only one in all of Diasomnia who is the very last to find out about everything.
[Masterlist, and Weapons of War post]
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💚
Thank you so much for sharing your Soldier!Yuu. It was such a delight to read about your Yuu. And also, please don’t be nervous to share. I would love to know more and don’t worry about the length. You can always send more than one ask or send them in one go. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with. ☺️🌺🫶
I found it interesting how your Yuu was in the service of the king of BV. Was this Levan or a different king?? Could it have been Maleficia’s husband 🤔🤔 though this does sound like an Twst Au Yuu who then comes into our twst version 🤔🤔 how very interesting.
I like how Meleanor got a family portrait of Yuu and the husbands. As a way for Lilia to always remember his family 😭😭
Lmaooo “my sweet war criminal” that’s adorable!! Yuu and the Queen can definitely be a power duo.
Poor Sebek 🤣🤣 but at least he can enjoy this chaotic family like the rest of us, and be happy he’s not in the middle of it.
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symbio-ratio-art · 8 days
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(Frightbite is posed so he's a lot shorter in the drawing than he actually is!)
I finally got back around to fixing that Fredbear line to go with my Springbonnie line from before. These two are called Timiteddy and Frightbite!
Below I added more talk about my mindset when making these guys, some inspiration behind their designs, and some more lore that was too much for their dex entries. These two lines have a "friend to enemies" dynamic going for them and it's impossible to write it all in two Pokedex entries 💀
I chose Fairy-Psychic for Timiteddy because I wanted him to be based around the Fredbear plush from FNaF 4. To this day, people debate if Fredbear plush is possessed or imaginary or just Afton messing with BV. For this I decided on the imaginary friend theory hence Fairy. The Psychic type comes from "Psychic Friend Fredbear" because it was right there. I had to 😂 His design is entirely based off the Hex Fredbear plushie design with a touch of Bite Victim's constant tears. His shiny is a mix of Nightmare and Lefty with grey tears from the dead kids.
Timiteddy's whole quirk is that his entire appearance is deceptive. He gives off the vibe of a weak Pokemon due to his plush appearance, constant tears, and aversion to fighting, but Timiteddy is actually strong by default and a force to be reckoned with. Those tears are the result of an overflow of psychic energy caused by his lack of fighting. They are used for both attacking and defense, and his claws pack quite the punch as well. Timiteddy stays on the defense for than anything however, for the reasons stated above. Lots of Timiteddy can be found around younger children or the Pokemon Hareo. Despite their differences, Hareo and Timiteddy stick together. They're two halves of a duo.
Frightbite is a based off Nightmare Fredbear and the Hex Fredbear plush. He keeps the Fairy typing for the imaginary/nightmare/dream element Nightmare Fredbear is associated with, and the steel typing also comes from Nightmare Fredbear's sharp metal claws and teeth. His shiny is a mix of Nightmare, Shadow Freddy, and a touch of Puppet with the purple tears. His back is ripped open due to his evolution requirement: being defeated in battle by a Bonslaught.
Frightbite's whole theme is betrayal. The evolution is the result of a Timiteddy being destroyed by a Bonslaught, the one Pokemon line they keep their guard down around. Timiteddy are one of Bonslaught's favorite victims due to the manipulation element and the violent battle that comes after the betrayal. The negative emotions from that come from the encounter cause the Timiteddy to lose any inhibitions they had with harming others, leading to the Pokemon evolving into something much bigger and much more visually intimidating. The last remnants of its psychic tears harden into claws and the rest is permanently lost due to his ripped open back.
Some of Frightbite's ripped seams been weaponized by its evolution. The most obvious one its its stomach. While still partially sealed with a button, its chest has become a second functional mouth capable of biting anything Frightbite is able to hold into place. The second is the seams going down his neck. While the first four stitches are able to stretch with ease, the rest can be stretched temporarily to cause a devastating bite for anything it gets a hold of. A Frightbite rarely has to use this heavy of a bite however. His bottom jaw with always curve down when opened due to the lack of structure.
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Despite their nightmarish appearance, Frightbite are actually great to keep around kids. They are very careful with their claws and teeth because they know what its like to be on the other side of them. Towns dealing with dangerous Bonslaught often borrow or adopt Frightbites from other nearby areas to help protect any children they have. Frightbites are one of the only Pokemon a Bonslaught will avoid out of fear.
Frightbites and Bonslaught who are raised together still have this instinctive fear and instinctive hatred for one another albeit a lot tamer than in the wild. It is important to always keep an eye on these two if you keep them together, even if they were thick as thieves when they were children. A Frightbite is only caused by a violent attack from a Bonslaught after all, and Frightbites have never been ones to easily forgive and forget...
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sassymiraculous · 11 months
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During this scene my sister was screaming about feligami, but there’s MUCH more important things than feligami. Like………………..
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blueheavensims · 13 days
Upcoming events at Sims 2 Shenanigans!
Saturday, June 8th at 13:00 (GMT -6)- Jewel Intentions! Host: Ocelotekatl  Topic: Converting Body Shop accessories to BV jewelry Tools needed: SimPE Approximate time: 1 hour Suggested for: Beginning to intermediate creators. A short workshop about converting CAS accessories to BV Jewelry.
Saturday, June 22nd at 13:00 (GMT -6)- Hold That Pose! (Redux) Host: Ocelotekatl  Topic: Posing tips & tricks Tools needed: None! Approximate time: 1 hour Suggested for: Beginners. Everyone is welcome! A redux of Hold That Pose!, a super casual Tips & Tricks-type workshop about basic posing To RSVP or check your local time, check the event thingy at the top of the Discord.
If you haven’t joined yet, why aren’t you a member of the most amazing creator’s Discord ever? To join, click here: https://discord.gg/tkNzjgsSTS
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fatecolossal · 9 months
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What ear is this?
TWIN PEAKS pilot (1990) x BLUE VELVET (1986)
The half-heart of Laura's necklace is strikingly shaped like an ear, making the scene where Kyle MacLachlan finds it evocative of a similar moment in BV. (Happy 37th to BLUE VELVET, btw! Released OTD in 1986...)
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Interestingly, as Jerry at Twin Peaks Archive has reported (http://twinpeaksarchive.blogspot.com/2011/05/revealed-prop-ear-from-blue-velvet-can.html…), the prop ear from BLUE VELVET can actually be seen in TP Ep2, at the center of the candle-circled mound of dirt in Cooper's dream, after a supposed last-minute decision by Lynch to include it.
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There's something else in TWIN PEAKS that also looks distinctly like an ear: the insignia on the jade-green ring from FWWM, which some believe looks, among other things, like an ear of corn (another key TP symbol).
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This is curious, because like the other two ear-like items in TWIN PEAKS identified here, it's first found on a circular mound of dirt. The striking similarities of these set-ups (seen below) draws a further connection between the items that would seem to support the intentionality behind their "ear"-likeness.
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In the case of the heart necklace, the half that Laura had (& that Coop finds) appears to be the equivalent of a left ear, like the one in BLUE VELVET. [In the pilot, it seems to be found face-down, like Laura's body. And James' half seems to be like a right ear, as seen below.]
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Now, why make a big deal out of the half-necklace found at Laura's murder site specifically being like a LEFT ear? I mean, it's not like arguably the most symbolically-laden, pivotal shots of the series center on a left ear... Right? Well, actually:
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I mean, the series ends on the image of something being whispered into a left ear, in its *very final* shot:
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For that matter, the very *first* image of a human we see in the series, back at the beginning of the pilot, is of what appears to be a left ear (and left hand), a mirror reflection of what is actually a right ear (and right hand... on a different note, ask yourself if that right hand pose somewhat reminds you of anything...).
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These bookended ear shots in TP also call to mind BLUE VELVET: while the "trouble" at that film's start is first revealed by Jeffrey's discovery of a LEFT ear (an "opening" that "goes right into the mind," as Lynch once put it), the film's happy ending starts with the camera coming out of a RIGHT ear:
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My previous two posts have touched on the role of sight in Lynch's symbolic themes; we're now on to the role of hearing, and I may return to it again...
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dearweirdme · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about something the last few days. I was watching BTS content:
the RUN episode where they have to name the celebrities from their pics
the video where jk is following Tae around the waiting room to take his pic
the video where Tae hugs Jk to ask for forgiveness because he gifted him the Tae fans
(I mention them just as an example) and couldn't help but notice HOW MANY people were there! Like, more than 20 staff, 4-5 cameras minimum and some of them IN their faces. I know that the members have grown up and got used to it by now, but really, how can we expect them to act all natural and behave like no one is watching? I am not saying they are fake, but come on, this is a tiny - posed part of who they really are. To be honest if I had a secret affair with someone I would barely interact with them in a situation like this. The slip ups we have all these years are a miracle imo.
Hi anon!
I do think it is important to think about what BTS's perspective on these situations is. We tend to use our own lives and ideas about 'normalcy' as a point of reference, but our lives are nothing like that of BTS. What's normal to them is outlandish to us. BTS have most likely actually trained for different types of social settings (mediatraining). They have trained how to behave and how to answer and interact. So part of what they do is learned behavior. The way they evade certain questions for example, as well as playing up some things (as a means to excite people) and playing down some things (emotions, opinions). Being BTS is their job. Entertaining us is their job, so a certain amount of exageration and toning down is to be expected. Whenever they are having an off day, they will try not to show that to the full extent.
However, within those boundaries.. they can still be themselves. It's just a different version of themselves adjusted to the specific social setting they are in. I see it more as not showing the extremities of their characters.
I actually feel that we see a lot of how they really are. I'm fully aware that there's a lot that we don't see and know, but to me their characters and honest interactions have always shone through. I think for me it's mostly that I feel they hide the specifics of their lives (factual stuff like relationships, friendships, events and outings, etc). I think the more subjective stuff (like emotions, reactions, interactions) is often very real.
The way BTS has made RUN, ITS, BV, and all sorts of interviews really to me shows how genuine they are amongst each other. Because they don't miss a beat while reacting to each other. I think that is also why so many of us see what's between Tae and Jk as real. They don't miss a beat during interactions. They might pull back and hesitate after processing something, but their initial responses to each other speak of huge intimacy. Tae and Jk did not have to hide that they are close. A lot of people around them have only ever known them to be close, even from before they presumably got together. So while performing, or taping footage, or getting ready they don't have to hide being close. They can still hug, they can still touch, they can still talk and joke and whatever. They can't kiss, or talk about their relationship, and there's possibly some other aspects of their relationship that they would have to tone down, but then again it's normal to do that while you're working anyways.
They have basically grown into adulthood with having a huge team around. They are able to sleep in a room full of people. They are at their most vulnarable (sleeping, undressed, emotional) in rooms full of people. When you go through that on an almost daily basis.. your perspective on situations like that changes.
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nemiepies · 7 months
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My nail mod is finally out!!!
Thank you to the lovely @breezypunk and @busyvampire for testing and taking pics I appreciate it so much ♥
New pose pack by @busyvampire as the cherry on top hehe ♥
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opercot · 8 months
HEYYYYYY, it's bening a long time, i know, but eh, i was dealing with a ton of university stuff, but don't worry, i was doing some stuff this october. There's a challenge in twitter, called Bonktober, that it's doing some builts in some specific themes for 31 days.
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I'm doing it, and in here i'm gonna show the first 10 days, i will do this every 10 days (forget that it's day 15 :v), well, Hope ya like it:
Also, as a bonus, did my sona in Halloween colors, and Pop Team Epic pose :v
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Well, let's start:
Day 1: Evil
In here, i recreated the scene where Karzahni confronts the Inika before becoming Toa, before they escape from the island
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Day 2: Creature
I made a cool creature reunion, with the lengedary Fikou, a Kinloka, and a Ice Vermin, hope ya like it
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Day 3: Mutation
In here, i depict Matau mid-transformation in the 2005 story-line (i know it happen in the cocoon, but let an Oper dream :,v)
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Day 4: Brother
Made two of my Toa from my original story (one day i will share it :,v) talk in a normal day. As all Toa, they are the best of brothers (Their names are Ku'draka y O'truca btw). Also: O'ruca = The earth Toa; Ku'draka = The fire Toa
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Day 5: Stone
Made an aproximate to the Miles and Peter meme, i thought it would be funny if those 2 interact in a point like that (Also, Onewa in the back :v) (Btw, the Inika are SOOOOOO BIG, LIKE, ALMOST A TORSO OF DIFFERENCE)
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Day 6: Defeat
Made the one scene i really like in the Mask of light, when Takanuva throws the Kolhii ball to Makuta Teridax
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Day 7: Army
I imagine that Nuparu needed to build at least some of the first batch of Vahki, so, i made him in the middle of building the last one of the first generation of the police robots
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Day 8: Leader
While Vakama talks with Tahu again, he gets a faint memory of a similar situation that he was in Tahu's position long time ago with one of his heroes
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Day 9: Team
I did in, this time, about my own team in my story that i'm making, they are the Toa Mortrax. They work for an unusual figure, the Makuta of their island. One day i will finish it, for the moment, hope ya like it. Also: Toa of Gravity (Purple)-Klatuu; Toa of Plasma (Light Orange)-Kata; Toa of Magnetism (Dark Gray)-Kiva; Toa of Jungle (Dark Green)-Gyabbu; Toa of Iron (Dark Orange)-Shaci; Toa of Sound (Light Gray)-Tuuñi.
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Day 10: Water
I made one of the first fights that you see in MNOG, that is the Tarakava vs Gali. My good friend @wammiearts help me out with some photoshop tricks. Hope you like it
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Well, for the moment, that's gonna be it, hope all of ya like it, and stay put, because in few days, i would put more in here. Have a nice week Bv
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sl-shopomania · 11 months
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Look #519
Mesh head | LeLUTKA - Avalon Head Skin | [Heaux] - Yumi - Porcelain (The Warehouse Sale jun 23 - jul 18) Hair | Nova - Whip
Bracelet | MICHAN - Sunny Bracelets NEW! Top | neve - top kiss (Tres Chic event jun 17 - jul 10) Skirt | OSMIA - Emory.Denim Midi Skirt Bag | LC> - BV MINI POUCH (Tres Chic event jun 17 - jul 10)
Pose & Pinwheel | :LW: Bento Poses - Blowing in the Wind (pose edited) (Tres Chic event jun 17 - jul 10)
Backdrop | VISERA Store - BACKDROP The Sweet Street (Tres Chic event jun 17 - jul 10)
Bus | Olympus Motors - Flower Bus (Tres Chic event jun 17 - jul 10)
I hope you like it!
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do you have a favorite picture of jungkook? if so I'd love to see it
Oh my god, I love this question so much but I literally do not have a favorite Jungkook pic. I'm sorry, but I can't even think of a single Jungkook pic right now lmao. I'm a terrible Jungkook biased Army. I mean I don't pay much attention to their photoshoots.
Okay, so, I like Jungkook's CK photoshoot, particularly the photo of him smiling wearing his white tee (or is that just in the video?) or the one of him in his denim jacket with a hand to his face; I like that pic of him in his brother's house lying on the floor playing with their dogs; I like Jungkook's last airport pic with Jimin; I love pics where he looks real pretty and ethereal too; I love Jungkook's first Muster Sowoozoo look so any pic of day 1 is good. I love barefaced Jungkook the most, so I probably like screenshots fans take of his lives the most. There are also a lot of airport looks I like.
I don't know... he has way too many cool pics, but I think he looks best when he's not posing for the camera. Candid, barefaced pics are probably the best to me. I can't find the exact picture I want, but it's similar to this one, I also loved this MAMA 2018 look (again, not the picture I wanted...). Wow, it's actually so hard to find decent photos of JK lmao. He has too many and Hybe probably makes it harder to find them without combing through Twitter and Tumblr... Oh well, sorry...
Do you have a favorite Jungkook pic? I can't believe I couldn't find one. That reminds me there's a sunset pic of Jungkook in BV 3 that is sooo pretty. I love cherry Koo (though he looked blond here). It's a pic of this scene.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! I feel so frustrated right now lmao. I really wanted to find the perfect pic!!
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watchmenanon · 1 year
The scene may be intended to force the viewer to engage in a particular way, which I think is posed by the film as an open ended question: are we forced to “make sense” of what is truly happening in that scene by connecting dots and making inferences? Are we being forced to envision and extrapolate and think beyond more than what is shown on screen?
BvS forces us to process the ‘Martha’ event by extrapolating context in order to “make sense” of what has happened in the scene, and by so doing we are challenged and pushed to shift outside standard, traditional Hollywood cinematic narrative which is to simply to sit back and passively receive/accept information.
The film invites to consider a very distinct possibility that use of the name “Martha” was in fact not random. Rather, could it be that “Martha” is uttered intentionally by Clark precisely in order to elicit the psychological breakthrough in Bruce that we see it have? 
For this to make sense we must surmise the following, none of which is directly shown in the film: 1) Daily Planet reporter Clark has researched Bruce Wayne by then, and knows that their mothers share the same first name, and 2) Clark grasps that it was traumatic for Bruce to witness his parents being killed during childhood. And he realizes the destructive effect that trauma has had on Bruce over the years.
But BvS places superheroes in our real, actual world. And in the real world, the truth of many if not most relatively complex situations is not at all easy to detect on the surface level. I would argue that in fact usually it is just the opposite.
And in a sense this is the core problem at the heart of postmodernity. There are always deeper layers of meaning and truth waiting to be uncovered. In real life we are required (more often than not) to creatively and intuitively ‘connect the dots’, infer, and surmise in order to grasp deeper levels of reality. The deeper “truth” often isn’t conveniently sitting on the surface of our perception like low hanging fruit. We have to work to think beyond the immediate situation to understand the deeper reality, which often isn’t obvious at all. And we certainly cannot trust for the deeper reality to arbitrarily be handed down to us by the powers-that-be! The postmodern worldview demands that you must question what you are arbitrarily told by society is “truth” or “reality.” Here that social ‘authority’ is the conventional narrative style of Hollywood cinema that fills the empty vessel of the viewer’s brain with information as the viewer sits back and is ‘told’ through standard conventions what the story is. 
The fact that the Martha scene does not do that, as we have noted, is reflected through overtones of the noir genre in which the film’s plot isn’t ever satisfactorily resolved, there is no happy ending, no inherent fairness to life, individuals are ultimately helpless against larger social forces, and there is no absolute truth that is easy to understand. And the world remains an ever confusing and undependable place. With the Martha scene the film’s narrative, the dialogue, etc., aren’t what you depend upon to “get” what the film is actually trying to say.
As Bruce says to a battered, beaten Clark, “My parents taught me a different lesson… The world only makes sense if you force it to.” And in the pivotal scene of the film, we are literally forced to make sense of what is happening. Our sense of uncritical, passive reception as viewers is as as heavily brutalized by the movie as Superman is by Batman in their fight. The film demands that we engage with it by using our critical faculties and as active participants. And we are encouraged to think creatively and independently.  
Obsessed with this article and with the lines above it because they are so true and I never could've explained it better. BvS obliges the audience to think, to connect the dots of Bruce having C-PTSD for the death of his parents (and his adoptive son) and being descending more and more and becoming something he doesn't really want to and Clark being a reporter who was researching and investigating Gotham, ofc he'd google the billionaire who called Superman "a clown", ofc he'd know that the death of his parents was a soft spot for Bruce, ofc he'd know that Bruce was allowing Lex's men to kill another mother, another Martha.
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immortalnetizen · 1 year
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“Do you know what the oldest lie in America is Senator - 
- it’s that Power can be innocent.”
One of the core themes of Snyder’s BvS is that of power. Superman’s arrival to Earth upset the traditional power hierarchy of human society, one that is ruled by the intellectual, the wealthy elite and the established government as represented in the film by Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne and Senator Finch respectively. All three represent the natural pillars of authority as well as how said power dynamics are naturally abused.
The U.S. government frequently intervenes in the affairs of sovereign nations under the pretext of spreading its democratic and liberal values as seen in the film’s beginning with the CIA and the military attempting a drone strike on a foreign terrorist despite risking the life of an unsuspecting U.S. journalist.
Billionaire Bruce Wayne similarly uses his immense wealth and influence to maintain a personal armory which he uses to combat crime extra-judiciously, enforcing his subjective sense of justice or morality upon relatively poor and underprivileged communities while neglecting more proactive ways in which he could utilize his wealth to aid the needy.
Lex on the other hand uses his intellect and cleverness to manipulate others perceivably less intelligent than himself for his own malicious and egotistical self ends.
All three understand more than anyone how those with power use it to enforce their will upon the weak which is why they more than anyone else better understand the threat that Superman and his unmatched power poses on the natural world order. But unlike the government or Batman who hypocritically rely on the pretext of enforcing democracy and justice to justify their use of power upon those who can’t defend themselves, Lex Luthor is the only one willing to admit that power is its own self ends and that the strong will do as the please and that the weak will suffer what they must.
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blueheavensims · 21 days
Upcoming events at Sims 2 Shenanigans!
Saturday, June 1st at 13:00 (GMT -6)- Think Inside the Box! (Redux) Host: Ocelotekatl  Topic: Creating accessory boxes & accessories Tools needed: SimPE Approximate time: 1.5 hours Suggested for: Beginning to intermediate creators. A start-to-finish workshop about converting Body Shop accessories so that they can be used in an accessory box. This is an encore performance one of my previous workshops. Saturday, June 8th at 13:00 (GMT -6)- Jewel Intentions! Host: Ocelotekatl  Topic: Converting Body Shop accessories to BV jewelry Tools needed: SimPE Approximate time: 1 hour Suggested for: Beginning to intermediate creators. A short workshop about converting CAS accessories to BV Jewelry.
Saturday, June 22nd at 13:00 (GMT -6)- Hold That Pose! (Redux) Host: Ocelotekatl  Topic: Posing tips & tricks Tools needed: None! Approximate time: 1 hour Suggested for: Beginners. Everyone is welcome! A redux of Hold That Pose!, a super casual Tips & Tricks-type workshop about basic posing To RSVP or check your local time, check the event thingy at the top of the Discord.
If you haven’t joined yet, why aren’t you a member of the most amazing creator’s Discord ever? To join, click here: https://discord.gg/tkNzjgsSTS
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marastriker · 1 year
for those headcannon asks gimme anything u got for wrench <3
they call me wranch cause I be dressin'
okay my headcanons might not super align with everyone else's on her...But hey that's okay, unique perspectives right? 😅
She is very dedicated to her work - being a repair truck and a medical professional is something she has poured her whole life into and it is so genuinely rewarding for her to be able to utilize those skills on Elec/ktra - an engine that she's raised since birth. She is the mother figure that he never had as a professional Racer who didn't have a normal childhood like your average rolling stock.
While she is deeply caring and loving, she is also fiercely protective. Anyone that poses a threat to Elec/ktra is an enemy to her. She does NOT care for Greaseball, CB, or BV in the slightest. Rusty she was initially very wary about, but realized very quickly that he means no harm. (She's very perceptive about others' intentions.)
Romantic relationships are just not a viable thing for her. She is very asexual and aromantic and does not believe that she will derive any enjoyment from a relationship with anyone outside Elec/ktra and the other components - not that she is actively in a relationship with them either, but she finds it a thousand times easier to be affectionate with them being on the same frequency/mind-link.
She has seen death. Not like. The Grim Reaper death, but she has seen patients pain and suffering and sometimes their end. It reminds her that there is an end for all of us eventually and it keeps her grounded to reality and very level headed. She can come off as cold and blunt due to this, but her bedside manner does not suffer as a result.
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partnersatfazbear · 1 year
Thinking about Midnight Motorist again?
Ah, John’s post got me thinking... https://twitter.com/JohnAndrewYT/status/1625039396251508739?s=20&t=dnyVnduqcUVp3RS7aa22HA
He is gonna do a video soon, so please go watch it. His theories are like my last thread keeping me interested in the franchise’s discussion honestly--because he presents new takes or new evidence to support old takes.
My wife @katvara has always been adamant that Orange Guy / Mustard Man is Henry... and I’m starting to be on board with that theory.
The game does indeed take place “later that night” after Charlie’s murder. However, I always wondered where the flying fuck was Henry when his daughter was left “alone” at the pizzeria to die? Sure, the Security Puppet was watching the children, the staff was probably not giving two shits but supposed to be watching the children...
But if we play as Henry, perhaps something upset him. Maybe his wife was thinking of leaving him? (Or perhaps, any friendship with William was starting to unravel). So, he goes to get drunk, cuz why not? Drives home.
We see maybe a very annoyed Mrs. Emily. The girl’s room is empty because Charlotte is at the pizzeria. God damn I’m rusty getting FNAF 4 confused with MM. I’m tired, yall. Don’t write theories past midnight! [A lot of people suspect this is the same house in FNAF 4 but never bring up the girl’s room anyway... Heck, if the paralells are to be believed in FF books, Elizabeth got sent away / ran away from home...] But STILL, I think it would be interesting to consider. (Yeah, I know this seems odd; why wouldn’t anyone be asking about her? But I’ll pose this stretch nonetheless. You COULD argue Henry just found out she was murdered a few hours prior--this explains how the other child (who I’m positing as Sammy) is “having a bad night” and the wife seems nonchalant because she’s in shock.
Sammy probably loved to run off to the restaraunt as much as any kid whose dad worked at the pizzeria would. This would explain why the child wants to go (as one thing with BV is that he is scared of the animatronics always bothered me; he has no reason to want to run off, except from an abusive father).
Yeah, we have to use Novel Trilogy lore, I’m sorry. And yeah, it differs from the book a bit, even.
But whose to say William, with either the Glitchtrap suit (the rain and the Springlocks still bothers me) lead Sammy away? Sammy would be familiar with Spring Bonnie (or Glitchtrap--I’m adamant this is an old suit William made as a prototype at one point) and probably go pretty willingly.
Anyway, my point is... In the novels, the wife takes Sammy and leaves (presumably). But in the games, maybe she didn’t get the chance. Maybe William killed Sammy, too. I can see people not harping on Henry for bringing him up later in 6 if this was the case--perhaps they weren’t as close for some reason. There really isn’t that good of an explanation except that Charlotte was murdered first and therefore hurt a little more. Can you imagine finding out your daughter died, probably getting grilled in a police station for hours, only to go home and have to face your family that was already falling apart? :o (And I believe I said in my original post how I couldn’t believe Henry would be... well, as angry as Mustard Man, but... Well, he is far from the saint we all make him out to be! I didn’t really realize that, then... Also, someone who grew up with an alcoholic father and has seen their best friend’s life fucked up by an alcoholic stepfather... yeah, they can be nasty people when they drink.)
Lastly, I think it makes Henry’s appearance in FNAF 6 more striking as it would be foreshadowed here.
View my original thoughts on MM I’ve completely forgotten about, here:
IDK, I can see how there’s a lot of stretches in this theory, but I still think it could work. Thoughts?
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