midnightbrightside · 1 year
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(he) be(lie)ve(d)
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
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oop i think he heard himself being called out, nobody move…
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aigiornileggeri · 6 months
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ciao, sono Mari e sono al mio primo drink.
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bangztriestodraw · 1 year
Today, I talked about Steve and Bucky to a guy and when I said Stucky he was like “🤨so it’s not BEVE???”.
I’m sorry, their new ship name is now BEVE.
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liviedaya · 5 months
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Blondes movies
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iamlisteningto · 2 months
Joep Beving & Maarten Vos’s vision of contentment
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So my roommate and I are watching stranger things, and Billy and Steve just had their famous basketball scene. This is the conversation that ensued:
Roommate: What's their ship name again?
Me: Harringrove.
Roommate: It's not Beve? Or....Silly?
Me: For obvious reasons, no.
Roommate: *cackling* Silly Beve!!!!
I'm going to push him down the stairs one day/j
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der-papero · 13 days
Ad un meeting speciale a causa della cacciata del CTO ...
Un anonimo: Given that various incidents have occurred where the consumption of alcohol served likely played a part in influencing the actions of individuals, will there be any push towards dry events? Or perhaps to consider serving of non-alcoholic wines/beers at events where absolutely necessary. Il resto dell'azienda:
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nikiiwi · 6 months
quinton's april fools video is amazing cause not only is it so long that it took two days to upload, but it's still legit content that would appeal to most who watch him regularly.
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journalofanobody · 1 month
September (Piano Version)
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caviarsonoro · 6 months
Joep Beving - Pax (Visualizer)
O que dói É não poder apagar a tua ausência e repetir dia após dia os mesmos gestos
O que dói É o teu nome que ficou como mendigo Descoberto em cada esquina dos meus versos
O que dói É tudo mais aquilo que desteço Ao tecer para ti novos regressos
Daniel Faria
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baubeautyandthegeek · 7 months
God Moves (And So Do We) – Sheriff Hassan/Beverly Keane/Father Paul Hill
A/N: Another fic for day 2 of @polyamships Multiamory March.
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Hassan would be lying if he said he’d ever hoped to be here. Hope. Such a small word. Still, he remembers the first flickers of hope bursting to life in his chest. Joe had cornered Beverly, of course, the Father had called for him to help. Beverly, small, surprisingly broken, looked like she had lost all hope she could live happily ever again. Paul’s touch seems to ground her, hand clasped so gently on her shoulder, fingers drumming a psalm into her skin. A promise, a prayer, a wish. Hope. She looks then, up at him, with such lost eyes that his heart burns. The sudden, violent, tug to help her is enough that he moves to clasp the Father’s hand, promising to have words with Joe, see the man serves a sentence. He comes back only when Joe is gone, hope swims in his eyes even as he treks closer. Ali, his son, turns his back on Allah, asks to convert and he wishes he had more reason to fight but he can almost hear the first woman he married telling him to be kind, give hope, love. Love well, love truly, show Beverly that hurt does not mean a loss of hope. She’s smaller now, out of her usual clothes. Tenderly washed and cleaned, Paul’s eyes burning into his even as he wraps a gentle arm around Beverly, the woman’s soft inhale making it near impossible to deny himself. “Are you alright, Miss Keane?” A sigh, a small shake of the head. “No. Not… yet. Memories.” Hope flavors her voice and he steps inside, shuts and locks the door, cups her face in tender hands and kisses her, gently. His smile soft as her shuddering exhale. “Let us help you… Me… the Father…. Let us… let us love you. A true trinity for a true believer.” She exhales a sob then and he kisses away the tears that escape, his voice soft. “Hope there’s room for two more in your flock Father, my son and I… wish to convert.” Paul smiles, nods and Hassan’s heart misses a beat as he moves, finally, to share a slow, lingering kiss with the other man, feeling Beverly tremble even as he rests his hand lightly over Paul’s at her hip. “You will be safe, Beverly. Have hope.”
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sleepinginmygrave · 3 months
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bangztriestodraw · 1 year
Getting into Stucky hell in 2023 is crazyyy but it’s okay because wanting to see two sexy hunks do each other is like a very life affirming choice.
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officialpenisenvy · 8 months
gli anacoreti un po' i primi performance artist della storia
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musicollage · 5 months
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Joep Beving — Hermetism. 2022 : Deutsche Grammophon.
! listen @ Apple Music ★ buy me a coffee !
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