#sorry i took a bit to respond to this one my arm can only handle so much typing in a day rn
kassiekole22 · 1 year
Can you do a Syzoth/Reptile x reader, about him telling the reader about things they should know about him & his reptilian form before they date each other? Thank you!!!
Are You Sure?
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Description: It takes all the courage in the world to tell Syzoth how you really feel about him. But Syzoth isn't so sure that you can handle a Zaterran as a lover. So he decides to tell you everything you need to know, before taking your relationship to the next level... Warnings: Fluff, Pining, A Small Bit Of NSFW. (For brief mention of breeding.) Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I am sooooo sorry this took so long for me to finish! I've been dealing with some health issues and other personal struggles recently so I've been having a hard time getting things done quickly. But I'm getting better so hopefully that will change soon. I want any other anons to know that I still fully intend on finishing your requests and to other readers, please don't let this discourage you from sending any requests. I love hearing all of your ideas! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this fic. 🖤 MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I slumped down under a shady tree after practicing fighting for a solid two hours. Lord Liu Kang told me the monks would be harsh, but I never expected training to be just as hard as it was. So I sat — the back of my head hitting the bark of the tree as it fell back onto my shoulders — and I let out a tired sigh. My eyes began to fall shut but then the wrestling of tree branches jerked me right awake as I let out a startled gasp. I looked up to find the source of this sudden commotion only to see Syzoth — in his human form — staring down at me from a high branch with a cheeky smile stretching his lips.
"You scared me!" I laughed as I reached an arm up to swat at his feet, which hung down from the branch he sat on.
After responding with a huff of laughter, Syzoth jumped down beside me. He sat down on the ground so close to where I was that I subconsciously held my breath, now very weary of moving in his presence. But not from fear — because it was the closest I had ever been to Syzoth before. The soft touch of his skin touching mine when our elbows brushed together, being engulfed in a cloud of his natural scent, even being able to hear his breath was enough to get my heart beat racing. To say I liked the man was quite an understatement. In my eyes, he was beautiful; I just wish I knew how to tell him that.
"It's so nice out here," he breathed before letting out a relaxed sigh. "I could sit out here for hours."
"Yeah, me too." I agreed, looking in every direction but his. Of course, I wasn't subtle about it — despite trying to be — and he noticed instantly.
"Are you ok?" He asked as his tone dipped softer with more concern.
I simply nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
I finally mustered up the strength to look back at him and make eye contact. But as soon as my eyes met those pale green ones, I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire. The expression that grew on his face was much like his tone moments ago: concerned and worried.
'Shit! He notices!'
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked while placing a hand gently on my own. The sudden contact did not help my rosy completion and I felt my skin burn even more.
I quickly pulled away and nodded my head, "Yes, yes — I'm fine." I assured him. "I just got too much sun today."
It was a good lie and I just prayed that Syzoth was as gullible as I had hoped. He did not answer me after that and for a good moment, peaceful silence had fallen over us and I was glad.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and finally felt myself relax again. Looking up at the sky, I noticed that not a single cloud covered it, allowing the sun to beam down upon us. The birds chirped happily and the butterflies fluttered in the air — watching them helped all of my stresses melt away and bring me to peace. It truly was a perfect day. I let my eyes flutter shut as a cool breeze blew passed us, and then I felt completely comfortable in my surroundings.
That was until Syzoth's voice broke the long-lasting silence...
"(Y/N)," His voice came out serious as he spoke. His sudden change in tone instantly caught my attention and I turned to face the man. "I have a question that I must ask—"
"Ok — what is it?"
"Do... Do you have feelings for me?" He asked hesitantly and almost... Shyly?
I froze as soon as the words came out of his mouth and I instantly felt my cheeks burn with intense embarrassment. The shock I felt was overwhelming and I had absolutely no idea how to respond. I just sat there, thinking deeply about a million things at once.
'Does he know? Am I really that obvious? There's no way! I mean, I've done so well to hide it!... Haven't I?
As humiliating as it was, I knew I couldn't keep the truth from him for any longer. So after heaving a deep sigh to gain just a little more confidence, I spoke my confession: "Yes, Syzoth — I do have feelings for you."
He stared at me with a blank and not so surprised expression for a moment. I felt as if I was under a burning spotlight while under his gaze. Finally — after a moment that felt like a lifetime — he let out a soft sigh. It didn't seem necessarily stressed or disappointed in anyway — it was just a normal huff of air.
"Are you sure? Because — as you know — I'm no ordinary individual. I'm not human like yo—"
"I don't care, Syzoth!" I cut him off as I raised my voice slightly. I didn't mean to come off aggressive in any way — I was just eager to tell him how I felt. I exhaled slowly and lowered my voice to a more calm pitch. "I like you for you; that stuff doesn't matter."
He looked at me for a moment, almost like he was reading over my words in his mind. Something told me by his expression that he did not believe me and would need further convincing. And unfortunately, I was right.
"No, (Y/N). You do not understand." He heaved a deep breath and shifted so he was facing me more before continuing, "There is still a lot about me that you do not know. Things you are not prepared for—"
"Well... Prepare me!" I basically demanded with an enthusiastic smile and he raised a brow at me for a moment. He seemed almost hesitant to let me into his world but eventually he did nod in agreement.
"Ok... For instance, our diet mainly consists of raw flesh of animals and humans. We can eat cooked foods but we don't prefer it." He paused for a moment to check my facial expression before continuing, "We shed our skin once a year. It's a very long and uncomfortable process and I will become very irritable at that time. I like warmth and do not do well in the cold — I can't handle it, in fact. I also have to keep my skin hydrated and... There's also mating season... Um..."
His eyes averted away from mine as he shifted uncomfortably on the ground while letting out a cough. I blushed at the thought of this "mating season" he mentioned, but tried my hardest to keep my composure for his and my sake.
"I may appear human sometimes, but do know that my reptilian nature still lingers within. Are you sure you want to engage in a romantic relationship with someone like myself?"
I smiled warmly at the man sitting before me and took his big hands in my own, massaging the backs of them with my thumbs to sooth him. It was obvious he was nervous and I didn't want him to be — he deserved to be comfortable with someone for once in his life and I was going to make sure that I was that person.
"Like I said before: I like you for you. And I would be more than happy to engage in a romantic relationship with you — that is, of course, if you want to engage in one with me?"
I gazed up at him through my lashes with hope blossoming in my heart for the first time that day. I felt his hands grow sweaty in my own and the look of concern on his face remained, causing a little bit of that hope to die off.
But then his worried expression melted away with a fond smile as his cheeks turned a faint tint of pink. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine — not necessarily molding them into a kiss, but just holding them there. So I decided to take charge of the situation and pressed mine into his in the way a kiss would be formed. And happily, he kissed back.
I knew that loving a Zaterran would be a challenge, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My heart longed for him and now that I had him, that's all that mattered to me. I had finally found the one for me and I knew I'd be happy as long as he was at my side — this I was sure of.
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d-dixonimagines · 5 months
PROMPT REQUEST from this list from @daryls-wife
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to get this posted! I honestly have no idea what my plan was for this one, the direction changed every time I started over! But nevertheless, I hope you still like it! Warnings: mild language, a lot of typos probably
PROMP 17: "You're bleeding--how long have you been hiding this?"
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A lot had happened the past few days while you and Daryl were out doing an exchange with The Kingdom; giving weapons in exchange for some crates of fruits and vegetables. It was a never ending run-in with walkers, a couple encounters with lone individuals who were desperate enough to try and steal some of the food you were bringing back.
For as short of a trip this was supposed to be you were completely exhausted. Eventually you convinced Daryl to stop for the night, though he didn't fully understand why you felt you needed to when you were so close to home. It was only a few more hours, but you were desperate as well.
Finding a run down convenience store, you cleared the area for walkers and tried to make yourselves comfortable. Daryl found a spot on the floor by the window, adjusting his position against the hard tile. "I don't think we'll be gettin' much sleep, my ass is already goin' numb," he grumbled as he moved once more before finally settling.
"I'm sorry," you smiled a little in response. "I just needed a break. We can keep going and make it back before it gets too late, but I really just need to rest for a while." You settled next to him, moving slowly and wincing slightly when your side brushed against one of the crates.
"Nah, we'll be ok. Looks like we might get some rain anyway." You nodded in agreement. Daryl watched you for a moment. "You doin' ok, though?" he asked gently, noticing how you sat down. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just sore, and my feet are killing me. It's probably time to be on the lookout for different shoes."
He gave a nod, not really responding. The rest of the evening went on pretty much like that. Small talk here and there. Daryl took watch first and let you sleep before switching a few hours later. You got going again just before the sun came up, arriving back at Alexandria as people were starting their day.
After getting the crates dropped off where they needed to be, you and Daryl headed back to your shared abode and planned on relaxing a bit before tending to whatever else needed to be done. "I'm gonna take a long shower, if anyone needs to find me." Daryl nodded, his eyes catching glimpse of your side and a wet sticky substance that was seeping through the fabric of your shirt.
He caught your arm to stop you. "You're bleedin'... how long have you been hidin' this?" You turned your body slightly so his hand would drop. "It's nothing, just a scrape from a scuffle we had with a walker." "On which day?" His gaze was direct, probably already guessing when it had happened. You hesitated a second before answering.
"When we were at the tracks.." "That was three days ago." "Yeah, so? I told you, it's nothing." There was another silence. You knew it was more serious than you were trying to let on, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. You just needed to clean it and bandage it up and you'd be good as new.
"Can I see it, then?" You gave a defeated sigh and peeled the shirt back so he could take a look. "I was going to go to the infirmary after my shower," you defended. "Why didn't'cha just say somethin'?" "I didn't want to turn it into a bigger deal than it was. We were close enough to here that I knew you would have probably made me turn back, and I didn't want to leave."
"Comin' back wouldn't've been a big deal. Waitin' three days and practically bein' forced to acknowledge is what's doin' that, let alone the risk you put yerself in for infection. So now it is a big fuckin' deal." You dropped your hands and took a step back, wanting to just walk away from the conversation. You knew he was coming from a place of protection and concern, but you didn't have the patience or the energy to be scolded at.
"I have it under control, Daryl. I can take care of myself." You turned and headed for the bathroom, Daryl following close behind. "I know ya can, just wish you'd be more open about stuff like this. If you're hurt, you should be able to tell me.." "Oh, because you're so open with me? Mr. guy who leaves for weeks at a time without saying a single word about it? Open like that?" "That's different and you know that."
You shook your head. "It's really not. Your reasons might be different, but the concept is still the same." You walked over to the tub and sat down on the edge, feeling sick and drained, and you didn't know if it was because you were tired and hungry or if it was because of the aching, oozing wound on your side. All bets were probably on the latter.
"...I don't feel so hot.." you placed your hand on your forehead. "I mean, I do feel hot, but still..." "A fever's probably settin' in. We should get to the infirmary." Daryl helped you up, with zero protests from you, and let you to the doctor. At some point you must have passed out because the next thing you remember was waking up in a bright room and Daryl right next to you.
"Mornin', sunshine," he smirked slightly. "What happened?" "Ya passed out on the way here from dehydration and an infection startin' to set in. The doc got ya fixed up, though, so you'll be okay."
You nodded, processing the information. You hadn't realized how bad it had gotten. There was a silence that fell between you, and you could tell that he wanted to say more.
"If you want to say 'I told you so', go ahead and do it," you chuckled slightly. "I can see that you want to." He shook his head. "That's not what I wanna say, I'm not gonna rub anythin' in, I just.. I hated seein' you like that. Ya can't mess with infections." His tone was soft. "I know... I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm also really sorry about picking that fight with you earlier. I didn't intend for anything to go that far."
"That was just the fever talkin', yer good. I'll make a deal with ya, though.." "Oh, yeah? What deal is that?" "I'll open up more about stuff if you will. Doesn't hav'ta be everythin', just if you're hurt or going somewhere. We just check in with each other. That sound fair?"
You let out a quiet sigh and paused a moment before agreeing, hoping he wasn't making that deal because he felt like he had to. Him leaving didn't have to be anybody else's business, it was just disappointing when you couldn't find him and found out from someone else that he left.
You weren't complaining about the deal itself, though. You were relieved that he was going to start saying something, but you hoped he was doing that because he wanted to and not just because he thought that was the only way to get you to open up. "That sounds like a fair deal." You gave a smile regardless, accepting it all for what it was.
"Alright then.." he gave a satisfied nod. "I got us some food. I figured you'd probably be hungry when you woke up." "Yes, please, I'm starving!" Your eyes brightened as he handed you a plate of food, some eggs and fruit from the crates you brought back. As bad as things got, you were relieved that it wasn't any worse, and you felt pretty lucky to have Daryl by your side through all of it.
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bkaulitzz · 1 year
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
more stuff like this on wattpad :)) @ is b_kaulitzz
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info: FLUFF, usage of y/n :)
"I miss my girlfrieeeeeend, " Bill burped as he cried out. He sat on the floor, people crowded as he took another sip of his tequila. I squinted my eyes as I walked in, putting a hand over my eyes as lights flashed from every direction.
"Excuse me...sorry, excuse me, " I mumbled as I pushed past the crowds of people, my eyebrows raising as I finally laid my eyes on the black-haired boy. I hurried over, sighing as I took hold of the glass of tequila. "Bill, I was worried sick. What the hell." I frowned and took his wrist. Bill frowned and shook his head as he tried to fight for the glass.
"Nooooo, I didn't finish. I miss my girlfriend, " He slurred and stood up as he leaned onto me. I sighed and wrapped an arm around his waist as I placed the glass down. He groaned as he flailed his arm, trying to grab the glass. I held his arm, pressing my lips together.
"Bill...I am your girlfriend, silly, " I said and he gasped and widened his eyes, wrapping his arms around me. He giggled as he held me right, laying his cheek on my head.
"Y/n! I missed you! Where were you?" He dramatically cried out; his eyes started to water up as I helped him out, past the crowds of people. The music could be felt in my chest as I did, everything was so overwhelming.
"At home, " I responded as we made it out, he kept a tight grip around me as he looked around at the other people as we walked out.
"Yea, this sexy girl...is mine, " He slurred out as we finally made it out. The music was muffled as I took him to the car, rolling my eyes at his slurred words.
"Okay Bill, let go, " I grunted as we stood by the passenger door, I tried to pull his arms off my waist. He whined and shook his head as he held me close.
"But, you're so...warm, " He closed his eyes and hummed, his head moving down to my chest. I sighed and ran my fingers through his black hair. He hummed, smiling against my skin as his face lay on my chest. I smiled awkwardly at the people who were leaving the party and passing by, waving to them. The only thing that lit on us was pink-orange streetlights. I held his arms and gently tried to pry him off.
"You're so cute, but we need to go home. We can't stand here all night, " I said and pursed my lips as I furrowed my brows, he tightened his grip and shook his head into my chest.
"Yes, we can!... I like it here!" He muffled and whined once more, I could feel his lashes tickling my skin. I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead.
"We can do this longer at home, in bed!" I said and he gasped, popping his head up with a wide smile.
"Really?..." He gasped out as he pulled away, his arm reaching over to the car door handle, missing. I sucked my teeth and shook my head, opening the door for him. He smiled widely as he stumbled into the seat, I leaned over and locked the seatbelt in, closing the door shut before running to the driver's side and hopping in. Bill yawned as he laid his head back on the headrest, moving a hand slowly over to my thigh. I grinned and backed out of the parallel parking, turning on my car lights. He looked over at me, blinking his eyes slowly, and his hand rubbed on my thigh. I widened my eyes and jumped a bit as I tried to keep my eyes on the road and steady hands on the wheel.
"Bill? What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow and stopped at the red light, once we approached one. He bit his bottom lip and moved his hand into my inner thigh.
"Y/n...you just...look so sexy tonight, " His eyes were still hooded and his motions were sloppy. I laughed sarcastically and picked up his wrist, placing it on his lap which caused him to whine.
"Babe, you're drunk. We can't do that, " I gave him a small smile as he pouted. He let out a sigh, leaning back into his seat.
"Fine, when...we wake up...though?" He bit his lip as he smiled, looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed before letting out a laugh.
"If the hangover isn't so bad, " I hummed and started to drive again as the lights turned green. He winked and closed his eyes, dozing off to take a small nap.
I groaned as Bill held an arm around me, leaning onto me as I pushed open our front door. "Bill, come on. Wake up, we're home." I sighed and helped him in, closing the door behind us. Every step to our room was a struggle, I had to make sure both I and Bill didn't fall. He was bound to pass out on the stairs. I breathed heavily in relief once we made it to our room, standing by our bedside. The moonlight shined in past our curtains, casting light onto our bedsheets. He let out a groan before falling onto the bed, pulling him down with me.  I let out a yelp and turned to him, feeling his arms around me again.
"5 more minutes..." He mumbled and laid his head on my chest. I pursed my lips and rubbed his back, he snored softly as he lay asleep. I cooed, tracing his back up and down with my nails gently.
"How much did you drink?" I whispered and raised another hand to play with his hair. He smiled against my skin, mumbling in response. I lay there for a few minutes, tracing his back and playing with his hair for a while. Once he was sound asleep, I cautiously pulled him off and adjusted him onto the couch to make him lay on his side. I grunted with each movement as I laid his top knee out and his top arm under his head. (Recovery Position.) I grabbed a fuzzy blanket, laying it out over him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. I ran back out of our room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I breathed heavily as I made it back with a water bottle, sitting by his legs. I sat Bill up, earning a groan. I sighed as I wrapped the blanket over him, picking up the water bottle that lay on the bed. "Drink this, please."
"I don't wanna, " He whined and leaned his head onto me, his arms were wrapped inside the blanket. I bit on my lip, opening the water bottle.
"Please? Bill? You need to, " I pleaded and he sat up, frowning as he stared at me with hooded eyes. He parted his lips and waited as I leaned the bottle to his lips. He took a few sips before closing his lips and taking his final swallow. I pecked his cheek, closing the water bottle. "Good, " I said and he gave me a small smile as his cheeks turned pink. I laid him back down on his side, placing the water bottle on the bedside. "Now, makeup." I huffed and pulled out the pack of makeup wipes, sitting on my legs as I leaned on the bed. Bill closed his eyes as I wiped his eyeshadow and eyeliner off. After a while, I placed the used wipes on the bedside. God, I am too tired to deal with that now. I yawned and cupped his cheek, caressing his cheek with my thumb.
"I love you so much, Y/n. You treat me so well, " He whispered with a smile. I leaned in and pecked his lips, smiling against his lips.
"I'm supposed to, love. Do you wanna cuddle now?" I tilted my head and continued to caress his cheek. He nodded eagerly, opening his arms. I crawled into the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned his head into my chest, leaving soft kisses as he wrapped his arms around me. I yawned, blinking slowly before dozing off.
"Y/nnnn?" Bill called out as he made it down the stairs, frowning as he rubbed his eyes. He groaned as he covered his eyes from the sunlight, peeping through the window blinds. I hummed softly as I tasted the chicken noodle soup from the ladle, adding in more pepper. I felt his gentle grasp around my waist. He groaned and rested his chin on my shoulder, his eyes closed. "My head hurts."
"Well, you drank basically every alcohol you could taste test, dummy, " I rolled my eyes and turned off the stove, Bill pouted in response. "Here, eat first, " I said as I grabbed a bowl, his arms never leaving my waist. I ladled soup into the bowl, blowing on it as I made it toward the table. He smiled a bit, rubbing his eyes as he sat down. I placed a spoon into the bowl, pecking his cheek before going to the cabinet above the sink to grab ibuprofen.
"This is super yummy, " He mumbled as he sipped the soup, I came over and placed two pills near him on a paper towel. "I'm never fucking drinking again, " Bill groaned out, continuing to eat. I snickered and massaged his shoulders, leaning over and pecking his cheek again.
"I'll be there to monitor you next time."
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I've been on a little bit of a first kick recently - so here's a first meeting of reader and him based on this piece of the dolls au by @ovegakart (this amazing comic piece in particular) and on the topic of tagging people I've got some new friends on discord who have a love of first so consider this a gift <3 @fanfic-fairy-fountain @dreaming-of-lu @angry-trashcan @neverchecking <333 enjoy!
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“Hello..? Time… Sky… Link? Is anyone there?”
As if being forced into Hyrule wasn’t bad enough when I was with the chain, now that cursed shadow decides to push it even further by separating me from them? Why not just kill me outright… Is it to try to give the heroes hope? Wouldn’t it be worse for them for it to kill me outright than string them along with false hope?
Where even am I? It looks like… Oh. Alone in catacombs, yeah if there’s anywhere to be killed by a malicious shadowy entity it would be in catacombs. Are there going to be redeads here?  If the rest of the monsters are anything to go off of it’s going to be much worse dealing with them now. They can’t handle sunlight though, can they? 
Then that means the pile of rubble in the centre here should be the safest place for me to think through the best way to handle all of this. If the shadow really wants to get to me then of course that won’t stop it but I have to try something right? Is sitting on top of what looks like a grave a little disrespectful? Yes. Do I have many options at the minute? No.
“What… happened? Where is this place?”
I think without a doubt the sound I’ve just made is the most blood-curdling scream I’ve ever let out and - WHY IS HE COVERING MY MOUTH!?
“I’m sorry I know you’re confus- ACK.”
Was biting him the right option? Probably not! But it’s the only thing I could think of to do seeing as well, I'm not exactly calm at this moment in time. Despite the fact that this man has known me for, what, the span of less than a minute, he seems to have at the very least noticed my panic. Backing off like you would with a scared animal - do I really look that petrified? It’s taking everything in me now to not give into my racing heart. 
“I’m sorry, I must’ve overstepped your boundaries. But please can you not be so loud?”
“... yeah. Yeah I can be a bit quieter”
“So you uhhh-”
Where do I even start - this man just - He just crawled out of a grave. What do you even respond to that with??? 
“...You come round here often?”
[name]. [name] what the heck was that. That's how you flirt with someone at a bar not speak to a living corpse.
“No, I don’t really?”
“Yeah, I figured. I -”
“Are you alright?”
“Look I’m just a bit overwhelmed, I was separated from my group and dropped here then you- You crawled out of a grave and now I’m just?? I’m just stressed and this is only things that have happened today. Now I know that you’re probably more stressed for obvious reasons, but I’m just - I’m sorry for screaming.”
He took a step closer to me at that, not trying to be intimidating, but more cautious. Asking for permission to touch me with an invitingly open outstretched arm, one that seemed to promise some sort of salvation from all the stress I’ve been feeling. One that I was embarrassingly quick to accept. His touch - His hold, is so warm for someone who should really be so cold, there’s definite comfort in feeling his heart beating as well something that proves he’s alive. It didn’t last for long though, as he pulled himself away, reluctantly if I were being bold in how I was to describe it. His fingers lingered, resting on my arm in such a teasingly wanting way. He’s definitely a link thats for sure, that helps me to be more comfortable around him than I would have been with anyone else. He looks like he’s about to start crying.
I - oh god I’m the first person he’s seen since he came back to life. 
“Are you alright link?”
Was that the wrong thing to say? He hasn’t introduced himself to me,  I shouldn’t have said that. It seems like now it’s his turn to look confused - more so than he already was. 
“you how do you know my name?”
“I just guessed, the group I was with before they - well they all looked similar and went by the same name ‘link’ so I just assumed it was the same with you. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”
“No it doesn’t.” Why is he reaching for my face? He’s got such a soft look on his face, do I remind him of someone? He’s been dead so it could be possible I guess, but it feels like there’s more to how he said it than just something that simple. 
“Oh my dearest love...”
His hands are so soft… it’s hard not to just lean into his touch and stay there, but there are more important things to be dealing with right now. As much as I’d prefer to not have these questions answered. 
“What do you mean by that link? I don’t - I don’t think I’ve met you before.”
He’s so warm, I hate the fact that he’s most likely going to stop holding me when he realises I’m not the person he’s really ever going to want in a relationship. 
“You haven’t but, I can already tell that you’ll be my beloved soon enough.”
“I’m sorry? We’ve only just met how can you tell s- ACK”
This has to just be a link thing. What is it that makes them fall so quickly? But to hold someone so tightly when you've only just met them - when you’ve only just come back from death?  That doesn’t seem like a healthy thing for him, not in the slightest. 
Is my shoulder wet?
Why would it be wet - he was tearing up earlier and - no there it is he’s sniffling as if he’s trying his hardest not to cry. Even if he’s mildly delusional how cruel would you have to be to not help someone go through something as tough as this clearly is. It’s not hard to gently rub his back as he cries onto me, it’s not hard to hum to him as he clutches me like a lifeline, it’s not hard to be here for him when I have to do so little for him. 
“Link? Would you like to talk about it? I don’t know you but - but I’ll be here to listen to you.”
“Thank you. It’s simply that I - I don’t know why or how I got here, It’s simply that I woke up in there after everything then I saw you -”
“[name] and well you know what has happened since. I have to thank you for being here though, there’s something about you, some kind of energy that just feels like a part of myself that I lost. You feel like home to me [name]”
With that last sentence, he burrows his head even further into my neck seeking what I can only guess is comfort. He’s probably just desperate for another person's touch right now, rather than him having fallen in love with me from the briefest interaction that didn’t even go that well.   There’s no harm in waiting here with him for a moment though. What could go wrong in this amount of time?
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petersoftparker · 8 months
Medical Assistance needed?
Spider-Man x Civillian!Reader
Warnings: kidnapping, gagging, concussion
The only thing you knew for sure waking up, was that you probably have a concussion. Your eyes weren’t even open yet, but nausea made you gag immediately. “Oh shit, fuck okay” Peter panicked, rolling you onto your side. It took a few minutes of you doing breathing exercises for the feeling that you were about to throw up to pass.
“I’m gonna get us out of this, I promise” You laughed a little in disbelief, but still smiled at Peter reaching out beside you to squeeze his wrist. You didn’t know if it helped him at all, but It gave you some comfort feeling the faint rhythm of his heartbeat. “Don’t be a hero Peter.” You sucked in a breath before continuing “Not your fault we’re in this mess. Who knows maybe they just got the wrong people and they’ll let us go".
Peter sighed, not bothering to contradict you. You both knew that it was unlikely. 
He repeated himself, trying to will himself to be as convincing as possible for you “It’s my job, I am going to get you out of here”. The statement making you pause before hesitantly asking “Your job? What are you talking about”.
“I’m your protector.” “Sorry, what?” You didn’t quite know if you heard him correctly, the ringing in your ears hadn’t fully gone away yet. You squinted giving him a quick once-over. 
Peter had to take his wrist away, already regretting it as he did it. He occupied himself with ripping the bottom part of his shirt off to use a makeshift tourniquet for his leg while explaining “I was chosen by the Avengers, my duty is to protect you at all costs.” 
“Don't wanna be mean but just gotta point out the obvious; you can’t do a pull-up."
He nervously smiled, still staring down at his lap “Surprise! I’m actually a superhero.”
He could tell you were one second away from freaking out about his previous statement, but the door was slammed open before you could. Peter wasn’t caught off guard but you unfortunately didn’t have the same abilities that Peter did. The loud noise and sudden light making you flinch away. Peter shifted his body, trying to give you a chance to adjust to the light and making a barrier between you and the villain. 
The Villain cocked his head, smirk on her face. “Cute. Not effective, but cute.” Peter glared silently. 
“Look, she doesn’t have anything to do with this. Leave her be and I can give you what you want.” 
“And what is it exactly, that you think I want?” The Villain questioned, raising her eyebrow.
Before Peter could answer, someone else walked into the room. Peter noticed that they looked a bit panicked, speaking to the villain in a low tone eyes casted downward. 
“Sir, Iron-Man has been seen on the perimeter” 
“So deal with it.” 
Silence overtook the room as the henchmen made no move to leave, before Villain sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let me guess. You don’t know how.” With a nervous nod from henchmen, Villain snapped “You are incompetent. Fine, I’ll take care of it.” 
She stormed out, swinging the door shut behind her. She didn’t notice the web attached to the handle, which allowed Peter to keep the door cracked open secretly.
“Okay, I’m sorry but we really got to get going. Can you stand?” When you didn’t answer right away he looked over at you to check if you were still awake, your dazed eyes meeting his. Dread pitted at the bottom of his stomach. His tone softened calling out your name quietly. He reached out cupping the back of your head, silently assessing for any major wounds. You responded, throwing a thumbs-up in the air quickly before dropping your hand on the ground “Mhmm, course I can stand. We gotta go?” 
“Yep, we gotta go. We need to get away from the villains remember? Alright, here we go. Nice and easy.” He kneeled beside you for a moment, to slide one arm under your shoulders and the other under your knees. Once the hold felt stable, he slowly stood up. You gasped, not expecting the sudden movement. You squirmed, pushing a hand weakly at his chest “Let go. ‘m fine.” 
He scoffed at your definition of ‘fine’ but offered a simple “Just relax honey, I’ve got you. We’re gonna go home now.” His grip tightened around you when you took his instructions very literally. 
He could hear numerous heartbeats in the building, but since Iron-man’s arrived the number has been steadily dropping. He breathed out in relief and got to work. It was interesting to say the least, most of his missions he didn’t have a running commentary as he fought. “I’m so serious Peter. Listen to me. Why would you hide your abs from the world. Y’should fight the evil people without a shirt. Sometimes.” His cheeks flushed muttering under his breath “Oh my god, we need medical assistance right now”. 
“Hate the little evil freaks. Not cool… Its like Luke yaknow. Would never do that to you.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at you to ask “You would never do what to me?” He assumed you meant Luke Skywalker, but he was having trouble connecting the dots on where your mind went with the last part of your sentence. He was proven correct about his Star Wars guess when you forcefully grabbed his hand that was around your shoulders. “If I’m ever evil, I’ll let you keep this.” “Oh. Thank you.”
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spectersgirl · 1 year
Hi love! I’m not entirely sure how you feel about angst (I’m not the biggest fan of it myself) but I had this idea of Harvey making his usual morally grey decisions and reader getting upset with him about it but with like a super fluffy ending because I need that. ♥️
I do like a bit of angst from time to time, this I can do! I'd love to be able to go more into detail on specifics of cases or what would happen as a punishment but unfortunately, my only legal knowledge comes from the show, sooo this is the best I can do :) I hope you like it!!
Faith in Me
Harvey Specter x Reader
"Harvey, this is wrong and you know it!"
"Whose side are you on here? I'm doing my job, Y/N. You know as well as I do that Hopkins doesn't deserve to go to jail for this! He's innocent. It's total bullshit! I find this document and this whole thing goes away."
"Whose side am I on?! Harvey of course I'm on your side, I'm your wife! Of course I know he doesn't deserve to go away for this, but this isn't the right way to do it."
"Y/N, I don't have time for this. I know you don't like this and neither do I, but it's what I have to do to win this goddamn thing. It's a bluff, and it's gonna work."
Harvey was defending a long-time client who was accused of corporate fraud. He knew this client wasn't guilty, the accuser had been shady the whole way through, and you believed Harvey but this wasn't sitting right with you. You were terrified of the consequences Harvey's actions could cause.
You now stood from the couch in your and Harvey's shared home, pacing through your living room.
"You're manufacturing evidence! Harvey, what if they find out. Do you understand what that means? What this could do to you? To us?" Tears threatened to fall from your eyes now. You both loved and hated the fact that Harvey was willing to fight to the death for what he believed in. It's what made him an incredible lawyer, and an incredible protector as your husband, but it scared the shit out of you when he was willing to cross lines and commit crimes to get what he needed.
He didn't respond. He only sat, watching you carefully, deciding what to say next.
Harvey knew from the first case he'd taken after you joined the firm how you felt about his grey areas and the lines he crossed, and until he met you he never thought twice about doing it. He absolutely hated disappointing you, but he hated losing cases, too. He knew his client deserved to win, but he had to cut a deal to keep this guy out of jail, and he knew the only way to get one was to 'find' this document.
When he finally spoke, he was quieter.
"You know I know what could happen. I'm telling you it won't. I need to do what I do. Please, just have faith in me." His voice wavered, and that was all it took for you to break down. Tears streamed down your cheeks and burned in your throat as you spoke.
"Harvey, I will always have faith in you, I love you. I always will. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to talk you out of this and something happened to you because nobody else had the nerve to tell you that this is a bad idea."
Harvey stood now. He held out as long as get could, but he couldn't handle seeing you like that any longer. He pulled you into his arms and rubbed your back soothingly.
"I know this is hard for you. I'm sorry. It's gonna be okay." He whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"Promise me." You said quietly.
He pulled back, taking you at arm's length and looking deep into your eyes.
"Y/N, I promise. And you know I don't make promises I can't keep."
"Okay. Then if this is what you have to do, I'm behind you."
He searches your face for any signs of hesitation and for the first time tonight, since he told you his plan, he didn't find one.
"You trust me?" He asked earnestly.
"If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have married you." you replied, a small smile appearing on your face.
It was Harvey's turn to smile now.
"Thank you." he whispered, wiping the tears from your face and leaning down to kiss you.
The kiss was full of relief. He felt lighter than he had all day. Not because he'd won the argument, but that he still had your faith in him.
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cloudwhisper23 · 9 months
Greg asked him to meet at the Pizzaplex. He acted like it would solve everything. But to Tony, there was no fixing things. There was only the betrayal he'd suffered at the hands of both Ellis and Greg. He'd said yes anyway though. The damage was done, and Tony had learned from his mistake. He could be friends with Greg, but he wouldn't trust him.
Part of him figured it was more Greg than Ellis who had really changed his story. Ellis wasn't dedicated enough to writing to really even care about how the story turned out. He trusted Tony to handle it. Maybe that was part of the reason it stung so much. Ellis hadn't cared that Greg wanted to change things.
Which meant that Greg had more to make up for, and was probably why he was trying to hard to make Tony feel better. But if he really wanted to cheer Tony up, why would he take him to the Pizzaplex again? Bad reminders were not going to help.
Something about it nagged at Tony. The Pizzaplex was GGY's hunting ground, if his suspicions were correct. Entering that territory without the crowds made Tony nervous.
He shoved a pocketknife engraved with his father's initials into his sweatshirt. Just in case. It couldn't hurt, right?
Greg seemed just as nervous as Tony felt when he got to the Pizzaplex. "Hey."
"Hey." Tony nodded to him, fidgeting with the carved wood in his pocket. "What's the plan?"
"Fazerblast." Greg smiled. "You can handle some games, right?"
Tony's mouth twitched, but he said, "Sure. Where's Ellis?"
"Ah, Ellis isn't coming today. I figured we could meet up with my other friends. The more mature ones."
Tony's brow scrunched. He'd had that exact thought before, of Ellis being too immature. But he never voiced it out loud. It wasn't worth the problems it would cause, even if Tony thought it was true. "Do I know any of them?"
"Not really. They like to hang out at Fazerblast."
"You only like it there because Freddy's your favorite," Tony replied as they entered the mall.
Greg scoffed. "I'm not that shallow. Fazerblast is fun. Ellis is the one who has all the fun at the arcade cabinets. I go all over."
"Right." Tony shrugged.
"Hey, come on. We're here to have fun, remember? Loosen up." The scrutiny Greg had given him at school returned.
"Sorry." Tony pointedly didn't look at Greg.
"Tony." Greg grabbed his arm. "Seriously. Are you going to be a buzzkill?"
"Greg." Tony replied flatly. "You ruined my story about the Pizzaplex, and to make up for it, you took me back to the Pizzaplex. Forgive me if I'm a bit upset."
"What do you want to do then?" Greg seemed irritated. What do you want from me? Tony heard instead.
"I don't know."
"So just trust me. You'll have fun, I promise."
Tony didn't respond to that, but he let Greg lead him all the way to Fazerblast.
"Where are your other friends?" Tony asked, but Greg kept moving. "Wait, this isn't-"
"There's a shortcut to skip the line. Trust me."
Tony was getting more and more concerned the more Greg said that. He took them through a creaking door and up a rickety staircase. Tony tentatively put a hand on the railing, peering over. "Greg, we're above Fazerblast."
"Astute observations as always, Tony." Greg tugged his sleeve impatiently. "We're almost there."
Almost where? Greg said they were going to Fazerblast, but they clearly weren't going to play Fazerblast. Instead, they followed the catwalks to a security office. "Gregory-"
"You've gotta trust me, Tony."
No, I really don't. But he still let the other boy lead him through the door. He scanned the room quickly, weary of the fact that someone had clearly been living in the room. The name Vanny was spray-painted on the wall in capital letters. "Who's-"
Something hit him in the back of the head, and Tony curled in a ball. I shouldn't have trusted him, he thought in a daze as he glimpsed the familiar color of Greg's shoes. He also spotted animatronic feet, but the pain ringing in his head reduced his ability to say much on his own.
Scrambling, Tony backed himself up into an arcade cabinet. "Wha-"
"Tony, Tony, Tony." Greg clicked his tongue, forcing Tony's head up to meet his gaze. "You've gotten yourself into quite a bit of trouble. You almost gave me away! And we couldn't have that."
"Who..." Tony blinked, trying to restore his vision. "You're GGY."
"Looks like you can still think." GGY chuckled. "Are you ready to have some fun, Tony?"
"Not if it's anything like what you did to the others," Tony gritted out.
He was grateful that Ellis wasn't mature enough to connect the dots, not mature enough to care about the hyper-realistic nature of his story. He was grateful Ellis was complacent where Tony hadn't been. Otherwise, they'd both be stuck in this situation. I'm so sorry, El. Tony thought, gripping his pocketknife tightly.
He knew he'd have to stab Greg to escape, and despite the regret he felt deep in his heart, Tony had never felt more alive.
GGY stepped back, cursing under his breath as Freddy Fazbear growled angrily and hoisted Tony off the ground by his shirt. The pocketknife was warm in Tony's grip, blood dripping off the blade as he gasped for air.
"So much bite, Tony!" GGY wiped the blood off his neck. "But you do have more than one option here, you know. We can be friends forever! But you have to follow the rules." Carefully, he pulled the pocketknife from Tony's hand and tossed it across the room.
"I'd rather die," Tony spat when Freddy dropped him.
GGY shook his head. "I think we can change your mind. Freddy, let's go."
Tony blinked as Freddy's stomach hatch opened. GGY grinned at Tony. "I wonder how well you'll fit."
"Wait, no. Don't do this!" Tony stumbled back as GGY tried to drag him forward for Freddy to lift him up. "Let go of me!"
His cries ceased as GGY hit him, this time knocking him out.
When he woke, his hands were bound behind his back. Wriggling determined that his ankles were tied as well. Tony scowled at the gross, burnt tiles.
Wait a minute. This wasn't the Pizzaplex. How did-
The sound of someone else moving made Tony freeze.
"Well, look who's awake!" GGY peered into Tony's face. "Can you guess where we are?"
"This isn't the Pizzaplex..." Tony mumbled. He didn't want to play this stupid game. GGY grabbed his chin and shook it. Tony yanked his head free and looked closer at his surroundings.
There was a show stage, similar to the one the Glamrocks performed on. Arcades were littered around the room, and one wall housed a kitchen area. "We're... in an abandoned pizzeria?" he guessed.
"Not just any abandoned pizzeria!" GGY replied cheerfully. "My sponsor's old pizzeria. Or, I guess, his son's pizzeria." GGY wrinkled his nose slightly at that. "This is where the magic happens!"
"Magic?" Tony replied doubtfully.
"Once you agree to let him into your head, you won't stress about anything else for the rest of your sorry, miserable life!" GGY tapped the tip of Tony's nose. "He will give us instructions, and using our natural personality, we fulfill the demands to keep things running smoothly. When I saw what you did with that short story, I just knew we had to recruit you!"
"And if I refuse?" Tony glared. "You'll do what? Kill me?"
"Well..." GGY studied Tony's face. "We don't really want to kill you, but if you don't join us, we'll have no choice. Ellis would be a great alternative if you said no, don't you think? He already knows the lore of GGY, after all. Courtesy of your story."
"Stay away from Ellis." Tony jerked at his bonds, angry that he couldn't strangle the life out of GGY right there.
"You're the one who makes the decisions."
"If I join you," Tony muttered angrily, "you stay away from Ellis."
"Naturally. We want you, Tony. All we're doing is giving you incentive." GGY grinned. "So you agree then?"
"I'll do it."
"Great! I'll get everything all set up."
Tony's shoulders sank. He didn't know what this cult wanted from him, but their goals couldn't be good. Not if it included killing people.
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average-kitty · 1 year
A Special Bouquet 💐 Part 3
Warnings: SMUT- fingering, Hair pulling, a little bit of degradation?
word count: 2254
A/N: Yall got part 2 to like almost 40 likes so here you go yall crazy ferals, your mean Jenna 🙄
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Jenna and you had started dating not too long after the whole- “incident” and y’all actually got along pretty well, Jenna was always- always offering to help you after she was doing whatever she needed to do for the day. Yet, you always tried to talk her out of helping you but Jenna was stubborn- you learned that pretty quickly. Though even though you always told her she didn’t need to help you out she always did, it could’ve been the smallest thing and she would help you with it. 
Since you and Jenna started dating your shop seemed to always be crowded, Jenna suggested buying a bigger place for the shop but you refused to move, you loved the small and cozy feeling of it- plus you had saved up for all by yourself, way before Jenna. It was a special place for you, Jenna as well but she just helped out so she had an excuse to be with you. You always thought it was a bit stupid of her to come during your work hours but she didn’t seem to care, just dropping in whenever she could.
 Today was like one of those days, you were helping a few people pick flowers out, making sure they didn’t pick the wrong ones for their occasions. It was draining to say the least- you usually only had desperate husbands and older folks coming in and they were pretty easy to handle, but now your spectrum was much wider. Young teens, married couples, or couples who were planning their wedding, you name it they came to your shop. As you were finishing up with a few guys after they had finally decided on what to get their girlfriends you waved them bye- as they walked out the door, Jenna walked in.
“Jennaaaa…” you chuckled softly “What?” She gave you a small smirk as she walked behind the counter giving you a light kiss on your forehead “I thought I might as well stop by, I was close by.” You rolled your eyes at her with a small smile “You were literally not even a block down today…” “My point exactly.” She retorted, you scoffed at her snappy attitude “Geez you’re a bit rude today aren’t you?” You tilted your head to the side at her, returning her smirk. Jenna snickered softly, nodding her head with a small smile. “I just missed you, now you’re making me feel bad for loving you.” “Jenna quit it…!” You giggled softly as you shoved her back lightly, she took a dramatic gasp “After all I’ve done!” 
She threw her hands up acting extremely offended, you just laughed at her as you rolled your eyes yet again. “Now go home will you? I’ve got this, it’s only 30 minutes before I close up.” Jenna had a bit of a worried look as she sighed “Are you absolutely sure Y/N?” You scoff at her, crossing your arms. “I did this for 5 years before you walked in, im sure I can manage what I started.” 
She didn’t respond for a few moments before she let her head hang. “Fine, but if you’re absolutely exhausted when you get home, remember that it’s not my fault.” “Yeah yeah, now shoo!” You giggle as you walk her to the door “I’m going I’m going!” She chuckled before turning her head to give you a quick kiss on your lips, then she finally walked out and waved you bye as she hopped in her car. You waved her bye as well, watching her drive off, then you walked back in to clean up and do whatever you usually needed to do before leaving for the day.
You finally locked up the shop for the day, sighing deeply, in the last 5 minutes of your open hours a large group of women walked in, and of course, they were looking for flowers for a friend’s proposal. You were absolutely exhausted, like Jenna had told you you would be. You walked to your car as you got in taking another deep breath, pulling out your phone and pulling up your texts with Jenna- sending a message to her:
Y/N💕: Just got done, be there in a few sorry
as you sent down your phone you started up the car, not even a minute later you begin to drive to your shared apartment with Jenna. 
About 4-5 minutes later you pull into the front of the building, pulling your key out of the car and parking it. You stepped out of the car, closing the door behind you and stepping into the building, making your way to the elevator and pressing the 7th floor. Once you heard the ding of the elevator you stepped out and walked to the front door of you and Jenna always walked through, you unlocked the door as gently as you could trying not to make any loud noises just in cause Jenna was asleep. You walked in and closed the door behind you, locking it again as you took off your shoes and set down all of your stuff. 
Jenna immediately perked up from her stop on the couch, smiling at you and getting up and walking over to you, though usually- you loved being greeted like this by her you held your hands out in front of your body, keeping your distance from her body. Jenna looked at you with a puzzled expression “Baby? Are you okay?” The obvious worry was easy to hear in her voice was she spoke. “I just- need to go lay down…” you sigh as you tried to talk to the bedroom but Jenna gently grabbed your wrist stopping you “Y/N- did something happen?” 
You were already ready to snap- you really, really didn’t want to yell at her but you couldn’t hold in your frustration anymore “NO! NOTHING HAPPENED OKAY?!” You snap at her harshly, though Jenna didn’t budge “You should’ve let me stay and help you…” “I DONT NEED YOUR HELP WITH THE SHOP ALRIGHT? YOU DONT NEED TO WATCH OVER ME LIKE IM A LITTLE KID!” You hiss at her, your words hurt her a lot- but she could tell you were just stressed from the day. 
Jenna’s brows furrowed at your harsh done, her grip tightened around your wrist “So that’s how you’re gonna talk to me? After what I’ve helped you with? You’re just gonna treat me like I’ve been doing the wrong thing this whole time, I thought I was being a good girlfriend to you.” She scoffed “I never said you weren’t Jen-“ Before you could even finish your sentence her other hand had grabbed your hair, wrapping around her fist as she tugged it sharply making you wince “Shut up. If you want a bad girlfriend then fine, I’ll be a bad girlfriend.” She muttered at you in a Husky voice, your eyes widening at her sudden aggression. 
She walked you to the kitchen counter as you were stumbling backwards, she turned your back to face her as she shoved you down on it, making you groan in frustration “Jenna quit it-“ “I  told you to SHUT UP, are you fucking deaf?” You flinch back from her words, you want to apologize for how you yelled at her but you felt one of her hands on the back of your left thigh, the other still holding your hair tightly. 
She didn’t say a word as her hand worked it’s way across each of your thighs, a soft whimper escaped your lips as you felt her soft skin touching yours. “J-Jenna wait please-“ Her hand pulled your hair a bit making your head lean back, a groan escaping. “I don’t care if you’re not ready now, you’re gonna have to deal with me now- whether you like it or not.” She almost growled the words at you, a tingle being shot up your body. Her hand continued to work across your thighs before you felt her lifting your skirt a bit- you hadn’t had time to change when you got home since you had yelled at her, now you regretted opening your mouth even more. 
Her fingers gently glided across your thong as you almost immediately let out a soft moan “Geez your acting like you’ve never felt something like that…” She scoffed in a teasing manner “I haven’t, I never do anything sexual to myself- or other people for that matter….” You grumble, trying to ignore the fact that her single touch had already made you feel sopping wet. “Well I’ll tell you one thing, in the future I’ll be a lot gentler- but today I could care less how much you don’t want it.” She let her fingers run up against you again as you whimpered softly, your body eager but your mind wanting anything but what she was about to do to you- as you, were of course expecting the worst. 
She pushes your  thong to the side and before you can get a word out she presses her finger up against your clit, and just like that you let out a deep and desperate moan- your legs shaking. Jenna only chuckled as you were trying your best to keep from seeming like a complete- slut… her finger started to rub your clit as it ached for any sense of pleasure it could get, you continued to let a few moans slip out as Jenna continued to tease you. “You like that huh?” She softly whispered, you immediately nodded your head at her question, your body being lost in complete and utter pleasure. 
“Do you want me to go further…?” You let out whined of desperation as you nodded again, without even giving you a second to prepare yourself she moved her hand to your entrance and slid a finger in. Your body shivered at the sensation as your legs shook, you wanted to hide your red face from her but she still had your hair in her grip. Your stomach felt like it was in a knot as you groaned softly, the years of refusing to experience this type of pleasure made it feel like every single little touch was the best thing to ever happen to you.
 Jenna sighed softly at the sight of you, feeling your muscles tightening around her finger, she gently leaned her body on top of your back as she exhaled against your neck causing you to shiver. “You’re gonna love every second of this….” She sighed in a hushed voice, her lips pressing against your neck as she kissed you gently, her tongue circling the kiss as she chuckled softly pushing her finger farther into you. You took a shaky gasp of air, exhaling in- as much of a muted moan you could manage, biting your bottom lip as she kissed your neck again.
You felt her teeth digging into the skin on your neck, you whimpered softly as she held the bite for a little bit, obviously wanting to leave a mark. Once she felt like she had made a dark enough mark her teeth let go of your neck and she gently licked the marking to soothe the stinging pain you were feeling. She slowly started pumping her finger in and out of you, causing you to bite your lip harder in an attempt to keep yourself quiet. 
“Where’d all those moans and whines I was hearing earlier go…?” Jenna questioned in a soft voice her mouth near your ear as she spoke, you whined softly in response, not wanting to give into her teases at all. Jenna frowned a little bit, taking your silence to be a challenge- as you were struggling to keep your shaking body until control you felt another finger or two slip in immediately causing you to let out a loud moan of pleasure, your hips leaned into her fingers, whining desperately. 
Your mind was a fog of Pleasure and desperation, you wanted so much more of what little she was giving you, your body was aching for more. “p-please…” You mumble, Jenna perked up a bit at the sound of your slightly raspy voice “Please what? You’ve gotta specify what you want…” She chuckled “That’s kind of basic human knowledge-“ she snickered with a hint of teasing giggling hidden in her words “please…j-just give me more…I-I can’t take this…” you pant softly biting your lip after you finished your sentence, your hips still trying to find any sort of friction from her fingers. “You sure you want more?” Jenna questioned with a tilt of her head, you nodded your head frantically. 
You were half expecting Jenna to continue but you felt her fingers slipping out of you, causing a soft groan to roll off of your tongue. “Well you’re gonna have to learn to take breaks if you want more of that.” She crossed her arms as you mustered up all of your strength to turn yourself around to look at her. “W-wait what…? You’re just gonna stop?!- just like that?” Your eyes were wide with surprise as you were looking up to Jenna’s cold doe like eyes. “Just like that.” She retorted to you, then she let a soft sigh out and walked to the shared bedroom of you two and locked the door behind her.
Leaving you at the counter, hair a mess, sweaty and dripping wet. You couldn’t even say anything you were so shocked, but maybe she had a point-
(part 4 isn’t ready yet so no like goal for this one 🫶)
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hey emily!! it’s me again lol. sorry for adding to your list of things to write!!
i was trying to think of some kind of one shot i’d like, and i remember that my friend and i were talking a bit ago and she said i kind of looked like Speirs, which at first i didn’t agree.. but now i can sorta see it?? we have mostly the same coloring except for the eyes. plus our noses are similar and our eyebrows. ANYWAY, it just gave me the idea of a one shot where i’m Speirs’ little sister and maybe i’m a nurse in easy company, but he’s a very ‘protective older brother’ type so none of the guys even want to cross that line. UNTIL winters (my bae 😔) and i develop feelings for each other and start to date and be all bf/gf in secret until Speirs finds out. And so then there might be some conflict there or maybe he’s fine cause it’s Dick, who knows?
But yes that’s just an idea that i’ve been thinking about for a bit, i don’t have a brother and have always wanted one, i think Speirs would be the perfect scary older brother lolol. anyways im super excited to see what you do with this!! thanks! <3
(p.s i emotionally cant handle bad endings so if there’s any way you could have it end well i would SUPER appreciate it!)
also I didn't proofread this so apologies for any typos 🫠
Thank you so much for the request Lara! Hope you enjoy 🥰
Ron and the Unknown Soldier
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Dick Winters x Speirs!Medic!Reader
1,190 words
The officers were having the time of their lives in the Eagle’s Nest, resting out in the sun with the best champagne available. Ron had other things on his mind, though. Someone was dating Easy Company’s medic, (y/n). Something like this would, typically, never cross his mind twice. However, this certain medic was Ron’s baby sister. He heard from Lieutenant Lipton that the medic was absolutely smitten with a boy in 2nd Battalion, and Ron could not help but be infuriated. He knows the boys, especially in Easy Company. They’re good soldiers, stellar soldiers, but Ron has seen how quickly they love and leave women - thinking about (y/n) falling for some lousy corporal who will leave as soon as the next girl comes his way lit an angry fire in Ron’s soul.
Ron remembered when Lipton first told him about the rumor - it was about a month ago, in Hagenau. That night, Ron showed up unannounced to (y/n)’s billet and knocked on the door. He noticed the sounds of hurried shuffling and hushed voices behind the door, his concern only growing. (y/n) finally opened the door, but just enough to stick her head out.
“Ron? What’re you doing here?”
“We need to talk.”
“Um…okay, let me put something on.”
She quickly shut the door and more shuffling and hushed voices ensued. Ron could barely make out “-leave now”, “I’ll see you tomorrow”, and “love you more.” Before Ron could run to the other side of the house to catch the boy in question, (y/n) opened the door back up, bathrobe wrapped around her.
“Come on in Ron, what's wrong?” She asked her older brother, closing the door and sitting beside him on the bed.
Ron folded his arms and looked at the floor - the situation had been buzzing in his head all day, but now that he was here to confront (y/n), he was quite unsure how to broach the topic. He took a breath before replying.
“I know you’re an adult and can make your own decisions, but I promised Mom and Dad I’d look out for you while we’re in Europe.” (y/n) nodded along, furrowing her brow in concern. “I heard a rumor that you’re… going with another soldier in the battalion, is that true?” (y/n)’s eyes grew wide before responding.
“I…umm… who told you that?”
“Lieutenant Lipton.”
(y/n) mumbled a swear under her breath - who the fuck told Lipton??
“Is it true (y/n)?”
The medic put her head in her hands - she didn’t want to lie to her brother, but she also wanted her boyfriend’s life to be spared.
“As you said, Ron, I’m a grown-up and I can make my own decisions.”
That was all the confirmation Ron needed. He took a sharp inhale and began pacing the small room.
“Who is he!?”
“I’m not telling you, Ron!”
“WHO. IS. HE.” Ron glared at (y/n) more intensely than ever, his hands on his hips and chest heaving in rage.
“Ron he’s a good man! He’s kind, caring, attentive, supportive-”
“He acts like that now, but just like any other enlisted boy he’s going to leave you high and dry, and when that happens I’m going to ki-”
“Ron, it’s not like that, I promise,” (y/n) looked up at her brother sincerely. She wasn’t lying, he wasn’t like the other enlistees - he was an officer. “Look, I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I really like him and will keep seeing him. If he does anything, though, you know you’re the first person I’m coming to.” The girl got up and stood before her brother with a warm smile and arms outstretched. The captain took a deep breath before nodding in understanding and accepting his sister’s hug. Ron held her tight in his arms and kissed the top of her head, silently plotting how to take care of this mysterious soldier.
Ron was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Dick’s voice calling to him. The officer sat up in his seat on Nixon’s chair, noticing Lipton and (y/n) trailing behind Major Winters.
“Hey Adolf! Love your Eagle’s Nest!” Harry Welsh greeted Winters and his companions. Dick smiled at Harry and turned to a paper in his hand, reading out that the German army had surrendered - the war in Europe was over. While the officers were processing the information, Dick pointed a finger at Speirs.
“Ron, I need to talk to you,” he informed the captain, beginning to walk back inside. Ron tried to shake the inebriation from his brain before following the commanding officer, praying it wasn’t something too important. The officers made their way to a living room-style area, containing two couches across from each other, a coffee table in between. Speirs took a seat on one couch, and Dick sat across from him. Speirs, in his state, had not noticed that (y/n) had followed the pair to the room - the girl sat next to the redhead and smiled at her brother.
“(y/n)? What’re you doing here?”
“Ron, do you remember back in Hagenau when you heard that (y/n) was going with a soldier?”
“Yeah, did you find out who?” Ron leaned forward intensely, praying for a chance to beat up the soldier who dared to try and date his sister.
Dick let out a quiet chuckle and looked at the ground.
“Oh, I know who it is…”
“Then spit it out!” Ron started to get frustrated at the pair - he needed them to just tell him who-
Suddenly, (y/n) looked softly at Ron and took Dick’s hand in hers. It took a moment for Ron to study the gesture, a lightbulb flashing in his head after a moment.
“Are you telling me… back when I talked to you at your billet…”
(y/n) giggled before answering, “Yes, Dick was scrambling to climb out the back window before you saw him.” The major shook his head in amusement, his cheeks starting to match his ginger hair.
Ron just sighed and put his head in his hands. He had been a little stricter than he needed to be with Easy Company since discovering the relationship, but now he realized that he was intimidating the poor boys without a purpose.
“...why didn’t you tell me?” Speirs asked genuinely, looking up at the pair.
“We wanted to wait until the war was over, since life was so unpredictable,” (y/n) explained.
“Besides, even I was nervous to tell you that I was dating your sister,” Winters added with a laugh. The siblings returned the laughter, (y/n) placing a quick kiss on Dick’s cheek.
“Well, since the man you’re seeing happens to be one of the finest soldiers I’ve ever met, I think I can let him live,” Ron said with a smirk. The trio laughed together once more before standing to leave, both Dick and (y/n) exchanging hugs with Ron. As the three walked back to the company, Winters holding (y/n)’s hand, they knew that they had a lot of explaining to do.
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Hi!! How are you fellow ace person? I came across your blog recently and um in love! Could I request some fluffy headcanons for Marina from Fear and Hunger with a male S/O? Preferably in a scenario after the ending where everyone survives the Termina festival? Thank you <33
Ps. Love your writing style! have a nice day/night :]
Hello fellow Ace Person! I am doing well! And you most certainly can request some! Also, thanks for the compliment! I do try and hold myself to a particular standard of quality.
(I wish there were more high quality Marina .Png's)
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Marina Dolmek sat on the living room sofa with her arms crossed and a scowl carved onto her face as she glared at the coffee table.
Oh how she despised those nightmares of hers.
Still… it’s to be expected after… everything that happened in Prehevil.
The things she saw in that place were going to stick with her for the rest of her life.
Everyone in her little family of mutually adopted crazies would say the same.
Even now, as she looked out the window, she could see the lights in their homes flicker.
Marina was happy.
It had been five years since Prehevil by this point.
Their group had rode the rails for days, until the train ran out of coal to keep itself fueled.
Then they got out, and walked.
And walked.
And walked.
Eventually, they came to this place.
It was small, and out of the way but still had modern amenities with it being semi close to a port city.
After learning that, it was decided.
Everyone called for what living family they had.
Getting Marcoh’s sister was perhaps the most… complicated of the retrievals…
However, it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle.
Especially with Levi having an actual marksman rifle as opposed to some beat up, barely functioning pistol.
But, despite how much her and Marcoh’s sister hit it off talking about girly things, that was not what she enjoyed most about getting her out here.
That honor goes to her meeting you when their group got back.
She admits she doesn’t remember much about what happened.
As it turns out, using the magic of a new god called “The Tormented One” a bit too much can cause some… backlash.
Nothing too bad…
Just her feeling like her skin is being flayed off, her blood boiling, and her skull is being cracked open by massive fists.
Still, Marina was a tough girl, and she only screamed a little…
Okay, a lot.
Nonetheless, after she felt normal again, she woke up to see the person who took care of her the entire time she was… indisposed.
That person was you.
From there, she took an interest in you.
She didn’t know why.
Mayhaps the dredges of the long dead Sylvian brought the two of you together?
If so, she would have to thank her in some way.
And maybe do the same for the Tormented One, if a bit spitefully.
“Can’t sleep?” your groggy voice shook Marina out of her thoughts.
“Not really, sorry if I woke you.” Marina responded.
“Hmmh.” you grunted in response as you sat next to her, placing your head on her shoulder.
“Marina?” You muttered.
“Yes?” Marina responded.
“I love you.” You told her drowsily.
“Awww! I love you too!” Marina cooed, happy you were probably too asleep to notice the blush on her face.
You were not.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
warm you up ㅡ park gunwook (requested)
park gunwook x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : none !! i'm sorry i took so long with your ask dear anon :(( hope you'll like it
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gunwook was close to cry when he saw you this morning in your big puffer. you looked so cute, trying to disappear in it to protect yourself from the cold.
but as much as he find it endearing, he could see you were really, really cold.
you hated winter. well, no, you loved looking at the snow by the window, being wrapped up in a plaid with a hot chocolate and a christmas movie for background noise. but as soon as you stepped outside, you just wished you were back to the warmer days.
school was hell. you were pretty sure the whole academic system was made to cause your downfall, because why the fuck would they send you on a school trip during winter? and it wasn't some school trips where you could spend the day indoors, no, they sent guys to the fucking mountains to go hiking.
if you hated winter (the season ‼️😟), gunwook will hate it as well. even as a friend, he's kind of a protective person and he likes to help his dear ones in whatever situation. now you were feeling cold, and it was not just because you were overly sensitive to this weather, it was in fact VERY cold. oh, how he wished he could just take you somewhere and hug you to warm you up. but he couldn't just leave the rest of the class with you to take you somewhere hot. plus, he was way too shy to hold you in his arms.
throughout the day, gunwook tried to warm you up subtly. it was just small little things, and you didn't even realize his attentions earlier. at first, he was clumsy as he didn't know what to do. he stole your phone to make you run and feel warmer... yeah, you weren't very happy about it. then, he made sure when you walked that you were always on a spot where the sunlight was hitting, so you could be where it's hotter. but gunwook figured out it wasn't enough at all.
"y/n, what do you think about my gloves?"
"hum... they look good?"
you were taken aback by the sudden and weird question, but you answered anyways. gunwook stretched his arms to you his gloves better.
"you want to try them on?''
"why would i want to try them on-"
"okay, i'm letting you try them only because it's you."
you accepted with frowned eyebrows, confused about his actions, but you let it be only because you had no gloves and you would love to warm up your hands even for seconds. he took off his gloves and insisted on putting them for you, which you let him do. while you were looking at your hands now covered with his black woolen gloves, gunwook also took off his scarf to wrap it around your neck and your head to cover your ears. you looked at him, even more confused.
you didn't have to ask him anything, because he talked before you could.
"i was thinking they would suit you better than me."
"aren't you cold?" you asked a bit worried.
"don't worry, i can handle this kind of weather", he responded, trying to look cool.
"tch, you're bragging" you scoffed.
you looked at his hands that were already getting red from the cold. you sighed : he didn't have to endure the cold for you... you looked back up to him with a smile.
"thank you, gunwook."
and now, the redness of his hands went to his cheeks, because you took his hand in your and put it in your pocket.
"let's go, we have to catch up with the rest of the class."
gunwook let you drag him happily towards the rest of the group, and despite the freezing weather, he couldn't help but feel warm thanks to your hand.
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sniigura-archive · 1 year
come see inside my heart (1)
spencer reid x fem! reader
Summary: You’re rehabilitated! You swear on it! So, when a serial killer turns up, with the same killing method as you, it threatens everything you have worked not-so hard for.
tw/cw: CANON TYPICAL VOILENCE AND THEMES! This chapter is mild but! Further chapters will deal with mature topics, read at your own risk! I am not responsible for you guys. I take no critism btw
Read on AO3 for better formatting + tagging. Enjoy.
This isn’t Spencer´s scene. He knew it, his team knew it, and so did the woman and men who approached him. A successful caught criminal means a night out at a bar, or club in this scenario. Usually he could handle it, the people, the sounds, the overstimulation of his senses.
Sadly, today was a bad day, where everything was just a bit too much. So he excused himself to the restrooms, but he just ended up going through the back door, into an alley. It was dirty, with trash everywhere, but it was better then being inside right now. Spencer planned to be alone, for like 10 minutes to recharge and try again.
But, well, he wasn’t alone. A girl was crouching on the floor. Her arms over her knees, hiding away her face.
“I’m sorry… are you in need of assistance? Are you hurt?” Spencer carefully asked.
The girl lifted her head up, looking right at him with cold eyes. He wishes she was just looking at him, it felt like he was being looked right into. She was unraveling him, simply with her eyes. His soul was laid bare before her.
“…No, sorry if I scared you. I’m just trying to recharge my social battery.” Her hands rubbed over her forehead. She still made no move to get up.
Spencer carefully nodded, a small voice told him if he said the wrong thing, or made the wrong move that she would leave. He doesn’t want her to leave.
“I can relate to that, that’s why I also came out here.” Spencer said, he then tried to casually lean against the wall behind him. Once he came in contact with the wall, he felt it crumble under him. He quickly pulled away and wiped away the dirt from his cardigan.
And even though Spencer hates dirt, and he knows he will have to bleach his clothes and himself once he get’s home, he thinks it’s worth it. Simply because you giggled at him. He looked at you, still on the ground, but your lips were pulled into a grin. He couldn’t help but smile at you back.
“I thought you looked like a smart guy, guess I was wrong.” Your tone was teasing, and the playful insult causes him to blush in embarrassment.
“Yeah, well…Uhmm…Yeah..” And usually Spencer was quick with his words, his brain constantly on overdrive. And he could easily come up with some witty respond. His problem right now? The intense eye contact you guys held. Spencers only salvation was looking away. He took a deep breath and finally spoke,
“Well, actually I have three Phds and an IQ of 187. You tell me if that makes me an smart guy.”
“Three? Dude, how old are you?” You looked at him with big eyes.
“24.” At his answer you looked even more shocked, “Do I look that old?” He tried to tease you.
“No! No, its just I am 26 and I am not even close to three Phds, or an IQ of 187. I’m kind of envying you right now.” You slowly stood up, shaking out your legs.
“I also have eidetic memory.” You looked at him with confusion, “It’s, uh, commonly known as an photographic memory.”
“Now you’re just bragging. But being able to remember everything? That’s something I don’t envy. I love my mind for being able to repress things.”
“It’s true, it’s not always…easy. It’s very practical though in my line of work.” Spencer shifted from one leg to the other. Speaking to people wasn’t his forte, especially ones in his age rage who he was attracted to.
“Oh? What’s your occupation?” You tilted your head slightly to the side, looking him up and down.
“I work for the FBI, in the, uh, Behavioural Analysis Unit.” Spencer cleared his throat, trying to shake off his nervousness. He can talk to serial killers, but one pretty girl leaves him speechless.
“Wow! A doctor and agent? You are really an high achiever.” Spencer laughed slightly at your words, “Yeah, my name is Spencer Reid, by the way.”
You told him your name and stretched out your hands towards him. “Uhm, actually, did you know its safer to kiss then to shake hands? Yeah! It’s because of the-“
“Well, let’s kiss then.” You giggled at his stuttering, and the blush coating his cheeks and ears, “I’m just kidding! Unless..” Tip toeing towards him, you leaned your shoulder against the wall, looking right at Spencers side profile. He turned his head towards you, not wanting to miss a secound of looking at you.
His heart was pounding in his chest, his hands were starting to sweat.
“Can I have your number?” Spencer helplessly blurred out. Hopefully you were as interested in him as he was in you.
“Ah, I don’t think you will actually like me..” You trailed off, but still smiled at him.
“Why? You can’t know that.”
“Hmm, I do know, sadly. I’m not really…a good person, you know? I’m probably on some kind of watchlist.” You looked away from him, your finger was playing around with your lips.
“No way! I don’t believe you.” Spencer tried to convince you otherwise. In his head, he knew that this was a warn sign from you. Either you suffered from low self esteem, were not interested in him and tried to shake him off, or you were telling the truth. Please, be a liar. “What terrible thing did you commit?”
You hummed, your face losing its smile and you spoke in a whisper, “I’m a serial killer.”
Spencer’s blood ran cold at your words, he couldn’t tell if you were joking or not. But his question was quickly answered, because you started laughing, “You should have seen your face! For legal reasons I was joking, obviously.” You bumped your shoulder against his and made your way back to the door. “Bye bye, doctor Reid, you might get my number the next time we meet.” And with that you disappeared inside.
His saving grace was Morgan calling him, asking if he fell down the toilet or something. Spencer hurried back inside, the whole night he didn’t see your face again.
You always meet someone twice. Spencer could curse whoever came up with that phrase, but well. He also cursed himself. Wishing to meet the pretty stranger from last week shouldn’t be too much to ask for. But, with his bad luck, it is apparently.
Spencer got what he asked for, he met you again. Sadly, under bad circumstances. While he daydreamed about sitting across from you at a dinner, he didn’t really expect to see you sitting in the interrogation room at the DC police station. While he could see you through the glass, you weren’t able to see him.
Hotch and Gideon stood beside Spencer, looking into the room, studying you, “She won’t crack, she didn’t when she was 16 and she sure won’t now at 26.” Gideon said into the silent room, Hotch nodded his head.
“We still have to try, we have no other choice.” Hotch replied in his usual even tone.
Gideon looked at the file in his hand, he then made his way inside to you. He sat himself across from you and sighed, “Weren’t you supposed to keep out of trouble?”
“…I do.” Your voice was stable, your hand was playing around with your handcuff.
“Yeah? Well, it doesn’t look like that to me.” With that Gideon opened the file and put the pictures of the crime scenes on the table. Only catching a glimpse of the content of the pictures, you turn your head away to the wall. Spencer was able to catch you grimacing.
“Yikes, want me to pass out?”
“There is no blood in those pictures. Take a look at them.”
Slowly, you turned your head back towards Gideon, avoiding looking at the table. With a deep sigh you looked at the pictures, Your brows were furrowed, studying the pictures, or more like trying to, because after a few seconds you started gagging and quickly turned them around, so you didn’t have to see them again.
“What the hell does this have to do with me?”
The pictures weren’t even gruesome, for the standard of the FBI. It were simple corpses, no guts, blood, or even visible bruises.
“Where were you last Tuesday, from 8PM to 11PM?”
“…I was at home?”
“You have any witnesses?”
“Yeah, actually. We have cameras all around and inside the house. My car and phone are also both being constantly tracked. Don’t worry, Jason, I can’t make a step without everyone knowing.” And with that you leaned against your chair, your arms crossed across your chest. You were shutting down.
Gideon noticed this and got up, knowing this was as much as he could get. He joined the other men on the other side of the glass.
The team was depriving with the police department, on what next steps they should take.
“The Heart, known for his obsession with blood. It is actually an unsolved case in the FBI, the Heart was active from 2010 to 2013 and seemingly stopped his killing abruptly. The profile which was established back then was of a white male, in his 20’s to early 30’s, someone who was charismatic and worked in the medical field. What’s really interesting about this case is the time frame, or more like the time in which the kills committed. Usually, serial killers evolve, the time between kills becomes less and less, the need for a high rising. With this one here, the time frame between the kills becomes more, as if the killer is seemingly lost interest.” Spencer rambled on.
“That’s great and all, but what does this have to do with the girl we took into custody? I know her Daddy, and I’m afraid he will come in here raise Hell soon. Do we even have any evidence.” A random police officer called into the room.
“We are aware that our current custodee seems innocent, but we have reasons to believe that she is in fact the Heart killer. We just…weren’t able to prosecute her. This may change now. We can hold someone in custody without evidence for 48 hours, I advise that was use the time wisely.” Aaron said, establishing dominance. The team was aware that the police officers were antsy, convincing them to take you into custody was hard enough.
Their job was just about to become harder, because two men entered the police department.
“Tell me a good reason on why I shouldn’t sue you and your whole bloodline.” One of the men spoke angrily.
“Sir, do you know where your daughter was last Tuesday from 8PM to 11PM?” Gideon calmly asked the upset father, “She claims to have been at home. Can you support that statement?”
“I don’t have to, we have cameras at our hose. We can check right now, if you want to. The video files are uploaded to our cloud.” The father carefully phrased, not wanting to incriminate his daughter any further. He made eye contact with the other man, a lawyer, who nodded his head.
This was a quick process, the video files were send to Garcia and she checked for any kind of manipulation.
“Well, depending on who hears this, it’s either good or bad news. The alibi is waterproof, no! It’s bulletproof. Not even for last Tuesday, but for all the murder times. On the day she wasn’t home, you can easily track her to the campus library, where they have video surveillance. So, yeah, not our guy…gal.”
“Thanks, Garcia.” With that Hotch ended the phone call. He looked at the projection of you in your home in one video, in the next it’s set in the library. He really hoped this would be an easy wrap up.
“What if she has a partner?” Morgan threw into the room, wanting to nothing more then to send you away for life.
“No. She keeps to herself and seems to be introverted.” Hotch answered. “We have no other choice but to let her go. Reid, release her. This doesn’t mean we won’t keep an eye on her, of course.” With these words Hotch left the room, probably sharing the news with the other law enforcement members.
Spencer made his way to you, keys in his hand. He opened the door, and took his time studying you without the glass separating you both. It was the middle of the night, you simply wore a tank top and shorts, sleep wear. Across your legs and arms were countless bruises, some old and some new. Scars lined your skin, some on your neck, those were small and delicate. Others were an your arm, your wrists, your thighs. Of course, the mandatory knee scars from being a kid weren’t missing. And Spencer would nearly miss it, if he wasn’t painfully familiar with them.
Small, circular scars on your arm. Old track marks. They were scarred over and there was no bruising, a good sign.
You didn’t bother looking at who came through the door, your house being raided in the middle of the night kinda ruined your mood. All you want to do is sleep. For once in your life, you were innocent!
Spencer walked towards you, he then carefully unlocked your handcuffs. Looking up, you saw the cute guy from the club. You kinda missed him.
“I didn’t do it.” You quickly said, not knowing what else to do.
“…I know.” Spencer spoke quietly, your alibi saved you. “The, ah, victimology doesn’t fit at all, the Heart killed at random while this one, while using the same killing method, has a specific victim type.”
“Yeah, girls who look like me. Just because I’m squeamish as hell, doesn’t mean I can’t make the obvious connection.”
This is embarrassing for Spencer, because truthfully, he didn’t make the connection. Yet. Maybe he should look for a different career path. Once your hand was free, you massaged your temples. You left the room and walked into the police station, the officers looked uncomfortable. Spencer followed you.
“…It might be a copycat. The killing methods and Victimology suggest that it’s an obsessive fan. Have you noticed anyone following you recently? Or a constant feeling of being watched?” Spencer couldn’t help but ask you, any information is good information. And any attention from you is good attention.
You turned towards Spencer, looking up at him. He could feel the anger radiating off you.
“Or, unpopular opinion, I also didn’t commit the first murders and it’s the true killer returning. Ever thought of that, Phd boy? I was just accused of murder back then! Without any evidence! Why is there no evidence? Because I’m innocent! Just because your fucking senior over there used his what? Magic super powers of reading fucking body language? Get fucked, honestly.” You turned away from Spencer completely, choosing to only look at your father.
“We are…Sorry for the inconvenience, the profile just fit and we didn’t think it through. Life’s are at stake here, and you did commit a murder.” Hotch tried to defuse the tense atmosphere, the team knew that the police officers were very sceptical towards the BAU. This could ruin any relationship and progress they made.
“You call it murder, the Judge and I call it self defense. Agree to disagree, I guess? Or are you salty that you weren’t able to catch the phedophillic serial rapist back then? Sorry that I killed him when he attacked me, next time I will remember to just not defend myself, asshole.”
Your father put a hand on your shoulder, a signal to stop. Your lawyer thankfully didn’t look stressed out, so you didn’t say anything too incriminating. Crossing your hands over your chest, you decided to shut up for the rest of your stay here.
“We would love to help you, Agent. We truly do, but if this is all we would like to leave now.” Your father carefully said. Innocent until proven otherwise.
There is not much Hotch could do, since it was now clear that you were not behind the murders. He nodded his head, “Of course, once again we are sorry for the intrusion.”
With that you once again leave Spencer behind. How inappropriate would it have been to ask you for your number?
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pink-and-pearls · 2 years
Hey boo....i kinda sad these few days can I ask you a request about how Madara would handle his lover in a sad mood and wanted to be alone? Like the darling not always behaving like this... you can make headcanon about this oh and she had beef with Uchiha member and reader just new to the clan and such...hehe can you make it comfort? I love you you can always decline this thanks 👍
A/N: Hi dear, sorry to hear that : / I hope you're doing a bit better. Sorry if it took forever to respond and I hope this will help you to feel better 🥰 <3<3
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, there might be mistakes, so please be indulgent with me. I am trying.
Madara x sad!Reader
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You have always tried your best to be happy, to put on your brightest smile and to simply not let things get in your way, but you have reached a point where you simply can’t pretend anymore.  “Why, why does this have to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?” you asked yourself. It didn’t help that some Uchiha members treated you poorly, whenever they had the chance and whenever Madara wasn’t around you, they immediately looked down on you, they picked on you and they constantly mocked you...
Once you got back home, you made yourself a cup of tea. Sitting by the porch of your house, shedding a few tears as you were indulged in your deep thoughts; you had barely noticed you lover when he pushed the door open.
“Y/n?”, he said noticing the gloomy aura surrounding you. He wasn’t sure how to approach you. He is used to your bubbly self. The one that jumps in his arms as soon as you see him. The one that would smile and giggle around him, but none of that. You had barely spared him a glance.
“Hey, Madara” you responded. “Madara?” he thought. Not darling, honey, baby, love, dear? Just Madara? “This doesn’t seem good” he thought. He walked up to you and sat next to you. “What’s wrong, dear?” he asked concerned.
“No, nothing.” You lied, but he didn’t buy that. He knows you like the back of his hand. He didn’t like this; he didn’t like to see you like this. Where is your enchanting smile? Where are those eyes that shine so greatly? Where is the warm embrace that makes him forget all his worries? All those questions replaying in his mind, making him more more concerned. “It doesn’t look like everything is fine.” He stated.
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” you said voice shaky and tears filling at the corner of your eyes threatening to fall at any moment. Standing up and you walked away. You’ve begun to be more and more distant, you isolated yourself, you even started to eat less. Madara observed every single one of your moves clenching his jaw at the sight, you weren’t yourself.  He felt anger rush through his veins, he is determined to fix this.
You both are very close to one another, and everything that affects you affects him just as much. Although Madara rarely shows his emotions, maintaining constantly his stern face, he feels just as sad. Afterall, he only has you. You’re the one that managed to break his walls down and to make him see the bright side, but it seems that you have been hurt in some way and he despise the fact that he doesn’t know what had upset you this much. He understands that you don’t want to talk to anyone and he respects your space, but he isn’t going to let you go through this alone. He needs to be by your side, he wants to be by your side. You have always been there when he needed you and even when he pushed you away, you were there and he is going to do just the same.
Slowly, he approaches you delicately, leaving you plates of food for you to eat, with a note as well: “I have prepared this for you my dear y/n. Please eat it.” When he saw that you had only taken a few bites out of the meal he feels bad, but at least you have eaten a bit, but it wasn’t enough. So, as you were sitting in the living room, he comes to you and makes you sit on his lap. Ignoring your protest, he starts hand feeding you some fruits he had cut just for you while watching intently as you chew and swallow each bite. Then, he let’s you lay your head on his chest. He plays with your hair and plants kisses on the top of your head. “Are you ready to talk to me?” he asked softly in his deep baritone voice.
You then explained to him what had saddened you and he founds it difficult to remain calm, let alone when you mentioned that a few Uchiha members had disrespected you. Although he doesn’t say much, don’t let that fool you, he understands you very well. Afterall, he, himself, has had difficulties to be accepted by his own clan. He knows exactly how you feel. He won’t do anything crazy as he is aware of your pacific nature and you probably won’t like that, but you best believe that when he’ll find them, he’ll give them a piece of his mind. Who has had the guts to hurt Madara Uchiha’s lover? He scoffed, "they truly must be stupid."
Patiently Madara waits for you to get better never lessening his little gestures of affection. He buys your favorite snacks, takes you on walks, holds you close in his arms, kisses you passionately and pampers you until you feel like yourself again.
Behind that stern demeanour, Madara is completely enamoured with you, he loves you deeply, mean so much to him, he is ready to do what it takes to protect that smile of yours. You are his hope, you are what makes him want to move forward, to not give up. Once he sees your lips form a smile, his heart flutters and starts beating fast. "My little angel," he thinks to himself. It feels as if the sun has risen after a long night. “Thank you for being here for me, Madara darling,” you said softly cupping his face. He reciprocates the smile:
“That’s right baby, smile for me, shine for me, my love.”
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tabitha42 · 1 month
The Wizard's Apprentice - Chapter 35
Saffron is just a lowly apprentice with barely a successful firebolt to her name. So what chance does she have with the arch mage she's slowly falling in love with?
Gale x Tav, slow burn, eventual smut
Chapter 1 Previous chapter Next chapter
Moonlight bathed the lovers as they kissed, hearts beating as one. After so much longing for each other, they could now hardly pry themselves away. Eventually they were forced to part for breath and their eyes met once more. 
“This isn’t a dream, is it?” Saff said with a chuckle, only half-joking as she stared into his eyes. “It feels too good to be true…”
“No dream, I assure you,” he responded with a chuckle of his own. She smiled as she leant in and hugged him again, though her smile faded as she thought of how distraught she’d been just minutes earlier. 
“I thought I’d lost you…” she whispered, burying herself in his chest. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said anything, I knew it would make you emotional, I should have-” “No, don’t apologise,” he interrupted, pulling back to look at her, “I’m sorry for letting it get so far. I should have had a better handle on my emotions… but that’s all in the past now, let’s not linger on it. There are… other things we need to discuss,” he said, with a seriousness that took her by surprise. She looked at him in confusion as he sat down from where he’d been kneeling in front of her. She followed suit, starting to feel slightly nervous as he took her hands in his. “You must know the reason the orb has been stabilised.” Her frown intensified.
“You mean… it wasn’t just to save your life? Was that not reason enough??” she asked incredulously. 
“Seems not…” he murmured, a noticeable bitterness in his voice. “Elminster was sent with a charge from Mystra. He has given me a charm to detonate the orb at will, which I am to use to destroy the heart of the Absolute when we find it.” 
The breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened. “Wha… what?? But… that’ll…” “Kill me, yes,” he confirmed. “But worry not, I have no intention of obeying this order. She says she will forgive me if I do, but after all she’s done, I will not sacrifice myself for her. I will find another way to destroy the Absolute.”
Both relief and anger flooded over her, though for the moment it was anger that tipped the scales of her emotions. 
“I can’t believe she would demand that of you! How dare she! She’s a goddess, is there nothing better she can come up with? This is the best she can do?!” 
She squeezed her eyes shut and looked downwards as she seethed in anger. As if she hadn’t been angry enough at Mystra already… 
“She can’t take you…” she whispered, her anger now starting to turn to fear. “She can’t…”
“She won’t,” Gale said softly, cupping her cheek in his hand as he lifted her head to meet his eyes. “I promise. I’m not going anywhere.” 
He leant in and kissed her once more, and she melted into his arms as she felt her fears washing away. “Now…” he whispered, barely pulling away, “I have spent quite long enough thinking about Mystra. I want only to think only of you…” 
She smiled against his lips, then leant in once more, wrapping her arms round his shoulders as she kissed him. He pulled her close, his hands resting on her hips as the kiss deepened. Soon all thoughts of Mystra were long gone from both their minds, replaced only by thoughts of each other. 
His hands moved up her back and hers into his hair, her fingers intertwining with the strands as she pulled him in. The kiss was hungry and lustful, and when they finally parted for breath, there was a look in her eyes Gale had never seen before.
“So…” she started, lowering her hand as her fingers trailed down his chest, running over the marking. “Just… how stable is the orb now?” As she asked she bit her lip and gave him a look that sent a rush of excitement through him. 
“Let me show you…” he whispered, his voice so low it was almost a growl. 
She gasped slightly as he swooped her down and gently laid her on the soft grass. Her heart rushed as he leant over her, his eyes darkening with lust, til he leant down and kissed her once more. 
It was like a dream come true for both of them as they kissed in the pale moonlight. Wandering hands fumbled with leather buckles, until one belt was hastily thrown aside, followed quickly by a second. The familiar clasps that held each of their robes in place fell open to their practised fingers, and any chill that Saff might have felt as the robe was slid off her shoulders was more than drowned by the warmth that grew inside her at Gale’s touches. Reaching up to help him out of his own robe, her eyes wandered down the thin, white undershirt that he was left in as the heavy robe was discarded. 
His kisses moved down her neck now as he ran his hands up her sides, her torso now only covered by the thin fabric of her undershirt. The ties that held the shirt together fell loose at his touch, and he felt her shiver with excitement as his hand slipped inside the shirt, skin meeting skin. 
He helped her out of her shirt, leaving her in just the thin, lace bra she wore underneath. He barely had a chance to admire the sight before she leant forward and relieved him of his own shirt, deftly undoing the ties and pulling it off him. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of him topless, surprised as she was by the unexpectedly toned muscles that she couldn’t help but run her fingers over. 
He leant over her once more, propped up by one arm over her head as he met her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and she gasped with a breathlessness that only increased as their nearly bare torsos came together. He held her gaze for just a moment, til their lips met once more. 
Their wandering hands now met bare skin, and as he pressed into her she could feel the extent of his arousal even through their trousers, hard against her thigh, sending excited shivers through her body. 
His kisses were met by soft moans as his lips moved down to her neck, his nose nuzzling beneath her ear, her scent intoxicating to him. Further he continued down til he found the sensitive skin of her breasts. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths beneath his lips, and as his hands cupped the curve of her breast and gently pulled the lace fabric down, he heard the whispered hint of his name on her lips as he took the nipple into his mouth. 
She barely even noticed as her bra was removed, so lost was she in his touch, and as that touch moved down her stomach and fingertips brushed between her legs, she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips. 
Gale smiled to himself, still kissing and sucking at her breasts as he lowered her trousers. He eventually pulled away to finally remove them from her, and when she was left lying in front of him in just her thin, lace knickers, flushed and breathless, he had to pause once again to admire the beauty of the view in front of him. This time she let him, smiling as she saw the way he looked at her, feeling any insecurities she had about herself melt away. 
She sat up and took her turn now, peppering kisses across his chest as she trailed her hands down his body. She felt his hands run up her back, leaving loving touches and strokes across her skin as she undid the fastening on his trousers, her fingers brushing over the hardness that awaited her. Soon his trousers were removed too, and she might have noticed the hint of magic that emanated from his underwear had she not been completely distracted by thoughts of what was concealed beneath. 
As her hands brushed over the fabric of his boxers she felt his arms tighten round her as his breath caught in his throat. He buried his face in her neck, stifling moans against her skin as she began to stroke him. How long had it been, she wondered, since he’d felt another’s touch like this? Since he’d known what it was like to be truly loved? She didn’t know exactly, but she was determined to make him feel as loved as he made her feel. 
Gently she pushed him down to the ground and straddled over him. His eyes were full of emotion, deep pools of love and lust as he looked up at her, his hands running up her thighs til they rested on her hips. Excitement bubbled inside her as she leant down and kissed him, feeling his wandering hands as their tongues met once more, til she began to make her way downwards, trailing kisses along his body. 
Gale's head spun with a wave of pleasure as she slowly slid his underwear down and took him in her hand. He tried to keep it together as he felt her fingers, her lips, her tongue, all running along his skin, reminding him what love’s touch could truly feel like. Breathless moans and whispered words of unbridled pleasure danced in the air like music in her ears as she finally took him into her mouth. Trembling fingers found their way into her hair, and as she felt him writhing beneath her, she took him deeper, determined to show him every ounce of love she possibly could…
He pulled her upwards by the arm, knowing what would happen if he she continued much longer. As she crawled up next to him he pulled her into a kiss, then rolled them over once more and met her eyes as he leant up over her. “My turn,” he said with a smirk, before moving down her body, leaving a trail of soft kisses in his wake. Anticipation rose inside her as his mouth moved over her breasts and down her stomach, before lingering tantalisingly at her hips. He moved teasingly down her leg to place light kisses on the inside of her thigh, smiling as he tasted the slick evidence of her arousal on his lips, and as she felt his fingers brushing over the thin lace of her pants, her breath caught in her throat in a pleasured gasp. 
Her head swum and sensations fluttered through her at his well-practised touches, so turned on was she at that moment that even the lightest stroke over her underwear was enough to draw a moan from her lips. As his kisses moved further up her thigh and she felt not only the touch of his fingers but too the touch of his lips, teasing and caressing, until finally he slid her pants down from her hips and began to truly explore her. 
Licks and kisses, strokes and circles, one finger, followed by another… her back arched and her fingers gripped the grass below her as her body trembled in his hands. Soft moans and gasps escaped her lips, whimpers of pleasure and whispers of his name. Never had any of her previous partners made her feel like this, a level of pleasure she didn’t even know was possible from touch and tongue alone. 
By the time he made his way back up her body she was aching for him. Her eager hands pulled him into a hungry kiss and her legs wrapped round his waist as his body pressed against her. He lined himself up and as he finally entered her, they both let out a deep gasp of pleasure. 
Their bodies began to move as one as they lost themselves in each other. His name danced breathlessly on her lips as whispered declarations of love met her ears. Every thrust of his was met with a squeeze of her legs or a moan against his neck. Eventually they both flipped over so she was on top, straddling him once more. His hands explored her body as she took the lead now and began to move on top of him, her hands resting on his chest, the plaits of her hair falling down and brushing over his skin as she leant down over him. She trailed kisses up his chest, over the marking left by the orb and up his neck, til her mouth met his once more. Their lips parted and their tongues danced, hungry and passionate and loving. 
By the time she sat back up again, he could barely stop himself from moving his hips underneath her, thrusting up into her, watching enraptured as she leant back, her chest heaving with pleasure, her cheeks flushed. He moved a thumb down between her legs from where his hands were resting on her hips and began to massage her once more, bringing a moan from her lips. Her fingers dug into his thighs as she drew ever closer, the sensations growing almost too much. 
Finally he sat up with her, wrapping an arm round her waist and holding her gently against him as his other hand remained down between her legs. She melted into his embrace, resting her hands against his chest as their eyes met, giving herself to him completely. In that moment, as she looked at him with starlight reflecting in her eyes, he’d never felt more in love. 
She closed her eyes as the sensations grew overwhelming, her moans growing in pitch as she clutched at his chest. His movements grew faster, willing her on… til finally she let out a loud moan, trembling in his arms as the climax shot waves of pleasure through her, leaving her crumbling against him. The sounds of her moans, the way she fell into him, the feel of her squeezing around him, it was enough to send him over the edge too. He couldn’t stop the moan that came from his lips as he held her tightly, his head swimming from the intensity of his release. 
Breathless and light-headed, the two of them simply sat there in each other’s embrace as they came down from the high they’d both just felt. Safe in his arms as she leant against his chest, Saff never wanted to move from here. 
Eventually he leant back just enough to meet her gaze as he cupped her cheek. 
“I love you…” he whispered, staring deep into her eyes, feeling the sweat that beaded on her skin. 
“Gale…” her voice was barely audible but still he could hear the emotion in it, warm and loving as the smile that graced her lips. “I love you, too.” 
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Some People Just Need A Little Pampering (Clyde Logan x F!Reader)
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Mellie always cut Clyde’s hair. That how it had been his whole life, ever since she was old enough to read her fashion magazines and wield a pair of scissors. All throughout school Clyde sported the latest in Mellie’s favorite hair styles. When he reached high school and started growing his hair out to cover his ears, Mellie still insisted on being the one to trim it. When they’d sit at home, waiting on Jimmy to come up with another cauliflower scheme, Mellie would busy herself with Clyde’s hair, practicing her braids and using her new irons to try and master the art of curling hair. 
This was why, when Clyde found himself standing in the middle of the hair salon with no Mellie in sight, he figured he would come back another time. He paused for a second, calling out a hesitant, “Mellie?”, and cringing at the way his voice broke when he raised it. Clyde waited a few seconds for a response and when he got none he took it as his sign to leave. Spinning on his heels, Clyde grabbed the handle to the door, trying to get out as quickly as he could and avoid any awkward encounters. He’d just drive home and call Mellie up when he got there, to see if she’d be around the salon tomorrow. Just as he was opening the door, he heard a voice coming from behind him. 
“‘xcuse me, sorry ‘bout that. I was in the back. I thought I heard you callin’ for Mellie, she had to run out real quick but I’m sure she’ll be back soon. In the meantime why don’ you have a seat an’ wait for her. Or if it’s somethin’ simple you need I’m sure I can handle it.”
Clyde felt himself freeze in the doorway, that voice was something magical, sweet and warm like honey. He turned around, trying with no avail to force down the blush that was creeping up his neck. He was grateful that his hair was so long, it covered his neck and his ears, both of which he was sure were very red. It was then Clyde realized that turning around wasn’t really going to help his situation. The woman that accompanied that delightful voice was lovelier than Clyde could’ve imagined. Right as he pulled himself together and was fixing to say something to this pretty little angel he found, she opened her mouth again. A blush dancing across her soft cheeks, she stuck out her hand, “My goodness, I completely forgot, my name is Y/N.” Clyde stared at her hand before raising his prosthetic up as if to show her he couldn’t really shake too well. Her smile didn’t falter for a second as she put her arm down in favor of reaching out with the other. Clyde bit back a smile as he took her hand in his and shook, choosing not to focus on the electrifying feeling of her skin on his, “Clyde. I’m Mellie’s brother.” 
Y/N’s bright E/C eyes lit up with understanding, “Ohh so you’re the famous Clyde I been hearin’ so much about.” Clyde felt the heat rising back up to his cheeks and shrugged. “Mellie talks about you and your other brother all the time, Jimmy was it? Anyway, what can I do for ya, Mr. Clyde Logan?”
Stuttering, Clyde tried to explain, “Well, my hair’s been gettin’ a bit long. Thought it might be time for a trim. Mellie’s the only one who cuts my hair though.” 
Y/N nodded, “Oh yeah, I’m sure she knows exactly how you like it then. Well, she stepped out a little while ago but I’m sure it won’t be long now if you just wanna wait for her.”
Clyde started to protest, explaining that he could come back later and didn’t want to be a bother. Laughing, Y/N gestured around the empty room, “As you can see we got a whole lot goin’ on, I’m pretty busy at the moment.” Clyde didn’t know how to respond so he stood there silently while Y/N watched. After a moment she gave his arm a light shove, “Aw c’mon Clyde I’m just teasin’. I don’t think you could ever be a bother to anyone.” She turned away from him at that, though Clyde thought he might’ve caught a blush dusting her cheeks again. “Anyway, you can take a seat wherever you like, or you can give Mellie a quick call if you want. I’ll be around so if you need anything just holler, ok?” 
Clyde nodded and took a seat in the closest chair, watching as Y/N busied herself tidying up the salon. He found he really enjoyed watching her move around the room, she had an air of comfort around her that made everything she did seem natural and right. He was so caught up in watching her that he choked a bit when she turned towards him expectantly. Laughing lightly she asked,“You mind if I put on a little music?” 
Clyde shook his head, praying that his face wasn’t too red though it felt like it was on fire. She giggled and he melted into his chair a little at the sound, “How ‘bout a little Seger, huh?”
He quickly sat back up, “How’d you know?”
She rolled her eyes, the warm smile never leaving her face, “You’re wearin’ his shirt, Clyde.” 
The blush returned to Clyde’s face full force and he knew there was no way of hiding it this time, “Right, yeah, ‘course.” He sputtered, trying to respond to her without making it clear how embarrassed he was, “Yeah, that’d be great. Unless you’re not a fan, you don’t gotta play music for me if you wanna listen to somethin’ else.”
She dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand, “Who doesn’t like Bob Seger?”. She walked over to the stereo and fussed with it, picking up her phone and scrolling quickly through her music. Clyde heard the strumming of the opening chords to ‘You’ll Accomp’ny Me’ drift out of the speaker. Y/N started humming along, glancing back at Clyde with a small smile and a raised eyebrow, “This good?” Clyde nodded, a smile gracing his own features.
Y/N turned back to her work, shaking her hips to the music as she moved around the salon. Now, Clyde had seen his fair share of women dancing to all sorts of songs at the bar but nothing beat the sight in front of him. He felt his chest fill with something he couldn’t quite place, warmth and longing and who knows what else. He didn’t really want to go falling in love with this pretty little hairdresser but he had a feeling she wasn’t going to give him much choice. Or maybe he’d just been on his own for too long. Paying more attention to Y/N’s hands he noticed she was organizing all sorts of cremes and what looked like some clay in a jar. Before he could even think he was opening his mouth, “What you got in that jar there?”
Y/N hummed in response, glancing at Clyde with her eyebrows raised before looking back down at her hands. She picked up the jar in question, “Oh this? Mellie’s been tryna branch out lately, we’ve been offering little facials and what not.” 
Clyde felt his face contorting with confusion, “Yer puttin’ that on people’s faces? And they pay you fer that?”
Laughing, she set the jar down again and put her hands on her hips, “Yes, they do in fact pay us for this. Have you never done a face mask or nothin’?” The look on Clyde’s face must’ve been enough to answer her question, “Of course, what was I thinkin’. Even with Mellie as a sister, you don’ seem like the type to pamper yourself. You should try it sometime.” 
She turned back to her station, moving a couple of things around before she looked back at Clyde from over her shoulder, “Well c’mon now. Get over here, I’m gonna give you your first facial, on the house.” 
Clyde stayed sitting, “‘re you sure ‘bout that? Won’t Mellie want you savin’ that for real customers?”
Y/N turned back toward Clyde again with a no nonsense look in her pretty little E/C eyes, “You’re family Clyde. And if Mellie did have a problem with it, then I’ll take it out of my pay. Let me treat you Clyde, everyone could use a little pamperin’.” She pulled the cutest puppy dog eyes Clyde had ever seen and he found he couldn’t say no. With a hefty sigh, Clyde stood from his chair and walked over to where Y/N was, her arms splayed out on either side of her with her hands on the counter of her station. 
In a few long strides he was standing directly in front of her, so close he could count each of her pretty little eyelashes. Neither of them said a word, Y/N seemed to be holding her breath as she stared up into his eyes. Clyde held back a chuckle when he saw the heat rising to her face. She averted her eyes and coughed, “Right, so, just take a seat an’ I’ll do the rest, alright?”
He nodded and sat down, eyes on her the whole time. He could tell she was a flustered, and felt a tinge of pride at the knowledge that he had been the cause of such a lovely lady losing her composure. He watched as she went to adjust the volume of the music, ‘In Your Time’ sweetly playing from the speakers, and dim the lights. Without realizing it, Clyde started to sink into his seat, the low lighting, his favorite music, and a pretty girl just itching to take care of him proving to be enough to get him to relax. 
Y/N made her way back over to the station, grabbing a headband from the counter. Leaning over Clyde she slipped the fabric around his head, successfully pushing his hair out of his face. Glancing down at Clyde’s flustered face, she giggled and spoke, in a lower and more relaxing tone than she had before, “Have a little faith, Clyde. Just let yourself enjoy this.” Clyde tried his hardest to keep his face neutral and nodded, though it proved more difficult than he thought when he was eye level with Y/N’s chest and she was saying things like that in that voice. He schooled his features and took a deep breath as Y/N turned back to her station. Clyde continued watching her as she mixed a few of the substances from the jars together before facing him again. When their eyes met she laughed again, a light, breathy sound, and shook her head, “You can close your eyes now, Clyde, I’ll warn ya before I do anythin’.” 
Blushing, Clyde shut his eyes and steered his thoughts towards the music wafting over from the speakers. He heard Y/N take a few steps around him before he heard her speak again, this time from right behind him, “Alright now Clyde, I’m gonna keep it simple for ya since it’s your first time. This is a sugar scrub, it should smell like apricot mainly. Then I’ll do a mud mask, should smell like coconut.” Clyde jumped a little when he felt her fingers dancing on his face but he got used to the sensation very quickly. She gently massaged the scrub on his face and he felt like he was putty in her hands. When she had gotten around his entire face she paused, “I’m gonna quick wipe this off and then apply the mud mask, ok?” Clyde hummed in response, his eyes still closed and his body more relaxed than it had ever been, especially since he’d gotten back to the States. This time, when she slowly started wiping his face off with a warm, damp towel, he didn’t flinch. He basked in the heat of the towel and Y/N’s soft humming. He heard her move to the station, the sound of her fingers lightly tapping the counter and then she was next to him again, “Last step, this is the mud mask part. Now I’m gonna apply it for ya an’ then you can just rest until it dries, just try an’ keep a straight face, okay?”
Clyde hummed in response, keeping his eyes closed and basking in the feeling of calm, “Whatever you say sweetheart.” He opened one eye ever so slightly and got a glimpse of Y/N’s flaming cheeks as she tried to brush off the pet name. Clyde had to make a conscious effort not to smile right then. And who could blame him for being pleased that he could have that effect on such a wonderful little lady. Clyde was glad he had steeled his features when she started applying the mud. At some point she had warmed it up so it was about the same temperature as the towel. It was thick and heavy on his face, smelled like heaven too, and Y/N’s soft fingers were gentle and sweet on his skin. All too soon his face was covered. He felt the touch of Y/N’s fingers leave his face and had to stop himself from following them. 
Y/N coughed slightly, “You can open your eyes now if ya like, or you can keep relaxing that, I’ll be here if you need anything.”
Clyde nodded slightly and continued to lay with his eyes closed. 
Soon he felt his face getting tighter. He opened his eyes and looked around, spotting Y/N in the corner sweeping and moving to the music, “Uh, Y/N is it supposed to feel real tight?”
She paused her work and giggled, “Don’t you worry Clyde, that just means it’s drying. It might be ready to take off, lemme come get a look atchu.” Setting her broom down she practically skipped over to his chair, “Well looky there, you’re cracking. Means we can take it off. Don’t suppose I could get a picture first?”
Clyde looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a dried up old river in the desert or something, he had no idea why she’d want a picture of him like this. Grey mud ashy and cracking on his face, the purple hair band wrapped around his head, dark hair sticking up from him laying on it funny. He looked back over at Y/N before realizing his mistake. She’d pulled out those damn puppy eyes again, “Now don’t you go makin’ that face at me darlin’. How am I supposed ta say no to you lookin’ like that?”
Her concentration broke as a wide smile bloomed on her face and Clyde swore that sight alone would make him go blind faster than staring at the sun ever could. “Well darn it Clyde, you figured me out pretty quick.” She laughed lightly, “Does that mean I have permission then? I’m sure Mellie’d love to see this, and I certainly don’t mind havin’ pictures of people as good lookin’ as you on my phone.” 
Sputtering, Clyde couldn’t help but ask, “You think I’m good lookin’?” 
The look on Y/N’s face was one of pure confusion, “Now, what kind of question is that? Are you kiddin’ me? ‘Course I do.”
Now Clyde was thankful for the mask, regardless of how crusty he may look at least it covered the blush on his cheeks. 
“I guess someone doesn’t get told he’s handsome quite as often as he should, your ears look like they’re burnin’ up.” Y/N laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind one of Clyde’s ears as he clenched his jaw in an attempt to quell his embarrassment. “Don’t worry honey, I won’t tease you anymore. Just lemme snap a picture, hold on.”
Clyde mustered up enough self control to respond, “Now, I never said I wanted ya ta stop teasin’. But go ahead, take yer picture, not like I could say no ta ya after all you’ve done anyway.” Y/N snapped a couple of photos, showing them to Clyde for approval. He honestly couldn’t care less, he didn’t think much of having his picture taken, but she seemed so pleased that he had to let her keep them. 
Smiling down at him, Y/N thanked him and proceeded to grab another hot towel, “If you could close your eyes again Clyde, I’ll get this mud mask off of ya.” 
Eager to feel her touch again, Clyde obliged. He relished in the feeling of the soft towel breaking away the clay and letting his skin breathe. He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard the song change and the upbeat intro to ‘Take a Chance’ started playing. He felt the last of the clay being wiped away and was about to open his eyes when he felt something soft press against his cheek. He froze, not daring to breathe, “You said you’d warn me before ya did anythin’.” He opened his eyes, a smirk growing on his face. Y/N, trying to play it cool despite the blush covering her face, shrugged, “Felt inspired by the song, what can I say? Call it a kiss for good luck, you look like you could use a little.” She turned away, busying herself with the items on her station’s counter in an attempt to move on from the conversation. Clyde stood up, taking a small step so that he was right behind her. Placing an arm on either side of her so she was pinned to her spot, he cleared his throat. She turned to him, seemingly unaware of his movement, and was startled by his proximity. The blush that already stained her cheeks flared up yet again. Clyde smiled, “That’s real sweet an’ all but I’m not quite sure a kiss on the cheek will bring me enough luck.” He glanced down at his arm and then back up at her, “I’m an awful unlucky person.” Y/N fought a smile and tilted her head up towards his, “Well, how could I say no to you when you’re lookin’ at me like that.” She lifted her hands up to meet his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. Clyde let go of the counter and brought his good hand up to cup her face, while he placed his other at the small of her back. He pulled her in closer to him and bit back a gasp when her body fell flush against his. She tangled her hands in his hair, tugging the headband off and throwing it to the side, not caring where it landed. 
When the two finally broke apart for air, Y/N chuckled, “If that’s what I get after givin’ you a facial I can’t wait to see what you’re like after a home cooked meal and a nice massage.” 
Clyde smiled, “Well, how ‘bout you come ‘round to mine tomorrow night. I’ll treat you to the home cooked meal and we can see about that massage. I’m sure you could guess I’ve never really had one of them either.”
Shaking her head, Y/N smiled softly back at him, “Well, we’re gonna have ta change that. You need some good ol’ fashioned pamperin’. And I’m more than willin’ to pamper ya, only thing I want in return is for you ta keep callin’ me those sweet little names in that voice of yours and keep kissin’ me like that.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer again, using his good hand to tilt her face back up to meet his, “Darlin’, I think that can be arranged.”
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Hey !! I’d like to request Jesper finding the reader in a depressive episode, like they‘ve been in bed all week, their room is a mess, they haven’t changed clothes, and their hair has started to become matted, something that’s more focused on the “gross” side of depression. Also I call the emoji alien emoji or pixel emoji :^) - 👾
Brighter Days- J.F x gn! reader
Okay, hi! This took me longer than I anticipated because I wrote relentlessly for three days straight and then was shocked when I fell into a bit of a writing slump and the exhaustion from the cold I've been dealing with for the past week or so finally got to me, so I'm sorry that writing this has taken me a bit.
Your other requests will probably come out closer to the end of the week if not the weekend, but yeah! Thank you for being so patient with me, it means a lot :)
Fic type- this is hurt/comfort with fluffy undertones
Warnings- jespers guns are mentioned, the reader is depicted exactly as requested, matting has started in their hair, their room is a mess. This is not an attempt to glorify depression on my end but rather a reminder that you don't have to suffer alone all the time, and if this romanticizes depression in anyway, I apologize and feel free to reach out and let me know so that I can make the necessary adjustments.
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None of the crows had heard from you in weeks. It’d started when you’d turned down a job that you wouldn’t’ve, ordinarily. When you made up an excuse as to why you wouldn’t be able to do it and called it a day.
Then, when Jesper and the rest of the crows got home and Jesper didn’t find you on the bottom floor of the Slat, drinking a brandy or working behind the bar, regretting your having decided to skip out on the trip and the excellent money that came from it, he had the first idea that something could’ve been wrong. 
Even when you had nothing of real significance to do on the bottom floor of the Slat, you could always be found at a table in the corner, drinking your iced drink or alcohol of choice in the spring and summer, your hot drink of choice in the winter and fall. You’d always be reading, an oil lamp to illuminate your space placed onto the table at which you sat, the book you’d chosen sitting in the way you preferred as you read and occasionally annotated.
It’d been six weeks since Jesper had last seen you, and when he asked around, he found out that it’d been at least a week and a half since anyone had last seen you. 
You’d made a run to the shops while, according to Pim, looking fresh off a long cry, and nobody had seen you since you’d gotten back, a few bags with the essentials draped over your arms. 
Jesper immediately made it his prerogative to see if you were okay, and as he walked to your room on the third floor, some part of him wondered if the reason you hadn’t been seen was because you’d decided that Ketterdam was no longer your home and left, picked up a boat ticket or smuggled yourself on a cargo ship headed off somewhere like Ravka. 
“Y/N?” He asked, one hand ghosting the doorknob. You didn’t respond, and Jesper took hold of the doorknob anyway. He twisted it to the right, finding that it opened, the door having been unlocked.
Jesper stepped into the room carefully, taking it in as his eyes searched for yours in the darkened room, the only light having been the spring sun coasting in through the small window that sat near the ceiling. 
The room was a mess, trash and belongings alike scattered over the floor. You looked like you’d been crying, your hair beginning to mat in some spots. A dent had been made in your pillow where your head had rested most of the time, and Jesper had to wonder how long it’d been since you’d gotten out, stretched your legs and shook out the tension in your arms and back.
“Oh, you weren’t supposed to see me like this,” you said as you met his gaze. “I should’ve kept track of the days.”
“I would love you if we were stuck together in a dumpster,” Jesper said. “I can handle this, Y/N. Will you let me help?” 
“Jesper, no,” you said. “I can’t--you shouldn’t have to help me. I could barely get up for a week and a half. Let me clean up the mess when I’m the one who made it.”
“If I say no and I offer a kiss, what are my chances then?” He asked as you willed yourself to sit up, moving until your back was against the wall, your legs criss-cross on the bed. 
You hummed, pretending to think about it as you registered the dryness in your throat, the ache of your limbs and the exhaustion that you felt from having spent so long trying to fight your own mind. 
Four weeks, you’d managed, without slipping into the beginnings of a depressive episode. 
Week five came, you grabbed what you needed when you wanted to feel the sun against your skin and see if the vitamin D would be of any help. The depressive episode had begun in the middle of that week.
Week six donned on you and you could barely fathom the idea that you had to keep fighting against yourself to keep breathing, to keep blinking, to avoid just sinking into your mattress and ceasing to exist. 
“No,” you said, trying to bring an air of finality to your tone but finding that you just wanted to sink into your mattress and cease to exist. “No, Jesper.”
“I love you more than words can ever express properly,” Jesper said. “Which is why I’m going to spray one of my shirts with some of my cologne, get you a towel, and leave clothes by the shower. What I do while you're showering is my decision, and you don’t owe me anything for it. Does that work?” 
You sighed. “I know what it looks like when I’m being tricked, Fahey,” you said, though the shower was tempting, and you knew that you needed to brush your hair anyway. “But fine. And, for the record, I will be buying you whiskey at the Crow Club and coffee when we meet the others for breakfast at least until June. You’re the love of my life, and if you get to clean my room when I’m at my worst, I get to buy you coffee and whiskey.” 
Jesper hummed, stepping forward and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you,” he whispered before parting, heading to his room to grab one of his shirts, a towel, and a bottle of his cologne. 
You stood carefully, moved to your bathroom.
It was nothing more than a bathtub with a showerhead, a toilet and a basin with a mirror mounted to the wall above it, but the water worked and the temp was adjustable, a luxury that was ill afforded in the Barrel, and the mirror had never fallen off the wall and taken a piece of the wall with it, which wasn't something that many who were apart of the Barrel gangs and lived in their bases could say.
You turned on the water, made sure you had the soaps you needed, and stripped, stepping under the showerhead once the water had warmed up to your preference. You spent a long few minutes just standing under the water, feeling the warmth surround you as you pressed your forehead against the tiled walls. 
You registered, for the first time in a week and a half, it felt like you could breathe again. Breathing properly, breathing and acknowledging the weight of your lungs, the feeling of your skin and the heaviness of your heart, it was something you’d done over the past week and a half, something that had felt like a chore but in that moment felt like a blessing from the saints themselves. 
You washed up, stayed in the shower until your hands had pruned while trying to work out the beginnings of the mats that’d developed in your hair while it was soaked. 
When you stepped out, you found that Jesper had placed a towel atop the toilet seat, a pair of black cargo pants and a maroon Ketterdam University sweater beneath it.
You wrapped the towel around your body and found the comb that you’d used to detangle your hair in situations that were much like that one, used it until your hair was smooth, the mats that you’d begun ridding your hair of in the shower having smoothed out after a bit of fuss. 
You dried your hair off using the flip side of the towel and got dressed in the clothes Jesper had placed on the toilet seat, the distinct smell of his cologne combined with gun smoke from how frequently he'd used his revolvers meeting your nostrils as you pulled the sweater over your torso. 
You stepped out of the bathroom and back into your room as Jesper handed a garbage bag off to Matthias and another to Wylan.
“Hey,” you whispered into the open air.
“Hey love,” Jesper said, turning to you with a grin on his face. “How’re you feeling?” 
“Better than I did two hours ago,” you responded. “I still feel like shit and I’m convinced I’ll remain in this perpetual state of exhaustion forever, but thank you for all that you’ve done for me.” 
“You would’ve done the same,” Jesper said. “I’ve got your six, love. Even when you’re at your worst.” 
You stepped forward, pulling Jesper into a tight hug at that. You pulled away after a few minutes, let him press another kiss to your forehead before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
Nothing was fixed, really. You still felt like shit and you knew that it would last at least another few weeks as depressive episodes always did, but you had people, you had at least one person, who cared enough to help you and love you even when he’d walked into your room and found it looking a mess. That, in that moment, was all you cared to think about, in the arms of the guy you loved with knowledge that brighter days were ahead. 
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