#Bitcoin price targets
anakeb · 11 months
Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2024 and Beyond: Top 5 Projections
Bitcoin's future price projections for 2024 and beyond have garnered significant attention, with several optimistic forecasts emerging. Matrixport, a cryptocurrency trading firm founded by Jihan Wu, anticipates a year-end Bitcoin price of $45,000. BitQuant, a respected commentator, foresees new all-time highs before the upcoming Bitcoin halving, with a post-halving target of $250,000. Various price models converge on a $130,000 target zone, while some, including Cathie Wood and Arthur Hayes, believe in the eventual possibility of a $1 million Bitcoin price. These predictions are speculative and should be approached with caution. Careful research and consideration are advised for those considering cryptocurrency investments.
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
Crypto Analyst Says Next Bitcoin Target Is $78,700 If BTC Breaks This Resistance
An analyst defined that the subsequent goal for Bitcoin could possibly be $78,700 if BTC may cross this resistance degree of an on-chain pricing mannequin. Bitcoin MVRV Excessive Deviation Pricing Bands Put Resistance At $65,800 In a brand new publish on X, analyst Ali has mentioned some value ranges for Bitcoin that could possibly be vital based mostly on an on-chain pricing mannequin. The…
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dencyemily · 8 months
Analyst Decodes Warning Signals in Bitcoin's Rising Wedge Pattern
The ever-evolving cryptocurrency market is once again under scrutiny as Crypto Rover issues a warning about a newly emerging Rising Wedge pattern in Bitcoin's charts, signaling the potential for bearish reversals. The seasoned crypto analyst recently shared detailed insights through tweets and a video, raising concerns among the trading community. The Rising Wedge, characterized by a narrowing range, presents a delicate situation for Bitcoin's current price trend, prompting a careful evaluation of the implications associated with this particular pattern.
In a recently released video, Crypto Rover provides an in-depth exploration of potential price targets linked to the Rising Wedge pattern, offering valuable guidance for traders navigating the volatile landscape of Bitcoin. Crypto Rover emphasizes the urgency of the situation, suggesting that Bitcoin is currently "trapping" its participants. The accompanying video likely delves into the complexities of this trap, shedding light on various scenarios and potential outcomes. As traders navigate the uncertain market conditions, staying well-informed and adopting a cautious approach becomes essential, with the video serving as a valuable resource for understanding the nuances of the prevailing conditions.
As of the latest market data, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at $42,492.24, indicating a modest 0.81% decrease over the past 24 hours. Bitcoin's dominance in the cryptocurrency market remains unchallenged, holding the top position with a substantial market cap of $832,883,137,100, constituting 0.80% of the total cryptocurrency market cap. Despite the slight decline, Bitcoin continues to exhibit liquidity and sustained interest, securing the second-highest position in terms of trading volume over the last 24 hours, with a trading volume of $24,529,985,321.
While market analysis inherently carries a degree of uncertainty, Crypto Rover's expertise adds credibility to the cautionary signals linked to the Rising Wedge pattern. Traders are advised to exercise prudence and carefully consider the potential bearish implications discussed in the analysis. As the crypto community anticipates potential shifts in the market, a nuanced understanding of technical patterns is crucial. With Bitcoin's price action under scrutiny, informed decision-making remains paramount in navigating the intricacies of the cryptocurrency market.
In conclusion, Crypto Rover's recent warning regarding the emergence of a Rising Wedge pattern in Bitcoin's chart has sparked discussions about potential market implications. Traders are encouraged to explore the details presented in the accompanying video, leveraging the nuanced analysis provided by an experienced expert. As the crypto community grapples with the uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin's trajectory, staying informed and adopting a cautious approach remain imperative for market participants
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letteredlettered · 5 months
Just going to address a few of the types of comments I see about AI on tumblr dot com.
I've seen people say that it's useless, because real human emotion is what the world needs now.
I've seen people dismiss it as a fad, cheering for it to crash and burn like bitcoin or NFTs.
And I've seen people passionately discuss how a) AI is using the intellectual property and creative work of human people to learn, without crediting that property, work, or the creators that enable that AI to exist, b) with that knowledge, AI can recreate or replicate the work of human artists, writers, and other content creators, thereby rendering artists/writers/creators without the means by which to earn a living. Many of these passionate (important, true) arguments end with some kind of conclusion like, "This is why AI is evil and no one should ever support it's use."
Let's just talk about the last one first. Importantly, I don't want to minimize or reduce the problems that artists, designers, writers, musicians, etc all face due to AI. It's not just artists. Anyone who creates content and puts it on the internet can have it stolen without credit by AI. AI can take an article written by a journalist, change the words slightly, and generate a fake name and fake photo so that the journalist who wrote the article makes no money while the company with the AI rakes it in. It's a huge problem that is destroying livelihoods as well as avenues of creation, expression, and information-sharing that will only get worse.
But to conclude that AI is therefore evil is kind of like saying social media creates toxic environments and therefore the entire internet is evil. Social media sucks, but I use the internet for keeping in touch with friends and banking and taxes and learning about the world and fandom and watching TV and learning about problems at work as quickly as possible and donating to charities. I mean, like, the internet does kind of suck; enshittification is real, but I think we all understand that the internet can be a useful tool.
Similarly, AI is being used to save lives. It solved the protein-folding problem, which not only saves lives but can help humanity in tons of other ways. It can identify certain signs of cancer more quickly than any human could. And before you say "well it's fine if we're only using it for science," you should know that the identifying cancer thing got discovered because some bakery wanted AI to identify pastries for pricing reasons. AI can process the billions of data that are necessary to consider to mitigate and prevent further climate change; it can help us come up with ideas for how to do so. In a bizarre example, AI can recognize which wood comes from which tree to help authorities discover illegal lumber trafficking which depletes endangered trees and protected forests. AI can help predict and prepare for the next pandemic. AI can explore space. AI can spot fake news.
Vilify certain uses of AI as is just and necessary, but vilifying all of AI just means that fewer people understand what AI can actually do, which means fewer people working to ensure this tool actually works for us rather than against us.
Second, let's just talk about AI as a fad. This idea frankly boggles me. AI is not bitcoin. AI is the internet. It's the computer. It's electricity. It's the compass. It's not just going to change the world, it already has, and it's not going anywhere.
AI is your spam filter. AI is your auto-correct. AI is why you see the ads you do. AI is why you get emails about deals for trips when you've been thinking about making a trip. AI is in your GPS, planning your route. AI is your search engine. I'm not trying to sell these things as positives right now; I'm selling them as realities. AI is not going away because it is already here, you who said you hoped it was like bitcoin are already using it, it's not going away.
AI is going to drive your cars. It's going to design ads specifically targeted to you as an individual. AI is going to be your children's friend and it's going to buy your groceries, and I'm just not sure there's much you can do about that at this point.
But last I want to talk about what the world needs now, because it does need humanity. It needs humanity to understand that the enemy is not AI; the entities that threaten our humanity are not AI entities. The entities that threaten our humanity are the corporations that are currently building AI with corporate interests in mind, with commercial interests in mind.
It might sound like I'm splitting hairs here. Maybe the folks who are so against AI on tumblr dot com are against AI because corporations are developing AI and what they mean when they say that AI is evil is that the current outlook on AI is just not that great because it is not being regulated and studied by enough governments, many of the general populace are either ignoring it or condemning it, and those who are most focused on its development have capitalist agendas that mean AI is going to be a lot worse before it gets better. But somehow, I'm getting the idea that the view on AI is not that nuanced--and it needs to be.
The humanity we need now, imo, is curiosity and ingenuity and passion, and we need that curiosity and ingenuity and passion directed at AI. If we get curious, if we inform ourselves, if we know what it is and what it can be and how to use it, then we can start to make demands of our governments for regulations. We can start to make demands of companies for how this should be used. We can start to incorporate AI into our lives in a way that gives us more time and space for art and creation and writing, not less. If we, as a species, were careful about this, we could use AI to make our world better, not just for humans but for every living thing and so many of the unliving things. We just have to pay attention.
Meanwhile, James Bridle's pointed out in Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence, "We tend to imagine AI as embodied in something like a robot or a computer, but it can really be instantiated as anything. Imagine a system with clearly defined goals, sensors and effectors for reading and interacting with the world, the ability to recognize pleasure and pain as attractors and things to avoid, the resources to carry out its will, and the legal and social standing to see that its needs are catered for, even respected. That's a description of an AI--it's also a description of a modern corporation. For this 'corporate AI,' pleasure is growth and profitability, and pain is lawsuits and drops in shareholder value. Corporate speech is protected, corporate personhood recognized, and corporate desires are given freedom [. . .] Crucially, [corporations] lack empathy, or loyalty, and they are hard--although not impossible--to kill."
Then he quotes Charles Stross, who wrote, "We are now living in a global state that has been structured for the benefit of non-human entities with non-human goals."
We could be treating technology itself not as something humans, in our dominance and supremacy, impose onto our world, but rather as a natural intelligence evolving alongside us. In so doing the focus would not be on creating machines that seek only profit and extraction, but rather make the world a better place. To do that we should be forming relationships with this technology and at the same time, rediscovering our relationships with the world around us. And just like anything the steps to get there are first curiosity, then education, then legislation.
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centfx · 2 months
Bitcoin price (BTCUSD) activates the positive scenario
    Bitcoin price (BTCUSD) opened strongly today to break the previous level and pave the way for further gains on an intraday and short-term basis, with targets of 63230.00$ and 65480.00$ as the next major stations. In the previous sessions, the price of BTCUSD confirmed breaking through the 58660.00$ level to reach 60325.00$ as a first positive station.
Because of the previously completed double bottom pattern, we therefore anticipate further rise in the upcoming sessions. It should be noted, however, that the continuation of the bullish wave is contingent upon price stability above $60325.00$.
Today's trading is expected to be in the range of 61000.00$ support to 65480.00$ resistance.
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vophuocthien · 2 months
How to Ride the Uptrend and Maximize Profits
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Capitalizing on a market uptrend can significantly increase your investment returns. Read on for practical tips to navigate market movements and optimize your profits. Start improving your investment strategy today!
How to Predict the Uptrend?
Predicting exactly when the market will experience an uptrend is challenging. Even if experts anticipate an uptrend soon, the exact timing—whether in 2024, 2025, or beyond—remains uncertain. 
The real challenge lies in avoiding premature profit-taking that could cause you to miss out on gains, while also not holding investments too long and risking losses when the market turns.
So, how can we navigate these challenges and maximize our gains during an uptrend? Here are some strategies to consider:
Focus on Your Goals
Monitoring market movements is not sufficient on its own. It’s crucial to establish clear financial goals. Attempting to buy at the absolute lowest and sell at the highest points is an impractical approach since it’s impossible to precisely predict the end of an uptrend. 
Instead, set clear, achievable targets that align with your financial objectives. This approach will guide you in making well-informed decisions rather than chasing market trends.
Use the Four-Year Cycle
The four-year cycle remains a dependable framework for anticipating market movements, even though minor deviations can occur. This cycle can help guide your profit-taking strategy, allowing you to gauge the mid-phase of an uptrend. 
Utilizing a dollar-cost averaging (DCA) approach, particularly from late 2024 to Q3 2025, can be beneficial. DCA involves consistently investing a fixed amount, which mitigates the risk of buying at peak prices manipulated by market whales. For those preferring a safer strategy, DCA can be an effective way to spread investment risk over time.
Stick to Your Strategy
Maintaining a well-defined and disciplined strategy is crucial. This disciplined approach helps you stay focused and avoid making emotional decisions driven by market volatility.
Adhering to your plan, even amidst market fluctuations, is key to successful profit-taking. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategy based on your goals and market conditions can also enhance your decision-making process.
Diversify Your Investments
Diversification is a time-tested strategy to manage risk and enhance profit potential. While applying DCA to established assets like Bitcoin, consider diversifying your portfolio by holding presale tokens such as $BUSAI or participating in airdrops. 
Presale tokens are often available at lower prices, offering potential high returns with reduced initial investment. Diversification spreads your risk across various assets, reducing the impact of any single asset’s performance on your overall portfolio.
In today’s crowded presale landscape, distinguishing between genuine opportunities and scams is crucial. For example, the meme AI project BUSAI is gaining significant attention, but don’t let the hype cloud your judgment.
Before diving in, it's vital to thoroughly examine the whitepaper, tokenomics, and the project's backers. If your research checks out, it could be worth considering.
BUSAI stands out with its impressive ecosystem and strategic tokenomics. Its innovative features, such as the interact-and-earn and staking rewards, set it apart from typical meme tokens.
Its tokenomics emphasizing substantial presale, marketing, and liquidity allocations, the project shows strong growth potential. Additionally, BUSAI’s focus on community engagement and cutting-edge technology makes it a distinctive and promising investment in the evolving crypto arena.
By following these guidelines, you can navigate the uptrend effectively and avoid common pitfalls. Stay focused, be disciplined, and make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals.
BUSAI Official Channel: Website | Twitter | Telegram 
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tokenlauncher · 2 months
Escape the Matrix: Create Your Own Crypto and Memecoins to Break Free from the Rat Race
In today’s fast-paced world, many people feel trapped in the proverbial “matrix” of conventional work life — a never-ending grind where the promises of financial freedom and personal fulfillment seem elusive. If you find yourself yearning for a way out, creating your own cryptocurrency or memecoin tokens might be the key to escaping the rat race and paving the way to a brighter, more prosperous future. This blog will explore how you can break free from traditional financial constraints and take control of your financial destiny by delving into the world of crypto and memecoins.
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Understanding the Matrix and the Rat Race
Before we dive into how you can create your own crypto and memecoin tokens, it’s important to understand the matrix and the rat race. The matrix represents a system of control and conformity that often dictates our daily lives, while the rat race is the relentless pursuit of success and wealth through conventional means, often leading to burnout and dissatisfaction.
Breaking free from this cycle involves adopting new ways of thinking and exploring alternative financial opportunities. The cryptocurrency revolution offers a pathway to redefine your financial future, allowing you to step out of the traditional financial system and into a world of digital innovation.
The Rise of Cryptocurrencies and Memecoins
1. The Cryptocurrency Revolution
Cryptocurrencies have transformed the financial landscape by offering decentralized alternatives to traditional financial systems. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, introduced the concept of blockchain technology — a decentralized ledger that ensures transparency, security, and immutability.
Since Bitcoin’s inception, thousands of cryptocurrencies have emerged, each with unique features and use cases. Ethereum introduced smart contracts, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and new tokens. The rise of cryptocurrencies has paved the way for individuals to create their own digital assets, offering opportunities for innovation and financial empowerment.
2. The Memecoin Phenomenon
Memecoins, on the other hand, represent a more playful and community-driven aspect of the cryptocurrency world. Born from internet memes and viral trends, memecoins often gain popularity through social media and online communities. Despite their origins as jokes or experiments, some memecoins have experienced significant price surges and garnered substantial attention.
Notable examples include Dogecoin, which started as a meme but has become a widely recognized cryptocurrency with a strong community backing. The success of memecoins highlights the power of community engagement and the potential for digital assets to capture public interest.
Creating Your Own Cryptocurrency
Creating your own cryptocurrency involves several key steps. Here’s a roadmap to help you get started:
1. Define Your Purpose and Goals
Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s essential to define the purpose and goals of your cryptocurrency. Consider the following questions:
What problem does your cryptocurrency aim to solve?
Who is your target audience?
How will your cryptocurrency differentiate itself from existing options?
Having a clear vision will guide the development process and help you create a compelling value proposition for your digital asset.
2. Choose the Right Blockchain Platform
Selecting the appropriate blockchain platform is crucial for the development of your cryptocurrency. Popular platforms include:
Ethereum: Known for its robust smart contract capabilities, Ethereum is a popular choice for creating custom tokens. Ethereum’s ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards provide a foundation for creating fungible and non-fungible tokens, respectively.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC): BSC offers low transaction fees and compatibility with Ethereum’s tools and infrastructure, making it an attractive option for new projects.
Solana: Renowned for its high throughput and low transaction costs, Solana is suitable for projects requiring scalability and speed.
Evaluate the features and benefits of each platform to determine which best aligns with your project’s needs.
3. Develop Your Cryptocurrency
Once you’ve chosen a blockchain platform, you can begin the development process. This involves creating the token’s smart contract, which defines its properties, such as total supply, distribution, and functionality.
For Ethereum-based tokens, you can use tools like Solidity (a programming language for smart contracts) and development environments like Remix or Truffle. If you’re using BSC or Solana, familiarize yourself with their respective development tools and languages.
4. Test and Deploy
Testing is a critical phase to ensure that your cryptocurrency functions as intended. Conduct thorough testing on testnets (blockchain networks used for testing purposes) to identify and resolve any issues before deploying your token on the mainnet.
Once testing is complete, you can deploy your cryptocurrency on the chosen blockchain platform. Ensure that all smart contract code is secure and has been audited to prevent vulnerabilities.
5. Market and Promote
Creating a cryptocurrency is only the beginning. Effective marketing and promotion are essential for gaining traction and attracting users. Develop a marketing strategy that includes:
Building a website and social media presence
Engaging with online communities and forums
Creating informative content and promotional materials
Leverage the power of social media and influencer partnerships to spread the word about your cryptocurrency and build a supportive community.
Creating Your Own Memecoin
Creating a memecoin follows a similar process to developing a standard cryptocurrency, with an emphasis on community engagement and viral potential. Here’s how to get started:
1. Embrace the Meme Culture
Memecoins thrive on internet culture and humor. To create a successful memecoin, embrace popular memes and viral trends. Consider how your memecoin can tap into existing online communities and trends to generate excitement.
2. Develop a Unique Concept
While memecoins often start as jokes, a unique concept or theme can help your token stand out. Create a compelling narrative or branding that resonates with your target audience and aligns with current meme trends.
3. Build a Community
Community is crucial for the success of a memecoin. Engage with potential users through social media platforms, online forums, and meme communities. Foster a sense of belonging and enthusiasm around your memecoin to drive interest and participation.
4. Launch and Promote
After developing and testing your memecoin, launch it on a blockchain platform and begin promoting it to your target audience. Utilize social media, memes, and viral marketing tactics to generate buzz and attract attention.
The Path to Financial Empowerment
Creating your own cryptocurrency or memecoin offers a unique opportunity to escape the rat race and take control of your financial future. By embracing the world of digital assets, you can potentially unlock new revenue streams, build innovative solutions, and connect with like-minded individuals.
However, it’s important to approach this venture with a clear vision, thorough planning, and a willingness to adapt to the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market. Success in the crypto world requires dedication, creativity, and a strategic mindset.
The journey to escaping the matrix and breaking free from the rat race can be transformative and empowering. By creating your own cryptocurrency or memecoin tokens, you can tap into the potential of digital assets and explore new avenues for financial growth and innovation.
And If you are new to solana, Memecoins, what is token and all? Not to worry about this, we founf this amazing platform for you, Visit Solana launcher & Deployment token, Here you can launch your own memecoins token in just less than three seconds without any extesive programming knowledge. And start young and watch your wealth grow!!!
Whether you’re driven by a desire for financial independence or a passion for technology and innovation, the world of cryptocurrencies offers a pathway to redefine your future. Embrace the opportunities, stay informed, and embark on your journey to a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.
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rynattha · 2 months
Bagaimana cara melakukan market timing di crypto?
Hal ini memang terdengar sedikit "tidak mungkin" karena memang faktanya market timing adalah hal yang paling sulit di dunia, namun apabila di perhatikan Akademi Crypto berhasil melakukan banyak market timing dari target pergerakan harga Bitcoin hingga melakukan market timing berbagai narrative yang belum terjadi bahkan dari tahun sebelumnya?
#1 Memanfaatkan data historis
Untuk melakukan forecasting tentang apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya, data utama yang kita butuhkan merupakan data historis atau data pergerakan harga dari masa lalu. Dengan menggunakan data sebelumnya bisa diramalkan apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya dan berapa lama hal tersebut mungkin terjadi. Data historis merupakan elemen utama yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan forecasting.
#2 Mempelajari market cycle
Salah satu kesalahan utama yang dilakukan oleh "para pemula" adalah mereka tidak mengetahui tentang market cycle dan kapan Bitcoin akan naik dan akan turun padahal seluruh market tergantung dengan Bitcoin. Dengan mengetahui mengenai market cycle kita bisa melakukan estimasi kapan "market akan top" dan dengan mengetahui potensi market akan top kita bisa mempertimbangkan kapan suatu target dapat dicapai dengan keadaan price action yang ada saat ini.
#3 Memanfaatkan fibonacci, diagonal line, dan horizontal line
"Alat teknikal" yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan "market timing" ada banyak. Alat utama yang bisa digunakan adalah fibonacci dimana fibonacci bisa kita gunakan untuk mengetahui target harga. Sedangkan diagonal dan horizontal line apabila dikombinasikan dapat dijadikan suatu alat untuk mengestimasi secara presisi dari segi waktu "kapan akan terjadinya".
#4 Gunakan forecast projection dan bars pattern
Dua alat lain yang bisa digunakan yang mana biasanya bisa ditemukan di trading platform seperti Tradingview adalah forecast projection dan bars pattern. Forecast projection bisa digunakan untuk mengestimasi target dari segi waktu, sedangkan bars pattern bisa digunakan dengan menafaatkan facade harga sebelumnya untuk mengestimasi kapan target harga dapat dicapai.
Semoga bermanfaat!
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
How I Think BTC is Going to Reach a New ATH This Week
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Bitcoin (BTC) has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but recent events suggest that we might be on the brink of an unprecedented surge. I believe Bitcoin is poised to reach a new all-time high (ATH) this week, driven by significant political endorsements, strategic financial moves, and bullish market responses. Here's a look at the key events propelling Bitcoin to new heights.
Recent Events Driving Bitcoin's Surge
1. Donald Trump's Keynote:
Former United States President Donald Trump made a groundbreaking announcement at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville. In his keynote address, Trump promised to make the United States the "crypto capital of the world." He unveiled plans to create a national Bitcoin stockpile, turning the cryptocurrency into a "permanent national asset."
This bold promise has triggered bullish responses from top crypto analysts. Many predict that Trump's electoral promises could lead to a tenfold increase in Bitcoin's price. Trump's endorsement is not just a political statement; it's a game-changer for the perception and adoption of Bitcoin in the mainstream financial world.
2. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Statement:
Adding to the momentum, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed that the U.S. government has seized over 200,000 BTC, valued at approximately $13 billion, through law enforcement agencies. RFK Jr. described Bitcoin as a currency of hope, emphasizing its potential for optimism, democracy, transparency, freedom, and independence.
Kennedy hinted at signing an executive order to build up the U.S. strategic BTC reserve. Under his administration, the U.S. Treasury would purchase 550 bitcoins daily, aiming for a target of 4 million BTC. This plan underscores a growing recognition of Bitcoin's value and its strategic importance to national reserves.
3. Cynthia Lummis's Proposal:
Senator Cynthia Lummis has long been a proponent of Bitcoin, and her latest proposal further cements her support. Lummis suggests treating Bitcoin like gold or oil to bolster the U.S. economy. Her plan involves building a secure network of Bitcoin vaults run by the Treasury, with the aim of acquiring 1 million Bitcoins—about 5% of all existing Bitcoins.
Funding for this acquisition would come from reshuffling existing Federal Reserve and Treasury funds. Lummis emphasizes that this initiative would not infringe on personal Bitcoin holdings, protecting users' rights while strengthening national reserves. Her ongoing efforts, including the Cynthia-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act, aim to balance stringent regulations with support for innovation.
4. ETF Approvals and Performance:
In addition to these political endorsements, the approval of the Ethereum ETF has set a precedent for the crypto market. The Bitcoin ETF is also performing exceptionally well, attracting increased institutional interest and investment. This institutional support is crucial for Bitcoin's sustained growth and stability.
The Bigger Picture
These events collectively create a perfect storm for Bitcoin's price surge. The strategic acquisitions by the U.S. government, coupled with strong institutional interest, provide a solid foundation for Bitcoin's value to skyrocket. The recognition of Bitcoin as a mainstream asset by influential political figures further legitimizes its role in the global economy.
With the convergence of these significant developments, I am confident that Bitcoin is on the verge of reaching a new all-time high this week. The bullish sentiment from key political figures, coupled with strategic financial moves and institutional support, sets the stage for an unprecedented price surge.
Call to Action
What are your thoughts on Bitcoin's trajectory? Do you agree with my prediction? Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments below. For more updates and insights on Bitcoin and the financial revolution, follow my blog and social media channels. Let's stay informed and navigate this exciting journey together!
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finance2235 · 2 months
The Exciting World of Crypto Trading
Crypto trading has become a dynamic and lucrative avenue for investors worldwide. It involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and numerous altcoins on various exchanges. The crypto market operates 24/7, providing continuous opportunities for traders to capitalize on price movements.
Benefits of Crypto Trading:
High Volatility: The crypto market's volatility presents numerous opportunities for significant gains within short periods.
Diversification: Cryptocurrencies offer a unique asset class that can diversify an investment portfolio.
Innovation: The rapidly evolving blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies promises long-term growth and new investment avenues.
However, crypto trading also comes with risks. The market's volatility can lead to substantial losses, and regulatory uncertainties can impact prices. Moreover, security is a major concern, with exchanges and wallets being targets for hackers.
Successful crypto trading requires thorough research, a clear strategy, and risk management. By staying informed and cautious, traders can navigate the crypto market effectively and potentially reap significant rewards.
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shroudthecursedone · 1 year
AO3 is Down
As has been mentioned plenty of time, Archive of Our Own is down due to hacking and is actually being held ransom by Sudanese Hackers for the price of 30,000 Bitcoin under the threat of keeping the site down for “weeks”.
On one hand we could pay off the ransom and they “could” walk away but I don’t really trust them to not wipe the site clean or just keep doing it until AO3 can no longer stay in existence.
What is to stop them if they decide that Tumblr, FFN, or other frequently visited sites are also prime targets?
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dencyemily · 9 months
VeChain Sets Ambitious Price Goals: Analyst Forecasts VET's Rally to $3
VeChain's VET has exhibited remarkable 108% growth since September 23 but faces a 4.43% decline in January 2024, contrasting with the upward trends of Bitcoin and Ethereum. VeFam, a community-driven VeChain-focused account, sets ambitious VET targets at $0.5 in a bearish scenario, $1 in a neutral scenario, and $3+ in a bullish scenario. Despite the optimistic forecasts by VeFam, the volatile nature of crypto markets suggests cautious optimism for investors. VeChain, a significant player in the cryptocurrency market, is currently the subject of ambitious price predictions by VeFam, a community-driven account with a focus on VeChain. These forecasts, emerging during a period of market resurgence, outline potential price milestones for VeChain (VET) under different market scenarios. However, amidst this optimism, it is essential to examine the market dynamics and the realistic potential of these predictions.
VeChain's journey in the crypto market has resembled a rollercoaster. The token experienced a notable upswing of 108% from September to December 2023, climbing from $0.01 to $0.03. However, this impressive growth faced a minor setback in January 2024, with a 4.43% decrease in value. This decline contrasts with the continued growth of other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have seen increases of 8.50% and 13.64%, respectively, during the same period.
VeFam's projections for VeChain are notably bullish. In the bearish scenario, VeChain is expected to reach $0.5, signifying a significant leap from its current value and marking a 1,424% increase. The neutral scenario suggests a potential rise to $1, a milestone VeChain has previously approached but not surpassed. The most optimistic, bullish scenario sets VeChain's price at over $3, requiring a monumental 9,049% increase from its current price. This would position VeChain among the top cryptocurrencies in terms of valuation. Notably, VET has been trading at $0.03296, according to CoinGecko data.
While these predictions present an optimistic outlook for VeChain, they come with a caveat. The cryptocurrency market is renowned for its volatility and unpredictability, making such forecasts speculative at best. Investors and market observers should approach these predictions with caution. The past performance of VeChain, combined with the dynamic nature of the crypto market, suggests that while these targets are not impossible, they are by no means guaranteed.
While VeFam's predictions for VeChain provide an optimistic view of its future, maintaining a realistic understanding of the crypto market's volatility is crucial. Investors and enthusiasts should perceive these projections as possibilities rather than certainties, considering the ever-changing landscape of the cryptocurrency world.
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add-telegram-member · 5 months
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How the relationship between cryptocurrency and social media works
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The world of cryptocurrencies is in overdrive with regard to growth and expansion, thanks to the multiple promotional and marketing opportunities available today. New cryptocurrency projects strive to reach as many potential users, traders, and investors as possible. And cryptocurrency social media platforms are creating a new wave in this transition and transformation. But how can they? Well, social media has become the instant route that helps them create and build a massive online presence fairly faster than any other traditional means of promotion and marketing. Let us see how this relationship works best between cryptocurrencies and social media platforms.
Relationship that exists between cryptocurrencies and social media
There is a relationship between cryptocurrencies and social media, and it works in a specific way.
Cryptocurrencies and social media platforms or channels share a common bond of mutually beneficial relationships. While cryptocurrencies gain from the capacity to reach wider target audiences and increased customer bases, social media platforms gain from the strategic exposure of their services to new users and subscribers.
Today, blockchain-powered social media platforms offer several monetization tools. These platforms allow the creation of revenue-generating channels. Users can make contributions, promote and monetize their content through tokens, and receive rewards for their contributions.
Social media channels are adopted as platforms to share vital cryptocurrency news and information. It helps talk about what's happening in the crypto world in real-time and therefore keeps investors and traders informed. For most traders and investors today, they rely on the latest cryptocurrency-shared details to make crucial trading decisions.
Social media has the power to impact cryptocurrency price fluctuations, either upwards or downwards. This is largely due to cryptocurrency price movements relying on public perceptions mainly shaped by insights, trends, analyses, and news on social media. This makes cryptocurrencies and social media have an intertwined relationship.
Social media platforms are known for enabling people to access curated data. Several social media platforms today have lots of credible information that is vital to helping investors and traders make proper cryptocurrency market analyses.
Final analysis
There is an inseparable bond between cryptocurrencies and social media since they perfectly align with the goal of spreading crypto information to as many users as possible. Today, cryptocurrency social media platforms like Bitcoin Social strive to share and spread reliable crypto news, trends, insights, information, up-to-date data, and many other aspects of cryptocurrencies.
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centfx · 3 months
Bitcoin price (BTCUSD) suffers more losses
   The price of bitcoin (BTCUSD) begins trading today with a fresh, sharp decline that reaches our first, long-awaited negative target at 58200.00$. We are now waiting for additional declines to take us to 56160.00$, which is the 50% Fibonacci correction level for the entire rise from 38500.56$ to 73817.92$.
Consequently, we anticipate that the bearish trend will continue to dominate in the upcoming sessions, arranged inside the bearish channel depicted on the chart. It should be noted, however, that a breach of $60330.00$ will halt the anticipated decline and cause the price to begin building a bullish wave that will initially target testing 63260.00$ areas.
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bitcoincables · 10 months
Crypto Executives Bullish on Bitcoin: Targeting $100,000 in 2024
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Bitcoin's price is currently near its 18-month high at $44,000, and analysts and investors are rushing to put out higher price targets for the cryptocurrency. Many believe that Bitcoin could reach $100,000 by next year. Executives from the crypto industry, such as Michael Saylor from MicroStrategy, one of the largest Bitcoin holders, are confident that Bitcoin could double in value within 12 months. Saylor has not officially announced a price target for 2024, but he has mentioned that Bitcoin could increase by tenfold and has suggested that one day people will brag about buying five-figure Bitcoin. Other crypto executives and mainstream financial players, including Matrixport and Standard Chartered Bank, have also expressed bullish sentiment towards Bitcoin, with price targets of $125,000 and $100,000 respectively.
There are two major catalysts driving the optimistic outlook for Bitcoin. Firstly, the US market is expecting the approval of the first-ever spot Bitcoin ETF, which could attract a significant influx of institutional investor money into Bitcoin when it happens, potentially in early 2024. Secondly, the Bitcoin halving, scheduled for April 2024, is anticipated to further boost the price. In the past, the halving has led to substantial price increases, and the next halving is generating excitement among investors. However, it's worth noting that there are risks involved, such as the SEC's decision on the ETF and the possibility that the halving may not have the desired impact on price. Despite these uncertainties, the overall sentiment remains positive, with Bitcoin having the potential to double in value in 2024 and reach the $100,000 mark.
While the path to $100,000 seems promising, there are still potential obstacles that could impede Bitcoin's growth. The SEC's potential rejection of a spot Bitcoin ETF could have a negative effect, considering the significance of this development. Additionally, the Bitcoin halving may not generate the expected results, which could dampen bullish forecasts. However, considering the significant growth Bitcoin has already experienced this year, with its value more than doubling, a target of $100,000 for 2024 seems reasonable. Overall, the long-term outlook remains positive for Bitcoin.
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