#Blue Spectrum Tapes
trevlad-sounds · 6 months
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lol-jackles · 1 year
The original Snow White is my all time fave Disney movie. I saw it in theater as a kid when they rereleased it. I hate when people who were born after 1985 take something made before the 21st century and apply a 21st century mindset to it. They talk like they want a Snow White who will make an impact as if she didn't make an impact in the original film. If you actually pay attention when watching the original movie you can see the impact that Snow White has on those around her.
I didn't realize how much I liked the OG Snow White until we got a VHS tape of a stage musical that was nearly scene to scene of the OG Snow White. I watched it over and over again with my younger cousins. It held us over until Disney finally released the original Snow White to VHS in 1994, when it broke records and sold 50 million copies worldwide. I ask again, why would current Disney think it's a swell idea to change Snow White so much in the live action remake?
Looking back I really liked how Snow White was mostly show not tell, which is the most important aspect of any movie. But a lot of movies nowadays are full of monologues of what a character needs to do and what's going on and how they're feeling instead of showing us and letting us discern for ourselves.
Snow White's value is timeless, that's why she's endured for so long because she resonates with people all over the political spectrum and why they badly reacted to Disney's remake of Snow White based on Rachel Zegler's words.  Snow White epitomizes values about hard work, not being entitled, and choosing a survivalist mentality instead of a victim "woe is me" mentality. Moreover, it is realistic to have hopes and dreams, but not at the expense of shirking your present responsibilities.  Her world was pulled out from under her and she lost everything she knew, but she got right back up.  Many adults have rent and bills to pay so they couldn't just wallow in their self pity and misery.  They have to go to work and carry on, just like Snow White did.
Snow White is relatable.  Many abuse victims grow up to be abusers at worst or assholes at best. Not their fault but still people like Snow white should be admired, she didn’t expect to receive refuge without earning a living. And Snow White helped the dwarves become better people, she even broke through Grumpy and won his affection.  The dwarves answered to NOBODY, and yet they had to answer to Snow White because they loved her, and then would kill for her by chasing the evil queen to her death.
Snow White is a great example of “the kindness you give to others comes back to you” i.e Snow White helps the baby blue bird find her parents, who then return with her parents to help Snow White. Often times the best indicator of strength isn't whether you reject your circumstances but how you choose to live with them.  Snow White (and Cinderella and Aurora) teaches lessons about emotional strength, optimism, and kindness. Not only are these important lessons, but they should be on par with the lessons that Mulan, Tiana, and Moana teach.   Kindness and optimism are just as important as bravery and leadership.
Femineity is not weak or bad, and masculinity isn't either.  Snow White was strong because she is feminine, not despite it. While it is important to show that women can have masculine traits, it is even more important to show that it is okay for women to have feminine traits.
Side note: The Disney renaissance in the '90s was shaped by a man for whom a large part of his identity was rejected by society, and he was unable to express it, which makes the Renaissance make sense for why there are so many stories about self discovery. But the older films were shaped by a man who had to work hard to keep his company afloat during extremely rough times (World War I and The Great Depression), so those stories featuring hard work and resilience make sense. Walt had said that Cinderella was his favorite heroine and the fairy godmother represented the "miracle" (through Snow White) that launch the company to success.
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death-by-mercury · 4 months
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Another shot of Rory at the Tavern in Toronto 🎸🍁
Rory on stage at the Colonial Tavern in Toronto during his week of shows in March 1973. Photo taken by John Rowlands and Shared by Paul Fenton. Below is Paul's story about seeing Rory at the Colonial Tavern in ‘73:
I first heard about Rory in the summer of 1972, while I was living (briefly) in England. We hadn’t heard of Rory in Canada, and the first time I saw anything in print about him was in a review, of his (just released), "Live in Europe "in Melody Maker" magazine. It was a great review, and I rushed out to buy the album and a cassette of it, at HMV. records, on Oxford street in London. In the store, there was a cool, retro, plexiglass, 'cone of silence' listening booth, my friend and I asked to listen to the Live In Europe album. At the first listen, I found Messin with Kid and Laundromat a bit heavy, but as soon as I heard the first notes (of slide) on I Could've had Religion, I was spellbound!
When I returned to my home in Canada , turned all my friends on to Rory and we bought all his other albums. Later, In March 1973, a friend of mine saw an ad in the Globe and Mail (a Toronto newspaper) the ad said that Rory was going to play at the Colonial Tavern in Toronto !! We saved up our money and took the train to Toronto from Ottawa and slept on my friend's brother's apartment floor for the week. The first day of the gig, we got to the Colonial tavern early - 5 pm!! The tickets were $2.50... Not bad, for a whole night of Rory Gallagher and a great opening band -King Biscuit Boy with the legendary Canadian blues band, "Mckenna Mendelson Mainline' backing up Biscuit Boy!
We got the best seats in the house -right in front of the stage and drank beer that we'd snuck into the tavern.yeah,we were broke!! King Biscuit Boy and Co. were great ,but Rory just blew them away. He walked on stage and launched right in to "Messin with the Kid".
I had a small Sony cassette recorder on my lap and recorded every night. Later, when I got home, I wore those cassette tapes out trying to learn how to play slide. Years later, I told Rory about that.. and it pleased him!
Between sets, we were astonished when Rory walked down from his dressing room and had a beer at the bar,no one bothered him.., the club on the first few nights was only half full. We did walk up to him and ask for an autograph,he was so nice and laid back,very humble and sweet!
Rory and his band played a great mixture of songs that week. all of, Live In Europe', some stuff from
"Deuce' (only about a year and a half old at that time), and songs from the newly released 'Blueprint"
The Colonial tavern had great acoustics and it was a perfect venue for Rory! We noticed that Rory and Gerry McAvoy used' Stramp' amplifiers and P.A../ vowed that I would find a Stramp amplifier like Rory's, and I later acquired one just like his, though it took me 50 Years to find his model, a Stramp "Power Baby". VERY rare!!
At the end of each night at the Colonial, we'd take the subway back to our apartment, our ears were ringing..Rory played loud!!
I didn't see Rory again until 1982 when we played with him in Montreal at "The Spectrum". I told him that we'd seen him at the Colonial Tavern in 73, then he told me, in his beautiful Irish lilt.: "Ah, the good old days"!
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locklylemybeloved · 2 years
there are a lot of things i love about lockwood and co, but i think one of my favorite things is the attention to detail — especially the attention to color.
in the beginning, when lucy is at jacobs, she is constantly in the yellow uniform, its an integral part of her character at the beginning. and then, after norrie dies and lucy runs away, lucy completely abandons yellow. in fact, the most prominent color in her wardrobe from that moment on is blue, she is CONSTANTLY wearing blue, which is on the exact opposite side of the color spectrum as yellow. and then towards the end, after lucy admits to the tape (and norrie) that she is healing, her blue sweater has a stripe of yellow in it.
also, i love how the trio are color coded, lucy is blue (obviously), george is orange (because his wardrobe is very heavily oranges and reds), and then lockwood is clearly black (because all he ever wears is the suit ensamble).
anyways yeah i love over analyzing things, no im not hyperfixating, i am completely normal about this piece of media. YOURE hyperfixating.
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cuoredimuschio · 1 year
part two of the guitar lessons au (feat. a side of buckingham)
A shitload of doubts had reared their reasonable, humongous heads the second Steve walked out of that clearing with an agreement to meet on Friday night and Munson’s address tucked in his wallet. 
What did you just do? He’d asked himself with every step, all the way back to his car. 
His guts sloshed around in his shoes, nearly tripping him up, while his heart lumped in his throat. It was the same bucket-of-ice-water-over-your-head, door-locking-behind-you kind of feeling he imagines you’d get seconds after you signed a contract with the devil. A sort of gaping, full-body, no-going-back regret, radiating out from the stomach, spackled over with hasty, flimsy confidence as you try to convince yourself you made the right choice, that it’ll be worth it in the end, that there won’t be any hell to pay, even as the shackle tightens around your neck and the flames lick at your heels.
He was being overdramatic—piling heaps of dirt onto not even a molehill, an anthill at worst—and he knew it, and Robin repeatedly seconded that opinion. But it was like a rock had been kicked over inside him and some scaly, sinuous thing with too many legs had skittered out into the light and made a point to clamber over every one of his organs, vital and otherwise, leaving a slimy trail of unease in its ceaseless wake. 
Thirty bucks a week. Thirty. Three-zero. And who knew how many weeks it would take.
That insect had been swiftly, beautifully obliterated, though, when Jenna stopped in on Wednesday to return the Last Unicorn tape she’d rented for her little sister. One smile, that’s all it took. One dimpled, heart-stopping smile, handed to him like a fat slice of starlight pie on a plate of roses, one laugh that lit up her June-sky eyes, one whiff of her billowy, flowery perfume as she swept out the door he’d held open for her, and he’d understood why all those Greek dudes in that poem started a whole war over Heather or Heidi or whatever her name was. He could and would face a thousand armies on his own if only Jenna was waiting for him on the other side of the battlefield, if only she called his name and asked him to find his way to her. Munson, he’d realized, was nothing but a small, small roadblock on the way to eternal bliss. Just a speedbump, really.
That courage lasted for all of two days.
On Friday, the doubts come roaring back. Louder than ever. Near deafening, ripping that insect from the grave, as he jams the Beemer into park outside Munson’s trailer. At least, he’s pretty sure it’s Munson’s trailer; the guy’s directions weren’t exactly useful. Or entirely legible. Light green, white stripe is the only real clue the paper gives him, but looking at it now, bathed in the glow of his headlights, Steve would argue it’s more on the blue side of the spectrum. Doesn’t help either that the trailer doesn’t have an actual address, only a lot number which, in Munson’s handwriting, could be fifty-three or eighty-three or eighty-nine or S-eight or five other numbers. But at the end of the day, there’s no mistaking that piece of shit van. 
He’s in the right place, whether he wants to be or not.
He turns the keys. Pulls them out of the ignition. Clicks off his seat belt.
But his hand doesn’t reach for the door handle.
Maybe ‘doubts’ is the wrong word. 
Maybe what he really means is ‘dread’.
Not because he’s scared of Munson. Let’s get that straight right off the bat: he is not—in any way, shape, or form—afraid of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. The guy’s all bark, too much bark, and no bite. Like one of the yappy little rat dogs his mother’s friends drag around everywhere, the ones that snap at anything that moves but shiver and piss themselves the second you take a step toward them. 
So, no. It’s not fear-based dread. It’s just regular dread. The dread of being stuck in a glue trap that, admittedly, you laid out for yourself. Hours, days, weeks on end, subjected to the wonders of Munson’s winsome personality, stuck alone in a room with a guy who hates his guts, and he’ll be paying—dearly—for the privilege of his own torture: he’s not sure he’s ever made a worse decision in his life.
But Steve’s never backed down from anything, even when he probably should have, even when walking away might have saved his bright shiny future. He’s got almost twenty years of pigheaded determination in the face of abject stupidity behind him, and he’s not about to let a loudmouthed loser get the best of him now. He can make this work. He can steer them back on track, keep things civil, maybe even win Munson over in time. Who knows, stranger things have happened.
The porch steps squelch and squawk under his feet as he marches up to the front door, head held high, fingers skimming along the rickety, ice-cold iron rail. Already, he can hear the thunderous pound of the abrasive, screechy garbage Munson mistakes for music, thumping against the thin door like it’s trying to break out. He stops on the top step, squinting at his dim reflection in the glass, and shuffles a hand through his hair before he pastes on a breezy smile and knocks, nice and loud.
There’s no answer.
He knocks again, harder. The glass clatters under his knuckles.
The music gets louder. Still no answer.
He’s a fucking child, Steve thinks, clinging to that smile—though it’s less breezy and a bit more at-gunpoint now—and his newfound sense of bonhomie by the skin of his near-chattering teeth as he raps against the door once more. This time, he doesn’t stop until it’s yanked open.
Munson looks pissed already. But that might just be the natural state of his face. 
Steve would probably walk around with a permanent scowl too if he was living with a whole, pretentious tree shoved high-and-mighty up his ass.
Either Munson’s really committed to constantly maintaining his aren’t-I-so-cool-and-rebellious-and-definitely-not-just-a-total-tool aesthetic, comfort be damned, or he just got in from his little nerd game session. Because he’s still decked in denim and leather, sporting that hideous t-shirt that he forces all his lackeys to wear like they’re some kind of tacky cult, and still speckled with chunky silver jewelry, gaudy rings glinting on his fingers and wallet chain jangling at his hip. He drops his shoulder against the door jamb, one ankle kicked over the other, and runs a less-than-kind, soullessly dark eye over Steve. 
“You got my money?”
“Yeah, relax. I’m good for it.” Steve starts to step forward, angling to slip around his ungracious host and out of the cold, but a blunt hand rams into his chest, pushing him back.
“Not so fast, Harrington,” Munson says, and Steve’s pretty sure he’s meant to find that withering tone and stony glare intimidating; he doesn’t, not in the slightest. “Money first.”
For the sake of trying to start things off on the right foot—or at least the not-actively-hostile foot—Steve doesn’t laugh in his face, and instead asks, light and polite, “That’s a bit backwards, don’t you think?”
Munson’s hand hangs in the space between them, palm up and adamant, waiting like it isn’t below freezing and he’s got all night. “I’m sorry, they let you eat your Whopper before you pay for it, your majesty?” 
What annoys Steve most is that it’s a fair point. A petty, prickish point but a fair one. Doesn’t stop him from grumbling under his breath and calling Munson a few choice names in his head as he digs out his wallet and pries it open. It’s almost physically painful, to pull those three bills out and hand them over into Munson’s greedy paws, and it leaves him high and dry but for a tattered one and a sloppy-edged coupon for forty cents off Tide. Great.
Munson, being the obnoxious prick that he’s obnoxiously proud to be, makes a show of counting the bills, licking his finger as he flicks through them, one by one. When he’s satisfied that Steve hasn’t stiffed him, he folds them up and shoves them in his back pocket, slithering into a smug smile that Steve wants to smack off his face with the business end of a shovel that was most recently used to muck a full-capacity stable. 
“Your generous donation is much appreciated, sire.” He bows and steps aside, an arm swept out with a looping flourish. “Welcome to Casa di Munson.”
(read the rest on ao3)
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themusicaldesk · 3 months
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Happy 80th birthday to English musician Ray Davies, born 21 June 1944, singer, and songwriter with The Kinks, who had the 1964 UK No.1 & US No.7 'You Really Got Me', and the 1967 UK No.2 single 'Waterloo Sunset' and the 1983 US No.6 single 'Come Dancing'. The Kinks have sold over 50 million records worldwide and among numerous honours, they received the Ivor Novello Award for "Outstanding Service to British Music".
The Kinks
He is the quintessential English songwriter. He is truly one of a kind. His songs chronicled the working class, a celebrating the joys and melancholy of day-to-day living. Davies is a magnificent observer of British life.
There aren’t many songwriters who can take credit for helping to change the course of rock music history, but Ray Davies is certainly one of them. Forty-one years ago he wrote the five-note riff to “You Really Got Me”, launching the glorious career of The Kinks and, some say, contemporary hard rock and even heavy metal.
As the leader of the Kinks, he’s covered the spectrum of the rock idiom like few others, writing such rock classics as, “Sunny Afternoon”, “Waterloo Sunset”, “Lola”, “Tired of Waiting For You,” “A Well Respected Man”, “Dedicated Follower of Fashion” and “Come Dancing”.
While Davies has long been considered the quintessential British songwriter, the Kinks and their leader were never just an English phenomenon, as America first accepted Davies’ lyrical sense of humor and irresistible hooks during the first British Invasion in the early Sixties, and the love affair has continued through hot and cold periods for over 30 years.
Just a couple of years back The Kinks came out the top earners for music used in TV adverts in the US, earning them a reported £6m a year. The Kinks were enjoying a resurgence – with their music being used to sell washing powder, computers and medicines.
Although they weren’t as innovative as the Beatles or as popular as the Rolling Stones or the Who, the Kinks were one of the most influential bands of the British Invasion. Like most bands of their era, the Kinks began as an R&B/blues outfit. Within four years, the band had become the most staunchly English of all their contemporaries, drawing heavily from British music hall and traditional pop.
Ray and his brother Dave were raised in Muswell Hill, London. In their teens, the brothers began playing skiffle and rock & roll. Soon, the brothers recruited a schoolmate of Ray’s, Peter Quaife. A demo tape reached American record producer Shel Talmy who helped the band land a contract with Pye in 1964.
The group’s 1970 hit “Lola” an account of a confused romantic encounter with a transvestite was a top 10 hit in the UK and U.S. The lyrics originally contained the word “Coca-Cola”, and as a result the BBC refused to broadcast the song, considering it to be in violation of their policy against product placement. Ray was forced to re-record the lyric of Coca-Cola to Cherry Cola to get played on the BBC, taking two return flights during a US tour to complete this.
Away from the dizzy heights of showbiz, Davies made front-page news in 2004 when he was shot in the leg while on holiday in New Orleans. Two men stole his girlfriend’s purse at gunpoint, a brave (or mad), Davies gave chase, and one of the muggers shot him in the leg – resulting in the singer being admitted to hospital, but his injuries were not serious. The headlines the following day ran; “You Really Shot Me!”
Davies later told reporters how much it hurt being shot!
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bloodsalted · 5 months
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。˚ੈ✩‧₊˚nine people i'd like to get to know better 。˚ੈ✩‧₊˚
last song i listened to: 18th floor balcony by blue october favorite color: dark teal green currently watching: rewatch of supernatural && the ted bundy tapes spicy/savory/sweet: sweet! is coffee somewhere on a spectrum? my fav taste. relationship status: taken! current obsession: back on my supernatural bullshit. also? my pets. steve rogers, bucky barnes, tony stark, blue october, the cure, HIM, spooky shit, abandoned places, halloween, and horror.
tagged by: @knifefightandchill -- lovely lovely leon stan!!! tagging: @qapsiel @murderdeals @devourcr
tumblr being stupid so adding a different line: @sclvged @stanfordprepped @snnynatural @lastvessel @xxgotthedevilinsidexx
wtf is this now?? && @ghstfacr && anyone else! cause i'd like to know a lil bit about all y'all. tag moi!
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k00291900 · 8 months
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Using the same piece of lino, I made some layered prints which I think work very well ( seen above ).
The top print was created using black ink that was rolled onto the stamp just once, to create a sort of fading spectrum as the waves move their way from right to left, which makes it seem like its losing its power as the wave crashes, making the movement through the page very well.
The second was made using black and blue ink. The blue was applied first, and before applying the black, areas of the paper were taped off, in order keep some of the blue showing through to make that contrast of colour mor apparent. I think that the slightly staggered layering of the colours here works very well, changing the way your eyes view the image and requiring a second look to comprehend what is happening.
There were also a couple of prints where I would drag and smudge the lino stamp across the page ( seen below ). I think that the textures created are very interesting and are very emotive, but here I'm not so sure they work well together. They create very interesting prints, but I think in hindsight I should have taped off some areas of the paper like done previously, to reduce the amount of overlap in particular areas, as I think that something is lost in how they turned out.
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hebuiltfive · 1 year
Meanwhile, on Skybase...: Debrief
Series: Part 2 of The Long Game
Colonel White is growing increasingly concerned, and Scarlet seems to be keeping secrets.
Words: 1,657
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Dark themes, violence, mentions of injuries, implied mentions of suicide, heavy angst, blue and scarlet being bffs, cross between ocs and ncs, black is very machiavellian, Swearing
Notes: Earlier drafts had me word vomiting the relationship between the GDF and Spectrum, so I'm hoping that I managed to fix it enough for it to flow better. One thing I underestimated as I went into writing this series is that timelines are horrendous and difficult to manage.
Read it below or on AO3 here.
Part 1: The Alaskan Train Crash
Chapter 1 found here on Tumblr, or here on AO3.
Chapter 2 found here on Tumblr, or here on AO3.
Chapter 3 found here on Tumblr, or here on A03.
Chapter 4 found here on Tumblr, or here on AO3.
Part 2: Meanwhile, on Skybase...
Chapter 1 found here on Tumblr, or here on AO3.
Skybase was abuzz with activity.
On the bridge of the vast aircraft carrier base, Colonel White sat at his desk. His brows were pulled into a concerned frown. Scarlet had yet to report in and, whilst he knew had no need to be so worried over his virtually indestructible officer, White found himself troubled more often than not when Scarlet failed to get in touch whilst on mission. Couple that with his call from the Global Defence Force, and Colonel White found himself teetering on the edge of a very colossal ‘worry’ cliff. He didn’t acknowledge it however. After all, he didn’t reach the rank of Colonel by being an anxious mess. He quickly pulled himself straight. He would have to take things as they came and, for now, the only thing he could do was assess the GDF’s situation whilst he waited for Scarlet to report in.
The call had been as pleasant as Colonel White could have expected. The GDF’s long standing reputation and legacy was naturally always going to be in contrast to that of the newly created Spectrum. Occasionally, White often wondered whether Colonel Casey felt the same way as her operatives clearly did. More than once his officers had reported their GDF counterparts were less than welcoming and claimed that Spectrum were stepping on the toes of the organisation. It had been three years now, almost to the day, since the Spectrum Organisation had been signed into existence, and still the squabbles between the teams seemed daily. White couldn’t have cared less, and he hoped Casey didn’t let the petty rivalry between certain officers taint her own view of the set-up they both had to deal with.
Set up by the World Council after a series of GDF failures, Spectrum were originally created specifically to aid the former organisation in duties they found more challenging. Spectrum were created to be more elite compared to the GDF’s more mundane, and were developed to deal with any manner of issue in a more succinct manner than the GDF could have ever dreamed. Answerable only to the World President, the red tape that had been cut was beneficial not only for Spectrum but also for the Council itself.
Spectrum’s role had grown beyond it’s original conception, however. In the months following the expedition to Mars, and Captain Black’s rash attack on the formally peaceful race of beings known as the Mysterons, the earth had been catapulted into a War of Nerves. Vowing revenge on Black’s attempt at decimating their Martian city complex, the Mysterons had repeatedly tried to attack and destroy the planet. Spectrum, and only Spectrum, had been given clearance by the World Council to deal with the threat.
“Imagine the state of the world if word got out about this mess.” World President Younger had exclaimed to Colonel White in their private meeting on the matter, and White found himself agreeing with the man. Better for the world to continue unaware of the threat that was now posed to them than to send the planet into turmoil, though he was sure the Mysterons would have benefited from that greatly.
And so, the war remained classified. Only those who worked for Spectrum were privy to that knowledge, and even then, only those with higher clearances were allowed to know the specifics. They were the only thing standing between the Mysterons and the earth being completely decimated.
But, as only Spectrum knew of the threat, the world continued life as normal, including the GDF. Hence the call from Colonel Casey earlier. Protocols demanded than any case that the GDF were unable to handle were to be handed over to the more capable outfit of Spectrum. At first, White was going to decline her call. He had far more pressing matters nowadays than a bizarre train wreck in North Alaska, and was about to ask his right-hand, Lieutenant Green, to come up with an excuse when the initial details came through. Three workers who were seemingly uninjured in a crash where all evidence suggested it should have left no survivors.
With Scarlet still silent, White began to develop a hunch. He hated hunches. Matters were best worked out logically, not emotionally, and yet he couldn’t shake this one.
Of course, he had left out any information about the beings from Mars on his call, but they were in the forefront of his mind. As Black had found out, the Mysterons had the remarkable ability of retrometabolism; the ability to recreate any object or being. From their Martian city complex, to the murdered bodies of Black and Scarlet, the Mysterons were able to recreate almost anything.
He had not long signed off the call when Scarlet finally buzzed in. After relaying his report on his skirmish with Captain Black, who had now turned traitor against his will and was being used as a pawn by the Mysterons in their War of Nerves, White ordered Scarlet back to Skybase with immediate effect.
Whilst he may not have liked his hunches, Colonel White often found the ones he couldn’t shrug off were the ones that rarely failed him.
The capabilities of Spectrum’s jets were incomparable to anything else on the planet, except the Thunderbird machines. Within three hours, Captain Scarlet was back on base. After a brief visit to Doctor Gold in the Medibay, he appeared on the bridge for his debrief. He greeted Lieutenant Green, who was sat at her command control desk, with a nod and a smile. “How was the vacation?”
“Relaxing.” Green replied with a smile that matched his. The back of her chair bent as she stretched backwards. “Not that I feel as relaxed now I’m back.”
“Isn’t that always the case?” Scarlet offered a chuckle before jogging up the few steps to reach the desk of Colonel White. The glass sound barrier slid into place behind him and secluded White’s office from the rest of the bridge. Scarlet remained standing, hands clasped behind his back, the image of pure military professionalism. “Colonel.” He greeted his superior officer with a nod of his head.
“Injuries all healed, Captain?”
“Like new.” Scarlet replied.
Despite escaping Mysteron control, and being the only known replicant to do so, Scarlet had retained the talent of retrometabolism. Even mortal wounds that would have made the best of men fall were nothing but scratches to the now virtually indestructible Captain Scarlet. This advantage, as well as his ability to sense nearby Mysteron agents, had made him one of Spectrum’s best hopes in their war against the Mysterons. Unfortunately, the Mysterons also knew this and went out of their way to try and dispose of Scarlet whenever they had the opportunity.
“Good. Take a seat.” White extended out a hand toward one of the chairs in front of his crescent-moon shaped control desk. “We have a lot to discuss.”
Scarlet took one of the seats.
“You claimed in your call that you didn’t know why Black was in Burgas?”
“That’s correct, sir.”
“Take a look at this.”
With a simple swipe White had displayed a grainy CCTV image. Though blurry, it clearly showed a person appearing from what looked to be an abandoned warehouse.
“Black, sir? Scarlet guessed from the worn, washed-out features he’d come to equate to his former friend.
White flicked through the images until one that was slightly more clearer came into the frame. It was indeed Black. “These were captured a few hours prior to your arrival. It was a warehouse a few miles southeast to where you caught up with him.”
“Any ideas as to what he was doing there?” Scarlet’s brows furrowed. There had been no intelligence suggesting Black had been meeting anyone.
“So far, we have found no possible reasons for him even being in Burgas at all.” White swiped at the images again, this time making them disappear. “I assume Black didn’t give anything away whilst you… bumped heads?”
For a moment, Scarlet remained quiet. He hoped that White would not clue in on his hesitation and instead believe him to have been in deep thought. Pursing his lips, Scarlet shook his head. “No, sir. Nothing of note.”
“Very well.” White concluded impassively, though Scarlet was certain he saw something akin to disbelief flash across his features. “That’ll be all, Captain. I hope I can assume a report will be on my desk?”
“Tomorrow morning at the latest, sir.”
Satisfied, White offered Scarlet a single nod. He pressed a button on his desk and the glass partition doors slid open again. Scarlet then left the bridge, offering Lieutenant Green a wave as he passed her, and entered the elevator.
It was only once Scarlet had disappeared from view that Colonel White stood and made his way towards Green’s desk. “Lieutenant, see if there is any CCTV in the area Scarlet brawled with Black.”
“I have the feeling Scarlet was withholding something from me, and I fear he won’t be putting it in his official report either. See if you can find out what it is.”
White had never liked nor agreed with spying on his operatives unless it was an urgent case, but the pause Scarlet had taken when he had asked about Black had the Colonel feeling uneasy. It wasn’t that he distrusted Scarlet, but the captain still had many things to learn.
“S.I.G, sir.” Green affirmed and began her search.
White returned to his office.
From the windows that curved around the outer wall, he saw Spectrum planes and heli-jets parked and landing amongst the clouds that surrounded Skybase. Hands clasped behind his back not dissimilar to Scarlet’s earlier, White stared out at the sky they floated through. He sighed. That hunch of his was starting to grow into something more tiresome. He still couldn’t shake it and he doubted it would leave him any time soon, not until this whole messy business was resolved.
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doublegoblin · 2 years
15 Tags, 15 Mutuals OC Style
Much appreciated @tailoroffates
As far as whomst to tag: @asterhaze @lola-theshowgrl @lettersandinkstains @monstrousfreedom and I think I'll leave it there as direct tags, but if'n ya see this and want in, open mic.
Rules Choose a character from a WIP and use them to answer the questions below.
So I have done with with Alex the MC of Rituals and Red Tape, I want to have a little fun and do this one for their manager. That omnipresent fractal in the sky, upper level manager in a literal sense, unknowable eldritch being: Dave
1. Are you named after anyone?
I have been given many titles by your tongue. My employees however have ordained in me a name they profess speaks highly of my character. To quote Previous Manager Douglas "You just really seem like a Dave." I am not one to argue with an immutable truth.
2. When was the last time you cried?
When last the pale star of H'yn'gth faded into the noise of the cosmos, when all noise from the pulsating vortex ceased, when the life blood of the slain false deity washed across the galaxies beyond even the greatest of sights. That is to say, the last employee review I had with Alex. They are meeting my expectations adequately and is that not which all Managers strive for?
3. Do you have kids?
My staff has spoken at length of these creatures that are sired. My employees then are akin to my children, some more well liked than others as is traditional I hear.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Clear and open communication is the cornerstone of any good workplace relationship. They bemoan it but I know my employees truly appreciate my direct honest feedback.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their adherence to our dress code.
6. What's your eye color?
It has been described as colors within colors, an ever shifting kaleidoscope of melting and pulsating spectrums here to unknown by less developed eyes. I would assume this is to say; I have blue eyes but not entirely blue, gray with speckles of brown and a ring of green. They must be beautiful though, none long look me directly in them.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
A perfect union of the two.
8. Any special talents?
I am a wonderful communicator.
9. Where were you born?
I am unaware of this concept. Is being born something that would assist in employee to Management relations? I will speak with Alex about having me become 'born'.
10. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy making things. And then, organizing those things. It is very therapeutic.
11. Have you any pets?
My employees are also like my pets.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
There was at one time I attempted to engage in a game known as "Tennis". HR has requested I no longer engage with "tennis".
13. How tall are you?
Average dimensions. Perhaps a small percentile under average. I am unsure how lower level being perceive me. To also quote Previous Manager Douglas "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, no matter where I look you are right fucking there, holy shit I am starting to lose it." While his profanity was unneeded I never did get the answer as to what 'it' was.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Do you beings go to places for learning? Curious. Your minds have such limitations, yet your elasticity is marvelous. However I will answer this question with the best of my ability. Statistical Analysis, would be the closest approximation.
15. Dream job?
I have already fulfilled my place. To deviate is unthinkable.
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Boron for Morons
I just got back from a college tour. I came away from it feeling less than impressed.
I went on this tour because Dad got invited to a conference. Since my parents couldn't leave me alone in the house, he had to take me with him. They couldn't get me tickets to the conference, so he had to find something for me to do. Since Paige Jenson (an intern my dad supervised) went to college in the city where dad had his conference and was going to be on campus that day, that thing was a tour of the college.
I felt like I had come underdressed. I wore loose jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, while Paige wore a steel blue shift dress and white tights with matching heels and had her hair styled in this blonde blowout. During the tour, we met up with her friend Elsa. I felt a wave of relief when I saw that Elsa was dressed worse than I was. Her socks didn't even match and she had her matted black hair in this sideways ponytail.
Paige waved at Elsa. "Hi, Elsa," she said, "this is Flora, I'm giving her a tour of campus. " She turned to me and said, "Elsa might be able to answer some of your questions better than I can, because she's on the spectrum, too."
Elsa turned to me and said, "Glad you came when you did, Flora. Today's my last day here."
"So you graduated early?" I asked.
Elsa shook her head. "No, I just dropped out," she sighed.
I tipped my head to one side. "Why?"
Elsa assembled some boxes. "Because education does not equal intellect and there is more to being smart than just doing well on a test," she said as she taped up the bottom, "Most of the people I know that do well on tests are complete and total morons."
I laughed because I knew exactly what she was talking about. You're not taught how to learn in high school, you're taught to prioritize performance. As a result, you get kids that get terrific grades but can't apply their knowledge outside of the classroom. Consequently, when they get to college, they would much rather lie and cheat to get good grades than do the work honestly and deal with subpar marks.
And common sense? Forget it. Take the kids at my school. A boy at my school attempted to establish dominance as a freshman by eating an entire Expo marker for $20. He ate the whole thing. The plastic outer casing, cap, and ink-filled felt inside. Our biology teacher was not pleased with having to drive him to the hospital to get a stomach pumped, but at least the nurses at the hospital saw the funny side.
Do they grow out of this? No! When the hospital staff and principal asked his father to talk to him about it, father and son high-fived. If that doesn't fail to bode well for increasing intelligence as you grow up, I don't know what does.
We went inside the residence hall. "So Elsa, how easy is it to use the services provided by ODS?"
Elsa looked me in the eye and said, "Flora, it's pretty damn close to impossible because college isn't about intelligence or the ability to understand the material at all. It's just a test of executive function and how able-bodied a person is."
I couldn't believe what she said. "You don't mean that," I chuckled.
"I do mean that," she said in that low voice that freaks me out because I don't know whether people are angry or corporate, "I'm on the spectrum. I come to class. I participated in class discussions, possibly to an annoying extent. When we did group work in classes, it was usually me knowing the answers and everyone else just wrote them down from my paper. Did I do well? Nope! I got F's on every single assignment and test."
"That's awful!" I responded.
"Oh, it gets better," Elsa said, getting progressively louder, "My neurotypical peers rarely came to class, and they only understood the material enough to regurgitate it, not to expand on it. Still, they managed to ace their deliverables and tests. They only graduated because they had the executive function to decipher instructions to complete the work, while I didn't."
Paige shushed her. "If you really had a deeper understanding of the material than your peers did, then what the hell made the work so hard for you to complete?" I asked Elsa. What she said freaked me out.
Elsa looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was around. "OK," she said, trying her hardest to be quiet, "Don't tell anybody I said this, but none of the instructors speak English well, so they only had the language skills to verbalize Part A and Part C, but not B. They expected us to "guess" Part B, but would never give us any hints. Because I take things way too literally, I couldn't see the subtleties that would let me guess Part B. Simply, I would zig when I should have zagged."
Elsa painted a pretty clear picture of what to expect. It does not matter that you understand the material better than anyone else in the class. You will receive no credit because the professors don't speak English well enough to provide instructions on assignments, forcing you to guess based on what's already there. You will always guess wrong because you have bad executive functioning, while the people who copy your work because they don't know what they're doing will guess right because their executive functioning is better. They will take your material and use it to synthesize A-level work while you get stuck with a C.
I thought the insanity ended with academics. It did not. "Come on," Paige said as she waved her hand over her shoulder, "I'll show you the dorms while we go up to get the rest of Elsa's stuff."
"But, I'm planning to live at home," I told Paige. One of the reasons I'm so anxious about college is that I don't want to live in the dorms. If I can't be trusted to be alone in the house, then I don't think I'm ready to live on campus.
"The university has a rule that undergraduates must live on campus unless they're in their final year of study," Paige pointed out.
I was aware of this, so I told Paige what the guidance counsellor told me when I asked him about this. "Our guidance counsellor said that those requirements are pretty common, but there are exceptions for people that live relatively close to the university." I specifically asked him that because I'm anxious about moving into a dorm. He told us the exception for live-on-campus requirements kicks in if you live between 20 and 50 miles from campus. Our new house is 32 miles from Georgetown, so I did not foresee a problem.
"Well, I think your guidance counsellor made that up to shut you up," Paige said, "because this school doesn't have those exceptions." Based on what I saw in the dorms, they could have used some.
I saw people constantly kicking or punching body-sized holes into and through walls. Elevators would drop multiple floors with people in them. Nearly everyone I saw living there had severe issues. "Are the kids here usually this messed-up?" I asked, feeling nervous.
"Oh, these guys are lightweights," Paige said, "The people on my floor are way worse. Both my roommates are hardcore drug addicts, and Elsa's roommate refused to shower for 6 months straight. It was a nightmare."
"A disgusting nightmare," Elsa chimed in, "The smell was bad. Noxious bad. I went to the Dean of Housing to complain and they said roommate issues were personal problems, not the school's problem. I had to outright tell the Dean I would refuse to leave her office until she came to my dorm and saw the problem."
"Did that work?" I asked.
"She finally agreed," she answered, "I don't think anybody realized how bad it was until she came to the dorm and threw up the moment she entered the room."
Neither Paige nor I could stop laughing. "Once she was empty, the Dean demanded that he go to the gym and use the showers there," Elsa continued, "About 15 minutes later, she came back with a few RAs, and trash bags, and started to bag his belongings and spray down the room with Lysol."
We never did make it to Elsa's dorm room. Someone on her floor stopped her in the hall. "Hey, Elsa," he said.
"Hi, Lloyd."
Lloyd looked over her shoulder and said awkwardly, "Do either you or Paige have a sec?"
Paige stepped away from us to talk to Lloyd. "What is it?"
"I need help moving my things down," he said as he sucked his cheeks, "My room is raining."
Paige's comma-shaped eyebrows did their best impression of Volkswagens parking. "Your room is raining?" she asked.
"Yes," he nodded, "my room is raining"
We all walked over to Lloyd's room. He gave all of us jobs when we got there. He told the slightly built Paige to gather up his small things and keep them dry. He told me that he and Elsa would push the furniture into the hall since we were the two biggest people there, and I would spot us.
We went into the room to start moving. It began as a few consistent drips coming from point sources, nothing an army of well-placed buckets couldn't stop. As we worked, the drops got bigger and fell faster and faster.
The ceiling began to bulge. Cracks formed. Next, a table fell through. It didn't hit anybody, but it did drag stuff down with it and it hit the ground with a hell of a thud.
We booked it out of there once we saw the table fall. It left a sizable hole in the ceiling. water cascaded from the hole. Fifteen seconds later, the floor fell out in a sheet, after which point, the water flow slowed to a trickle.
Someone called us from the hole. "How's it going, Lloyd?"
We went back into the room to see where the sound was coming from. The guy in the room above us waved at us as we entered. "How did this happen?" Elsa asked in shock.
The guy looked around sheepishly as he tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh, I don't know, the drains of my room have been blocked for a while," he said, fidgeting with the drawstrings on his hoodie.
We had a good look around the room after the ceiling caved in. I couldn't help but notice something that looked like the basin for a kitchen sink. It had duct tape over the drain. "It looks like you blocked all the drains, turned on all the water and rigged the room to flood," I said.
Elsa looked up through the hole in the floor. "Did you seriously?" she asked.
"Look, what do you want from me? I'm about to flunk out of school here!"
"I see," I responded, "And how will flooding your room fix that?"
"If something goes wrong in the building, the university gives us passing grades for the entire semester."
Elsa snorted and shook her head. "No, they don't," she said, "I know because one year, the fire alarm went off in my residence hall every day at 2:00 in the morning regardless of whether there's not there was an actual fire, and I missed so much sleep that I forgot about a term paper I had due. They refused to give me an extension due to the circumstances because it was somehow my fault."
The guy who lived in the room right above Lloyd stood there with a confused look on his face looking confused. "So, you're telling me flooding the room won't work?"
"Absolutely not!" Elsa shouted. She pulled down the end of her ponytail slightly. "If the school won't automatically pass you for a malfunctioning fire alarm, they won't pass you for this."
My tour of campus ended after that. I'm not too sad about not getting a full tour. I think it's safe to say that everything that I witnessed put me off college altogether.
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aryakumari · 2 months
From Skincare to Makeup: Exploring the Best Beauty Products That Really Work
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In the ever-changing world of beauty, finding products that truly live up to their promises can be difficult. With so many options available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. To help you navigate this landscape, we've compiled a list of the best beauty products from the beauty product manufacturers list in Delhi that have earned a reputation for efficacy and dependability. From skincare essentials to makeup must-haves, these products are the holy grail of beauty enthusiasts worldwide.
Skincare Staples                                             
1. Cleanser: CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser
This gentle, foam-free cleanser is ideal for all skin types, particularly sensitive skin. It removes dirt and makeup effectively while preserving the skin's natural moisture barrier, thanks to its ceramide and hyaluronic acid content.
2. Toner: Thayers Witch Hazel Toner
This alcohol-free toner contains witch hazel and aloe vera, both of which have soothing and refreshing properties. It balances the pH of the skin, reduces inflammation, and tightens pores without causing dryness.
3. Serum: The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
A powerful serum that combats blemishes, congestion, and uneven skin tone. Niacinamide reduces the appearance of enlarged pores and improves skin texture, whereas zinc soothes inflammation and regulates oil production.
4. Moisturizer: La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer
This lightweight yet deeply hydrating moisturizer is suitable for any skin type. It contains ceramides, niacinamide, and glycerin, which help to restore the skin's protective barrier and provide long-lasting moisture. beauty product supplier list in Delhi
5. Sunscreen: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
This dermatologist-recommended sunscreen is ideal for acne-prone and sensitive skin. It offers broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection, and the lightweight formula absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue.
Makeup Marvels
1. Foundation: Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Foundation
This foundation is well-known for its long-lasting coverage, and it leaves a flawless, matte finish that lasts all day. It comes in a variety of shades to suit all skin tones and types.
2. Concealer: Tarte Shape Tape Contour Concealer
This full-coverage concealer has a cult following for good reason. It effectively conceals dark circles, blemishes, and redness while leaving a natural, crease-free appearance.
3. Blush: NARS Orgasm Blush
A universally flattering blush that produces a natural, healthy flush. Its peachy-pink hue with a hint of shimmer looks great on all skin tones and gives the cheeks a radiant glow.
4. Mascara: Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara
This mascara transforms your lashes into voluminous, dramatic lashes. The hourglass-shaped brush and intensely black formula add length, volume, and curl without clumping.
5. Lipstick: MAC Matte Lipstick in Ruby Woo
An iconic red lipstick with high color payoff and a matte finish. Ruby Woo is known for its blue-red undertones, which make it a universally flattering shade that complements all skin tones.
Final Thoughts
Investing in high-quality beauty products can significantly improve your skincare and makeup routines. The products listed above have stood the test of time and have earned their status as must-haves in the beauty industry. Whether you want to improve your skincare routine or up your makeup game, these tried-and-true favorites will deliver results that work. Happy beautification! beauty product companies list in Delhi
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hullabaloomd · 5 months
Artwork: “Degradation”, 14/11/23
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I chose to create this piece on the floor deliberately, driven to encourage audience interaction, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork in a more tactile and intimate manner, exploring how their perceptions and interactions might differ when confronted with an artwork positioned on the ground. I also wanted to insert a sense of depth and dimension into my collection of pieces, leveraging the unconventional placement to challenge traditional layouts of presentation and arrangement.
Originally, I envisioned providing the painting with a heightened sense of realism, drawn to the idea of incorporating a style I had used previously. However, my attempt at this vision proved to be a challenge, as the pressure to free-hand the portrait left me feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
I began my process by laying out the cling film canvas on the floor, a task made difficult by the tape’s tendency to collect fibres and dust from the surface, losing its stickiness.
With the context of the painting, I began by painting an androgynous head in shades of purple, giving it distinctively human characteristics.
Painting the head proved to be a challenge due to the lack of good taping of the cling film in that area, resulting in numerous crinkles and folded lines. However, rather than viewing this as a setback, I saw it as the beginning of my journey into exploring and appreciating texture within my artwork.
Following the purple head, I proceeded to outline the remaining subjects, which included a depiction of a dog and a creature reminiscent of the honey monster, a cereal mascot.
With this painting, I moved away from using a specific colour theme, which was the approach I had gone ahead with in my previous works. This decision ultimately broke my shyness to stick strictly to a colour scheme for future artworks, liberating me from exploring a broader spectrum of hues and possibilities.
I incorporated a combination of purples, yellows, blues, pinks and greens into the composition, creating an intriguing collection of colours across the canvas.
Initially, I intended to produce a piece with a colour palette centred on purples, blues, and yellows. This inclination stemmed from recent research into the application of the 60-30-10 theory in filmmaking, where a dominant colour occupies 60% of the visual space, a secondary colour compliments it, occupying 30%, and a contrasting colour highlights specific elements, occupying 10%. Using this theory enhances contrast, separates subjects from backgrounds, and evokes a range of emotions, whilst also emphasising key focal points in the composition.
I proceeded to use the yellow to bring the honey monster to life, recognising its potential to captivate viewers with its distinctive form, reminiscent of a slug or caterpillar. While the other subjects may lack the same level of uniqueness, they nonetheless boast intriguing colour combinations that contribute to the overall dynamic of the piece.
Additionally, I introduced an eyeball positioned between the dog and the monster, serving as a visual link to connect the subjects within the composition.
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audio-luddite · 7 months
Second lap.
After a workout I spun up Jazz at the Pawnshop. The cover is a bi-fold and has a bunch of words in English and German one on each face of the inside. This is a Proprius issue which is the original label from Sweden, and is marked as made in Sweden. No Swedish to be seen. Export edition I imagine. While it played I perused the internoise for more background.
First I have to confirm it is as reputed a high quality recording. Great clarity and timbre of the instruments. As a live recording in a club venue it has a nice level of reality to the image. The performance is decent. And there lies the controversy.
If you fall down the Google rabbit hole and avoid the many many places to buy your own copy and look for comments or background you will see a full spectrum of opinion. The good side is it is a good disc that everyone should own. The bad side is it is a total waste of money and you are "one of those people" for wanting it.
I dislike the thing where people like to throw shit around. If you do not like something fine. But to be offensive is just not right. More than a few Inter-experts think that as the players are not Miles Davis or Charlie Parker level they should never have left the house.
In one prominent thread this guy said that "only audiophiles will buy this" and that shows how dumb they are. Hey it could have been said nicer, but he didn't. Apparently only Jazz made by Americans preferably in New York or Chicago is legitimate.
This is not just one person. One said they should have saved the money and gone down to a Jazz club and listened to the real thing. So if you happened to be in Stockholm in 1976 and went down to a club in the old town the people on stage were not the real thing. I do not think the Jazz superstars perform very often in small local clubs around the world. If they are in your city good on you.
So much hostility. Or is joining the clamor proof you know about Jazz?
On the plus side there are several narratives of the process of the recording and what people thought at the time. Generally friendly and interesting.
This effort of mine was done by side one. I could therefore enjoy 2,3,4 with a clear head only slightly bothered by what the heavies wrote.
Apparently the original issue in 1977 was two 180 gram discs just like my new ones. (Oh and both marked as 33 1/3 RPM ) I did not think they did that back in the day. Proof they did I guess.
So back to the music. The group could play. They like the music obviously. There is live energy and that is always good. There were some goofs or maybe just small mistakes, but humans do that.
Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" is a pure studio creation. The tape machine was an important player in the group. It is a milestone in the art, but did not happen in a club. No doubt it is a superior Jazz performance. But is that what Jazz is supposed to be? A thing in a can?
Fortunately I am not an expert. I react to music emotionally. This is a fun listen. I would like to have been in that club in 1976. It would have been fun with the beer and strangely prepared herring dishes on black bread. I would have liked to clink my drink glass and cheer the group on.
Even my wife commented it was cheerful and pleasant.
I have a fair bit of Jazz in my collection and one reason is it tends to be better recordings. I am not even close to a scholar and know only a few names basically from the backs of the albums I do have. So yes I am one of those horrible audiophile people.
That lovely young Laufey woman won a Grammy for "Traditional Pop Vocal" but her background is clearly Jazz. Several reviewers hope she will help bridge the art to Gen Z as Jazz has been in commercial decline for the last Decade. I like her stuff but she aint a superstar yet. I don't think she is a waste of money either.
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russmorris · 8 months
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Utility Work Ahead.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100
Our hood isn't very old. I believe the final lots sold in 2023. We've been here almost 9 years.
It was an ATT only neighbor hood all that time. Sketchy, that.
Then late in 2023 we got word from the HOA that Spectrum was gonna lay fiber.
I believe they started work on the east side first, but I see their handiwork in the north parts of the hood.
They're in our part now. The west side.
Noisy. Messy. They work weekends. They're digging holes in front yard lawns, right near the sidewalk. Yellow danger tape wrapped around 2x2s all up and down the street. Yellow, orange, blue, white spray paint marks everywhere.
There've been reports of broken water lines, torn-up sprinkler systems. And yesterday I'd heard a gas line was hit by a back-hoe and that part of the hood had to be evacuated.
They haven't even started digging the core for the orange piping in our section. It's gonna get worse.
So, daily we're serenaded by the drone of big yellow generators on flatbed trucks.
They stop work before the sun goes down, but they're back at it around 7 a.m.
This morning they're back behind the house, but north a bit on the main entrance into the hood.
To make matters worse, it's cold. Like mid-20s cold and it's predicted that we'll see a "wintry mix" around daybreak tomorrow.
What a nightmare.
You're looking through a huge Montrose Purple Vitex growing in the northwest corner of our backyard. It's mostly leafless at this point from a few near freezing mornings. That speck of orange is a big diamond-shaped sign warning folks driving in that there's folks working.
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barriesgardencentre · 9 months
Top 10 Best Grow Lights for Orchids in 2024
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Orchids are a beautiful and delicate flower that require specific care to thrive. One essential aspect of their care is providing them with adequate light. However, not all light sources are created equal, and choosing the right grow light for orchids can be a daunting task.
When looking for the best grow lights for orchids, there are several critical factors to consider. The first is the type of light spectrum the bulbs emit. Orchids require a specific spectrum of light, including both blue and red wavelengths, to promote healthy growth and blooming. Another crucial factor is the intensity of the light, as orchids require a moderate to high level of brightness to thrive.
Additionally, the size and coverage area of the grow light should be considered. Depending on the size of your orchid collection and the space you have available, you may need a larger or smaller grow light. Finally, the overall durability and quality of the grow light should be taken into account to ensure it will last and provide consistent, healthy light for your orchids.
After researching and testing various options, I have identified the top grow lights for orchids that meet all of these criteria. These grow lights have proven to be reliable, effective, and provide the necessary light spectrum and intensity for healthy orchid growth.
SALEGooingTop LED Grow Light,6000K Full Spectrum Clip Plant Growing Lamp with White Red LEDs for Indoor Plants,5-Level Dimmable,Auto On Off Timing 4 8 12Hrs
I highly recommend the GooingTop LED Grow Light for anyone looking for an easy-to-use and efficient grow light for their orchids.
The 6000K white light, equipped with 10 red and 74 white LEDs, provides a full-spectrum light that is similar to natural sunlight.
The timer function with 3 options (4Hrs, 8Hrs, and 12Hrs) allows for easy control and customization of the light cycle.
The flexible gooseneck and strong clamp make it easy to adjust the light to the perfect angle for your plants.
The timer function can be a bit confusing to set up at first.
The light is not very bright, so it may not be suitable for larger plants or grow spaces.
The plastic clamp feels a bit flimsy and may not hold up well over time.
SALELORDEM Grow Light, Full Spectrum LED Plant Light for Indoor Plants, Height Adjustable Growing Lamp with Auto On/Off Timer 4/8/12H, 4 Dimmable Brightness, Ideal for Small Plants
If you’re looking for a stylish and efficient grow light for your small indoor plants, the LORDEM Grow Light is a great option.
The unique halo design adds a stylish touch to your home decor.
The full spectrum LED light promotes indoor growth and accelerates photosynthesis.
The auto on/off timer makes it easy to take care of your plants, even when you’re away.
The telescoping feature may not be sturdy enough for larger plants.
Some users have reported issues with the timer function.
The light may not be bright enough for larger plants or multiple plants.
SALEBarrina 2FT T8 Grow Light, 144W(6 x 24W, 800W Equivalent), Full Spectrum Sunlight Plant Light, LED Grow Light Bulbs for Indoor Plant Growing,with V-Shaped Reflector, Pinkish White, 6-Pack
In my experience, I would highly recommend the Barrina LED Grow Lights for anyone looking to grow orchids indoors.
The full-spectrum sunlight replacement provides the most reasonable grow light wave based on the ratio of the absorption of the plants.
The super bright and high PPFD lights consume only 144W with 576 LEDS totally, replace 800w general plant lights. Over 95% light energy can be absorbed by plants.
The easy installation process with included tape, clips, and cable ties makes it easy to install the lights by yourself in minutes.
The pinkish white light color temperature may not be ideal for some users.
The PAR rating on these lights may not be accurate.
The set comes with only two cords that plug into an outlet, the rest of the cords are connecting cords, so they must be connected together for use.
VIVOSUN VS1000 LED Grow Light with Samsung LM301 Diodes & Sosen Driver Dimmable Lights Sunlike Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Seedling Veg and Bloom Lamps for 2x2/3x3 Tent
If you’re looking for an efficient and affordable grow light for your indoor orchids, the VIVOSUN VS1000 LED grow light is a great option.
The VIVOSUN VS1000 LED grow light is highly efficient and uses the latest LED plant light technology with premium Samsung LM301 diodes, providing uniform lighting and stronger light output. It’s perfect for covering a 3 x 3 ft. area (4 x 4 ft. max) and lights can be absorbed better by plants.
The dimming knob makes it adaptable to different periods for various plants. The 4 levels of the adjustable dimmer can be used for sprouting to flowering. The slimmer style body allows for more types of plants.
These LEDs deliver optimal light-spectrum coverage, offering more power for your blooms and maximum PAR output at various distances. The lights can get through the surface of plants and deep into them to increase yields.
The light doesn’t have a fan, which means it can get hot and may require additional ventilation.
The cord isn’t as snug as it should be, which can be a minor inconvenience.
Some users have reported issues with the light only lasting less than a year.
Sun System Grow Lights - Blazer - Double End | Metal Halide / HPS | Reflector - For Hydroponic and Greenhouse Plant Use
If you’re looking for a grow light that can help you grow your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers indoors, then the Sun System Grow Lights – Blazer – Double End is a great option. It simulates natural sunlight with its 16,000 lumens and provides the output and ideal color spectrum required for successful indoor gardening.
Lightweight, complete grow fixture, easy to set-up and use
Simulates natural sunlight for maximum plant growth with 16,000 lumens
Two-year manufacturer’s warranty on fixture, one-year warranty on lamp and ETL listed
Vented housing helps dissipate heat, but the entire unit gets pretty hot while in use
Some users reported burnt tips on their plants
Doesn’t come complete with 1 rope pull 8ft and a piece that connects the 2 side arms to attach the rope pull 8ft.
SALEBarrina LED Grow Light, 252W(6 x 42W) 4ft T8, Full Spectrum, V-Shape with Reflector, Linkable Design, Plant Lights for Indoor Plants, 6-Pack
If you’re looking for an affordable and effective grow light for your orchids, the Barrina LED Grow Light is a great option to consider.
Provides full spectrum light for all growth stages of plants
High PPFD due to 192pcs 0.5w leds chips
Reflector increases light efficiency by 17~20%
Not ideal for larger grow spaces
May get hot after prolonged use
Some users have reported issues with the power cords
bseah Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants, Clip-On Full Spectrum Plant Grow Lights, Auto ON & Off Timer 3/9/12H, Dimmable Brightness & 3 Light Modes (with AC Adapter)
I highly recommend the Bseah Grow Light for anyone looking to cultivate orchids indoors.
The full spectrum LEDs with three light options and 10 dimmable lightness settings promote photosynthesis, germination, growth, flowering, and fruiting of plants.
The circular-memory timer can be set up once, and the grow light will turn on and off automatically at the same time every day for 3/9/12 hours.
The larger illumination area of 120° beam angle with three heads lamps equipped with flexible gooseneck and rotatable bulbs provides coverage for multiple plants.
The lamps are shorter than expected, but they cover the area needed to be lit.
The product doesn’t have a regular white LED setting, only purple, blue, and red.
The clip is sturdy, but it may not fit all types of planters.
Durolux 2-Pack T5 HO Grow Light - 1 Bulb Light System - Fluorescent Hydroponic Indoor Fixture Bloom Veg Daisy Chain with Bulbs (2 Foot & w/Reflector (DL8021R 2pack), Cool White | Vegetative)
If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient grow light for your orchids, the Durolux 2-Pack T5 HO Grow Light is a great option. With its easy-to-use plug-and-go design, water-resistant construction, and UL-approved ballast, it’s perfect for indoor gardens and greenhouses.
The included link cable allows you to power up to 15 fixtures from one outlet, making it easy to expand your setup.
The rolling switch on the 6-foot power cord allows for easy on/off control.
The fixtures are lightweight and easy to install, thanks to their Italian-made lampholders and 30% lighter weight than other brands.
Not compatible with GFI outlets, so be sure to check your electrical setup before purchasing.
Some users have reported that the included cable is too short to connect multiple fixtures that are spaced far apart.
The bulbs that come with the fixtures may not be suitable for all types of plants, so you may need to purchase additional bulbs for your orchids.
Phlizon 1200W LED Plant Grow Light with SMD LEDs Full Spectrum Daisy Chain Plants Light Double Switch Grow Led for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower-1200W
If you’re looking for a high-quality grow light for your orchids, the Phlizon 1200W LED Plant Grow Light is an excellent choice. I’ve been using it for a while now, and I’m impressed with its performance.
The light is very affordable.
It generates less heat, which means lower electricity bills.
The full spectrum promotes plant growth.
The thermometer that came with it only displays the bottom half of the numbers on both lines unless you squeeze it.
The blue and red light is a little bright.
Not enough intensity for some plants.
Grow Light Abonnylv Floor LED Grow Light with Stand, Tri-Head Sunlike Full Spectrum 150W 315 LEDs Plant Light for Indoor Plants,Tripod Stand Adjustable 15-47 in & 3 Modes
If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient grow light for your indoor orchids, the Abonnylv Grow Light is worth considering.
The adjustable tripod stand allows you to customize the height and angle of the light to suit your plants’ needs.
The full-spectrum LED lights mimic natural sunlight, promoting healthy growth and flowering.
The light is easy to install and comes with a remote control for convenient operation.
Some customers have reported issues with the longevity of the bulbs, with one bulb lasting only six months.
The legs of the tripod may become unstable when the lights are attached, requiring frequent adjustments.
The price point may be higher than some other grow lights on the market.
Source: https://barriegardencentre.com/best-grow-lights-for-orchids/
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