#Because power of love is so strong
kasienda · 1 year
A Miraculous Reveal - Representation
Spoilers for Representation (5x24) Link to Ao3
Chat Noir swings wildly at the akuma who is his father. Adrien is almost glad Ladybug has yet to show up. He doesn’t have a plan, he almost doesn’t want to fix this one. It just feels good to lash out, to hurt this man and send him crashing to the ground, for every blow to make solid contact against the man who seems bent on stealing every good thing in his life. 
As Chat Noir, he doesn’t have to listen to his father. He can resist, he can fight. He can cataclysm anything that stands in his way as many times as he needs to! 
He can do all the things he can’t do as Adrien. 
Why can’t he fight as Adrien?!
“I feel sorry for your son!” 
“Don’t be. He’s very happy,” Nightormentor replies.  
Adrien is thrown by the statement. Was his father referring to the fact that he’s in love with Marinette, or does he actually think Adrien is happy locked away in some tower with an arranged relationship not of his own choosing a five hundred kilometers away from the most important person in his life. 
The akuma broke past his defenses, knocking the wind from his chest. He coughs as he inhales the sparkling dust of his father’s power. The magic settles around him, clinging to his eyes and throat. Reality dissolves around him.
Everything is silent like his ears are clogged with cotton. He turns frantically in every direction. Everything is destroyed. The moon split in half, every building a crumbled skeleton of what it once was. Human-sized statues made of ash surround him as far as his eyes can see. 
He looks down, and Marinette is there in his arms, as black as his cataclysmic power. He jerks backwards and her form dissolves into ash and dust in his arms. 
“What happened?!” he demands, trying to push back his rising panic. Where’s the akuma? There had to be an akuma somewhere to have caused all of this. 
“The same thing that always happens when a child can’t control their anger.” It’s the same voice. The deep foreboding voice that Adrien can never block out, can never escape.  
He did this? No! 
“No! It’s not real!” he screams, clutching his head.
Next thing he knows, Kim’s hovering over him. “You okay, there buddy? Because we could really use your help right now.” 
But Adrien isn’t sure how much help he can be. He’s never stood up to his father and won.
He doesn’t include this time as an exception even when Nightormentor’s staff dissolves under his cataclysm because it was The Resistance that defeated this akuma. 
Not Chat Noir. 
He flies to Marinette’s balcony as soon as it’s safe to do so, letting his transformation fall the moment almost the moment he lands. He’s not sure what he wants to say to her, but he needs to see her. Just once if not every day.
He’s about to knock on her skylight when the nightmare strikes a second time. 
He clutches his head and falls onto his knees as the vision sweeps through him again.
“No,” he sobs. “It’s just a nightmare. It’s not real! I would never do this!” he insists.
Plagg purring at the crook of his neck brings him back to himself once again. 
“Plagg! I don’t know what to do. I miss Marinette so much even though it hasn’t even been a day. But I can’t disobey him. And I’m also scared of putting her in danger. I could—“ he clutches his hand into a fist, imagining the power of cataclysm crackling at his fingertips. “—destroy everything.” 
“Adrien, you've just come into your own as the holder of destruction!” Plagg says. “I know you will find a way to break free of your chains. All of them.” 
Adrien shakes his head. How can he do that when he can’t even say the word no to his father, let alone actually defy his orders? 
It all feels so impossible. 
The trapdoor window to Marinette’s room opens. 
He tenses, still uncertain what he wants to say. He shouldn’t have come here. As much as he wants to see her — needs to see her, he can’t protect her, he can’t explain how he’s there without putting her in danger. 
She startles when she sees him, then approaches him slowly. 
She’s wearing a flowing white dress with intricate pink flowered embroidery that he’s certain she hand-stitched herself. Her eyes are puffy, red, and underlined with dark streaks of mascara running down her cheeks. 
It kills him that she’s been crying. He knows it’s his fault because he couldn’t say no to his father. It’s just another example of his weakness, of his selfishness that he wants her love anyway even though she deserves someone who can stand up for her.
In spite of himself, he reaches out for her. She takes his hand, and he pulls her against him, feeling shaky. He buries his head into her shoulder.
“Is it really you?” she asks. 
“Who else would I be?” he asks absently. 
He tenses and pulls away, gripping her at the elbows tightly, searching her face for jest and finding none. “What did he do?”
She waves away his concern. “He led me on a wild goose chase through the city. But in the end he only told me a story.”
“A story?” he repeats, confused. “What story? Why?” 
Marinette put a hand on his chest. “Adrien, take a breath.” 
He does as she says, feeling some of the tension within him bleed out. It always does when he’s in her arms. An experience he’s had on precious few occasions. If only he realized his feelings for her sooner. 
“I’m really happy to see you,” he whispers.
“Me too,” she says back, leaning her head onto his chest. “I feel like I’ve been looking for you all night. How are you here?” 
He tenses all over again, unsure of how to answer that question. He knows what he wants to tell her. The truth, and all of it! But the vision of Marinette’s ashen form cradled in his arms flies through his head and he’s terrified.
It’s just a dream, a nightmare sent to him by an akuma. It wasn’t real. That wasn’t going to happen. He was careful. He would never hurt her. 
He would never hurt her.
“Are you okay?” she asks when he doesn’t answer her question. 
He shakes his head, tears falling down his face of their own volition. 
She squeezes his hand. “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together,” she promises.
And some part of him melts. She really believes that, but he can’t see any way to win. 
Even Chat Noir couldn’t stand up to Nightormentor. Not on his own.  
“My father wants me to stay in London. He wants to control every aspect of my life. And I tried for so long to earn his admiration and approval, but it’s impossible. And what has it ever gotten me? It’s never enough and I can’t do it anymore. I can’t.” 
Her grip tightens around his hand. “Shhh, it’s okay.” 
“But I can’t get away. It’s like, the second he’s in the room, I can’t… I can’t disobey him, Marinette. I don’t know why. I try, I think I’m going to, and then I just do what he wants anyway. I’m sorry that I’m so weak.” 
Tears break past his battered defenses and he drops his head into his knees. He’s shaking so hard, but Marinette never lets go. If anything, she clings to him harder. 
“Adrien, does he… does he have a ring that he always wears?”
He glances up, completely thrown by the random question. “Uh, yes. He has his and my mother’s wedding ring. Nathalie has been wearing the other. Why?” 
“The story. The story Felix told me! He said that the two princesses gave birth to two boys who were as similar as their mothers. You and Felix. Felix – he was controlled by his father all his life through a ring, and he was only able to break free once his father died and he had the ring for himself. It sounds like it’s the same for you.”
Adrien blinks several times, his brain trying to understand what she’s saying. 
Then the tears come back full strength, and he’s trembling like an earthquake. 
But he’s crying in relief. He wasn’t weak and spineless. He was literally being controlled like a puppet on strings. 
And then he was angry. 
He looks up into Marinette’s concerned crystal blue eyes that seem to pierce straight through him. “I don’t understand. How?” 
Her hands tighten around his and his clings to the lifeline that she’s providing. He fears that he’s weighing her down, that he can never give her everything she deserves, especially if he literally can’t go against his father.
“Felix said his mother and yours were infertile. They tried and tried to have babies, and they never could.” 
Adrien stares at her. This was new information. Why had Felix told Marinette all of this? And not him? 
“So your parents found and used the peacock miraculous–” 
He hissed in a breath.
“--and their desire to have a child to create a pregnancy.” 
“So I’m… I’m… some kind of sentimonster?” 
She shakes her head violently. Her hands on either side of his face. “No, you are not a monster. You are the kindest, most beautiful person I have ever met.” 
He held her hands and wrists against his face, needing to feel her holding him as his stomach dropped. 
“But he can literally control me?” 
She nods. “I think so. Felix asked me for help. He has his ring, and Kagami has hers.” 
“Kagami too?” he whispers.
She nods again. 
Kagami - forceful, ever confident, and never-hesitate-Kagami who he looked up to - could be controlled with a ring.
He could be controlled with a ring, snapped out of existence with the peacock miraculous. 
No wonder Felix had been willing to trade all the other miraculouses for it. 
He can’t breathe. 
The vision of a shattered moon on a red sky, surrounded by destruction and decay flashes through his mind’s eye again. A new dark heavy presence stands behind him, controlling every movement, directing his miraculous powers against everything Chat Noir is supposed to protect, against everything that he loves.
The nightmare suddenly feels all too possible. 
If his father ever learns his identity, he can make Adrien destroy anything his father disapproves of. 
Like Marinette. 
He scuttles backward from her, his back crashing against the railing of her balcony. 
“Adrien! What’s wrong?” Marinette asks, standing over him like an avenging angel. She reaches out to hold him, but he holds a hand out and shakes his head. She stops, but tears are falling silently down her cheeks. Her dress is fluttering around her, and strands of her hair have fallen from her updo, framing her face. Her eyes are like shining lights in his darkness. 
God, she’s so amazing, so strong. 
And he can’t ever be what she deserves. Not when he isn’t his own person.
He buries his eyes under his fists. The rest of him crumples like tissue paper. She wraps around him like a warm blanket on the coldest of nights, and he lets himself fall into warmth and love. This might have to be the last time, so it will have to last him forever.
“I love you,” he says through his devastation. “So much.”
“I love you, too. Talk to me please.” 
He untangles himself from her embrace and struggles to collect himself. It shouldn’t be that hard. He’s done it so many times before. 
“Marinette,” he starts, slipping his miraculous from his finger with a broken sob. It feels like he’s tearing off a limb, but he would do anything for her. He opens her palm, places the ring in her grasp, and closes her fingers around it.  “You have to take this from me, keep it safe so I can’t ever hurt anyone, so I can never hurt you.”
She looks down into her hand, her eyes frozen on the now-black ring in her hand. Her gaze darts up to his face, and then back down to the ring.
“You’re Chat Noir,” she breathes. 
“I’m Chat Noir,” he confirms. “I was going to use it to come visit you, so we could stay together even if I was exiled to London. I figured I had to come back for akumas anyway, but… but if my father can literally control me, I can’t keep it. He could discover it, take it, and force me to betray Ladybug and everyone I love. I can’t go through that! Will you please keep it safe for me?.
“No!” she cries, trying to shove the ring back towards him. “You can’t give this up!” she insists. “You can’t!”
He caresses the side of her tear-streaked face, and smiles softly. “I need you to take this for me, Marinette. There’s no one I love or trust more than you.”
Her fist pounds on his chest. He grabs her arm and pulls her against him. 
She shakes her head. “No, you don’t understand. I need you.” 
“I’m sorry. I wish there was a way for us to be together, but if he ever found out–”
“He won’t!” 
“Marinette, he could literally just order me to reveal all my secrets and it’d be done. He could order me to give him my miraculous. He can’t have it. Not ever.”
Her eyes well with tears. He kisses the top of her head. 
“What about Ladybug?!” she demands. 
“I think I’m only a liability to her right now. I’m a sentimonster. You’ll–” 
“You’re not a monster!” Her voice is shrill. 
He smiles again, feeling strangely at peace. “You’ll be an amazing partner to Ladybug in my stead.” 
“No! I can’t take this from you. It’s yours! It’s your freedom! And I can’t be Ladybug’s partner anyway.”
“Of course you can!” he reassures. “I remember Multimouse. You had every miraculous in the box. You were amazing! You could use any of them.”
She shakes her head, tears pouring from her eyes.  
“Marinette,” he begs. “Please!” 
“I can’t be Ladybug’s partner,” she says again, her voice suddenly clear and firm. She looks up at him, and he can’t breathe at the depth in her swirling blue eyes. “She needs you. I need you.” 
His mind is swirling, on the precipice of something grand, he knows it, but he can’t grasp onto it. 
“Tikki, spots on,” she whispers. And in a sparkling wave of pink light, Marinette is gone, transformed and it’s his partner sitting before him with tears in her eyes. “Please Chaton,” she begs. “I have told you over and over, I can’t do this without you. You are irreplaceable. You are perfect. I will never ever abandon you. Please, please don’t abandon me.” 
He can’t move, he can’t speak. 
She takes up his hand, and holds up the ring, but she pauses her eyes on his, waiting for his permission. 
“I don’t want to be turned against you,” he says weakly. 
“Whatever he makes you do,” she snarls, “you will never actually be against me. You will fight him, I will fight for you. And neither of us will rest until you are free, truly and completely free. Please, please be my partner again.”
And he is already in love with her. He fell for Ladybug a long time ago, the day they met for a moment almost exactly like this one. He fell for Marinette more recently, slowly after another thousand instances of her standing her ground again and again. 
But in this moment, looking at her with determination and love shining from every pore, he falls in love with her all over again.
She can’t conceive of a battle that she can’t win no matter how much the deck is stacked against her. And really, he can’t conceive of a battle she can’t win either. Chat Noir has always had the front row seat to watching her come out on top again and again through creative genius, persistence, and a fierce determination to protect everyone she loves.
Her cause is right, and her sense of justice is stronger than her doubt, and her love is stronger than her fear.
And so he can’t deny her. With his lips stretched into a watery smile, he nods his permission. 
She slips the ring back onto his finger and it feels like coming home after being lost in a blizzard. 
Their arms are around each other in an instant, and he knows that as long as he has her, as long as she cares and believes in him, he will always fight anyone and everyone that stands against them. 
Even his father.  
And with her by his side, how can they ever lose? 
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lineffability · 1 year
"apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well" listen LISTEN i think this is why. i think the magnitude and power of that miracle they did together is what alerted the metatron and why he has come to separate them by all means, because they have not realized yet quite how powerful they are together and what that could mean!! this is why, i think???? they used to do each other's miracles and temptations for each other, but never with, and that could change everythign and could get in the way of certain Ineffable Plans (that i don't think are necessarily God's, looking at you villain metatrash)
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arrnand · 2 months
i think there is a huge power imbalance between louis and armand that there wouldn’t be between daniel and armand, even though armand would still be more powerful than daniel. because, like, the thing is, with louis, armand is constantly masking his power and pretending to be almost powerless (until he shows up with big fits of power like at the dining room table and then he plays that power back down with the museum trip—which i don’t really fully think was a display of him trying to be the victim again because he didn’t HAVE to tell his story, i think he WAS asking louis who he is). like, if we look at the scene where they’re talking after louis kills the coven, there’s that beam of light separating them. there’s several options that could have been done: if louis did that because he wants to be safe from armand, then he doesn’t know armand doesn’t burn in the sunlight, which is something he’s purposefully hiding from him. louis has no power in that situation despite feeling like he does. if it’s something they did to stop louis from harming armand in some way, then it’s still a display of power. i wronged you, now sit in your cage. there is such unequal power between them because armand tries to make louis feel like he has the power, but he doesn’t.
but, where i feel that differs with daniel and armand, ESPECIALLY post-dubai, is that armand has no way to mask with daniel because daniel already knows exactly who he is. he’s manipulative and wild. he doesn’t know who he is. he’s a liar. he’s an actor. he has no home. he wants to have a home. he wants control but doesn’t want to be the leader. he’ll do anything to ensure he’s never left alone. there’s no way of hiding who he is because daniel already knows that. and he’ll love him anyway!! like, armand will still have wild amounts of power, but daniel KNOWS this and has a different power, which is something armand hasn’t experienced yet: seeing and understanding him.
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shannonsketches · 18 days
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#dbtag#silly hours#god#I feel like that's a really clear and consistent thing throughout the entirety of the manga but OTL leave it to Toei!!!!#lays on the floor I wish people were less afraid of letting “good guys” be flawed and selfish and reckless without having to like.#idk vilify them?#like Goku does and always has had a ton of negative qualities about him but what keeps him a protag and what keeps those negatives charming#is that 1) he never promises to be anything Else. If you're upset by his behavior that's a you problem Goku's just doing Goku#He's only upset when Other People get hurt because 2) almost none of those negative qualities contain any malice whatsoever#even as a kid when he was 'i killed that guy' it was like 'i solved a problem why are you mad (gen)' not 'good fucking riddance lol'#and he kept that as an adult too even when he learned more about compassion he's still 'well if you're not gonna stop i have to kill you'#it's never 'fuck off and die' it's always 'listen buddy either you knock it off or i knock you out there is no option c '#and god i love that Goku. I spent so long thinking I hated Goku growing up but I only hated Toei's Goku. Toriyama's Goku is GREAT.#like look if an antagonist is just a hero with the wrong perspective a hero is just a villain with the right one#and the fact that Goku has all of the qualities of a villain with none of the malice or intention makes him SO POWERFUL as a character#Goku doesn't like bystanders getting hurt. That doesn't make him less chaotic and self-centered and simplistic in his worldview.#A hero sacrifices his loved ones to save the world -- a villain sacrifices the world to save his loved ones --#Goku sacrifices himself because you cannot kill him in any way that matters#idskahds anyway here's another essay in the tags for your wednesday evening scroll#the justification the interviewer gave was that the anime was for kids but my beef with that is that Hero Tropes strip chaotic characters#of their emotions. Goku's conflicts are emotional. Goku's power is emotional. Goku's childlikeness keep him authentically emotional.#MORE kids -- ESPECIALLY little boys -- deserve a male protagonist who leans into his emotions to persevere and win.#Super deciding his “angelic state” would kill him makes me want to tear my hair out lmao Goku's EMOTIONS are too strong to hold it.#you could've just asked toriyama about it why'd you decide on the most basic high-stakes shorthand possible OTL#aNYWAY#media analysis#in the tags at least lol
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zingaplanet · 2 years
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Ok but are you talking about complicated relationship or are you talking about John Lennon and Paul McCartney meeting when they were just 15 & 17, who decided then and there that they will change the whole world forever, who fell in love with music and skipped school to write songs eyeball to eyeball every day, who wanted to be credited as Lennon/McCartney because all their craft should always be remembered as one, who changed history and wrote music that still inspired generations for the next 5 decades together, who've lived together and saw each other almost every day for more than 10 years, who were each other's biggest rivals driving each other mad trying to outwrite history's greatest hits, who were each other's greatest inspiration and source of jealousy, who had a bond so intense their wives said they never looked at anyone else like they looked at each other,
who ended their musical partnership and friendship through an article in the press, who didn't properly speak again for almost 8 years and only communicated through veiled insults in each other's solo records and media, whose breakup of friendship drove each other to substance and drug abuse for over a decade, who lost a battle to time as the other was gunned down just when they started properly connecting again, who said the night he was murdered that the other was family, and family always forgave each other,
and McCartney who never showed up to induction ceremonies but cried as he said, "John Lennon, you made it, tonight you're in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" because they always promised they'd conquer the world together, who still showed up to gun laws march in Central Park 40 years after Lennon was murdered across the street, who spent every single interview he got telling people to tell their loved ones "i love you" before it's too late, because he never forgave himself for never being brave enough to say it.
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fisheito · 3 months
UNLOCKED SCORCHING SUN (sunburst fever) DANTE ! (Spoilers? Here is a short summary of my reactions):
-eiden i live for the cheesy things you say when you wanna bone someone. ehehehehe when the corny roleplay actually works too well🎶🎵
-oh um 😳 eiden getting himself off bygrinding against Dante's leg ahaha💦💦 ok uhhh 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
-oh shir dante lore drop
-oh SGIT DAnte is working even harder than i thought just to make an equal society like,, dude,, that is sO MUCH to take on YOU ARE ONLY A BABY. BUT YOU TRY TO FIX CENTURIES OF INJUSTICE 😭
-aawwww...... gentle.....🥹
-dante is like the Grinch he doesn't know what the dokidoki in his chest is (.it's his heart) but. He'll get it one day
- they're cute 😭 and funny 😭😭 and eiden's "why do *i* have to go" is so... PETULANT i love them they're bickering idiots 🥳
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ah, correction*: why "THE HELL HAVE" i gotta go. to be fair, that is a mild reaction to dante suddenly cockblocking him from himself(?). yeah. selfish lover moment deserves at MINIMUM that amount of sass 🤣
#danei#you know i wondered what the official ship name is for them because dantei was my instinctive thought#but i guess that could be mixed up with someone just trying to type Dante and they made a typo#i guess danei in that case is more PURPOSEFUL. like YES i had to STOP before typing out dante's full name#i was used to seeing eiden all... understanding and gentle and sweet with yaku#that his dante dynamic knocked me slightly askew (positive)#i love being reminded of eiden's range... bc all his clan members are such different individuals......#of course he caters to them differently... so powerful and adaptable#i really just wanna swaddle dante and put him in a restful burrito like srsly that guy needs a break#a break where things will not fall apart without him and everything is fine and he learns to rely on others#honestly i don't know how he's not MORE pissed off all the time. if i had to deal with what he deals with daily...#murder spree. or catatonic learned helplessness. there will be no in-between#anyway i hope these two figure more things out together and help each other be stupid without consequence :)#i want them pushing and shoving each other in the fields like schoolkids and yelling the blandest insult comebacks at each other#too bad neither of them can use the “YOUR MOM” finishing blow#or maybe it's funnier... if they both learn to use “YOUR MOM” with perfect timing#that's when their relationship will be in their final form. strong and evolved. beyond mortal comprehension#nu carnival dante#enei
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Got any Farah, Valeria, & Laswell hcs? Anything, really- I'm dying for my girls 🤲🤲🤲
Hello! Yeah, I was able to come up with a few! I already wrote a few for Valeria here! Somehow, I forgot to put them in my masterlist, though, which I have since fixed! Thank you for making me aware of this, though :-) These are general Headcanons, though, since I had an easier time coming up with those and because you didn't specify, I hope that's okay!
Valeria, Farah and Laswell HCs
Valeria: She’s always had quite the temper, even when she was young. While she may not have been spoiled to hell and back as a child, she usually got what she wanted, as long as it wasn’t something extraordinarily big, her parents always took care of her like that. Valeria loved her mother, they got along very well with each other, and she also took after her, having inherited her personality for the most part. Her father was a bit calmer than the two of them, but that didn’t mean they didn’t get along either. Whereas her mother would encourage her to do most things, her father would try to talk sense into her if it was a bad idea. She often sulked because of it, which is why she didn’t like her father as much as her mother, but as she got older she realized he meant well. Sometimes she still thinks about his advice, but the both of them died a long time ago, so most things they’ve told her are a distant memory by now. Valeria may be successful with what she’s doing and doesn’t like being told what to do, but sometimes she does wish she could still eat some sweets with her parents like she used to.
Joining the military actually wasn’t her first choice of career. She tried many places, but no one would take her, so she opted for the military, which welcomed her with open arms. She got paid. Not well, but she received the money, which was important since her parents couldn’t leave her with too much. They didn’t have very much either, so there wasn’t much to be inherited. Because she’s a woman, a few creeps tried to harass her, but she had none of it and beat all three of them up herself and on her own. Ever since that incident she wasn’t a big fan of the military either, but no other place would take her. However, it showed just how capable she was and earned her a lot of respect. A few other men would try to make advances towards her, but she shot them down every time. However, whenever another female soldier would jokingly flirt with her, that’s when she’d give it her all, making it her goal to fluster her beyond all hell. She’s spent a few evenings and nights with a few female soldiers, but was always willing to rip a male soldier’s dick off if he was being too friendly with her. During her time as a soldier she also realized that she preferred women.
She didn’t always hate Alejandro, actually. Back in the day, they got along very well. He was a man, yes, but he had enough respect for her. It wasn’t a given, even if it should have been, but she appreciated it. Whenever they sparred he gave it his all as well and never looked down on her. In his eyes, the two of them were equals and it showed. Valeria could appreciate that. She liked him, she spent a night with him but realized she hated that sort of stuff with men. He was the final realization for her that Valeria does not like men. It didn’t make her hate him at first, though. Only when he insisted on the two of them being a thing did she develop some form of disdain for him. Once she told him that she could never feel the same way, he stopped. However, he also started treating her a bit differently since he was in love with her. As he rose in ranks, he was a bit harsher on her than the other soldiers, usually dissatisfied with anything she did. He didn’t even notice that, but Valeria did. Therefore he became just another scum to her.
Farah: Before her town got attacked, she actually had a pretty happy childhood. She was sweet and kind as a kid, she got along well with her parents and her brother and she had a few close friends. Farah loved going outside to play, sometimes even inviting her parents to make potions with her in a bucket filled with water, sand and rocks. Her parents were always afraid of the Russians invading and tried to keep their children safe regardless of what happened, but in the end they were unable to. It hit Farah pretty hard, she loved her parents. Even now she misses them dearly since they always took such good care of her and her brother. At least she still had her brother. Farah knew she was the younger one out of the two of them, so she likely should have been the one to be protected, but once her town got attacked she became determined to make sure her brother would stay with her. Drastic times called for drastic measures, so she actually has killed people just so her brother could stay alive. It was around that time that other people realized how she was a very caring person still and could be trusted. Slowly, through that realization, she was able to gather a small force that could help her.
Farah is a pretty good leader. The people she works with adore her because, under that rough exterior, she’s still a good person. All her brothers and sisters know she can be trusted with just about anything. She rarely ever says no upon hearing a request of one of her people, knowing fully well what it’s like to need something. As she’s been through a lot herself, she always has an open ear for her brothers and sisters. While there’s not always time to listen to everyone’s concerns, if she does have time she’ll listen to you intently. Farah knows a lot more about her people than she lets on, that ranges from how the latest battle has gone to how her sister’s family is doing. She’s never one to turn down someone in need, always offering food and shelter. I know she may seem stern, because she has to be in order to be a good leader, but deep down she’s still the same kind girl that she’s always been. Her people would give up just about anything for her, and they do. One day, Farah dreams, Urzikstan will be free, it will be safe and it will prosper, its people won’t have anything to fear anymore. Trade will continue, the people will be happy and she can finally lay down her weary head and rest for a bit. But until then, she swore she’ll fight and fight until everything is finally over.
She’s never actually been in love. When she had the chance to develop a crush she was too young. Now that she’s older she doesn’t have time for anything lovey dovey in the slightest. Alex was the first person she ever developed a crush on. He may have seemed like an enemy at first, but it quickly enough became evident that that couldn’t be further from the truth. He was a good man, someone who could be trusted no matter what. He was loyal to a fault as well, which Farah could appreciate. However, she never told him, swallowing her feelings down instead no matter how intense they became. Yet, she sort of did always look forward to his small gestures of affection. Alex is a physically affectionate guy, so he’d sometimes pat her shoulder, put a hand on her shoulder or gently bump her arm to show he liked her. Farah is severely touch starved, so it made for a good combination. One time, he asked if she would like a hug, to which she said yes. To this day, Farah thinks about that hug since it was the first one she had received in seven or eight years. It may not have seemed like she was swayed at the time, but she was very content afterwards.
Laswell: Laswell’s parents didn’t really care too much for her. Don’t get me wrong, they provided for her physical needs, but they barely looked after her in any other regard, thinking she was happy because she had everything she could ever need. Laswell may have been strong because of it, even then, but she did wish her parents had cared more about other things as well, such as how she was doing emotionally. There were quite a few things that hurt her during her childhood, but she barely had anyone who would support her during her rough times. Her parents only ever wanted to see her happy and content, but barely made any effort to actually keep her as such. Laswell knew fairly early on that she was a lesbian and did come out to her parents, but that’s all that happened. It was never discussed again afterwards, even if her father would sometimes say that she would “find the right guy eventually” while talking to other people. Laswell has called him out on it numerous times, but he always made it about him and how he was the victim for saying something that made his daughter uncomfortable. Laswell didn’t stay in contact with her parents for very long once she moved out.
Even back when she was a child, Laswell knew she wanted to do something more exciting than be a hairdresser, waitress or cook. She wanted to do something with plenty of action, but at the same time she wanted to study and go to university. And thus she combined her wishes and started going to university at first. Afterwards, sometime in her twenties, she started to work for the CIA. She wasn’t treated with very much respect there at first, being a woman working there and all. But she didn’t let that disrespect get her down. In fact, on the outside, she stayed professional, but on the inside she took mental notes on who treated her badly and who didn’t. It soon enough became evident that Laswell knew what she was doing, even if her master’s degree should have been proof enough that there was some intelligence in that noggin of hers. However, soon enough she was transferred. In fact, she was transferred many times before she became a station chief, but it only showed just how competent she was in her field. Laswell has since saved thousands of lives and is proud of it. To her, such a thing is her calling and she wants to continue doing so for as long as she can, all the dangers be damned.
Laswell adores her wife. In fact, “Laswell” isn’t her original last name, she took that of her wife. At first they played with the idea of combining their names, but Laswell wanted fairly little to do with her parents at that point. Plus she wanted to show her father that she never “found the right guy”. So her being named Laswell is purely out of spite. While she may not be at home all the time, or very often, for that matter, she makes sure to bring her wife a gift every time she comes home. It can be something small, such as a souvenir she found while she was abroad, or it could be something along the lines of a golden ring that unfolds into an astronomical sphere. She needs to pamper her wife like that and make sure she knows Laswell loves her to the moon and back. Money isn’t an issue for her, she gets paid very well. Even if the biggest reward for her doing what she does is seeing her wife smile. Every time she sees her give her a big smile she’s reminded of why she does what she does, and that’s the most wonderful thing for her. Even so, not many people know about Laswell’s wife, only a select few do. It’s a safety measure since she knows people will target her. Although she’s a diplomatic kind of person, if anyone ever were to hurt her wife, then that person can be certain they’ll never walk freely among the sunlight again.
#cod#valeria garza#farah karim#kate laswell#if it was up to me I'd make Valeria and Laswell lesbians. and so I did because this is my blog#and because I wanna kiss them and cook them a nice and healthy meal that reminds them of me! I can't cook to save my life but I'll learn ho#Farah is into Alex so she isn't a lesbian in my book!#“a gay person's straight ship is the most powerful thing in the universe”#you can't tell me Alex wouldn't treat Farah right though! she deserves a guy like him who's hopelessly in love with her#sometimes I think about a poly relationship with the two of them because I love both of these characters dearly#just think about it: being hugged by two strong people at once! what's not to love about this concept?#cooking them a meal and receiving a kiss from the both of them oh god please someone wife me up already#Alex would get all three of you something cute and matching! like plushies!#he'd get a nice dog plushie. Farah gets a cat plushie. you get a plushie of an animal that reminds you of him that's still cute!#like a small bunny or a small birdie!#and just so you know both of them are good at hugging! they're both really strong and good at making you feel protected!#man I love Farah and Alex! they're such good characters! Alex was the first character I truly liked when watching MW1#I was so sad to see he wasn't in mw2 but!!! he's in MW3!!! My boy is back in business!#can I also just mention that you can play as Farah in MW3? isn't that also just so cool? again I squealed!#I squealed every time at the cafe I stayed at when I saw you could play as one of the girls! good thinking activision!
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joy-girl · 11 months
Not to sound too insane or delusional right now BUT...
I was looking at pictures of Roger and my attention got caught by the jolly roger on his hat.
Specifically on the mustache of his jolly roger, and suddenly I realised that it reminded me of something...
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Luffy's twirly eyebrows during the gear 5's transformation!
And that's even more weird because if you think about it, jolly rogers are supposed to represent the captain of a crew, right? Like Whitebeard's jolly roger has exactly the same type of mustache he has, Luffy's one has a straw hat, Shank's one has his three scars and so on...
But Roger doesn't have his mustache curved like that or even of that white/light colour. He has normal (and beautiful) black mustache!
So... Why did Roger choose that kind of jolly roger, when it doesn't represent how he normally looks? 👀
You know what I'm hinting at right? Even without taking into account all the similarities between Luffy and Roger's behaviour...
Also I know that the fruit hasn't been awakened in 800 years, but it can't be a coincidence that the moustache on his jolly roger looks exactly like it would've looked like if he ate the fruit (and then awakened it)... even if we know that nobody between the era of Joyboy from 800 years ago and Luffy in the present has ever awakened the fruit, Oda might have still drawn his jolly roger like that for a reason that is linked to that specific devil fruit...
Or I might be wrong and it doesn't have anything to do with it, but in that case the question still remains... why did he choose a jolly roger that is so different from him?
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tempportal · 1 month
sorry but the idea that five wouldn't immediately snort every last ounce of that marigold is absolutely fucking ridiculous
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peaches2217 · 2 months
I have so many varied and fun WIPs I could work on but my brain continues to scream “BE WEIRD ABOUT CHILDBIRTH! SURELY YOU WON’T WEIRD ANYONE OUT IF YOU KEEP WRITING ABOUT CHILDBIRTH!” and I’d like it to sTOP
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nyaskitten · 2 years
The Mechanic is soo funny to me. He's a Southerner, he's a trucker, he has a robot arm and his truck has several, he hates Zane for NO reason, and his ass is always picking fights.
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arlathen · 1 month
i saw someone joking on tiktok that solas, in the fiction of the game, probably fights like he isn't used to being as de-powered as he is (evidence being that blackwall just seems annoyed when solas goes down) and i'm going to run with that because the idea of solas being a CURIOUSLY risky fighter is very funny to me.
but i've also decided. based purely on how i actually play her in combat. that amadea learns that stupid risky up-close fighting style from solas and specifically her go-to move is fade stepping through people and then going to town in the backline while the frontline is trying hard not to get stabbed by blackwall.
like where is the inquisitor. oh god she and the elven god of betrayal are in our backline. it's the last thing you see before a chunk of fade-rock punches your head off your body.
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jichanxo · 8 months
call to a witch song
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musubiki · 3 months
Hey I was looking thru the coco tag and remembered the comic abt Taffy trying to buy a potion from the Merchant to "cure his problem" but it ended up not being anything (as far as Taffy knows anyway). The Merchant said it was an "unbonding potion," but did it have any 'effect' in general, or was he truly just bs-ing Taffy? I'd almost think the latter if we didn't already know that the Merchant—shifty and strange as he is—does indeed sell reliable items (albeit with a rather cunning monopoly). So I was wondering if it meant something else that Taffy needing to "unbond" from.......like maybe.......a curse.....? Perhaps 🤣
he actually wasnt bs-ing taffy!!!!
for context: one of the merchants favorite lines (to the point that lime makes fun of him about it) is "I'm not a doctor" (sometimes with a "Or a therapist" added in if the issue sounds psychological) !! and what he means is basically this: the merchant, though he probably knows what's wrong with you, wont TELL you what's wrong with you to sell the accurate treatment. you have to go to him and say "I think it might be [thing]" and he goes "Okay! I have something that fixes [thing]!"
i believe the idea behind it is that if he tells you whats' wrong with you and then sells you the thing that fixes it, he makes less money than if he DOESN'T tell you and you have to keep coming back trying a bunch of different things via trial and error
so in taffys case, he waited for taffy to say "I think I need an unbonding potion" so he could say "Okay! Here's an unbonding potion!" even though he knew already what was going on (LOL). so the potion was legit!! Its just that taffy wasnt under any kind of bonding spell so nothing happened!!
the curse in him is a lot more complex to get rid of than a simple unbonding potion. im still working on the lore surrounding true "curses", but its either that only the main 5 can put curses, or only the main 5 can remove them, its a special and powerful kind of magic that you cant just go to your average witch to get one done and removed
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i think i've talked before about how amazingly normal (and respectful) tesilid is towards Ailette for an OI male lead (ie. despite being utterly obsessed with her for aeons, he would never cross a line with her and would ask for consent), but i think we also need to give Reed credit for being pretty normal and respectful too. with regards to Ailette's consent, anyway. for all that he's a homicidal crazy guy trying to destroy the world.
he asks ailette to join him in the abyss and when she says no he's like aw okay, see you next time then <3 he offers ailette a chair and when she says no he doesn't force her. (tesilid doesn't get rights though). ailette goes i already said no i dont want to join you and he's like wait i can change your mind, and when he runs out of time he goes aww okay, i hope you change your mind next time though, ciao <3
like if it were any other OI ailette would be fighting off a confinement arc right now, but reed is just 😭 he just wants to chill with her.
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hydrangeyes · 9 months
I really do love how the fandom has their ship but man do I wanna see a bit more of the rivals to codependent to lovers route more
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