#Batponies rule
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
It was suggested that I could just ignore The Stars and write a set of Horrible-Scopes based on anything I wanted. So, since it’s my birth-week as I write this, I’ve taken that suggestion to heart.
Rams live very social lives, but tend to be overall defenseless creatures, relying on their flock for protection from predators! So this week enjoy the time you have with those in your close circles since they have your back.
Quick fact for you Bulls - until not too very long ago there were Spanish Bullfighting Rings in some southern Japanese Islands! Keep this in mind as you consider planning your next holiday. Stick to the main island and you’ll be fine. 
As Twins, you keep getting into trouble and blaming someone else. So this week you need to listen to “The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000” song as punishment. Once you hear the line, “Traveling salesponies nonpareil!” you’ll realize you never paid enough attention in French class. Imagine how disappointed in you your teacher would be today. (TSK! TSK! TSK!)
Cancer Moon-Child 
You asked to have a Horrible-Scope specifically tuned to your personality and species, in this case a Crab? Since you asked, how about we answer your question with a question: Why Not Zoidberg? (*Pause*)  If you don’t get it, ask someone younger than you what it means, Gramps.
Lions have this interesting habit of sleeping a lot! Like twenty hours a day. The fact that you want to take after them is admirable, if weird. Just remember something - do not nuzzle the neck-floof of an African Lion. If you do, plan on being a gracious guest and accept their invitation to stay for dinner… you really won’t have much of a choice. 
The sign of The Maiden, you tend to be the nurturing type. Helping others in a bind, being creative in unusual ways, having encyclopedic knowledge in esoteric areas of trivia, and willing to forgive others who have wronged you. All the traits of one “Suri Polomare”. What’s that? You don’t know who that is? Huh! Guess all that trivia knowledge was just good guessing then, huh? 
Since we can’t anthropomorphize a literal balance scale, we’re just going to do the next best thing and relocate you to a new planet in a new constellation. So this week you will find yourself… in the constellation of Kasterborous. And you may ask yourself… "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself… "Where is that large automobile?" And you may tell yourself… "This is not my beautiful house" And you may tell yourself… "This is not my beautiful wife"! Good luck finding your way home!
Scorpions are closely related to spiders, and aren’t only found in the desert. Nope! They also live in Brazilian forests, British Columbia, North Carolina, and even the Himalayas. So this week stop being amazed at where you find yourself and who your family is. It all just “IS”.
Your animal is the Centaur-Archer, but most don't realize how hard it is to draw a long bow, aim, and hit a target the size of a small pumpkin at a full gallop! At least WE appreciate you. At least until we're out of range or you're out of arrows. This week avoid D4s at all costs!
Do you know how many famous “Sea Goats” there are? “Damned Few!” This week you get to learn about “Shanty” the Pirate Goat from the beat-em-up game, “Them’s Fightin’ Herds!” from Mane6. Just like you, she’s a special fan-asked for DLC addition to the universe. Unlike you she has orange eyes with horizontal pupils. This week, order a set of vanity contacts with an orange iris and horizontal pupils. 
For the sign of the Water Bearer we’re pairing you up with “Steven Magnet”! Yes… THE Steven Magnet. What did you expect, a bugbear? You’re supportive of your long-time bestie, but not above hitting on people at a wedding. You’re lucky you’re adorable. This week be careful - your luck’s about to run out.
For your birthday we are being self-indulgent. Instead of The Fish you are now Nightmare Moon. Your domain is the Night, your life works backwards from most others, and you are overshadowed by others who should consider you an equal. This week take what is rightfully yours by any means necessary! But plan for failure, anticipate it, and set events in place to make sure you can only fail successfully! OH.. and… don’t buy an ice cream cake. That many candles will just melt it before the last one is lit. 
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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justaweasel · 2 months
Obey me headcanons but a crossover with MLP????
(Also to make up for the angst I posted a few days ago)
I've been rewatching, again, and I feel like there are some things I didn't cover for some reason, but whatever
There are like many species across equestria and Lord Diavolo would love meeting all of them, just so see how they rule and such
In a certain episode, ember (leader of dragons) and thorax (new leader of changelings) talk about the issues they have with ruling, can you imagine how much Dia would've loved to give them both advice and just air out his issues too? I just love that thought
Mammon being all ballsy and fucking around with dragons only to be bullied by the equivalent of a dragon teenager is something I CANT get out of my head
Beel bonding with the changelings cause they're bug brothers<33
In an episode, the main six ruin the "grand galloping gala", which is a really big thing, and they're like "well I hope princess Celestia isn't mad at us" and Princess Celestia comes and is like "That was the best thing ever!!!" And they're like, "That gala was horrible though" and she's like "Oh Twilight, the gala is horrible every year!! I invited you guys because I thought you could spice things up, and you did!" And if that doesn't give off Diavolo energy, I don't know what does
I've also seen people ponifying the characters, AND I LOVE THAT??
Here's my take on what type of pony everyone would be (just what screams out to me)
Lord Diavolo would be an alicorn a thousand percent, hair wavy-ness and all
Barbatos is a unicorn, specifically with a curved horn and the tail with the tuft of fur at the end (no idea what it's called)
Lucifer would be an alicorn too but he'd have a broken horn (kinda like Tempest from the movie), but he'd use a prosthetic to make it look normal and it basically is at this point, but if you want to save the alicorn thing, he'd be a unicorn that can make a set of wings for himself
Mammon is a pegasus (maybe a batpony, maybe a griffon but that's pushing it), definitely hides in the clouds when Lucifer is chasing him and likes to make it rain on his non Pegasus brothers
Levi is a unicorn that can transform into a merpony, he's his own Henry 2.0
Satan is a unicorn as well but often times his horn is charred at the end because he overuses his magic in anger, also has the tail tuft type of tail (or a kirin if we're crossing species)
Asmo is another unicorn, his horn is curved (something he is a bit insecure about), his hooves, snout, and horn all fade to like a light shade of pink (perhaaaps a changeling cause, idk, that's cool)
Beel is an earthpony, he's like BUFF, Big Macintosh typa buff, the day he learns to buck tress for fruit is the day there will be absolutely no more fruit, he also has a white underbelly that comes all the way to his snout
Belphie is an earthpony, and has the same white underbelly Beel has, is also the tail tufty typa guy
Solomon definitely is a unicorn, during big spells his hair does the Flowy thing too, his horn is curved and is white tipped, as well as his hooves
Simeon is a Pegasus, he's not the strongest flier though, he also does the wing hug thing with Luke
Luke is also a Pegasus and can't fly all too well, kinda like Scootalo but he can get himself off the ground for an extended period of time
Raphael is an unicorn, but he might as well be a Pegasus with how much he uses the magic wing spell
Mephisto is a unicorn with that curved horn, his hooves fade to black because he's cool like that
Thirteen is an earthpony , this, in no way, impedes her from making big complex traps
Satan would stab other people with his horn, full on head butting people for fun, it was all fun and games until he head butted Lucifer and Lucifer couldn't fly straight for a bit (he's sorry not sorry)
Diavolo also has more of an earthpony physique while Barbatos and Lucifer have the princess body type, not fully Celestia but Luna/Cadence
Beel has often been compared to a Parasprite because of their endless appetites
(Relating to the one above) Satan once accidentally shot a spell at Beel, and Beel coughed up a tiny version of himself, all the brothers proceeded to have a panic attack
Anyway, that's it!!!!
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
do you have any tips on making a ponysona? yours is like...really cute and id love to take a crack at making my own! :]
i also just love your blog and content, it brings me comfort when the world's too much, sometimes!
aww thank you! 🩷 I'd say, just take everything that you love and that makes you you and try to combine it and see what works together, try multiple different things and colours/make different versions until you're happy with the result :) ask yourself what are your favourite colours? shapes? patterns? accessories? animals? places? hairstyles? textures even! love fluffy things? maybe try making your pony a bit fluffy
look at background pony or g3 designs (or other toy/show designs) you like and take inspiration from that. add some sparkles and/or marks/shapes you like into the fur like stickers or fur patterns if you'd like
what do you like to do? like painting? maybe add some paint splotches or stains
you can also take inspiration from other characters you like, or maybe plushies if you have one you really like the design of. say you love hello kitty for example, maybe some red bows or cat ears/patterns will look cute!
if you were a pony, what kind would you be? earth, unicorn, pegasi? a g1 flutter pony? seapony? crystal pony? batpony? where in equestria would you live? what would you like to do? or what canon character(s) are you the most like?
don't be afraid to step outside of the pony-box. you can take inspiration from other animals you like too, maybe you love lions so you add a lion tail for example
maybe make moodboards or mind-maps if that's your thing
and have as much fun as possible! there are no rules to follow and you can always go back and add or change things! ^^
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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caw-rky · 3 months
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Still not dead x'DD Still working on the episodes order/shuffling. And weeeeell... I was frustrated by the (classic) colorwheel challenge meme not having seven colors, so I decided to make one with seven... then it became 14... And it spiralled out of control xDD The rules I used :
-Max 1h by pony (tried not to go above 45 min but I went beyond it multiple times... For a while I wanted to try and do a prosthetic limb for Twilight (for funsies) but after failing for twenty minutes to sketch it I gave up)
-3 colors only -I had to alernate pillars and mane on the wheel
-Need to change the specie of everyone (used : batpony-pegasus, earth pony-crystal pony, kirin-unicorn and ofc alicorn)
While I don't have stories/adaptations as I had done with my shuffled design (cause it was supposed to just be a quick drawing), just a few things quickly : -yes there is a white spot, I fused my calcs without realizing I had exchanged Rainbow and Rockhoof... -Rockhoof and Rarity are supposed to be crystal ponies (when I was drawing it, it seemed to much more obvious x'DD) -Flash and Sunset looks so alike in this, it wasn't volontary but I find it kinda funny in a way? -I wanted to put an hearing-aid to Stygian to make jokes about him having 'not heard the sirens'. Then I wanted to put the glasses he had in the comic. He also got that green cause it reminded me of alternate-POS (in the comics). -Angel is the rudest (but most adorable) of the service animal -Applejack makes me thing of a shiny charmeleon and idk why My favorites (in order) are : Sunset, Rainbow, Stygian, Flash, Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Those I'd like to redo are : Somnambula, Rockhoof and Meadowbrook, I honestly made them too fast and they either don't look as good as I'd like or they look at the same time too similar and different from their og designs... Those where I'm 'meh, they aren't too bad, but they aren't great' are : Applejack (like the outfit, but not fond of the coat), Fluttershy (the outfit is too... basic and bright, I'd say?), Mistmane (I didn't use the main color on her, it feels like I cheated...) and Starswirl (the design feels a bit too busy) If someone has advices on how to better 'deal' with those palets (or on how to make good non-human prosthetic), please tell, I'd love to learn about it!! I someone wants to play with the palets/concepts/wheel, don't hesitate to ask ! I will put the blank wheel later on if somebody is interested (cause I fused my calc and I'm feeling too lazy to redo it if no one is interested x'DD)
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childeproof · 4 months
( some ) of my selfships as mlp species: a definitive list.
sources: i am autistic, i have liked mlp since i came out the womb, i have 5/6 of the main six as christmas inflatables ( i cannot find a fucking rarity one ), + lauren faust herself told me this list was swagger.
i encourage you all to do this with your selfships.
— childe & sacha ; i can only see sacha as a unicorn, but childe i can see either a changeling or kelpie ( but not rlly canon kelpie, more of a sinister style with sharp teeth and a messy / flowy main & tail ). honestly leaning towards changeling though, because ( in my opinion ) i feel like he would have a strong affinity for magic and would want to try to learn about / study / use it all the time. instead of “fight me!” it’s “let’s duel!”. and, as a magic focused changeling, i think he would use his wings a lot less, so maybe they’d be smaller in size? things 2 think about. but anyways, sacha is a unicorn born in mountréal & moves to canterlot as a famed conductor. childe is a changeling in canterlot feeding off love & doing childe stuff.
— jesse & amelia ; they are both living currently in new mexicolt ( amelia moved from the califoalnia, jesse born there ). amelia is a deer pony + unicorn bc of course she fucking is. it helped her land a lot of roles tbh. her mother is a deer ( and not the like unaware deer in the series, the actually sentient ones in the comics lol ), her dad is a pegasus. her grandma is a unicorn, her great grandma was a unicorn, so that’s why amelia is a unicorn. jesse is a pegasus & a rainbow junkie. ( /hj on the rainbow junkie bit ). i think in new mexicolt amelia wld be known as like this weird but pretty creature. jesse is like “i’ve never been with a deerpony before, haha, but we can buck, ykwim?” and amelia threatens to kick him out ( they share a cottage home ).
— carmen & jamison ; jamison is a kirin. species that literally shut themselves up for years because they were scared of their own rage? yea, that’s james. i imagine she’d be actually rlly interested in helping herself not rage. she’s silly tho & is prone to like “mini raging” due to the stress of the kitchen. she wldn’t trade it for the world, she loves cooking. sometimes a little rage is good? anyways carmen is an earth pony lol and he is built like the apples ok, he is a strong stallion. I think he & pinkie shld meet..
— george & darcy & karev ; george is an earth pony ( comes from a family of hunters / trappers but chose to be a doctor ), darcy is a batpony ( hides her wings so ponies are less scared of receiving treatment from her ), and karev is a pegasus ( has seen darcy fly once but assumed she was a pegasus too, not a batpony. became a doctor because people said he couldn’t ). they have an interesting dynamic tbh. george is the first person to warm up to darcy in the hospital ( horsespital ), darcy falls for george, karev falls for darcy— it’s very messy, and neither of the stallions know that darcy is a batpony of the night. also, i think darcy wld use slightly unusual methods & wld be pretty close to zecora tbh. darcy might even be bat zebra-pony or smth, my world my rules.
— johnny & jules ; johnny earthpony jules cyborg pegasus. already spoke abt this in a post ermm
— makoto & marcelle ; tis hard.. but i think marcelle changeling & makoto is unicorn perhapsss i dunno.. subject to change :)
— sacha & neuvillette ; sacha being a unicorn is already established, but neuvillette is also a unicorn ( he is more powerful + wields ancient unicorn magic ). unicorn4unicorn, them touching horns often together.. them being silly & doing magic together / on each other.. they go to fancy canterlot operas together & such.. cuties
— havik & izana ; izana is a super pretty heaven sent earth pony ok, she literally embodies water so ofc she’s close to the earth, earth pony. i hate how ppl think earth ponies aren’t so cool, they were nerfed but guys 😭 anyways havik is a fuckass batpony or whatever. I love him lol.
— ken & allan & keith ; ken pegasus.. we all know why. Keith also pegasus. but in more of a fluttershy way, if you can believe it ( doesn’t fly often, lives on the ground, etc ) allan earth pony who lives with keith :) in their filly days ken & keith probably had flight competitions that were always like 50/50 in terms of who’s winning but keith lives on the ground now & ken refuses to admit he misses his buddy ( & that he loves him ). barbie is an alicorn also, bc ofc she is, it’s barbie?
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nighthazerpg · 1 year
Patch Roundup: March 27th
I kinda left these to accumulate for a while aa this is a big disorganised list because it’s three months of patches so I’m sorry about that I’ve tried to bold the keywords to help you scan things faster
▶️ Fixed Meergrifs and Batponies using the old Sky's Reach description ▶️ New trait: Assimilated! A lot of Heritages have a perk that is more cultural than physiological in origin. This trait reflects assimilation into a host culture, where you give up one cultural perk for one belonging to a different heritage. ▶️ Tagged a bunch of perks as cultural to make this work ▶️ Armour Enchanting is back in its new form! Adding passive spells to items. This should open up the world of passive spells to non-spellcasters, which is good because there's stuff on there that would be super useful to like, tanks and brawlers and stuff! I had debated removing some of the arcane armours from the item list as effectively pre-enchanted items, but for now they're still there. ▶️ A bunch of new Passive Spells have been added, which are some of the more interesting effects of the arcane armours. I'll be listening out to see if any of these cause serious issues. (In particular I'm already concerned about stacking "when I get hit" effects.) These new spells are Nightkeeper's Flight, Coward's Haste, Daybreaker's Courage, Biotic Recharge, Essence Theft, Panic Blink, and Thermal Discharge. ▶️ Added Enchanting by hire. See, I can remember to include the crafting shortcut of paying someone else to do it at the time of adding the new crafting rules. ▶️ This is just a small QOL thing for drone users, you can now make Spare Parts ahead of time for field repairs of drones! Using them takes 15 minutes (so you repair your drone instead of taking a short rest). Spare Parts are now the default method of repairing Drones with Crafting Slots ▶️ Added a contents list near the top of the Downtime page listing all of the skill-unlockable Downtime slots you can get with a quick summary of what you can use them for. I can't believe I forgot to do this before! Slots unlocked by Backgrounds and Training aren't listed here since they usually just duplicate one of these. ▶️ Added a stipulation for Precision + Perception to be used for reflex save-like rolls where you just need to react to something quick ▶️ Added illustrations to the Infiltration page to demonstrate the differences between diplomacy tactics in action! ▶️ Added a new language: Spiritung! It's an in-universe conlang, intended as an auxiliary language for the world by some optimistic modernist, that didn't catch on. This is probably up there with the Swim skill and Phone Games in terms of things that are probably useless 99.5% of the time, but their presence says things about the world, so that's why they're still there. ▶️ Corrected some stuff in the index ▶️ Addressed an ambiguity over Flourishes with the Triumph spell ▶️ Fleshed out the conditions for holding Knight's Vow: it's now a Focus spell - you can leave range after it's cast, but Focus checks autofail when you're out of range. Also removed the ambiguous term “physical damage” ▶️ Specified that you can't cast two Focus spells at the same time ▶️ Added to the Instant Flourish that it removes the Focus property from a spell ▶️ Specified that the Shield MA halves your movement ▶️ Redefined the criteria for Hiding by expanding it into a new Hidden Movement subsection under the Movement rules. ▶️ Added Face Masks (under Passive Items). It turns out that under a healthcare system that leaves everyone to fend for themselves, some kind of mask is probably sufficiently essential that it can be assumed you already have something that covers your face - along with other things that do the same job like scarves, construction PPE, military helmets, Nightmare Night costumes, etc. So instead of an essential item being tucked away in the miscellaneous items, there's now a note in the Infiltration section about covering your face, which you can do for free - at least in terms of kB.
Instead, it's considered part of the infiltration puzzle - covering your face is sort of like the opposite of diplomacy: quite effective against machines, but live security finds it suspicious. You also don't need to worry about it if you're not doing anything actually illegal (to cover off paranoia), or you're doing something very obviously illegal (it's assumed that you're covering your face in some manner if you're doing combat in a space with cameras). It's more a case of matching your face covering to the setting - you're gonna look out of place if you're bundled up in a heavy scarf in a baking hot restaurant, or if you've been inside for an hour and you're still wearing a bike helmet. ▶️ You can now by a specific facemask, and it just gives airborne Disease Armour - but also you can choose to spend more on it for fashion purposes. ▶️ Changed the Cultural perk on Sphinxes to be Riddlespeak instead of Pride of the Guardian, because ?????? I don't know why it wasn't that way already ▶️ Tightened up the wording on Minotaur's "When They Think You're Down, Don't Mess Around!" (the spending stamina to negate statuses) ▶️ Did you want flavour text about the exotic senses (Leyfinding, Traffic Sense, etc)? Too bad I did it anyway, it's in Appendix D ▶️ Starter kits have had some price adjustment to reflect the big spell discounts from a few patches back! This means the kits containing spells now have room for a couple more toys, because they all came out at like, 5kb. ▶️ For some reason I'd left a Training for a Bonus Crafting Slot for shield repair and armour enchanting on my workshop document for months and forgot that it was there ▶️ New Background: Foreign Office! Get a free language for being a diplomat. ▶️ New Spell: Seismic Sense! I too have seen Avatar ▶️ Added alternate downside to Chronic Illness of a random injury each day ▶️ Replaced ambiguous wording in the Shield Wall spell that referred to being "stunned", a condition which does not exist. Now Dazing someone with this spell up incurs a Focus check ▶️ Replaced unclear wording on Spray and Pray trickshot regarding which Target number is used ▶️ Specified that the Get Down! trickshot does not protect allies being used as Shields or otherwise not free to move ▶️ Specified when the Staggered condition ends ▶️ Removed the Bruising effect from Hydraulic legs and added a +1 to Strength checks that use the leg ▶️ Added a minimum weight for Recall Item to knock people prone, because no, you're not going to knock someone over with a piece of paper no matter how you hit them ▶️ Clarified wording on the After-Image spell about when attackers make perception checks ▶️ Housekeeping: added note that you unlock Trickshots with Marksman ranks to the Combat & Appendix pages ▶️ Incremented version number ▶️ Oh, also Breezie language 🦋 ▶️ Added a new phone game: Brix! In case you uh, wanted to play a game made by a virtual sweatshop owned by children
Drugs Overhaul
▶️ Tryptachromane/Moth Dust - a psychedelic mushroom with some therapeutic benefits, available as the dried mushroom or processed into a brew or chewy candy (ignore Panicked) ▶️ Anatonin - a rejected combat stimulant that blitzes you with stamina but gives you some mighty shakes ▶️ Ruby Salts - fire rubies prepared like heliodryl that cold-proofs you ▶️ Contrazeine - a synthetic opiate painkiller that lets you ignore all Critical Effects, but makes actions cost initiative so pretty soon you're gonna be asleep ▶️ APM - a performance enhancing stimulant for esports that gives you a huge boost to one skill, with a huge mood crash afterwards. Two existing drugs have been reworked: ▶️ Medicalised Runelime Oil/Merlin - Kinda works the same way, just reworded to be a bit clearer, maybe? ▶️ Umbranol - promoted from the chronic illnesses section, umbranol gives you wack ass (and hypothetically communal) dreams. This is mainly a tool for Operators to introduce dreamwalking and inception antics into games without needing to design a whole ass subsystem for it ▶️ Several of these drugs have the Addictive property, which means that you roll against the number of times you've taken it in the last month to see if you get the Addiction trait. ▶️ The Addiction trait now specifies that you don't need to choose an Addictive drug, because you can have both physical and psychological dependences! ▶️ sigh It is now in the rules that Initiative cannot go below 0, and each edge case that can cause you to run up against this has separate handling. Being super old just bottoms out Initiative at 0, Confuse on 0 Initiative targets Dazes them, and Contrazeine prevents you from taking actions at 0 Initiative. I don't like this and may harmonise these at a later date. ▶️ Removed Wizard and Overclock because they’ve been superseded by APM and Anatonin
Operator's Manual
▶️ There's now a Downtime page! ▶️ Added a section about Alternate Uses for Downtime Slots to the Downtime tab. The examples discussed are spending downtime slots on base-building, faction leading, doing favours for NPCs, and investigating plot gubbins, but really, the limit is your imagination. ▶️ The long awaited Wild Magic Table! This isn't meant to be a replacement for whatever you think is most interesting at the time, but I sure as hell can't come up with that stuff on the spot, so I came up with 20 side effects to pick from at random. ▶️ I've also started on a Hostile Encounter Table - this isn't combat encounters, this is just random events you can run into that are... unwanted situations. Attempts at petty theft against the players, confrontations with weird or misguided people, or just other people having a bad day and getting it in your way. These are meant to be relatively rare occurrences, especially since they actively distract from whatever the player happens to be doing in a way that the main table of urban random encounters generally doesn't. ▶️ Added a few notes in Infiltration about some approaches to encounter setup on a more tangible level
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dibbydoo · 1 year
I suppose I should put some information down about myself.
I'm Dibby.
I'm a 32 year old lady (please feel free to sing that the way Jenna Marbles used to).
I haven't rp'd in a LONG time. Like, 7 years, so I'm looking to dust off the ol' imagination and get back to it with other adults (please no one under the age of 18. That's so creepy.) I'm looking for some light hearted stuff. I mainly rp mlp as its really the only Fandom I got heavily into. I love rping oc's! I love seeing how creative other people are. I'm also a huge fan of using locations (e.g. G5 Equestria) as settings but not necessarily the current canon story line. So if someone wants to rp G5 Equestria with dragons (real ones, we don't speak of Sparky in this household) or griffons, or draconequui, or whatever then lets do it! It makes the settings more fun and expansive.
Current RP list:
Spearmint Potion: Botanist, grumpy, icy (capable of being thawed)
Prickly Pear: Foodie, fun loving, hopeless romantic
Skeleton Key: Nomadic/pub singer, fiesty, loves the outdoors, a flirt
Moon Dust: Researcher, Mistrusting, gentle, incredibly curious, batpony
Graveyard Dirt: Runs in a gang, rough around the edges, heart of gold, very loyal.
I'll come back and add more rules/info as I think of it.
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goattrain · 6 years
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omigosh look at ALL THESE GOATS
The last one came from some ideas I had last night about Al and Alice getting together and doing stuff - they’re technically from different universes, but when has that ever stopped me?
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icarusthelunarguard · 8 months
I saw someone suggesting we should reblog / repost our writings so we can get more attention, more people enjoying the worlds we've created. Well, I'll add to the mix.
The story I've been TRYING to get back to work on, "Dreams" is set in the MLP FiM Universe, centering around "Icarus the Lunar Guard"... because why wouldn't I? He's a batpony who's lost more than most could understand and trying to cope and find a way through his place. There will be some very dark themes, uncomfortable topics, graphic depictions of sex and relationships, so Viewer Discretion will be advised. (Chapters will have some warnings on them at least.)
Chapter 1, "Summons" follows. The link to read the rest will be after.
That first sound, that “IHK” that starts my name... Hearing that gave me a fear I have never experienced before. It was as if the iced waters of the Crystal Empire raced from the base of my skull to the tip of my dock. Guard training said I should have dropped into a defensive position for protection. That reflex wasn’t triggered, I was in such shock.
My personal dreamscape, my get-away from everything and everypony, my One True Home of Peace, my personal playground of decadence didn’t evaporate when I heard the first phoenem of my name. It didn’t crumble or even shatter. It simply… “Turned off”?
I can’t describe it better than that, except to say that it was “unnerving”.
The voice that called to me, that cut through my serenity and lanced through my being with The Royal Canterlot Voice, was that of The Supreme Lunar Guard Commander herself.
Her Majesty, Princess Luna.
Her voice was a moment of both clear sound and intent. She hadn’t made a request; She stated a fact as obvious as “rain is wet”. And just as precise, the sound of her voice simply stopped at the end. There was no lingering echo or ringing like every other sound has. It simply died in the blackness around me.
I had never experienced a “sound shadow” before. I don’t want to again.
The Princess knew me just as she knew all her guards. She’d made it a point to meet the Lunar Guardsponies when they’re commissioned into service. She’d bow her head, thank us for our hard work and success, levitated our royal scroll acknowledging our rank and posting after having passed guard training…
--and too quietly for anyone else but us to hear, She said to me, “I hope I am always worthy of your service, Lunar Guard Icarus.”
She congratulated us all the same way: personally, by name, and letting us know She understood the responsibility of her authority over us.
As individuals we aren’t special batponies to her or anypony else. There was a class of about thirty of us that season, all uniformed characters, identically dressed, which serves to make us less an individual and more a collective. But at the moment of our commissioning, for a brief few seconds, we were given to feel that we were the most important batpony in all Equestria to Her.
And now Her Majesty, Princess Luna of Equestria, the Ruling Sovereign of the Night, the Guardian of the Dreamscape, the Living Avatar of the Moon, who once challenged Princess Celestia for control of all Equestria, and nearly succeeded, had a special intent on me.
I stood where I was, beyond rock still, unsupported in the blackness; not even hearing my own breathing.
Her Majesty would know I heard her; it would be impossible not to in such a situation. She wouldn’t need to wait for any kind of acknowledgment; we guardsponies are trained to obey any order coming from the Sovereign Herself.
She had spoken to me. Protocol needed to be observed.
I straightened up and replied to the Nowhere, “At your discretion, Highness.”
Since she hadn’t said “NOW”, I allowed myself to slip into sleep. She would order for me when She wanted my attendance.
Mercifully I was permitted a full-day’s dreamless sleep to rest after my night’s delivery work.
Mercilessly it became a week’s worth before I was back at Canterlot Castle and summoned for.
Author's Note:
This series is something I've had bubbling in my head for a while now. I want to explore some dark, VERY dark parts of who Icarus has become in my mind. And truth be told, I'm not sure of where the ending point is just yet. BUT I want to start exploring, start looking around at an idea that popped into my head and made this series almost needed.
The next chapter should cover the groundwork of what caught Princess Luna's attentions and how Icarus will be permitted to proceed.
--and the ramifications of it.
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punkxpride · 2 years
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Finally got around to doing this trend!
EDIT: I did an updated version here!
Some quick notes on their redesigns and my headcannons (nextgen and non nextgen) for them!
Twilight Sparkle:
They/Them, She/Her
Married to Sunset Shimmer and parent to their two children Sunrise Gleam and Bubbling Cauldron, Twilight took over Celestia's place on ruling Equestria on the day as well as raising the sun. She's a batpony due to her fathers genes (also because I loved scitwi's Nightmare transformation in EQG). I gave her pink eyes because they stand out more then her purple eyes, and I just like pink lol. Despite being in many magical fights, her high level of healing magic has left her with little to no scars. Her body type is tall and lanky, and she can't see anything without her glasses
Spike Sparkle
Married to Rumble and parent to their child Storm Wave, Spike lives a simple life with Rumble as a blacksmith/baker. I wasn't able to show here because this was more of a recolor drawing, but I imagine they end up really tall and chubby. Spike is the adopted child of Twilight. They have many scars from fighting other dragons when they lived in Dragonia for awhile, as well as when they and Storm Wave play fight
Trans woman
Biromantic Asexual
43 (A year older then Twilight)
Married to Capper (they're T4T because I said so) and mother to their child Ribbon Dance. Rarity lived as a fashion designer, make up artist, and highly successful model. As for why she's so young, don't worry about it :) She has batpony traits and dark splotches on her pelt due to her Nightmare Rarity transformation. She has scars on her hooves from Opal and Ribbon Dance when she was a baby kitten
Pinkie Pie
Any Pronouns
Earth Pony
Married to Skystar and parent to their child Shell Scavenger, Pinkie Pie works as a party planner and baker. I gave her yellow patches on her fur to kind of replicate cakes that you cut open and are super fun and colorful, and heterochromia to match her blue and yellow hooves. Her mane has sprinkle like sparkles, and despite her many kitchen accidents, has managed to evade any scarring despite not having any type of healing magic/abilities. Many of her friends after trying to figure out why this is so, gave up and just accepted that it's just another Pinkie thing. She's pretty chubby and very short
Asexual Lesbian
Vampire Bat Pony
Married to Treehugger and parent to their child Green Tea, Fluttershy works as an animal babysitter and major plant mom. Fluttershy is a batpony, and the more severe type at that due to her magical transformation due to Twilight's spell backfiring on Fruit Bats. Fluttershy can't see the moon anymore or be out at night often due to her vampirism, and she passed down her vampirism to Green Tea. He has many scars due to his talent involving working with animals, and due to his vampirism. She's very tall and lanky
Rainbow Dash
They/Them, He/Him
Married to Applejack and Lightning Dust and parent to their children Twenty Ounce, Chromatic, Thunder Bash, Sandstorm, Zap Apple, Red Delicious, Rain Shower, and Spark Sprint. He's a Wonderbolt Captain alongside Lightning Dust, and Trains their kids in flying lessons and others when he has free time. He has many scars from crashes or just doing reckless activities. He's the shortest of them all
Earth Pony
Married to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust and parent to their children Twenty Ounce, Chromatic, Thunder Bash, Sandstorm, Zap Apple, Red Delicious, Rain Shower, and Spark Sprint. They're a stay at home parent and runs Sweet Apple Acres. I colored their cutiemark and hair ties green because I think they fit them better and I love the contrast with her orange and yellow color palate. They have the most scars out of all them due to farm work, animals, and helping being parent of the year to their kids. They're the tallest and most fit out of all of them
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 years
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Eclipsa Eterna
Like Celestia, Luna received a gift. A crescent moon amulet that seemed harmless enough but too had been cursed to bring out her inner evil. Try as she might, the days that passed slowly consumed her until a dragon of the starry night sky replaced the princess of the night. In a fit of rage and pain, she fled Celestia’s palace and fully transformed on the other side of the planet where she has remained since. She has no memories of what she once was, and like the other her mark has faded away leaving no trace of the pony she once was. A tyrant of the night, her body is quite cold to the touch and her wings are a radiant nebula. She reigns over the eternal night of her realm, and despises the daylight her sister rules over.
Eclipsa Eterna, as she goes by now, rules over the eternal darkness of the night that has fallen across her realm. Light is strictly forbidden, though some ponies have found ways to sneak it through their homes though they know it will never be permanent. Like Solar Flare, she has a foul temper and even the smallest of things will anger her causing her pulsing wings to turn even colder. Ponies who have brought light will find themselves wrapped in her wings, the air in their lungs freezing. Once her wings pull away, the pony has frozen solid and can be shattered. Those who manage to escape often are cold to the world afterwards, with eyes that seem as dark as the universe. Their mark seems to fade away as well, and in time the pony seems to vanish in thin air never to be seen again. Some say they became restless souls who turn into dragon spirits that bring chills when seen after fog rolls across the towns.
Eclipsa Eterna lives in a palace of the lunar setting, where the moon always seems to line up perfectly. Natural light is only by the moonlight, as any other light is seen as a bad omen. Her guards are wyverns with eyes that glow like the full moon and wings that seem to move like the cosmos. Formerly ponies, turned into large creatures of the night who wear elegant armor and still defend their princess. Night has lasted for as long as they remember, though day exists on the other side of the planet. The barrier that can’t be broken formed during a war between the transformed sisters. It is said to be the only thing that has protected either side since. There are no signs that Luna ever existed, and records seem altered.
Those living under Eclipsa Eterna have had to find ways to adapt to the cold frigid night she has brought. Some have created a fire that does not burn brightly, but brings some warmth to the cold while others have woven warm wear out of thick fur. However, another hazard exists. Bat Ponies have overridden most of the population in the towns, and remain loyal to the dragon of the night. The normal ponies have found that only offerings of harvests can keep the batponies satisfied, no one wants to see what happens otherwise. Plants have been grown to flourish in this darkened land, and ponies are born who see in the dark quite well. The ground is still soft to the touch, but nature has overtaken abandoned towns.
Char belongs to @ask-keystar, but i wanted to write my own idea~
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pokeamifeatherstar · 4 years
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Rules : 1 : You have the right to change their name and Cutie Mark if you want. 2 : I would send you the picture of the Pony without the Watermark and the Cutie Mark apart. 3 : Paypal only. 4 : Wait for confirmation before paying anything.
It's 5€ each (in case you doesn't see it on the picture) #1 - LavenderBreeze (♀ Pegasus) Owner : / #2 - ManaPeach (♀ Unicorn) Owner : / #3 - SpringLesson (♂ EarthPony) Owner : / #4 - BlueMoon (♂ BatPony) Owner : NaikoDraw / @insidetale-au #5 - Golden Glory (♀ Alicorn) Owner : NaikoDraw / @insidetale-au
#6 - SalamenderBlast (♀ DragonPony) Owner : / #7 - SkyGarden (♂ Angel [ponyform]) Owner : NaikoDraw / @insidetale-au #8 - RubyLush (♂ CrystalPony) Owner : NOT FOR SALE ANYMORE #9 - AquaReef (♀ SharkPony?) Owner : /
Base : https://www.deviantart.com/trickate/art/Friendly-pony-Base-664456475 by  @trickate​
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zenaquaria · 4 years
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Batpony Adopts: $15 USD Each
Some lovely little bat pony adoptables on my own base! Hit me up here or on Discord to adopt! The monikers on each one can be name suggestions, but are mostly inspiration descriptors! If you have a Toyhou.se, my artist name there for crediting purposes is “Eizoryu”.
Glacier Wave - SOLD
Tauri Star - SOLD
Painted Pumpkin - SOLD
Neon Nightfall - Open
Adopt Rules: +Name, Gender, Accessories, etc., to be decided by adopter. +Small changes permitted. +Gifting, Trading, Resale permitted. However: -Do not resell for more than purchased, unless it includes additional art. -Do not change the base design so as to be unrecognizable from the original. -Do not repost to Tumblr, DeviantART, or FurAffinity; only to other sites with appropriate credit.
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Open Rp(Please Read Rules First): The war of the two sisters
Equestria has endured an era of peace for decades, allowing the the country itself to thrive! However, recently, there has been some tension between celestia and her sister Luna. The reason for this is over reforms for batponies. Tia being against the reforms mostly, while Luna was simply trying to help her people.
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ask-keystar · 4 years
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https://www.deviantart.com/sharkledogEclipsa Eterna
Like Celestia, Luna received a gift. A crescent moon amulet that seemed harmless enough but too had been cursed to bring out her inner evil. Try as she might, the days that passed slowly consumed her until a dragon of the starry night sky replaced the princess of the night. In a fit of rage and pain, she fled Celestia’s palace and fully transformed on the other side of the planet where she has remained since. She has no memories of what she once was, and like the other her mark has faded away leaving no trace of the pony she once was. A tyrant of the night, her body is quite cold to the touch and her wings are a radiant nebula. She reigns over the eternal night of her realm, and despises the daylight her sister rules over.
Eclipsa Eterna, as she goes by now, rules over the eternal darkness of the night that has fallen across her realm. Light is strictly forbidden, though some ponies have found ways to sneak it through their homes though they know it will never be permanent. Like Solar Flare, she has a foul temper and even the smallest of things will anger her causing her pulsing wings to turn even colder. Ponies who have brought light will find themselves wrapped in her wings, the air in their lungs freezing. Once her wings pull away, the pony has frozen solid and can be shattered. Those who manage to escape often are cold to the world afterwards, with eyes that seem as dark as the universe. Their mark seems to fade away as well, and in time the pony seems to vanish in thin air never to be seen again. Some say they became restless souls who turn into dragon spirits that bring chills when seen after fog rolls across the towns.
Eclipsa Eterna lives in a palace of the lunar setting, where the moon always seems to line up perfectly. Natural light is only by the moonlight, as any other light is seen as a bad omen. Her guards are wyverns with eyes that glow like the full moon and wings that seem to move like the cosmos. Formerly ponies, turned into large creatures of the night who wear elegant armor and still defend their princess. Night has lasted for as long as they remember, though day exists on the other side of the planet. The barrier that can’t be broken formed during a war between the transformed sisters. It is said to be the only thing that has protected either side since. There are no signs that Luna ever existed, and records seem altered.
Those living under Eclipsa Eterna have had to find ways to adapt to the cold frigid night she has brought. Some have created a fire that does not burn brightly, but brings some warmth to the cold while others have woven warm wear out of thick fur. However, another hazard exists. Bat Ponies have overridden most of the population in the towns, and remain loyal to the dragon of the night. The normal ponies have found that only offerings of harvests can keep the batponies satisfied, no one wants to see what happens otherwise. Plants have been grown to flourish in this darkened land, and ponies are born who see in the dark quite well. The ground is still soft to the touch, but nature has overtaken abandoned towns.
Big thanks to @shadowfoxsilver ​for doing all the art and taking the vauge info I wrote and making it way better. 1st pic was same original base I used for solar flare, bg and galaxy wings where made with Photoshop plugin. Inked and coloured poorly by me!
2nd pic was a surprise doodle she gave me with me detail and armour. Also inked and coloured poorly by me. Same photoshop plugin used.
3rd was done by her alone. Improving over the 1st 2 pics by a ton!
4th pic was done by https://www.deviantart.com/sharkledog
Name was inspired by a gm on @legendsofequestria​
Actually I made them originally as bosses for the game hehe. Just ideas.
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hollowedadoptables · 4 years
Night Sky Batpony Adoptable
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Once you buy it it’s yours to do what you wish. I just ask for credit as the artist and designer. You must pay within 24 hours. Once you pay you will receive a high res file of the adoptable within 24 hours.
THIS ADOPT HAS BEEN SOLD. Please consider rebloging if you’re unable to afford. Exposure means a lot!
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