#Baku Lore
itsbaku · 2 years
Every Single Thing in Souls of War with Meaning
Because I'm insane and this is basically a love letter to everyone who wants to learn more about my lore
(Quick thank you to @git-it for being so invested in my lore to the point where it makes me motivated to work on this stuff. Thank you man, I don't know why you love it so much, but it means a lot 💗💗💗)
Btw this has a ton of spoilers for the books, but let's be honest here. This is free lore and if you wanna know about the Souls of War franchise, read this.
First the characters(Who mainly represent aspects of being a teenager)-
Baku- Represents mental illness and issues with mentality. They are shown to struggle with themself and deals with a lot of trauma.
Camazotz- Represents being optimistic and always seeing the good in life. Managing how to live life even though it is filled with bad, and still accepting those bads.
Mischief- Represents the refusal or fear of growing up and maturing. He is an adult in SoW:EoG but still acts like his normal child-like self with a sprinkle of teenager.
Muerto- Represents body issues, disability, or anything relating to hating or disliking your own body. He can be interpreted in many ways, but I intended him on being hating your body because of puberty. He feels as if he is no longer himself because he lost something that made him him, and is now someone else. But he is up for more interpretation, like hating your disability due to your new self or hating your body because you are trans. Interpret him how you will.
Talon- Represents imaginary friends in youth and growing up. He was created to be a friend to a lonely soul, like how kids make imaginary friends when they simply want friends. He is shown to always say what The Supreme God wants to hear, which is what we do with our imaginary friends since they are our creations and do what we want. However, he is told that he should leave to live with Baku. This is because as we grow up, we tend to want or just leave things behind as we grow.
The Supreme God- Represents...well, a lot. The Supreme God can be very versatile with interpretation. They can be seen as a being that is selfish and is forced to learn how to be human, they can be seen as a soul forced into a position they could never properly learn of, there's a lot. But here's my original pitch...a creator. The Supreme God represents someone who feels unappreciated after basically creating everything. They eventually try to gift someone who helped them, but doesn't understand why they refused their gift. Basically someone who wants to feel appreciated but is confused when people don't want their appreciation, if that makes sense. Maybe, idk.
Anyways, if you had different interpretations of the characters, let me know! I love hearing y'all's thoughts on my content!
Now, non-character things. Some of this might sound like trivia but most of it is important, so apologies if it all feels quick.
Souls of War-
Camazotz and most Aztec Gods speak Spanish on occasion. Now, why is this important? Well, the Aztecs and most ancient civilizations had their native tongue erased by the Europeans. Because of this, the Aztec Gods struggled to continue to preach and speak. They had to speak Spanish to still work with their worshippers. However they speak English for a majority of the book because of the obvious, but also to be comprehensive. They also say a lot of swear words in Spanish lol.
I made many cultural references in the first book. My favorite being La Catrina. La Catrina is a symbol in Mexican culture of being usually represented as a singer made of bones. She is very beautiful and drawn a lot with beautiful clothing and markings on her skull.
I'm pretty sure I made a 13 heavens reference in it. Anyways, The Thirteen Heavens is a set of heavens in Aztec mythology where the gods reside in a level type of structure. I kinda made more of a "For gods sake!" type of thing because y'know, it works.
Camazotz dies in the end. For a long of reasons, but mainly as a backstory that turned into a main story.
Souls of War: Eyes of Chaos-
The prologue starts with summarized backstory of Baku. That's pretty good. We get an idea of how sick someone can get of second chances.
Camazotz has a birb girlfriend, which you can exclusively learn from my Tumblr and Twitter.
We get more with Camazotz, which is good because we always need more with the og bat.
Also in this book we get perspective chapters, because I know we need to know how these two feel about each other.
Baku is a rather fickle character in this book, but there's good reason for it. Baku is so tired of just letting things happen, feeling like they can barely do anything to change anything. So, they change. Baku becomes rather malicious and cruel in this book. Baku finally shows their true colors, which is good because they finally get to start confronting their issues.
Baku eats some conchas. This is more just because I love conchas and I wanted to make a "Baku doesn't know what certain things are" joke. They make a comment on how they thought conchas were shells(conches 🐚).
So idk how relevant this is, but Baku first attacks Camazotz in the face first. Baku prefers to attack the face, mostly the eyes. Why? Because Baku believes that no one else can see the truth, so they are unworthy of their own eyes.
Baku also thinks a lot, a lot more than they speak at times. Souls of War Harbingers of Magic has the record of how much Baku has spoken.
So even though Camazotz and Baku do reconcile in the end, they still have a somewhat rocky relationship. They have a "I don't hate you, I wouldn't say love, but I'd die, kill, and spare for you" type of thing I guess.
Camazotz heavily idolizes Baku in a way. She thinks of them a lot, and usually does in casual and kind ways. I think it's nice.
Souls of War: Harbingers of Magic-
Ok we get Muerto's backstory right in the prologue. I need everyone to know...that Muerto basically hates himself. Look man, when you lose the most important thing to yourself, and feel forced to take on a new identity, and then forced to soon deal with trauma, I think you'd hate your life a little.
So Mischief gets a spotlight here a little, because he is a important character. In a way, he is a redeemer. His purpose is to help those who kinda had hardships in life.
Anyways the whole thing of them being Harbingers of Magic is glossed over rather quickly. But it's important because of the next book.
So Muerto actually manages to confront a hidden issue he had. In the book, he wanted to sacrifice himself to kill Soulix, the antagonist. However, Mischief did not want him to, hoping that Camazotz and Baku would kill Soulix. When Muerto accidentally hurts Mischief, instead of proceeding with his actions, he stops and acknowledges what he did. Because he did what he promised to never do. He wanted to stop problems, instead of confronting them. But in the end, he learned how to try and handle a problem.
Muerto also learns to accept how he looks. Sure, that might clash with his character, but it's for good reason. He realized that if his friends were willing to do so much for him, that he never wanted them to care about...why did he need to change? Why must he do something that they never take notice of? They didn't care that he didn't have wings, they loved him for who he was. He decided that he wasn't going to "fix" himself, but embrace who he is now.
Baku and Camazotz have a small argument over alcohol. This is mainly to show they still sorta just talk over anything, even if it is pure nonsense.
Souls of War: End of Godhood-
The title is extremely misleading but it works in the end.
So The Supreme God is the main antagonist, with Talon being their partner in crime. But Talon gets his redemption earlier than they do.
So Talon is a character...a character most like me. You'd expect me to say that about The Supreme God, but no. Talon is by far the most character. He learns how to be himself, how to live without orders, and how to see others as equals. But, before that, we can see someone who can act a type of normal. He acts the normal has always been trained to act. Of course, he can act normal, as he is capable of being friendly. But he is usually trained to obey orders until it is resting time. Anyways getting off track but he is a very interesting character.
We get to see some fun God interaction, until it ain't fun anymore. We learn that again, gods can be unreasonable stupid and do the bad things. Yes, I am very fond of the ideas of gods not being very godly.
Camazotz gets some bonding time with the boys, and Muerto is so intolerant of her at times. He only really accepts childishness from Mischief, not a god.
So Talon gets adopted into the family, and he has an extremely hard time trying to adjust. But he is very grateful to be invited to be somewhere to live. Plus he can still see The Supreme God, so win win.
So to answer a question, Talon was never designed to be a weapon. He was a companion, but due to The Supreme God's curiosity, they gave him power and trained him to be a certain way. Talon doesn't know what he wants, he doesn't even really know who he is either. He is more of a occasionally used shank.
In the beginning of SoW EoG, there's a lot of flower talk. The flowers have meaning actually, but I can't remember each one right now. What I can remember is that Marigolds, lilac, and hydrangeas are all mentioned. Look up their meanings and maybe you can piece it together on why.
Ok so that's a bunch of stuff. Thanks for reading. I hope you somewhat enjoyed it? I love talking about the lore.
Til we meet again my friends.
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blorbocedes · 10 months
nico explaining about after Bahrain 14 he told the press how it was the most fun he had racing, while actually being pissed as hell losing to lewis, and listening to charl this weekend talking about how much fun he had losing to carlos in Monza, he wondered if he's "pulling a nico."
and considering all the shady tweet likes between charlos now, we can safely say he was correct 🤭😁
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lsdoiphin · 4 months
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Hares, as you may already know if you've been following my better half @broncoburro or @forevergoldgame (if you're following neither, you're missing huge amounts of context for the setting!), are nothing like the hares of the real world. They are massive leporids from Northern Vestur and one of the few meurian animals remaining after a historic event known as the Great Hunt where humans wiped out most of the planet's remaining meurian species in order to harvest their meur for relics about 350~ish years ago. They are obligate carnivores and known to hunt humans when the opportunity arises.
The baku is a large, lumbering omnivore with a similar ecological niche somewhere between a panda and a regular bear. They're a rare species, endemic to a single far-flung region of the world, having only just barely escaped extinction. See, while the Great Hunt was headed and funded by the Tri-Kingdom, its reach spanned the entire known world - but the further from Vestur it travelled, the less discriminatory the hunts became. The local peoples who were paid to hunt on the Tri-Kingdom's behalf had little idea of what meur was and what meurian animals were actually useful, leading to mass to mass culling of "useless" meur-touched animals like the baku, whose unusual sleep-inducing abilities cannot be wielded by humans. Regardless of their uselessness, the damage had been done to the species, and only the mundane offshoot survives - though rumors persist about meurian baku.
Sphinxes are scavengers that can be found across the deserts and savannas of the mainland. Unlike their meurian cousin, the manticore, they never evolved meurian flame breath, and their 'stinger' is no more than a vestigial sickle buried beneath the fur of their flowing tails. Instead, they specialized further into human mimicry, using their ability to copy human speech to hunt domesticated animals, naive children, and drunkards.
Now you might be thinking: "why would a teenage girl want to own any of these as pets? None of these sound like animals that should be pets." Well, first off: you'd be hard pressed to find a young girl that doesn't want a wolf or a tiger as a pet, that's just how they are, c'mon.
Second, there are three primary reasons Rhea thinks this is a more realistic idea than it is:
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Exotic "pet" owners among the upper class: While exotic pet ownership isn't big in Vestur as a whole, it has a notable presence among the Southern upper class, both noble and common. Rhea is the duchess of the Southern Kingdom so she is well aware of every instance of somebody paying excessive amounts of guilder to import something they shouldn't and stick it in their courtyard. As I've mentioned before, this is a sin Ancha is guilty of, having gotten swept up in a past "teacup baku" craze/scam some 4 decades ago. Unlike her peers, however, she kept her baku, Fig, even after he outgrew his alleged "adult size" of 1'9" at the withers. Others culled theirs once they became large enough to cause mass property damage. Ancha knows Fig is a massive, terrifying wild animal and does not recommend anyone repeat her mistake, but being raised in captivity he cannot be returned to the wild and so she's committed to caring for him for as long of his estimated 70~ish year lifespan that she's here for.
Haretouched Northerners: The "haretouched" is a strange phenomenon that exists in the North. Now, we haven't posted a formal explanation of what exactly being haretouched means yet - I'll save that explanation for Dan to write at a later date. In the meantime, to very briefly summarize what it means: occasionally, a hare will bond with a specific human. Those who have bonded to a hare are said to be "haretouched" - or more bluntly, cursed. The haretouched are treated as pariahs by broader society, though they are begrudgingly tolerated in the North itself and destigmatized by Northern nomad clans. While Northern nobility has done its best to keep the haretouched out of their bloodlines (save for the Lord of the Nomads, who is seldom acknolwedged, much less counted), occasionally a fluke will occur regardless and you end up with someone like Quincy or Lamonte. Rhea, of course, is just a Southern bystander who thinks the idea of having a murder-bunny for a friend would kick ass.
Captive beasts performing in circuses: Self-explanatory. Sphinxes especially are a popular choice for exploitative entertainment because of their mimicry abilities, and are often trained to have "conversations" or "sing."
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harapeveco · 4 months
It’s been almost a year since I drew Tobi wearing a Kuromi onsie and during all this time no one had the decency to tell me Kuromi has a sidekick called Baku smh
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4405x · 2 years
do you ever think about canada 2019 post race press conference and you feel like punching a wall cause of seb's body language when lewis praises him? well i do
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wishi-selfships · 1 year
The fact Baku is just commonly believed to not only be one of the most powerful devils but one of the ORIGINALS yet they look like THIS in the true form and cannonicly get distracted by their own tail in said form is probably the single greatest idea I've ever had, like there's no getting better then small chubby tapir who chases their tail like a dog who also is fully capable of just destroying the world if they wanted to
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This is actually incredibly genuis and also extremely hilarious. The funniest thing you could've ever done in the history of ever.
Imagine hearing about a world destroying devil who's literally been there since. Like. ALMOST FOREVER and they're a pokémon •□• love them they're so silly and cute ☆♡♡
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thearchercore · 4 months
max's questionable knowledge of charles lore:
- when max quoted the incident video on more than 5 occassions unprompted
- when max was running around the paddock in baku with a pic of charles and him as kids that he happened to find and journalists were questioning why he's so happy all of sudden and then he started showing the pic
- when max remembered a niche chuck leclerc joke and had to explain it on a podcast
- when max started explaining how charles couldn't open the door to his flat for his gf because he was live on twitch
- when max ran behind charles to take off the red bull sticker like the down bad loser he is and had to play it cool because a ferrari employee did it firsr
- when he knew the incident vid by heart in a tiktok challenge
- when he remembered a specific charles radio from years ago
- when he quoted charles' "i dont think anymore"
- when he remembered what he tweeted to charles in like 2016
- when he named charles his rival when he was an experienced f1 driver and charles was a rookie in sauber
- max immediately recognizing charles' helmet from karting when he was like 5
- when he filmed charles on the mclaren camera for so long he had to be reminded to shoot oscar too
- when charles called him out and gave him a christmas gift of the f1 game with photoshopped charles 3x on the cover and wrote a note "for my biggest fan"
and more
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blueballsracing · 2 months
Can u help me understand Lestappen please? I’m trying to get into it because it’s a popular ship and I don’t want to miss out on great fics and stuff.
But I see Tumblr posts of MV and CL that scream “HEART EYES” or “HUSBANDS” and…I don’t see it. I can’t suspend my disbelief. Like I get they’ve been competing for 20 years or whatever but I don’t get anything other than profesh respect. And when we regularly see how they are with other people, like MV with Daniel or Lando, or CL with Carlos, Lestappen looks even worse.
Can you please help me see the Lestappen light?
hi anon! lemme break it down for ya. the reason why lestappen is such a popular ship is bc not only of the mutual respect that they have for each other, but the history they have, and their interactions have been pretty cute and all.
even max and lando don't really interact that much, and lando goes as far as to say that "he's not my bff, don't ever say that again" when asked about him and max's relationship. and max with daniel–well, max has always loved daniel and had a crush on that man since his first days in f1 so... different dynamic for sure. charles with carlos interactions... they are cute and all but i think their racing dynamics are just so awkward? esp i think that the ferrari politics deffo affected their relationship and all. cross-team dynamics between charles and max have a nice dynamic, but i'll break down some of the key events
lestappen lore timeline!
2012 - when the inchident occurs - you just need to watch this video. it's just so funny. no words can explain this 😭
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2014 - when max essentially recommends charles to race for his old f3 team, van amersfoort racing, a dutch team. and the team boss had a lot of positive things to say about the two <3
2019 - the singapore flag incident... mr. i know geography and i love flags SOMEHOW doesn't know the difference between the singapore flag and the monaco flag
2019 - when we get to austria 2019. essentially, charles is about to win his FIRST ever f1 gp with 3 laps to go, and max pushes charles off track, overtaking him and eventually winning. charles is FURIOUS on the podium. and then they have to share a plane back home but max is all like "oh yeah we're good! 😊 he's talented and he will have his first win this year for sure! we have at least 15-20 years of racing together still! 😊" and then on the plane charles unfollows max. max does the same 😭
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2022 - jumping forward to austria 2022, when charles wins the race! and they have this GAY ASS PODIUM
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austria is lestappen holy ground.
2020 - when we get this wonderful clip of sebastian asking whether or not charles thinks max is pretty.
seb: is he pretty? charles: *giggles and then silence* OH WAIT. i thought you said 'is he british?' i was like, that's not physical... *panicked leg shake* i don't know!!! *laughs again*
charles not wanting to answer if max is pretty... we should take that as a yes <3
2021 - the year of their baku love tree <3 according to an old turkish custom, when a couple get married, they plant a tree together, and they water it to symbolize their marriage and their hope for leading a happy and beautiful life!
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and then jumping forward to 2023 in baku, they have the SAME IDENTICAL TIME during first runs in q3. only max is first bc he did his lap first.
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2022 - cota! before the press conference they talk and max goes "fresh again?" and charles starts GIGGLING. like yeah we know u were drunk celebrating 🙄
2022 - secret santa! when charles has max for secret santa and this guy just. gives him f1 2022. with THREE OF HIS FACES. and has a card and writes "one edition for my BIGGEST FAN." not normal about this at ALL.
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2023 - charles admits to drinking red bull after he couldn't say in an interview but then likes a tweet later 😭
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2023 - paddelgate. max loses to charles in october
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and then they're supposed to play together in december!
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but then... Max stays up until 4 am the night before the match (doing a 24 hour charity stream) and sleeps in and misses the entire event. 🙁
ok i could literally go on and on about them but i'm going to end it here with a couple quotes:
"Of course I have a lot of respect for Max. He has done very well and I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved. When we drove in karts, we dreamed of Formula 1 together and here we are now! He has the title I won and I have a lot of respect for that."
"I always thought that, if I'd make it to F1, Charles would also make it."
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Because I'm feeling petty, and it is the anniversary of The Tweet That Rocked The Grid, I decided to compile the most important piece of Oscar Lore.
I present to you: the most complete timeline of how alpine fucked up their handling of oscar piastri, aka, the piasco, to the best of my knowledge
(information compiled from multiple sources)
March 2021: Oscar Piastri makes his F2 debut in Bahrain, at the first round of the season. He immediately makes a splash by finishing fifth in the first sprint race and winning the second.
May 2021: Monaco. Oscar again impresses, collecting an 8th and two 2nds (including one in the feature race). Meanwhile, in Formula One land, Laurent Rossi offers a four year deal to Esteban Ocon, which he signs.
Rossi did not consult with any of the Alpine board about this offer, which is unprecedented for a driver who had not yet even won a race and unusual even for a race-winner who was not a champion.
What this does do, however, is effectively block one of the Alpine seats until 2025.
June-July 2021: Oscar continues to collect consistent points finishes at Baku and Silverstone, including podiums, keeping him in the championship hunt.
August 2021: Esteban Ocon wins the Hungarian Grand Prix.
September 2021: Oscar and Daniel win in Monza on the same day, with Oscar taking out the F2 feature race on the same day Daniel wins the Italian Grand Prix. Oscar follows this with another feature race victory in Russia, solidifying his points lead.
It is about this time that Alpine sit Oscar and Mark Webber down and explain that no matter what Oscar does now, he will not be in F1 next year. Alpine will have him as a reserve driver only and will not make the effort to put him in a race seat, despite Williams publicly saying they no longer require the money Nicolas Latifi brings in and are open to other drivers for 2022.
November 2021: Alfa Romeo announce that Zhou Guanyu, third place in the F2 championship, will be replacing Antonio Giovinazzi for 2022. This causes quite the uproar, as many despise the idea of Zhou getting a seat before Oscar, the talented rookie champion-elect.
The Piastris (Oscar and his father Chris) and Mark sit down with Alpine and agree to terms for 2022 and beyond, outlined in a terms sheet. This terms sheet is not a contract, but an agreement to sign a contract. The terms sheet outlines that Oscar will be the Alpine reserve driver for 2022; that he will be given practice sessions, certain private tests, and two FP1 sessions; and that Alpine guarantee him a seat on the 2023 grid, presumably with Williams. The terms sheet specifies that the actual contract will follow in 10 business days.
December 2021: Oscar wins the F2 championship in Jeddah after winning the second sprint race and the feature race. He then follows this up with a podium in sprint race one and a win in the feature race at Abu Dhabi, only serving to make Alpine look even more stupid. He is announced as the reserve for Alpine for 2022 and participates in the end of season test for Alpine.
No contract has appeared.
January 2022: Mark follows up with Alpine about the reserve driver contract, and is told, "it's coming".
No contract has appeared.
February 2022: Mark begins to hassle the legal team at Alpine about the contract. At some point, he has an exchange as follows: "I can't keep telling them that the contract is coming." The lawyer replies that she is the only one in the entire legal department, and that she has to do everything before the season starts.
No contract has appeared.
March 2022: During pre-season testing, Daniel Ricciardo tests positive to COVID-19. Alpine make arrangements with McLaren that if Daniel is not fit for Bahrain, Oscar will drive for him. Oscar still does not have a contract at this point. Alpine realise that without a contract, he does not have a superlicence (thereby making him ineligible to drive even if Daniel isn't fit.)
Panicking, the lawyer in Alpine's legal department writes "legally binding" across Alpine's copy of the terms sheet and submits that to the FIA in order to grant him his superlicence.
Five days before the Bahrain Grand Prix, Oscar Piastri finally sits down and signs a contract with Alpine to be their test and reserve driver for the 2022 season. This contract very explicitly only covers 2022, and does not contain any provisions for 2023.
Daniel finishes 17th in Bahrain, ahead of Lando Norris, and is running ahead of Norris and in the points when his gearbox fails in Jeddah.
April 2022: Oscar fulfils his duties as test and reserve driver, including being paraded around in Australia. Daniel finishes 5th in Australia after a nasty team order keeps him behind Norris' ailing car. At Imola, he is sixth in the sprint, only just behind Norris, but finishes 18th in the race after an uncharacteristically clumsy T1 move.
May 2022: Oscar conducts a private test with Alpine at Paul Ricard, using the 2021 car. No times are published, but there is a whisper on social media from the spectators who were there that Oscar was faster than Esteban Ocon had been the previous year. Daniel finishes 13th at the race in Miami after mechanical issues in qualifying and strategy issues in the race, which Andreas Seidl publicly apologises for. He finishes 12th at Spain, due to a broken rear end (which McLaren do not acknowledge until several days after the race).
After the Spanish Grand Prix, Zak Brown conducts an interview where he calls Daniel "disappointing" and lays the blame for their substandard results squarely at Daniel's feet. Daniel is then harassed by the media all through the Monaco weekend, where he finishes 13th.
It is also about this time that Alpine begin to publicly state that they are courting Fernando Alonso for a contract extension for 2023, meaning no seat will be available for next year at Alpine.
June 2022: It is about this time that Zak Brown begins shopping Daniel's seat behind his back. There are several interested parties involved, including Alex Palou and Pato O'Ward of Indycar.
Alpine continue to insist to Mark and Oscar that the 2023 deal is in progress. However, at about this time, rumours start to fly that Oscar is going to replace Nicolas Latifi at Williams after Silverstone. Williams angrily deny this, stand by Latifi, and publicly state that they are done being used as a dumping ground for other teams' juniors when they have their own - a seemingly firm statement that Oscar will not be welcome while he is attached to Alpine.
Mark makes contact with McLaren, and negotiations begin.
5 July 2022: On this date Oscar Piastri signs his contract with McLaren. The contract is initially as a reserve driver with mechanisms to make him the race driver if McLaren can negotiate an exit with Daniel. Oscar informs Otmar Szafnauer and Laurent Rossi shortly afterwards, and does so a second time at some point in the next three weeks.
11 July 2022: Zak Brown states to the media that Daniel Ricciardo will be driving for McLaren in 2023. About this time, Daniel visits the factory, and makes a tearful, impassioned promise to the team members that he is working incredibly hard and will be driving for them next year.
28 July 2022: Sebastian Vettel shocks everyone by announcing his retirement from Formula One at the end of the season, throwing the grid into disarray.
30 July 2022: Lawrence Stroll contacts Fernando Alonso and offers him the drive for next year. Unlike Alpine, Lawrence does not hesitate to put a paper contract in front of Fernando, and offers him a 2+1 deal where Alpine had been pondering a 1+1. Fernando, tired of the games of Alpine, signs immediately.
1 August 2022: Aston Martin announce that Fernando Alonso will join the team from 2023.
Either 1 August 2022 or 2 August 2022: Otmar Szafnauer corners Oscar in the simulator, in front of several other Alpine staff, and informs him he has the Alpine drive in 2023. Oscar is aware that if he challenges Szafnauer he will make a scene and does not say anything.
2 August 2022: Alpine announce that their 2023 driver lineup will consist of Esteban Ocon and Oscar Piastri. Eagle-eyed fans note that there are no quotes from Oscar in the press release, which has a very strange vibe. They are right, because...
A few hours later, Oscar sends The Tweet. There is immediate uproar.
August 2022: Otmar Szafnauer and Laurent Rossi proceed to go on a smear campaign against Oscar, calling him disloyal and questioning his integrity. Even other team principals (unwisely) get involved, despite not knowing the full story. Alpine is threatening court action, and the matter is scheduled for a Contract Recognition Board hearing. Oscar and Mark do not say a word, and nor do McLaren, who everyone assumes is the team that got him.
24 August 2022: McLaren announce that they have agreed with Daniel to part ways for the 2023 season. They do not announce his replacement and Daniel does not have a drive for 2023 arranged.
2 September 2022: The Contracts Recognition Board hearing takes place. Alpine are savagely humiliated as the full extent of their incompetence is laid bare. The mediators express their clear disdain for Alpine's actions, including their incredulousness that a lawyer possibly thought it acceptable to write "legally binding" on a terms sheet, the fact that the lawyer had pleaded with Laurent Rossi for more help several times and Alpine's "shilly-shallying" over even getting Oscar his reserve contract, let alone a race one. They find that the only valid contract Oscar had for 2023 was the one with McLaren, and Alpine are ordered to pay Oscar's, Mark's, and McLaren's costs.
After all of their bluster and slander, it turns out that Otmar Szafnauer and Laurent Rossi genuinely believed the terms sheet was a contract that entitled them to Oscar's services for 2023.
Alpine fire the lawyer. (So I guess nobody is in their legal department, now?)
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itsbaku · 2 years
Getting some new oc concepts ready for a scene in SoW HoM
Here's the concepts if anyone wanted to see
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Hopefully I will have better ones by tomorrow
Any questions on this are welcome and appreciated, as I love anything about the Baku lore lol
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myimaginarywonderland · 10 months
No podium will ever serve ship potential like Baku 2017.
Dantteri? The ship that went from Daniel Ricciardo mocking Val to hin being so obsessed that he has to talk about his mullet, his ass, his accent. Just talking about Valtteri all the time. Not to mention the fact that they were driving against each other in their junior career? Fighting for a championship? Valtteri just flat out ignoring any attempt at flirting Daniel does?
The hockey boys? The teammates that should have been and could have been but were taken from us? Lance being one of the only people that Valtteri actively talks to on the drivers parade? How comfortable they seem around each other? The last lap beef returning after years?
The weird in-laws (kind of)? The fact that Lance set up his sister with Daniel's BFF? The fact that they shared Lance first podium together? The fact that they both are connected through Scotty to each other? The fact that it seems like they are close at the weeding but not at all close in the paddock? Lance just wanting to run away from Daniel when he approaches him to talk? Both now having consulted the same doctor to get back into racing?
The lore of this podium is insane and even most Brocedes podiums will rarely top the lost potential for ships that was this podium right then.
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
A different anon but as someone deeply fascinated by Esteban Ocon and the redbull musical chairs here are some extra notes:
Estie bestie is currently at Alpine formerly Renault since 2020. And back in 2018 (ie when he was in Racing Point) there were rumors linking him to the Renault seat Daniel would take in 2019 so that’s possibly why his and Lances friendship survived
Unrelated but Alpine/Renault is currently the Frenchest team to ever French. It is (or at least was) partly owned by the French government through their stake in Renault (Alpine got renamed cause Alpine is the sports car brand of Renault. Not that they make any sports cars I believe they made maybe one in 2017). The current two Alpine drivers are the aforementioned Estie bestie and Pierre Gasly (both French. Also childhood friends to enemies to they have to tolerate each other now) and while their current reserve driver is an Australian, he will hopefully for his own good take a page out of his countryman’s Oscar Piastris book and hightail it out of there for his own good. The most likely replacement for him would be Victor Martins. Also French. The Alpine factories are in Enstone (UK) and Viry (France) so that’s the least French part of that team
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of rbr 2nd seat:
So rbr started by buying the Jaguar team in mid 2000s after afaik getting fed up by Sauber who they used to sponsor. Also at that time Sauber was sponsored by Petronas, Mercedes’ current title sponsor. Fun fact
The two drivers that they started with was David Coulthard who no one cares about in this story and Mark Webber, Australian, first victim of rbr 2nd seat shenanigans
At some point (for the 2009 season I think?) Seb Vettel, German, certifiable little shit at that time, replaces Coulthard
Insert a highlight reel of Seb Vettels warcrimes between ~2010 - 2013, which culminate in Multi-21 Mark Webber retiring after the 2013 season. He gets replaced by Toro Rosso driver/Red Bull junior Daniel Ricciardo, Australian, happy go lucky guy and our next victim in a couple of years
2014 brings new regs for the cars and Red Bull struggles to adapt. For context Seb went from a 9 win streak at the end of 2013 to no podiums in 2014. Yeah. So he runs away to Ferrari for 2015 to become a victim of Italian incompetence instead
He gets replaced by Daniil Kvyat, Russian, the most forgettable man in this story. Also he is pretty new into F1, it’s his second or third year there
2015 is sorta meh for rbr but the two Daniels are sorta even. And then 2016 happens
Here’s the thing; Daniil decides to play bumper cars in Russia and China right off the bat at the beginning of the season, one of the victims being former rbr golden child Seb. Now there’s more lore that I don’t remember but it culminates in him being replaced for Spain 2016 by Max Verstappen, Dutch, aged like 18 at that time
Max goes on to win his first race with Red Bull because Mercedes (the best team on the grid) is in the throes of a civil war and their drivers take each other out. There could be novels written about those two drivers btw
The next two and half years are a slow process of the garage slowly going from preferring Danny Ric to preferring Max. Highlights include Baku 2018 and then Dans redemption win in Monaco the same year. There could be novels about this as well but we culminate in Dan leaving for Renault
And then we get to the real musical chairs. He gets replaced by Pierre Gasly, French, third victim of rbr 2nd seat
He has a shite start to the season and ends up getting replaced by Alex Albon, Thai, a rookie that year, midway through the season after Christian Horner, Mr Ginger spice, swore up and down he won’t
Intermission: Toro Rosso liked playing musical chairs as well and Pierre Gasly only got an F1 seat at the last few races for 2017, Alex got told he’s racing in 2019 (his first season) days before preseason testing. With no experience in an F1 car. And there’s a world of difference between a shit car (Toro Rosso) and a good car (Red Bull). Yeah they were ultimately victims of rbrs shitty management, especially Alex since he does wonders in a Williams now
Rbr decides to drop Alex after 2020. Except they usually promote Toro Rosso drivers and the two Toro Rosso drivers right now? Pierre Gasly and Daniil Kvyat. Yeah
So they end up hiring Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez, Mexican, who knows if he will be racing next year. Idk if he got an extension or if they hired him for four years, either way his contract is supposed to last until end of 2024 season but right now how Mr Ginger spice is acting… yeah
Also, Daniel just came back to rbr as a driver for Alpha Tauri (former Toro Rosso) after a mid season swap that was widely regarded as shittily done so there are very little contract issues that would stop Red Bull from hiring him, a marketing departments golden boy, a good friend of Max, as the second driver to maybe finally have a good team
(Red Bull has never ended 1-2 in drivers standings. Checo is currently second but Sir Lewis Hamilton can do wonders sometimes)
So to reiterate the seat movements:
It’s Webber -> Ricciardo -> Gasly -> Albon -> Perez in that metaphorical seat which when rb had a clear first and second drivers it was usually second drivers seat
And (Coulthard ->) Vettel -> Kvyat -> Verstappen for that other seat. The one that if rb had a clear first and second drivers was usually first (Vettel, Verstappen after ~2018)
Bonus fun fact about Liam Lawson, one of the threats for Checos seat:
He is born in 2002. He’s younger than Fernando Alonso’s career by several months, upwards to a year
He is the guy that knocked Verstappen out of quali in Q2 in Singapore and consequently broke the several year long streak of at least one car always in Q3 that Red Bull has been holding
There is always a debate if he has a guaranteed seat from rbr or not at some point. There were rumors of a guaranteed for 2025 a while ago but who knows…
Sorry for rambling so much I have thoughts haha
forgot i’ve been sitting on this ask for a month lol but yes. red bull second seat drama is indeed fascinating. and now there is aparently another rumor that arthur leclerc might come up to f1 through racing bulls (alpha tauri) which would disrupt the process again.
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fandom-fuck-yourself · 4 months
What Hides In The Night Breakdown: Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki is a Pro-Hero (DynaMight)
Grieves through sex. (One night stands)
Eats Katsudon atleast twice a month as a bitter reminder for what he did.
Leaves All Might themed trinkets on Izuku’s grave every year since he disappeared.
Every Psychiatrist’s worst (but financially best) nightmare.
His friends (Baku Squad) basically force him to hang out once a month. No, literally, they’ll actually just bang on the door until he opens it. (Kiri eventually got a key made)
Spends his extra time modeling new Hero equipment for his parent’s business. (This gives them time to actually be around eachother during their busy schedules.) They also use this time to spend time as a family and have dinner or smthn idk yet. Of course Baku Squad uses this as a free ride to new support item prototypes. (His parents don’t mind, they’re just glad he made friends plus they’re S T A C K E D)
Minimalist due to OCD
Clean freak also bc OCD
Started smoking cigarettes occasionally (mainly on his work breaks when nobody’s around).
Has an extreme drinking problem (only on off days and yes, his friends are worried. This is what normally leads into his one night stands.)
Eventhough adults don’t respect his behavior and find him childish, he always makes a point to be kind to the kids mainly because of what happened to Izuku. (Signing autographs, promoting healthy mindsets and bonds, responding to fan mail, charity meetings at schools etc.)
Often takes on extra shifts for search and rescue as atonement for never finding Izuku.
Mental Health:
Anxiety (Needs to be the best)
Grief (Izu centric)
Attachment Disorder (only his therapist knows)
OCD (everyone knows)
Panic Disorder (only when he gets too into his head)
Sleeping Disorder (Insomnia)
Substance Abuse (Cigarettes but mainly Alcohol)
Sex Addiction (Maybe his heart will feel something that isn’t pain one day)
Extreme Anger (self explanatory because he needs constant validation but is also kinda narcissistic but not really because it’s more of an insecurity that stems from his mother’s treatment growing up)
Always bathes before and after work (OCD but we stan a clean boi)
Only eats homemade foods (unless out with family/friends) bc “Eating out is lazy and expensive and tastes way better why I make it anyways!”
Cleans a lot even though he’s a minimalist bbc dust bothers him a lot.
Morning jogs on his off days (gotta stay nimble)
Very anal about keeping schedules (Calendars, note pads, letters, e-docs.)
One night stands atleast 3 times a month (fr someone help this lonely soul)
Takes his breaks on rooftops. (He enjoys being able to see the city without actually having to deal with the actual noise and hustle of the city. It also helps him calm his mind. Kinda reminds him that the city is way too big for a single person to handle it all. This is also the only time he can remember the good memories with Izuku)
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lewisinho · 2 months
as the anon that asked for the race list: thank you!
now this is totally up to you if you have the time to spend on this, but this is my first year watching the races, and while I've been doing some background research to get up to speed, there is still a lot i don't know. i trust your judgment so what are some races and/or f1 adjacent things i should look into? i'm going through your McLaren list and have watched the last 4 seasons of dts and the brawn documentary. are there any other books/ documentaries/ races (especially seb's) / old youtube videos that are lost in the void that i should also check out?
again no pressure and thank you!
no problem!
(and btw welcome to f1 and the world of watching some glorified hot wheels every other sunday 😁 it’s great!)
i completely get how daunting it can be as a new fan in the sport. when i was getting back into f1 it also took me some time to get back up to speed with everything, especially all the techy stuff; i honestly learned the most through just watching the races (old and new), bc you get to see all the strategies play out, the pit-stops, the overtakes etc. and the terminology just becomes much easier to understand through sheer exposure. there are also some really cool f1 data analysis blogs you might want to follow on twt/x if you want some more detailed tech analysis and graphs if you’re into that sort of thing: (x)
as for seb, oh there’s a whole arsenal of recs i have!
monza 2008, rise of torro rosso wunderkind; i presume you already know the lore with that one but ig you can never get tired of it.
abu dhabi 2010, world championship no.1 “du bist weltmeister!”
interlagos 2012, the infamous one. this one’s a rollercoaster, chaos everywhere and the manifestation of murphy’s law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. amidst a title battle against nando, seb was fighting the weather, bruno senna’s front wing, a damaged side-pod, no radio, and somehow managed to claim p6 to win the championship
malaysia 2013, multi-21 (iconique), he was faster, deal with it. 💅
singapore 2013, domination masterclass from quali to the race. (also just all of his singapore wins...lion of singapore and all that)
india 2013, title no.3 secured, changed tyres on lap 2 and came out p17, was third by only lap 13 and then won the race by nearly 30 seconds. it was also his sixth win in a row. he went on to win three more. speaks for itself. also this:
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malaysia 2015, first win with ferrari, can't forget that one, also features sewis’ gay knee-touching on the podium.
germany 2019, CHAOS, in which merc got bewitched by the special livery curse 😅, with crashes, spins, 50-second long pit stops, and also features one of seb’s best drives from p20 -> p2
i also highly recommend watching Floz's fan-made docus on youtube about 'the silver war' (there are also docus for the 2014 and 2015 seasons) as well as the merc v ferrari (lewis vs seb) 2017 fight and 'fight for five' in 2018, they're so much better than dts and actually give a full run-down of what happened during the season, with all the action on-track, with interviews and providing all the context! it's so well-edited as well (you literally feel like you're watching a movie about all of the seasons) and they are just incredibly fun to watch.
in general, i love rewatching races from 2017/18 (literally my comfort seasons), personal favs include spain 2017 (strategy galore and lewis v seb), baku 2017 (for obv reasons), austin 2017; and basically the 2018 season in its entirety...
as for books, there are many driver autobiographies e.g. jb (he’s even got two lmao), mark webbah etc. but i think the best f1 book out there is adrian newey’s memoir ‘how to build a car’ if you want lore + great insight into cars!
i’d also recommend watching some older races (i could do a separate post on which ones are my personal favs) but it’s all up to you in the end! go digging, look around on yt for some highlights and just keep exploring! 🫶💜
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dnangelic · 2 months
// WHO WOULD BE ON DARK AND DAISUKE'S POKETEAMSSSSS ive always thought daisuke would have a smeargle (art moment) an eevee (wiz moment) (also normal types bc hes So Normal and Regular and Unassuming) annnd zorua (edgy red moment) while dark has shiny zororak (edgy purple moment) and. idk. maybe an umbreon to mirror daisuke's eevee. blinks
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HARVEY AUGHHHHHH UR SO SMART!!!!!!! honestly dai wouldn't be a hardcore pokemon trainer (he's here to steal hearts not to win fights or become champion^tm) so he wouldn't have a fully decked out party. dai would LOATHE battling, he'd never want to do it, even if given dark's reputation he'd probably get flamethrowers and lightning bolts fired his way every other day or night. it's hard being dark. he'll still use his abilities to save other people because that's his whole thing but whatever.
in my head it was like - hilariously enough dark and wiz would be daisuke's only 'pokemon' and this was an immutable concept in my Brain, if i didn't go the legendary/fragment of giratina route then dark just would've been a gengar possessing the niwa line (to mirror the way dark's sometimes described as the infinitely repeating 'ghost' of the original niwa/ancestor) or a nightmare-curse from darkrai that bled into reality (not biblical/'creation' focused enough, esp on the hikari side of things.)
dark's not allowed to be human, ever, so why not make him just the weird human-infused product of the equivalent of vaguely-pokemon-satan already who has weird dimension hopping powers(dai n dark can already do that normally) and a cool edgelord aesthetic that has a gold torque just like one of their outfits. and wings. and territorial behavior with a sensitive side lmao or everybody wanting to 'seal' and lock them away for being chaotic/trouble makers aldkjaldkjf - anyways you get it! wiz and dark even within dnangel canon are supposed to be pretty unique weirdos already, wiz is more like shaymin status (a la there's only ever like One Around) which i also think suits him a little better than an eevee would too -
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^ you can see what i mean right. KDSJLDKJG GOTH SHAYMIN TO CANON'S PASTEL. these small transformers mammals can kick it into FLIGHT MODE. but i can still totally see dai loving normal types overall like smeargle and eevee!!
in canon the way that artworks fill up dai's house as dark collects them i can see him basically filling up his mansion with all sorts of pokemon that are only 'his' in a kind of a distant and territorial, royal sense- canonically he gets artworks that are / can turn into a small bird (towa, maybe a natu given the psychic/supernatural 'guide to eternity' thing she has going on, or a swablu/altaria since it fits her aesthetic more?) a snake, (or a gecko, that's argentine, there's plenty of pokemon for that,' and a whole ass dreameater-tapir for baku, (drowzee and musharna are both RIGHT THERE) so if we're going canon-wise, i'd give him those!!! i love him slowly building up his found family of little weird guys who he loves and who love HIM very much, + again it elevates the whole giratina fragment/noble ruler of another realm/burdened boyking bit. otherwise, i've always used a clefairy(not a clefable! not! a! clefable!) to represent daisuke and still a gengar to represent dark. dai just has a fairy type affinity in general alongside his normal type behavior since he's a fragmented fairy tale mc. give him a mimikyu or impidmp or something. if anything i think the ghost types as a whole fit dark very well too - mostly in lore.
banette being thrown away and haunted inanimate dolls??? sinistea being just a lonely lil guy in a cuppy?? sableye?? LITWICK???
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
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