#Beta Edward Teach | Blackbeard
leg0joker · 5 months
I want to write a OFMD fic where m!reader sneaks on the ship and you become one of the crew + your hella horny for izzy, your likes the ships puppy. Anyone interested??
Also would you prefer y/n or a nickname, please answer poll
Or just me? It’d also be gentlebeard..
Ratz is for people who want to press a button but don’t read fanfiction
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desastre-fag · 2 years
I guess I just lost my husband (I don't know where he went) Chapter 1: I got a a brand new attitude
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Amongst the panic as the English board the revenge one crew member remains placid, mostly due to their all encompassing fear, hands raised as they are guided to kneel with the rest of the crew. All are panicky within their own right, however the meekest member is called forward first to be interrogated, guns pressed against their trembling skin to guide them into the captain’s cabin. 
With one last glance at their captain lovers, who stare back at them with love and concern of their own, they are pushed harshly into the room, forced down by their shoulders into an armchair in front of a desk.
An Englishman stands in front of them, hands resting on the desk - shoulder width apart - in an act of intimidation, brow furrowed at the trembling mess sitting in front of him, curled into themselves. 
“What’s your role on this ship? You’re certainly not a pirate.” The bald headed man sneers, getting even closer to their face, which pales considerably before they manage to answer.
“I’m only the cabin boy, sir.” The man’s face relaxes at this, a look of thought coming over him for a fleeting moment before the interrogation continues. 
A few more questions pass before they are allowed to leave - well, before they are escorted back out onto the deck, guided to sit between Lucius and black Pete.
“What happened in there?” Lucius is the one to ask, arms held tightly around his midriff in what seems to be a nervous gesture.
“They basically interrogated me, asked about Stede a lot.” They answer, anxiously looking for said captain but unable to spot him.
“Where is he, by the way?” Lucius fidgets and looks down at the decking, black Pete piping up before he can sugar coat anything.
“I’m pretty sure they took him away for his own interrogation, he is sooo fucked.” 
“Not helping, babe.”
There’s no trial, Stede signed a confession and that was good enough for the English army, good enough for them to sentence him to death by firing squad. The only slightly good news is that Edward has been spared, handed over to Izzy per his request. The cabin boy doesn’t know what or how to feel, of course they are devastated for Stede, yet relieved for Edward. 
They stand next to Ed, cursing Izzy Hands and everything he has done under their breath, absolutely delighted when they witness Edward surge forward to punch said man - sending him to the deck. However, once they notice the dangerous glint in his eyes they pull him backwards, hands grasping his arm in desperation as the English raise their rifles.
In a flash, he pulls them with him to stand protectively in front of Stede, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Act of Grace!” Soon he has the entire crew shouting it with him, Stede following as the cabin boy reaches up to pull off his blindfold, smiling gently at him.
The conversation becomes background noise to them as they indulge, swimming in his eyes as they gently cradle his face, tears lining their lower eyelashes. They snap back to the dire situation at hand when the rifles are raised once again, promptly taking a protective stance in front of the blond man, Ed moving back to do the same.
Just when Stede begs for them to re-apply the blindfold, Lucius stands and swiftly begins reading out a log entry from the crew’s very first robbery, Olu presenting the plant as evidence. It’s enough, and the admiral is forced to stand down as he becomes agitated. 
Edward, Stede, the cabin boy and a handful of English guards re-enter the captain’s cabin to go over the act of grace agreement, the cabin boy only following to discover what their lovers had agreed to.
One soldier explains it simply, also adding the clause that for the agreement to apply to Stede, Ed also had to sign. Izzy makes a comment, ignored by everyone as the salt and pepper haired man signs with an X. The three lovers are left alone for a moment, Stede requesting the privacy, causing Izzy to curse as he walks out of the cabin.
It’s quiet for a moment before the cabin boy speaks up, “So, you have to serve the King for ten years?” The words are framed as a question, although it’s really just a statement. “Can I come with you?” This question however is asked with a sense of urgency, causing both Ed and Stede’s faces to fall.
“I really wish you could, dearest, but army service is no place for you.” The blond haired pirate captain reaches for them, holding their face as they did for him mere moments ago.
“I don’t think I can live ten years without you.” Tears begin lining their eyes once again, allowed to fall only to be brushed away by Ed’s thumb, who uses his thumb to turn them towards him.
“We’ll find a way out soon, love, promise. We’ll be back before you even know it.” And if a tear falls from his own eye no one mentions it, as he presses a firm kiss to their forehead, Stede taking the time to do the same before they are taken aboard the English ship.
Both parties stand at the edge of the ships after tearful goodbyes, maintaining eye contact until they can no longer, only able to spot distant black dots. 
It’s been a hard few days, Izzy taking over as captain clearly having a negative impact on the crew’s morale. It was only a matter of time before words of mutiny began spreading throughout the crew.
The crew of the revenge sway back and forth, gaining momentum with the shared weight of Izzy Hands between them, at the edge of the ship. Just on the final swing, someone calls for them to stop, causing them to turn and stare in awe at Edward Teach (born on a beach). One member of the crew in particular startles, dropping Izzy in the process, before gathering themselves and dashing to their lover.
“Ed!” He catches them, lifting them up in a crushing hug before pulling them into a searing kiss, pouring every emotion since they departed into it. 
“Oh, I missed you, love.” Placing them back onto the firm deck, he holds them by the shoulders, staring at them as if they would disappear if he blinked. The two lovers smile softly at each other, recommitting one another into their memories before the moment is interrupted.
“Where’s Stede?” It’s an innocent question, one that they should rightfully ask about their second lover, but it’s the hopeful look on their grinning face that kills Ed on the inside. His face falls, smile shrinking as he turns back to the frozen crew.
“Izzy, we’ll take tea in my room.” With that the cabin boy is whisked away to the captain’s cabin, building a pillow fort with the fearsome pirate legend at his request. As they both lay there, cabin boy resting upon Ed’s chest in the dim candlelight, they ask about their second lover’s whereabouts once more.
“He didn’t want to come back.” He breaks, tears freely falling down his cheeks as he presses his lips to their temple. “I waited for him, but he never came.” The cabin boy’s face is crestfallen, brow furrowing in thought and despair before lifting their chin to gaze at Edward. 
“He just left you?” And if that alone doesn’t crush Ed’s heart, the way their voice cracks halfway through pummels it into dust. He brings a trembling hand up to swipe their hair out of their face, smoothing it down as he presses a firm kiss to their temple.
“He left us . I waited from dusk to dawn for that man, with no sign of him. After the sun began to rise I had to leave, otherwise the English would’ve caught me.” They lay together for a while, Izzy eventually bringing the tea that was asked for, placing it just inside of the fort to avoid entering it himself. 
Edward sends for Lucius, asking for the scribe to write his song lyrics down. The cabin boy tiredly contributes, adding the occasional word or phrase of their own. Lucius, taking his role as unofficial therapist seriously, offers advice and his own words of comfort to the despairing lovers - highlighting the fact that the both of them still have one another. 
One moment later, Ed is performing his lyrics for the crew, soul pouring out for them all to see with the cabin boy sitting next to him. The words are met with thunderous applause, plenty of compliments passing around - the word ‘visceral’ being said far too many times. 
Feeling their adrenaline dissipate, the cabin boy bids farewell to the salt and pepper haired man as they slip away back to the captain’s cabin in order to get some rest - sleeping without their lovers caused some difficulty. They instantly fall to a deep sleep once they settle into the bed beside the window, soft snores echoing off of the wooden walls. 
They are soon awoken, the sound of voices rousing them as they turn from facing the window to face the two men. Izzy stands at a distance from Edward, seething as he holds a book from Stede’s library.
“I should’ve let the English kill you. This, whatever it is that you’ve become, it’s a fate worse than death.” He grits out, not noticing they have awoken, freely speaking his mind.
“Well, I am still Blackbeard so-” Ed is cut off as the shorter man rips a page out of the book, scrunching it as he shoves it into the captain’s face. 
“No. This… This is Blackbeard. Not some namby-pamby in a silk gown, pining for his boyfriend.” In an instant, Ed has him by the throat, face coated in anger as he pins him to the bookcase. The shorter man steals a glance at the bed, noting the awake state of the cabin boy - laying still with a look of panic and fear.
“Choose your next words wisely, dog.” The glare set upon him would make any other man keel over, perhaps piss themself, but Izzy merely steels his panic and lifts one hand up to cup Blackbeard’s neck.
“There he is.” He is swiftly pushed away, Ed releasing him and backing away in the same motion, Izzy smirking to himself before continuing with a hoarse voice.
“Blackbeard is my captain. I serve Blackbeard. Not Edward. Edward better watch his fuckin’ step.” With each word he leans closer into the man, teeth grit and eyes set into an icy glare of his own. He waits a few seconds before moving away, leaving the cabin in a huff with his shoulders squared. 
“Dear, are you alright?” Edward’s trance is broken by the cabin boy’s voice, laced with sleep yet still concerned for him. 
“I’m fine. Scoot over, love.” They do as he says, shifting closer to the window and lifting the blanket to invite him in. Once laying in the bed, he pulls them down to lie on his chest, arms wrapping around their waist, staring out through the window with an indiscernible look in his eyes. 
In the dead of the night he slips out of the cabin unnoticed, leaving his lover to sleep the night away til dawn, and stands at the railing of the ship gazing out at the sea. Lucius soon joins him, making his presence known by the creaking of the door opening and closing behind him. 
“Oh there you are, we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” A relieved smile grows on his face whilst Ed’s face only hardens, glare coming back to life with the new company.
Only the waves know where he is now.
It’s well into the morning when the cabin boy awakes, beams of sunlight blinding them momentarily before they raise their arm to block the rays. As they adjust to their surroundings they stand, arms reaching up to stretch out their back before falling back down to scratch at their lower stomach. 
Then they notice the bare shelves around them, no trace of the books or various trinkets which once decorated the space. Confusion strikes as they make their way out of the cabin, stepping into the harsh sun and stumbling upon first mate Hands. 
The man’s usual scowl is gone, replaced with a self satisfied smirk, at least until he registers their presence in front of him. 
“Was no one keeping fuckin’ watch? Useless fucking twats, back into the captain’s cabin with you.” Shooing them away, he turns in an unusually nervous nature, searching for the elusive Blackbeard. 
“What? I only want to see the crew-” They’re unable to get another word out before the short man grasps their shoulders, turning them swiftly and guiding them back to the door they just closed behind them. 
It’s only when he turns to leave that the cabin boy notices a significant limp, trailing their gaze down to his foot to find stark red seeping through some bandages sticking out of the top of his boot. They go to call out to him, stopping themselves at the slam of the cabin door, the faint click of a lock following.
Left to their own devices, with no books to read or trinkets to mess with, they simply sit upon an armchair - trying at least ten different positions before finding a comfortable one. Time passes slowly, and eventually they grow bored of their spiralling thoughts. What was happening? Why were they locked in the cabin? Why couldn’t they spot any crew members on deck? Where’s Ed? 
Their saviour from their own questions comes in the form of a leather clad Blackbeard, face set in stone and painted in dark charcoal around his eyes and mouth. Seeing his partner waiting for him makes his eyes soften for a moment, hardening once he sees them wearing the shirt Stede had let them ‘borrow’. 
They feel the urge to stand and greet the man, moving their legs from the crossed position they were in to stand, only to be stopped as he comes closer. Placing a hand upon their chest, he guides them to be sitting once again, lifting the same hand to cup their nape. He fiddles with the stray hairs there. 
“I know where I went wrong with Stede now.” The first words spoken between the two only confuse the cabin boy further, more questions popping up with none being answered. Their brow furrows, only to be smoothed out by Ed’s thumb as he uses his other hand to cradle the side of their face. 
“What do you mean, Ed?” He chuckles, low and dark, at the question. Using both hands, he reaches to hold them by the chin, forcing them to maintain eye contact.
“I should never have given him the chance to say no, to leave me - leave us .” His grip tightens, and they panic for a moment before relaxing into the touch, more to comfort Edward than themselves. 
“I’ve learnt my lesson, I won’t make the same mistake twice.” Determination flares in his dark eyes, staring intently at his remaining partner, a fierce possessiveness and protectiveness growing within him. 
“These are your living quarters now. You’re not a cabin boy anymore either, your only job is to stay in here, where I can keep you safe.” Where I know you can’t leave me. He doesn’t allow time for any of the information to sink in, willing himself to sit behind the desk as Fang comes into the room and closes the curtains.
“Oh, and love, it’s Blackbeard in front of the crew. Not Ed.” The cabin boy can only stare at their lover in shock and confusion, none of the words processing completely with his abrupt change of character. 
There’s no time left to question anything as Jim is brought into the room, made to stand in front of the desk. They take a quick glance to the cabin boy, sitting near the other side of the room, with a disorientated look on their downturned face. 
So deep within their own racing thoughts, they fail to comprehend the conversation between the pirate captain and Jim, snapping out of it at the dull thunk of Jim’s body hitting the floor. In a flash they’re across the room, kneeling at Jim’s side and pressing their fingers to their neck. The steady pulse is a relief, causing them to sit back on their haunches with a soft sigh. In the next breath they’re looking at Blackbeard.
“What was that for?!” They don’t receive a response, only Edward calling out a sharp, “Next!” Frenchie shuffles in, seeming to be in high spirits which instantly deflate at the room’s atmosphere. He stares down at Jim and the cabin boy, Jim unconscious and the cabin boy kneeling at their side. 
“Hey, Iz said you wanted to… see me.” The cabin boy is delighted to see him unharmed, being one of their closer friends from the crew, and if it weren’t for Jim laying across their lap they would leap across the small space to embrace the man. 
“Yes… I heard you can sew.” The gun which he had been idly polishing is raised now, pointed directly at Frenchie, who raises his arms in turn.
“Yep. Sew like the wind.” A nervous chuckle escapes him as he glances between the two threatening men, keeping both Jim and the cabin boy in the corner of his eye, even as loud cackling starts from the two men. 
“Get him to work, Fang.” With the dismissal, both Fang and Frenchie leave the same way they came, Frenchie casting one last concerned glance to the two people on the floor. With a slam the door closes behind them and the cabin boy gently lifts Jim from their lap to stand, moving to the front of the desk.
“What the fuck was that about? Where’s the rest of the crew? Why did you do that to Jim? Answer me!” Edward’s gaze flickers from his gun up to his partner, eyes distant and cold as he assesses them. Rather than answering he stands from the chair, coming around to the front of the desk and grasps them by the shoulder. 
Pushing open the door to the cabin, he pulls them along to the railing along the side of the ship. At first they don’t know what they’re supposed to be looking at, but then they see it - the crew of the revenge, marooned on a small island. 
Dread fills them as the crew frantically wave, hoping to be saved by the ones that purposefully left them there. An even colder feeling drops into their stomach when they are unable to spot one member in particular.
“Where’s Lucius?” A hand resting on their nape is all the answer they need, as it directs their field of view to the crashing waves of the sea. Bile fills their throat, tears bubbling up and breath hitching at the implication. 
“Everything’s going as planned, captain.” Of course it’s Izzy Hands who interrupts, standing just behind his captain with his arms folded behind his back. “Jim is secure in the brig and Frenchie has finished the flag.”
“The brig? Why are they in the brig?” At the question Edward tightens his grasp on their nape whilst Izzy remains silent.
“Take them back to my cabin, Iz.” With the command to his first mate he walks away, leaving the cabin boy with the easily angered man. He sneers down at them, grabbing them by the wrist and pushing them in front of him, taking a familiar route back to the captain’s cabin.
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okariaonb · 2 years
[Our Flag Means Death] Ed - Rival
English Subtiles:
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dracothelizard · 2 months
I have finished reading several more fics from the @ofmd-reverse-bang!
Previous rec post
The Rest Is Silent - Post-canon, the crew gets stuck in the Arctic. Lovely ensemble fic on how everyone deals with the cold and the isolation and being stuck together differently.
Read Me Like A Book (Write A Happy Ending) - Canon era, sweet Steddyhands where reading together and to the crew brings everyone closer together and gives Ed and the crew some much-needed closure!
Tied Up, Torn Down - Canon era, filthy smutty Steddyhands where Stede gets ravished by vicious pirates Izzy and Captain Blackbeard, and also they snuggle and talk about it afterwards.
Fire House - Modern AU, Wee John/Frenchie centric where Stede starts a voluntary fire brigade and Ed runs a bar. Fun ensemble moments while Frenchie learns a lot about himself.
Kindergarten Cop - Modern AU, Stizzy, where Izzy is the kindergarten cop and Stede is the regular teacher and also they fall in love.
Letter for Mr Edward Teach? - Modern AU, Ed/Stede where the various letters Stede sent find their way to Ed. But also, some of these letters Stede never wrote. Time to investigate where they come from!
Your Awful Heart To Song - Canon era, Steddyhands. Stede goes overboard and Izzy reveals he's a siren when rescuing him.
Old Dogs - Canon era, omegaverse Steddyhands. HEED THE TAGS. Beta Stede tries to help Alpha Ed and Omega Izzy with their, um, relationship issues. And there are many many many issues. Many.
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unencryptxd · 10 months
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Title: A Treatise on Treasure Or: The Observed Effects of Risk and Romance on the Dread Pyrate and a Gentleman Scholar by S.M. Bonnet Author: unencryptid [AO3] [Twitter] Artist: vicoyote [Twitter] Beta reader: LalaLovesCakes [Twitter] Characters: Stede Bonnet, Edward Teach, Wee John Feeney, Doug, Mary Allamby, Louis Bonnet, Alma Bonnet, Izzy Hands, Crew of the Revenge, Blackbeard's Crew Relationship(s): Stede Bonnet/Edward Teach (Gentlebeard) Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Canon Era-Alternate Meeting, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Homesteading, Fake Science and Medicine, Blood and Injury, Illnesses, Recovery, Alcohol Use/Abuse, Recreational Drug Use, Minor Character Death, Choking (brief), First Time, Inexperienced Stede Bonnet, Developing Relationship, Explicit Sex, Bottom Stede, Top Ed, Unsuccessful Sexual Coercion, Bathing, H/C, Desert Island, Verbal Abuse (minor and brief), Attempted Kidnapping, Angst with a Happy Ending, Caretaking, Competent Stede, Life-Affirming Sex, No Stigma of Homosexuality or Divorce Warnings: None Summary: Armed with a library's worth of blank journals and more marmalade than experience, Stede happily sets sail for a year's worth of blue sky research--but all Stede's meticulous planning for his expedition to a small, unnamed aisle in the middle of the ocean failed to account for the presence of one of the Caribbeans fiercest natural predators.
Blackbeard is equally shocked to find an interloper on an island after Queen Anne's Revenge anchors to take care of a torn sail. It's not unheard of to stumble upon some poor marooned bastard after rowing a shore, but they're usually half mad with hunger and meaner than a snake-- not impeccably groomed gentlemen that shouted him for disrupting butterflies.
Priceless discoveries abound. Wordcount: 116k Link to art masterpost Link to story
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mollymijh · 7 months
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Relationship: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach
Additional Tags: Episode: s02e08 Mermen, Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Oral Sex, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, One Shot, Not Beta Read
Language: English
Published: 2024-02-23
Words: 2,056
Chapters: 1/1
‘I mean, I just got back together with my boyfriend!’
Since that word had first come out of Stede’s mouth, Ed wasn’t able to pull him away fast enough, immediately dragging him into the alleyway behind Jackie’s as soon as he could. While the crew were inside, stripping the dead of their clothes and changing into their disguises, ready to make their escapes, Ed had his hands all over Stede, not able to get enough of him. He couldn’t get enough of his boyfriend.
Smutty one-shot based on that deleted scene from Samba's Instagram post.
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eefaevie · 11 months
Title: The Engagement, Marriage and Descent to Piracy of Stede Bonnet of Barbados to the Not-Exactly-Lady Izabella OR the Incredibly Unbelievable but Wholly True Story of How the Dread Pyrate Blackbeard Found Love
Author: BrainzGoblin
Artist: eefaevie
Beta reader: Saffronnette and OKDeSign
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Edward Bonnet | Stede Bonnet's Father, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Jim Jimenez, Roach, Oluwande Boodhari, Fang, Spanish Jackie
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Israel Hands/Roach, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Black Pete/Fang/Lucius Spriggs
Rating: Teen and up
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Friends to Lovers, Comedy of Errors, Israel Hands in Drag, Fake Marriage, Weddings, Heist, Written Before s2, Happy Ending, Oblivious Stede Bonnet, POV Alternating
Warnings: None
Summary: Blackbeard is bored. Bored enough to accept an unusual task from Jackie - break into one Edward Bonnet’s estate to steal important documents. It helps that he has his best idea for a fuckery yet, and that it has the potential to piss Izzy off. Meanwhile, Stede Bonnet wants to get married for love, but he’ll settle for marrying someone who would help him get the heck away from Barbados. When the Fingertons show up, he can’t believe his luck. Not only will he leave with them, he also seems to have a great connection with his intended bride’s brother, Jeff. It’s just such a shame that Izabella Fingerton is such an angry little lady…
Wordcount: 35,090
See the art here!
Read it here!
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tealtumbleweed · 10 months
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Our Flag Means Death Big Bang 2023
Title: Yours Faithfully Author: RoughWinds Artist: tealtumbleweed Beta reader: summerlinenss Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Epistolary, Affairs, Cheating, Infidelity, Love Letters, Strangers to Pen Pals to Friends to Lovers, Pen Pals, References to Depression, Falling In Love, Romance, Minor Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Happy Ending Warnings: None Summary: Stede finds love letters between his wife, Mary, and her lover, Doug, hidden at the back of their wardrobe. Curious, he reads the ones he finds, and uncovers the details of her affair. In many of the letters, Doug has mentioned a man named Ed, whom Stede assumes is Doug’s partner. Eager to do the right thing and protect Ed from his own inevitable heartbreak, Stede writes a letter of his own. Wordcount: 10,420 Link to art masterpost: tumblr Link to story: AO3
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cuddlytogas · 10 months
OFMD Big Bang 2023: I Just Need Some Air
that's right baybeyyy guess who did another big bang and managed to bag my cool friend doing the art <33
Title: I Just Need Some Air
Author: hoc_voluerunt / cuddlytogas
Artist: @tsunderejon / wellsussed
Beta reader: reneeissanc3
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, The Crew of the Revenge, Lucius Spriggs, Roach, Israel Hands, Wee John Feeney, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet & Crew of the Revenge, background Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs
Rating: T
Additional Tags: AU - Modern Setting, AU - Australia, Naarm/Melbourne, Social Anxiety, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, The Crew of the Revenge Loves Stede Bonnet, Crew of the Revenge as Family, Neurodivergent Stede Bonnet, Getting Together, Stede Bonnet Has Self-Esteem Issues, First Kiss, Bad Parent Stede Bonnet
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks
Stede Bonnet's been having panic attacks for almost as long as he can remember, suffocated by pressure and expectation. For years, he and Mary had an understanding, necessary for every stuffy networking party and corporate gala: I just need some air. And Stede would find the nearest exit, while Mary distracted the Badmintons before they could figure out where he'd gone. When Stede finally takes his life back — divorces Mary, moves to Melbourne, starts his own event management business — things get better, but he's still no good at parties. He still needs some air, even at the very events he's brought to fruition.
Meanwhile, Edward Teach, renowned chef and owner of Blackbeard's Catering, is wondering why the newest bigwig in events still hasn't hired him.
Modern AU set in Naarm/Melbourne, Australia; a family found and a romance grown in the alleyways behind galleries and function rooms.
Wordcount: 25,874
Link to art: https://twitter.com/wellsussed/status/1729256166830797143
Link to story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51737674
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doodleswithangie · 10 months
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Title: Roll for Charisma
Author: Finn at karatekid1018 (AO3), @actofgrace23 (Tumblr), dumbtalentdbtch (Twitter)
Artist: Angie at @doodleswithangie (Tumblr), doodles_angie (Twitter), doodleswithangie (Instagram)
Beta reader: ShowMeAHero (AO3)
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Oluwande Boodhari, Jim Jimenez, Frenchie, Roach, Black Pete, Fang, Ivan, Israel Hands, Buttons (mentioned)
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez
Rating: M (Mature)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Dungeons & Dragons, Alternate Universe - Library, Librarian Stede, Dungeon Master Ed, Meet Cute, Fluff, Suggestive but not Explicit, Season 1 as a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign, Mutual Pining, Fake Dating if you squint
Warnings: None
Stede, a librarian, and Ed, a Dungeon Master, both have a passion for a good story.
When a malfunctioning 3D printer brings them together after months of pining from afar, they just might be able to find a happy ending of their own, thanks to their DnD characters: Blackbeard and The Gentleman Pirate.
Wordcount: 17,601
Art Link!
Read on AO3!
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nomorepainwithslash · 11 months
OFMD Big Bang 2023 Fic and Art
Title: Fucking Bonnet (his fault) Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lilian Artist: https://twitter.com/sunspeckfreckle Beta reader: hippocrates460 Characters: Izzy Hands, Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Relationship(s): Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands, Edward Teach/Israel Hands, Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands Rating: E Additional Tags:  Israel Hands-centric, POV Israel Hands, Hate Sex,  Blow Jobs, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Deserves Nice Things, Israel Hands Has Two Hands And Nine Toes, Post-Season/Series 01, Written Before Our Flag Means Death (TV) Season 02, (Somewhat) Rough Sex, Gagging Warnings:  Canon-Typical Violence, Swearing, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm (minor) Summary: Of course Fucking Bonnet comes back and brings a Spanish Navy Ship on his heels. Of course Izzy has no choice but keep him safe on a small island until Edward deals with that. Of course Stede Bonnet is incapable of shutting the hell up. An enemies-to-lovers Stizzy, then Steddyhands story from Izzy’s PoV. Happy Ending! Wordcount: 10692 Link to art masterpost: https://twitter.com/sunspeckfreckle Link to story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51349684
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ofmdbigbang · 11 months
Title: Will you hold me sacred? Author: evilgiraff Artist: aloc, can be found here: AO3, tumblr, twitter, instagram Beta reader: PhantomEllie Characters: Stede, Ed, crew ensemble Relationship(s): Stede/Ed Rating: M Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon Era, Post-Season/Series 01, Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Reunions, Action, Pining, Angst, Reconciliation, Canon-Typical Violence, Sailing ships, Sailing, Sort of - author doesn't have a clue really, 20th/21st century song lyrics masquerading as 18th century poetry, Our flags mean love letters, Sea Battles, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Needs a Hug, Stede Bonnet is an action hero, Lucius Spriggs Lives, Seagull sat-nav, It’ll all be okay in the end Warnings: No major warnings. Violence (no graphic depictions of injury). Mortal peril (quickly resolved). Summary: Canon era Ed/Stede reunion fic. Lots of sailing around the Caribbean, sea chases, navigation, and modern lyrics masquerading as 18th century poetry. ::::: “Yes, alright, I need to make it better.” Stede glares at Roach, then looks around hopefully. “Any ideas how?” “I reckon what we need most for that, cap’n,” says Buttons, thoughtfully, “is a ship.” Wordcount: 21,202 Link to art masterpost: Art is posted to AO3 here and here Link to story: Will you hold me sacred?
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edsstaugustinesnake · 11 months
Title: Huge in Japan!
Author: EdsStAugustineSnake on AO3
Artist: googoogojob on tumblr, loockhar on Twitter, nopeitsmetherealone on insta
Beta reader: JoQuickly on AO3
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Black Pete, Frenchie, Oluwande Boodhari, Jim Jimenez, The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Buttons, Karl the Seagull (Our Flag Means Death),
Fang, Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Israel Hands/Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Fang/The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney/Frenchie
Rating: M
Additional Tags: Adventure & Romance, Humor, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Alternate Universe - Kaiju Are Believed Extinct, Reality Show Star Stede Bonnet, Biology Professor Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Māori Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Humor, Kaiju, Vague Giant Monster Violence, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, Shinto, Yōkai, Māori Mythology & Folklore, Japanese Character(s), Cryptids, Ghosts, Aliens, People of Earth (TV 2016) References, Reincarnation?, Acrophobia, Undocumented Character, But Not for the Reason You Think, Oral Sex, Twitter, Past Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Father-Son Relationship, Estranged Father, Father Figures, Gun Violence, Minor Character Death, Minor Original Character(s), Happy Ending, Izzy Hands Takes Some S1 Canon-Typical Shit But Gets a Happy Ending, Written Before Season 2
Warnings: Past Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Gun Violence, Minor Character Death, Undocumented Character
Summary: Reality show star Stede “The Cryptid Hunter” Motte draws the attention of Caltech Biology researchers Edward Teach and Israel Hands. After a brief spat via press release and Twitter, Ed and Stede reach a détente, each more intrigued than ever. When they find themselves in Japan tracking down the same rumors of living kaiju (though everyone knows Godzilla, et al. went extinct decades ago!) they learn that some monsters are human, and they’ll have to work together to save themselves, their more-than-meets-the-eye crews, and, possibly, the world.
Wordcount: 45,861
Link to story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51255100
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thetardigrape · 11 months
Tumblr media
In Permanent Ink
Words: 14,568 Author: @thetardigrape Artist: @cxionbonan Beta Reader: @ghostalservice Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Israel Hands, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Oluwande Boodhari Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, Idiots in Love, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach Summary:
Ed, world-famous tattoo artist known as Blackbeard, owns Queen Anne's, a tattoo shop full of black leather and heavy metal. Stede, brand-new to the tattoo world, owns The Gentleman's Revenge, where the ink is magic.
After letting Stede ink him, Ed has to remind himself constantly that the things he feels aren't real. The ink's magic is making him giddy, making him feel magnetically drawn to the gorgeous owner of the rival shop. It would be a terrible idea for him to do anything about it. He should just let the magic fade, and let the feelings fade with it.
That's what he tells himself every day.
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denizbevan · 11 months
Title: ...still round the corner we may meet
Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Deniz_B/pseuds/Deniz_B
Artist: https://instagram.com/_mahnaah_
Beta reader:https://x.com/Gold_galloon?t=GhDU6GYBnbnvtU7Zrff1xQ&s=09
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Doug, Fang, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete, The Swede, Roach, Nathaniel Buttons, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Frenchie, Wee John Feeney
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Rating: E
Additional Tags: written before S2, Walking, Meet-Cute, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Found Family, First Time
Warnings: None
Summary: Stede and Mary moved the family to Switzerland for Mary’s job. The kids were young, and Stede didn’t have a working visa; he stayed at home. By the time the kids started school full time, he and Mary agreed that, for the sake of the children, a divorce was the only option. That way, they might at least preserve their friendship.
A new job, a new apartment, a routine of his own.
Committed to remaining friends, Stede and Mary decide to join a Saturday morning walking club. For the first time ever, for a few hours each week, Stede's free to spend time with adults who aren’t dull-as-dishwater colleagues, equally-exhausted fellow parents, or disastrous dates. He might even find a friend—or more.
Each week, Stede interacts with a different member of the Random Rambles crew, making ever more radical decisions about his life (quitting his job! opening a community centre!)--and growing closer and closer to fellow walker Ed.
Where might he be by summer's end?
Word Count: 37,051
Link to story and art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51134728
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Sicktember post - Fuzzy Socks
Alright, so this next little ficlet was inspired by the Sicktember 2023 alternatvie prompt 2: "Fuzzy Socks".
Fandom: OF/MD
Characters: Sick!Stede and Caregiving Ed.
I know it is a bit silly, but the idea just wouldn't leave me alone, so bear with me, please.
Not betaed and I had to post it now before the courage left me again 😅
Fuzzy Socks Stockings
As a particularly harsh gust of wind hit the Revenge, Stede Bonnet pulled the blanket tighter around himself with a pathetic sniffle and huddled closer into the warm body of his co-captain, friend, and – dare he say it? - lover Edward Teach aka Blackbeard. They were both curled up next to each other in his bed, bodies entwined. If he were to commission another ship, Stede would make sure that the captain's bed was a bit more spacious than the one here on the Revenge.
It was all nice for sleeping here alone, and the view out of the windows was breathtaking. But on nights like these, when the cool draft crept in through the tiniest nooks and crannies, Stede regretted that the space was barely enough for two people to sleep in, let alone for additional bundles of thick, feather down blankets to be brought in against the chill.
With a sniffle, he pressed himself closer against Edward's warmth. Somehow, Stede had been cold all day, and even now, bundled up under his blanket, wearing his payama and dressing gown on top, he couldn't get warm.
“Hmmpff... Stede?,” Edward asked sleepily into the darkness, turning slightly so he could look at the blond man next to him. “What is it? Why aren't you asleep?”
“ssnniff I'm cold...”
“Cold?,” Ed raised an eyebrow, which was barely visible in the darkness. “You're wearing like.. three layers of the softest, plushes fabrics I've ever seen. Plus blankets.”
Stede gave an indignant little sniffle.
“I know, but it's still a touch chilly in here, don't you think?”
Edward was nothing short of turning into a boiled potato, but he refrained from pointing that out when he felt Stede shiver against him with a little whimper.
“You really are cold, aren't you?”
Stede nodded, then sniffled and suddenly ducked his head into Ed's shoulder to muffle a sneeze against it.
“Hmm... bless you,” Edward hummed, suddenly connecting the dots. He shifted, soft, silky fabric rustling between them as he readjusted his position so he could pull Stede closer. Stede immediately followed this unspoken invitation and huddled even closer, snaking his legs around Ed's and touching his feet to his.
“God, your feet are as cold as two dead fish!”
“ssnfff I knooow,” Stede whined, “I told you I'b cold... and as long as mby feet are cold, I cad't seem to get wa- hhhhahh?.... Hah'tSshhieww!! ... snfff warm.”
Edward chuckled. “Bless you! Sounds like there's some of that cold stuck in your nose as well.”
“Dod't mbake fun of mbe!,” Stede whined and buried his face in the folds of the fabric, ashamed of being this needy, shivering little pile next to his strong, never wavering counterpart.
“'m sorry. I shouldn't have teased you. Come now, try to get back to sleep...”
At that, Ed began to hum softly to his worked-up partner. While the melody was soothing, the text was quite an explicitly raunchy sea shanty, so Ed contented himself with humming the tune, while he stroked Stede's tousled hair and tried to wrap some of the blanket around Stede's feet with his own, creating a double layer of blanket around the other man's freezing feet. It was only when Ed could feel Stede's feet warm up that the other man calmed down and drifted back to sleep, leaving Edward to ponder in the darkness how he could make this cold more bearable for his partner in crime.
“Alright, crew, who of you can sew?” Ed demanded the next morning as the crew had gathered to receive their morning orders. Everybody was here – except Stede, whose cold and Edward had not allowed him to leave his chambers and insisted on him staying below deck.
The crew just looked at each other, mumbling indistinctly, shuffling their feet. Of course they all remembered their flag sewing
“Captain Blackbeard asked you a question, you filthy little sea urchins, so you better answer!”, Izzy chimed in, ever so helpful.
“Look, I know you've made the Revenge's proud pirate flags yourself. Your Captain told me. So come on, who knows how to sew things?,” Ed tried again, sneaking in a bit of flattery to wear down the crew's resistance.
“Well... Roach sewed up his shoulder once,” Lucius commented, only for Roach to proudly reveal the scar running down from his shoulder to his armpit.
Ed looked at it with a slow nod. “That's... impressive, but not the kind of sewing I had in mind. Thank you, though. The thing I had in mind rather involved actual fabric. Anyone?”
Ed scanned the crew expectantly, then someone mumbled: “Oluwande's quite good...”
What followed was nodding and approving noises all around. Oluwande just rolled his eyes.
“Perfect! Follow me, I have a special mission for you to accompany me on.”
Oluwande heaved a silent sigh. He knew that there was no escaping this – whatever it was – but he hated being singled out like this. Therefore, he dragged his feet following an elated Ed below deck.
“Come on now, move! You won't get an extra invitation, Blackbeard won't ask you twice! Either you follow him or you're going straight in the ocean to feed the sharks!,” Izzy bellowed, hiding the fact that he had no idea what his boss had planned behind a generous round of aggressive shouting.
As the shouting continued on deck, Oluwande was less and less mad about getting to leave the shouting Izzy behind to follow Ed into the heart of the ship. They stayed clear of the captain's quarters, from where a few miserable sneezes could be heard even from afar.
Instead, they turned towards the storage room of the ship, where several random items were piled in a heap on the floor. Next to a few barrels and a makeshift table, a pile of fabric lay forgotten, together with some of the flag designs that had not quite made it to the finishing line.
Edward led Oluwande straight to that pile, then turned to him and said: “Sewing. I want you to teach me.”
“T-teach you?,” Oluwande asked, then suddenly found himself face to face with Blackbeard's gun.
“You heard me. And you'd better not breathe a word to anybody about this, understood?”
“Now, talk me through these fabrics here.”
The two men scoured the pile of fabrics and materials, touching and stretching, and comparing different fabrics, until they came across a weird looking, fuzzy tassel.
“What's that supposed to be?,” Edward asked, ruffling the weirdly soft thing with his hands.
“That,” Oluwande declared, chest swelling with pride, “is my flag extender.”
“Your what?”
“A flag extender. It was meant to be sewn to the bottom of the flag to flap in the wind, but I didn't have time to finish it.”
“It feels kind of weird.. a bit.. tingly and fuzzy... but also very soft,” Ed stated, still running the fluffy odd-shaped thing through his hand. “How did you get it to be so.. fuzzy?”
“Oh, that was actually pretty easy! I just took lots and lots of these tiny strings of yarn over there and bound them together with a knot. Then you take a comb and comb through the yarn to fuzz out the ends until they are all fuzzy and soft. And when you're done, you cut them all to the same size to get that nice, fluffy feeling. Almost like that long, soft carpet in the captain's cabin.”
As Oluwande explained, Edward kept running the soft object through his hands, nodding. At first he only nodded once to show that he was listening, then the nodding slowly continued as an idea took shape in Ed's mind, until a wide grin spread across his face and he finally clapped Oluwande's shoulders with both hands.
“That's it!,” Ed exclaimed excitedly, then lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper: “Now, get me all of that yarn you have...”
* * *
Several hours later, long after sunset, Edward returned to the captain's quarters to find a pouting Stede in bed, huddled under two layers of blankets, hugging a pillow. He sat up as Ed came over to him.
“Ed! Snfff where hahhh-... hahhave.. you be.. hhehheen... Hehh'kttsSSHISSSH!.. all day?!”
Stede's voice lost some of its accusing tone as the question fizzled out into a wet, itchy sneeze. Stede just gave a long, stretched-out sniffled as he rummaged around the folds of the blankets until he found a crumpled handkerchief and brought it to his streaming pink nose.
“I have beed mbiserable id here all day and you ndever as mbuch as stopped by for tea!”
Stede dabbed at his pink nose again, head turned to the side, lips in a proud little pout.
Ed grinned. “I'm sorry. Skipping tea time was, of course, an unpardonable lapse on my part. But that's what you get for sharing a bed with a pirate, my mate. We are rough and uncouth and don't give a fuck about tea time.”
Stede just blinked rapidly, fiddling around with the collar of his robe. “Well, I thought that perhaps you mbight give a fuck about mbe...” Stede tried to sound nonchalant, but the way his voice was just a pitch higher than usual betrayed that he was hurt.
“Aww.. now Stede, come on, you know I care a lot about you! I'm sorry. There was some.. unexpected business I had to take care of. You'll see soon enough,” Ed promised, then added with a mischievous glow in his eyes: “It's a surprise.”
Stede's face immediately lit up at these words. “A surprise? What surprise?!”
His gaze met Ed, who looked like the cat that got the cream, smiling from ear to ear.
“It's in here.”
He produced a small little parcel out of one of the many pockets of his leather jacket. It looked crumpled, but Stede took it eagerly as Edward handed it to him, his eyes not just glossy with fever, but also with excitement.
“For mbe?”
“Of course! Now, open it,” Ed encouraged as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to Stede, who opened the little parcel with nimble fingers, his rings sparkling in he candlelight.
At first, Stede was all smiles, but when he pulled one of his own old pairs of stockings from the parcel, his smile faded, leaving a confused expression on Stede's face.
“The surprise is... mby own stockings?,” Stede asked flatly, sounding even less amused than he had been at the start of their conversation.
“No!,” Ed protested, “Well, technically, yes, but I enhanced them. They aren't just your regular run-of-he-mill stockings anymore. They have been... piratified! Blackbeardified! I'm not sure about the word, yet, but the important thing is: I made some improvements! Look!”
Ed took the stockings from a confused Stede and turned them inside out. Instead of the usual white fabric, a myriad of tiny fuzzy tassels was sewn to the inside, lining the stockings to add an extra layer of warm, fuzzy material.
“I present to you: fuzzy stockings! To keep your feet warm all night!”
Stede looked at the stockings, then at Ed, then back at the stockings, before he flung both arms around Ed's neck and hugged him tight.
“Oh Edward, they are wonderful! What a thoughtful gift! But how... where... where did you get those?”
“I made 'em. Been sewing those fuzzy bits on all day!”
As if to prove his point, he showed Stede his fingers, which bore more than one little injury from where Edward had accidentally poked the needle into his fingers instead of into the fabric.
“Oh Edward, that's the best gift I've ever.. hehh.. ever.. HekttssSSHiH!!” Stede hastily brought up the wide sleeve of his dressing gown to sneeze into.
“Bless you. I'm glad you like it. Come, I'll help you put them on.”
With that, Edward took one of the stockings and helped Stede to slip them on his foot. As he did, Stede giggled and writhed slightly. “What?” Ed asked.
“Sorry, these fuzzy bits tickle a little bit,” Stede admitted, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks, “but only as you pull the stockings od. Ondce they are id place, it's so mbarvelously warmb.”
Ed gave a warm-hearted chuckle, then slipped the second stocking on Stede's other foot, which was once more accompanied by a squeaky giggle until the stockings were in place.
Once he was sure Stede was all nice and warm and cozy, Edward undressed, shedding the stern leather to slip into the silky warmth that was Stede's presence. Stede immediately scooted closer, wrapping his legs around Edward once again, soaking up his partner's warmth.
“How is that?,” Edward asked, pulling Stede into a warm hug, gently rubbing his stockinged feet.
“Mbuch better! Thank you again, Edward.”
“You're welcome, my love.”
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