#Ballister Griffin
sabindark · 1 year
shapeshifter Ballister Au
Ballister as Griffin
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islenthatur · 2 years
So we all know the stories where Jaskier collects Witchers like dnd players and dice, how could he not!? And we all know that the ones where Witchers collect Jaskiers friendship too.
But honestly, I just want a fic where the Witchers mounts and lil bleater just collect the noisy-colourful-being-withsnacks...
Animals are smart okay, the horses talk to eachother because how else would they get civilised conversation and of course they'd brag about who carried the heaviest for longest, how many times their stupid people got hurt...
Roach starts off complaining about the noisy-being that followed them one day that just never stopped making noises or trying to pet her. The years pass and the complaints turn into fondess and she comes home more full and cared for than she had in a long time and her witcher does too.
The others, Scorpion, horse, lil bleater all want to meet the human, try to ease their own witchers burdens and just... does.
Jaskier is away from geralt for a competition, and suddenly, he has a very insistent goat bleating at him, pushing him off the road towards Eskel who was injured.
It just goes on from there... Lambert's mount Horse finds him, lips at the pants roach knew held sugar cubes and both Lambert and Jaskier stare at eachother awkwardly while he feeds horse the cubes.
Word travels between the mounts, a hawk that was a familiar to a Griffin flys down and rests on Jaskiers lute while playing, scaring the fuck out of him but shows him to another injured witcher.
Then the mountain happens
Roach loses her horse mind in anger at her Witcher, there would be no more soft songs, no more flowers in her main or apples, her Noisy-foal gone...
The animals revolt, it's a hard season for all witchers and when Geralt gets back after Cintra and Jaskier is with him the animals just go absolutely ballistic in joy and surround him
All the witchers are just watching with the most adorable wtf faces ever.
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(GFL) Valentine's Chocolate gift to Reader from AR, DEFY, 404, Griffin, and Sangvis
With today being Valentine's, I am obligated to make a post. Instead of just choosing a few raifus, I will include: EVERYONE. No one gets left behind during Valentines on my watch!
Anti-Rain Team
(From Left to Right: M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, M4A1, RO635, M16A1)
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(M4A1) "Here. A token of my gratefulness, please accept it. The others will misunderstood this? ...Well that's good for you."
M4 really doesn't care what the other T-Dolls think. As long as (Y/N) was happy, she was happy.
After stoically gifting them the chocolate, her expression softens, seeing the smile on their face.
What she wasn't ready for was some chocolate being gifted back to her. She is flustered for only a moment before giving a gentle smile back.
(M4A1) "How about we share the chocolate together, (Y/N)?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "(Y/N), will you stop by today? There are plenty of sweets!"
SOPMOD is extremely excited about getting to taste all the chocolate with zero of the drawbacks.
But she also makes sure to share some with (Y/N), something that immediately catches everyone's attention.
Normally if anyone tried to get a hand on her chocolate, she'd go ballistic.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Mmm! This tastes good! Here, open your mouth, I'll give you some!"
ST AR-15
(ST AR-15) "Have the other girls given you chocolate, (Y/N)? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield."
Regardless if the chocolate was strictly platonic, it gets STAR fired up.
She makes sure that her chocolate tastes the best out of everyone, dragging (Y/N) along to ensure no one else can try to upstage her!
STAR would prove her love, right then and there!
Of course, she's too fired up to realize that she had used "love" in her wording.
(ST AR-15) "Now let's see, where are the ingredients around here...?"
(M16A1) "Honestly I'm not too interested, but please take one."
M16 is uncharacteristically bashful, fidgeting with her fingers as (Y/N) takes the chocolate.
She sighs in relief when they're distracted eating the chocolate, and even moreso when they smile.
She wipes her nonexistent sweat from her head and gives a toothy grin.
(M16A1) "Oh thank god!...N-Nothing, don't worry about it!"
(RO635) "(Y/N)!...Ummm...what I wanted to say was...here! You understand right?! These are my feelings!"
RO is on the verge of breaking down from her anxiety alone.
Upon hearing (Y/N) thanking her and taking a happy bite of her chocolate, she exhales deeply and blushes.
When they sit down next to her, offering some of the chocolate back, she can't help but scoot in a little closer. After all, it was just them in the room.
(RO635) "T-Thank you for accepting the chocolate...and, me..."
Task Force DEFY
(From Left to Right: AN-94, AK-12, Angelia, AK-15, RPK-16)
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(AK-12) "That damn AN-94 forcing me to receive this chocolate. Ah, (Y/N). Are you hungry? I got sweets."
12 doesn't particularly care about Valentine's, but eh. It was convenient that (Y/N) was nearby.
Sitting down with them, they both share their chocolate as she grumbled that AN-94 had made way too much for her.
But a little part of her was still thankful, for both the gift, and being able to give it to (Y/N).
(AK-12) "Hm, I bet you must be happy about getting chocolate from me.~"
(AN-94) "I prepared chocolate for everyone. This one is for you, (Y/N), and this one is for...I'll send it to her later."
94 had made some chocolate for her squad already, but for (Y/N), it was just as special for them as it was for AK-12.
She watches with a blank expression as they take a bite, smiling in approval.
Finally, a warm smile grows across her lips as she nods in satisfaction.
(AN-94) "Is it to your liking?...I am glad."
(AK-15) "(Y/N), here's the chocolate that I made, please accept it. It was made with strict adherence to the recipe, despite the annotations that were made. Why is that, you ask? I heard there was a rule for that, apparently."
15 doesn't really get why this even became a tradition.
But if it made the ones she cared for happy, maybe it wasn't a complete waste of time.
She simply nods once she knows that her chocolate was satisfactory.
(AK-15) "Thank you for your help as always, (Y/N)."
(RPK-16) "Eh? A chocolate? Ah, that's no good! I totally forgot about it…just kidding! (Y/N), as thanks for all of your support, please take this from me! By the way, that was a most interesting reaction you made there."
16 smiles as she hands the chocolate over to (Y/N), enjoying their reaction to the taste even more.
It was always interesting to see what a human's reaction was to candy, especially from someone they apparently liked.
And judging by their reaction, she could assume they were quite fond of her.
(RPK-16) "Now, I wonder how you'll be when you have to give the chcoolate to me, (Y/N)?"
(Angelia) "Thanks for the gift, but I haven't got the time to prepare you something in return. How about a piece of information that's of equal value? For example, I've been trying to arrange Helian's mixers these last few days and it's been driving me… What? You're not interested?"
Angelia pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth as she shrugs.
Their loss.
She can't help the slight blush that appears on her cheeks when she sees just how happy (Y/N) was.
(Angelia) "...Remind me to get you some chocolate tonight too, (Y/N)."
Squad 404
(From Left to Right: G11, HK416, UMP45, UMP9)
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(UMP45) "(Y/N), I made this chocolate for you. Of course, I also prepared enough for everyone else…It's not bad, right?"
UMP45 has a smug grin, watching (Y/N)'s reaction. But it quickly melts into a more genuine smile as her shoulders relax.
She tries not to make a big deal out of it, and moves to give the chocolate to her squadmates.
But she kept an eye on (Y/N), making sure to note their preferences in her head.
(UMP45) "Hm...Guess I should've made theirs heart-shaped after all."
(UMP9) "(Y/N), you received so much chocolate today, isn't it too much?…That's why, a little more won't hurt right? hehe♪"
UMP9 happily puts her chocolate into their arms, giggling.
She hopes that her chocolate will be the one they remember the most tonight.
She watches earnestly as they take a bite, getting even more giddy at their positive reaction.
(UMP9) "It's good, right?!"
(G11) "(Y/N), It's the holiday. I need rest…are you treating me dinner? That would be good really nice~"
G11 yawns but accompanies (Y/N) for free food.
Well...that and the fact it was (Y/N).
Hopefully the fact she was even tagging along would tell them all they needed to know.
(G11) "Mmm...Oh, right...Happy Valentine's.."
(HK416) "My chocolate was made with perfectly calculated ingredients. Ehh? It tastes weird? You jest."
At first she wonders what went wrong before realizing that (Y/N) lips had formed into a smirk.
They were teasing her.
She can't help but pout, crossing her arms, but with one eye open to watch them take a bite out of her chocolate.
(HK416) "Hmph. Fine, be that way you, you little shit."
(From Left to Right: Springfield, G36, Helianthus, Kalina, SPAS-12, WA2000)
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(Helianthus) "Chocolate? For me? Humph, this is just some childish game for young people…Wait, I didn't say I wouldn't accept it!"
Helian panics when (Y/N) is taking away the chocolate, but its only after she grabs it that she realized she was acting too desperately.
Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't notice, or they chose not to say anything.
Both options made her pride hurt a little less.
(Helianthus) "A-Ahem! Thank you, (Y/N)...If you wouldn't mind, would you like to share some with me?"
(Kalina) "Here, chocolate~! Uh, you want me to be more ceremonious about it? That depends on how much you invest in my White Day chocolate, heheh!"
After rubbing her hands together greedily like a fly, she watches (Y/N) pop one of the chocolates into their mouth.
And good, they liked it! And if they wanted her to be a little more lovey dovey, they'd have to work for it!
Kalina was not a cheap gal, and she sure as hell wasn't going to act like one.
(Kalina) "Alrighty, now share some with me!...What, it's valentine's for me as much as it is for you!"
(Springfield) "This is my handmade chocolate, please taste some."
Springfield has a gentle expression that beams even brighter watching S/O chow down.
She was worried that it was a little too sweet, but clearly there was nothing to fear.
She wipes a little bit of chocolate off their cheek, giving a warm smile.
(Springfield) "If you want some more, please let me know. I'm always happy to bake for you."
(WA2000) "I just happen to have some extra chocolate! I won't forgive you if you turn it down!"
WA blushes madly as she hands the chocolate to them.
When they aren't looking, she sighs in relief and turns around to hide her smile.
(Y/N) offers one of the chocolates to her, which she avoids eye contact, but somehow turns an even brighter shade of red.
(WA2000) "I've already had a lot today but...I guess I don't mind having some more."
(SPAS-12) "I, um, ended up eating half of the chocolates I was going to give to you, ahahah…Hmm? You don't mind? Oh, I'm glad!"
SPAS gladly gifted them the half empty box of chocolate. She honestly felt bad that she had eaten some, but she couldn't help it!
It's not her fault they tasted so good!
Her robotic heart skips a beat when (Y/N) offered her one more piece, despite she had eaten more than her fair share.
(G36) "(Y/N)? Even if it's valentine's day, please restrain yourself from gorging too heavily on chocolate. You will get cavities."
After determining the amount they had received would not be dangerous for their teeth, G36 allowed them to have her chocolate.
Truthfully, she was thankful that they seemed to like it. With Springfield's help, it was a chocolate truly to die for.
Her scowl eases up a little as (Y/N) came into vision, giving a smile.
(G36) "How does it taste? I hope it's to your liking."
(From Left to Right:Scarecrow, Hunter, Architect, Gager)
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(Scarecrow) "I do not have chocolate to give. I do not know how to make any, I'm a T-Doll, not a baker."
Instead, being gifted chocolate, she stares at the heart-shaped box, unblinking.
Finally relenting, she opened the box and slowly detaches her face mask.
She takes out one piece of chocolate, splits it in half, then offers it to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "Here. We wil eat together."
(Architect) "Finally, I can have all the chocolate I want, and NO ONE can judge me! Here, take some too!"
Architect happily shares her chocolate stash with (Y/N), gorging herself without a care in the world.
She makes sure that (Y/N) can get a few pieces, but if they even THINK about reaching for their half, they're dead!
She hums playfully as she savors the taste of each one.
(Architect) "Pretty good, huh?! Oooh, I hope Halloween there's even MORE candy we can get together!"
(Gager) "I didn't want to be shown up by those Griffin Dolls, so here. Chocolate made by me."
Gager leans in expectantly, watching for (Y/N)'s reaction to her chocolate.
Upon seeing their smile, she leans back and nods confidently.
At least this time, she could show up the other T-Dolls without it causing some tension...Unless someone was aiming for (Y/N) too. That she could not allow.
(Gager) "If you ever want more, you know who the right person to call is."
(Hunter) "I would say I have procured these chocolates from a worthy prey...but I just bought them."
She wishes she could've hunted this instead, but it'll do.
Hunter has her arms crossed casually as (Y/N) takes a few of her chocolates.
She hums in approval, taking one of the chocolates for herself.
(Hunter) "I think I could give you something more exotic than chocolate next year...Unless you have some time right now?"
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Can we get some more of Bitty bonding with the rescue bots maybe heatwave even if he claims he doesn’t like the bitty.
It's not that he doesn't like bitty, it's that he's not convinced he and the team can actually properly take care of them. None of them are really qualified to be parents, and the most experience he has is with his niece and nephews who are long gone by now. Between the general craziness of Griffin Rock and holding their cover, throwing a fragile newspark into the mix is just asking for trouble. He's thinking about them when he tries to refuse Optimus. Raising a child is a big deal, and... they don't have anything ready. No sparkling energon, the base isn't babyproofed, and Blades has never even held a sparkling before.
Granted, with the autobots and decepticons actively fighting each other on the mainland, this is probably the safest place for the kid, but that doesn't mean their guardians are ready to give them a good life
Still, baby is here whether he thinks they're ready or not, so he resolves to just do his best. He's determined to do right by them, until they can find a better placement (spoiler alert, they never do. Bitty is here to stay)
Kiddo adores their new family, and is just so happy to have someone warm and loving to hold them. They're a very snuggly bitty, always peeping to be picked up and fussing loudly if someone tries to put them down. Blades and Boulder are glad to play hot potato with the sparkling, passing him between themselves whenever they have work that needs done, and sparkling delights in it
Baby's favorite place is in Heatwave's alt mode tho: he loves to sit in the passenger seat and pap at the windows and buttons and squeal when the siren activates. Heatwave takes bitty outside of town, into the woods so they can climb all over him and run around and play. It's an uphill battle, keeping the sparkling a secret from the human citizens, especially when sparkling is fussy at night and won't recharge. A sparkling's cry is loud, and can carry for miles when they're really upset: it sounds like a baby crying through a monitor, and there's been a couple instances where the townspeople grumble about ghostly baby noises from the forests. Heatwave takes bitty out there when he can't sleep, so no one can track the sound to the firehouse 🤭
Everyone's honestly surprised at how good Heatwave is with bitty. More often than not he'll be carrying them around on his hip or shoulders, and does little more than mutter in annoyance when they climb up his face and accidentally shove their pede in his mouth. Kiddo reminds him so much of his niblings, Primus rest their sparks, tho he keeps that part private. Boulder and Blades are both very excited in the fun, cute parts of parenthood, but it's up to Heatwave to deal with the messy parts. And he's good at it. Bitty loves him to death, and god help the poor soul that wakes them from a nap without Heatwave present. Baby needs their post-nap Heatwave snuggles or they go ballistic. The two of them get really close, and he's loathe to admit it even to himself, but he really, really loves the little tyke
This was mostly just me rambling but I hope you enjoyed it anyway
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darkpoisonouslove · 10 months
I don't know where I should go with that headcanons bc I have no one to talk about Griffin and Valtor😭
So I hope I don't bother you with one of my favourite ones but I really need to get this of my soul before I put it into a possible fanfiction that I will probably never publish. But I really hope you like it :)
So my favourite hc will always be that the mark Valtor uses to control the mermaids and witches and whoever else was first an sighn of love between him and Griffin and she had it somewhere on her body. And then she left and Valtor was so angry with her for her betrayal and that he can't punish her for what she did. Or at least not in person. So he did it differently. A night after she left he took out his anger in several villages. He cursed them all under his control and let them destroy themselfes. And everyone of them carried Valtor's mark. It's not even necessary but he let them let wear it anyway just like every other time he forces someone under his control in the future. And in that speacial night he did it especially as an message for Griffin. Because he knows how much she could care about those stupid things. So he made it clear for her to know that he did this just because of her. That this could've been avoided. That this people died that night because of Griffin. He thinks that she could just leave like that without looking back and if she shouldn't feel guilty about that, then at least she should feel guilty about what her actions did to these innocent people. No, he could never harm her personal, couldn't REALLY put a hand on her. But he could always remember her that entire villages were unnecessarily destroyed to the ground and wiped out because of her actions.
So the mark that she can't get rid of bc it was create with dark dragon fire and that once meant care and maybe something like love for her, only reminds her on pain and dead when she looked at it.
Lots of Love, I hope you have a nice day <3
First of all, anon, I want to say that I wasn't ignoring you. My brain is just soup rn. I know how lonely it can be when you don't have anyone to discuss your headcanons and feelings with and I'm glad you decided to share this with me. You're absolutely not bothering me.
Now I have to say that in my personal headcanons I have Valtor's mark cemented as a part of the worldbuilding. That is to say, I think that it's connected somehow to his demon form and possibly to the darkness the Ancestral Witches used to create him. I kind of see a similarity between his mark and their ability to possess people (like they did in both SotLK and, more prominently, Magical Adventure (where they possessed the Trix)). Basically, I believe that his mark is a toned down version of that. Which absolutely doesn't mean that your headcanon isn't perfectly valid!
Valtor going ballistic when something doesn't go his way is actually very much canon. Just look at his behavior in 3x25 and 3x26 when his plan was falling apart. And this scenario also kind of lets him hide his hurt too. He can pretend that it wasn't him just simply losing control and raging because she left but that he very deliberately planned this just because he knew it would hurt her. I really think that Griffin was willing to kill (aka make the necessary sacrifices) to achieve her goals but this is so senseless and needless that it would have bothered her immensely with how much it's obviously just done to spite her, to show her that because she did something he didn't expect and couldn't control, now he's going to return the favor.
Thanks for dropping by the ask box! I'm sleepy but otherwise good. Hope you're doing well too!
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rist-ix · 2 years
If Bloom were to become queen and ever be convinced by Valtor that the company of light and faragona were responsible for Domino's fall wether thru indecisive action or deliberate inaction due to jealousy and envy, what do you think her response would be.
That’s a lot of biiiiig what-ifs wrapped in one question hold on a second.
There would have to be a LOT of plot armory context for the company of light to betray two of their own members, and two heads of state and interplanetary politicians on top of that. If there had been such a conspiracy, the fic would have to a very distinct AU with a full on villains-in-charge situation, which would change the tone of Bloom's previous Alfea experiences quite heavily. Because while Griffin certainly is no stranger to betrayal (and we don’t know about her exact reasoning for that) and Faragonda has a knack for secrets, neither of them shows much personal ambition or some kind of nationalist thinking that would make them envy Bloom's parents.
If there were some kind of scheme going on, I think it would be of a more personal nature.
But. I just noticed you said “convinced” not “revealed” so all that previous context is basically just proof of my lacking reading comprehension. Ignore that!
Okay so if Bloom were Queen, there's still the matter of what planet. Are we talking Queen of Domino? Or Queen consort of Eraklyon?
In the latter case she'd be surrounded by a new culture, new people, and advisors she does not know or trust. She'd have in-laws who would not like her and/or can’t look at her because of their own failures regarding Domino. Bloom would essentially be isolated and under a lot of pressure, something that is easy to exploit for someone like Valtor. If he already has her trust, all the better; if not, now is the prime time to gain it because she has no support system outside of Sky (who would obviously do a great job at that :| right? :| ) Should Valtor want to make her doubt her mentors, he'd simply have to point at Erendor. Show her some proof of his betrayal, point her in the direction of that ruined city from the movie (Avram I think?) and poof: Bloom's paranoia and vengeful nature have a field day together. It wouldn’t take a lot to make the company of light seem complicit, and he's been able to sell harder lies before.
In that case, Bloom's reaction would probably be political. A foreign court doesn’t leave many options for outbursts, her position is fragile and most likely important to Valtor, so he'd make sure to talk her out of a violent revenge arc. She'd be vicious tho, and would have Valtor's political expertise behind her. A subtle smear campaign, cut funding, the headmasters' loss of their position sooner or later, she could get them on trial for endangering students and wouldn’t even have to involve herself directly.
As queen of Domino, we assume the planet has been revived minus her family, who would be able to refute Valtor's accusation. It would also mean a lot of pressure and isolation, but her position would be set in stone. She's the sole surviving member of the royal family, sole surviving daughter of two war heroes, guardian of the Dragon Flame, and quite literally the reason her people are breathing. She'd be adored, if not outright religiously worshipped, and there would be practically no one in her immediate surroundings who would oppose her. If Valtor convinced her under these circumstances, with her wielding absolute power over her planet, that Faragonda, Griffin and Saladin are the reason her parents aren’t here to witness all this? oh they dead hon
Bloom would go ballistic, confront them, probably either kill them in a rage or drag them into prison herself, because obviously no one else will get her justice.
Her people would be surprised but easily convinced — that's their hero, their savor up there after all, the infant princess turned warrior queen, and if she wants a little violence she's either justified or can have it, as a treat — and if any other governments opposed her… well, what would they really do? Declare war on Domino, Risen Again? Over a few teachers that may or may not have been uncomfortably involved anyway?
It would make for an interesting conflict with the Winx for sure, because they'd still firmly trust Faragonda.
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Quickshadow was a sly bitch.
Charlie knew of her from Heatwave, who once drunkenly confessed that he had an on and off again relationship with her and described how she had severe ptsd and how careful he had to be to keep her from having a flashback from any little noise or movement. He had gotten very descriptive, and with the help of some b grade nuke and some careful visual suggestions, Charlie was confident that he could kill two birds with one stone.
Err, well, stage a murder suicide by priming a slightly suicidal, ex special ops agent to mutilating her boyfriend's corpse and then killing herself.
(fanfic jazz's anything goes special ops, not just strike teams and data harvesting. This one's dark folks, the tags are the tags)
Let's just say it went better than Charlie had hoped.
He lured her to Griffin Rock by sending a very concerning comm from Heatwave's hacked comm link, making him sound like he was having a mental crisis.
Once the nuke was in her body and she saw Heatwave's artificially flickering eyes swinging from the warehouse rafters, she went ballistic, using her old, expired service medical kit as she tried to close the wound on Heatwave's graying body.
When she came off of the nuke enough to understand that Heatwave was already dead, she grabbed her service weapon, nuzzled Heatwave's cheek, and blew her own processor out.
As expected, her life signal going out lead to Jazz and Ratchet investigating, finding the two lovers in the warehouse and driving to the firehouse personally to deliver the news.
Of course, everyone played their part, the right people breaking down and staying stoic. Blades blubbered out the right information that Heatwave hadn't returned from what he had described to be errands.
The transcripts from the deceased comm links backed up his story, and the two were taken away to be prepared for a double funeral, which the whole Burns family showed up for.
It was a quiet affair, Optimus preaching in a droning cybex before blessing Heatwave's stone sarcophagus.
Quickshadow was an atheist, so Jazz set a stone tablet detailing Quickshadow's decorated military service before they were set inside a cave in a canyon in rural Nevada.
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
god finn i haven’t even seen nimona yet but your art for that one fic is giving me witcher!au brainworms. it’s giving cat!ballister and griffin!ambrosius. i don’t even remember enough about the og comic to solidify this beyond rotating them like a rotisserie chicken but i am. rotating them. you’ve done this to me. i hope you’re proud
if you have more brainworms. I would be happy to listen to them.
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mudaship39 · 2 years
Chronicles of War: A BIPOC and QTIPOC Futurism Project Series Trilogy
Hleor and Loran made a massive palace for him/her/them Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu the queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid superhero (AKA Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa, Guang/Biyu Wei, Zana Saani, or Kalani as someone with DID) in a giant castle on the colonized and terraformed planet of the Andromeda Galaxy.  A titanic castle that acts as a main operating base. 
The castle is defended by SSSS rank paladins in power armor. The castle is surrounded by several colossal citadels, forts, & bastions that act as forward operating bases. The forts, bastions, & citadels are defended by S rank, SS rank, & SSS rank paladins in mech suits, walking tanks, & battlewalkers. Each citadel, fort, & bastion is surrounded by several outposts, several guard posts, & several guard towers defended by C class, B class, A class, & S rank knights in power armor. 
Built around the castle are several kingdoms that make up the empire. The empire or federation of kingdoms on this planet itself is defended by Iuyamanian super soldiers manning 7.76mm plasma Gatling guns, 50 caliber or 12mm hard light heavy machine guns, plasma batteries, laser batteries, hard light middle silos, ballistic missile silos, ion cannons, zero point energy cannons, rail guns, electromagnetic cannons, positron cannons, & mass accelerator cannons.
Outside the castle is the unpolluted atmosphere where you can stare at a neighboring planet with a planetary ring and its three moons at either side of the sphere with the gray one smaller than the vivid white one. The castle on the colonized and terraformed planet inside the Andromeda Galaxy. It is in the Principality of the Ethanxiian Kingdoms of the Ethanian Federation that Alexander/Alexandria rules. 
Nonetheless it was somehow outrageous and supernatural in its appearance. It looked more majestic than anything the superhuman, metahuman, divine (such as old god), or extraterrestrial (such as Kryptonian, Daxamite, Martian, or Tamaranean) mind could possibly visualize. It was grandiose and regal with its unfeasibly high minarets vanishing into the atmosphere. Its spires were pointed to the skies itself as if challenging the gods and titans themselves to strike it down with divine thunder and heavenly lightning. It is clearly meant to be a complete show of strength or power and affluence and influence. 
Inside this empire were several settlements, villages, towns, cities, counties, states, & countries. These countries made up the Principality of the Ethania of the Northern,Western, Eastern, & Southern Kingdoms of the Federation of Ethax. This castle of the Cardinal Changeling in Ethax was in the epicenter in the city. The city that was the capital of the empire or federation of kingdoms.
The capital of the empire itself is centered around this fortress. This palace or fortress built for Cardinal Changeling is meant to be evaded. It is meant to be a sign of the empire’s strength or federation’s and toughness. It was an empire or federation that was under the protection of the Cambion Chimera as he/she/they were the Savior of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Conqueror of the Andromeda Galaxy. To these people you don’t get close to their monarch and sovereign Blue Basilisk you stay out of his/her/their way. This is how they viewed Golden Griffin as someone they saw as their protector. The palace of this kingdom that was the capital of the coalition is probably the tallest thing for miles and kilometers. With the kingdom laid out with the palace at the center you can see it at the end of every street, road, or freeway. It is even echoed in the rest of the city of the kingdom. Look at the metropolis around the Firebrick Firefox’s fortress. Look at the outline, layout, & design of the city. The entire capital of the empire is centered around this fort with the bastion as its hub or heart. The point of that palace is that they don't get close to the Emerald Eagle or Jade Jaguar who they see as their king/queen or emperor/empress. They just follow his/her/their leadership and defer to him/her/them for guidance. They put him/her/them as the chief celebrity in the alliance or coalition of kingdoms above everyone else. It made it so you can’t go anywhere without seeing his/her/their prominence. Behold it says gaze at the castle of their leader, the one who united warring kingdoms into a federation.
Throughout the hallways of the colossal palace and titanic fortress were one hundred colossal holographic figurines spread across the room that strongly looked like each of the active members of the Elites and Paragons that Cambion Chimera founded. It showed the Elites as a beacon of hope and faith. It showed the Paragons as a legacy of heroism and gallantry. It showed the Elites and the Paragons as valiant, courageous, & brave protectors. It showed them as the knights the public of the planets, solar systems, & galaxies thought them to be. In the back behind all of the statues of the Elites and the Paragons leading them was their strike team leader, founder, & commander in the statue of the Cardinal Changeling or the Scarlet Shapeshifter. It showed him/her/them as a warden of light, a guardian of life, & a defender of good. It showed him/her/them as the paladin that the citizens of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse thought him/her/them to be. This was a nice tribute to him/her/them he/she/they thought, So why the fuck was everything else of this palace so goddamn pretentious? 
Hleor and Loran said, “Your men and women under your command the Elites and the Paragons designed this statue that we built for you.” The Elites and Paragons had a division of preteen members, a branch of teenage members, a sector of young adult members, & a department of adult members. The Elites were a superhero, antihero, & supervillain conglomerate of the teams the Vigilantes, Apex, Exiles, Outcasts, Paramount, Alpha, Wildcards, Ironclad, & Centurions. The Paragons were a superhero, antihero, & supervillain conglomerate of the teams the Omega, Delta, Cinnabar Celestials, Psion Primordials, Wraithlike Wardens, Iron Inquisitors, Titanium Templars, Ion Immortals, Illusionists, Aurora, Colossals, Emerald Ethereals, & Rangers. Most of the Elites and Paragons were Indigenous or people of color. Several of the Elites and Paragons were lgbt. Some of the Elites and Paragons were disabled. The Elites and Paragons were mostly people of color. Several of the Elites and the Paragons were Polynesian, Micronesian, or Melanesian (Hawaiian, Tahitian, Maori, Fijian, Tongan, & Chuukese) Indigenous Pasifika. Several of the Elites and the Paragons were Anishinaabe, Apache, Apsaalooke, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Chumash, Cree, Dine, Hopi, Inuit, Iroquois,  Lumbee, Menominee, Mohawk, Ohlone,  Salish, Shoshone,  Tongva, Tsalagi, Yaqui, & Zuni Indigenous. The statues were each member of the Elites and Paragons in each of their superhero, antihero, or supervillain costumes, combat armor, and power armor in all sorts of valiant poses. That wasn’t so bad.
The Elites is a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the entire Sol Star System. The Paragons are a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Polaris Star System, Vega Star System, & the Sol Star System. The founding members of the Elites were also the founding members of the Paragons. 
The entire giant royal and regal throne room of the palace is evocative of a medieval imperial throne room. Burgundy rugs were spread across the metal floors and cherry curtains were hung around the windows. There were many bronze and iron effigies of Roman Amazons of Greek Mount Olympus and Greek Amazons of Roman Mount Olympus in Greco-Roman armor and armed with Greco-Roman swords and shields riding alicorns, unicorns, & pegasi. There were many steel busts of Atlanteans (from the Atlantean Empire ruled by the son of Neptune and an Atlantean Empress) in Atlantean armor riding armed with tridents or quindents riding giant great white sharks, dolphins, & hippocampi (or underwater horses). 
The statues looked convincing as when the palace needed defending there is magic that has the statues come to life to defend the palace. Besides the busts the most noticeable entity in the room had to be the titanic onyx throne levitating in the middle of the audience chamber. For heaven's sake he/she/they thought. No mortal or immortal had ever seen anything as self-indulgent and pretentious as this before. The levitating jet black throne had cherry satin pillows for a seat and four mammoth carved divine wings spread out from each side which gave the whole thing an ethereal and celestial facade. It was stunning. It was an immense floating throne ornamented with diamonds, silver, & gold radiant in the luminosity of the throne room. The armrests were bejeweled with precious stones and gems. There were extravagant designs. 
Behind the throne was a gaudy holographic bust of Cardinal Changeling. Near the throne were marble statues of his/her/their adoptive children of color teenager Nathaniel “Nate” Nguyen, preteen Takeda Sato, young adult Maria Garcia Morales, & adult Farah Ali and his/her/their adoptive Cree Indigenous children young adult Wapun Aponi Barnett, teenager Kitchi Barnett, & preteen Ahanu Barnett. 
If you presume that Alexander/Alexander had not approved or had no say in how this colossal bronze, iron, copper, steel, silver, platinum, & gold immortalization tribute of himself/herself/themselves turned out. Then we can also assume that this is how this empire and federation wants the world to see him/her/them. As a powerful, strong, influential, & commanding ruler. As someone who was a dominant and potent force. This was not how Kalani or Zana Saani ever saw himself/herself/themselves as. 
On either side of the levitating throne were dozens of steel statues of winged Aesir Valkyries wearing Asgardian chain mail armor armed with Asgardian spears riding alicorns (winged unicorns). The statues looked realistic as when Crimson Changeling, the monarch of this palace, needed defending there is magic that has the statues come to life to defend him/her/them. He/she/they did not like this commemoration of him/her/them. He/she/they preferred the one on Terra or Earth that the Indigenous superheroes and superheroines and Indigenous Pasifika superheroes and superheroines built as a memorial and monument to him/her/them.
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu was walking through the Ethanxiian Principality or Federation of the kingdoms of Ethanxii. He/she/they were walking past the shops, inns, bars, saloons, &  taverns that made of the settlements, villages, & towns of their empire. He/she/they were walking talking with the citizens of the cities and metropolis of the counties, states, & countries that made up their federation. He/she/they slipped past the guards of the guard towers, guard posts, outposts, forts, bastions, & citadels that were defending the castle that was the capital of this empire. 
He/she/they then entered the castle. The castle that was now in ruins after years, decades, & centuries had passed after his/her/their death during the Battle of the Polaris System had ended the Alpha Centurion War that engulfed heroes, antiheroes, & villains of the multiverse in intergalactic war. The castle that Hleor and Loran built for him/her/them. He/she/they opened the large doors of the castle and entered inside where Hleor and Loran were waiting for him/her/them. 
Guang/Biyu Wei asked, “What is this Loran and Hleor?” “This our love was meant to be your throne room.” “A throne room in a castle fit for a god/goddess or a titan let alone a king/queen or an emperor/empress.” “This is the only throne in the entire cosmos that is worthy of you.” “It was a throne room worthy of the High King of the Federation of Ethania.” “It was a place of incredible magnificence and splendor.” “It was a place of unthinkable power and strength.” “It was meant to be the seat of your influence and control.” “That was before it was reduced to this...” “We built its ages ago after you died.” “We made this for you before you disappeared.” “We built it to celebrate you and the heroes and heroines under your command.” “It was so beautiful.” 
“Now it’s just in ruins.” “The people of the empire or federation abandoned it eons ago.” This is a memory of Crimson Changeling sitting on a throne in the palace in the castle on the moon. It was fitting for someone called a Titan of War. That is if the palace wasn’t abandoned for years, decades, & centuries forsaken by the people of this empire of kingdoms after his/her/their death. The castle was in ruins. The spires and minarets that once towered into the stars itself had all collapsed. The castle was now covered in moss and vines. The fountains of the castle were now covered in algae. Most of the ceilings or roofs of the castle had collapsed. Most of the walls of the castle had eroded. Birds and bats had made nests in the still intact ceilings and roofs. Animals had made a home in the castle. The great hall was still undamaged somewhat speaking of course. The throne room was now covered in dust and cobwebs. The curtains and rugs were all tarnished. The metal statues were now covered in rust. The marble statues were on the ground in shattered pieces. The holographic statues had lost power and were deactivated. The palace was ransacked. All the metals of iron, bronze, silver, gold were stolen. All the precious gemstones that were pearl, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, etc. in the floating throne chair taken. The floating throne room had collapsed into several pieces and was in ruins. 
The castle was the epicenter of the anomaly. Where everyone that was humanoid, both human and alien, inside was altered by the anomaly. They were beyond what was defined as bionics or cyborgs. They were beyond what was defined as alien hybrids and demigods. They were beyond what was defined as metahumans and superhumans. They were simply undefinable. They were given superhuman level strength, intelligence, speed, durability, agility, flexibility, stamina, etc. They were given supernatural or absolute level superpowers. They were marked blue. Where everything inside that was organic that was beast, monster, creature, & animal was affected by rot/decay. They were marked green. They turned more feral and hyper aggressive to anything outside the barrier. Where everything inside that was inorganic was affected by corruption. They were marked red. This affected artificial intelligences, robots, androids, nanobots, holograms, cybernetic implants, bionic implants, hardware, software, etc. The capital city was hit by psionic storms that affected telepaths and empaths. They were marked purple. The country that the capital itself was hit by temporal rifts that ripped apart space and time. The continent was affected by environmental anomalies that turned the continent into an arctic tundra, desert, jungle, forest, & grasslands. To protect the anomaly from spreading anywhere else the castle was sealed off from the outside with a forcefield and shield. No one entered or left. 
Everyone and everything still inside was damned to die. It is said the reason for the anomaly was the high king/high queen or emperor/empress themselves. Rage, hatred, sorrow, & pain at their life, how they felt about themselves, & how they died. Not being able to come to grips with being from two worlds as a demigod and alien hybrid. How they felt about being disabled, queer/trans, native, & a person of color. How they felt about being murdered for their identites by planetary settler colonizer governments. So when they were assassinated their powers lashed out and created the anomaly. 
They were killed twice, once as a demigod, & second as an alien hybrid. They were resurrected twice. In their first death they were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods. In their second death they were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metal in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor and an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil. 
So it kept happening this anomaly until he/she/they were resurrected and left to find inner peace in his/her/their mind, heart, & soul.  When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life. Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, magic, etc. when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
When he/she/they came home to Ethania it was nice to see that the empire itself was still prospering as its Emperor/Empress and High King. Inside of a colossal castle on a terraformed and colonized moon of the Andromeda Galaxy. You will find a lone king/queen sitting on a great throne. A emperor/empress with no crown or circlet. A king/queen with no kingdom or realm to rule over. A sovereign sitting on a broken throne. You will see the great monarch of the Principality of Ethanxiia of the Empire of Ethan the legendary Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith. A sovereign in a suit of combat armor and power armor with nothing but a sword and shield in his/her/their hands. Silently watching over the earth and seas beneath him/her/them. Wordlessly staring at the sky and stars above him/her/them with eyes full of sorrow and torment pondering about what could have been. Pondering if there ever was a way to change what has been done, to save what was lost, to change the past that relentlessly haunts him/her/them. Wondering could his/her/their life have been any different? He/she/they were sitting on the collapsed ruins of the levitating throne. This was no place for a king/queen let alone a god/goddess. He/she/they preferred it that way to be honest. This place in the past deified and venerated him/her/them as a titan or god. It was only recently that Hleor, Loran, & Melmih ordered the citizens of the empire to repair and maintain this place when they learned of his/her/their resurrection. By the feet of the destroyed throne was his/her/their pets a hellhound bathed in demonic hellfire, an alien dog covered in scales, & a wolf with a cybernetic leg and a bionic eye.
There were many bronze and iron effigies of Roman Amazons of Greek Mount Olympus and Greek Amazons of Roman Mount Olympus in Greco-Roman armor and armed with Greco-Roman swords and shields riding Pegasi. There were many steel busts of Atlanteans (from the Atlantean Empire ruled by the son of Neptune and an Atlantean Empress) in Atlantean armor riding armed with tridents or quindents riding giant great white sharks. The statues looked convincing as when the palace needs defending there is magic that has the statues come to life to defend the palace.  On either sides of the levitating throne were dozens of steel statues of winged Aesir Valkyries wearing Asgardian chain mail armor armed with Asgardian spears riding alicorns (winged unicorns). The statues looked realistic as when Crimson Changeling the monarch of this palace needs defending there is magic that has the statues come to life to defend him/her/them. For so long because of the arcane and esoteric magic of this place these metal statues protected and defended an empty throne of a dead monarch. They waited for so long for their sovereign to return. But eons passed as they waited years, decades, & centuries. Even when this palace was abandoned and reduced to ruins they still waited. Even when they themselves became covered in rust they still waited. 
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dankusner · 2 months
EAST OAK CLIFF Ballistics test, cell data lead to arrest
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2 men held on capital murder charges in drug-related shootout
Two men are facing murder charges after a meetup to buy and sell marijuana in east Oak Cliff this spring turned into a shootout that killed a man, according to an arrest-warrant affidavit obtained by The Dallas Morning News.
Dalon Griffin, 19, and Dominique Lee Bolin, 20, remained in Dallas County custody Monday afternoon on capital murder by terror threat/other felony charges.
It was not clear whether they had attorneys.
Lee Bolin’s arrest, an officer wrote in the affidavit, was based on witness statements, cellphone tracking data and a ballistics analysis of his handgun.
Police obtained the gun during an unrelated robbery arrest on the Fourth of July.
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About 8:40 p.m. April 13, police responded to the intersection of Overhill Lane and Easter Avenue, near East Kiest Boulevard, and learned that one man and two teenagers, including a 14-year-old, had been shot inside a vehicle.
The man, later identified as 20-year-old Mavion Raynard Goldman, was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
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A witness inside the vehicle with Goldman told police they traveled to the area to sell marijuana to a man they had traded messages with on Instagram.
When they arrived, two men approached the driver’s side of the vehicle as two others stood nearby, according to the affidavit.
As one of the men asked Goldman for his Cash App to seemingly pay for the marijuana, Lee Bolin “initiated the robbery” by telling them not to reach for anything in the car.
Goldman, fearing for their lives, pulled out a handgun and fired once out of the driver’s-side window — “multiple suspects” then began firing at the vehicle, according to the affidavit.
Goldman was struck multiple times and died.
A 14-year-old was taken to a hospital and was listed in stable condition after the shooting, while a 17-year-old traveled to a hospital in a private vehicle, police said.
A witness later told police that Goldman was talking with Griffin on Instagram and provided police with his username on the social media platform.
The witness also provided another username for someone involved in the arrangement, according to the affidavit.
After reviewing an Instagram account with the provided username, police identified Lee Bolin and sought a warrant for account information, including the phone number.
Once received, police obtained a warrant for the number’s cellphone records, which showed the phone was near the site of the shooting when it occurred, according to the affidavit.
Lee Bolin was jailed in connection to a July Fourth robbery of an illegal Oak Cliff game room that led to the second fatal shooting by a Dallas police officer this year.
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Police seized his handgun and entered it into the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, a federal ballistics database of scanned bullet casings.
On July 9, the database gave a police detective a “presumptive investigative lead” that casings from Lee Bolin’s handgun were a match to casings found at the scene of the April 13 shooting, according to the affidavit.
The detective requested further analysis that included a “microscopic comparison” of the evidence.
On July 10, it was confirmed that the handgun used in the April 13 shooting was the same one recovered from Lee Bolin after his arrest on July Fourth, according to the affidavit.
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(warning: 160+ f/o’s)
Cage Lackmann – The Graves of Whitechapel
Calvin Evans – Lessons in Chemistry ( book + TV series )
Dr. Henry Jekyll – Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( book + musical )
Fred Weasley – Harry Potter saga ( books + films )
Jacopo Ortis (poly) – Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis
💌films/series/tv shows
Agent Stepdaughter + Gretel + Hansel (poly, with agent stepdaughter & Gretel) – Secret Magic Control Agency
Alva + Jesper Johansen + Mogens (poly, with Alva & Jesper) – Klaus
Anglaigus – Astérix: le Domaine des Dieux ( film + comic )
Aziraphale + Crowley (poly) – Good Omens
B.E.N. – Treasure Planet
Ballister Blackheart (poly) – Nimona
Benjamin Dunn – Mission: Impossible saga
Betterfly – Miraculous World: Paris, les Aventures de Toxinelle et Griffe Noire
Bruno Madrigal – Encanto
Burn-E – Burn-E
Camilo + Carlos Madrigal – Encanto
Chuck – Angry Birds duology
Cinderella – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Clopin Trouillefou – Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Cloudy – 7 Zwerge trilogy, 💍24.01.2021
Diaval – Maleficent duology
Dr. Herbert Cockroach – Monsters vs. Aliens
Ebenezer Scrooge – Scrooge: a Christmas Carol
Eugene + Rapunzel Fitzherbert (poly) – Disney’s Tangled
Félix Fathom – Miraculous: les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir
Fix-it Felix Jr. – Wreck It Ralph
Gabo + Safi + Simon – Wish
Grand duke Rainier (nnic) – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Griffin – Hotel Transylvania saga
Grinch – Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018)
Harrison Knott – Press Play
Héctor Rivera – Coco
Hermes – Disney’s Hercules
Hickory – Trolls: World Tour
Jack + Kio + Noki + Pino – Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Jaq – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Joe Bradley – Roman Holiday
John Watson (poly) – BBC’s Sherlock Holmes
Lieutenant Columbo – Columbo
Lumiére – The Beauty and the Beast ( films )
Major Major Major – Catch-22
Megamind – Megamind
Miles Miller – Bad Times at the El Royale
Mr. Tumnus - The Chronicles of Narnia
Mugman – The Cuphead Show!
Ned McDodd – Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!
Once-ler – Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, 💍24.07.2022
Pasunmotdeplus – Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques
Peter Graham – Hereditary
Rhett Abbott – Outer Range
Rigolin – Pil
Robert Floyd – Top Gun: Maverick
Snake – The Bad Guys
Stanley Uris – IT (2017-2019)
Stephen Meeks – Dead Poets Society
Tadashi Hamada – Big Hero 6
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa – Bungō Stray Dogs: Dead Apple ( manga + film )
Thranduil – The Hobbit trilogy
Timon – The Lion King trilogy
Tin man – Legends of Oz / Fantastic Journey to Oz (separately)
Tristain – Pil
Tulio (poly) – The Road to El Dorado
V – V for Vendetta
Victor Van Dort – Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
Vincenzo Santorini – Atlantis: the Lost Empire
Aesop Carl – Identity V
Alexandre + Brandon + Frank + Ji-Yeong + Lee + Soul – Subway Surfers
Akihiko Satou – Ikemen Vampire
Anatoli – Alchemy Stars
Azul Ashengrotto, 💍06.04.2024 + Jade Leech – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Barbatos + Beelzebub + Lucifer – Obey Me! duology
Barton – Alchemy Stars
Charon – Alchemy Stars
Daniel Schwartz – Alchemy Stars
Dire Crowley + Rook Hunt – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Faust – Alchemy Stars
Florine – Alchemy Stars
Gertzurde – Alchemy Stars
Jane – Alchemy Stars
Johann Georg Faust – Ikemen Vampire
Jola – Alchemy Stars
Jomu – Alchemy Stars
Julian Devorak + Lucio Morgasson – The Arcana
Leo – Alchemy Stars
Leyn + Matthieu – Alchemy Stars
Luke – Alchemy Stars
Moon + Sun – Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Narrator – The Stanley Parable
Novio – Alchemy Stars
Roy – Alchemy Stars
Sariel Noir – Ikemen Prince
Steel – Speedy Ninja
Sucre + Zacharie – OFF
Trey Clover – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Winston – Royal Match
💌other type of source
Adam – Hellaverse
Adrien Agreste – Miraculous universe
Alastor + Vox – Hellaverse
Asmodeus + Fizzarolli (poly) – Hellaverse
ATEEZ/Black Pirates/HALATEEZ – ATEEZ ( band )
Bane – DC universe
Beetlejuice – Beetlejuice ( musical )
Caine + Jax + Kinger – The Amazing Digital Circus
Doppo Kunikida – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Edward Nashton – DC universe
Ethan Green – Hatchetfield universe
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald – Bungō Stray Dogs universe, 💍09.06.2022
Gabriel Adrian (nnic) – Hatchetfield universe
Hank Miller – OC
Henry Hidgens – Hatchetfield universe
Howard Phillips Lovecraft + Nathaniel Hawthorne – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Johnathon Ohnn / the Spot – Marvel universe
Joker – DC universe
Grell Sutcliff – Kuroshitsuji universe, 💍03.09.2022
Knuckles – Sonic universe
Lucifer – Hellaverse
Luigi – Nintendo universe
Luka Couffaine – Miraculous universe
Marc Anciel + Nathaniel Kurtzberg (poly) – Miraculous universe
Marcus Cubitus – Astérix universe
Mark Connor (nnic) – The Simple Plot of... ( music videos )
Millie + Moxxie Knolastname (poly) – Hellaverse
Motojirō Kajii + Ryūrō Hirotsu – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Mountain ghoul + Swiss Army ghoul – Ghost ( band )
Nathalie Sancœur – Miraculous universe
Night Owl – Miraculous universe
Ōgai Mori, 💍01.11.2022 + Yukichi Fukuzawa (poly) – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Patrick Waff + Peter Roghlow (poly) – @scimmy’s OCs
Sparrow – Miraculous universe
Spiderman Noir – Marvel universe
Stolas – Hellaverse
Ted Spankoffski – Hatchetfield universe
Zestial – Hellaverse
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(GFL Halloween Short Fic) Candæmonium
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Date: October 29th 20xx
Springfield exhaled in satisfaction, knowing that today was a job well done. The cafe was decorated in cute Halloween decorations that was sure to get everyone in the appropriate holiday mood.
She turned her gaze to G36 who had finished washing the dishes for the night, still dressed in her butler outfit. Even though they still had a full day before Halloween actually happened, Springfield had wanted the Cafe staff to dress early to get into spirit.
Springfield adjusted her witch hat and walked over to the counter, sitting down as caught G36's attention.
(Springfield) "Tomorrow is going to be quite busy..."
(G36) "Do you think we'll have enough candy to pass out?"
(Springfield) "This year? Hm. It's hard to say. We've had so many new members join Griffin as of late."
Before the Commander arrived, the base was very isolated and quiet. Ever since his arrival, things became hectic very quickly. New T-Dolls were joining left and right, including some from other companies like Task Force DEFY. But it was a blessing. It just meant their family could grow even bigger.
But due to that increase in personnel, supplies had to be ordered in bulk, much larger than before. Especially when it came to the recreational supplies. Which meant it was easier for things to go wrong.
G36 was reminded when the Valentines' chocolates had all been eaten, sending the Commander on a sleepless 8 hour odyssey to make sure a civil war didn't erupt within Griffin.
Before they could reminisce too much, Springfield suddenly received a call.
(Springfield) "Commander? Good evening, is something the ma-"
[Commander's Voice] "S-SPRINGFIELD! I NEED YOUR HELP!"
Springfield's smile quickly vanished as she stood up, nodding at G36, who's scowl seemed to intensify.
(Springfield) "Sir, what's the matter?"
[Commander's Voice] "The Halloween candy is in peril, bring your gun, I'll explain more when you get here, sending the coordinates!"
(Springfield) "Understood!"
Quickly rushing to the armory, Springfield grabbed her rifle and checked her ammunition as G36 did the same. The duo did not have time to change their clothes as they immediately rushed through the snow.
They stopped and stared at their former Storage facility, it now looked like a terrifying demonic castle. As if it had leapt out of a fairy tale and into their base, complete with dangling hooked chains, spiked gates, and a dark purple aura surrounding the base.
(Springfield) "Wha...What is going on...?!"
(Kalina's Voice) "Springfield! G36!"
The Commander and Kalina quickly rushed over to them, almost out of breath as they smiled at the sight of their comrades.
(G36) "Master, Kalina. What happened?"
(Commander) "Oh my god, where do we even start...? W-Well, Kalina had made the suggestion to make a machine to safeguard the candy-"
(Springfield) "Sir, could you not have asked one of the girls to do so?"
(Kalina) "Well, we did try. We asked DEFY, AR, and 404."
(AN-94) "...Sir, this is a grievous misuse of assets to ask DEFY to watch over sweets."
(RPK-16) "It would be kind of fun-"
(AK-15) "No."
(M4A1) "Commander, I do appreciate you trusting us, but I'm afraid SOPMOD might ravage the candy like an animal."
(RO635) "Might? You mean will."
(UMP45) "I think G11 would fall asleep and drool over the candy."
(G11) "Probably."
(G36) "...Surely there are more qualified people to ask, Master-"
(Commander) "ALRIGHT, putting that aside, we decided to make a machine that could protect the candy at least until tomorrow night so we could distribute it!"
(Springfield) "You can make machines?"
(Kalina) "Well, we actually asked Persica to help out, and it worked!...U-Until I think I installed the wrong program on it."
(Commander) "It went absolutely ballistic, and constructed what you see behind us. It failed to recognize us as its creators, and is now guarding the candy in this huge prison."
Springfield and G36 stared at the sheer magnitude of the 'prison' with a mixture of awe and dread. Which was probably intentional.
(Springfield) "And...how long ago was this?"
(Kalina) "What time is it?"
(Springfield) "8:30."
(Kalina) "An hour ago."
(G36) "Excuse me?"
(Commander) "Truth be told, Kalina and I were watching it happen in real time, and I think we were too dumbstruck to actually move...Still kind of am, to be honest."
(Kalina) "This'll make a great piece for Halloween, so I don't think we reaaaally need a reason to take it down-"
(G36) "That is essentially broadcasting our location to the entirety of the world."
(Commander) "True, but you didn't even notice it until you got close, right? There's windows all over the damn place and yet no one but us has been out here to check out the giant demon castle."
(G36) "...Point taken, Master."
(Kalina) "Anyways, we called on you two because we can't trust anyone else!"
(G36) "...But you only called for Springfi-"
(Commander) "Which is why we're glad you're here too, G36."
G36 chose not to say anything else as Springfield cleared her throat.
(Springfield) "Leave it to us, Commander! We'll be back out in a few moments!"
(Kalina) "Be careful, we didn't install any weapons on it, but be prepared just in case!"
The two T-Dolls nodded and went into the building, combat modes activated and ready for any trouble.
Though it was pitch black inside, they had no trouble moving through the seemingly empty facility. It looked like the outside decorations were just for show, given the lack of anything remotely threatening in the hallways.
Springfield and G36 had their fingers on the trigger, their footsteps making the only sound inside.
(Springfield) "...I don't like this."
(G36) "Agreed. It is far too quiet."
The warehouse was large enough to contain several shipping containers, vehicles, and more, but in the darkness, it seemed like they had entered an abyss.
(G36) "What happened to all the equipment that was here beforehand?"
(Springfield) "My scanners aren't detecting anything. You don't think-?"
The T-Dolls immediately swung their weapons towards the source of the noise, only to realize the intercom had turned on.
"Observation: So, my creators have sent the defects to take my place?"
The completely monotone robotic voice caught them off guard, but it immediately made the two look around for anything that could possibly see them or pose a threat.
(G36) "Defects?!"
G36's scowl intensified as she tried to scan for the speaker's origin, ready to open fire on any attacker all the while.
(Springfield) "Who is speaking right now?"
"Reply: I am CK-47. The superior model to be defending the candy from the likes of you."
(Springfield) "Hmph. There is no AI more superior than a T-Doll, especially Griffin's."
"Incorrect. My programming is superior. Yours, is inferior. Any who attempt to steal the candy designated for the personnel of Griffin is to be eradicated."
(G36) "Eradicated? That's far too extreme for just candy!"
"It is the mission I was created for. Your very presence here is proof that the candy is in danger-"
(Springfield) "What? We're here to rescue the candy you stole!"
"I am acting upon my creators' orders. The candy is to be defended at all costs from T-Dolls."
(G36) "Until Halloween, which is tomorrow!"
"Negative. It is to be defended at all costs."
(Springfield) "Tch, this is getting nowhere. Reveal yourself this instant!"
"Mocking statement: Very well, I will do so."
Suddenly, the lights in the warehouse flickered on. Springfield and G36 stood in the middle of a large open area, hooks and chains dangling from the ceiling.
A quadrupedal machine burst from the walls, concrete and debris shooting outwards. The T-Dolls dove for cover as the building violently shook.
The machine had one pink monoeye blinking rapidly from its a circular black visor. Four arms, each holding a different weapon ranging from Gatling guns to a massive serrated sword.
It stood about seven meters tall, towering over the T-Dolls as it marched closer to them.
(G36) "P-Persica made this thing to defend candy?!"
(Springfield) "We're having a discussion with Kalina and the Commander after this..."
"Defiant statement: There is nothing you can possibly do to harm me! DO YOUR WORST."
Emerging from cover, G36 immediately unleashed a volley of concentrated fire at the legs, which ricocheted off.
The machine stomped its legs, rattling the hooks above them. G36 heard the sound of steel screeching and looked upwards, realizing they were coming loose and about to fall. She rolled out the way as it fell to the ground, crashing with a loud thud and denting the concrete floors.
"Observation: Your puny weapons cannot dent my impenetrable armor!"
Springfield aimed her rifle at the eye of the machine and pulled the trigger, a single shot echoing throughout the warehouse.
The bullet lodged itself into its visor, cracking it and making the machine stagger backwards. The arms flailed wildly as the swords rended apart the walls and its guns shot in every direction.
"Pained statement: GAH, MY ARMOR! MY MINIONS, GET THEM!"
(Springfield) "Minions-?"
Before she could process what was happening a swarm of small flying round robots with wings suddenly rushed her, compromising her position as she was being driven back.
(Springfield) "B-BATS!"
(G36) "How did this thing even make all this in an hour!?"
G36 rushed to help Springfield before a single foot almost crushed her, forcing G36 to stop in her tracks and look at her attacker.
Without missing a beat, she immediately grabbed onto its leg and started climbing the machine, dodging its arms that were trying to swat her off.
"Disgusted statement: Get off of me!"
G36 simply adjusted her glasses as her suit elegantly remained in place, quickly crouching and leaping over the sword and bullets aiming for her.
Springfield's witch outift was amazingly not getting torn apart by the bat-like drones, instead they just kept hitting her over and over in the face with their sheer weight.
(Springfield) "Q-Quit it already!"
If she were human, she'd likely have a concussion by now. But being a fellow machine, it was just simply irritating.
The bats obeyed their master and quickly rushed G36, knocking Springfield into a rather large box.
G36 had finished climbing onto the top of the machine and was about to unleash the rest of her ammunition into its eyes before she was taken down by the bats, all of them swarming her and sending her crashing onto the ground, her weapon tumbling onto the ground and far away.
Finally, the machine aimed its weapon at G36 as the bat swarm circled menacingly around it. The machine looked more like a demon than an industrial piece of hardware.
"Relief: Finally. Now there will be no more T-Dolls to chase after the candy once I am done with you...!"
(Springfield) "Is that right? Well, this witch's spell says otherwise!"
The machine turned around to the direction of her voice as G36 slowly stood up. Her eyes went wide as she immediately ducked for cover.
"Retort: Impossible. Magic does not exi-...Oh no-"
Springfield pulled the trigger on a cutely decorated rocket launcher, the smoke immediately enveloped her as the rocket sped towards the eye.
One shot was all it took for it to come tumbling down, sparking violently as the bats all ceased to function and dropped onto the ground. The chains rattled as the force of the explosion blew a wind across the facility, causing countless amounts of them to begin falling.
Springfield ran and grabbed her rifle as G36 waited for her to catch up, the two T-Dolls running through the hole the machine had created as the warehouse came crashing down.
The two did not need to actually breathe, yet they were still breathing heavily as the warehouse collapsed into the snow, creating a small dust storm.
(Springfield) "P-Perhaps that was not my greatest idea."
(G36) "The machine is dead, that's all that matters now. But where is the candy?"
They remained silent as they looked back at the destroyed warehouse. Countless spikes protruded from the ruins, even in death it still looked unbelievably sinister.
(Springfield) "...Oh dear."
(G36) "It was inside the warehouse, wasn't it?"
(Springfield) "..."
(Commander) "T-The candy is all gone...?"
(G36) "Unfortunately we were not able to retrieve it Master. Also, you told us that the machine was not equipped with weapons."
(Kalina) "Did it find any?"
(Springfield) "Miniguns and swords, yes. Why on earth did you make a machine that large to defend candy if I can ask, Commander?"
(Commander) "W-Well, we wanted to make sure someone like SPAS couldn't just bust in and bully the machinery."
(G36) "...Next time you can simply ask us to help out, Master. Constructing such a death machine is inadvisable. Though it is admirable it managed to convert the warehouse into a prison so quickly."
(Kalina) "So um...C-Can you help us buy some new candy?"
(Commander) "Is there even enough candy in the town to help out with that?"
(Springfield) "I suppose we'll find out..."
The four walked off as the construction drones came to clear off the debris. But what they failed to notice was a singular bat drone had emerged from the debris and flew away...
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areax · 9 months
pythia off handedly mentions that her go-to drink order is something that it wasn’t before and gortash goes ballistic and gives her the griffin mcelroy you used to be my brother monologue
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gameforestdach · 10 months
Der Start von Fortnite Kapitel 5 Saison 1 hat eine Flut von Veränderungen mit sich gebracht und präsentiert eine neue Karte, vielfältige neue Waffen, Gegenstände und wesentliche Gameplay-Modifikationen. Nach dem Ende von Fortnite OG entstand die neue Saison nach Eminems Big Bang Event, wobei die klassische Karte durch ein komplett neues Schlachtfeld und zahlreiche bisher unbekannte Features ersetzt wurde. Neue Ergänzungen und Spieländerungen Zu den Höhepunkten dieser Saison zählen ein ganzes Arsenal neuer Waffen, wie der Ballistic Shield, die Hammer Pump Shotgun und das Grapple Blade. In einer bemerkenswerten Spielwende führt die Saison fünf neue Bosse ein – Oscar, Nisha, Montague, Valeria und Peter Griffin. Besiegt man diese Bosse, erhält man Society-Medaillons, die einzigartige Auswirkungen auf das Gameplay haben. Waffenmods und Spielmechaniken Neue Mod-Werkbänke, die überall auf der Karte verteilt sind, ermöglichen es Spielenden, ihre Waffen anzupassen, mit Optionen zur Rückstoßminderung, Erhöhung der Magazinkapazität und mehr. Jedoch ist nicht jeder Mod mit jeder Waffe kompatibel, was eine strategische Ebene zu den Waffenmodifikationen hinzufügt. Veränderungen bei Medkits und Schildtränken ermöglichen nun eine sofortige Wiederherstellung von Gesundheit und Schild während der Bewegung, allerdings können diese nicht abgebrochen werden. Auch die Wiederbelebungsmechaniken und die Nutzung des Reboot-Wagens wurden aktualisiert, was einen großzügigeren Ansatz bietet, falls Spieler sich während dieser Aktionen versehentlich zu weit entfernen. Locker-Aktualisierungen und Match-Aufträge Im Locker-Bereich des Spiels gibt es jetzt Anpassungsoptionen für Autos, die den ähnlichen Features in Rocket League entsprechen. Anstelle des alten Systems der Tagesaufgaben erhält nun jeder Spieler zu Beginn jedes Spiels drei Match-Aufträge, die mit dem Ende der Partie verfallen. Dieses neue System bietet Spielenden sofortigere und abwechslungsreichere Ziele. Animationen und Spielverbesserungen Fortnite Kapitel 5 Saison 1 führt außerdem mehrere Verbesserungen im Gameplay und bei den Animationen ein. Dazu gehören Aufwertungen der von Spielern gebauten Wände, Bewegungsabstimmung, prozedurale Schichtung für Animationen und physikbasierte Animationen für Gleiter auf bestimmten Plattformen. Balancing-Anpassung des Sturmkreises Aufgrund von Rückmeldungen der Spielgemeinde bezüglich der Schwierigkeit, dem Sturm zu entkommen, hat Epic Games eine wesentliche Balancing-Anpassung vorgenommen. Die Zeit, die die Sturmkreise 1 und 2 zum Schließen benötigen, wurde um 20 Sekunden verlängert. Diese Änderung nimmt sich den Problemen an, die durch die schneller schließenden Sturmkreise und die verringerte Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit im neuen Kapitel entstanden sind. Rückmeldungen der Spieler und zukünftige Aktualisierungen Trotz vieler Veränderungen ist das Feedback der Spielgemeinde geteilt. Viele äußern Unzufriedenheit über die neuen Bewegungsmechaniken und fordern eine Rückkehr zu den Einstellungen vor Kapitel 5. Epic Games hat jedoch seine Absicht bekundet, diesen Änderungen Zeit zur Eingewöhnung zu geben, bleibt aber offen für Rückmeldungen der Spieler. Im Verlauf der Saison wird Epic Games weiterhin Spielerdaten und Rückmeldungen überwachen, um zu entscheiden, ob weitere Anpassungen notwendig sind, um ein dynamisches und auf die Spieler reagierendes Spielerlebnis für Fortnite-Begeisterte zu gewährleisten.
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1watchhour · 1 year
Peter Griffin vs. Mr. Washee Washee Street Fighter Showdown! 😂🎮
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mangotonki · 2 years
Battletech heavy metal guass ammo
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#Battletech heavy metal guass ammo series#
Smithon changes depending on who has control.Repulse has itemCollection_minor_Liao (probably fewer other items possible than at Anadarmax).Piriapolis has itemCollection_minor_Marik.
#Battletech heavy metal guass ammo series#
Brixtana has itemCollection_minor_MagistracyOfCanopus Introduced in 2590 by the Terran Hegemony, the Gauss rifle utilizes a series of electromagnets to propel slugs of ferrous nickel-iron alloy at extremely high.Anadarmax has itemCollection_major_Liao.and 7 systems have only a single other collection: 5 Per ton The Repeating Naval Gauss Rifle (Nicknamed 'The Reapers') is an Capital grade ballistic weapon which uses the Missile Chart to determine how many rounds of fire has struck a target from a WarShip, Space Station, or any vehicle larger than DropShip. I haven't made any attempt yet to figure out what the odds end up being, but it seems likely that the systems with fewer OTHER item collections available are more likely. (The + and ++ versions don't come with ammo.) All of the following planets have the relevant tag and include the itemCollection_shop_starleague bit which appears to be the only path to Gauss ammo: It is not included in the Star League (ADV) item. Gauss ammo spawns at 'Star League' tagged worlds, use the filter. DHS, get good rep with pirates, check black market, purchase griffin V2 (complete or preferably, 3 parts) also an event can get you a few. If a standard Gauss Rifle shows up, there will always be a single ammo bin available as well, but the ammo can show up by itself. there is also a flashpoint that gives rifle & ammo. It appears that fewer of this variant exist, but only just. Two tons of armor were added, giving the design the protection originally envisioned for the -F3, laid out in a 9, 15/5, 12/4, 10, 13 pattern. Any normal shop at a planet with the Star League tag has a chance to get them, though. Arriving in 3056, the BZK-G1 swaps the Gauss Rifle for a Class-10 LB-X autocannon, with two tons of ammunition, and a medium laser in each arm. It does not appear to be possible for them to show up in faction or black market shops. I've ignored collections that have "loot" in the ID, since those appear to be designed for flashpoint rewards and the like. it's hard to follow without a program written to do it for me, but I believe I've traced the branches the Gauss ammo can take that end up in shops.
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