#Bagginshield Week 2023
bagginshieldweek24 · 1 year
Bagginshield Week is fast approaching!
We’re less than a week away from the beginning of Bagginshield Week 2023, keep reading to find out everything you may need to know and remember!
All kinds of platonic, romantic and sexual relationships between Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield are welcomed, included open relationships, so long as they are the focus. Likewise, all canons and headcanons are accepted!
All mediums are allowed, included mixed media, and there is no official minimum that your work must fill! Also, all ratings and warnings and such are accepted, so long as you tag accordingly!
Two prompts are given for each day of the event as well as two alternate prompt lists, and you can use as many of them, combine any of them as you wish, I only ask that you mention which ones you’re using in any specific work. You can also make as many works as you want/can.
You can post in any platform, but as the event mod, I will only be able to work with Tumblr and Archive of Our Own: for Tumblr you can make a post containing your work or a link to it, and you have to tag your posts #thilboweek23 so that I can find them more easily; for AO3, you can find the collection here https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bagginshield_week_23
You can post your works from June 4th to June 12th (the official event dates are June 4th to June 10th, plus two extra days).
The prompts are: Fairytale AU and Domestic for Day 1; Bilbo in Erebor and Piercings & Tattoos for Day 2; Pride & Prejudice AU and Blade/Sword for Day 3; Nautical/Pirate AU and The Moon/The Sun for Day 4; Ghibli AU and Hobbit Culture for Day 5; Erebor Never Fell and Flowers/Flower Language for Day 6; Everybody Live/Nobody Dies and Haunted House/Castle/Palace for Day 7.
The prompts for the Whump Alternate List are: Believed to be Dead; Nightmares/Hallucinations; Silence; Left Behind; Hidden Injury.
The prompts for the Regular Alternate List are: Courtship; Secret Relationship; Thorin is an Errant Smith; Meeting the Family; Enchantments/Spells.
If you need more specific information look here: https://www.tumblr.com/bagginshieldweek23/710619673617629184/bagginshield-week-2023-guideline-dates-prompts?source=share
Now, as for posting in Archive of Our Own, a word or two:
If you already have works ready and want to leave them to cool in drafts, ready to be posted on the day, for the moment, a friendly reminder to reset the date of it once said day comes! Otherwise it will be posted considering the date in which it was uploaded and will appear along with those stories, and might lose momentum, sort of speak. You can readjust the date of publication in the Associations section when you’re uploading/editing your work:
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On the other hand, with the rise of AIs and, more importantly, with the “threat”, for lack of a better word, of your work being used by third parties through them, AO3 has given the general advice to private works, that is to make them accessible only to other signed users. If you wish to do so I have no issue, and you can set it up in the Privacy section in the uploading/editing page:
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For those posting in other platforms, I can only ask you to tag accordingly, and to either make a promo post on Tumblr, or send me any links you wish to share through asks, and if you don’t use Tumblr but an acquaintance of yours does, they can send it in instead. As you may see if you’ve read the previous event post, I didn’t set up an email address nor a Discord server; I have my reasons for that, but hopefully this should be solve by the next event.
Other than that, I can only say that I cannot wait to see what any of you make, and to wish you best of lucks, Company!
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mordellestories · 1 year
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conkers-thecosy · 11 months
Gosh, I'm wiped out! I didn't get any writing done yesterday in the end, and I'm not really sure how much I'll manage tonight either. I'm suddenly exhausted, so I guess we'll see! Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner and a comedy show in the evening, and Thursday I have my covid booster after work, so I'll probably feel like dog egg after that 😅
I think it's safe to say there won't be an update of BTTW this week, but I reckon if I knuckle down at the weekend I could get the majority of the Bagginshield-tober prompts complete and lined up for posting. Once that's done I can re-focus on BTTW fully and get back to more regular updates!
I've also decided to duck out of NaNoWriMo next month. I think it'll just stress me, so I'm going to crack on the best way I know how, and leave it at that.
...I'm only 30k words away from my 2023 target though, so that's exciting!!
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morningnoodles · 10 months
i can't find it right now but i saw a post a few moons ago that was basically like, "the biggest thing you can do to improve your art is to make whatever you're interested in right now" and listen. LISTEN.
i get it. truly i get it. before this year, i rarely draw boys. least of all older men. i was one of those kids who drew girls and fairies and princesses and just stuck with that for most of my artist journey.
and then- april 2023.
amidst one of the longest creative block i've had in my adult years, i got really into lotr and the hobbit. i constantly had (and still have!) this need to draw the characters, especially bagginshield. and so obviously i followed that need.
i mean, if your brain that's been on block for more than a year suddenly goes, "omg i want to draw them i want to draw them i want to draw them", there is no other correct response but "okay let's draw them!" and the results were absolutely horrendous. over time i do see some improvement. just looking at the art i thought good enough to post back in april and my recent ones, i can see i've improved plenty in quite a short time. i even finally worked out a process in my digital art that i feel happy with!
but to me that was never the point.
i don't think i will ever share the sketches i did on those first few weeks and months. still, i look at pages upon pages of completely messy blobby sketches with great fondness, not because of how much i improved since then but because i remember how much fun i had doing them.
so yes, make art that you love and you'll very likely see improvements. but also making what you love is reason enough to make them.
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lucigoo · 9 months
Weekly Roundup: 24/12/2023 - 31st/12/2024
First of all HAPPY NEW YEAT EVERYONE! No matter what it looks like I hope its a good one for you. Now to the round up, I wrote one fic this week (for some reason it was a slog and a half) and 16,212 words so feeling quite proud. Recs first and my fics after, I have to warnn you all, I've got a few new rabbit holes ive decended so there may be Alexa woods/Scar from Alien vs Prefitor and Boromir/Theodred recs in the future whn I-ve read enough. As if i needed new brain bugs lol. So 1) A Complaint A Day... - birdkeeperklink (speculating) (Bilbo/Thorin, the Company's care and worry for Bilbo is adorable 2)Of Blacksmiths and Blackberries - littlebrownshoe (Wolfy_Tales) (Bilbo/Thorin, this is legit one of my fav Bagginshield fics ever) 3) A Month in the Life of Sad Spinster Sirius Black: In Which He Unwittingly Stars in a Sexy Mechanic Soft Porno (except, not really) - cmajalis, dustmouth, epithalamium, nerakrose, rscollabmods - (Sirius/Remus, a lovely comic worth reading) 4) Finders, Keepers - varsavia (Sirius/Remus raising little queer Oliver wood, just so good)
So, the fic i wrote this week Dragon Rot - Lucigoo89 _ Bilbo/Thorin, part of @smolestboop's Bagginshield-tober promps (Im fially getting through them lol)
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tickles-ivory · 1 year
"A Hobbit in the Woods:  A Retelling of the Brothers Grimm 'Little Red Riding Hood'
by Ticklesivory (dedicated to @shantismurf)
Rated: T for violence
For Bagginshield Week 2023
A short little Bagginshield fairytale inspired by this Tumblr post:  (2) Ticklesivory on Tumblr  
Happy Bagginshield Week everyone! 
Once upon a time in a small village that lay just outside of a dark forest lived a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins.  He was a kind hobbit who lived alone and kept to himself.  He enjoyed cooking and would often take food to his friends and neighbors whenever one of them had taken ill.
One of his oldest friends, who had been a close friend of his grandfather’s, was known throughout the village as Gandalf the Gray because he wore a gray cloak and hat.  After his grandfather’s and parents’ deaths, Bilbo took it upon himself to visit the old man regularly.  He would often take him food and drink, and ease his own conscience by checking on the old man’s health.    
At least once a month, Gandalf would ride in his small carriage which was drawn by a sorrel pony with a blonde mane to the village to visit Bilbo as well.  When the old man’s visit was delayed, Bilbo sent a messenger to Gandalf’s cottage that had been built in the middle of the forest. 
The messenger brought back word that Gandalf was suffering from a bad cold and was confined to his bed.  Immediately, Bilbo began gathering items to take to his oldest friend.  Before he left, the messenger tried to warn him.
“Do be careful, Mister Baggins,” his neighbor, Mister Gamgee said.  “I met a woodsman along the way, and he told me there were wolves in the area.  One is particularly large.  It is the white wolf that was attacking Farmer Maggot’s sheep last winter.”
Bilbo continued to gather supplies and poured a pot of chicken broth into a small crock to take with him as well as several biscuits and a jar of blueberry jam he had put up last summer. 
Gandalf may be known for his gray cloak, but in the village of hobbits, Bilbo was known for his dark red jacket.  He wore it often and there were those who called him The Hobbit in Red, though not to his face. 
On his way out his door, he donned his red jacket and grabbed his favorite walking stick.  He promised Mister Gamgee he would stay on the path through the forest which was traveled often by hunters and woodcutters and was considered the safest route to Gandalf’s.  He thanked the messenger for his service and paid him the agreed wage, waved goodbye, and set off down the road. 
The woodland realm beyond his village was dense with foliage that blocked out the sun.  The ground was covered in shadow and occasionally, Bilbo would hear the trill of a bird or the cry of a rabbit.  What he was listening for was a deep growl, heavy paws breaking sticks, or even a glimpse of white fur.
An hour into his journey, not having seen anything to be alarmed about, Bilbo relaxed and began to enjoy his surroundings, only to be suddenly so badly frightened that he nearly spilled his basket. 
“Forgive me.  I didn’t mean to startle you.”  A deep voice told him that was coming from a very handsome stranger who stepped out from the heavy brush.  “I am Thorin Durin, a woodcutter by trade.  I don’t believe it is safe for someone of your station to be walking through this forest alone.”
Bilbo took offense.  He was a full-grown hobbit and could take care of himself, thank you very much!
“I will be all right, but thank you for your concern.”
The dark-bearded axe-wielder stepped onto the path right in front of Bilbo and gazed down his sharp nose at the traveler.  He was slightly taller than the hobbit, a dwarf, Bilbo believed based on the size of his hands and feet, but he wasn’t about to be bullied by him!
“You’re not even carrying a weapon,” the woodcutter told him with a smirk that Bilbo found to be surprisingly attractive, as was the clothing he wore – which consisted of coarse dark tweed and leather.  Not at all to Bilbo’s taste, but they looked remarkably well on the muscular dwarf. 
In Thorin’s hand was a long-handled axe he no doubt used to chop down the trees required to sustain his livelihood.  Bilbo gripped his tall, thin stick a bit more tightly.
“I’m quite capable of taking care of myself,” he informed the dwarf proudly.  “And I have no intention of straying from the path.  I won’t be fooled by the wit of any wolf, white or not.”
The dwarf gazed at him with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes Bilbo had ever seen.  “The pale wolf travels on and off the path where he wills, and he disguises his appearance.  Sometimes he’s a wolf, sometimes an elf or an owl.  Be careful who you talk with in these woods and the things you say.”
Bilbo nervously shuffled his feet.  He usually wasn’t shy around people, but he found the dwarf incredibly attractive and was considering asking if he would escort him to Gandalf’s cottage.
As if reading Bilbo’s thoughts, the woodcutter smiled and stepped forward, eyeing Bilbo up and down before gazing into his basket of goods. 
“What’s in your basket?”
“Just a few things I’m taking to a friend,” the friendly hobbit replied.  “To Gandalf the Gray.  Perhaps you know him?  He lives beyond the north meadow in a brown cottage overlooking the Long River.  He’s taken ill I’m afraid and needs some looking after.”
Thorin’s dark brows furrowed.  “How do you know I’m not the white wolf in disguise?  You’ve just told me everything I need to know to set a trap not only for you but your friend as well.”
Bilbo lost his smile and shut his mouth.  He had no doubt that Thorin was just a woodcutter, but he needed to be more careful.
“I just know, but I will be more careful from now on.  I promise.”
“Good,” the dwarf said.  “I would hate to discover you were dead.  Not before I get to know you a little better.”  The smirk had returned which made Bilbo blush hot beneath the collar of his red jacket.
“Thank you for your concern.  Perhaps we shall meet again.”
“Perhaps so, Master Baggins.  Be careful and do not speak with any more strangers.”
Bilbo nodded and watched as the woodsman disappeared into the shadows created by the dense canopy of the forest. 
He continued on his way with a bit of a skip to his step as he recalled how the dwarf’s eyes shimmered and how big his muscles were, and the thoughts reddened Bilbo’s cheeks. 
Some time later he came to a game trail crossing the path and watched with delight as a few small brown rabbits scurried across it.  They were saying in their tiny, nervous voices, “Do not step on us!” as they hopped away and soon disappeared.
Bilbo didn’t always encounter animals within the forest, but it always surprised him just a little when he heard them speak.  For you see, the forest outside of his village was not only dangerous but enchanted.  Almost all of the creatures that lived inside of it had the ability to communicate with others.  Some Bilbo found quite entertaining and witty, while others were slow-witted and not very intelligent.  Much like the hobbits in his own community, he thought to himself with a chuckle. 
Along the way, he watched a turtle move slowly beside the path who greeted him with a ‘good morning,’ in its slow tortoise drawl.  At a turn, he spotted an owl in a tree.  Bilbo said good day to the bird, though it did not look very pleased to have its rest disturbed.  As a whole, Bilbo found owls believed themselves to be a bit superior and above the concerns of, well – everyone else. 
Bilbo continued on, his feet never straying, his eyes carefully taking in everything he could see.  At this point, he was halfway through his journey, and he stopped to drink from a stream running nearby and to take a nibble or two from one of the seed cakes he was taking to his friend.
As he lifted his head and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he saw movement in the trees on the other side of the water.  Much to his surprise, a beautiful white stag stepped into view.  Its striking, icy-blue eyes viewed Bilbo cautiously before it stepped into the water and crossed the stream.  Bilbo stepped back to allow the animal room to move onto the bank and to stay clear of its broad set of antlers. 
“Good day,” he announced to the animal who lifted its head to gaze down at the hobbit.  “You are the prince of the forest, are you not?”
“That I am,” the large animal told him with smooth and deep vocalizations.  “Are you alone in these woods?  It is not advised for someone so small in stature.”
Bilbo tried not to take offense to that statement.  He knew how tall he was and that this creature towered over him!
“I’m not long on this journey,” he exclaimed.  “In fact, I’m headed straight to my friend’s home in the woods.  I’m nearly halfway there and should be able to make it back home by nightfall.  If not, then I shall spend the night there.”
The stag’s eyes widened as he tilted his head.  “Perhaps you should keep your business to yourself, Master Hobbit.  There are those that walk within these woods that would take advantage of such a helpless creature as yourself.”
Helpless!  That was the second time today someone had questioned his abilities! 
“I’m not afraid to walk through these woods,” he stated firmly while standing up tall and straight. “I’ve done it many times in the past and have never required bow, axe, or sword.”
The creature didn’t look that impressed.  “I am sorry to hear about your friend.  There a great many things that may happen to those who choose to live here and who do not belong.” 
What was that supposed to mean?  “Well, Gandalf has lived here for many years, and he does just fine.  It’s just a trifling cold he’s picked up.  You know, with that last late snowy spell we had, I know many a hobbit who are suffering from the same thing.  I do what I can to help since I never seem to catch anything.”
“That is good to hear,” the mighty stag told him.  “I will leave it to you then Master Hobbit.  Be safe on your journey.”
Bilbo watched with some fascination as the powerful muscles of the beast carried him upriver and out of the hobbit’s sight.  He just then noticed that to get a drink from the stream, he had strayed from the path.  It wasn’t the first time, however.  He had often stopped to get a drink here.  He found the water to be cool and refreshing.  No harm had ever come from it.
The path wasn’t very far away, and soon, Bilbo’s feet were back upon it.  A narrow gap in the canopy above him allowed a stream of sunlight to peer through and Bilbo glanced up to allow the warmth to shine down upon his face.  That was when he heard the snap of a twig on his left and he spun around, holding his walking stick out to protect himself if it was required.  He was relieved to find it was only the woodcutter again, the sight of which brought a smile to the hobbit’s face.
“Are you following me?” Bilbo said, half-jokingly.
“No.  Why would I do that?”
The words Thorin had said didn’t quite match the dwarf’s expression.  Embarrassment was evident on his handsome face and Bilbo found it to be quite charming. 
“I’m on my way to work in the clearing which I believe is just west of your destination.  If you wouldn’t mind, I could walk with you for a while.”
The invitation was well received and increased Bilbo’s smile.  “Of course, I wouldn’t mind.”
“You’re making good time,” Thorin noted after a moment.  “You should reach your friend before noon I should think.” 
“Yes, I’ve been lucky on this journey,” Bilbo told him.  “There have been times when I’ve twisted an ankle or the weather changed so quickly I had to turn back.  Today is a beautiful day, don’t you think?”
The woodcutter only grunted in reply and kept his eyes on the road.  “You’re from the village of hobbits, are you not?” 
“I am,” Bilbo answered, his brow lifting curiously. 
“And is that where…I mean…do you live alone?”
Bilbo smiled shyly at Thorin’s question, though not nearly as hesitantly as his new friend.  For someone so obviously strong and fierce, finding Thorin was a bit bashful wasn’t only surprising but endearing, and it caused his heart to flutter. 
“I do live alone, although just recently.  My parents passed a couple of years ago and left the property to me.  Do you live close by?”
“Not exactly,” Thorin explained.  “I’m from the dwarven realm of Erebor at the foot of the Lonely Mountain some ways from here.  I come here during the spring and summer to find work.”
“Ah, I see,” Bilbo exclaimed, trying to recall the distance from his village to the mountain.  If he was assuming correctly, it was just a few hours’ journey by carriage.  An easy trip he just might have to take in the near future. 
“If I were to say…wish to come visit you at your home…Maybe I could provide you with some firewood or perhaps we could…”
“Share a meal or enjoy a cup of tea over delightful conversation?”  Bilbo suggested trying to be as helpful as he could be and ease some of the dwarf’s discomfort.
“Aye,” Thorin responded with yet another pink blush on his face. 
“I’d like that.  Really, I would,” Bilbo answered back, while secretly observing the small smile that spread the woodsman’s mouth. 
“Good,” Thorin replied.  “For now, I will leave you to your walk.  I should return to work.”
“It was a pleasure talking to you, Thorin,” Bilbo told him as he began to walk away. 
“We shall speak again soon, Bilbo,” the woodcutter said in a way that caused a wave of delight to sweep across the hobbit’s skin.
“That we will,” he whispered as a promise to himself just before continuing along the path. 
Following another two hours, the road curved and opened into a small field, wherein sat a small stone cottage with smoke coming from its chimney.  He had made it to Gandalf’s house and Bilbo hurried down the path to come to the wooden fence and the sturdy gate before it.
It was unusual to find the gate ajar, he thought before brushing any worry aside.  Gandalf was ill and he probably didn’t have the energy to secure his property, Bilbo decided, only to become even more concerned when he found the carved wooden door on the front of the cottage wasn’t latched either.
He stepped slowly inside, pushing the door back on its hinges, and called out.
“Gandalf?  Are you here?  It’s me, Bilbo Baggins!  I’ve brought you some goodies from home that will hopefully make you feel better!”  He waited for a moment and listened carefully, unable to hear a reply.  “Gandalf?”  Bilbo called out once more before stepping further in and shutting the door behind him. 
The cottage had four rooms, and the one directly opposite him was the main bedroom.  Bilbo had been inside the home plenty of times and he didn’t think Gandalf would consider this an intrusion, so he continued on and pushed back the curtain divider. 
There, on the four-poster bed beneath piles of handsewn quilts, he saw a form, and Bilbo sighed in relief.  But then he noticed it wasn’t moving and hurried over to make sure his friend was actually all right.
Gandalf looked a little more pale than usual upon first notice, but he was breathing, which settled Bilbo’s nerves.
“Gandalf?”  Bilbo repeated the name softly, trying to rouse his friend to make him aware of his presence without frightening him.
The old man’s blue eyes shuttered open and his smile became broad.  “My dear fellow,” he said with a rasp that sent him into a coughing fit.  Bilbo immediately grabbed a pitcher and filled a glass on the bedside table to offer the man a drink.
Gandalf took a few sips and then waved the offer away.  “Thank you,” he said.  “What have you brought me?  Is that broth I smell? And perhaps some of your delicious biscuits?” 
Bilbo had never been an overly cautious hobbit.  He was trusting to a fault.  In the past, that had led him into a variety of dangerous circumstances.  He was trying to learn, and the woodcutter’s warnings replayed in his mind. 
How could Gandalf smell the broth he had brought if he was suffering from a cold, which should make that feat entirely impossible! 
“Ah yes,” Bilbo replied, trying not to gather suspicion.  “I brought some broth, a little wine, as well as some biscuits and jam.  I sent Mrs. Hardfoot earlier this morning to check on you after you hadn’t shown up for a few days.  I was worried about you.   Did you find her company soothing?”
The ill man eyed him and the smile that followed was unusually forced.  “Oh, yes.  Mrs. Hardfoot is a delightful woman.  So full of cheer and such good company.”
“Well, that would be quite miraculous,” Bilbo replied, just before he took a step backward.  “Seeing that she died two winters ago.”
Gandalf’s blue gaze narrowed, and his typical pleasing smile turned malicious. 
“You should’ve listened to the woodcutter,” he said in a voice that didn’t belong to him.  “Even I, myself, tried to warn you of the dangers of the forest, but you hobbits think you’re so smart and cunning.  We see who the most cunning is now, don’t we?”
Bilbo recognized that deep voice and watched with some stunned fascination as the man upon the bed transformed into a large, white wolf. 
“Azog,” Bilbo uttered, fear causing his voice to tremble.  It was the one he had been warned about time and time again – the shape-shifter, the enchanted creature who could change from any creature he desired.  “You were the white stag!  Where is my friend Gandalf?”
“I have placed him in safekeeping for now until I am ready for him.  He is old and will be tough to chew, while you, on the other hand, are far more delectable.  Young and plump.  I shall enjoy this very much.”
With those words, the wolf leaped up from the bed to attack Bilbo, but the hobbit moved out of the way quickly, causing the wolf to stumble and crash into the armoire.  The door burst open and Gandalf, bound from head to toe, bruised and battered, tumbled out onto the floor. 
The white beast slashed its giant claws in Bilbo’s direction and he had been too concerned about Gandalf to move out of the way fast enough.  The claws stripped through his dark red jacket and pierced his skin, creating bloody marks across his back.  He cried out in pain as well as terror and hurriedly glanced around the room for some type of weapon.  Nearby, he had laid his walking stick and he grabbed it, swung it as fiercely as he could toward Azog. It came in contact with the beast’s nose. 
The impact didn’t even cause the wolf to blink, and he dropped down on all four paws to stare at Bilbo with a deadly and hungry gaze, saliva dripping from his razor-sharp teeth.  Bilbo backed away until he bumped into a table, on which was a kerosene lamp. 
Just as the wolf pounced, Bilbo  broke the lamp, grabbed the largest shard, and plunged it into the beast’s throat.  The wolf howled in pain but wasn’t the least deterred, knocking Bilbo down onto the floor, to hover over him.  Now, not only was the wolf’s spittle dripping down onto Bilbo, but its blood as well. 
“I’m going to enjoy every last bite of you,” the creature hissed before opening its mighty jaws. 
Bilbo slammed his eyes closed.  If this is the way he was going to die, he really didn’t want to watch it happen.  He waited for the excruciating pain, but it didn’t come.  After a silent moment, he glanced up to find the wolf’s mouth was indeed open, but out of it came only a small squeak. 
Before Bilbo realized what was happening, the wolf was knocked off him and it slid across the floor. 
Bilbo sat up, his heart pounding, his eyes wide with fear, and yet there was hope.  It had come in the form of a handsome woodcutter who was wielding his axe.  The blade of the weapon was now covered in the animal’s blood, which was streaming from the wolf’s side.  The beast cowered in the corner, hissing and growling at Thorin, who seemed entirely focused on nothing but him.
The hobbit watched in growing alarm as the woodcutter approached Azog, embedded his axe into him not once or twice, but three times.  When he was finished, the wolf lay very still and Bilbo closed his eyes to block out the sight.  Regardless of its attack on him and his friend, he didn’t enjoy witnessing violence against any creature for any reason.   
Suddenly, there were gentle hands cradling his scalp. 
“Master Hobbit.  Bilbo.  Are you all right?”
That was Thorin’s voice and Bilbo forced his eyes open, doing his best to avoid looking at anything but the tender and concerned gaze searching his own.
“I’ve got some scratches on my back, but I’ll live.” 
“Come,” Thorin said, gingerly assisting Bilbo to his feet.  “Let’s leave the creature behind for a moment and help your friend.”
The two of them freed Gandalf and entered the common area where Thorin immediately insisted that Bilbo remove his jacket and shirt. 
With a solid red blush, the hobbit complied, hissing in pain to discover the blood-soaked material was sticking to his skin.
“There is some salve in the corner cupboard,” Gandalf told Thorin from a chair he had sat down heavily on, his breathing raspy, his voice hoarse.
Thorin retrieved the ointment and applied a generous amount to Bilbo’s injuries.  For such a strong dwarf with incredibly thick fingers, his touch was surprisingly gentle, the hobbit thought.
“I’m afraid your lovely red coat is ruined, as is this shirt,” Thorin informed him as he began ripping cloth he apparently found as well and started wrapping it around Bilbo’s chest. 
Once he stood in front of him, Bilbo realized how very close the woodcutter was  to him, and it caused his skin to turn ruddy and his breath to come out in pants. 
“Are you sure you’re quite well?” Thorin teased, a smirk lifting up the corner of his mouth.
“Just scratched up is all, I assure you,” Bilbo answered back as Thorin tied the ends of the bandage over his ribs. 
“I’ll be at your house in three days to check on you and make sure your wounds haven’t become infected,” the dwarf informed him. 
Bilbo would like to say there was no need for that, but he couldn’t think of anything more pleasant than spending additional time with such a lovely dwarf. 
“I’d like that.”  His words had come out much quieter than he had intended, and it caused Thorin to lean in.  Oh, if only they were alone, Bilbo would close the distance to thank the dwarf properly. 
But Gandalf was sitting close by, huffing and puffing, and staring at them quite incredulously. 
“What about the wolf?”  the old man asked once the tender moment had passed. 
“I’ll drag it into the woods as a warning to others who may have the same idea.”
Bilbo swallowed hard.  “You mean…there are others?”  he squeaked. 
“Oh aye,” Thorin replied.  “As I told you, these woods are full of dangerous folk and you would do well to…”
“Not speak to strangers,” Bilbo chuckled.  “I get it.  But if I hadn’t, then I would have never met you.”
A dark brow lifted on Thorin’s face.  “In that case, consider yourself lucky, as do I.” 
“Pardon me,” Gandalf cut in.  “But is there anything in that basket you brought Bilbo, or do I have to look for myself?”
“Oh!  Of course, of course there is.”  Bilbo replied, his thoughts quite distracted by the magnetic blue eyes that were following his every move. 
“I’ll take my leave now,” Thorin announced.  “And I’ll take the carcass with me.” 
Bilbo stepped aside, grimacing at the trail of blood that was being spread across the floor.  Before the woodsman left, however, all Bilbo had for him was a smile, and he did his best to make it one worthy of remembrance. 
Once they were alone, Bilbo returned his attention to Gandalf and proceeded to warm up some broth and pour him some of the watermelon wine he had brought.  Then, he went about the task of scrubbing away the blood from the worn, wooden floors.
It occurred to him as he rinsed out the bucket and brush and listened to the old man slurp that there were better ways to go about doing things.  He had never wanted a housemate, but having Gandalf closer would certainly be more convenient and free up a lot of his time.  And if he paid his neighbor, Master Gamgee, to look in on the old man from time to time, Bilbo could even manage to take a trip.  Maybe as far away as Erebor. 
He dropped the scrub brush back into the bucket of clean, sudsy water and smiled innocently at his old friend.  “Gandalf, my old friend.  Perhaps it’s time we consider relocating you to the village.” 
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Summer Stories 2023
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If someone wants to add some spice...here is a list for yet another event for July :D Feel free to add a prompt from that list lol
Week 1
Fireflies - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Seaside - Círdan and an ugly ship for @fishing4stars
Beat the heat - Daemags for @searchingforserendipity25
Postcards - Victorian AU Balin for my husband
Evenings - Curuwendil for @cilil
Week 2
Ice-cold drinks - Dwalin x Nori for @lordoftherazzles
Summer festival - Gil-Galad x Elrond x Glorfindel for @maglor-my-beloved
Campfire - Gothmog x Eönwë for @cilil 🔥
Picnics - Beleg/Mablung for @lycheesodas 🔥
Shade - The Fëanturi for @cilil
Week 3
Grassy hillsides - Maedhros x Fem!Reader for anon
Summer storms- Bagginshield for @maalezzo
Roadtrip - meta-story for my husband
Cocktails - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Suntan/Freckles - Halenthir for @elentarial
Week 4
Poolside: the Ultimate Pool Party Eleganza Extravaganza
Stargazing - Elrond x Erestor for @maglor-my-beloved
Dandelions - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Fireworks - Fëanor x reader for @wandererindreams
Frozen treats - Gothmog x OC for my husband
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lord-angelfish · 7 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Hi Louie :3
Firebenders Don't Burn
Firebenders don't burn. Especially not Royal firebenders. Zuko has never been burned before. Father's hand is on his face. Zuko is burning.
One of, like, two angst pieces I've ever written and the first one I wrote for myself and just. Okay. Okay I saw this artwork and it gave me the most brainworms and I am simply so very, very proud of myself for this. It's just so good and so devastating. Probably my favorite fic I've ever written, tbh.
Untitled Wingfic (Midam)
Adam grooms Michael's wings, there's discussion about going to the moon, and - as always - they're disgustingly adorably domestic together.
So I've noted before that I write better when it's prompted by something/is for a friend, and this one was written for my friend @nalivaa based on this artwork of hers (it's ADORABLE, you should go check out all of her art if you're into midam), and I just. It's sweet and adorable and I like it. :)
On Reminiscing of Danger, Dragons, and Courage
"The first time I saw you, you were — to my eyes at least — naught but a pitiful halfling, unable to defend yourself, especially from the likes of me; I found you stumbling around where you should not have been able to even reach, and my only thought was that surely you would faint at the mere sight of my fury, and I would be rid of you easily. And yet, even as I threatened you as a trespasser, you did not back down, though you were shaking in fright and must have been wishing that you had never stepped foot on my mountain — and no, do not try to argue that I, at the time of our first encounters, was anything but terrible,"  he adds, looking sternly at the hobbit, who had been about to protest at Thorin's never-ending guilt about the way he had comported himself when the two had met. Or, dragon shifter Thorin comes in from the winter storm, reminisces with Bilbo about their first meeting, and they're both subsequently very soft with each other. And Thorin is a little shit who is incapable of not teasing his hobbit.
Last one - this one was written for bagginshield week 2023, I believe, and I like it because I like dragons and mushy feelings, and this delivers on both counts. Also, it's nice that the story fits together, y'know?
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memelovescaps · 2 years
HELLO! Get to know me and my writing!
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I'm Meme (she/they), a fic writer and avid reader who goes from obsession to obsession.
I'm currently fully into The Last of Us (love those adopted parent-daughter relationship!) and Harry Potter and Snarry. Severus Snape is and always will be my favourite character of all time. If you can't accept that, then kindly leave.
But I've also written for many fandoms, and read about several other!
I love being part of the fandom, enjoy reading (and sometimes writing) meta, and use that meta in my fics. I also love reading and commenting as much as I can, since as a fic writer I sympathise with the feeling of a new comment on a story.
Feel free to contact me here, on Twitter, and on your usual fic platforms (ao3, Wattpad, ff and even discord) as @ memelovescaps.
Check below for links to my stories!
If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to send me an ask or a message!
Beneath The Surface (WIP)
In Need (189,336 words)
Of Snowflakes and Mulled Wine (9, 156 words)
Memory Ablaze (2, 133 words)
Reaching for you (2, 644 words)
Dilectio Manet (Love Remains) (1, 332 words)
THE LAST OF US 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💉🧟‍♂️
Safe in my arms (2, 271 words)
With every heartbeat I have left (3, 209 words)
STRANGE WAY OF LIFE (Short movie 2023) 🤠👨‍❤️‍👨
The Gentleness that comes (1 ,845 words)
ELEMENTARY 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
Hold me (73, 601 words)
One Call Away (2 ,538 words)
Ours to Bear (1, 819 words)
Seeking (3 ,476 words)
Two hearts are better than one (4, 564 words)
Sweet devotion (1 ,982 words)
Love me like you do (6, 189 words)
Thunder in my heart (3, 493 words)
Futile Devices (5 ,666 words)
Just Tell Him (4, 135 words)
Even if it sends me to Heaven (7 ,358 words)
SERIES: Whouffle week
MCU Iron Man & Spiderman (Irondad)
Not all heroes wear capes (3, 399 words)
When everything goes dark (1 ,242 words)
Shattered (4, 176 words)
Monster (8, 246 words)
THE WITCHER & Geraskier
Sorry seems to be the hardest word (3 ,996 words)
Look Beyond (7 ,550 words)
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bagginshieldweek24 · 2 years
Bagginshield Week 2023 - Guideline, Dates, Prompts
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Welcome all to Bagginshield Week 2023, an event meant to inspire creations surrounding the relationship between Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakeshield! Keep reading below the cut to find out how to participate, when will it take place, and what are the prompts!
What is considered as Bagginshield for the purposes of the event? Any kind of relationship between Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield, whether that be platonic, romantic or sexual, so long as said relationship or the interactions between these characters are the main focus of the work you create.
Is there one specific incarnation of the characters/story that we must abide by? Not at all, you can write them following the lines of the book, the animated film, or the live action trilogy, and even add your own flavor to them. As for the story, you may observe either canon, or make it as canon divergent or alternate universe as you wish (prompt notwithstanding).
Are other pairings featuring Bilbo or Thorin welcome? Yes. So long as Bilbo and Thorin remain the focus of the work, you may include any other background pairings, other relationships (of any nature) that feature Bilbo or Thorin, and polycules/open relationships. I find it perfectly understandable and more than acceptable if you wish, for example, to develop a platonic relationship between these two characters, while also hinting at either of them having a romantic relationship with someone else. Different strokes for different folks.
What mediums are allowed? Are there any minimum requisites for completion or participation? Officially speaking, all mediums are allowed and there aren’t any requisites , since the purpose is to simply inspire more creations of this pair, but the following minimums are encouraged -
Art: 1 sketch.
Fiction: 250 words.
Commentary: 250 words.
Podfic: 5 minutes.
Edits/manips: 2 pictures.
Gifset: 2 gifs.
Moodboard: 4 pictures.
Playlist: 5 songs.
Any other mediums you can think of are more than welcome! If what you wish to create in (animation, cosplay, embroidery, essay, poetry, video edit, you name it) isn’t mentioned above, is simply because I couldn’t even begin to conceptualize what could be considered a minimum for it or wasn’t entirely sure if what I had in mind would work out. You’re more than welcome to drop any comments on other mediums in the ask box, and to participate just as freely as anyone else! Again, these minimums are suggestions, after all!
Event Specifics
Date: June 4th - 10th. 2023.
Two extra days (June 11th and 12th) will be available to post/finish creations.
There are two prompts to chose from or combine per day.
There are two alternate prompt sets (regular and whump), with five prompts each, which you can exchange or combine with any daily prompt.
For those posting in Tumblr, you must use the tag #thilboweek23 to have your post reblogged. For those posting in AO3, a Collection will be set at the beginning of the event. For those who may post somewhere else or would prefer remaining anonymous on Tumblr, you may: make a short Tumblr post to promote, request me to share your work through the Discord server (that is still being set up) or an ask through Tumblr, or send me an email with the link to your work through an account I will share later (I’m afraid I don’t have Twitter or Instagram accounts, sorry).
June 4th: Fairytale AU | Domestic June 5th: Bilbo in Erebor | Piercings & Tattoos June 6th: Pride & Prejudice AU | Blade/Sword June 7th: Nautical/Pirate AU | The Moon/The Sun June 8th: Ghibli AU | Hobbit Culture June 9th: Erebor Never Fell | Flowers/Flower Language June 10th: Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies | Haunted House/Castle/Palace
Regular Alternate Prompts: Courtship | Secret Relationship | Thorin is an Errant Smith | Meeting the Family | Enchantments/Spells
Whump Alternate Prompts: Believed to be Dead | Nightmares/Hallucinations | Silence | Left Behind | Hidden Injury
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Take My Heart
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4eHsLo3
by mordelle
Occasionally, a black dragon with silver streaked wings emerges, circling the mountain, breathing fire. This serves as both a warning and a confirmation of his existence. This dragon, now known as Zarakûl in the Khuzdul tongue (translated as "Silver Shadow" in Westeron), fiercely guards his treasure. Not a single coin is allowed to be taken.
Thorin II, Oakenshield, the Mountain King-in-Exile, had succumbed entirely to the curse. Consumed by the sickness of gold, he has lost his name and his identity as a dwarf. He had become the embodiment of the dragon, forever known as Zarakûl.
Words: 2620, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Pre-Slash, Bagginshield Week 2023 (Tolkien), Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Dragon Sickness, Gold Sick Thorin, Dragon Thorin Oakenshield, Slavery, Slave Bilbo Baggins, thilboweek23, Podfic Available, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Ambiguous/Open Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4eHsLo3
0 notes
mordellestories · 1 year
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Take My Heart
Baggensjield AU | Dragon!Throin | T
CW: violence, angst, cliffhanger/ambiguous ending
AN: I didn’t think I’d post this (since it’s not a full fic or anything… yet…. but I’ve been in a weird place lately. I don’t know if this will be continued but if people like it enough, maybe I’ll get on it soon.
​​During the Fell winter, the Shire was overrun by orcs. Bilbo's parents lost their lives in this incident, but Bilbo himself was captured and enslaved, along with others. Due to their limited skills, the hobbits were mostly assigned to work as cooks in the orc camps. The orcs had no interest in eating hobbit food, unless they meant the hobbit itself. Sadly, cannibalism was a grim reality in these camps, occurring far too frequently to provide any sense of safety. Surrounded by orcs, wargs, and the pervasive stench of death and decay, there was no solace to be found, not even a single glimpse of greenery.
Bilbo grew up captivated by stories and fables, but his favorite tale revolved around a tragic and noble dwarven prince, beloved by his people and family. This prince lost not only his home but also his literal heart to a dragon named Smaug, who ruled over the Lonely Mountain amidst a vast treasure hoard. The dragon had taken the prince's heart and transformed it into a precious jewel known as The Arkenstone, Heart of the Mountain.
Despite losing his heart and becoming obsessed with slaying the dragon who’d taken everything from him, he became a hero, earning his epithet Oakenshield for his valor in the war of Moria.
Years later, Thorin, now a king, embarked on a quest to reclaim his ancestral home and retrieve his stolen heart. Tragically, Thorin's entire company of dwarves perished in this endeavor. Thorin succeeded in slaying Smaug, but when Thorin placed the Arkenstone back into his chest, an unforeseen consequence unfolded. He transformed into a dragon himself.
Since then, the Lonely Mountain has remained impenetrable. Occasionally, a black dragon with silver streaked wings emerges, circling the mountain, breathing fire. This serves as both a warning and a confirmation of his existence. This dragon, now known as Zarakûl in the Khuzdul tongue (translated as "Silver Shadow" in Westeron), fiercely guards his treasure. Not a single coin is allowed to be taken.
Thorin II, Oakenshield, the Mountain King-in-Exile, had succumbed entirely to the curse. Consumed by the sickness of gold, he has lost his name and his identity as a dwarf. He had become the embodiment of the dragon, forever known as Zarakûl.
Bilbo's mother often concluded the story with an optimistic and somewhat romantic ending. She would tell Bilbo about the dragon patiently awaiting the arrival of his true love, who would break the stone surrounding his heart with a genuine kiss of love. Bilbo recognized his mother's inclination towards romanticism, as her stories always seemed to conclude with similar ambiguous happy endings. Perhaps it was for his benefit, and maybe even hers. Nevertheless, he cherished that story because he knew it held a kernel of truth. Though the details may have been lost to history and the dwarves who embarked on their journey, only the dragon possessed the true account. That dragon was no figment of imagination; Bilbo had witnessed its existence with his own eyes when the orc camp approached the borders of Erebor.
Rumors circulated that the orcs intended to persuade the dragon to join their army. When Bilbo witnessed the flames illuminating the night sky, his awe-struck jaw dropped in wonder. The legendary creature was no longer confined to his imagination but a tangible being of flesh and blood. Bilbo could only catch fleeting glimpses of the dragon as it soared through the heavens, exhaling bursts of fire. It was a truly magnificent sight. Clasping his hands together as if in prayer, Bilbo hoped and prayed that the noble dwarf-king still resided within the creature, ready to vanquish the audacious orcs for venturing so close to his mountain.
The prospect of Bilbo being incinerated alongside the rest of the camp loomed large, but he clung to the hope of escaping in time. A small group comprised of rebellious hobbits, elves, and dwarves had been devising plans for another escape. Perhaps amidst the chaos of the dragon's fiery assault, they could slip away through the treacherous Mirkwood and seek assistance. That was the plan the others were formulating. However, Bilbo harbored a different, almost insane, plan of his own. He was dubbed "Mad Baggins" for a reason, anyway.
It was no secret that all the captives had suffered emotional scars, each one carrying their own share of brokenness. Yet, Bilbo garnered the most pity, for he had fallen mute and seemed touched in the head after witnessing the brutal murder of his parents. It was a sorrowful transformation, as he had once been a gifted storyteller, entertaining young hobbits who gathered around him eagerly at parties, enthralled by his tales.
Even Bilbo acknowledged that his mental state was far from stable, and he could openly admit that his plan was undeniably mad. For his intended destination was none other than Erebor itself—the very lair of the dragon. It was a place he had fantasized about, although under far from ideal circumstances, yet here he stood, finally realizing his long-held dream. Trembling with a mixture of fear and awe, Bilbo watched as the colossal dragon descended from above, circling lower and lower, its imposing presence growing with each passing moment.
As the dragon touched down upon the earth, a profound tremor rippled through the ground, causing the very foundation to quiver in response. Despite the multitude of torches that illuminated the surrounding area, the dragon's colossal form remained mostly veiled in shadow, its immense size surpassing the reach of the flickering flames. The ambient light merely served to highlight certain details, and amidst the darkness, the dragon's eyes gleamed with an iridescent blue hue. These eyes, piercing and menacing, seemed to hold an ominous glint, casting an eerie and unsettling aura in the depths of the night.
Bilbo thought he might soil himself… from being equally terrified of and over the moon with the tremendous, majestic creature. The dragon was gargantuan. He could probably eat a dozen hobbits in one go as a light snack. Bilbo quaked, his knees just one startle away from crumbling beneath him.
Then the dragon’s chest began to glow.
Something definitely fractured in one of Bilbo’s knees when they finally did give way. His hand flew to his wildly beating heart and his lungs refused to draw air.
He smiled.
For the first time in years, he positively beamed while gazing up at the colossal, winged embodiment of undiluted power.
The Shire was not safe, completely unprepared for its hostile fate. Hobbits were soft creatures who thrived in sun and lived comfortable lives. And for that, they had lost their home. The Shire was no longer.
The Mirkwood was not safe, contrary to what the fellow captives hoped. It was riddled with spiders, the trees sick with darkness and dank. The Elves secret sanctuary was most likely a fool’s dream. And Bilbo refused to bet on a dream, when such terrifying reality lay before him. No, he’d bet on what was real.
The world was not safe. Overrun with orcs and other foul creatures of Shadow and Doom. While the races bickered and stayed divided, the Enemy had overwhelmed them all, one by one. Now, all the races of middle-earth, once fractured, gathered to fight the common enemy… but possibly too late.
It all depended on this dragon. For he was the last of his kind. To gain the dragon to their side would mean the calamity of all calamities. It would tip the scales in favor of the Enemy… and then all would be truly lost.
But this dragon had no cares for the politics of middle-earth, Bilbo was certain. Why would he? He was a dragon. The only thing Sauron could possibly bargain with was gold, but everyone knew that Erebor had been and still was the wealthiest city in all of middle earth.
This dragon did not need more gold, more might, or more power. He already had it all.
Unless, of course, the gold-sickness demanded he add to his hoard. But in all his time of being a dragon, Zarakûl had never descended upon any cities to plunder the precious commodity. He simply guarded his mountain.
More than likely, Bilbo would be burned alive now before he could attempt his plan. But my, he thought in a daze as the world grew strangely silent around him, what a sight to behold as I take my last breath.
Yet, contrary to expectations, the dragon did not unleash a torrent of fire. Instead, he spoke. A rumbling thundercloud of a voice, like stone giants crumbling amid battle. Bilbo’s whole spine quivered with it. “Orc filth,” he spat, “you dare bring your foul presence to my mountain. Thieves.”
“Zarakûl!” The leader of the band was pushed forward by his cowering subordinates. Even the orcs, smartly, feared the giant, living furnace. “We come with a message from Lord Sauron.”
The dragon huffed, a small burst of flames emitting from between his sharp, gleaming teeth. He sneered, disdain dripping with every word he spoke. “Sauron, the petulant, weakling.”
The orcs hissed and growled.
The dragon grinned with venomous delight, “He has no power here or over me. These are my lands. Be gone now before I send only one of you back with a message of my own.”
The leader stepped forward with a snarl. “Lord Sauron has promised you all the gold from the cities you conquer. After the war is over, he will have it all sent to you here to add to your hoard. He sent you a gift.” The orc smiled, a grotesque display of black and yellow jagged teeth–sinister and devoid of any sincerity. Sadistic pleasure was written all over his gnarled face.
Bilbo knew that face all too well. He swallowed down the bile that rose in his throat at the sight.
“What say you, dragon?” The orc sneered.
To Bilbo’s utter horror, Zarakûl’s eyes widened, and he tilted his head with curiosity. He stepped forward, and instinct drove everyone back with yelps and panicked murmuring. Except for Bilbo, still on the ground, wide smile fading slowly as the dragon actually considered the offer.
“NO!” Bilbo screamed, voice hoarse after years of silence. He didn’t even recognize it as his own. “No please don’t!”
His fellow slaves gasped and gawked at him. A whisper of “Mad Baggins” in the air was all he caught. He should have stopped. He should have stayed silent. He should not have yelled at a dragon. Those blue, cold eyes targeted Bilbo and left him breathless with respectful terror. The torrent of desperate words within him surged forth uncontrollably. It was as if all the years of silence had accumulated, and now that he had found his voice, he could not cease its flow. His words poured forth like an unrestrained deluge in the awakening of spring, overwhelming and unstoppable.
“Please be who I hoped you’d be. Please. I have nothing left. If I’m to die here, then please let it be by your breath and burn all these monsters with me to doom! Please…” he panted, for he was consumed with true madness it seemed, “Sauron is a liar. Whatever he offers you, it is to ensnare you, O’King!”
The dragon reared back, eyes wide in genuine shock before he blinked rapidly. He seemed about to speak when the orc leader slapped Bilbo so hard that his head hit the ground with a worrying crack.
“You should have stayed mute, slave!” The orc bellowed. “I think we’re having halfling for dinner tonight,” he growled. Some orcs chuckled and others smacked their lips and dragged their nasty tongues over their filthy teeth at the thought of fresh meat.
Bilbo’s vision spotted, but he clung to consciousness with all his strength. He needed to know how it would end. He needed to know that Thorin was still in there. Such a noble king who lost so many of his kin in a hopeless fight against orcs once upon a time. He can’t, Bilbo begged in his mind, for he could no longer speak. He won’t.
“He will not be your dinner,” the dragon growled. “You are on my lands. I shall deal with you as I see fit. But…” Zarakûl lilted with a hungry grin, “as it happens, I have been thinking of finally adding to my hoard.”
Bilbo wanted to scream, but all that came out was a pitiful whimper.
Zarakûl hummed thoughtfully. “I will agree to join Sauron if… you leave me your slaves to feast on.”
Bilbo's eyes welled up with tears, a profound sense of despair washing over him. He felt the last vestiges of goodness and hope slip away, realizing that the valiant dwarven prince his younger self had fallen in love with was not just a dragon… but a monster too.
Amidst the outcry of some protesting orcs, their leader swiftly silenced them with a commanding gesture. "Agreed," he gruffly declared in their harsh tongue. The slaves, including Bilbo, were swiftly herded together near the dragon, their bodies huddled pitifully in the dirt. Tears streamed down Bilbo's face as he sobbed in desolation, consumed by grief. The last shard left of his heart had broken.
With the orcs stepping back, Zarakûl positioned himself before the gathered slaves, his chest radiating an even brighter glow. "It will be a swift death, unfortunate as it may be," the dragon added with an air of resignation.
And breathed.
A sound of violent winds.
Unbearable heat.
So much horrible, awful, primal screaming.
But… no pain. At least, not more than what Bilbo was used to, body all bent and beaten over the years. But still… no burning pain that he’d expect from dragon fire.
He lifted his head, vision swimming. He was still alive. And the fearful cries and whimpers that were left were not from the slaves, for they were all still alive as well. And as the smoke dissipated, the pale moonlight revealed a haunting sight—a field strewn with the lifeless bodies of the orc pack, finally vanquished.
They were free, though they hardly knew it.
The dragon turned to them with a bored scowl. “I suggest you all run for your lives whilst I eat my meal.”
There was only a moment's pause before they all ran like chickens without heads, until a ginger bearded dwarf and blond elf rallied them all and led them into the Mirkwood.
Except… Bilbo.
The blonde elf stood by the border and stared at Bilbo. The hobbit shook his head. The elf gave him a curt nod and disappeared through the trees after everyone had safely ran past.
“Are you actually waiting for me to eat you? Do you not have an ounce of survival instinct? Or are you too injured to flee, little halfling?” rumbled the dragon’s voice.
Bilbo ducked his head in reverence. “Your Majesty, I wish to stay and serve you.”
Palpable silence ensued for a long moment before the dragon uttered a bemused “What?”
Bilbo finally looked up and bestowed another beaming smile up at his new master. “Bilbo Baggins, son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took, at your service, O’King Under the Mountain. I’d get up and do a proper bow and all that stuffiness I’ve read in books but I’m afraid I am, actually, injured and just about to faint at the moment.”
The dragon’s mouth dropped open. “I… wh–are you mad, halfling?” He asked, rearing back with incredulity.
I’ve managed to tongue-tie a dragon, Bilbo thought with a hysterical giggle. “Yes,” he answered with a relieved laugh. “Yes, I do believe I am.”
And then Bilbo succumbed to darkness.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Take My Heart
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bFDPavy
by mordelle
Occasionally, a black dragon with silver streaked wings emerges, circling the mountain, breathing fire. This serves as both a warning and a confirmation of his existence. This dragon, now known as Zarakûl in the Khuzdul tongue (translated as "Silver Shadow" in Westeron), fiercely guards his treasure. Not a single coin is allowed to be taken.
Thorin II, Oakenshield, the Mountain King-in-Exile, had succumbed entirely to the curse. Consumed by the sickness of gold, he has lost his name and his identity as a dwarf. He had become the embodiment of the dragon, forever known as Zarakûl.
Words: 2620, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Pre-Slash, Bagginshield Week 2023 (Tolkien), Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Dragon Sickness, Gold Sick Thorin, Dragon Thorin Oakenshield, Slavery, Slave Bilbo Baggins, thilboweek23, Podfic Available, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Ambiguous/Open Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bFDPavy
0 notes
bagginshieldweek24 · 2 years
Bagginshield Week - Guide and Details
Welcome one and welcome all, to Bagginshield Week 2023! A week long, prompt focused event aiming to celebrate and create fan content for the relationship of Bilbo Baggins and Thorin II, or Oakenshield, from The Hobbit, pairing also known as Bagginshield or Thilbo, whether romantic or platonic.
First things first, click here to answer the event interest and prompt poll while the work on the blog page continues!
How does the Bagginshield Week event work? Basically, as every other week long fan event, here in this blog a prompt list is posted at an appropriate time before the advent of the week itself to give creators time (at least two months in this case) to prepare for it and make original works focused on Bagginshield, including the prompts at whichever capacity or born from any interpretation they so choose.
How, when and where do I post? You will be expected/requested to post on Tumblr or Archive of Our Own to have your work associated to the event via reblogging your posts, or being included in Masterlists, or Collections. However, you can post your works in other websites (such as FanFiction.Net, Wattpad, Instagram, etc.) and either skip on being featured, or promote it through a Tumblr post to be reblogged here. As for the when, you may post your work anytime within the set week, during which window your works will be reblogged (so long as you use the tag #thilboweek23) and may be added to the AO3 Collection. Depending on the results from the aforementioned poll, an extra day or two may be added for posting, along with an extra week during which you may add your works to the AO3 Collection. In regards to the how, you are only asked to tag appropriately, making use of any and all necessary warnings and tags (especially major warnings and with NFSW works). This is a hopefully very open event, with the only caveat being mutual respect, and that includes the participants being courteous with one another (hate speech, harassment, or any other form of attack will not be tolerated) and being mindful of the audience’s limits.
What can I make for this event? Art, Prose Writing, Poetry, Fan Edits, Moodboards, Gif Sets, Playlists, Podfics, you name it! If you can make it Bagginshield, it’s welcomed! All that matters is that your creations has not been previously posted/published, is not a chapter from an ongoing work, and doesn’t plagiarized from a previously existing work (be inspired, do not copy!).
How can I use the prompts? Do I have to create something for everyday? In any way you so wish! You can do one work for each day and either pick one of the prompts, or use both together; you can make one big work including any and all the prompts you like the most; you can make a small creation for each an every one of the 14 week prompts; or you can focus on the whump/alternative prompts that will be available! Likewise, you may participate in as many days as you want or can, even just the one!
All that matters here is that we enjoy ourselves and share our loving for this pairing!
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bagginshieldweek24 · 2 years
February Update!
First things first, the primary event and prompt polls are officially closed! And not only that, but secondary polls will not be necessary, so now it's only a matter of waiting for March 1st, when I'll be posting the official calendar and prompt list. Thank you all who answered the form, shared the posts, and otherwise have participated so far ✨
On another note, a large majority of those of you who voted chose to have a set of alternate prompts other than the whump list. Both sets will me made up of five prompts, and I am now accepting suggestions for the regular alternate list! All you have to do is send "PROMPT" followed by your suggestion in an ask, even as an anon. You can send as many suggestions as you like, I only ask that you send only one per ask to avoid misunderstandings as much as possible, and only as an ask, not dms. And that if it's a quote, please provide the source if at all possible! I will not be posting the asks! I will choose the final five prompts by the end of the month, and if there aren't enough suggestions, I will simply pick discarded prompts from the poll at random.
In the meantime I will continue to share reference material and Bagginshield posts for anyone who is interested, otherwise you can come back around in March. Have a lovely month everybody! 🖋️🖌️
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bagginshieldweek24 · 2 years
Bagginshield Week 2023 - Schedule
December 16th - January 31st: Voting for prompts and event date.
February 1st - 14th: Second poll (if necessary).
March 1st - 5th: Poll results - prompt list and date reveal.
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