#Banana fish x reader
raamyun-and-rambles · 4 months
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Banana Fish ((Ash Lynx x Reader)) ; no warnings
「When Dawn Breaks.」
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇…
↪ Ash Lynx who never forgets to spend the night with you before he goes to a dangerous fight.
↪ Ash Lynx who can never tell whether he'll make it out alive so his first thought is to let you know how much he craves your warmth, your love and affection for only God knows if tomorrow will come.
↪ Ash Lynx whose arms only wrap around you tighter as you laid in bed together, blissfully unaware of the silent goodbyes that come with his feather light touches and light pecks on your skin - trying to map out all of you in his mind so when he breathes his last, he'll still be able to remember the entirety of you.
↪ Ash Lynx who wonders if there were happier versions of the both of you in a different universe. How did you fall in love? How did you meet? Were you both living happily living the life of his dreams? Perhaps you were married, living in a quaint little apartment with a toddler than only seems to babble with laughter - filling your home with a joy that no other could.
↪ Ash Lynx ponders about many things and the faintest of smiles tug on his lips. No matter what there is one thing he is sure of, you would be lovely in every universe.
↪ Ash Lynx who thinks that falling in love with you in this lifetime is a blessing and a privilege. No words can describe the amount of peace and tranquility you've brought into his nightmare-stricken life.
↪ Ash Lynx who reluctantly pulls himself away from your sleeping form when the light of dawn starts to peek through the drapes of your windows. He casts you a soft gaze, trailing the back of his fingers against your cheek before leaving the bed.
↪ Ash Lynx whose eyes widen in surprise when he hears you mumble his name, half-asleep as you try to entice him back into the warmth of your covers - to forget why he was even about to leave in the first place. "Aslan". His name had never sounded sweeter than when you say it.
"Will you come back?" You mumble, sleep still holding you like a vice and your voice barely above a whisper.
"I will. I promise." Ash lies, because he doesn't know if he will but he doesn't have the heart to tell you that when you look at him with so much love.
"Take care." You whisper, pressing a soft kiss onto his knuckle.
"I will." Ash says again and in this moment there is nothing more he wishes to be true apart from the promises of a tomorrow with you that he wishes to keep. His heart is reluctant to leave but he knows that he must and he cannot be kept elsewhere except for his duty. With a final look in your eyes and a kiss to your forehead later - Ash Lynx slips out of your apartment and out into the dawn.
The city greets him noisily and the day begins again.
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httpsv33 · 11 months
Banana Fish characters with a s/o whose cat never leaves their side.
Okay so this is the first request I received! I really enjoyed writing it since I have cats myself! For that wonderful person who asked for it, I hope it lives up to your expectations!
The requested was the following:
'Okay so can I request something with Ash, Eiji, Shorter, and Yut Lung with a partner that owns a pet cat and when they visit the reader the cat goes to them and just wants to be with them gn reader please if you dont mind'
Warnings: very mild cursing (once), gn reader, fluff, cats, physical affection.
Ash Lynx:
“Just admit it, the cat likes me better,” said the blond with a playful curve on his mouth. You crossed your arms before your chest and refused to say a word, slightly irritated by the constant teasing you had to face every time the boy visited your apartment. “C’mon, don’t be upset” he chuckled, a teasing tone still stuck to his words. “I’m not upset, take the cat so he can live with you since he loves you more than me, who, by the way, feeds him every day”.
To be honest, you weren’t that bothered by the cat’s cuddly manner towards your partner, in fact, you found it kind of sweet, but being a bit dramatic was a common dynamic between you and Ash.
“Come here, dumbass” the boy approached you with the cat between his arms and rested his forehead against your temple “You’re so jealous” he smirked before placing a soft peck on your cheek. You couldn’t conceal the grin that eventually appeared on your face.
“Shut up, you’re insufferable” you muttered sheepishly as you wrapped your arms around him and he placed pecks on the top of your head. Somehow, every time he came over it always ended up with the three of you tangled in your bed enjoying a cuddling session.
Eiji Okumura:
“And… this is it” you said as you opened the door to your apartment “It’s small but I guess it’s enough”. The black-haired boy entered your living room with an amused look on his face “I love the decorations! It feels so cozy in here” Eiji turned to you with a huge grin but he was interrupted by something rubbing against his lower leg.
“Oh, yeah, I hope you’re not allergic to cats-” you chuckled “She seems to like you”. Eiji’s face lit up with joy at the sight of the orange cat “What’s your name, little one?” he lowered his hand to caress her head, your heart melted as your cat leaned in his touch. “Her name’s Pumpkin” you crouched next to them. “Awww, hi Pumpkin, you’re so cute!” the boy spoke with a baby voice. You were enjoying the warmth of the situation until the cat avoided your touch to jump into your boyfriend’s arms “You traitor!”. Eiji giggled as he hugged the cat “Now she’s mine” he walked away with her teasingly as you followed them around trying to get him to give you back your cat.
Shorter Wong:
“Hey baby” the boy smiled widely as you opened the door for him “Hi love” you grinned inching closer to him to give him a warm hug “Oh I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to my best friend Patches, right buddy?” he joked as the cat immediately poked his head from between your ankles to meet him.
“I hate you both” You stared at him unamused and turned around to keep on watching your show “No baby come back, it was a joke, I’m so sorry” he laughed picking up the cat and following you, letting himself fall on the sofa next to you, however, you refused to acknowledge his presence. “Baby, come on” he pouted as he rested his chin on your shoulder, giving you puppy eyes.
“You are a pain in the ass, Shorter Wong” You finally turned to look at him and rested your head against his chest, taking place next to your cat “It’s ridiculous that I have to compete for your attention with my cat AND that I have to compete for my cat's attention with you!”.
Shorter snorted at your comment and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead “I love you so much” he muttered lovingly against your skin.
Yut Lung:
“What the hell is going on here-” you had just come back from doing groceries, your boyfriend was still sleeping peacefully when you left, but as soon as you entered the house you were met with a rather bizarre scene. The long-haired man, who, incidentally, hated how clingy your cat was with him because ‘his clothes were too expensive to be covered with animal hair’, was calmly sitting on the sofa with your cat purring in his lap as he caressed the animal’s head tenderly.
“Well, good morning to you too,” he said rather playfully “We’re watching the Kardashians, fancy joining?”. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the offer. “I thought you hated my cat, dear” You left the shopping bags next to the door, the situation was too good to let it slide, you’d put the groceries in their place later. “I didn’t hate her, it’s just that there wasn’t enough communication between us” You arched an eyebrow in response to his comment “But we have a healthy relationship now, right honey?” the cat just purred in response, enjoying his soft pets. You giggled as you sat next to him leaning to his side to watch the show with your two companions, “I guess I’ll have to live with the fact that she loves you more than me if your relationship is so ‘healthy’, then”. “Indeed” the boy smiled warmly as he leaned his head on top of yours.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
This was requested two years ago, i'm such a bad writer i'm sorry :')
Ash Lynx x Male!Reader x Okumura Eiji [Angst&Fluff]
Warning; mentions of blood, stab wound, bullet wound, death, surgery and maybe needles (it's implied)
Banana Fish
Requested on Wattpad.
(M/n) was calmly walking, taking a few sips of his still hot coffee and looking around the busy city. He was approaching the library Ash told him to meet up, he was just a block away and even though he knew he was early, Ash was probably already waiting for him.
He smiled at the thought of his best friend, the memory of Shorter flashing in his mind but he didn't let it ruin his calm state of mind, and continued walking, emptying his cup and throwing it away on the nearest trash can he saw.
With the library doors in his field of view, he crossed the street with quick steps, glancing side to side as he did so. He released a breath and walked toward the library's double doors, but before he could even reach his hand out to open it, a flash of blond hair rushed past him.
"Ash?!" He called for him, but Ash completely ignored the calls of his name. (M/n) didn't think twice before following after him, he has been following Ash everywhere since they met, and he wasn't gonna let the blond run off on his own, especially not when he knew how reckless he could be, "Ash!"
He kept trying to call him, but nothing, the blond wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings, running into bystanders that cursed at him for not even apologizing, and right behind him was (M/n), yelling 'sorry ma'am' and 'excuse me sir' as he ran past them as well. He tried to understand why Ash would run out like that, and he noticed the paper he was holding in his hand.
Must be Eiji's letter... (M/n) would've stopped running and let Ash go to Eiji, but something was off.
His eyes caught sight of a male leaning against the wall, his hood up and covering most of his face, but when he turned to look at Ash as he got closer, (M/n) recognized him. It was Lao.
Without realizing it, (M/n) sped up and reached his arms out to push Ash just out of the way of the knife coming at him.
Ash grunted as he fell to the ground after stumbling over his own two feet. He turned around to curse at who pushed him and keep running on his way to find Eiji, but he was left speechless when he saw (M/n) standing where he was just a second ago.
(M/n) had his clenched due to the pain that was slowly numbing, feeling his warm blood drip down and stain his clothes. He was in shock, his brain not fully processing what had happened.
The moment Lao realized he had just stabbed (M/n) instead of Ash, he backed away, pulling the knife with him. His furious eyes looked at Ash who was still on the ground, but he reacted quicker than Lao could.
With the loud booming sound of his revolver echoing in the now empty street, the sounds of people mumbling and whispering with each other changed to gasps and shrieks at the sound of a bullet being shot. Some good woman decided to call an ambulance while someone else called the police.
(M/n) rested on the wall next to him, where Lao had been standing waiting for his ambush, and now he was laying on the ground, bleeding but already dead. He took deep breaths while he pressed his hand on his gushing wound, his body trembling as his vision kept fading in and out.
Ash stood up, almost tripping again as he rushed toward (M/n), applying pressure on his wound over (M/n)'s hand, and he debated what to do now. If the police came, he could be arrested, and so could (M/n), but walking to the hospital would result in the same outcome, but at least, he could hide for a bit while the police investigated.
"Ash..." His thoughts were interrupted by (M/n)'s quiet voice, "We can't stay here, Ash..." The blond nodded and took a deep breath, his heart beating loudly in his ears at the thought of losing another close friend.
"I know, can... can you walk?" He asked, holding (M/n) against his side. The male only grunted and nodded, and like that, Ash took (M/n) to the nearest hospital, avoiding the cops like the plague as they made their way there.
(M/n) had to be taken to surgery and Ash was sitting outside keeping his head down, thinking about what could happen, hoping that (M/n) would be okay, even after the doctors told him how unlikely it was for the male to live after all the blood he lost.
He took a shaky breath and reached for his phone, calling Eiji. He didn't want the Japanese male to hear any bad news once he arrived in his home country, so Ash decided to give him a quick call, just in case the worst-case scenario occurred.
Eiji was next in line to board the plane when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand, Ash was calling him. With a bright smile, he picked up the call, only for his smile to be wiped from his face, replaced by glossy eyes and frowned brows.
"Eiji-kun?" Ibe calls him, but Eiji's ears are ringing, and he felt his body move before his mind could process the information he just received, "Eiji!"
Eiji runs out of the airport, and calls a taxi, mumbling the name of the hospital while whispering to Ash that he's on his way. The whole ride there feels agonizingly slow for Eiji, it felt like hours when it was barely ten minutes, and he rushes out of the car, the driver yelling and complaining, only to receive a wad of cash from Ash, telling him to stop complaining and leave.
"Ash!" Eiji runs toward the blond and hugs him tight, that's when Ash finally lets the tears fall down his face. He feels safe with Eiji, and he can't help but lower his guard around the Japanese male, "How is he...?" His voice trembles as he asks, partially unsure if he wants to know the answer to his question.
"I- I don't know, I'm... I'm scared to ask, Eiji," he let his voice break, the knot in his throat making it hard for him to breathe properly, "What if he- if he doesn't make it? (M/n)- he's all I have, Eiji..." His hold tightened around Eiji, who now feels the need to reassure Ash.
He lifts his hand to his blond hair, and gently plays with it, shooting the pain in his chest for a little while, holding him in a safe hold, which manages to calm Ash down as he hides his tear-stained face in Eiji's neck.
"He's gonna be okay, (M/n) is strong, we know that... He's lived through worse, come on, let's go inside, it's cold out here, Ash." Nodding in silence, Ash held Eiji's hand as the Japanese male guided him inside the hospital, and they sat down on one of the empty chairs in the hallway, waiting for anyone who would tell them how (M/n) was and if he was gonna make it.
During their long wait, Ash fell asleep on Eiji's shoulder, marks of dry tears on his cheeks and Eiji leaned his cheek on Ash's blond hair, his phone vibrated and he looked at the ID. Ibe was calling him.
Well, I can't ignore him forever, he must be worried.
Eiji picked up the call and explained to Ibe where he was and why he was there. Apparently, Ibe had to pick up their luggage and found a hotel to stay in and just now he was able to contact him. Even if they had a place to stay the night, they were probably gonna stay in the hospital until they have any news about (M/n)'s state.
After receiving a warning from Ibe to be careful on their own, he hung up. Eiji put his phone in his pocket and looked down at Ash, who was moving around and a frown on his face.
"Ash?" He gently touched his face, and the blond woke up, frantically looking around before feeling Eiji still holding his hand. And he remembered where they were and what had happened.
He glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed.
"It's been three hours, Eiji... I don't think he'll make it," Ash bit his bottom lip hard to prevent himself from whimpering and starting crying again, but right at that moment, the same doctor that took (M/n) to surgery stepped into the hallway, her eyes meeting Ash's who recognized her immediately, "How is he?"
Before she could say a word, Ash stood up from the chair, but couldn't get too close due to Eiji still holding his hand.
"He's stable, he should wake up in at least 15 minutes," she smiled at them, and Ash let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "He's a tough guy, Ash," both of them frowned when she said the blond's name, but she walked past them, "He's in the second door to the right."
Eiji muttered a thank you and dragged Ash down the hall, turning right and stopping by the door for a few seconds, before slowly opening it.
They were greeted by an awake yet drowsy (M/n) who was playing with the IV on his arm, looking at it as if he was amazed. He lifted his gaze when he heard the door open followed by a gasp, and there he saw the two most important guys in his life. The only family he had.
"Hey, guys~," he lifted his hand as a greeting and he was instantly crushed by two pairs of arms, "Ow, guys, that hurts..." Removing the pressure on his torso, Eiji and Ash held (M/n)'s face gently and pressed a long kiss on his cheeks, making the male giggle and his face heat up at the sudden affection.
"You're not going out unless you're covered in bubble wrap, you hear me?" Ash had tears in his eyes, his jade-colored irises shining like gems, and Eiji's laugh sounding like angels in his ears. Damn, (M/n) was so in love with them, he could barely handle it.
"Alright, alright~, now calm down, I'm okay, you can rest." Eiji grabbed a chair and placed it next to his bed while Ash just made himself comfortable on (M/n)'s bed, nuzzling his neck and closing his eyes with a relieved sigh, "Shouldn't you be on a plane?"
Eiji hummed and shook his head, "I can stay in New York for a while longer, someone has to watch over you and Ash, y'know."
(M/n) laughed but soon groaned at the pain in his abdomen, "You're always right, Eiji."
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luneariaa · 8 months
Hi there! I hope you're doing great! Could you write hc of ash lynx x fem reader? Which reader is exactly like gus fring in breaking bad. She is kind to people close to her but not with people like dino. She looks innocent and cute but not inside.
Sorry it's long. Please take your time. Thanks!!
HIII-!! 💜 thank you so much dear anon, hoping you are too! 💛🌻 you're fine,, and this is the first Ash req that i received actually,, (o´▽`o) ✨
honestly, i'm not too familiar with breaking bad, but did some quick research on the charac and stuff,, also, this is my first hc type of post so i hope this is alright! ( oh and Ash might be ooc here as well,, ) and i may have stray too far.. XD LMAO THIS TURNED OUT TO BE LONG AND OFF TOPIC AS IT PROGRESSES MY BAD--
also tagging : @bagelbanana and @r-e-m-i !! i've seen you both commenting on my old Ash post bef 💜🌻
- dividers by @/cafekitsune!! 🌻
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to start with, your looks could deceive most people. some would assume that you're just a cute, regular girl roaming down the streets, when in fact, you weren't.
so this leads to some guys ( or so ) flirting and trying to make a move on you. as disgusting as you find them, you had to agree in a oh-so-sweet manner, giving them a certain location as to where to find you.
of course, when they arrived there expecting for some sort of a 'date' with you, they're receiving their dead end instead.
guys like that don't deserve any mercy, or that's how you have it personally set within your own mind. ( totally not projecting )
but also i think since you can't just carry a gun with you all the time, you instead carry some sort of a small switchblade.
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i imagined that you, despite your quite young age ( maybe around 16-17 or so ), are able to manage your own restaurant, to which originally was owned by your father, who is a drug dealer of some sort. your mother is unknown.
because of how successful your father's business is with the drugs, you became the main target of the ones who planned to take down your father.
due to how busy he is, he wasn't that close to you. so you were left to fend mostly by your own.
he did train you a bit for some time, but eventually, he let a certain Kazakh professional assassin; Blanca to train you instead.
and i feel like Blanca lowkey wants to go a bit softer at you during training, and of course, you didn't want any of that honestly. your relationship with him is pretty alright, and you both pretty much respected each other at some point.
and there you met Ash himself, when Blanca was also assigned to train him by Dino Golzine.
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okay so, i'd like to think that at first, you and Ash are quite skeptical towards one another. not being too familiar still.
but that changes over time, of course.
it started by that one, random sunny day; you and Ash accidentally arrived early at the private training grounds where Blanca was supposed to train you both.
the two of you ended up conversing with each other-- Ash being the one who possibly initiates the convo first.
perhaps it started with a compliment. maybe the brand new shoes that you're wearing? the view; weather? or even just random small talks. it's still an effort nonetheless.
you're highly aware of the current reputation he holds as the gang leader of the city. it doesn't faze you much, as long as he remains nice to you.
and because of this, you sometimes do heard about Dino himself. back then, you didn't really pay any mind, but did recall that one time where your father said that he did some sort of a drug business with him etc..
but by the way he is regarded, you feel downright disgusted. selfish, ruthless even. but is well aware not someone to be provoked on.
so despite all of that, you remain well-mannered in a way. for the time being, that is. ( unless something or he crosses the line )
but i can't deny the fact that i imagined that you might be finding yourself doing the side-eye at him while he speaks with others; even having the urge to throw some insults or sarcastic remarks at him. but refrain from doing so just yet.
you hate him so so much because of what he did to Ash too.
overall, you despised people like Dino for existing on the surface of the Earth.
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SOME BONUSES ( bc lowkey low on idea rn HAHA ) :-
Shorter seemed like he would probably flirt with you at times, but you just laughed it off because it's like a normal thing now.
but Ash def isn't impressed.
knowing how long you and Ash have been training with each other, he silently grew fond and protective of you, despite you can handle yourself fine. i mean, you did manage a whole restaurant by yourself, after all.
oh and yes, Eiji's a precious boy!! you would 1000000% get along with him! <3
but be careful when hanging out around Eiji every so often; Ash might've steal you away from him. ( totally not jealous at all )
all of them def will hang out on your restaurant often when they're able to! 💛
also, random but i can see Ash is the type of guy to let his arm rest around your shoulders; doesn't matter while you're sitting or even standing. he would still do it out of habit.
i couldn't think of a proper confession or anything further romance related rn, but he will 1000000% take you out for a ride on his bike pretty often, especially during late nights <33
stargazing together?? heck yes!!
sometimes you just wanted to join Ash in whatever mission thingy or stuff he has to do or so; and of course, he would agree, but still deep down worried about your safety in general. ( maybe at some times, he would straight up refuse your offer. )
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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mangardel · 1 year
I can still smell her perfume
Pairing: Ash lynx x reader
Warnings: none
Songfic for Ash and his ex lover
Song: perfume by lovejoy
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It’s 3:45 (a.m)
And I just bite my tongue
Update me on your life
And how you’ve found the one
A dark blanket was thrown over the sky making a pitch black void. Ash lay wide awake on his back staring up at the blank canvas of his ceiling. His hand on his forehead while hearing your words reverberate in his head.
Every bar had it’s own natural ambience and Ash’s bar had a distinguished aura. The smell of cigarette ash and sweat was thick and heavy as it invaded your senses. It brought back memories even the ones you tried to your utmost ability to forget.
Even as you were holding on to your lover’s hand you couldn’t pretend as though you weren’t hoping to see a certain blonde in the crowd. It had been a year, maybe even two since you decided to end things. You couldn’t say you didn’t miss him but you couldn’t say that Micah didn’t make your heart melt any less. You and your new boyfriend had been together for 4 months already. In these said months you’ve already shown him that you loved every part of him just as you had shown Ash all those years ago. You were falling into quick sand and the more you struggled the deeper you fell.
“Why are we here again Y/n?” Micah asked. His light brown curls fell over his green eyes.
“Because it’s fun and I wanted us to go out tonight.” You smiled at him which was enough to make them zip their mouth and keep following you around like a lost puppy as he had been doing before.
Ash had spotted you before you did him. He walked towards you in an attempt to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He wanted to call out your name but his words were lodged in his throat but you felt his almost cold gaze nonetheless.
“Ash? Is that you?” You called to him with a smile, trying your hardest to pretend as though you didn’t expect to see him here. All the blonde could mutter out was your name with a soft smile of his own. You both started to slowly walk towards each other. Your arms were held out to give him a hug but instead he tucked his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket inaudibly denying your act of affection and softly smiled. You wiped your hands on your shirt in embarrassment.
“Sooo? What have you been up to?” You tried to make conversation. The tension in the atmosphere could be cut with scissors and the sort of astonished look he was giving you didn’t help a bit.
“Y’know same old, same old. You?” He has so much more to say. He loves you. He misses you. He wants you as his own again. But those words were to be held only in his heart until he could let them out again.
“That’s great and I’m great actually, I finally got that new apartment you know I’ve been looking at for forever and things are going great at the hospi-“ Your sentence was cut off as you felt a hands on your waist.
“Hey babe I’m back, who’s this?” You hadn’t even realized Micah had disappeared into the crowd nor did you know where he went off to or that your hand felt empty and light.
“Babe this is my friend Ash, Ash this is my boyfriend Micah.” You smiled sheepishly, almost embarrassed. You calling Ash a friend stung him in the chest and the mere thought that you were taking pride in calling someone else besides him your significant other only set his heart on fire. The flame was small but it burned like hell.
Micah reached out his hand to shake Ash’s with a smile oblivious to the other man’s growing hatred and envy for him.
But I don’t like his eyes
And I distrust their name
And I hate their haircut
They look like a prick (a prick)
The blonde kissed his teeth not realizing that he has barely said anything at all the entire conversation.
“Well,” you said clapping your hands together with that pretty little smile of yours “why don’t we all grab a drink and you two can get to know each other a bit more.” You looked between the two males while one was returning your smile the other was shooting a glare and if looks could kill your little boyfriend would’ve been dead long ago.
But it's all the same
Would be daft of me to cry
Your tongue is razor sharp
I miss when it would fight mine
He needed to talk to you alone. Try to find a way to get you to dump that prick in less than an hour. He want- no he needed you back. He needed you back and he’d do anything to have you.
The blonde rested his elbow on the bar holding his head in his hand and swirling his drink around in it’s glass. All he could do was channel through your memories together. Every laugh, every cry, every intimate moment where you’d lay your naked body on top of his and let him draw circles on your back as you both slowly passed out from exhaustion. He needed you.
Every single day after you left all he could and would ever do was think about you and now you were right in front of him and he didn’t know what to say. He needed you?
He even missed when you guys would fight. It sounds crazy but even when you hated his guts he still loved and adored every part of you. He let you yell at him for however long you needed to, whatever made you feel better and whatever put you back in his arms the quickest. He needed you.
He missed that sharp tongue of yours, something you both had in common. Every snarky remark you made, he had one waiting for you in return. But even so, all he could do now was listen to you speak and wish that you would look at him how you looked at Mitch or whatever his name was again.
Two hours had gone by. The coke he had in his cup had formed a dark whirlpool from where he’d been spinning it around. He only wished it could grow in size and swallow him whole.
Left your heart on standby
By the way he holds you
Bet he serenades you
I can't really blame you
You had went off to the bathroom, leaving an empty seat between the two males. Ash held a fierce scowl, while Micah awkwardly looked back and forth towards the floor, Ash, and the bathroom door.
“So,” he finally began, putting his drink down on the wooden counter “where did you two meet?”
“Oh it’s a long story…” Micah began but he was drowned out.
Now, did Ash really give two shits? No. But did he at least have to pretend that he liked this guy? Yes.
By the looks of it, you hadn’t even told your little boy toy about you and Ash’s (past) relationship. Either that or that man has not one jealous bone in his body but that was presumed already by the fact that he even let you talk to Ash for so long.
When you two were still together he was suspicious of every male that even breathed in your general direction. He knew he treated you so much better than this motherfucker, even if he didn’t always treat you how you deserved.
You were wearing the perfume he liked. How could he tell? He could smell it on your little lapdog here.
And I can still smell her perfume
Did it rub off on you?
And I can still smell her perfume
Did it rub off on you?
You had finally returned.
“Sorry bout that, there was a line. You ready to go baby?” And with that Micah hopped off his stool.
Baby? You gotta be fucking with him at this point.
“Well it was nice seeing you again Ash, but we’re gonna head out. I hope to see you around.” You said as you grabbed your car keys off the counter, leaving money to pay for the drinks.
“Yeah, it was nice seeing you too” he put on a fake smile. He had to pat himself on the back for upholding his facade even after watching Micah snake an arm around your waist. That was his spot.
You gave him a tight hug which he returned adding an extra squeeze of his own and then just like that you were gone again.
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linkemon · 1 month
Life doesn't discriminate (Ash Lynx x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ. ɪ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ [ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴅ."
ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:
ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 2.
ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ɪɴ ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ. ɪ ᴛʀʏ ᴍʏ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ᴀɴʏ ᴛɪᴘꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ.
"Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes  "
Wait for it, Hamilton musical
People at the hospital definitely have too much time to think. I should probably call you now.
I remember this day half a year ago. It was so hot that everyone on the streets of New York was practically melting. In fact, come to think of it, that was one of the main reasons I didn't move that day even though damn Dino called me. Mafia bosses don't like to be kept waiting but that's me. Anyway, as it turned out, it was good that I stayed.
— Have you ignored him again?! — Skipper shouted as he stepped through the doorway and then threw himself onto my bed with the force of a tornado.
He handed me a new newspaper. We're getting famous.
— This old man won't tell me what to do — I muttered. — Something new?
— You could say that. I think you should talk to [Reader].
— If she wants something, she can come to me. — I got up and went to the window.
— The problem is that she doesn't want to talk. I came to her place to watch the series...
— You know very well that I don't care — I interrupted.
I knew exactly what it smelled like. [Reader] had a ritual with Skip where they got together every week to watch a hopelessly typical sitcom. They invited me once and, to my delight, it was the first and the last. Apparently I'm too surly, I spoil their fun and ask too many questions. Since then, I've avoided Friday nights at the apartment, which isn't that hard. At least I don't have to listen to all the shouting from the floor above me.
— You don't understand — he insisted. — I came but she didn't let me in. She said she was tired and we should catch up in a week.
— And what's so strange about it? — I jumped on the windowsill.
— She never did that, even when she was tired. Plus, her eyes were swollen. She was 100% crying but when I asked her she started laughing. She won't tell me anything. You need to talk to her.
— You're being dramatic. She probably watched some romantic comedy again and is now roaring. And even if she didn't, why would she tell me if she ignored you?
— Because I'm not you. She really likes you, Ash. I don't know if you don't see it or don't want to see it. Anyway, it doesn't matter, just do it for me and talk to her, okay? — He got ready to leave.
— Fine. — I sighed. — I don't promise when but I'll try.
I was worried about her, although at that moment I probably didn't want to admit it to myself, much less to Skipper. Besides, I had the impression that something more was beginning to emerge between us and I had no intention of developing it. Anyone who found out would use it against me. I was afraid of what this might entail in the current situation.
The Machiavellian plan was precisely that I went upstairs at an ungodly hour, hoping that [Reader] wouldn't open and I'd get it over with. It sounded good, after all, she wasn't likely to be up at two in the morning. It's a pity that all my life plans (except those related to the gang) suck.
— Why the hell are you calling at this hour? — Her voice was hoarse.
She was still wearing the clothes she wore to work. Her hair, always tied in a ponytail, was messy. There was also a bad look on his face. She was rubbing her eyes as if she was sleep-deprived but it seemed like she was trying to hide the fact that she was crying.
— I came to talk — I said bluntly.
— Ash, maybe you'd kindly wait until tomorrow? — She started to close the door but I managed to wedge my foot between it, wedging it shut.
— No I can't. Let's get to the point. What's actually happening to you?
I entered the apartment practically by force and headed to the living room. As I expected, I saw a pile of tissues on the floor and a crumpled blanket on the couch.
I reached for the unfinished ice cream. Strawberry — tasted pretty good.
— Skipper told you? I knew that once I gave up on this marathon, he would go to you. — She sighed. — Nothing happened, I just had a hard day at work. Dealing with customers is not that easy.
— Great. Now I want the real version.
She looked at me reproachfully. Still, I felt I had the right to know what was going on. Since I'm already sharing with her this part of my life that I never confess to anyone else, she should be honest with me too. After she runs away from her father and lives on her own, she no longer recognizes practically anyone from the family apart from her cousin. Let alone confide in anyone.
— Someone stepped on your toes? Some girl went back to that guy who was hitting on you or something? Your cousin called you again and wanted to apologize for your father?
The only way to get an answer.
— They fired me! All right?
The anger was so visible in her eyes. Only for it to be replaced in a moment by something like regret.
— There was this guy coming last week. He started with inappropriate comments. Boss told me to serve him because it was his friend and he got angry when coworker came over instead of me. There has been nothing more until today. — Her voice cracked. — But when he tried... — A short breath. — I just instinctively punched him in the guts, just like you taught me.
Bitter laughter from her lips. I've never heard it before.
— I can lend you the money, you know that.
— And you know very well what I think about it. We're not going back to the topic.
It was grayish area. [Reader] shunned the money the first time I offered it to her. She wanted nothing to do with the gang in any form. I should have been included there too but apparently I was an exception.
— What will you do with it now?
— I'll try to find something. — She shrugged. — I have no other choice. I'm just begging you, Ash, don't get involved in this. Promise me.
I nodded.
What else could I do when she looked at me with those big doe eyes?
She snuggled into me as if I was the last person on Earth. Maybe that's exactly what it was like back then in her little world.
I kept my word and didn't interfere — Shorter arranged everything. I don't consider it cheating. Besides, my moral code has long since become distorted.
We got the job done quietly and naturally. Although "natural" in my sense of the word looked a little different than one might imagine. I poured in where needed, banknotes flowed, some blood flowed, and [Reader] got a normal job interview, a sufficient salary and flexible hours just right for the university. I also had a guarantee that no one would link it to me. The safer for all of us.
When she announced that she would leave us, I acted surprised.
She looked suspiciously in my direction but before I left I reminded her that I had promised.
Even before she left for university, I knew it wouldn't work out. I expected to end what hadn't actually started yet but I didn't anticipate how much it would hurt.
It was killing me to know that she would have a life in which I would no longer play the first fiddle.
I knew she deserved someone better.
Not a person who will never quite put himself back together.
Not a man whore trying to get out of this whole lousy world.
Not someone who has been taking the lives of others for over a dozen years.
Then, on the day she left, I promised her something one last time.
— You'll take care of Skipper, right?
— I won't babysit him.
— Pffft… — She let out something like a laugh mixed with a snort. — You know he takes better care of himself than you do. — Just keep an eye on him.
— Fine.
— I'll see you in six months — she said, walking towards the car.
Now I'm holding this phone and dialing her number. Someone has to do it. No police officer would be suitable for this. I know I'm the only one who should call. But that doesn't make it any easier.
It was the only time in my life when I actually regretted something.
I regretted it because [Reader] up until that point [Reader] thought I always keep my word.
I regretted it because up to that point it seemed to me that [Reader]...
—  Please leave a message after the tone...
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chujulynx · 3 months
INTRODUCTION + the fandoms I write for!
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So first of all my name is Jupiter but I mostly go by chuju or Jupa and Jupi!!
I'm from America, New York to be specific but I also speak German fluently lol
My hobbies are going out with my friends, writing and voice acting.
You are free to ask me more questions if you want!!
-Banana Fish (favourite)
-Little nightmares
-Bungo stray dogs
-The promised Neverland
-words bubble up like soda pop
-resident evil village (8)
-alice in borderland
And a lot more! The only bad thing that I have to mention is that you'd have to text me on instagram for request since I can't receive any messages on here for some reason :') but you can of course request something with a character that isn't from any of the fandoms here! <3
This is all for now since I'm writing this at 6:34am and I still have to get ready for school lol
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babypinkhearts · 4 months
⇾ babypinkhearts’ masterlist
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❀ jujustu kaisen
❀ attack on titan
❀ hunter x hunter
❀ banana fish
❀ star wars
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jupahochiko · 10 months
🫀fandoms I write for!!🫀
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-Sam and Colby
-the promised Neverland
-Sev } German Youtuber
-little nightmares 1 & 2
-Five night's at Freddy's
-Smii7y (Youtuber)
-Banana Fish
-My hero academia
-Identity v
(Other fandoms Comming soon👀)
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What is up with today 😭 everyone is just posting about rules, masterlists, collabs, and upcoming plan
Just trying to go through the "x reader" tags and cannot find a single fanfic
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uenovv · 2 years
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
He Loves Loving You
Before you, his sex life were mainly hookups that always involved her facing away. He did not care at all about eye contact or passion it was just a way to help himself relieve stress.
But then he met you and now all he wants is to make you feel good and loved. He likes having you in the missionary position where he can look at your beautiful features and see how good he can make you feel. Soft little kisses here and there, sometimes your foreheads would touch, you had a way of making his soft self come out. Thats not to say he's lost touch with his rough persona, sometimes he fucks you in the most heinous positions and at rough speeds, but there's love that's what changed. There's always love in your intimate encounters.
And you always feel so good. Fuck you drive him nuts. He doesn't know what the hell he did to deserve this but with you its like heaven on earth. He loves loving you.
Nanami Kento, Gojo Saturo, Toji Fushiguro, Dabi, Bakugou Katsuki, Eren Yeager, Tooru Oikawa, Kuroo Tetsuro, Rin Itoshi, Sae Itoshi, Shouei Barou, Shuji Hanma, Mikey, Baji Keisuke, Tetta Kisaki, Frederick Arthur
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rafasbiscuits · 9 months
"why do you love and read alot of angst? doesn't it make you sad?"
me: is a fan of omniscient reader's viewpoint, banana fish and jujutsu kaisen.
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luneariaa · 2 months
Hi there!how are you?! Could you write hc about the life of ash lynx x (fem)reader in which they've get rid of dino golzine? Please take your time and thank you!!
hii OMG so sorry this took quite a bit of time to do!! 🌻 had to revisit some BF stuff just to refresh my mind lmao,,
(^▽^" ) 💛💛💛
and i'm doing quite well THANK YOU DEAREST ANON!! 💕💕 hoping you're doing well too!! 💖💖💐💐 and i tried my best w/ this so i'm sorry if it's not to your liking!! :")
. dividers by @/cafekitsune ! 💛
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first things first, of course, life would be way more peaceful as ever for ash. he doesn't particularly need to feel worried as much. his guard is still up at times ofc, but not as bad as bef.
which means he is able to see you freely now.
and like, he might leave the whole gang/mafia stuff behind, just to try pursuing a normal life with you.
with your constant support ( and maybe sometimes he wouldn't admit it ), he'll get through it well! <33
and i couldn't really decide but-- i feel like he wouldn't need much studying anymore anyway bc of his IQ level :")
buuuuut if he ever did, he probably would've wanted to take the same classes as you do if possible. i mean, he isn't that, yk introverted or anything. he still possesses the feeling of deep mistrust toward people, and i feel like maybeee it's smth he might do.
but yeah i also feel like he would try to actively avoid the whole school stuff. he wouldn't want to be asked with unnecessary questions about his past, lifestyle, etc.
he already wishes to live a normal life, after all.
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and like, i somehow able to imagine him working as a barista/waiter of some sort for some reason?? idk why.
anyway, life would still be much better despite on whatever he decided to do ( away from the whole old stuff he experienced ).
he's still healing himself; both physically and mentally. and whatever your role might be around this time-- either as his best friend or even as his girlfriend, you would've support him either way.
just know that ash appreciates you a LOT. even when sometimes he doesn't even know on how to express it that well :")
okay so if the romance route happens somehow, he would be taking you out on a casual date during your break days or even his. depending on your schedules.
but his protective and cautious instinct is still present as always. he wouldn't want anything to potentially harm you when he's trying to move on from his old life with you.
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his trauma and his past still haunt him at times, so he's just so, so lucky and grateful that you're there with him even during his lowest moments.
if he ever works or something, you probably will join him so you both work together in a way ( if it's smth you're able to do ).
you both def would live together if you two finally got some stable jobs ( or if you're still studying somehow, part-time job then ); separating the bills smth like that so you both would pay in a fair amount for the monthly rent and even for the groceries stuff.
omg dunno why but the idea seemed comforting-
he wouldn't mind for anything else bc if it meant to live a normal life with you, then so be it.
eiji and shorter would def pay you both a visit occasionally 10000% ( idc this will be my canon now )
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i wanted to add more but i'm quite short on ideas rn :") TY FOR REQUESTING HIM OMLL <333
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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simpforchuchu · 4 months
Last Goodbye
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Prompts: DAY 8 - “why won’t it stop ?” @febuwhump Characters: Ash x reader x Eiji Fandom: Banana Fish Summary: A difficult goodbye
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of gunshots, blood, character death, angst…
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There are wrong decisions in life. The wrong people you met, the wrong people you helped, the wrong times you were somewhere...
Y/n knew that the bullet in her chest was the end of her. It hurt so much and she could feel her shirt getting wet. It was difficult to breathe. Her legs did not have the strength to carry her anymore.
Ash heard the gunshot from streets away. When he ran there and saw the young girl collapse on the ground, he screamed in pain.
Ash and Y/n had met a few years ago. Y/n found him injured and hid him in her house. Even though she was a few years older than him, Ash acted like her older brother.
Eiji knew her too. She was a cute and kind-hearted young girl. She was always making jokes and making Ash angry.
Y/n wasn't smiling today. Here eyes were closed. No, it wasn't like her eyes squinting when she smiled. She was unconscious.
Ash ran over and looked at the red mark on the young girl's chest. He took off his jacket and pressed the wound to stop the bleeding. When the young girl winced in pain, Ash took a deep breath because she was still alive.
"You will be fine! We will go to the hospital, okay?
Eiji was looking at them in fear. He called the ambulance, but he knew they didn't have much time.
"Damn? Why won’t it stop? Y/n ? Do you hear me?"
The young boy's jacket was completely stained with red liquid.
After a few seconds, the young girl tried to open her eyes, slightly opened her eyelids and smiled.
Ash looked at her in surprise. Could she smile at him even in this situation?
Y/n wanted to speak but failed. She coughed and grimaced as blood flowed from her mouth. She turned her gaze to Eiji and smiled again.
“Take care of him, Eiji-kun…”
Despite her low voice, they could both hear her. And unfortunately, these were her last words. Y/n slowly closed her eyes and exhaled her last breath.
Ash knew that another person had died because of him. If Y/n hadn't helped him, she would be alive right now. But y/n was happy, grateful for the short time she had known him…
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bell4lan · 6 months
Hello everyone. I haven't been working on anything lately since I have no motivation to, sorry about that.
I've also come here to say that I currently have zero interest in writing for Genshin anymore. The game is boring to me now and I don't care for the characters anymore. This does not mean I will never post for genshin again, it just means I will not be posting for it for a while, at least until I get motivation for to again. I just need a break from it.
I am willing to experiment with other games or animes just so I can still post. Here's a small list of animes/games I do like and am willing to write for, just to give you guys some inspo :) :
-Sally Face
-Banana Fish
-SK8 the Infinity (will not write for Adam)
Thank you all for your understanding!
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