#Bessie Sheppard
kwebtv · 3 months
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Jane Eyre - BBC - September 27, 1973 - October 25, 1973
Drama (5 Episodes)
Running Time: 275 minutes total
Sorcha Cusack as Jane Eyre
Juliet Waley as young Jane
Michael Jayston as Edward Rochester
Jean Harvey as Mrs. Reed
Terence Sheppard as John Reed
Amanda Stone as Eliza Reed
Caroline Jewson as Georgiana Reed
Brigid Erin Bates as Bessie
Peggy Atchison as Miss Abbott
John Baddeley as Mr. Lloyd
John Phillips as Mr. Brockhurst
Susan Jameson as Miss Temple
Megs Jenkins as Mrs. Fairfax
Stephanie Beacham as Blanche Ingram
Brenda Kempner as Bertha Rochester
Isabelle Rosin as Adele
Geoffrey Whitehead as St. John Rivers
Tina Heath as Helen Burns
Ann Tirard as Miss Scatcherd
Jaki Harding as Miss Miller
Ronald Mayer as John
Zara Jaber as Grace Poole
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sarahdgordon · 9 months
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HEADSTONE READS: In Memory of Charles Albert Cowdery and Bessie his beloved wife. Both were lost at the wreck of the barque James Service off Fremantle July 23rd 1878. aged 33 and 28 respectively.
photgraph taken Mandurah Cemetary, Pinjarra road.
While exploring a little cemetery in the new town we now call home I came across this headstone and became fascinated by the events that led to this young couple being buried here.
In 1878, the James Service, a 455-ton iron barque built in Scotland in 1869, set sail from India to Melbourne. It carried a cargo of sack bags, castor oil, jute, and sundry items including crates of bowler hats.
On board was a crew of ten* and ten* passenger, the passengers a theatrical group from London, bound for Melbourne.
One of this group was well known actress Bessie (stage name Edwards) Cowdery 28 and her husband Charles Albert Cowdery, 33.
I have found in a search for Bessie Edwards as an actress two mentions in newspaper courtesy of Footlight Notes:
‘Mr. R. BLACKMORE has organised another company for a five months’ season in Calcutta, the artistes engaged comprising Messrs Crawford, Cowdery, [George] Titheradge, Bond, E. Sheppard, Owen, Beverley; and the Misses Alice Ingram, Bessie Edwards, Alma Sainton, A. Rose, Phœbe Don, G. Leigh, F. Seymour, and Tessy Hamerton. They sailed from Southampton on the 21st inst. in the ”Poonah.” The Corinthian Theatre will be the scene of their operations.’ (The Era, London, Sunday, 24 September 1876, p. 4c)
‘CALCUTTA. ‘My dear Tahite, – Miss [Rosa] Cooper‘s benefit came off a few days ago. She played Miami in ”Green Bushes,” and the house was wedged. I understand the low-comedy man of this theatre is engaged to Mr. Coppin. The artist and the manager are shortly going to China in a panorama (”The Prince in India”). The French opera has been a disheartening failure. I never saw anything so bad, even at a third-class concert in Melbourne. Miss Bessy Edwards is a pretty taking actress, and Miss Phœbe Don, if not a great actress, is so bewilderingly beautiful a woman, that young men – and for the matter of that old men – go distraught about her… .’ (The Australasian, Melbourne, Australia, Saturday, 28 April 1877, p. 19c)
On July the 22nd, 1878, residents south of Mandurah, Western Australia, claimed to have heard a signal gun of a ship in distress with another local claiming to have seen a large vessel minus its mizzen mast.  This was the James Service. The next day a local stockman reported to the police that wreckage had washed up on the beach. From the tallest vantage point, a police officer could see the top mast of a vessel but as the sea was so rough, no boats could be launched to attempt a rescue. By late afternoon the mast could no longer be seen.
Over the next weeks, items that had once been on board the James Service washed ashore. Tins of castor oil, a long boat bearing the name James Service, items of clothing, boxes, trunks and luggage, some labelled as belonging to Bessie Edwards. Sadly, bodies also washed ashore. Some, like Bessie and her husband were buried in a small cemetery in Mandurah.  Others were interred in the sand dunes on the beaches they washed up on, so badly decomposed they could not be transported to more suitable places. They in time, however, were moved to different cemeteries.
It is not certain what caused the James service to flounder and sink as no one survived to tell the tale.
The only clue comes from a passenger's diary that washed up on the beach. Dated 20th July, the writer stated that ‘the ship had encountered very boisterous weather for some time, and that on one occasion the wind had been so strong as to put her on her beam ends, the yards touching the water.’
It is assumed that the ship was damaged in this bad weather and attempted to reach Fremantle for urgent repairs sinking before reaching the safety of the port.
The James Service is virtually part of the reef now, encrusted with marine growth. Its anchor rests in the small Mandurah cemetery alongside some of the unfortunate passengers and crew.
There is an interesting newspaper report of the sinking courtesy of TROVE which can be found here.
Information used in this post is courtesy of the City of Mandurah, Museum of WA, and Footlight Notes websites.
*Some sites put crew at 11 and passengers at 7.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Husband Is Charged By Heroine Of Fire,” Toronto Star. May 6, 1932. Page 2. ---- Mrs. Mary Oliver, Colored, Says He Hit Her Demanding Insurance Money --- Mrs. May Oliver, colored heroine of a recent fire when she saved her children, appeared as complainant in women’s court to-day charging her husband, Sam Oliver, with assaulting and beating her, following a quarrel over money received from insurance on the burned house.
‘My husband told me he wanted some of the money,’ Mrs. Oliver stated. ‘He said I must either give him the money he wanted or stand the consequences.’
Was Paid $698 Questioned by B. J. Spencer Pitt, defence counsel, Mrs. Oliver stated she had received $698 in insurance, has paid bills and bought some things to set up a new home, and had given the rest, $400, to a social service for safe keeping.
‘He hit me twice in the face and cut me. I had to go to a doctor,’ she testified.
After hearing the evidence of a police matron who examined Mrs. Oliver, Magistrate Patterson committed Oliver for trial. Bail was set at $1,000, and the defendant pleaded not guilty.
Must Leave Town ‘This young woman should not have been locked up at all,’ declared W. B. Horkins, counsel for Inez Powers, charged with criminal negligence in connection with an auto accident, ‘it was a case of careless children playing on the streets.’
A remand was asked for, and Magistrate Patterson fixed the case for May 14.
‘You cannot carry on the way you have been living in Ontario,’ Magistrate Patterson warned Marie Leech, Winnipeg girl, convicted of keeping a resort. Thomas Horkins, defence counsel, was asking permission to let the girl go to relatives in Niagara Falls. ‘The air is much healthier there,’ he remarked.
Marie was allowed to go, but a warrant will be issued for her tomorrow, and if she returns to Toronto she will go to Mercer for two years.
Must Keep Out of Store It is contemptible trying to blame it on others,’ remarked Magistrate Patterson, when Bessie Sheppard, charged with purse-snatching, came up for sentence.
Last week the girl had claimed that another woman was teaching her how to steal, but investigation did not bear out her claim. It was only because she had a baby that she was not being sent to jail, the bench said. She was put on probation and under bond to keep out of departmental stores.
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hibernianzephyr · 5 years
Just discovered this lovely video made by a band called Shanks’ Pony. It’s about the true story of the murder of Bessie Sheppard, which is now part of the local folklore of Mansfield and Ravenshead. It was recently 200 years since the sad event. Her memorial stone still exists by the side of the road. I must go and find it one day. 
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oh-sewing-circle · 5 years
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"Josephine Baker was an American-born French dancer and singer who symbolized the beauty and vitality of black American culture, which took Paris by storm in the 1920s. Baker was bisexual. Her son Jean-Claude Baker and co-author Chris Chase state in Josephine: The Hungry Heart that she was involved in numerous lesbian affairs, both while she was single and married, and mention six of her female lovers by name. Clara Smith, Evelyn Sheppard, Bessie Allison, Ada "Bricktop" Smith, and Mildred Smallwood were all African-American women whom she met while touring on the black performing circuit early in her career. She was also reportedly involved intimately with French writer Colette. Not mentioned, but confirmed since, was her affair with Mexican artist Frida Kahlo."
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Maker’s name: Helen Cook
Petition sheet number: 466
Person honouring: Margaret Hogg
Relationship to maker: Relative
The Hogg family name was (and remains) prolific in and around Whanganui. My great-grandmother was Elizabeth Barbara Hogg (known as Bessie) and she had a sister named Margaret – my mum’s Aunty Madge.
I am not 100% certain that this Margaret Hogg is my Aunty Madge. However, I found that while Margaret never married, she and Bessie continued to live close to each other throughout their lives, even after Bessie married. Their handwriting is alike and their important life dates align with the petition date.
Even if this Margaret is not my Aunty Madge, I have chosen her as my link to the Whanganui Hogg families. My mum recalls the sisters being hardworking women who kept good homes with both pretty and productive gardens. My panel reflects this with: flowers, buttons, a washing-day peg bag, and a doily to represent these traits.
There are only 15 names on sheet 466 but the last line reads “The above 15 names were obtained by Miss Hogg Wanganui.” I’d like to think that Aunty Madge was this determined lady.
Panel materials: I chose to recycle bits and bobs to create this panel – the peg bag and doily were made by my husband’s aunt and grandmother; the mother-of-pearl buttons were collected from garments over the years; the threads of the flowers are leftovers from old cross-stitch projects, all kept for a project just like this. The only new item is the first day cover stamp of Kate Sheppard that fills the basket. There are 46 flower petals representing other women.
Unique ID number: VRS.2019.407
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skylightbooks · 6 years
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Late last night we gathered all of the new books that we carry that contain lists of
and created a word cloud of all the names that occur in these books. Here it is in long form:
A'isha bint abi Bakr Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer Abigail Adams Ada Blackjack Ada Lovelace (appears 4 times) Adina De Zavala Aditi Aelfthryth Aethelflaed Agatha Christie Agnodice (appears 3 times) Agontime and the Dahomey Amazons Aine Aisholpan Nurgaiv Ala Alek Wek Alexandra Kollontai Alexis Smith Alfhild (appears 2 times) Alfonsina Strada Alia Muhammad Baker Alice Ball (appears 3 times) Alice Clement Alice Guy-Blache Alice Paul Alicia Alonso Alma Woodsey Thomas Althea Gibson Amal Clooney Amalia Eriksson Amanda Stenberg Amaterasu Amba/Sikhandi Ameenah Gurib-Fakim Amelia Earhart (appears 4 times) Amna Al Haddad Amy Poehler (appears 2 times) Amy Winehouse Ana Lezama de Urinza Ana Nzinga Anais Nin Andamana Andree Peel Angela Davis (appears 3 times) Angela Merkel (appears 2 times) Angela Morley Angela Zhang Angelina Jolie Anita Garibaldi (appears 3 times) Anita Roddick Ann Hamilton Ann Makosinski Anna Atkins Anna May Wong Anna Nicole Smith Anna of Saxony Anna Olga Albertina Brown Anna Politkovskaya Anna Wintour Anna-Marie McLemore Anne Bonny Anne Hutchinson Anne Lister Annette Kellerman (appears 3 times) Annie "Londonderry" Cohen Kopchovsky Annie Edson Taylor Annie Edson Taylor Annie Jump Cannon (appears 3 times) Annie Oakley (appears 2 times) Annie Smith Peck Aphra Behn Aphrodite Arawelo Aretha Franklin Artemis Artemisia Gentileschi (appears 4 times) Artemisis I of Caria Ashley Fiolek Astrid Lindgren Athena Aud the Deep-Minded Audre Lorde Audrey Hepburn Augusta Savage Aung San Suu Kyi (appears 2 times) Azucena Villaflor Babe Zaharias Barbara Bloom Barbara Hillary Barbara Walters Bast Bastardilla Beatrice Ayettey Beatrice Potter Webb Beatrice Vio Beatrix Potter Beatrix Potter Belle Boyd Belva Lockwood Benten Bessie Coleman (appears 2 times) Bessie Stringfield Bettie Page Betty Davis Betty Friedan Beyonce (appears 3 times) Billie Holiday Billie Jean King (appears 3 times) Birute Mary Galdikis Black Mambas Blakissa Chaibou Bonnie Parker Boudicca (appears 3 times) Brenda Chapman Brenda Milner Bridget Riley Brie Larson Brigid of Kildare Brigit Britney Spears Bronte Sisters Buffalo Calf Road Woman (appears 2 times) Buffy Sainte-Marie Calafia Caraboo Carly Rae Jepsen Carmen Amaya Carmen Miranda Carol Burnett Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel Carrie Bradshaw Carrie Fisher (appears 2 times) Caterina Sforza Catherine Radziwill Catherine the Great (appears 3 times) Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Celia Cruz Chalchiuhtlicue Chang-o Charlotte E Ray Charlotte of Belgium Charlotte of Prussia Cher Cheryl Bridges Chien-Shiung Wu Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (appears 3 times) Chiyome Mochizuki Cholita Climbers Chrissy Teigen Christina   Christina of Sweden Christine de Pizan Christine Jorgensen (appears 2 times) Clara Rockmore Clara Schumann Clara Ward Claudia Ruggerini Clelia Duel Mosher Clemantine Wamariya Clementine Delait Cleopatra (appears 3 times) Coccinelle Coco Chanel (appears 2 times) Constance Markievicz Cora Coralina Coretta Scott King Corrie Ten Boom Courtney Love Coy Mathis Creiddylad Daenerys Targaryen Dahlia Adler Daisy Kadibill Dame Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira Delia Akeley Demeter Dhat al-Himma Dhonielle Clayton Diana Nyad Diana Ross Diana Vreeland (appears 2 times) Dixie Chicks Dolly Parton (appears 2 times) Dolores Huerta Dominique Dawes Dona Ana Lezama de Urinza and Dona Eustaquia de Sonza Dorothy Arzner Dorothy Dandridge Dorothy Thompson Dorothy Vaughan Dr. Eugenie Clark Dr. Jane Goodall (appears 3 times) Durga Edie Sedgwick Edith Garrud Edith Head Edith Wharton Edmonia Lewis Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleanor Roosevelt (appears 3 times) Elena Cornaro Piscopia Elena Piscopia Elinor Smith Elisabeth Bathory Elisabeth of Austria Elizabeth Bisland Elizabeth Blackwell Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Hart Elizabeth I (appears 3 times) Elizabeth Murray Elizabeth Peyton Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Zimmermann Elizsabeth Vigee-Lebrun Ella Baker Ella Fitzgerald Ella Hattan Elle Fanning Ellen Degeneres Elsa Schiaparelli Elvira de la Fuente Chaudoir Emily Warren Roebling Emma "Grandma" Gatewood Emma Goldman (appears 2 times) Emma Watson (appears 2 times) Emmeline Pankhurst (appears 3 times) Emmy Noether (appears 3 times) Empress Myeongseong Empress Theodora (appears 2 times) Empress Wu Zetian (appears 2 times) Empress Xi Ling Shi Enheduanna Eniac Programmers Eos Erin Bowman Estanatlehi Ethel Payne Eufrosina Cruz Eustaquia de Souza Eva Peron (appears 3 times) Fadumo Dayib Faith Bandler Fannie Farmer (appears 2 times) Fanny Blankers-Koen Fanny Bullock Workman Fanny Cochrane Smith Fanny Mendelssohn Fatima al-Fihri (appears 3 times) Fe Del Mundo Ferminia Sarras Fiona Banner Fiona Rae Florence Chadwick (appears 2 times) Florence Griffith-Joyner (appears 2 times) Florence Nightingale (appears 4 times) Frances E. W. Harper Frances Glessner Lee Frances Moore Lappe Franziska Freya Frida Kahlo (appears 7 times) Friederike Mandelbaum Funmilayo Ransome Kuti (appears 2 times) Gabriela Brimmer Gabriela Mistral Gae Aulenti Gaia George Sand Georgia "Tiny" Broadwick Georgia O'Keefe (appears 3 times) Gertrude Bell Gerty Cori Gilda Radner Girogina Reid Giusi Nicolini Gladys Bentley Gloria Steinem (appears 3 times) Gloria von Thurn Grace "Granuaile" O'Malley Grace Hopper Grace Jones Grace O'Malley (appears 3 times) Gracia Mendes Nasi Gracie Fields Grimke Sisters Guerrilla Girls Gurinder Chadha Gwen Ifill Gwendolyn Brooks (appears 2 times) Gypsy Rose Lee Hannah Arendt Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Tubman (appears 6 times) Hathor Hatshepsut (appears 7 times) Hazel Scott Hecate Hedy Lamarr (appears 5 times) Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Hel Helen Gibson Helen Gurley Brown (appears 2 times) Helen Keller (appears 2 times) Hildegard von Bingen Hillary Rodham Clinton (appears 2 times) Hina Hortense Mancini Hortensia Hsi Wang Mu Huma Abedin Hung Liu Hypatia (appears 4 times) Iara Ida B. Wells (appears 3 times) Ida Lewis Imogen Cunningham Irena Sendler (appears 3 times) Irena Sendlerowa Irene Joliot-Curie Isabel Allende Isabella of France Isabella Stewart Gardner Isadora Duncan (appears 2 times) Isis Iva Toguri D'Aquino Ixchel J.K. Rowling (appears 3 times) Jackie Mitchell Jacqueline and Eileen Nearne Jacquotte Delahaye Jane Austen (appears 2 times) Jane Dieulafoy Jane Mecom Jang-geum Janis Joplin Jayaben Desai Jean Batten Jean Macnamara Jeanne Baret (appears 3 times) Jeanne De Belleville Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Steinkamp Jenny Lewis Jesselyn Radack Jessica Spotswood Jessica Watson Jezebel Jill Tarter Jind Kaur Jingu Joan Bamford Fletcher Joan Beauchamp Procter Joan Jett (appears 2 times) Joan Mitchell Joan of Arc (appears 3 times) Jodie Foster Johanna July Johanna Nordblad Josefina "Joey" Guerrero Josephina van Gorkum Josephine Baker (appears 7 times) Jovita Idar (appears 2 times) Juana Azurduy Judit Polgar Judy Blume Julia Child (appears 2 times) Julia de Burgos Julie "La Maupin" d'Abigny (appears 3 times) Julie Dash Juliette Gordon Low Junko Tabei (appears 4 times) Justa Grata Honoria Ka'ahumanu Kali Kalpana Chawla Karen Carson Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera Kat Von D Kate Bornstein Kate Sheppard Kate Warne Katherine Hepburn Katherine Johnson (appears 2 times) Kathrine Switzer Katia Krafft (appears 2 times) Katie Sandwina Kay Thompson Keiko Fukuda Keumalahayati Kharboucha Khawlah bint al-Azwar Khayzuran Khoudia Diop Khutulun (appears 5 times) Kim Kardashian King Christina of Sweden Kosem Sultan Kristen Stewart Kristin Wig Kuan Yin Kumander Liwayway Kurmanjan Dtaka Lady Godiva Lady Margaret Cavendish Laka Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi (appears 5 times) Lana Del Rey Las Mariposas Laskarina Bouboulina (appears 2 times) Laura Redden Searing Lauren Potter Laverne Cox (appears 2 times) Lee Miller Lella Lombardi Lena Dunham Leo Salonga Leymah Gbowee (appears 2 times) Libby Riddles Lieu Hanh Lil Kim Lili'uokalani Lilian Bland (appears 3 times) Lilith Lillian Boyer Lillian Leitzel Lillian Ngoyi Lillian Riggs Lindsay Lohan Liv Arensen and Ann Bancroft Lorde Lorena Ochoa Lorna Simpson Lorraine Hansberry Lotfia El Nadi Louisa Atkinson Louise Mack Lowri Morgan Lozen (appears 3 times) Lucille Ball Lucrezia Lucy Hicks Anderson Lucy Parsons Luisa Moreno Luo Dengping Lyda Conley Lynda Benglis Ma'at Mackenzi Lee Madam C.J. Walker (appears 3 times) Madame Saqui Madia Comaneci Madonna (appears 3 times) Madres de Plaza de Mayo Mae C. Jemison Mae Emmeline Wirth Mae Jemison (appears 3 times) Mae West Mahalia Jackson Mai Bhago Malala Yousafzai (appears 7 times) Malinche (appears 2 times) Mamie Phipps Clark Manal al-Sharif Marcelite Harris Margaret Margaret "Molly" Tobin Brown Margaret Bourke-White Margaret Cho Margaret Hamilton (appears 2 times) Margaret Hardenbroeck Philipse Margaret Sanger Margaret Thatcher (appears 2 times) Margery Kempe Margherita Hack Marguerite de la Rocque Maria Callas Maria Mitchell Maria Montessori (appears 2 times) Maria Reiche Maria Sibylla Merian Maria Tallchief Maria Vieira da Silva Mariah Carey Marian Anderson Marie Antoinette Marie Chauvet Marie Curie (appears 5 times) Marie Duval Marie Mancini Marie Marvingt Marie Tharp Marieke Nijkamp Marina Abramovic Mariya Oktyabrskaya (appears 2 times) Marjana Marlene Sanders Marta Marta Vieira da Silva Martha Gelhorn Martha Graham Mary Anning (appears 5 times) Mary Blair Mary Bowser (appears 3 times) Mary Edwards Walker (appears 2 times) Mary Eliza Mahoney Mary Fields (appears 2 times) Mary Heilmann Mary Jackson (appears 2 times) Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen Mary Kingsley Mary Kom Mary Lacy Mary Lillian Ellison Mary Pickford Mary Quant Mary Seacole (appears 3 times) Mary Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft (appears 2 times) Maryam Mirzakhani Mata Hari (appears 3 times) Matilda of Canossa Matilda of Tuscany Matilde Montoya Maud Stevens Wagner Maya Angelou (appears 4 times) Maya Gabeira Maya Lin (appears 2 times) Mazu Meg Medina Megan Shepherd Melba Liston Mercedes de Acosta Merritt Moore Meryl Streep Micaela Bastidas Michaela Deprince Michelle Fierro Michelle Obama (appears 3 times) Mildred Burke Miley Cyrus Millo Castro Zaldarriaga Mina Hubbard Minnie Spotted Wolf Mirabal Sisters (appear 2 times) Miriam Makeba (appears 3 times) Missy Elliot Misty Copeland Mochizuki Chiyome Moll Cutpurse Molly Kelly Molly Williams Moremi Ajasoro Murasaki Shikibu (appears 3 times) Nadia Murad Nadine Gordimer Nakano Takeko Nana Asma'u (appears 2 times) Nancy Rubins Nancy Wake (appears 2 times) Naomi Campbell Naziq al-Abid Neerja Bhanot Nefertiti Nell Gwyn Nellie Bly (appears 8 times) Nettie Stevens (appears 2 times) Nichelle Nichols Nicki Minaj Nicole Richie Nina Simone (appears 2 times) Njinga of Angola Njinga of Ndongo Noor Inayat Khan (appears 3 times) Nora Ephron (appears 3 times) Norma Shearer North West Nuwa Nwanyeruwa (appears 2 times) Nyai Loro Kidul Nzinga Nzinga Mbande Octavia E Butler Odetta Olga of Kiev (appears 2 times) Olivia Benson Olympe de Gouges Oprah Winfrey (appears 5 times) Osh-Tisch Oshun Oya Pancho Barnes Paris Hilton Parvati Patti Smith (appears 2 times) Pauline Bonaparte Pauline Leon Peggy Guggenheim (appears 2 times) Pele Petra "Pedro" Herrera Phillis Wheatley Phoolan Devi Phyllis Diller Phyllis Wheatley Pia Fries Pingyang Policarpa "La Pola" Salavarrieta Policarpa Salavarrieta (appears 2 times) Poly Styrene Poorna Malavath Pope Joan Portia De Rossi and Ellen Degeneres Princess Caraboo Princess Diana Princess Sophia Duleep Singh Psyche Pura Belpre Qiu Jin (appears 3 times) Queen Arawelo Queen Bessie Coleman Queen Lili'uokalani (appears 2 times) Queen Nanny of the Maroons (appears 4 times) Quintreman Sisters Rachel Carson (appears 4 times) Rachel Maddow Raden Ajeng Kartini Ran Rani Chennamma Rani Lakshmibai Rani of Jhansi Raven Wilkinson Rebecca Lee Crumpler Rhiannon Rigoberta Menchu Tum Rihanna Rita Levi Montalcini (appears 2 times) Robina Muqimyar Roni Horn Rosa Luxemburg Rosa Parks (appears 4 times) Rosalind Franklin Rosaly Lopes Rose Fortune Rowan Blanchard Roxolana Ruby Nell Bridges (appears 3 times) Rukmini Devi Arundale Rupaul Ruth Bader Ginsburg (appears 3 times) Ruth Harkness Ruth Westheimer Rywka Lipszyc Sadako Sasaki Sally Ride Samantha Christoforetti Sappho (appears 3 times) Sara Farizan Sara Seager Sarah Breedlove Sarah Charlesworth Sarah Winnemucca Saraswati Sarinya Srisakul Sarojini Naidu Sarvenaz Tash Sayyida al-Hurra (appears 2 times) Sekhmet Selda Bagcan Selena Seondeok of Silla (appears 2 times) Serafina Battaglia Serena Williams (appears 4 times) Shajar al-Durr Shamsia Hassani Sharon Ellis Sheryl Crow Sheryl Sandberg Shirely Chisolm (appears 2 times) Shirley Muldowney Shonda Rhimes (appears 2 times) Simone Biles (appears 2 times) Simone de Beauvoir Simone Veil Sister Corita Kent Sita Sky Brown Sofia Ionescu Sofia Perovskaya Sofka Dolgorouky Sojourner Truth (appears 5 times) Solange Sonia Sotomayor (appears 2 times) Sonita Alizadeh (appears 2 times) Sophia Dorothea Sophia Loren Sophie Blanchard Sophie Scholl (appears 3 times) Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (appears 2 times) Sorghaghtani Beki Spider Woman Stacey Lee Stagecoach Mary Fields (appears 2 times) Steffi Graf Stephanie Kwolek Stephanie von Hohenlohe Stevie Nicks Subh Susa La Flesche Picotte Susan B. Anthony Susan La Flesche Picotte Sybil Ludington (appears 3 times) Sybilla Masters Sylvia Earle (appears 3 times) Tallulah Bankhead Tamara de Lempicka Tara Tarabai Shinde Tatterhood Taylor Swift Te Puea Herangi (appears 2 times) Temple Grandin (appears 3 times) Teresita Fernandez Mirabal Sisters Muses Night Witches Shaggs Stateless Thea Foss Therese Clerc Tin Hinan Tina Fey (appears 2 times) TLC Tomoe Gozen (appears 2 times) Tomyris (appears 2 times) Tonya Harding Tove Jansson (appears 2 times) Troop 6000 Trung Sisters Trung Trac and Trung Nhi (appear 2 times together) Tyche Tyler Moore Tyra Banks Ulayya bint al-Mahdi Umm Kulthum Ursula K. LeGuin Ursula Nordstrom Valentina Tereshkova (appears 5 times) Valerie Thomas Vanessa Beecroft Venus Williams (appears 2 times) Victoria Beckham Vija Celmins Viola Davis Viola Desmond Violeta Parra Virginia Apgar Virginia Hall Virginia Woolf (appears 3 times) Vita Sackville-West Vivian Maier Wallada bint al-Mustakfi (appears 2 times) Wang Zhenyi (appears 2 times) Wangari Maathai (appears 3 times) Washington State Suffragists Whina Cooper Willow Smith Wilma Mankiller Wilma Rudolph (appears 3 times) Winona Ryder Wislawa Szymborska Wu Mei Wu Zetian (appears 3 times) Xian Zhang Xochiquetzal Xtabay Yaa Asantewaa (appears 3 times) Yael Yani Tseng Yayoi Kusama Yemoja Yennenga Yeonmi Park Ynes Mexia Yoko Ono Yoshiko Kawashima Yuri Kochiyama Yusra Mardini Zabel Yesayan Zaha Hadid (appears 2 times) Zenobia Zoe Kravitz Zora Neale Hurston (appears 2 times)
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HEY! (Please only if you fell like it. I need more music to listen to)
I hope these songs work!
1) Bessie I Don’t Blame You by Johnny Gallagher
2) Coming Home by Sheppard
3) Jardin du Luxembourg by GOASTT
4) Bastards of Young by The Replacements
5) The Greatest by Raleigh Ritchie
6) I Fought the Law by The Clash
7) Wonderin’ by Neil Young
8) It Makes No Difference by The Band
9) Peach Plum Pear by Joanna Newsom
10) Jane Says by Jane’s Addiction
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profeminist · 7 years
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A bisexual affair: Frida Kahlo and Josephine Baker
“As bisexuals, both women had a number of relationships with men and women.
Frida was more open about it, dressing as she did in men’s clothing. Among women, she had relationships with fellow painters like Georgia O’Keeffe and Jacqueline Lamba, as well as actresses like Dolores del Rio and Paulette Goddard.
Meanwhile, Josephine wasn’t as open as Frida, but she had her share of female lovers. These range from her co-workers on the stage– like Evelyn Sheppard, Mildred Smallwood, and Bessie Allison– to the novelist Colette, and the classic blues singer Clara Smith.
Though their relationship wasn’t as well-documented as the others, the idea of such a relationship is powerful because these two women were known for their dedication to their art despite a number of tragedies.”
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doctorwhodisney · 7 years
One episode for each Doctor
1. First Doctor. “The Time Meddler”
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Sadly there are a lot of missing episodes with the first Doctor and i know i would love “The Dalek’s Master Plan” but this episode is my favorite since is the first time we see another Time Lord. I also love “The Tenth Planet” (first time ever for Cybermen).
Runner-up: “The Chase” a really cool Dalek story but maybe a little long.
2. Second Doctor: “The Mind Robber”
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I love Zoe one of my favorite companions ever and i love mid games and classic literature characters so this is definetly my favorite second Doctor story.
Runner-up: “The War Games” i love the concept of this episode and it’s always sad but 10 episodes is a lot.
3. Third Doctor: “The Daemons”
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I really love The Master and his best is with the third Doctor in my opinion, definetly Roger Delgado is my favorite there were a lot of serials to choose from but i love Jo, Bessie and the Brigidaire in this one in particular plus the deamons are a really cool villian. “Inferno” and “Frontier in Space” are also great. I think all the third Doctor serials are really close in quality, also “Invasion of the Dinosaurs” with the Whomobile.
Runner-up: “The Time Monster” i love Kronos as a villian and also The Master again.
4. Fourth Doctor “Genesis of the Daleks”
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There are a lot of serials to choose form and i think this is the most famous one, i am one of the few people than don’t like that much fourth Doctor with Sarah Jane, i love her but i think the best of the fourth Doctor is with Romana II and with Leela and K9. All the “Key to Time” episodes are pure gold but i cound’t pick just one, “The Deadly Assasin” with The Master and Gallifrey and “The Invisible Enemy” when we meet K9 is also a must-see but there’s no compiting with Davros is my favorite even more than The Master and this is his best episode in my opinion.
Runner-up: “The Stones of Blood” i think the best of the fourth Doctor is “The Key to Time” as a whole and the best one of those is this one.
5. Fifth Doctor “The Caves of Androzani”
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Another fan favorite i love the action sequences in this one and Morgus is an interesting character plus we know the reason behind the celery. “Resurrection of the Daleks” is another great one because of Davros.
Runner-up: “Mawdryn Undead” i think the Black Guardian trilogy is the best thing about the fifth Doctor  but it’s really hard to pick just one and it works better as a whole.
6. Sixth Doctor “The Ultimate Foe”
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I honestly don’t like the sixth Doctor, is the only one i don’t like but the “Trial of a Time Lord” season is really interesting so i chose “The Ultimate Foe” because is the last one and you see all the pieces together.
Runner-up: “The Mark of The Rani” because you have 3 Time Lords.
7. Seventh Doctor “The Curse of Fenric”
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This is a really dark and creepy episode and The Doctor is manipulative and calculator plus the seventh Doctor and Ace make one of the best duos in the whole series. I really want the Haemovores to appear more. Also recommend “Silver Nemesis” because it has neo nazis and Rassilon and “Remembrance of the Daleks” since is the last time we see Davros in the classic series.
Runner up “Batllefield” In this episode i fell in love with the relationship between Ace and The Doctor plus Excalibur and the Brigidaire.
8. Eight Doctor “The Night of The Doctor”
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I really love the eight Doctor and i wish he would have a whole season but i didn’t enjoy the tv movie and in “The Night of The Doctor” even if it’s just a few minutes long is a masterpiece in my opinion.
Runner-up: The TV movie. Obviously.
9. Ninth Doctor “The Emply Child” / “The Doctor Dances”
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Jus tone season but a lot of great episodes “The Parting of the Ways” is awesome and i love his speech in “Boom Town” but “The Emply Child” is the darkest and most interesting of them all plus is our first look at Captain Jack Harkness.
Runner up: “Dalek” a perfect way to introduce a new villain, this was the first time i knew a Dalek and it was perfect.
10. Tenth Doctor “Silence in the Library” / “Forest of the Dead”
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Really hard decision with “Blink” or “Midnight” but i prefer episodes with the Doctor and his companion “The Family of Blood” and “Last of the Time Lords” are highly recommended but in my opinion the best of the tenth Doctor came with Donna and the Vashta Nerada are just so great that they had to be number one plus the introduction to River Song. This was really difficult to choose.
Runner up “Journey’s End” really really close second awesome episode with Rose, Martha, Donna, Sarah Jane, Captain Jack even K9 and of course Davros one of the best and most epic episodes just because with “Silence in the Library” i became obssesed with The Doctor and is my favorite episode ever but  i wouldn’t change a thing in “Journey’s End”, perfect episode.
11. Eleventh Doctor “The Angels Take Manhattan”
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Another hard one since the elventh Doctor is really emotional and a lot of episodes make you feel “Vincent and The Doctor”, “The Pandorica Opens”, “The Girl who Waited” and “The Time of The Doctor” always make me cry. I love Clara Oswald so “The Name of The Doctor” is one of my favorites for unraveling the mistery behind the impossible girl but i think the eleventh Doctor “belongs” to the Ponds and to River Song so i had to pick an epsiode with them on it and “The Angels take Manhattan” is the best one, the more times i see it the more i liked it because it makes me happy that Amy and Rory lived a full happy life together.
Runner up: “The Impossible Austronaut” / “Day of the Moon” Another great episode with Amy, Rory and River i love the Silence and it’s filled with action and mistery plus Mark Sheppard is always great.
12. Twelfth Doctor “Hell Bent”
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My favorite Doctor is twelfth and my favorite companion is Clara so you can understand why i chose this is both the saddest and happiest episode i’ve seen, when my son asks me the meaning of love i will say “Doctor Who Series 9″ is so perfect for me that i would believe if they wrote it specially for me. I think “Flatline”, “Listen”, “Time Heist” and “The Zygon Inversion” are great but no one near as good and emotional as this.
Runner up “Heaven Sent” another fan favorite but i believe is not as good the next time you see it and i prefer to see the Doctor with his companions. Still an incredible episode, first time i saw it i was in shock and seeing Gallifrey at the end was just too much.
So these are my favorite episodes, please share your favorites. I intentionally didn’t include any multi-doctor episode because it will be a problem deciding which was the Doctor of that episode.
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arnostskvrdleta · 7 years
Al Di Meola - Casino Al Di Meola - Elegant Gypsy Al Di Meola - Orange And Blue Ambrose Akinmusire - The Imagined Savior Is Far Easier to Paint Amir ElSaffar - Alchemy Avishai Cohen - Aurora Avishai Cohen - Lyla Bill Evans - Everybody Digs Bill Evans Bill Evans Trio - Sunday At The Village Vanguard Bill Frisell - Nashville Billy Hart - All Our Reasons Brad Mehldau - Largo Brad Mehldau Trio - Day Is Done Carla Bley, Andy Sheppard, Steve Swallow - Andando el Tiempo Dave Holland - Extensions Dave Holland - Prism Enrico Rava - The Plot Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Strange Place For Snow Gary Burton - Passengers Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters Charles Lloyd - Canto Charles Lloyd - The Water Is Wide Charles Lloyd Quartet - Fish Out Of Water Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um Charles Mingus - Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Chet Baker - Chet Baker Round Midnight Chick Corea & Gary Burton - Crystal Silence Chris Potter - Follow The Red Line Jan Garbarek - Rites Jim Hall & Ron Carter - Telephone John Abercrombie - Gateway John Abercrombie - Tactics John Coltrane - A Love Supreme John Coltrane Quartet - Crescent John Scofield - A Go Go John Scofield - Out Like A Light Keith Jarrett - My Song Keith Jarrett - Nude Ants Keith Jarrett - The Cure Keith Jarrett - The Koln Concert Kenny Wheeler - Deer Wan Kenny Wheeler - Double Double You Lee Konitz, Brad Mehldau, Charlie Haden, Paul Motion - Live at Birdland Mahavishnu Orchestra - Birds of Fire Miles Davis - Bitches Brew Miles Davis - In A Silent Way Miles Davis - Kind of Blue Miles Davis - Sketches Of Spain Neil Cowley Trio - Loud Louder Pat Metheny - As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls Pat Metheny - Secret Story Paul Motian - I Have The Room Above Her Tomasz Stanko Septet - Litania Tord Gustavsen - Extended Circle Vijay Iyer - Historicity Wayne Shorter Quartet - Without A Net Wayne Shorter- Adam's Apple Yaron Herman Trio - Muse
Adam Lane Quartet - Oh Freedom Adam Pieronczyk Quintet - Komeda The Innocent Sorcerer Aki Takase - My Ellington Al Di Meola - All Your Life Al Di Meola - World Sinfonia Aldo Romano - Flower Power Aldo Romano – Chante Alex Sipiagin - Hindsight Ambrose Akinmusire - When The Heart Emerges Glistening Amina Claudine Myers Salutes Bessie Smith Amir ElSaffar - Inana Amir ElSaffar - Two Rivers Andy Sheppard - Movements In Colour Andy Sheppard - Trio Libero Andy Summers - Earth And Sky Annette Peacock - I'm the One Anouar Brahem - The Astounding Eyes Of Rita Anouar Brahem - Thimar Antonio Sanchez - Three Times Three Antonio Sanchez & Migration - The Meridian Suite Arild Andersen - Sagn Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - Moanin' Art Pepper - A night in Tunisia Astor Piazzolla - Libertango Avishai Cohen - As Is... Live At The Blue Note Avishai Cohen - At Home Avishai Cohen - Continuo Avishai Cohen - Dark Nights Avishai Cohen - Gently Disturbed Avishai Cohen - Into the Silence Avishai Cohen - Seven Seas Avishai Cohen Trio - From Darkness Avishai Cohen With Nitai Hershkovits - Duende Bad Plus - The Rite of Spring Baptiste Trotignon - Hit Bayete - Worlds Around the Sun Beatlejazz - With A Little Help From Our Friend Beatlejazz - A Bite Of The Apple Beatlejazz - Another Bite Of The Apple Becca Stevens Band - Weightless Bela Fleck & The Flecktones - Live Art Ben Goldberg - Unfold Ordinary Mind Ben Sidran - Dylan Different Bester Quartet - Krakoff Bill Evans - Blue In Green Bill Evans Trio - How My Heart Sings! Bill Evans Trio - I Will Say Goodbye Bill Evans Trio - Moon Beams Bill Evans Trio - Waltz For Debby Bill Frisell - All We Are Saying Bill Frisell - Blues Dream Bill Frisell - Good Dog, Happy Man Bill Frisell - History, Mystery Bill Frisell - Selected Recordings Bill Frisell - The Intercontinentals Bill Frisell - The Willies Bill Frisell - When You Wish Upon A Star Bill Frisell Ron Carter Paul Motian Bobby Hutcherson - Enjoy The View Bobby Hutcherson - Medina Bobby Hutcherson - Waiting Bobby Mcferrin - Spirityouall Bobby Mcferrin - Vocabularies Bobo Stenson - Goodbye Bobo Stenson Trio - Cantando Bobo Stenson Trio - Indicum Bobo Stenson Trio - War Orphans Bobo Stenson - Underwear Brad Mehldau - 10 Years Solo Live Brad Mehldau - Anything Goes Brad Mehldau - Blues and Ballads Brad Mehldau - Elegiac Cycle Brad Mehldau - Highway Rider Brad Mehldau - Live In Marciac Brad Mehldau - Places Brad Mehldau Trio - Where Do You Start Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Additional Recordings Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Vol. 1 Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Vol. 2 live at the village vanguard Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Vol. 3 songs Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Vol. 4 back at the vanguard Brad Mehldau Trio - The Art Of The Trio, Vol. 5 progression Brandee Younger 4tet - Live at the Breeding Ground Branford Marsalis Quartet - A Love Supreme Live in Amsterdam Bret Higgins - Atlas Revolt Bryan Ferry Orchestra - The Jazz Age Buckshot LeFonque Cannonball Adderley - The Black Messiah Cannonball Adderley & Milt Jackson - Things Are Getting Better Cannonball Adderley Sextet Live in Tokyo Carla Bley - 4 x 4 Carla Bley - Dinner Music Carla Bley - Tropic Appetites Cecile McLorin Salvant - For One to Love Classical Jazz Quartet - Plays Rachmaninov Courtney Pine - Modern Day Jazz Stories Crimson Jazz Trio - King Crimson Songbook Vol.1 Crimson Jazz Trio - King Crimson Songbook Vol.2 Cuong Vu & Pat Metheny - Cuong Vu Trio Meets Pat Metheny Dave Brubeck - Time Out Dave Brubeck & Tony Bennett - The White House Sessions, Live Dave Brubeck Quartet - Brubeck Time Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Further Out Dave Douglas - Be Still Dave Douglas - Dark Territory Dave Douglas - Strange Liberation Dave Douglas Quintet - Brazen Heart Dave Holand - Jumpin' In Dave Holland - Extensions Live At Birdland Dave Holland - Rarum Dave Holland Big Band - What Goes Around Dave Holland Quartet - Dream Of The Elders Dave Holland Quintet - Points Of View David Binney - Graylen Epicenter David Doruzka - Hidden Paths David Murray - I Want To Talk About You David Murray Octet - Hope Scope David Murray Quartet - Body And Soul David Murray, Allen & Carrington Power Trio - Perfection Dexter Gordon - Gettin' Around Dhafer Youssef - Birds Requiem Dieter Ilg - Mein Beethoven Donald Edwards Quintet - Evolution of an Influenced Mind Drifter - Flow Dylan Ryan Sand - Circa Eberhard Weber - Later That Evening Eberhardt Weber - Rarum Eddie Moore And The Outer Circle - Live in Kansas City Edward Simon - Venezuelan Suite Eleni Karaindrou - Concert In Athens Elina Duni Quartet - Dallendyshe Elina Duni Quartet - Matane Malit Emil Viklicky Trio - Sinfonietta The Janacek of Jazz Enrico Pieranunzi - As Never Before Enrico Pieranunzi - Deep Down Enrico Pieranunzi - Fellini Jazz Enrico Pieranunzi - No Man's Land Enrico Pieranunzi, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Special Encounter Enrico Pieranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey Baron - Live In Japan Enrico Rava - Easy Living Enrico Rava - Katcharpari Enrico Rava - Tati Enrico Rava - The Pilgrim And The Stars Enrico Rava - The Words And The Days Enrico Rava - Tribe Enrico Rava & Stefano Bollani - Rava Plays Rava Enrico Rava Quartet & Gianluca Petrella - Wild Dance Erik Truffaz - The Walk Of The Giant Turtle Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Best Of Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Leucocyte Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Plays Monk Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Seven Days Of Falling Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Viaticum & Live In Berlin Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Winter In Venice Frank Kimbrough - Quartet Fred Hersch - Fred Hersch Trio +2 Fred Hersch & Julian Lage - Free Flying Fred Hersch Trio - Alive At The Vanguard Fred Hersch Trio - Night & The Music Fred Hersch Trio - Whirl Fredrik Kronkvist - Brooklyn Playground Gary Burton - The New Quartet Gary Burton - Who Is Gary Burton Gary Burton Quartet - In Concert Gary Burton Quartet - Live in Tokyo Gary Burton Quintet - Ring Gary Peacock & Ralph Towner - Oracle Gary Peacock Trio - Now This Gary Thomas - Found On Sordid Streets Gary Windo - Deep Water George Benson - Beyond The Blue Horizon George Benson - The Other Side Of Abbey Road Geri Allen - Maroons Geri Allen And Timeline - Live Geri Allen Charlie Haden Paul Motian - Segments Gerry Mulligan and Paul Desmond - Blues in Time Gianluigi Trovesi & G. Coscia - In Cerca Di Cibo Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni Coscia - Round About Weill Gianluigi Trovesi Ottetto - Fugace Gil e Jorge Gil Evans - There Comes A Time Gilad Hekselman - Homes Giovanni Guidi Trio - City Of Broken Dreams Giovanni Guidi Trio - This Is The Day Gonzalo Rubalcaba - Charlie Gonzalo Rubalcaba - Inner Voyage Gonzalo Rubalcaba Trio - Supernova Heather Masse And Dick Hyman - Lock My Heart Helen Merrill - You And The Night And The Music Helen Merrill & Ron Carter - Duets Herbie Hancock - Fat Albert Rotunda Herbie Hancock - Gershwin's World Herbie Hancock - Maiden Voyage Herbie Hancock - Possibilities Herbie Hancock - River Herbie Hancock - Round Midnight Herbie Hancock - The Imagine Project Herbie Hancock - The New Standard Herbie Hancock Trio feat. Tony Williams Ron Carter Herbie Hancock VSOP Horace Silver - A Prescription For The Blues Horace Silver - Blowin' The Blues Away Horace Silver - In Pursuit of the 27th Man Horace Silver - Song For My Father Chano Dominguez - Flamenco Sketches Charles Lloyd - Athens Concert Charles Lloyd - Hyperion with Higgins Charles Lloyd - Lift Every Voice Charles Lloyd - Quartets Charles Lloyd - Sangam Charles Lloyd - The Call Charles Lloyd - Voice In The Night Charles Lloyd - Wild Man Dance Charles Lloyd & the Marvels - I Long to See You Charles Mingus - Better Git It In Your Soul Charles Mingus - Blues & Roots Charles Mingus - New Tijuana Moods Charles Mingus - Pithecanthropus Erectus Charles Mingus - The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady Charles Mingus - The Clown Charlie Haden - First Song Charlie Haden & Gonzalo Rubalcaba - Tokyo Adagio Charlie Haden and Hank Jones - Steal Away Charlie Haden Hank Jones - Come Sunday Charlie Haden, Paul Motian & Geri Allen - Etudes Charlie Hunter Quartet - Songs From The Analog Playground Charlie Hunter Trio - Let the Bells Ring On Chet Baker - Sings Chick Corea - Light As A Feather Chick Corea - My Spanish Heart Chick Corea and Gary Burton Chico Hamilton Featuring Paul Horn Chico Hamilton Quintet - A Different Journey Chris Lightcap's Bigmouth - Epicenter Chris Potter - Gratitude Chris Potter - Song For Anyone Chris Potter - The Sirens Chris Potter - Traveling Mercies Chris Potter - Ultrahang Chris Potter - Underground Christian Scott - Anthem Christian Scott - Christian Scott Collection Ibrahim Ferrer - Buenos Hermanos Ibrahim Maalouf - Movement Ibrahim Maalouf - Wind Iiro Rantala - How Long Is Now Indra Rios-Moore - Heartland Jack DeJohnette - In Movement Jack DeJohnette - Sound Travels Jacob Collier - In My Room Jacob Young - Evening Falls Jacob Young - Forever Young Jacob Young - Sideways Jaimeo Brown - Transcendence Jakob Bro - Time Jakob Bro - December Song Jakob Bro - Gefion Jakob Bro, Thomas Morgan, Joey Baron - Streams James Brandon Lewis - Days of FreeMan James Brandon Lewis Trio - No Filter Jamie Saft, Steve Swallow, Bobby Previte - The New Standard Jan Garbarek - Dansere Jan Garbarek - I Took Up The Runes Jan Garbarek - Legend Of The Seven Dreams Jan Garbarek - Magico Jan Garbarek - Personal Mountains Jan Garbarek - Star Jan Garbarek - The Hilliard Ensemble - Officium Jan Garbarek - Twelve Moons Jan Garbarek - Visible World Jan Garbarek In Concert Jan Garbarek-Bobo Stenson Quartet - Dansere Jarrett Cherner Trio - Expanding Heart Jason Lindner - 1,2,3, Etc Jason Lindner - Ab Aeterno Jason Lindner - Now Vs Now Jason Moran - Soundtrack to Human Motion Jason Moran - Ten Jason Seizer - Cinema Paradiso Jasper Hoiby - Fellow Creatures Jeanette Kohn - New Eyes On Baroque Jeff 'Tain' Watts - Blue Vol. 1 Jeremy Pelt - Face Forward, Jeremy Jim Black - Alasnoaxis Jim Black Trio - Actuality Jim Hall & Bill Frisell - Hemispheres Jim Hall And Ron Carter - Alone Together Joachim Kuhn New Trio - Beauty & Truth Joe Henderson - Porgy And Bess Joe Pass - Ira, George, And Joe Joe Zawinul - 1971 John Abercrombie - Cat 'n' Mouse John Abercrombie - Class Trip John Abercrombie - Gateway Homecoming John Abercrombie - Characters John Abercrombie - In The Moment John Abercrombie - Night John Abercrombie - November John Abercrombie - Open Land John Abercrombie - Rarum John Abercrombie - Selected Recordings John Abercrombie - The First Quartet John Abercrombie - Wait Till You See Her John Abercrombie - Within A Song John Abercrombie Quartet - 39 Steps John Abercrombie Trio - While We're Young John Coltrane - Afro Blue Impressions John Coltrane - Giant Steps John Coltrane - Live At Birdland John Coltrane - Live in Japan John Coltrane - My Favorite Things John Coltrane - Selflessness John Coltrane - Settin' The Pace John Coltrane - Transition John Coltrane Quartet - Ballads John Hollenbeck - Songs I Like A Lot John Hollenbeck - Songs We Like a Lot John McLaughlin - Time Remembered John Patitucci - Brooklyn John Scofield - East Meets West John Scofield - Grace Under Pressure John Scofield - Live John Scofield - Uberjam John Scofield and John Abercrombie - Solar John Surman - Adventure Playground John Surman - Brewster's Rooster John Surman - Saltash Bells John Taylor - Giulia's Thursdays John Taylor Trio - Angel Of The Presence Johnson Frisell Metheny - The Sound Of Summer Running Joshua Bell - At Home With Friends Joshua Redman - Freedom In The Groove Joshua Redman - Timeless Tales Joshua Redman - Wish Joshua Redman & The Bad Plus - The Bad Plus Joshua Redman Julia Hulsmann Quartet - A Clear Midnight Kurt Weill and America Julia Hulsmann Trio - Good Morning Midnight Julia Hulsmann Trio - Scattering Poems Julian Lage - Arclight Julian Lage - Sounding Point Kamasi Washington - The Epic Karin Krog - Don't Just Sing (An Anthology) Keith Jarrett - Belonging Keith Jarrett - Bregenz Keith Jarrett - Bremen Keith Jarrett - Byablue Keith Jarrett - Bye Bye Blackbird Keith Jarrett - Impulse Years - Disc 1 - Fort Yawuh Keith Jarrett - Impulse Years - Disc 2 - Fort Yawuh Keith Jarrett - Impulse Years - Disc 3 - Treasure Island Keith Jarrett - Lausanne Keith Jarrett - Life Between The Exit Signs Keith Jarrett - Munchen I Keith Jarrett - Munchen II Keith Jarrett - No End Keith Jarrett - Paris Concert Keith Jarrett - Personal Mountains Keith Jarrett - Rio Keith Jarrett - Sleeper, Tokyo Keith Jarrett - Vienna Keith Jarrett & Charlie Haden - Last Dance Keith Jarrett And Charlie Haden - Jasmine Keith Jarrett Quartet - The Survivor's Suite Keith Jarrett Trio - Setting Standards Keith Jarrett Trio - Somewhere Before Keith Jarrett Trio - Standards Live Keith Jarrett Trio - Tribute (Disc 1) Keith Jarrett Trio - Tribute (Disc 2) Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack Dejohnette - Somewhere Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette - Tokyo '96 Keith Jarrett, Charlie Haden & Paul Motian - Hamburg '72 Kendrick Scott Oracle - Conviction Kendrick Scott Oracle - We Are the Drum Kenny Barron & Dave Holland - The Art of Conversation Kenny Barron - Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trio Kenny Burrell - Midnight Blue Kenny Garrett - Beyond The Wall Kenny Garrett - Do Your Dance! Kenny Garrett - Pursuance (The Music Of John Coltrane) Kenny Garrett - Pushing The World Away Kenny Garrett - Standard Of Language Kenny Wheeler - Angel Song Kenny Wheeler - Gnu High Kenny Wheeler - It Takes Two! Kenny Wheeler - Songs for Quintet Kenny Wheeler - The Widow In The Window Kenny Wheeler - What Now Kevin Eubanks - Spiritalk 2 Kevin Eubanks - Turning Point Kit Downes Trio - Golden Kris Bowers - Heroes + Misfits Kronos Quartet - Music of Bill Evans Kronos Quartet - Pieces of Africa Kurt Rosenwinkel - Deep Song Kurt Rosenwinkel - Star Of Jupiter Lage Lund - Unlikely Stories Laika Fatien - Misery - A Tribute To Billie Holiday Larry Goldings - The Intimacy Of The Blues Lars Danielsson - Liberetto Lars Danielsson - Liberetto II Laurie Antonioli - Songs of Shadow, Songs of Light The Music of Joni Mitchell Lea DeLaria - House of David Lee Morgan - The Sidewinder Leszek Mozdzer - Komeda Lisa Hilton - Kaleidoscope Louis Sclavis - Lost On The Way Lubos Fiser, Zdenek Liska - Morgiana & The Cremator Lyle Mays - Fictionary Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame Machine Mass feat. Dave Liebman - Inti Manhattan Transfer - Brasil Manu Katche - Neighbourhood Manu Katche - Playground Marc Copland, John Abercrombie, Kenny Wheeler - That's For Sure Marc Johnson - Bass Desires Marc Johnson - Shades Of Jade Marc Johnson, Eliane Elias - Swept Away Marc Ribot - Silent Movies Maria Schneider Orchestra - Concert In The Garden Maria Schneider Orchestra - Sky Blue Mark Turner Quartet - Lathe of Heaven Mary Halvorson Octet - Away With You Mat Waldron - Blues for Lady Day Matthias Eick - Skala Max Richter - From Sleep Max Richter - The Four Seasons McCoy Tyner - Mosaic Select McCoy Tyner - Supertrios Medeski Martin And Wood - End Of The World Party (Just In Case) Medeski Martin And Wood - Out Louder Medeski Scofield Martin & Wood - Out Louder Michael Bates - Northern Spy Michael Brecker - Don't Try This At Home Michael Brecker - Michael Brecker Michael Brecker - Tales From The Hudson Michael Brecker - Two Blocks From The Edge Michael Cain - Circa Michael Wollny - Wasted And Wanted Michael Wollny Trio - Klangspuren; Live in Hamburg Michael Wollny Trio - Weltentraum Michael Wollny Trio - Weltentraum Live Philharmonie Berlin (320) Michel Petrucciani - Playground Michel Petrucciani - Power Of Three Mike Stern - Between The Lines Mike Stern - Is What It Is Mike Stern - Jigsaw Mike Stern - Odds Or Evens Mike Stern - Play Mike Stern - Voices Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight Miles Davis - Ascenseur Pour L'échafaud Miles Davis - Filles De Kilimanjaro Miles Davis - Nefertiti Miles Davis - Porgy & Bess Miles Davis - Sorcerer Miles Davis - Tutu Miles Davis – Porgy And Bess Miroslav Vitous - First Miroslav Vitous - Infinite Search Miroslav Vitous - Journey's End Miroslav Vitous - Mountain In The Clouds Miroslav Vitous - Universal Syncopations Modern Jazz Quartet Concert in Japan Vol. 2 Modern Jazz Quartet Plays George Gershwin's Porgy & Bess Neil Cowley Trio - Displaced Neil Cowley Trio - Touch and Flee Nels Cline - Lovers Nels Cline Singers - Macroscope New York Jazz Quartet - Blues For Sarka Nicholas Payton – Bam Live At Bohemian Caverns Nils Petter Molvaer - Khmer Nils Petter Molvaer - Switch Norma Winstone - Somewhere Called Home Orbert Davis - Sketches of Spain Orrin Evans - The Evolution of Oneself Pat Metheny - 8081 Pat Metheny - Beyond The Missouri Sky Pat Metheny - Metheny Mehldau Pat Metheny - New Chautauqua Pat Metheny - Rejoicing Pat Metheny - Still Life Pat Metheny - Unity Band Pat Metheny - What It's All About Pat Metheny - Works Pat Metheny - Works II Pat Metheny Group - American Garage Pat Metheny Group - First Circle Pat Metheny Group - Last Train Home Pat Metheny Group - The Way Up Pat Metheny Unity Group - Kin Paul Bley, Haden, Motian - Memoirs Paul Bley - The Paul Bley Quartet Paul Desmond - Glad To Be Unhappy Paul Motian - It Should've Happened A Long Time Ago Paul Motian - Monk In Motian Paul Motian - The Story of Maryam Paul Motian - Time and Time Again Paul Motian - Tribute Paul Motian and the Electric Bebop Band - Reincarnation of a Love Bird Peter Erskine Danielson Taylor - You Never Know Peter Erskine Danielson Taylor - Time Being Peter Erskine Danielson Taylor - As It Is Peter Erskine Danielson Taylor - Juni Peter Erskine New Trio - Joy Luck Peter Erskine, Nguyen Le, Michel Benita - E_L_B Rahsaan Roland Kirk - The Inflated Tear Ralph Towner - Solstice Regina Carter - I'll Be Seeing You (A Sentimental Journey) Regina Carter - Motor City Moments Return To Forever - The Anthology Richie Beirach, Huebner, Mraz - Round About Monteverdi Robert Balzar Trio - Tales Robert Glasper - Covered Ron Carter - Blues Farm Ron Carter - Spanish Blue Ron Carter Jim Hall - Telepathy Ron Miles, Bill Frisell, Brian Blade - Circuit Rider Rudresh Mahanthappa - Black Water Rudresh Mahanthappa - Gamak Rudy Linka - Songs Scott Henderson - Tore Down House Shauli Einav Quartet - Beam Me Up Sidsel Endersen - Exile Sinne Eeg & Thomas Fonnesbaek - Eeg Fonnesbaek SMV - Thunder Stanley Clarke, Al Di Meola & Jean Luc Ponty - The Rite Of Strings Stanley Jordan - Cornucopia Stefan Aeby Trio - To the Light Stefano Battaglia - In the Morning Music of Alec Wilder Stefano Battaglia - The River Of Anyder Stefano Battaglia Trio - Songways Stefano Bollani - Sheik Yer Zappa Stephan Crump - Reclamation Stephane Grappelli - The Nearness of You Stephane Grappelli - Tribute to Django Reinhardt Steps Ahead - Modern Times Steve Coleman & Five Elements - Curves Of Life Steve Dobrogosz - Golden Slumbers Steve Khan - Eyewitness Trilogy Steve Kuhn - Life's Backward Glances Steve Kuhn - Mostly Coltrane Steve Kuhn - Promises Kept Steve Kuhn - Remembering Tomorrow Steve Kuhn - Wisteria Steve Kuhn Trio - Temptation Steve Swallow - Deconstructed Steve Swallow - Swallow Steve Tibbets - Yr Tarek Yamani - Lisin Al Tarab Jazz Conceptions in Arabic Taylor Eigsti - Daylight At Midnight Terence Blanchard - Magnetic Terri Lyne Carrington - Money Jungle Provocative In Blue Thelonious Monk & Gerry Mulligan - Mulligan Meets Monk Thelonius Monk - Thelonious Himself Tim Ries - Live At Smalls Tim Ries - Live At Smalls Vol.2 Tim Ries -- Alternate Side Tom Harrell - First Impressions Tom Harrell - Something Gold, Something Blue Tom Harrell - Trip Tomasz Stanko - From The Green Hill Tomasz Stanko - Polin Tomasz Stanko - Wislawa Tord Gustavsen - What Was Said Tord Gustavsen - The Well Tord Gustavsen - Being There Tribal Tech - Thick Ulf Wakenius - Notes From The Heart Uri Caine - Blue Wail Uri Caine - Dark Flame Uri Caine - Live At The Village Vanguard Uri Caine - Plays Mozart Vertigo Quintet And Dorota Barova Victor Wooten - A Show Of Hands Vijay Iyer - Reimagining Vijay Iyer - Solo Vijay Iyer & Mike Ladd - Holding It Down The Veterans' Dreams Project Vijay Iyer - Accelerando Vijay Iyer - Break Stuff Vital Tech Tones - Vol. 2 Wayne Krantz - Good Piranha Bad Piranha Wayne Krantz - Howie 61 Wayne Shorter - Juju Wayne Shorter - Mysterious Traveller Wayne Shorter - Super Nova Weather Report - Heavy Weather, Black Market Weather Report - Native Dancer Weather Report - Weather Report William Parker Raining On the Moon - Corn Meal Dance William Parker Raining On The Moon - Great Spirit Wolfert Brederode Trio - Black Ice Wolfgang Haffner - Kind of Cool Wolfgang Muthspiel - Rising Grace Wolfgang Muthspiel Trio - Bright Side Yaron Herman - Everyday Yaron Herman Trio - A Time For Everything Yaron Herman Trio - Follow The White Rabbit Yusef Lateef - Cry Tender Yusef Lateef - Eastern Sounds Yusef Lateef - The Blue Yusef Lateef Yusef Lateef - The Gentle Giant Zach Brock - Serendipity
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decanting-cerebral · 7 years
200 + 1: The Music Of 2016
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Africaine 808, Basar   [Golf Channel Recordings] Africans With Mainframes [Heiroglyphic Being + Noleian Reusse], K.M.T.   [Soul Jazz] Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra, Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra   [Glitterbeat] Alpha 606, Afro-Cuban Electronics   [Interdimensional Transmissions] Oren Ambarchi, Hubris   [Editions Mego] Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society, Real Enemies   [New Amsterdam] A$AP Ferg, Always Strive And Prosper   [RCA] Asda, The Abyss   [NoCorner] Atlantis Jazz Ensemble, Oceanic Suite   [Marlow Records] Audacity, Hyper Vessels   [Suicide Squeeze] Babyfeather, “BBF” Hosted By DJ Escrow   [Hyperdub] Azealia Banks, Slay-Z   [self-released] Kenny Barron Trio, Book Of Intuition   [Impulse!] Beekman, Beekman Vol. 2   [Ropeadope] Bent Shapes, Wolves Of Want   [Slumberland] Beyoncé, Lemonade   [Parkwood Entertainment] Big Ups, Before A Million Universes   [Exploding In Sound] BJ The Chicago Kid, In My Mind   [Motown/UMG] Black Bombaim & Peter Brotzmann   [Shhpuma] Black Milk & Nat Turner, The Rebellion Sessions   [Computer Ugly] Carla Bley/Andy Sheppard/Steve Swallow, Andando El Tiempo   [ECM] Jane Ira Bloom, Early Americans   [Outline] Bombino, Azel   [Partisan Records] Brookzill!, Throwback To The Future   [Tommy Boy]
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Danny Brown, Atrocity Exhibition   [Warp] Jaimeo Brown Transcendence, Work Songs   [Motema Music] Taylor Ho Bynum, Enter The PlusTet   [Firehouse 12] Uri Caine Trio, Calibrated Thickness   [816 Music] Will Calhoun, Celebrating Elvin Jones   [Motema] Car Seat Headrest, Teens Of Denial   [Matador] Causa Sui, Return to Sky   [El Paraiso] Cavern of Anti-Matter, void beats/invocation trex   [Duophonic] Chance The Rapper, Coloring Book   [self-released] The Chicago Plan, The Chicago Plan, [Clean Feed] Chimurenga Renaissance, Girlz With Gunz   [Glitterbeat] Brandy Clark, Big Day In A Small Town   [Warner Bros.] The Coathangers, Nosebleed Weekend   [Suicide Squeeze] Avishai Cohen, Into The Silence   [ECM] Leonard Cohen, You Want It Darker   [Sony] Kweku Collins, Nat Love   [Closed Sessions] Frankie Cosmos, Next Thing   [Bayonet Records] Andrew Cyrille Quartet, The Declaration Of Musical Independence   [ECM] Damana (Dag Magnus Narvesen Octet), Cornua Copiae   [Clean Feed] The Dead C, Trouble   [Ba Da Bing!] Deap Vally, Femejism   [Nevado Music] Death Grips, Bottomless Pit   [Third Worlds] Debo Band, Ere Gobez   [FPE Records] Jack DeJohnette, In Movement   [ECM] Olegario Diaz, Aleph In Chromatic   [SteepleChase]
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Whit Dickey / Kirk Knuffke, Fierce Silence   [Clean Feed] DJ Rude One, ONEderful   [2RBR] Pierre Dorge & New Jungle Orchestra, Ubi Zaa [SteepleChase] Dave Douglas, Dada People   [Greenleaf] Dre Hocevar, Transcendental Within The Sphere Of Indivisible Remainder   [Clean Feed] Mark Dresser Seven, Sedimental You   [Clean Feed] Dressy Bessy, Kingsized   [Yep Roc Records] Drive-By Truckers, American Band   [ATO Records] Earprint, Earprint   [Endectomorph] Harris Eisenstadt, Old Growth Forest   [Clean Feed] Eskimeaux, Year Of The Rabbit   [Double Double Whammy] Family Atlantica, Cosmic Unity   [Soundway] The Field, The Follower   [Kompakt] Fire!, She Sleeps She Sleeps   [Rune Grammofon] Flatbush Zombies, 3001: A Laced Odyssey   [Glorious Dead Recordings] Zélia Fonseca, O Terceiro Olho da Abelha   9Yellowbird] Michael Formanek / Ensemble Kolossus, The Distance   [ECM] Daniel Freedman, Imagine That   [Anzic Records] Free Nelson MandoomJazz, The Organ Grinder   [RareNoise] Fruit Bats, Absolute Loser   [Easy Sound Recording Company] Robbie Fulks, Upland Stories   [Bloodshot] Ras G, The El-Aylien Tapes   [Leaving Records] Gambari Band, Kokuma   [Membran Media] Giant Peach, Tarantula   [Don Giovanni Records] Bob Gluck [etc], Infinite Spirit: Revisiting Music Of The Mwandishi Band   [self-released]
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GoGo Penguin, Man Made Object   [Decca Records France] Brian Groder Trio, R Train On The D Line   [Latham Records] Los Hacheros, Bambulaye   [Jacob Plasse] Charlie Haden/Liberation Music Orchestra, Time/Life   [Impulse!] Mary Halvorson Octet, Away With You   [Firehouse 12] Handsome Family, Unseen   [Loose Music] PJ Harvey, The Hope Six Demolition Project   [Island] Alexander Hawkins & Evan Parker, Leaps In Leicester   [Clean Feed] The Heliocentrics, From The Deep   [Now-Again Records] The Fred Hersch Trio, Sunday Night At The Vanguard   [Palmetto] Hinds, Leave Me Alone   [Mom + Pop] Anna Högberg Attack, Anna Högberg Attack   [Omlott] Homeboy Sandman, Kindness For Weakness   [Stones Throw] HXLT, HXLT   [Def Jam] The I Don’t Cares, Wild Stab   [Dry Wood Music] Ethan Iverson, The Purity Of The Turf   [Criss Cross] Jigmastas, Resurgence Resurgence   [BBE] Julie Ruin, Hit Reset   [Hardly Art] Ka, Honor Killed The Samurai   [Iron Works] Matthew Shipp/Bobby Kapp, Cactus   [Northern Spy] Kaytranada, 99.9%   [XL] Allan Kingdom, Northern Lights   [So Cold Records] Aly Keïta, Kalo-Yele   [Intakt Records] Kel Assouf, Tikounen   [Igloo Records] Alicia Keys, Here   [RCA]
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The Knocks, 55   [Big Beat Records] Kirk Knuffke [& Jesse Stacken], Satie   [SteepleChase] Konono No. 1, Konono No. 1 Meets Batida   [Crammed Discs] Kool A.D., Official   [self-released] Glenn Kotche / So Percussion, Drumkit Quartets   [Cantaloupe Music] Krakauer’s Ancestral Groove, Checkpoint   [Table Pounding Records] Julian Lage, Arclight   [Mack Avenue] La Sera, Music For Listening To Music To   [Polyvinyl Record Co.] Lady Gaga, Joanne   [Interscope] Kendrick Lamar, untitled unmastered   [Aftermath/Interscope] Law Holt, City   [Soulpunk] Okkyung Lee / Christian Marclay, Amalgam   [Northern Spy] Steve Lehman/Sélébéyone, Sélébéyone   [Pi] Jinx Lennon, Past Pupils Stay Sane   [Septic Tiger] Jinx Lennon, Magic Bullets Of Madness To Uplift Grief Magnets   [Septic Tiger] James Brandon Lewis Trio, No Filter   [BNS] L’Orange & Mr Lif, Life & Death Of Scenery   [Mello Music] Baaba Maal, Traveller   [Knitting Factory] Luísa Maita, Fio da Memória   [Cumbancha] Mantra Percussion / Michael Gordon: Timber Remixed   [Cantaloupe Music] Milton Marsh, The Music Of Milton Marsh Revisited Vol. 1   [Alankara Records] Leyla McCalla, A Day For The Hunter, A Day For The Prey   [JazzVillage] Lori McKenna, The Bird & The Rifle   [CN Records] Allison Miller’s Boom Tic Boom, Otis Was A Polar Bear   [Royal Potato Family] Nick Millevoi, Desertion   [Shhpuma Records]
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Mr Fingers, Outer Acid EP   [Alleviated] Mr. Lif, Don’t Look Down   [Mello Music Group] Moksha, Beauty Of An Arbitrary Moment   [Jazzland] Heraldo do Monte, Heraldo do Monte   [Biscoito Fino] Moodymann, DJ-Kicks   [!K7 Records] Clara Moreno, Samba Esquema Novo De Novo   [Far Out] Maren Morris, Hero   [Sony] Murray, Allen & Carrrington Power Trio, Perfection   [Motema] Roy Nathanson & Friends, Nearness And You: Duets And Improvisations   [Clean Feed] Willie Nelson, Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin   [Sony] Nisennenmondai, #N/A, [On-U Sound] No Em Pingo D’Agua, Sambatologia   [Biscoito Fino] Nots, Cosmetic   [Goner] NxWorries, Yes Lawd!   [Stones Throw] Frank Ocean, Blond   [Boys Don’t Cry] Aruan Ortiz Trio, Hidden Voices   [Intakt Records] Anderson .Paak, Malibu   [Steel Wool / OBE] Jeff Parker, New Breed   [International Anthem] Aaron Parks, Groovements   [Sundance] Parquet Courts, Human Performance   [Rough Trade] Florian Pellissier Quintet, Cap De Bonne Esperance   [Heavenly Sweetness] Luis Perdomo, Spirits & Warriors   [Criss Cross Jazz] Pet Shop Boys, Super   [x2 Recordings] Ralph Peterson, Triangular III   [Onyx/Truth Revolution] Richard Poole / Marilyn Crispell / Gary Peacock, In Motion   [Intakt]
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Margo Price, Midwest Farmer’s Daughter   [Third Man Records] Psychic TV, Alienist   [Dais Records] Punkt3, Ordnung Herrscht   [Clean Feed] Quantic Presents Flowering Inferno, 1000 Watts   [Tru Thoughts] Isaiah Rashad, The Sun’s Tirade   [Top Dawg] Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau, Nearness   [Nonesuch] Renegades Of Jazz, Moyo Wangu   [Agogo] Eric Revis Trio [w/ Kris Davis and Gerald Cleaver], Crowded Solitudes   [Clean Feed] Rhythm Future Quartet, Travels    [Rhythm Future Quartet] Rihanna, Anti   [Westbury Road Entertainment] Jim Rotondi, Dark Blue   [Smoke Sessions] Rudy Royston, Rise Of Origin   [Greenleaf] Roswell Rudd, Jamie Saft, Trevor Dunn, Balázs Pándi, Strength & Power   [RareNoise] Wanda Sá, Cá entre nós   [Fina Flor] Sao Paulo Underground, Cantos Invisiveis   [Cuneiform] Savages, Adore Life   [Matador] Scarcity Of Tanks, Ringleader Lies   [Total Life] Mikael Seifu, Zelalem   [RVNG Intl.] Noura Mint Seymali, Arbina   [Glitterbeat] Shabaka & The Elders, Wisdom Of Ancestors   [Brownswood] Paul Simon, Stranger To Stranger   [Concord] Sleigh Bells, Jessica Rabbit   [Torn Clean] Wadada Leo Smith, America’s National Parks   [Cuneiform] Sneaks, Gymnastics   [Merge] Snowboy & The Latin Section, New York Afternoon   [Mark Cotgrove]
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Elza Soares, The Woman at the End of the World   [Mais Um Discos] Solange, A Seat At The Table   [Columbia] Sonzeira, Tam Tam Tam Reimagined   [Brownswood] So Pitted, neo   [Sub Pop] Vince Staples, Prima Donna   [Def Jam] Robert Stillman, Rainbow   [self-released] Sturgill Simpson, A Sailor’s Guide To Earth   [Atlantic] Sun Ra / Merzbow, Strange City   [Cold Spring] Swet Shop Boys, Cashmere   [Customs] Tegan And Sara, Love You To Death   [Warner Bros] The Thermals, We Disappear   [Saddle Creek] Thug Entrancer, Arcology   [Kemado/Mexican Summer] A Tribe Called Quest, We got it from Here...Thank You 4 Your service   [Epic] Trio Da Paz [Lubambo/Matta/Fonseca], 30   [Zoho Music] Ukandanz, Awo   [Atypeek Music] Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil, Dois Amigos, Um Seculo De Musica David Virelles, Antenna EP   [ECM] Dan Weiss, Sixteen: Drummers Suite   [Pi Recordings] Kanye West, The Life Of Pablo   [self-released] Waco Brothers, Going Down In History   [Bloodshot] Greg Ward, Touch My Beloved’s Thought   [Greenleaf Music] Warehouse, super low   [Bayonet] White Lung, Paradise   [Domino Recording Co] Wussy, Forever Sounds   [Shake It Records] Eri Yamamoto Trio, Life   [AUM Fidelity] La Yegros, Magnetismo   [Soundway] Yoni & Getti, Testarossa   [Joyful Noise]
-- jazz, pop, avant: a jumping off point for explorations. 
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mindocr · 5 years
Bessie Sheppard Stone in Nottingham, England
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trascapades · 6 years
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❤💃🏽🕺🏾#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceLovers - @bgirlrokafella & @djks360 with Full Circle Souljahs Present "Boxed In" @danspaceproject May 17-19, 2018, St. Mark’s Church 131 East 10th St. New York, NY 10003 Tickets: www.danspaceproject.org. ________________ "Created by Full Circle Souljahs under the direction of internationally known Breaking veteran and Bessie Award-winning choreographer Gabriel 'Kwikstep' Dionisio and critically acclaimed Street Dance Matriarch Ana 'Rokafella' Garcia, 'Boxed In' explores the nuanced overlaps in #culture of #Classicalmusic, #Ballet, and #HipHop. Full Circle Souljahs invite pianist Michael Bond, Boston’s beat box extraordinaire Gene Shinozaki, and DJ KS 360 (Kwikstep) to provide a soundscape for this juxtaposition of J.S. Bach and classic Hip-Hop styles, sounds, samples, and dance forms including Breaking (Breakdance), classic Ballet, and Clas-sick Beat box...Performed by: Raymond “Spex” Abbiw, Jennifer “Beasty” Acosta, Gabriel “Emphasis” Alvarez, Odylle “Mantis” Beder, Michael Bond, Deana Richline, Sharmaine Sheppard, Gene Shinozaki, Janice Tomlinson, John “Flonetik” Vinuya, Shaneekqua Woodham." ••• #FullCircleSouljahs www.fullcirclesouljahs.com #BoxedIn #DancePerformance #Breakdance #StreetDance #Dancers #ForTheCulture #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon (at Danspace Project)
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militaryspouse101 · 7 years
New Post has been published on Military Spouse
New Post has been published on http://militaryspouse.com/msoy/2017-msoy-base-spouses-of-the-year/
★2017 AFI MSOY Base Spouses of the Year★
Congratulations to all of our amazing nominees!
Based on popular vote, these amazing military spouses have been nominated and selected to represent their bases, states, and districts as Base Spouses of the Year. These 170 spouses are in the running to become the 2017 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year presented by Military Spouse!
Get to know them. Click around to check out their profiles and pick your favorite to vote for on February 20th.
See All Candidates Here
CNIC Corry Station: Jennifer Gibney Fort Belvoir: Cassaundra Martinez Fort Benning: April Stephens Fort Bragg: Evie King Fort Campbell: Elizabeth Groover Fort Carson: Melissa Velisek Fort Detrick: Janine Rodriguez Fort Drum: Brittany Raines Fort Eustis-Newport: Erica McMannes Fort Gordon: Melissa Ebbing Fort Hood: Maria Reed Fort Irwin: Lindsay Dickey Fort Jackson: Weezy Knott Fort Knox: Racheal Waggoner Fort Lee: Bri McPherson Fort Leonard Wood: Yvonne Seman Fort Lewis: Serena West Fort Meade: Maureen Elias Fort Myer: Melissa Engler Fort Polk: Sasha Trevino Fort Riley: Eden Briscoe Fort Rucker: Amanda Gardner Fort Sam Houston: Annie Beth Wehri Fort Sill: Laura Trentham Fort Stewart: Steven Schmitt Fort Wainwright: Amber Taylor Ft. Huachuca: Nicolas Telesco JB Elmendorf-Richardson: Carmen Jones JB Lewis – McChord: Katya Newberry JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst: Andrea Price MacDill AFB: Amy Schick Not Affiliated With a Base: Kelli Krahmer Pentagon: Elizabeth O’Brien Presidio of Monterey: Maria Mola Schofield Barracks: Sarah Hutchison USAG Ansbach: Melissa Johnson USAG Bavaria: Jennifer Herbek USAG Benelux/Schinnen: Ashley Clark USAG Daegu: Danielle Tenconi USAG Rheinland-Pfalz: Melissa Kreitzer USAG Stuttgart: Kori Yates West Point Military Academy: Lauren Hope Yuma Proving Ground: Jessica Campbell
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Camp Lejeune: Claire Jones Eglin AFB: Carrie Fry Fleet Activities Yokosuka: Lindsey Savage Goodfellow AFB: Tamara Garcia Guam: Kalyn Kasten JB Andrews: Melissa Nauss JB Ellington Field: Mikiyta Stepney JB Little Creek-Fort Story: Vicki Krauter JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam: Laurie English JB San Antonio: Lissa Navarro Kadena AB: Yolanda Morris MCLB Albany: Tara Glenn MEPCOM: Esmeralda Guerra NAS Jacksonville: Kimberly Green NAS Key West: Katrina Pringle NAS Lemoore: Lisa Emme NAS Oceana: Delia Pettit NAS Patuxent River: D’Antrese McNeil NAS Pensacola: Scarlet Q. Turpin NAS Whidbey Island: Janice Case NB Coronado: Nicole Dowd NB Kitsap: Danielle Smith  NB Point Loma: Ashley Camac NB San Diego: Alessia Rossi NB Ventura County: Michelle Tucker NCBC Gulfport: Laura Pipoly NH Pensacola: Jennifer Coble Not Affiliated With a Base: Justine Evirs NS Activity Norfolk: Carrie Sanders NS Everett: Bessie Childs NS Great Lakes: Nicole Close NS Mayport: Holli Recobs NS Newport: Joy Goodrich NS Norfolk: Lisa Wakeman NS Rota: Jaime DeWitt Parker NSB Kings Bay: Kristen Francis Faires NSB New London: Jennifer Taylor NSF Dahlgren: Sarah Otto
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4th MCRD Michigan: Kayla Reyes Camp Courtney: Jessica Curren Camp Pendleton: Kristie Slade Marine Forces Europe and Africa: Aletta Rice MCAG CC Twentynine Palms: Jessica Rudd MCAS Beaufort: Krysta Creager MCAS Cherry Point: Jessica Del Pizzo MCAS Iwakuni: Kelly Butler MCAS Miramar: Hilary Wilkerson MCAS New River: Catherine Fitzgerald MCAS Yuma: Evie Pine MCB Hawaii: Judy Otero MCB Quantico: Holly Vega MCBC Smedley D. Butler: Meaghan Perry MCLB Barstow: Natalie Brennan MCRD Parris Island: Dontaye Scott-Neal MCRD San Diego: Sarrah Goldschmidt Wright Patterson AFB: Karin Childress
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Air Force
Altus AFB: Carmen Bell Barksdale AFB: Samantha Nawrocki Beale AFB: Christian Brown Buckley AFB: Kimberly Robertson Cannon AFB: Lindsay Davis Columbus AFB: Therese Loe Dover AFB: Amber Odom Dyess AFB: Desiree Martinez Edwards AFB: Megan Rosario Eielson AFB: Kennita Williams Ellsworth AFB: Chasity Williams F.E. Warren AFB: Kristen McCreary  Fort Bliss: Natalie Hayek Hill AFB: Angy Hogan Holloman AFB: Jenny Monroe Hurlburt Field: Hang Owen JB Anacostia – Bolling: Brandy O’Mary JB Charleston: Hannah Weatherford Keesler AFB: Heather Aliano Kirtland AFB: Dinah Dziolek Lackland AFB: Felicia Davis Little Rock AFB: Brittany Boccher Luke AFB: Amy Duncan Malmstrom AFB: Alexandra Fuller Maxwell AFB: Tabatha Copper Minot AFB: Brittany Porche Mountain Home AFB: Jeanette Jackson Nellis AFB: Nadine Batchelor Not Affiliated With a Base: Shelby Renninger Offutt AFB: Cassidy Spillman Patrick AFB: Natalie Ramsey Peterson AFB: Laila Ireland RAF Alconbury: Rachel Toney RAF Lakenheath: Marissa-Ellen Patterson RAF Mildenhall: Kimberli Roth Ramstein AB: Alicia Barnett Randolph AFB: Lindsey Litton Robins AFB: Trina Phillips Scott AFB: Jessica Barattini Seymour Johnson AFB: Charissa Godfrey Shaw AFB: Whitney Armstrong Sheppard AFB: Alexandra Hamby Tinker AFB: Chrichelle Fernandez Travis AFB: Autumn Lombardi Tyndall AFB: Elana Power Westover ARB: Trisha Smith White Sands Missile Range: Theresa Poling Whiteman AFB: Sarah Dvorak
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Coast Guard
District 1: Lindsay Thompson District 12: Meaghan Hurley District 7: Jennifer Kirkpatrick District 9: Jessi Adkisson
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National Guard
Alaska NG: Erica Glass California NG: Anna Burgos Fairchild AFB: Martina Hernandez De Cichowicz Florida NG: Cassandra Michelle Powell Kentucky NG: Robin Pruitt Louisiana NG: Danielle Trosclair Maryland NG: Laura Lane Unsworth McConnell AFB: Josephine Jacobs Michigan NG: Kimberly VanNortwick Minnesota NG: Rhiannon Knutson New Jersey NG: Courtney Mitchell Not Affiliated With a Base: Kari Mosher Ohio NG: Christina Grady Pennsylvania NG: Debra Berger Rhode Island NG: Michelle Lemieux Texas NG: Cassaundra Melgar-C’De Baca Utah NG: Melissa Wood Washington NG: Yolanda Flores
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