Spider-Man 2099 #17 is the funniest issue in the entire series
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A few months before the pandemic hit, I saw a bunch of posts from a tumblr user, who I won't name, about the web serial Worm. I was intrigued enough to commit to the monstrous undertaking of reading all million plus words, which I loved, and then when the pandemic began I gushed to my younger brother about, and got him into it.
My brother has now read all of the Wildbow works multiple times, and has been pestering me to read Pale for over a year. I have staunchly resisted, seeing as it is almost 3 times the length of Worm, and I have always told my brother that I'll read it when it's finished. Fast forward to last week, when I heard whispers that Pale is finished, all 3.5 million words of it. I knew I had to act fast or I'd get dragged into it.
Now this is where I fucked up.
The same unnamed tumblr user who originally dragged me into the depths of Worm has been, for the past year or so, very annoying about another web serial called a Practical Guide to Evil. This tumblr user, in my head referred to as Bloodsword, has claimed that the greatest redemption arc of all time, far exceeding all other claimants, is buried deep within the recesses of this text.
And so I have taken the plunge. Over the course of the past 3 days I have done nothing but read, to the irritation of my girlfriend. As of book 2 chapter 48, I am skeptical but hooked.
Unnamed tumblr user, you know who you are. You know what you've done.
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snowcl · 1 year
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rozmorris · 7 months
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Festival of joy, there is no short answer, I'm judging a competition for memoir and creative nonfiction (do enter!), meet me at the London Book Fair, a little horse https://mailchi.mp/8fba187597a3/festival-of-joy-there-is-no-short-answer-competition-for-memoir-and-creative-nonfiction
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geggemore34 · 1 year
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kvothbloodless · 1 year
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Unless your warrior has killed ~150 million men, he doesnt get to claim that hes made a mountain of corpses.
You can blame @macaedh for this one
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queachy · 1 year
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spiderman 2099 (1992) #21
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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patchdotexe · 1 year
doip. / 5.24.23: the woodland manse
TIME FOR DOIP! it's been a few months so: welcome to dragon of icespire peak, the d&d campaign jorb is running with me, nyx v4shthestampede, and green bahamutgreen! starring the bullheaded dragonborn fighter Alidaar, the nameless halfling druid that's usually a binturong, and the new arrival (and walking disaster of a lizardfolk) hoping for treasure, Kepesk! together we're gonna fight a really angry dragon, but first there's a lot of problems in the world we need to tackle before we have any hope or surviving.
leo: [joins call] good news, i found my dice! jorb: [plays the anime "WOW!" sound on the soundboard]
Redesign Your Alidaar, We Know What We're Doing
LAST TIME, ON DRAGON OF ICESPIRE PEAK: Our heroes, having said goodbye to their friend Tobias, made their way to the Dragon Barrow. There, they met a new but unexpected ally: a lizardfolk by the name of Kepesk. The three braved the barrow together, and after some close calls, claimed the Dragonslayer sword within. Outside, they met a hobgoblin named Toblin Bloodsword, leading them through Neverwinter wood. oh fuck ive lost behind. WILL OUR HEROES BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE MANCE AND CLAIM THEIR REWARD? OR WILL THE CACOLYTES TAKE THEM BY STORM? FIND OUT………. TODAY!
i'm really good at what i do.
kepesk: wow it feels like we slept a month or two or something alidaar: more like four!
nyx: didn't we gaslight toblerone? […] leo: what's his actual name again, jorb: targor! leo, sobbing: WHY DID I THINK HIS NAME WAS TOBLIN?!
alidaar: i cartwheel over. nyx: what?? alidaar: i cartwheel over! nyx: well i was gonna ride on your shoulder or something, but i guess you're cartwheeling?? jorb: you heard the man! green: kepesk follows tripping over everything jorb: targor walks over doing a handstand or something. i dunno
good morning, falcon is here! also breakfast is here! let's goooo alidaar: good morning, motherfuckers! ..i dont say that part. OH NAMELESS HAS A NEW TOKEN, CUTE
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……..huh. nameless sure is red suddenly. And This Sure Is An Overnight Change, Huh
falcon: would you mind terribly if corwin and pell dined with us this morning? alidaar: sure, why not? kepesk: [NOISE]
I FORGOT WE DUPED THE SHIT OUT OF TARGOR. targor is now aware that nameless just Does That (become a man)
jorb: [describing dinner] there's a couple of fish as well. nyx: alive. jorb: NOT ALIVE
falcon gives us a map! nyx: i am looking, i m looking with my eyes, i put my eyes on it, leo: nameless puts his face on the map. jorb, concerned: ..make a perception check? nyx: i swear im normal. [rolls a 17] jorb: this is a nice parchment!
nameless throws the map to kepesk. kepesk uses it as a napkin and then realizes its a map. falcon: i suspect i'm going to have new stories to tell after this. alidaar: you don't know the half of it. kepesk: about who :D?
nyx: i desperately want to talk to targor and tell him we're not usually like this leo: but that would be a lie :D nyx: that would be a lie.
jorb: [attempting to figure out why we can't see zodiark's name] leo: i can edit the horse. nyx: you can edit the horse???
falcon: try not to die. alidaar: it'll be hard as hell to kill us, don't you worry. :D jorb: and with that, you guys head off! nyx: ……..where am i going? jorb: YOU GUYS HAVE A MAP.
oh it's spelled manse. woodland manse. nyx: [rolls a 22 on survival] jorb: [..] you make some updates to the map as you go. leo: your map sucks ass, we improved it nyx: i'm grimacing as i hold it because it's still a bit greasy
OH SHIT THE SENDING STONE IS GLOWING OMG TOBIAS !! RAT BOYYYYY awww he misses us ;w; (and is craving cheese.) jorb: do you want to respond? you have 25 words. nyx and leo: OH GOD WHY ARE YOU MAKING US DO MATH his message is 25 words exactly. this guy. nyx: my response is two words: stay safe. kepesk: why are you guys talking to a rock? alidaar: [deadpan] sometimes rocks are magic. kepesk:
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jorb: [..] you come across a clearing. nyx: why is there a boar in the bushes? green: is that a world of warcraft boar? jorb: yeah
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jorb: so, what will you do? nyx: does targor have anything to say about this? jorb: oh. right. targor should say things.
jorb: do you have the ability to move targor, by the way? leo: no. i was gonna send him to the moon to test nyx: send variable to the moon. jorb: okay, try it now leo: [launches targor across the map] YEET nyx: OH GOD
jorb: there is not another identical mansion. nyx: sad. jorb: sad! leo: sad! nyx: sad! jorb: sad!
leo: are the boars doing anything? jorb: uh, no, they're just grazing in the pumpkin patch. nyx: are they eating the actual pumpkins, or the leaves, or..? jorb: do they eat pumpkins? probably the leaves. leo: [googling] do boars eat pumpkins..
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kepesk is leaving zodiark outside to graze on the pumpkins.
green: i can't believe i'm only asking this now and it's not my notes.. WHY did we come here??? (it's ok green i also didn't put that in my notes. anyway we're here to wipe out followers of talos and maybe get cool boots)
jorb: [describing a room] alidaar: i wanna get a look at those figures on the fireplace. jorb: it's weird- one of them looks like a binturong. one of them looks like YOU. and.. one of them looks like tobias. leo: WHAT? UM. OK . CREEPY MANSION HAS WEIRD WOODEN FIGURES OF THE ORIGINAL PARTY????? HOLY SHIT???
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leo: oh my god the tokens,,, jorb: yeah i tried to get an ai to make [the tokens] into wood, it.. leo: it looks like it melted alidaar. jorb: ..had mixed results EVERYONE IS FIALING SO BAD AT INVESTIGATING THE REST OF THE ROOM BECAUSE THEY'RE DISTRACTED BY THE WEIRD CARVINGS
kepesk: i don't care about art.
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jorb: -oh hey this is pretty neat actually
targor: what are you guys looking at? alidaar: hey targor, have you ever heard of wood? targor: targor: i'm.. familiar.
green: i feel like ive been so aggressive to him, i have no beef with targor. jorb: with TOBLIN, on the other hand,
leo: kepesk wants a carving of himself SO BAD jorb: they're not carvings, they're like.. 3d figures made of sticks. green: ohhh! that's even creepier. nyx: it's like that one movie. [pause] jorb: henry stickmin.
nyx: it looks like a pantry gone wrong. kepesk: is there ANYTHING of value in this place?! jorb: do you want to make an investigation check? leo: --all of my player instincts are yelling at me to start setting fire to this place. KEPESK NO DON'T EAT THE TOXIC SLUTCH leo: do we have cure poison on deck?? kepesk: do you guys want some? alidaar: [full-body recoils] nameless: [walks away] kepesk: ..i was just joking! :D ;;
courtyard has weird vines growing out of the well! thats probably an issue kepesk: i wonder if these vines would go well with food-sludge. nameless pokes the vines and they move. Hm! Bad! Time To Be Elsewhere
jorb: ..and you hear muffled talking. [dramatic music sting] leo: whoa, music change! jorb: the music didn't change, it just did that.
UH OH nyx alerted the guys on the floor above us! Problems!
jorb: if everybody could roll initiative for me! nyx: are we jumping through the hole in the ceiling?? leo: you bet your ass! targor rolled a 15 on his initiative! green: whoa! go off king! jorb: he's full of blood! leo: i think most people are.
jorb: [editing turn order so we can't see our opponents' rolls] you saw nothing. leo: i saw nothing but a 5 jorb: 5! green: 5! jorb: 4. green: 3. jorb: 2-- leo: [plays "E" with reverb on the soundboard] leo: did you know E is the 5th letter of the alphabet? :D
SOMEBODY THREW A DFUCKING JAVELIN AT US???? jorb: what would you like targor to do? green: targor! kill!
up against a human, an orc, and a half-orc! jorb: [stage whisper] they were all orcs in the original module, but i added some divesrsty hires! update: jorb misread the encounter so the javelin has been un-thrown and nameless has been un-mutilated
KEPESK IS NOW RAGING OH SHIT KEPESK'S NEW RAGE IS COOL AS HELL he's got a cool stormcloud mask thing !! yoooo kepesk is WRECKING shit this RULES I AM ALSO NOW WRECKING SHIT. alidaar can now attack twice with his main weapon and once with his offhand! so he just. absolutely slaughters the ones kepesk didn't. also i have two breath weapons now! I CAN FUS RO DAH PEOPLE i should probably not fus ro dah people oh my god targor has a fucking. magic bloodsword. that's why they call him targor bloodsword ig hmm. nameless keeps using radiant damage now. i don't think that's what they usually do but i could be wrong. but also there has been no thorn whip silliness so far
jorb: i'm not even gonna make you roll, because he has 1 hp. [..] how do you want to do this? green: there's nothing that can go wrong with straight up cutting a guy in half anime style jorb: he goes "huh, that didn't do anything--" leo: he explodes. jorb: [explosion soundboard]
so anyway we just completely demolished that encounter in, like, one and a half rounds. goodbye fuckers
after a bathroom break: jorb: there, can you see it now?
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leo: [SOUND] green: final boss: the go piss girl.
jorb: it is dark in here - do you have darkvision? green: i have swimming! [..] leo: do you want me to come over here? i have darkvision jorb: i retconned- i kept waffling on if you have darkvision or not.. leo: [checks character sheet] ah! i no longer have darkvision. (jorb gave alidaar nightvision before but the dragonborn update happened so now some of the variants have darkvision and alidaar's variant Does Not. ah well)
HOO BOY the dark room contains A Guy doing a. weird ritual? surrounded by weird twig creatures! that look kinda like the weird ones on the mantle! jorb: kepesk, you know what these are. [..] these are twigblights! green: YOO, ITS HENRY STICKMIN! leo: YOOOO green: YOOOO ITS HENRY STICKMIN LEADER OF THE TOPPAT CLAN leo: there's one for each route! :D
kepesk: hey do you think itd be funny if i went up and bit him? OH MY GOD SHE ROLLED A 20 STEALTH . OH MY GOD THATS A 27??? THAT'S A NAT 19 TO HIT. JESUS CHRIST kepesk: haha! you don't taste very good! [<- green described as "in his shittiest sonic voice"]
green: okay maybe i should roll for initiative
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horc enemy is SHOOTING LIGHTNING AT US???? WUH OH . OH GOD I HAVE BEEN KNOCKED DOWN TO 15 HP. AAUGH fun thing about the dragonborn rework: i can now replace one of my attacks with my breath weapon! i also now have Two Breath Weapons! and Two Attacks! and also an offhand attack! anyway i just Obliterated the stickmen except for one, then used my brand new fus ro dah repulsion breath to send the big bad flying into the wall and knock him prone. and then ran up and used my offhand to smack the final stickman into the ceiling. GET FUCKED LOL
nyx: im gonna walk up to alidaar and use.. uh… fuckin.. bitches! (nameless used cure wounds)
kepesk saunters up to The Guy and just. OH MY GOD GREEN ROLLED A CRIT? green: he's on the floor and i'm just [smacking noises] jorb: stabbity stab! leo: [plays "punch" sound effect A Lot]
HM. the guy backed up into a different corner and casted.. some sort of spell that didn't have a visible effect? time for nameless to roll arcana! jorb: in the words of himiko from danganronpa 3… "~it's magic~!" :D
alidaar: okay, im gonna just run straight at him and start going ham jorb: I NEVER ROLLED INITIATIVE FOR TARGOR!!!!! anyway alidaar just obliterated that guy with a dragonslayer crit. unfortunately it sounds like he was trying to do an evil last words monologue before getting beheaded. oops!
targor: sorry i'm la GREEN GOT DMCA'D ON TWITTER????? FOR VENOM GANGNAM STYLE??????????? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT???????????????????????????
uh. targor: ..why are there a bunch of frozen sticks on the ground? alidaar, covered in blood: oh y'know. occupational hazard.
WOAGH ok now that we're out of battle, nameless has rolled again for arcana and got a nat20! HM. THE GUY APPEARS TO HAVE CAST SENDING. green: i guess we shouldn't… stick around! :D
alidaar found some dust of disappearance :o and now we're going upstairs! leo: where's.. i nearly called him torbjorn. We Keep Forgetting Targor
jorb: you find a hidden door! [zelda jingle] alidaar: wow! just like in the murder of sonic the hedgehog! green: YEAAA i hope there's a milf at the end of this! (jorb: falcon could be a milf.)
time to do another round of investigating/perceiving! leo: i'm going to perceive it. jorb: [some joke abt apollo justice's bracelet i forgot] green: YEA!! leo: [rolls a 8] jorb: you don't have a bracelet, so it doesn't work leo: i start crying. [..] green: perception! just like my hero apollo justice! [rolls a 16] IMFINE! jorb: you are So fine that you find [..] a wooden staff!
Time For Nameless To Want Shiny Item jorb: they way their pupils are dilating.. you don't think they're gonna give it back. kepesk: are you gonna eat it????? [..] nameless: i give alidaar puppydog eyes. leo: what do i roll to defend against puppydog eyes? jorb: make a wisdom saving throw. leo: 10! nyx: [rolls a nat20 persuasion] leo: AH NO jorb: you can't say no to the puppydog eyes!
leo: i should start throwing targor around like a sack of potatoes like i did to tobias, that'd be funny
A BUNCH OF LITTLE NASTY BOYS ARE HERE nyx rolled a crit initiative what the FUCK my man i rolled 13.12 on my initiative! acab The Groupchat Gets Distracted Talking About Subspace Emissary nyx is going ham with the staff while i google what subspace enemy jorb and green were comparing the nasty boys to (it was an armight) nyx is Struggling to roll a d8
alidaar stuck his head through the door and used his breath weapon to Obliterate the encounter! and also freeze nameless a little bit. sorry </3 leo: how confident are you in your ability to roll above a 13 [for dexterity] nyx: i have a +1 to dexterity but do what you will leo: are you prepared to face the consequences of my actions?
kepesk has found a bathroom green: sounds boring. jorb: you dont wanna take a bath? stinky! stinkyyyy! green: --just gotta go stinky mode. jorb: smely!!!
OH GODDAMNIT MY MIC STOPPED PICKING ME UP AT SOME POINT. BIG EFF minor pause to reread my notes from Two Years Ago from when we checked the loggers camp! my notes for that session were terrible leo: [reading out notes] "hm. wonder how donjon's doing." jorb: [laughing] BAD.
Delicious Sludge! (kepesk keeps trying to eat weird things. like soot.) leo: alidaar starts jogging around. like a white dad jorb: there is a wardrobe here. leo: [squeaky] JUST LIKE THE MURDER OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! CLOAK OF BILLOWIIIIIIIIING kepesk is All Over this locked chest awww yeah. AH FUCK HE GAVE HIS THIEVES TOOLS TO CARROWAY IN HIS BACKSTORY CAMPAIGN its ok nameless has a crowbar nameless rolled a nat1. kepesk Also struggles with the crowbar. alidaar walks in and starts fucking Wailing on it with his morningstar green: if this thing's a mimic this would be so messed up NAMELESS KICKED IT AND GOT A CRIT jorb: how does one get a crit on an unarmed strike?? the answer is "not very well". nameless then stubbed their toe YAHOO KEPESK CAME IN SWINGING WITH A 2HANDED WARHAMMER AND SMASHED THE CHEST god this was a mess jorb: it's a flat iron rod with a button on one end. leo: it's a Gun. OH MY GOD IT'S AN IMMOVABLE ROD you push the button and it just Freezes in place and cannot be moved! kepesk tries to put it in his pocket and forgot to unpress the button. i love kepesk green: imagine if you put it in your pocket and you buttpress the button
YEAAA ALIDAAR GETS THE CLOAK OF BILLOWING time to go back downstairs! alidaar steps on a staircase and it immediately collapses. whoops alidaar takes one last look at the weird figurines and considers taking his, but decides against it and walks out. also we may have started boar religion or something? meanwhile nameless grabs the tobias one and OOPS! COMBAT! THEYRE ALIVE! nyx: i use sacred flame. jorb: on which one? nyx: the.. binturong one. leo: nameless said no doubles.
alidaar is Really Sad about having to fight the twigblight of himself :( nyx wants to save the tobias one :( :( TWIGBIAS twigbias does 5 damage to nyx's discord and makes it so he can't hear anything kepesk sees what's happening and decides to stay out of it. targor: what's going on in there? [extended silence] AW NOOOO nameless tried to dispel magic but it didnt work.. WHY DOES NAMELESS HAVE A 25 POUND CHEST????? alidaar tries to shove twigbias in the chest. he drops the chest on his foot (nat1). good lord jorb: targor walks in and says "give me that" and grabs the chest off alidaar's toe.. [rolls a 3] ..and he drops it on HIS toe EVERYTHING HAS GONE SO FAR OFF THE RAILS Alidaar And Nameless Try To Shove Twigbias Into A Chest kepesk walks up. grabs twigbias. shoves him in. WE DID IT
OH MY GOD ONE OF THE BOARS IS A DUDE OH MY GOD. MORE INITIATIVE. WHAT IS HAPPENING. THE BOARS ARE MEN kepesk: you guys were eating with my horse this whole time?? okay so. earlier the boar religion comment was because when i was looking at the twigblight party jorb mentioned how we encountered a boar Ages ago and tobias used speak with animals to tell it to go away? and now we walk out of the manse and one of the boars goes YOU SHALL NOT PASS and turns into a dude. and now there are more dudes. and basically i think we have caused problems alidaar: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? [awkward silence] nyx: is he not gonna say anything? jorb: well, its not his turn, alidaar promptly charges at the pumpkin boar and slaps it clean in half okay cool the guy is a talos fanatic and is not gonna listen to me anyway. ah well it was worth a shot
one of the nettleblights(?) - oh yeah those guys are here too. big versions of the thornblights. one of them attacked zodiark so nameless blew it up talos, lord of boars, i walked away to get cake and when i came back it still wasnt my turn yet jorb: 30 to 40 feral hogs green: i thought [zodiark] would be really strong because he's a skeleton, but i was using mario logic, nameless: im gonna use sacred flame on.. the bitch! that is up my ass.
leo: hi im back whats up jorb: you're about to get owned! leo: oh. okay [thunderwave cave from pmd playing as alidaar gets electrocuted] LETS GIVE IT UP FOR ROUND 3 alidaar is covered in blood and he loves it. he's a fightboy! jorb: he was a gladiator! not willingly, but, leo: eh you have fun with it alidaar smacks a guy with a sword and then sticks his tongue out at him. >:P
alidaar is getting electrocuted again! leo: HOOH sorry there was a bug on my screen [right next to alidaar] jorb: you take 8 thunder damage irl [..] jorb: aw, i was trying to make it so he'd push you through the window leo: can i go through the window anyway? jorb: i mean, on your turn, if you want to,
GIANT'S MIIIIIGHT [super mushroom noise] alidaar supersizes, charges head-on at the final enemy (which is the one that tried to push me through a window), and uses his battleax to slap him straight into the sky and obliterate him on impact. alidaar: FUCK YOUUUUU leo: --and then he goes back to normal because combat ended. [checks skills] wait no this last one minute. and that was six seconds. um. jorb: you're large now! leo: alidaar stands there and goes "huh. i'm large now."
back to falcon's house! nameless brought back one of the boars for dinner :D nameless is having a normal experience with reality. what the fuck is happening. Kepesk And Alidaar Get One Boot Each targor is leaving! kepesk: aw, targor, but you're so based! nyx: don't speak those witch's words at him. I FORGOT KEPESK'S PRE-CAMPAIGN GROUP - IM GOING TO KILL JORB .RIGHT NOW kepesk's previous group was expies of the chaotix. targor was planned from the getgo to be mighty the armadillo. WAIT THE WILDERS ARE THE ONES THAT KILLED HIS PEOPLE. WE HAVE GASLIT HIM UNTIL THE VERY END green: i feel so bad, but yknow.. extenuating circumstances.. jorb: why does it keep spawning more namelesses? nyx: i shape back into binturong form. which hopefully there is only one of. AN INVISIBLE NAMELESS
jorb: do you guys wanna chat or are you just going to sleep? kepesk: so that was pretty fucked up, right? alidaar: yeah! kepesk: (at nameless) does it hurt when you go binturong mode, or? nameless: [shakes head] alidaar: sometimes they're a dog! --WAIT YOU WERE THERE FOR DOG WITH A SWORD kepesk: I WAS! :D
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...and that's the end of the session! CLIFF HANGERRRRRRR
we still have twigbias btw.
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captain-kraken · 1 year
does anyone know anything about this sword??
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i was hoping it was gonna be like the anti-bloodsword or something but I used it against Red and he didn't even notice me whacking him sooo I guess not lol
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human-antithesis · 1 year
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Hermit’s Lair https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Mayhem - Live in Marseille 2000 (March 15th, 2001) Country: Norway Genre: Black Metal
Maniac - Vocals
Blasphemer - Guitars
Necrobutcher - Bass
Hellhammer - Drums
Intro - 02:02
In the Lies Where Upon You Lay - 04:31
Fall of Seraphs - 05:42
Carnage - 04:19
Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction - 03:46
Buried by Time and Dust - 03:25
Symbols of Bloodswords - 04:25
View From Nihil - 03:14
Deathcrush - 03:16
To Daimonium - 03:24
Freezing Moon - 06:18
Chainsaw Gutsfuck - 04:36
A Time To Die - 01:53
Pure Fucking Armageddon - 01:48
I Am Thy Labyrinth - 08:25
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ultramagicalternate · 2 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude (BC) Chapter 44
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Once everyone had had their fun, Gabriella asked Blood-Wraith if he still wanted to go to the arcade. Since he had not been able to meaningfully play any video games over the past couple of days, he was more than happy to go. Sullivan was willing to drive them given that Weaver and Stolas were also going. The trip was a fascinating one for Blood-Wraith as Inferno was a lot more stable than the Unlight. Truthfully he wanted to explore more of this universe in the future. Seeing New Paradiso city was also a treat for the boy.
New Paradiso Mall was a fantastic place as it reminded Blood-Wraith of the market district, something Weaver could relate to. Making their way to the Critical Hit Arcade, Blood-Wraith was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Weaver noticed this and patted him on the back. He then gave him a rundown of how the arcade worked, which seemed simple enough. Once he had his coins, Blood-Wraith went straight to the video games. Of interest was Apocalypse Conquest: Requiem, of which Weaver happily joined him.
“Alright, what next?” Blood-Wraith wondered as he looked around.
A fighting game in the corner of his eye grabbed his attention as it thundered and flashed. It was a fighting game with a cast of eerie-looking fighters, taking place during the heat-death of the universe. After running through a training mode, he played a bit of versus mode. Someone then added some coins and joined him.
“Hey, I like this game too,” a demon in a red bodysuit said. “Want to do a few matches?”
Blood-Wraith was excited. He picked a fighter that looked like a flaming, humanoid dragon and the demon picked what looked like a villainous general that focused on grappling. The match was quite intense as the demon was quite good. It was a best three out of five and Blood-Wraith had already lost two rounds. On the third, he put his game face on and discovered that the dragon character had a super form (in the lore, it was the power of the hero’s ancestors). This led to Blood-Wraith winning and sweeping the rest of the rounds, coming out as the victor of the match.
The demon was surprised by this comeback. “Well, shoot, not bad for a beginner. And General Bloodsword is a pretty broken character too. Hi, I’m Zasiel,” he said as he held out his hand.
Things slowed down for Blood-Wraith as they shook hands. Visions of the future filled the boy’s eyes. He saw what looked like a mage in an odd bodysuit stumbling around and appearing to be confused. When Blood-Wraith came to, he noticed he was just standing there with the others, who looked concerned.
“Blood, are you okay?” Gabriella asked.
“Wha… what’s the matter?”
“Zasiel says you just zoned out on him” Stolas stated.
“Did you see something strange?” Weaver inquired.
Blood-Wraith shook his head to get his bearings. “Sorry about that. I guess I had a vision.”
“Interesting,” Stolas remarked. “Anyways, Blood, this is my friend, Zasiel. He was the primordial we were referring to. And oh, Zas, where’s Cynassa? I’m sure he’d like to meet Sir Raynot.”
“He got called away for work. Like I said earlier, today was going to be a crapshoot if he was available” Zasiel answered. “Also, Sir? Like a knight?”
“Indeed,” Gabriella replied with a nod. “He’s a knight of The Iron City, knighted by King Englehart himself.”
“Wow, that’s so cool!” Zasiel stated. “So do you guys get a suit or armor or something like that?” He asked Blood-Wraith.
He chuckled. “You’re looking at it,” Blood-Wraith said, indicating his uniform.
“Nice” Zasiel said with a thumbs up.
The red demon was eager to know more, so he hung out with Blood-Wraith as they played. He had many questions to ask and Blood-Wraith was more than happy to answer them. Naturally the boy asked about Zasiel in return. There was certainly a lot to tell on his end and it utterly fascinated Blood-Wraith. He felt so bad for him in regards to the Mt. Hermon incident. Of course, Blood-Wraith nearly forgot to ask Zasiel about his nature as a primordial.
“Oh boy, that mess…” Zasiel remarked as the two finished up a racing game.
“I take it that it’s a complicated subject?”
Zasiel nodded and brought him over to a skeeball machine. “You could say that. Dad, mom, and my godmother are not sure how this will affect me going forward. Originally I was a properly reincarnated gray angel, but something caused me to revert back into a primordial when I came here. I have all this knowledge bouncing around in my head and it’s driving me nuts.”
Blood-Wraith hit a string of perfect shots, causing the machine to go wild. This gave him an ungodly amount of bonus tickets. “Hehe, sorry about that. Bad timing.”
Zasiel laughed as he collected his tickets. “Don’t worry, you did great. Honestly I think I just need to learn to live with it. I mean hey, who ever said too much knowledge was a bad thing?”
“Knowledge is a great thing to have, Zasiel. It keeps us from turning to evil.” After taking a moment to organize his tickets, a thought occurred to Blood-Wraith. “Hey, Zasiel? I sensed potential in you earlier. Would you like to join The ULTRAMagic Guild eventually? We have a few primordials already and I’d imagine we could potentially help you out.”
It was an interesting proposition that made Zasiel think. “Not right now. I’m a bit of a mess at the moment and the wardens want me to come work for them. They also said I have potential, haha.”
Blood-Wraith smiled. “Alright then, I’ll leave the offer open.”
The group convened to cash in their tickets. Gabriella could not think of anything she wanted at the moment, so she donated her tickets to Blood-Wraith. There were so many things to choose from. Unsure what to pick, he settled on a giant teddy bear for Aureolus and a giant dragon plush for himself. The decision was quite endearing to the rest of the group. Zasiel went for a new game for his handheld console back at his home and wondered why Blood-Wraith did not follow suit since he clearly enjoyed the arcade cabinets. The boy cited his duties back in The Iron City and that he was not familiar with the games on offer.
Since it was pretty late out, Sullivan offered to drive everyone home. Valentina and Xavier had already gone home with Dragoslava and Desislav, so it made sense to drop off Blood-Wraith, Gabriella, and Weaver at the Pari Mansion. After thanking Sullivan and saying goodbye to the others, the three headed inside. Valentina was happy to have them back and offered Blood-Wraith to stay the night since he was clearly exhausted. He wanted to go back home, but his drowsiness got the best of him. 
After a light dinner (since the three had been snacking at the mall), Gabriella decided to do a small movie night. Weaver really wanted to show Blood-Wraith and the others the movies he had seen when he first visited. The movie about the giant robot was not a problem as it was quite enjoyable, but the movie about the bomb concerned Gabriella in regards to how Blood-Wraith would react. Thankfully he found the movie quite funny, despite the grim ending (which was the point of the movie).
The next day, Valentina saw the three off. Blood-Wraith, Dragoslava, and Desislav were about to board the train home when Stolon came running up. He needed a moment to catch his breath, so the conductor standing in the doorway of one of the cars waited patiently. The raven demon felt bad as he knew he was holding the train up.
“Blood… just in time…” Stolon said.
“Hey, Stolon. What’s up?”
He presented a night black feather to him. “Take one of my feathers and call on me if you ever need help. I figured since I gave Drago one, it wouldn’t hurt for you to have one too.”
“Thank you, Stolon. It’s an honor” Blood-Wraith said as the feather vanished into the palm of his hand. “Besides, Vex has been saying I should learn necromancy at some point.”
“Haha, there you go. Also it would be great if you could summon me at some point in the near future. I’d love to see your house and meet Vexation.”
“Sure thing, Stolon.”
Once everyone said their goodbyes, the three boarded the train back to The Iron City. The journey was not too long, which was good as Blood-Wraith was eager to give Aureolus his teddy bear. Interestingly Blood-Wraith shook again as they reentered the Unlight. Dragoslava and Desislav made a note of this 
After a quick trip to his house, Blood-Wraith went straight to Barna’s house. Answering the knocking at the door, Barna was greeted by a giant, stuffed animal. “Blood, my boy, what’s all this?” He was a little dirty from his work.
“Hey, Barna. Is Aureolus home?”
“Yes, he is. He’s in his room doing some note taking.”
Blood-Wraith stepped inside and noticed Gratiana and Gummi over by one of the forges. “So what’s going on?”
“Oh I’m just showing these two some of my smithing and alchemy know-how,” Barna answered. “Aureolus was with us until he had an idea he needed to write down.”
“I see. Hey Gratiana, hey Gummi.”
“Hello, Blood,” Gratiana replied. “Goodness, that teddy bear is adorable,” she said with a giggle.
Gummi was amazed by the size of it. “Wow, how much did it cost?”
“Nothing. I got it with arcade tickets” Blood-Wraith said before he went up stairs.
Aureolus had finished up his notes when he heard a knock at the door. “Come in.”
“Aureolus, I got a present for you” Blood-Wraith announced.
His eyes lit up as he took the teddy bear, hugging it firmly. “Thank you, Blood! Where did you get this?”
“The Critical Hit Arcade, over in Val’s universe. Stolon invited me, Drago, and Desislav for a picnic. Then Gabriella and Weaver took Stolas and I over to the arcade.”
“Cool, very cool” Aureolus said as he set the teddy bear on his bed. “Oh, what did you think of Weaver?”
Blood-Wraith took a seat. “He seems alright. Pretty friendly, if a little awkward at times. He told me about some of the Shadowland stuff.”
“Yeah, all of it was pretty crazy looking back on it.”
“So what are you writing?”
Aureolus shifted some of his notes around. “Just some thoughts and formulas. The thoughts are primarily on how I’m changing over time. I feel more and more real as time goes on.”
“Do you still want to return to nothingness some day?” Blood-Wraith asked.
He shook his head. “At this point, no. I’m way too invested in everything to just throw in the towel like that. Besides, you still need my help.” The two chuckled. “Oh, I’ve remembered something from my days of being nothing.”
“You did? What is it?”
“It’s only one memory, as time is meaningless when nothing happens. It was the day you were born.”
The realization was incredible for Blood-Wraith. “So you were the voice I heard?”
Aureolus nodded. “I saw you floating in the void and wanted to be friends, but then you just vanished. And of course then I got yanked into reality by Milosh.”
“Is that why you were so protective of me when we first met?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t fully recognize you back then. If I had to guess why I gained awareness, I’d say it was because of you. You know, the whole ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’ thing.”
Blood-Wraith contemplated what Aureolus said for a second. After muttering to himself, he snapped his fingers. “There you go.”
Aureolus felt an odd sensation for a brief second. “Blood, what was that?”
“I altered the curse I used on myself so now it will also bring you into existence too.”
He gave Blood-Wraith a hug. “Thanks. Looks like I'm definitely going to keep existing now. As long as you’re here, I don’t mind.”
“We’re in for the long haul, no doubt about it. I’m not looking forward to facing off with Valerie, truth be told.”
“I don’t blame you, Blood. Gratiana was telling me about her. She sounds like a bit of a rogue and a shifty, smooth talker. We’ll have to have our wits about us.”
Blood-Wraith sighed. “Oh boy… Well, I guess Val’s insight is relevant here: If there’s a problem, there’s also a solution.”
“That currently eludes me.” Blood-Wraith looked annoyed.
Aureolus smiled and shook his head. “Blood, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Focus on right now while preparing for the future.”
“I guess you’re right. I’ve got school to get ready for after all.”
“Precisely. Don’t let this stuff distract you during a test or exam.”
Blood-Wraith laughed. “Who knows? Maybe my school experience will help me.”
“Well you won’t know until you try.”
The conversation was interrupted by a knock, followed by Barna sticking his head in the door. “Hey, boys? We’re about to break for lunch. Want to join us?”
“Sure, dad,” Aureolus replied as he organized his papers into a neat stack. “Come on, Blood.”
“So, you two have a good chat?” Barna inquired.
“Yeah,” Blood-Wraith answered. “Still worried, but yeah.”
Next: Chapter 45
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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snowcl · 1 year
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rozmorris · 2 years
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Where one sea ends and another begins, the weirdness of standing next to something huge, peculiar author tasks, learn writing from me this year, a little horse - all in my newsletter https://mailchi.mp/0b7566cceced/where-one-sea-becomes-another-the-weird-feelings-of-standing-next-to-something-huge-audiobook-a-little-horse?
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thelegacyofgreyleaf · 7 months
Stories from Kyoguild #4
The Catalyst of War
By Eveline Brooks
The ocean blue cloak bellows in the wind as the gilded lining of his sky blue pauldrons shine with sunlight. Corvex Windhelm stands on scattered rocks that had fallen off nearby debris onto the stone balcony floor. His cloak, ripped and torn in some places. His pauldrons, scuffed and dented. The crimson bastard sword that was in his hand, now slipped and crashed into the ground. His golden hair flowing around his narrow blue eyes and dark tan complexion, staring out as soldiers equipped with steel armor, begin to rush out of the castle gates which stand beneath the human Prince’s heel. The Heir of Belden falls to his knees, his roar echoes out of his throat and into the blue atmosphere above. He believes he doesn’t deserve the hand he was dealt. But, poor Corvex knows too well that it’s in the past and he will never be able to earn the throne as according to the ritualistic tradition of his country; nor will he ever be able to bring back his father.
*Earlier That Day*
Corvex and his father, Marlowe Windhelm; The King of Belden, stand toe-to-toe in a coliseum filled to the brim with the residents of the country. The crowd roars around them.
“Show me what you got, Corvex. You’re the star of this festival you know.” Marlowe exclaims cockily.
Corvex runs and slashes forward with a silver and black short sword accompanied by a blue shield. “I’ll beat you this year, father!”
Marlowe side-steps out of the way of the first slash by Corvex. The crowd gasps. Marlowe raises his crimson bastard sword and shoves his opponent’s blade away. The King of Belden spins around as his blue cloak flows elegantly behind him. “Your move.”
Corvex jumps in the air, slamming the tip of his blade into the ground. After flipping over the sword like a pole vault, the young prince slashes downward into his father. Once again, this assault is blocked by Marlowe.
The King pushes his sword upward and checks his shoulder forward, sending his son flying backwards and into the sandy terrain of the battlefield. Corvex’s shield flies off and skips across the sand. The crowd gasps again, stunned by the show of skillful perfection. The young Prince pushes himself up onto his feet slowly, but once he is steady; his sword is jolted in front of him in a blocking stance. His right arm, fist clenched around his sword, trembles from the pressure of the ecstatic crowd. The Prince twists his left foot in the sand and pivots his weight onto it. Now that Corvex is standing and ready, Marlowe dashes forward. The crowd cheers, they watch intently as King Windhelm impacts Corvex with the broadside of the crimson blade. Corvex attempts to block the attack, their blades connecting, but Corvex is knocked down again. Upon crashing to the ground Corvex’s left pauldron smacks against a rock. Marlowe approaches him slowly, raising the charred and ancient bloodsword to his throat.
“Maybe next year, you’ll be able to beat me and take the throne.” The old man says gently. “You still have work to do, and that’s okay. I was in your shoes once, my son. It took me years to defeat my father at the Tournament of the Crown.” Marlowe lowers his sword and reaches out his hand to help up his son.
Corvex grabs his father’s hand and stands up. The crowd cheers as the prince accepts defeat this year. He looks hopeful, with a half smile across his face. His hair was drenched with sweat.
The king grabs his son’s wrist and holds it in the air. The crowd thunderously erupts in sound. All the various sounds slowly come together to chant, “To-Be King, To-Be King, To-Be King!!”
Marlowe turns to Corvex and releases him, stating; “You’ll be king, one day, son.” The king then turns to address the crowd. He grabs his own throat lightly as his fingertips glow a very faint green. His voice booms from his throat, “LET THE SIX-SUMMER FESTIVAL BEGIN! ENJOY YOURSELVES EVERYONE!” Corvex and Marlowe smile and wave at the crowd as they slowly walk across the arena, the crowd still erupting until they finally reach the rising metal gate door. The two turn and do a final bow and wave to the crowd. Corvex blows to the crowd while his eyes are focused on one woman dressed in blue. As the two slowly disappear into the corridor from the crowd’s gaze, the applause slowly fades as the crowd begins to gather their things and leave the stadium.
“Was that kiss for the crowd, or someone in particular?” Marlowe asks softly as they walk through the corridor.
“Both. I know that the audience loves me and I love them every year. And, it was for a girl. I have been seeing her every now and again the past several weeks. We like to hop the local taverns and inns for drinks. We visit a different one every week.” Corvex replies.
“You make me more proud to be your father, than I am proud to be the king of this country. Let it be known.” Marlowe responds, placing his hand on Corvex’s back.
As Marlowe and his heir approach the end of the corridor. The wooden exit door is opened by a dark-skinned human woman with short hair on top and shaved on the sides of her head. Marlowe speaks first; “Ah, Miss Lukholli. Nice to see you!”
“The pleasure is all mine, my lords.” She lightly bows to the both of them before continuing. “I thought I’d accompany you back to your palace. The night is young. There are many events to get to. The Tournament of the Crown is only the opening ceremony to the Six-Summer Festival, you know?”
Marlowe chuckles. “I know, Laika. This festival is my favorite time of year. It honors my great grandfather’s sacrifice to restore the cycle of the seasons after the six-year long summer. He was the only human capable of slaying a dragon. And we all are grateful for our lives and our homes today because of him.”
Laika chuckles and pulls Marlowe along. “His legacy’s story never loses its magic being spoken by you, King Windhelm.”
Marlowe responds softly, “The truth is, I am envious. I will never be remembered like him. My prime is long over.” He turns to Corvex before being led out of the arena by his noble bodyguard. “You taking the throne is long overdue my son. I know you will beat me next year.” The two leave and the door slams behind them. Leaving Corvex in a dark hallway.
“Quite the show, I’m impressed.” An ominous voice states from the darkness as Corvex only can see two glowing yellow eyes.
Corvex grunts, “Vyncint? What brings you to this side of Quinloch?”
“To warn you. Kyoga has sent an assassin to kill two targets during the festival. Those being: Laika Lukholli, and your father, King Marlowe Windhelm.” The vampire informs the prince.
Corvex starts a little, surprised. “I don’t believe you. What makes you think you can waltz into the Six-Summer Festival and make such heinous claims?”
Vyncint replies slowly to make his words more clear, “I would not be here to warn you if I did not believe it to be true. Marie was the one who actually convinced me to try and help out, and this is the most I will be doing. Had she not been so concerned for you in particular, Corvex, I wouldn’t be here. Make your next few moves very wisely Prince, unless you plan on becoming King faster than expected. Don’t make this energy I put in to get out here go to waste. And certainly, protect the woman you cherish oh so dearly. Enjoy the ‘festivities’, Corvex Windhelm.” He walks away, his footsteps fading into the black void that surrounds Corvex.
“Marie, like Marie Fuchs?” Corvex asks the darkness. “What does she have to do with this? Shouldn’t she be far outside of Quinloch by now?”
“A Falcon told her.” Vyncint replies finally.
“A Falcon?” Corvex asks himself quietly. He then opens the door his father just went through, and exits into a bustling festival with various vendors and aromas erupting in his face.
Everything from various sweets and meat stands to clothing and weapon vendors. Thousands of citizens swarm the plaza as Corvex looks out down the street leading away from the arena. One in particular spots the prince. She’s blonde with green eyes, her two tone blue dress flows down around and behind her legs as she runs at him. “Corvex! You did so amazing!! We need to go drink to celebrate, if not for another year of your father’s rule; but for that sick move!!” She grabs him with a hug and the two kiss.
“Thank you. You flatter me, Norma.” He replies, saddened.
“There is always next year! That sword vault was truly amazing! Who taught you to do that?” She asks energetically.
He smiles. “I taught myself it. I noticed it was possible by accident while I was helping out at the bank fire earlier this week. Come to think of it, they never caught the perp.” He abruptly stops. The air around him roared with the sounds of a busy crowd but the silence between him and Miss Dean was sharp and intense. “I have to go.” Corvex grabs her and kisses her cheek in return. “Don’t let any vampires suck that precious life out of you darling.” He sprints off and to the castle, shoving his way through the crowd. Guards notice and run after him, knowing there must be something to cause Corvex to act in such a way. Upon reaching the Palace of Wind-Cross. Corvex slams open the front door, halting the room full of chatter within the main chamber. Marlowe stands up and looks at his son from across the room.
His voice loudly erupts, “What is the meaning of you barging in like this, Corvex? Why aren’t you down in the town enjoying the festivities?”
Frantic whispering begins to crescendo out of the crowd.
He begins to start, almost cutting off his father. “Father, there is an assassin out for you, hiding within the crowd.”
The crowd gasps. Distressed chatter begins erupting loudly.
Marlowe speaks, “Everybody. OUT!” The gathering quiets down and begins to take their drinks and leave the castle at the king’s command. “Corvex. I know your emotions are high from your loss today but please, no need to spread such rumors during the festival.” He laughs. “Why would you want to miss the festival anyway? Do you want a drink, my son?”
“I should be asking how you can party and drink when the largest bank in our city was burned to the ground and the arsonist wasn’t caught! And now I’m being told you’re under threat by a credible source.” Corvex replies.
The room is empty now, aside from Corvex and Marlowe
“I believe you.” Marlowe responds. Corvex begins to slow down as he approaches his father’s throne.
Marlowe stomps towards Corvex. “This information better have a reliable source.”
Corvex nods, “I wouldn’t be acting like this if I didn’t trust it. It was told to me by Vynci~..”
Marlowe snaps,“Don’t you mutter any more of that name. I do not want to hear the vampiric king’s name in my chamber.” He sighs. “Then we really would be in trouble. Why would you ever trust him?”
A shadow passes from behind one guard to another. Corvex notices, his eye following it intently. He shouts out. “Over there!! Father, look out!” As Corvex begins to look back at his father, he notices red slimy tendrils that have his father wrapped from the ankles, up to his wrists, and up to his neck and covering his mouth.
The guards do not move. They stand still, like mannequins. The distressed prince charges towards his father. “Why are you all just standing there like that?! Your king is in peril! Attack her!” Corvex yells, but his message is received by only silence.
Corvex, running down this long throne room to his father, having time to think while running; he thinks about how to defeat the assailant. As he begins to flip through thought and the urge to ignore his father to attack the assailant. Not only to prove himself to his father, but to stop the attack directly by acting first.
“I said attack damnit!!” Corvex yells more. As he shouts and commands his team, the ground around his feet begins to spark in a sort of mint green color.
“They won’t listen to you.” A sadistic feminine voice echoes out from what seems to be the walls. “Just like you won’t ever rule over them. You will be left abandoned and in pieces emotionally, Corvex! Just look at your father. With every pulse of my bloodtrails, he will be closer and closer to death.”
The hooded figure jumps off one guard behind Marlowe and throws her daggers into the air above her, they stick into the ceiling and two more blood-trails appear between them and the back of her hands. Now that she is airborne, her trails visibly go from guard to guard until they reach Marlowe in the center where they rise up to her. The blood hardens and forms a giant axe in her hands. Roughly three-times the size of your ordinary giant battle axe. Out of her daggers that rest on her hips, shoot two long red tendrils of blood. They attach to the ground below. As the original trails of blood keep making the axe grow and grow, Corvex begins to dash towards her, running past his trapped father. Marlowe bites the tendril that is covering his mouth and spits it to the side. This gives him enough wiggle room to roll out of the blood vines. He grabs his sword and rushes up to his feet in a blocking stance. In one swift motion, the trails of blood rising from the surrounding crowd begin to fade off. Her daggers detach from the ceiling. She begins to plummet to the ground with a powerful wind up of the axe.
Before she swings it down, she exclaims “This is where you die..!” As it swung down, it leaves a wet red trail behind it in the air. The axe slams against Marlowe’s sword, pushing his heels scraping back on the stone ground.
“You’re faster than I expected.” She says, kicking down on her axe. Marlowe holds strong, the blades clashing and causing red sparks to fill the air around them.
“This isn’t my first fight, Aeyarus. Your king will pay for what he has sent you to do.” Marlowe responds as Corvex runs in and does an upward slash at the hooded figure. As he does, she kicks the backend of the hilt of her axe, making it skim across the blade of Marlowe’s sword and hitting Corvex with the broadside of the axe. It knocks him back and away a few feet. The axe dissipates and the blood that made it up, now swirls around her. She backflips away and forms a javelin with her dagger as the tip. Marlowe lunges at her bringing his sword down to the ground, missing her and cracking the stone floor upon impact. The woman throws her javelin and it nails him right in the shoulder.
“This isn’t mine either, human!!” The trail of blood from the knife extends to Jane’s hand and she pulls with all her might. “Get over here and bleed!” Marlowe is pulled to the attacker. With the tug, he loses grip of his sword and falls onto his knees. Corvex pulls himself onto his feet and tries to catch up with his father. But he watches as the hooded figure jumps in the air, stabbing him in the chest and pushing the both of them to the ground. She retracts her knife from a now still, Marlowe Windhelm.
Corvex charges to his father’s body. It’s already too late, Marlowe Windhelm is dead.
“You…. you monster.” Corvex says softly.
“What was that, I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.” The assailant replies cockily. She places her hand to her ear and leans in Corvex’s direction with a huge smile across her face, yet her eyes remain cold and emotionless.
His eyes begin to glow a very dark green as he raises to his feet. “You will PAY for the pain you have just caused not only me. But this entire damn country.” Corvex grabs his father’s sword, as he does; the sword begins to spark with a greenish color, and he charges at the woman responsible. He slashes twice at her, and she parries the two strikes back with her dual daggers and she tries to stab him. She misses and hits his cloak. She pulls back, slicing down his blue cape.
“I hope you know, Corvex. It’s your turn now. What weapon shall I form from your father’s blood?” The woman says while Marlowe begins to drain of blood, streaming out the front of his chest and through a trail in the air and directly to the assailant.
Corvex for the first time, steadies himself in his father’s fighting stance. He feels like it came too soon, that he isn’t worthy. He wasn’t going to let her know that he was weak at this moment, he couldn't let her at any cost. He speaks confidently, “I must do this, to protect my country. You have gone too far. You have ruined our festival. You have killed my father. You’re right, it is my turn.” Corvex runs up with the ground still cracking and glowing a soft green, and slams his sword into her, sending her flying into the back wall and ripping her cloak off. As she slams into the wall, she loses grip on her daggers and they scatter away from her. Corvex is able to make out the details of her outfit as she flips and recovers her stance. She is a medium height elf woman and is wearing a black bandanna, dark purple leather armor, a black scarf with a single gold streak, and thigh high boots. She has two more daggers stashed within her boots, which she draws.
“For the record. My name is Jane. Let it haunt you, Prince. Or should I say King now??!” She laughs intensely. Corvex charges forward, slamming his family’s sword into her body. She flies back more and her back slams against the wall once more. He takes two steps back and pivots onto his heel. A red flame begins to burst, then explodes with light on his blade.
“Well, Jane. You brought this upon yourself!” He swings his ignited sword upward, lightly tearing a part of Jane’s scarf. She is sent upward and out of a large stained glass window. The glass cracks and splinters as her body impacts it. As she breaks through the window, the fire of Corvex’s blade begins to erupt as she is then surrounded by a cloud of broken glass reflecting the surrounding vibrant firelight. She falls to the balcony below. He sighs, “You walked into the hornet’s nest and killed the king. The fate you are owed now, is your own doing. And, I will be the hand of vengeance.” Corvex steps over the jagged stained glass sticking out of the lower window frame. The balcony has six slender pillars that protrude out of the ground. Four guard bodies are on the ground, and Jane is nowhere to be seen. “Dammit! She’s quick.” Corvex runs to the edge of the balcony, placing his hands on the ledge. He looks down at the festival, the crowd from the castle now mixed in with the bigger crowd. “Nation, your king… is dead.” A chorus of gasps and angry shouts erupt from the gathering of people below.
Suddenly, Corvex hears the snapping of a rope. As he turns to face the origin of the sound when he’s met with the sight of Jane flying towards him, having shot herself with a slingshot of blood tendrils. As the tension is released, the two pillars fall and crumble down. She slashes Corvex, but her blade bounces off his pauldron. She jumps off his shoulder and lands a few feet away and places her hand to her ear. “Do you hear that, Corvex? My ‘doing’ as you said. It is in fact my symphony of pain!” Corvex pulls his sword back and charges forward. As he reaches Jane, he begins to swing. But, as he does; she jumps and lands her feet on the blade. She leaps again off it, as Corvex completes his swing and readies a block. She throws her daggers down at him, both are reflected by his guard. As he pulls the massive sword out of his view and lowers his guard, she is running to the ledge. She climbs up onto the ledge and crouches down, turning back to Corvex. “My mission is complete, but I’m sure that I will see you again. It is only natural that you would intend to hunt me down.” Jane leaps off the balcony and uses her blood tendril to zip to a building below.
The ocean blue cloak bellows in the wind as the gilded lining of his sky blue pauldrons shine with sunlight. Corvex Windhelm stands on scattered rocks that had fallen off nearby debris onto the stone balcony floor. His cloak, ripped and torn in some places. His pauldrons, scuffed and dented. The crimson bastard sword that was in his hand, now slipped and crashed into the ground. His golden hair flowing around his narrow blue eyes and dark tan complexion, staring out as soldiers equipped with steel armor, begin to rush out of the castle gates and into the scattering and panicking crowd below. The Heir of Belden falls to his knees, his roar echoes out of his throat and into the blue atmosphere above. He believes he doesn’t deserve the hand he was dealt. But, poor Corvex knows too well that he must stop at nothing to hunt down the woman responsible for killing his father.
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kvothbloodless · 2 years
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I am AGAIN being bullied by @macaedh for blood-sword-related reasons. Is there no peace in this world?
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