#Bank Bonuses
banklady · 1 year
Earn Banking Bonuses using Swagbucks
Swagbucks and MyPoints are ways to earn rewards (cash and gift cards) for online activities. They are owned by the same parent company, so their offers are often similar or identical. We prefer Swagbucks for most of our bigger bonuses for banking and they have offered bonuses for things such as driving for DoorDash or Uber and grocery shopping. Swagbucks has 18 money-making offers available that…
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elliewiltarwyn · 9 months
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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one more time w feeling: i have an upcoming job interview and if i don't get this one i'm actually going to be offended
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eaglesnick · 2 years
101 Things You Should Know About the UK Tory Government
Thing 24
Nurses work 12-hour shifts. They risked, and in some cases lost, their lives during the pandemic. 14% are being forced to use food banks. We stood on our doorsteps and applauded their professionalism and dedication to their patients every Thursday evening at the height of the Covid crisis. Yet repeated Tory governments have taken them for granted.
Research shows that nurses have suffered real term pay cuts since the Conservatives came to power.
“Nurses’ wages down 20% in real terms over ten years despite raises.…the research suggests that to restore nurses’ real terms salary to 2010-11 levels by 2024-25, a nurse at the top of band five would require a pay rise of 45%, or around 21% each year. (Nursing in Practice: 31/10/22)
What does Steve Barclay, the new Health Secretary, intend to do to help rectify this shameful situation. NOTHING!  
According to Barclay, nurses are “out of step” with economic reality, and their request for higher pay is neither “reasonable or affordable".
But when it comes to banker’s bonuses “Steve Barclay almost always voted against a bankers bonus tax.” (www.theywporkforyou.com) The Guardian had this to say earlier in the year.
“This week British bankers will start collecting the biggest bonuses since before the 2008 global financial crisis as their employers fight an “increasingly intense war for talent”. As most Britons face the biggest squeeze on their incomes since at least 1990, already very highly paid bankers are celebrating “particularly obscene” bonuses in the City’s pubs and wine bars.” (16/03/22)
So, for Barclay it’s perfectly acceptable for bankers (the perpetrators of the 2008 financial meltdown and subsequent period of sever austerity) to receive millions of pounds in bonuses but not for NHS staff to receive a living wage.
“In 2020-2021, the NHS doctor workforce revealed that roughly 17 thousand HCHS doctors had left the NHS, and according to the NHS nurse workforce, nearly 30 thousand nurses left. As of the third quarter of 2021, the NHS faces an estimated 110 thousand vacancies, from which about 40 thousand are among nurses. The vacancy rate of the NHS workforce in England stood at 8.3 percent overall and over ten percent among nurses." (statistica: 18/08/22)
For Steve Barclay, paying “obscene bonuses" to bankers to attract the best “talent” into the finical sector is to be encouraged. But to apply the same logic and policy in the recruitment and retention of nurses and other NHS staff is neither “reasonable” or affordable".
Is it any wonder that Steve Barclay has been described as:
“A real nightmare, vindictive, arrogant, a bully, hostile to the NHS and all its works." (See Thing 18)
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novanaa · 1 year
boys i think i'm gonna become a rad tech ☢
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
Oh, and another thing I learned the other day: apparently the point of raising the interest rates so much was to "discourage consumer buying" which is insane bc like, "we don't want people to buy things so we're going to raise the cost of living, and then complain when people aren't buying houses and can't afford rent or utilities" is horrible logic. But also I think Millennials and Gen Z have lived through too many harsh economic times for this to work. "I'll never be able to buy a house so I'll just keep buying my little treats" is a common mindset and, frankly, a justified one. Like yeah, the cost of takeout may have gone up a few bucks, but the cost of a house has gone up thousands of dollars. I'm no closer to buying a house than I was in 2020, and if my rent goes up another $250 next spring all the skipped lattes in the world won't help, so I'm still gonna get my little treat.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 5 months
We get a certain amount of paid days off per year and the "season" you are supposed to use up your days go from May to April. So by the end of April you should have used up all of your days for the previous year. (I mean they let you negotiate to move them up but they don't like doing that because it is very easy for PTO days to build up too much for the kind of nerds who work too hard. So they very strongly encourage you to take your days within the allotted year.)
So April is here and everyone needs to use up their days in the next couple weeks. I failed to keep track so I started the year with 8 days, of which I managed to use 2 before the start of April.
So starting this week I have two days off per week until the end of April (including the two days between a weekend and May Day, which is also a public holiday...)
Tomorrow I am gonna work on my anti-cleavage sweat while binding -device, an upcoming DnD session (for which I haven't found any readymade maps ;_; ), have a non-work related meeting, and go to an opening of an exhibition.
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sigtv · 7 months
some people have really backwards opinions of taylor like that her music is bad and they think she doesn’t care about anything but her own success and im just like damn…you really do live under a rock don’t you?
ugh just read the tags for more, i can’t do this.
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tuttle-did-it · 8 months
Okay I officially do not have the energy to keep up with all of this. Can all of the Evil* on this world please just get in an orderly queue and step up one at a time for us to band together to defeat you, please? Then onto the next one. I think you might agree that this constant barrage from all sides is too difficult to keep up with.
*examples of evil include but are not limited to: corrupt and psychopath politicians destroying the social infrastructure and basic human rights for their own gain and entertainment; revolting diabolical billionaires acting like Bond villains; Capitalism; Neo-Nazis (including MAGA); rampant racism, queerphobia, genocide; misogyny, fascism; economic crises; evisceration of rights for queers, women, disabled people, immigrants, refugees; greedy corporate shills and banks getting buy outs and billions in bonuses when most of us can’t pay rent; allowing constant shootings to continue, even when they are done by children in fucking schools what the fuck are you thinking?; the planet’s imminent destruction and many species of animal and plant life with it; people who genuinely delight in doing all of this; and more.
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kingly-genderfluid · 2 years
Playing monopoly with siblings and deciding that I’m the government and they decided they’re the unfair players so everybody wins
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muttever · 2 years
the flippin atm ripped my tenner in twain
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reportwire · 2 years
Family Offices Could Teach UK Banks A Thing Or Two About Uncapped Bonuses
Family Offices Could Teach UK Banks A Thing Or Two About Uncapped Bonuses
The move was proposed by former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng in a bid to make London more attractive … [+] for global banks and for workers amid what is being widely described as a talent shortage. SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images As the UK’s mini budget, second mini budget and upcoming full budget come under fire from all directions, there is one thing that everyone is talking about and…
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kiryoutann · 1 month
disclaimer and cw: fem! reader. one-nightstand, unplanned pregnancy, vomitting.
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journalist! reader, abandoning her draft of an article about SpecGru's (your favorite hockey team) recent win, is forced by her coworkers to "have some fun" AND got dragged to a party. seated around a table full of alcohol that your friends have ordered, loud music blares around you almost to the point of damaging your eardrums.
they say you deserve it - something about how they know you're burying yourself in work not only because you're a workaholic and a huge fan of SpecGru, but also to distract yourself from your recent breakup with your cheating ex.
"honey, you need to forget him, at least just for tonight! look around you, that guy over there has been eyeing you for a while. why don't i hold your drink so you can say hi to him?" one exclaimed, and the others cheered in agreement.
at first, you were reluctant, continuing to plant your back against the back of the couch as if glued to it. but, glass by glass, the alcohol lowers your inhibitions and ability to think rationally. you then slam the glass on the table and approach the brunette with confidence, your friends' cheers ringing out behind you.
so why is it that when you wake up in a strange room - with strange walls and an even stranger bed - the man next to you is a blonde?
you would've just shrug this off and slip out of the bed like any other woman after a one-night stand if he was someone else. but, you recognize that face everywhere - that stubbled jaw and inked left arm peeking out from under the covers. simon riley, SpecGru's top defender.
this must be a dream, you think. this must be some weird, absurd dream you harvested after spending too much time in front of your laptop browsing about him outside of his athletic abilities (whether he's actually single, dating rumors, or some secret Instagram account he has). cause, honestly? out of all the pretty guys in SpecGru, simon is the one who catches your eye.
you slap yourself lightly, intending to wake yourself up from this too-good-to-be-true dream. one slap. two slaps. and the third one is so hard that the said man shifts and grumbles in his sleep. before you can get out of bed, he opens his eyes and looks at you confused.
"uh.. hi," you try, wincing at your own nervousness. "i'm.. well, i'll be going now."
you don't give simon time to respond because the next thing you know, you're already gathering your clothes and heading out of the five-star hotel room.
and of course. of course simon has to give you a "souvenir". cause two months after, you're sitting on the toilet with a positive pregnancy test. you've had your suspicions, but now that you have proof to hold, the fear creeps into your spine.
the cost of living alone is enough to put a dent in your bank account, let alone having a baby? with the father somewhere far and you can only see him on television every time he plays at the hockey rink.
yet, turns out, SOMEHOW, simon isn't as far away as you thought.
two weeks in limbo considering what to do, your boss assigns you to cover this sport lunch event at a hotel. his briefing is short, but you don't think anything of it. probably because you already have a lot on your plate. besides, going means more bonuses for you to receive.
but boy, it's a disaster at first sight.
simon fucking riley is there, with a few of his teammates. his presence is hard to avoid as he stands like a fucking mammoth in the room. you're smaller than him, so you hope, pray to god and the gods in the sky that your size makes it hard for him to spot you (if he even remembers you).
misplaced optimism, apparently. because firstly, simon has the eyes of an eagle. and secondly, for some reason, he remembers you (or even remembers everyone he's ever slept with? you wonder what he's got stacked up in his hippocampus.)
fucking eggs. the second you smell it, you feel your breakfast kicking, wanting to breach your throat. you excuse yourself, walking briskly towards where the toilets are probably located. out of the corner of your eye, you see simon get up from his chair, but you couldn't care less when you're at risk of staining the expensive marble.
"ma'am?" a deep voice called out to you. simon. you felt the stomach acid reaching the tip of your throat now.
to make the day better, this stupid hallway is too long, and simon turns out to be quite determined in his pursuit. when he grabs your hand, you turn to him and-
you stained his armani suit with your vomit. his face was twisted in disgust mixed with shock, but his grip on you didn't loosen. drawing a conclusion, simon knew what this was all about.
well, at least you don't have to worry about the marble now.
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officeshelpdesk · 3 months
In celebration of the end of nearly 15 years of conservative rule in the UK I thought I'd post my favorite images of conservative MPs from the past decade and a half (along with some non pm bonuses)
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David Cameron and His Lover
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Theresa May is Utterly Horrified by Child's Robot
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Theresa May Cries as She Resigns
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As Mayor of London, Boris Johnson Gets Stuck on a Zipline
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Boris Johnson Absolutely Dominates Children at Rugby
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Whatever the Fuck is Happening Here
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Liz Truss Being PM for the Queen's Funeral Despite Also Having the Shortest Tenure
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Liz Truss' Day Collar
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Rishi Sunak Asks Homeless Man If He's "In Business"
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POV: You Just Said That Normal Families Having To Rely on Food Banks is Bad
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twisted-broth · 29 days
Hello i'm new hehe
C.E.O and very efectionate reader
I would like to request ruggie with a boyfriend that secretly sends money to his bank acount not out of pitty but he want's to help ruggie in anyway he can, but ruggie eventualy finds out, how would he react?
Oh and i really like your writing it really great that you write for ruggie i'm really simping for him, and if you do take this request thank you very much🫂
Hello! I am writing again! Who can believe it!!
Anyway I am clearing out the last of my old asks and this is one of them :)
Warnings: brief argument, mention of sugar daddies (jokingly)
Ruggie really can't believe his luck when he realized just how much his new boyfriend liked to spoil him
He was hesitant to start a relationship at first. Relationships cost time and money and time is money
But your affectionate nature and genuine kindness was a breath of fresh air at NRC and quickly won him over
Due to the nature of students at NRC, only a select few knew about your business and small fortune and that's how you liked it. You may want to spoil people, but you know better than to get yourself taken advantage of
So it was a pleasant surprise for Ruggie when you started insisting that every meal was "your treat"
And it really just seemed like his luck was getting better and better after the two of you started dating
He would start finding a lot more crumpled thaumarks around than before, in places that he had thought only he visited
He started getting unexpected holiday bonuses from Sam and his other employers. Even if it wasn't a holiday, Ruggie is never one to look a gift horse in the mouth
He even got someone else's PayPal on accident a few times
Thanks to all this good luck, he could work less and spend time with you! Isn't that such a happy coincid- yeah okay he knows something's up here
The next time he finds a fallen bill by the shed in the botanical gardens, he takes a big whiff and can't manage to convince himself that it's not your cologne he smells a trace of
As much as Ruggie likes money, he hates being pitied
He takes pride in having earned (or stolen) everything he has
The day he found out was also the day of your first fight
It seems like all the walls you had spent so long breaking down were back up in an instant
But the second Ruggie heard a small sniffle escape you, he quickly realized that you were way too good to lose over something like this
His anger melts away immediately as he sighs and begrudgingly apologizes. He knows he can't mess this up. He already told his grandma about you
Thankfully, his ego isn't big enough to turn you down completely. You work out an agreement that he'll keep earning money for himself, but lets you send a monthly allowance back home to his grandma, which is a big weight off his shoulders to know she's taken care of
He still jokes about you being his sugar daddy, but he's not gonna put all the financial burden on you
You still pay for most dates and get him nice gifts, but he keeps working hard and putting most of his money into savings and gifts on special occasions
Even if most of his expenses are taken care of, he's always looking for some reason to earn money because that's what he's good at. With all this extra money, maybe he can save up to put a nice ring on your finger
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