#Best Oracle Project Help
leoascendente · 9 months
PAC/ Major blessings of the new year ✨️
Hi my loves! Welcome back to another pick a card, this time focused into the new year and what will be the major blessings this new year has in store for you. As always, take a deep breath and take a moment to choose your pile, I suggest you to pick the one that makes you smile the most.
I wish you the best year possible, may peace, happiness and love be always by your side every day of this new year ❤️
Decks: Woodland wardens oracle, Raider Waite tarot and astrodices
For private readings click here / 2024 readings are open
My blog in Spanish here
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ pile 2/ pile 3
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Pile 4/ pile 5/ pile 6
Pile 1:
This new year will be your year of preparation, there's something huge coming into your life at some point but first you need to learn some new skills to get and keep the success you are looking for. Universe is giving you extra time to prepare what you really want to achieve, it's like a period for trying new things and tests what works best for you, especially in matters of career and money because you'll be very lucky in these areas. If you are thinking into opening your own bussiness and be an enterpreneour, this year will be a lucky year for you but the cards wants you to focus on burocracy and legal matters too, you'll have it easy but there are some things you'll need to learn before, like paying taxes on time or investing money wisely
Your areas of luck will be about starting projects and trying new things it's all about taking the lead without fearing risk, whenever you follow your inner compass you'll find yourself attracting more abundance than what you expected. You'll also be very lucky when it comes to gain wealth and what will play the most at your favor is your knowledge about burocracy or legal matters, not only for this year but the years ahead where you'll be managing big amounts of money.
This year will be filled by happiness and meaningful changes, sometimes change can be overwhelming but for you this feels like something you've been waiting for a long time, a desired transformation of your reality. You are the group that got more major arcana, so this 2024 will be an end of a cycle where your life will take a 180-degree turn, there's also this energy of getting out of your head so much and starting focusing on your present moment. With the empress and the magician cards, I see you'll feel a lot more grounded and, for what I'm feeling, this will help you attract money easilly, you'll be a literal money magnet this new year. These two cards are also indicators of a good year of prosperity with work and money, the empress also indicates a huge physical glow up and a boost in your confidence, you'll feel super empowered during 2024 :).
Pile 2:
This new year brings you balance and stability, you'll feel a lot more supported and certain about the path you are taking in life, things will feel more peaceful for you this new year. If you deal with anxiety or something of that sort that involves your mental health, I see a big relief over 2024, you'll be making a lot of progress in this area. The major word I channel is balance, on your outside circumstances but mostly when it comes to yourself and your inner wellbeing, I feel my heart rushing and a knot in my stomach that are slowling relieving, this year might also involve some kind of spiritual or emotional healing too. If you have difficulties dealing with stressful situations this year will also bring you clarity to discern what's best for you and where to invest your precious energy.
You'll be lucky when it comes to find new ways to develop your passion or how you share it with the world, you'll be very lucky if you use some kind of social media or technologies to promote it too, especially if you are an artist. Your intuition will be improving too, if you follow it you'll find sucess at the end of the road, your guides will also be taking relevance in your life. Btw, blue will be your lucky color during the year
This new year will end up some conflicts you were dealing with, the feeling that you needed to constantly fight will dissipate in a very natural way, it will happen progressively in a time where you'll feel like you can finally sit and relax, you might feel extra tired sometimes but it will be because your nervous system will get out of survival mode. You end up a karmic cycle of your life that will allow you to focus on your finances and being productive at work because you got the ace and the 8 of pentacles right after the card of the world, so working and seeing progress will be a major theme of your year ahead, if you are into handcraft of some sort you can get extra income with it. You'll be also getting out of your comfort zone more often to find beautiful things outside of what's known to you, this will be a year of adventures that you'll live with peace in your heart.
Pile 3:
There's an improvement on your energy levels and your home life, you'll feel a lot more healthy and vital during the new year, I don't usually talk about health in any of my readings but your pile deserves it because your body is regenerating positively somehow, whatever you are doing to take care of it just know it's working and will give you proofs of it this new year. There's also a major message about your home life and how it will be taking a more important role in your life, maybe it's something as simple as to be able to decorate it the way you like or it's something more relevant like making a renovation of pipes or fixing leaks, whatever it is, it's something you've been wishing for a long time, It could also be that you'll finally be moving to the house of your dreams.
Your lucky areas talk about health again with virgo in the dices, I see trying to have a healthier habits will help you in this aspect of your wellbeing, maybe create a healthier routine or something that sort (it will be different for each of you reading this), always do what's most aligned with yourself. You also got pluto and the third house so this year will be good for you to transform yourself, maybe stepping out of what's known for you and try new practices, it could also be that you are re-learning some thinigs after an spiritual awakening. For a little amount of you this could mean taking a different approach when it comes to your physical health and needs.
Uhhh things got interesting with your tarot cards! There's a lot of love entering your life my dear :), you got so many beautiful cards that I had to take a minute to channel and summarize all the info. After a period of healing and purification all your dreams will start to come true, the healing process might seem too intense because you'll be getting a lot of channelings in a short period of time but suddently everything will start happening for you, it will happen in the most unexpected way at the mostt unexpected time, you won't see all the happiness coming, even if you receive signs you won't be paying that much attention. You got the star, 10 of cups, ace of cups and the empress, if this is not an omen of your true love entering your life I don't know what it is haha, maybe the message about the home means that you finally meet the person you are going to create a home with because you got the king and knight of pentacles at the bottom of the deck so this person is arriving with commitment, peace and stability. Congratulations my dear, you'll be discovering love in many different aspects of your life during this new year.
Pile 4:
Your major blessing is some kind of dharma, it's something that will make you gain hope in Universe's protection over you, this will come through other people that will communicate things to you that will feel like an eureka moment where everything starts to make sense. Honestly, this feels like making amends with the past, do you know when you see the bully of your high school after 10 years and all the rage dissapears because that person is having a nightmare of a life?, it's not about being happy about other people's suffering, it is more the feeling of there's someone up there watching everything we do and no one leaves without paying their karma.
You area of luck is about the people that will enter your life, I see you reuniting with your soul tribe this year and finding lovely people that will treat you with respect and admiration. If you are someone that has dealt with the worst aspect of human nature, this year will be a proof from Universe of all the good traits humans have, it's like Universe wants to compensate you for the battles you have gone through, you'll find your place and your people in this world.
With the tarot cards I'm seeing that you'll be meeting the most lighthearted and positive aspect of life, there's happiness, support and love entering your life to stay. You'll be moving on from a lot of mental patterns that were holding you back, it's like you have learnt the theory and you are finally dealing with the practice that you thought it would be supper difficult and challenging and will ressult into being the most easy and peacefull process ever, like you don't even have to make any effort because everything will be moving at your same pace. Between all the new positive people entering your life, there are a lot of chances to find a romantic soulmate there, because of the cards you got I see an unblock in your heart chakra that will unblock your love life too, especially for those that have been single for a while. At the bottom of the deck you got the 6 of swords and the wheel of fortune so this new year will be a shift in your luck to the positive aspects of life, you'll also be feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
Pile 5
Your pile is the only one that has one extra oracle card and it's because that card wanted to fly and land on the opposite side of the room, not to give you spoilers but it was the card of romance. This new year will bring you a lot of different blessings, I see 3 major ones at least, romace is very prominent through all your spread so this year you will meet your true love and will start your life together as a couple. Another blessing I see here is some sort of independence (it will be different for each of you so take only what resonates), it can be moving alone to a new place, working by yourself or releasing emotional attachments, whatever independence means to you is what you'll be getting this new year. I also see admiration from people when they look up to you, you'll be receiving adoration from others, like getting a fan club or something like that, it feels like people being devoted to you, so you might viral or achieve some level of fame throught the new year
Your lucky areas will be taking care of yourself and your beauty on the inside and the outside, if you've been thinking about changing your style this year will be very favorable for you in this aspect, also for beauty treatments or anything related to your image and appearance. Another lucky area will be your drive and inner power, you can rely on this aspects whenever you need a boost of confidence, remind yourself your talents and keep moving, you are your most powerful lucky charm <3
Uhhh Divine counterparts energy here in your tarot cards, the magician and the high priestess and the king and queen of cups, so you'll be finding a person so in tune with you that it gives me goosebumps all over my spine, you'll understand what a twin flame connection is after this person enters your life, btw, it's someone completely new, no one from the past. Your overall message about this new year is success and moving on from what no longer serves you, this new year you'll be aligning with your happiest and most successful version and honestly, I feel like you won't have to do that much because Universe is pampering you during the whole year
Pile 6
Your oracle card's literal is happiness, so honey, happy days are here again for you, I see even see you crying of joy a few times during the year. You are my spiritual pile and my dear, this year you'll be having magical moments with your spirituality, you'll see miracles happening in front of you, I'm literally hearing 'a glitch in the matrix' so you'll be seeing and undestanding Universe in such a deeper level. You'll be nourishing your soul during this new year, you'll be more in tune with your inner child and you'll be focused into what's best for you and your happiness, life will also be very gentle with you.
Your lucky areas have something to do with your soul mission, especially if you are the kind of people that loves helping others and would like to dedicate your life into a major service for others. It's something related to healing, it can be your own or this might be more related of a soul mission that involves helping others, whatever it be, you'll be receiving rewards because of this. Another lucky area will be the people that will enter your life, you'll have an amazing support system in the people you will know this year.
You'll be knowing a soul mate this year! You got 2 and 10 of cups and a lot of major arcana, so I see a major connection with a romantic soulmate but also there are a lot of soul mates that will enter your life to align you with your soul mission, every person will come with a lot of knowledge that will make you feel fullfiled on a soul level. There's also a shift in your luck but it will be mostly driven by your own mentality, you'll feel stronger and more confident in whatever your passions are, you'll be also having some sort of realization about what you want to do with your life and will plan how to make it true, Universe will be favoring you in this aspect.
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
🌙Phases of moon & what they are good for🌙
New moon - it represents first phase in the moon cycle. The moon is not visible in the sky. the new moon is associated with new beginnings. Therefore, this is the right time for a fresh start and creating new projects. In that phase. You can create the first steps to the manifestation of new goals and also the right time to think and decide on new intentions. It is also great time for journaling. This moon is also great time for cleaning anything. Clean your room and environment. This moon is also associated with erasing bad energy from your life. In addition, some believe that this moon is also manipulated because it affects the free will of others, while others find it useful. Some people can become anxious, nervous or tired under this moon. You can feel very intense energy under this phase of moon. This moon is great to take care of yourself and being with yourself ,doing things that you like to do. Also, it's great time for bathtub.
Waxing Crescent -this time is good for manifestations and to take advantage of the things you want to achieve, for example: a new job, wealth. Write down your intentions and read them. This moon reminds us that we can clearly visualize the things we want. Change your thinking to a positive one. This moon represents change and everything u want and wish. Strengthens self-confidence and sense of self-worth. This moon is good for visualization, intentions, affirmations, a clear plan, goals. Best for manifestation. To change your negative thinking into a positive one and extract as many good things as possible. To trust yourself and your own feeling and believe in yourself and your goals and dreams. Bring as many things into your life as possible that you want to have. It is associated with positive magic.
First Quarter-This menu features the light and dark side of the moon equivalent, which helps to know how balance is important for your own good feeling. Each part of the lunar cycle marks another phase in the development of your intentions from idea to manifestation, and the first place is not here no exceptions. At the New Year, intentions are accepted, by the waxing moon pinch these intentions crystallize. Now, at the first quarter, it's time to take action and start focusing on the action that will bring you closer to your goal. There is more energy available at this point in the cycle, so this energy boost helps you manifest your intentions. The first quarter is therefore an excellent time for active action, as it is associated with power and growth internal energies and energies in relationships. But it is also a suitable time for a break if you need a break from work and obligations.
Waxing Gibbous-this moon is great for : Rituals and spells for confidence, manifestation and meditation magic, action for growth and success, focus on healing, manifesting money and wealth. This moon is the time to take one last look at your intentions and plans. Sharpen plans and goals. Look at everything you've accomplished so far. This moon reminds us that the manifestations will come but we have to be patient. It reminds us that we can be patient and believe that it will happen. A good moon to increase growth. An overview of how achievable the dreams we set for ourselves are.
Full Moon-This moon is most exposed because of the power it holds. It gives strength to overcome all the obstacles and challenges we face. Is now the time for manifestations of our goals that we have been waiting for to show up. The seeds of intention were not sown in the youth, they have developed and are now blooming profusely, which is expressed in transformation, abundance, fruitfulness and perfection. Now is the time for their manifestation and reaping the results. Good time for tarot/oracle reading, divination by sight and all other ways divination. A good time for crystal clearing. The full moon is a time for intuition and creativity, but it is also suitable for letting go. The full moon often fills us with energy, but sometimes these energies are very intense and mentally exhausting.
Waning Gibbous-During this phase, the moon begins to wane. The high and often uncontrollable power of the full moon, this phase can be a welcome energy from the sea of ​​intense lunar energies. This makes it a waning moon good for magic related to reduction, expelling, banishing, cleansing negativity. Up until now, the moon has encouraged you to define more clearly what your inner workings should be like on the outside, so that you can successfully manifest your intentions. think about your feelings about things that no longer support your higher purpose. If you want to clear, destroy or let go of any non-green energy or force in your life, for example addiction, abuse, regret, guilt. Write those things on a papir. Write things that u are greatful for.
Third quarter-good things to do during this phase: take time to think, find activities that make you happy, do what invigorates you, clean out the closet, put yourself first and treat yourself to a good coffee or tea. A good phase to cut your hair too.The reminder within the lunar cycle of how important balance is in our lives. Examine the areas of your life that are out of balance. An important part of balance is recognizing when to slow down. During this moon phase, the moon's energy is waning, so you may feel that you have less energy than usual. The moon allows you to let go of the things and blockages you have. It can be, for example, breaking a bad habit, learning how to be more decisive, or cutting off contact with a person or situation that drains your energy and throws you off balance. It's time to remove these barriers. It is time to look back on all that you have accomplished and to reflect on the lessons learned from the last lunar cycle. If you want to get to the bottom of the meaning of the teachings, it is most likely that you will come to a deeper understanding in this lunar phase. This makes the last quarter the best time to complete any personal growth work, such as finally letting go of limiting beliefs or fears that prevent you from moving forward.
Waning Crescent-practice magic for healing, meditate, rest and take care of your well-being, be grateful, write things down in a journal. It is the last phase of the moon. which is most visible before sunrise. Since the moon's energy is waning during the waning pinch, it is very likely that this will affect your personal energy level. This should remind you that rest is a necessary step in ending the old cycle and starting a new one. This is the time to take care of yourself, be kind to yourself. Don't be tempted to overdo it, instead focus on activities that recharge your batteries. Avoid activities that will rob you of energy. With theWaning Crescent, we need to focus on letting go of everything that has already passed. What happened during this lunar cycle is now firmly rooted in the past, where nothing can be changed anymore. It reminds us that we are not always in control of life and that is completely okay! Sometimes it's better to trust the moment. Meditation and journaling are therefore good activities for the time of the waning crescent.
🌙Moon phases are an important part of our life because they indicate when we can do things better, when to let go and when to manifest.A large part of how we feel is related to the moon and the phases of the moon.🌙
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gilverrwrites · 5 days
A kiss for the caged bird
Tim Drake/Reader, 5K
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AN: Please don't think too hard into any of the science-y crap I wrote, I was pulling it all out of my butt. Anyway, this was supposed to be a quick 500-1000 thing to clear up my writer’s block and here we are. Bon appetit my loves, I hope you enjoy ♥︎ Warnings: Dub-con (purely by the nature of sex pollen) | voyeurism | swearing | dirty talk | mean-ish Tim | minor slut-shaming ♥︎
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His normally tender blue eyes are completely saturated with a dense shade of green. From the whites, to his pupils, they almost seem to be glowing. They've also been watching you like a hawk with a heated intensity that puts your hairs on edge from behind the glass of his cell since you’d entered the cave.
“It's just a shame the one person who could probably crack this in no time is the one person who can't help us right now.” Dick laments as he adjusts his bootstraps. “But I have complete faith that Oracle has got this.”
“Me too.” You agree as you stare at the projected screen, all of Barbara’s research thus far. Most of it made little sense to you but it all seemed technical enough, like she was on the right track.
“Right, so she's gonna keep working on that, Spoiler and Orphan are following the Narrows lead while Red Hood and I check out the Reservoir.” The words breeze through your head, you know you should be paying more attention but you're only half listening. Tim has taken his shirt off and is leaning against the cell door. His toned body gleaning under a layer of perspiration, as his venomous green eyes stay locked onto your frame, in all of its dragged-out-of-bed-at-2 AM-after-a-looonnnnngggggg-day-patrol glory. Seemingly noticing your distraction, Nightwing steps into your line of sight as he continues to relay the plan. “You just have to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or do anything stupid until we figure this out.”
“I know, I got it.” Dick doesn’t seem convinced, frowning as his eyes dart between you and Tim. Ignoring his doubts, you settle into the chair at the centre of the console, clicking away until you pull up the live feed from inside Tims's 6x8 prison. You can understand Dicks caution, the undeniable chemistry you and Tim shared had been evident to everyone for a long time, impeached only by your mutual reluctance to date on the job. If Bruce were here, he’d never allow for this, but Dick is doing the best he can with the resources available. Regardless, all doubts aside, you won’t allow your feelings to cause problems, not when lives hang in the balance. “Just go.”
“You’re sure?” He tries to place a reassuring arm on your shoulder but you both jump at the sudden sound of Tim’s fist needlessly hitting the wall. He’d need superstrength to break out of that thing, you're not concerned. Maybe a little more roused by the lack of restraint than you’d like to admit, but no less confident in your ability to babysit than you had been moments ago.
“Certain.” You wave off Dick when he turns back to you, lips still pursed. “Go. Who knows what that crap is doing to him, the sooner you find Ivy, the better.”
He knows it, probably better than you do.
“Buzz if you need anything.” At once you're relieved by his departure, and concerned for his safety, for everyone’s safety.
“Be safe.” You bid, watching as he straddles the Wingcycle.
“Be safe.” He echoes and without another word he's gone, leaving you alone to care for your caged Red Robin.
For a long time, you stare at the empty space Dick left behind, all too aware of Tim and the way his hot-blooded stare makes your skin burn but eventually you have to face him. Can’t monitor him without looking at him after all.
In an attempt to ease the mood, you offer him a smile. Apparently, it does nothing to reassure him or ease his tensions. He simply continues to glower at you. When that doesn’t work you play up your preceding frown, playfully pouting the way you would when you’re teasing his mid-mission stresses, but that fails too. Finally, you curve your left hand in a half heart shape, a common greeting between the two of you from rooftop to rooftop and for a moment you think it might work. He pulls the hand he has pressed to the glass back for a moment, but all he does is clench his fingers back and forth a few times before letting it fall to his side.
At a loss you spin around to the computer, tapping your fingertips on the desk as you consider Barbara’s research once more. The chances of becoming a forensic palynologist within a few hours with nothing but google and whatever research Bruce has backed up in the archives is slim, but it saves twiddling your thumbs, so you start by looking up any chemicals identified by the forensic scanner that you’re not familiar with.
It’s hard to sit still, knowing your every move is being scrutinised but by far the worst part is the silence. Tim and you are muted to each other unless you’re pressing the comms link located on the keypad by the cell door. The only sounds you can make out are the far away screeches of real-life bats located further into the cavern, and the drip, drip, dripping of the wet walls. It’s downright eerie when you’re practically alone, so when Oracle buzzes in about an hour later you jump to answer it, eager to hear another human, and anxious to find out if she has any updates.
“How’s he holding up?” She asks, and you’re glad she can’t see your worried expression. Tim hasn’t moved since Dick left. Except for when you’d crossed the bullpen to look for a fresh pen after the one you’d been using ran out of ink. You exclude that last part from your update, however.
“Okay, just tell him to hang tight, I'm getting closer.” You can tell she’s trying to sound more hopeful than she actually is, and your suspicions are confirmed when she begins to ramble about her findings. She often uses the team as a sounding board when she’s trying to wrap her head around something. “The pollen he inhaled is decreasing his plasma levels and increasing his testosterone.”
“If he’d touched the plant like she’d wanted him too it would re-level those hormones, presumably she was relying on him needing that to keep him under her control.”
“Right.” You’ll pat yourself on the back for impressing her at a more appropriate time. “And if that were it, we could just pump a bunch of oxytocins into him and voilà! But something else is messing with his nociceptors. Not to mention this stuff is packed with things I’ve never even heard of. Have you heard of horny goat weed?”
“Yeah, epi-me-di-um.” You sound the word out from your notes. “Only since tonight.”
“Where do people get these names from?” Babs groans, you can hear her tapping away at her keyboard. “I’m close though, I know it.”
“I believe in you.” She ‘awhs’ at your encouragement.
“Until I’ve got this, there is one thing he can try.” She trails off at the end. Her hesitation strikes you as odd. Surely whatever it is, it can’t be that bad. “If he’s really suffering… ejaculating might help ease any pain if only temporarily. Masturbatory only, obviously, this stuff can and will spread like hot gossip at one of Bruce’s galas.”
“Ah, okay.” You understand her aversion now, looking over at Tim as you consider how you’re going to tell him that. “I will pass the information along.”
The line goes quiet, Babs clearly sensing your discomfort, but however you’re feeling, Tim is likely feeling one thousand times worse.
Habitually, you tell each other good luck and be safe before hanging up, promising to get back to each other ASAP should anything change.
As you pass by the glass of his cubicle to reach the control panel on the other side Tim follows, falling into stride with you like a mirror image. When you stop, he stops, pressing his forearm to the glass and leaning his weight against it as he awaits your next move. Tilting closer when your fingers graze the comms button. Up close you can see that actually his irises are still blue, they’re just almost non-existent, drowned out by his green sclera’s and the sheer size of his impossibly blown-out pupils. 
Bzzt. The mic crackles as you activate it.
“Hi.” You test the waters, but when he doesn’t respond you press on. “Are you in pain?”
He silently gazes at you for so long that you start to think he’s never going to answer you. Dumbly, you tap your finger on the plane to try and coax him out of his head, instantly feeling bad as you remember all those signs in zoos ‘PLEASE DON’T TAP THE GLASS, IT MAY CAUSE STRESS OR HARM TO THE ANIMALS’.
Tim must feel the same, like a caged beast, because the seething in his response startles you. 
“No.” He taunts mockingly, mouth still twisted into a tight snarl. “I feel fantastic.”
At least his sharp humour is unaffected.
“Oracle said… that…” You can’t help allowing your eyes to trail down his body, shamelessly locking onto the subject matter, due to the distance and the darkness of his tights you’d hadn’t noticed until now that he’s rock hard, the length of his erection straining against the close-fitting fabric. Your face burns at the realisation, at your obliviousness. Of course he was, that’s what aphrodisiacs do. But mostly you're ashamed of how much you enjoy looking at it.  
“Wh-” Tim's voice makes you jump. Embarrassed, you inadvertently take your hand off the switch. An uninfected Tim would have rolled his eyes at that, would have laughed at you good-naturedly, but this Tim just tilts his head like he’s cracking his neck, eye still on you. It’s like he physically can’t look at anything else, can’t stop drinking in every inch and crevice of you, cuts and moles and all. When you push down the button again, he repeats himself impatiently. Bzzt. “What did Oracle say?”
You take a deep breath, staring at the wall behind his head to help you concentrate, determined to get the words out no matter how awkward you feel saying it. “She said that masturbating, specifically ejaculating, won’t fix things, but it should… alleviate some of your discomfort, for a while.”
It’s his turn to drum his fingers on the glass, jaw growing tight as he seems to mull on what you’ve just told him. You chance a glance back down to his crotch just long enough to see him palm his hard-on through his pants. You’re unable to keep from imagining what he looks like down there or how he might go about pleasuring himself. Feeling bad for having such depraved thoughts about him while he’s suffering and vulnerable, you remind yourself not to gawk at him.
“No, I’m not doing that.” He states sternly.
“It might help.” Your objection comes purely from a place of concern.
“What would help me is if you’d fuck off.” His response is like a slap in the face, hitting you out of nowhere. You’re only trying to help, had your wondering eyes really prompted this level of ire?
“Wh- “
“It’s bad enough that I can’t control my body and that I’m stuck in here unable to do anything worth doing, but I have to watch you fucking slutting around in those f-.” Shocked by his sudden outburst, you instinctively pull your hand back. You know he’s just trying to let off his frustrations, but it still stings a little. Feeling bad for silencing his partly warranted rant, you tune back in, unable to keep yourself from flinching and jumpily flailing your hands around every time he gets under your skin. Bzzt. “Should be making an antidote or tracking down Ivy but instead all I can think about is bending you over that-”
Bzzt. “-out there trying to help me and I wanted to punch him for touching you like some macho i-” For the first time since you’d started supervising him, Tim finally looks away from you. Throwing his head back and tugging on his own hair as he tries to compose himself. It doesn’t work. You hadn’t thought it possible but when he finally comes back to you, his face is flooded with even more ferocity, like he wants to eat you alive. Bzzt.“-elp me, if you want to help me then fuck me yourself or get out of my sight!”
There's no way you’ll let him get away with talking to you like this, but now is not the time. Swallowing your pride and clenching your fists, you leave him be, hurrying back to the desk, cursing him under your breath as you pull your feet up into the chair and turn your back to him in order to try and make yourself as small as possible. You hate to admit it, but if it weren’t for the risk of infection, his parting words might have worked. Fuck. The thought of opening that door and letting him bend you over whatever he’d had in mind makes your blood rush. 
To distract from the thought of Tim’s cock being buried tight in your walls, or how hot he’d look, panting and red faced beneath you as you fucked yourself on his length, you return to your research, glancing at the live feed to Tim’s cell every few minutes purely to confirm that he’s still alive. 
You consider changing into something more conservative, this might be the one and only time you could consider slut-shaming somewhat okay, but to do that he'll be forced to look at you, so ultimately you elect not to.
Filthy thoughts continue to plague your imagination as you try to work, and the knowledge that Tim is thinking them too, only makes it worse. You’re so tired and tense and horny that after a while it becomes difficult to focus. You’re pressing your palms into your eyes when you hear a ping; A message from Spoiler to say that The Narrows was a bust, they’re moving on to another location. Another ping from Red Hood reporting a similar issue with their own intel. One more from Oracle to say that she’s pinpointed 90% of the formula and should be able to start reverse engineering soon. 
You chime in to state that Tim is holding up. The computer pings once more, a private message from Oracle asking if it helped. You’re part way through typing that he refused when you glance at the video feed, Tim still has his back to the camera, his body pointed toward you the same way he had been all night. You freeze as you notice his bare ass.
His hose are around his knees, back bent in a hunched position, one arm jerking rapidly to and throw as he presumably strokes his cock. Without thinking you turn to face him, and he brazenly stares back at you. Once your suspicions are confirmed, you rapidly swing back. 
He’s working on it. You amend. Unsure what to do from there you needlessly stare at the jagged ceiling, restlessly pulling at your fingers as you try to calm and distract yourself from the fact that Tim is currently playing with himself, and using whatever 2-inches of your skin he can see to fuel his fire. Brain and libido at odds, you force yourself not to look at the spectacle he’s putting on.
He’ll be mortified when he’s cured, don’t make it worse, you think. Yet ultimately you crack, too intrigued not to sneak another peek and once you give in to the temptation it becomes impossible to stop.
You could watch him like that all day. Watch the fierce look of concentration on his face, the bulge in his cheek where he’s biting his tongue. Watch the pink crown of his cock, and the way his balls tighten with each brutal thrust of his fist. Watch the way every lean muscle in his body tenses and twitches as waves of pleasure roll though his body. The way his green veins grow more pronounced as he chases his climax? Wait. That can’t be good. 
Had they been green this whole time and you just hadn’t noticed? You've only seen one thing like this before. Venom. Could that be the missing 10%?
As though you hadn’t just been ogling him, you cover your eyes as you approach. This time he doesn’t follow you, legs firmly planted on the ground, but when you glimpse through the cracks in your fingers his head is turned to watch you still and you hastily snap your digits closed again before you speak to him.
Bzzt. “Tim, your veins are turning green.”
At the sound of your voice his knees buckle, your hand falls away to watch as his weakened muscles cause him to fall forward. His weight rests precariously against the glass as he hangs between standing and kneeling.
“Tim. Y- “
“I know.” The aggressiveness in which he snaps at you makes your skin run cold, but he follows it with the most pained, puppy dog eyes that you immediately forgive him. As if you have ever been able to hold anything against him for a substantial period of time.
“It hurts.” His teeth are gritted as he explains. “Hurts when I stop.”
You’ve no idea what to say. You wonder if there’s a painkiller on earth that could help him right now but he speaks again before you can suggest it.
“Help me.” He sounds so solemn, despite the fact that he hasn’t once stopped stroking his dick, closely staring at every curve of your body.
“We’re trying.” Your words barely seem to register with him. “It won’t be much longer.”
“No. Help me.” The repeated instruction does nothing to clarify what else he could mean until he continues. “Your voice sounds so sexy, fuck. Talk to me.”
Oh. “And say what?”
“God, fuck. Do I have to spell it out for you? Anything!” He barks, simultaneously carnal and irritable. Each word out of his mouth is more breathless and desperate than the last.  “Fucking anything. Tell me you want me, that you want me to fuck you. Come on, please do this for me.”
“Okay, okay.” You can do this. “I do want you. I want to fuck- I want you to fuck me so bad, Tim.”
Despite it being true, you feel lame, clumsily parroting him, but Tims full bodied reaction spurs you on. He takes the final plunge, dropping onto his knees, leaning back on his haunches and practically presenting his engorged shaft to you. From here you can see how his skin is tinted several shades of pink and red. His blush seems to stem from his chest, running along his neck and shoulders, highlighting his cheekbones and the tips of his ears. You’ve never seen a prettier sight. It’s so enchanting, it almost diverts from his unnerving blood vessels.
“You’re so beautiful.” You purr, finding more confidence with every quiet huff and moan that spills from his lips. “I wish I could do this for you. I want to make you feel so good, I’d let you fuck me anywhere.”
He nods rapidly at you, encouraging you to continue while bucking his hips forward.
“I know your cock would fit just right in my mouth and feel so good, would make me gag until you came down my throat.” You open your mouth and stick your tongue out to show him, feeling silly until he replies.
“Fuck. Yeah. You’d look good sucking on my cock.”
“Yeah!” You agree, just the sight of him is enough to make your heartbeat race. But the thought of taking him in your mouth, slobbering all over his cock and watching him enjoy every second of it makes you rub your thighs together. You want so badly to get yourself off too but the little voice of conscience in the back of your brain is telling you not to, that it would be taking advantage. “Or you could bend me over, rip off my clothes and fuck me. I’d love to feel you pounding into my tight pussy.”
“Oh, pleasepleaseplease.” The words are slurred as he sinks his teeth hard into his tongue.
“You don’t have to beg, Timmy.” He hangs on your every word as you vocalise the thoughts and fantasies you’ve only ever indulge in when you’re alone at night. “You can have whatever you want. Fuck me however you want, you can fill me up over and over. We’ll make sure everyone knows who my pussy belongs to. Would you like that?”
“Yes.” The confirmation is instant, no-nonsense. Followed by him closing his eyes and slamming his spare hand against the window to steady himself. 
“Mine…” When he opens his eyes again, they unsurprisingly immediately lock onto you once more, zeroing in on your throbbing centre as he tells you. “Let me see it.”
“What?” The saliva in your mouth turns dry in an instant. Despite Tim baring all to you the thought of getting your whole pussy out in the Batcave scares you. In a strangely invigorating way.
“Need to cum and I fucking can’t.” Tim explains weakly, punching the wall again, this time with less vigour. “Show me your cunt.”
The c-word sounds so strange on Tims lips, so filthy. He’s frantic. You’re no closer to understanding how to cure him, and apparently your presence has only made things worse but maybe this is how you help him.
Hurriedly, you scurry over to the Batcomputer, Tim asserting his discontent by hammering his open palm on the wall repeatedly until you return moments later with the desk chair.
You waste little time shimmying out of your sleep shorts before you lose your bravado. Falling back into the chair, you adjust the height until your now exposed pussy is level with Tims eyeline. His demeanour changes in an instant, lips morphing into the first semblance of a smile he’d given you all night as he shifts closer.
Emboldened by his enthusiasm you spread your legs wide, resting your feet on the glass and using your fingers to spread apart your folds for him to get a real look. You’re not sure how he’ll feel about the shameful amount of moisture you’ve produced later, but for now his mouth very visibly waters. You don’t think he’s blinked since you sat down.
Uncurbed, you brush your finger over your sensitive clit, toes curling in response. You’d love to say you did it to put on a show for Tim, to help him find relief but in actuality it’s entirely self-serving. Unable to resist touching yourself at the sight of him on his knees for you, mercilessly fisting his cock in frenzied, rhymeless strokes. Regardless of your motivation, Tim seems to appreciate it.
Strands of his dark hair fall into his face as he leans forward, partly hiding his glassy eyes and reddened cheeks, but he quickly whips them back once more ensuring he maintains an uninhibited view of your fingers as they rapidly paw at your sex. Angling yourself so that Tim can see every minute detail, every roll of your hips as you lower your hand and sink two fingers into yourself. All the while you keep massaging your sensitive bud, Tim’s name a prayer on your lips as you watch him, watching you, fevered and hungry. 
It comes as a surprise when your orgasm hits first, walls convulsing and spasming as you objectify yourself for Tim, acting like his personal pornstar. It’s a shame he can’t hear the wetness of your hole or the strangled, lewd gasps and moans that escape your throat as your body trembles from the intensity of your climax.
The slick of your release leaks from your sex, trickling between your legs, down the chair, and onto the metal floor. Like a man starved, Tim slams his face into the glass, finally closing his eyes and lapping at the pane with a flattened tongue.
Whatever vision he’s conjuring works, his lids twitch, eyes darting open to watch your panting frame. He looks sacrilegious, full body blushed and sweating. His face softens, mouth slack and drooling as rope after rope of cum spills from his reddened tip and hits the pane.
You’re only able to enjoy the sight of him coming apart for a moment before you notice that the viscous fluid is unsettlingly coloured. Not milky white as it should be, but a strange, luminous green colour.
Tim slumps downward once he’s spent, and you watch the rapid rise and fall of his chest while he comes down from his high. Your heart aching as you wonder whether his pain has been even slightly alleviated. The fact that the swelling of his veins seems to have subsided bodes well. Eventually he comes too, enough to also notice the puddle of green excrement between his legs and it’s your turn to all but lunch yourself at him. You shout falls on deaf ears until your kick’s echoes into his cell. His hand freezes and he watches, still hunched as you stumble to the control panel on unsteady legs.
“Don’t touch it.” Tim nods sheepishly in agreement. It probably won’t hurt him, having come from inside him, but better safe than sorry. “I’m gonna grab you some gloves and slides to take samples with.”
Before he can concur, you’re gone, inelegantly hiking your bottoms back on as you go. You feel bad, jumping straight back into business without so much of a ‘how was that for you?’ but these are strange circumstances, and whatever freaky substance he just shot out of his balls might be the missing puzzle piece in treating him.
Eventually, once you’d collected everything you’ll need and updated the Team, you do ask, holding the mic down with your elbow as you pull on a pair of rubber gloves, waiting to take the samples from him. “How do you feel?”
“Hot, and sore.” He tells you. He’s pulled his trousers back up, but you can still see the outline of his half-hard penis. “It’s still in me, I can feel it, but it doesn’t hurt as much. I can think. Which is something.”
“I’m glad it helped. Hopefully we’ll get you back to normal before it gets bad again.” He offers you a smile then. A genuine, none-hedonic one that makes you feel fuzzy. You’ve missed that smile.
“Yeah, hopefully.” He places the slides, tools, and used gloves in the containment slot and closes his side of the two-way mechanism. You offer him a half heart which he returns before you start sorting and bagging everything.
You’re about to turn your back when he taps gently on the glass, gesturing for you to open the comms line again and you oblige with your elbow once more.
“Listen, I’m really sorry for being an ass earlier. You didn’t deserve what I said to you.”
You can tell he’s stressing about it from the gloomy look in his blue-green eyes and the way he tugs at his waistband. Normally he fidgets with his gloves or his collar, but needs must an’ all. You’d give anything to be able to hug him right now.
“Don’t worry, I know you didn’t really mean it.” Admittedly it had shaken you, for all of five minutes, but you’ve never been able to stay mad at Tim, even at his worst, and you’ve seen him do far worse. “You weren’t really mad at me, right? Just the situation?”
“Yeah. Mostly myself but that doesn’t make it okay.” He’s still fiddling, still looking at you mournfully. It means a lot that it bothers him so much, but you need that to stop. You need him to be normal for like half an hour so you can get some work done without worrying. And you need to get the work done so you can make up for your own misdeeds.
“No really, it’s fine I don’t care.” You stress, hoping if you chide him a little it will absolve him of his guilt. “Just don’t do it again.”
“I’ll try not to.” He promises. You can tell by the way he works his jaw back and forth that he’s working up to say something else, something that has his ears and cheeks turning pink. That or the absolved symptoms are coming back already. “And thank you. For the other stuff.”
“Oh good, I was worried you might regret that part.” You hadn’t realised how badly you needed to hear him say that until it happened. It’d kill you and whatever situationship you have going on if he’d considered your actions exploitative.
“No! Not at all. I mean, I always kind of hoped that one day we might end up…” He vaguely gestures into the air which doesn’t help his point, but you understand what he’s getting at and nod, urging him to continue. “You know? But I never would have imagined it happening like this.”
“I know what you mean. I always figured something might…” You’re floundering. This is not the time or place for this conversation, you’re completely unprepared and as badly as this conversation needs to be had, you really don’t have time. “I mean, I wouldn’t wish what’s happening on anyone, but if it had to happen, I’m glad it was you. Because you’re the only person I would have done that for.”  
You can’t imagine having done that for Dick, or Barbara, or God forbid Bruce. Just thinking about it makes your stomach churn.
“Good.” He seems more relieved now than he had when he’d cum. “I’d hate it if you’d done that with anyone else.”
If this were a movie or an action-romance novel, this is the part where you’d kiss, you think. But it’s not, and every second the two of you spend stammering about your feelings and making go-go eyes at each other is a second that could be spent on finding an antidote.
“We’ll talk, later.” You promise.
“I’d like that.” Tim replies before you pull away from the keypad. In a moment of whimsy, you blow your hot breath against the glass until it’s steamed up before pressing your puckered lips on it. No sound escapes the barrier between you, but you can see Tim laughing, his cheeks still palpably pink. He returns the gesture just moments before the Batcomputer begins to buzz.
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Hi friend! I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad you exist. ♥︎
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citrineandrosmarin · 3 months
Psephoi (Greek Alphabet) Divination
AKA Grammatomancy
What is it?
So there were many forms of divination in classical Greece, and one was the drawing of lots - having a collection of some kind of tokens (sticks, stones, beans, etc.) with a certain symbol on them that one would draw by chance, and each symbol would have a certain meaning. This is a type of kleromancy.
The Greek Alphabet Oracle is such a method, whereby you draw a token that has a letter of the classical Greek alphabet. Each letter corresponds to an oracular phrase (chresmoi) that, in Greek, starts with that letter. It is also known as the Psephoi Oracle because psephoi is the word for a pebble that was used for both divination and voting purposes.
Although it seems that the right phrase was initially obtained by throwing knuckle bones (astalagoi) and adding indicated numbers for a numerical value that was associated with a letter, most people today just use pebbles/stones/etc. with the letter itself on them, much like Norse runes. This sort of divination was under the domain of Hermes and Apollo.
Where does it come from?
The stone inscriptions that are the source of this method of divination were found in public spaces across several places, most notably in Lycia. The inscriptions were rediscovered and written about by German archaeologist Johannes Nollé. Many of the different sets of inscriptions were the same or similar. One in Olympos, Lycia, had different versions of some phrases and I've included them as alternatives here.
Omens and Oracles: Divination in Ancient Greece by Matthe Dillon, pages 272-273
The Oracles of Apollo by John Opsopaus
How Do I Make A Set?
You will need:
The psephoi (Those glass pebbles for aquariums or small stones or pebbles or lil wood discs or whatever you want to make it out of)
A marker of some sort
A container to keep them in
They're very easy to make, just write a letter of the classical Greek alphabet on each psephoi you're using. Some may look similar when rotated so make a note of those and make sure you can tell which is which. I put a small dot at the bottom like you might find on polyhedral dice.
How Do I Use The Set?
Method 1: Put the psephoi in a container, mix them up as you ask your question and pull one out without looking. Repeat if desired.
Method 2: Put the psephoi in a container, ask your question, shake them around until one or more jump out of the container.
The Alphabet and Interpretations
*In the spirit of keeping the first letter of the phrase the same as the letter you draw, John Opsopaus in his book includes his own version of the phrase. I will include these also as Alt, and when I have altered them myself they or the word will be in italics.
**Some have alternative versions that come from the Olympos site in Lycia. They are included with a [O].
***Some of the interpretations are from Opsopaus' book, some are others' that I found, and others are my own interpretations.
Α - Alpha
"The god [Apollon] says you will do everything successfully"
Alt: All things you will achieve with good fortune
Interpretations: You'll do great! You will succeed. Projects will go well. Everything is fine. Don't doubt yourself. Complete success. Good luck. Favorable Outcome. Best outcome you can ask for.
B - Beta
"Wait a little; it is not opportune for you"
Alt: Briefly wait, the time is not right for you
Interpretations: Try another time. Now is not the right time. Wait a little and you will receive a better outcome. Be patient. With a delay, the time will be right. Timing is everything. There is a time for everything and everything has its season. It would be to your advantage to wait for the opportune moment. Wait for the perfect moment. Don't act with haste. Slow down.
[O] "You will have Tyche [Fortune] and the Pythian [Apollon] as a helper."
Alt: Both Apollon and Fortune will bring you aid
Interpretations: You will receive help, particularly prophetic help. Call on Apollon for help, he will assist you. The theoi will help you if you ask. Ask for help. You are at a critical point, but if you are fortunate, Apollo the Far-shooter will help you if you call on Him. Even with luck, the God will only assist; ultimate responsibility is yours. With proper acts and choices - and a bit of luck - you’ll be successful. You will get help as long as you put in the work. Rely on and call on the help of the gods, however it may come. Help will come from unexpected, distant or indirect sources when you need it most.
Γ - Gamma
“Gaia will give you the ripe fruit from your labors”
Alt: Gaia gives you the results of your efforts
Interpretations: You will get the results that you have worked hard for. You'll get what you have earned. You reap what you sow. Your efforts will be rewarded. You’ll get what you deserve. Anything done previously will now return a result back to you, whether good or bad. Everything that happens is a direct result of everything that was already done. Past events and actions determine future ones. Usually a good omen of success.
Δ - Delta
"Desist from dreadful deeds, so that you avoid harm."
Alt: Dodge the dreadful deeds, avoiding harm.
Interpretations: Avoid matters that are terrible, fearful, or uncanny. Beware of the excessively wonderful, skillful, or clever. Don’t commit terrible deeds. Stay away from strange circumstances and affairs. Don’t make bad choices for the sake of expediency. In these ways you may escape harm.
[O] "In customs, inopportune strength is weak"
Alt: Drive ill-timed is weak before the rules
Interpretations: Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength. Blind conformity to customs is spineless; overly strict adherence to rules is self-defeating. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself; a tyrant must fall. In all things, follow the process and protocol. Slow down, form a strategy, and work with the system. Don’t force matters. Work smarter, not harder. Be responsible, not reckless, with the power you have. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength.
Ε - Epsilon
"You desire to see offspring from proper marriages."
Alt: Eager art thou for right unions' fruits.
*Desire here being "Eraô" which could also be 'love' or 'are in love with'
Interpretations: You think you know what’s right. You think you know and want the results of a union or action. Reflect on what you’re hoping for. What do you think you want? How do you think you will get that? You think you know the right/best way to do things. What you think is right and successful isn’t what is actually right/fitting. We want to see the results from acceptable convergence of actions. We can only act within the boundaries of what is proper. Worry about yourself, stay in your lane and don’t meddle in the affairs of others.
Ζ - Zeta
"Flee the great storm lest you somehow be harmed"
Alt: Zealously avoid the harmful storm!
*Harmed here can also mean hindered
Interpretations: There’s a storm coming, get out of the way. Difficult and dangerous situations are coming, stay out if at all possible! Sometimes the storms just happen, but other times, we cause them. You will only be harmed or hurt by getting involved in what comes. Prepare to be hit by the storm. Avoid raging storms of any kind; save your energy for when it can be effective. Escape from the chaos or controversy. Sometimes flight is wiser than fight. Go with the flow. Don’t get involved in conflicts.
Η - Eta
"Bright Helios [Sun], who watches everything, watches you."
Alt: Helios, all-seer, watches you.
Interpretations: You can’t hide. You’ve got the spotlight on you. Act nobly and openly, and you will have spiritual blessing and protection. This is not a time to be secretive or hidden in your works. Anything in the dark will be thrust into the light. Anything secret will be revealed. Anything made in oath or promise will be enforced. Keep your promises and be genuine, and you will be cared for.
Θ - Theta
"You have the gods as assistants and defenders."
Alt: Thou hast gods as comrades and as aides.
Interpretations: You have divine assistance at hand. The theoi will aid and defend you. Call on the gods for help, and they will be there for you. Have confidence! Your deities have your back and are guiding you. You are on the right path.
[O] "You have the gods as assistants of this path."
Alt: Thou hast gods as helpers on this path.
Interpretations: You’re on the right path, under divine care. You’re on the right path, so stick to it and stay on it. This is what you are meant to be doing. Commit yourself to the inquired matter and approach, and you will have success and protection, insofar as it is possible to do so. You still have to do the work though. The gods will bless those who honor them, and help those who help themselves. Heading out on your path, remember to be grateful, appreciative and respectful.
Ι - Iota
"There is sweat, it excels more than everything."
Alt: It is through sweat that you will succeed.
Interpretations: Although you are working hard, you will accomplish everything. Hard work is the surest means of success. The oracle recommends elbow grease. Toil, work, and labor is required in order to succeed. Keep working, and success will result, no matter the cost. Just focus on the work, don’t worry about the outcome. Giving up is not an option.
Κ - Kappa
"To fight with the waves is difficult; endure, friend."
Alt: Contests with the waves are hard; endure
*'Endure' can also mean 'delay'
Interpretations: The problems of life will come and go, but will never fully go away. Either wait for the currents to be favorable, or find a way to ride them. You might be caught in a tough situation with no clear way forward. Don’t fight it; endure.  Wait when possible, persevere with care. Work with the sea rather than against it. Don’t give up; sink or swim. If you’re going through Hell, keep going.
Λ - Lambda
"Make an end of grief; hereafter expect joy."
Alt: Leave off grief, and then await delight.
Interpretations: You have grieved long enough. Although you have been sad, you will be happy soon. Stop worrying, and prepare to be pleased. Turn your attention from your pain to the things that give you joy. Pain will yield to happiness. You have been through dark times, but the sun will rise again.
[O] "The one passing on the left bodes well for everything."
Alt: Luck comes from unexpected places.
*The left is traditionally the sinister side. The left is also associated with the unconscious, lunar mind.
Interpretations: A promising sign comes from an unpromising quarter. Whatever looks bad at the start will turn out well in the end. A blessing in disguise. Or, at least, whatever ill omens there are are not intended for you. Pay attention to your intuition, dreams and expressions of your subconscious.
Μ - Mu
"You press on in vain; don’t hurry; it’s not useful."
Alt: Make no haste; in vain you press ahead.
Interpretations: Don’t keep busy at what you are doing, it’s pointless. Haste makes waste. You are rushing around and working hard, but randomly and thoughtlessly. You are putting a lot of energy into wasting time. Pressing on now will be futile; wait for a better time.
[O] "It is necessary to be weary with toil, but the change will be admirable."
Alt: Mandatory toil: the change is good.
Interpretations: Through toil and distress a change will be made for the better. Hard work will result in a good return. It is your fate to be weary with labor, but there will be a beautiful or noble transformation. You are obliged to work hard, but the change will be good. Circumstances will cause distress, but there will be a good change or exchange. Pain will force an admirable change. You will need to work hard.
Ν - Nu
"Now the fitting opportunity for everything arises"
Alt: Now springs forth the fitting time for all.
Now is the suitable time for anything; the right time begins now. You are entering into a harmonious season, a time when everything is well ordered and bears fruit. An appropriate opportunity or profit is at hand; it is developing. Orderly profits are growing. The most suitable situation is now. Seize the moment; you can accomplish anything! You are entering a synchronistic period when anything is possible.
[O] "A victory-bearing gift enwreathes the oracle"
Alt: Nike’s gift enwreathes the oracle
Interpretations: Something will be given (to you, by you, or from one to another) that brings victory with it and will crown this oracle. The import seems to be that this gift will be the answer to the question asked of the oracle. So, for example, if the querent asked when something will happen, the gift is the sign that it’s immanent.
Ξ - Xi
"The seasonable fruit of Deo the golden awaits you"
Alt: Xanthic Dêô’s ripened fruit awaits.
Interpretations: The fruit that is due now is available for you. The ripe grain is yours for the cutting. The gifts of the goddess are yours for the taking. She has brought you the profits, results, or returns that are due. The goddess Dêô (a name for Demeter, the Grain Mother) has brought you some benefit, so perhaps you should accept the gift.
[O] "There is no fruit to take from a dry shoot."
Alt: Expect no fruit from withered shoots.
Interpretations: Don’t wait too long to harvest or to take your profit. You can’t get blood from a turnip; you can’t get water from a stone. Don’t polish a turd. You won't get something from nothing. Being bitter and angry is not the way to go about things. Don’t keep trying to pull water out of a well that is empty, and know when to let go. Do not expect more from something than it can give. You’re on a dead-end path. Things have failed before they’ve even begun. Better to start over from scratch or look elsewhere entirely. Stop asking questions you already know the answer to: You already have an answer. The gods may be unwilling to talk at this point, so stop bothering them.
Ο - Omicron
"There are no crops to be reaped that were not sown."
Alt: Out of sight are crops that are not sown.
Interpretations: You reap what you sow. You will get nothing because you have given nothing. If you do not work now, there will be no reward later. If you want apples, plant apple seeds. What we spread about comes back to us. What goes around comes around. You must plan ahead in order to achieve anything. There will be no return if you do not invest. What has not been created cannot be destroyed. What has not been born cannot die. Warning against laziness, procrastination, and sloth. That which was inquired about will not happen because of what was not done. A warning that you need to work and prepare for the future in order to have success.
Π - Pi
"Completing many contests, you will seize the crown"
Alt: Passing many tests, you’ll win the crown.
Interpretations: If you persist in your struggles, after many trials you will succeed. Perseverance through adversity. Keep striving and victory will come. After much competition, you will emerge the winner. Don't give up, face adversity! Persistence will give you your rewards, and do not be afraid to use your talents. Whatever rewards, station, acclaim, or prize you want, it will eventually be yours, but you have to keep fighting for it. Success may not be immediate, but a gradual process of refinement instead that leads to fulfillment of desires
Ρ - Rho
"You will go on more easily if you wait a short time"
Alt: Rest awhile; you’ll go more easily.
Interpretations: If you will hold your ground for only a short time, you will be able to proceed (more easily or with greater cooperation). You’ll live more easily if you take a break. You will go faster by waiting than by going now; on the other hand, delaying too long may provoke reckless action. By standing fast you live recklessly. By remaining where you are, you live life thoughtlessly.
Σ - Sigma
"Phoibos [Apollo] speaks plainly, 'Stay, friend.'"
Alt: “Stay, friend,” Apollo plainly says.
Interpretations: Neither advance nor retreat; wait or hold your ground, as appropriate; the best action is inaction. Don’t travel. Stay firm; don’t let yourself be swayed. The gods want to inform you to wait for more information before you make any decisions. In this time, relax, and let the signs come to you. Things will resolve on their own or get to a point where it is better to act than now. Respond only when it is appropriate to do so, which is not now.
Τ - Tau
"You will have release from the present circumstances."
Alt: Take release from present circumstance.
Interpretations: Your misfortune will come to an end. You will be given a way out of present circumstances. You are between a rock and a hard place, but you will get out. All your mishaps will come to an end. Leave present events behind. If you have been having good luck, that too may be departing.
[O?] "You will have a parting from the companions now around you."
Alt: There will be a departure from the companions now around you.
Interpretations: You will be separated from some of the people in your life. This may be an unwelcome parting from friends or a welcome release from enemies; in either case they are now around you. This may also mean a growing apart or forced separation of a person from his or her family, peers or fellow travelers on the path. Soon, people in your life might not stay the way they are. You might grow apart or distance or travel might force you away. Be wary of this, and act accordingly. Consider that 'companions' could also be interpreted as personifications (e.g. in the way Love and Strife are personified) so it could mean a change of circumstances. The people, resources, and situations you’re with now are not what you’ll always be with.
Y - Upsilon
"This wedding is not yours; do not labor in vain"
Alt: Useless toil: this wedding isn’t yours!
Interpretations: The person whom you are trying to woo will not be yours. This romance or relationship will not be permanent. Give it up. Be sensible. You have not made a good choice of someone to pursue. Do not pretend that you are interested in marriage. Don’t pursue the partnership (of any kind); you are wasting your time. The Oracle advises you to abandon some alliance or union that you have been pursuing.
[O] "The affair holds a noble undertaking."
Alt: Undertaking fine is held by deed
Interpretations: There is some issue to be resolved, or some action is under consideration; it involves high-mindedness, either in commitment, deed, or professional pursuit. The oracle may tell us that the affair is admirable due to this noble element, or that the situation may guide us to seek the appropriate noble undertaking or profession. The hero’s quest. On the other hand, the oracle may mean that the situation hinders this fine undertaking. Thus you should try to understand the situation: does it demand an excellent undertaking or impede it? Take the high road.
Φ - Phi
"Plant! For Deo will nourish everything beautifully."
Alt: Forthwith plant! For Deo fosters well.
Interpretations: Plant your crops or vegetable garden, and Demeter will make them grow well. Start your project, for the goddess will bring it to fruition. She will care for it, and it will come out very well. Plant your seeds (of any sort), and the goddess will help you to cultivate them productively.
[O] "Having done something carelessly, you will thereafter blame the gods."
Alt: Faultily you act, and blame the gods.
Interpretations: Take responsibility for your actions (or inactions); don’t blame the gods (or the universe, or fate, or society, or nature) for your own failings, for your thoughtless or careless actions. Something is going wrong, and you may be trying to blame other things than the cause of the problem. Don’t resort to pointing fingers. The Gods will help you if you do not take out your anger on them or others needlessly.
Χ - Khi
"Rejoicing, press on!’ Zeus himself says this."
Alt: "Happily press on!" says Zeus himself
Interpretations: Charge ahead! Keep working with joy in your heart. Zeus urges you forward, even commands you! Act with the confidence that you will fare well and be safe. With joy, hasten the matter or yourself forward. Lean hard on it, but stay happy.
[O] "Succeeding, wanderer, you will fulfill this golden oracle."
Alt: Happy end fulfills this golden word.
Interpretations: “Golden” may be a metaphor for rich, noble, excellent, etc. This admirable oracle will be fulfilled by you attaining your ends, or a mere chance meeting could constitute the golden event. Rejoice, you will succeed! Luck is on your side, and by mere chance, things might fall into place. The answer is positive, and you might be pleasantly surprised at all the riches that the world gives you in addition to your solution. A favorable result is indicated - but even more subtle success is at hand.
Ψ - Psi
"You have this righteous judgment from the gods."
Alt: Proper is this judgment from the gods.
Interpretations: This oracle refers to collective judgment rather than individual judgment. This implies that the majority of the gods concur in this judgment, and that this judgment is appropriate, fair, and righteous, though there is no implication that the result is that desired by the querent. Accept it and move on. Truth will be brought forwards, so be careful in your actions. The Gods are watching, and they will be fair, honest, and unforgiving to those who deserve it. This includes those who might be harming you, as well.
Ω - Omega
"If you take unripe fruit, it won’t be useful."
Alt: Otiose the fruit that’s plucked unripe.
Interpretations: If you pick your fruit too soon, you will have a bad harvest. More abstractly, too early grasping of the fruits of your labor (whether the taking is voluntary or necessary) will yield a poor return; the rewards will not be suitable for their purpose. Don’t be impatient, or the results will be inferior. Don't act rashly or hastily. Don't jump the gun. The time is not yet right to take advantage of the matter. Taking action now will lead to uselessness, worthlessness, and difficulty. At best, this letter indicated to just stay on the course and wait for the matter to develop further before inquiring again.
We're at the end now! (Phew!) I might make a google doc with the alphabet - maybe even make it so you can suggest your own interpretations or even alternative phrases for some of the more difficult ones. In the meantime I hope this has been helpful!
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
How can you improve your self esteem? - Pick a card witchcraft
One of this piles actually resonated so much for me that i even teared up. May your guides and the Universe lead you to find the best information here too. Axé!
✨Enjoyed the reading? A tip would be a sweet way to help me keep these free insights coming. Thanks so much for your support!
✨ I always use tarot cards and oracle cards for the reedings. Here i used the tarot, the work your light oracle and the prism oracle.
✨ I also channel messages from my guides and add them to the reading.
✨I hope this reading brings you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
✨ And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just DM me anytime.
✨ TIPS ✨
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Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask you guides and the Universe take you to the message you need to read right now.
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✨1 - the potion
it’s time to let go of the past and any feelings of regret or missed opportunities. You’ve been holding on to some friends that you’ve lost, and that have left you feeling down, but there’s a reason for all that. They cleared the path for something better that aligns more with who you are now. You’re about to meet people so much more aligned to you and your energy. You’re on the brink of a major shift and being called to open up to new possibilities that are way more in tune with who you are now, not who you were in the past. This is about recognizing that the past doesn’t define your future, your choices do. Start accepting that those chapters are closed and focus on the new opportunities that are coming your way. This shift in mindset is the first step to feeling more confident and at peace with yourself.
And also, step into your power! You’ve got all these dreams and desires, and sometimes it feels like they’re just floating around in the ether, waiting to be grounded in reality. You’re someone who feels deeply, loves deeply, and maybe even dreams with your head in the clouds sometimes. But now it’s time to bring those dreams down to earth and start taking real steps towards them. This is about letting your inner romantic and creative self out to play, whether that means diving into a project, expressing your feelings to someone special, or simply embracing the things that make your heart beat a little faster. Life is too short to hold back, so go ahead and wear your heart on your sleeve. You’re more powerful when you’re true to yourself.
Witch’s advice:
Make a me time with a simple ritual: start with a cleansing bath, from head to toe, using a infusion with lavender, basil, rosemary and chamomile to wash away any lingering doubts and negative energy that might be holding you back. As the water soothes you, imagine it carrying away all your worries and leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the new and dont rinse off.
After your bath, keep a piece of rose quartz close to your heart and meditate on who you truly are, what you love, and what you want for your life. This crystal will help you nurture that self-love and remind you that you’re worthy of all the good things coming your way. Pair it with citrine, a crystal that’s all about abundance and joy, to attract those positive vibes and keep your energy high.
And because a good cup of tea never fails, brew yourself some dry orange, lavender and vanilla tea. As you sip, take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy, what lights you up, and set an intention to bring more of that into your life. You’d be amazed at how a simple ritual like this can shift your energy already. ✨
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✨2 - the oracle
You've been in a bit of a struggle lately, haven't you? It feels like there's been a lot of tension, some conflict, but the good news is that the chaos is starting to calm down and now you can actually hear yourself think. That’s huge because your intuition is seriously on fire right now. You’ve always been someone who picks up on things that others miss, and lately, you’ve probably been keeping a lot of that to yourself, just trying to figure out what’s up. But here’s the thing: you need to start trusting those vibes and letting them guide you. You know what’s best for you, even if it feels like no one else gets it.
it looks like you’re ready to make some bold moves. You’re clear-minded, determined, and you know what you want and nothing is going to stand in your way. Just be careful not to rush things too much. remember that sometimes the best action comes from a mix of speed and strategy.
Also accept that you’re not exactly like everyone else, and that’s f****** perfect! Own it. Sometimes you feel like a total weirdo, like you’re from another planet or something, right? But guess what? That’s your superpower. You’re not here to blend in; you’re here to shake things up. You’ve got this unique way of seeing the world, and yeah, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s exactly what makes it so important. The world needs people like you who aren’t afraid to question the sistems, to push boundaries, and to bring in fresh perspectives.
So embrace your weirdness, share your thoughts, even if they’re not what people expect and trust your instincts, because they’re leading you exactly where you need to go. The more you lean into who you really are, the more confident you’ll feel. And don’t forget: Your voice is powerful, so use it.
You’re about to wrap up a huge chapter in your life, and it’s going to feel so good. Everything you’ve been working on is coming together, and you’re stepping into this new phase where you can finally breathe and enjoy.
Witch’s advice:
Get some rosemary and boldo infusion for a cleansing bath, head to toe, with no rinse, to clear away any lingering bad vibes and sharpen that intuition even more. Light a white candle to connect with your higher self and set those intentions and grab some amethyst to keep your energy calm and clear, and carnelian to keep that motivation high. You’ve got this, babe. Now go out there and rock your world. 💫
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✨Pile 3 - the candle
I can see you’ve been feeling pretty low lately, maybe like you’re out in the cold, struggling to find your footing. It’s like you’ve been dealing with some tough times financially, emotionally, or maybe even both, feeling isolated, or like you’re facing these challenges all on your own. But really, it’s just a phase. This is a moment where you can start shifting that energy. You’re stronger than you think, and there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Trust that you’re never alone, even when it feels like it. The spirits are with you, guiding you through the darkness.
You’ve got this incredible spark, this passion and confidence that just shines when you let it. You’re a natural leader, someone who can take charge and inspire others. This is a time to really step into that power, to remember who you are cause you got a lot to offer the world, my dear. Even when life’s hard, you’ve still got that fierce energy inside you. It’s time to reignite it and use it to your advantage. And you’ve got that golden touch for your dreams with the wisdom and the practicality to build something solid, something that will last.
And you’ve got that golden touch to make your dreams come true with wisdom and the practicality to build something that will last. This is about laying the groundwork for the future you want. Be patient, be steady, and trust that the seeds you’re planting now will grow into something beautiful and abundant. You have the strength and the skill to turn your visions into reality! believe that, and keep moving forward.
And oh, the celebration that’s coming your way! You’re on the verge of a big win, a moment where you’re going to feel truly proud of yourself. It’s like all the hard work you’ve been putting in is finally paying off, and you’re going to have a reason to kick back and really enjoy the results. This is about feeling supported, loved, and recognized for everything you’ve achieved. Don’t shy away from celebrating your victories cause you’ve earned this!
But, there’s still some shadow work to do. It’s time to break free from the old patterns, the ones that have been passed down through generations. These cycles of pain and rejection—they’ve been with you for too long. Now is the moment to cleanse yourself, to release what no longer serves you, and to step into a new way of being. This is about healing those deep wounds, not just for yourself, but for those who came before you and those who will come after.
Witch’s advice:
I want you to light a purple candle and set the intention to break those ancestral ties that have been keeping you in negative cycles. Ask your guides and the universe to bring in the energy of transformation and transmutation. Let that candle be a symbol of your commitment to moving forward, free from the past.
Also, do a cleansing ritual. Use herbs like sage or palo santo to cleanse your space and yourself, removing any lingering negative vibes. And since you’ve got some deep transformation energy around you, keep a piece of obsidian and an amethyst cluster. These crystals will help absorb any negativity and protect you as you step into this new era.
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sillyof1987 · 11 days
Relativity Falls AU (except its my take on it that ive decided to share to the world instead of working on college hw.)
first my ideas were inspired on these comics & this thread.
mabel pines switches places with stanley pines. dipper mason pines switches places with stanford pines.
mabel & mason were very close growing up, & they had planned to always stick together! maybe even create their own show growing up! fast forward, mason gets an offer from a big time college that would have him going around the world to conduct scientific research! mason checks if mabel is okay with this, & seeing how excited her brother is she tells him she supports him! he prepares a whole project & paper, but evidently overworks himself to where hes passed out & mabel is able to take a peak at it. she looks over his work, feeling proud but the pit of being upset at the possibility of being left behind she ends up somehow (havent worked out this detail) messing up a part of the project. she panics & tries to fix it, thinking she did she leaves it be & goes to bed.
next day when mason shows the project, it isnt fixed & is in fact messed up & he loses the opportunity of his first choice college. he finds glitter (instead of toffee as in canon) & connects it back to mabel. he goes home & confronts mabel, they end up arguing over the misunderstanding before mason leaves upset. their dad finds out what mabel did & ends up kicking her out. she ends up leaving, knowing shes made everyone upset she doesnt say goodbyes.
when mason comes back, he panics at mabel being gone & tries to search for her. he is convinced by their parents that shes fine & decided to leave on her own & they are still in contact with her (they are not). he barely accepts this, but focuses back on school. he ends up going to his second choice college, but rushes through it all without making any friends & wanting to be able to go conduct research studies as soon as possible. he travels a bit until he finds the strange & unusual gravity falls, the most interesting research opportunity he has landed on.
flash back to mabel, who is struggling to get by but doing her best to sell art & sweaters she creates, but without a ton of money it makes getting materials difficult over time. she worries about mason, but shes convinced hes fine & doesnt need her.
masons research in gravity falls is going great! he begins a journal, marking it with the big dipper first, then the pine tree, then his last with a pine tree & a shooting star bookmark. he even meets pacifica northwest, a girl who lives in the northwest mansion that has had the name passed down to her. he does a job for her, & seeing his bravery & care makes her want to work with him, so they end up researching together! however, mason hits a block in his research as he tries to share his findings & convince the people of gravity falls the anomalies hes found are real, which fails as he only scares people. while searching for more answers he finds a summoning for the oracle. he summons the oracle, but she doesnt appear until a dream. she tells him that she is a teacher, a caretaker, & sees his efforts on trying to help the people of gravity falls see the reality of their town. she tells him she is unable to have a physical form, as her universe was destroyed by a past prophecy, but if he builds a portal then she would be able to enter his world & help him.
mason convinced, makes a deal with the oracle & begins building the portal with pacifica, until there is an accident. pacifica sees whats really behind the portal, destruction. she warns dipper that this project will kill him if he doesnt stop it now, & he needs to choose between the portal (the oracle) or a normal life with her. after contemplating, dipper chooses life & tells the oracle the deal is off & is able to see the rip in the universe, destruction as pacifica told him. the oracle is furious, & ends up driving mason to paranoia trying to force him to continue the portal. mason decides he needs to hide his research & journals & ends up calling for mabel.
mabel gets a letter from mason, hopeful. this is it. her brother wants her back in his life. he needs her. she ends up in gravity falls to see her paranoid induced brother who shows her this portal. he tells her he needs her, needs her to take his journal & go as far away as possible. distraught, mabel begins an argument with mason & they fight as she tries to destroy his journal. mason accidentally burns mabel. mabel tells mason what her reality has really been for the past 10 years & mason realizes he has been lied to by his parents. he goes to hug her, but she ends up pushing him back & he ends up falling into the portal.
mabel then spends 30 years trying to get mason back, deceiving the town of her identity as the scientist hidden in the woods & begins a sci-fi mystery shop. she had help from pacifica for a while trying to bring the portal back up & running, but over time pacifica slowly gaslights herself & secludes herself in her mansion where she grows cold & reclusive. nothing seems to change in her life, until she meets stan & ford pines, her nephews….
more small bits of switcharoos: pacifica does switch with fiddleford mcgucket! fiddleford still comes to gravity falls, his family either buying land or on vacation or taking care of the lake for the summer. fiddleford & emma may (fiddlefords wife in canon) take candy & grendas place where they are friends with the twins. candy & grenda still exist though & are mabels friends! dan & wendy switch, but instead of ford having a crush on him he sees him as “a normal masucline teen” & wants to be like him so badly, wants to be seen as normal until he realizes its okay for him to be himself. budd gleeful & gideon switch, but budd instead of having a crush on stan is actually just conning him & pretending to be his friend while gideon still has a crush on mabel & shows this when mabel visits him since their kids are getting along (i havent decided if gideon still wants the journals or budd does). waddles switches with a possum that stan has.
the oracle & bill switch, bill is someone that mason meets while in dimensions. bills dimension still exists since he is able to make his world see in 3D now & is the prince of his world! he finds masons family fascinating (ford even moreso with his 6 fingers) & decides to give him some help to defeating the oracle when he gets back…
these are all the ideas i have for now on world building. feel free to give ur own ideas or ask questions or correct anything! this is otherwise mostly for me in case i decide to write or draw anything for this au, but i hope anyone who reads enjoys my take!
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the Best Way for YOU to Manifest?
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I have been receiving so many notes from yall and there are so many new followers!!! thank you all so much for the love and the affirmation! I really enjoy doing this and it helps me stay in a healthy mindset so I'm glad I can assist others while assisting myself.
In today's reading I am using Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot, The Healing Waters Oracle, and The Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives!
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Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: Blue, navy, black, skulls, ice, Hermes, ocean, coast-line, shark teeth, crystal jewelry, castles, olive tree, music, cats, fish, soda, marine life in general, crying, spicy food, hot meal, alternative fashion
Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears
Cards: The Artist, 7 of Cups, Page of Cups, The Ripple Effect, Perspective
Heyooo pile one! Welcome to your reading. The best way yall can manifest is by projecting it out of you. This can be through making art of some kind or just looking at art of what it is that you desire. Either way all you need is to see the desire outside of yourself and it will eventually find its way to you. I see you are quite protective of your desires and it is difficult for you to choose which one you want to manifest most because you want them all so much. You can have them all if you like. You need to admire what you want to manifest. Imagine how you would feel seeing whatever it is in your hands. If it is an object imagine what the texture of it would feel like. What does it look like? Imagine its color. If it is an experience that you wish to manifest imagine how it would feel to experience it. What would your senses take in when you experience it? You know intuitively what it is you want without having it. Doesn't it make sense you would intuitively know what it would be like? The clearer the vision you have, the quicker it will manifest into existence. Just remember anything you wish to manifest is already yours. It has your name written on its spiritual frequency. You just gotta match the frequency. Don't worry about how it will happen. Don't worry about the plan. The universe already knows how it will get to you. You don't have to worry about that part. The details are already taken care of, my dude. Trust the universe.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: Green, yellow, white, wild-flowers, children laughing, church bells, lions, eagles, bulls, peanut butter, being barefooted, 222, snakes, curry, ribbons
Song: What I've Got by Sublime
Cards: Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Cups, 2 of Swords, King Tide, Breath of the Cosmos
Hi, pile 2! The best way for you to manifest is through verbal expression. I see many entities watching over you. They wait patiently for you to ask for what you desire. They listen closely to what you truly want. When you ask it must be backed by the desire of your inner child. If it does not align with your inner child's desires the entities might not hear you. The universe wants to cradle your inner child. It coos at them waiting for them to speak. Let your inner baby ask for what it wants. Let them speak. It is common for inner children to be silenced by the world so this might take some convincing. Be patient with them and they will tell your guides everything you truly desire and I swear it'll be dropped in your lap or by your doorstep in no time at all. You must trust your younger self to know what is right. You must trust the universe to deliver it to you. Both of them want you to experience abundance and plenty. Both of them want you to receive the fullness of life. Speak aloud what your younger self wants. Speak it with confidence in the effect it will have on your experience. It must be genuine. Whatever you want is already yours once it is spoken.
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: Purple, forest green, pink, dogs, umbrellas, door knocker, hibiscus, olives, grapes, plums, violets, pomegranate, venus, 2222, incense smoke, candles, amethyst, cannabis, kayaking, hiking, Saturn
Song: Amethyst by Janine the Machine
Cards: The Fool, The Empress, The Well, Ilse of Avalon, You're Not For Everyone
Pile three, welcome to your reading! The best way for you to manifest is through your actions. I feel how hard you work in my body through the cards. You are far too resilient cus gotdamn your back hurts. Hard work is a way to manifest yes but what might work better for you is to enjoy yourself. By working hard all the time you invite in more work to do. Your actions display your manifestations. If you desire rest and relaxation (which i think you do) then meditation might help you. Do what you enjoy doing. Your physical reality with mirror your mind. Allow your mind to take a break. Embrace what you have wanted to do for a while. I know you have been trying so hard to get the manifestations you desire so deeply. I know those 60 to 80 hour work weeks have been hard on your mind and body. Pamper yourself a little bit. Invite more softenest in. Be willing to receive. Leap into bed, turn on your favorite show, and indulge a little in your favorite snack. Heal your soul. The cards also tell me you are a bit weird and quirky but you hide that a lot. It will help your manifestations come faster if you just embrace your weirdness. Lean into your quirkiness. I feel you are already really connected to Source and Source is where all that we need/desire comes from. You just gotta tap back into that energy again. Wow, okay I think your guides have been telling you to rest for a while. I am hearing them LOUD and CLEAR. They are a little frustrated with you not listening to them. You are pretty stubborn huh? I see you might have hurt yourself at work recently. That was an invitation to rest. Take the invitation, please. I see that if you don't take the invitation now you might be forced to later.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: Orange, red, sky blue, lavender, holding hands, hand-shakes, raining when the sun is out, rainbows, martini, fajitas, goblets, queer pride, 1111, throat chakra, oroborous, lotus flower
Song: Dracula from Houston by Butthole Surfers
Cards: The Magician, The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Let It Rain, Water Your Garden
Hey there, pile 4! Welcome to your reading, my friend. The best way you manifest is through communication. It's a bit more specific than that. Specifically when you're communicating in ways that are also taking care of yourself. Some examples of this are journaling, venting to a friend, talking with your lover, setting a boundary or writing letters to a pen pal. When you are verbalizing your desires to your friends be sure you are communicating with those you trust. I also see saying daily affirmations in the mirror would work as well. Which sometimes looks very ritualistic and other times it's you singing a song that makes you feel really positive about yourself in the mirror. Hype yourself up and that is a way to manifest as well. Anything with language involved while you are nourishing your body. I do see it might be difficult for you to gather your thoughts on your own so I do think it would be a bit easier to speak to a trusted advisor. Your words have power. Your language has power. The things that slip from your mouth are magic. Be very intentional about what you say, my dear.
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zahri-melitor · 1 month
Okay because I am setting my expectations as low as possible in the hopes I get to be pleasantly surprised, here is the history of Black Canary as a solo title at DC:
Black Canary 1991: 4 issue miniseries. Probably best described as 'mediocre'. Dinah discovers Ollie's being an unemployed dropkick who has been stealing/borrowing money from the Sherwood Florist till and not accounting for it; out of her frustration at him she goes and beats up a drug cartel and white supremacists with the help of her new friend Gan Ngyuen, who would be a better boyfriend to Dinah than Ollie is being right now. In conversation with her Grell appearances, but seriously underestimates Dinah's actual skillset.
Black Canary 1993: 12 issue ongoing. Dinah's basically broken up with Ollie for the whole of this, which is completely fine by me, as Ollie uses some of his appearances in this book to accuse Dinah of sleeping with Ray Terrill. Who is 18 and was trying to look after the injured superhero who turned up on his doorstep. Time to go die in a firey helicopter crash, Ollie, you are terrible in the early 90s. Anyway, this is an incredibly uneven run that covers topics like Dinah's backstory, why Ray Terrill develops the biggest puppy crush on Dinah, and also the very first Nightwing-Oracle-Huntress-Black Canary team up. Tragically despite the compelling characterisation going on in this title between the four of them, the story they are in is a white slavery plot, rendering it almost impossible to recommend to people who aren't the sort to read every single appearance of a character.
Black Canary 2007: 4 issue miniseries. This would actually have been a compelling story apart from its intent and outcome. Dinah and Ollie, in the lead up to their wedding, grapple with combining their families and Dinah works with integrating Sin into the US educational system. Unfortunately, Sin is abducted and then Ollie fakes her death and doesn't tell Dinah what he's done, as he makes Connor take her off to one of the Himalayan monasteries various Arrows and companions have spent time at. Sin does not get to attend their wedding, and for some reason Dinah does not tell Ollie it's off even though he just faked Sin's death and lied to her about it.
Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell 2014: Graphic novel. Paul Dini's pet project that he spent the best part of a decade trying to get DC to publish. The only decent Dinah solo on this list, it's not actually a Dinah solo because it's co-starring Zee. Dinah and Zatanna met each other as teens trying to live up to the expectations of their families, then reunite in Vegas after some of Dinah's friends tell her that someone's made them swear a magic oath to take part in a heist, and it's killing them. Hijinks ensue! This is the only title of any of them on this list that's actually full of joy. Please read it.
Black Canary 2015: 12 issue ongoing. 'What if Dinah decided to make Black Canary be the stage name of a musician in a band rather than a superhero?' Does this have any connections to previous Dinah characterisation? Not really, no. Does it sound like the premise of an Elseworlds rather than main continuity, even for n52? Yes. Dinah decides being a superhero is just too much work, so she'll be in a band instead, aside from all those times she needs to stop singing to fight crime in the audience. Contains a time travel plot involving Kurt Lance, aka the worst decision DC has ever made in regards to Dinah's love life, and I'm including Ra's al Ghul and marrying Ollie on that list. I think they made Kurt Lance save the universe but I admit I was hatereading at that point. The final issue has Dinah have her life flash before her eyes while retconning out most of the n52 changes to her characterisation and also suggesting she got pregnant with Ollie's baby at age 53 before dying of a mystery disease at age 69.
EDIT: Reminded of the Teen Book
Black Canary: Ignite 2019: DC teen graphic novel. Written by Meg Cabot, this is one of their teen alternate continuity rewrites set around the awkward period when Dinah was a teen and wanting to be a superhero like her mother, but Dinah Drake was firmly refusing to train her. Contains Larry Lance and is actually set in Gotham! (this is a good thing) On the other hand, maintains the 'was in a band' concept from Black Canary 2015, which personally I would rather stuff into a black hole never to be seen again, but angry teens singing in bands is a genre conceit for a reason. It's cute.
So really. Why would I let myself get my hopes up over Black Canary Volume 5?
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katiifaestarot · 6 months
THE READING TODAY IS: Pick-A-Card | What You Need to Hear Today
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Angel #'s - 1144, 575, 1155, 44, 1211, 123, 1234, 444, 1123, 1023, 1212, 13, 1233, 4444, 1203, 1223
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There are 3 piles, and you will be picking through the Curious Cat Club playing cards//oracle cards by Stasia Burrington in the picture right below this text!!!
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PILE 1- Dim Sum | 5 of Hearts
PILE 2- Yoga | 7 of Diamonds
PILE 3- Kendama | 5 of Diamonds
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
OKAY PILE 1: Shared pleasures, Fulfillment
3 of cups, 7 of cups, the hierophant(r), 6 of staffs(wands)
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Pile 1, you're trying to find an answer to your problems or some type of conclusion to a chapter so you can move on to better and attract what you deserve finally AND/OR be able to find a space to be more grateful, aware, and kind to yourself and others you appreciate and want to support!! --Dont get caught up in fantasy without action behind some of those thoughts!! How can you achieve that goal you've been setting your sights on recently OR for a couple years now? What values, resources, traits, etc-- do you need to embody while working on this goal? Think before acting, plan out your moves and stay secretive about your projects! move in silence!! Be kind to yourself and focus on yourself while you go through this period of time. it will all work out. Dont conform to societal expectations of you or your community's expectation of you; follow what you believe and follow what makes sense to you. Stay open minded and adapt accordingly. Make sure your intentions are helping you grow and helping you advance in life // towards your goals!
OKAY PILE 2: Balance, Self-Compassion/Forgiveness
Page of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, Strength
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Dont get caught up in unexpected or unnecessary delays in your life Pile2, you have the capacity + capability to keep going and walk through this period in your life with grace, inner knowing, and pride that you're doing your best! And thats enough. Concentrate on facts and what absolutely NEEDS to get done to help make sure you stay on track towards your goals but also to help you feel better! Small steps turn into huge leaps!! How can you make yourself more prepared for your future? What does your future look like at this current moment? Be discreet. Dont get held back by loss, try to alchemize your pain into progress + action towards your goals and bettering yourself. Living your life means you WILL lose things along the way, familiarize yourself with that fact of life. But no matter what, you have to keep moving and living. Keep showing up for yourself and your goals. Dont succumb to petty behavior, objective perspective(s) and temperance will guide you through the tests. Mind over matter. Stay confident in your truth, authenticity, and actions!! Cleanse your energy. Find and Have faith in your dreams. You're responsible for your own life and progress. Get started now!!
OKAY PILE 3: Games, Play, childish pleasure
The Chariot, Queen of Swords, The Star, Seven of Staffs
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You have the advantage pile 3, so act like it. You need hope, prayer(if that resonates for you), optimism, determination, will power, strength, intuition, adaptability, boundary setting skills, boundary maintaing skills, etc-- to help you through this next chapter of your life. You are a boss b**** and such a hardworker, but you might be tired and wanting to give up, which is valid but you must keep going today, tomorrow, and until you reach a goal that can allow you feel safe and comfortable reaching any and all other goals, acquiring your own space kind of goal, maybe?(take it, if it resonates) you're doing fine and dandy. Dont feel embarrassed if you've failed // do fail, its all teaching you resiliency! stay original, authentic, and honest. You can thrive anywhere and everywhere! Bratz pile, ifykyk.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how this resonated for you in any way you can! Dont forget to Subscribe to me on Youtube and follow me on here for messages, guidance, and advice! Those are the easiest ways to support me🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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leverage-ot3 · 9 months
OKAY so I have two ideas about a leverage x pjo crossover and they hinge on whether or not the leverage crew are demigods are not. I also have a general one which is what this post is
leverage demigod/pjo au masterpost
I’m betting some (or all) of the leverage crew have complicated feelings about the demigod-godly parent relations. they hear through the grapevine that this 12yo has been accused of stealing zeus’ master bolt and that his mom has been kidnapped by hades and they’re like ABSOLUTELY NOT FUCK YOU
cue hijinks where the leverage crew is behind the scenes while annabeth, grover and percy are on the quest having the road trip from hell. except it’s not actually that bad??? whenever things look like they’re going to get REALLY bad something happens and the kids aren’t in a lot of danger anymore. annabeth is almost annoyed because she wants to prove her worth etc etc (love her dearly but she needs some rest (and therapy)), grover is overwhelmingly relieved, and percy is just hella confused but vibing and set on seeing his mom again
meanwhile eliot is fist fighting a minotaur and like five other monsters, sophie is seducing medusa (and it’s kind of working??? can’t blame her though sophie is a MILF), parker is planning a heist in the underworld, hardison is dusting off a pet project that’s a gadget that cloaks demigods from monster detection (good for everyone but perfect for percy), and nate is masterminding while also furiously planning a beat down speech for the big three
it’s possibility titled: the master bolt job
nate says let’s go steal a stolen master bolt or something like that
(parker: isn’t that defying the gods?
nate: we’re giving it back)
the journey ends with percy’s mom back safe and sound, nate yelling at the gods (but not before letting percy tear them a new one first. of course he lets the kid go first!!!), a new godly child support system, and camp half blood employing their first on-site therapist.
hardison teaches the hephaestus kids how to make tech that doesn’t attract monsters. eliot cooks the best dinner the camp has ever had (hestia who adores him maybe helped), the hermes kids are awed by parker (thee parker?!?). sophie instills the fear of god (woman) into mr d to treat the kids better and gives the oracle a spa day as a treat. nate helps chiron with training-life management for campers (he is NOT a role model for that but he knows what works. chiron is chuffed that this random dude is giving him advice but rolls with it because he’s a good sport)
aphrodite is enamored with the love parker, hardison and eliot have for each other. they don’t know it but she gave them her blessing 💖
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beetlethebug · 6 months
so we know that like, Kristen's whole deal is religion and such, right? I'm just kinda thinking about the other Bad Kids and the Gods. Maybe it's my own multi-deity pagan ass just wanting to consider what it would look like. (I'm using primarily Forgotten Realms Gods and my absolutely vague knowledge of them).
This got long so read under the cut ;u;
Gorgug is absolutely Garl Glittergold's favorite child. He loves the shenanigans. Do you think he starts connecting with Gruumsh when he starts connecting with his birth parents? Baby Gorgug leaving bits of metal and toys he accidentally broke on the altar the Thistlesprings' have in their workshop. Gorgug pre-artificer offering up the songs he makes as a tricky sort of "metal" working. Feeling a connection to Gruumsh in the heats of his rage, the nudge of a hand during his frenzy guiding him to the right target. Keeping bits of scrap from their enemies to melt down into his next artificing project. He also probably talks to Helm, sometimes, asking for guidance on how to best protect his friends. Gorgug has big protector energy.
Adaine who is, in a way, a deity in her own right, depending how revered the Oracle is. I don't know if Adaine would connect with Elvish gods, but she and Oghma vibe. I think that after the Bad Kids all talk and bond, Kristen makes a joke about her being a Gruumsh follower with her furious fist and so Adaine jokingly buys a pin to wear in offering. Jawbone also had a talk with her about sometimes it can help to talk to someone about your anxiety--whether that be a counselor or even the Gods, sometimes. Just Adaine praying to Gruumsh to have the strength to punch her anxiety in the face is very beautiful to me. Azuth is the god of wizards, so he and Adaine might vibe. Adaine feels like the type to vibe with the Gods mostly in jest; she talks to them sometimes, but they're silly little guys to her. Because of Tracker and Jawbone's lycanthropy, I think she either has a small shrine to Galicaea or has the biggest beef with her imaginable. Maybe a little bit of both.
Riz. God. I think once Riz meets his Father, he definitely like, sets up a little shrine to him. Ancestor work feels really important to Riz. He dedicates a lot of self-care things to his dad, I think. Mainly sleeping and drinking water. Does he do them? No. But it's the thought that counts. Riz is definitely the like, mundane acts of worship. Incorporating it into miniscule parts of his day that would go undetected unless you knew him and where to look. He also probably has some devotional jewelry to Yondalla; I think that Penny probably had a habit of repeating prayers while touching the beads of her bracelet (kind of like a Rosary) and that rubbed off on him, especially when she was babysitting him. The whole family also probably have at least some sort of worship to Tyr due to their connection to justice and law enforcement. I think Sklonda is more connected with some of the deities associated with Goblins, specifically Gruumsh (can you tell I love him?) and Maglubiyet. He prays to war gods to get through the absolute shitshow of Adventuring school. He and Adaine probably dedicate their research to Oghma.
Fig is really interesting because I feel like she is probably in the vein of demon work instead of divinity. Although I think that she unironically thinks Riz's dad is super cool so like, playfully worships him. Fig is the Bad Kid that I feel like collects all the different pieces of her friends and wears them proudly upon herself. She dedicates concerts to Kristen's new deity of the week. She sighs and asks Oghma for help on exams; she includes prayers to Gruumsh in her tracks. I feel like Fig also might have a tendency to like, worship the people in her life. She thinks they're so important and she cares about them so much. So she elevates them to the status of a God in her mind. They are invincible. They are young and powerful and the bonds they share are much, much magical then some God who pretends to be high and mighty. Her body is an altar--she wears jewelry and draws sigils and uses so much color magick. She is, in a way, a walking beacon to the gods, saying, "Look at us! We're just as good as you, and if you doubt it, then we'll kick your ass!"
Fabian Seacaster my beloved. This man follows his Father's footsteps for a long time. He worships Gods of the tempest, of the sea and sailing. Yondalla holds a special place in his heart. Riz nearly has a conniption when Fabian corrects him on a prayer to Yondalla, and the two of them bond about it. But once this man starts dancing, this man worships Corellon Larethian with his whole chest. He does a lot of his worship through dancing. Moving his body, getting in touch with his roots. Because of the fire elemental, he also does some like, elemental magic? But I think a lot of his forms of worship come through bodily experiences. Braving a storm, dancing in front of a crowd, making just the right maneuver to protect his friends in battle. Sometimes he and Fig and Gorgug will sit together and make devotional playlists!
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abrakuxas · 2 months
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More classic Teen Titans (part 2 of my personal redesign/alternate version of some DC guys)
Part 1
Lilith Clay Jupiter/Omen (15) - In this version of Lilith I'd like to make her the daughter of Mr. Jupiter, yes, but also of Apollo. As a demigod she is the new heir of the same precognitive powers of the Oracle of Delphos. This is somewhat inspired by her pre crisis origin as the daughter of the Sun Titan Thia, but adapted to Apollo. She's good friends with Donna and teached her everything about the more human girly things. Her boyfriend is...
Gnarrk, the Cave Boy (16) - The last survivor of his people, Gnarrk is an artist, a painter of cave walls and a very smart boy. He kept his people's culture of praising the sun god and when Kid Flash accidentally sent the Titans back in time, Gnarrk was convinced Lilith was the answer to his prayers. The Titans saved Gnarrk when he was about to be killed by a beast and noticing that not only was he alone but he should've been dead, they decide the best they can do is take him back to the future to guarantee his living wouldn't affect the past. Gnarrk and Lilith become fast friends as she teaches him about the modern world and he teaches her about a culture never documented. Lilith and him are the last speakers of his ancient language and that means everything to him.
Mal Duncan/Herald (15) - Mal is a musician, he learned to play at the church his family went and developed into jazz after that. In a moment of near death experience he ends up winning a game against the Angel of Death. He wakes up surprised at the house of young genius Karen Beecher, now carrying a magical horn, a gift of the Angel for his victory, an item capable not only of beautiful music but of affecting space, allowing him to change the location of things and people, teleporting them or switching their places. Karen and him quickly fall in love. He is a support to the Titans, helping them get to places and maneuver in the battlefield.
Karen Beecher/Bumblebee (16) - A young genius working at S.T.A.R. Labs, she is an assistant to the mysterious doctor Arthur Light and his studies on light. Karen learns of a secret project of his to an organization called the H.I.V.E and the development of secret battle suit that used her own ideas and designs which her mentor stole from her. Betrayed, she steals the suit and destroys her own notes, bringing what she learned to the Titans together with her boyfriend Mal. With the help and support of actual superheroes she finished the suit and became the Bumblebee.
Duela Dent/the Pierrot (14) - Duela was raised in an orphanage where the only thing she ever learned about herself is that her mother said she was the child of a Gotham criminal to whom the woman worked for. Duela ran from the orphanage into a life of crime, trying to get into the underworld of Gotham to learn about her parents. She learned her mother worked to Two-Face and took the name Dent, but she soon found her mother had worked with multiple different villains and lost any hope of finding out who her dad actually was. After fighting Robin a couple of times, she learned to let it go, as she was too old to be the child of any masked villain in Gotham. He helped her locate an older crime boss who could maybe be her father but at that point she noticed she didn't really care, and only ever wanted a family. Robin then took the girl to the Titans and they slowly became her friends and family.
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the-arkhamwolf · 11 months
Current lay out for my random reverse robins Au
-Damian getting dropped off at Bruces's step and forcing Bruce to take him on as a sidekick; Something-Wing (yeah that's the best I got)
-Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake. After all the kid's been through.
-Wally and Damian meet and eventually become friends (They most likely will have a friendship similar to my Falling in Reverse AU)
-Bruce and Damian grow pretty close until a bad fight over the Joker, which causes Damian to move out
-One day he walking home he sees a woman being attacked. He saves her but ends up getting shot by the Joker (All this happens while he's a civilian)
-Bruce finds his son lying unconscious in the middle of the street bleeding heavily
-Damian wakes up in the hospital unable to move his legs
-Damian becomes bitter toward Bruce and the two have an even bigger falling out
-Bruce becomes a harsher Batman
-Tim appears on Bruce's doorstep with his Batman Needs a Robin propaganda
-Tim comes in to stop Bruce and somehow gets pushed into taking Damian's mantel
-For a good while, he spends most of his time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other
-Damian treats Tim harshly believing he hates Tim for taking his place
-Damian really hates himself because he thinks he's broken and sees what he could have been in Tim
-Tim eventually does break through to him and Damian comes back taking up an oracle-type role
-Damian starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around
-Tim meets Stephine one night on patrol and through a series of events gets her to join the bats
-Tim works on a secret project called Titan that only Steph and Damian know about
-he plans to leave Gotham to work on Titan so He trains Steph to take his place
-Angst coming up
-Tim gets shot in a scene kind of similar to Batman Beyond; he goes to save a woman only for the woman to shoot him in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily.
-Damian's on the comms trying to help him
-Everyone is to far away
-Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole
-Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his little brother dies
-Steph and Bruce fight/She leaves
-Jason steals tires and Bruce adopts him because no one said he couldn't
-Jason trains
-Damian disapproves but comes around for Jason's sake, not Bruce
-Steph hates Jason but they become friends later
-Ras brings Tim back and Tim Scares the heck out of him and then destroys his league (This is going to be a what the heck moment as it is revealed Tim was playing Ra's the whole time and I am so excited for it)
-Tim saves Cass from her father and then trains her
-Tim has trouble sleeping due to nightmares. He also has the episode called freeze outs (Yeah I suck at names) where the pit takes over making him very cold and withdrawn and dangerous to everyone.
-Barbra becomes Cassandra's little shadow and Cass has no idea how to deal with a child (Which just leads to a lot of adorable Cass moments)
-Tim's living room is always cluttered with projects he and Roy are working on
-Rose is like Casse's big sister
-Damian gets conned into taking Jason to the fair and ends up coming home with an extra kid
-another pairing Wally and Jinx (not really a big part of the story but may be of use )
-Dick is a little monster who will disappear every chance he gets
I know this makes no sense but I love it
So either Wally will be there for Damian when Tim dies or Damian will push him away for two years (around when Tim comes back) then the two will reconnect and Damian will be shocked because Wally has a kid.
Reasons I want the second one
1- I love the angst of Damian feeling guilty as he realizes his best friend has a Daughter and he never knew about it
2-I love the fluff of Damian getting to be like an uncle and interacting with a baby
but also I don't want Damian to push away everyone because that is a lot of angst since Steph leaves for a while Idk
Original Post
any thoughts? also what should I name this Au?
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dying-birds · 8 months
Dying birds (Reverse robins Au)
(storyline part one)
     Damian Wayne's childhood was unconventional, to say the least, raised by assassins only to be dropped off at his father's doorstep for his own protection. Consumed not only by wrath but the overwhelming pressure to please his grandfather, Damian was headed down a dark path of vengeance and blood. A path his father Bruce Wayne, was all too familiar with his father. Bruce took him on as a sidekick hoping to instill the values of justice and human life. Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake.
     After getting settled into his new role Damian was introduced to many other heroes and sidekicks, one of them being a redhead speedster. Wally West aka Kid Flash, may be the most annoying person Damian has ever met and yet he somehow he was also Damian's best friend.
     As Damian grew older he found himself constantly butting heads with his father leading him to move out. A life away from Bruce and the constant fight had done him good Damina even considered doing away with the capes and mask sadly Gotham had other plans for him. Damian had been walking home from the store when he witnessed what appeared to be a mugging. He stepped in and things went south real quickly as he was shot by an unknown marksman. Bruce found his son bleeding out in the streets, a war on Gotham had begun. Damian woke up in a Gotham hospital unable to move his legs. Things were revealed about the mugging turning him bitter toward Bruce. Damian left Gotham altogether and Bruce became a harsher Batman
     Tim Drake a mistreated child with a knack for photography, the next sidekick. Bruce would find this kid standing in the middle of his cave. Batman was on the edge of going rogue, Tim could let that happen. He pushed into taking the mantel out of necessity
     The start of Tim's vigilante career was spent trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other. For all his efforts he was treated horribly, Bruce's training was brutal and Damian treated Him harshly. For a while, Damian blamed Tim for taking his place but the truth was Damian thinks of himself as broken and sees what he could have been in Tim. Tim eventually does break through to Damian and the older boy comes back to Gotham taking up an oracle-type role.
     Damian starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around. Not long after Tim meets a ninja girl named Stephine Brown. Through a series of events convinces her to join the bats. Taking her under his wing Tim trains her to take his place so he can leave for a secret project called Titan. Only Steph and Damian know about this project.
     One day on patrol Tim tries to help the wrong person causing him to get shot in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily. Damian's on the comms trying to help him but everyone is to far away. Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole. In his last minutes, he talks to Damian and Bruce about how grateful he was to be a bat and tells Stephine how much he appreciated her friendship and how proud he was of her. Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his brother dies, his last words I love you guys.
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interviewsecretss · 3 months
Interview Secrets - Master Your Interview Skills #Channel #Trailer #Accenture #TCS #Cognizant #tips
Please watch full video to get dream job at Top MNCs
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Dick couldn’t do this. It was like all the guilt from not being there for Jason had flooded back up and was drowning him. Dick had forgotten what Jason’s full smile looked like. Jason hadn’t smiled like how he smiled at Cass since he’d gotten back. 
Dick was so lost in thought, he almost didn’t notice Damian sitting under the sink. He was out of his Robin uniform, but for some reason he was wearing Jason’s leather jacket.
“You ok, Damian?”
Damian crossed his arms, which was probably meant to showcase indifference, but if anything it made him look smaller. Especially with the leather jacket that was swamping him. “Tt, of course.” Damian rolled out from under the sink and went to leave. But not before wrapping his arms around Dick in an embrace, “Not because I need one, but because you look like you do.”
And then Damian left. 
Dick would figure out what was bugging Damian, just later. Because he needed to collect himself. Dick had seen the way Bruce had froze when Oracle had told them Jason had been reverted to his 15 year old self. Dick was probably going to have to do a good amount of interacting with Jason, because Bruce was sure as hell going to be burying himself in Batman until Jason was an adult again. Dick had never been the best brother to Jason, but now he could try to do better. And it’ll be easier with everyone. Jason has always been Alfred’s favorite, he’d warmed up to Cass basically instantly, Duke has always been easy to get along with, Stephanie and Jason were basically the same person, Dick could bribe Damian to be nicer, and Tim… well maybe if they just never mentioned the Robin thing they’d be fine. 
Yeah. This is all gonna be fine. 
He opened the door to find Cass, Duke and Steph in a heated whisper conversation that abruptly stopped when he opened the door.
Cass just wordlessly engulfed him in a hug, and then Stephanie and Duke followed. 
“He’s so tiny.” Duke mumbled. 
Jason was shorter and lighter than Damian who was currently 3 years younger than Jason. So yeah, Jason was small. It was actually a lot more shocking when he turned up the same height as Bruce. 
Steph pulled away from the group hug, “Alright, what are we gonna do?”
“What do you mean what are we gonna do? Bruce and Tim will figure out how to reverse this. We’ll help if they let us.”
“First of all, Tim’s sleeping, for the first time in probably a couple days, so we’re not gonna wake him up. Second, I was talking about what we're gonna do with Jason, and third, Bruce is probably gonna be… Bruce… right?”
Dick nodded, “Just treat Jason normally.” he paused, because the way they treated Jason “I put 12 heads in a duffle bag and became a drug lord” Todd was distant at best.  “Treat him how you would treat a 15 year old. Not how you would treat 20 year old Jason.”
The three of them nodded as the motor of the Batcycle echoed through the cave.
Let the show begin.
Jason was currently swaddled in his Wonder Woman blanket getting his blood drawn. Alfred had already taken his height and weight, which according to Alfred, was the same as the one from five years ago. He also noted that Jason’s eyes were more green than blue, which apparently happened to him over time with age or something. Which doesn’t really make sense because if he was de-aged then wouldn’t his eyes be the same color? Then again, he still has the white streak in his hair and that’s just hair dye. And he still has a bunch of scars that he doesn’t know where they're from. So who knows how this de-aging thing works.
Alfred took the needle out and placed a bandaid on the hole. “I am going to give this to Master Bruce. Why don’t you head off to–”
“Wait, Bruce is here?” Jason tugged down his sleeve and wrapped the blanket tighter “I’ll come too.”
Alfred looked like he was going to stop him, but didn’t.
Bruce was at the Batcomputer, still in his cowl, and it looked like he was plugging in a red helmet– oh wait, that was Jason’s red helmet– into the computer.
He walked up behind the chair, and looked at the footage that was being played on the screen. It was the same alley Jason was in when he woke up. There was a lady with a giant glowing stick– scepter, who was shooting bolts of magic at the camera. Then a spell hit the Camera directly filling the screen with static.
“Ahh, so we’re dealing with a magician. I dunno about you, Old Man, but I think I have enough sparkle in me to take this lady down.”
If Jason didn’t know any better, he’d say that Bruce was startled at the sound of his voice, but Batman is never surprised. 
But he didn’t turn to face Jason. He didn’t even give him a grunt of acknowledgement.
“Uh, Bruce–”
“Todd!” It was the sound of emo Robin’s voice coming from the stairs. Though the kid was no longer wearing the Robin uniform. He was actually wearing the jacket that Jason had on earlier. “I, urm, require your assistance. With… feeding Batcow. And maybe you could meet Goliath.”
“We have cows ?” Jason was about to jump at the chance to help feed the cow and Goliath, who was probably another cow, but then he realized that he kinda had a mini magical mess revolving around him, “Um, I’m not sure if Bruce’ll need me–”
Dick’s face looked between a proud father and like a sudden realization came over him,“Go ahead Jason. We’ll call you if we need you.” And Jason wasn’t dumb. He could read inbetween the lines, and those invisible lines were saying, get the fuck out, the adults are speaking.  
So Jason shrugged and skipped to the stairs. Now that Jason could see the kid without the domino mask, he looked familiar, in a way Jason couldn’t put a finger on. “Alright, let's see those cows.”
“Actually, it’s cow , singular. Goliath is a Dragon-Bat.” Yeah, the kid looked a lot like an old picture of Bruce. Except with tanner skin and green eyes, but a part of Jason knew that wasn’t why.
“Excuse me, a what now?”
“A Dragon-Bat. Get with the program, Akhi.”
And just like that, a flood of memories with a kid around four or five drawing a bat in front of him. A kid leaning against him with a fire going in a pit. A kid a few paces behind a woman. 
Jason blinked, “You’re Talia’s kid.” Jason looked at the kid as he froze, “Damian.” 
There was a moment where Jason could see the longing in Damian’s face, before it was painted over with a look of apathy,  as he opened up the back door. “You should not have been able to remember that.”
The locations in the memories were clearly of the League of Assassins, so maybe they wiped his memory. Which sounds truly invasive, but that’s a thought for another time. Jason nudged Damian’s shoulder with his own, “I’m proud of you.” 
“Do not patronize me, Todd.” Maybe it was just cold out, but Jason could swear he saw a dusting of red at the tips of Damians ears. 
“I might not remember much of anything, but I still feel proud.” Jason put a hand to his chest, because even though he barely knew the kid, he still felt it. 
Damian paused at the barn doors, “You were the first person to show me kindness. Though, I didn’t really understand it back then. I didn’t even realize it was you until–”
“You were little, I don’t blame you.” Jason shrugged. They entered the barn and low and behold, there was a cow. With a spot on its face that kinda looked like a mask. “So, what’s the story? How’d we get a cow? Did Alfred and Martha Kent make some sort of barter?” They often exchanged cookies for pies, so it wasn’t too unreasonable.
Damian went to a stack of hay, “No. We rescued her from a slaughterhouse that was infecting the animals with diseases.” Damian recounted the mission as they both moved stacks of hay to feed to Batcow, until there was a chime from Damian’s phone. “That should be enough for now. We’re wanted back in the cave.”
They were opening the clock entrance when Jason finally stated, “We didn’t actually have to feed the cow. They just didn’t want me there, right?” It was the middle of the night.
Damian started down the stairs,  “Tt, Father just needed a moment to process. You would too if your adult son was suddenly twelve again.”
“I’m fifteen, first off, and second, I suddenly have four more siblings, and he’s the one that needs to process? He must be getting really old.”
Damian dryly smiled, “Something like that. And five.”
“Five siblings. Well, technically, Brown hasn’t been adopted by father, but she’s at the manor to the point where I think we should get a restraining order.”
Who’s Brown?
“Hey!” Steph shouted from the main area of the batcave, “I heard that, brat! You guys love having me around.”
Oh, right, Damian for some reason only calls people by their last name.
 Damian jumped the rest of the way down, “No we do not, you dreadful shrew.”
“Your face is a dreadful shrew.”
“Alright, Master Damian, Miss Stephanie, we do have some work that needs to be done.”
There was a T-chart on the batcomputer screen. one column labeled “Jason 15: 6 years ago” and the other one labeled “Jason 15: now” Under the columns was his height, weight, hair color, eye color, skin color. That stuff. They were playing spot the difference.
“I, uh, I have a buncha scars I don’t recognize.” and suddenly all eyes were on Jason, “I mean, you guys are tryna, ya know.” he gestured to the screen, “Right?”
Duke was the first one to recover, “Yeah, we’re trying to see what’s different. So far it’s just your hair and eyes.” 
Dick’s hand flew up to rub the back of his neck, “Would you mind showing us?”
Jason looked around the room. He barely knew four of the seven people in the room. He was barely comfortable with Dick seeing him without a shirt, much less people who he met an hour ago. And, yeah, they were his siblings, but that doesn’t mean he was currently super comfortable around them.
There was the sound of rustling, and Damian came back to the table with a sheet of paper and a pencil. Then he quickly sketched something, flipped the paper, and sketched something similar. Damian slid the paper over to Jason. 
It was a drawing of a body, the front was on one side and the back was on the other. It was also really good for something sketched in under a minute. “Holy crow, kid, you’re a prodigy.”
“Tt, it’s hardly my best. Though, this way you can show us without actually showing us.”
Jason plucked the cup of highlighters and colored pens off the desk and got to work. Red were the scars he didn’t remember and Blue were the ones he did. And areas he highlighted yellow were healed burns he didn’t remember and blue highlighter were the burns he remembered getting.
Jason really hoped someone knew where he got some of his scars and burns because he had a lot. Which, yeah, they were vigilantes, some of them didn’t really look like scars he’d get in a fight. He placed the sheet in front of Bruce, who still was barely looking at him. Who still had his cowl on. 
“Did I–” Get hurt? Get kidnapped? Get tortured? No, that wasn’t the right way to phrase it, he huffed, because Bruce still wasn’t looking at him. Jason swiveled the chair so that they were facing each other and gently pulled the cowl back. 
Bruce looked a lot older. He had gray hair, and the creases between his forehead were a lot deeper. Bruce's blue eyes were more gray and somber, like the past seven years had put him through hell and back.  “Did something… happen?”
Bruce took in a deep, finally taking in Jason’s face. “I think it’s past your bedtime.”
“Bruce, I don’t have a bedtime.” Jason crossed his arms, “Don’t’cha think I deserve to know? It’s my life .”
Bruce just put his cowl back on and turned back to the computer. 
“Ya know what? Don’t cross off alternate dimensions just yet, because my Bruce would at least look at me.” And Jason stormed up the stairs.
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