#Barisi drabble
ceethewriter · 1 year
Fandom: Law & Order SVU
Pairing: Barisi
Characters: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi
Prompt: The Taste of Salt
They took the corner fast, stumbling, and hid in the shadows of the alley, backs flat against the brick wall.
“What now?” Rafael said through heaving breaths. Dress shoes and a thick winter coat wasn't his choice of running gear.
“Shh,” Sonny hissed.
Sweat trickled down Rafael’s face and over his lips. He licked it away and the taste of salt lingered on his tongue.
Then it was over, the heavy boots of the chasers running past where they were hidden.
Unpeeling himself from the wall, Sonny took Rafael’s hand and pulled him along.
“C’mon, Babe, before they come back.”
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gayemorat · 2 years
That One Fic Where Rafael Drinks Too Much
Paring: Nick Amaro/Sonny Carisi/Rafael Barba
Ao3 link
Psst," Rafael whispered loudly.
Sonny looked at him. "Yeah, baby?"
"He's hot," Rafael said, pointing at Nick.
Sonny and Nick exchanged an amused smile.
"Yeah I agree. Can I tell you something?"
"We're dating him too."
Rafael gasped. "We are?" he asked, still whisper-yelling.
Sonny nodded and Rafael started crying.
"Aaand he's had too much to drink," Nick said, picking Rafael up bridal style.
While Nick brought Rafael to their bedroom, Sonny cleaned up the glasses and bottles.
When he walked into the bedroom, he found Rafael curled up next to Nick, already passed out.
Sonny climed into bed next to them and smiled. "He's adorable."
Nick kissed Sonny's forehead. "You are too, querido."
Sonny blushed and hid his face in the pillow. "Sleep."
Nick laughed, not unkindly. "Alright. Good night, mi amor."
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svuholidaygiftexchange · 10 months
The holiday season is upon us so let’s be traditional & exchange gifts.
It’s very simple. To request a gift, send us a message/ask. You can do it anonymously or not. We will post & give your request a unique tag.
To fill a request anonymously, send us a message/ask with your fill or post to your blog mentioning the svuholidaygiftexchange blog so we spot you.
There’s an ao3 collection for fills if you want to use it: SVU Holiday Gift Exchange 2023 (SVU_holiday_gift_exchange_2023)
Read on to find out how to request & how to fill.
To request a gift:
- Say which characters and/or pairings, triplings? you’d like.
- Say the highest rating you’d like to see
- Say the type of gift you’d like - fic, art, edit, etc.
- Say anything you don’t want e.g. tags, pairings, characters etc.
- Give some prompts, anything you like.
The more prompts you give the more likely you are to get a gift.
Forgot a prompt? No problem, just send us another message.
When we post your gift request we will give it a unique tag. Track this tag to see any fills.
“Fic. Barisi, teen. No MCD. No AU. Canon divergent is fine. Prompts: hurt/comfort where Sonny protects Rafael, based on episode XYZ”
“Art, Fin Tutuola. Gen. Prompt: Fin looking competent in his black leather jacket. Secondary characters are ok.”
To fill a request:
- gifts can be given anonymously by sending us a message/ask.
- you can also post gifts to your own blog. If you do this, tag us so we can reblog.
- there’s an ao3 collection you can add your work to if you like. It’s not compulsory.
- in all cases tag for the unique gift ID so we know which request your gift relates to.
- your gift doesn’t need to be very long or very time-consuming. A fic fill of a drabble is fine.
- you can fill a gift request even if someone else has already filled the same request.
- if your fill request is long put it under a read more.
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
WIP Ask Game
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks for the tag @thenightmaredrowns here we go...at least all my wips are in a singular folder this time LOL
Amanda Preg fluff
Amanda-love of life move on w someone else
Borin fluff drabble
Bryan teasing wip
Carisi-kid angst
Casey- hurt comfort
Club sandwich WIP
CM ladies-bi h/c
Derek Morgan soft smut squirting WIP
DiNozzo comfort smut
Dom Drop WIP (blake?)
Dom!casey baseball smut
Emily h/c wip
Emily secret marriage
Emily smut
Holiday cards-heather
Olivia- fwb- angst
Poly!Barhoun at a sex club
Poly! Barhoun pegging
Public Emily smut
Rita 2nd chair smut
Sonny sexy fluffy wip-oral Bingo
Sonya masturbation-bingo
Sub!Rita wip
Super fluffy first kiss w Addison wip
Tara fluff home for holidays
Tara smut wip
Velasco- cabin for Bingo
Now.. that's just the one shots. LOL. here's the series
Alex Blake (redacted) outline-post ethan h/major comfort
Barba & the cam girl
Barth post divorce x rita's paralegal
Heather x yn w a super toxic ex
Heather & the stripper
Heather's plaything-> poly/open marriage
Hotch x the babysitter
Mob Boss!Rita Calhoun AU
Poly!Heather x Jackie x reader political thriller
Amelia Shepherd x derek's ex series
Rita Secret kid potential?
Side of Softness
Svu Criminal Minds crossover
Unexperienced Hotch x reader series
Vampire!Rita Calhoun AU
Bestie Barhoun harvard AU ft Barisi, Barhoun, Rollhoun
There's no way I'm tagging 45 people, but I'll tag some friends and hopefully them and the rest of y'all will be intrigued and send in some asks!
@rustyzebra @maybe-a-humanbean @baubeautyandthegeek @blackbird-brewster @adarafaelbarba @d33pd3sire-blog @leftoverenvy @maximoffcarter @plaidbooks @whiteberryx
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mcshepsjumper · 2 months
Smowkie, 40+, ace, she/her, from Sweden.
McShep and everything Stargate, as well as some other stuff from some of the actors. i like organized tags, so i tag a lot.
Ship and let ship, don’t like don’t read, KINKTOMATO, etc.
icon from @aenslem (x)
header and sidebar gifs from @sga-mcshep-4ever (x, x, x, x)
blog theme is my own
(coding credits)
other blogs
@smowkie - main/personal - where I follow/like/ask/reply from
side blogs - fandom
@mcshepsjumper - this blog! McShep and everything Stargate
@winchestersheaven  - multifandom, this is where I put everything fandom related I don’t have a specific blog for (except music stuff, that goes on @smowkie, but I rarely blog about music)
@hoechyeahsteelatom - Arrowverse
@barisiscourtroom - Barisi from Law & Order: SVU (also things from the other L&O shows, the Chicago shows, and the FBI shows)
@sterekshaven - Sterek and Hobrien
@inevitablehusbands - Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
@ravixmajor - Rajor from iZombie
@sterekdrabbles - I run this with @rieraclaelin, and it’s for anyone who likes Sterek and drabbles (100 words long ficlets). We post word-challenges three times a week, and once a month we have a theme week. (We also have @sterekdrabblesgonelong for when the drabbles refuse to stay drabbles.)
side blogs - other
@lokemycat - my cat!
@promptsandgames - prompts and ask games
other links
ao3 (i have not written anything Stargate)
dreamwidth - inactive
pillowfort - inactive
something wrong?
If you see any mistakes I’ve made here, a link that doesn’t work, a tag that’s spelled wrong, or if something’s not working like it’s supposed to, please let me know, so I can fix it!
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sterekshaven · 2 years
links: about | my fics | ao3
my writing tags: #my fic - just the fics #my drabble - just the drabbles #Smowkie’s fic - all of them
About, other blogs, etc. under the cut
figured it’d be easier to put this here instead of making a separate post for it for mobile users
about me
I'm Smowkie, 40+, ace, she/her, from Sweden.
Introvert, queer, neurodivergent, feminist.
Sterek shipper since 2012
Fanfic author and reader.
Queue set to post 6 times per day, but I rarely manage to keep it up these days.
I'm not very active here anymore, but Sterek will always be my first ship, they will always be my home in fandom.
Sterek really is eternal.
Mobile/dashboard view header found here
Left sidebar gif found here
Right sidebar gif found here
Sterek badge found here
Derek badge found here
Blog theme found here
(Dashboard avatar is my own)    
something wrong?
If you see any mistakes I've made here, a link that doesn't work, a tag that's spelled wrong, or if something's not working like it's supposed to, please let me know, so I can fix it!  
other blogs
@smowkie - main/personal - where I follow/like/ask/reply from
side blogs - fandom
@winchestersheaven  - multifandom, this is where I put everything fandom related I don't have a specific blog for (except music stuff, that goes on @smowkie, but I rarely blog about music)
@mcshepsjumper - Stargate, heavy on McShep and SGA
@hoechyeahsteelatom - Arrowverse
@barisiscourtroom - Barisi from Law & Order: SVU (also things from the other L&O shows and the Chicago shows)
@inevitablehusbands - Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
@ravixmajor - Rajor from iZombie
@sterekdrabbles - I run this with @rieraclaelin, and it's for anyone who likes Sterek and drabbles (100 words long ficlets). We post word-challenges three times a week, and once a month we have a theme week. (We also have @sterekdrabblesgonelong for when the drabbles refuse to stay drabbles.)
side blogs - other
@lokemycat - my cat!
@promptsandgames - prompts and ask games
other links
dreamwidth - inactive
pillowfort - inactive
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detective-giggles · 2 years
first line tag game
Thank you to @thebumblecee, @chaotictarlos, and @bonheur-cafe for tagging me! I love getting tagged in these!
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
1. Tarlos Fic Collection (Tarlos): “You’re late!”  TK shuts the door and freezes, his hand still on the lock. “I told you I would be.” He turns slowly and spies Carlos sitting on the couch, his knees up to his chest and TK’s throw blanket draped over his lap.
2. better days and even better nights (Tarlos): Carlos tosses a backpack on the counter and opens it, preparing to stuff it with everything he’ll need for a day at the zoo with his daughter.
3. Tarlos Drabbles (Tarlos): Carlos stands there, watching silently as TK sleeps off the remnants of his last shift. It’s cold and still dark outside; Carlos wants nothing more than to curl up and spend the rest of the day in bed with his boyfriend.
4. Only for Tonight (Tarlos): Carlos shifts in his seat and scans the bar, trying not to look too antsy. He peeks at his phone- of course, he has shown up too early; he always does.
5. Kiss me Goodnight (Tarlos): Carlos opens the door and pauses, bracing himself for three kids to launch themselves at him – but it doesn’t come. Instead, it’s TK who meets him at the door with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
6. The Beginning of Something Great (Tarlos): TK rolls over and groans when he hears whispering outside his bedroom door. It’s early- before 6 am- and he pulls a pillow over his head.
7. The Sounds of Carlos Reyes (Tarlos): “Moving sucks” TK mutters. Carlos watches as he pauses in the middle of their bedroom and turns, looking at all the boxes he still had left to unpack. “How did I get all this stuff? Should I get a storage unit?”
8. Sparks flying (Barisi): Rafael sighed, frustrated, as he fumbled with the keycard. Sonny was pressed against his back, crowding him against the door. He was nuzzling into his neck, biting and sucking small, purple marks.
9.   Better with you (Tarlos): Carlos doesn’t even have to open his eyes to know this is gonna be a bad day. His head feels like it’s going to explode, and he can’t quite see straight.
10. Baking Memories (Tarlos): “Stop!” Carlos hisses. TK playfully rolls his eyes but makes his way to the sink to wash his hands instead of licking the cookie dough off his fingers. “I can’t tell her not to eat the dough if you’re gonna do it right in front of her.”
I’m so late to the game, if you see this and want to participate, consider yourself tagged! :)
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Hi Leah!
Scrolling through this app I’ve seen so many different parts of this SVU fandom. Recently, I’ve discovered Barisi. I’m so late to this. I know. But with my EO blinders on I haven’t really given attention to other ships. But OMG I had no idea how big this Barisi ship was. From what I seen on Tumblr and AO3, prior to Stablers return, they were the largest ship in the fandom. Since I’m a bit of a Barba fan (in my mind his last two episodes don’t exist), I liked a Barba gif set now I’m seeing more Barisi gifs, Barisi manips, Barisi drabbles. I even started reading Barisi fan fics. And you know what? I don’t hate it. The fics cute and fun. Some are on the level of my favorite EO fics. So now I’m wondering why didn’t we get it on the show? A smile and a glance here or there. A little flirty lunch or dinner. A relationship. If the fans were there why didn’t they just give it a try? I don’t know if I could trust the 2.0 writers. Warren Leight would have made them go through some torturous storyline to earn their first date. Lol I just feel like it was a missed opportunity for a cute SVU couple. No shade to Rollisi fans! I know Carisa’s taken now. Lol
Why do you think they didn’t make it canon? Do you think it would have worked on the show?
Oh my godddddddd nonnie this is so cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm 100% here for barisi tbh I love it. Like I'm not reading the fic but I see the two of them together and I'm like "yup I see it i hope they're very happy together" 💀
But as to why they didn't ever do it - there's two reasons I think. One, they were never gonna have a queer relationship between two mains on SVU. I think that's just tptb. They just weren't gonna do it. We had Kat for a split second and she promptly vanished, but Kat wasn't in a queer relationship with another main. That's just the cold hard truth, this show is heteronormative and always will be. They want the middle American audience, they're gonna play to the lowest common denominator. They may slip in a queer character but they're not gonna have two, together, at once. While the fandom is big it is a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of other people who watch the show, and the people calling the shots are not looking to fandom to guide them. Fandom trends young, queer, and female anyway, and that's not their target demographic.
The second, equally practical but somewhat less depressing reason is: SVU doesn't want their mains to date. It's messy, logistically speaking; they either have to have their happily ever after (which tptb are convinced is the death knell for their show) or they have to break up. What if they don't want to shake up the cast? They need a will they won't they, which they initially had with EO and then had with rollisi, but they don't want to do the full romance. I mean, look at rollisi. They get together and now Amanda is on her way out. They don't want to write established relationships and they won't risk two main characters on one. And since Carisi was already in a Thing with Rollins, they weren't gonna spend airtime on him having Moments with barba.
It's one of those things. The show could do so many different things but ultimately, it is what it is. It's a hot dog cart, it's not selling filet mignon. We have to make the good shit ourselves.
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winchestersheaven · 11 months
about me
I'm Smowkie, 40+, ace, she/her, from Sweden.
Ship and let ship, don't like don't read, KINKTOMATO, etc.
I don't have a proper tag page for this blog (yet, just the spn one), but I do have a TV shows page on my smowkie blog, where all the shows have a link to their tag on the blog it's on, as well as a way to filter the shows by blog it's on, if you want to see some of what might show up here.
some tags
#Smowkie’s fic - my writing tag (one whole fic on this blog)
#Smowkie talks - my own posts, i'm still learning to use this one
#Smowkie watches stuff - when i talk about shows i'm watching
about the blog, credits, my other blogs, etc. under the cut
about the blog
Queue currently set to post 8 times per day, and atm there are 800+ posts in it.
This is my first side blog that I started because I wanted to keep all the Supernatural stuff I reblogged from my main. It is no longer a Supernatural exclusive blog, I put everything fandom that I don't have a specific blog for here.
Mobile/dashboard view header
Sidebar gifs
Bitter Sam girl badge
Sam Winchester fan badge
Icon/avatar is my own
Blog theme is my own
(coding credits)   
something wrong?
If you see any mistakes I've made here, a link that doesn't work, a tag that's spelled wrong, or if something's not working like it's supposed to, please let me know, so I can fix it!  
other blogs
@smowkie - main/personal - where I follow/like/ask/reply from
side blogs - fandom
@winchestersheaven  - this blog! multifandom, this is where I put everything fandom related I don't have a specific blog for (except music stuff, that goes on @smowkie, but I rarely blog about music)
@mcshepsjumper - Stargate, heavy on McShep and SGA
@hoechyeahsteelatom - Arrowverse
@barisiscourtroom - Barisi from Law & Order: SVU (also things from the other L&O shows, the Chicago shows, and the FBI shows)
@sterekshaven - Sterek and Hobrien
@inevitablehusbands - Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
@ravixmajor - Rajor from iZombie
@sterekdrabbles - I run this with @rieraclaelin, and it's for anyone who likes Sterek and drabbles (100 words long ficlets). We post word-challenges three times a week, and once a month we have a theme week. (We also have @sterekdrabblesgonelong for when the drabbles refuse to stay drabbles.)
side blogs - other
@lokemycat - my cat!
@promptsandgames - prompts and ask games
other links
dreamwidth - inactive
pillowfort - inactive
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mforpaul · 3 years
Could you write Rafael leaving permanently but there is Sonny at Olivia's place?
Rafael hates when he hears footsteps behind himself. And he immediately knows it's a certain detective approaching. The one person out of this forsaken squad he doesn't need right now.
"What are you doing?" says the voice with the terrible accent behind him.
"Looking at the courthouse," Rafael answers, very well knowing that obviously and of course this is not what Carisi means.
This must be the reason why Carisi ignores the comment. "You can't leave."
Rafael sighs and turns around. "I can and I will."
"I have to," Rafael interrupts him firmly.
There Carisi stands in front of him, pretty as always. He's tired, the cold reddens his cheeks and noes and his hair is out of place. All of this makes him even more beautiful. And while Rafael is happy to be given that sight in a difficult moments like this, Carisi being pretty is not what he needs.
"But we need you, you're the best," is Carisi's argument and Rafael thought he taught him better.
"Don't you disapprove of what I did?"
"No," Carisi answers simply. Rafael had purposely avoided talking to Carisi during the trial. Not just because he was (still) in no mood to argue with Catholic semantics. Mainly, in case Carisi was disappointed, Rafael didn't want to know.
This is why he decides to take this.
"Thanks," Rafael basically whispers and after a few moments of silence of staring in these blue eyes, he adds, "I'm happy to hear."
"Obviously, I'm also gonna miss you," Carisi adds, out of the blue and it is too much for the relationship they have. But of course, that doesn't stop Carisi nor does it embarrass him. Carisi is all weird with his long arms slouching all around him, but he means it. "And I'm not just saying it cause you're my mentor."
It is very sweet and Rafael wants to tell him that, but it's too much for him to handle at the moment.
"I can't do this anymore," Rafael explains simply. "This job burns me out. The justice system isn't just. And I just can't do this anymore."
"But we're all like this," Carisi rejects. "It's our thing. We do this even though it's all just drops on a hot stone."
For some reason, Rafael needs to smile. And he loves this man for managing to do this in this particular moment.
"Not me anymore," Rafael says with his lopsided smile, he hopes it's charming and somewhat appearing full of wisdom. "But don't worry, I will go on. I will find another way."
They look at each other for a long time. Mainly, because Rafael feels like Carisi wants to say something. He smiles back and bites his lips. And for some reason Rafael's mind wanders off because his lips are so pink and his skin is so pale and he vaguely remembers that this is how snow-white is described.
"I guess there's no point in trying to talk you out of it," Carisi breaks the silence.
"There was no point ever," Rafael says and this time his smile is even warm. "Which never stopped you."
"Today it does," Carisi replies, smiling but somewhat sad. "Because I think that's you want."
"Thank you. Although, for the record, I always wanted you to shut up."
Carisi grins, but doesn't comment. And all of the sudden it really does feel like flirting. Which seems all wrong considering he feels bad for just getting out of a murder trial and leaving his workplace of twenty four years.
"I wish you the best, Rafael."
"I'll be fine."
Rafael feels himself blushing and hopes that Carisi will not notice because it's February in NYC. "I do."
"So, in the sense of making the best out of the situation, I guess this means I could ask you out now?"
He is very sweet and Rafael's heart skips a beat. Underneath all the sorrow and sadness and stiffness Rafael is feeling at this moment of leaving it makes him feel warm.
"I'm sorry, this is the worst moment to ask someone out. I really wish the best for you."
"Sonny, shut up."
"I'm going to call you in a couple of months, okay?"
"I just need some time."
"All the time you need."
It's ridiculous, they smile too much. Rafael can't wrap his head around the moment and really doesn't want to make sense of it.
"Now, let me go back to looking at the courthouse sadly and dwell in my sadness."
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mimisempai · 3 years
None of your words were ever insignificant to me
"Here. Take this. "
Sonny paused slightly as his fingers automatically closed on the papers Rafael handed him.
Seeing that Sonny wasn't moving, Rafael called to him softly, "Sonny?"
Sonny came to his senses and said smiling, "You know those were the first words you ever said to me Rafael? "
"Really? "
"Yes, the first time we met, you gave me some papers in the precinct and said those exact words."
"Only you would remember such trivial details." smiled Rafael indulgently.
Sonny planted his eyes in Rafael’s and replied in a determined voice, "None of your words were ever insignificant to me."
Tumblr media
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ceethewriter · 1 year
Fandom: Law & order SVU
Relationship: Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi
Prompt: A vastness that could be measured in molecules
On bad days, Rafael feels the vastness of the decade between his and Sonny’s ages. Ten years doesn’t sound like much but 120 months, 3,652 days, 87,648 hours, 5,258,880 minutes …. A lot could happen in ten years when it’s expressed in terms of 87,648 hours.
On bad days, Rafael feels he’s stolen the best ten years of Sonny’s life. Theoretically, Sonny will get them back at the end when Rafael is dead but, sadly, that’ll be when Sonny’s too old himself to do anything much with them.
Luckily, on bad days, Sonny is there to tell Rafael he’s being ridiculous.
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booyahbarisilove · 4 years
Rafael has a clothing kink :)
Leave it on
It came off as a surprise, actually. In fact, Rafael had never liked the thought of sharing his clothes, not one bit. He’d had plenty of lovers over the years and he never offered any clothes for them to wear or anything like that. He didn’t even like the thought. 
But with Sonny everything was different, even that. So when one evening, after they had been fooling around in Rafael’s apartment, when the delivery guy knocked. Rafael was stark naked and Sonny, who was still wearing his trousers, bent down to pick a shirt from the floor and walked to the door as he was putting it on. 
When he came back a few minutes later, sporting a mischievous smile and saying that he had put the food in the oven, so it could wait a little bit. He was wearing Rafael’s shirt, it was easy to tell because the sleeves were too short and it was loose around the shoulders. But the older man wasn’t bothered about Sonny taking his expensive shirt, in fact, he liked it. 
He stalked until he was almost touching his lover and he left out a chuckle because the shirt really didn’t fit. Sonny looked down and he smiled sheepishly before he moved to take off the shirt, but Rafael stopped him. 
“Leave it on...” he muttered against Sonny’s lips before kissing him deeply. 
He liked that he could smell his own cologne on Sonny’s neck as he kept kissing him, he really enjoyed the color and richness of the shirt encasing Sonny’s perfect body. 
So when the following morning, Sonny checked his overnight back and couldn’t find his tie. He should have suspected of Rafael’s mischievous grin before he handed his lover one of his own ties. But he didn’t, because that meant he would be wearing Rafael close the whole day, and he was more than okay with that. 
(If anyone is interested, this could go on longer because I’ve found out I actually like this prompt. So, let me know)
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butihavejoy · 5 years
I was wondering if you have any ideas for a Barisi His Dark Materials!AU? Primarily: what do you think their dæmons would be? Personally, I like to think Rafael has something bird-like, like a female Raven or something a bit more fierce, like a Falcon? Sonny would definitely have something pack oriented, like a she-wolf or a lioness. But I'd love to hear your opinions on the matter!
You can’t throw His Dark Materials and dæmons at me and not expect me to drabble, Nonny, you just can’t. Of course, this got a little out of hand, but there we are...
When Sonny was little, he’d tell anyone who would listen that his dæmon, Fedele, would be something from the ocean. Fedele loved to turn into a porpoise and splash around in Arthur Kill or become a gull, flapping along the shore as Sonny chased after her, laughing all the while. His mother warned him against it. “You’re not meant for a life at sea, Sonny,” she would tell him, when she could get him to sit still long enough to listen. “And your dæmon should be a part of the life you’re meant for.”
And maybe there was something to that, because right around the time Sonny realized he wanted to be a cop was when Fedele stopped changing, settling as a dog, and he figured this was just the life he was meant for.
Like most police officer’s dæmons, Fedele was big, and ferocious-looking, a powerful brindle-colored pit bull. Which was good, because Sonny got a lot of grief at the academy for not being tough enough, and Fedele was enough to keep most of the worst bullies at bay. She was also enough for Sonny to hold onto at night when he needed strength and reassurance to keep going.
And she still loved running and playing in the water every chance they got.
He never had reason to doubt that she was the perfect fit for him until he decided he wanted to study law. The moment he walked into a law school classroom was like the academy all over again, but this time, everyone else’s dæmons were intelligent, or argumentative, or sharp, and his Fedele was too big and too simple.
Which maybe meant Sonny was, too.
Of course, he got his degree, and he passed the Bar, mostly because he had a stubborn streak a mile wide and didn’t know when to quit, but he didn’t make the move to being an attorney, his mother’s words from his child echoing in the back of his mind: your dæmon should be a part of the life he’s meant for, and maybe that meant he wasn’t meant to be a lawyer. Maybe he should just stay the course and stay a cop.
Which was why he hesitated, after Peter Stone left and Vanessa Hadid offered him an ADA position. 
“What do you think?” he asked Fedele as they sat down by the water after he had been offered the job and after he had told Hadid he needed to think about it.
Fedele scratched her ear for a moment before answering. “I think you should do what’ll make you happy.”
Sonny sighed. “I don’t know that being a lawyer will make me happy,” he admitted.
Fedele stood and stretched before padding over to him, wriggling her head underneath his arm until he laughed and let her crawl into his lap. “Maybe not,” she said, licking his cheek. “But when was the last time being a cop made you happy?”
He had to admit she had a point.
But there was still someone else he needed to ask, so he and Fedele took an anbaric tramcar to the Bronx, where Rafael Barba didn’t look at all surprised that Sonny Carisi had shown up on his doorstep.
Once inside, Sonny admitted everything, all his hesitations and doubts, Fedele’s head resting lightly on his knee as he spoke, and for his part, Barba mostly just listened. When Sonny was done, he shook his head slowly. “Well, I don’t know if it’ll help you decide what you want to do, but if it’ll make you feel better, I felt the same way.”
Sonny’s head jerked up and he stared at Barba, surprised. “Really?” he asked doubtfully.
Barba nodded. “Oh, yes,” he said. “I was 16, I had spent my entire life hoping to get out of the Bronx, to go study with the scholars at Harvard.”
“And you did,” Sonny pointed out.
“Yes, but I assumed that in order to do so, my dæmon needed to be big and bold and flashy. And instead, Pertinax settled as a starling.” The bird in question fluttered down to settled on Barba’s shoulder, and he smiled. “A startling, of all the things to be. A little bird with a big squawk.” He chuckled as she batted him lightly with her wings. “One of the most common of birds, and not at all what I had hoped for.”
“I suppose now is a bad time to tell you that you’ve been referred to as a little man with a loud voice,” Sonny said, trying not to laugh.
But Barba just smiled. “Not at all,” he answered honestly. “Because it’s true. And because, as far as I can tell, your dæmon isn’t a reflection of what you’re meant to do; it’s a reflection of who you’re meant to be.” He shrugged, and Pertinax flapped over to the windowsill. “I am a little man with a big squawk and knowing that, knowing that’s how people will see me, has let me use that to my advantage through the years.”
The sun peeked out from behind a cloud, bathing Pertinax and the windowsill in light, and Sonny marveled at the way colors seemed to emerge in her normally muted feathers, just like the pops of color Barba often wore with his suits in court.
“You will always be loyal and dependable and big-hearted,” Barba continued. “That’s what your dæmon shows. But that’s not a bad thing, and it certainly doesn’t mean you won’t be an incredible lawyer.” He paused and made a face. “If anything, it means you’ll be a better ADA than I ever was.”
There was something almost sad in his voice, but before Sonny could say anything — before he could fiercely protest that Barba had been the best ADA he’d ever worked with — Fedele let out a soft woof and padded over to Barba, hesitating for only a moment before setting her head down on Barba’s knee.
Sonny gasped at the touch, his eyes locking with Barba’s as they both stared at each other, lost in the indescribable feeling both shared, a feeling only amplified when Pertinax left the windowsill to perch lightly on Sonny’s shoulder. “Raf—” Sonny choked out, and Barba nodded, his voice soft as he answered, “I know.”
Sonny’s fingers trembled slightly as he almost reverently stroked the feathers on Pertinax’s back, and he didn’t have to look at Barba to know he was touching Fedele as well, because he could feel it as if Barba was touching him instead.
After a brief moment, Pertinax flapped her wings and took off, returning to Barba just as Fedele hurried back to Sonny, both dæmons seeming almost a little embarrassed at what had just happened. Sonny gathered Fedele to him, stroking her lightly where he knew Barba’s hands had been only moments before. “Why—?” he whispered, not quite able to get the full question out.
“Because,” she said simply. “He sees you. And you need him.”
He glanced at Barba, at the look of something like wonder on his face as Pertinax chirped something quietly in his ear, and he wondered if she was telling him the same thing Fedele told him.
He looked back down at Fedele, at her calm, dark eyes, and he finally felt like every piece of his life was falling into place. She was who he was meant to be, and this was where he was meant to be, and nothing else mattered. “Thank you,” he whispered.
She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to.
He knew anyway.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
First Day
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Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi Warnings: language. a lil 900 wc drabble for ya. sorry not sorry I combined two req’s into one lol
To say Carisi was nervous when his first trial finally rolled around was an understatement. He instantly wished he had asked for more shadowing or second chair-ing with Rafael or Peter, although he wasn’t expecting the D.A to throw him straight into the deep end thanks to his experience within SVU. At home he paced through the living room, practicing arguments in front of Rafael who would give him pointers, tell him to slow down, tell him to leave room to breath. (Which Sonny thought was rather ironic coming from the silver tongued lawyer himself). He had Raf run over everything in the case with him, helping point him in the right direction to put the pieces together. He felt a little bad, using his boyfriend’s expertise for free, but was more than happy to cook him more than a few dinners, and indulge in a few more rewarding treats elsewhere in the apartment.
Honestly, he was a little surprised when Rafael showed up at his arraignment, he hadn’t said anything about it before kissing Sonny good bye that morning, but it was the perfect little pep in his step he needed. Even if Rafael did slip out before anyone was able to realize it was him.
When the trial finally came along Rafael encouraged him, ensuring that he was ready, and that he could do this.
“I know this is kinda an awkward situation,” the taller man began, “but do ya think there’s any chance you’d be willing to come, even just for an hour?” Rafael sighed softly, glancing up at him from his spot on the couch.
“I wouldn’t miss it Mi Amor.” Raf tugged him down to the couch, kissing his cheek.
“Ya sure?” Sonny’s brow scrunched, “I mean, I know it must be a little weird for you.”
“It’s your first trial. I want to be there to support you.”
“Thank you.” Sonny kissed him softly before they curled up for their nightly movie, an attempt to distract Sonny from work for a bit.
The next morning Sonny was too busy trying not to drink an entire bottle of Pepto in front of his boyfriend to focus on much. He nibbled at a few pieces of toast, and Rafael made sure to make him something for lunch that would substantial enough to get him through the day (and bringing the extras with him for himself to enjoy).
Sonny made it through the opening statements well enough, and he was the perfect amount of gentle and assertive with the victim while she was questioned. It was once the defence got up there that Rafael noticed that he could’ve been objecting a lot more than he was, and that he missed an opportunity to redirect that could’ve helped the poor vic out. He knew not to nitpick, that he couldn’t be too hard on Carisi, even if he was the tough love type, he wanted to be supportive. When they broke for recess Rafael met him in a deserted hallway.
“So? Absolute garbage right?” Sonny started, dropping onto a bench, “maybe I wasn’t cut out for this.”
“You are.” Raf soothed softly, rubbing at his back. “You’ve spent years studying and annoying the crap out of me for me to know that you’re meant for this.”
“Ya mean it?”
“Yes.” Raf glanced around quickly before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Any words of advice?”
“You’re holding back.” He stated softly, “don’t be afraid to be annoying with the amount of objections or interruptions you make in the defence’s time. They won’t hold back, especially knowing that you’re new. You’ve got one of their witnesses up after this right?”
“Grill them. Grill them just as hard as you would have in an interrogation room.”
“Thanks.” Sonny gave Raf’s shoulder a soft squeeze before he stood.
“Hey..” Raf started, “I’m right here, okay?” The other man gave him a warm smile and then moved back into the court room.
Sonny made the point of stepping up, objecting more, paying more attention to the exact words everyone was saying, making a point to do his job as perfectly as he could. When he got up to cross the witness, he started out strong, and then wavered a little bit. But as he glanced through the gallery and locked eyes with Rafael, the brunette giving him a knowing look with a small smile, a gentle nod and that was all the encouragement he needed.
The little boost helped Sonny and within a matter of minutes he had the defence’s witness bumbling over their words. The stumbling broke them down rather quickly before they were confused over the entire thing and blurted out a number of answers to questions that had the defence burying their face in their hands. Sonny had done enough damage that a redirect couldn’t even get the defence back on the right track. Sonny couldn’t help but glance back, catching the grin on Barba’s face, the admiration swinging through his eyes.
Once they broke for the day, Rafael joined Sonny at the bottom of the courthouse stairs, squeezing his arm softly.
“Good job Counsellor.” He smirked.
“Thanks.” Sonny flashed that adorably dopey grin and Rafael chuckled.
“You know…that was kinda hot.”
“Guess you have a special reason to come to more of my trials.”
“I most certainly do.” He laughed, pressing a kiss into his lover’s cheek as they made their way through the streets of the city.
___________ @detective-giggles @ineedafinghug @billiedeannovak @laurenhope13 @stardust-galaxies @randomthingssss @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @bisexual-dreamer02 @altsvu @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @lawandorderimagines @Ghd76 @nocreditinthestraightworld @australiancarisi @mysticfalls01
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Barisi "Can I at least buy you a coffee? For old times sake?"
Spring was the season of change. Changes in temperature, changes in nature, changes in life. It should have been no surprise that Sonny’s life would change on a cool, bright March morning.
It was Sunday, and he had been blessed with a rare day off, which meant he could visit his favourite farmers market in Brooklyn.
It was amongst the vegetable stalls that Sonny’s world shifted and morphed, drifting down a path that perhaps he wasn’t ever meant to go down.
With a tomato in his hand, and a canvas bag on his arm, Sonny felt the back of his neck tickle, as if he were being watched. Sure enough, when he lifted his head, a pair of eyes met his own.
The world before him became nothing but a static haze, except for those wonderful eyes.
The past two years had been surprisingly kind to Rafael. His hair might have been a little greyer, there might have been a few more wrinkles on his forehead, but those eyes told Sonny everything. They were relaxed, light, even as they looked upon Sonny.
Sonny’s own eyes were watering, unblinking, out of a fear that if he closed them, Rafael might disappear.
He didn’t though.
Instead he smiled a sweet smile, nothing like the flirty smirks or soft grins that he used to give Sonny. No, this was timid. This was honest.
Sonny wasn’t sure when Rafael had stepped through the crowd towards him, but suddenly he was right in front of him, close enough to touch.
A part of him screamed at him to flee. The ‘what ifs’ and the 'maybes’ of who Rafael and Sonny could have been, playing over and over again in his mind.
Before Rafael could speak, Sonny found himself shaking his head. “I don't…”
Still gentle, still smiling, Rafael nodded, way too understanding to be real. But then his hand reached out, barely grazing Sonny’s own hand, and the whole world became crystal clear.
“I don’t expect you to,” Rafael murmured, barely audible in the bustling crowd. “Can I at least buy you a coffee? For old times sake?”
Sonny sucked in a deep breath, soaking in the scent of citrus fruits and flowers in bloom. The seasons had changed, just as Rafael had.
“Okay,” he sighed, letting all his worries and concerns leave his body, just as the air left his lungs. “Okay.”
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