#Ben Poindexter reactions
takenbypeter · 2 years
What Build A Bear They Get You And How They Surprise You With It
(Part two includes; Steven Grant, Thor, Matt Murdock, Ben Poindexter, and Scott Lang)
Part One
Steven Grant
Steven honestly wouldn’t even know where to start with this gift. He’d be so conflicted he’d just end up choosing an animal that he enjoyed or one that seemed like a unique option, like a sheep. The scent would no doubt be lavender and the sound would be him saying “love you, gators.” Which he know doubt rambled to the worker that that was just something he liked to say to which they just smiled and nodded. Steven would name It V because he’s Steven with a V.
Why did he get you this?
Steven got it because he felt like, why not? For one you deserve it. And for another he was just happy that you were together with him.
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Thor would come in complaining how he couldn’t believe they had a Thor bear. Of course they had a few for other avengers but no, not him. He’d then take out a light brown fluffy bear with a Mjolnir hammer and he’d say this was the best he could find. You’d easily take it in arms squeezing it. The scent would be hot chocolate and the voice recording would be something bold or something jokingly like, “leave some squeezes for the actual me. Just kidding I love you.”
Why did he get you this?
He’s seen the logo before and had grown curious. Once inside he genuinely thought it was just a cute and fun idea and that you’d love it. Which he was completely right about. And he’d promise he’d bring you along next time.
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Matt Murdock
Matt would end up choosing a dark brown bear. For the scent he’d pick s’mores. Because fire, delicious snacks, he likes the calming image that came to his head when he smelt the scent. He wouldn’t include a sound just taking the bear the way it was. And he’d also let you choose the name as well.
Why did he get you this?
Foggy actually suggested the idea. Said it would be viewed as “quite romantic of him,” so he took Matt in slightly against his will. Not going to lie he thought the idea was sort of silly but he was happy anyways when he heard the change in your heartbeat when you held the bear tight.
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Ben Poindexter
Dex would get you a stuffed bear that’s exactly your favorite color and he’d get the exact scent that he knows you like. You like cotton candy? He got it! You like peach? he’ll put that in! But be sure that he already knows exactly what you like and that he’ll get it. Here’s the thing with Dex though, he’d get the color and scent you like but then have it wear a hoodie or have it dressed like him. He’d have it say a simple message like I love you. And he’d name it Dex so you could cuddle with him.
Why did he get you this?
Because he genuinely thought the idea was cute. He could literally imagine you with one. He’d think it’d also be cute to get mating ones so be sure that he’s making one for himself but giving it your name.
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Scott Lang
He’d get you a raccoon. Why? You might ask. Well he was a thief, raccoons are known to be thieves. He thought it would be cute. The scent would be popcorn because Scott knows you’ll be snuggling the little guy while you’re watching movies. The sound he’d include would be simple, “have a great day and I love you.” He would be a little annoyed at himself because he had all day to plan things but that’s the best he could do on the spot. He’d give it a random silly name.
Why did he get you this?
You actually went with him and Cassie a week before and got one for her. There was a moment where he stood back and watched you and Cassie pick out what to get for her and he realized then that he wanted to get one for you. So it was more of an impulsive, I love you sort of thing.
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obscurest-reference · 2 years
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ok so since glup shitto from star wars is trending and also i'm still thinking about that Daredevil finale
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 4 years
Moon River 2.0
If you prefer to read on ao3 the link is here
Butch had undoubtedly sprained his ankle; the mild caution in his step had given it away.  Dedicated to making matters worse, he  kept his usually flippant mouth shut about  the pulled joint even with Grayditch, by then, miles behind them.Viola deferred his much needed chiding in favor  of hammering her fist on the door to her  happy place, a dream land where she didn’t have to deal with his screw ups.
Frustrated was too gentle a word to describe her feelings about their predicament.  Sure, no one wanted to admit that the first thing they did when they saw a fire ant was shriek then ragdoll fling themselves in the opposite direction—But that was the most common reaction. Those incendiary pests made even the most skilled Wastelanders wet their pants, so a trembling valutie was no surprise. Most people understood that.  But Butch? No, not him. Of course not. Most blowhards had a problem admitting to their shortcomings and he was no exception. He was a dummy and thought that his wounded pride mattered in the Waste.
Instead of pressing him for a confession, she opted for the sit back and watch method.  If he wanted to suffer in silence like an obstinate little turd, then far be it for her to break her back trying to lend a hand.
With the way his nostrils were flared his breaking point had to be soon.
“Whys the crapshoot settlement got to be so far?”
“Yeah, got to admit—I don’t remember the walk being this long.”
“Map’s probably all wrong. Makes stuff appear to be where it ain’t.”
Viola stopped. Not hearing her steps behind him, Butch followed suit and glanced over his shoulder.
“ If the directions and the destination don’t match then maybe you’re on to something.”
He raised a brow, urging her to go on.
“Maybe Megaton got so sick of hearing you whine about it that it got up and ran.”
Butch gave a hard roll of his eyes and went back to walking, no, shuffling ahead.
“I ain’t got no time for games, girl.”
“Girl, Nosebleed, Poindexter, Wet rag. I love the  variety, but I’m sure you know I’ve got a name,” She started walking again and met his pace, “and a gun.”
She’d been threatening him with a bullet ever since she was old enough to traipse the lower parts of the Vault with Sister Beebee. Much like her single barreled friend’s Bbs, the constant shots she and Butch fired at each other could pierce through skin;often times it did. Arguments ended with balled fist and gnashed teeth. He tried to steal her sweet roll so she spat on it. He yanked her hair and called her ugly, so she got a hold of some hair removal product, walked right up to him and poured it all over his head. He ran a rumor about her and Freddie, so she told Wally about all the trips he and Susie took to closets when they thought no one was looking.  
The only reason why she hadn’t tried to kill  him was because he would try to do her in the moment he saw her coming.  Of the little pre-war history she had been taught, she remembered that something called the Nuclear Deterrence Theory followed the same  notion. One nation  would hold off on blasting another to bits for fear of a full and equal retaliation. Given the fact that they were trekking through radiated rubble, a couple of somebodies screamed “screw that” while pounding on their respective shiny red button.  Regardless, her and Butch’s civility with one another had always come down to survival, and that sentiment doubled once they no longer had the Vault’s fortified walls to protect them.  
Butch looked as if he was going to say something smart but it came out as a grunt instead.
“I think that thing back there bit my ankle.” He croaked.
“If that were the case you wouldn’t have a leg and I would’ve had no choice but to leave you to die.”
Before he could spit his usual venom, Viola offered him her shoulder to lean on. He seemed startled by it. This wasn’t the first time he’d been injured but it was definitely the first time she’d voluntarily offered to allow him to use her as balance as oppose to him just pressing his weight on her after getting fed up with the tough guy act.
He eventually gave in after she reminded him of the type of mutants that stalked around once the sun set. They made some advancements. And by some that meant none at all. She considered finding a raider camp and telling Butch to hang back while she took care of them.  The shot gun was empty so it wouldn't be an easy task. She rarely used her sniper rifle though it would be useless in close quarter combat, plus there was a reason why she didn't use it much.
She had a bat and rusty pipe. Using them in each hand would…
“Hey, Nosebleed?”
“ Whatever it is,  shorten it. Trying to figure out where we’re sleeping tonight. ”
“How long did you know about my ankle?”
“You’re an open book, Deloria.” She snorted. “Wide open.”
“Did your old man teach you how to spot stuff like that?”
Viola chewed the inside of her cheek as she eyed the dilapidated overpass ahead of them. No respite.
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly.
"No, you're good."
It wasn't like she hadn't done something similar. During her first day of her little vault rescue mission, she'd asked him about Paul.
The next few minutes of silence was unnerving. She'd rather hear Butch's mouth than to go down the rabbit hole that was her father and the pain he had inadvertently caused those in the vault.
“Why do you ask? You’re not one one to care about my home life unless it’s for ammunition.”
“Just thinking.”
“Quit that will you?  The Wastes are as  hellish enough as it is without the universe folding in on itself.”
“ Oh ho ho! You’re a real  walking stand up show ain’t you? You’ve really missed your calling. Maybe you should drop the guns and plant yourself in the Rudder. That place is rough, they could use a clown.”
If anyone was a clown it was the guy limping the way home.
She peered across the large expense to the left of her. Maybe they would be more likely to find a camp if they veered off the main path.
"I get it. Scarecrow has a  brain now and wants to think and be serious."
"What do you think our lives would be like right like if the door never opened?"
" The GOAT  sorted that out  didn’t it? You'd be a hairdresser and I'd be in Vault Management.”
“That’s not what the GOAT said.” She playfully sang.
"Forget that stupid test. If I say I'm a barber then I'm barber." He sounded like he would've shouted that if he had any energy to do so.
"Looks like you’ve got an answer to your half of the question."
"No, wait. I'm not a barber."
"You sound very confused. I’m guessing the great Oz put that brain in backwards or something."
" Forget everything. Act like the door never opened and the GOAT never existed. Where would you be?"
Viola fell into silence again, in search of an answer to his question. With putting nearly all she had into surviving the Wasteland, she only ever had time to think about lost friendships and broken bonds not the normal, ground level what could have beens. Where would she be? Not helping Butch for starters. Also, working with her father as receptionist for his medical office. After that she might have taken a part-time job helping around at the diner. There wasn't much variety in the Vault, and with certain jobs being limited to only one or two people what little options she had dwindled even further.
Butch had taken the reigns of the conversation after she had assigned herself back to searching duty. He gave a response she didn't think she'd hear: An officer.
"Don't go shooting me funny looks," He said, eyeing her as she gave him a sidelong glance.
She decided to leave that as it was, looking for a resting place and holding a serious conversation as he called it proved to be harder than she thought.
Their trek eventually led them to an abandoned campsite. There was blackened wood and a smoky aroma that indicated there was a fire not too long ago, a backpack with some sugar bombs, and canned pork and beans inside, and a note with barely legible scrawl stating to a Ben that a Ricardo, she learned from the closing statement, was going to go ahead to the old scrapyard without him, and that he should eat something before meeting up with him later and that if someone had taken the food before he got there it was his fault for not hurrying. She wouldn't touch the food left for Ben, however, the  junkyard peaked her interest. Most of the items would be picked over but Viola discovered a while ago that few Wastelanders knew that if you accumulated enough junk you could earn a decent amount of Caps.
She’d been deciding whether or she should drop Butch off at Megaton and get Dogmeat first, or try to make the quick stop to the Scrapyard before Megaton when Butch started taking dinner out from his backpack. The rotten smell of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs was enough to keep her present.
She picked up the conversation where she left it. “You rebel without a cause  types wouldn’t even waste the spit it would take to put a fire out if the thing burning happened to be some type of authority or institution. I doubt you’ve experienced any type of growth since you’ve stumbled out of the Vault.”Her gaze trailed over the length of his frame,taking in the relative newness of the jeans and white Tee he procured from Seagrave, shocked that they weren’t filthy yet.   “Imagining you willingly wearing another uniform is enough to induce  a fever dream.”
“Says you. I’ve grown plenty,”
“In the ego department, maybe.” She muttered at first then brought her voice back to a level tone.” Is this  some type of kink in your psyche? You hate what you secretly desire?”
“You calling me a boot muncher?”
“I’m saying that your sudden  judicial interests are suspect.”
“ They’re untouchable. People don’t mess with them. If someone’s stupid enough to push their luck they’ve got  three other officers there to back them up.” He managed through half chewed up deviled egg chunks.
She added her own items to their little spread: Muttfriut, Peaches,and Pinto Beans.  With his eggs and Sugar bombs they  almost had the four basic food groups, albeit the poor man’s version.
“So,” She paused, thinking, “you wanted to be a big man with legal backing, huh?  Gives credence to that one saying.”
Notwithstanding the obvious dig, He asked easily, “Yeah? What saying?”
“Bullies seek out positions of authority. Typically, the guys try to be officers and the girls go for nursing jobs. I’m a little surprised you didn’t get that as a result on the GOAT.”
Butch’s lips quirked into a stupid grin. “What’s all that make you miss Vault Managament?”
“ I’m only a partial bully and that’s thanks to you.”
“ Everything’s my fault. Right. I forgot.”
She shrugged. "You said it. Not me."
The conversation lulled as they fell to the rest of their meal. Gingerly holding a piece of Muttfruit under the fading sunlight, Butch shifted from his lazy supine  position to a full on crouch and put his nose to it. With that litmus test out the way, he nibbled on it like a molerat, sampling bite after bite, until the  full flavor zinged on his tongue. He spat the chewed mush  past his puckered lips.  Viola had gobbled down her cheekful of sugar bombs to free up space so she could tease but went for a subtle side eye last minute. Leave it to Butch to turn his nose up at something good for him.
“People move for them, you know?” He  admitted, jumping back into their intial conversation. More so to not have to take another bite than eager a need to continue their chat.
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “So you fantasize about the badge because  you have a naive fantasy about power and control.  Is that it?  You’re idea of  law  enforcement  and people in leadership explains your past behaviors a bit too well. ”
“Christ, way to miss a point. That ain’t it at all. Security has guns and stuff.”
“Weapons intimidate.  Intimation  can lead to power or control. Use your head for something besides hair gel for once.
“No, no,no-You brought up the badge, right?  That’s it.  That’s all it is.”
“I’m still not sure about what ‘it’ is.”
Butch huffed.
“Say I draw pretty picture.  Cogs in a circle. A winged sword jabbing through. You’d think..?
“Oh, an inkblot test almost.”
“A what? Quit stalling, Nosebleed.”
“The Brotherhood of Steel.  Resourceful. Altruistic. Tech-savvy. A bit frigid when it comes down to the more human side of things. Order, Structure, Chain of command—That’s them. Forming an order  and plotting ahead is smart of them. I don’t like their...well, steel but I respe--”
Butches eyes went wide and he pointed. “There.”
Viola chewed on that for a bit.   " I think I get you." She said, nodding.
Butch’s expression grew soft for split second but smoothed out and eventually went back to it’s normal wise guy grin.  
" How come I'm the only one sharing?"
" I honestly don't know what my answer would be."
" You never wanted nothing?"
She rolled the deviled egg she pilfered before Butch demolished the rest of them between her fingers.
"I remember wanting to do things that would make my father say that my mom would happy."
"And being a receptionist would have done that?"
"It did. He would tell me all the time that she would be happy that I'd taken to the working around the office. I think my mom and my dad valued my safety. That's what made them both happy. But out here safety’s luxury."
"Well, you’re not dead, stiff as a board, but not dead. I’d say you’re doing a good job of keeping yourself safe."
"Not for long. Not with all these curve balls."
They each took their turn taking watch as night fell and passed. Viola made Butch promise to wake her in case something happened and either through guilt or some form of pride he asked her to wake him if she ever got too tired.
A blinding sunlight woke Butch up.  Since she’d been out of the vault longer than he had she’d already adjusted to the wastelands rays, and simply took her pair of shades from her backpack and tolerated it on her skin.
"Wish we had something to drink." He said with sleep thick in his voice.
"I brought some purified water from home."
"Something stronger."
"That's not a good idea outside of any settlements," She shot him a withering glare," for you, I personally don’t think that's a good idea at all."
Butch grumbled, "Gimme the water then."
Butch took a three huge, loud gulps.
"I thought of something Mr. Brotch said."
Butch's crumpled his face up like she just told him she spat in his water. "Why?"
"I talked to him after the GOAT. I wasn't happy with my results—“
"—He never told me nothing like that."
"That's because he didn't like you. Look.  He told me the whole thing was a joke. And if  it is actually is joke, and we we could forgo those results then why not here?"
"No one really knows who we are out here. As long as we're not blowing towns up, we can do anything. And if we get bored we can do something else."
"Something tells me the Officer thing is a pipe dream."
“You don’t have to be an Officer. That’s not what you want. Just make some noise and people will associate you with it. I know I do.”
"Yeah, I like that. And you can make your folks happy then."
Viola decided to take Butch to Megaton first. They gathered their belongings from around the camp and continued their journey. This time Butch leaned on Viola from the start.
“Hey.” He said a little too quietly.
“Is your ankle bothering you?”
“What is it then?”
“Would you really have left me behind if I lost a leg?”
She let silence past so he would sweat some.
“No, but I would’ve given you one heck of a nickname.”
For the first time she made him rumble out in that snorting laughter only his friends back in the vault could.
*                                                  *                                                         *
A bit sentimental are ya? You might like my Young Justice(animated) fic, Game Plan, starring Wally West, long roads and glaring insecurity.
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everlastingdreams · 6 years
Ben Poindexter x Reader : Into My Bloodstream Chapter 17
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Notes: I loved writing this chapter. So I hope you guys will love reading it ! before it all goes to hell
Summary: No spoilers but Dex is jealous
Chapter: 17/? 
Word Count: 2440 words   (wut???)
You were glad Nadeem had given you the chance to get some rest today. You had spend the day hanging on your couch watching some old movies that they were showing on TV. Your mood was far less gloomy then yesterday, and you finally had some extra time to put your hair up nicely. Finally some you-time. Working for the FBI took a toll on your appearance as you worked until late at night and rarely got a good night's rest. This whole ordeal with Fisk was making you anxious. You decided to avoid having to be inside the penthouse, surely there would be other agents that wouldn't mind covering that for you. Fisk was anything but popular after the ambush had caused the deaths of multiple agents for saving him. If anyone would suspect anything, you could use that as an excuse to avoid Fisk.
You had the time to put on some nice clothes today instead of the clothes you regularly wore to work.
The talk you had with Nadeem still clear inside your head. It had proven you right about Dex and how he sometimes lacked the confidence to be closer to you.
You thought it was rather sweet how shy he could be under that steely demeanor he showed on the outside.
Nadeem telling Dex you liked him as more then a friend had caused a boost in confidence for Dex. And you were not letting that go to waste, not if you could help it at least.
Not even the rain could change your good mood, it never did. You loved how the air smelled when you got out of your car. You had stopped by a starbucks on the way to the hotel so you were carrying two cups with you. You walked to the surveillance room where Dex would probably already be. The door was open and Dex and an agent, who you knew was Agent James, were talking about something they saw on the screens while they leaned over them as the screens lit their faces. You had met Agent James while grabbing something to eat in the restaurant a few days ago, he was the kind of person who could charm anyone. And he of course tried to charm you as well, you did keep your distance but he was harmless. He had the looks of an FBI agent you would see in the movies, clean white teeth, great hair. You cleared your throat and their eyes shot up to you. "Wow, Agent (y/n) ! You look stunning today. Always glad to see you grace us with your presence." Agent James exclaimed as he stood up straight. Dex would let his eyes wander over you discreetly. James however, was anything but, and when Dex saw how he eyed you up he stood up straight as well. "You're helping out Dex, James?" You asked as you walked into the room. "Well, someone had to while you were playing sleeping beauty today." James winked at you and shot you a smile that looked like it would fit into a toothpaste commercial. Dex was glaring at him now, clenching his jaw as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. James was unaware of the death glare Dex was aiming at him. "I'll take it from here, James. Thank you for covering my shift." You tried to make your voice sound neutral but friendly. The last thing you wanted is Dex thinking you were interested in James. He looked at Dex too quick to notice anything wrong. James walked up to you, stopping right in front of you. He was standing rather close. Too close for Dex's liking that was clear. "You are very welcome, (y/n)." James said as he gave you another one of his TV commercial smiles. "I'll see you around, Dex !" He said but kept his eyes on you until he left. Dex muttered something under his breath, you didn't hear what it was but it definitely wasn't something nice. You held out one of the coffees you were carrying to him “Got you your favorite.”
He seemed lost in thought for a moment, before he reacted and took it from your hand.
“Thanks.” Dex's mood seemed the exact opposite of yours right now.
“You're very welcome.” you didn't let it bring your mood down, you hoped your chirpy mood would rub off on him.
You grabbed one of the chairs and put your coat on it before you sat down. Nadeem had told you Dex was hard to read, but right now you didn't need a magnifying glass to realise Dex was jealous. And that jealousy was eating away at him now as he grabbed the other chair to sit next to you. He wasn't angry at you. No, the way James had eyed you up and flirted with you so boldly and unexpectedly in front of him had pissed him off.
“I see you've met James then?” he asks you, and you noticed the resentfull tone in his voice.
You ignored it “Yeah. I talked to him a few days ago. I didn't know he knew you that well. I mean, it looks like you two have worked together before.”
Dex scoffed “worked.” he said it in a mocking manner.
“What?” you raised a brow at his reaction.
Dex sighed and leaned back in his chair “He's the FBI's poster boy, the one they go to when they have to talk to the journalists. But the minute we need to get our hands dirty, he's out of here. I guarantee it.”
You were trying to keep a straight face “The people here seem to like him, Dex. Especially the women, or so i've noticed.”
Dex rolled his eyes as he fumbled with the cup in his hand as he thought.
“Do you ?” he made it sound casual but the meaning behind the question was anything but.
“Well, yeah. He's very energetic.” you watched Dex reaction. His shoulders tensed for a moment. “But.. I don't like him the way he wished I would..”
Dex eyes focused on you and you took a sip from your coffee before you continued “if that's what you're worried about.”
You put the cup down and grinned at him, he narrowed his eyes at you.
“What ?” he finally asked.
“Your cute when your jealous.” you crossed your arms.
Dex shook his head avoiding your eyes “I'm not..”
“Yes you are, Poindexter.” you quickly said.
"Of what? That cheesy pick-up line cannon wrapped up in a suit ?" Dex's voice was resentfull as he blurted it out.
Your eyes widened at his reaction, and you leaned back in the chair.
Dex seemed to regret his outburst almost immediately.
Your laugh broke through the silence of the room and he looked at you “Dex, oh my god. Wow. Just wow.” you managed to say through your laughing fit.
He relaxed and held his head in his hands as he quietly laughed with you.
You compossed yourself after a minute.
"James, is not my type. I uhm..the last time I dated someone who was so charming it didn't end well. So.." your eyes dropped. "The guy from your story ?" Dex guessed and you nodded. "He could charm anyone. So it should not have been a suprise that a woman who was ten times more beautiful than me, fell for him again. He loved her, and she loved him. I wasn't going to stand in their way. He deserved the best, and that wasn't me. But, I made my peace with that." Dex didn't speak. You had expected him to have questions.
His leaned back in his chair his eyes avoiding yours as a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth "I have something for you." He suddenly said and you looked up in suprise.
“Please tell me it's not more paperwork.”
He let out a chuckle at that “No, (y/n), I uhm..” he looked at you for a moment before he started to rummage in the pocket of his jacket before he pulled a little box out.
You wondered what was going on right now. He leaned towards you in his chair, as he held out his hand with the little box to you.
“Dex, I don't under-” he interupted you before you could finish your sentence.
“Just.. it's for you. Please?” he looked at you pleadingly.
You weren't actually used to recieving gifts, so you didn't really know how to respond.
You held out your hand and Dex placed the little box in it “You know you don't have to actually get me things, Dex.” you told him softly.
“I know. I just saw this and thought of you.” he looked so nervous.
You took a breath as you held the little box in your hand.
“I am not just giving you a small box, (y/n). There is something in it.” a smug look on his face now.
You shook your head “I know, sorry.” you were nervous to open the little box.
You carefully lifted the lid of the box, there was some paper in the box. You were carefull when you took that out of there and when you finally saw what was in the box you gasped in suprise.
“Dex, no. I can't accept this, it's too much.” you blurted out and covered your mouth. It looked expensive as hell.
“(y/n), the moment I saw this in the store I knew it was meant to be yours.” he was looking at your face and how you were reacting.
You carefully took the delicate necklace out of the box and looked at it wide-eyed.
It was made of yellow gold, and on the chain hanged a gorgeous star. In the middle of the star was a tiny pearl.
“Dex..” you breathed out “..it's beautiful. And special, I've never seen anything like it before.”
Dex seemed to breath out in relief at seeing your eyes sparkle “That's why it is perfect for you.” he brushed his hand on his jacket. “You.. you're special to me (y/n).” he chose his words with caution.
You locked your eyes on his.
“It's the North Star.” he finally tells you.
The meaning behind his gift and his words dawned on you.
“The night you drove me home..” you didn't finish your sentence. It didn't have to be said out loud it was clear why Dex thought of you when he saw the necklace.
You were his North Star.
He nodded as he also remembered the conversation you two had in the car that night.
You didn't know what to say, as your eyes darted between the necklace and Dex.
“I am honored that you chose to see me like that, Dex. Jesus, I never realised.”
His eyes glinted when he looked at you.
You were still speechless “Can you uhm..help me with..” you stood up holding the necklace.
It took Dex a second to understand your question “Oh, yeah. Of course.”
You handed him the necklace, and turned your back to him so he could put the necklace on you.
He unclasped it before he gently put it around your neck. His fingers touching your neck for a moment before the clasp clicked.
You turned around to him and looked down at the star that was now dangling around your neck.
“How does it look on me?” you asked as you watched him look at the star.
He raised his hand and held the star between his fingers before his eyes locked on yours “Perfect.” his voice barely a whisper.
He looked back at the star as he took a step closer to you. His fingers slowly letting go of the star, he let the back of his fingers slide on your skin slowly, his eyes followed the path his fingers were making on your skin. You were breathing faster as your heart started to race at his touch. His fingers went over your collarbone painfully slowly. He continued to trace his fingers up your neck until he finally cupped your cheek with his hand. His gaze fell on your lips and he gently traced his thumb over your bottom lip.
You were quivering at his touch. His eyes finally met yours and you could feel him sliding his hand into your hair as he closed the distance between you.
“Dex..” was all you could say before his lips locked on yours. His kiss was carefull, as if he was afraid you would break.
You put a hand on his chest and pulled him closer to you with his shirt.
His other hand found it's way to your lower back. A quiet moan escaped your lips as you felt his hand on the bare skin of your back. His lips formed a smile before he deepened the kiss, his lips moved on yours passionately now.
You let your other hand slide on the back of his neck and your fingers found their way in his hair. It was enough to make Dex moan against your mouth and he kept his lips on yours as he moved the both of you a few steps until your back met the wall of the room. His hand found it's way to your neck again and rubbed his thumb under your cheek. His other hand sneaked to your waist and he was almost pinning you against the wall.
His mouth never left yours as he kissed you hungrily.
You heard someone clear their throat. And you both immediately broke apart.
Dex looked over his shoulder “Lim.” his voice was hoarse.
Lim looked at the both of you with widened eyes before he chuckled “They are bringing Fisk's food. We'll need to check it before it goes in to the beast's lair, Dex.”
Dex had to recollect his thoughts “Got it.” annoyance clear in Dex's voice.
Lim looked at the both of you one more time and you knew your face was definitely turning red.
“Alright than.” Lim said before he left the room, leaving the door open once more.
You took a breath and brushed your hand over his shirt, trying to make it look proper again. He took your hand in his.
“You're a better kisser than a flirter, Poindexter.” you said coyly.
He raised a brow at you with a smug grin on his face, he leaned in to kiss you again.
“Now, Dex.” Lim had appeared in the doorway again.
Dex straightened his back you giggled at his reaction.
“Come on, let's not keep poor Lim waiting.” you said as you walked over to Lim.
Taglist ( I hope I am doing this right.) :
Let me know if you want me to tag you on this list for the Ben Poindexter x Reader: Into My Bloodstream series.
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takenbypeter · 2 years
I’m thinking of doing reactions with the marvel characters I write for so if anybody has any prompts send em my way please. I’m outta ideas
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takenbypeter · 2 years
Marvel Reactions Masterlist
What Build A Bear They Get You And How They Surprise It With You
Part one includes; Loki, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Peter Maximoff, and Druig
Part two includes; Steven Grant, Thor, Matt Murdock, Ben Poindexter, and Scott Lang
Marvel Reaction To You Overworking Yourself
Part one includes; Loki, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Peter Maximoff, Druig, and Steven Grant
Part two includes; Thor, Matt Murdock, Ben Poindexter, Scott Lang, Eddie Brock, and Kurt Wagner
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takenbypeter · 2 years
Cheering The North Star
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Ben Poindexter (Dex) x reader
Words: 657
Summary: Usually you’re the one cheering Dex up, this time the roles are reversed. 
So I caved. I told myself I wouldn’t write for him and then here we are. It’s not very much Dex because I don’t think I know how to write him and his problem well, but yeah so this is just a fluffy slight angst story with him.  
Long hours…busy hours. You were just glad the work week was finally over, but you were still both mentally and physically drained. Flopping onto the couch you grabbed a fluffy blanket and sat in the dark, the only light coming from the flicker of the television. Your eyes skimmed over the screen, mind blank with no reaction to anything that was playing on the screen. You heard the keys jingle and then the lock clicked as the door unlocked allowing the hallway light to flood into the room as it opened. Heavy footsteps clicked against the kitchen tiles before they stopped. 
There he stood, admiring you from behind, his little North Star. Seeing you made him forget all of the chaotic things that the day's work brought along with it. 
After a moment of basking in your appearance, he went off to the countertop. 
You heard him rustling, “how was your day?” You asked the usual question from your spot while you heard him do his Friday routine; pulling out two plates, one for you and one for him. “Bad, but better now that I see you.” 
He finished preparing the plates before walking over to join you on the couch, setting one plate of pizza on the table, he held out the other towards you and you shook your head. His eyebrows came together only for a second confused, “but it’s Friday, we always eat pizza today.”
“Not hungry, I’ll have it later,” you said and he nodded, placing your plate on the table in front of you. The atmosphere felt different than usual and Dex could practically feel the tension in the air. “How was your day?” He asked spacing his words cautiously. You turned to him with a weak smile, “it was fine,” you said before turning back to the tv. 
That plastered smile wasn’t fooling anyone, he’s seen your bright expression enough times to know what your genuine smile looked like. Dex cleared his throat before swallowing hard, unfamiliar with what action to take next. “Are you…sure?” He questioned, and he gained your attention, his question sounding almost childlike. 
You turned your head before your eyes followed landing on him and you let out a sigh, “work was total chaos today. You don’t want to hear about it.”
Dex would do anything to make you feel better because when you were feeling good so was he. “I do.” Your eyes gaze into his before he repeats himself, “I do want to hear about it.”
You bore into his eyes, as his eyes stared back ushering for you to tell him. You let out a sigh which slightly made you feel better, “there were a bunch of orders today and they all were huge orders, plus we were short staffed again because they’re cutting labor hours.”
Dex could care less about your job, but he always enjoyed your voice. He’d rather have you expressing yourself passionately than have the droning silence hanging in the air. 
“And the customers! They were either rude or obnoxious, or creepy old guys trying to hit on me!”
Dex reached out laying a hand along your thigh interrupting your story, “hey, I’m sorry that happened today. That must’ve really been just the worst.”
You grinned at his words and he felt his chest warm with the first sincere smile he’s seen all night. “It was. I’m just tired of it.”
After a moment of contemplation he shifted on the couch opening his arms, you grinned scooting over to him. Leaning your body into his as he circled you with his arms. 
“Well at least the day is done and you don’t have to think about it anymore. We’re together now.” 
“At least we’re together now,” you repeated grinning against his chest before closing your eyes. He peeked down at you who finally seemed relaxed and he squeezed you a little bit tighter never wanting you to leave his arms. 
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